
watch full movie daawat e ishq

Friday, December 8, 2017

slow slow, it's on the right...the blue house... stop here hey bilqees! yes rukmani? is this a car or a jar? they've come stuffed like pickles,to arrange the marriage. slalekum! hope you didn't lose your way sir. lanes in our neighbourhood,very naughty... ...send you spinning like a top.

slalekum! slalekum! - walekum- please come... walekum please come... don't you have a lift? it's just a few steps...we'll reach the top in seconds... pooja... gullu's best friend... how are you? we can get a lift put in two days...

...but climbing stairs perventsa heart attack - yes, but you lose your breath...- please come... gullu! - aadaab!- please come! - aadaab- aadaab please... please help yourself. please take a seat. thank you. gullu, show mr. montuyour books.

get to know each other. yes, yes... go son come mummy cold drink don't be'll get a bad throat so, how much have you saved? jewellery worth three lakhs,three lakhs for an ac car... ...and nine lakhsin a fixed deposit... i will break it as soonas the wedding is fixed.

total fifteen lakhs. my gullu topped the wholeandhra state in the 12th grade. she is a gold medallist,look at her certificates. she even got admissionin an american college. poor girl didn'tget a scholarship... ...or she would bestudying there right now. along with the job,she's doing her b. com as well. as soon as she finishesher third year... ...she will becomeassistant manager.

fifteen is bit on the lower side. i can arrange for a couple more...up to seventeen. she's pretty, she's earning as's ok, let's say yes player of the yearin basketball and badminton. basketball ok... after all,she's a motherless child. you can start shooting. congratulations mr. abdul... congratulations mr. abdul.

- congratulations uncle.- congratulations big sister... ...congratulations brother. let's go mummy. what happened montu? i said let's go,these people are wasting our time. i don't want them,i don't want this match. but what happened my son? what happened is thatyour mr. montu is a fraud... his bio data said,fluent in english...

...but he says 'bilu' for blueand 'flim' for film... he asked me if i watch bilu flim... tell me booji... do i answer to that... ...if his pronunciationof blue film is so wrong! and for education qualification,he wrote degree from iim. iim means? indian institute of management... international instituteof mahbubnagar.

mr. bad-english-bilu-flim-fake-diploma-holder- montu... you have wasted our time! wasted out time, tang, samosa,chips, biscuit...everything! and your mummy... ...she's been making facesover everything since she's come... take her away quicklybefore her face permanently... ...becomes like this... gulrez, pooja... don't misbehave. come on, let's go! come on montu!

who will wed such a bratty,dark-skinned... ...uncouth, ugly-looking girl? bye montu... bye sister, our gullu is just joking... she's just a kid... pleasedon't leave, she will say sorry... please hear me out... ismail bhai... bhabhi... - montu...- i came here because of you

what did i know they are beggars... ...everyone saidthey are very well known... such a long resume he had sentand not one thing was true booji, snacks? today if your mother was alive... she would say,mr. qadir...have a samosa. you just keep eating samosas what is the samosa's fault? booji has gone sad andthe samosas have gone cold!

it's quarter past seven slalekum... ...slalekum... oh, still in bad mood... tea not sweet? gullu, it's quarter past eight,come for breakfast. booji... come on,we're getting late... i've been waiting so long... you always delay us...

bhai miyan slalekum! slalekum stand straight,you'll be late for school. gullu, you dismissedanother case last night? yes aunty...and in record time! - namaste brother- namaste ready booji? let's go. booji, soon as we haveloads of money...

...we will buy a big bungalowand settle down in jubilee hills. there will be no rukmani aunty orbilqees aunty to trouble us there. are you listening? booji? radha-raja reddy case resultwill be declared today, right? what do you think? who will win?radha or raja? say something. i don't know. drive quietly. booj! how can i marry some'bilu film' watching fraud?

all i'm asking for is an intelligenthusband, is that too much? if one has just enough moneyfor a handful of oily jalebis... can't buy a kiloof pula reddy's... ...expensive pure-ghee gulab jamuns. with the dowry that i can give... ...we will only findthese bad-english types. how do i get an oxford dictionaryproduct for fifteen lakhs? then why did you send meto a private english medium... should have sent meto a government school.

i wouldn't have gottenaddicted to english. or you should have married me offright after school. you know lesser the age,lesser the dowry! if i had married you off at sixteenwouldn't i have been jailed? won't you be jailedfor giving dowry? what can one do about that... in our country you can't buy ahouse without paying black money... ...and you can't get marriedwithout dowry. god knows how many baby girlsare killed everyday... their own parents. you too should have given merat poison, with gulab jamun. the whole dowry head-achewould be over. don't talk nonsense. only two years leftfor my retirement. soon as you get hitched,i can rest easy. hitched? i don't wantto get sorted booji yes, you just want to unsettle me! everything will be fine, just stopbringing jerks to marry me off.

of course gulluji,the boys i call are all jerks. you only want mr. world... miss world? why mr. world,i'll get mr. universe. sure you will! - khuda hafiz.- khuda hafiz. mr. qadir...sir,please hear me out... sir, you are the senior-mostclerk in the registrar's office... can postpone my boss'scourt date if you want.

you will profit in exchange. i don't want your profit. sir, cash or kind, your choice. you can take the whole familyon a vacation to america. recently mr. mudgiltook his family there... i said no! now get out of here! you moron! the date will get changed anyhow. mr. qadir... why so stressed?

they are openlyspreading corruption! forget about him. want to beton the raja radha reddy case? it's a bet! raja reddywill get six years in jail. what are you saying mr. qadir? raja reddy supplies milkto the whole state... ...he's the 'milk king'... nobody is kingwhen it comes to 498a. radha reddy has filed a case ofdowry harassment under section 498a. there is no bail in 498a, andif the husband is found guilty...

...he goes straight to jail. mr. supreme court, you will lose. we'll see who wins! radha reddy, victorious in the dowryharassment case, thanks to 498a. the power of 498a has deliveredjustice to radha reddy... ...who has been harassedin a dowry case. her husband raja reddy has beenconvicted for 6 years in prison. radha reddy ma'am, your husbandhas got a 6 year jail term... does it feel?

i am very happy, thanks to 498a. the honourable judge has sentmy husband to jail... ...ordered him to give meten crores cash... ...a flat to live in and four lakhsmonthly alimony. long live 498a. like you just saw... you are wasting your timeas a clerk abdul qadir... should become an advocate. you know the law betterthan these llb lawyers...

once again i will haveto treat you to biryani. once again a winner! qadir bhai...your judge has arrived. oh my god! good morning sir... - good morning...- sorry sir my foot is sprained, be careful... heel is too me something else... ma'am, i've shown you allthe ladies styles in the shop... i can only show youthe gent's shoes, if you like? why should i wear gent's shoes? i don't like anything. i'm leaving. ok no problem ma'am. you're welcome. do come again. i'm leaving this damn job now! but you love shoes... i love shoes, but not stupidcustomers like that lady. relax!

look, your coffee-shop guy. he's so handsome! whats the use? we've been saying 'so handsome,so handsome' since a month. he doesn't even look here. we don't exist for cool dudeslike him, poor sales girls like us. oh my god gullu!he's coming this way... hi! amjad...amjad baig. gulrez qadir. how can i help you?!

am lookin' for a cool pairfor my mum. repeat please. i want to buy shoes...for my mother. no no... in english.your accent is so yummy. i am looking for a cool pairfor my mum. - american accent?- yeah... i've been watching you for a month. and i've been waiting for you tohave the courage to enter the shop. i'm somewhat of a wimp.

so...your mom's size? yes, yes... huh! cool...come! where in america do you live?new york? jubilee hills... the hyderabad one.born and brought up. so this american accent? i work for an americansoftware company... ...but i'm shifting toamerica in three months.

i've got admission in mba. new york? kalamazoo. oh kalamazoo kalamazoo is in the stateof michigan... michigan's capital is lansing. kalamazoo is in the state ofmichigan, michigan's capital.... michigan, the capital of lansing. lake ontario to the west.east, lake erie.

south west is ohio,capital columbus... the south is indiana,capital indianapolis. and right in the centre will be you,kalamazoo! wow! you're quite deep into usa huh? it was my dream to studyshoe-desgining in america. but i became a shoe sales-girl here. i wish we could both go.actually, come with me! you will become a famousstar-shoe designer.

i will do your marketing...designer brand... gullu, what say? soft, sublime,the scent is your's- let's go? i am blooming. sour, sweet,the words are your's- i am chirping. you're an old longing,a new playfulness. make me believeare you for real or not? oh my, my tongue is slipping-

i have turned poetic! i'm humming, i've turned romantic... poetic, poetic,i've turned poetic... the moon tricks me and walks away, it appears to me in the day. it picks new dreams for me... it pulls me by the arm,the wind blows me away, it finds new ways for me. you're an old habit,you're brand new trouble.

make me believe,are you for real or not? enough! i'm hungry...let's eat kababs? i am a vegetarian. really? everyone is turningvegetarian in america. amjad! what will we do? i love you,but i love nalli, nahari... ...kabab, biryani,haleem also very much.

i'm a hard-core non! so you eat. yes, you can eat. who's stopping you? all relationships are likethat in america... do what you like,i'll do what i like. i really love you! remember this my friend...todayi will eat only vegetarian with you. gullu... let's begin the gift ceremony.

bride's mother will gifta brand new car... mummy, come on mummy! thank you amma bride's uncle will gifttwo pure gold wrist watches... one for the left hand,one for the right. very nice dowry on top of all the gifts... i have given one crore cash dowryto pooja's in laws. pooja's husband is an ias,that's his rate.

- amju- hi! the next presentation... bride's aunt will gift a gold set. give her a big hand! please a mixer griander and 32 inch led tvfrom the bride's uncle in dubai. you turned out to be quite brave...coming here without an invitation. i missed you! i was too busy with the wedding...

pooja wouldn't let go of me... gullu! i missed you so much! will you have a lovemarriage or arranged? my father will hang me fromthe fan if i have a love marriage. you? my booji...should be okay.hopefully. did you tell booji about me? no. should i? should i convince my fatherto bring a proposal to your house?

are you proposing to me? we've been togetherfor more than a month. okay! we rejecting boys speakingenglish very badly... for gullu, only goodenglish speaking. amju-gullu... perfect coupling. you needn't worry about dowry,we don't want anything. the love with which amju has come, i mean all of you havecome from jubilee hills... would obviously notbring the filth of dowry with you. send you daughter in one outfit,we'll be happy. we just need some help from you. of course. what help? for his higher education.i told you... yes kalamazoo! what a robust name, kalamazoo. so... what help can i offer you? college tuition, travel expenses,living and food expenses...

...not for him alone...for the bride as well. after marriage, we won't forceyour daughter to stay with us. she will also go with amju. we are very open minded... very good... amju, i hear you're a vegetarian? here, the help list! oh okay... it's just eight lakhs.

not eight, eighty. eighty! please go through's all accounted. every penny will be spent on them.nothing on us. you never said anythingabout this amju? have you spokento gulrez before this? yes... he's spoken to me,held my hand... said i love you a hundred times. ok... but the match is being madewith our permission.

it is arranged. amju, how can you do thisif you love me... can you ask for money? this is understood dear. he will go to america,get educated, earn millions... ...only you will enjoy the benefits. we're just asking your fatherfor some help... ...not asking himto build the charminar! but you are educated,with an american accent...

...going to do your mba... so? doctors, engineers,ias, ips, all ask for help. what's wrong with mba? amju, i'm an ordinary sales-girl,where will i get eighty lakhs from? but your father worksat the court...high court! yes, but i'm merely a clerk,not a lawyer. my salary is only thirtythousand per month. i have some jewelleryand cash for the dowry...

hey, hey, who's asking for, help! sorry help...i can help up to fifteen lakhs. fifteen? nowadays even the note-bookscost more in america... there's a long line of peoplewaiting to help my amju. not bits and pieces, full help. amjad, you won't say anything? dad, my education will costonly sixty lakhs... ...why are you asking for eigthy?

that's unfair. unfair? what's unfair? i pawned my jewellery to send youto an english medium school... you're misbehaving with usin fluent english! i'm sorry... - amju!- gullu my child! what kind of misbehaviour is this? you won't get anything here... burger, no hot-dog,no cold-drink, no help... nothing. get out of here... - get out...out!- she's gone crazy! gullu calm down... leave! just leave! i love you gullu. i hate you amjad. gullu, i want to goto kalamazoo with you... ...climb the statue of libertywith you...

go hang yourself...bloody vegetarian! - gullu! gullu!- let's go! mr. abdul qadir! this is not right! your daughter has made a verybig mistake! a very big mistake! get lost...or i'll beat you to a pulp. you want help?here, take help...take help... radha reddy ma'am, your husbandhas been jailed for six years... i am very happy, thanks to 498a... the honourable judgehas sent my husband to jail...

...ordered him to giveme ten crores cash... they cook the most deliciousbiryani... amazing! try this piece, it's very tasty... no, no... i'm done. with the baghaare baingan... ok fine. only after giving anaesthesiaof my favourite food... ...from my favourite restaurant,will you perform surgery... out with it...what's up?

booji, i don't wantto get married at all... ...whether it's a bilu flim cheapsteror an american accent mba. nobody values companionship,friendship, love, affection... ...they're all just parasites. all boys are not a like gullu. they are booji, you don't know! have your cold-drink. anyway, i have decided...i will fulfill my dreams. you and i are going to new york.

i will study fashion designing,i will be a famous shoe designer. you just enjoy! come on, which bank will we rob? we will put 498a, like radha reddy. it's a law, not nail-polish! we'll use the law. first, we will changeour name and appearance... ...and post my photo and bio-dataon a matrimonial site. boys will line up to marry me.

we will interview them... ...and choose the mostgreedy scoundrel. i will marry him in a fake ceremony. the next day we will use 498a... ...and file a dowry harassment caseagainst the groom and his family. to avoid jail-time they will agreeto an out of court settlement. we will then ask for eighty lakhsin cash! they will have to pay up. we will take that moneyand off to new york. isn't it a great idea!

you want to bribe me with dinnerto pass this dangerous plan? there's no danger booji! shut up... just shut up! never speak of thisstupid plan again! lets go! you think you're too smart...trying to use 498a booji! hey idrees, clean table number seven - slalekum!- walekum

my tea today! you're up very early. i was planning all night. we will change our name, dress,appearance and look for our target. not here, everyone knows usin hyderabad. in some other city. don't start again! listen to the full plan at least... we will go fully prepared. i've found out the name of the guywho makes fake passports... in laad bazaar,he'll make it in two days. don't worry, i will wear a veilwhile giving the photo and money. - he wont recognize...- stop it now! if bilqees and rukmani hear this,they will report you. we will have to buyhundred dirhams... ...we will photocopy thoseand make bundles. what? we need cash for all this,so break the dowry deposit. it will finance the whole mission.

where did you learn all this from? the internet has everything... ...from child deliveryto bomb making, all recipes. anyway... one minute...bhopal, ahmedabad, delhi, lucknow. - where do you want to go?- jail! tell me booji,i have to book the tickets. the whole world asks for dowry! if i con some money out of a greedydowry monger, what's the big deal? in india, one woman is killedfor dowry every hour!

i swear by google...see for yourself. booji, we've been insulted a lot. now we will avenge those insults. we will fulfill our dreams. don't marry, if you don't want to. if you want to right here in india. we have fashion designing here too. i will only studyin the new york college. if you don't want to help, thendon't. i will do everything myself.

if you commit this crime gullu... i will report you myselfand send you to jail. ok, i will marry the"bilu flim" jerk tomorrow. he will make me watch them as well. gullu don't be stubbborn... who knows, he will makea blue film of me! then you'll be happy? gullu! gullu! gullu won't you say khuda hafiz?

ok don't, i won't either! booji! booji! did you get hurt? what happened? don't you know how to drive? - sorry, i blew the horn...- what happened? - ...but he didn't hear madam...- i'm alright, its just a scratch. i'm fine, i'm fine. let it be...come let's go.

i should call mohan rao. - let it be now...- should we call an ambulance? no, thank you so much.thank you. sir please listen to me. sir my father has had an accident,how can i leave him alone? it's an emergency leave sir. fine, fire me if you like,but i can't come today. fine. idiot!

come on, don't fuss. gullu... if i had been, on your own...? why are you scared?nothing will happen to you. i won't trouble you again... sorry! why should you be sorry? before something really happensto me, we will fulfill your dream. come on, let's go to new york. - no booji, no...- yes! if the whole world isfeeding off dishonesty...

...why should we starveby being honest? i couldn't become a lawyer... ...but you will definitelybecome a fashion designer. so what's the plan,where will we go to trap our prey? bhopal, ahmedabad, lucknow, delhi? lucknow. good choice partner. the food is great in lucknow. daddy... stop scratching.

my beard itches...more so when i'm nervous! then scratch stylishly... like this! good morning, sir. - daddy, what are you doing?- i'm sorry! i'm sorry! sir, my payment? one... - two...- excuse me? sorry!

what are you doing? keep your hand here. daddy... welcome sir! - namaste, ma'am!- welcome, sir! namaste, sir! one big size soot please. sorry? one king size suite please

- suite- sure... your names please. abdul qad... habibullah, sania habibullah. shahriyar habibullah. ma'am your photo id's please - done?- yes ma'am. thank you thank you so much habibullah...habibullah... habibullah. what's your name?my name is shahriyar habibullah.

what's your name? this can't be our room... - daddy!- no sir, this is your room. - sure?- yes sir! good day sir. good day ma'am. - good day...- good day... oh! yes thank you ma'am. have a nice day!

get up, why are you sitting? i'm practising to be habibullah. done... come now,there is a lot to do... here, your phone is ready. - should i call ismail qureshi?- yes, ismail qureshi! hello slalekum,this is abdul qadir speaking! shahriyar habibullah! habibullah habibullahshahriyar habibullah! - who is this damn habibullah?- ok relax, relax, relax... relax.

shahriyar habibullah,shahriyar habibullah. hello, yes, slalekum... this isshahriyar habibullah speaking. no, not from dubai,we're in lucknow right now. are you ismail qureshi? you had put your bio-dataon the matrimonial website. yes, i want to fixthe time of appointment. please come at ten..., no, not at night,ten in the morning. yes, khuda hafiz.

- done!- done. easy? now you'll make the next call? yes, this is shahriyarhabibullah speaking. yes! yes! this is shahriyar habibullah... fix the marriage-interviewappointment... ...please come at twelve. obviously, you will comewith your son... mr. babbar khan,this is shahriyar habibullah.

i've called to give youyour time slot... ...four thirty at thejahanpanah 'soot' - don't wear a suit.- suite booji suite. please come to the jahanpanah suite. if you're busy, we're busier! we can't wait a week for you. no mr. abbas you listen to me... ...come at 7pm tomorrowor else, goodbye! does the bride's family ever takea proposal to the groom's house?

your appointmentis for seven thirty. you can come at seven fifteenand ask anyone in the lobby, "may i want to see shahriyarhabibullah from dubai". our room is calledthe jahapanah suite! from haidari kabab,tariq haider aka taru. great, now even cooks are lookingfor brides on matrimonial sites who knows this kababmight get slaughtered himself. hello... shahriyar habibullahspeaking, is this tariq haider? ok, his father?

please note the time,tomorrow 8 pm. khuda hafiz! ok, next... all done. the entire day hasgone into making calls. i'm terribly hungry.where's the menu? dal, 250 rupees! curry, 500 rupees! chapatti, 75 rupees! is their barbecuestudded with diamonds? it's a five star booji,so the rates are also five star.

no! i don't likethis waste of money... see this...dal is 50, veg curry 75,kofta 50 and roti only 20. this is haidari kabab, the onethat belongs to tariq haider! here, haidari kabab has arrived tariq bhai, table for five of us! how much longer tariq? half an hour is up, tariq bhai... wait! wait!everyone will get a table... ok, next number...julie!

- julie!- yes, we here...we here! - come, come, come... you hungry?- yes. tariq! i am waiting for an hour... ...but you are giving entryto the "white" dames. mr. chaudhary,they will eat fast, feel good... ...and then burp praisesof haidari kabab on facebook... - ...the whole world will listen...- okay, okay. hang on for a few minutes... ...till then wash downa seekh with cold-drinks...

ok, ok...hurry up mateen, 4 seekh platesfor mr. chaudhary... - i'll just get it taru bhai- what is this tariq... - i've been waiting a long time...- you're next...almost there... ateeq, menu here...think of the order till then... - ok madam, come...- yes. - you u.s?- no... amrica, england? no, i am from germany...

oh ho...germany...germany football... so delicious... so haidari kabab... my friend is from england. oh...england queen...queen also very delicious... - ok madams, here is your table- yes... thank you okay. so, what's the special? - special- yup okay. this ispecial, this ispecial...

...all ispecial no ordinary... i order? cheap and best... - okay?- okay? - hey mateen...- yes taru bhai two plates kabab, two sheekhs,two meat balls, two kofta, ...four chapattis at table numbersixteen... two kheer, two kulfi... i'll just get it brother ok...what about julab gamun? julaab gamun!oh my... gulab jamuno...

- hey mateen,- yes taru bhai... 2 gulab jamuns as well. right away, with sugar syrup sania habibullah? father-in-law...shahriyar habibullah! coming my god he is so yummy... when did you arrive? didn't recognize me?

my portrait is postedon the matrimonial site... i have an appointmentwith you tomorrow... - hey mateen- yes bhai? special feerni here... you haven't paid, have you? hey mateen, have youtaken their payment? yes i have... dimwit, can't you seewho they are? are you trying to insult usby taking money from them?

go get the money back... allow us to pay the bill... why will you pay,you're my father-in-law-uncle! that will be decided tomorrow...after the interview. for now we will pay. let's go daddy! khuda hafiz. we'll meet tomorrow look now, myselfbig boss...haidari kabab. i will decide who pays hereand who doesn't.

we ate, we decide. sania... he is saying so lovingly,so we should relent. love?! this is hooliganism! is your daughter so uptightabout everything? excuse me! i am not uptight! here's the money... including tip... ...we're going, the bill is settled. but the heart is not settled madam. please take this money, or else...

or else? or else, what? arm-wrestle with me...winner pays the bill. we're leaving... come on. okay let's see what you got. no sania... it was a joke're a very serious number. was the curry too spicy? - mateena, get madam a cold drink.- right away!

don't create a scene sania... we can't let himinsult us like this. swear on insulting madam... shut up and start. cheers for taru bhai! didn't even say ready,steady, go... oh, you weren't ready mr. macho?i am always ready. - sorry better luck next time.- come on now actually... for you,there will be no next time.

your interview... cancelled.your appoint... cancelled. - got it! cancelled!- yes yes, it's cancelled... but what have i done madam? just a little welcoming. in lucknow,we treat a guest like god. chauffer. anyway i am not dyingfor an appointment with you... i am busy with appointmentsfrom morning to night. - and taru bhai, all well?- here you go...

all well? tuck your shirt in at least... - it's a style papa...- save this style for home. mr. tiwari... - how are you?- how are you sir? all good which room is saniahabibullah staying in? jahapanah suite... oh! suite!

ateeq, mateen... - yes, taru bhai- come on, pick up the artillery come! mr. abbas and family brothers! aren't we all brothers? hungry and long have you been waiting? and now it's lunch-time. so on behalf of haidari kabab,banish hunger...

...enjoy our kababs brothers! twenty lakhs! twenty lakhs? ok nineteen lakhs...but not a penny less. colonel abbas... major abbas... madam... thank you very much! so the marriage is fixed!

we have 300 grocery storesin dubai. 500 taxis. 5000 employees work under us. habibullah group of companies'annual turnover is 200 crores... ...and you're insulting usby asking for mere 20 lakhs! how dare you? - please get out!- c'mon son... - how dare they ask for only 20 lakhs?- c'mon...we've been insulted enough! are we mad thatwe'll accept your proposal? how dare you insult us?come on, get out.

out. get out from here i said out what are you're over-acting. what over-acting... father is a colonel, son's a major!my heart was pounding with fear. how did a colonel get here? i had made sureno ips or ias officer... police, no army mancomes in... i had checked...

but you did well...very well.what authority! - was it good?- yes... let's call the next one then? wait, let me just checkthe camera... i'm really enjoyingbeing a millionaire... until now, we used to be scaredof the boy's families... they are wettingtheir pants because of us. come, who's the next candidate? come on in...we'll make youwet your pants...

father-in-law uncle! you can't barge in like this! - may i come in?- meaning? myself tariq haidar... you cannot come in.your appointment was cancelled. out. i haven't come forthe appointment madam. so then? for you, with my own hands.

excuse me... we don't wantto talk to you about anything. have you forgottenyesterday's defeat? you gate crasher,i'll send you to jail. uncle... hello reception...yes there is a my great-great-grand-fatherused to say... ...don't ever breakthe customer's heart... to mend hearts... here are kababsmade from his recipe. i've come only to servethese kababs...

there's biryani,bread, curry, feerni... ...and papa-mummy as well outside. want to eat? want to meet? - this one, give me this piece.- this one. it's very good... where's your fork? daddy pick up your fork... - shahi tukda- thank you!

hmmm...yummm... by allah's grace we haveeverything mr. habibullah. but we have to considerour traditions, customs..., society... mr. haidari... speak openly. - sania noting!- yes noting! noting! will you please putthe tiffin-box down... ...aunty's face is getting blocked.

- anything else?- no... thank you so much! what can i say mr. habibullah,i'm sure you understand. fridge double door... ...washing machine front loading, ac split ac... ...such everyday items are a given. yes jewellery... two gold sets, two silver setsand one diamond set will do... and one car... that iscompulsory nowadays.

a skoda will do. anything else? - and...- that's all. sania total? um... forty two lakhs. only forty two lakhs? round figure, make it forty. three lakhs,forty thousand dirhams... can convert itand get whatever you want.

by today's conversion rate,its approximately forty lakhs. approximately forty lakhs. now the girl's demands. of course, today girls are walkingchest to chest with boys. shoulder to shoulder papa. yes, i meant shoulder to shoulder... our country's prime ministerwas a woman... ...even our president was a woman... the wedding will be in two days.

two days? my heart is eighty percentblocked... it can fail anytime. i want to settle my daughterat the earliest. invitation cards, fancy clothes,relatives... all waste of money. waste is a sin... it will be a simple wedding,right here in this room... ...bride, groom, you and i. the bride and groom will solemnizethe wedding themselves... ...according to islam,there's no need for a priest...

...only two witnesses are needed. if you accept my conditions, thenit's a deal. if not, you can leave. there are others waiting outside. - but...- we accept! we accept all your conditions. - day after tomorrow, wedding.- one minute. simple wedding... like! bride and groom solemnize thewedding that too! but make her my wife...without knowing her...not like!

meaning? i need three days...with your daughter. are you crazy? - what are you saying?- have you lost your mind? one minute please. we can all see sania habibullahis very beautiful. but beauty alone is not everything.i too am a beauty! she's uptight, she's feisty...that's all i know about her. she knows nothing about me either.

to become life-partnerswe have to go beyond beauty. let's see if we can tolerateeach other for three days. if we are to get along,we will in three days... if we do get along we willget married, or else bye bye... do you agree? do not agree! we're giving forty lakhs in dowry... ...that's all you need to knowabout me. if you want to marry me, you willhave to accept my conditions too.

no way. as per our customs,boys and girls... ...don't roam aroundopenly before marriage. then let's meetbehind closed doors... - how dare you tariq haidar?- joke madam, joke! in any case, day after is holi. on holi everyone plays holi here,nobody gets married. day after that is saturday,very busy day. if the wedding can'thappen till sunday...

...why not spend thethree days with me. no... this spending timebusiness is not possible. not possible! ok, we'll take my cousin sisterfareeda for safety... my safety... no, thank you very much. goodbye. ok goodbye! thank you very much. come on papa-mummy. let's go. listen tariq,you're making a big mistake.

- we'll talk in the car.- why don't you explain to him... he's always stubborn...never listens to others... yes please leave... ...far better boys thanyour son are lined up outside. - oh really? khuda hafiz!- khuda hafiz! khuda hafiz! on the right...the yellow houseis of candidate number 12. what tall claims he was making... ...that all of lucknoweats eggs from his poultry...

one who lives in this ruin willnever have the settlement money. cut his name... that's why i wantedto see for myself... ...the financial statusof the candidates... ...before choosing the prey. how do we know who's lying,can't trust anyone... wait, wait... tariq haidar's house. what an amazing mansion

it is... they have 3 cars! yes! that red one is too sexy booji. - it's too amazing- yes, sorry one thing is clear... a court case will damagetheir reputation the most. they are wealthy too. they will be able to immediatelypay the cash we demand. what say? all that is fine...

...but i will have to roamaround lucknow for three days... ...with that kababster tariq! and what if he saysno after three days? we won't let him... i'll playnegative, you play positive. meaning... i will bad moutheverything he does... ...but you praise him. he will surely end up liking you. yes. her father was ready,your parents were ready...

...even the dowry was enoughto keep our head held high. what was the need to putthese stupid conditions taru? if she likes me even a little bit,she will agree. and if she doesn't?you're getting old... when will he marry? i will marry the one who loves meat least a little bit... ...if not a whole lot. no chance of you findingsomeone who will love you. wherever you go,you put these conditions.

or tell us where we canfind you a fairy queen... ...we'll go and get her... so taru, did she acceptyour condition? she will accept mr. chaudhary,she will. did she call? she will nanhe miyan... if she doesn't call,what will you do taru bhai? then where will you geta moon-like bride for yourself? i want not the moon,

nor the night bird, nor a slice of sky. i want not the light, nor a fairy nor a fairy-face. she who walks with me, she who tastes with me, each joy and each sweet sorrow. i'll wake her from her dreams...

in my arms i'll make her sleep, i'll pamper her, i'll feed her all my life, the heart has laid out a buffet, the heart has laid out a buffet,it's the feast of love. if you accept the invitation,please do come my love. it's the feast of love. the heart has laid out a buffet i have laid out a carpetof clouds for you...

i have decked out traysof stars for you... why did you troublethe moon and stars for me? wherever i go sunshine follows me your words are sugary sweet... what about your feast?is it sweet as your words? if you come, my bland partywill turn delicious. if your party is bland,why should i come? if you tell me to... i will fire all the disheswith the warmth of my heart...

the heart has laid out a buffet,it is the feast of love. it is the feast of love. feast of love,it's the feast of love. love mixed in the drinksfor the feast of love. that's adulterationin the feast of love. only the fortunate getinvited to the feast of love. who has the time to waste,on the feast of love. don't dismiss, just taste. don't hyper-ventilate.

let's get connected let's think about it not with thought, nor with tact, i've invited you with my heart. ok then...i accept... i accept your feast of love. yes sir,i agree to your feast of love. it's the feast of love... it's love, it's love,the feast of love...

it's love! come on farru remember, you positive, me negative. slalekum! hope you sleptpeacefully last night. no peace at all...your hotels are rubbish... our dubai has the best... oh daddy, their hotels are fine too. hello fareeda. you've cometo take us sight-seeing? i have no interestin being a third wheel!

but taru bhai promised me a newphone if i agree to come along. my phone is too old.that's the only reason i'm here. fareeda and her tall-tales! come on sania. uncle, khuda hafiz. uncle will go as well. uncle will go as well? if fareeda has come with you... ...someone from our side willhave to go as her body guard. come on uncle, your daughterdoesn't need a body guard...

...she can bury ten bodieswith one hand. come on sania, he doesn't agree. no no... come, please come. if only you had told me... i would have brought along papa,mummy, uncles and aunties as well. you could have set the tuningwith the entire clan. right? he is so funny daddy let's go! so tariq haider...

- ...we would like to...- taru... people call me taru, sir. we won't! it's a weird name-taru. it's not weird daddy, i like it. she like it! - how are you?- fine sir. where's the car? here it is, my impala. this red box! we will go in this jalopy?

entire lucknow is crazyabout my impala. entire lucknow may be crazyabout your impala... ...but sania is used to luxury cars. get a mercedes or a benz,only then will we go. or else, let's go back sania. oh daddy, now thattariq is insisting... i don't mind taking a roundor two in his impala. you should get comfortablein the back seat. why?

oh thattariq is insisting... i don't mind sittingin front for an hour or so. rickety impala! uh... can i drive? i'll drive? stop here... what's here? hazrat ganj saw it, let's go now?

if you're in lucknow and don't go'gunjing' in hazrat ganj...'ve done nothingfather-in-law uncle. sania is allergicto gunjing etc, ok? that tariq is insisting... i don't mind doing a roundor so of gunjing. the world's best 'pani batashe'. batashe? why, what is it called in dubai?'gol gappe'? - listen- no.

we won't eat this... sania is allergic to chilies,flies, pot-water... oh that tariq is insistingi don't mind having one or two... let's watch a 'picture'? or is she allergicto 'pictures' as well? we don't watch 'pictures',we watch 'movies'. that too hollywood. oh! hollywood! i only like bolly... once in a while i watch holly,if it has action.

but every friday, only bolly. i don't mind watching a... bolly! what a rubbish 'picture',even the heroine was so skinny. but if you ever become roly-poly,it'll make no difference to me. what if i get paunch in the future? let me know now,if you want a body-builder type. that you won't get in taru. what's there in the body...thin today, fat tomorrow. beauty should be in the thinking.

beauty in thinking! ok sania. for our tuning-setting, thereshould be no lies between us. right? yes! no... in that case... my bio-data postedon the matrimonial site says... ...i'm a graduate. - yes!- that's a lie. yes! papa-mummy forced me to write that...

...saying now a days no girl is willingto marry less than a graduate. the truth is, i failed in the 12thand you're an mba. right? how will we have tuning-setting? people from all over the worldcome to taste your food. so what if you didn't go to collegemakes no difference. but we will educate our kidsvery well. right? daddy! can't see daddy anywhere. oh, yes. hadn't he come alongas your bodyguard?

must be with farru somewhere. must have been hardfor father-in-law uncle... ...after your mummy's death. he had to be your mummyand your daddy. waking you up, sending you toschool, must have done everything... you haven't told me your mummy'sname. what was her name? - noorjahan qadir.- noorjahan qadir... qadir? her surname was qadir.

ok... ...she didn't changeto habibullah after marriage? why? boys don't changetheir name after marriage... why should girlschange their name? they shouldn't! habibullah suit's you best. sania habibullah. i like it. so tell me, how many kids?

daddy will fall illif he runs around so much... - six, okay?- daddy twelve-thirteen okay? your luscious attitudemakes my intentions snap. your enchanting locks entangleand unravel my promises. if not the sea of love, give me but a drop, every bit of my heart, prays to you- you're my prayer,i ask you from you,

you're my prayer,i believe you are my god, you're my prayer... hey taru! you toss your wild hair... you toss your wild hairand knock me out. your strike bolts with yourglowing eyes, and burn me down. my youth is a thicket of clouds,my being is fire to be imprisoned in my mane,is every young man's desire. yes i burn, but i'm dropsof cool intoxication too

is it! i fill a sea withinand let it rain love. you are thumri,i'm dadra... we are both exquisite raagas tune your notes with mine... ...and let the world sing. black, white, my every shade prays to you... - oh sanju- oh taru

- did you win the match?- we lost the match how many runs did you make shakeel? full century we lost, we lost, we lost the match if you lose next time,no jalebis for you thank you aunty! uncle, is this your aunty? she's not aunty, she's uncle's wife. uncle's wife, uncle's wife!

my blazing heart is now used to you, is now duped by you... slowly my desire for you, is beginning to crossmy own boundaries. the heart is not satisfiedwith a drop anymore, it wants your sea of love. my patience,is impatient for you. it prays to you- stop stop taru, stop.

taru? huh? you know why i asked youfor three days? so that in three daysyou could start loving me... least a little bit,if not a lot... that you marry me for love. and if you hadn'tfallen in love with me... i thought we could become friends.facebook-type. but i do...from tariqi've come to taru. that's it!that's all i wanted to confirm.

i am ready. you ready? yes ready. come on then! you're my prayer,i believe you are my god, my room! what is this? all top heros and heroinescome to haidari to eat our kababs... ...but my top most heroine is this... what are you doing tariq?

call me taru. you said you have comefrom tariq to taru. but tell me what you're doing. i don't want to marry youfor your cash value. i want to marry youfor your own value. the value of your friendship...the value of your beauty... ...the value of your smile...the value of your brains. i don't want dowry from your daddy. i'm not an item for my papato sell and your daddy to buy.

papa doesn't understand.his heart has attacked him once. i'm afraid of fighting him... ...what if he passes awaywithout seeing his grand-children? he loves me a lot. but this disease of bowingbefore society... ...and it's customsdoesn't leave him. so, it's like this... ...he will not accept our marriagewithout dowry... so you tell your daddy... give my papa-mummythis forty lakh rupees as dowry. everyone wins! what happened? shocked? yes... totally... i didn't expected this at all... you love me a lot right? if i tell you something,you won't be angry? no you'll forgive me at once?

i'm not sania...i'm gullu... see... i had come to trap you in a dowrycase and get money out of you taru... - taru...- gullu... gullu save me... - gullu!- booji! sania! very shocked...

sania... i never expected... ...that a scrap like mewould get a delicacy like you? has anything expectedhappened between us so far? but we're having a good time? right? so, get over the shock and smile. but please don't tell papa-mummyabout this, it's our private secret. khuda hafiz khuda hafiz... we have to take care oflaw and order as well...

please get your wife the next time... - yes, please do..- yes, sure... - excuse me ma'am.- yes? can i help you with the bag? no. - sure?- yes. he gave you forty lakhs,just like that? he has trulyfallen in love with you. will you still con him?

listen to me... if you tell him the truth even once... ...he will support youin fulfilling your dreams. - don't be childish, booji!- how is this being childish? booji...he won't support me,he'll send me to jail. fake currency, fake passport,fake visa... it's very risky. now we're deep into this mess... ...there's only one way out...stick to the plan. don't get confused...

...we will do what we have come forand get out of here. aunty...come closer to taru bhai. yes, closer. that's it. ready? and... - you're glowing aunty...- let me see... close the button at least. it's alright papa. - you should look like a groom.- our taru is looking so handsome... my smarty groom.

allah! she's so pretty... let no evil eye crosssania and taru's pair... three lakh forty fivethousand dirhams. there's no need to count...evenif a hundred here and there is less...'s all in the family. i have booked the honeymoonsuite for the bride and groom. why? the bride will go homewith us after the wedding. i'm leaving early tomorrow morning.

it will be easier for meto say goodbye. you can take her home tomorrow. but this is not... why not...they can havea comfortable breakfast... ...and come home by lunch-time. what will you have for lunch dear? lunch? tomorrow?anything would do. let's start the wedding. you're more eager than usfather-in-law uncle.

- let's start?- yes do you accept me, sania habibullah,daughter of shahriyar habibullah? i accept you,accept your stubbornness... ...accept the way youcall my food yummy... ...accept the way you say holly,accept your fluent english. sania habibullah,as a whole and even in parts... i accept you,i accept you, i accept you! that's enough for it's your turn. i accept your daddy,your daddy's allergies...

yes...for now. we have our entire livesto keep accepting each other. miss sania habibullah,daughter of shahriyar habibullah... you accept me...tariq haider, aka taru haider... ...son of farooq haider... ...the way you acceptmy shahi tukda? do you accept me? - i accept.- congratulations! come on.

i will have to goto my beloved's home... it's okay to cry my dear... must be sad to leaveyour father... go on, cry... - mummy, papa... khuda hafiz- khuda hafiz brother now please be quiet aunty... why did father-in-law unclegive dirahams in the suitcase? he should have given my money. well...your papa-mummywould get suspicious. but daddy said thanks.

look, what daddy got for us. get well soon... who is ill? poor daddy, in all the weddingexcitement picked up the wrong one. father-in-law uncle is too much. have some kheer. i'm not hungry at all sania. it's the tradition... ...if you don't eat thiseverything will go wrong. please, from my spoon?

one for my beauty... for my mind... for my friendship. friendship! (sneeze) i'm allergic to roses.(sneeze) hope he is not dead? you mixed sleeping pillsin the kheer, did you not? i obviously wouldn't mix poison... said four, so i mixed four.

nothing will happen. in the movie from which i got thisidea, they had put the whole bottle. sania let's leave before he wakes up. come on gullu yeah! coming my love... tariq haidar? 498a, you know what that is?

your wife has charged youand your mummy-papa under 498a. i have the proof... in this dvd... ...that you and your parentsdemanded dowry. did you or did you not?speak up! you did, right? yes you are finally married? will you invite me to the reception... ...or i will get to meet your wifeat the birth of your child? washing machine front-loading... everyday householditems are a given.

yes, jewellery... and a car...that is compulsory nowadays. skoda will be fine. - sania total?- forty two lakhs... how much is your cut sir? it's enough. if we double that? what do you mean... ...even we have some principles.

i'm the father of two daughters. when they are of marriageable age... ...nobody will bother aboutmy uniform or my honesty. it's because of you dowry-mongersthat we have to take a cut. i am from the girl's side. if you want an outof court settlement... ...leave forty lakhsat the designated spot... ...or else i'll arrestall three of you in 498a. okay sir, okay...but where's theguarantee that after the deal...

...this dvd won't reachthe commissioner. what if they want more? did they guarantee they will not askfor more dowry after the marriage? tell me... did they? when you didn't give usany guarantee... ...why should we give you any... i am from the girl's side,don't you forget... 498a is a takes down heavyweights. if he files a fir under 498a,you will go straight to jail.

no bail. case will go straight to court,and on the basis of this dvd... will get a minimumof six years in jail. there's only one way out... ...give them the moneyand get out of this mess. i will not give any moneyto give those cheating rogues. taru, don't be emotional,be professional. if all three of you go to jail, whowill make the biryani and kababs? 125 years old haidari kababwill be ruined in one day.

neeraj is right... the honourof our ancestors... you didn't think of the honourwhen you were begging for dowry? it was a mistake. i swear on god i will nevereven utter the word dowry again. just go and dropthe settlement money. i won't spare that witch so easily. o the black magic woman, how she spun a web around me! tied me to her braid,robbed me blind.

a birdie slayed a lion,and flew away. while the mustachestuds looked on in dismay. hail o brave-heart,o black magic woman! taru, here... she's here hail o strong one,o black magic woman! give the bag... ...and return the dowry money gullu! gullu... come gullu

stop you cheat! go go go! she broke the trust of my heart, she stole the love of my heart,and flew away. cheat! damn your affections, o black magic woman! damn your deceitfulness, who is it?

it's me the door - why didn't you knock in code?- oh sorry. what do you mean sorry? is this something you can forget? yuck! have gotten usedto taru's flavours... everything elsewill feel tasteless bolly... lucknow wasn't so bad,we had fun

yes, but now you forgetabout bonding with lucknow. for lucknow you are an enemy. think only of america. yes, america had a lot of fun? you cheat! slalequm uncle what did you find out? fake names, fake company,fake passport...

...and only one hundred dirham... ...out of the three lakhforty five thousand are real? - where is taru?- on the roof again... what are you doing at that height? even if you chop all thevegetables in the market... ...your anger won't go away. it will go only when the fatherand daughter will rot in jail. but if you keep chopping carrots,how will we find them? think taru, think about her...we may find a clue...

her father had called her gullu... how can a sania's pet name be gullu? there has to be some storybehind the name gullu. taru bhai!i found your gulrez gullu qadir... come fast... what have you got? just breathe, i'm showing you... look at this...she thinks she's too smart. she became sania but forgotto close gullu's facebook account.

damn... where will i find this witch? hyderabad. is mr. abdul qadir at home? babu uncle? gulrez qadir? yes, come come. please sit. i can't see your father?

he's gone for some important work. what do you want? suppose i have one rupeeas black money. how do i exchange it into white? how, is our problem. all you need tounderstand is that... will give meone rupee in cash, ...and in exchange we will depositeighty paise in your bank... white money.

that's it. why only eighty? twenty paise is our fees,for turning black into white. okay...will it be transferredby tomorrow? soon as you give the cash,the transfer will be done. no, first you transfer,then i will give the cash. no dear, this businessdoesn't work like that. ok, then i don't want to do it.khuda hafiz. how much is it?

eighty lakhs cash. hmmm... you called me uncle... ...your father is a respectedman in the neighbourhood. ok, your work will be done. but within half an hourof the money being transferred... man will be hereto collect the cash think carefully, because oncethe money is deposited in your bank... ...the white money is yoursand the cash is ours. you will have to givethe entire amount.

i've thought about it... ...transfer it as soon as possible. - khuda hafiz!- khuda hafiz! taru bhai, there aretwenty six malls in hyderabad... ...if we're lucky we willfind her in the first one. my darned luck hasbecome a witch too! taru, i could only get ticketsfor tomorrow morning. i only have thirty bullets,will that be enough? - have you gone mad?- why, won't be enough?

you're not taking a gun. we will have to take the gun,who knows how big is her gang? yes, but you can't take iton a flight. it's licensed. put it back. she's not a cup of tea, nor a cup of wine. she's not a silver bell, nor an aching sore.

she's made of flowers, but whips so hard. she's so delicate, but scrores over brawn. the hard hitters just look on... hail the fire-cracker, o black magic woman. hail the thunder maker, haizel naidu,rajshekhar raju,

venkatesh raja, g.s. vijay, lakshmi vijay. in lots of ten only... all of you go in please. rest of you, wait outsidefor your turn. not just a bit,i loved you a whole lot... ...and you cheated me instead... gullu... what happened? let's go. abdul qadir, gulrez qadir

gullu, it's our turn...come on... what's wrong? come on... - excuse me... excuse me...- gullu! what? you will return taru's money? you will go back to lucknow? i can't courier eighty lakhs. i will have to go returnthe money... to say sorry. are you possessed? it's our turn...let's go for the interview...

...take the visa...and go to america. booji, if it was any otherdowry mongering low-life... i wouldn't care... but i don't want to go to americawith taru's money. just think... ...going back to lucknowis so dangerous. tariq haider won't offeryou biryani and kabab. he will take revenge,he will send you to jail. let him send meto jail if he wants to.

let me be imprisoned for life. jail is not a joke...they torture you... ...make you starve,don't even give you water... have to live like an animal... i know... ...but i don't want to fulfillmy dreams by breaking taru's heart. please understand. please. what are you made of? you're not scared of anything.

i've spent my entire lifebeing scared. i couldn't cheat because of fear... i can't be honestbecause of fear. how did you turn out to beso fearless, just like your mother. from my fearless mother's womb. come on, sit now. sit, quickly. hyderabadi biryani is not bad... it's poison...

...everything here is poison. hey neeraj... that's gulrezqadir's uniform, isn't it? it's the same...come come... second madam...excuse me... - one second...- is he mad? walk straight guys...why are you walking like cows! madam do you know gulrez qadir? yes, who are you? gullu qadir has been selectedthis month's facebook beauty queen.

we have a gift voucher for her. really? i'll just call and tell her. no, no madam, if you call herwe will lose our jobs. then how will our wives and kidscelebrate christmas. you give us the number and address...we will go and surprise her. will you have jalebis? please have some... ma'am, number? if your mother was alive...

booji... save the sentimental talk. i'm not being sentimental... ...she would have given youtwo slaps for being so stubborn. you made me lie and runall over the place... ...and then you didn'teven fulfill your dreams. crazy girl! so what booji. it's ok if i didn't go to america, i'll study fashion designingright here.

there are no jobs in america anyway.everyone's coming here. booji, when i becomea famous shoe designer... ...they will call me themselves. not only america. england, france, russiaeveryone will call my hero. not hero. heroine. same thing... never let me feel thatyou were a daughter or son. come on, pack my pant shirt too.

you're not going anywhere.i'm going alone. enough of your stubbornness. won't work anymore. come on, pack. hello... yes babu uncle. stop stop... what do you want? who are you? they had taken a water-filterservice appointment... they've locked up and left.

even the bank guys had come... ...they called them home tooand disappeared. we had to give the cheque. what happened bilqees? they called these poor fellowsfor aquaguard servicing... ...and have now disappeared. if they're not around,why don't you do my servicing. sure aunty, but at least tell uswhere they have gone? we have to write in our report.or we'll lose our jobs.

how will our wives and kidscelebrate diwali? they left with luggage...out of town! where airport? airport they can't afford.they've gone to the station. let's go hey good for least do our servicing. - i will complain to the company...- come on, station why are you making mego round in circles? - am i a top?- come on, quickly

this is an auto not aeroplane. - booji, let's get the tickets- yes yes two tickets, lucknow. three tier. all full.only ac 1st class is available. eight thousand,one hundred and eighty. hurry up, the train will leavein ten minutes. take it... it's not likewe have to save for your dowry. we'll go in style. first class go that way...yes... one packet of chips... no, the big one. running away? babu uncle! running away with my money? no, didn't you get the cheque? cheque! your neighbour-auntiesgave the cheque. so why did you come this far, youcould have said thanks on the phone.

is this a game? is it? transfer now, withdraw now... i was very clear, once the moneyis transferred into your account... i will take everything in cash.where's the cash? - with my father...- call him then no, he's gone to get the ticketsand then snacks... ...then magazine...then pillow...why don't we go to him. in case i miss the train... ...let me take the bag,it has my favourite outfit.

yes, yes... come on. such a hassle for nothing... where is your father? - just there...- come on. hey babu, get some tea here hello...yes i'm in a meeting... ...let me get the moneyfrom the party first... ...i will get the curtains then... crazy woman, cost me hundred rupees

the girl is getting away...catch her hey p.t. usha...stop... she hits bad... sorry sorry sania... how slow are you guys... ...see how fastgulrez qadir is running. catch her... what happened brother,why are you chasing that girl?

she's running away with my money... your's too? you're too? how much did she dupe you for? why should i tell you? she's made a fool me...she's made a fool of you, ...we are in the same team brother! sania come down... taru!

you've made a fool of me. get down now... scoundrel... you're threatening with a gun... you'll hit babu bhai... you'll insult himin front of everyone... - catch him rafiq...- who are you? catch him...break his head... hey, not with the can...

hey wrestler...let go of my boys... hey... ungrateful girl, you're hitting me? sorry... sorry taru... taru... enough of your drama... ...return my money... don't come forward you bully... just stop there...give my money...

- the police is here babu bhai!- who invited these pests? please give my money,please give it. uncle, i gave you the will get the entire amount. - come on, run!- will i make a curry of the cheque? i will suffer a huge loss my girl... damn the money babu bhailets get out of! hey... my money... my money... - give me the bag...- here, take your money...

leave me alone...and nevercall me a cheat again! since the time i've comeyou haven't shut up for a second... wherever i go, i hearyou calling me a cheat. yes i cheated you! all my life i have faceddowry seeking boys... ...who have insulted me and booji i'm a topper. but there's no value of my mind. they hear fifteen lakhsdowry and reject me

you know how many timesi've been rejected? i couldn't bearthe insult anymore... ...that's why i decidednever to marry. i don't want any man in my life. i made this planto fulfill my dreams. but you ruined the entire plan. what was the need... make this relationship for thevalue of my laughter, my beauty... mind, my friendship?

why are you so strange? you never went to college,you speak in broken english. you eat paan, you burp,you wear horrible shirts... ...but yet i started liking youfor your sweetness. i couldn't hurt youand go to america. that's why i was comingto return your money. it's eighty lakhs. you can count... hey taru, here... hey!

well done taru, you caught the girl. look what i caught? leave him... leave him... excuse me. what do you mean'see what i caught'? he's my father, not a thief. taru, whatever happened,it was my doing... i made the whole plan,it's not booji's fault. please let him go.

what is this commotion? very shrewd criminals they are,both father and daughter... they duped my clientof eighty lakhs...'s in the bag... is this correct uncle? come on then, to the police station just wait and watch now taru... i will get the maximumsentence for her... so that all the girls of indiawill learn a lesson...

...that they shouldn't dare trickinnocent guys into 498a. if girls trick guys,they are low-life... ...but boys keep demanding dowry,they are still considered innocent. you please leave... sorry. made us run for nothing... have you gone mad taru? you come here... - if you want to say something...- will you shut up for a minute? can i say something?

i understood everything else... ...but what did you say inthe middle of that long speech... started liking me? what? yes... just liking? i fell in love with you... since i've returned from lucknow, i just can't forget the flavoursof your talk, of your food... ...of the fun i had with you...

i have gotten addictedto your flavours. so the butcher has fallenin love with the goat? you are that good... why can't all other menbe normal like you... then there wouldn't be any problem. there would have been a big problem. then you wouldn'thave come to lucknow. sania would have becomesomebody else's in hyderabad. gulrez

oh yes, gulrez. so you have forgiven me? what to do, you are that good. you have tricked meby feeding kheer... ...but i still want to love youso very much. gullu... you hurt me badly. - you won't again?- no, no, never ever. sorry. what did i do to deserve you? something wonderful my dear...that's why you got my gullu.

gullu-taru, perfect couple. now we will have a real wedding. enough of fooling around,shall we begin? gulrez dear... yes... tariq haider, i mean taru haider,son of farooq haider. do you accept me, gulrez qadir,daughter of abdul qadir? you accept withouta single penny of dowry? not once, a thousand times.

say you accept son. i accept... do you accept me tariq haider,son of farooq haider? i accept you. amju! the girl's fatheris ready to help us. full help... one crore. say thank you... father, i'm not an item for youto sell and him to buy.

i don't want to go to americawith someone's help... so sir, thanks but no thanks. i'm sorry... amjad! - have you lost your mind?- yes, i have... i wish i had lost it sooner. advertised love,is for strangers. tested love,is for brave-hearts. come let's wave the flagof our crazy love.

bright and bold and beautiful. let's colour love in our colours. pull the curtains, lift the veils, banish the bashfulness of love. let's make the whole world speak, let's change the language of love. calculated loveis for the corrupt. committed loveis for the brave-hearts.

with fun, with fervour, come let's lightthe fireworks of love. everyone eyes your figure, but i'm crazy about your brains. every guy is wild for your looks, but i'm sold on your thinking. body-beauty kind of love,is for the phonies. tuning-setting kind of loveis for the exceptional. boldly, loudly,

come let's blow the bugle of love.

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