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Friday, December 15, 2017

dear friends, today wehave gathered here to honour.. ..this great indian hero.a man who risked his own life.. save thousands.this great man, faced.. ..severe injuriesfor two more years and.. ..emerged to be a winner. now, please welcome the hero,arun kumar. now i would requestthe premier to present.. arun kumar,with the gallantry award.. ..for his incredibleand great services.

you have done a great job,congratulations, arun kumar.. ..well done. now, it's my pleasure to invite, mr.arun kumar.. ..before audience to say few words. thank you everybody,i am really honoured. actually,i really don't have any words.. express my gratitude,for the love and affection.. all have showered on me. thank you.

after staying here incanada for two years.. are going back to india,how do you feel? great, i feel great. sir, please tell me, howdid you face them? didn't you fear any dangerfrom the enemy? i fear no one. what are your futures plans? to serve my country in a better way. excuse me, sir, how do youfind canada and its people?

sir, tell me what doyou intend to do now? excuse me, one last question,how do you feel.. ..being showered by lovefrom whole world? i feel very good. look, the onewho gets love is very lucky. what did he say? only the fortunate gets love. "there is love in your heartand song on your lips." "the scorpions willfor telling lies."

"tell truth, by the oathof god, my dear." dear dorji, destiny has playeda cruel game with me. today the whole worldhas blessed me.. ..with so much love and affectionbut my own love.. though there is no placefor love and emotions.. the personal life of a spy.for the last two, i fought.. ..with life in the hospitalbed and whenever ..i get into conscious, thememories of reshma and.. ..shahin gave me terrible pain.

reshma, is still likea responsibility for me. dorji, find her and let me know.. ..where she is. how is sheand did the government.. ..helped her or not. iam reaching kashmir.. ..and must surely reply my mail. reshma is alive, arun!what is all this? this mission started whenpakistan's secret agency.. ..isi's additional head,isahq khan.. ..was making a poisonous plan.

this is our new plan, mr. maulana plan! plan! plan! what will i do.. ..with this plan in a paper,mr. ishaq khan. should i praise it, or shouldi frame it and hang it on wall. the government of pakistansheltered the kashmiri's.. ..and they have hit that back on us. mr. general, if pakistanhad not compromised.. ..with the americans, then.. .. the taliban wouldhave not destroyed.

try to understand, mr. maulana. general has compromisedwith the americans.. ..just only because he wantedto save pakistan.. ..from unemployment and poverty. that's fine mr. ishaq, but iwill not allow to go waste.. ..the sacrifices made for thefreedom of kashmir at any cost! the question of wasting thesacrifices never arises at all. the revenge of pakistani'swill never be completed.. ..until and unless kashmiris liberated from india.

revenge cannot be taken, justby talking like this. and then there is nodifference among us. just once, give us a nuclearbomb, then see.. india will be defeatedand kashmir will be ours! even if the government wishes,this cannot happen. why don't you understandthat how much.. pressureis there on pakistan. but there is no pressureon you jihaadis.. ..and can do what ever you like.

what do you mean? though pakistan doesn't giveyou openly the islamic bomb.. ..but can give you thepermission to steal it. and that is what my planis, operation nishan! in this operation, isi will makethe plan of stealing the bomb. you will be responsiblefor this job.. ..under the supervision of thesetwo experts scientist. mr. maulana, controlyour excitement. recently, your heart was operated.

don't worry about me, pakistan.. hail pakistan! hail kashmir! hail kashmir! hail kashmir! have you seen the dangerousintentions of pakistan? our many agents have sacrificedtheir lives.. ..for getting the copy of this film. we won't let go wastetheir sacrifices. we have to expose pakistan,at any cost. from one side she is nurturingterrorism in our country..

..and on the other side,the same pakistan.. ..boast to fight againstterrorism to keep.. .. a clean image of theircountry all over the world. gentlemen, we shouldallow this, and so.. ..and so a file of all evidencescollected against pakistan.. ..along with a copy of this film,is being sent to uno.. ..under the supervision of our.. ..under secretary, mr.ajay chakraborty hello, hello, hello, just a minute,just a minute, hold on.

mr. ajay chakraborty. there is a call for you,from your mother. yes mother. how are you? some peoplehave come here.. ..with visa, passport andwith a ticket to new york.. ..telling that you had sendit. son, they are also.. ..telling that now we willbe staying in new york. is it true? one-minute mother.

don't get surprised mr.ajay chakraborty. your family will not allowedto live peacefully in india.. ..once you hand over the filesand floppies of evidence. so, we have made allthe arrangements. we fill the persons house withmoney, which becomes ours. very good. very good. but these dollars willfinish of in some days. and if i stay here for some years.. ..i will have to dosome business and.. york is very expensive,very expensive. you have a point. here in newyork, there are lot of.. ..pak-indo cuisine restaurants.. ..out of which i will makeone or two in your name. very good. now i understand the reasonfor your country being poor. whatever your money youget from america.. ruined them all in thiskind of things. very good. i don't want to take the curseof the people of your country.

and with this money, do something.. improve your you understand? one minute bengali babu, one minute. you think of your the most.. are left with two threeyears for retirement. you shake your hands with me,the head of pakistan's isi. and the fortune changes for those.. ..who shakes hands with us. this hand is of a normal indiaand if it falls anybody..

..his fortune will turn upsidedown, do you understand. mr. ajay chakraborty, you thinkof your mother's destiny. yes, this is not my mother,but yours. talk to her. hello.- yes sir. the game is totally changed. this is not chakraborty's mother. she is the mother of all of us!she is from intelligence and.. all your men has been arrested. now take care of yourself,understand!

get up! i know that if this evidencesreach the uno.. ..then it is the death ofour operation nishan. and if i shoot you here,it will be my death. i would like to dieafter killing you. how can you kill me? all the bullets of yourrevolver are with me. what are you saying?the bullets are.. you are cheated!

who has made you the head of isi. you are not even good for a tail. first of all, you are a donkey. secondly, this is not yourcountry. this is usa. and in usa, donkeys are not allowedto roam in the streets. what nonsense are you talking? police. you are under arrest. don't move! after the arrest of the head ofthe isi, he has said that..

..with the help of falseand fake documents.. ..indian spy agency, rawhas played against him. he said the following afterbeing deported to pakistan. this is not our plan, butof indian government.. ..against us. and i will not takerest until they are exposed. what is your opinion? this handcuff and ironbars can't stop us. congratulation, congratulationsarun. you have done role ofunder secretary..

..ajay chakraborty verynicely. wonderful! oh my god! sir, it was you?congratulations. - thank you. mahruf, you have toexpect this from raw. anyway arun, i am sendingyou on a new mission. this time you will have to playthe role of major batra. all information regarding majorbatra is there in the file. nilima.- yes sir. sir, as per this file, nowyou are not only a spy.. ..but also a brave army officer.

sir. and yes, the place where you are goinghave a good climatic conditions.. ..beautiful scenes and snows. are you sending me to kashmir? very smart, you are right again. well sir, there willbe dorji and malik.. ..along with you in this missionand they were posted.. kashmir bordersince tyagi's tenure. sir, before proceeding onto this new mission..

..i would like to complete myincomplete mission. - mean? i mean, i should go to kashmirand set up the network.. ..collect the evidences so thatthis time also the news.. ..of evidences shouldreach the enemies? sir, how secret was that newswhich reached ishaq khan? well arun, the inquiry is on? the inquiry is not required,sir, because i know.. this news has reached them.- what? sir, he is one among us.

so the decision should alsobe made in front of us. you are the culprit!- are you crazy? do you know what are you doing? what? what did you say? our spy agent mahruf hasbeen killed in india! this bad news was only left to hear. if that rascal mahrufhadn't given me.. ..the wrong information,that ajay chakraborty.. the under secretary,and if i had known that..

..he is not the under secretarybut a spy agent.. ..then i would have handledhim in other way. and we would have succeeded. anyway, i won't loose heart.i have sent a message to.. ..general and have asked himto give me one more chance. and by god's oath, i am surethat we will succeed, yes. fine khalid, i will call you later. congratulations mr. khan,your request.. ..has been granted by ourgovernment and thinks.. give you one more opportunity. this is the letter foryou, from general. and yes, this is the packetwhich contains.. ..different pictures of ajaychakraborty, which was.. ..brought from china bychinese secret agent. have you seen mr. maulana?my doubt has been.. ..confirmed that ajay chakraborty.. ..s an indian agent.- you are right. rasool, the copies of thesephotographs be sent.. our organizations, in india.and ask them to let me know.. ..that where now this indianhero is and what is he doing? right sir? "what is the name of your city." "it is heaven, it is heaven." "what do the people over here do?" "they love, they love." "shall i salute you." "you are permitted,you are permitted."

"there might be angels in the sky."- "yes, it's there." "there might be happiness allaround." - "yes, it is." there's all that talk too.. "all the dreams come true here."- "it's luck." "to make love, to make love." carry on. sir, you also please come and enjoy. sir, we will be living withyou and dieing with you. sir, so please come.

"shall i too, stay here."- "stay here." "shall i tell what i have to."- "tell." "shall i flow with the wavesof mischief." - "flow away." "i will hold your hands."- "you are brave, you are brave." ''it is heaven." "to make love.'' there might be some terroristhidden among this cattle. stop there it self.- right sir. section 2, go to right.- right sir.

section 3, deploy lmg.- right sir. my god! this is army men. come, come, and let's run away. how can we run away leavingthe cattle here? so you are to take donationsfrom army men? now what to do, we have comehere to take donations. but they are very cruel. so what, i will take it from them. sir, these are only girls!

come out, you are playinghide seek there! don't know why they aresitting here on strike. you just ask them whythey are doing so? they are hiding theirface in the cattles. yes look at once. sir, we're from rishika..please give us a donation we'll eat crackers,burst vermicelli.. l mean, burst vermicelliand eat crackers.. ..we're only collecting..

forgive me. wait a minute. dorji. - yes sir. bring that purse. take this. is this sufficient?- yes. the remove the cattle. what's your name?- reshma. reshma? good name.

attention! good, you were there in 10 guardsbattalion. - yes sir. you were there for three yearsin assam and two years in rajasthan. oh! you were also there incommando wing of belgaum. and have also got veerchakra, very good. mr. batra, this is your secondposting in kashmir. - yes sir. colonel, and you captainidhris malik. - sir. lieutant dorji, ladhak scouts.- yes sir. mr. batra, the area of sopar willbe under you, right. - sir.

why did you ask donationsfrom the army men? mother, why are you behind me? it is true that he is a soldier,but he is a gentleman. didn't you see how muchdonations he gave me? now how should i makeher understand? what could she understand?she is only a kid. father, i am not a kid. if you are not a kid what are you? someone has spoken to yousoftly and you just!

do you know that thisnew soldier has come.. place of major rude he was? this new one will be ruderthan him, you see. this colonel and major arecoins of same bag. - come. these all belongs to same group. fruits and sweets has comefor all the soldiers. everyone come and unloadthe items, quickly. hurry up, hurry up. come on, unload the items, quickly.

sir.- yes. this fruits and sweets.. has this come from india? are you standing in paris or london? isn't the kashmir in india? your job is to give us theinformation regarding.. ..local roads, andnot to question us. go and unload the items.- sir. all the soldiers are to bedistributed with these fruits. sir!

these fruits and sweets are tobe distributed among the villagers. sir, what are you telling? there were lot of incidentsduring tyagi sir's tenure. they will be vomiting onlypoison after eating this sweets. they will eat somewhereand spill somewhere. and the bulletsare hit on our chest. i will say they shouldbe kept on toes. not on toes,but under the shoes. - yes. dorji.- yes sir.

you will get love if you give love. if you give hatred, you willget back same. - yes sir. three years before, ourfriend imam qadir gani.. ..was openly arrestedby indian army. and gulam ali, all of themwere tortured and.. listen brothers, listen brothers. major batra from the guardshas come to meet you all. we should all of them from our land! don't listen to him he is a traitor.

go to hell, indian army! we want freedom, goto hell, indian army! we want freedom! we want freedom, we want,freedom of kashmir! this kind of freedom tocurse the army in front of ..the soldiers, you will begetting only on this land. if you said this on theother side of this land.. ..the army would pulledyour tongue out. even i could do this to you.

but no, because i want love. take, take the sweet. ''what am l worth after all?'' ''lt's but yourmercy and blessings'' yes this is true, this new majoris distributing sweets.. ..books in schools tothe children and.. ..medicines to the hospitalof the village. i have seen this with my own eyes. i think this is some foulplay of indian army.

you are thinking right, but themove is of love, sympathy.. ..friendship and humanity. wehave come to the mosque.. pray for the peace in kashmir. ''my lord, my master,my allah..'' ''where will l gowith my desires?'' ''the desire to revere youenthralls my heart'' for maintaining peace in this land,i request to you all.. ..that i may be informed of theintruders from the other side.. ..because i don't want you toharm you innocent peoples..

..of this village, along with them. what happened?- nothing major sir. why your heart is beating so fast?- no sir. do you have fever?- no sir. or you are having weapons? to which religion he belongs?yours, yours, or mine. no, mr. maullavi, he is a blackmark, in the name of religion. to bring weapons in thissacred place is sin. so i wish that if any oneof this kind comes.. should inform me. come. you didn't give me the sweet dish? sweet dish?- yes. yes.. that.. i.. subhedar.- yes sir. call that girl with the cattle.- yes sir. you were talking about this point.- yes sir. for why he called us?

and from that point theintruders get in easily. they is nothing to worry. did you do anything wrong?- no father. greetings, sir. do you go to that sideto rear the cattle? yes sir, we go sometimes. now, these animals don'tabout the boundaries. how the countries aredivided and all. the army of that country doesn'tsay anything to you?

no sir, we are going forso long, they know us. is this your daughter?- yes sir, this is reshma. greet the sir. greetings.- greetings. i am sorry for she has unnecessarytroubled you.. ..on the way that day. that's all right. does shestudy besides this rearing? who won't speak highlyof his child, sir? but my reshma's very talented,thanks to god.

she's beyond compare in sewingand embroidery. and since she hasstudied till class 11.. ..she even knows a bit of english but then we have to stopher studies. - why? as there is always shellingand bombarding from.. ..the other side of the border,our house and crops have.. ..been destroyed and were leftwithout home. and to make a new home, it's likegiving away a life. but somehow.. ..i managed to build the house,but now i am in debts.

i can't manage for herfees of rs. 100. bring my purse. no sir. these villagers will ruin the major. this is the fees forsix months.. ou take it fromme afterwards. - but sir. see, yours is a smart daughter. she will get good allianceif she is educated. may god bless you.- ok, now you go.

ok sir. sir, thank you.- come reshma. don't know from whereall these people come. sir, tell him to pay for mygrand children's fees also. is it? are you gone mad? is there any charity going on here?or any help is coming.. ..from america to help you,go away from here. the railway engines of his timehave stopped, but he is going on. this reshma will ruinthe major. sir!

yours is a smart daughterand she will get.. .. good alliance if she is educated. 'you didn't give me sweet dish.' we have to make a check post there. sir! sir! i will break your head ifyou ask for any money. no sir, this letter hascome from native place. can you read this for me? so, now letter hascome native place.

first you will ask me to readit, then to reply it. i am a servant of thearmy and not yours. get back to your work! they screw up my mind. why are you scolding him always? you burden on this earth,where are you going inside? i have.. brought.. for sir.. what for sir? do you thinkhe is a cashier in bank? just stretch the handand take money.

no, sir, l..- listen.. i know very well the clevergirls like you! you have taken enough moneyfrom sir. - no sir. don't talk rubbish! yourmagic of your beauty.. ..will not work on our sir.go, get away from here. go away from here.- run. sir! - sir! why did reshma go like this? she has come here again for money.

myself and captain had givenher nice scolding that.. ..she will remember it life long.- yes sir. you two had.. what had happened to you, reshma? why are crying, tell? tell me. - come in, sir. why are you crying? see, sir have come! come sir, come.

reshma, come here. sir you.- this is my wife. she was crying all this time. idhris had said somethingto her, i.. she is very emotional.she has come there.. give you the sweet dish.i even stopped her. don't know if you eat thingsmade with our hands. why are you speaking like this? no son, this all happens.

then i didn't stopped her, thinkingthat she is a hindu. her real name is reshmi. her father used to teachin madrasa. - yes sir. they were our neighbours andwe lived like brothers. but then one-day terrorist cameand killed her parents. there was no one to look after her.she is our daughter now. the religion of humanityis the greatest of all. and you all have proved it. you have made this, isn't it?- yes sir, reshma.

come quickly. because of you, i amback to my studies. that's why i made this sweet dishfor you, tell you thanks. it's sweeter, this dish! 'this way, i had a good relationwith reshma's family.' 'one day i was going to cheetas,with my unit..' - sir. '..reshma came and gaveme a corn to eat.' 'but there was a chit in thatsaying some terrorist..' '..are hiding in the village.i arrested them.'

'because of this, we wereable to restrict..' '..many untoward incidencein the valley.' 'for this i got commendationcard from army headquarters.' 'sir!' 'to celebrate this occasion,many times..' '..i purchased her new clothesand earrings for her.' 'first she will come in frontof me wearing that and..' '..with some or theother excuses..' '..she will show it to me. istarted understanding that..'

'..she is attracted towards me.' 'that day when i was comingdown from forward room..' '..i met reshma.' sir, since very long i was waitingfor you. - what happened? i heard some of them speakingin the mosque.. .that some people are comingthis side, from that.. ..side of the mountain.come i will show you. 'i would have been buriedin the snow but reshma..' '..somehow, found me and tookme to cottage nearby.'

'cold has badly affectedme and my breath..' '..could have stopped any time.' 'but reshma did notlet happen this.' 'she served me wholeday and whole night.' reshma.- yes. reshma.- yes sir. sir, now how are you feeling? you were here whole night? sir, i couldn't leaveyou in this condition.

everyone at home willbe worried about you. and you would have beenabused in the village. my abuse is not greaterthan your life, sir. 'after hearing this, myheart started beating.' 'i knew very well thatshe is loves me..' '..but now, i too, washeading towards her.' 'but my duty stoppedme from going ahead.' 'i was a spy and she justa part of the network.' 'one a guy of major tyagi'snetwork mohjir kareemuddin..'

'..came from the other sideof the border to me.' what? we won't get information's.. ..from colonel hidayatulla's office. colonel's assistant kasimwho use to give us the.. ..information's, isbeing transferred. so what? somebody else musthave come in his place. he can give you the information's. no sir. kasim didn't gave me the.. ..information because of money.

he too, like me hadhatred for pakistan. because he is also called aspakistani mohajir, mohajir. after the partition, wemuslims left india and.. ..came to pakistan for makinga new nation for ourselves. but we were never knowing that.. pakistanis will treat us like this. they will not even give us a pieceof land to bury our body. mohajir. kareemuddin, i have a lotof sympathy for you.

idhrish.- thanks. cheers.- yes. sir, one more thing. colonel hidayatulla requiresa maid for his house. my niece was to come from peshawar. but all of sudden, myelder brother got ill. so she is not coming. so she is not coming. if we couldget a girl, who is ready.. do this job, then wecan get all information's.

'i agreed to kareemuddin forsending reshma there..' '..but from then oni became restless.' 'because i started lovingher and moreover..' '..there was no one else whocould do this perfectly.' 'because her behaviour was same..' ' that of thelocals over there.' 'so love has to bow down,for the sake of duty.' sir, what are you talking? how can i send her across border?

look, you know very well theposition of the border. we want information's from there. there is no one who coulddo this well than reshma. you don't worry, we willtrain her like a soldier. no sir, i can't push her in tothis danger. and above all sheis not my daughter.. ..she belongs to somebody else. moreover, people across theborder are like devils. who will marry her, ifsomething goes wrong?

you are right, but nothingof this kind will happen. we will be keeping an eye on her. why don't you understand, sir? whom all you will be ableto stop? she is a girl! your job will be done andyour country's also. but we will be ruinedif something goes.. ..wrong with the selfrespect of reshma. you don't worry, i will marry her,if something goes wrong. you are a very good manand i am indebt to you.

but then also, i can't pushher from the mountains. father, to fight for the nation.. not like fallingfrom the mountains. reshma, what are you saying? do you understand themeaning of crossing the border? father, when sir hasdone so much for us.. ..can't we do anything for him. but dear.- father. sir, i am ready to go.

you start my training. "you will not listen,even i don't listen." "you will not listen,even i don't listen.." "but you also know and even i know." "you loves me and ihave love for you.." "..and i feel this every time." ruksar. reshma. - yes. now your name is ruksar!

"eyes are like the mouthof the heart.." " says silently everything." "there is some bond betweenus, no matter.." "..we are near or awayfrom each other." "you said to me everythingwithout saying anything.." " touching me, for a moment." "the confusion in the breathing.." "..the beatings of the heart,have some secrets." you are among those fortunateones, those..

..who get the opportunityto serve their motherland. it's soldier's duty to defendhis country and self-respect. then comes self-defence and safety. all the best. "the unsaid story of the heartis spread all over." "all the winds."- "in all the directions." "it's being heard every where." hail mr. maulana! hail mr. maulana!hail mr. maulana! welcome sir.

sir, i couldn't understandhow you are being freed.. ..for the jail, all of sudden? every one knew that youare in islamabad's jail. political games are such thatone can't understand.. easily, colonel idayatulla,the truth can't be seen.. ..and what you seeingis not the truth. colonel idayatulla, therewas no other way than.. ..arresting me for the general,and my release.. the requirement of our kashmir.

i am very happy for thejob you have done.. ..for the sake of religionand the country. and as reward you arebeing assigned.. ..with two important tasks. i am lucky, sir. i takeoath, if required.. ..i will sacrifice my life of this. good, but both this tasksare more important.. ..than sacrificing your life.- yes sir. now look at this photographscarefully.

because of this man in disguise.. ..i couldn't get pakistan'snuclear bomb. otherwise, the kashmir wouldhave been in our hands today. he is an indian spy. heuses many names such as.. ..yakub ali, taleja, roshanlal, chakraborty.. ..and spy's against our pakistan. he has made our lives worse! we have information from ouragents in india, that.. .. these days he is posted onthe borders as major batra.

don't worry sir, we have got lotof our men, on the borders. we can locate him verysoon, in kashmir. who is that? sir, water to drink. we don't want.- all right. ruksar, you make arrangementsfor tea.. ..and will call you, if required,now go. - all right, sir. it's very important to know thewhereabouts of major batra.. ..otherwise we won't succeedin our mission.

the other important thingis that, to escape from.. surveillance,you should make a .. ..secret bunker, in which wecould make a big laboratory. what? the situation and the internationalpressure is.. much that, evenif pakistan wishes.. neither can drop theislamic bomb india.. ..nor they can give it to us,and all other ways are closed. so we have decided toliberate our kashmir..

..we will make the nuclearbomb ourselves. but how is that possible, sir? for that lot of money and moderntechnique is required. i know, i know. we are workingin this mission together. we should havefull knowledge about this. mr. jahir, can you tell them how.. ..we are going to makethe nuclear bomb. 'it's very important to know thewhereabouts of major batra..' '..otherwise we won't succeedin our mission.'

for making bomb we requireuranium 2350.7%.. ..and we will adjust it to 100%. there are only few countries who.. ..have this enrichment plant. and so it will take alot of years to make the bomb. you are right, and so wehave found another way. from any nuclear reactorcomes spenful. we can dissolve this spenfulin any chemical or.. ..pharmaceutical company andcan extract materials..

..plutonium and sr 90 from it.plutonium is very important. then mix it with a specialkind of chemicals.. ..and can store it in this kindof cylindrical container.. ..and smuggle them anywhere.. ..after keeping in unheeded boxes. hello, hello, kandhar. thus the procurement ofmaterial will be solved. hello kandhar, hello kandhar. hello kandhar, hello kandhar,send your message.

sir, she is on the line. lots of animals have gathered.. jungle and wantsblood to drink. they will be crossing theborders, be careful. your photographs will be sent. after that we require triggermechanism, safety device.. ..impulsion device, and controller. and to make them, wewill be requiring.. prints, evenfor the small parts.

over and out.- how are you? i am fine, over and out! what are you doing here? sir, i am washing the utensils. what was the so urgencyin washing this.. ..that you left the boilingtea and came here. i was washing plates, for breakfast. why are you so frightened? no, i am not frightened.- where is the transmitter?

with whom you were talking? believe me, i hadn'ttalked with any one. she will not tell like, search her. remove all her clothesand search her. stop! wasim! oh god! what nonsenseyou all are doing? mother.- keep quite! don't open your mouth! you areperhaps forgetting that.. islam, woman has beengiven the highest place. she is kept behind curtains,and you.. ..are removing her clothes. it'sshameful. and mr. maulana.. ..just by growing beard doesn'tbecome a true muslim! mother.- you just keep quite! it's shame on a muslim, ifhe can't respect a woman! come, dear. sister, it's not that we don'tknow to respect a woman. but we doubt that she is spy.she is a traitor.

no, no, i am not a traitor, i amnot a traitor, let them search. it's all right.- mr. khan! you may go now. you are right, reshma,absolutely right. but major's worry is also justified. you all of a sudden stoppedtalking on the transmitter. i talked to him twice today.he was very much worried. and he was talking aboutsome photographs. you didn't send him the photographs?

kareemuddin, the situationwas very worse, that.. ..i couldn't send it. andin a hurry to hide it.. ..the machine broke. but i have brought the camerain which all photographs are there. reshma, you have taken bigrisk, by coming here. it was very important to sendthis photograph, so, i came. sayara.- yes. i am going across the border.take care of children. but why now, all of a sudden?

it's very important to gonow, take care. - yes. reshma, you go back quicklyto colonel's house. - yes. and be careful, now noshould doubt you. ok. yes.- give it to me. rascal, you were fooling me.i knew this very well. my eyes are like x-ray machines! i wanted to catch you redhand. give it to me. reshma!- no. you rascal!

mother! sayara! mr. ishaq, bomb!- get away from the dynamite! reshma, you go! run! youdon't worry about me. you go. it's very importantto send the camera! you go! stop all of you there! otherwisei will kill him. - no. stop there! you traitor, scoundrel, leave him!

kareemuddin, whatever we are doing..'s for our muslim brothers. rascals! you are makingdisputes among muslims! and now you are callingthem brothers, rascal! you have never respected themuslims from india, rascals! and how are you talking aboutwhole muslims of the world follow that girl, shehas got camera. - go! basheer, a girl is headingtowards you. - are you all right? it's very important to catch her.

and we could much informationfrom her. hello sir, reshma isheading towards loc. she has got a camera with her. colonel's men are behindher and she is in danger. why can't you locate her till now? sir, her signal has been cut of. it is also located in the camera. sir, i am trying to connectit with the satellite. i got the location, sir.- where it is?

oh no! - now what has happened? the locator has been disconnected,sir. ok, but what was the last location? location was 270 degree, 11.4 kms. kasim, kasim, catch her!don't let her go away. now let me see, who will save her. is there anyone? isthere anyone left? mr. khan, the man behindsending reshma here.. ..and rescuing her was thatrascal major batra.

major batra! good evening ladies and gentlemen. all are welcome on the eve ofnew year, especially reshma.. ..who is our guest of honour.this beautiful girl has set.. example of bravery for others. and one more thing,today my nephew.. getting engagedwith girl he likes.. ..and it's none otherthan our reshma. well done, well done my boy.

what's the matter?- sir. sir, nothing of that sorthas happened with me.. ..that you have to forcefullymarry me. "the scorpions will bitethose who tell lies." "tell the truth, by takingthe oath of god, my dear." "there was a bird anda nightingale.." "..and said listen my beloved." "quickly my silent heart started.." "..saying that thelovers have come."

"all the birds fly awayto foreign countries." "you see what happens whenhearts join in love." "don't be in a hurry, walk slowly.." "..this heart has stoppedthe paths for you." "one should not go to marketwho does costing." are you happy? come with palanquin, my beloved. "..and said listen my beloved."- sir, there is a call for you. hello, hello.

hello mr. ajay chakraborty,alias taneja, alias batra! i will complete the counting which.. had left twice incomplete. three, congratulationson your engagements! four, congratulations,for your death! then what happened, arun? i jumped into water to save reshma. but in that heavy flow of water.. was impossibleto rescue anyone.

the flow threw me to theedge of the river.. ..and don't know how reshma's.. ..bangle came into my hands,but i couldn't find her. more than hundred peopleswere killed. and many bodies werenot even recovered reshma's name was in thelist of dead ones. but my heart was saying thatshe is alive, somewhere. i wanted to search her. but my duty didn't giveme sufficient time.

it was clear from the camera,which reshma brought.. ..after risking her life, thatisahq and maulana were.. ..not in jail and are on theborders seriously planning.. ..something against our country. and to know that planwas very important. so we made a plan. andas per this plan.. ..i was declared deadon every t.v. channels. because ishaq khan wishedfor my death. cheers! - cheers!

now, it was not only mine, butit was of whole department.. take revenge ofall the dead ones.. ..and expose ishaq khan. sir, this is the flag of pakistan,throw it away! flag is the respect of thepeople of a country. and our war is not with the people,but with the extremist. 'this rascal is still alive!' where the hell is he? where is ishaq khan?

he is collecting itemsto kill india! till we are calm, you will bethere alive. but once, if our.. ..head goes wild, you will findonly cremation centers here! understood! sir, sir, this is a floppyand it contains.. ..all important information of isi. sir, here is floppy. you will find nothingin this floppy! i wanted to become a martyr for god!

what could be purer than that? you will never be ableto find ishaq khan! you will never find him. andgod is with us in this fight! sir, surely it must containinformation regarding ishaq. god is always with the honest. this is surprising, sir. wewere searching only ishaq. but here we got informations ofmany other terrorist camps. there are some messagesfor ishaq khan, sir! decode it. - yes sir, butit will take some time.

then get it done.- yes sir, i am trying, i am trying. well done arun, youhave proved that.. ..situation is veryminor and man is big. you have stood like a walleven after facing a storm. though you have lostyour reshma for ever. reshma hasn't left me sir, sheis with me every moment. she is with me. "scorpions will bite andeat those telling lies." that day i was doing convoyingand saw body..

..amidst water, on top of a stone. it must have come with thewaves, it was a girl. i took her to hospital.. ..where she wasunconscious for three days. i could know from her.. ..that she was from kashmir,in india. her name is reshma. the same day of this accident.. ..she was engaged to anindian army officer. 31st december, the bhullerlake party accident.

does she know that she had.. ..flown with the waterinto pakistan? she was very frightened whenshe came to know this. but mother has convinced her. you hadn't informedto police, isn't it? no father, both thegirl as well as we.. ..will be in trouble ifwe inform the police. as it is he is an indian. she couldn't bear the death ofher fiancã©e and her parents.

she has been hysterical. she has become paralyzed becauseof the shock. - oh! i have talked to dr.shaheen in canada.. ..and have even sent a fax,but, let us see. may god bless you, youhave done a good job. it's god's grace and will todo this act of humanity.. ..during this holy month of ramzan. it's you. dear, this is salman's fatherand came from quetta today.

dear, salman has talkedto the doctor in canada. that's fine, there she can betreated for her legs also. salman, do this goodjob quickly and.. ..arrangements for hertreatment in canada. also, it's not safe to keephere in pakistan for longer. sir, the messages are being decoded. so ishaq has gone tocanada via ukraine. arun, you will have to go tocanada in search of ishaq. "the birds made such a sound.."

"..the birds made sucha sound that.." "..that my memories are back,that memories are back." "some sound has comeout of my heart.." "..some sound has comeout of my heart.." "the guns of memoriesstarted firing." "the wanderers sang song asthey crossed the streets." "all of them strugglingin the world of love." "some them were lovers andsome of the crazy lovers." "the place where i keptall my sadness.."

"..helplessness andall the bangles." "..helplessness andall the bangles.." ", i have opened that box." zakaria.. afghanistan, pakistan.. ..he will help to findout ishaq khan. listen, make sure thatthis contract.. ..of mr. john is there on time. "neither i am unfaithful,nor is he unfaithful."

"you are as a god in my heart." "you didn't do the right thing.." "a 'bulbul' cries for her father.." reshma, reshma. salman! salman! he is alive.sir is alive. see this, i have made thiswith my own hands for him. no reshma, you are mistaken.try to understand. this kind of muffleris many in the world. no salman, this is the same muffler.

i have made this withmy own hands for him. reshma, think where indiais and where canada is? salman, it's the same mufflerand he is alive! it's very nice that youhave brought me here. i will be ever grateful to you. salman, please help me,i want to search him. if it's reshma's illusion, thenlet it be. didn't you see.. much her legs haveimproved in one week. is there so much strength in love?

love? where are you?- nothing. let's go and see her. good evening reshma, howare you feeling today? doctor, how many moredays it will take? relax, reshma you arerecovering very fast. you don't know doctor howi have stopped myself.. ..after knowing that he is alive.please cure me fast. i will search him out somehowonce i am on my feet.

stop sir, stop! all security camerasof zakaria factory.. ..are connected from here, sir. check the spleenful andtake it to the left. look at this. careful!- sorry sir. if it breaks, it will kill us will spread radiation. dorji, they are dealing withthe radioactive material. you show me the way to the lab and..

..of any changing room also.- yes sir. papa, papa. shaheen, what are you doing here? papa, this ridiculous, i had alot problems with securities.. ..for bringing my doctorfriends inside. - why? you didn't add our namesin the appointment list. i am so sorry, please.- anyway. actually, they wanted toask you something about.. .. cancer research centre, which..

..they are going to open in india.- sure. sir, actually this is a charityhospital for the pure. charity for the pure.- yes sir. i am always there, whetherits india or pakistan. excuse me sir, call for you.- excuse me. hello.- this is ishaq khan speaking. there is a call from imtiazuncle, i will be back. take them to the boardroom.- yes sir. come soon.- definitely.

ok. - please come. excuse me, hold on. mr. zakaria, the trigger.- one minute, one minute. tell ishaq, where are you?- kalgury. what's the progress report? the job of trigger mechanismhas been completed. and now we are findingout the ways.. make the rest ofthe parts of nukes. but there is one major problem.

the two persian nuclear scientistwhich you had sent.. ..has come out as a big zero. they don't have any knowledge and.. ..they did not succeed ingetting the blue prints. they are afraid of. the situation has changedafter 11th september. things are not easy now. easy or tough, we have to do it,and remember one thing.. ..if we don't get the blue prints..

..then all the hard work donetill date will be a waste. and the mission will unsuccessful. tell me the positionof the materials. the process is on. one moreshipment of spenful has come. now we can extract theplutonium very soon. bye, take care. mr. wahim, i want to talk to you. please come out of the lab. yes sir. - listen wahim.

it's going wrong? the two persian scientistwhich you had given me, are useless. i am extremely sorry for that, sir. now, we have to search for someother nuclear scientist. there might some pakistan'snuclear scientist, find him. it's very important to findout the blue prints. i will try my best sir.- good. sir, move two floors up andthen take a right turn. it's very risky to go now,it's their working time.

ok, fine, tell me at whattime this lab closes. closing time?- shut of time. midnight 1 o'clock, gst.- ok. please send the engineerimmediately. ccd circuit has been spoiled. how long it will take?- 10 minutes. oh no! help! bloody hell! that's total radiation.

which idiot has let thatchap into the lab? he has spoiled everything! clear up! no, no, it's not done. withouta definite proof.. cannot enteranybody's premises. he is a big shot in thistown, he can sue us. remember one thing, he deals with.. active materials.this reason is not enough.. keep him on surveillance. hehas got the license for that. he manufactures radio activeisotopes which helps.. the treatment of cancerradiation therapy. we are cooperating with you,but that does not mean that.. can take lawinto your own hands. you mus not enter anybody's premiseswithout our consent. you need to have sufficientproof, officer. - ok. it's surprising that no one willgo to anybody's premises.. ..will not do surveillancewithout any proof.. ..will not photograph, can't recordanything, surprising. but, then also we should find ishaq!

amazing kind of cooperation of law! don't worry, i havegot one more way. slowly, take support, very good. you have improved a lot in a month. this is amazing, reshma. truly, there is lotof effect of love. i think someone has come intoyour life. - maybe, perhaps. tell me one thing, canyou search him out.. .. all alone in such a big city.

how can one be away fromone's own shadow? forget about me, i feellike some day.. ..he himself will comehere in search of me. sometimes i feel like heis entering the hospital. and he is coming towards metaking long, long steps. like he will open the doornow and come inside. come in. dr. shaheen.- yes. this man is here to see you,he is in the waiting room.

ok. wahid! i will see you tomorrow, ok. wahid, wahid. what a pleasant surprise,how come you, here? why? you were missing me, isn't it? 'what will you name for thecraziness pulling me towards her' she is calm even aftercommitting a murder. what you will callfor this of simplicity. you wahid, it's really strange.

we met one month before, andit's like of yesterdays.. ..became friends and today it'slike life is full of you. wahid you know, eversince i met you.. ..i just don't know what'shappening to me. every moment i feel like youare with me, near to me. sometimes i feel like laughingand sometimes to dance. and sometimes, just to sitand keep looking at you. i am gone crazy. the samecraziness which.. ..i have seen in reshma.- reshma?

yes, my pakistani patient,she is very cute. come, let's go and meet her. what a nice hospital!- thank you. this is the room. reshma, reshma. hello,where is reshma? she left with mr. solomon, but.. ..should be back again this evening. amazing! she has gone. from the time she is able to walkshe is in search of her lost love.

she says how can onesit peacefully, when.. .. one losses their love,in this jungle. sometimes, destiny makes us tosit like that. and there are some peoplewho doesn't get even time.. search out their loved ones. well, i have got a gift for you. it's beautiful, that's forsure, the man's taste. and my little daughter wantsto settle down with him. father, you will behappy meeting wahid.

you know, he is justso handsome, caring.. ..intelligent. he is justpure genius. - i am sure. even though he is from indonesia.. ..he speaks such good urdu.- really. he writes poetry, you know.- really. you know father, one morething about him.. i get it, i get it. iunderstand very well. how can he be bad, when mydaughter has chosen him? what's his name?- wahid.

wahid.- yes. and what does he do? he is working for acl,since last eight years. he is a senior scientist overthere. - you mean quebec? you mean, he is a seniornuclear scientist in.. ..atomic energy of canada limited. yes, i told you he is a genius. great, why don't you call him.. the party we arehaving next weekend?

that will be great!- why not? let me see what kind ofmagic this genius plays. now, don't be mean father. anything for my daughter. well, very good. i have become your patientwithin a short period of time. yours style is great andshaheen was right. you have a very goodcommand of urdu.. ..even after being an indonesian.

sir, i wish that in this world,if there is a language, then.. should be urdu, if religion,its islam, it means peace. good, very good. god bless you.- amen. i have said.. go ahead. "there is no language like urdu." "there is nothing like love." wow! wow! "if you are strong withyour honesty.."

"there is nothing stronglike muslims." good, nice one, very good! come let's have a drink. sir, i don't drink. islamdoes not permit this. you are absolutely right. but, we have to take sometimes,because..'s very cold here, andsometimes snow falls. yes you are right, absolutely right. and there is one poem on snow.shall i recite? - sure.

"the snow is falling,the snow is falling.." "..and there is no drink in hand." there is no drink in hand? "just pour into my mouth, idon't have anything to do." your secretary is small in height,but speaks big things. you say anything, but beingin foreign country.. ..we have to adapt some ofits cultures and manners." no father, this is not true,one comes more closer.. his motherland, once heis away from it. - really.

yes. first example is wahidand second is solomon. hi solomon.- hello sir, how are you? good.- hi. - hi. father, can i steal wahidaway from you for a little while. yes, yes, i was about to go, but.. ..i have to talk to himsomething important. you don't worry, we will havelunch together. - promise. promise.- ok. father, did you like him?

yes, not good.- what? he is great! i have told you about mypakistani patient reshma. yes, now how is she? she is fine, almost well now. she has been dischargedfrom the hospital. now, she is able to walk,it's shaheen's magic. it's not my magic, it's of her love. i have always believed that love.. a kind of hormonal imbalance. but after meeting reshma, ilearned that love is divine. i always wondered if i couldever find this king of love. ..and i met you.- and one more magic happened. by the way, where is she? actually, i wanted you to meet her.but to find her lost love.. ..she has gone with some solomon'sfriends to misusage. there is some meeting of the agents. i am so disappointed you, know.

come on shaheen, try to understand. try to understandwhat he's going through. that day when we were in mall.. shaheen, see who hascome to meet you! uncle imtiaz! come, i will introduce youto everyone. - yes, yes. meet him, he is uncle imtiazand stays in london. and this is mr. niaz andstays in malaysia. and this is our today's specialvip mr. wahid khan.

wahid khan? the nuclear scientist. we were discussingabout you recently. very glad to meet you. i am also very glad to meet you. but not as me! good mr. wahid, you arevery interesting person. but, have we met before? your face.. faces often cheat us, onlythe mirror speaks truth. wow!

mr. wahid recites poemvery nicely. - is it so? then recite some mind-blowing poem. yes, mr. wahid, please recite. let the atmosphere become hot.. ..then see, what all i have to say. and what all you will listen. hello ishaq khan! what is it? "don't make me drunkardwith your sweet eyes."

"you don't make a musliminto a kaphir." "in love, you are takingthe help of eyes.." "..instead of mouth, youare talking of someone.." "..and takes the nameof someone else." sir, say something. "you may be king or queen,but i never salute." "whether it's beautiful ladyor a liquor bottle.." "..i am not a slave to anyone!" sir, if you want to say anything,speak openly.

i said, say what you want openly. why are you making excuses? you too, bow your head infront of beautiful ladies. "the head shouldn't bow, so.." what i am going to say now,neither no one.. ..has said this before norany one has heard it. what will you do forthe blue prints? "the head where it doesn't bow,that are not the doors." "and which bows in frontof all doors.."

"that cannot be called as head." who is he, what is he, he .. ..will tell the truthafter drinking this. "they are some whoopen their mouth.. soon as the liquors gets in.." "i drinks heavily,i drinks heavily.." "..but never speaks anythingafter getting drunk." how is it, if you could getthe blue prints of the bomb? i am not an enemy, buta friend of yours.

you are not satisfied, ishaq. still you are searching theinformations regarding wahid. mr. zakaria, i have only oneprinciple in life and it is to.. ..collect the information firstand then meet the concern person. whole night we weredoing the same thing. he has joined acl, before eightyears, four months and three days. his father is pakistaniand mother indonesian. and his bio data.. bio data's can be made newalso. don't know why..

..sometimes i feel likewahid's face.. ..has the similarityof ajay chakraborty. oh my god! what are youtalking about, mr. ishaq. that indian spy hasdied months before. by now, his bones must haveeaten by fish, in the ganges. what i feel is that, godhas sent wahid to us.. solve the problemof blue prints. mr. maulana, all thesethings are not so easy. the very first question iswhy he wants to help us.

secondly, how he knowsall our secrets. and thirdly, if he knowsall our secrets.. ..instead of hiding, whyis he exposing to us? actually what doeshe expect from us? don't worry, if there isanything suspicious.. will be taken care of. you were telling right, sir.- what? that they will come before sunrise,they are coming, sir. good morning dear, good morning.

good morning, you all here! it's a surprise for you. but, i am very glad to see youexercising, even i was.. ..interested in exercise sincechildhood, isn't it mr. maulana. you are absolutely right sir, iam surprised that our interest.. ..and hobbies matches a lotwith that of mr. wahid. yes, yes, you are right. sir, there is the instrumentand the voice too so let it begin. then why don't you all joinus and do some exercise..

..while talking with mr. wahid. yes, yes, why not? you lift this one. mr. maulana, be careful.- slowly, slowly, it's heavy. mr. wahid, you have hiddenevery thing from us and.. my exercise has been completed.. ..and it's time for jogging,excuse me. mr. wahid, but.- jogging, sir. see, he is very disciplined,he never takes breaks..

..from his routine, andno excuses for that. no problem, we will waitin the coffee shop. and talk to him after jogging. sorry sir, today you can'ttalk to him because.. there is a conferencein the company at 11 o'clock.. ..and it will run up till in theevening. and in the evening.. ..he is having party withthe nuclear scientists.. ..coming from new york, andtomorrow he is going out. you can meet him only on wednesday.

wednesday? but listen to us. if you want to talk, come with me,we can talk while jogging. jogging? dear wahid, dear wahid, stop! he has gone outside, in the snow. come let's go. - out side?then i have to change over. you have got atleast hair onyour head to save yourself.. ..i don't have even that. and ifyou go on worry for your clothes.. ..then you won't be left with any oneeven the one you are wearing now.

come. - come. dear, at least listen,dear wahid, stop. wahid, listen. mr. maulana'sheard has been operated. and it is very dangerousfor him to run. look at his condition. who has asked mr. maulana to run? no, i just simply ran. come mr. maulana, let's run again. wait a moment, i want to talkto him something important.

dear wahid, tell us frankly,how do you know.. ..all this about us? i am also a soldier of kashmirand has the same purpose.. ..for the purpose of kashmir,for which you all are fighting. very good, dear our purpose is same.. ..let's take oath thatwe will take rest.. ..only after liberatingkashmir from kaphir. let us shake hands. excuse me sir, with this planof mr. ishaq, i don't think..

..that we can liberate kashimir.- what did you say? what do you think that i don'tknow that you hired.. ..two persian scientistand they couldn't.. ..get the blue prints. younever thought that if.. ..they were caught, yourwhole empire and.. ..our plan of freedom wouldhave come to an end. you are right. one minute, one minute, it'svery easy to talk like this. can you get us the blue printsfor making the parts of bomb?

that's very easy, buti don't want to do it.. the company of stupidpersons like you. don't say like that my dear. henceforth, you make all the plans.- you are right. dear wahid, one moreimportant thing.. ..shaheen likes you,you too, like her. why don't we convert thisfriendship into relationship? this, you will havefull trust on us.. ..and for such a big job,trust is most important.

what? you will have to marryzakaria's daughter, but why? there is no other way, sir.i will have to marry her.. know from where theyare getting the materials.. ..for making bomb, whatlinks do they have with.. ..foreign nations and what aretheir dangerous intentions. i won't be able to foolthem, for longer. ok arun, i understand, anyway,take care of yourself. because, i know well thetorments you will be.. ..undergoing with this marriage.

sir, the heart has gone with reshma. now nothing affects me. sir, you come here as soon as possible,because i want immediately.. ..the things i have asked fromthe canadian government. yes of course, it will be done.- thank you, bye. "..and she said listen my beloved." "saying that the lovers have come." "congratulations,on your marriage.." "..and for these horses,elephants and music's."

"the bride and bridegrooms,are the life partners.." "..and whom am i, just aguest in this marriage." "there was a bird and a nightingaleand she said listen my beloved." reshma. i am telling you nowalso to stay back. there is a morningafter every night. if you think i am eligible for you.. ..i would like to becomeyour life partner. salman, the girl who will marryyou will be very lucky.

but i can't do this.. ..becauselove happens only once.. ..and i have lost it. excuse me madam, mr.solomon, you need to come with us. is there any problem? just a couple of questions.. ..which you have to followup here, please. just give me a second. i will come just now.

i never thought that life would.. .. ever bring us, at this juncture. now, don't wait for me,settle your life. i am making you very muchunhappy, isn't it? sadness is given tothe most loved ones. reshma, where were you? these policemen simply harass.come, let's go. shaheen, shaheen, listen to me? i don't want to hear,anything from you.

you have cheated me.- shaheen. thousands will be killedwith the nuclear bombs. shaheen, you willhave to support me. no matter how powerful you are.. cannot hurt me in anyway. no, my father can't be like this. you will know the truth within twenty-four hours. i don't require twenty-four hours. i will go and ask father, right now.

you will not talk to anyonefor twenty-four hours. i am sorry. dear wahid, is everything fine? why had you called ushere at midnight? you should have been athome, by this time. you wife, shaheen willbe waiting for you. shaheen can wait for me,but not our aim. really, you have got avery good son-in-law. dear, anyhow you getus the blue print.

being the head of isi, at leastuse your head once in a while. what if we get the blue prints? we are not making any crackers! it will take at leastten years to develop it. and the way the world is changing,don't know.. ..what will happen tothe freedom of kashmir. and by this time, whatwill happen to you.. ..and mr. maulana, what about you? you are right dear, butwe don't any other way.

there is a way, sir. if we could get readymade parts of bomb.. .then its only a matterof assembling. the parts are not sold on thestreets, to get it so easily! those who have strong will.. ..they talk of sky andnot of the streets. oh my god! i don't believethis. this is all real. this controller, thissafety device, amazing! well done! you have done afantastic job. - thank you sir.

isn't it, mr. ishaq? mr. ishaq, at least cheer up now. we should celebratelike our festival id. it's all right, but mr. wahid,these parts are not sufficient. if i had the whole parts,then by this time.. ..kashmir would have been liberated. never mind, in a couple of months.. i will get the rest ofthe parts of the bomb. i am proud of my son,i am proud of you.

mr. zakaria, why don't wesend these parts where.. ..our other materials are kept. yes.. yes.. why not, wahid.- after all we are one. shall we send?- i too wish the same. mr. zakaria, is this your secretplace. - yes, my dear. this is made on the highest point,secondly there is a.. .. underground railway station.and because it is tourist spot.. ..nobody doubts it, and somaterials are safe and sound. mr. ishaq, in a couple of dayswe will be getting the.. of the parts ofthe bomb. but tell me.. will you launch it. willyou throw it by your hands? you are joking. i have gotmany friends in other.. ..countries who have got theparts of launching pads. we will take parts from them andwill assemble in pakistan. that's fine, but what is thekv of motor, pay load area.. ..fuel gauge, its very importantto know all about this. and if all this doesn't matchwith our parts, then.. wahid is right. this is thecorrect advice. absolutely right.

mr. ishaq, tell him regarding this. connecting, ok. alert interpol, immediately. hello mr. abdul kattar, hello mr.abdul kattar, greetings. greetings. by the way, mr. abdul kattar,would you please.. ..let me know the kvaof the rocket motor? kva of the rocket motoris sixteen hundred. please inform this palestiniangovernment..

..about this immediately.- yes madam. tell me mr. sherwani, whatwill be the gauge of the.. ..outer body of a part of rocketlauncher you are sending? it is 2.3 which hasthe resistant power.. ..of 800 kms per hour and alsohowever smooth is the body. thank you, mr. sherwani. greetings, mr. ishaq, iam abdullah speaking.. it's an emergency, we havegot a message that.. wahid is not a nuclearscientist of acl.

he is an indian spy, mr.ajay chakraborty. i repeat that mr. wahid is nota nuclear scientist of acl. yes mr. abdulla, mr. wahidwants to know about.. ..the pay load of therocket launcher. you rascal, indian spy! he has gone to hell. what the hell have you done? remove the materials of thenuclear bomb from here.. ..and load it on the helicopter.

from where this have come.- my god! soldiers. forget the helicopters, lets goin the train, come. - come. come, make it fastand take the boxes! come on fast, towards the platform! take your positions. be careful. ishaq! stop! if anyone moves,i will kill everybody! take over the train!

move a side, keep your heads down. go that side, move. hey come here. i will shoot you. go. leave me! stop the train,father, stop the train. please stop the train, open thedoor, i want to talk to you. shaheen, sheeheen. come on.

come on, let's follow them! idhris, be careful! keep the englishmenaway from indians! come on, move, move, come on. shaheen, how did you come here? what the hell is goingon here, father? what's happening all this? these are all because of wahid.he is a traitor. he is an agent fromindian government..

..and an enemy to us. wahid is not the enemy,but you are the enemy.. ..of humanity.- dear shaheen. no, what are you saying? you are misunderstanding us, child. this is our jihad for theliberation of kashmir.. ..against indian governmentand their injustice. rubbish, these are all rubbish.and you should be.. .. ashamed of yourself tocall yourself muslims.

because of few muslims like you,rest of the muslims.. ..all over the world, areashamed and blamed for. they curse us and lookat suspiciously. i ask you that what kindof jihad is this.. are killing openlyinnocent people! when you will understandthe meaning of jihad! jihad means to kill thedevil inside, father! to kill the devil in you dad! stop talking rubbish.- ishaq!

zakaria, ask your daughterto keep quite.. ..otherwise i willpull of her tongue. are you all right sir.- yes dorji, speak. they have hijacked the train. and all the passengersare made hostages, sir. what? i am coming right now? ishaq! you are dead. father, still there is time,please surrender. mr. zakaria, your daughteris talking too much!

shaheen is kid and not matured. i will make her understand! hold your fire,hold your fire, stay aground. targets are not visible, repeat,targets are not visible. they have got nukes, so let them go. the terrorists are usingthe hostages as a shield. try to aim them, shoot them down! no sir, it's not possibleto help them. they covered themselvesamong the people.

i want to talk to ishaq khan.- ok. i will connect you totelephone in the train. ishaq khan! you have been surroundedfrom all the four sides. you can't escape from here. no never, and you willhave a death of insult. no! don't kill innocent people! now your only one man isdead and you have shaken.

we can kill all your men,because we have.. active chemicals. wecan spread the radiations. ishaq khan! what do you want? we want free passage.- let me speak. not possible, not possible, wecan't give you free passage! listen to me, this is zakaria,we have no enemity.. ..with the people of canada.our struggle is against.. ..the oppression of the indiangovernment in kashmir. mr. kapoor, accept our demands to.. these innocent peoples. shaheen, try to understand thesituation, please shaheen. from the next station, weneed a bus to take us.. the nearest airport. and then a aircraftfor our safe passage. do you accept our demands?- no, we will not. for time being, we have toabort the mission, sir. no, sir, we can't abort, sir. it's my country, my people andi cannot leave them die!

mr. ishaq, give us some timeto talk to higher authority. we will be back to you. but don't follow us! abort, abort. god please help us. oh great. he is going to createproblem for us. soon you will see whatan indian can do. no! - stop him.

no. no. you can't kill them like this! run, everybody run! no. no. please. please let us go, please let us go. why are you hurting people?-oh shut up! close the door, no one shouldbe allowed to go out. shaheen, move, what areyou doing, shaheen. shaheen!

dear shaheen! is there anyone whocan save my child? father, you should tellto wahid that.. ..whatever he has done, was right. don't leave me. wahid. shaheen, shaheen. shaheen. please forgive me, shaheen.

you cheaters! you scoundrels, you can't cheat me! i still hundred hostages with me. i will kill them one by one. then why don't you kill! you can kill only these twoafter giving money to.. ..missionaries, you can eventtouch them, because your.. is in theirpockets out of debts. and these stupid englishmen got frightened and..

..could not understand thatyou have killed the indians! and you are also an indian! shoot him! every one, move out of here,quickly, fast. get out of the train, fast. hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!- stop the train. where has maulana gone? maulana! oh god!

forgive me, forgive me. to forgive you, you rascal! first mistake is done unknowingly.. ..and he devil if he doesfor the second time. and committing mistake aftermistake is pakistan! and the one who forgives everymistake is our india! but now, india hasstopped forgiving! hail india.- idhris! this time you will not escape.

it's sure that i will die,but i will take you also. you will sacrifice yourself. no. you can make people foolin the name of religion.. ..and can ask to sacrificetheir life by the name of god.. .. but you will notsacrifice yourself.. ..because you know well thatthis way, you will not get heaven. in which religion itis written to take the lives.. ..of other for ones own happiness. stop talking rubbish! iam not afraid of death.

i'll leave you in such condition.. ..that it will be impossibleto cremate you. i will break it off. you don'tknow that i am in a habit.. ..of playing with the storms. you might have playedwith the storms, but.. ..i have nurtured the storm. theone who is afraid will die.. ..and i live after the death. no! no! because ishaq khan wasburied in the snow..

..the atmosphere was not affectedwith the radiations. but i could escape from its effect. though my life was savedbecause of the antidote.. ..but it took two full yearsin hospital, to be normal. zakaria not only surrenderedbut also gave the.. ..informations aboutof other terrorists. thus i won the war, ofcountry and of life. but i lost a lot. arun, my heart is saying thatreshma must not have..

..settled herself and mustbe waiting for you. now cheer up! dorji! stop the vehicle. dorji, you hadn't replied my e-mail. sir, when i came to know that you.. ..are coming straight awayto kashmir in this flight.. ..then its understood thatyou will go to her village. so i thought of giving you..

..all the informationson the way itself. what kind of information? the information is that reshma.. in pakistan with solomon.and when i went to pakistan.. ..searching her, she gaveme this letter for you. sir, i have always read aboutyou, and i am very happy.. ..that you are respectedso much everywhere. i am very thankful to godfor you have succeeded.. your aim and i found myhappiness. bye, take care.

how was this? i thought of showing my abilities.. this very intelligent spy. you were joking.

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