
watch home alone 4 full movie in english

Thursday, December 21, 2017

we have really got very late. what is this? we werewaiting for you since 9o'clock. we left on time but suddenlyit started raining heavily. that is why weare totally drenched. you will feel cold so come inside. take this shiv and wipe your head. thanks buddy. here take this nisha.-thanks. seeta, come here for a minute.

you sit and talk and i willgo and make arrangements for food. no problem. oh no..kanta get a candle. i will just get it. greetings.. i have kept the candle. okay, keep one at the door also. okay, madam. shiv, will you take a drink.

he does not drink.-of course get a big peg. hello.. sorry shiv, you weresupposed to come to my house. actually my wife'shealth deteriorated.. i have to takeher to the hospital. do one wait outside the house.. ..and we are reaching soon. are you joking? no, i am not joking buddy.

i am really in the hospital. and the keys ofthe house are with me. don't feel bad. i willreach and explain everything. what happened? he is saying thathe is in the hospital. i think he is pullingour lg and making us scared. hey i got scared and have urinated. come on, enough of joking.come out as we are hungry. yes, both of you come out quickly.

dinesh.. geeta.. kanta bai.. where are you all? phone..-answer it.. kanta bai.. yes. we are leaving. are you leaving?

at least drinkblood before leaving. be careful. mother.. oh mother, i am feeling scared. will you drink blood hot or cold? oh mother.. shiv.. nothing will happen. keep quiet. somehow we will escape from here.

she is coming towards us.we will leave from the other side. she is coming this way. oh god, save us. oh god.. oh god, today ourlife will not be spared. i saw a witch without a face. sheput lemon and chili and has vanished. someone twistedmy neck and killed me. who killed you? a ghost.

how did you feelafter seeing a ghost? what kind of question is this? he was a scary ghost. was there only a ghostor witch was also there? tell us. it was a real ghost. hey friends, do not watch horrormovies at night before going to sleep. do you why do wehave horror dreams? because of this house.

house.. not because of this house butbecause of the sea behind the house. ghosts and witches come from there. shiva.. madam..-yes. your friend has come. hi. hey, hi.. how come you arrived suddenly?

today is birthday of myrelative so i am going there. today my daughter has turned 18. even my son has become young. so you mean he has matured. he has become very tall. my son is a cameraman. is he a photographer? he shoots horror serials ofmother-in-law and daughter-in-law. he is very popular.

in childhood he wasvery scared of ghosts. isn't he scared now?-does a person ever change? come up and see how brave he is. this is the room of my son. after seeing all this not only ghost.. ..but even a human beingwill be scared of going in his room. come inside. i feel this is theroom of a tantrik. after seeing this room you feel asif this room belongs to a tantrik.

but i feel as if i havegiven birth to a tantrik. look at his bed. these many lemons must notbe there in the vegetable market.. are hanging on the bed of my son. leave this.look at the show store here. you will get slipperof every color and design. people put photographs of beautifulgirls and he hangs old slippers. and that also under thephotograph of my husband. sometimes i feel during pregnancyi crossed lemon and chili.

don't be sad onsuch a small matter. come i will show you more. i am going to tell you a secret. and keep it within you as a secret. look, this is raghav'sand your god's photo raghavendra. lord ganesha.. lord hanuman.. lord shiva.. lord swami narayan..

lord krishna.. among all other gods he madehim also sit here. now you tell me. are you confused with so little?look behind. what is it?-not behind you but at the back, stupid. is there a small childin your house who wears diapers? these diapers belong to my son. does he wear diaper in this age? what should i tell you? every sunday he watches horrormovie with neighbor's children.

after seeing the horrorscenes he urinates. no one should come to knowthat is why he wears diaper inside. it becomes a prestige issue. diaper means.. this is my protector. if you feel scaredthen put it on time. i do not know why peoplemake fun when i wear it. tell me; doesn't helook strange in a diaper? he is not a supermanwho wears underwear on top.

do you know what musthe be doing at this time? he must be watching a horrormovie of ghosts and witches. you come and sit on your place. where is my seat?you all are sitting on my place. where should i sit? there is so much space hereand there. you can sit anywhere. i always sit in the centre. if i sit in the centre then youwill also remain safe. otherwise go. raju, brother worriesabout us more than our parents.

hey, he is not talkingabout safety but his safety. he is a coward. you have come for the first time. justsee the fun once the movie starts. come on, shift and make place forbrother. come, brother sit down now. good, you have learntgood manners in my company. if anyone feels scaredthen he can come closer to me. sit closer to me. now just watch. as the movie hasstarted the real show will begin. i have not done anything.

leave me. did you see? he has startedperspiring because of fear. though he is perspiringbut i can smell urine. he has urinated. but the floor has not become wet. it cannot be becausehe is wearing a diaper. if this is the case then whydo you come here to watch a movie? i come here to see his show. i have seen repeat telecastof the movie four times on cable.

here comes theheroine of the movie. i have never seen sucha beautiful witch in my life. look, he thinks thewitch is beautiful. go and marry her. stupid boy. i will show you theclimax of the movie. raj, hurry up and throwthe flour on my face. what is this? save me mother. i am dead. the siren of the movie has buzzed.quickly finish your coffee.

when that monkey comesthen i will have to catch him.. a juggler otherwisehe will jump on you. finish your coffee quicklyand go and stand there. hurry up. come, come.. stupid, i asked you to stand there. a lizard fell on me. that is why i askedyou to stand away. now keep this dinosaur down. dear son,come down, your mother is here.

okay. you are in aunt's lap.-good morning aunty. get down.idiot, rascal.. during day he watches horror movies.. ..and at night scaresme by becoming a ghost. what should i do about him? the attack of ghost has started. now starts the attack of witch. now of dracula..

save me..hey fatty switch on thelight. i don't want to see any movie. you first switch on the light.switch it on. even an enemy shouldnot get such a son. oh god why did yougive me a son like this? my back.. he is making me move like a rollerand is now rolling on the bed. which witch touched me? why are you shoutingand scaring me? hey stupid, am i scaring you?

why are you spoiling my sleep, mother?-idiot i want to go to washroom. come i will take you. don't be scared, mother.there is no ghost.. i can go alone to the washroom.i am a brave boy. hey, have you grown so big?-yes. do you have thecourage to go alone? i may be courageous ornot but i do not need you. what are you talking?

i will come with you.-what is this mother? everyone teases me by saying that youstill need mother to go to washroom. you spoilt my reputation. it was just a slipof tongue by mistake. you have done a lot of publicity. have i got an oscar award? from today i will go to wash roomalone. just see how brave i am. don't try to be smart. go,go..let me see how brave you are. and then don't ask me likechildren to sing a lullaby.

i am not going to sing. you are my mother sothat is why i am quiet. otherwise my mood is very i will sing a song for you. ghost, come and scare me. come, come..if you have thecourage then come and scare me. did you see how courageous i am? didn't i go alone? from today your duty of comingwith me to wash room is over. now go to sleep.-hey, wait my son.

let me go and confirm.-go ahead. he must have done something wrong. he must have hanged lemonand chili in the bathroom. ghost.. why are you so coward, mother? hey, what are you doingin the bathroom so late at night? i am bathroom's evening i joined. i had heard about watchman for ahouse but what is bathroom's watchman. madam, why can'tbathroom have a watchman?

earlier i was a watchmanat the bungalow. many dogs used to urinateon the walls of the bungalow. and i used to makethem run from there. that is why instead of so manydogs i keep a watch on one person. as it is sir sings while urinating. mother, from today he is my atm.-is he your atm? anytime mobile watchman. he will always be attached with me. raghav.-mother.

only you can dosuch intelligent work. thank you and now go to sleep.hey, get on to your duty. yes sir.when will you come next? when i will not be able to control.-okay. we did we have become number1. i cannot believe it. come, suresh. you have won my heart. by making a hit show you have made mychannel number 1 from second position.

you are simply great. this cannot happen. -good morning.-good morning. this cannot can our channel be on number 2? what are you doing?-i cannot tolerate this. how did this happen?-wait. listen to me. what are you doing? what has happened to you?-over. everything is over.-what has got over?

don't you remember that we startedthe channel we were on 20th position? then from 20th positionwe reached the 1st position. now by coming on 2nd positionnothing untoward has happened. at this moment you are angry.. ..and decisions takenin anger are never right. under such circumstancesyou will just spoil your health. take a leave for a month and rest. after we reach to 1stposition i will call you. you do whatever you want to do.i am leaving.

sangeeta. madam. call all staff members in the boardroom.-okay madam. good morning.-good morning. congratulations in advance, madam. i am much tensed as our channelhas slipped to 2nd position. and you are congratulating me. now that you have come back.. no one can stop ourchannel to become number 1.

so congrats in advance. naughty girl. can anyone tell me which programof the competitor made it number 1? yes madam. to increasethe viewership of women.. ..they made a program onall the goddesses of the country. just like goddess of mountains,jungle.. ..and even incense beingshown to tree is also shown. by these false storiesand with the help.. ..of graphics theymade people believe this.

in this way it became number 1. let's do one thing. to reach the 1st position we will makebetter devotional programs than them. super idea, madam.-really? is it a super idea? madam, in this way wewill come to 3rd position. what do you mean? if we show the sameprogram as they do.. ..then people willnot have any interest. people will say that we are tryingto show our program similar to theirs.

do you have an ideabetter than this? their concept is that ofgod so ours will be that of ghost. nandini is absolutely right, madam. i have a small daughterwho is scared of ghosts. whenever a new horror movie comeson tv she persists to watch it. on seeing scary scenesshe closes her eyes. but with the beat of his fingersshe watches the entire movie, madam. i liked nandini's idea, madam. we will work on it.-okay, fine.

everyone start work on this. shankar, quickly suggestme a scary location. look at this madam. i have clicked thesephotographs during day. it will be scarier at night. i have already shot here, shankar. don't you have a new location? there is no locationwithin the city.. ..but if you wish to shoot outside thecity i can show you many locations.

far away distance would be finebut the location should be scary. okay madam. look at this. people have become bored ofseeing ghost bungalows in the city. if there would be sea nearthe house then people will enjoy. madam, i think this beach areais absolutely perfect to shoot. for 2-3 weeks we will tell peoplethat there is ghost on the beach. we will make our actresswear clothes of a ghost.. ..and make her walk on the beach.

look at this location. it is really scary. shankar, you have found outan absolutely correct location. shankar you makeall the arrangements. okay madam.-what else do you want, nandini? i have already selectedthe anchor and the assistants. all i need is a good cameraman. sangeeta.-madam. who is the best cameraman here?

i think it is raghav.-send raghav. good morning, madam. you are very fast.-everyone knows this. morning.-morning. we are going to start anew project for which we need.. raghav, raghav.. we will shoot a ghost story ina big bungalow and that also at night. i will get heart attack. i will not be able to do it.-why?

jaundice.-what did you say? i have got jaundice, madam. what are you saying? i am saying the is called 'piliya' in hindi.. ..and jaundice in english. on seeing you it does not seem. it was white t-shirt whichturned yellow because of jaundice. madam, our raghavloves nandini a lot. if you say that nandiniis the director of this program..

..then he will immediately agree. nandini,you find another cameraman. is she the directorof this program? yes, she is the one. why didn't you tell me earlier thatnandini madam is going to direct it? you were not listening to me. i have become deafdue to jaundice, madam. what should i do now? hello.

the lab reports have come. that is great. madam, good jaundice is cured. but the phone did not ring. madam, it was on vibration mode. anyway, you are thecameraman of this project. thanks madam.-okay. i will never forget this favor of yours.-all the best. you cannot sleep withoutme even for a night..

..but because of love fora girl you are going so far. how will you manage?-mother.. son... you are my life mother.. ..but she has more importancein my life than her. so you have disappointed me. getlost. do not come back here again. your dress is fin as an assistant butyour moustaches are not suiting you. so i will remove them immediately. now my appearance has changedsir so we should get to work. -pooja..

hi.. she is aishwarya, our make-up artist.-hi. hi.-hi raghav. i have kept the things.-okay fine. he is our light man,arnold and aamir khan. is arnold your real name? don't you thinkso on seeing my body? if you did not have moustachethen you might look. is he a musician?-how do i know?

this is dr.prasad. he is uganda returned. he wants to be a bigproducer in tv industry. he will work as a productioncontroller with us. cameraman raghav.-hello. hi. i am dr. prasad. he is cameraman's assistant. he is light menarnold and aamir khan. she is pooja. the artist of the show.-hi. she is aishwarya, makeup artist.-hello.

what was this? i got a shock when i touched her. he is very do all the deeds of a producer. remain a producer anddon't try to become a hero. are we going straightto the shooting location? no, first we willgo to a guest house. during the day we will staythere and go for shooting at night. greetings.-greetings. my name is geeta.i am md's friend.

i had a talk with md andhave made all the arrangements. look at the ceiling.-reena, come here. yes madam.-she is the cook over here. greetings.-does she cook good food? keep quiet. something is cooking insideme after seeing the cook. that is master bedroom andit has been specially done for you. pooja, you and aishwaryacan stay in that room. so nice of you.

cameraman, you and yourassistant can stay in this room. we light men will goand sleep on the beach. no, no there is a room inthe basement so you can stay there. you do not remember anything.-no, that is not required. if they wish they can sleep with me.-why are you inviting them, sir? have you seen the size of the house?-yes, i have. if we stay together herethen we will remain safe. arnold and aamir khan.. ..i hope you do not haveany problem in staying with us.

not at all. being a cameraman you takeso much care of a light man. there is a reason for that.get up. where is my room? i was told that a doctoris also going to come. but i forgot. you can adjust withlight men or cameraman. if you wish you canstay in the basement also. what do you mean? i am dr. prasad.

read about me on must have read about my tweets. you must have seen my photographwith shaha rukh on instagram. no sir. he is being insulted. let it it is i cannot stay with them. there is a room upstairs.i will stay there alone peacefully. but sir that is md's room. oh my god.-relax sir. i will talk to md.

if you talk then therewill be no problem. okay. you can take that room.-thank you. sir, why have yousuddenly become a statue? i have not become a statue but haveam scared after seeing this house. where is the beach? beach is at the back side. wow!-this girl has gone mad. this house will make everyone scared. nandini.-yes.

if we say that ghosts stay in thishouse then anyone would believe it. why anyone? i believe it. raghav.-i have come, madam. be ready to take the shot. first we will take2-3 shots of this bungalow. then we will go towards the beach. is everyone ready? raghav. madam tell them to come in the frame.

you start the camera andthey will automatically come. okay.-concentrate. camera rolling.-action. green tv.-cut, cut.. have you earlier hosted sports show? what is the need to jump? madam.-raghav. i had told her. okay, you had told her.then it is fine.

anchor madam,please give signal before jumping. so that i can correctly shoot you. one minute, madam. i don't have any problemin talking about ghosts.. ..but there is no needto make faces like these. you are so beautifulso lessen overacting. okay. ready madam. green tv has broughta new show for you. this will tell you whetherwitches are there or not.

neither you nor i have seen. but you surely havea desire to see one. is it blue or black? does it have feet in placeof hand or nose in place of hand? she is actually inviting them.try to understand what i am saying. we will together see a witch. there is a beach behindthis house where a witch lives. come on, we will go and meet her.-really. raghav, there is no needto get scared. all this is scripted.

understood.-amazing script. from childhood i hada dream of interviewing witch. today i think mydream will be fulfilled. i just hope we mether in the scariest form. hey, one minute. you will have to feelscared while opening the door. raghav, camera on. because of falling in lovewith her i am going to die. you follow pooja.-no, madam.

i said follow her.-go. where have i got trapped? raghav.. madam.. where are you hanging? i am hanging on the plant, madam. get down. sorry.-hold the camera. okay, i will hold.-everyone come here.

aishwarya.-madam. cover yourself with a blackcloth and hide behind that wall. when pooja startstalking to the camera.. do something in the background. you turn around and get scaredas if you have really seen a witch. audience should startperspiring because of fear. trp will rise quickly. aishwarya,first let pooja speak her dialogue.. ..and then cross wheni give you the signal.

okay madam.-pooja, get ready. yes madam. start the camera. yes, rolling. pooja, dialogue. as you saw bats pouncedon us in this house. similarly anything can happen here. madam.-yes. you made that stupidgirl understand so much..

..but still without yoursignal she has started moving. did you see how she came behind us? madam. i did not move from my place.-what did you say? if it was not you then who was she? relax raghav, the bat flewfrom there and came this side. were they bats? yes. please shootand do not waste time. i do not know whatwill come out at this time. get back, back..

camera.-camera rolling, madam. okay, pooja, dialogue. as you saw that we slowlyopened the door and.. aishwarya.. madam, someone crossedbehind me just now. freeze. wow! she is acting well. great. come on nowwe will shoot on the beach. raghav, keep the camera here.-okay madam.

pooja, you stand there. okay sir. now listen to me carefully. pooja will be standing on one side andi will blow sand on the others side. we are taking this shot for the title. that is why this shotwill go on for long. no, no it was nothing. i don't know whosesacred thread it would be. i will ask someoneto keep it in the temple.

hey you.. what happened, sir?-atm, come with me. where is he taking him solate at night? is he characterless? hey, do you get money for sleeping? i had told you thati am not feeling well. but i cannot control. okay sir but i am feeling very sleepy. you will have to do it quickly. speak slowly. they bothwill come to know the secret.

come. i don't know when iwill get over my bad habits. "my music meets yours.." i cannot tolerate this. i already had a doubt on them.-what doubt? cameraman did not feel pity onus and asked us to stay in this room. then why did he ask us to stay here. to fulfill his desire. i am deprived.

i am feeling so relieved. the work is done. it was really enjoyable. hey, he has gone off to sleep again. why did you push me so hard? oh god, this was left to be heard. do let me know when thisdirty hindi picture gets over. sorry, sorry were you badly hurt? of course it will pain.

after doing everything youare asking me if it is paining. hey, i have not pushedyou for the first time. i always hit you like this. oh god, now only judgmentday needs to come. my ears have started burning.protect me. your ears are only burningbut here my entire body is burning. rascal.. i give you money for this work. if you show tantrums theni shall hire someone else.

if they come to knowthat we are aware of them.. ..then they will tryto include us in their game. so before they come weshould act as if we are sleeping. get back. don't try for a chance.i am not like that. hey, if i hear a littlesound i cannot sleep. and they both are snoring. wake them up, sir.they will stop snoring. my darling light men.-hey, get back. i am a nice man.i am not of this kind.

please spare my dignity. what are you talking about? i am talking about that?-about what? if i do such an act then i willnot be able to show my face to anyone. which act are you talking about? the one which you havedone in the bathroom. i will wake you up if you snore again. hey, lazy come on sleep. who is there?

everyone will by one everyone will die. no one will survive. everyone will die. what are you doing?leave me. someone is here. -what happened?-i am dead what happened? it seemsa heavy thing has fallen on us. what is this, sir?are you making a german sandwich? i am getting massagedone in the titanic pose.

you just talk anything. get up.-i did not do it purposely. leave me. i have to cook.-don't get up. i am feeling nice. tomorrow we will go tothe church and get married. leave me-at least let the massage complete. hey, wait. why are you beating me? why did you fall on me?-why did you scream? i did not scream. i was singing. singing. but we heard screaming. hey, do you knowhow to sing like this?

yes, i know..your musical notes.. "you are very special one.." "these days and nights do not passand i want to say something to you. shut up. in the middle of the nightyou are playing antakshari. go and sleep. madam has ordered everyone to sleep.-come on everyone. shooting is going on smoothly.i will give you the details later. darling is alone so it isthe best time to give an application.

we will talk later. are you a fool? i will call you later, madam. why do you disturb during shooting?bloody fool. raghav.-yes. come here.-i will leave as madam is calling. come here, quickly. why is she callingme as if i am a dog? what is it?

why haven't you goneon shooting till now? why do you keep on talkingabout shooting all the time? someone else is inlove and i am dying alone. if you have any problems then tell me. you are one of the problems.-what did you say? i. i mean my mother. she always torturesme by saying get married. then why don't you do it? i am ready for marriagebut the girl should be like you.

i showed your photo to motherand send her on what's app. and has asked me to finda girl of a figure like you. do you know what did my mothersay when she saw your photo? what did she say? she said why you want tofind another girl when she is there. and then mother asked me to marry her. tell me whether it is right or wrong. sorry. is it right or wrong? doing this would not be wrong.

she said that it would not be wrong. so at last i have wooed a girl. your attitude is killing. show the enthusiasmof night in the morning too. have you learnt the dialogues?-yes i have learnt. is everyone ready?-yes, everyone is in the van. mr. prasad i had a work with you. whenever you are free.. ..please put this inthe box in the temple. -sure.

please don't open and see. no, i will not open. you have handed thiswork to an honest man. now it will go directlyin the box in the temple. thank you. come on, start the car. action.. these waves look verycalm during daytime. but during night they become stormy.

as you saw last night. everything was right andthen suddenly it became stormy. laughing.. hey, if you touch light man againthen i will throw you in the sea. why did he hit me?-stop behaving like a fool. hey, what happened? this doctor slapped me. cameraman, madam had givenme something to keep in temple. there was no temple aroundso i thought i will put it tomorrow.

and these peopleare trying to steal it. i did not do anything like this.-i will slap you again. but i did not do anything. hey.. come here and solve our fighting. as they will not listen to me. does anyone do like this? instead of slap give me a box.he should be bleeding. hey..-stop it.

i apologize on his behalf. why are we fighting amongst ourselves? this much footage is enough for pack up now. i will see you later. he was getting violentwith me and you were silent. arnold remains silenttill everything is fine. when problem comesthen i become violent. mother, i am dead. now a problem has arisen.why aren't you getting violent?

i was talking about you. he is coming nearer. don't kill me.i still don't have children. who will marry me? spare me. let me go. run from here. i am dead. by telling stories of mybravery i become a story myself.

have you joined his team?you are stuck to each other like gum. hey, don't you feel shameby keeping your hand on my stomach. don't use others.keep your hand away as well. there is no need to be scared. this house has beenclosed for many months. why did you allunnecessarily create a scene? he was a mad man. mad man? where did you go?

why are you all scared? it does not suityou to work with them. they are coward people.i cannot work with such people. look at this fat man. the whole day he iseating but what is the use. you were the one who was most scared. close your mouth. it smells. as soon as i get up in the morning iwill go to temple and keep it in the box. only then i will be at peace.

dear stick to me like fevikwik. stick to me, stick to me.. i did not know it wasan automatic sliding door. is someone there? are you trying to scare me?i do not get scared. i had closed the tap. you want to be an actor, actor.. become an actor and doas much acting as you want. i hate the way you act.

before the firstshot i have to pack up. director madam. mother or my grandmother.. cameraman,this useless fellow is stuck. forgive me for all my sins. make-up artist..why will she come? it is her time to be awake. now i will have to do something. there is victory ahead of this door.

run doctor, run.. sir, i am a watchman.i heard your voice so i came. watchman, watchman save me. a ghost is thereso you only protect me. leave me sir. leave me sir.don't stick to me. sir, i am working here for last175 years. there is no ghost here. there is. you do not know there is.yes there is. okay then show it to me. fine. come with meand i will show you.

i was upstairs andthere was a ghost there. i came down runningfrom there and fell down. and then i met you.. where has the watchman gone? watchman brother.. this means that manwas not a watchman. i am gone..god, please save me from that ghost. there is ghost in the house. everyone run from here.mother..

i am finished. i am dead. please someone save me.-today you will not be spared, ghost. save me i will die.- i will not spare you. i am feeling sleepy. you continue. what has happened to him? what is happening here, raghav?what are you doing? why are you roaming withcameraman on your shoulders? when did he come on me?- look down, fatty. i will have to cook some story.

i saw a scary dream. i became tensed andcame out in open air. cameraman had to checksome angles for shooting. so i made him sit on my shouldersto show him some locations. thank you for saving me.- so late at night. come on get inside everyone. shall i give you a separateinvitation? get down. sorry doctor. no problem, no problem..- get inside.

raghav, go. something has surely is hiding something. keep the door opened. i'm coming. i want to come in andmake a request to you. can i sleep with you in your room?- what? make me your family member.even being a dog would do. do you know who i am? i am prasad. dr. prasad. i am also a production controller.- sorry.

hey, dumb fellow i cannotstay with low status people like you. who had said that dialogue? i had said it and now if youwish you can hit me with slipper. you know i live ina joint family. -so. that is why i have thehabit of staying together. if there is no place in the roomthen i will sleep in the bathroom. in the bathroom.. on hearing about bathroomhis mood changed. okay fine.

then will he do my duty today? there is no need to sleep inthe bathroom. you can sleep with me. i love you. me member. the team is increasing. watchman.. greetings you want something from the market? no, did you come tothe guest house last night? no, no a witch lives in that house.

but you hugged me yesterday. hey, have you gone crazy? yesterday you hugged me. what are you talking sir? for last six months i have not huggedmy wife so why will i hug you sir. please spare me.- wife swear. i swear upon my wifethat i did not see you at all. then who had come. do you want your serial to close?

what if i would havegot heart attack? - sorry. i had given you a pouch yesterday. yes, it is there in my pocket. i will keep it in the take rest. - okay. mr. prasad, please send raghav. -sure. from the time this sacred thread hasbeen found strange things are happening. there is definitelysome connection with this. tell me, madam. will i find here orin nearby areas a tantrik?

of course you will find madam. give me 2 minutes andi will message you the address. nandini.. i am here. -sorry. did you call me? today is the second sunday of themonth so it is a holiday. - very good. i am going out forsome important work. would you like to give me company? where do we have to go?

there is a dangerous placeand only brave people go there. will you come with me?- why are you taking me? because you are brave. raghav, now you are in trouble. you had said that onlybrave people can come.. ..but does not seem to be like this. what is the matter after all? read the board.- what is there in the board? we make ghosts vanish.

guarantee of money after death. raghav, you are in trouble. come on hurry up. okay, i will come. raghav, raghav, where are you?-i am coming. i thought there wouldbe one soul but it seems.. ..a conference of souls is going on. the killer of myhusband..i will eat you up. sorry..

i am feeling scared on seeing them. but how are you able tosee them without getting scared. thank god,i chose the right man for my safety. yes, let's go. at what inauspicious timedid i say yes to come along. my child, where had you got lost? leave me; i am not your son. leave him. -leave me. one soul left meand another caught me.

leave, leave me.. leave him. ringa, ringa roses! good morning. morning, morning..youeven danced with the witches. you are really brave.- even my mother says so. what?- haven't you gone up yet? did you call up thepriest in the morning? yes.- he is waiting for you upstairs.

now the priest will takeaway whatever life remains. save me, god. raghav, i have to talkpersonally with the priest. either you wait hereor can even wait in the car. i will be back in some time. why have you brought me here, nandini. i could have waited in the car. you dragged me in so thatis why had to dance with the ghosts. you were enjoying dancing with them.go and enjoy again.

just to impress her i saidlies and now that lies will kill me. rather than dancing with themit is better i jump down straight. greetings, priest. sit down. tell me what is your problem? the problem is not bigbut since last 2-3 days.. ..i am tensed andam not able to sleep. do ghosts really exist? and if anything of theirs is withus then do they follow us, priest?

if we have any of their belongings.. ..then surely theywill come to us to find it. thank you, much is your fees? i do not take fees. okay priest, i will leave. wait, there is asmall pouch in your bag, take it out,there is something in that. give that pouch to me. what was this, priest?

a ghost had come to take this? she will get whatever she wants. what are you saying?- keep the pouch and go out. ask what she wants.- okay fine. 'sanskrit chant' i will not agree. i want this sacred thread. will you go if i give it to you?- yes, i will go. promise that youwill not harm that girl.

no, i will not harm her. the ghost has takenthat sacred thread. now you are free from all troubles. i think he is lying and musthave kept the sacred thread with him. are you saying the truth, priest? what is this?madam, you doubt the priest. no. this is kalyug.she is an educated girl. she will believe onlywhen she experiences it. today is no moon day.

today 10:30 am -12:30 pmthere will inauspicious time. if you have black clothesthen near them and go.. the place from whereyou found that sacred thread. shall i find that scared thread there? yes. find it at the sameplace only then you will believe me. where are you taking me? come on hurry up.- but what has happened? tell me what is the matter?what are you doing? yesterday,we were shooting here. - yes.

and i was standing right here. did you find what you wanted? hey, this is sacred thread.whom does it belong to? leave it. give me. one minute. pooja, pooja.. pooja.. pooja, are you okay? come on let's move from here quickly.

come on. subedar, have you slept? hurry up.- okay, i will start. what is happening?i cannot understand anything. look, you don't get scared.i will explain everything. please calm down. when i wentto the priest's hermitage then.. what happened?- what? where did this come from? don't touch it. take us to the priest.

priest, forgive me.i did not believe you. i made a big mistake.forgive me, priest. i found the sacred threadwhere you had told me. i threw it immediately. thensuddenly it came on to my shoulder. where is it at this time? i left it in the car. that sacred thread waswaiting for someone's touch. you touched it and now thatghost will never stop following you. such a big problem bytouching a sacred thread.

this sacred thread is notof a dead woman but that of a man. what will happen now, priest?only you can help her. there is only one remedy.- what is it, priest? you will have to make arrangementsfor a dead body of a woman. you mean a dead body. no, no we will not be able to do this. it will be done. that body will have to beadorned with flowers and vermillion. we will have to put turmeric on face.

you will have to adornthat dead body like a bride.. ..and make her wearthat sacred thread. one more thing. you will have to keep that body in acoffin with your hair and conch bells. you will have to take that coffin tosea near the house and keep it there. since some of your thingswill be in the coffin.. ..then that ghost willthink it to be your dead body. she will get angry on that bodyand will take away her sacred thread. one important thing.

under any situation you willnot go near the sea till that time. okay, priest. will everything be fineafter doing this, priest? whatever will happenwill happen for good? thank you priest.i will do as you have asked me to do. i will come again. i wanted to ask onemore thing from you. can i shoot that ghost from far? i am making a horror serialso it will be of use in that.

you are very ambitious. try it out. stop the car. since long people are waiting for you.hurry up and go inside. protect the body.. ..and i will go and see the place.-okay, come quickly. some story is being cookedhere but cannot understand. come in front. who are you? and why are you lookinglike a half burnt dead body.

body guard ram lal yadav. but i had ordered pizza.and i have worn the body. nandini called up andsaid that she needed a body. nandini has asked you to get a body. we will do whatever i have said.-nandini.. oh no..-nandini.. i am going.-wait. come with me. what happened?-what do you do, nandini? are you out of your mind?

if you needed a body.. ..then we would have gone to shoppingmall and bought it from there. or you would have toldme i would have gifted you. body.. what? innerwear baby. aren't you ashamed? what is this? we were supposed toshoot at 12 and you are coming at 2. why did you come so late?

there are so manyformalities to get a body. formality for a body.-keep quiet. okay, bring it inside. now, will you get it inside also? now what all will you do of it. help me to take it in.-okay sir. what is this? why are yougetting a dead body on a stretcher? you understood wrong. i was not talking of thatbody but was talking of this.

dead body. tell me about whichbody are you talking? hey stupid fellow, dead body. what is this, nandini? remove your hands from my shoulders. this waist is also mine. the waist is yours butwhy have you brought the body. to shoot a horror scene.-oh no.. make up is being done ofhers but why are you feeling scared.

will you pick her upand take her for morning walk? make her wear that garland. have you called a band for music also? now she looks tobe a newly wedded bride. now get her nuptial roundsdon and send her to honeymoon. so, am i right?-it is a good idea. shall we send her to kullu manali?-you take care. coward people. why are you so late, baby?

leave all that. is the coffin ready? it is ready and here it is. where are the carpenters? carpenters, come here. the dead body is kept in the car.go and get it. be careful while getting it. why did you make us bring all this? i have called fordead body and coffin.. ..because shootingcannot happen without it.

now don't ask too manyquestions and start the work. once the shooting is overi will explain everything. quickly. in the coffin. greetings. now close it. hurry up. no, no wait.-i feel this girl is mad. don't make me scared. why did you get scared?

now close it. get away quickly.-hurry up, come on. no.. no please. i just have two legs and no feet. they are coming.all will be dead. they are coming. run, run.. you all unnecessarily got scared.i told you he is a mad man. this is the right time.hurry up raghav. it is coming towards us.-keep quiet.

i had asked you to leave fromhere but you don't listen to me. wait everyone, wait. raghav, raghav, shoot it. focus, raghav, what are you thinking? i helped you that it iswhy she is taking revenge from me. believe me otherwiseeveryone will be killed. raghav, get up..raghav. raghav, get up..raghav.look, someone is coming. good morning.-what happened, nandini?

from watchman to cameramanthe entire unit wants to resign. after all what has happened? who would want to dieat the hands of a ghost? what? what did you say? now he will come, he will come.. why are you shouting?let it come if it is coming. why are you scared? madam, what happened? someone is here.-relax.

there is no one here, madam.remove your hands. after this scene wherehas the ghost gone? that ghost suddenly gotvanished and we came back. if that was the case thenwhy didn't you come back earlier? you know very wellhow much risk is involved. if we do not take risk thenhow will channel come to 1st position? if we telecast this programthen the trp will become double. we will telecast this episodenot this week but next week. before the entry of theghost we will build up a little.

that will create thrill and sensation. you are right. madam, i want a leave for one week. i will be able to workfurther only after that. okay, granted. you can take leave. but on in this house. it would be nice if i geta house near to the location. okay.-now let us go ad meet the patient. patient..-our raghav..

nandini, why do you wantto stay back here to take rest? if you wish you can goto your house and take a break. i said i will stay hereand will not go anywhere. don't you understand anything? how many times shouldi explain it to you? - okay. nandini..what happened? what has happened? that is why i say tostop working in night shift. don't take so much stress.

come on let's meet raghav. why is he sleeping like this? what has happened to him?why have you held his feet this way? if we leave his feet then he kicks us. keep his feet down. it will catch hold of me. did you see madam? my husband is in the villageand it is her marriage tomorrow. and she has becomeweak holding his feet.

her husband will becomeflat seeing her figure. nandini.-please help. can you cure him? i have the medicine to cure raghav. what did you say? medicine? i am there. oh no, my head is spinning. you manage him.-even i am coming. you take care of him. i am going.

no madam, he has alreadykicked us so many times. after i say somethingto him you leave his feet. nothing will happen. i shall leave madam. idiot, if this was supposedto be said then i would have said it. what would you say? i love you.-get out. what did you say? you were hearing everything.

which one? don't you remember anythingthat happened at the shoot yesterday? the dead body that was kept inthe coffin started flying in the air. what happened after that? all those were special effects. special effects.. you saw all thatand became unconscious. i did not becomeunconscious because of fear. then..

i got flat seeing your beauty. that means you haveforgotten everything. truly i have forgotten everything. i wanted that. i also want something. let's do a repeat telecastof what you said few days back. i love my handsome neighbor a lot. cheater.. even i love my sexy neighbor.

so the matter is equal. hey..-i love you, i love you. madam, this is the new house. why does she show suchghost bungalows to stay. it feels that the momentthe door will be opened.. ..a ghost will start dancing in front. kaali.-bhairavi kaali.-bhairavi. bhairavi-shut up.

sorry ladies.-it's okay. they came early. they wanted to give you a surprise. thank you so much. the cook will come by tomorrow.-okay. no one is needed here. my sister-in-law cooks delicious food. she cooks good food.where are your feet aunty? i was saying becausemy boss had asked me to do so.

i am saying thatwe do not need any help. okay, then i will leave. listen driver.-yes madam. leave their luggage here.-okay. and let's go. greetings aunty. you son has good values. even if he is dark he is so good. are you feeling jealouslistening to my praise?

tell me more. aunty, i have heardyou are a masterchef. i make very tastysweet from bitter gourd. after hearing the recipe somethingis happening in my stomach. we will order from the hotel. i don't want my stomach to be upset. she is my expert chef.-i have met your expert chef. meet my comedian mother.-what did you say? mother-in-law anddaughter-in-law have already met.

like everything else hegot late in this matter also. he has accepted asmother-in-law from heart. and we have cookedstory about the marriage. only the nuptial rounds remain. isn't it beauty queen? raghav i have got a surprise for you.come quickly. where?-you also come here. look, what all things yourmother has brought for you. chili, lemon, slippers..

what are you doing, mother? these people do notknow anything about this. stop speaking about my bad habits. my dear mother who always insults me. don't insult me.-stop it. my comedy mother,have you seen nandini? if you keep calling me comedy,comedy then i will become serious. even if i talk seriouslyi feel like smiling. son-in-law.. you want to know where nandini is?-yes. i saw her going in the garden.-okay. you also go.-you are so nice. please teach this woman something.mother india of the poor. whenever he feels lovefor me he talks like this. where has she gone? shiva, shiva.. i will not go alone there. there is victory ahead of fear.

hey, nandini.. did you think i was runningbecause of i was scared. i do jogging at is good for health. why are you talkingto trees in the garden? don't look at me with love.i will fall for your love. zanzana..what does this mena? will you put your make up on me? so, how did you like my perfume? it is the first copy. brut.

i have put the same perfume on thisside as well. it is not different. same face.-yes. you resemble shiva. my shiva. you are my shiva. you are shiva. you are shiva. shiva? who is shiva? you seem to be very happy.-i am not happy but sad. i have got a current.

why are you giving me a shock? mother, i want totalk to you in private. i am not going anywhereleaving dinner. i am coming. what is it, son? tell me what the matter is? nandini says that i resemble shiva. if she would have talked about krishnawith a flute then i would agree as he is romantic.

but long haired shiva.. she was talking abouta man named shiva. do you know what she said? he knows someone by thename shiva and i resemble him. how can she know anyone else? i think she loves someone else. you are just saying anything.i will ask her now. daughter-in-law, just come this side. does he look like shiva?

not to me but do you feel so. no. why will i call him shiva? she has changed immediately.-no? i knew he was saying lies. raghav, i am goingto the study room upstairs. after talking to her you can join me okay bye. hey, go and beg somewhere else. look, my daughter-in-law'sactions are just like me.

you are unnecessarilygetting confused. go and woo my sweet daughter-in-law.. ..with your sweet words.-what do you mean? go and romance with her. but why are you doing snake dance? go and bore her. this girl is going to drive me crazy. nandini..-shiva, shiva.. shiva, shiva..-nandini..

since long i am calling you.-nandini.. if you call ganga by the namenandini then why will she answer? what has happened now, son? will you tell me clearlyas to what happened? mother, first shejust changed my name.. ..but now she haschanged her name also. now she says that sheis not nandini but ganga. maybe she changes your name also. raghav.-mother..

i had come here to set my mood right. don't torture me with your bad mood. you come to the roomwith me and see for yourself. now look what she does. raghav, i am waitingfor you since long. hey, you had said not tocall you nandini as i am ganga. you spitted at me. why will i say all this? am i mad? you are really a fool.

aren't you ashamed ofputting wrong allegations.. ..on my daughter-in-lawand insulting her? what is my fault? look at her. she looks likea goddess and you have doubt on her. she is acting. some timeago she was looking like a witch. why are you standing like a ghost?have you gone mad? go back in your room. you doubt my beauty queen. mother.-what is it?

nandini is behind you. she is not behind me but behind you. you have gone mad.go into your room quickly. you are screaming asif ghost has entered you. the ghost has not enteredme but i have entered into the ghost. why are you talking like fools?come with me. why is nandini behaving like this? something is wrong. i will have to find.-look, he is talking to himself.

what has happened to you? why are you eating leaves like a goat? does he like neem juice? i will tell you what all she likes. broom, slipper, locks.. don't speak too much. if not today then tomorrowthey will also come to know. nandini is taking a bathand we are going to the market. have breakfast with herand don't keep eating grass.

i was waiting for them to go. why are you laughingin a strange manner, nandini? have they gone? have those people gone? my mother and yoursister-in-law have gone.. i thought i wouldcome and talk to you. nandini, you are talkingin a man's voice.. ..and you also smoke cigarette. are you doing acting?

i do not smoke cigarette. really? then was i smoking? he was my shiva. he lied smoking cigarette in this way. if you get your hair cut thenyou will exactly resemble shiva. shiva, shiva.who is this shiva? you do not know do not know who shiva is. sometimes you call yourself ganga,sometimes shiva. who are you ganga or shiva?

why are you hitting me? hey! do you think only you can hit me.even i am a man. i will go and complaint to mother. don't insult yourself.they will laugh at you. hey, is your breakfast over? my stomach has become full, mother. which dish did you eatthat your stomach is full. if i tell her the truth this time theninstead of nandini she will beat me.

mother.- yes son. mother.- tell me clearly. your future daughter-in-lawwants to talk to you personally. how is this possible? when i am here thenwhy should she talk to her? don't get so emotional, time i will send you, okay. mother, go ahead. come and sit before food. hello, daughter-in-law.

nandini, nandini. dear nandini. you wanted to talk somethingpersonal with me so i have come. no problem, i will come later. what is moving? it is a swing. but no one is sitting. stop. you are unnecessarily getting scared. who is at the back seat?

i think the numberof eyes has increased. there is no one here. who is this? ghost, ghost save me. save me. raghav, raghav. who is speaking? believe me, you wait come when i call you. now my plan will work. raghav, who was insidewho hit me so hard on the back.

now you believe me.she even beat me a lot. you have surely hatchedsome conspiracy against me. i apologize. all my lifei will have blind faith on you. all my life i willhave blind faith on you. you did not believe you remain silent. why should only we be beaten?even she should be beaten. isn't it?- aunty, please come here. for long i am watching you. what story are youmother and son cooking?

we were talking about you.- yes. go, nandini has a surprise for you. go and get it. i know. she must havebrought a special gift for me. yes, a real special gift. now aunty will not be spared. nandini, my child. where are you? my child.

has she called meto play hide and seek? "what has happened?how did it happen?" she has also become the target. son-in-law.- yes. thanks.- aunty. i am thankful to you.- i am also thankful. i would suggest that you getmarried without an auspicious time. so that this problemcomes to our house. mother, there is a shadowof some ghost on nandini.

let us take her tosome professional tantrik. i feel like slapping you. the whole day he thinksabout ghosts and tantrik. i think nandini shouldbe taken to physiotherapist. we need a physiotherapist. let's go to a psychiatrist. greetings.- greetings. tell me what the problemof the girl who is inside is. i do not understand.

according to me she suddenlybecomes angry young woman. really!- yes. it would not be a problemif she would get angry. but she calls nearer and hits hard. that is all.i will cure her in 10 minutes. listen to me carefully.- what? there is a shadowof a ghost on that girl. what does she do?- she hits women badly. and men even worst.

what are you talking?i have not taken degree of a priest. i have studied medicine. and.. go. after some time we willhave to be a psychiatrist for him. this is a strange case. hello. i am dr. panduranga. i am a psychiatrist. come on tell me your problem. i do not have any problembut you will have problem. i think someone has a sore throat.

but logically there is noone in the room except both of us. where is she? where is she going? "it has gone up." i think he is hidingsomething from us. i do not understand what he is hiding. he is hiding a secret. doctor.- don't come near. what are you hiding?

so what have you diagnosed? everything is normal. do not tell them anything about me. dr. did nandini tell you anything? she just told me thatshe loves you a lot. and these two old womenare the barriers in your way. she wants you to sendthem to late night show.. ..and then she will singa romantic song with you. alone?- of course.

is this your plan to get me beaten? dr. does not makeplan but does his work. do you think i havedone all this purposely? now see what i do? look, what has she done?- oh god! she has stripped the doctor also. hey, is he shiva? this is strange.- very strange and true. who is this shiva?

he resembles shiva a lot. you are exactly like him. now they are alsosaying what nandini says. hey, where is your house?- my house is in the city. then what are you doing here? i had come for some work. how many childrendoes your parents' have? around 35.- 35. uncle, they are the number of childrenthat were born in the hospital..

..where i was born. i am not asking about the hospital.. ..but how many childrendoes your mother have. my mother just hasone child and that is me. there is a lot of confusion, brother. okay, go. one minute, uncle. who is this shiva? everyone say that i resemble him. please tell me if youknow anything about him.

it is better if you do not know. come on let's go. come. someone has rightly saidthat there are 7 men of one face. we are going to see newmovie dian number 1, children. you do time pass here. okay. even i want to comewith you to watch a movie. just like that. keep quiet, stupid.daughter-in-law, take him inside. let's go. because ofthem we will miss our movie.

nandini, look they bothhave gone to watch a movie. so after going inside do not scareme that i am shiva and you are ganga. you should take care of me. close your eyes and count till 10. when you will open your eyesthen i will give you a surprise. 1..- both the eyes. 2, 3, 4, 5..- close your eyes. 6, 7, 8, 9.. 10.

you were going to give mesurprise but you are giving me shock. which is this dress? dress is very nice. your tummy is better than that. my mood is in vibration mood.. ..but your eyes and openhair is bringing it in silent mode. why are you walking likea coolie without luggage? i do not want anything. go. what kind of surprise is this?she would kill me. go.

don't beat me. save me. i am dead. zanzana.- zanzana. where have you got trapped, raghav? shiva. chop off his head. even his.. he destroyed our house.- who destroyed it? no one should remain alive.- who is he? kill everyone.

whosoever is thereplease go from here. otherwise i will kill you, finish you.- kill everyone. stop shouting nandini otherwise. okay, shout as much as you want. chop them off, chop off those rascals. cut them into small pieces.shiva, kill them. chop them off. those rascals separated us, shiva. first tell me dearwhen we met each other.

do not spare anyone. i cannot see anyone here. i do not know whomis she asking me to kill. you want to see shiva. you want to see want to see shiva. come shiva, come shiva. come shiva, and enter his body. shiva is coming. here he comes.- what are you doing? whom are you calling?- come, come quickly.

come shiva. come on. stop it. ganga. come out ganga. ganga, ganga. do you want to see your ganga? come here. look. you are shankar.

come. i am shankar.- don't touch me. you are not shiva! you are not are jagtar. it was a very nice movie.- yes. this girl.. enough of your acting. you are feelingshay as if you have never done. you are feeling shyas if you have never done. you have enjoyed a lot in your time. what are they both doing secretly?

come on let's both do sexy dance. "come, come." hey, i am missing my husband. the sound is different. ihope the big picture has not started. how dare you both come inside? i will just tell you who i am. nandini. raghav, save me your mother is dead. you too come here. she isscaring me thinking me to be alone.

come, come soon. daughter-in-law, after seeing the serialof daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.. are scaring me. why are you sitting so farand enjoying? come near to me. i am scared. even he has become aghost. help, save me... save me. save me. she is coming towards me.

save me. don't hit me. i am really in pain. you have done somethingthat you shouldn't have done. so be prepared to sufferthe punishment for that. explain in detail about whichmistake are you talking about. i am finished.why did you do like this? they killed my little one also. everything is over. they finished everything.

i think she has slept. i don't think so. i think there is some trick.she is doing acting of sleeping. and then she will beat us. who is he? i think we have come quite far. let's rest for some back is really paining. i have support of this. this is better.

tell me why did you do like this?why did you want to separate us? hey stupid, come near me. her attitude really scares me. i had heard about catwalkbut this is ghost walk. if she wears a high heelsandal then it will seem as if.. have come to some fashion show. did you find him? i think i have heardthis dialogue before also. we do not understand anything.let us go.

i love you more than my life. don't love me so much.- but you don't listen to me. which matter of herswe did not listen to? try to understand my feelings. i will understandbut first you get up. hey, someone has entered here.go and find that rascal. who has come? i swear upon youthat we did not hit you. i have hit you.

if you want be alive thenleave this baldy here and go. what has happened to you all? you are my men so whyare moving towards me. what has happened to you?get up, get up. who is here? who is there?don't try to be clever with me. if you have the couragethen come in front of me. you do not know me.i will chop you into pieces. if you think yourself to be courageousthen i more courageous than you.

i will swallow youraw and will not even spit. you have messed upwith a wrong person. i am the one who keepsall black powers in his control. i rule over all thecurses of this world. just believe that god ofdeath is standing in front of you. did you understand? these are the lastfew moments of your life. you may hide in anycorner of the world.. ..but i promise i willpull you out even from hell.

this is mine, shiva's promise. where are you, father? please come here.- father. i am feeling very scared.- father. please come fatherand save your child. father, father, please come. is anybody there? hey, jesus has cometo save us. oh god. i always offer prayers like this.

is this the way to offer prayers? you should pray nicely. jesus, please save me. i have come to church many as i do. amen.- whatever she said. father, we are finished.- father! you also say something. he is saying somethingin imported language. if we were educated thenwe would have understood everything.

that is why i had asked you to study. evil soul.. oh lord.. you are the savior.. wherever evil spirit is come here. oh lord, help us. save us. jesus, save us fromthe hands of the evil. save us from the hands of the evil.

oh god, release them. go away; go away. otherwise the pious lightwill burn you down to ashes. tell us who you are? i am ganga. why are you looking so surprised? did you think thati will forget everything? i will never forget you. hey, do you know what this is?

i am getting married. hold it. this is wedding card. you used to say that i amlame so i will never get married. the entire village usedto laugh at me and make fun of me. but now you see what is happening. even i am getting married. fish is the queen of water. water is her life.if you touch her she will get scared. and if you take her outof the water she will die.

my teacher had taught this poem. tell me, how did you like it? who is she? is she your daughter? and is he your husband?- yes. bring all of them to my wedding. i will wait for you. it will be fun. who was she?she seemed to be really angry. she is my friend. in school i taunted herthat she would never get married.

and till today she hasnot been able to forget that. you were wrong. you shouldnot have taunted your friend. and never jokingly. do you know she must alreadybe in pain because of her lameness? and in such situation evena small taunt hits hard on the heart. you had taunted her.- yes, i had done that. so you must go to her weddingand repent your mistakes. other than this house youpeople do not have any property. why are you sellingit just for marriage?

i just want happiness for my daughter. i am not bothered about the house. what are you looking at, ganga? he is my son. he is mentally retarded. it is all matter of destiny. where are you going child? i think he wantsto say something to me. i am also lame from oneleg so i can understand the pain. be careful. do not go very near to him.- what do you want to say?

is there something you want to say? leave my hand. leave my daughter hold him and take him back. father.- nothing has happened. i told you not to go near to him. calm down. he has gone. tie him up. she has still not come.- sit down here.

welcome. please have a seat. thank you.she has come. child ganga. come. 'sanskrit chants' how many times i had toldyou that i will not do this marriage? son, what are you doing? i came here becauseof your stubbornness. i beg of you not to do this disaster.- you get a side. i don't want to marrya handicapped girl.

rather than marrying her itwould be better if i commit suicide. if you marry a handicapped girlthen it would be a meritorious action. look, if it is a meritorious actionthen make someone else marry her. still if you persistthen she will never be happy. there is still someone else and get her married. wait son. please wait son. please wait son. son, it is the matterof my dignity. son. gaytri! now you are happy.

my marriage is broken. why did it happen like this? why are you standing? go from here. you must be feeling happythat my marriage is broken. you must be enjoying. you will tell all friendsthat my marriage is broken. but the truth is that no one wantsto accept me because i am lame. only you people can remain happy. i am very unlucky.

forgive me, ganga. out of innocencei just joked with you. i had no intention to hurt you. forgive me. gaytri, i am very sad. very sad. ganga, your father committed suicide. father! father..

look, what has your father done? everyone cheated me.even you cheated me and left. and then shiva came in my life. who beat you?- shiva. ganga may marry anyone she wants.. ..or she may run away with anyone. are you her unclethat you are so worried? even if i worry whatwill you do of me. don't you know what all shiva can do?

hey, what is it?- wait for two minutes. i have come here to lessenthe pain and you are multiplying. either you hit themor get beaten from me. you do not have any other option. if i hit them then will you spare me?- start it now. see, how i hit them. you rascal. wait, wait.. hey shiva.- grandmother, i love you. i love you too.

there is good news. tell me quickly. ganga's marriage broke. what great news you have told me? and after that ganga'sfather committed suicide. this is still greater news. now i will settlemy account with ganga. one minute, one minute. look ganga, you father wantedto get you married somewhere else..

..but still i kept quiet. but now if you shout then i will forgetthat i love you and will slap you. you are saved, shiva.she did not scream. look, there is no need tobe sad about the marriage that broke. don't take tension that yourfather is no more. i am there. who will look afteryou for your entire life? don't worry. this gentleman is there. who will protect a foollike me from the world? you are there.

don't be tensed onseeing these things. for last two years i am wooingyou but have not done anything. now i cannot wait are not miss universe that. you can become buti fell for your simplicity. if you will say that you don'tlove me then i will shoot myself. i will die here. if you are scared of gunthen pierce the knife in me. if you are scared of bloodthen make me drink poison. i will open my mouthand you put it inside.

your father has died ganga. after his 13th day.. give this scared thread to me. finding an auspicious dayi will put it around your neck. my mother gave it to me before dying. now stop staringat me and fix an option. i swear upon you father that.. you swear upon mydeceased father-in-law.. ..and say whether youlove me or not, ganga.

i swear upon my father that..- ganga.. don't say that you don't love me. let me speak.- okay, speak. i swear that i love you. i never told you. the thing is that i neverdisobeyed father from childhood. do you love me? yes.this is fake gun. i am not a fool to getreal gun in front of you.

what if you would have shot me?this is also a fake knife. this is not you know what is there in this? children's gripe water. if you have indigestion or stomachproblems then even you can drink it. this bottle is small butif you wish i can get bigger one. what do you think of yourself? but i love you.- you got all fake things. have you gone mad? stop!

does anyone beat herfuture husband like this? you said that you love me. what did you find good in me? i liked everything. it is okay that you liked everythingbut what did you like the most. tell me that. your small, small hair. you can hear zanzanasound from my hair. that is right.

do it again. look, one more baldy there. brother, how is it going? she had asked me to come andtake advantage of the opportunity. ganga, i thought you werevery sweet and simple girl. but you.. aunty, now that you haveseen the movie for free.. ..but there is no need to comment. you have taken the right decision.

we were finding a boy for ganga. but you made our work easy. you came a little early otherwisewe both have got married in some time. okay, continue. we will leave.- wait brother. for the first time youhave come to our house.. will have toeat food and then go. i will go and get food. please sit. she will also get company. you have already spoiled the mood.

greetings, ganga.- greetings. keep sitting.we will sit together and talk. don't be scared ganga. i have just come to tellyou that brother is calling you. you will have to comeimmediately with me. so late at night. why are you thinking about the time? when elders call thenyou should not think of time. no, i cannot come at this time.

i will come tomorrow morning. but brother. can't you see i am talking to ganga. have you come here to do hooliganism? sorry boss,i am jealous of people with hair. but i feel irritated on him. hey, take everyone. you are feeling surprised seeing thedecorated canopy of your marriage here. but there is no need to think so much.

i will get you married in this canopy. do you want to see your groom? i will show you right now. after seeing you he has changed. he is persistentthat he will marry you. so now he will get married to you. he is my only child.i can do anything for her happiness. what do think that yourmarriage broke without any reason? i broke it.

brother, i will do whatever you say. but please spare me. let me go. you are doing wrong.i won't do this marriage. if we are unable to repaythe loan then you can take our house. but i will not marry. child ganga,agree to what brother says otherwise.. ..he is very short tempered. i have heard about anothershort tempered man.. ..if he beats then the person is gone.

it is said that you shouldnot mess with him. hello boss. greetings brother.- greetings. come, child.- thanks uncle. go, go.. don't take tension. let's talk. i told younot to get scared. i am there. you must be thinking that whothis hero is who looks like a villian. so many goons have comefrom the groom's side.. one hero should bethere from the bride's side.

that is why i came.i had thought that i would.. candle lightdinner with my darling. when i reached homewith food she was missing. when i asked friends and grandmother.. ..then even theydid not know anything. later, i came toknow she has come here. i know you well so i thoughtof paying visit here and take her. don't be scared.- hey, who are you? who am i?i just told you that i am her lover.

hey baldy,why didn't you tell me earlier? sorry brother, even i did not knowabout it. i just came to know now. how could he know?i also came to know just an hour ago. oh.. hey, what are you looking at?beat up this rascal. baldy, why didn't youtell me she had a lover? i would never intervenebetween two lovers. if we would have gother married to my son today.. ..then it would have been disastrous. let me tell you onething very clearly, baldy..

..that i will get my sonmarried to a better girl than her. start finding a girl. hey, let them go. leave her. great. very good.this is called a nice deed. hey baldy,learn some humanity from the boss. otherwise you will remaina servant all your life. hey man, the fight is over. go and enjoy drinking.- money? take from that baldy.let's go darling.

sir, i will repay the loanwhich my darling has taken.. ..from and that also withinterest within six months. i am an honest need not worry now. money will reach you every month. now i will go and do love marriagewith my darling. give us blessings. always remain happy. i'll leave sir.- go. so baldy, try putting some oil. revenge can be taken in three ways.

either bow down and attack,attack from front.. ..or wait for right opportunity. i thought the third option was right. and i applied the same on you. you have messed upwith the wrong person. your son... shiva, my child.. take that old woman away.- leave him. take her to the marriage canopy.

hey, you attacked from behind. if you are a real man thenattack from front and show. shiva..- ganga.. my child.. someone, stop him. hit, you do not knowwhat shiva can do. shiva.. shiva.. shankar.. son.. shankar..

shankar.. no. shiva.. what has happened to my son? give it to me. you idiot,how dare you wear this scared thread. leave it. leave it. today i will kill youwith this sacred thread. leave her.- idiot.. leave, ganga.- don't spare her. kill her.

gone.. hey, no member of thefamily should remain alive. uncle.. he was arguing with me. bang his head againstthe wall and kill him. because of ganga my son has died. bury him with all of them. bury everyone near the sea. we were dreaming about our marriage..

..and those who were..- come fast. ..a part of thishappiness were killed. our dead bodies wereburied near the sea shore. shiva's friend becamemad from that day. and started living ananimal like life near the sea. we took revenge from allthose who killed us except maharani. if you keep us tied here.. ..then we will never be ableto take revenge from maharani. if you do not free usfrom this bondage today..

..then maharani will kill us. with the help of black magiche will create such a plan.. ..that will be hundredtimes powerful than us. boss, why did youcome into your old house? your enemies can kill you also. i have just come to know thatmy men have been killed by a ghost. ghost..- then why are we waiting here. i have called a personwho will free us from this ghost. this is the one. this is the one.

dig this area andget the dead body out. this body is powerful. maharani, listen to me carefully. after death yourson has become a ghost. i will make his soul enter this. and then with my powersi will also enter this body. when my soul enters thisbody then i will fall unconscious. and then this dead body will stand up. that time tell him thename of shiva and ganga.

after that i will dowhatever needs to be done. hey, the world' most sinnerand bad soul finish the enemies. i want you to finishthe soul of ganga and shiva. what is the name of your son?- shankar. shankar's soul, come, come..come, come.. since long he is inviting him.did you see anyone? i can see only you. i am inviting you to come. shankar, enter this body.

and then destroy thesoul of ganga and shiva. and avenge your death. now i will also enter this body. do as i have asked you to do. shiva, ganga... that evil soul is coming to kill us. please release us.we have not committed any sin. we just want to avengethe torture that was done on us. father, show mercy father.the evil soul id troubling them.

please protect them, father. these pious souls are fluttering. father, father..- we had come here to get your help. but you are helping the evil souls.- you keep quiet. father is not saying anythingbut why you are interfering. just keep quiet. this is the place.. ..where people apologizefor the mistakes. when people realize theirmistakes then they apologize to god.

and god forgives them. if they are truthfulthen god will forgive them. lord jesus. father, i hope nothingwill happen to my children. they will not be harmed. father, as you saidwe will wait till tomorrow. but nandini is a girl.let her come with us. let ganga enter your body.let that girl go. do as i say.

father..- listen to me. take this girl with you. come on daughter-in-law come with me. after the work is donei will take you too raghav. come daughter-in-law, quick. get up. shiva, now god will protect you. go and find that soul.go and complete your revenge. go. 'shiva, your ganga is calling you.'

open your eyes. come to me. now a last war will takeplace between good and bad. the entire universe will see it. you do not know what all shiva can do. hit me.. 'sanskrit chant.' look, how i have taken control of him. how many times willyou be killed by me? you are the monster that man has made.

but i am that pioussoul that god has made. call maharani here. come maharani, come.. hey, you are my last hope. if you go then what will he do to us. he will not spare us. the soul is coming out. hey save me. someone save me. leave me, leave me.. leave me.

leave him because i will kill him. i have made a mistake. forgive me. ganga, come.. now shiva's soul and ganga'ssoul will leave this world peacefully. as shiva had said hedid the same with raghav. he sent him safely to his mother. after showing this showchannel became number 1 again. even today if rghavis in any problem.. ..then shiva's soul comes to help him.

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