
watch i movie full movie in hindi

Thursday, December 28, 2017

i will not spare you.- what? leave him. move away.- move back. enough, why are you thrashing him? son, why are you thrashing son of mla? he gave me 500/- sothat i vote for his father. son, you gave him moneyso that he votes for your father. hearing this even i am feeling angry. his anger is right.

good, that he thrashed you. uncle, i did not thrashhim for giving 500/-.. ..but in fact after promisingfor 1000/- he gave 500/- that is why i thrashed him.- so for just 500/- you thrashed him. if he can cheat meby giving just 500/-then.. ..what is the guaranteethat after getting votes.. ..his father will not cheat public. i am keeping thisbecause it is my right. keep rest in the pocket.

he thrashed mlaã­s son very badly. i am releasing him because of you.- thank you. just make him understand. he keeps on thrashingpeople the entire day. okay sir. come. i am releasing you for the last time. come on. hey, come on.- okay sir. god, do anything today so that myson does not fight with anyone today.

just pray that your son doesnot fight with anyone without reason. yes. what did you say, buddy? party for me. whether it is parentsor friends but for me.. ..everyone is the same. understood. food and drinks are there. but what will i drink? any fruit juice would do. hey, donã­t talk this in front of me.

keep the phone andquietly eat breakfast. the enemy is sitting in front of me.will talk later. have a long life.he is so sweet, isnã­t he? i shall leave, mother.- wait, son. tell me what i shouldcook for lunch today. what should you cook? okay, make butter cottagecheese and rice pudding. ask father to get 2kg cottage cheese. more than half i will eatand you both adjust in the remaining.

also green kebabs with it.- wait for a moment. listen, it is his birthday today.. at least givehim 100/-for spending. here, take 100/-- take it son. leave it mother. on birthday i just donot take money from anyone. even i have some dignity.- he will never improve. tell him to keep it from my side. stingy.

my son is so much self respect. he does not take money from anyone. listen, my son willeat cottage cheese in lunch. please get it from market. neither you nor he will ever improve. go and get my wallet and bag. i do not know when they will change.- i will get it. listen..- yes.. 2000/- are missing from here.

hey buddy, get 4 tickets in my name. brother,i want to see the movie today. i had gone to buy ticketbut the board shows houseful. donã­t worry. you and yourgang will watch this movie. this is my promise. the owner of the theatreis my facebook friend. buddy, get four ticketsfor sister as well. hey buddy,he did not give the ticket me. he said the movie ishit and it is going houseful.

what did you say? after seeing the moviefirst day first show i decide.. ..whether the movie ishit or flop and he refused me. you refused to giveticket to my friend. yes i did. so..what will you do? my name is sarwanam. that means destruction. i have nothing to do with your name. ticket is not available. get lost.

look buddy, today is my birthday. and today i have promised my motherthat i will not fight with anyone. so open the ticketwindow and give the ticket. listen to me. i have given1lakh extra for this movie. there is no ticket for free. get lost. watchman, throw him out. son, what is the matter today?why is your mood off today? did you have a fight with someone? why do you speak too much?let me eat food peacefully.

my mood is off because idid not get ticket for the movie. if you would put so muchconcentration in studies.. ..then you would havebecome something today. mother.. he is a beggar so give him 2/-- i am not a beggar. i am owner of the theatre. what happened? what is the matter? your son wanted ticket for the movie. because of houseful i refused.

so being angry he broughtall the reels of the movie home. seeing his angry face i understoodthat he has done something wrong. wait for some time.i will just get it. - okay. why did you do like this? what else could i do?he refused to give ticket to me. i would have killed him.. ..but i had promisedyou in the morning.. ..that is why i did not do anything. i just got the reels.

take this, brother.- thank you. wonã­t you give ticketto the son of tehsildaar? did you hear?- now you just wait and watch. now i will file a complaintin my fatherã­s office.. ..that you show b grademovies in your theatre. you go now.- okay sir. hey, you do not have any respectbut at least take care of my dignity. today is your birthday so that iswhy i am not saying anything to you. otherwise..

friends, the caromtournament that you all.. ..were waiting formonths is about to start. todayã­s first matchis between sarvana and ravi. he had reached semi-final last year. second round is betweensarvana and billa. both are strong players. and no one can guess who will win. after winning second roundsarvana has come in the third round. hit it brother.

stop. hey, stop it. stop. i am asking you to stop. every day i put you behindbars for thrashing people.. ..but today you thrashed my brother. not only your brother,i shall not even spare you. did you hear? first he usedto create problems in school. then he started in the college. we thought it is his childish nature.

now the matter has become worst.. ..that he thrashed counselor,my son, owner of the theatre.. ..and milkman so badly thatthey had a narrow escape from death. now you tell us whatneeds to be done of him. whenever we have a problemwe go to the inspector. today he thrashed the inspector. what else is left to say? now either he willstay in the village or us. now decide. - hey,i will stay here you all may go.

what was the fault of sir? your son used to ask schoolchildren to get cigarette. when sir refused thenhe did not even spare him. then he made sir standon the road and started telling.. ..every passerby thathe troubles children. everyone threw stonesat him and hurt his head. he got 10 stitchesand the fees separate. it is understood that childrendo not want to go to school.. ..but what if the teacherdoes not go to school.

every day,i get complaints about yours on. i was toleratinghim just because of you. if he does nothingnow then i will arrest him. this is my last warning. sir, today onwardshe will not do like this. you will have to promisein front of all of us.. ..that from today onwardsneither your son.. ..will trouble anyoneor thrash someone. and if he does anything likethis then your entire family..

..will be thrown out from here. who are you to throw us out? shall i throw you out from here? talk with respect.- nonsense. throw them out. unnecessarily he is troubling us. get lost. i'll hit again. get out.- keep quiet. brothers, you all calm down.he will apologize to you all.

father, do you think i shallapologize to these third class people. i donã­t want my standard to go down. instead they should apologize to me.- listen, son. he will not agree peacefully. what did you say rascal? you are trying tobehave like a hero here. meet me behind thelane then i will tell you.. hey, you..- son.. stop-what will you teach me?

leave him, son. leave him. do whatever you want. get lost. - listen to me, son. i will not spare you.- sarvana! listen what happened? mother, didnã­t you cook food today? why are you shedding tears? those who are sufferingfrom heart attack.. ..should take a walkin the garden in the morning.

and he is sitting here idle. look son, you made a mistake.. ..but your father hadto listen to taunts of people. your father got heartattack because of you. if something happens to him.. ..then just rememberi will also not remain alive. donã­t say this again. even, i love father. whatever you are sayingis absolutely correct.

before coming herei went and met the doctor. now stop crying mother otherwise,i will also start crying. okay, all this has happenedbecause of me. isnã­t it? so from today,i promise i will not hurt you. i swear upon you. he is saying so nowbut will change later. i am thinking that will those peoplewhom he has thrashed will spare him? he has not messedup with common people. it is not right for him to stay here.

we will send himto mumbai for few days. he will learn to do somework and become independent. till that time i willmanage the situation here.. ..and will find a job for him. and then he can come back here. in these two monthsif he fights with anyone.. ..or someone calls mefrom mumbai and tells that.. ..your son has not improved at all.. i am telling you thathe will see me dead then.

just as curd and milkcomplement each other.. ..similarly fire andi complement each other. you will bring lightto our dark world. not only todayã­s but everydayã­s incomewe will give you. we salute you. after selling tickets of your moviein black i shall make a temple of you. look to the rightand then to the left. look at the centre.there is nothing without katrina. hail to katrina.. okay guys, next week anothermovie of katrina is getting released.

on wednesday we will takeits cut out and offer garland. we shall worship her then. after the great offering madetoday keep the money that is saved. only 7.50/- is remaining.- yes. so many are saved. with this money mr. guptawill not even give 1ltr milk. then how will we make the offering. how will all the preparations be made? we will not have to find a solution.the money is coming towards us.

where is it coming?- look there. he is coming with the money this side. listen, who is shakti here? boss, this man has cometo give money to shakti. tell him that you areshakti and take all the money. my blessings are with you.- good idea. gentleman, i am shakti. give me money. donã­t keep it in yourpocket but in my hand. rascal, you gave love dare you?

i wouldnã­t have feltbad if you gave it to my wife. but you gave it tomy girlfriend rascal. to my girlfriend.. wife and girlfriend.. rascal, how dare you messup with a police inspector? rascal. next time if i seeyou i will not spare you. you will write, love latter! i could not digest this.

boss, are you laughing or crying? i think some evil eye hasfallen on us. look what has happened? that evil eye hasbeen lifted on the road. boss, the bell is ringing.. he beat me just sometime back.- i am talking about the phone. hello..- boss.. inspector willcome to search for me. donã­t tell him thatyour name is shakti. why, what happened?- otherwise you will be thrashed.

today morning i gave a love letterto the girl friend of the inspector. hey, someone else doeswrong and someone else beats.. boss.. boss, deepikaã­s fans put freshcow dung on the katrinaã­s posters. hey, give us the stump.we want to play. brother,cheena is coming here in anger. listen, keep the weapons ready. why didnã­t you tell me.. ..that those who destroyedthe posters are body builders?

if i told you thenyou wouldnã­t have come. i thought they would be fanslike us abut they are quite strong. donã­t worry boss. we will thrash them. as of now we are not ina position to kick or punch them. letã­s say some strongdialogues and leave from here. those give punch who arestrong and not those who are weak. boss, it is better if we leavefrom here. look at their muscles. letã­s fool these stupid people.. ..and escape otherwisethey will not spare us.

say quickly whatever you want to say.i am getting tanned in sunlight. the money spent onsunscreen is getting waste. who dared to throw cowdung on katrinaã­s poster? we threw. what will you do? boss, they are insulting too much. come to the point.- i think they will thrash us badly. so..- be ready to run. now in this situationjust see how your boss starts. start boss.

hey, black complexioned.. ..when you threw cowdung on katrinaã­s poster.. ..i was not present there. that is why i forgive you this time i will not spare you. hey..- he is calling you. why are you escaping?- talk to him face to face. you came here becausewe threw cow dung.. ..on katrinaã­s poster. now we threw it on say what you will do.

boss this is a cocktailof cow and buffaloã­s cow dung. letã­s run from here. if we run away then theentire world will come to know. we will let them throw cowdung and then we will thank them. i am going.if you want to come then it is fine. one becomes fair bywashing face with cow dung. hey, come on throw. throw it on their face. what are you doing boss?

you never make us eat anything.. ..and today you are lettingthem throw cow dung on us. do something, buddy.- throw more.. leave from here boss. whenever we attack himhe shows white flag to us. letã­s break it today. this white flag is nothaving any effect on them. letã­s escape from here, boss. now why is this hugefellow coming in front of me?

hey, are you playing drama here? donã­t you know the rulesand regulations of gang war? i made this white flag.. ..thinking that you wouldstop but you are attacking. then fight. you will not achieveanything by fighting. you are coming nearer. donã­t hit me otherwisei will call mother. i donã­t know when he will change.

hey, in childhood imade you silk smitha fan. after that you teased every girl.and were beaten with sandals.. when you went to school thenyou did not spare the maid there. instead of sandal yougot beaten by the broom. and now by making katrina fan club.. ..they got themselvespainted with cow dung. hey, have some shame.look at them. they neither havegood looks nor brains. if this continues thenone day we will also be insulted.

hey father, before shouting youshould have first fulfilled your duty. you are just commentingon the cow dung like gabbar. what else should i do? in childhood i messed up with fatherof a girl because he thrashed you. he was a wrestlerand he thrashed me badly. and you went to sella movie ticket in black. because of you i was ashamed. you should have diedof shame at that time. keep quiet. useless fellow.

brother, i named him after my fatherã­sname but he has degraded himself. you will not understandtodayã­s fashion. tell me one thing son.are you really my son? even i have doubt onyou on this matter, father. you can never change. not in this butin hundred births you cannot change. good morning madam. i had asked you to startconstruction at the site. has the work started?- no madam. the hooligan anna hastaken control over the land.

he isnã­t letting us do work. why havenã­t you takenaction against him so far? for that we were waitingfor your arrival, madam. if the matter had worsened..- good morning. ..then why didnã­t youfile a complaint in the police? he is close to the ministerso the police is not taking action. yes madam. i want all his details. okay. madam, i have completelyenquired about him.

now you can remove himfrom there with your power. call devraaj. hello..- give the phone to devraaj. okay, i will give. father, there is a call for you. hello.. madam has called you here immediately. i will be there. brother, rajeshwari madam is coming.

this land..- hey, stop. this land.. i did not ask them to stopworking so that i can listen to you. but ordered them so thatyou can hear me. understood. vacate my land and get lost. donã­t mess with me. look in the car. you cannot harm me at allwhether you go to police or court. hey, start doing work. he is trying to scare me.don't mess with me..

madam, he threatenedyou and you just kept quiet. why didnã­t you answer him? even if i speak anythinghe will not understand. listen, now send your men. hey, start.. madam, madam wait. madam, everyone will be killed.please stop this bloodshed. i request you madam. stop..- madam, please..

i will do as you say madam. i did not stop himso that i can hear you. but stopped him so thatyou can hear me carefully. if you want to do something wrong.. ..then do not think thatyou are the one who is smart. the opposition canbe stronger than you. urvashi, urvashi.. today we will open anotherbranch of katrina fan club. hey, cheena go to the mechanicand get this scooter repaired.

this is not a scooter but is a waste. no one can repair it. donã­t get it repairedbut in fact throw it. instead of getting itrepaired you are spoiling it. you do not feel ashamedwhile selling tickets in black.. ..and are feeling ashamedin doing household chores. you.. daddy, i am respected here a lot. if my face gets damagedthen i will look ugly like you.

no girl will ever dance with me. i have reached the destination. here comes another foreigner.- any problem, dude. this man is my problem. fathers are always a problem.- you are right. they do not know that sittingidle is such a big challenge. boos, look there. sarvana is acting to be a good man. boss, he is a number one rascal.

just remember that he is the onlyenemy we have in this entire area. an evil eye will fallon us if we see him. look back. and here is my father. turn more backwards. sarvana, come here son. i will just be back. how are you?- i am fine son. he came here to being smart. son, did you go to temple?- yes sister.

at 6ã­oclock in the morningto temple of goddess kaali.. ..7oã­clock to temple of lord ganesh ..and fater being to lord krishnaã­stemple at 8oã­clock i am coming back. here, drink coffee son.- no, no today is my fast. i am not even going to drink water. uncle.. hey, this boy goes to templeevery morning after taking bath. but leave aside going to temple.. do not even takebath for months together.

what should i say? at onetime he was going to donate his hair. and now he is just roaming aimlessly.he is really troublesome. give him suggestion, son. it is easy to give suggestionbut very difficult to follow it. he is not only at fault inthis uncle but even you are at fault. nothing will happen bythreatening them again and again. one day just thrash them. thrash them in such a waythat their brains are set right. i am just finding that opportunity.

at this age they shouldbe taking care of you. but you are giving thempocket money even today. there is no problem in givingthem money for hair cut and shaving. but it is not right to givethem money for drinks and other works. now you tell me what i should do. firstly, snatch away not onlypocket money but pocket as well. secondly, stop giving him food to eat. and give only when he gets a job. only when he will remain hungry hewill understand the value of hunger.

after that he will find a job himself. let them do household chores.let them wash utensils and clothes. make them do this work tillthey do not become a maid from a don. you say to stop giving them food.and get them married. what if after marriagethey do not change? it is not possible. find a girl for them butdo not get them married now. you can tell them whatkind of boys they are. even if these uselessfellows get married..

..they will be charged witha case of domestic violence.. ..and they will go to jail. uncle, if you follow my instructionsfor 30 days then on the 31st day.. we will die. they will change. brother, i am not askingyou to be a millionaire. but at least open afood stall with your money. i donã­t want you tobecome tata or birla.. ..but at least buy a slipperwith your money and wear.

from today do notstay with each other. you will get all the more spoiled. spread in all four directions and thensee that your life will be settled. hail to lord shiva.will you take offering? hey, sarvana do nottalk with these rowdy boys. all are useless fellows. come, i shallremove the evil eye fallen on you. i am just coming. i am going. boss, earlier by mistakepeople used to respect us. they even used to offerstale tea or left over chapattis.

but he insulted us badly. we feel the pain when ourfamily members give his example. i have a great idea for this. which idea, boss? tell us quickly. to be away from forever. an eye for an eye, murder for murder..- ear for an ear boss. rhyming was good but timing was bad.sit down. friends, our first punchshould be absolutely strong. if we give the punch..- then we will be in trouble.

this time timing was goodbut rhyming was bad. sit down. friends, we all will kill him.- what? yes, and for that one ofus have to become human bomb. first become human beingsand then become human bomb. it is not wrong to makeplans without thinking.. ..but it is a big mistaketo make wrong plans. what have i done to you? why are you angry with me? tell me. under the pretextof giving suggestions.. have instigated our parents. because of you they have stopped.. us food,pocket money and respect. and innocently you areasking us how you have harmed us. because of this youwere planning to kill me. look, your father asked meto give advice so that is why i gave. now if you ask me to giveyou advice i will not refuse you. tell me, what is your problem? actually..- boss..

no. to ask for advice wouldbe like dying of shame. he himself has come for helpand is feeling great of himself. friend, milk, buttermilk etc.. will get nothingas our pocket is empty. sit down. brother..- you are young, i am young. it would be fine ifyou call me by my name. cheena..- tell me munna what is your problem?

till yesterday only outsidersthought we were useless.. ..but now even familymembers think we are useless. oh, that means you have no respectin the house as well as outside. is this the only problem? exactly. not only this peopleget their children married.. ..but our family isnot getting us married. every day the youth in us wants to getmarried and asks us to get married. now tell us what we should do. become rich if youwant people to respect you.

what should we do to become rich? you will have to study, workhard or try your luck to become rich. if you keep avoidingthis then nothing can happen. brother i want to become rich you have an idea? that means you want to becomerich without doing hard work. sorry. okay, i will give youan idea to become rich. that also in short cut. it is not a big deal.

if you fall in love with a rich girl.. ..and marry her then youwill automatically become rich. great.- yes. but to woo a rich girl iwill have to change my lifestyle. not lifestyle but only hair style. boss if we keep sittinglike this then how we will pass. we will pass by eating pasta. boss..- tell me.. this is number one collegeof our area. - really.

daughters of rich father study here.- wow! i have bribed the watchmanso he will give me the list. if we are able to set one ofthem then our life will be settled. wow!- wow! boss, look behind. her name is rita. tell me more about her.- yes, boss. if we woo her thenour life will be settled. how many factoriesdoes her father have?

her father has afood stall on the road. you are hungry at thistime buddy so that is why.. ..after wooing her youwant to satisfy your hunger. stop thinking abouteating different savories.. ..and catch hold ofsweet beautiful girls. boss, look here. made in india.the name of the girl is rekha. i saw rekha but i feel we will have tosupport her otherwise she will fall. donã­t talk about falling, boss. no one is as bad as we are here.

looks of the girl so not matter.. ..but the only importantthing she should be rich. only then our life can be settled. you should have toldme earlier so that.. ..i could have broughtumbrella to protect me. the cool breeze has started blowingand my feet have started dancing. the yellow flowershave started flying. this means the heroineis going to enter. her name is gaytri.

her name is on the top inthe list of top ten richest girls. boss, please woo her. come on boss,make her my sister-in-law. stop talking. there shouldbe no competition among friends. okay, we all will try.but i will try to impress her first. and we.. till then you passyour time and i am going. "she is fair complexioned, oh god." "her figure is good, oh god."

madam, bag.- thank you. you were so excited when you wentand now you are bleeding all over. he has hurt me so badly. without touching heryou have got wounded.. ..and imagine what all thingswould have broken if you touched her. why do you talk negative? be positive. nothing positive has happenedwith us so how can we think positive. my uncle was hiv positive. now think what have we to do further.

letã­s go and ask theperson who gave us this idea. we took the idea sim fromshop and put it in our phone. if you speak unnecessarythen i shall not spare you. we have only one option left.sarvana.. for what work didyou call me so urgently? i do not have time now.i have to go to the temple. you want to go to templebut i want to fall in love. love, love.. i want to talk to you aboutmy life and my future wife.

give me a great idea and i shallnever forget your favor all my life. i will serve you as a servant. as it is said as yousow so shall you reap? okay, sit down.i will give you an idea. okay, i sat down. but tell me first what the problem is. sarvana, tell me an idea bywhich a girls falls in love with me. for that you willhave to impress the girl. how to impress?

to impress her youshould do what she likes. but what does she like? sarvana, please donã­t show food. please. give me an idea. okay. boxing..if she likes boxing.. ..then learn it and takepart in the competition. his nose is already brokenand now by doing boxing.. wants his entirebody to be punctured. next. learn swimming and impress her. next.. if she likes singing then..- shall i sing a song for her? just do me a favor,donã­t make the girl unconscious. i swear.. isnã­t there any otherway to impress her? there is a way out. either youhave to die for her or save her life. if you do like thisthe she will get impressed.. ..and will fall in love with you.

your life is not that powerful tokill someoneã­s life or die yourself. your life maybe in danger.. ..but saving her lifeyou can make her your beloved. but how, buddy? boss, the thing isthat in five minutes.. ..she is going tocome out of the college i have learnt how tofail the brake from you tube. her scooty will not stopand she will shout for help. then you go on yourbike and save her..

..and then she willfall i love with you. what happened? is there some problem? didnã­t you like the plan? the plan is good but is very old. give me some original new idea, sir. thinking of new we maylose the old one as well. do as we say. okay. your boss willdo this work for you. you will start thegame and i will finish it.

okay, come on brother. this was the wire. letã­s go. why am i so scared? we have removed the wire of the brake. she might be comingout any time so be ready. okay. bye.- bye, take care. look, how beautifulgirl is going on the scooty.

hey, you have to go behind her. go. 'english rap song' it is not starting.i think i havenã­t filled petrol. what are you doing? put the keys in.- keys, keys.. where are you putting it?- not in the petrol tank but here. what should i do?my heart is beating fast. he cannot impress herbut will surely crash the bike. the bike has started andnow the love story will start. the brake has failed.

hey, why is he over taking me? i am going to save the girl.this scene was written in the script. hey, sarvana..sarvana, stop. he has held her and moving her. the brake got failed and i was.. tell me one thing. do you check yourhair style, nail polish etc every day? similarly canã­t you checkyour brakes before leaving? thank god that he sent me to save you. hey, doesnã­t god haveany other work to do?

did he message you that we are going.. fail the brakesof the scooty of this girl? and asked you to savethat girl become a hero. you failed my plan. you became hero and i became zero. wait, wait i will tell whatwould have happened after that? he would have entered like a hero.and save you. after that you keptstaring at each other. you thanked him and hesaid that it was his duty.

and then you both fellin love at first sight. joanna, whatever i amsaying is serious matter. nowadays no one has time.. ..but just think it is sucha big thing that he saved me. to be true such boys are rarely found. all boys are good to lookat but their true colors.. ..can be seen after doingwith friendship with them. what do you mean? he met you yesterday andtoday he will ask your address..

..and will give youa love letter tomorrow. he will not do like this.- excuse me. he is the boy about whom i told you. i had told you that he wouldcome tomorrow but he has come today. keep quiet. tell me what you want to say. i have not come here to sayanything but to give something. what do you want to give? love letter.- what?

boys are like this. love justenvelopes them on seeing a nice girl. and then these boys..- one minute. it is not wrong to givea letter to girl if you love her. wrong would be when inspiteof refusing me i would follow her. go away from here beforemy bodyguards come. it would take time,so think and then answer me. how dare you givelove letter to madam? donã­t beat him. answer quickly.

time please. time please.. why are you beating me? does anyone beat so muchfor just getting the letter? then what will happen ofmy boss who has sent this letter? who is he? he is a popular don of this area don. tell us the truth. okay boys.i shall tell you everything clearly. actually what had happened was..

look, mr. hero is eating stylishly. you are speaking well of my enemy. stupid. tell him that boss hascalled him here. - canã­t you go? if i will go then hewill escape because of fear. is there anything written on forehead? he will come hereand you will run away. hey, sarvana come here. i am coming.

why are you calling him here boss? because of him everyday somethingor the other goes wrong with us. i donã­t know what problemhe has got for us.. ..due to which we will be in trouble. stop talking nonsense andthis time he will be in trouble. tell me, boss. hey sarvana,we all had planned to woo the girl.. ..but you became heroin front of the girl. say clearly whatever you want to say.

shall i say it clearly? i kept shouting atthe top of my voice.. ..and you went to savethe girl in full speed. what are you saying? where? you called and i did not stop. oh god, why didnã­t i becomedeaf before hearing this. hey, there is no need to doover acting. donã­t try to be smart. you did not see me but i had seen you. you saved the girl whose brakeof the scooty had failed. - yes.

yes boss i she is your sister? hey, she is the lover of our boss. the lover of your brother.- i mean this stupid. because of someoneã­s lifeyou put his life in danger. is it a sin to save someoneã­s life? it is not a sin tosave someoneã­s life.. ..but by overtakingme to save my wife is a sin. boss, i did not know this. when someone shouts forhelp then i am always ready.

okay, so now you willhave to help me also. that beautiful girl standingthere is your sister-in-law. go and give her this letter. it is a love letter fromyour brother to your sister-in-law. canã­t you give this letter to her? if he had courage thenwouldnã­t he have given it? if you insult me in frontof my enemy then i shall thrash you. take it. boss, if you do not havethe courage to give the letter..

..then how you will woo the girl. because our bossdoes not have courage. shall i thrash you?- okay. go and give it. boss, if she complaints andfiles a case then what will i do. he is already donã­t scare him more. leave before the auspicious time. otherwise what? otherwise boss will be thrashed.- correct.

i donã­t need friends like you. nonsense. all this had happened. sorry boss.- itã­s okay brother. take us to him. what am i seeing?sarvana is walking in the centre. and left right bodyguards are walking. they are huge people. it seems they are coming towards us.

not towards us but towards you. towards me.. like always coward friends ran away. so something is going to happen. come sarvana. why did myfriends run away on seeing you? where has my date been fixed with her? they will take you there. these people.- yes. come on, letã­s go.

seeing you all it seems thatgirl has accepted me as her husband. who will get thewedding cards printed? the brideã­s side or the groomã­s side. first sit in the carand then we will tell you. be careful of my hand. isnã­t it an ac car?why is the window open? our boss is smart. we were finding placeto hide and you hid in this dustbin. they thrashed me andthrew me out of the car. and i fell straight in the dustbin.

hello, excuse me.i want to talk to you in private. why in private? say whateveryou want to say in front of everyone. i came here because..- i know it. that day the brakes got failedand i saved you like a hero. yesterday because of that loveletter your bodyguards thrashed me. that is why you arefeeling pity on me. and you have fallen in love with me. the entire night youkept on thinking about me. you were just turningand twisting the whole night.

while switching the lights off.. ..and on you did not cometo know when it became morning. the ink got over because youkept on writing my name on the paper. you were dreaming ofspending life together. dreams are after all dreamsbut it does not happen in reality. at least listen to me.- first you listen. i want to lead my lifelike vivekananda or buddha. i want to adopt themethod of simple living. i want to win a womanã­sheart but not with power.

but with dedication. what are you saying?- enough, enough.. when girls like you seehandsome boys like me then.. okay something might happento you on seeing simple boy like me. but i cannot love you. minute. you are just speakingwhatever comes to your mind. do you even know why have i come here? i have not come hereto express my love.

my bodyguards thrashed you sothat i why i came here to apologize. you just wrote the entire love story. you imagined everythingand enjoyed it too. what is this? sorry, you should havetold me this earlier. did you give me a chance to speak? when you said you wantedto talk to me in private.. ..then i thought youcame here to say i love you. that is why i madea mistake by chance.

leave it.forget whatever that happened. you go your way and i will go my way. we will never meeteach other again, okay. seeing a smart boygirls start following. this boy is different. whowould not woo such a beautiful girl? but he is quite different. yes. the way he has talkedwith me has touched my heart. he is a nice boy. what are you doing? leave me.

hey, leave her. hey, donã­t you feel ashamedromancing openly in public park? shameless. go away from here. he is kissing meso what is your problem. is it wrong to kiss? it is not wrong to take a walkin the park but is wrong to kiss. hey, what is your problemif they hug or kiss each other? boys donã­t spareaverage looking girls. look here. i am a sweet girl..

..who wants to make youmine and you are showing attitude. you are not listening at all.come on kiss me. find someone else. i explained you once.why are you following me? because i like it. look, i donã­t like all this. if a girl like you followsdecent boys like me.. ..then what will people think for me. people will not think anything wrong.

they will just say thatthey both love each other. i donã­t like you. understood. will you tell me the reason? love is that whichhappens at first sight. there is no place for force in it. if a boy likes agirl then it is romance. but if a girl follows aboy then it is called nonsense. people of my area really respect me. donã­t spoil it.

if from today you follow me.. ..then i will file a complaintagainst you in the police station. beware. boys are crazy about meand i have become crazy about him. it is too much. if i marry in life theni shall marry him and no one else. this is gaytriã­s self is a challenge. boss, he is much smarter than you. he cheated you and acted smart.

you are right.- he cheated you quite easily. your bad luck is really bad. the time has cometo finish everything. the idea of committingsuicide is not wrong, boss. i am not the one who woulddie for a beautiful girl. the game has just begun. she will happily cometo me and say i am yours. there is no need to be smart now.she is already his. maybe today she is hisbut ultimately she will be mine.

i will make her wear bangles.- and what about day after tomorrow. day after tomorrow is your turn, son. save me mother. day after tomorrow we will enjoy. which bad form will you show now? till now you have onlyseen the silent mode of cheena. but you have not seen angry form. tomorrow i will showhow angry i can be. come on promise to help me..- what are you doing?

..only then i will leave your feet. get up and talk.- please. help me please. please, please.. oh no..stop crying andtell me what has happened. you love gaytri. you are saying this wrong. not i but she loves me.- i know that. i know that my friend cannot cheat me. just because she loveshas made me restless.

if you get us married.. ..then i will alwayswear the ring of her name. what can i do in this? just listen to my super duper ideaand help me from heart, my brother. come on boss, start.- donã­t take her help. listen to my idea and work on it. surely you will get success. shall i speak?- keep quiet, stupid. i have already seen whatyour ideas have resulted into.

now listen to my brilliant idea. i asked you to mix somethingin his juice. have you done it? drink this and relax. drink it all. shall i tell you the idea?- tell me. sarvana, she likes you becauseyou are simple and innocent. you talk with love and respect andthat she has become crazy about you. if i go to her now theni will become villain in her eyes. it will be a total waste.

that is why you haveto misbehave in front of her. i will tell you what you have to do. drink this. okay boss. you are a liar.but your love is not a lie. you have won my heart. tomorrow she will come,call you darling ad hug you. my dear friends. from today i will not walk on roadsbut roam around in big long cars.

hey, sarvana is running. go and catch hold of him. where is he going? catch him. catch him.. let me go, let me go.. hey sarvana.. were going to woo the girlfor me and make our pair number 1. now where are you escaping? i am going to village.

are you going to village? i have put so much responsibilityon your shoulders.. ..and you are going tovillage leaving everything. i am finished, destroyed completely.- what do you mean? i made a big mistake. you made a big mistake? but you had gone to execute my plan. a slight twist came in the scene. tell me the story in detail.

what happened? i went to her housefor your setting with her. sarvana, why did youcome so late at night? look, i donã­t.. then suddenly my footslipped and i fell on her. and then light also went off. i had gone for your settingbut my setting happened. yes.. she said that happened between us.

after that.. then it was morning..- what happened then? no, no, no.. now stop crying.whatever had to happen has happened. i will go and take bath and thenwe will get married in the temple. okay, get ready. come on. he went for a bathand i escaped from there. and now i am going to my village. you had fun with our sister-in-law..

..and now you are sayingthat you will go to village. we will hand you over to police. understood? first solve our problemthen go wherever you want to. what do you want to do, sarvana? you gave me an ideaand i told you my situation. now gaytri will decidewhat she wants to do. one minute, boss. hey fraud,why did you escape from my house?

do you know where i am?in the hospital. yes, doctor said i am are going to be a father. and i am carrying twins.come to the hospital immediately. whose call was it? the one whom you love. i meanthe one with whom i spent night. that girl has become pregnant, boss. i think the speed with whichthe entire thing is happening.. ..i feel the childwill be born tomorrow. doctor said

my future wife and childrenare in the hospital. i shall go and meet them. yesterday night he came home drunk. and he was not in his senses at all. then he became unconscious. in the morning i told himthat many things happened between us. and then i said one more lies. i said that i am pregnant.. ..and he will have to come tomeet me immediately in the hospital.

and then..- gaytri, look there.. take this.- i will leave. doctor, why did that girl come here? that girl is pregnantand had come here for check up. go. i will leave now.- okay. if you need my help then call me.- okay. call me as soon ashe comes from the village. you did not expect me here.

you must be shocked thatyour secret is revealed so soon. wait. you acted well tobe a decent man in front of me. but you are a cheater. you had an affair with someoneelse and made her pregnant. good, that your truthgot revealed in front of me. hey, do you know who she is? she is my sister. she is staying in hosteland finishing her studies. there she fell in love with a boy.

maybe you do not know but thatboy is no one else but your brother. yes gaytri. your real brother. the father of sisterã­s child. i would marry your sisterbut my mother would not agree. now you tell me brotherwhat should i do? shall i talk to your mother once? there is going to beno use talking to my mother. who is your mother? rajeshwari, owner of rajeshwariconstruction private limited.

so marriage will take placewith the blessings of your mother. okay, i will surelyget you both married. till that time do as i say. that is why i was avoiding you. maybe you wanted to go away fromme but i will not let this happen. a dog is manã­s best friendwhen his condition is like a dog. drink as much as you want. i could not get what iwanted but got hurt very badly. i was hurt everywhere.

come, mr. sharma. so many times i explained but youdid not listen so now you are on road. what do you know the feelings areafter being hurt in love, mr. sharma? quiet. shameless and useless. mr. sharma, you are shameless.. ..because you sleep everynight with my mother on the same bed. stop talking nonsense. why donã­t you sleep under the bed? rowdy. drinking hasmade you senseless.

i curse you that youwill never take another birth. go and get your scooter repaired.- okay, i am going. more than the scootermy father is useless. if devdass part three is madethen i will surely be a hero in it. put me down. put me down. listen to me. the ironingof my shirt will be spoiled. put me down. why are you feelingscared on seeing me? everything was fine before i saw you..

..and now i have startedtrembling on seeing you. if you are so scared of me then whydid you fall in love with my daughter? i tried to avoid her.. ..but she said that her motherwould agree to whatever she says. my mother will get memarried to whomsoever i say. that is why i fell in love. i had heard a lot about you buti am seeing you for the first time. just say once andi will leave from here. not only from here butwill leave the city and go.

and once i go will not return. now i will leave. let me go.- wait. the richest peopleof this city have sent.. ..marriage proposals for my daughter. but i refused. do you know why? i do not want my daughterto get married in those families.. ..and my positionand dignity decreases. if a get her marriedto spoiled rich brat..

..then my son-in-law willinsult me every now and then. instead if i get her married.. a simple boy thenhe will always be faithful to me. you said that my daughter loves you. so be ready to be my son-in-law. madam, i will leave now. poor fellow,he is finished by falling in love. now only god can save him. hey, what did mother say?

your mother..i think shehas agreed for our marriage. oh my god, oh my god.... mother, mother thank you. mother, i was scaredthat you might refuse. but you agreed. thank you. he has lived up to my expectation.i got the boy as i wanted. i am proud of your decision, child. my son-in-law shouldalways bow down to me. and should listen to me always.

after meeting his family i willdecide about the rest of the things. you should always remain happy. thank you mother. madam, we enquired about that boy.he is a simple boy. he spends his day in goingfrom one temple to another. even here everything is wrong for him. listen, raju.. yes sir.- you stay here. i shall meet madam and come back.

wait here. donã­t go.- okay sir. have you done bookingin all five star hotels? confirm again. greetings rajeshwari.- greeting. he has come so soon.- welcome. you came so soon toask votes for your party. if a mla does not ask for votethen how will he become mla again? the party meeting just got overso i thought of meeting you first. do you know that you have come hereat the right time and opportunity?

what is the matter? my daughterã­s marriage has been fixed. nice to hear that. i shall get my entireparty for the marriage. and will have fun. tell me who is the groom? the boy is not rich butvery simple and innocent. he has moral valuesand the best thing.. ..he will stay herein my house as son-in-law.

he is a very good boy.give it to me. take this. the one who marries yourdaughter will be very fortunate. madam, is this the groom? didnã­t you find anyonebetter than this boy? i did not understand anything. madam, there are no values in him. i think you have notenquired properly about him. he is a total rowdy.

you must have met him nowbut i know him from childhood. he belongs to my city. till he does not do fights,murder, bloodshed he is not at peace. the moment he leaves thehouse his hooliganism starts. if anyone said anythingto him he would be ready to fight. and would start fightingand saying bad words. not only i but the entirecity was fed up of his actions. at last we had tothrow him out from there. you will have to promise us thatif your son misbehaves henceforth..

..then you will throwhim out of the city. son! because of that his fathersuffered a heart attack. and tired of all thishe threw him out of his house. then he pretended to be good. and he met your daughter. somehow we got rid of that problem. and now you are bringing thatproblem to your house as son-in-law. what happened? madam isso smart and still got cheated.

he acted to be a good man. and tried to loot rajeshwari. he showed his status. now it will be my turn. devraaj,i wanted to give you good news. tell me madam. i have decided to get mydaughter married to your son. is it fine? you start making preparationsfor the marriage. rest i will manage.

i am very happy. i will leave now. what is this father? if i donã­t love herthen how can i marry her? she is not my kind. keep quiet. just think hard. god has given so much wealthand you want me to refuse it. rajeshwari has one daughter and a son. if you get married to her.. ..then you will becomeowner of half of the property.

greetings.. you get ready..- yes mother. madam, a call for you.- who is calling? i asked his name buthe started saying bad names. okay. who is speaking? son-in-law.. future husband of your daughter. hey rowdy, i have cometo know everything about you. good that you came toknow about it automatically.

as it is i donã­t havethe habit of praising myself. listen lower class; by actingas a good man you have cheated me. so i also took revenge. after one hour my daughteris going to marry someone else. okay. there is good news for you. even i am going to getmarried in next one hour. do come to giveblessings mother-in-law. why should i come to giveyou blessings in your wedding? only a mother will blessher daughter and not neighbor.

you might have changedyour son-in-law.. ..but i will notchange my mother-in-law. i will come to the hall,marry your daughter.. ..and with your blessingswill enter your house. what happened sister? why are you ins so much tension?what happened? a hooligan wants to stop thismarriage and kidnap my daughter. he called me to tell this. sister, leave all tension on me.

my men have surroundedthe hall from all sides. no unwanted person can enter. do you see this, madam? devraj had said nobodycan come inside. he is sitting herecomfortably and teasing you. do you think he can kidnapgayatri so easily in front of our men? donã­t worry.we will handle everything. hey!- yes. donã­t take your eyes off this boy.

he shouldnã­t escape from here. if he gets up from the chair,then kill him. uncle. aunt. leave. he wonã­t be able to get up fromthe chair, leave alone do something. you donã­t worry. madam, nobody caneat chocolate in tension. i think something is fishy. madam, just once go and checkwhether gayatri is in the room.

yes, madam. go and see quickly. gayatri. gayatri. gayatri. gayatri, open the door. gayatri, listen to me.- what happened? why is she not opening the door?i donã­t understand anything. gayatri.- gayatri. gayatri, open the door.- gayatri, open the door. gayatri. gayatri..- gayatri, open the door.

mama. what were you doing, gayatri?- getting ready. boss, he has fooled you. he has kidnapped thegroom and not the bride. papa, save me. donã­t let him go. hey!- hey! are all of you fools?- hey! i have planted bombon your sonã­s body.

time over and your son will die. go and save your son. leave him. save my son. come on.- yes. go. go fast. devraj. devraj. devraj.- yes, madam. today is my daughterã­s marriage. what marriage?

the marriage will take placewhen the groom will be here. i am going to fetch my son. come on. listen.- exchange the garland. [sanskrit chant] you left from here andgayatri became a married girl. she got married.- here. shower flower on them. come on. seek blessings.the auspicious time is passing. come on. come ahead quickly.

mother-in-law, eloping with the girland getting married is old-fashioned. kidnapping the groom andmarrying the bride is new style. shall we go, darling?- yes. brother. i have only one daughter. i have raised her lovingly. i have never let mydaughter out of my sight. my daughter is my life. so i want your son tobe my live-in son-in-law.

sister is right, son.she has come from far to take you. go with her. mother, keep quiet. if anyone else had been in her place.. ..she would have fileda police complaint. and you would have been in prison. heed me and go with her. why donã­t you listen, son?go with her. papa, you sent me out of the city.

now i am living in my sisterã­s house. and you want to throwme out from there too. why are you estrangingme from my family? one should stay with oneã­sfamily and not away from them. itã­s a good planto throw me out of here. fine. great, mother-in-law!great! what a grand welcoming! gayatri, you have come homefor the first time after marriage. place your right foot forward.

mother-in-law...whichfoot should i place first? son-in-law...only richpeople follow this custom. poor people can jump and come forward. poor fellow. mother-in-law has told i will have to listen. i will jump and go inside. my baby. mother-in-law, where is my bedroom? why do you need a bedroom?

mother-in-law, when a cookcomes home he asks for the kitchen. because that is wherehe does his work. if a priest comes home,he asks for the prayer room. because he has to perform veneration. but when son-in-law comeshome he will ask for the bedroom. as it is, i have recently got married. i want to discuss the future. and i donã­t have any experience too. so i thought i willrehearse during the day.

so that there is no problem at night. so..- hero, is a dance program going on? why do you want to do rehearsal?- hey! whether the rehearsalis for dance or for romance.. ..a man becomes a championonly with practice. come on, darling.letã­s go to the bedroom. we didnã­t think of that. son-in-law, stop. our astrologer decides whatshould happen in our house and when.

we donã­t do anythingwithout consulting him. your nuptial night will alsobe fixed after consulting him. till then control yourself.- okay, mother-in-law. madam, after matching yourdaughter and son-in-lawã­s horoscope.. ..i have understoodthat for two weeks.. ..they shouldnã­t haveany intimate relation. if they come closer,they will never have a child. not just that,if they donã­t control themselves.. ..your life will be in danger.

donã­t worry about me.let the children come closer. mother, for me the nuptialnight is not greater than you. i will ensure that we donã­t have.. ..any intimate relationfor the next 15 days. is it fine, mother? fine, dear. i hope son-in-lawdoesnã­t have any problem. yes. will do. canã­t we negotiate withthe priest by giving him rs.500..

..and pre-pone the nuptial night? son, from rich to poor,everybody comes to me. when to buy land?when to build a home? with whom to do business? i tell them all that. and none of my predictionshave been false. madam, your son-in-lawhas become a nuisance for you. be careful. i am leaving.- okay, mother. ..did you hear whatthe astrologer said?

i heard it. i want to talk to you in private.come with me. oh my god! mother-in-law,you want to talk, donã­t you? why did you become quiet?- how much money do you want? for the honeymoon. i am not talking about the honeymoon. how much money do youwant to break the marriage.. ..sign the divorce papersand go away from my daughterã­s life?

i am not a coward toleave my wife for money. if you have too much money,do charity and earn merits. donã­t do a deal with me. i have so much moneythat you canã­t even imagine. do you know? i can buy 500 ons-in-lawlike you and do charity. yes. you can buy hired sons-in-law. but you wonã­t finda great son-in-law like me. what will you take toleave my daughter? tell me.

whatever happens,i wonã­t leave my wife. mother-in-law, speakingof separating my wife and me.. ..i remembered something. itã­s not only difficult,but impossible to separate us. i will separate both of you. i will make her realize thatshe canã­t live her life without money. i swear that i wonã­t letyou and my daughter come closer. the way you playeda charade of decency.. ..and deceived meand became my son-in-law.

similarly, i will resort tonegotiation, bribery, penalty, deceit. so that my daughter throws you out. hey! you have only seenmother-in-law rajeshwari. you have not seenbusinesswoman rajeshwari. you will see her now. you have only heardstories of my hooliganism. you have not seen it. but now you will see it. money canã­t withstand love.

greed canã­t withstand love. you will have to accept defeat.your ego will break. once your ego breaks, you willno longer be arrogant of your money. when that happens,i give you in writing. you will call me. ã¬son-in-law,ou are the best for my daughter.ã® want a puff? nobody should find outabout the conversation we had. i wonã­t tell anyone becausei belong to a rich, royal family.

i also wonã­t tell anyonebecause i am a decent loafer. challenge? mother-in-law, challengeis like changing clothes for me. another thing. i like women who use their you. i like you. come here. what do you want so late at night? i am hungry. i want to devour you.

wonã­t you give yourhusband any pleasure? give me a kiss.come on. come here. come. oh god! mother will wake up.go from here. if you donã­t come, i will come. quiet. wait. i will come. i will come. your mother is sleeping.letã­s have some fun. where are you going? you see,mother, i think tommy is barking. i will go check on him. okay?

you donã­t worry. i will go and see. but..- go to sleep. my plight is bad.and she is snoring comfortably. let her come. i will show her. gayatri.- who is it? leave me. move. who is it? help! leave me!- gayatri. madam is in trouble.- madam, what happened? son-in-law, what did you do? tell us.

i thought itã­s gayatri. so i..- what? i kissed her.- shut up. after many years wehave heard madam shouting. tell me. what have you done? what happened, mother? nothing, dear. gayatri, i had gone to drink water. and..- great! great! after grabbing madamã­swaist and kissing her..

..he is feigning innocence.- shut up. go to your room.- bye, mother. listen..- hey, son-in-law! you go and sleep in that room. come on. go.- sorry, mother-in-law. he wonã­t heed like that.he will certainly try again. the cat has crossed my path. gayatri, where areyou going early morning? our luck is bad.

mother-in-law, did you forget? the priest had said 15days which got over yesterday. so husband and wife aregoing for their honeymoon. manager,book two air tickets for kashmir. and reserve the best five-starhotelã­s honeymoon suite. okay, madam.- did you see? mother loves us so much.and you couldnã­t understand her. gradually i am ableto understand mother-in-law. as time passes i will beable to understand her completely.

come on, gayatri. son-in-law, best of luck.- thank you. ã¬spring, shower flowers.ã® ã¬my beloved has come.ã® wow! sit. leave me. itã­s been a long timesince we had a proper chat. letã­s talk first.

you want to talk? first tell me.have we come here for a talk show? we have been talking for 15 days. we will talk later. listen. someone isknocking on the door. must be knockingon the room next door. we wonã­t do anything step by step. we will finish it off directly. no. someone is at the door. check.

nobody is there. come on. no. look. someone is there. someone is knocking on the door. may i come in, sir?- come in. why did you come? you havecome to spoil my mood and harass me. scoundrel. nosy fellow. idiot. why did you come?why did you come here? tell me. please check first. why are you beating him?what happened?

you and here?- madam has met with an accident. madam has met with an accident. is that so?you go and handle your madam. we will come tomorrowmorning to see her. what are you saying? my mother has met with an accident. and you are saying we willgo in the morning. are you crazy? oh my! gayatri, there are manypeople to take care of your mother. but you have to takecare of my emotions. - no. no.

we will spend the night here. we will do our importantwork and leave from here. we wonã­t even getany flight at this hour. there is no need to worry.i have booked train tickets. - is it? madam, where is your luggage?- yes. come on.- we will have to reach there soon. come on. come on.- come fast. mother. how are you now?

the manager told me youhave met with an accident. i am fine, was a minor accident. the doctor has said to take rest. i will be fine in two donã­t worry. i had told them not to tell you. you must be tiredfrom the train journey. go and rest. madam, juice. son-in-law.

did you like the plan? after 15 days you went foryour honeymoon with my daughter. i called you back. remember one thing clearly,son-in-law. leave alone kashmir.. can go anywhere inthe world for your honeymoon. i will separate you from my daughter. mother-in-law, you are late.and i am fast. during the train journey..

..i did everything.- what do you mean? i feel shy. how do i tell you? the nuptial night.- what are you saying? i am saying that we hadour nuptial night in the train. mother-in-law,you think i am a novice. but i am not such a novice. by the way, mother-in-law,i will give you an advice for free. if you play with fire,your hands will get burnt. i am leaving.

another thing, mother-in-law. in the trainã­s firstclass ac compartment.. ..our nuptial nightwas a little quick. your daughter wants the secondattempt to be more loving and slow. my wifeã­s wish is my command. as her mother itã­s your dutyto fulfill your daughterã­s wish. changu and mangu.- he is calling you. no. he is calling you.- get some soft flowers. decorate the bed with it.i will go and freshen up.

manager, how did that happen? honestly speaking, madam, i didnã­tknow that he will do it in the train. had i known before, i would havereserved separate coaches for them. he has taken full advantageof the opportunity, madam. only 50 crores balance.- this is todayã­s transaction. listen, madam.your relatives have come. listen.- hello. when did you come?- just now. when will you leave?

tell me quickly. what brings you here? actually, we had prayedthat after our sonã­s marriage.. ..we will organize venerationin our family deityã­s temple. it will give us great joyif our son and daughter-in-law.. ..participate in the function. if you also come along.. ..the entire family willperform veneration together. i canã­t live without ac.forget about me. even my dog canã­t survive without ac.

seeing your condition i donã­t thinkyou even have fans in your village. i always bathe in mybathtub and swimming pool. i hope you have at leasta bathroom in your village. last week i bought adining table worth 10 lakhs. i canã­t eat without a table. i hope you have a stool in your house. billionaire rajeshwari doesnã­teven enter a pauperã­s house. your son is leading aluxurious life in this house. be happy about that.

rest you can visit the temple. drop the idea of invitingmy daughter and me. now when you have come uninviteddo have lunch before you go. no, sister.we had lunch before coming here. we will leave now. yes.- come on. bye. how are you, son? we had come to invite sister for the..

..veneration in ourfamily deityã­s temple. we have spoken to her.we will leave now. take care. we will leave. come, son-in-law. is this how you shouldinsult your relatives? i was simply praising myself. you can think whatever you want. that is your problem.

actually, affluence runs in my blood. one tends to becomearrogant if one is so rich. if you were so concernedabout your honor.. ..why didnã­t you marrya girl of your status? a diabetic patient doesnã­t get sweets. similarly, a live-in son-in-ladoesnã­t get respect. did you understand? son-in-law, now give a reply. yes.- a fitting reply. there is tough competitionthis time, madam.

he is right, madam. madam, sir is calling you. go, madam.- yes, madam. hello, sir.- hello. sit. madam, your companyhas got the tender. thank you, sir.- donã­t thank me. thank devraj. he had got the tender. but he said to give it to you. devraj.- yes. tell me, madam.

thanks. i let go of the tenderfor a special reason. which is you should alwaysbe number one in business. always number one.this is my wish. i will leave. devraj. yes, madam. i wanted my daughterto marry your son. but that did not happen.

now i will get my son marriedto your daughter at any cost. devraj, nobody can stopus from becoming relatives. wait and watch.- i am glad to know that. you had told us to be patient.thatã­s why we are quiet till now. my mother has fixed mymarriage with devrajã­s daughter. we canã­t remain quiet anymore. we have decided to elope and marry. besides being arrogant,your mother is really nice. donã­t ever do anything that hurts her.

both of you willget married with your.. ..motherã­s consentand my parentsã­ blessing. madam, jp is not an ordinary rich man. he is one of the tenrichest men in the world. when i went to his houseto talk about the land.. ..he kicked me out of the house. go back. i will tell her. itã­s not easy to meet mr. jp, madam. he is a top international businessman.

he comes to indiaonce or twice a year. to meet the pm or cm. he doesnã­t give anyimportance even to them. hello, mrs. rajeshwari.- the astrologer is here. what is the matter?you seem really tense today. yes. i am tense. you had said that the positionof the five-acre land on esr road.. so good that if i builda seven-star hotel over there.. business willprosper tremendously.

itã­s true.- i sent them for the landã­s deal. but he refused to sell the land. i lost the chance. madam, many people seea personã­s face and do the work. if the face is not good,the deal goes kaput. both of them are unlucky. seeing their faces evena confirmed deal will go kaput. but if you go,even a bad deal will go smoothly. because yours isthe face of affluence.

today is moonless night.itã­s a good day to buy the land. go and talk to the owner of the land. fix the deal and pay advance. yes. why black cat commandos? he is in the hit listof terrorists, madam. hello. hello. where are you going? who are you guys? come on. leave. who are you? mister, she is also a topbusinesswoman like your sir.

her name is rajeshwari she has comehere to talk about something urgent. sorry. sir doesnã­t meetanyone without appointment. what are you saying?itã­s really urgent. at least go and inform him.- fine. i will go and talk. you guys stand there. who is the new vip? who is this man? [english rap song] sir, they have comefrom the orphanage.

give them 1 lakh.- 1 lakh to each of them. hello, sir. who are they? sir, they have come for donation. for goddess chamundiã­s temple. itã­s wrong.people donã­t give things to god. god gives things to people. tell them to go and sing hymns. did you hear? go and sing hymns.

good morning, sir. who are they? i think theyhave come from old age home. manager. sir is saying toform a queue one by one. who is this kabaddi player? they look like loafers.- yes. sir, she is rajeshwari madam. the md of rajeshwariconstructions and builders. what work does she have with me?

sir.- yes. i want to build a seven-star hotel. so you have cometo take a loan from me. no, sir. i will build the hotelon esr land which belongs to you. i have come to buy it.- what? you want my land? where is my gun?where is my gun? i am going crazy. sir, cool. cool.- shut up. cool. cool.

i will buy 50% indiaand 100% maharashtra. i will buy japan. i will buy kashmirã­s applesand set up a juice factory in nepal. and this lady is asking for my land. where is my gun?- sir. sir, cool. idiot. why did you let her in? sir, she said that shealso has a big business like you. if a pauper calls himselfa businessman will you allow him in? if you doubt anyone,simply throw him out.

sorry sir.- hi, dad. good morning, honey.- i am going to college. are you going to college? yes.- how? by plane or helicopter? no, dad. i am going by car. car? yes.- nonsense. we are we travel in helicopters.

you know i have four helicopters. red, green, blue, pink. take any one. but dad, there is no helipadin the college. - what? there is no helipad. manager, builda plastic helipad in her college. okay, sir. but how will we builda helipad in her college, sir? tell them that there shouldbe a helipad in the college.. ..studies are not that important. i will get it made.

okay, sir.- please, dad. please. here. have a puff.- no. not cigarette. car, dad. okay. today go by car. tomorrow go by helicopter.- okay, dad. bye.- bye. bye. bye. the beggars are still standing here. if you could give the land..- oh! what torture is this?

i will sign one chequeand make all of you my servants. go. go. go. peace. otherwisethere will be a revolt. sir. sir.- what happened? a thousand rupee notefell down from sirã­s pocket. it made no difference to him. this is sirã­s style.everyday he drops 5-10 lakhs. people have become billionairesby picking up money that sir drops. and they have set up their factories.

madam, this is nothing. sir has even given a loanfor eiffel towerã­s repairing work. madam, we look like servants. but jp thought thatyou are also a servant. shut up. letã­s go. let us also go. i donã­t leave a torn five-rupeenote that i find in a decrepit st bus. how i can leave a thousand rupee note? from today you are mine.i am yours. and both of us..

saravanan. why are you crying? you see, last time whenyou promised to make me rich.. ..i have had no desire in life. but this time you didnã­t dupe made me rich. thank you. no, boss.this time too i have duped you. actually, your getup was a setup. was it a setup?

you enticed the onei wanted to entice. i thought i will geta chance to go abroad. but i had to return from the airport. and my dreams shattered.all because of you. i am angry with you.i am going abroad. boss, forget abroad. you canã­t even go to thebathroom without my permission. your passport is with me. look, the buffalo is flying.

not just that,the woman whom you drove away.. you know who she is? who is she? she is the richest woman in this city. she is a treasure house. if she finds out that youwere playing a drama with her.. will be finished. she has family ties with dig and ig. huh?- yes.

i will keep in touch. hi, sir. congrats. nice to see you.- thank you. welcome, priest. come. hello.- hello. madam.- hi. he is my foreign client. he has a lot of faith in me.

she is rajeshwari madam. madam is also one of therichest persons in maharashtra. she also wants to dointernational business like you. thatã­s why i have broughther to nri business party. madam, look, jp is there. that day jp was looking tense at home. but his mood mustbe good in such parties. go and talk to him.and fix the five-acre land deal. he doesnã­t meet anyonewithout an appointment.

even if he meets,itã­s only for five minutes. i bought british airwaysfor 15 million dollars. itã­s said that jp doesnã­tspeak much with anyone. but he is talkingto him since a long time. maybe a v.v.i.p is with him. come. letã­s see who he is talking to. bill gates wanted a loan from me.i gave it to him. and he wants to get hisson married to my daughter. i told him i willtoss and let him know.

i donã­t think you shouldget her married abroad. you can find a goodalliance in india too. india? there was only oneman like me in india. that singh.- who? harbhajan singh? mac mohan singh.- i see. whoever it is, i told everyone. my daughter will marry theboy for whom you give your consent. my daughter is your sister.your sister is my daughter.

if anyone is of my status,then tell me. come on. say the name. sir, why are you givingme the responsibility.. ..of finding a groomfor your daughter? why shouldnã­t i, saravanan? i was going to honolulu by helicopter.the tire got punctured. i landed on the saved my daughter and my life. because you are from my village. i was giving you myproperty that day itself.

but you said you wantfriendship and not property. and you rejected my property.- cool. cool. cool. you fool. saravanan, i have done afavor on everybody present here. but only you have done a favor on me. i will get my daughtermarried to any boy you say. i will marry theboy of brotherã­s choice. why?- brother is god. we just wanted apiece of land from him.

but it seems we willget his entire property. but how is that possible?- it will happen. for sure. jp is looking fora groom for his daughter. jp will blindly gethis daughter married to.. ..any boy your son-in-law chooses. so we donã­t have to plead before jp. just persuade your son-in-law. you could become jpã­s relative. once that happens, jpã­s entireproperty might belong to your son.

congrats.- am i right? letã­s go.- very good. saravanan, how did you bringyour mother-in-law on the right track? you fool.- yes. my mother-in-law..- yes. ..believes in astrology. but her astrologer.. ã¬hail god! hail god! hail god!ã® son, have you comehere for my blessing?

i have come to give you my blessing. this is the original dvd of the latestfilm. would you like to watch it? i donã­t watch tv and movies. this is not a movie. itã­s a must watch it. since you are insisting so much,show me. ã¬my cage is open. come, my birdie.ã® ã¬donã­t skirt eyes. letã­s lock eyes.ã® ã¬i know you are a hunter.ã® what is wrong in this?itã­s devotional, son.

thatã­s true. watch what happens next. 'you help the whole world.when will you help me, sir?' 'shanti, you donã­t know.rajeshwari is a foolish woman.' 'i dupe her and extract money.' 'rajeshwari will give you money,wonã­t she?' 'so far i have extracted4 crores from rajeshwari.' 'in the future too i willfool her and extract a lot of money.' 'is that so?- wait and watch.' 'i will buy a bungalowand a car with her money.'

'and make myself rich.' 'first i will setmy life and then yours.' 'i am a millionaire.later i will become a billionaire.' 'and rajeshwari will become a pauper.' when did you capturemy misdeeds on the camera? will you upload it on the net? when you trap an ordinary victim,you rejoice. here, i have trappedan important victim. i will directly telecast it on the tv.

tell me.what do you want from me, sir? well done, priest. sir, did you tell him everything? give me the dvd quickly. unless the wedding is over.. ..the dvd will remain with me.- give us our money. otherwise we will miss the last bus. why do you say farewellwhenever we ask for money? i am not saying farewell. money.- priest.

they are asking for their price.take them with you. and give them their money. go. everybody come with me. what is your name?- natasha. do you live in shastri nagar?- no. sector 2. saravanan.- yes. i want extra money. what will you do? i am smoking a cigarwith a cigarette inside.

my condition is bad. tell me, mother-in-law. son-in-law, yesterdayi saw you and jp at the party. jp? jaggu pillai. he must be jp for you.for me he is jaggu bro. he is my close friend. what? arenã­t you doing overacting? you are talking a lot.- no. i..

shall i inform the newschannel and show them the film? which? which film, priest? itã­s a flop film. go away. son-in-law,you know such a renowned man. and yet, you are so simple. mother-in-law, stop flattering me. tell me fast. i donã­t have time. madam wants to conduct hersonã­s marriage with jpã­s daughter. why did you stand up suddenly?sit down.

no. i think itã­s a serious matter. i will stand and listen. tell me. son-in-law, if we getraj married to jpã­s daughter.. ..we will becomerelatives of equal status. there is a huge differencebetween jp and you, mother-in-law. do you know what you are saying? see your status and see his status. if you have to go somewhere,you book an air ticket, donã­t you? but he has his own private plane.

if your carã­s tire gets punctured,you change the tire. he changes the car. itã­s not right to deceivea decent man, mother-in-law. mother-in-law,if i am low-class for you.. are low-class for jp. son-in-law, she is your mother-in-law. she doesnã­t have anyone besides you. sorry, mother-in-law.- itã­s okay. unlike you he isnot proud of his wealth.

he even respectsan ordinary man like me. shall i fall in his estimation? if you say, jp will certainly agree. at least talk to him once. fine. wait for a moment. i will call him up and see. use my phone.- my camera phone. he doesnã­t answer ifitã­s an unknown number. hello, saravanan.- hello, jaggu.

where are you? i am at the tea stall. hitting flies in my rear.- i wanted to meet you today. no. i canã­t meet you today. i have only one coat. i havegiven it for washing and drying. the laundryman is saying hewonã­t give my coat unless i pay him. the tea vendor is alsonot giving me credit. i am hungry since morning.i am hungry. oh! i see.have you gone to hungary for lunch?

lunch in hungary? itã­s been two days since isaw a packet of biscuit costing rs.5. give me rs.5. actually, yes, okay, sir.will you surely come? okay, sir. okay. thank you. mother-in-law.- yes. he is satiating his hunger in hungary. so he will come home can meet him. thanks, madam. thanks for your help.

i was an inspector, madam.but now, i have become an acp. did she find out about our fraud? the police are here. shall we go back? jp sir, please, sir. come, jp sir. hello. come. come.- i have seen him somewhere. madam, i will put the man who hascheated you behind bars within 24 hours. if needed, do his encounter. why are you scared to see the police?

what if the police arrest me?- come on. get into your character. rajeshwari madam. i canã­t get my daughtermarried into a low-class family. but since saravanan has said,i had a change of heart and i agreed. all said and done,i will become your relative. i am delighted to hear this.- control your emotions. i have three conditions. if you agree, say yes.otherwise goodbye forever. will he tell theconditions from the top?

condition number one. i donã­t give dowry or take dowry.i hate dowry. condition number two. you want to make my daughter.. ..the daughter-in-law of your family,donã­t you? your son will bemy live-in son-in-law. condition number three. he is here. as per my status, i can getmy daughter married in a plane.

but no. i am a sentimental fool. so following my family custom.. ..i will get my daughtermarried in my village. if the three conditionsare acceptable to you, tell me. otherwise i will leave from here. dowry and live-in son-in-lawã­scondition is fine. it will be fine, priest. but he wants to conductthe marriage in his village. there wonã­t be any amenities.

my daughter got marriedunder strange circumstances. i want to invite all vips formy sonã­s marriage and do it grandly. if i conduct the marriage quietly.. will people see my grandeur? priest, are you waitingfor the right time to speak? give me time to think. madam, itã­s not important toconduct the marriage with great pomp. but itã­s importantto rejoice after marriage. if people find out thatyou have formed a bond with jp.. will become famous notonly in india, but also abroad, madam. so accept jpã­s three conditionsand let the marriage take place. thatã­s it. donã­t drive us crazy, son-in-law. if itã­s not acceptable, say will leave. jp sir, i accept all your conditions. donã­t take any decision in haste.think about it. there is nothing to think. son-in-law.- yes.

tell him that i acceptall his conditions. okay, mother-in-law. rose led to diarrhea. diarrhea.. jp sir, mother-in-law has agreed. you get ready. if you have said, what else do i say?the marriage is fixed. anyway, i have thoughti will get them married quickly. next week there isa function in my village. the marriage will take place there.

but i wonã­t be present.i have to go abroad for business. okay, sir.- hold it. you are from the brideã­sside and not the groomã­s side. everybody listen to me carefully. from today jp is saravananand saravanan is jp. but i will try my best to comefor the wedding by my private jet. if there is any emergency or urgency,inform me. okay, sir.- saravanan.. ..i want to gifta new plane to my groom.

cng one. donã­t exaggerate so much.otherwise we will be beaten. - okay. itã­s time for my flight. i am leaving. enjoy the wedding. if the planeã­s fan doesnã­t get jammed,i will come for the marriage. yes.- saravanan. donã­t forget me onceyour work is done. i am going to the tea stall. if you have rs.20-30, give it to me.

you are checking your pockets.- you are showing your true colors. let me check.- give me. here. rs.10. i wonã­t even gettea and biscuit with this. thatã­s all i have. get lost. take this beggar away. how will we drink liquor?- we will sell the coat and drink. why is the road so bad?is it a shortcut? itã­s the main road.

if this goes on,all my body parts will shake. itã­s so bumpy. son-in-law, please tellthe driver to stop the car. my stomach is aching. priest, listen. shall i show your dvd to everyone? which dvd?- no. which dvd? we will also see.- both of you keep quiet. nothing, madam. itã­s a movieã­s dvd.

so that you and they donã­t get bored. itã­s a comedy film. rajeshwari madam,your best time has started. by traveling on this bumpy roadall your wishes will be fulfilled. wait and watch how your life changes. forget that.the carã­s tire has come off. we are going to fall down. okay, madam. what has happened?it was such a grand car.

it has become decrepit.- what has happened, madam? your best time was going to begin.your bad time has started. what kind of priest is he? son-in-law,call the mechanic and fix the car. itã­s futile to call him.i will have to go and fetch him. go and fetch him. shall i walk for 40 km? call ola or uber. here, you donã­t get ola or uber.

the car that comes here breaks down. there are no cabs here. how does jp come to the village? jp comes by helicopter. forget all this. tell will we go to the village? i canã­t walk anymore.if i walk more, i will faint. mother-in-law,you wonã­t have to walk more. jpã­s palace is here.turn to the right. is this jpã­s palace?

what palace? it looks like a cowshed. maruti rao. maruti rao. hello, sir.- he is maruti rao. only my name is maruti.i donã­t even own a bullock cart. mother-in-law,he takes care of the entire palace. do you need someoneto take care of this place? hey!- give me. yes. take it.- yes. give me. mother-in-law, give it.- wait.

how can i live in this cowshed? i wonã­t stay here. jp also lives in this palace. tell me whether you want to stay here.i will have to inform him. i will call him up. son-in-law, whom are you calling?- jp. but why? mother-in-law doesnã­t want tostay here. i will have to inform him. disconnect the calland donã­t get angry.

madam, think that your badtime is going on which will pass soon. you have to endure hardshipsfor only three days. after that therewill be only luxuries. this is what madamã­splanets are saying. after that everything will be good. priest, thatã­s the onlyreason why i am enduring all this. then letã­s go inside. come in. is that a rate hole?

this is not a rat hole. thank god. i was scared to death. itã­s a snake hole.- snake hole. what is there to be afraid of? the snake comes at night, bikessomeone and leaves in the morning. there is no fan will we stay here? thatã­s what is bothering me. mother-in-law canã­tlive a moment without ac. forget mother-in-law.even her dog canã­t stay without ac.

there is no fan here. hold on. i will call up jp and tell him.what drama is this? my mother-in-lawwill live without money. but not without to cancel the wedding. son-in-law, donã­t call him.i will manage without ac. itã­s only for three days.i will adjust somehow. are you sure?- yes. sure. listen.- yes. i have a this really jpã­s house?

priest, you think this is jpã­s house?itã­s not his house. this is my ancestral home. when my parents invited mother-in-lawto the village for the veneration.. ..she humiliatedthem and threw them out. thatã­s what i did to her today. for the first time someonehas outdone rajeshwari. he has defeated her completely. he deceived her andbrought her to his village. wonder what will happen next.

papa, rajeshwari has cheated us. she had promised tomake you her relative. but she is goingto make jp her relative. she had told me shewill become my relative. why did she changeher plan all of a sudden? her son-in-law saravananis the root cause of all problems. the marriage is going to takeplace in a small village tomorrow. that canã­t happen. she might get her son marriedin any corner of the world..

..i wonã­t let that happen. hey! everybody come on. everybody come for dinner. shall i say something?- yes. the house might be small.but the banana leaf is big. thatã­s bound to be. do you know?even if a crow comes to jpã­s house.. ..he gets to eat at least14 kinds of delicacies. amazing!

jp sir is not only rich,but he has abundant food too. uncover it. what is this?such a big stone on top of the leaf. the stone has been kept sothat the leaf doesnã­t get blown away. if you want, you can even playwith it till the food is not here. hey fools! itã­s not stone. itã­s food. you will have to put onionand chilies on it and eat. what did you say?will we have to eat this stone? we will have to sleepon an empty-stomach today.

i thought we will getto eat delicious food. but.. wonder what will be madamã­splight when she will see this. isnã­t the food good?- here. mother-in-law, come. sit. is this the villageã­sspecial side dish? side dish? this is the main dish. itã­s a ball of millet. millet.- yes. even my dog wonã­t eat this,leave alone me.

look, make friedrice and noodles for me. madam, you get nothingbesides millet here. - hey! maruti rao. she eats only on the dining table. you tell me. how will shesit on the floor and eat millet ball? am i right? the other day madam had said this. today son-in-law is saying it. mother-in-law, adjust for today.

you see, tomorrow thecook will come to the village. he will cook whatever you want. instead of eating this fooditã­s better i go to sleep hungry. nonsense! you are eating thefood that even my dog is not eating. get up. come fast. get up.- madam. i touched it. but i couldnã­t eat it. mother left in a huff without eating. your motherã­s taste is different.

she will come when she is eat. come on. right now madamã­s planetarypositions are haywire. but itã­s only for a few days. she.. listen. i want to brush. bring my brush and paste. i forgot the brushand paste in the car. i thought we will buy itfrom the village. itã­s a small item. how do the villagers brush?

more than half ofthem donã­t brush, madam. the rest use their fingers.- right. tell me. how do i brush?- mother-in-law. you want to brush, donã­t you? this is called an herbal twig. if you brush with this, yourteeth will shine even in the dark. according to todayã­s horoscope.. ..madam will brush herteeth with an herbal twig. does the horoscopetalk about the brush too?

not just that. some even reveal when youshould flush after going to toilet. i am sure your daughterã­sname is rashi. - shut up. madam, brush properly.give her water. 'sanskrit chants' you are looking so beautiful. the auspicious time is the groom. where is the bride?- she is getting ready. the auspicious time is passing.where is the groom?

one moment. donã­t make me tense. wonder where he is going.- what happened, son-in-law? are you looking forsomeone in tension? the auspicious time is passing.i am going to find the groom. forget the groom, son-in-law. the marriage will takeplace when jp will come here. jp is coming. he has come. you tried to fool us. get down.

here is your sack of lies. saravanan, forgive me.they thrashed me badly. so i spilled thebeans and exposed you. what happened, son-in-law?got a shock? international businessman jpã­s realstatus and character has been revealed. son-in-law, you fooledme to show that you are smart. but your low-class mind lostbadly to my high-class brains. mother-in-law,tell the groom to come here. we will talk about this later.

we will talk right now. listen. my son ran away. because he didnã­t want to get married. madam, this is common in marriages. maybe you have hiddenthe groom somewhere. and you are lying to everyonethat your son has run away. i donã­t have to hide my son. listen to me carefully. i am not stopping this marriage.

my son-in-law is stopping it. he played a charadeof marrying my daughter. because he wanted my property. he humiliated me infront of the society.. ..kidnapped the groomand married my daughter. but by marrying my daughterhe will get only half the property. this greedy man wantedthe entire property. thatã­s why he portrayed hissister as billionaire jpã­s daughter. and tried to makeher my daughter-in-law.

when my son found out,he ran away from here. thank god i found out aboutthe cheap family before the marriage. otherwise in the greed ofwealth they would have killed.. children and me andsnatched our entire wealth. last night afterfinding out the truth.. daughter andi were going to leave. but we stayed so that wecould tell all the villagers.. ..the truth about hisfamily and thus expose him. now we will leave.what happened was enough.

fetch the car. he was a ruffian. his father thought hewill go to mumbai and reform. but he didnã­t change. look, he didnã­t even sparehis mother-in-law and wife. he has disgraced not only his family,but also the entire village. mother-in-law, i want to talk to you. i didnã­t cheat and plan this marriage. your son and my sister fellin love even before i got married.

my sister is pregnant. i got scared. that to take revenge fromme you will refuse for the marriage. i donã­t want your property. if my sister doesnã­tget married today.. family will be disgraced. why didnã­t you thinkof this when you disgraced.. during my daughterã­s marriage? what can i do if yourfamily is getting disgraced? your parents invitedme for the veneration.

but i refused them flatly. so you staged the drama ofmarriage and placed three conditions. you humiliated me all the time. but did you see?i humiliated you and your family.. front of the entirevillage and defamed you people. mother-in-law...leave it. no.- leave it. what are you doing? help! my son-in-law is trying to kill me.

i will die. help! son-in-law wantsto kill me with the knife. help me quickly. look. see what he has done. he told me that his sisterã­smarriage was called off because of me. so he will kill me. i really didnã­t do anything. i loved you and marriedyou against my motherã­s wish. you tried to kill her.

because your sistercouldnã­t get married. thatã­s it. now i wonã­tstay here even for a minute. come, mother. bring the car. hello. - saravanan,hasnã­t life become topsy-turvy? this is just the beginning.- who is this? you forgot me so soon. you kidnapped myson from his marriage. and married rajeshwariã­s daughter.

i have kidnapped your sisterã­s groom. and i am going to getmy daughter married to him. so far you have beentelling stories to everyone. now i will show you the flashback. "english rap song" hey! give it to me. listen, poor people.i have to go to dhola village. i want you to take me there. do you think we are your servant?shall i hit you?

do you know who i am? i am jp. rajeshwariã­s son is going tomarry my daughter in dhola village. papa, he is not jp.i think he is a duplicate. we will give him a lift. on the way we will find out whetherhe is telling the truth or not. switch on the ac. three of them. i am gone. mother, i am dead. i didnã­t do was a part of the plan.

stop.- look, he is asking for a lift. for godã­s sake stop.- i did everything on his saying. this bodybuilderis the hero of the film. stop. - ask him.he will tell you everything. god bless you.sir, can i get a lift? yes. why not, priest? come. we will giveyou also a lift. come. here.- oh god! i am gone.

donã­t hit me on the back. madam, your bad time is going on. believe me. do you want to docatwalk with the sandal? my daughter and rajeshwariã­s son aregoing to get married after an hour. rajeshwari has gone mad with delight. but there is a twist in the story. i will kill your mother-in-lawand wife on the way. and you will be blamed for it.

you killed yourmother-in-law and wife.. ..because your sisterã­smarriage was called off. you will be imprisonedand given death penalty. but it will be a happy ending for me. rajeshwariã­s entirewealth will be mine. mother! hey! leave my man. otherwisei will kill your mother-in-law. i thought i willfinish them off today.

but because of mother-in-lawi have to back off. listen. sorry. to hell with your sorry. you left with yourmother without thinking. hold this dagger. brother, you can do whatever you want. but leave my mother-in-law. my daughter is feeling shy. itã­s nice, isnã­t it?- yes. tell me, son.

papa, you said to kill rajeshwari. i have got hold of her son-in-law too. tell me. whom shall i kill first? bring all of them to me. hey! put them in the car. come. come, rajeshwari madam. welcome. welcome. if you had not comefor your sonã­s marriage.. ..i would have felt very bad.

watch the marriage.later i will kill you. i did whatever you told me. but you deceived me.- you also deceived me. so i deceived you.same to same. did you see, son?your father is so smart. do something. save our lives. my life is in can i save you? if i move, i will be beheaded. darling. darling.

beat them and letã­s go. if you call me darling once more,i will kill you. am i spiderman? i am an ordinary man. mother and daughter create a mess.later i have to fix everything. are you shaving my beard?keep the knife a little away. itã­s time. call the bride.- yes, priest. hey! bring the bride. boss, he has duped us again. his men have kidnapped the girl.

hey! i didnã­t kidnap any girl. yes. i had planned your sonã­skidnapping and executed it too. but today, my life is in danger. your men have surrounded will i kidnap her? use your brains.i am sure itã­s an insiderã­s job. first find that person. he didnã­t do it. so who did it? papa, now i understood. since a long time a lovestory was going on in our house.

kallu jalela used to take meena.. college on hiscycle and bring her back. now i understood.meena has eloped with him. you moron. before hiring kallu jalelayou should have thought. canã­t a loafer fall in love? catch kallu jalela whereverhe is and bring him here. hey! what is this? why did all of you bow your head?

for years we have beendoing illegal deeds, boss. for the first timein life we have got.. ..a chance to switchfrom action to romance. i donã­t want to miss the chance, boss. what is this?will we villains reform in the climax? i pay all of you. do whatever i say. got that?- we donã­t want your money. henceforth we willdo anything for love. we will wear a suit and tieand go to office. we will work.

but we donã­t want your money, boss. why to be afraid when you have loved? we have given our heart, boss. how did bad men become so noble? you are deceiving me and leaving.- papa, chill. first become a father. then you will understanda fatherã­s pain. talking nonsense.i will go and bring my daughter. itã­s okay. come on.

my dogs are barking at me. come on. why are you so late? sit at the dais beforethe auspicious time passes. go. wow! this is called a couple. today everybody hasfit in a single frame. did you do this? itã­s the game of destiny. itã­s not the game of destiny. it was the game ofson-in-lawã­s brains.

hey! you are holdingthe knife and my neck. instead of me you are crying. bro, i have a small,pumping heart inside this fat body. my heart is in love. i love devrajã­s daughter. today is her marriage.i canã­t do anything even if i want to. thatã­s why i am crying. fatso. your lover is getting married.and you are crying here. scoundrel. move the knife.find your lover and take her with you.

devraj wonã­t lethis daughter marry you. elope with her. didnã­t you hear? can i do it alone? i can do so much when i am so skinny. and you are afraiddespite being so healthy. remember one thing.true love never loses. what if it loses?- then itã­s not true. now shut up. and leave.

okay, boss. bless me.- get out. now tell me, mother-in-law. your time was good.thatã­s why you could do this. your son-in-law doesnã­tbelieve in time. he believes in timing.

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