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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

sasirekha parinayam[marriage of sasirekha] aha! it is my marriage! oho! it is my marriage! if you and i quarrelit will be a hot news to the world. great warriorsand wealthy kings.. ..visited our marriage jealously. great warriors and wealthy kingsvisited our marriage jealously. oh gosh! i am pretty and soft.

seeing my beautythe groom will faint. kakinada25km. hail lord rama! uncle! why have you brought mewith you in the early morning? what is the urgency?- how do i know? your dad called me around 12am,.. ..and ordered that you must bepresent at 6 am. i asked, what is the newsâ­? he said, will not you bring herif i do not tell the newsâ­..

..and scolded my family membersand the people of my lineage. what is the secret news evenwithout your knowledge of it? lord rama! i promise on your aunty. keep quiet uncle!- take back your promise. i know. you will not leaveme, all of a sudden. oh gosh! today is mysecond term internals. i am missing it. i do not know about this suspense. uncle! why are they decoratingall over the street?

i am too thinking the same.- whose marriage would it be? whose marriage?- it is kasthuri'â­s marriage.. last month was her engagement! that is the reason for this surprise. why is some busy workgoing on in our house? is your father getting married again? what would be the reason for it?- you idiot! because i married your sister,your father left you too with me. you are irritating me for 20 years.

it is calling yellâ­- damn yell. brother-in-law! why do you hitme for everything? bujjamma! brother-in-law!bujjamma has come. what is this?- dear! you are going to get married. your father brought a nice alliance.- keep the luggage in. come in. do not make them stay out.bring them in and talk to them. bujjamma! stay there. he says the groom is a nice person.he stays in america.

did noâ­t we attend a marriage function of suryanarayanasdaughter before 3 months at rajamundry? i heard now, she stays in america. her husband andthe groom are good friends. spit here. he saw you in her marriagecassette at her house. he wants to marry you only.- you keep quiet. you know, he made his parentsto agree for this marriage. is it over? move aside.let her take a breathe.

let her take some rest. otherwise she wiâ­ll sleep inthe marriage hall at night. is my marriageat todayâ­s night? - yes. it is said that marriage proposaland vomiting cannoâ­t be stopped. your marriage will beheld on today'â­s night. you will be staying at our homefor three nights. and other three nights youwill be staying at his home. on 7th day he will take youto america with him. then amalapuram girlwill become american girl.

come for a minute.- she feels shy. you are very lucky dear.i am not saying.. ..but aunty, have you seen in tvabout nri marriages? ramaraju fixed an america alliancefor his second daughter. he is torturing her cruelly.- she looks dull, aunty. but my dear looks pretty. why do i need this marriage now? then when will you get married? now you are 20years old.

do you know, i got marriedat the age of 14? well said! do not i want to continue my studies?- no problem. if your would-be accepts, you cancontinue your studies after marriage. you all are making me.. what is this, you haâ­ve brought me atmidnight and conducting my marriage. oh gosh! if your dad listens..- do not i want to be prepared mentally? should noâ­t i know aboutthat american groom? should noâ­t i atleast see that groom?

hey! bring here those dvd's. where is he staying,what job is he doing.. how much is he earning,everything he is.. here it is aunty.- ok, you go.. he recorded everything in this dvdand sent it for you. do you know how beautifulyour house is in america? prince wants to marry not say no. is that prince in it? idiot!

he saw me in cd,so should i see him in this dvd? should we run our family through internet? i do not want this marriage. are you in love withanyone in kakinada? i wiâ­ll kick you. i know, you are very strict. do you know one thing? your name is sasirekhaand his name is abhimanyu. see! your names are matching similarly.

your horoscope too ismatching similar. - you.. do you feel headache? why are you acting like a smart? i will peel your skin out.come here. what is your opinion? will you get married after roamingwith someone for 6 months.. ..and get pregnant by him?do i look like a crazy thing? i will kill you. move aside.

you both together spoiled her, is not it? when i asked, why shoulda girl be allowed to study.. you said,brother, days have changedâ­.. ..nowadays all girls areeducating themselves. ..i am a guarantee for her,and made me accept.. you took her to kakinadaand spoiled her. see! now what is she saying? she say, she does not want this whom do i arrange as a bride? how dare you talk againsthis speech? - go away.

do not you want this marriage?- do not get angry. she is innocent. come this side. i am telling politely,. is ok if you sitin the marriage hall at night.. otherwise i will kill you andmake you lie down on a bier. brother-in-law!- go away. you oldie. do noâ­t know why my soul does not accept! and it could noâ­t tell the reason. it worries..

it gets emotional.. we both have the same feelings. if it shares worries,burden would get reduced.. and it could not tell the reason. the green garden does notlook nice at present. the whole village praisesbut their looks pierce me. it does not stay quiet.i do not know why. take it as either wrong decisionor wrong path.. nevertheless, it cannot be changed.

still it is making me thinking on.. and it is making me move out.. brother-in-law! grooms people have come. your in-law has come.- gosh! you are a crazy person. do not know how he speaks?i am coming. dear! grooms people have come. this house looks likegannavaram govt. hospital. is this the house for guest to stay? in-law! - why are yougetting down slowly?

are you getting downfrom a bus or a flight? in-law!- are you here? i thought you would welcome usin the village outskirts with a band. godhavari people knowwell about customs. we thought to come there. do not drink all types of water.we vijayawada people do not like it. he would have arrangedbislery water for us. we could not get bislery water. we got godhavari river water for you.

krishna people do not like godhavari water. did they mix endrine in that water?- you fool! did not he accompany your wifewhen he visited my home? would you try to do somethingfoolish to my son? your son need not worryabout that problem. he has only one daughter.- you saved my life. will your people talk by makingguest stand at the door steps? come in in-law!- take them inside. seems this house has no enoughspace to stay for our guys.. son's friends have come from america.where will they stay? there are lot of a/c. roomsinside the house. what about electricity here? it wiâ­ll come at 2 o'â­clock.- did noâ­t you arrange for generator? yes, we arranged 2 of them.- what about diesel for that? our person is standing in the queue.whenever he gets it, hell bring here. that is why i told you.. ..i will conduct this marriage in my placewith my expenses in a grand way. what did you say?

you said that it ismy daughter's marriage.. it should be heldin my house at my place. my son got adamantto marry your daughter. you both tied my hands. dear! keep quiet!- yes, i will keep quiet! in-law! whatever we do,is it not for our children's good? that iâ­s right.- come, let uâ­s go in. as per the custom you haâ­ve to taste a sweet. ok. why do you stand as a post here?

go and do the formalitiesto everyone. - go dear. leave your customs,what about the money(dowry)? what money? - do not yougive me the balance money? we will give you in marriage hallat the evening. i cannot say if you or iwould be alive till the evening. but this marriage should not stop. that iâ­s why, stop coming after me. go and get ready the money. then we wiâ­ll celebrate, not onlythe mouth but the entire body.

sister! brother-in-law asked meto get the balance amount. what happened?- will not you give if i do not say the reason? he made him stand outside till now. he talked foolishly at him. he says that this marriage will noâ­t happenif you do not give them the total money. and groom will not marry her.he is crazy after money. what are you looking?get the money. take it.- dirty idiots! do you know how he abused him?

sister! this alliance does not match us. did you hear it? he does not want to marry meif he does not get the money. he will noâ­t take me with himif he does not get the money tomorrow. then, without getting money he will noâ­t.. do you understand what will it be? you keep quiet!i aâ­m feeling worried about it. mom! do you want to get ridfrom me on some reason? am i burdening you much?

machine? - what machine?- it counts money. nowadays rich peopleare using it in our place. you know it is all bank bundles.- do not i care in myself? uncle! close all the doors.nowadays cameras are fixed at windows. what about the land documents? look! it is there. all documents are being perfect.- accounts are too perfect, sir. take the 3rd note from the bundle.- sir. - take it out. here it is sir.- what is it? - is it torn?

why did you give me torn note? i thought it will happen like that.take it. - take it in-law. in-law! give me sweet now.- sit down. is it jack fruit.- have it. groom is a nice person.that iâ­s why i want to keep quiet. did you see him? he collectedeverything without missing. how would my daughterlive happily in his home? we do not want to worry about his behavior. we will meet him again in his life..

..2 or 3 times for baby'â­s birthand his naming ceremony. let it be, but our dear will not stayin his home, is not it? she will stay in america.also groom is a smart person. you know how smart he is.. though he was born in vijayawada,he does not know how to play cards. does not he know how to play cards?- that is the wonder. brother-in-law!- baranam is torturing me. it is aranam, not baranam.- you keep quiet. brother-in-law!- what?

our bujjamma...- what bujjamma? our bujjamma ran out. has she ran out herselfor did you send her out? why do you stand still here like a post? go and find her out. go, search herand bring here. now what answer should i tell him? he is a talkativeand a crazy person. - stop. what in-law? has yourdaughter run out? ..with whom?

does he belong to your caste? good care.- dear! keep quiet. i said no. but you and your son made meto agree for this girl. what? do you feel happy now? come all of you. i do not knowwhat i will hear, if i stay here further. we bought this sari for your daughter.give it to a beggar girl. if i do not bath in krishna river,this distress will noâ­t leave from me. he is going to leave this place.

if he leaves this village,there will not be any relation between us. ask him about our dowry. seems he got crazywhen her daughter ran out. you idiot! i am not crazy. give my moneyand move. do not you feel ashamed? why do youkeep his money still with you? look! your land documentsare also in that. wait. how will give methe balance amount? what balance amount?

i asked about 25 lakh rupees what yougot from me in the engagement. is that? as soon as i reach vijayawada,i will send you. wait. - who knows that you will be aliveor not before you reach vijayawada? give money andleave the place. will noâ­t you let us go forwardif we do not give you the money? thrash him- finish him. how dare you hit my sir?- i will kick you idiot. do i look likecolorful shirt person? if you do not give the money,i will dip you in godhavari..

..then you will float in the and your damn laugh. stop your laugh and look this side. colourful shirt? if anything bad happens,i will show you who i am. hello murali! it is me.i want 25 lakh rupees urgently. do you have only 15 lakh rupees.send it fast. greetings naidu sir!do you have only 5 lakh rupees. send it fast.greetings reddy sir! send it fast. i have not moved an inch. i will give you 25 lakh rupeesand make a move.

sir! check the cash correctly. i have faith in human. no one can quarrels with mewho knows well about me. coming down by my levelwhich i have in vijayawada.. ..i stepped into your villagefor the sake of my son'â­s happiness.. you have spoiled my remaining levelby making me sit in this flour design. i will never forget this andi will noâ­t leave you. my style is not givingan answer with slipper hit.. i will hit you by section.- daman section!

i do not know about those sections.. i will give answeronly with slipper hits. let us see.- ok, let uâ­s see, go. wait and see.- ok, get out. come all of you.big torture has left. before 90 minutes. what is this without seeing..? i am very sorry. will you hire mean auto to hyderabad?

has bride run out? madam! watch out and walk. tell me clearly. get down fast.will you drop me at the railway station? bujjamma, stop there. what is this?listen to me. bujjamma is seen.- is bujjamma seen? she is going in a bike.- is she going in someone'â­s bike? who is that idiot?you make a call to ram babu.

do not leave her.follow her. drive slowly.there is heavy traffic. this bike is..- i am very sorry. in some urgency..- it is ok with your urgency. but this is not my vehicle. is it not yours? then why did you sitgiving a big pose on it? it means..- have you stolen it? have i stolen it?- do you steal bikes casually?

but you look so smart.- do i look smart? you are great. it is you who is running outfrom the marriage. running out? - then are you goingto fashion show with this costume? you are too great. ram babu! bujjamma was seenwith someone at dhavaleswaram. has she reached dhavaleswaram so fast? is it fun for you when my daughteris roaming with someone.. and asking, has she reacheddhavaleswaram so fast?

go and catch her before shedoes cross godhavari river. where are we going? it is ok. honda sir!- what happened again? i need your lift again?- sit down. bujjamma stop there.- drive fast. they are your people.- go forward. hello bujjamma! once you glanced at me.

and made me stop my breath. you shot beauty arrows on me. you killed me almost. do not know it isa magic or wonder.. what have you done togive me this new feeling? standing in front of me,you made me lost myself. oh dear! my dear! yesterday i was happy!

day before yesterdayi was in joy! but do not know what happened today. i feel air pecks and flowery bites. your reddish cheeksseem like vermilion. it is filling aroma in merry thoughts. i could not do it.. i could noâ­t control myself any longer.. when my thoughts seek you.. i cannot bear it.

if you do not utter my name.. i hate my own name. not joining you in this my birth.. like godhavari riverwithout water. oh gosh! she fell in the river.i do not know swimming. i am drowning. i do not know swimming. seems he does not know swimming.go and pull him out. buddy!

look here! turn your face once this side.- we wiâ­ll see you. do not kill me with your glance. move fast.idiot fellow! he is lucky. that iâ­s why he got savedthough he does not know swimming. if you love her, you should get herconsent by begging or doing something. did you jump into godhavarifor that? you fool! not like that. i was watching them.

they both eloped from their home.. after reaching here,misunderstanding began between them. first she jumpedthen he jumped for her. which is your native place? from vijayawada!- is it vijayawada? have you come so far to die? do not you have krishna river there? why do not you try in that? get your parents permissionand marry her.

my 10 rupees note got wet because of you. if i go to my house,my wife will scold me. do not know what should i tell her. what dear? what do you want? is it a bag? why have you come alone? did noâ­t your family members come with you? why do you bother? how much is this bag?- around 300 rupees.

no credit and no bargain. how much is it?- around 200 rupees. do you want cash or kiss? everyone gives me give me that second choice. it is cheating! stop it. boss! she is a superb figure. she looks like cinema actress. may be she will demand more money.

then what? will she come for free of cost? thank you very much sir. what is the rate? you tell. when do your people listen our words? gosh! i am new to this route. it is first time for me. what? is it your first time?- yes sir. buddy! why have you changed the party?

shut up and get down. look! i will give you 500 it ok for you? 500 rupees?- 500 rupees!? you cry to give 200 rupees for idiot. oops! you get down. look! come and get in. i am not a girl of that sort.- look! here is a girl of virtue. you shut up. dear! are you not of this sort?

if any girl stands alone in the road,everyone will think like that. you go to your home.- ok sir. you get in. - you haveto pay 200 rupees extra. it is ok, get in. what? why are you teasing this girl? then, should i tease you? do you know who i am?- who are you? i am a lady constable. shall i dry clean your bonesputting you in jail?

no sister!- idiot fellows! thank you very much.who are you? i am not a constable.- then who? i am working in a conventas a science teacher. then how..? - if i do not say like that,they will not listen. it is ok, who are you? i am from hyderabad.- is it? i came to rajahmuandry for a tv show. there are no buses traveling in thisroute to hyderabad, is not it? - no bus?

there is a junction can get a bus to hyderabad there. i am too going there.come with me. thank you very much. is your name sasirekha?my name is mary. greetings. - look! hyderabadbuses will stop there. they will give you ticket in the bus only. i will accompany you till you get the bus. is it ok?- thank you very much. shall we have some cold drink?

i feel very thirsty. brother! give me 2 cold is very hot nowadays. if any strangers offer you anythingyou should not try to eat or drink. no thanks.i am not feeling thirsty. it is ok, i will give the change.have it. you can drink. she is there. stop and get down. you idiot! where is she?- which girl?

the girl who talked to you till now. till now she was here. suddenly she has disappeared.- where would she go? who are you? she is my wife.- your wife? do you have sense?did you leave her alone? what a person you are? brother-in-law! you do not worry!and do not make me worry. do not scold me. am i notsaying that i will catch her?

the girl who ran outfrom the house is our girl. she must be roaming around this place. i heard that someone has seenher before an hour here. this is her photo. why do you still stare at it?go and search her. brother-in-law! brother-in-law! i heard thatshe is in this junction. what is in your mouth?speak loudly. here, some girl is..

i asked you to search for my daughter.. ..leaving that, what girl andwhat are you saying, you willmanizer? no, not like that.did noâ­t i quit everything already? i do not know whatyou are going to do..? you should search and catch my daughterand drop her at my house. understood? this is my family matter. idiot! do not discuss about itaround that place. already i have lost my prestige.

you crazy fellow! brother-in-law! what he said? pour endrine into my ears. you crazy bharanam!- he is aranam, not bharanam. my troubles will vanishif i kill you. which is your native place?- vijayawada sir. so do not you belongto this surrounding. is not vijayawada in this surrounding?- you are right sir. she looks superb.what is her rate?

gosh! whom do you think of me? i am a civil contractor. then, what is this?- gosh! she is like my daughter. she is missing. is she missing or has she run away? yes, she has run away. i thought so. have you seen her anywhere?- yes, i haâ­ve seen her. - where? did noâ­t you show me her photo just now?

i wanted to offer a big amountwho tells her where abouts. are you getting so muchincome in your business? 80% - 20%- 80%? leave that issue. tell me if you see her anywhere. i will noâ­t tell you. shri aakula thathabbayi's only daughter.. ..aakula veera venkata nagasathya sayi sasirekha. (a)bujjamma(computer science).

she is the bride who ran away from the marriagehall..that which is going to happen in 4 hours. your uncle shri abbulu is searchingsharply for you around this place. how my photo..- looks superb! a bumper prize is offered to the personwho gets her back to her relatives. contact the numbers..- what? are you blackmailing me? if i slap on your eardrumyou wiâ­ll get bleeding and die. you are very smart. will you kick my head?- i will call your.. - no then say sorry.- for you?

i will.. hello abbulu uncle..- ok, i am very sorry. what?- i am sorry. you look pretty in anger. why are you running away..- it is none of your business. give my photo to me.- any love affair? will you tell me orshould i call your uncle? tell me. we do not have a great wealth. we are very poor people. because of financial problem,. dad is conducting my marriage witha person who is getting third time. third time marriage?- yes. his first wife attempted suicidehaving oleander seeds. and his second wife eloped with someone. my head has heated i want to sip a good coffee. ok, have you had anythingin the morning? come, let us talk having something. look! already your uncle hasgone from this place. there is none of them torecognise you here. come.

come. oh god! is it true that they are conductingyour marriage with a person as his third? did not they tell you anythingabout this marriage? is it the reason ordo you have any love affair? what do you want sir?- what do you have? everything is here. idly, spicy idly, sambar idly, dosa,masala dosa, ravva dosa.. vada, masala vada, curd vada,poori, chapathi, parota..

..bajji, chilli bajji, bonda, coffee,special coffee, tea, special tea.. milk and water. bring dosa. someone told thatin this hotel idlies are tasty. bring two plates idly.- one plate is enough! to him.i do not want. why do you stare at me?go and bring it. one plate idly.- over acting. it is ok, did you keep yourjewels in the bag safely?

why do not you eat something?do not you feel hungry? how do you know about my details? has abbulu uncle told you? why do not you give me my photo? why do you keep it with you? i liked it.i will keep it with me. idlies are superb like you said. what? seems she feels very hungry.ok, eat.

gosh! did not you think that i am a thief.. i will mixsomething in this food to steal your jewels? my grandma told methat do not believe strangers. did your grandma tell you that everyoneis a thief excepting your family members? wait a minute.i will be back. i am in rajahmandri.tell me the news. you idiot.go and die. do not irritate me.i will not come now. where is she?- she has gone. - gone? where is my bag?- was it yours? - yes.

stop there. where do you go withoutpaying my bill? listen to me.- pay my bill first. my credit cards and moneyare in this bag. she ran away with my bag. i have seen things like this a lot.- leave me. first twill person come.then one by one you will leave this place. you are talking too much.shut up. pay my bill first.then i will keep quiet.

what should i do now?from where can i get now? she ran away with my bag.what to do now? what should i do now? then shall i work here inan hour count like in america? what? will you work here? just now did not i tell the listof breakfast? tell it once. what? cannot i say it?is this a big issue? idly, vada, poori, match box.. supplier's duty is notso easy as you think.

everyone comes stylish and gives orders.. ..then they will eat and leavefrom here without paying the bill. shut up. take it.- do not quarrel with suppliers. did not i give you my 15 thousandrupees watch? take it and shut up. go away. if my heart bubbles up like soda. ..the whole body would shiver. if coca cola comes uphissing from my eyes..

..happy views would appear. if i get a chance to swing in thunders.. jealous clouds would descend to earth. this joy will not be not ask again. if my heart bubbles up like soda.. these water games inviteme excitingly today. hearing lullaby fromchicks sounds gives joy. how much should i bribe the child.. teach me mischiefs?

who can dare to match fishes.. explore the depths? green fields surround these villages. with different colorsit showers in the sky. there is a beauty andhere is pollen of a flower in which side doves shouldgo like honey bees? to save wealth and happiness.. ..there is only one birthfor me in this earth. gosh! stop the car.

is she caught?kill that idiot girl. keep quiet brother-in-law!how can we kill our own girl? did not you know how many times yourun away from your childhood? that is why people is callingyou are a willmanizer. listen! take care of her anddrop her at home safely. understand? he is just acting.- you cheater, bujjamma! how are you?is everything ok? give my bag.what?

i want that bag. you talk to me andi will get it back to you. why should i talk to you?- do you know what she did? come, let us go that side and talk.- what about my bag? i will get it back to you. you come. let us move aside and talk. why do you push me?- come. i will tell you. why do you surround me? gosh! will you hit me?

you just wait.- do not touch me. you know rajahmandry sp is my uncle. if i make a call to him,you will be finished. do not take the things so far. i am her paternal uncle.ask me what do you want? your bujjamma has escaped.- what? - look there? oh gosh! she escaped again. you cunning thief! where will you go?- leave me.

are you trying to escapewith my bag and purse? do you know how that server scolded me? because of you i lostmy 15 thousand rupees watch. my mom bought.. where is my money? no sorry, what have youdone with my money? i bought dresses with it. did you buy dress with it? i will you..- oh! my jewels bag..

give it back to me.- i will pawn these jewels and.. leave.. i said leave me.i will get you into troubles. what do you want?- i do not want anything do you want any kiss?- kiss..? have you come so far?i will break your face. make sits and ups. it is ok.i will sell these jewels. properly.. you should make it 100 times.

why did you stop it? why do you stare at me? if you give me any pose at me.. who is she? she pulled my bag and teasing me. has she come to support you? she will make get you intojail and dry clean. is not he your husband? is he?no way.

what did you..- what you idiot? why do you tease her? give her jewels to her. - should igive it to her if i am instructed? do you know what she did?i will slap you. make whistle. make whistle. police willcome to save you. who is this shaved head?what will he do now? go fast. why do not you change the bike?

my bag. has she escaped? did not you sayjust now that she is caught? she is caught. but when i turned back andlooked at her, she disappeared. did she escape while you turned back? did not i say you thatif she is caught, take care her? why did you turn back, you idiot? even so you said that how many timesi have ran away during my childhood. i am asking you, with whosepermission you turned back. why should i get permission?

i just turned back and looked at her.. why did you turn back? did you let her go by gettingsome chain from her? - a chain? why did you turn back?answer me. seems everything is wondering me. i thought that you are a thief.. and she was a school teacher. true cheating! that is why we should care in ourselves.

are you telling me about philosophy? my jewels were safetill they were in my hands. she stole only from your hands. there is no connection with me in this. you only should getmy jewels back to me. otherwise i will see your end.- oh gosh! why are you telling like this? then have you thought thisvillage girl will not ask you anything? i finished science.

do you know about kakinada college? you only should get my jewels back to me? otherwise i will yell and bring a mob. where are you going? i want to file a complaintin the police station. that is why elders told thatgirls should not go alone outside. but you do not heed their words.- he has started. my teacher says that a girl anda matchstick are similar things. girl must stay in the home andthe matchstick should be in the box.

if it comes out,it will be fired. when you walk along the roadwearing costly jewels.. ..spectators would get tempt for it. they too would have become like that. we could not find it anymore.they would sell it. would they sell?- ask him how much is his share in that? take him to the court! sir, what is this?- do something. will not you do anythingif someone is robbed in day light?

those are very costly.. still they could not solvethe theft of goddess kanka durga jewels. how then can he solve your problem. she only should know about it. - take him.- you come. do not you try to do something? tell me what to do?- should i tell what to do? you do not want do anything.i will do myself. look! i shot up everything in this cameracell phone till now what you said. give that camera to me.

you can watch it in tv at 9 pm. i beg you.i will take your complaint. and i will get back your jewels.just leave me. what did you say?manguri, 7 sovereign jewels. i will get it back to youfrom wherever it is. give me that camera. ask him not to show it in the tv. you handled him correctly.stupid fellow! what happened to you?

seems you ca not getyour jewels back by them. i do not know what to do. gosh! what about my jewels?- you do not worry. come here once. offer me a cool drink.- are you instructing a policeman? we became cheap to you.what would you like to drink? mahesh babu and ialways drink thumps up only. do you want to know fromwhere you will get the stolen jewels? was not she look fair?

and fat too.- yes sir. had not she whistled? then a shaved head personcame in a bike. he is kola. he is her second-setup. will you tell me where can we get him? they sell girls in hyderabad. they sell motor vehicles, cycles andrickshaws at chor bazaar in guntur. you are telling about the jewels..

.so they will sell it in raman shop which isbeside to kaleswara market in vijayawada. shut up and listen to me. kaleswara market, chintakayala ramana,kola and black bag. talk to sp uncle at once. i should get those jewels at the evening.7 sovereign jewels. i too will talk to sp uncle. what happened? diamond of my grandma's mother! necklace of my grandpa's mother!

gold chain links of my grandma! waist necklace of my mom! everything belongsto a generation old of 100 years. 7 sovereigns jewels too. i do not have sense. why do not i leaveeverything in my house? i got confusion in a hurry. i do not have brain. that is why my mom always tells

that i am a crazy girl. i did not heed my mom's words? i did a mistake. do not know how mush my mom will cryif she knows i lost the jewels? you do not cry. it is not looking good when you are crying. did not he gave us a clueabout that thief? i will get your jewels back in the evening. after getting the jewelsyou can go to your mom.

do not cry.- i did a mistake. how can i show my face to her? do you want to talk to her?shall i make a call for you? gosh! if my dad knowsit, he will kill her. is it ok to youif your dad does not know it? how is it possible? i did not think she will do like that. that abbulu told methat he will call now. but there is no call and damn.

idiot!- phone is ringing. greetings sir! will you give the phoneto kanakam sister? who is it?- you funny! cannot you recognize me?- why do not you tell your name? i am sita rathnam- hold on the line. some rathnam is calling you. this bharanam is torturing me. it is aranam, not bharanam.- damn thing!

veeru told that he has seenour bujjam in the junction. did he see her? where?- she is going with someone.. talk to is your mom. mom! why are you crying?what happened? when i heard your voice,i felt crying. where are you now?- i am somewhere. but i am happy. a boy called anand..- what a boy?

no, he is a good person. but he has some craziness.that is all. do not worry mom. i am going to hyderabad. why hyderabad.come to home. listen to me and marry. i do not want a personwho is marrying me for money. do not talk like that.listen to your mom. shut up mom!

do not tell anything to dad! put the phone down. you are not an idiot like i thought. jesus! get me back my jewels. if i get my jewels back,i will offer you 100 coconuts. oh lord jesus! gosh! jesus is drenching. hold it. yes, what you said your name is?

anand?it is old name. it is not suitable for you.- is it? which is your native place?- vijayawada. what is that reactionwhen i told vijayawada? is not vijayawada a native of manoharwho killed sri lakshmi? - yes. then. someone poured acid ona girl in vijayawada, is not it? later a tv anchor.. day after yesterday someonecut meena kumari's throat.. and yesterday ayesha is..

gosh! hearing your vijayawadaname is violence. - violence? did you think there is no work forvijayawada guys other than killing girls? only that idiot manoharis in vijayawada. what do you know about vijayawada? do you how many great peopleare there in these fields? viswanath sathyanarayana,he is a legendry poet. he wrote, 'veyipadagalu',ramayan kalpavruksham'. he is a teacher for actor is vijayawada. jalasuthram rukmininatha sastri.

have you ever heard his name? sankarmanchayam sathyamwho wrote stories on amaravathi. his native too vijayawada. rebalous writer gora lavanam,his daughter hemantha lavanam.. thenneti hemalatha,rentala gopalakrishna.. yenki who writes pure telugu songs lyricsand nanduri subharao. great journalist thurlapati kuttumba rao. vemuri balaram editor of swathi weekly. in music field..

the great mangalampaliibala muralikrishna.. sri rangam gopala rathnamand vinjamoori lakshmi. in science field.. k.l.rao world famous engineer. koneru hampi is in sports. in social reforming..ayyadevara kaleswara rao. kaleswara rao market is situatedin his name, you know? in cinema of andhra.. the great n.t.rama rao.

k. ragavendra rao andfun creator jundhyala. still there are lot of producers. there are a lot of things to tell. if i tell it,you will cry your life long thatwhy were not you born in vijayawada. damn manohar! marriage functionof bali chetty. we have been waiting for an hour. but we could not get a vehicle. no problem dear.where do you go?

to vijayawada! is that bride your girl?- yes dear. when did marriage happen?- early morning in annavaram. is it love marriage or arranged marriage? it is arranged marriage only. how much you gave him as dowry? 20.- thousands. no, lakhs. 20 lakhs?- yes.

does he smoke cigarettes?- i do not know. do not you know?- yes. does he have drinking habit?- only on occasions when i meet friends. does he beat wife?- i am not such a person. initially everyone says like this.later they will start beating! i know it very well? what is he doing?- he is owns chicken poultry farm. i heard all the chickenare dying attacked by bird flu. you are right.last session i faced a big lose.

it is loses. ok, have you done any tests then? tests. - what tests?- what tests dear? for hiv! - hiv tests!what are you talking? it is disgusting. what disgusting? do you know it is a big crimeif you marry without doing hiv tests? yes, i know.- is it true madam? i will make him to take test after wereach our place. - what do you say? yes. how chicken gets bird flusimilarly grooms get hiv.

who knows where would hehave roamed before marriage? uncle. - dirty idiots!- is it your mouth or rubbish box? you devil! your hands get hurt.- you idiot, thief! what is this? what a pity! look!she is innocent. she does not know anything. sasi! i did not know that you haveso much doubts on marriage. then... should get married, run a life,cooking, serving, do hose keeping should take care of husband's relatives,make him happy, beget children.

and should bring them up. even if he is a lazy person,she should do some job and feed them. actually what you said is right. even so we should give dowry to him. that is why i ran out.- are they asking dowry in these days? yes, 50lakh rupees, 20 acres of land,jewels and formalities. - is it? that is why i marriage has got cancelled. i am a handsome person. bullock cart!- sir! stop the cart.

be careful dear! thank you very much uncle!- it is ok dear. your bullocks look good.- is it good? like our n.t.r says in a movie.. ..without asking moneyand without doing strike.. ..these bullock only worksfaithful to our farmers. - you well said! uncle! shall i ride it?- want to ride it? hold it. careful sasi- be careful dear! be careful dear!like that dear!

uncle! it is going very fast. let it go.they have their own speed. uncle! we are getting defeated.- what defeated? uncle! it is a question of our prestige.- do you think so? move it fast.- then see. i beg you.i will fall down. stop it sasi! i feel giddy. stop it.i will fall down.

uncle! we have won.- i feel giddy. not like that.i will.. stop. who are you?why are you coming like this? do not talk stylish. we want one room. that habbie daughter sasirekhahas come with one man to hotel. you come fast. anand!- oh god!

why did you come here? do not turn.- no, sorry. i came to say thanks for the dress. you say thanks later.first you go out. seems she has seen? damn it. have you come?both of them are changing dress. it is true thatyou will not leave me and go. what sasi? what happened?- abbulu uncle. what sasi? where are you going?

where are you taking me? all, shut your mouth. careful!- come. watchout!- idiot! come. this is bujjama's dress. search her. stop a minute. uncle!- do not get worry. where is she? oh god!- they have not come here.

where? you go that side.- ok. come fast- oh god! what is this? oh god! my pant is slipping.both of us will fall down. see, pant is slipping. wait a minute! careful!

oh god!- how to go? you devil.stop there! uncle! our bujjama hasescaped from here. idiot! do not tell your nuisance. uncle, battery is down. would i surely get my jewels in vijayawada? i will get back your jewelsby going in and around vijayawada! you are talking dialogueslike mahesh babu in thums up ad. you could not stop even one car.

do you think it is so easy? you can understandif you stop one car. no.- what no? you are doing too much. you can try yourself.and know it! definitely next vehiclewill stop by seeing me. boss! a damsel. will you drop me at vijayawada? thanks.anand!

both of us. bujjama, we do not want this vehicle. we shall go in next vehicle. should you wait for next vehicle? listen to me.- shut up. leave me.. come fast! do not ask anything. come fast.- he has come.

how dare you hit me? better i kill you. i told they are not good people. without listen my wordsyou are getting into the vehicle. so, who are you to hit me? are you asking who i am? if i did not come on time,the driver who brought you.. ..brought me.. if you did not come on time,would the driver have raped me?

damn! he came like a heroand saved me. cannot i save my life?he is after all.. if you had not come,i would have killed that driver. would you kill him?- what do you think about me? shut up your mouth. you shut up your mouth.- i will hit.. even my dad has not hit me?- that is your dad's mistake. that day itself he should have beaten you.

he did not do it.hence you became like a devil. do not talk about my dad. then you go and roam in road.i will come to know. what?- speak respectfully. who are you to hit me?- go away. beating a girl.. you give a pose?- look!.. damn! you go away. men are like..

..they show braveness in front of girls. that groom is also like you. that is why my life became like this. finally you are.. i have to tell that. after i met you,i got these trouble. no one begged you to be here. you are following mewithout shy. you can go only afteryou get back my jewels.

i will not bother if you die after that. it is a path for everyone to walk.. why has it became the forest? shadow, which comes as a friend.. ..why does it blame me? why does my mind behavelike an unknown enemy.. why it provokes meand agonises me? do not know how tounderstand this separation? may be it knows,but could not reveal itself.

do not know whymy soul does not accept! we have the same feelings. quick!- brother! gopalakrishna has sent a court notice. court notice? what is court notice? that too non-bailable warrant. what is non-bailable warrant? why are you turning your face?answer him.

that gopalakrishna's dignityhas got hurt by you.. ..because you have cheated him by notgiving your daughter to his son in marriage. that means.. that means if you do not appearwithin 24 hours in vijayawada court.. if we do not attend? if we do not attendwhat will happen? that means?else you will go to vijayawada jail. uncle, jail? he thinks that i always laugh.

i will show that there is atiger behind my laughing. here.- hi brother! come here. who is he?- have you got all the jewels? i got all jewels because of sp'spersonal interest. - give the bag. we have to tell more thanks. my jewels! this girl.. check your jewels.- brother, no this girl.

nothing. he is my brother.he is my cousin. no brother.listen to me. i know this girl.- shut up your mouth. why have you drenched your dress? come. we will wash the dress. i cannot understand. this girl is the one you sawat america in a video.. - i know that. aakula veravenkatanagasathyasai sasirekha.

alias bujjama. i too know that. but.. had everything been done correctly,i would have married this girl before 2 days. yes. if she had not been eloped.. no, she has not eloped..but she has fled. she got worried about the marriage.that is why she fled. i cannot understand anything. this girl and you.. what happened is..

all these are mydad gopalakrishna's drama. he knows that i will quarrel with himif i know about the dowry matter.. ..when we went toamalapuram for marriage.. ..he said he vowed for meat sathyanarayana swamy.. ..and he dropped me in rajamundry to goto annavaram with aunt and uncle. ..and he asked me to cometo marriage from there. he planned such a way thathe collects the dowry before i arrive. that day i had doubt. but.. that is ok. how andwhere did you meet that girl?

my car got punctured amdhaveleswaram when i was travelling. i got down from the carto buy a water bottle. in front of me was sasirekhawhom i am going to marry. mind froze. she could not recognize meeven after seeing me. i could not understand anything. mean while i got your call. whom she eloped. does he belong to your caste?nice brought up.

hey anand! hey, that girl.. brother! you need not come here. bride has eloped. has the bride eloped? yes brother. her character is not good. they say she had few affairs already. tell me exactly, what happened? here so many problems.i will call later.

i cannot believe your rubbish,what you said about sasirekha. i was locked when i sawher in the marriage cd.. nandhini sister's house in america. i have seen many beautiful girls.. but i did not feel like this. i thought to marry this girl. i myself collected her detailsand told so many times to dad. to fix the marriage withoutusing your lawyer tricks. he said that it is his luckthat i accepted for the marriage.

after that he did like this. sasi begin to worry about the marriage. she was also afraid of my dad's she fled. my belief never went wrong anytime. sasi is a good girl. why then are you delaying? why do not you tell thatyou are the groom? ok, let us go. anand, thank you very much.

do you know abimanyu? who is he? he is the groomwhom you are going to marry. why do you talk about him? i am abimanyu whom you are going to marry. that is, i sent my details in dvdbut you did not see that. that is.. you were acting from yesterday, is not it? did i lie and follow meto know about my character?

not that sasi. or did you come to marry me for dowry? listen to me! what a cheat? listen what i say. oh god! do not tell her. that is it. i am seeing her for two days. these two days, life is likeroller coaster ride in disney land.

i want to marry this girl anyhow. no. already i married her mentally. she has to marry me.that is the balance that remains. you great lover,i have not seen a story like this in telugu. what are you going to do?- anand! - do not know. take it. rs.50,000 cash. this is sister-in-law's bus ticket. are you going to send sister-in-law? i do not know what to do?

she is going. i am worried that she willmistake me if i ask her to be here. i am scared what she will sayif i ask her if i could accompany her. i feel like crying when i think of that! brother, please.- abi, it is getting late. one minute. i will come. who are they?- they are my friends. we are going to nagarjuna sagar by cycle. by cycle?- yes brother.

we go somewhere every week. this time a long trip.we have planned an adventure. that is why we are goingto nagarjuna sagar by cycle. it is a small gypsy camp. do you know it wiâ­ll be very nice?- it is very nice. i am suffering but you are enjoyingwith them. at least your help.. brother, i arranged for the programme. if i do not goit will not be nice. it is getting late.

sorry brother.i cannot miss the trip. not that. i cannot come this time. definitely i will come next time. bless me without mistaking me. why sorry? i have to say sorry. i hit you unnecessarily. it was my mistake too.

look! our goddess will not accept if you do notsee the temple while visiting vijayawada. then how? i have to go to hyderabad. you have more time to get the bus. just now i verified the details. i reserved the ticket. then shall we go to temple? in this dress? come, we will buy some dress. already you spent for me a lot. no.

keep this too in that account. you send me all the money later. ok? even if i see you for a long time.. eyes are not satiated. some change happened in my heart. why does it revealwithout staying quiet? are you a lightingto shine my eyes? are you an imaginationin my dreams?

are you a damsel in my dreams? are you a magic which mesmerises me? are you a joy to fillhappiness in my heart? are you the night whichmade me lose my sleep? your appearance welcomesme like a wedding card. your beauty pulls mewith magnetic power. will it join me wheni hug like a creeping plant? or will it jump like a deerwithout getting caught? it is a desire hidden in heart..

..without revealing from the lips. do not hold it for so long. like an order without giving consent. like lust it does not allow to stand up. do not create a confusion like that. let this male flowerjoin the damsel's plait. let it take anotherbirth in the damsel'â­s neck.. let it burn as a lamp in her dot. then, let it sleep in beauty's lap.

let my thoughts smear turmeric on her. let my desires decorate her foot. ..and make her walk in a flower path. let me feel love value as new.. let me marry her.. i cannot live without her. do you want to buy that? not now. you have to open itafter you reach hyderabad.

shall we go? adorn on your neck. you have to bless my mom,dad, grandma, grandpa.. ..uncle, friends and who all i know. anand is a very nice person. you can do whatever he thinks. what samy? this garland should be over women. and this garland should be over men.

tell me the exogamy. sasirekha and paidipala gothram. abi.. no anand and pilluttula gothram. it is wrong dear. stop your laughing. pilluttula gothram. it is better than pandhipalu.- it is paidipala. my mind feels happyafter i saw the goddess. thank you very muchfor bringing me here.

apart from other things. your vijayawada is very greatbecause of durga goddess. yes i know that. do not know about that miracle? he is also here wherethe durga goddess is. who is he?- my uncle. uncle? he should be my father-in-law. shri challasani gopala, no papala krishna.

muthanishtapa gothram. muthanishtapa gothram? do not you get angry on him? great angry! he tortured my dad for money.. do you want to talk to him? do you know? not only me.whole vijayawada knows about him. he is a great torture.- no.

you should not keepanything in your mind. you have to clear at the time. then only we will be happy. talk to him by not mentioning your name! why are you saying hello? you fool! do you need style? what are you doing? whom do you try to cheat? do you knowwhich number you have called?

vijayawada kanaga durga. i will step you with my legand cut your neck.. ..i will tear your skin and dipinto thugabadra. you stinky fellow! have you arranged anyoneat early morning to scold me? do you need dowry? where is your son? call him. does not that crazy person has shame? c means sections but not challasani. tell me. where are you?

i will come and thrash you. i am in durga temple.- where? if you have gutscome here. if i give a slap on your eardrum,you will die by bleeding. you dirty fellow! you idiot fellow! you rascal! do not you first attendthe call and give me? you only picked up the phone.

do you mean to say,it was my mistake? no sir.- have your food first! why should i have? some girl gave me fully. you fool. find who she is? did not we cheat so many families..? kukatpallihyderabad. i heard that you ran out fromyour marriage. where are you? i will tell that later.

now i am in vijayawada. vijayawada? everything is ok? i am coming in hyderabad bus. you pick me up after 6 hoursat kukatpalli bus stop. kukatpalli? are you coming to here? i do not know hyderabad. i am coming alone. do not forget. a hi-tech bus with ac leavesto hyderabad everyday.

here is your ticket. water. drink if you feel thirsty. magazines. read it if you feel bored. fruits. eat if you feel hungry. bus goes straight to hyderabad, is not it? no, it goes straight to chennai. it goes straight to hyderabad only. i asked if it stops in middle.. is not it crowded?

many people are there. you have no problem. i feel scared to go alone. ok, will you go back to your home? you call me after you reach hyderabad. my phone number is here. careful. sasi, do not worry. do not get scared.

take care of your jewels. you came from home with courage. you will be with that courage. ok? we will not meet again, is not it? shall i call you at once? will you call me? i do not know. i will go and know the bus timings. i keep quiet becausethat goddess is here..

..otherwise i will destroy this town.. ..because that rascal is staying here. ok, where is the old man? he has gone to get things for pooja.. uncle!- uncle, bujjamma is there. uncle!- what happened? all have come. she is our bujjama. uncle, where would she go?

gandhiji and peacewere born in this nation. this nation got freedom by peace. similarly we want world to be peaceful.. violence is rules everywhere. dear, are not you abimanyu? are you fine? i am sasirekha's grandpa. what grandpa? hey, he is our son-in-law.

you are looking smart. i saw you in the photo. you are smart in person. hey, where is he? call your uncle. where is bujjamma? he is our son-in-law. i will see your dad's end. do you think i will leave him?

i am not a fool.. look! do you think we are crazy people? why do you talk to me?come, let us go. do not mind his words!- you idiot! we should have thrown her on the roadwhen she was born. see, how she made to stand on the roadthat i brought up with indulgence. keep quiet.- uncle! what?- bujjama starts to hyderabad. ticket has been booked.i saw just now.

is she going to hyderabad? make a call to him? that vehicle.. there.. stop sir. sasi, come out. are you crazy? stop, i am talking to him. what she is doing with dog inside?

is she crazy? go away. calm down. everything is ok, is not it?- thank you very much. why should you botherabout who he is? are you crazy?do not you have sense? will not you think anything? will you get intowhichever vehicle you see? will not you think? i will slap..

a big dog was thereinside the vehicle! do you know how i was scared? van was moving.. after the door was closedthat big dog.. ..i could not shout. but you are scolding me non-stop.big dog. do not cry. drink water.sit down. i scolded you thinkingwhere would you be?

do you know how lucky you are? else you would have goneto nellore in that van. what is this bujjamma? would you do whatever you think? will not you think at least for a second? see, when you think something.. ..count 1 to 10 in your mind.then start your work. if you do like thisyou will know the difference. drink water.

finally that short guydragged me to the court. you keep quiet. i do not know with which sectionyou will argue him. he should roamin the road like a mad. that is it. brother, this is a court. talk slowly.- i know. you stop your nonsense. lawyer, you do not get worried. do whatever to make this a non-bail ablewarrant.. - what do you murmur? you do not get worried. we will win this case. that is it.- otherwise i will kill you.

uncle, he said do not shout here.- this man too.. uncle, that man.. sit down. sir! skin only will fall down for slipper hit.. if he quarrels with sectioni will make him play without dress. just now the play has started.later he will come to know. you made me to sit in decorative design. i will make you to suffer in fever.

clay guys! clay guys? come i will showyou how clay is.. stop. - you should nottalk in court like this. what court? judge sir! he thinksour village people are crazy.. ..he cheated and filed casesagainst me. you keep quiet. if you talk like thisyou will be punished. you are too speakingwith favour on one side. you start.- keep quiet.

what is he speaking? pardon me. he does not know anylanguage expect telugu. if you give permissioni will speak in telugu. he mesmerized me with his words thathe will conduct her daughter.. ..sasirekha's marriagewith my son abimanyu. after exchanging the betel plate.. i spent more moneyand printed the invitation.. ..invited all my relationsi had spent expenses for car and bus.

..we started with our relationsfrom vijayawada to amalapuram.. ..but the bride fled away. who fled away?oh god! when i asked him, if this was fair.. ..he abused me with bad wordsthat could not be revealed out. ..and made me to sit in middle of a roadand around me stood the thugs.. ..and his hands held knifes and axesand made me to get scared.. ..he said that his daughter has fledbecause she did not like my face. ..and threatened me to givers.25 lakhs..

..which is expensed till now..because to save my life.. ..i gave that moneythen returned to my town. i will kill you.- wait. under cheating case section 420.. he cheated bytelling he will give his daughter in marriage to my son.. ..and he spoiled my family's dignityunder the section 499 and 500. ..he threatened to kill meunder the section 12.. ..and attempted to murderunder the section 307 and 304.. ..i request you to conform his punishmentget back my money rs. 25,00,000.. have to save my life from him.

what varatharajalu? seems you putsome village buffalos inside. who are they? have you solved the caseof goddess crown theft? that is old case.- still people are scolding us. am i not a trust member in that? day before yesterdaywhen i came.. made a criminal lie downand hit over his sole. people made it a problembecause he died. he has gone on transfer.- yes!

do not get worried. you have to beat and punch him. head would be brokenand he will die. this is your habit. uncle!- what? that is his leave him. you made me sit in decorative design.i made you count the bars. this is section hit. hey, take your uncle with care.

i just leave you by showing mercy. anand!- what sasi? it is ok. what? shall i tell you a thing?- again? i counted 1 to 10 in my mind. you are correct. tell me. now i have to go to hyderabad, is not it? i feel scared to go alone myself. i called a call taxi.

he has to come from will take some time to come here. after he comesyou have to go in that taxi. shall i accompany you to hyderabad? i thought of asking that! i thought you will scoldif i ask again. if you come with mei will be happy. ok, i have no work. i am always a free bird. anand!- yes it is.

opposite to anjaneyar templewhere lord budda temple is. correct. we are there. please come fast. that call taxi will be here in 30 minutes. hail lord anjaneya! are you married? do you have any love affair? then? i loved one girl.

she ran away from the marriagewhen i was in the verge to marry her. i loved a girl very much. but i feel scared to tell her. why are you afraid?what do not you have? you are looking smartand also you are a nice person. whoever is the girlshe will fall in love with you. is it true? will you love me? really, i am afraid of girls.

this time tell me if you like any girl.. i will talk to herand make your marriage happen. which type of marriage do you like? shall i tell? but you should not laugh hearing it. i thought my marriagewill happen grandly in telugu style. wearing silk dhoti andseated in marriage seat.. ..and tie the sacred thread tothat girl and hold with her finger.. walk and see the arundathi star.

..i have to take that shy girland go to america. ..should celebrate firstnight in a nice suite.. top most floor ina seven star hotel at las vegas. all around world for honey moon.. ..and take care her like an angel.. ..should beget one boy and one girl.. ..both of us bring them upand should return to india.. again we will arrange theirmarriage in our telugu style.. ..and buy hundred acre coconut grovenear our krishna river.

..tie the swing in betweentwill coconut tree.. ..and hold my wife tightly. ..and swinging like. your fiance is very lucky. greetings! this is the car which you have hired. you should sit in backseat.i drive sitting in front seat. twill times only i will stopon the way before we reach hyderabad. first you should pay the money.

tell me, if you have any objection to this.. why should you needour name and address? because, if some accident happensand if you die before reaching hyderabad. die? how will the media knowthat you only have died? do not they need details? name? you keep quiet.i will tell him. do not you remember thatyou should sit in the backseat?

why have you stopped here? i will pay the tax and come. tax? what is the tax? damn! who knows whetherit is road tax or vehicle tax..? do not you have sense? you said that you will pay the taxbut you came having drunk. oh god! i feel scaredof drunkards driving. let us go. do not say drunkard.say tax payer.

tax payer? do you know who is payingthe tax sincerely in this state daily? the drunkardsthat whom you meant. do you know per annumincome of our state? the roads where you are roaming,fly overs, government hospitals.. ..police stations, electricity board,colleges, and finally in 2rs. rice. we are paying the tax byspoiling our health.. ..and we are blamedas drunkards by you. what happened sir?

vehicle has got break down. then do the repair. it is company's policythat i should not do the repair. what policy? i will..- anand, please control yourself. when will he come here? then what to do now? one minute. seems this is hyderabad number. sorry, i will not come for two days.

what are you talking? she is my friend. - ask her toinform you if she sees bujjama. ok uncle. do you know? our class mate sasiran away from her house. - oh god! i heard it is hermarriage problem. - damn! what are you saying? her relatives have come hereto see if she would come here. rascals! really? i will tell.

has she told that she would informyou about our bujamma? - yes uncle. ok dear.- pathetic, they are worrying much. yes dear.- i understood. you call me after he leaves from there. wait. - he wantsto talk to you. what? who? seems signal is not available. what phone is this? i switched off the phone.

tell me. what happened?- my uncle is.. bujjama has not come here. she said that she does not knowwhen she will come here. - oh god! signal has not come. i cannot hear what you scold me. i am getting torturedbecause she ran away. now i cannot go to hyderabad.- you do not worry. where should i go now?- we will do something. what should i do?- how?

brother, how you are here? did not she go to hyderabad? here, cool drink. where is the map? hey, take out the map. sasi, we have three options. no:1, both of us should go to hyderabad. we should book a room in the hoteland should wait for your friend's call. think yourself, how will it beif both of us stay in a room.

myself, it is not correct. no:2, you have to come with meto vijayawada and stay in my home.. ..i will drop you at your friend placeafter she calls you. no:3, let us go with this gangto nagarjuna sagar.. ..and let us enjoy this weekend. it is too if you have no objection.. i will drop you at your friend's placeafter she calls you. you can decide yourselfwhich is better in these options. i have to introduce someone.he is my brother abi..

she is my brother's i not right brother? they requested me to staywith us for 2 days. after your acceptance..- let us bring them. both of you friends or lovers? else already are you married. friends means like boy friendand girl friend? if you want to join in our group,do not we want know about you? you have to tell changingeach others. - which means.. which means you should tell about herand she about you.

her name is sasirekha. look her?whoever sees her will follow her. she is very good girl. but at the same timeshe has more anger. she ran out from her marriagewhich was conducted against her will. i will escort her till she reaches herfriend's house in hyderabad. his name is anand.he said so like that. i do not knowwhat his qualification is. but he often flicks bikes.

he helped me a lot. he is a nice personbut he has little craziness. thanks.- no thanks! where do you stay in vijayawada? abi, shall we go?- let us go. hey, it is wrong. come. look! the barrier gates have been openedafter many years. - yes, it is very nice. i am seeing this for the first time. look there, is that a boat?

for what? what is your name? that goddess is very powerful. sasirekha, your name is very nice. you always look cute- it is ok. ask me whatever you want.- i do not want anything. shall i bring your cyclewith me? - anand! she is calling me.- is not it? what? what happened?why are you going by leaving me alone?

go carefully!you may fall down. you should be with me. it is superb! seems they have lost themselves. come. take a photo of mine. if we go near it will be nice.- take me a photo. oh god! no. i cannot. i am feeling scared.- where are you going? are you scared?

did not you get down fromthat big hotel day before yesterday? that day i got down in a hurry. but this.. what if i fall down.. i cannot. i too feel scared. do not we havethis belts and ropes? see, how they are getting down easily. nothing will happen.i am also getting down. if you will be with me..ok, come. i will be with you. come.

oh lord anjaneya! vijayawada bachelor becamepopular over 10 days love. gudivada gangster is a great gambler. this pretty spoiled themood of machilipatnam. this magic girl madeponnur guys to follow her. is not every guy a king of his land? is not every girl a princess? if all these people meetin one place.. ..this hills would shake up, you go head.

because of our disturbancethe earth would shaken up. because of our soundthe sky would get deaf. baby! tell it one more time. enjoy it! there is only one life. happiness is our logo. this life is ourslets make merry together. every girl throbs our heartcome, lets mingle. make your play greatlet any monkey join you. make your song rhythmiclet any donkey sing with you.

do not stop your beat,even if these boulders break. do not leave your wish,for anyoneâ­s advise. look! this is the placewhere there are no bounds. have it! this is thehappiness that cannot be bought. even if you save money illegally.. without a smile,it has no value. behave yourself sasi.- who are you? do you feel? why do you botherif i dance with someone?

you did dance with her. but should not i dance like that? listen to me.- because.. you are male. i am female. actually what do you men think? our dad is also like that. idiot fellow.whatever he wishes should happen. and i have to do that.

i heard that american guyhas seen me somewhere. he liked me andhe wanted to marry me. do not i want to like him? why then has my dadnot understood this matter. he gave importance to that guy.. ..but he did not give the sameto his own daughter. should i get scared if he abuses? cannot we speak like that? what is the problem between you two?

both of you are always murmuring. this fellow calls me as sister-in-lawwhen he sees me. and you stamp his leg. what is the matter? you thoughtthat i did not see it. all men are crazy. they just show theirbuild up outwardly. i have not fell down.. why did you dance with that girl?

whoever girl you see,will you follow? you should win girls heart. girls will not fall in love just like that. but once if they fall in love,they will give everything. males like you will not givethat in their whole life. do not take girls easily. what happened? - nothing.durga got ankle twist near the waterfalls. seems it is sprained. do anybodyhave iodex or pain relief spray? sit down. careful.remove her shoe.

give your leg.. is it paining here?- i feel it very painful. it is a little pain. nothingwill happen. see, it is not.. everything will be finewithin 10 minutes. do you have painat knee? - no. you do not have pain,is not it? - no. i want to talk to you.- tell me. what is it? take care of her.- ok brother. why suddenly?

let us go to hyderabad at once. you said that we willgo to srisailam with them. then you go with them. i will go to hyderabad. will you go alone?- yes! give me rs.1000. i will send you everythingafter i reach hyderabad. ok leave it. i will alsocome with you. - no need. i can go alone.

i do not have any afraid. hey psycho. it is enough. a call has come from hyderabad. sasi should go to hyderabad urgently. so, do not i want go along with her? thank you very much.- thank you brother. you are going becausei am closely moving with anand. why should i bother?

he is nothing to me. do not lie. i have no necessity. it is all none of my business. suddenly what happened to you? why do you wantto go hyderabad now? we thought that we should be with themtill you receive your friend's call. why are you laughing? if you get angry or scary..

..someone told me to count 1 to 10. are you telling me, what i said to you? what do you think of me? i should hit myselfbecause i accompanied you so far. i said, i will drop youin hyderabad. after i will drop you.. i will go my way. do not know why my soul does not accept. and my silence does notreveal what it is. the time my happiness comes out.. anger hides it. i am behind himand he is behind me. this joy does not ask,how long is this journey? has it prickedthe cheek like a thorn.. ..or has it movedthe shyness slowly? has it drenched the mind like rain.. ..or has it touched the body like veena? youth does not know about mischiefs. has it forgotten oris it a break in play?

just stand up and see. my soul does not acceptat the minute when i thought.. if i resist,my mind turns against me. prices of general stuff.- should be reduced. onion is better than a mother. onion is better than a mother.- but prices are too heavy. nothing.- oh god! blood! oh god! blood! nothing will happen.- it is bleeding. it is paining me.

sasi, nothing has happened. i am going to die, is not it? nothing has happened. nothing has happened. i told you.- no. i know. the person whogets hit on head will die. sasi, nothing will happen. my friend died like that. hey, go to some hospital. if i had been alivei would not have told you..

now i am going to die, is not it?- why are you talking like this? i will tell you. i like you very much. you crazy! did not youjump in godhavari for me? that time itselfi had fallen in love with you. no one has done likethat for me, is not it? nothing fast. do you know how i criedin vijayawada bus stand? i thought that i will not see you again.

i feel to marry you. but i do not want first night in las vegas. only on my grandma's roof cot. you know, it is very lucky? it is ok to me whatever you say. go fast man. if you want, we will celebrateour second night in las vegas. i am dying with pain.- no sasi. damn it. i will die.- no.

you crazy! i love you. sasi, nothing will happen to you. we have reached the hospital. nothing sasi. do not worry. tell me the patient's name. how are you related to her? nothing to worry? - yes, it is alright.- everything is alright. you do not worry. come here.- dear! you are not hurt, are you?

have you called her parents? just now i called.already they have entered the city. they will be here in 10 minutes. ok. where did you meet this girl? please be with her for sometime. you did not get hurt, is not it? no, nothing happened to me.- are you fine? actually what had happened? abi dear!

why are you silent? why do not you talkwhile i am asking you? move. no uncle. just now they gave anesthesia. she should take rest for sometime. doctors said notto let anyone inside. who admitted her in the hospital?- that man.. your dad made me go to jailand you made her to get hospitalized.

how dare you hit my son?- no, i will kill him. stop it.- there is nothing wrong in his hitting? he thought to conduct his daughter'smarriage grandly to a groom from america. but she ran out hearingher marriage proposal. they got scared of her safetyand searched for her. whoever it is, would get angry by knowing that sheis hospitalized.. in hyderabad hospital with head injury. will not you get angryif i get hit? why do you quarrel with him? do you want dowry, dad?

you earned very well in vijayawada. and i am also earningvery well in america. you tortured me for past 2 yearsby insisting me to marry someone. you said ok whoever the girl is. i liked sasi.i want sasi. that is why i collectedher details and gave you. earlier i told you not to playyour tricks and do this marriage. even so you showed your true nature. no dear. what about our range?

that means.. did you sellyour son for your range? you made me like a male prostitute. i feel very ashamed. you asked him correctly. why do you speak about my dad? what did you do? when i called you from america,i told you all the details that. ..i am very busy. ..that is why i sent a dvdwith my details.

..first you see and make her to see.. ..and i asked you to fix the marriageonly if both of you like me. did not i say it or not? you said no need of all this.your daughter is a gold. but you could not knowwhat was in her mind. you have time to arrange the marriagegrandly and to show your pride to others. your own daughter. but you have no time to tell her marriageto her and what she likes. whoever the girl is, will get scaredhearing about their marriage suddenly.

why do not you understandthis small matter? do not you know differencebetween your daughter and buffalo? what kind of man are you? now she got hurt. but even so you are readyto fight for your prestige. give them 2 swords.they will fight and die. you are our dads..and you will conduct our marriage. dear! it is ok she met me becauseboth of us have good luck.

else you can understandwhat would have happened to her. do not you know what will happen,if an innocent girl like her.. ..wearing 1 crore worth jewelsand will roam along the roads? outside people are like you. for money only. the minute when i accompanied her.. ..i could not tell her bravely.. i am that america groom. because of you only. i changed my name as anand.

if i tell her she would get scared.. ..or she will do anything to herself.. ..or she will leave me and run away.. ..or she will think thati too cheated her like you.. ..with this scare, i could not tell.. in-law! in-law! - hereaftereveryone feels happy. it is wrong that i lied to you. but i could not understandwhat to do.

i will not lie in my life forward. you no need to give dowry. there is a big kitchenin our house in america. cook is also you do not need to cook. washing machine is thereif you want i will wash our clothes. i am earningvery well in america. so you need not go for a job. my parents also stays in vijayawada.hence you do not have their problem. now if you want i will undergo a checkfor hiv in this hospital.

now immediately.. finally, it is ok for me to celebrate ourfirst night on your grandma's roof cot. seems, it does sound good.. do you feel shy? let me becomean aroma by hugging you. let you become a hymnby joining me. i will be born everyday asa flower to adorn you. i will become a temple in everyfoot to rest you in that. let me serve you my whole long life.

you are my dawnwhich wakes me up. you are the timewhen i forget my youth. you are the onethat gave me fingers to hold to walk. you are the king to ruleover me by marrying. oh ramachandra! free my beauty.. oh syama sundhara! you aretorturing this radha's mind. you are my survivorwho got me my love. you are the breathing musicwhich i heard. you are the personwho subsided my anger.

you are my dear to walkwith me on the wedding dais. shall i melt and offer you my youth? shall i offer you my life? directed bykrishnavamsi

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