
watch jurassic world full movie

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

[ heartbeat ] [ additional heartbeats ] [ faint whimpering ] [ roaring ] [ wind whistling ] [ chirping ] boys, let's do this! [ knocking ] gray?

honey,what are you doing? what is this?here. let's go. come on, honey.your flight's in two hours. dane county airportis 36 minutes away,60 with traffic. how many minutesto get your little buttin the van? hmm? how many of those? feed the monsterunder your bed? yes. call me every day,

and text me pics so i don'tforget what you look like. i'm only gonna be gonea week.'re not goingoff to war here. please. come on. i-- i love you. will see you later. [ father ] â¡vã¡monos!

bye. okay? bye. [ engine starts ] you in, buddy? [ door closes ] i know it hurts,sweetheart. are you gonna be okay? [ man ]♪ have yourself ♪ ♪ a merry little christmas ♪

everything right on there? i'm so're gonna haveso much fun! i love you too. ♪ from now on ♪ ♪ our troubles will be miles away ♪ okay, right. all right, um,let's give theseto your brother. okay? you hold these, please. can you hold these?honey, i need youto take care of these.

- yeah.- hey. listen to your mother. [ mother ]take care of your brother.answer your phone. i'm's the green button. when you see my name,push it. okay? and remember,something chases you, run. - come on!- ah, you're funny. - okay, let's go. come on.- bye, guys. i miss you already! yeah.

so much for our lastfamily breakfast. why do you have tosay things like that? did youcall your sister? straight to voice mail. it'll be fine.she handles 20,000people a day, right? she can handletwo more. [ gray ]how big is the island? big. but how many pounds?

doesn'tmake sense. [ gray ]when they first opened,they had eight species. now they have 14 herbivoresand six carnivores. that's, like,50 tons of fooda week. [ laughing ] [ woman on pa ]welcome to isla nublar,home of jurassic world. we hope you have a safeand enjoyable stay with us. where's aunt claire? [ woman on pa ] the asteroid'simpact also devastated 50%of known plant species,

taking ecosystemsmillions of years to recover. [ man on pa ] okay, those of youin the front of the train shouldbe able to see our main gates. those were partof the original parkover 20 years ago. your aunt arrangedto greet you at 1:00. can he slow down? nope. come on! your aunt's got you vip access,so you can get on all the rideswithout waiting in line. let's go!

dude, she saidwe had to wait. i don't wannawait anymore! hal osterly,vice president. jim drucker, bad hair. erica brand,deserves better. hal, jim, erica.hal, jim, erica. and i am claire. [ elevator beeps ] three minutes late.

[ sighs ] welcome to jurassic world. [ claire ]while year-over-year revenuecontinues to climb, operating costsare higher than ever. our shareholdershave been patient,but let's be honest. no one's impressedby a dinosaur anymore. twenty years ago, de-extinctionwas right up there with magic. these days, kids lookat a stegosaurus likean elephant from the city zoo. that doesn't meanasset developmentis falling behind.

our dna excavatorsdiscover new speciesevery year. but consumerswant them bigger, louder. more teeth. the good news? our advances in gene splicinghave opened upa whole new frontier. we've learned more from geneticsin the past decade... than a centuryof digging up bones. so, when you say you wantto sponsor an attraction, what do you have in mind?

we want to be thrilled. don't we all? the indominus rex. our firstgenetically modifiedhybrid. how did you gettwo different kindsof dinosaurs to, you know-- oh, indominuswasn't bred. she was designed. she will be 50 feet longwhen fully grown. bigger than the t. rex.

every timewe've unveiled a new asset,attendance has spiked. global news coverage. celebrity visitors.eyes of the world. when will she be ready? she already is. [ gray ]come on! relax. - come on.- dude, chill. [ woman on pa ]welcome tothe innovation center,

where technologymeets prehistory. [ bellowing ] [ man on pa ] the triceratopscan go horn-to-toothwith the apex predator. literally meaning"three-horned face" in greek, triceratopsis half as tall as t. rex. [ man #2 ] 100 trillion tons of tnt. [ man #3 ]...can turn its head backto look over its shoulder, to better aim the swingof its dangerous tail. cytosine, guanine,adenine and thymine.

same four thingsin everythingthat ever lived. test your knowledge! don't wander's not paying mefor babysitting. the building blocks of life. gray! is that you? aunt claire! okay, i'm gonna have to nephews are here. hi! oh!

oh, my gosh, you're so--you're so sweet. whoa. zach. last time i saw you,you were, like-- that must have been, what?three, four years ago? uh, seven. seven years.but, you know, close. so i see you alreadygot your wristbands. and this is for food. and zara here is going totake great care of you untili'm done working tonight. okay? you're not coming with us?

oh, i-- i really wishthat i could, but, um-- tomorrow, i can take youinto the control room, show you behind the scenesand all of that. that-- that's--that's gonna becool, right? [ phone chimes ] okay, so, um,i will see you tonight,at, uh, 6:00. - no, no, don't forget you have the--- right. of course. i will see you tonight at 8:00.what time do you go to sleep? or do you go to sleepat different times?

okay, so, um, have fun. and take very good careof them. okay?[ chuckles ], i'm here. [ chattering ] [ radio: man ] 10-4. it's thosetwo juvenile triceratops. they're going at it again. should i tranq them,or are you coming overto take care of this? [ man #2 ]yeah, go ahead and tranq 'em. they're running.

what's the live count? 22,216. - any incidents?- yeah, six kids in the lost-and-found. - uh, 28 down with heatstroke--- where did you get that? oh, this? i got it on ebay.yeah, it's pretty amazing. i got it for $150,but the mint condition onegoes for 300, eas-- didn't occur to youmaybe that's in poor taste? the shirt? y-yeah, it did.i understand people was terrible. but... that first parkwas legit.

you know, i-i havea lot of respect for it. they didn't needthese genetic hybrids.they just needed real dinosaurs. - okay, please don't wear it again.- yeah. wasn't gonna. did you close the deal? looks like it. verizon wirelesspresents the indominus rex. [ sighs ]that is so terrible. why not just go the distance,claire, and just let thesecorporations name the dinosaurs? they've got all the ballparks.why stop there?

-why are the west plains closed?-another pachy roaming outside his zone. - but he's fully sedated and ready for relocation.- pepsi-saurs. tostito-don. security said the invisiblefences were a no-fail. thatis the second time this month. [ woman ] the pachysshort out their implantswhen they butt heads. how much longer untilthey get it out of there? he just got five milligramsof carfentanil. yes, he's very why don't weshow a little sympathy? i mean, you do understandthese are actual animals, right?

clean up your work space. it's... chaotic. i like to think of itas a living system. just enough stabilityto keep it fromcollapsing into anarchy. [ grumbles ] [ man on pa ]inbound chopper jurassic one. eta, five minutes. claire. mr. are flying.

i got my license. two more. yeah, two more days. - okay.- so, how's my park doing? great. we're uptwo and a half percentover last year. a bit lowerthan our initial projection-- no, no, no, is it doing?are the guests having fun? are the animalsenjoying life? well, guest satisfactionis steady in the low 90s.

we don't have a wayto measure the animals'emotional experience. sure you can see in their eyes. right? of course.[ chuckles ] okay. now show memy new dinosaur. - [ gasps ]- [ masrani ] oh! [ alarm beeping ] got it.

got it. oh, my--[ gasping ] you look tense, claire. maybe you should justfocus on the controls. the key to a happy lifeis to accept you arenever actually in control. bird! [ squawking ] [ squeals ] you should spenda day at the beach.get some sun.

uh, right. so, marketing thoughtwe could offset some ofthe costs by selling-- enough about cost! john hammond entrusted mewith his dying wish, and not oncedid he mention profits. "spare no expense,"he used to say. i appreciate that, but, um,the reality of operatinga theme park requires-- don't forget whywe built this place, claire. jurassic world existsto remind us how verysmall we are, how new.

you can't puta price on that. now, please.we're flying. breathe. [ gasps ] [ vomiting ] is he okay? are you okay? oh, he's justbeing dramatic. are you still building?

we plannedto open in may, but asset containmentinsisted we buildthe walls up higher. it's biggerthan expected. it's a good sign. we hit a few speed bumpsearly on. it began to anticipatewhere the food would come from. one of the handlersnearly lost an arm. the others threatened to quitif i couldn't guaranteetheir safety. so she's intelligentthen.

for a dinosaur. and that? it tried tobreak the glass. i like her spirit. [ growling ] [ growling continues ] oh, it's white. you never told meit was white. think it'llscare the kids?

the kids? this'll give the parentsnightmares. is that good? it's fantastic. can she see us? they say it can sensethermal radiation,like snakes. i thought there weretwo of them. there was a sibling,in case this onedidn't survive infancy. where's the sibling?

she ate it. so... the paddockis quite safe then? we have the beststructural engineersin the world. yeah, so did hammond. there's an americannavy man here. part of a research programone of my companies is running. owen grady. i know who he is.

his animalsoften try to escape.they're smart. he has to be smarter. he only thinkshe's smarter. i want youto bring him in. let him inspectthe paddock. maybe he sees somethingwe can't. [ animals chittering, squawking ] [ squealing, snorting ] [ man ]hold!

- [ snorts ]- [ huffing ] [ grunting, chittering ] [ man ]hey! okay! [ clicks ] eyes on me. blue. [ clicking ] blue!

watch it. charlie, do-- hey!don't give me that shit! delta!lock it up! good! and... we're moving! [ shrieking, snarling ] hold! hey, that's good. that is damn good.

very good! see, charlie?that's what you get! echo,there you go!delta! blue? this one's for you. eyes up! go. [ men shout ] all right, boss!all right!

you finally did it, man. owen.[ laughing ] i was starting to thinki hired the wrong guys, but, damn, you got 'emeating out of your palm. you came on a good's not usuallya happy ending. that whyyou're not sending inyour reports? we've been busy. not too busyto cash your paychecks. uh, what do you need,buddy?

a field test. hey. i've just seenthey can respondto commands. we need to take the researchand get it on its feet. they're wild animals, me. you don'twant 'em in the field. i just saw a bond,a real bond, between man and beast. you're in my way. come on.we're the same.

we're dogs of war. we know thatthe military needsto reduce casualties. some people thinkthat robots are the future. look, nature gave us the mosteffective killing machines75 million years ago, and now we knowthey can take orders. we finally make progress,and that's the first thinghe says? make a weapon? [ mutters ]shit. come on, gents. it's grown-up time.

drones can't searchtunnels and caves. and they're hackable. the minute a real warbreaks out, all thatfancy tech is gonna go dark. yeah, but that tech'snot gonna eat themif they forget to feed it. look.look at these creatures. they've got millionsof years of instinctin their cells, instinctthat we can program. their loyaltycannot be bought. these guys are gonnarun straight intothe enemy's teeth...

and eat 'em,belt buckle and all. what if they decidethey wanna be in control? well, thenwe remind 'em who is.we terminate the rogues. promote onlyloyal bloodlines. what? [ whistles ] what's so funny? you come here and youdon't learn anythingabout these animals... except whatyou want to know.

you made them,and now you thinkyou own them. we do own them. extinct animalshave no rights. they're not extinctanymore, hoskins. exactly. we're sittingon a gold mine. and masrani is using itto stock a petting zoo. [ owen ] he just wantsto teach people some humility.he doesn't make weapons. you think thatthe eighth richest manin the world...

is only into oil, telecomand family fun parks? he's so diversified,he doesn't even knowwhat he owns. how long has ingenbeen practicing this pitch? since the day we hired youout of the knew the endgame. these animals can replacethousands of bootson the ground. how many liveswould that save? [ gate lock buzzes ] war is part of nature. look around, owen.

every living thingin this jungleis trying to murder the other. mother nature's wayof testing her creations, refining the pecking order. war is a struggle.struggle breeds greatness. without that, we end upwith places like this, charge seven bucks a soda. do you hear yourselfwhen you talk? this is gonna happen, with or without you boys.

progress always wins, man. maybe progressshould lose for once. [ pig squealing ] [ man shouting ]pig loose! pig loose! [ workers chattering ] [ screams ] owen, no! no, no!hold your fire! hold your fire!do not fire!

put 12 amps in these animals,they're never gonnatrust me again. blue.stand down. stand down. hey, hey!what did i just say? delta! i see you.back up! okay. good. good. [ hissing, snarling ] charlie!

stay right there. - close the gate.- are you crazy? - just trust me.- close the gate! merde. t'aurais dã» l'laisser l'bouffer. [ laughs ] you're the new guy,right? you ever wonder whythere was a job opening? hey, don't everturn your backto the cage.

[ children chattering excitedly ] [ chittering, growling ] lift me up.i can't see! i'm not dad.and you're not five. i can still ridethe triceratops. i'm 47 and a halfinches. this placeis for little kids. yeah, i know. wanna go onthe spinning dinosaur eggs? hey, cover upyour dork pouch.

because it's my, alec's not havinga bachelor party. 'cause all his friendsare animals. - scatter.- what? go. run.go, go, go, go! yuck. [ woman on pa ]the next t. rex feedingwill begin in 10 minutes. t. rex! come on! [ woman on pa ]parents be aware, this show may be disturbingfor smaller children.

[ tyrannosaur growling ] [ bleating ] [ heavy footfall ] [ chattering, shouting ] eat it! eat it!eat it! eat it! [ roaring ] [ phone rings ] [ crunching ] [ crowd gasping ]

- hey, mom.- you were supposed to call me when you landed. are you having fun? yeah, uh, i guess. aunt clairegave us passes so we don'thave to wait in line. wait,she's not with you? [ ringing ] hey, karen. hi,'s it going? yeah, everything's great.the boys are having fun.everyone's--

yeah, everyone's good. really? 'cause i just hung upwith zach, and he said thatyou weren't even with them. yeah, look. today turned out to bea really bad day for me. um, they're in great hands. they're with my assistant.she's british, so-- like, they invented nannies.[ laughs ] wait, are you crying? this was supposed to bea family weekend, claire.

you haven't seenthe boys in forever. and i knowhow zach'll treat grayif they're by themselves. he can just be so mean. okay, i-- i'm sorry, uh-- tomorrow, i'm gonna spendthe entire day with them. i'm going to take off workand i will not leave their side.i promise. yeah. well, a promise tomorrowis worth a lot lessthan trying today. ugh. you're usingmom's lines now?

oh, my god.i am using mom's lines. i'm sorry, but, you know,i have to tell you they'll see when you have kids. - yeah, if.- when. - it's worth it.- bye, mom. [ phone beeps ] [ radio: announcer chattering in spanish ] what do they want now? mr. grady? i need you to cometake a look at something.

why are you calling memr. grady? owen. [ radio: announcer ] â¡gol! - if you're not too busy.- i'm pretty busy. - we have an attraction.- that's not what you said the last time i saw you. i'm talking aboutthe dinosaurs, mr. grady. a new specieswe've-- ugh! made. [ buzzing ] [ buzzing stops ]

you just went and madea new dinosaur? yeah. it's, uh, kindawhat we do here. the exhibitopens to the publicin three weeks. mr. masrani wanted meto consult with you. you wanna consult hereor... in my bungalow? that's not funny. a little funny. we'd like you toevaluate the paddockfor vulnerabilities.

why me? i guess mr. masranithinks... since you're able tocontrol the raptors-- see? it's all aboutcontrol with you. i don't control the's a relationship. it's based onmutual respect. that's why you and inever had a second date. excuse me.i never wanteda second date. who prints out an itineraryfor a night out?

i'm an organizedperson. and what kind of a dietdoesn't allow tequila? all of them,actually. well-- and what kind of a manshows up to a datein board shorts? it's central's hot. okay, okay. can we just focuson the asset, please? "the asset"?

look, i get it. you're in charge out gotta makea lot of tough decisions. it's probably easier topretend these animals arejust numbers on a spreadsheet. but they're not.they're alive. i'm fully awarethey're alive. you might havemade them in a test tube,but they don't know that. they're thinking,i gotta eat, i gotta hunt, i gotta-- you can relate to at leastone of those things.

i'll be in the car. you might want tochange your shirt. they're very sensitiveto smell. [ woman ] the mosasauruswas thought to have huntednear the surface of the water, where it preyed on anythingit could sink its teeth into, including turtles, large fish,even smaller mosasaurs. okay, folks, let's seeif she's still hungry... after alreadyeating today. she's a little shy,so be nice and give her a handwhen she comes out.

zach. zach!it's the mosasaurus! [ crowd shouting, gasping ] oh, my god!that was awesome! [ woman ]okay, hold on tight. we're gonna give youan even closer lookat our mosasaurus. it had 88 teeth! hey, you wanna seesomething else cool? yeah! [ claire ] we've beenpre-booking ticketsfor months.

the park needsa new attractionevery few years... in order to reinvigoratethe public's interest. kind of likethe space program. corporate feltgenetic modificationwould up the wow factor. they're enough. not according toour focus groups. the indominus rexmakes us relevant again. [ chuckling ]the indominus rex. we needed something scaryand easy to pronounce.

you should hear a four-year-oldtry to say "archaeornithomimus." you should hear youtry to say it. so what's this thingmade of? the base genomeis a t. rex. the rest is... classified. you made a new dinosaur,but you don't evenknow what it is? the lab delivers usfinished assets, and we show themto the public. can we drop a steer,please?

how long has the animalbeen in here? all its life. never seen anythingoutside of these walls? we can't exactly walk it. and you feed itwith that? is there a problem? animals raised in isolationaren't alwaysthe most functional. your raptorsare born in captivity. with siblings.

they learnsocial skills. and i imprint on themwhen they're born.there's trust. the only positive relationshipthis animal hasis with that crane. at least she knowsthat means food. so she needs a friend. we should scheduleplay dates?that sort of thing? probably nota good idea. where is it? yeah, what,is it in the basement?

is there a downstairs?maybe it's in the rec room. it was just here.we were just here. [ beeping, squawking ] [ squawking continues ] [ man ]oh, shit. that doesn't makeany sense. these doors haven'tbeen opened in weeks. were those claw marksalways there? you think it--

oh, god. she has an implantin her back. i can track itfrom the control room. we have an assetout of containment. put acu on alert.this is not a drill. even thoughi didn't meet himuntil i was 13, i definitely consider carlto be, like, more of a dadthan my real dad, so-- [ beeping ] [ phone ringing ]

yeah, hello? lowery. get me coordinateson the indominus. okay, yeah, uh--i'm doing it right now. [ man ]that wall's40 feet high. you really thinkshe could haveclimbed out? depends. on what? what kind of dinosaurthey cooked up in that lab.

[ radio chatter ] [ lowery ]wait-- what the hell? it's in the cage. no, that's impossible.i was just there. claire, i'm telling you,she's in the cage. w-wait a sec. wha--there are people in there. [ gasping ] get them out of there.! paddock 11, this is need to evacuatethe containment area.

[ radio: static ] paddock 11-- paddock 11,do you copy? - yeah, what's the problem?- it's in the cage! it's in there with you! go! [ screaming ] [ crunching ] - [ crunches ]- [ beeping ] - close the door.- we can't lock him in there! - come on. close it now!- somebody talk to me! what is happening?

shit! [ roars ] [ whimpering ] [ inhales ] - [ radio chatter ]- [ chattering ] [ chattering stops ] everyone remain calm. - [ exhales ]- [ beeping ] the implant will shock itif it gets too closeto a perimeter fence.

okay, it's movingreally fast. this is control.put out a park-wide alert. hang upthat damn phone, please. sorry.i'm getting new information.everything's fine. let asset containmentcapture it quietly. the very existenceof this park... is predicated onour ability to handleincidents like this. it was an eventuality.okay? you should put thatin the brochure.

"eventually one of these things will eat somebody." that paddock is four milesfrom the closest attraction. acu can handle one else is gonna get-- eaten? [ radio: man ]acu base to all units. this is a nonlethal operation.understood? [ snarls ] shh. tout doux.calme. calme.

tout doux.tout doux. [ hoskins ]how fast can they run? forty.fifty when they're hungry. ooh! you ever open 'em up,see what they can do? no. [ loud crashing ] oh, shit![ laughing ] that got me!it got me.

what do you think?wanna take one home? hey, don't joke. when i was your age,i rescued a wolf pup. [ snarling ] it was two months could barely walk. used to sleep by my bed,watch over me. my wife, she came at mewith a steak knife. it took a chunkout of her arm. you put him down?

[ raptor shrieks ] hell, no. we had an unshakable bond,you know? just like you and, um-- what's his name? delta.and she's a girl. can i, uh-- shh. shh. oh, wow.

[ phone beeping ] code 19! that's the new one! they're sayingwe lost two guys! what's a code 19? asset out of containment. these people,they never learn. they're gonna learnall kinds of thingsabout their new asset now. yeah, it's me.

we might havean opportunity here. you guysbeen here before? if mom and dad get divorced,will one of us be with momand the other with dad? what?why would you say that? 'cause they are. no, they're notgetting div-- they're notgetting divorced. you haven't been aroundlong enough. they'vealways been that way. they get mailfrom two different lawyers.

that doesn't meananything. i googled.they're divorce lawyers. all right, know what?it doesn't matter. okay? i'm gonna be gonein two years anyway. all my friends' parentsare divorced, and-- hey, knock it off. [ sobbing ] you're gonna cry? look, you're gonnaget two of everything.right?

you're gonna get two birthdays,two thanksgivings, two-- i don't wanttwo of everything. yeah, well,it's not up to you. all right?there's a pointyou have to grow up. i need to see a badge.sir. sir! what happened out there?there are thermal camerasall over that paddock. she did notjust disappear! [ sighs ]it must have been some kindof a technical malfunction. were you not watching?

she marked up that wallas a distraction. she wanted usto think she escaped. hold on.we are talking aboutan animal here. a highly intelligentanimal. 400 metersto the beacon. [ radio: man ]control, be advised. we've gota kayak squad midstream. you're going after herwith nonlethals? we have $26 millioninvested in that asset.we can't just kill it. - those men are gonna die.- 300 meters to the beacon. [ owen ] call this mission off.

[ lowery ]they're right on top of it. - call it off right now.- you are not in control here! [ beacon beeping steadily ] [ beeping, rapidity increasing ] blood's not clotted's close. what is that? that's her tracking implant.she clawed it out. how would it knowto do that? she rememberedwhere they put it in.

[ branches breaking ] it can camouflage! - [ sustained tone ]- [ men shouting, screaming ] [ sustained tone ] evacuate the island. we'd never reopen. you made a genetic hybrid,raised it in captivity. she is seeing all of thisfor the first time. she does not evenknow what she is.

she will killeverything that moves. you think the animalis contemplatingits own existence? she is learningwhere she fitsin the food chain, and i'm not sureyou want herto figure that out. asset containmentcan use live ammunitionin an emergency situation. you have an m-134in your armory. put it on a chopperand smoke this thing! we have families here.i'm not gonna turn this placeinto some kind of a war zone. - you already have.- mr. grady, if you're not gonna help,

there's no reasonfor you to be in here. i would have a wordwith your peoplein the lab. that thing out there--that's no dinosaur. [ radio: man ]are we proceeding with,uh, feeding? [ radio chatter ] okay.[ sighs ] i'm going toclose everythingnorth of the resort. this is a phase one,real world.bring everyone in. this is a phase one, real world.i repeat, this is a phase one.bring everyone back in.

[ gray ] what they didn't knowat the time is thatthe soft tissue is preserved... because the ironin the dinosaur's bloodgenerates free radicals, and thoseare highly reactive. so the proteinsand the cell membranesget all mixed up... and actas a natural preservative. dna can survivefor millennia that way. -even if the amber mines dry up, they'll still have bones---shut up. what do you think'sgonna happen from youjust staring at them? [ all giggling ]

thanks, man. you're welcome. enjoy the ride. [ man on pa ]pregnant women and those whosuffer from motion sickness... should consult with a doctorbefore riding this ride. [ rings ] hello. [ woman speaking, faint ] seriously?

uh, sorry, folks!ride's closed! - [ crowd grumbling ]- everyone needs to proceed to the monorail. [ crowd grumbling, shouting ] come on, guys.i just work here. [ woman on pa ]due to technical difficulties,all our exhibits are now closed. - [ repeating announcement in spanish ]- [ guests chattering ] you know thati'm not at liberty to revealthe asset's genetic makeup. modified animalsare known to beunpredictable. it's killed people, henry.

that's unfortunate. what purpose could we havefor a dinosaurthat can camouflage? cuttlefish genes were addedto help her withstandan accelerated growth rate. cuttlefishhave chromatophores... that allow the skinto change color. it hid fromthermal technology. really? how is that possible? tree frogs can modulatetheir infrared output.

we used strandsfrom their dna to adapt herto a tropical climate. but i never imagined-- who authorized youto do this? you did. bigger. scarier. um, "cooler," i believe,is the word thatyou used in your memo. you cannot havean animal... with exaggeratedpredator features... without the correspondingbehavioral traits.

what you're doing here-- what you have done-- the board will shut downthis park, seize your work,everything you've built. and hammond won't be thereto protect you this time. all of this existsbecause of me. if i don't innovate,somebody else will. you are to ceaseall activitieshere immediately. you are acting likewe are engaged insome kind of mad science. but we are doingwhat we have donefrom the beginning.

nothing in jurassic worldis natural. we have always filledgaps in the genomewith the dna of other animals. and if their genetic codewas pure, many of themwould look quite different. but you didn't ask for asked for more teeth. - i never asked for a monster!- "monster" is a relative term. to a canary,a cat is a monster. we're just used tobeing the cat. ♪♪ [ theme ] hey there. i'm jimmy fallon.

welcome aboard the gyrosphere,an amazing machinemade possible by science. your safety is our main concern, which is why you're behindour invisible barrier system, which protects you from things like dilophosaurus venom. one drop of this could paralyze you, so watch out. is this real? it is? and for added protection, each vehicle is surroundedby aluminum oxynitride glass. so tough, it can stop a .50 caliber bullet.

the gyroscopic technology will keep you upright at all times. where are they? so you've gotnothing to worry about. oh, man. [ dinosaurs lowing ] [ beeping ] [ woman ]due to technical difficulties,all our exhibits are now closed. please disembark all ridesand return to the resort. no, we can stay outa couple more minutes.

but they saidit was closed. aunt claire gave usspecial wristbands, right?we're vip, dude. come'll be fun. celina! oh! mama! mama! [ woman laughs ] oh, mi bambina. [ woman continues exclaiming ] [ radio: man ]i'm backed upwith the cretaceous crew.

[ radio: man continues ] [ line ringing ] hello? zara. yeah, i-- i-- bring the boys backto the hotel right away. i've been looking everywhere for them. it's been quite a while-- slow down.i can't hear. zach and gray, they've run off.

they what? hey, claire. zach, thank gray with you? yeah, i-i can'treally hear you.we're in the hamster ball. okay, zach,listen to me. [ phone signal breaking up ] - hello? hello?- wh-- zach? huh. [ beeps ]

are there any gyrospheresleft in the valley? they're all accounted for. wh-- there--yeah, there's onein the field. send a team of rangers.bring them in. security, we needa search and rescuein the valley. [ man ] it's gonna be a while.we've got our hands fullout here. no, no, no! there aretwo guests missing!make this your top priority! - just do it, man.- we're doing the best we can. okay, fine.i'll do it myself.

hey! you think i'm the one you need to be worried about right now? back off! what happened here? dude. off-road. but they told usto go back. i'm just worried thatyou're not getting the fulljurassic world experience. [ man on pa ]with our newinvisible fence technology, the dinosaurs canstay in designated zones...

without unnecessary barsor cages. - claire!- [ sighs ] - i need you.- okay. i need your nephews,they're out in the valley. please, if anythinghappens to them-- how old? uh, the, um-- the older one,he's high school age. the younger one,he's, um-- he's a few years-- you don't knowhow old your nephews are?

[ gray ]no, no.bad idea. bad idea. great idea. no! we're gonna get arrested,they'll shave our heads, and we're gonnahave to make root beerin the toilet. what are youtalking about? - there.- [ grunting ] you see? i told you. up close and personalwith four... dinosauruses.

ankylosaurus. we shouldn'tbe here. and there'sfive dinosaurs. aren't you supposed to bea genius or something? look. one, two, three, four. five. [ indominus growling ] - [ roaring ]- go, go, go, go, go!

[ yelling ] - hold it together, man.- [ gray continues yelling ] drive! drive! go! [ both yelling ] [ crunch ] - [ groans ]- [ gasping ] - we're safe in here, right?- yeah. totally safe. - [ gasps ]- [ vibrating ] pick up.pick up, pick up, pick up.

[ vibrating ] [ grunting ] - [ gasps ] zach.- almost got it. zach. yeah? - look.- [ vibrating stops ] [ screaming ] go! go! gray, go!

oh, crap! we're gonnahave to jump. i can't. are you ready?one. two. [ gray screaming ] you jumped. [ engine stops ] stay in the car. [ breathing heavily ]

[ wheezing ] [ whispering ]hey. hey. i know, i know. [ groaning ] shh-shh-shh. that's all right. all right, girl. [ groaning continues ] [ groans ]

okay. okay.okay, okay. you're okay. okay. it didn't eat 'em. it's killing for sport. [ man ]up the beach.up the beach. let's go! units on standby,ready for go. hold off on thatlive feed. we gotan evolving situation here. they give youthe green light yet? they will.

owen,we have a situation here. [ static ] [ speaks french ] [ on speaker ]hey, there. i'm jimmy fallon.welcome aboard the gyrosphere, an amazing machine made possible by science. ...aboard the gyrosphere--hey, there. your safety is our main just relaxand enjoy the ride. [ distorted ]it can stop a .50 cal-- [ electrical crackling ]

oh, no, no, no. no! hey. they made it out. oh, my god.they jumped. brave kids. zach! gray! - [ shushing ]- hey! i am not one of your damn animals. listen.those kids are still alive. but you and i will not beif you continueto scream like that. [ softly ]so--

you can pick uptheir scent, can't you? uh-- uh,track their footprints? i was with the navy,not the navajo. so then what should we do?what do you suggest we do? you get back.i'll find them. no. we'll find them. you'll last two minutesin there. less, in thoseridiculous shoes. what is thatsupposed to mean?

it meansi'm ready to go. okay. but let's getone thing straight. i'm in charge out do everything i sayexactly as i say it. excuse me? just relax. just like taking a strollthrough the woods. sixty-five million years ago. [ growling, faint ] stay here.

wow. [ exhales ] you still havethose matches? here you go. gray. [ whirs ] 1992 jeep wrangler sahara.sand beige. you remember whenwe fixed upgrandpa's old malibu, right? [ clamoring, chattering ]

[ lowery ]every time this thing kills,it moves further south. it's headed right for the park. why would she come here? she can sensethermal radiation. our emergency measuresjust put all the warm bodiesin one place. [ elevator bell dings ] sir-- ingen. hoskins.

- i know who you are.- then you know why i'm here. i've been working for two yearson an applicationfor those raptors. they can hunt and killthat creature. your programwas to testtheir intelligence. yeah, it was.and we did. and in the process,we learned something. they follow orders. you see, the solutionto your crisis is standingright in front of you. let me beas clear as i can.

no velociraptorsare going to be set looseon this island. [ chuckles ]oh, shit. you're out of your mind.what are you gonna dowith all these people? you got 20,000 people here.what are you gonna do? they have no place to go. that thingis a killing machine. and it will not stop. okay. i intend to personallylook into your project... to determineits viability...

within the moral principlesof this company. okay, boss. what's your next move? sir, i can't get aholdof your instructor. never mind. he's likely caught upin the evacuation. and you're surethere's nobody elsewho can fly a helicopter? we don't need anyone else. [ rustling ]

you think it's out there? i mean, i know for a factit is definitely not out there. all right?we're totally safe. here. go take this. you're stronger than me. all right.turn it over. whoo! it works! all right.[ exhales ]

i thought you failedyour driver's test. no.only the driving part. [ vehicle departs ] this one of theirs? that road goesstraight backto the park. how'd they even getone of these things started? [ loud footsteps ] [ footsteps continue ] [ sniffing ]

[ metal creaking ] [ footsteps depart ] [ roaring continues ] [ helicopter passes overhead ] [ claire ]lowery. we found her. south of the gyrosphere valley, between the old parkand the aviary. wait. are youfollowing the dinosaur? yes. get acu out here.real guns this time.

acu is airborne.they took the helicopter. who's flying it? did you boys servein the armed forces? afghanistan, sir. did your generalever fly into battlewith you? [ rumbling ] uh-oh. got it. got it. [ woman on radio ]we have eyes on the targetsouth of the aviary.

proceed and engage. come on.look alive, boys. look alive! 10:00!by the birdcage! no, no, no, no, no, no, no!no, no, no! no! looks like the foxgot in the henhouse. pull up! pull up!up, up, up, up! [ grunts ] [ woman gasps, cries ]

we have a breachin the aviary. the trees. the trees.go! go! [ both laughing ] okay. that's it.we're safe now. - go! go! go! go! go!- shit! hurry up! go! - [ gray ] hey!- [ zach ] help! open the gate!let us in! [ horn honking ]

that's a first. open the gate! let us in! [ screeching ] [ man on pa ]attention, aviary employees. there has beena containment breach. hello? claire, we spotted the boyson surveillance. they're approachingthe west gate.i'm headed there now.

okay. okay.stay right there. i'm on my way.stay right with them. hey! get on. [ woman on pa ]ladies and gentlemen,due to a containment anomaly, all guestsmust take shelter immediately. ladies and gentlemen,due to a containment anomaly, [ siren blaring ] [ shouting, screaming ] [ man on speakers ]use liquid not fire live ammunition.

claire. come on. i repeat,do not fire live ammunition. [ zara ]stop running! [ yelps ] don't just stand there! [ zara continues screaming ] go. get inside, now! zach! gray!

[ zach ]aunt claire! [ zach ]claire! no! hold-- is that aunt claire? it's them. zach! gray! oh, my god.thank god. thank god. what happened?what is this? are you okay?where did you go? why didn't you come back?

i was so worried about you. who's that? we work together. [ owen ]hey. we gotta go. okay. come on.come on, come on. hey, hey. you guyscan't just be walking up in-- simon masrani's deathwas a tragedy. the new mission is to preventfurther loss of life.

- uh, who are these guys?- i'm glad you asked. you're all relieved of duty. there's a new teamon the ground. [ chittering ] lowery, i'm on my wayback to you. that's a bad idea. the board assignedemergency ops to ingen'sprivate security division. this guy hoskins is in charge. [ tapping on glass ]

and he has this insane planto use the raptorsto hunt the indominus. what do you mean,"use the raptors"? son of a bitch! [ banging at door ] you shouldn'tsay "bitch." take the kids.get 'em someplace safe. drive. you got got this. go! go faster!

drive! [ all sighing ] - this does not feel safe.- can we stay with you? i am never leaving youas long as you live. no, no. him. yeah. definitely him. [ man #1 ]live and ready to for the show. [ man #2 ]got it. hey. right here.

[ chuckles ] right here. [ barry ]she look at what she wants. usually what she wants to eat. [ vehicle approaches ] the mother henhas finally arrived. oh. get the hell out of hereand stay away from my animals. hoskins,you wanted this to happen,you son of a bitch. oh, many more peoplehave to die...

before this missionstarts to make sense to you? it's not a's a field test. this isan ingen situation now. okay, there are gonna becruise ships thatshow up here at first light. everybody's gonnaget off this island. you're gonna watcha news story tomorrow abouthow you all saved lives. no, no, no.better yet, how your animalssaved lives. they've never beenout of's crazy. let's move it out!

[ man ]let's go! this is happening.with or without you. we know that she isin sector five. this is a gamewe call's a scent drill. we've done itabout a thousand timeswith these animals. when they get on target,and they will get on target,wait to engage. velociraptorsare pack hunters. they like to herd the animalinto a kill zone.that's when we take our shot. get a clear shot,wait on my commandand give her everything you got.

we got one good target,gentlemen. do not shoot my raptors. easy, blue. easy. attagirl. you don't scare me. [ gray ]owen. are they safe? no, they're not.

what are their names? well, you got charlie,there's echo, here is delta,and this one's called blue. - she's the beta.- who's the alpha? you're looking at him, kid. see? totally safe. all right. get in.come on. get in there. if you need me,i'll be right up front.

just open that window.okay? put your seat belts on. okay. so just-- [ exhales ]hold hands. [ door latches ] um-- nothing's gettingin here, right? do you remember that ghostat the old house? do you remember?the one in the garage?

i protected you, right? you made a battle ax... out of a rulerand a paper plate. see, nothing's gonna get youwhile i'm around. okay? but you're not alwaysgonna be around. yeah, well-- hey. we're brothers, okay? we'll always be brothers,and we'll always come backto one another. no matter what.

[ growling, snorting ] awesome. [ man ]here we go. [ buzzer sounding ] your boyfriend's a badass. imagine ifwe had these puppiesin tora bora. you recording this thing? they're slowing down. they got something.

[ engines stop ] [ weapons cocking ] you know what?no, no, no. you guysare not gonna watch this. no, no, no! keep the window closed. - [ loud footsteps ]- [ indominus roars ] [ both grunting ] something's wrong. they're communicating.

i know whythey wouldn't tell uswhat it's made of. why? that thing's part raptor. what's taking them so long?light it up! engage! [ gunfire continues ] oh, my god. watch your 6:00. raptors got a new alpha.

[ roaring, faint ] [ man screams ] [ static ] [ men screaming ] [ screaming ] [ raptor chitters ] - [ man #1 ] chase, clear out! go, go!- [ man #2 ] hurry! [ man #3 shouts, indistinct ] fall back!

[ vehicles depart ] [ yells ] [ barry ]no! stop! stop! no! blue! [ revving engine ] - [ chitters ]- [ whistles ] [ claire ]oh, my god. [ gray ]is everybody dead?

uh-- no, no, no. no. everyone is fine. don't lie to him. he's scared! it's okay to liewhen people are scared. i want to go home. oh, sweetheart,you will, okay?i promise. tomorrow you will be home, and your mother will neverlet me see you again. - [ screams ]- get out of here! go!

[ engine cranking ] they're coming! [ screaming, shrieking ] [ pounding ] just hold on back there! turn it on! i don't know how! [ gray yelps, shouts ] - are you boys okay?- hey. did you see that?

i can't wait to tell mom. oh, please, no. do not tell your motherabout that, ever. owen! we gotta get indoors.follow me. lowery, we're headed your in a chopper. [ indominus roaring, distant ] everythingmust be accounted for. i want allbackup generators online.

where have you been? change of plans.mission took a jogto the left. i'm taking everythingoff-site. the embryos are safe here.they can live up to eight weekson the generators. no, no. you-- you listen. park's gonna be chapter 11by morning. okay?our little side project's aboutto get a shot in the arm. i don't want a bunch of lawyersmessing around with somethingthey don't understand. you get it?

hey. i'm gonna take thatas a yes. [ all clamoring ] [ woman on pa ]ladies and gentlemen, we'd liketo thank you for your patience. the next ferry will be leavingin 45 minutes. if you requireimmediate medical attention, please report to the nearesthealth service station. is this whatyou had in mind? [ man #1 ] okay, people.we have an extraction pointat the east dock. [ man #2 ]let's go. move out. move out.

they said we had to evacuate. there's a coming? someone has to stay behind. oh. no.i-- i have a boyfriend. yeah, but i didn't knowthat you guys were, like,together-together. we are. that's cool.i just-- you've never, like--you don't mention him, ever. no. i'm at work.

oh, i know. yeah. yeah. okay. great. you gonna be okay? okay. bye. where's hoskins? he's sending youand the assetsto a secure location. but our deal is still intact? don't worry. you'll bewell taken care of.let's go!

[ woman on pa ]thank youfor visiting jurassic world. we hope you enjoyedyour adventure. don't forgetto visit the gift shop, and rememberit's always happy hourat margaritaville. who's hungry?[ continues, indistinct ] come on.come on, come on.go inside, okay? [ zach ]come on. [ woman on pa ]the next mosasaurus feedingwill begin-- control room.that way!

[ man on pa ]...descended from dinosaurs.when threatened-- they evacuated the lab. - [ door opens ]- [ gasps ] what are you doing? i'm afraid that'sabove your pay grade, honey. where's henry? dr. wu, he works for us. that's not a real dinosaur. no. it ain't, kid.

but somebody's gotta make surethat this company has a future. imagine that one: a fraction of the size,deadly, intelligent, able to hidefrom the most advancedmilitary technology. a living weapon unlike anythingwe've ever seen. you see,millions of years of evolution-- what'd we learn? nature is the gift-- - [ roaring ]- oh, shit!

easy, boy. [ chuckles ]easy. hey. hey. we're-- we're onthe same side, right? easy. easy. i'm on your side. no, boys.boys, this way.come on. come on. [ owen ]come on. [ roars ]

- [ roars ]- [ roars ] [ hisses ] [ screeches ] that's how it is, huh? [ all growling, snorting ] [ rifle clatters ] [ chitters ] that's it. twenty-four. fifteen.

we need more. more what? teeth. we need more teeth. [ dinosaurs roaring ] okay, so-- you just wait here. [ gunshots ] it's gonna be fine. [ gray yelps ]

- lowery, are you still there?- hey, where are you? i need you to open paddock nine. paddock nine? - [ beeping ]- you kidding? damn it, a man and do somethingfor once in your life. why do youhave to make it personal? - [ beeps ]- [ buzzer sounds ] - [ loud footsteps ]- [ buzzer continues ] run!

go! go, go! [ raptor calling ] [ dinosaurs roaring, faint ] [ gasps, cries ] my's your parents. it's your parents. come on. come on. [ karen ]are you okay? oh.[ cries ]

[ crying ] i'm so sorry. shh. are you okay? come here. so what do we do now? probably stick together. for survival.

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