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Saturday, January 13, 2018

los angeles, 12th may, 2000. the place where we sixrogues met for the first time. we had thought that wewould win over the world.. ..but we got screwed instead. aju.. it was his plan. we all have to go to hell one this job and you'll go in a.. ..big car elseyou'll have to go walking. you can keep your big car.i prefer walking. it’s better thangoing on four shoulders.

hey stutterer,try to understand. bali.. sports a earring,abusive in nature and pea-brained. you're trying tomake me understand? do you think this is somecooperative bank in kolhapur? you will walk in and point a gun atthe guard, and he will intimate the.. ..cashier, who in turn, will gift-wrapall the money and give it to you.. ..saying, happy birthday,sir! this is america, ass! within two minutes,you'll be brought back here.. ..and you'll becelebrating your birthday here.

bali had utteredwords of wisdom for the.. ..first and the last time in his life.- trying to make me understand! major. only major or his pastknew why everyone called him.. ..major. but ourpresent was dearer to us. major said.. - aju is right. - hell!we'll have to come back here.. ..whether we takethe right or the left. hey chicken! you're right.- yes, i'm right. i'll send for you wheni've to burgle a poultry farm. chicken stealer! - hey don't call mechicken.. - i won't call you that.

i understood.- yes. hey! what do you say? and this is me,i’m always thinking. but now, i feel why i didn'tthink about it at that time. i’ll think aboutit and let you know. what'll be my share? andy, he had done hismasters in software development. his consent was necessary forthe development of this plan. as much as you can handle.- but how much?

the question isn't : how muchliqueur is there in the bar? the question is :how much can you drink? and what about the cop? mark, he was a bouncer in aclub. from there he bounced here.. ..directly, amidst us. he'll come in our way only whenhe comes to know about our plan. and by the time hecomes to know about it.. you would've opened a dancebar in mumbai along with your.. ..girl. and we six would comethere to see your girl dance.

hey aju! enough! don'tsay anything else about her. hey mark! i’m scared!see, my hands are shivering. what if the police comes?- they won't. what if they do?- then we'll send them back. can't we do anything else?something which is less risky? fortune wants towarm your bed for you.. ..and you want tosleep on the couch! fortune is that whore whodoesn't sleep with me. understood? fortune! if any one of ustries to make our fortune..

..then thesepeople won't let us. if someone iskilled somewhere, then.. ..these people nab us. if there's a theft anywhere,then our houses are searched first. the italians have their mafia. the colombianshave their cantles. the chinese have their triunes. and all these are soorganized that no policeman.. ..can ever dare toknock at their doors.

and we.. we indians,what do we have? nothing. nothing but police records. if even a blind man seessomething at a distance.. ..of 400mts, he says,'that must be an indian# and these people nabus and bring us here. at a distance of 400mts, evenan elephant looks like a hammer. we are made to wearthe turban of crime.. ..and we'll be made towear it as long as.. ..we don't havemoney to buy innocence.

major was a good speaker.had he spoken on screen.. ..then he would'vereceived an oscar. he spoke here andreceived a bullet. major made all of us think.- think about it. we still have time.- and a plan as well. alright! you're free for now. if the bell tolls inany one of your heads.. ..then come to club niagaratonight. i’ll wait for you there. we.. we'll wait for you there.

had i not been there, thenyou would've gone out hungry. you got up from the bed again! sometimes i feel thatyou like me to scold you. is there anything thati don't like in you? yes. why did you leavethe bed? c'mon! c'mon! yes, give me that.give me that plate. you stayed awake all nightagain, isn't it? - yes. i had to preparethe project report. but now, it's enough. i’vestayed awake many a nights.

now i believe thosepeople will like my work. we'll get money and then wecan go back to our country. maybe the doctors there..- can perform that miracle.. ..which none of theamericans doctors could. i know that i don't have enoughtime to listen to your scolding. the only gratifying thought isthat i’ll be able to close my.. ..eyes for the lasttime in the land.. ..where i had opened them first. you shouldn't say such things.nothing will happen.

please! i’m very old in thisbusiness. i can pay back. please! what's this? what'll ido with this, buffalo? you calf of an elephant! bull!will i clean myself with this? what'll i do?- now what's this guy saying? i'm saying, my lord, thisisn't enough. i want more. i have got more customers.more.. i don't trust your ass, man.- please! please! you bearded dog, please give me. you know how muchthis is worth, brother.

i know, i’ll give youthree times.. four times more. please! please, baldy! hey buffalo! you rhino, tellthis buffalo to remove this. it scares the hellout of me. tell him! you don't pay that back,man, you're dead! dead as a duck!don't worry, idiot! nine out of ten times, bali'sblabbering got us into some.. ..mess or the other butwe were lucky this time. how did i fool that fatso?- you're such an idiot.

you abuse him like anything.buffalo.. goat..- but he doesn't understand. what if he does? - if he hadunderstood then we would've.. ..been dead meat by now. hey police! police! run! run! open that window!open that window! throw it, dog! game's over, guys! - i’vethrown it! i’ve thrown it! cut the shit! where'sthe truck? - what truck?

is this about a truck? - isthere something else you want to.. to me about?- no! no! - shut the hell up! where's my truck? - your truck partneris there, there and there. let's get these guys out. stop! stop! stop! you created trouble again!you're fired! because i take my jobvery seriously, is it? not seriously, because youtake your job very personally.

that guineabastard was touching her. i need this bastard aswell as many such bastards. otherwise will i drink allthe whisky in this club myself? i need customers! stop! stop! do you know thejob of a bouncer? he's supposed to keep thecustomers away from the girls. not break their bones. do youunderstand that? you're fired! shut up, cyrus! - you're fired!throw him out! - fuck you, cyrus! it’s alright! it's ok! it'salright! this is the best club.

c'mon, guys! have a great time! three hours ago, a truck fullof lockup disappeared from.. ..highway thirteen. we have afeeling you could tell us about it. what are you talking about? i've been working here forthe past six hours, damn it. ask him. - why are you lying?he's lying. he wasn't here. he's lying. he wasn't here. goodbye! goodbye! excuse me! i'mhere to see mr. adler.

i'm afraid hehasn't come in yet. i'm here to see mr. rubric.- mr. rubric, you've a visitor. down the hall. ma'am! - sir, i'm sorry mr.adler is in a meeting. perhaps you would liketo try again next week. o mr. adler! sir, lwon't take much of your time. i won't beat around the bush.we can't do business with you. your background is so.. look, mr. adler,i’ll explain to you.

the board won't listen to me.i really cannot convince them. i'm very sorry. - sir!excuse me! mr. adler! sir! mr. adler, see. i'vegiven up all those things. i've started life anew. inthe past ten months of my new.. i've developedthis new business plan. i can bet on anything thatyour board won't ignore this.. plan. accordingto this plan, listen to me.. ..7 % of the market, packagedindian food, will be in your.. ..pocket in the first quarter.i have the capability to work hard.

i've courage.. the nerve.. ljust need your support and faith. ok, your idea is interesting.why don't you meet me.. my officetomorrow morning at 9am. ok. i’ll..- time to go, major. let's go. is anything wrong, officer?- when was it ever right? let's go, major.- but.. hey! mcguiry wants to see you.- why me? you can ask him yourselfat the station. let's go. hey you, blondie. you're next.

as far as me andbali were concerned.. ..all our stories hadthree facets to it. one was mine, the other hisand the third was the truth! hey guys! did balitell you how we came here? for the sake of biryani.he came home early morning.. ..saying that his uncle wasmaking biryani at his place. forget home-made biryani, hisuncle fed us burgers instead. that too from macdonald's. as soon as we came out, we metmcguiry and we are here now.

are you getting bored?after that.. you, sir, let it be. are you going to tellme where the truck is? what truck are you talkingabout, man? - the truck you stole. stole!? do i looklike a thief to you? yes, you do. - tell him! ihad been there to meet rosy. she stays on the twelfth floor.rosy! tell him. you tell him. i went to meet rosy.big boobs rosy.

my girlfriend. big boobs rosy. what was i going to do takingthe truck to the twelfth floor? how do i take the truck tothe twelfth floor? you tell me. major! tell me about the truck? what the hell are you guystalking about? what did i do? i was just doingmy work quietly. that's what, major. you arealways doing your job quietly. but we aren't goingto sit here quietly. major, this time we're going tomake sure that you've a very..

..long appointment with the law. yeah, right.- you bet. major, why do i feel thatyou've a secret to share? would you like to listen?- sure. why not? by calling me here, you peoplehave committed a grave mistake. really?- a very grave mistake. now apologize for yourmistake and tell me.. when do i get to go? when we find the truck.- and when will you find it?

when you tell us about it. you are asking the wrong person. really? thenwho's the right guy? where were you at 6am.? hey asshole, iasked you a question! no english. tell himthat i don't know english. he doesn't knowthe language, sir. then you tell him whati ask him. - oh i will. where were you at 6am?- where were you at 6am?

i was with his wife.- what is he saying? he said he was in a bar, sir. well, what was he doing?- what were you doing? i was banging.- he was drinking, sir. with whom? - with whom?- his wife. - friends. where's the truck?- where's the truck? i forgot it outside his house. sir, obviously this man doesn'tknow anything about any truck. does he want us to get nasty? -hey hero, don't take uncle sam.. be your uncle. answerfast. he's getting angry. tell him to get angry at his wife,she also put in the same effort. look sir, this man obviouslydoesn't know about anything. well then who does? - thenwho knows? - his wife knows. your wife. - what? - no. mymistake. he said, 'his man'. his man. - how does he know?- and how does he know? because he was banging her too. give me a moment, will you, sir? look, foreigner! don't actlike the mafia, wearing a trench coat.

this is regarding my job.answer the questions. what the hell are you talking about?- he's just wasting our time. he's bull-shitting us.he's playing with us. they kept asking all nightand ajju kept answering.. ..that he was withthat cop's wife. after sometime, even thatofficer started believing that.. ..aju truly waswith mcguiry's wife. did you listen? hey asshole! uncle sam has laidhis eyes on you.

tell him not to look at me toomuch. it'll do me bad. asshole! truck.- lawyer. what lawyer?- what truck? where's the truck?- where's my lawyer? do these people thinkof us as talcum powder? even if they itch a little,they pick us up. not talcum powder, but condoms.they use us all night.. ..and flush us down thetoilet in the morning. hey aju! shall we talkbusiness? - yes, boss.

anyway, they pick usup every third day. it isn't goodfor my reputation. which station?- resputation. - what? resputation means status. youwon't understand its english. ok. status, that too yours?hey donkey, what do.. do whenyou're outside the jail? the same thing that youdo with mcguiry's wife. this mcguiry'swife is quite popular. how many of you havean affair with her?

mark? andy?- no. my standard is a bit high. good. let's getdown to business. major, i had heard thatyou had given up everything. boss, major had promised hiswife that he's given up everything. just like our hero. hey! evenyou've promised your girl that..'ve given up everything,isn't it? what? what have youpromised your girl? that i'll kill you.- then kill him first. i can't give up my businessfor a girl. stupidity! stupidity!

business!? have you seenhis girl? - is she beautiful? beautiful? she's thequeen of club india. you're talking of business? ican leave this world for her sake. i'll help you leave this world.- leave him. hey guys! - major!major, just ignore them. they're just whiling away theirtime. you were saying something. mcguiry is whilingaway his time with us. but you peoplewon't understand that. you keep wasting yourtime over unnecessary talks.

you won't think why thepolice is always arresting us. the police commits thecrime of arresting us. hence, the police willpay the price for doing so. how? - by looting their banks.- the service american bank? every cop here hasan account there. that's why no one has daredto loot that bank till date. because the one who lootsthis bank will be taken on a.. ..procession to thegraveyard by the entire police dept. then why do you think, smarty,that the same won't happen to you?

because brother bali, the securityin that bank is so weak that.. ..even your mother willbe able to loot that bank. till now, they receivedtheir salaries from that bank.. we'llreceive ours from there. we've received it. tough to make them talk, sir.what do we do with them? let them go. i'llget those damn indians. you're free for now. we all startedgoing our own ways..

..when satan called outto us for the last time. ..then come to club niagaratonight. i'll wait for you there. mark, why are youalways fighting? l can't stay calm ifanyone touches you. this can't go on, it'sgot to stop. - i know! ok. listen. we'll meet cyrus,we'll talk and we'll work it out. but you've to promise methat you won't lose your temper. i won't. ok? come. you've come back again?

can't youunderstand simple words? listen, man. i haven'tcome here to fight with you. i just want my job back. ipromise you, there won't be.. ..anymore problemshere because of me. there'll be problems onlywhen you don't go from here. ok. c'mon!- go, lisa. go! if one girl goes, a hundredwill come. this is america, baby! go with this good-for-nothing.go! go! go! c'mon, lisa. c'mon!- where, mark?

where will you take me?do you have any home? lisa!- no! look, mark. i love you. but even i've very few options.i don't like doing all this. but what do i do?you know this is l.a. and it's very difficult for agirl to stay alone in this city. very difficult! - but, lisa,you're not alone. i'm with you. where are you, mark? youspend half of your time in jail. i want to come with you. but when youhave your own house.

i'll surely havemy own house, lisa. but there won't be anyplace for you in that house. but you know that yourmom doesn't like dogs. what shit! how many times have i toldyou not to use such language? i'm sorry, dad butthis is not fair. c'mon, let's go home. could we spend somemore time, dad? please? listen. you know thatwhen i take you home late..

..your mom gets angry. she'll scowlat you. fights with me. yeah. - and what whenshe comes home late? she works.- no! she goes out with uncle. which uncle?- the uncle who comes home. the one whobought me these shoes. since when is he coming home?- since a long time. c'mon. let's go home. what time is it? if youcan't bring him home in time.. ..then why do you take him out?- renu!

don't 'renu' me!it's enough, andy. if you're going to act soirresponsibly then i feel.. should stop meeting him. renu, i'm his father.- oh really? then bear the.. ..expenses of his education,his dresses. you call yourself his father?then where were you when.. ..he was ill and i had tocall the doctor at midnight? and then where were youwhen he was beaten up by.. ..his schoolmates andhad come home crying?

you were in jail, andy. you were in jailand we got punished. it wasn't my was a mistake. yes. it's neveryour fault, andy. when was it your fault?it's my entire fault. it’s my fault that lmarried a man like you. you're a loser, andy.- shut up! don't shout! this is my house. and i know whathappens in this house.

aren't you ashamed! youcome to meet your son so.. ..that you can ask himabout my personal life? well, how sick can you get?- renu, it's nothing like that. i haven't asked himanything about you. i don't care, andy.and one more thing.. ..don't try to rule overme because only a husband.. ..has the right to do so, and youlost that right a long time ago. renu! why don't we startliving together again? i'll work things out.

why? what'll you do?will you rob a bank? i don't understand all your plans. what i understand is this!beauty! look! look! - you can'tunderstand anything, man. look, ripe mangoes.hello beautiful! how are you? hey he's a guy!- oh a guy! not my kind. what a fool!- look, here's a girl. until i lighten up,my brain doesn't work. and moreover, my hands havebeen aching for the past 10 days.

what is your name?- sugar! - sugar! c'mon, pal! you arepossessed just about one thing. i agree but my father had toldme not to be possessed at anytime. when i was smallmy father told.. you fool! when your dadmakes your strip and kicks.. on your ass,then you'll understand. which dad? the one in themorning, the one in the.. ..afternoon, the one in theevening or the one at night? even my mom doesn't knowwho my actual father is.

not even my mother, you know.. you know which dadi'm talking about. the one whose powder youthrew in the l.a. atmosphere. i'll think of someplan to pay him back. hey pal! we should findsome solution to this problem. then what do you think? doesthose people's idea to loot.. ..a bank, provide a solution?i'll think of something. you don't worry. you'll think? - look, if youfeel that what those four fools..

..think is right, thenyou're a bigger fool than them. man, their money..- don't eat my brains, man! if you can arrangefor the money somehow.. ..then do it. doit however you want. let me think aboutmy little brother. listening to all theseboring talks of yours.. ..l feel that it must havegone slept off standing. - ok! ok! think, what ifthey loot the bank? then it's their good fortune.- not their good fortune, but ours.

how's that? - look, if the planfails, then we all will escape. and if it succeeds, thenthe money will be with us.. ..and four bulletsin their bellies. keep talking! keep talking! look, there's alot of gain in this. there's just adistance of four bullets.. ..between us andmillions of dollars after this, the money that wassupposed to be split into six.. ..will be split into yours, and the other mine.

mine will be splitamong these people. c'mon, man! - c'mon, bali! -no! no! i'll be back after.. ..killing four others. - what?- no, you won't understand. i'm coming. - coming? - i'mcoming. don't worry. let's go! did they like yourjob very much? - yes. this time i'vefound the right people. now there'snothing more to fear. i have full faith in you. youcan never do anything wrong. but what if it's too late?- i won't let it be late.

it's my promise. so you all are ready.- yes, alright. the plan is..- just a minute, major. what's this? - i knew thatthis rascal had stolen the truck.. ..and we all got screwed. that's why i'm splittingthe money among all of us. all of you keep themoney on the table. why? - because inorder to loot a bank.. ..we need guns, cars,cameras explosives..

..and for allthat we need money. what if i hadn'tbeen a gentleman, major? then we would'vestolen something else. we can stealsomething else even now. let's keep the moneywith us for the time being. no, bali. major is right. when there's a feast,why should we beg? andy! this money is enough for me.

c'mon, it's good. the moneythat was to be split into six.. ..will now be split into five.- no! even now, the money.. ..will be split into six.- why? will you give me anextra share, major? not at all. every gadgetryin the bank is computerized. the cameras, vaults, everything. it has a security code. andwe need a software engineer.. break that code. why do we need an engineer,major? this tarzan is with us.

he'll break the code. we've to break thebank's vault, bali. not the bank manager's neck. why are youunnecessarily trying.. make him understand, major? he doesn't know the differencebetween software and underwear. what do we do now, major?- we've got to get andy. this is not enough. - i lovemy son, isn't that enough? no.- meaning?

look, andy. this money isenough to fight the case. but not enough to win it. towin the case, the judge will.. ..ask whether your son hasa bright future with you. whether your son will get newclothes, toys to play with.. ..will he see acollege from inside. the answer to all thesequestions is money, andy. a lot of money. i'm sorry, andy. gentlemen, welcome tothe service american bank. all of us will enterthe bank one by one.

so that all of us getfamiliarized with the bank. if the police comes thenit'll come from here, or here. meaning, here, here and here. i want all of you to check.. ..every nook andcorner of every street. do not leave even a corner,not even a single inch. otherwise we won't know fromwhich way death will come for us. but we've to keep the peoplein the bank under control. we've to keepthem under control.

neither do i wantany bloodshed there.. ..nor any innocent deaths. why do these deathsalways have to be innocent? hey! why aren't there anybrains inside your skull? there aren'tanswers to all questions. then why are there questions? major, make him understand. why should major make meunderstand? - shall i continue? i swear on allah! noone throughout america..

..can give youmore stuff than me. mark, shall we take everything?- why? are you going to fight a war? you can even fight awar with all these, dear. i swear on allah! halfof kashmir resounds with.. ..the sound of my bombs. hasn't anyonecaught you till date? how will anyone catch me?i'm a very smart man. i've very highly placed contacts.

so you've very highlyplaced contacts eh? - yes, why? you think thatyou're very smart eh? i don't think so,i'm very smart. then rat, hasn't anyone toldyou not to talk of destroying.. ..india when amidst indians? dear one! whateveran indian might be.. ..he never likes two is, losing in cricket.. ..and secondly,attacking our country. andy and mark had always donebad things living in their country..

..maybe for that moment,the burden on.. ..their soulshad lessened a bit. we'll reach there inthree different cars. mark and aju willbe in the first car. and mac and baliwill be in the second. and i and andywill be in the third. by the time andy and i reach, ajuand mark would've done their job. first car, second car, third someone sponsoring the cars? yes. you'reresponsible for that. here, take.

hey donkey! this money hasn'tbeen loaned from your chicks. bali, use this money like yourbrains.. - no way! - ..with care. hey! i'm tired of eating this. whydon't you order rice and pulses? hey! shut up! major, will we scare theguards by showing our fingers? no. with guns. you,mark and andy will.. ..collect the guns,today evening. hey! shoot with one eye shut. -bali's bullets find their targets.. themselves, brother.

if you keep aiming like this thenyou'll become a target one day. it’s easy to shoot words,major. do you know to shoot? do you? it’s loaded. after that, no one daredto speak against major. eh bali! come here.- what? tell me one thing, if lkeep this bomb on your head.. ..then what will rip openfirst? this bomb or your head? the bomb will rip open first. no.actually the head can also rip open. no, pal. this is a reallyconfusing question. you tell me.

your ass will rip open first. aju! - what's this? - bomb.l activated it. - what? keep sitting. keep sitting. keep sitting? hey! will this erupt? you fool! it's a bomb and it'sbeeping, so it's bound to erupt. why, man? - you'rescared shit! you're scared! hey mark! are you standingthere waiting for this bomb.. erupt!?deactivate it! deactivate it!

it’s can't be deactivated.- what do you mean? meaning? you forgothindi along with english? is this bomb enough tokill this scoundrel.. ..or do i keep another?- no! it's not needed. he'll die such a death thathe won't take birth again. then here, smokeyour last cigarette? tell me something, mark.- yes. - when the bomb erupts.. yes.- will his hands tear off from.. ..the elbow orfrom the shoulder?

he'll die!- he'll die!? - yes. if i die, then i'll takeeveryone else along with me. then who'll fuifilyour rites? my father? do you have any one of your own? you beggar! whyfear when i'm here? l fear because the bomb is here. hey mark! from today, i'lladdress your girl as my sister. you'll do so, right?- yes. - you'll do so? - yes. then throw it. throwit else it'll burst.

why?- throw it else it'll burst. hey throw it! it'll burst! -hey bali! throw it! - hey! hey! hey andy! take it! look what happened there!look what happened there! you call this a bomb?there's gas coming out of it. why? are youregretting about being alive? moreover, it made a chicken outof you. didn't it? - yes, it did. so, this is our plan incasethe police comes there tomorrow. why are you talking aboutthe police all the time?

you're scaring me.why don't you say.. least once thatthe police won't come? if.. bali, if.. - this'if' is a very dangerous word. if this happens,then this will happen. if this doesn't happen,then that won't happen. if my aunt growsmoustaches then i'll call her uncle. this is very bad. hey bali! hey bali!why do you get tensed? what are youtalking about tension?

it scares the shit out of're talking of tension. hey! who knows about tomorrow? here, take. have a cigarette.c'mon! what'll i do about this? aju's bomb helped us forgeteverything for a few moments.. ..and gave us anopportunity to laugh. how could we knowthat death was.. ..secretlylaughing at us as well. we had everything with us.plan, money and courage. if we didn't have anything,then it was just mutual trust.

because we all had taken birthlearning one thing from our.. ..mother's womb : never trustanyone ! not even your mother ! which junkyard haveyou brought us to, major? ok everybody, cell phones.- why? neither will anyoneuse their phones now.. ..nor will anyonemove out of this place. and we'll lootthe bank tomorrow. but the plan to loot the bankis for the day after tomorrow. we'll loot it tomorrow.any problems?

very smart, major. i understood. if we loot the bank tomorrowinstead of the day after.. ..then none of us will beable to make our own plans. i'm with you. me, too. i don't keep one. ok, one final time.we'll discuss the plan again. how many times do wediscuss the plan, major? if we discuss it once again,then we'll forget everything.

then what'll we dotill tomorrow morning? what'll we do? we'lldrink and make merry! i'll arrange for acouple of babes. hey! keep it.- no? - no. hey listen! the plan. theplan is a watch. swiss watch. the parts of the watch,that's us. if we're perfect.. ..then the watchis also perfect. tick- tock! tick-tock!otherwise, it'll turn into.. ..a bomb and we'll go..boom.. understood?

yes, so what was i saying?the plan. once more, the plan. i'm sick, i'm tired.whatever you've said.. ..has stuck to my brains,brother. excuse me, gentlemen. isthis some kind of a joke? no. actually it's a robbery.forget it. if we're successful today, thenat the most, you'll lose your.. ..job. if we're unsuccessful,then.. the least,you'll lose your life. so you do your work quietlyand let us do ours. got it?

i'll translate real fast. if we pull this one off..if we pull this one off.. worst, you lose your job. if we don't, at the best,you'll be shot. so why don't youshut your mouth.. ..and continue doing yourwork and allow us to do ours. excuse me. everybody down! down!

down! down! what babe? what are you doing tonight? we can enjoy all night,i'll have enough after looting this bank. hey! put up your hands!put up your hands! out! c'mon! steady! easy!

kill me. - this bulletwill kill you before that. now don't shout anymore. ok? half of your lifewill perish shouting! if you've the strength to shout thenhave the strength to bear the pain. it’ll burn a little. ok? if you had listened to me earlier.. ..then you wouldn'thave had to scream now. i won't scream! just relax.

major! major, i'm feeling very scared. it’s ok, you should feel scared. you've beenbrave all day, today. it doesn't matter ifyou feel afraid now. i'll take you to the hospitalas soon as these people show up. promise me. promise me, major.- yes. i promise. what if i diebefore they show up? we'll bury you somewhere.

hey! nothing willhappen to you, understood? we've been trapped. hey! he's dead! i'm still alive. don't worry. you'll surely die. shut up! just shut up! nothing willhappen to you. nothing! is it paining a lot? no. it's ticklingme and i'm laughing.

it’ll hurt you moreif you laugh, jackass! lie there quietly, you'll live. where are the rest?- i don't know. how did you come here?- by car. what car? - the ladydidn't tell me her name. which lady? - someone over there,but she isn't there any longer. one among us is a traitor.- what? one of us is aninformer for the police. you think one of usis a police informer?

don't you think so, oldie? hey! mind your tongue. else you won't leave this place. i'm not bothered!even then i'll speak. someone has vomitedeverything to the police. and if you don't feel so then..'ve lost yourmind and he, his life. shut up! shut up! i won't shut up!

you had said that therewon't be much security there. yes, i had said that therewasn't much security there. because there shouldn'thave been much security there. then how did my in-laws reach thatplace with my wedding procession? it’s possible that someonemight have tipped off the police.. that they could escapewith the money at the last moment. yes, that's possible. where's the bag?- huh? bag.. where's your bag?

that.. it's there somewhere.- where? somewhere there..- where there? why should i tell you? let everyonecome then i'll tell. where's the bag! have you said anything?- no. how did you escape from there?- how did you? i asked you first. i hit three out-laws,one in-law..

..and escaped with his car. i hope you don'tfeel that all this.. my doing?- it's possible. it’s possible inyour case as well. it’s possible. - it's possible.why isn't it possible? he has died.- he's unconscious. no, he isn't moving. he's dead. he's unconscious.let's go there and talk. why did i feel that he has died?

tell me something, major. if the police can come there,then it can come here as well. so? - so what? letthe both of us leave. and what about him? what about him?- he's injured. we're not going to leave himlike that. we'll kill him. what are you looking at, major? he's of no use. he's aburden on the earth. he's your friend.

there aren't any friendsin business, only partners. he was the onewho taught me that. from the first day, till today. every story is about his share. hey! stop! hurry up!let's leave! who are you?- i'm a cop. and who's that?- thief. what's in your hand?how much do you have? ten. - five each. -seven mine and three yours.

five each. - ok, truce. sixmine and four yours. c'mon, man! no. five each.- ok done. let's leave! run! he's a rogue! a rogue! had i been in his place today, thenhe would've said the same thing. you both would'vekilled me and left. he got shot, his fate. we weren't, our luck. anyway, that dog isgoing to die in an hour.

why don't we kill him andescape from here? - shut up! shut up! ok. if you don't want to come.. ..then don't. i'm leaving. hey bali! bali! you've gotten into my nerves! since when have i beentolerating your nonsense! you're sick! you're sick! i won't be able to tolerateyour nonsense any longer.. you understand that? understand? now before i shoot yourbrains off your skull.. ..tell me where's the bag.where's the bag? great, major!blow his brains off! even i want to see whether he'sgot grass stuffed inside or hay. you're alive. lthought you were dead. were you thinking so..or wanting so, major? what do you mean?- nothing. nothing.

it would've been goodhad anyone shot you. you shoot me, that'swhy the police spared me. for you. where are andy and mark? i don't know. you're acting as ifnothing has happened. what has happened? - he thinksthere's an informer amidst us. what do you think, major?- it's possible. i don't think so. i know.

what else do you know? what do you mean by that? there's someone amidstus who's an informer. you're the one.- what? you're the informer.- hey! don't talk nonsense. i'm not talking nonsense. youinformed the police, isn't it? i've evidence to prove it.- hey smarty! don't act smart or else..- or else what? i'll shoot you, mad guy!

yes, i'm slowly going mad. shoot me!- look ajju, i'll shoot you. shoot me!- i'll shoot you! hey aju, i'll shoot you. hey bali, your gun isas empty as your head. where are the bullets?- it was there.. i swear it was there. it was there.. where's it? it’s here.

this is loaded. what are you doing?- i've found out everything. you've been seen witha policeman many times. who's seen me?- a man. he's coming. your man is talking nonsense. since when are youfooling us? speak up! how do i fool you?you're already one. you planned all thiswith a policeman, isn't it? you can think what you want.but move this pistol.

ok. listen.. move it! you'llfire a shot by mistake. hey! move it! hey! move it! move it! chicken! he's such a chicken! what you said there..what's it about? i was just kidding, major. there should besome fun, isn't it?

that guy has been shot,and he's lying there. there's no sign of andy and mark.the police can come in anytime. and you feel like having fun? ok, major. i'm sorry.i was just.. i was just what?i was just what? all of you are crazy! don'tknow what i've gotten myseif into! hey major..- hey! move your hand! now don't get so annoyed..- what don't get annoyed? you're getting too angry,major. i was just kidding.

even i was kidding. hey don't touch me! if you're done with your lovescene, then shall i say something? yes. tell me. what doyou want to blabber about? yes. i'll blabber. from now,i'm going to blabber. we're standing like this overhere. what if the police come? let them come. we'll see. you see them. seethem through binoculars. i'm going.- where are you going?

somewhere where i can stay alive. at least one of us has tostay alive to attend your burial. asking where, huh! bye! hey! what are you doing?have you gone mad? you're not going anywhere. tell me something, who areyou to stop me everyday? your father. because right now,he's the one who has a loaded gun. so? so? so you're such a chicken..such a chicken..

..that a few bullets fired here andthere made you wet your pants eh? hey chicken! hey chicken,speak up! yes, i'm a chicken!i'm a chicken! you're a beggar! a beggar! you don'thave anyone of your own. i've a twenty year old sister. atwenty year old sister, understood? shall i marry her? will you marry her? doyou have the guts to do so? she's mentallyretarded since birth.

i'll be your slave alllife if you marry her. will you marry her?i've taken care of her.. ..since childhood.will you take care of her? i'm a chicken! so what?what's wrong in that? you're scared todeath now, aren't you? aren't you scared now? you were making a big plan!we'll earn a lot of money! earn a lot of money, eh? because of you we all are in a messnow. because of you, understood?

he's right.- major, you too? hadn't you shot that fellow then wewouldn't have gotten into trouble. i can't understand you people. -why? didn't you shoot that man? he was trying topress the alarm, major. all the alarms were deactivated.all the alarms were deactivated. l had forgotten that! l explained to him athousand times not to move. i even pressed a gun to his temple. even then he moved,so i shot him.

it was a matter of my honor.what else could i've done? then you did the right thing. even i don't compromisewhen it comes to my honor. hey! what are you saying? evenyou killed four people there. what else could i have done?i had to protect myself. even you should've practicedyour firing on 2-3 people. it was such a fine opportunity,so many constables together. do you think thati'm a donkey like you? because of yourfoolishness i'm trapped here today.

he.. he.. he gotshot instead of me. that bullet was meant for me, i wassaved because he came in between. if not, then lwould've died today. fools! if i had known thatyou all are such big.. then i wouldn't have taken up this jobl would never have taken up this job. hey major!- what is it? are you going to bark all day orare you going to bite as well? hey! what did you say? what did you say?

you want me to bite you eh? leave him, major. i'll pump so many bulletsinto you that the next time.. press the trigger, the bulletwill come from some place else. why do you mess with this pimp? hey you whore! whomare you calling a pimp? why? hasn't anyone calledyou by your real name before? yes. i'm a pimp. yourgirl's pimp. what'll you do? if anyone of you lifts yourhands again, then i'll shoot you.

did you enjoy?- yes, i did. hey mark! leave it. he's crazy. major, are you taking sideswith him. - to hell with you all! i played along with you all thinkingthat the job will be done easily.. ..i'll get some money.. - andthen you and your girl will.. first tell me, how did thepolice come there? - they flew in. they were called.- by whom? that's what i'm saying.there's a traitor amidst us. who? -you.- why? can't it be you?

just know i'll let you know.-how? come with me. whoa! mark! don't you knowyou're not supposed to be here? i've got to see her, man. -hey! it's the boss' orders. you know how this works. you know how this works, buddy? this is a .44 magnumwith hollow point slugs. goes in real smallcomes out real big. can you handlethe damage, buddy?

so you can speakenglish as well, eh? sometimes. go and get your bird. aju! i've seen smarterguys but none better than you. mark! please take me away from here. -that's what i've come here for. lisa, today at 7pmat l.a. airport.. ..will you wait for me?- yeah. ok.- yes. how did you come inside my club?

how did you come in?- through the door. then go out through the door. out! out! out! lisa! i had warned you thati don't want any personal.. stories within my club. and lisa, this good fornothing will give you nothing. ok? time for the show, baby.- no more shows. lisa, go now. i'llmeet you at 7pm. lisa! you leave my clubonce and you can't come back.

she doesn't want tocome back. shut up! bye! take care.- i'll take care of you soon. now partner...police! police! i'm the cop. and you're the captive. so let’s beginwhere it all started. where's the truck? tell me, who's the policeman? who's the cop?

the money is kept atthe back. what do we do? you had said.. -look, andy. i've neverbeen dishonest throughout my life. you know what kind ofpeople we're working with. one's a cop, and two are crazy.. why should we go back? let'ssplit the booty here itseif. no. - andy, you'retalking like a fool. i know all about you. you've a wife who doesn't want to livewith you. a child whom you can't meet. because you don't have money.

think about it. such an opportunitywon't knock at your door again. you can put your life together again. no, major. i have a wife who's very ill. you do whatever you want,i won't tell anyone. no one knows howmuch money we've stolen. no one has counted it yet. what difference will it makeif you take a few bundles out of it? you're very straightforwardlike me. you can't be an informer.

major, you're testing.. what's this? maybe we won't return alivefrom the place we're headed to. at least this willbe of use to someone. the job gotsuccessfully completed. those people were very pleased. i'llbook our airline ticket on the way. i'll be back.. you're hanging! you're hanging.

tell me who's the cop. i give you three chances. tell me, who's the cop. one. two. go to hell. three. who killed him? i did.

why? hadn't i killed him thenhe would've killed that cop. so you killed him? if i hadn't, then hewould've killed him, then me.. ..and taken themoney and escaped. the one with whom youstayed for 6 months. the one with whomyou fooled the world.. you killed thatfellow himself. what could i've done? hehad hung him like a donkey.

that guy was shouting andbali was laughing like mad men. how can we kill a policeman? so you killed him in orderto save this guy's life? who said we can't kill a cop? look, we kill a coplike this. understood? we kill a cop like this. how did he come here?- i brought him. why? - because he'lltell us who's the traitor. since when is he here?- since i put him here.

why did you need toput up such an act? you should've brought him directly. major, it's exciting ifthere's a twist in the story. he's asked us alot of questions. now it's our turn. it’ll be fun. it'll be fun. i don't like this. he's a policeman.- i like it. because he's a policeman.

mr. mcnairy. why do i feel that you'regoing to share a secret with me? i told you that you had committeda grave mistake by nabbing us. major, don't scare himtoo much. he'll die. do you know english? first class. i've spokenenglish since childhood. he speaks since childhood,but no one understands. but he'll understand. ask him how thepolice reached there.

tell.. - not'll take a lot of time. you ask him. how were the cops there? why isn't he speaking? he must haveulcers in his mouth. ask him now. how did you know thatwe're going to be there? i asked him that how did he knowthat we were going to loot a bank. you didn't use the word'bank' at all. - i meant..

you just saywhatever i can understand. he's saying the same thing. - major,when did he speak about the bank? no he didn't.- he didn't? aju, tell me honest about it. who gave you thepassport to come here? his mother. she was working in thepassport office since childhood. you ask him! you ask him! answer me.- what did you say now?

answer me.- answer me! give! give, it's english. give. even i'll do it. c'mon! give! speak or they'll kill you. what's hegrumbling about! ask him! don't get into my nerves.tell someone else to ask. he'll answer only ifyou ask, understood? you guys are all dead. all dead.

what did he say?- nothing. - he said something. he said that we are all dead.. ..meaning we are all dead.. all in hindi means.. .all.. i don't findanyone dead? who's dead? he says that all ofus are going to die. who'll kill us? who? who? who?

these guys are maniacs,they'll kill you. tell us who's thehack amongst us? what are you goingon about for so long? let him ask what he's asking. if you want to understand thenlearn the alphabets first. i want to know, major. i want to know what plansthey're cooking up in english. look! you're an illiterate fellow,not the rest of us. we can understand what he's saying.

ok! i had forgottenthat you all are educated. andy, ask him! if you want to save your life,tell them what you know. one of you.. one ofyou is an undercover cop. what happened? why are you lookingat each other’s faces? what happened? what did he say? major, what did he say? tell me! tell me,what did he say?

that one among us.. a policeman. what the hell! special task operation. you've to be undercover. live withthem for a while. like one of them. follow them. get their deals, gettheir contacts and keep informing us. you've got to get them. the indians shouldn't shit here. we knew about everything.

the guns, the cars, everything. tell us who that guy is.i'll count till three. one.. two.. three. shut up! drawing agun for everything! why, major? is it you? yes, it could be me. what'll you do?you'll shoot me? c'mon shoot! shoot! no. it can't be you. why? why can't it be you? this rascal will tell me!

no, aju! have you gone mad? will you kill him?will you kill him? he's a policeman! if youkill him then the entire.. ..police dept. will digyou out and screw you. we're already screwed. this dog has already seen us. what difference does that make? our job was to rob the bank, splitthe booty and keep going. that's all! the booty's here. and so are we.

pick up your shareand keep moving. we don't need to even seeeach other's face again. no need to see eachother's face again. pick up your booty and leave.and forget that pimp.. ..who screwed us. no! none of us will leavethis place until i shoot him. aju is right. i'm in dire needto leave this place. unless we find that scoundrel,none of us will leave this place.

i'm with aju. and so am i. major?- even me. ask me as well. conductmeetings, conduct conferences. we've been conductingconferences since we met. we had gone to rob a bankwearing a suit and a tie. sit down. c'mon! sit down.- andy! cut it out! i'll tell you what to do. we allshould collect the money and.. ..accumulate it here.and then nab that bastard!

where's the money? - it'sthere. outside. in the car. i left it on the way. - where'syours? - it's here. i'll bring it. no! not alone, mark.ajju will come along. why? don't you trust me? what do we know, pal? youcan be a cop, i can be one. he can be one. so,two will go together. i'll go along with you, major.- ok. c'mon. what about me? - will yourfather come to keep an eye on him? what about me, huh!

hero, what do you think? who's that scoundrel? look, i don't want to discussanything about this. let's go. c'mon! tell me. - i told you i don'twant to discuss anything about this. ok, forget it. tell me,how's your girl? aju, don't even talk about her. anyway, there's nothingbetween us any longer. nothing!? this is good news.- why? i had my eyes on your girl for along time. she dances so well, man!

when she dances, theneven baburao dances. c'mon! hit me! what are youlaughing for? hit me! c'mon! there isn't anything between us. if you love her so muchthen why don't agree to it. look! the job's done. wehave the money as well. now, you go and take her outof there and take her to india. and then a dance bar.. don't open..don't open.. i'm telling you. go get the money first.

aju! c'mon! what's this? what happened? i killed him.- why? because he killed bali. who killed bali? he did.ask him. how many times do lexplain to you, man? he had gone mad. notgone mad, he was mad. he was planning to kill everyoneand escape with all the booty.

you love all of us so muchthat you killed your companion. either it's written allover my face that i'm a fool. or you're so foolish tothink that i'm a fool. just a minute. look, mac won't lie. it’s true thatbali had gone mad. he had spoken of escapingwith the booty, even to me. bali was mad, major. but he wasn't a police informer.

he wanted to kill a policeman,not save him. who tried to savethe cop? he did. then who's the rat? bali or mac? he saved himself not the cop. major why are you alwaystaking sides with him? is there always somethinghappening between you and him? c'mon, major. i know that you're not that rat. but neither is aju nor me.

and andy has been a straightguy right from the beginning. the one remaining is this guy. listen to me. he took the bullet meantfor me and saved my life. had he been a policeman.. ..then why would he have done so?- it could've been an accident. major, why do you forgetthat he's been with us.. ..just for the past six months. who knew about him before that?

neither did i knowhim nor did you? i'm telling you he isn't a cop. bali was mad but he isn't a cop. but he can never think ofstealing someone's share. if he had wanted to shoot,then he could've shot bali on his leg. and then hecould've waited for us. but no, he was onlyworried about this dog. he wasn't worried about bal. i've been telling from thebeginning to split..

..the booty and keep moving yourown way. one's already gone! are you waiting forthe rest of us to die? do we leave the one whohelped the police reach us? had i been a cop, then wouldn'ti've said that bali's a cop.. ..and that that's thereason i shot him. then i would've tornyou to shreds, rascal! bali hated policemen asmuch as he hated his father. andy is right. let's take our moneyand move from here.

i won't leavewhile this guy's alive. this guy has to die. look, aju. today, neither ami going anywhere.. ..nor is anyone waiting for me. i couldn't save my wife. i couldn't fulfil thepromise that i made to her. i won't let him die. ok?

so why don't youjust drop the gun? c'mon! drop the gun! drop it! sorry, major. but aju is right. drop your gun. i said drop your gun, major. who asked you to speak in between? this matter is between aju andmajor. stay out of it, man. drop your guns!

you're trying tokill the wrong person. i'm not going to stop. - that too forthat rogue. - lower your guns. save yourself, major. major, aju is right. major! drop your guns, major! major, he's dead! mac! sorry, buddy. i couldn't save you.

i'm sorry, major. i was just doing my duty. i was only doing my duty. major.. major, i had told you. i couldn't gather thecourage to look into major's eyes. i just closed my eyesand waited for death. i didn't come to knowwhen it came and went by. aju used to say that one day or theother, all of us have to go to hell.

even i'm going there. i know that the rest of themwould be waiting for me there. they'll ask me whyi did such a thing. i don't knowwhat i'll tell them. los angeles, 12th of may, 2000. where we six rogues first met.

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