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Thursday, January 18, 2018

>>> next on c-span, the dailywhite house press briefing with press secretary sean spicer.[ cheers and applause ] >> settle down!settle down! settle down!before we begin, i know that myself and the press have gottenoff to a rocky start. [ cheers and applause ]all right, all right, all right, all a sense, when i say rocky start, i mean it in the sense of"rocky" the movie. because i came out here to punchyou!

in the face!and also i don't talk so good. so i'd like to begin today byapologizing on behalf of you, to me.[ laughter ] for how you treated me in thelast two weeks. and that apology is notaccepted. [ laughter ]because i'm not here to be your buddy, i'm here to swallow gum,i'm here to take names. [ laughter ][ laughter ] okay, now let me wave somethingshiny in front of you monkeys!

i'll get back to you.[ laughter ] as you know, president trumpannounced his supreme court pick on the national tv today.when he entered the room, the crowd greeted him with astanding ovation. which lasted a full 15 can check the tape. everyone was smiling.everyone was happy. [ laughter ]the men all had erections. and every single one of thewomen was ovulating left and right.[ laughter ]

and no one, no one was sad.those are the facts forever and there's something else.we got something x, three, four, capital p, capital t, eight,four -- no, that's my e-mail pass word, forget that.stop writing that down! now.president's schedule for today, 3:45, president will host anencore screening of "finding dory."[ laughter ] okay?the story of a forgetful fish, okay?everybody likes that.

then at 6:00 p.m. he's going toabolish the national park system.but "dory"! good if nobody has any questions -->> okay, a couple questions. go.glen flush, "new york times," boo!go ahead. >> yeah, i wanted to ask aboutthe travel ban on muslims. >> it's not a ban.>> i'm sorry? >> not a ban.the travel ban is not a ban

which makes it not a ban.>> you just called it a ban. >> because i'm using your said ban. you said ban, now i'm saying -->> the president tweeted, and i quote, "if the ban wereannounced with a one-week notice -->> yeah, exactly, you just said that.he's quoting you. it's your words.he's using your words when you used the words and he uses themback, it's circular using of the word and that's from you.[ laughter ]

>> what?[ cheers and applause ] >> seriously glen, are you goingto start with me right out of the gate?what do you want me to take my nuts out so you can get a betterkick at them? >> you had to have known that iwould ask that question -- >> sit down, glen.who here -- just by show of hands, who hates glen?quick show of hands. everybody,, two, three, infinity. now, let the record show thateveryone raised their hands and

everybody hates glen.print that that's your story. next question.go. >> yes, i'd like to ask aboutsteve bannon's role on the national security council.>> okay, that's a dumb question. that's a stupid question.sit down, glen. >> my name is not glen.>> i know, i'm just saying "glen" like in a general's your word, it's your word. next, go.>> yeah, i'm also concerned about steve bannon, a lot ofpeople are saying he's the one

behind this muslim ban.>> yeah, all right, you guys still aren't getting need some props? my word's too big, i got to showyou in pictures? great, here we go.when it comes to the decisions the constitution gives ourpresident lots of power. and steve bannon is the keyadviser. [ laughter ]okay? and our president will not bedeterred. [ laughter ][ cheers and applause ]

in his fight against radicalmoose-lambs. now does anybody else have anyquestions? >> yeah, "wall street journal."are you okay? [ laughter ]>> take it, take it, take it, take it!you cannot come at me like that, i will put you in the cornerwith cnn! >> we're not fake news!>> you like that, you like that, dork?you like that, dork? [ laughter ]cool out, all right?

obviously i've been getting alot of questions about betsy devos, okay?nominee for secretary of we actually have her here today to field some few -- fieldfew simple questions -- which i'm sure she's capable of doing.betsy! [ cheers and applause ]>> hello. thank you, yeah.yes. the man?>> hi. i don't think we ever got aclear answer on this.

how do you value growth versusproficiency in measuring progress in students?[ laughter ] >> yeah, well, i -- i don't knowanything about school. [ laughter ]but i do -- i do think there should be a school.probably jesus school. and i do think it shouldhave walls and roof and gun for potential grizzly -->> thank you. that's enough for now.thank you. i'll accept one last question.yeah i'll take this loser.

>> i've got a question about thestatement the white house released on holocaustremembrance day. do you think it was anti-semiticto not even mention the jewish people in this statement?what are you doing? [ laughter ]what are you doing? >> this is soapy water and i'mwashing that filthy lying mouth out![ laughter ] [ applause ]first of all, how could the statement, a statement beanti-semitic?

the guy who wrote it was superjewy. and the fact is a lot ofdifferent people suffered in the holocaust, it wasn't just thejews. it was also the gypsies, thelesbies, and these other guys. that's your words.your words! that's enough for today.spicy's got to go bye-bye right now, need a big-boy nap.wake me up exactly one minute before tomorrow's pressconference. and live from new york it'ssaturday night!

>> yeah, that already happened.[ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]

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