
watch madagascar 1 full movie english

Saturday, January 20, 2018

(blowing) ♪ ♪ girl: with every sun comes a new day. a new beginning. a hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. but not for me. my name's eep. and this is my family, the croods.

if you weren't clued in already by the animal skins and sloping foreheads, we're cavemen. (animal growls) (gasps) most days we spend in our cave... in the dark. night after night, day after day. yep, home sweet home. when we did go out, we struggled to find food

in a harsh and hostile world. (growling) (hissing) (screaming) and i struggled to survive my family. we were the last ones around. there used to be neighbors. hey, good morning! uh, the gorts, smashed by a mammoth.

the horks, swallowed by a sand snake. the erfs, mosquito bite. throgs... (sneezes) common cold. and the croods-- that's us. (growls) the croods made it because of my dad. (grunts)

he was strong, and he followed the rules. the ones painted on the cave walls. anything new is bad. curiosity is bad. going out at night is bad. basically, anything fun is bad. welcome to my world. but this is a story about how all that changed in an instant.

(laugh, scream) because what we didn't know was that our world was about to come to an end. and there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that. (yelling) (shouts) (bones crack) (groans)

(panting) (yells) (eep roars) you're supposed to waitfor my signal, eep. eep? boo. (whimpering) aah! ow! no!

(grunts, sighs) oh, we've beenin that cave forever. dad: three daysis not forever. it is with this family. eep, would youcome down here? you're being dramatic. no, no, no, no, no. sandy, come back here. (growls, pants)

remember the signal. good girls waitfor the signal. ugga. as soon as i get sandy, i'll go back in,and you can give the signal. no, i mean,you're already out now. boy: i'm waitingfor the signal, dad. never mind, thunk.just come out. uh, but if... if you don'tgive the signal,

how do i know you're my dad? the signal isn't so you know it's me;it's-it's so you know i wasn't eatenby an animal. wait. th-then why isthe signal an animal noise? doesn't that justconfuse things? i-i don't know. i'm-i'm still waitingfor the signal. (sighs)

hoo-hoo! hoo-hoo! (thunk yelling) (babbling) ugga: mom, we'reready to leave. mom? still alive. (chuckles) it's still early. and you're still fat. dad: breakfast formation!

i want to see some realcaveman action out there. we do this fast.we do this loud. we do this as a family. and never not be afraid. hurrah! yeah! (out of breath):yay, breakfast. (chittering) (whimpers) (squawks)

(yelps) (screeching) who's up? uh... we'll flip for it. call her in the air. eep: heads. tails. thunk's in. positions.

okay. thunk... go. (gasping) come on, thunk. (chuckles) ha! way to go. take it to the cave. (screams) (grunts, groans)

oh! release the baby! get 'em, sandy! go! (chittering, growling) (grunting) (screams, grunts) get 'em, mom! (laughs) old lady down!

eep, avenge me! thanks. (squeals in pain) (creatures screeching) (eep grunts) eep! heads up! (thunk whimpers, screams) (roars)

(trumpets) (frightened whimpering) (sandy babbling) oh, hey, dad.can we eat now? just wait till we get home. eep, put on the brakes. (roaring) ha! eep! (thunk laughing)

(all screaming) who's hungry? all right!good one, dad. here you go, thunk.drink up. sorry, dad. looks likefast food tonight. (squeals) (slurping) mmm.

(swallows) eh, well, that's all right. i... i ate last week. two-knuckle warning! come on, croods.go, go, go, go. (wind whistling,distant animal calls) come on, come on. darkness brings death.we know this. the moon is full--bath night.

run for your life! you, too, mom. i don't want to losemy protective layer. mom, you've got ants. (sandy giggling) see?sandy doesn't fuss. (grumbling) is she still out there? you know she hatesthe cave, grug.

(wind whistling) please come back tomorrow. grug: how could she not like the cave? it's... it's so cozy. it is a little...dark, grug. it's not that dark. grug (echoing):eep? (bellowing in distance) come on.i got to close the cave.

(echoes): eep! okay, okay. come on. eep! come down! (grug sighs) that was too close. i was watching.i was fine. what were you doingup there, eep? i don't know.

what were you looking for? nothing. well, then why didyou go up there? why don't you know? stop looking for things. fear keeps us alive, eep. never not be afraid. what's the pointof all this? hmm? what was that?

i mean, why are we here? what are wedoing this for? (both groaning) (sniffing) (grug grunts) no one said survival was fun. nothing is fun. huh? would youcome down here? grug. grug.

eep. yes. off! (chuckling): yes, i know.okay, i'm trying to... off. i just don't see whyshe needs her own ledge. that's all.that's what this is about. she's workingthrough some things, and she needs her own space.

no... honey? what things? uh, uh, how longis this going to take? really, i mean, she alreadydoesn't listen to me. hey! see? she's listening. if she wants to survive,she has to follow our rules. how about a story?eep loves those. that's a good about a story, huh? oh, yeah, tell us a story.

(snarling) okay. can i borrow that? thank you. grug:eep, your old favorite. (sighs) i haven't playedwith that thing in years. tonight, we'll hearthe story of krispy bear. (clears throat) a long time ago, thislittle bear was alive. she was alive because shelistened to her father

and lived her life in routineand darkness and terror. so she was happy. but krispy hadone terrible problem. she was filled with...curiosity. (all gasping) grug! yes, yes. and one day,while she was in a tree, the curious little bearwanted to climb to the top.

and no soonerthan she climbed to the top, she saw something new...and died! thunk:just like that? oh. her last moments of terrorstill frozen on her face. gran:same ending as every day. thunk: i get it, dad.i get it. i will never doanything new or different. grug:good man, thunk.

all right, everyone sharpenyour teeth, and let's pile up. (all grunting) (sandy growling) (sandy cooing) (snoring) (various animal callsin distance) (loud animal calls) (low growling) (animals growlingand screeching)

(running footsteps) (flame crackles, whooshes) (groggy grunting) (gagging) (footsteps scurrying) (snapping, gasps) (animal growling) (rock clattering) (sniffs)

huh? (muffled grunting) shh! ow! (choking):air. you talk. i'm a person, like you. sort of like you. hmm.

okay, okay. gah. hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! could you...would you mind not... (laughing):that tickles! hey, hey, hey! wow! quiet! i'm not supposed to be out here. (both grunting)

(wind whistling softly) eep's gone. what? grug... stay in the cave. (birds squawking in distance) wow. you're really strong. (gasps softly) hey! no! it's mine!

please! wait. no! no! hey, hey, no.hey. it's dying! i caught it! i caught it! i-i can fix it! please! please. i-i hate the dark. (whispering): come on,come on, come on, come on. it does what you...what you tell it? well, yeah, sort of.

the sun? no. no, no, fire. hi, fire. it's not alive. but you said it was dying. sorry. it comes fromwh-where you come from? no, i-i make it.

make some for me. okay. it doesn't... make. make! it doesn't come out of me. make! make it! (bones crunch) (weakly):you do this a lot. are you dead?

can i have your fireif you're dead? hey, those are cold! you think? listening shells,activate. i concur. tiger girl, we needto leave immediately. (both grunt) i don't even know you. i'm guy.

guy? and this is belt. cook, conversationalist,navigator. also, keeps my pants up. what are "pants up"? who are you? oh, eep. let me clarify, eep. the world is ending.

what? i'm calling it "the end." ♪ da-da-da. ♪ how do you know? i've seen's coming this way. first, the groundis gonna shake. then it breaks open. everything falls in. fire, lava.

i don't mean to soundtoo dramatic, but... (screaming) believe me, everything we're standing on, all this right here,will be gone. we got to get to high ground.i know a mountain, that way. it's our only chance. come with me. i... can't. okay. okay.

here. (blows low note) if you survive, uh, call me. (inhales) (blows sputtering note) (laughs)thank you. (distant animal call) hello? (distant animal calls)

(gasps)dad! are you hurt? what took you? i left on my own. you... what? dad, let me explain. (animal roars) (whispers):you never let me talk. you're grounded.

(gasps)eep! mom. grug, what happened? you know what,i am so mad right now that i can't talk to her. you'll never believe it. i found something new. new?! new's a big problem!

wait, wait! w-wait! eep, stay insidethe family kill circle. it wasn't bad. "new" is always bad. no. he was nice. what? excuse me? "he"? well, i-i thoughthe was a warthog, but then he turned into a boy.

gran:strange. usually, it's the reverse. (singsongy):eep's got a boy hog. eep's got a boy...(grunts) there was a boy. watch, okay?i'm gonna call him. (others gasp) (all screaming, grunting) what is wrong with you?

it was dangerous. it was beautiful! you want to see dangerous? here! ow! my sniffer! okay, eep, that's it! we're going back to the cave,and you're going to stay in there until you'reolder than, uh... you know, her! (screams, groans)

what?! you can't keep meinside forever! (ground rumbling) he said this would happen. (rumbling continues) get to the cave! go! look out! stop!

(rumbling stops) (grug groans, coughs) (others groaning, coughing) is everyone okay? grug, the cave... it's gone. you really need to see this. (birds chirping) we should go there!

no. no. no one is going anywhere. what else did that boy say? (loud squawking) grug? just go! just g-go! (screaming continues) (grunts)ow. (sighs, grunts)

all right. one, two, three, four, five. six. where are we? i don't know.i'm not sure. uh, down. uh, in a lower place. but one thing's for sure, we can't go backthe way we came.

(sniffs, growling) sandy, what is it? hey, no, no, no, wait!come back, sandy. we can't be outin the open like this. (trumpeting) (giggling) we need a cave. now, step where i step. okay.

stay quiet. hopefully, nothing bigknows we're here yet. wait. wait! (animals squawking) thunk:um, so, dad? dad, just to be clear,are we looking for-for, like, the exact same cave? i mean, okay,if it was me, if it was me--

i'm justthrowing this out there-- if it was mechoosing the cave... (chittering stops) ...i would go witha smaller cave. (animals chittering) dad? i'll take care of this. all right, dad, get them!go get them! okay, now yougot them right...

oh, man, they're really... i'm loving this. dad, i got it! just stop runninginto their fists! grug, when you're done,we should get going. whoa! (animals shrieking) that's right. you can't get past this!

climb! climb! climb! (all grunt) cave! go! go! come on, hurry up, let's go. let's go, come on. thunk: hey, look, this cavehas a tongue. awesome! (animal grunts) ew! ew.

that's one, two,three, four, five... six... and seven. if we're countingchunky the death cat. (eep and thunk gasp) thunk:ha! it's scared of the dark. wait, we're scaredof the dark. (animals bellowing)

(barks) (birds clamoring) (cooing) (all gasp) kill circle! (horn blowing) (horn continues blowing) (clamoring fades) (chirping)

ta-da. (shouts gibberish) (croods grunting, growling) whoa, whoa! cavies! "cavies"? cavemen! stand back! they're practicallyanimals. you see their bony,sloping foreheads? yeah.

guy: the huge,primitive teeth? guy:the excessive body hair? oh, that one's got a tail. all right,close your eyes. i'm going to haveto take their lives. no! it won't help. they're my family. (roars, screams) the sun is in his hands!

no, no. it's fire. where did it come from? he made it. make some for me! it doesn't comeout of him. make. make it! ooh. (weakly): you know,you're a lot like your daughter.

oh, great,now he's broken. oh, it's a baby sun. whoa, hey! stay back. we don't know what it wants. now, we'll all sit here and wait for the sunto come back. and-and tomorrowwe'll find a new cave, and-and pretendtoday never happened. isn't this fun, eep?

eep, don't touch him. goodness knowswhere he's been. thunk:dad, sandy's hurting fire. sandy? sandy, no. fire is not a plaything. aw, what a cutelittle guy. oh, hey, stay back! (sizzling, screaming)

no, no, no, no, no, no, wait! (coughing) oh, it likes me. hey! it's biting me! (screams)oh, my... please, stop! thunk, get...try hiding from it in the tall, dry grass! no, stop!

please, please!i'm only nine! they're biting me! ooh, more fire babies. (groans, gasps) hi. so, your dad,he's trying to kill me. yeah.but i won't let him. die! hold on, son!

die! die! come back! no, stop! let me... what did i do?! get out! out! out! eat up, babies! thunk: no, no, stop! stop touching me!

die! (gasps) (sizzling) i win! (corn popping) they're not so scaryonce you get to know them. uh, uh... who are you people?! oh, i'm sorry. we're the croods!

and you are? uh, guy. croods:hi, guy! (whistling) (corn whistling, popping) ah. whoa. it looks like magic. (sniffs)and smells like food.

(thunk gasps) grug:no, no, don't eat it; it's new! croods:still alive! guy:come on, keep eating. eep:hey, where's guy? (gasping)no! going somewhere? the mountain?high ground? end of the world,remember?

that already happened. it destroyed our cave. no, that was justthe beginning of the end. the end of the endis still coming. eep. drop it. we can't let him go. what if we don't finda cave before sunset? what if it takesa few days? what if the birdscome back?!

we need his fire, dummy! fine. you're staying with usuntil we find a cave. what?! no, i'm not! d-don't make mea part of this! ooh! stay here if you want,but let me go. i've got a dream, a mission,a reason to live! not anymore. um, i've got an idea. let's go to that mountain.

it's too far. dad really has his heartset on a cave. there are caveson that mountain. have you been there? it's a mountain. mountains are safe. mountains have cavesand water and sticks. mom? mom?did you hear that?! i can get my own stick!

yes! sticks and caves.caves and sticks. crazy sticks. let's go. shh. ew. that thing is weird. (barking) no, no, no, no,it's okay, sandy. that's just belt. uh, i've made a decision.

we're going to...that mountain. don't ask me why. just a hunch. just-just feels right. i don't know, grug. we've never reallywalked that far. i-i don't... i don't thinkmy feet can do that. i'll never livelong enough to get there. let's do it.

oh, come on, just think. our whole family packed together on a long, slow tripacross country. days and nightswith just each other. we'll tell stories,we'll laugh. ha, ha, ha, ha! we'll become closeras a family! get her off!get her off! if you're not readyto challenge her,

then don't look her in the eye. could you keep your big, giantarms on your side of the trail?! isn't this fun? we're takingour first trip together. stop shoving, or i willpull out your tongue! do you want me to turnthis family around? do you? because i will turnthis family around so fast! dad, i got to go! come on,you can hold it.

i don't think so. ugga: sandy, take thatout of your mouth. well, i'm touching it. gran. thunk:dad, i still got to go. ow! quit it! fine. just go behind one of those lumpy things,and make it fast. does this hurt?

something bit me! i don't blame it. grug:thank you. eep: dad, can i takea turn carrying him? how about now? now? now?! grug:i can do this all day long! thunk:dad, i'm hungry. no, no, no,and still no!

i'm not dyingon an empty stomach. grug, we're all pretty tired! we'll eat when we get there. it's taking too long! get back in line. i'm grabbing a snack. guy: don't do that. he will cut you! that's not food;he's a pet-- my pet.

what's a pet? an animal you don't eat. (laughs)we call those "children." no man should have a...have a pet. okay, i'm pretty dizzy. it's weird and wrong. it's... it's food! no, no, please! not that. that!

(squawking) food fixes everything. all right, show meyour hunting face. (groans)i... not you. you're still grounded. come on, thunk! (sighs)my feet hurt. ow! ow.

(hisses) you look tense. i'm not tense. angry girl wants to bedoing what they're doing. (thunk screams) i wasn't ready! hang on, thunk, i'm coming! why are you doing this?! (bird roaring)

what are they doing? hunting. thunk:get it off! get it off! you stay away from me! no, seriously,what are they doing? you've got a ton of eggs! just make another egg! (grug screams, grunts) (chuffing)

now you're justrubbing it in. (birds roars, thunk screams) grug:there. who's hungry for scorpion? (gran and eep snarling) (guy groans) uh, what happenedto the egg and the bird? ah, you know, we lost him. but when the bird stepped on meand pushed me into the ground,

the scorpion grabbeda hold of me, and, you know, one thing led to anotherand here we are eating him. so, win-win. not enough.not enough. i need more! i need... more. oh, look at that. uh, she's not gonnaeat me, right? you're too skinny.

if she was gonna eatanyone, it would be... (thunk screaming) mom! oh, she's locked her jaw! thunk:oh, you sick old monster! hurry!put the stick in her mouth! (gran snarling) oh! whoa! grug (sighs):hold her still.

use a rock. that's nice. grug: ugga, would youjust hit her legs? why are you rolling away? (sobbing): i just wantsomething to eat. you have bug for dinner. plenty of bug! please. i'll let you help me hunt.

really? thunk: just go on without me! don't wait on me! (sobbing):they're all over me. tell my story. what do you call this? a trap. what does it do? well...(whistles)

thump, thump, thump,thump, thump. (makes spring noise) (whistles) (makes explosion noise) ta-da! how long have youbeen alone? so, what do we do? how's your acting? (humming in distance)

you're good at this. uh, i'm... uh, no. uh, sorry. oh, that... yeah,that's yours. excuse me. excuse me. um...your other hand. guy:okay... that's my arm. okay, i'm moving it.

uh, that's... guy:um, uh... all right, going under. uh, it didn't stepin your trappy thing. yeah, i noticed! (guy screaming) where's eep? (eep growls, bird roars) she's awesome.

dad, no! (croods chewing noisily) thunk:it's an avalanche of flavor! (croods snarling, grunting) ugh. ugh. (snarling, grunting continue) looks like we won't behaving any leftovers. what are "leftovers"? you know, when you haveso much food to eat,

you have some left over. we never havethat much food. (noisy chewing continues) grug, how about a story? uh, oh. that's a...that's a good idea. how about a story, huh? yeah, a story!tell us a story! once upon a time,there was a little tiger, who lived in a cavewith her family.

there were a lot of rules,but the big, simple one was to neverleave the cave at night. and the door was so heavy, you'd think it would beeasy to remember. so easy to remember. i know. but, while everyone was asleep, she went out anyway. no!

and no sooner than she did,their cave was destroyed and everyone had to goon this long, sucky walk, with some weirdo they met, and die! the end. guy: whoa! i did not see that coming. twist ending. my stories neverend like that.

yes! two storiesin one night! guy:um... but it won't beas good as grug's. um, uh, once upon a time, there was a beautiful tiger. she lived in a cave withthe rest of her family. her father and mother told her,"you may go anywhere you want, but never go near the cliff,for you could fall." and die.

good story. but when no onewas looking... she'd go near the cliff. for, the closer she cameto the edge, the more she could hear,the more she could see, the more she could feel. finally, she stood at the very edge. she saw a light.

she leaned... out to touch it,and she slipped. (croods gasp) grug:and she fell. and she flew. where did she fly? tomorrow. tomorrow? a place with more suns inthe sky than you can count.

it would be so bright. a place not like today, or yesterday; a place where things are better. tomorrow isn't a place. it's-it's... no. you can't see it. oh, yes. yes, it is. i've seen it.

that's where i'm going. (belt coos) well, we are going toshut our eyes and sleep. and when we wake up,we're going to find the place that has everything we want. a cave. (croods snoring) (ground rumbling, crackling) (dull thump)

(snorts, grunts) (coughs) that was too close!it almost caught us. i was watching. we were fine. we got to move faster. do you people haveany other speed aside from "wander"? i'll take a shambleat this point.

hey, um, do youhave a minute? how did the tiger fly? i only sharewhen i'm outside the log. i'm funny that way. leave this to me. (knuckles crack) hey, thunk, you havea spider on your face. (grunts, growls) oops.

(gasps)he's loose! (sharp crackle) do not step on those...those weird, pointy rocks. you mean these rocks? oh, do not step on these rocks! step aside, girls. is no... nobody's listening! no one is listening. you cannot walk on those!

(yelling gibberish) get back here now!get back here now! well, there goesour chance for survival. and our log! (sharp crackling) (gasping, grunting) ow. ow. ow. thunk:ow! aah! ow!

ow! ow! jumping doesn't help. ow! i mean,it does briefly. ow! but it doesn't get better. (sandy whimpering) (gran screams) thunk:okay, how about... ow! okay, don't-don'twalk on your hands. the hands do nothelp at all.

(sandy, grug, thunkgroaning, grunting) (sighs heavily) (belt sighs wearily) belt:come on. i can help you, but we'regoing to have to make a few changesaround here. the log ride is over. drop the log. now, kick it away.

farther. (angry grunt) okay, smart "guy," now what? wh... whoa-oh! (gran grumbles anxiously) (thunk gasps,whimpers anxiously) good fish, good fish. (whimpers, gasps) you can look.

(shrieking) i love them! where are my feet? they're still there. (gasping)okay. oh...! (guy grunts) eep:oh... (groaning):you're really heavy.

guy:oh. hey!hey, w-wait. whoa. whoa. huh. oh, okay. she's up. we're good.i'm good. oh, these shoes are great. where do you get these ideas?

aha. (chalk squeaking on rock) i'm calling it a "brain." i'm pretty sure it'swhere ideas come from. dad, i don't have a brain. we've gotten along just finewithout brains till now. cavemen don't need brains. we have these. hyah! that's whati'm talking about.

ideas are for weaklings. now, let's getto that mountain. ugga and eep:oh, wow! i love those! thunk:good fish. don't eat my feet. (thunk whimpering) (grug gasps) (chitters) (chatters happily)

(monkeys hooting, chattering) hmm. huh? (deep growling) (everyone gasping,whimpering) whoa, oh... (shrieks) w-whoa. whoa.whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. (grunting, yelling)

so, how did the tiger fly? she jumped on the sun... and rode it to tomorrow. (grunts)no, no, no, no. (tiger screeches in pain) hah! (thump, tiger howls) (gasping anxiously) whoa... oh, oh...

(tiger growls) whoa! aah! whoo-hoo! (all whooping) whoo! (grug gasping anxiously) (grug yells) (squeals happily) (grug grunting)

thunk:hi, dad. bye, dad! (thunder crashing) you've seen rain before, right? we don't get out much. (belt cooing) belt:wow. (thunder rumbles, eep gasps) eep, looks dangerous.

(eep groans) dad, you say thatabout everything. careful. really? okay. (laughing) (laughing, whooping) (purrs) (gasps) whoa. (both laughing)

no, no, no, no, not cool. not cool. not cool. (eep gasps) (tiger growling) so the bear says, "your cave? i've been dumping my bones heresince last week." that's a funny story. it's not a's a joke. what's a joke?

well, you know,just making something up to make you laugh. (gran laughs) here you go, one for you. thunk: thanks! one for you. and this one's for you. (all blowing into shells) okay... okay!

that's enough. i don't see why the kidsneed their own shells. so if anyone gets in trouble,we can call the others. wait, you're-you're sayingwe should split up? we can try more paths at once. it's the fastest way through. croods stick together. your way isn't safe. they can handle it.

we can do it, dad. it's my job to keep you safe. i'm still in charge,and we are not splitting up. except for you two. guy: whoa! oh! and that's final. (rumbling) whoa!(shrieks)

(sandy squeaks) (belt purrs) belt:oh... hello? hello. is everyone all right? ugga: we're okay, grug. thunk: dad? i'm freaking out a little bit.just... just tell me what to do. just, what do i do?what do i do right now?

stay where you are. i'll find you. too slow. everybody, keep moving forward and we'll get out. grug: remember,never not be afraid. guy:you can do this! it's going to be's going to be okay. i'm going to pass out.

(buzzing) sandy. sandy! (sandy grunting) (croaking) (whimpers, grunts) (moans softly) (sniffs, coos) (sandy cooing and squealing) (groaning)

(frightened gasp) guy (whispers):give me another one. you dropped these. whoa, whoa! (blows) (frustrated yelling) here, boy. catch! gran:yoo-hoo! gran?

i'll go get him. thunk: oh, good boy.who's a good boy? you are. yes, you are. (animal panting and licking) look at you. you need a want a name? i'm going tocall you douglas. can you do tricks? roll over.

come on, douglas, roll over. good boy, douglas! (rhythmic rattling) gran:i was in love once. (sighs)he was a hunter. i was a gatherer. it was quite a scandal. (sandy squealing) we fed each other berries.we danced.

then my father smashed himwith a rock and traded meto your grandfather. (laughter) croods! get down here. grug, they're okay. guy's with them. oh. guy's with them. huh. well, thank you.

thank you for bringing methat interesting guy update. oh, okay.i'm going to go up. and why don't you join uswhen you stop being a big drag? uh, uh, sleep pile? wha...?how about a story, huh? anyone? gran: and then torg said, "know it? i drew it." thunk:that makes no sense.

(chuckling) i know it was hard for youto bring us along, but... they had the best dayof their lives. thank you for that. (thunder rumbling) (animals screeching in distance) (animals cooing and squawking) i want to show you something. more suns in the skythan you can count.

guy:every sun that crosses our skycomes to rest up there. that's wherewe'll be safe. i'm going with guy. not my little girl. come with us. i can't go without grug. well, that makesone of us. count me in.

really, mom? now? gran: grug has no ideahow to protect us. in fact, he hasno ideas at all. ugga:no, that's not true. what about that one timewhen he, uh... he, uh...? gran:oh, face it. if he actually hadan idea of his own, i'd have... i'd havea heart attack and die.

thunk: dad! eep: dad! he's a big guy. how could he justdisappear like that? hey! hey, wait! let's ask that ugly lady if she's seen dad. haven't seen him. what are you doing?

yeah, wow. i was up all night 'cause, like, all these ideasjust kept coming to me. um, is that a snake? belt, new and improved. it's even... self-tightening! what is thaton your head? it's called desperation. i call it a rug.rhymes with grug.

and this one,i call it a ride. rhymes with grug. uh, that doesn't rhyme. it's going to get us placesfaster than shoes. yeah! try to keep up. whoa! whoa! guy:oh! i wish i had a ride. grug: and paintingis a thing of the past.

i call this a snapshot. uh, let's do it again.i think i blinked. i call them shades. the sun doesn't hurtmy eyes anymore. where do you getthese great ideas? since i don't have a brain, they're coming from my stomach,down deep below, and then up againinto my mind. grug, we have to keep moving.

see, i got ideas.i got thoughts. like this. i call it a mobile home. isn't that something? (strained grunting) and i'm calling this onea lifterator. it's... i know. it's bad. (screaming, lightning crackling) all:oh!

i almost feelsorry for him. (gran laughing) no, i don't. ugga:what are you trying to do, grug? grug: well, see, i-i thought,if i could have ideas, like guy, uh, maybe eepwould listen to me. and maybe she wouldn't wantto go with guy. oh, grug. is that what this is all about?

and i also thoughtit would kill your mother. so, you know, win-win. guy:we're here! wow. (creatures screeching overhead) (thunk screams, sandy whimpers) cave!everyone inside. ugga: hey, wait. come on, hurry up. let's go.

let's go. go. no more caves, grug. we're going to jumpon the sun and ride itto tomorrow with guy! wait, you're all going to do this? thunk? you have to stop worryingfor all of us. it's my job to's my job to follow the rules. the rules don't work out here.

they kept us alive. that wasn't living. that was just not dying. there's a difference. ugga, everyone,you have to listen to me. we would be deadif we listened to you. we have to follow guy now. guy. guy? run.

(yelps, whimpers) guy:ow! ooh! aah! guy:this is pointless. we're running out of time.everything is collapsing. you're being irrationaland counterproductive. big words anger me. (guy screams) keep talking. countermeasures.

you remember how youwere this morning? you changed, remember?idea man. modern man. i am a caveman! no, no, no, no, wait. (both gasp) (both screaming) (both scream briefly) what is this stuffthat saves you from my punches? tar.

please, grug... no, i-i have to get backto them. you have to stop struggling. grug, stop! no one gets out of this. believe me... i know. your... family. yeah. i was little when it happened.

last thingmy parents told me was, "don't hide. "live. "follow the sun. you'll make it to tomorrow." you followed the light. my daughter is a lot like you. she's like you. she loves you, but alwaysforgets to say it.

just like you forgetto tell her. i guess i was just busykeeping them all alive. it's okay. that's what dads do. but we can't do that from here. we need one of your ideas. you can do it. (rumbling, creature screeching) (belt whimpers)

belt. emergency idea generator--activate. ooh. i've got it. (grunts, chitters) yeah, i know. but he's doing the bestwith what he has. let's go. (grumbles) guy: there he is.

belt, i want romance,drama, sincerity. move me. (plays lively tune) guy:okay, he sees us. that's our, work it! (high-pitched whimpering) (quizzical grunt) guy:he's not coming over. i don't think our puppetlooks scared enough.

scared?i'll show you scared. hand me those acting sticks! (high-pitched screaming) hold on. belt:♪ da-da-da. ♪ (pained yowling) you did it. ugga: grug! hey! we're okay!

we're okay. grug, your call. take us to tomorrow. guy:hurry! come on!we're going to make it! you were right. there it... there it is. the sun.we can do it! we can ride it to tomorrow!

(explosion) (multiple explosions) run! i don't...i-i don't understand. the sun was right here. it-it was right here. (guy gasps) we have to goback to the cave. hurry. hurry, hurry.

stay together.let's keep moving. move! move, move. everybody, hold my hand. thunk, let's go. go, go, go, go.let's stay together. let's... grug, what's wrong with you? grug, we'll dieif we stay here! ugga:grug, listen to me.

we've got to getback to that cave. no more dark. no more hiding. no more caves. what's the point of all this? to follow the light. i can't change. i don't have ideas. but i have my strength.

and right now,that's all you need. no, we don't knowwhat's over there. maybe nothing. it's too risky! it's a chance. (belt sniffles, coos) i'll take that chance. you know, i've wantedto throw you away ever since i met you.

(laughs)that's a joke, right? (coos) (whines) (soft rumbling) (horn blowing in distance) he made it! he... made it. okay, thunk, your turn. you're not coming, are you?

when you make it, so will i. whee! you did good. dada! sandy:whee...! gran... no mush. just throw me. you surprised me today.

lunkhead. still alive! time to go. i have too much to say to you. i-i need to fix everything,and i don't have time. i can fix it. (sobs softly) this works good. what do you call it?

i was thinkingof calling it a hug. (clears throat)'cause it rhymes with grug. but, uh, you can... you can change itif you want. i like "hug." (sniffles) i love you. i...(gasps) dad...

i'm scared. never be afraid. there! i see him! (rumbling continues in distance) (rocks clacking) (fire sizzling) (chuckling):hey, i did it! i...

whoa! ah! back! stay back! stay back! (both blowing) (ground rumbling in distance) (purring) (snorts) (distant rumbling) they're in trouble.

hang on! i'm coming! how do i get across? i got to think. what would guy do? what would guy do?what would guy do? what would i do? hold this. (straining) i... have...

an... idea! (confused grunt) douglas? hey, i know that guy! (explosive booming) (whimpering howl) (animals chittering, growling) hold on! (sandy whimpers)

it's not safe here. i'll tell her. (sobbing softly) (horns blowing) (horns continue blowing) (horns stop blowing) i never got to tell him. (sobbing) eep, if your dad were here,he would tell you to...

grug (in distance):get out of the way! wow. you soundjust like him. grug:get out of the way! he did it! he's riding the sun. (grug screaming) but... not very well. guy: everybody out of the way! dad!

where's the danger?!who blew their shell?! i love you, too! one, two, three,four, five, six! and a half. (squeaks) and eight. nine. douglas! dad, you saved him!

well, a boy's gotto have a pet. (others scream) turns out, i'm a cat person. (muffled chittering) ah, no. we should go there. coming through! (sandy giggles)

guy:whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. wait. eep: this is me. if you weren't clued in by the suntans and pets, we're not exactly cavemen anymore. (all grunt, grug laughs) uh, let's do it again. i think i blinked. eep: our world is still plenty harsh and hostile. but now we know the croods will make it.

because we changed the rules, the ones that kept us in the dark. and because of my dad, who taught us that anyone can change. eep: well, sort of. (thunk gasping) (animal bellowing) no, no! (animals snarling)

(eep laughs, guy yells) so, from now on, we'll stay out here, where we can follow the light. both: ♪ da-da-da. ♪ (giggles) ♪ just before the dawn,when the light's still gone ♪ ♪ shine, shine your way ♪ ♪ and you may not knowwhere to go ♪ ♪ open roadbut it's still dark ♪

♪ build a fire from a spark ♪ ♪ and shine, shine your way ♪ ♪ feed the feelingin your heart ♪ ♪ don't conceal itthen you'll start ♪ ♪ to find, find your way ♪ ♪ no one can stopwhat has begun ♪ ♪ you must believe when i say ♪ ♪ all of your tearswill dry faster in the sun ♪ ♪ starting today ♪

♪ shine, shine, shine ♪ ♪ shine your way ♪ ♪ there's an open sky ♪ ♪ and a reason why ♪ ♪ you shine, shine your way ♪ ♪ there's so much to learnand now it's your turn ♪ ♪ to shine, shine your way ♪ ♪ there's a feelingdeep inside ♪ ♪ you can let it be your guide ♪

♪ to find,find your way ♪ ♪ and there's no timefor us to waste ♪ ♪ got to take a leap of faith ♪ ♪ and fly, fly away ♪ ♪ don't have to walk,now you can run ♪ ♪ nothing can get in your way ♪ ♪ morning is breaking ♪ ♪ darkness is fading ♪ ♪ we found a way to the light ♪

♪ it's such a beautiful sight ♪ ♪ any time, anywhere ♪ ♪ turn aroundand i'll be there ♪ ♪ like a star burning bright ♪ ♪ lighting upyour darkest night ♪ ♪ i'll shine, shine your way ♪ ♪ now i can see ♪ ♪ you are the one ♪ ♪ sent here to show me the way ♪

♪ we're on our way ♪ ♪ that's what we say ♪ ♪ there's a reason why ♪ ♪ all of our tearswill dry faster in the sun ♪ ♪ shine your way. ♪ (song ends) captioned by media access group at wgbh (mellow mariachi music playing) (trumpeting melodically)

(trumpets loudly)

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