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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

we split into two teams-alpha team and beta team. alpha!- sir! beta!- sir! our target is, three key-playersof international human trafficking. one. aniket. two. abhinay. and third and the eldest brother,who also provides them protection. rahul. rahul is the chief player of this humantrafficking business worth millions.

he kidnaps girls fromdifferent countries.. ..and ships them off to developedcountries through sea-routes. there's hardly a country wherehe doesn't have a casino or nightclub. and this is wherehe auctions the girls. the mafia bosses of europe,africa, america are his clients. no one can enter the humanflesh trade without his permission. i am the only supplier.i've girls from all the countries. they are all the best. 100 crores..100 girls.50 crores advance.

no bargain. we now have intel on thewhereabouts of the eldest brother. he is on a private airfield,on a jet flight, ready to leave italy. aplha team,you should attack from the front. beta team,you should attack from the back. we have to get him at any cost.- sir. go, move-move-move.- come on. target in sight.waiting for command, sir. yes, sir!

what the hell? alpha, get me a gun. alpha, what the hell are you doing?the target's in front. why do you addressthem with their code name? michael. stephen. christian. edward. david. traitors!what did he pay to buy you off?

i never make offersto get my job done. that's not my's against my pride. please don't kill us. no. - let us go. no! - move. please..please leave us. we're innocent. don't shout. or we'll shoot you both.

don't do that! let my children go.- shut up. what are you doing? if you'd had a family,you'd be holding a gun, too. not at gunpoint. whoever punches themaximum number of bullets.. ..into your leader's body.. i'll spare your family. let's take off. the climate is not working for us.

apart from small things like the rain,thunder and lightning.. everything else shouldbe in our control. you can kill me now. but a better person than me;a more righteous person.. will find all of you; and kill you. you're wrong. no good man.. ..or honest man can evercome anywhere close to me. if there is a bad man;someone worse than me..

only he can touch me. take off. jump! left, left, left! left, left, left! right, right, right! fast, fast, fast! brother, the train has arrived. hand me my lucky knife. are your weapons ready?- yes, boss!

don't miss the target. brother, this is your 250th murder. congrats, brother. don't let him get away. chatterjee! have you bought the platform ticket?- oh, no! i forgot. darn, you fool! we've planned a murder. won't the officer to catchyou in the platform without a ticket?

ask him to buy it. go, get it. hey, that's him! don't let him go.- guys, come on. who is that blockingmy target with a rusty trunk? we'll lose the target. catch him. brother, is this your knife? it's not? darn. my lucky knife is gone!

brother, lift this trunk for me? our great kolkatakali is not a porter? do you know who i am? i don't know, brother. i'm kolkata kali! i know the whole of kolkata city. and all of kolkata knows me. wow! trisha. come soon!- i'm coming, brother.

come on! brother, please? trisha, you were worried aboutfinding the place in a new city. our brother here knowsthe whole city, it seems. brother, please tellme where to find this address? tell us, brother. do you know.- our target is getting away. let's go. oh yes.- just a minute, brother. what your sister drew was very nice.

my sister drew this. let us go. - wait. just stand still without moving. she'll quickly make your picture. wipe the sweat. she'll make a really nice picture. what do i look like to you? a fool. you? you're just beautiful, brother. brother, where do you want to go?

we've arrived at the address. thanks a lot, brother. brother to brother,there should be no thanks. carry on, brother. see you soon. thank you. nice man. you were the killer he's turned you into guide kali. what happened?

chattarjee.. - what? even the crow considersit's little one to be golden. but even when i was a baby,my mother sang the lullaby.. "may no one put a jinxon your dark face.." she would dab white powder on me. but this brothersaid i was "beautiful". ganesh?- yes, brother? come here. i'll be back.- okay, brother.

great character! everyone either gets afraid of me,or stands up against me. but he's different. but this guy minds his own business.kind man. he always tells the truth. he treated me like i'm human. what is it, brother?- give me your phone. here, brother. come, take a selfie with me.

a selfie?- strike a pose. you've got an innocent face.make this your screensaver. - why? this will protect youwhile you're in kolkata. okay, brother.- okay. ganesh..- brother? smile for me? you're so cute. honest man. hail our lord ganesha!

the harbringer of good fortune! are you new? i'm ganesh from chennai, hey-ho. the man we've been expecting,with his sister? the girl in orange. that's my daughter, hey-ho! i was about to say,the girl next to her. the one in orange saree is my wife. greetings.- greetings.

heard you were coming. so i cleared the top floor for you. so what brings you to kolkata? i wanted to put my sisterin the college of arts and designs. yes, sir.- come on. how is it? tell me. so, ganesh? do you like the house? i like it, brother. it's superb. we like it, sir.

there's no ac,but the breeze is really nice. we'll sit on the couch and drink tea. super idea.we'll keep a big sofa here. and a big t.v on that wall. uncle, you're blocking the t.v!move away. move away! a 65 inch led tv.- we'll buy one. trisha, where do we keepthe double door refrigerator? over here, brother.

what? ganesh! you forgot the a.c. superb idea, brother. he's right. we'll buy a 2.5 tonnea.c for the living room! brother, the ac's decided. come on, us around the house. you bring our bags. a washing machine here.

and a wall clock over there.- we'll discuss the rest later. you get ready for college.- okay, brother. ganesh, you've gota long shopping list. is this trunk filled with cash? my sister wants it. i will earn the money. you will earn it? so you don't have a job? i'll find one.

it's not easy. you speak the local bengali language? i'll learn it. - you'll learn it? ganesh, you've moved to kolkata citywith your sister and empty pockets. you don't have a plan. right? brother, a man witha plan is a man on his own. a man without a planhas god for company. come trisha. thanks, sir. - thank you.

everyone looks allfashionable and rich. talent does not lie in form or attire. it's right here. come. your talent is're selected. she's really talented. i know that my sister is talented. isn't this the topcollege for this course? yes, why do you ask? why do you ask.

i will give my sister only the best. you can fill in the form.- okay, sir. you can make the payment. you have a great talent. your brother's decisionis absolutely correct. welcome to our institution. give it to me. i'll hold it. hello? i was just about to call you.

sister has got admissionin the college! that's great news. looks like you might get a driver'sjob at the place where i work. the interview is tomorrow.- hold on. ganesh, my boss is a strict guy.answer carefully at the interview. okay, brother. - that's boss. come, son-in-law. how are you?- fine. the mother-in-law sorespectful to her son-in-law.

my boss, mr. lakshmi das. he started off as a cleaner here. but seeing his mr.clean heart, she made him the boss. dear, i am reach office. sorry. you are deep i didn't want to disturb you. sorry. drink some juice. eat your food. health is important. my dear.. i want to sneeze. may i?

go ahead and sneeze, dear.- thank you, dear. mom-in-law? why do your eyestear up when i sneeze? sneezing is the one thing inthe world that comes without consent. but you ask for my daughter'sconsent even to sneeze? you're more than a son-in-law!you're my son! mom-in-law! your daughter is not just my wife. she's my whole life.

hello, sir.- salute him! dear, i will come at 8 'o clock.- son-in-law.. sit down. - mom-in-law's affection! awesome. i'll take a leave. - please. thank you. you continue.- okay, mummy. take your seat. the boy told me all about you. boy? who?

the boss meant me. i will seem scary at first. but as time goes by..- you'll grow affectionate? you'll grow accustomed. to work here, you need the 3-d. sir?- you need these 3-d qualities. driving. discipline. and decency. do you know how to drive the car?

take it. what is this?- alcohol. so you don't drink. not at all, sir. because, a man who drinks.. would put it down wistfully. but you thrust it down. i am correct? correct, sir.- awesome! you don't have asmoking habit, either.

how did you..? when you entered my officeand crossed camera number 4.. one of my men blew smoke on your face. i saw your face shrivel. okay? now, let's test your decency. are you on facebook?- no, sir. so you wouldn't upload a pictureand stress over the number of 'like'. are you on whatsapp?- no, sir.

good. so you won't formchat groups and relish gossips. i like it. are you on twitter? - no, sir. so you won't post your "opinions"and hurt people's feelings. no, sir. he's correct. so.. you haven't fallenprey to the social pressures. that's why your smile is still fresh. thank you, sir. any doubts? ask me.

go on, ask him. - no, i shouldn't. may i? - proceed. why do you wear a women's garment? hello, wrong number. call back later. this is not!these are designer wear for men. sorry, sir.- he is an innocent lad. you are innocent. i like you. yes. you are appointed. thank you, boss.

are you serious? you got the job? yes, trisha. i've got the keys. that's great, brother. hope your firstpassenger is a good one! i hope so.- taxi! stop. stop! taxi! taxi! hurry car had to break down now. what are you waiting for, cabbie?go to the session court.

hello, juniors? listen to me. drive faster! - okay, madam. is the phony witness ready? go, go, go! overtake them. fast. right away, madam. stop. not to worry. i'm here, now. madam, my taxi fare. we've lost every case till now.

but not this one. - really? yeah.- i've arranged a great perjurer. madam, my fare.. don't worry. you'll getreleased today. i'm there for you. follow me. - madam, my taxi fare! the phony witness is a baby-face, right?- innocent looking? a small baby-face.- lovely, innocent looking guy. where is he?- there he is. good morning, lawyer!

got any peg? peg! what?- peg. what is he saying? i don't understand. senior, he's asking for peg.- what? do you want it on a soda or a water? what are you saying? - get up. say your dialogue. say it! your honor. i'll tell the truth.

can i get a drink? - later. your honor! i've seen that incident myself. can i get a drink now?- not just a baby-face. he even has a baby's voice. he'll make us win. hey, wake up! please. come on. wake up!- wake him up! madam, you're up next.

get up, we'll give you whateveryou want. hey black coat.. don't say like this. madam. what?- you forgot my 150 rupees. pay up, madam. white skin. baby face. innocent smile. want 150 rupees?- yes. i'll pay you.but will you do as i say? what should i do?

go to the court, do as i say.appear as witness before the judge. and say as i tell you to say. but i don't have a good memory. just missed it! juniors.only those who speak need to remember. from now, you're a mute. they don't have to speak. you're genius. whenever i touch my forehead.. will nod upand down at the judge. okay? show me. you didn't touch your forehead, madam. what a stunner! innocent. once more? your honor, he might be dumb.. ..but he saw everythingwith his own eyes. he's the eye-witness. right, ganesh.

he's a genius! get his address. we'll use him as phonywitness for all our cases. he'll take us to great heights. your honor. that's all, your honor.- objection, your honor. sit down. extraordinary. as the charges against n. mukherjeecould not be proved sufficiently.. the court dismisses the case.

i express my appreciation to shwetha.. ..for diligently usinga mute witness in this case. whose phone is ringing? sister. - brother? i'm leaving for college. where are you?- i'm pretending to be a mute guy. can't talk for long now. i'll call you back. what did you say?

what the hell have you done?you stupid girl. you've insulted the court. get out of my court. i didn't know. sorry. please. please. good morning, sir. that's the car. please sit. - thank you.

tell me, trisha.- brother, classes got over early today. can you come pick me up? i've got a passenger. sir, my sister'scollege is on our way. can i pick her up? sure.- thank you, sir. trisha, quick!- sorry, sir. it's okay.- you got delayed because if me. let's go!

brother, i drew this for acompetition today. - it's nice. i drew it.- it's nice. and.. this one.. sir, my sister drew this. this is my brother'sand my favourite drawing. we love it. do you like it?- nice. give me a paper andi'll just keep drawing. brother, i drew my friend.- it's nice.

brother, careful. stop! come with me. be careful. bye, brother.- okay! excuse me!- yes. you left this behind. what's his name..? arjun, sir? arjun, sir. thank you. okay, let's go.- yes.

mom. dad.- arjun, welcome home. uncle. hello, aunty.- bless you. mom! how are you, mom?- i'm great! arjun, how are you?- i'm great. did you buy chocolatesfor me? - i did. is swetha at home? you don't look after yourself at all. arjun, you've lost weight..

did my family take notice? senior, they don't carewhen you got dismissed. they seemed to noticethe noise earlier. but now, not even that. i think whole familytries to insult you. sec ipl 20 20.. - listen. senior, this won't do. something bigger.break something bigger! big.- yes.

something that big. senior, you look soglamorous in this pose. i meant, you look gallant. big-big-big. i won't share these chocolates.. did they show reaction now? heavy reaction.- yes. but happy reaction. senior, no value forbreakables in your house.

see if they value you?- how? step ten feet backwards. come running fast..- running. wow! watching her run is so hot. which way? run and jump down likea suicide bomber. only then will you get a reaction. that's a good idea. come baby.- come baby.

it's okay. we didn't mind at all. we'll think of a different idea.- swetha! here comes the foreign imported. sister! - brother! this is for you. and this is for you! i lost my job.and you're giving me a gift? teasing me. - why are you hitting me. you've started again. - stop.

you lost your job becauseof your mistake. why do you hit him? a taxi driver got you fired. no point in cursing that taxi driverfor your mistakes. someday i will teach that taxidriver a lesson. i wish happiness forthe taxi driver i met. welcome to kolkata, sir! sir one question.. - please. hello, friends. i'm yashpal. special commissionerfor crimes in kolkata.

i've called all of you.. .. herefor a special reason. this is aniket. the key operator fora international flesh trade. they kidnap girls from underdevelopedcountries like asia and africa.. ..and smuggle them to developedcountries through sea-route. do you understand? he is supported by his older brothers,abhinay and rahul. they have not turned kolkatatheir base and targeting poor girls.

around 30 men are workingfor this group.. ..and you're being giventheir details. policemen can't beeverywhere at all times. but you drivers goto every nook and corner. if you see any of them,or get any information, inform us. this small tip off from you canhelp destroy a huge crime syndicate. the government willduly reward you.. - sir! why do you need to pay us? it's our duty to help the police.we'll tell you, sir.

ganesh! just sit. - why, boss? why do you talk like that? you want their money? money is not everything in life. money is not everything.- yes. but being alive is. they're not petty thieves.they are terrorists! dangerous people. think you're one of them justbecause you're wearing a uniform?

that's for cops.this is for taxi drivers. be quiet. ganesh, you've cometo kolkata with your sister. this is unnecessary. lawyer, madam!it's you. for a second, i got scared. you've come to paymy taxi fare 150 rupees? oh, i forgot. 150?- shut up. we've not come to settle your fare.we've come to settle a score. if you want to touch my car;or my person..

you'll have to face me it if you can. hail goddess kali! no, boss.they're carrying dangerous weapons. they make be carrying strong dangerous.but i've got a smart weapon. say cheese. senior, strike a pose. juniors! you're hiding your face.pout like this. lay a finger on my guy, i'll sendthese pictures to the commissioner.

you're digging yourown grave by saving him. i curse you. he'll turn you into a beggar. i give food to beggars every can come too. boss, to repay this favour. give me a chance. - i will. don't take it so lightly.. ..he's ruined my life,and he'll ruin yours too. go away!

long live! how are you? look at this. how are you uncle? here, the best brownsugar in the world. all well. - how is everyone? all well. are you concealing them properly? hello, commissioner? - yes.

how many of them? i'll be there immediately. run! - get out.. run away!- catch them all. amit! amit! don't leave me. sir, please..- one at a time, please. the reason for this press meet.. is to tell you aboutour first operation today.

we've only receivedinformation on this guy.. we've seized weapons anddrugs of great significance. who is your informer? sorry, i can't revealthe informer's name. what i wish to tell thepeople of kolkata is this.. ..every small information providedby you can be important for us. if we have theco-operation of public.. ..we can wipe out these social evils.. i want that informer.i want that informer now!

calm down. what are you doing? arjun, you came backfrom london to get married. but you reject everygirl your parents pick. is there no girl in kolkata you like? not exactly. i like her, man. -dude! dude, what are you saying?- yes. get lost. all the best, dude. sir..

i know, sir. i know you've been after my sister. please, don't. do you know why women can'twalk peacefully in our country? because they're afraidof being followed. let the girls walk. let them go to school. to college. let them feel secure. if you like a girl.

tell her, sir. then let her decide. if she likes you, too. marry her. but don't ever try to forceor insult her, sir. if you love someone,you should make her your companion. i'm off, sir. my baby! my darling! my sweetie pie.. hubby, i'm feeling shy! did you drink milk.- not going to the temple?

i'm on my way to the temple. there'sa dance of ecstasy at the temple. okay, hubby. be safe. boss? boss! boss! boss! what are you doing? take a chill my girlfriends. i'm lakshmi das only till 6. after 6, i'm sexy das. this is wrong.- calm down, child. just cool down.

behind every man whopublicly calls his wife.. "honey, dear, sweet-dream".. he's a big cheat. lies a private meansof excitement and enjoyment like this. but you're betraying lakshmi ma'am! calm down, child. relax honey. what i'm doing now is not betrayal. when i sabotaged her six weddings.. ..and became her husband..

ended up as the ownerfor this call taxi company. that's when thistale of betrayal begun. here's my phone. my wife will call every five minutes. i've told her i am at thedance of ecstasy at the temple. even if she cross-questions you,don't let it slip. you mean i should lie. are you going to speak the truth?or be truthful to your boss? you gave me a job.i'll be truthful to you.

your loyalty is like my wife. girls! hello, lakshmi ma'am.- what is your boss doing? he is dancing. tell him to eat on time. he's eating now.-he doesn't even drink water. he's drinking now, ma'am. not the kind of hipsyou'd see in a pub. this one's better. are these dancers or bouncers?

ganesh! you've come in, too? ma'am called, sir. - yeah.. what was she asking?did i drink water? did i eat food? i didn't tell her anything. drink some juice on my tab. go, man! enjoy.. shake your waist, please rotate. mom-in-law? monster-in-law.

you punk! curse you. i trusted you with my daughter. you're not worthy of my love. someone save me. bloody insect. you come to the's your blessings. you're doing the pole dance here. get down that pole and i'll show you. you made a tattoo of me.i'll get that off.

will you ever dance again? boss? boss?where are you, boss? boss, what happened? peace. i want peace.- you have it now. you rascal. all the time wheni told you to be loyal.. you just bobbed your head up and down. even i couldn't have revealedso many of my secrets, darn it! why would you do this to me?

boss. do you know what lakshmima'am said over the phone? he doesn't even drink water.- he's drinking now. take good care of him, brother. i don't get it. i don't see why you betrayed me.- you didn't pay attention. let's watch repeat telecast. what did you call me?- brother! brother! brother. you betrayed me becauseshe called you brother?

yes, boss.- damn you! tell me, sister.- where are you, brother? who is this?- my own sister. tell me, sister. you have your own sister. why did you borrowmy wife to be your sister? you have destroyed my life. someone will destroy yours! brother. we've got him.

drag him down here. sir, they are mistaken. sir, they've got the wrong guy. no mistakes?you are the bloody informer. kill him. -let me go, sir. throw his head into the sea!- you're mistaken, sir. . sir, let me go! who is it? sir..- how did you come inside?

they're hitting me real bad.i can't take it. they've got the wrong guy. sir, please let me meet him. sir, he just has to say the word.let me go! please, sir. listen to me.. - kill the guy. sir! are you done yet? the real game begins now! what's going on?

don't hit him. what's he doing? let him go. let him go. let him go. forgive me.please..please, forgive me. we got the wrong guy.forgive me. leave him. not the wrong guy,you got the right man. you didn't get me.. - forgive me. i came here myself.

i've come to kill you. - kill me. forgive me let me go. spare my life! forgive me. brother! it's half past one.why haven't you returned home yet? i'm sorry, trisha.this passenger is a foreigner. he hopped on to thetaxi and refuses to leave. i'll come home when he departs. okay? hand him the phone, brother. - i will.

don't make a sound. my brother hasn't eaten yet. if you leave soon,my brother can come home, too. please leav him, sir? now that you've told him..he'll be on his way. leave me. forgive me. let me go. who are you? russian mafia? mexican cartel? russian mafia?or mexican cartel? intelligence agent?

or a policeman?you want to know who i am. what took you so long?there was a power cut, too. i'm hungry. give me food. of course!wash your hands. i'll fix your meal. serve me more rice. you must have been starving! you could have settled forwhatever was available to eat. rather than just settling.. i like to wait patiently..

starve myself.. ..and then kill thehunger with your food.. too hungry, brother? i am still starving. my heart is at peace.let's appease my stomach, too. serve some more. where is my little brother? have them perform a post-mortem. sir.. the post-mortem reports.

looks like a professional killer? this wasn't done by a professional.this is personal. it was not done for's an act of revenge. he's stabbed the body tentimes after my brother died. maybe a policeman? it's not a policeman. he's attacked like a forest flood. none of this is organized.this is the work of a cunning man. not the slightest trace of evidence.

he's well versed in criminology. i think he's a cut-throat criminal. shall we tell elder brother? would you dare to tell him? before the news of his littlebrother's death reaches his ears.. we should lay the corpseof the killer before his eyes. who is he? bye.. he's messed with such big wigs.

he must have disappeared from kolkata. my gut feeling tells me.. he'd be on his way to kill me, too. before he could get to me.. i will track himdown and slaughter him. trisha, answer the door.- okay, brother. arjun, sir! how come..? they asked for your i brought them here. mom, this is trisha. - how are you?

trisha, these are my parents. hi, aunty. hi, uncle.- hello! please be seated. brother! would you like coffee or tea?- just sit with us. we want to talk to youabout something important. tell me, aunty! you see.. well.. tell me, aunty.

you tell her! the thing is.. what is it, uncle? you tell her. actually, i.. will you..?- feeling shy, arjun sir? mom, you tell her.- me? aunty, just tell me. will you be our daughter-in-law?

is that it? why did you hesitate.. ganesh, they've come to askyour sister's hand in marriage. they want to talk to you. hello!- hello. please sit. don't mistake us. for coming here unannounced. we looked at manyprospective brides for arjun. he rejects every girl becausethey are not like your sister.

rather than findingsomeone like her.. we came to ask foryour sister's alliance. arjun told us thatshe is still studying. now your sister is a student.our daughter-in-law could be one, too. more than a daughter-in-law, we'llcare for her like our own daughter. i don't know if i cancare for her like you do. but i promise to take very good care. this is our wish. ask your sister if she'sinterested in marriage.

and if she's interested inmarrying me, we'll move forward. i'm used to seeing youwith a smile on your face. i've never seen you so tense. if you're okay, i'm okay with it. if you don't want it,i don't want it either. your decision is mine, brother. tell them that. ganesh, don't think too hard.give them a positive response.. is the killer dead?- it's not them. they didn't do it.

while dying,there was only fear in their eyes. not vengeance. this murder was not tosettle professional scores. this murderer is a professionalat settling scores. shall we tell older brother now?- out! brother.- i've been calling for two days now. little brother hasn'tanswered his phone. where is he?- he is far, far away. is everything alright?

yeah, perfect. i'll call you back. where are you? quick! they have arrived. sister, the dome is ready.where is boss? don't worry about the foul-mouth. he would be where he belongs. people are hogging sweetsand i am scrubbing dung. even this cow is shittingin double speed. this doesn't suit me..

why is she here?! turn around. lakshmi das! cleaning cow-dung. didn't that smiling killerbring this doom upon you? you saved him;but he butchered you, didn't he? you tried to shield him.nicely punctured his shield, did he? he ruined you career.. and on the way,he ruined my whole life! what are you doing here?

it's my brother's engagement. take two steps backward, please? why do you laugh like a maniac? your brother is the groom. the bride's brother.. guess who it is?- i don't know. look over there! that baby-face with aloin-cloth around his waist. he's the brother.

you've seen men selling soapson wholesale or even briefs.. ever seen a guy sell grief? this man? in my family? mom.. i need to tell you.. it's my daughter. she's a criminal lawyer.but she lost her job. you have a big heart,so you have forgiven me. thanks. we need to call off the engagement.- stop talking like a loony. get some work done.

dad, we need to talk alone.- we'll talk later. brother, don't you like me a lot?- yes. you'll do as i say? call off this engagement? brother, don't you hate your sister? won't you smack her in the face? he's all set for his wedding night.and you're telling him to call it off? no one cares about you in your family. he's done for.

take care. this is not the time to tear cheerful! now hurry up. let's seal the deal. go on. take it. you forget that you'rea criminal lawyer. so think like a criminal. when a bride enters her new home.. ..her sister-in-law bosses her around. and she can make her brother's wife'sdance to her tunes.

if you command him to sit,he should still remain standing. if you command him to stand,he should stand. that's his fate. your prey has found it'sway into the lion's den. this is our time! chart a timetable to torture him. awesome, awesome! i'll hold that smile of his.. see if the print is alright.- it's nice. see?

yes trisha. - it's swetha here. tell me.- your sister met with an accident! what are you saying?- she's very critical. hi!- where is she? hello! arjun, what happened? hello.- i'm so scared. please come soon.- what happened? not just her leg;she's hurt her head, too. take her to a doctor.

there's no doctor here. i've called the ambulance,but it hasn't arrived yet. hello..- hello. smile..- bless you. come soon!- come soon! trisha! senior.. you've killed it! triha, what's wrong with yo!- i'm okay, brother. are you alright? - i'm alright.

why are you asking? what happened, brother? brother, why are you crying?- sir, what happened? brother?- why so nervous? run away! quick.. it's nothing. what happened, brother?- it's nothing. listen. i know you did this to hurt me.

i could have told yourparents what happened. but i won't do it. because you're arjun's sister,and i must respect you. i am sure that my sisterwill be happy in your home. i know you want to hurt me. vent your anger on me. go ahead, i won't say a thing. but don't hurt my sister.. i can't take that.

don't fall for his tricks. don't let him change that expression. even his sworn enemycan't resist appreciating him. even one who wants to destroy him,would admire him, deep down. hello? is this chief yard control?- yes, sir. i'm calling fromprivate deck yard 101. 500m from where ouryard had been parked.. four days ago.. was there anyinternational ship parked?

yes, sir. it's a japanese ship. where is that japanese ship now? every international ship.. ..has surveillance camerascovering 360 degrees. the murderer would have beenrecorded in at least one of them. just get me that hard disk! is the hard disk here?- it's already on the way, sir. sir, the dnas are not matching. ??

sir, the hard disk. load it up! it's getting uploaded, sir. 8 of the 32 camerashave captured the murder. the images are uploading. killer's height- 5'11" the killer has a fair complexion. the killer's got grey hair. the killer is well-built,right handed, with strong arms.

the killer's body type is mesomorphic. these are his physical parameters. not just this footage; we'vechecked every ship's cctv footage. he knew each and everyblind spot in the surveillance. it's perfectly pre-plannedand pre-meditated. it's a well-executed murder, sir. something.. something is missing. show me camera no.5 footage.

got it! he received a phone call. at 1:30 last night. port area's tower was activatedwith an incoming call. it was connected toanother tower in the city. call duration- 2minute and 23 seconds. both numbers are registeredto fake names and id. we can trace him.- how? can lock down his mobilesignal signature pattern.. the advance tracking system. all we need is just one phonecall- from that mobile to this mobile. or this mobile to that mobile. we need this call to sustainfor just five minutes, sir. sir, we can lock the twomobiles down to 5 foot radius. just do it! waiting for the call, sir. make the call. come on. make the call. pick up the phone.

sir, call is in progress! we will hunt you down.keep tracing him. come on, come on! pick up the phone. sir, the second call is connected. if the call prolongs foranother four and a half minutes.. we can lock their locations, sir. come on, come on! three more minutes.. two minutes more, sir.- 5 feet away, sir.

gharia hut, sir. hundredmetres away from the target, sir. street locked, sir. fifty meters away from the target.- rashbhihari avenue. lock the g.p.s. g.p.s locked, sir. hit squad! there's a man holdinga phone with this g.p.s. bring his head to me.. in a platter! go, go, go!

if the call lasts another minute,we can trace the second caller, too. we're locking the secondcaller's area, sir. ganesh? he was right here. where has he gone?- this way, madam. thirty seconds more, sir! ten seconds more, sir. sir, area locked. what's happened? the area has been locked, sir.

which area? the area we are at, sir. in this area..?- in this street, sir. in this street..? in this building, sir. in this building..? he's coming up by lift, sir! i told you. he isn't the type to run and hide.

he's the type whichhunts down and attacks. here he is! he's coming up in the lift, sir. technical team out! let's hunt him now. attack squad! come on.. now he'll turn the lights out. hello.

mic testing one.. two.. three.. who are you? where are you now? hide and seek, won't you play? come find me. face me if you dare. you want to test my courage. then listen..

the two men behind you shall fly. show me your face,and don't attack from the back. i am coming..i am coming to see you. so restless to see me. i will end yourrestlessness and your life. you are a bad man. i am a godforsaken man. hit me, hit me, hit me. hit me!

ganesh! who is this?- the killer of your little brother. presently killing your other brother! who are you? me? i'm going to teach youa lesson your parents couldn't. there's just one difference. they would scold you. i will kill you.

no! stop! the person you are trying to reachis currently committing a murder.. please stay on line,or try again later. where are you going? you're a murderer!- yes! i am a murderer. i will commit another murder.. if anyone who comes in the way. even if it's you;i will slit your throat. we won't marry into a killer's family.

i won't let my brothermarry your sister. i will stop this wedding!- hey! if you have a problem withan alliance with a killer's family.. i'll tell you something now. the woman your brother isabout to marry is not my sister. i don't have a sister. did you hear? trisha is not my sister. sir, vedalam has been caught!

really? done collecting all hisrecords from every station? it's on the way, sir. did you print all of it?- our stock of papers is over! is he such a big shot? i can't do it. he simply won't budge. no matter how much i hit,he doesn't budge. move. let me see.

this is vedalam. why should we address himwith respect? is he some big shot? call him by his name. what..what is your real name?ganesh? his real name is ganesh, right? in madras, there are pick pockets,hitmen, murderers.. there are fiercecriminals in this city. and i've heard you'rethe most dangerous of them all. but i've taught everycriminal a lesson.

and i will teach you too. is he the devil? let's go inside. where's the inspectorthat thrashed my brother. come on out! - who is it? oh, god. better lock this. thugs have entered thestation with weapons, sir. maybe they are his men?- he belongs to no gang. he won't call for help, either.- that murderer is inside.

prakash's brotherhas come to take revenge. i don't think they will spare us. there's only one way to get away. but these men are standing outside. i didn't mean that way.- but there's only a wall here. vedalam is here, sir. what are you saying?- let's ask for vedalam's help, sir. we've thrashed him all morning. why would he help us?

he doesn't believe in love or revenge. vedalam needs just one thing; what is that thing? call him vedalam! break down the door. open it. vedalam bhai.. please take it. money is.. the almighty!

humans are fake. the almighty.. knows it, too. what's the matter?- need to hit them. can do. give me money. how many people? around twenty of them. two thousand per head.get me forty thousand! i only have thirty thousand. shall i pay ten thousand later?

shall i hit five men later? funny guy, funny guy. he's being so cocky! i have ten thousand. i'll pay.- give it. no need for this, vedalam. i am..what will you do. this has no connection with you. you're right. but he's paid me. after that, the connection..became strong.

thought you could buy me off? how much is there? - fifty thousand. sir, how much did you pay? forty thousand! they look innocent! they are made me hit innocent boys. what's he trying to say?- sir he needs more money. what are you doing? - take it off. that chain is worth 60,000.i got it as a bribe. what did you do?

money..i've got money. thick bundles of notes. i thrashed them, beat them up.. he's so fat and stout. thrash him up. sir, call me when you need me.- okay, vedalam. there.. let's go. let's go. sir, what happened?are you okay?

sir?- girl! sir?- get lost. girl!- get up. this is none of your business. please, sir. sir! they've stabbed you in the back. i've been stabbed inthe back too many times now. i'm used to it. get lost.

i can't leave you like this.- just go. madam, someone stabbed him.admit him, please! this is a police case. you need to file a case first.can't admit the patient now. take him away. he's bleeding very badly. he'll die.. please, madam. admit him.- you must file a police complaint first. okay, how is he related to you? he's a murderer!

this man is a thug. what do you care? just drop him where you pickedhim up and be on your way, miss. he is my brother. he is my brother.. the girl said he's her brother. his condition is getting worse. take him to the ward, immediately.- thanks, madam. thanks a lot.- yes.

we need o positive blood. you are?- mine is o positive, i'll donate. o positive, come quickly. doctor, where is the man in that bed? he left in the morning. what did you say? in the morning. the second he regained consciousness,he just left. trisha, you said you admitteda man in the hospital. is he well? he's well.he got discharged this morning. we prayed for his recovery all night.

trisha, esther is here.- give her something to eat, mom. i only ate four pancakes. i'll take the rest. - yes. where is my sketch book?- trisha, it's on the second drawer. it's not here! look properly, dear. here.- thanks, dad. where is the brush bag? here.- thanks, mom.

now the most important thing. bless you. uncle..- yes. inspite of the gift of vision, we oftenmisplace things and can't find them. you both can't see. but you know where to findevery single thing for your daughter. it's so heartwarming. we can't see; but we know our daughter's needs.

bye, aunty. bye, uncle.- go carefully. we've told you already. no matter how much you offer us,we won't sell our house. this is our ancestral property. go away!- okay. we've been afteryou for four months now. even your neighbors have signed it.only you haven't. we've invested 10billion in this building. we need this space for parking lot. don't trouble us, please.

we will not sell our home. never. go someplace elese. i've tried using the legal methods;even tried using cops. next, only hooliganism. i'm giving you a day's time.vacate the place. i don't know what will happen next. if they hire a thug, so will we. this guy is the mostterrifying of all the thugs. his name is ganesh. vedalam ganesh.

"i was going my way, eating snacks.." "..and taking my girl along." token number 5! coming.- esther.. he's the man i admittedin the hospital! problem solved, then. you saved his life. we'll use that to save your home. that was my duty.

we shouldn't bring that up. let's just pay him money. you think? okay, i'll talk to him.- okay. tell me, kid.- we need a rowdy worse. more terrifying. inhumane, despicable. ..and horrible than our enemies. so we came to you..- inhumane, huh? no! we wanted a respectable mr. rowdy. you're smart. you shut up.

actually, what happened isa builder has been.. that's why we came to you, sir.- small doubt. are you really a goon? you're so handsome.- your bodies have rusted. the free booze is making you all slow. and what's that in your hand? what are you going to do with it?cut vegetables? either drink your tea or hit me. this wait is getting me annoyed. you said i was fair?- just praising you.

little one, give them the menu. we're not hungry. we don't want food. funny girl. funny girl. this is not your food's the fight menu. listen up! 5,000 for a body part. 10,000 to shape the body. 15 for house deals;20 for total tango. 25,000 to make a guy disappear.30,000 to hide loose pieces. 50,000 to finish a group.- what will you have?

house deal.- how much? fifteen thousand.- fifteen thousand? i have only ten thousand, sir. don't you worry.we have special rates for ladies. and extra for abeautiful girl like me? he even took my earrings. this is the mr.rowdy i told you about. hello, mr. rowdy.- hello! mr. rowdy.- yes.

this is our home.- nice. this was our grandfather.he built this home. this home means the world to us.- very nice. drink some coffee, son. very, very nice. let's go out, get some fresh air. come on, uncle. come everyone. come on, miss. little one, come soon! - okay, boss.

sir, tell me about these flowers. mr. rowdy..- yes.. this rose has a botanicalname rosa. botanical name? oh.- yes. every flower does. and that flower..- what about it? vedalam is doing his thing now. it doesn't have a fragrance;but has a long life span. poor flower..- jasmine, on the other hand..

yes?- is fragrant but has a short life. poor flower, indeed! only a fool would refute.- what's he doing? big fool. flowers are our life- sir? take this, sir. mr. rowdy?-tell me, sir. i knew in my heart..- what? you're doing this job forfree as a favor to us, right?

you gave me fifteen thousand.but he paid five hundred thousand. which is greater? you tell me. the deal is still open. pay mea rupee over five hundred thousand.. i'll switch to your side. you promised to help usbut you're taking their side. pure betrayal. this is not right, mr. rowdy. it's wrong. just wrong. he's such a softieeven while scolding.

you're a college student. your mom and dad are old people. home, dome and such sentiments.. ..won't work with me. sign the house overto the builder and get lost. rich man, happy man. we'll meet again. oh my god.. - god bless you. neither wife or kids,or father and brother.

the whole thing is that,money is greater than all. money is greater than all. little one, get me water. here, boss.- you just gave me! i didn't. i just got it. you had bangles in yourarm and you came here.. what the hell? who is in my house? i am scared. turn on the fan.- fan..

i didn't even turn it on! there's is some spirit in here! who's playing with me?show yourself. spirits can't be killed. vedalam, i'll go get our groceries. little one.. don't go alone. you'll get scared. i'll go with you. ghost.

that family has committed suicideand come here as spirits to haunt us. spirits don't eat bananas. family, what are you doing here? you locked us out of our home. we didn't have a we came here. we'll leave if you return our key.- yeah, right. just leave my house! or else i will kill you. you.. trying to scare me, huh?

little one, we're breaking allthese things. but they're laughing? you're breaking your own things. switched to "vacate" mode, huh? mr. rowdy if you chuckus out of your home. we'll kill ourselves at your doorstep. and haunt you as spirits. we don't have a choice. giving me a candy, huh? i'll kill you. wait till daybreak. i'll handle it.

get them out. i'll shoot you.- lock them up! get inside. come on. stop this charade. get in. sir, we've got thegirls from north india. we can ship the container as plannedif we get the girls from chennai. that's fine. cool.

'religious song' mr. rowdy! it's blessed. it's blessed.- yes. i'll give you one. - okay. there's a big prayer session tomorrow. lady in green,bring your daughter along. you've barged into my house,what do you think you're doing? please, sir!- i'll shoot you.

girl, don't touch me. sir, sir, please. hey..hey.. tn 10 4287. my gun is in themini van carrying a load of fish.. i want that gun back in ten minutes. or even i don't know the consequences. if even you don't know, who would?let it go. wait, rowdy sir. trisha, make sure mr.rowdy doesn't lose his cool.

42 87.. mini van. carrying a load of fish.. he'll get his gun back in 10 minutes. mr. rowdy, found it! i went after the mini van..- you did. and it just sped away! - what? don't get mad, mr. rowdy. you only lost one gun.i've bought you two guns. vedalam..i've been with you for so many years.

i don't have a gun to call my own. he's got two guns. one for you, one for me. you should live here forever. here! how is it, mr. rowdy? they're toy guns. papa. roll caps if you wantto fire continuously. dotted caps if youwill fire now and then.

which one do you like, mr. rowdy. dad is a naive guy.let him go, mr. rowdy. you.. you woke up early! still not eaten anything?here, take this sacrament. is it jaggery rice? - yes. eat it while it's still warm. three people have bargedinto vedalam's house? unbelievable.- of course! it's miracle.

how did it happen? had they brought a knife to fight,i'd have stabbed them to death. had they brought a sword,i'd have clubbed them to death. but those smartalecsare using different weapons. i just don't know what. we don't have the kind of weaponsto counter-attack their moves. this is definitely a conspiracy. i can't think straight. i feel strange here.

i've never faced suchfeelings my whole life. something wrong. something wrong. don't worry. we'll do thosethree and vacate your house. we'd do that for you! price?- you're insulting our boys. we were raised by you. you taught us the abc of got us respect. you ran a blade throughbadri prasad's forehead.. ..and gave birth to "blade" prasad.

and also made me famous. we'll do something. we will. i was just singh. you hit me on the headwith a jug and made me.. .. "jughead" singh. we'll do them.- punch your face! i don't need it for money. get lost.- okay, vedalam. keep munching on a samosaand drink a glass of tea.

we'll get them outof your hair by then. don't bother ordering another samosa.won't take that long. vedalam, they are outof samosas in this shop. all that's left is the you want that too? the boys have been gone for a while. let's check it out. brother, look that way,hold the mic higher. sister, i've been holdingthis pose for so long, it hurts! just keep pouting fora little while longer?

don't you want tolook like emraan hashmi. sister, don't i look like a singer? yes, you do! - thanks. singer, my foot. soda sampath brother!that's a guitar, not a hammer. strike a stylish pose. something else. something's superb. you're rocking it. you flatter me..

"o beloved.." some more veggies? eat up, son. even my birth mother hasnever cooked this way for me. bloody fatso. she just keeps the food coming,vedalam. bloody rascal.. if you start sweating from the spicygravy, the man in white fans you! drown in that sweat. i said give me some more.

they said take some homeand feed your family too. you screwed up, jughead! which is prettier,my face or the flower? don't be envious. tell me. gomathi ma'am!- soda sampath? you've got one daughterand twenty sons now, ma'am! right? - yeah!? dad, mr. rowdy is here. rowdy sir.

come on, son.let's eat. let's eat together. little one..- let's all eat, vedalam? eat together. one family, they say. the only way to get ridof them is by using them. how, boss? sit down! sit down! sit quietly.

sir, the container is readyto depart with the hundred girls. we're waiting for your orders. all okay, brother? as per our plan, the containerwith girls is ready to go. everything is okay? don't worry, brother. ourshipments will sail at the same time. there should be no mistake. sir, one of the hundred girls hascommitted suicide in the container. as promised to my brother.

i want one hundred girls! get someone. understand. sir. we're raising funds for orphan girls.- really? do your bit.. - for orphans? they don't have a place to sayor food to eat. i told you she's at the beach.come soon. i'm stuck in traffic. keep an eye on her.- come soon!

my wallet is in the car. come with me.- okay, sir. carry on. i'll join you. get in! shut up. sit down! open the door. let me go. open the door. lift the container! open the door lift it.

who are you? - i'm vedalam. i'll get straight to the point. i went to threaten agirl first thing this morning. suddenly, a guy reversedhis car and hit my bike. my bike's silencer popped out. i yelled out to him topay for my broken silencer. he just sped away. and i was pissed off,kept chasing after him. and here, it turns out thatyou're all a bunch of criminals.

but that's none of my business. just pay for my bike's repair charges. i'll be on my way. we don't need this right now. pay him the money. every man is slave to money. smart man. you're right! he grabbed it likea dog would grab a bone.

mates.. you understandthe nature of money, alright. but not my nature! i'll do anything for money. for my self-respect.. i'd lay down my head. we're a group of're just one guy. you need a plan to attack. my plan is to attack. a girl has come to see me.

she's got videos incriminatingof your illegal activities. which she has brought with her? such young girls.. so many girls. it's terrible, sir! - sit down, miss. don't let them go, sir.i've got videos. be seated. - don't let them go! i've got the girl's name,address and family details. i've asked her to wait here. there are so many good officers.why did you come to this man, miss?

they'll kill you. flee, miss. constable?- sir? you'll come here?or shall i bring her over? you don't worry. little one.. this is getting too sentimental.i can't handle it. it feels weird. send them away. send them away!ask them to leave. son..

god knows who you are! i swear upon my child. if there is such a thing as god.. if there is any justice in this world. no harm shall befall you. you shall prosper, son! by protecting your things,you can protect your assets. by saving a life, you save the future. but saving the girl,means saving a family's lineage!

don't know if you meant to do this. but all your sins, from past.. ..present and futureshall be washed away! how will we everrepay this favor, sir? how will we? let's leave his house. alright. we have troubled him a lot.let's go away. are you happy, mr. rowdy?

why are you sitting here, dad? trisha, we've decided to leave mr.rowdy's house. yes. let's go somewhere else where do we go witha young girl at this hour? trisha, what happened? why are you running?- who is chasing us? why are they chasing us?- trisha, what happened? tell us. just hide here, dad.- why should we hide?

just be quiet, dad.- i am scared. mom, please be quiet. stay here. don't step out. until i don't say. trisha! what happened? trisha? trisha. where are you? are you okay? trisha!- trisha. where are you? trisha. why aren't you answering?

mom!- trisha. trisha.- dad! trisha. gomathi!- trisha, what's happening? who are you?what do you want? dad! sir..- who is it? mr. rowdy.. they attacked us.- who?

don't know who did it. please check on my wife. please find here. is she fine? gomathi. is she alive? please. please see her. gomathi.. where are you? speak to me. gomathi.. mr. rowdy.. where are you?

mr. rowdy, is my wife alive?is she fine? is my wife alive? is she gone? she would always say she wantedto die at least a minute before me. gomathi. mister.. my daughter.. trisha.where is she? find her. save her. save her. my baby.. she was a mother to us.

save my daughter somehow.. they are looking for her. save her.please protect my daughter from them! you only work for money. money.. i have money. here's the money,and keep my ring too. mr. rowdy, save my daughter her. save her. please. we need to perform an operation.sign this consent form.

how are you related to the patient? she's his sister. when he was fighting for lifethe other day, she admitted him here. and she also donated him blood. he's my brother.. my brother! my brother! she says he's her brother. his condition is really bad.take him inside. it's an emergency. sign here, sir.

sign here! uncle. are you hurt? are you in pain? don't cry. wipe your tears, uncle. please! you're patient's older brother?- yes. don't worry. she is out of danger. but her body and mindare in a state of shock.

she might take time to recover. her brain is affected from the injury. it's too soon to tellhow badly it will impact her. anyway, let's hope for the best. is my sister okay? - don't worry. sit back, relax.- tell me, sir. not to worry. she will live a normal life. but she's completely lost her memory.

she doesn't remember her past. she doesn't remember her mother,her father or even herself. her past is what youchoose to tell her now. what to tell her, is your choice. doctor, the patient is panicking. be calm. we are here for you!- don't be scared. i am scared.- who are they? i don't know. try to remember. no, i want to go.

just try.- calm down. i can't remember anything.- calm down. calm down. calm down. why did you bring me here.- calm down. i've seen him before. i recognize him. who are you, sir? tell me? who are you to me? tell me? who are you to?

please.. please, doctor. tell me? please tell me. i'm your brother. brother.. her reports her normal. remember to take your pills on time.- okay, sir. bring her in for regular checkups.- okay, doctor. okay, doctor. trisha became my life.

her happiness became my happiness. her sorrow became mine. her vengeance became mine. i went after her enemies one by one. i was burning for revenge. but i wanted to give my sisterall the happiness. i wanted to keep trishaaway from this battle. i didn't want herto get a whiff of it. when i was worrying for her safety,your brother asked to marry her.

i saw truth in his eyes. trisha doesn't know of herparents' murder or her tragic past. she must never find out. my sister has nothingto do with these murders. don't destroy her life on my account. don't stop the wedding. a bond forged out of love isas strong as a bond forged by blood. don't worry. by your good will,trisha has led a happy life.

and it will continue that way. only one person survivesthe attack over your brothers. he must have seen the killer. his condition is very critical. he is unconscious. his survival rate is only 7%. we can't say anythingfor another twenty four hours. he must live. he has witnessed a man.i want details on him.

this is a matter of two lives. two lives? his life. and yours. that's not how you do it.i'll show you! how long are trisha'sexams going to be? her exams will be over in two days. it's my sister's dream! take your sister to college. this is your chance.

keep that fire burning in those eyes. scream for help and say.. ."oh no! ganesh misbehaved with me" humiliate him in front of everyone. the wedding will be off, too. we will win! this wasn't a part of our plan! it's a part of my plan.- awesome! the scene will be stronger.

now, it'll be double strong! help me!- who? who? what?- he's dishonoring me. not me, it was him.- he's raping me! he's dishonoring me.- it's all the same thing, fool. i'll get dishonored. you lustful monster! you sleazebag.. you ripped out my daughter's heart.- mother-in-law..

and now you're rippingthis girl's blouse? you..! mother-in-law..- get lost, you! close your ears. just by reading her lips.. can tell thatshe swore very badly. these abusive words orill-treatment do not hurt me. but why did you reverse attack?- i love ganesh. swamy sir. you like swetha ma'am, too?

yes. - his heart's returned wounded. i joined as her assistantin my middle age.. not because she is intelligent. but admiring her figure..- swamy sir! he's crashing now. make him survive.- we cannot stabilize him. we can inject him to wake him up. but he won't live formore than thirty minutes. i only need him alivefor thirty minutes.

sketch out the detailsof my brothers' murderer! get me a caricature artist. it's hard to arrangefor a sketch specialist now. we will do one thing. there isan arts and painting college nearby. the principal is a friend.he will definitely help. i'll go.- great! i'll give him an injection right now. sir, don't misunderstand me. there's an examination going on.- don't say that!

please, it's urgent. sorry. i need someone to sketch..- it's not possible. excuse me, sir.- i'm sorry. i'm done with the exam, sir.- okay, trisha. this is my wedding invitation.please do come, sir. congrats. trisha, one minute. this is my close friend.- hello. he needs a favor. he wants a forensic sketch done.

can you?- of course, sir. i'll do it.- thank you very much. trisha, i'm at the college. i'm at crystal hospital on work, brother.- hang up the phone! crystal hospital?- can you pick me up? i'll be there. sorry, sir. his eyes. is this the man? doctor..elevated levels..

did he kill my brothers? find this guy.- i made a mistake! while i was sketching,i got a call from my brother. so.. i got confusedand drew my brother's face. sorry, sir. my brother doesn't get into trouble. ask him to tell me one more time.i'll sketch again. brother?- yes, sir. fine.

my brother would not do anything wrong.- yes. don't panic. where is your brother?- he's coming to pick me up. here?- yes. my brother is innocent. relax. i don't doubt you. you look like a good girl. your brother looks very innocent, too.

i understand thatyou sketched it wrong. just relax, dear. sit. sit! is your brother coming? he's coming, sir. call him. brother.. - yes, trisha. are you coming. - i'm on my way. fate doesn't know good or bad.

only conviction determines the end. i yearn to kill my brothers' murderer. my conviction.. it's so big,fate has brought him to me. he's coming, right? - yes, sir. let's go? my brother did nothing!- don't be scared, trisha. i told you my sketch was wrong.- sir, what is this? let my brother go.- sir, i'm begging you.

sir, let us go. please! let us go,'re misunderstand. sir, he is innocent.he hasn't done anything. they have nothing todo with your brothers murders. please, sir. let them go. please. let them go, may go! - thanks a lot, sir. bless your family.bless your son! bless you, sir.let's go, trisha. let's go. - come on.

forgive me, sir.- he's holding your family? yes! - you got scared? he's shaken up an indo-frenchcartel leader like you.. ..dragged you down to kolkata. he's killed both your brothers.wouldn't he kill my son? he is very dangerous. sir, you're sweating. it was my fault.- don't worry, trisha. this is something else. - what is it?

we have nothing to do with this. you did well in the exams? that's enough. hello, swetha? where are you? hi! - come soon. hi! i've something to do. i'llbe right back. take care of trisha. ganesh.ganesh, what happened? rahul has reached kolkata.

don't know when or how he will attack. take care of sister. hello? - you took yoursister away right under my nose? now i'll snatch herfrom under your nose. where is trisha? they said you called for her.didn't she come to you? you would just sendher with a stranger, huh? i called her. she wanted to buy somethingin the ground floor. i'll get her.

come on. - where? i'll tell you where. what's happened to trisha, ganesh?- trisha won't be harmed. i won't allow it. i don't know if i will return.but trisha will. you will get hermarried to your brother. where is my sister? tell me where is my sister? i killed her.

i just lied, but it shook you up? how would i feel? you killed my brothers and disposedthem like garbage. - trisha? trisha! you turned my man against me. i salute you. do you know who broughtyour sister to me? i brought her here in yourtaxi without your knowledge. the one you ache to protect. the one who made you wail in sorrow..

she was brought to me, in a platter.. yes, you! once the car carryingyour sister leaves the port.. even i can't trace whichnation she is going to. it's the rule of this trade. men who covet women; men with money.. they will take turnsto ruin your sister. and all this because of you. this truth will haunt you;you will slit your own throat.

till then, i'll let you live. please, let me go! hello? -brother? i'm scared, brother. where are you now? the car is speeding away.i don't know where. -calm down! don't cry! look outside and tell me. what do you see?

riverside mall.the car just crossed it. what do you see now? i can see the hoobly bridge, brother.come soon, brother. come soon! i'm at the hoobly bridge. i'm scared. - don't be scared! here is very dark.- what do you see now? i can see eden garden. i am at eden garden, too. your brother is coming to get you.- come soon, brother.

brother? trisha? - lots of buses.babughat bus stand. the car crossed the mosque. what do you see now?- looks like shyam garden. come soon, brother. the car is stopping at traffic jam. we're still here. where are you?come soon, brother. what do you see now, trisha? tell me.

i see you.i see you, brother! do you see my face or the back? i see your face, brother. trisha, is there a box in the back? yes! - are there many wires? yes!?two? trisha, cut the both the wires. quick. i can't. - cut it! now.

before the signal changes, quick! the signal is about to change. i can't! - try. . cut the wires, trisha. trisha, i see the car you are in. i'm coming to get you. i'm coming to get you, trisha. i'm coming! when your sister'scar crosses that road..

she will be a piece of meat. scream! she's gone. - brother! glory to.. - goddess durga! if god really exists.. and if he's just,then no one can ever harm you. may god bless you. sir, please don't! don't hit me.please don't hit me.

it hurts, sir. let me go, please! please don't hit me. brother! - let us go, please. sir, please.- don't hit my brother. sir, don't do it. more than your blows..this act of yours hurts terribly! i want to see you bleed. brother!- please, sir. please.

brother!shoot him. shoot him. don't spare him. kill him. you can do anythingfor revenge, right? i would even kill for money. wouldn't i do it for my sister? let them go to college. if you like a girl, tell her, sir.

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