
watch new malayalam full movie 2015

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

my god...! husband, have you leftme and my children stranded? there is no one for us didn't you say you'll takeme and kids for a movie? won't you allow to go ona tour leisurely, bloody fools! what doctors couldn't do, potholesin cochin could do, while saying this you might feel unbelievable or mightthink it's an imagination of person- - while reading a 'basheerian novel' but it's not like that, it has reallyhappened, should believe this one

only if you believe thisyou'll believe my story 'trust, that is everything' could have... killed me you jerk there is guy waiting torelease the air from the sign, lookslike he is astoner! on seeing, it doesn'tseem he is from this locality what the hell? why are thesepeople heading to here? within our 2.5 kilometers,shouldn't allow anyone to die- beyond that let them go and perish!

we'll stand on this track,then he won't enter that is truewhat, what you want?-your life! catch himcatch, don't leave him come herewalk like that, come here come here, a place to dieremain there without moving stay there fellow stay there fellow without moving train is coming, leave me you won't escape frommy hand like that-hey you!

don't leavewhere are you going? catch him! where are you going?catch him man i say leave me! what you hog? have youcome here to die, i'll stab you no need -no that these kind of guyswho had come to die, must be killed are you all mad, who hascome here to die? then why did you doall this circus over here? my dear brothers, i have not comehere to die, i came here for an interview all my certificates are in that bag

but still how did youhang it over there? look at this, look at another one what is inside this? -look manlike that a leader for dumb fellow, read all the comments, likethat somehow you'll have shamefulness don't tell this to small kids this is the problem, no oneis believing the issue but will believe my pappamy dearest pappa what is inside the vehicle?some manure -does it have a bill? there is no bill, no bill sirno bill?

then have you comeby stealing this? sir, will anyone steal chicken shit? what sir?what is that man? should i wait or should i go? you should wait many of your papers are not correct unnecessary things are there,necessary things are not there also should have responsibility, how isthat should have the interest on job so, pappa also doesn't believe is it?

you, get lost from my sight hello, where are you going?sir, told to go not to you, man while telling gate keeper to take thebag, won't he listen?-which bag? pappa, i begged with him, sayingi've got an interview all my - certificates are in this in between that, at somepoint of time i called him a 'dog' just because of that reason that'dog' didn't allow me to take that 'dog, jerk, stupid'!

all this i'm saying itnow, i didn't tell at that time by pleading to people thatjob was gained by recommending when it was almost sure ofgetting, has come after ruining it pappa, actually it was goodfor not getting that job what was the salary they told?rs. 12,000 to go for job in that remote placeshould fuel daily for at least rs. 200 there itself permonth rs. 6000 is spend then daily should eatfrom the hotel two times that can be adjusted with someburger, still will require rs. 250 daily

every month dress,shoes, face wash at any cost the expenditurewill be around rs. 25,000 working for someone elseand the balance rs.13,000 - - pappa would have to pay sir, there is logic inwhat son has told, okay is it so? - then go after payinga fine of rs.1,500 son, what pappa says is onehundred percent correct do you know what was the firstsalary that your pappa received? 50,000

what?pappa, i scored 50,000 whenever saying something,he and his mobile! you keep on pressing on that thinks everything will be servedbefore eyes throughout the life after two more yearsi'll reach retirement then will realise - pappa, let ajob come as per our standards then will see what was the problemwith merchant navy? if i stand under the showerfor a minute, i'll be breath less

then how can it be in sea! then what about thechance for going to gulf? then what? to work under 50degree heat, my life will be ruined it is said that while working in heatreproductive ability will be reduced pappa, why not keep it here? - boy,if you want take it and drink shucks! i want to see how long youcan continue without working if there is intelligence canmake money without hard work one business that is my goal

business! you shouldn'tspeak of business saying to install windmill at the marine drive.. took one lakh rupees loanfrom my p.f and what happened? pappa, lost only one lakh, no?then? if i had received that tender wouldhave received, one crore, one crore! how is that possible?should have luck, real, luck! still, one office, a/c and three tofour computers for basic needs good quality furniture and then staff all together in the appearanceshould have a rich look

for the company do some papercorrections and put the sign will get a decent income about what businessare you talking? that should beshown by pappa to me before retiring just givea try on that pappa give it here you and your mobilemy heavens..pappa! all these years sucking other'sblood, not done with it - - you shameless fellow! a good for nothing fellow like you,not at all deserved to live on this earth!

hey you! why can't yougo somewhere and die? get lost from my sight!hey you! go i say!what is this pappa? get lost from my sight, i don'twant such a fellow from now on pappa, pappa!get lost you! never before pappahad scolded me like that also never insulted like this here take itgo somewhere! i should never see you beforemy eyes. get out fellow!

pappa! said i'm a block headed goodfor nothing, told i'd go and die i'll show hello reception, can you connectme to hospital on the other side? hello, is it hospital? overthere causality is working is it? what about ambulance? driver? god, the fuse will be gone! no need of this much sir, should tell if there is anythingto buy? -no, nothing is needed

sir, do you want any short eats?i said nothing is required is it? don't know if it is some kindof cocaine or something brother, one thing what is it sir?downstairs there'll be people, no? for what? if someone is required to take tohospital all of a sudden -who's it sir? eh? that is.. out of mind! coming

look, another sir ishere looking for sir is this the same sirwhich sir was looking for? this is the sir, sir you may gookay sir what is jomon sirdoing in this lodge? hey fellow, are you surethat you are alone here? no, not at allwill be over here on seeing your bikeoutside we doubted what is the reason for youto take a room in such a place? i simply..yea, yea..

i came to know all the matters that is..i.. a treat on becoming a millionairethat too all alone hey cunning fellow, on turning offthe mobile and coming and sitting here - - do you think that i won't find you? hey fellow, at least on calling thatrose and didn't say a word of thanks - - that was too bad okay she had called me 4 to 5 timesas you weren't accessible that is because phone is complaint

i can't understand what yousay? who is this millionaire? so, didn't you know anything? hey man, that tender whichwe bided on that day, no? for the wind mill, youbuffalo, you got it! is it true? yes, right from the momentwe came to know this - - i and rose have been tryingto call you, not getting is it? it was because herrecommendation was so strong don't you know chairmandoesn't budge just like that

hey buddy again we are goingto be millionaires, millionaires! what did he go? not we, iyou take that phone let me call rose and say a thanks you become the millionaire but ihave also sweated a bit for this how hot it is hey smarty! he didn't have this habit and all? shucks! it's some cheap stuff

while getting free of cost whychecking the quality and all? really happy! thanks a lot, will meetpersonally i'll come from here on it's our days, isn't it? some people thinksi'm good for nothing i'll show how money is made just move a bit what is..i..i.. take it to the back

take me to hospital my god, maniyan! like that person whocame to suicide - - became the accusedin murder case my christ, duped! take me to hospital, take me fast when arms are raised towardscops, you won't get hurt if one among you spitsblood, you won't get hurt but before your eyes, this jerk..

it was a super thing my goodness!saved! entire mood is gone what is it pradeep? didn't i saynot to disturb me for some time? sir, lukose..i don't want glucose now not glucose sir, lukose oura.s. i of thrikkakara station yea, that fellow's father?yes sir he wants to talk something urgentlyto sir -what is there to say?

after taking a room in a lodgeand calling his own friend by adding poison in the liquor,who did revenge like that such an accused's father,what has he got to speak to me? should i leave him free? or should icharge the crime on some other person? should i save your son?tell man what should i do?just tell what i should do? sir, it is not me, outside there islukose, it is he who wants to say yea, sorry when i seeinjustice i'm always blunt yea, lukose you be careful, he isin an angry mood, you may go in

since i took charge over here ithas been 23 days, only within 23 days any small kid who reads paper will knowhow much crime is reduced in cochin you don't read paper, do you?yes sir i know sir - in the departmentthere will be other tigers also but there is only oneleopard, that is prithviraj singh not leopard, lion that iswhat all the people say you don't have togive any promotions however you flatter me there is nocompromise in your son's matter not that sirdon't justjustify

has received solid evidenceto prove that your son is guilty sir, my son has notdone any mistake all that will be decided by the court one law for the peopleanother law for the police there is nothing like thatin singh's dictionary singh's city is clean city i'm honestly working for thisdepartment for the last 32 years so far in my job i've notdone any manipulations sir can check my job records

as i'm sure that my sonhas not done any mistake - - that is why i've come before sir better than anyone else ithought sir can understand that one your thoughts are all correct like me officers who can analysethe truth, that is very less in department now you may speak sir, the person who can sayauthentically what happened, has come just hold okay truly he didn't try to kill me

to commit suicide poison that hehad poured, i drank it without knowing poor fellow, asit was me he escaped as pappa told somethingout of anger son, hadn't pappalived so far for you? for your likes and happiness has ever pappa disagreed? then, why man you are like this? happened is happened again see that itdoesn't repeat

after mother's demise have yourever thought without marrying again - - how pappa isdoing the other things? four times food, cleaning, washing all these are not small things over here, without wife's demise,there are two to three relationships - - this sacrifice is done in sucha time, just remember that pappa!son! i've made a mistake sir by the way, what is jomon doing?for him no job..

not jobthen? - business what business? at the marine drive for k.c.d.asetting up windmill that tender is for me as soon as possible i needto install it over there for any kind of help, do nothesitate to come to me like that out living all the hurdles saying good bye to bad times to the lucky times that isgifted by wind mill machine "trust, that is everything isn't it?this breath that is everything isn't it?"

"circus, that is everything isn't it?relief, that is everything isn't it?" "no need brother, silly talk" "have you seen making money?" "don't play brother,you may leave, leave" "windmill, windmillthat keeps on turning" "windmill, windmill, if it doesn'twork, get lost with it, man" "you play kabadi,i touch, you shake off" "i'll come and get hold of you" "when good time starts, theworld will come under your feet"

"horoscopes will change, badplanetary positions will change" "no silly talks, no need brother" what is this attire isthis how you do make up? on seeing this figure, the boywho comes to see you will flee he should run, that is thereason for this special make up you don't create a scene, youremove all this and put proper make up you go girl i begged andtold i don't want the marriage on knowing the boy is from richfamily, father began to get excited it is nice no? having somuch of money

having so much of money is good but in accordance to that theage getting over is not that good is that person over aged?that is what i figured from father's talk to confirm that iasked this boy's photo but so far, i haven't receivedthat thing to my hand what does that mean?you wait and see in one glance i'll startle that fellow hey look sali, this is another item my heavens, now what to do?so you liked him is it?

greetingshello tell somethingare you alone? not that, we both ofus came here all alone i had expected some friendsor family members will be there i never care about othersexpectations, make it fast i need to go tosome other places also on saying wants to goto some other places - - it doesn't mean hewants to see brides he is a very busyman, no? business, business

is that so? son, can sit inside look, he is a greatwell known stage actor for that i'm not goingto start the troupe there is no sugar at allwill take not strong also - do you want another tea to be made?- then, you go and make man then no need i'm bit busy to go which is child's room?

didn't you hear what isasked? which is child's room? need some privacy, that is why what is this man?case of modern age children it is the new trend what was the name that you said?salomi calls sali whatever that is called, bothare not good sali, salomi what is this as ifsome black & white movie? salomi, any way leave it

what is that you study that you told?m.b.a right now in cochin more thanbeggars there is m.b.a holders do you go to beauty parlour?yes now a days girls have a feeling, bythreading the eyebrows, put lip stick every week doing thefacial, on putting a leggings thinking will become a aishwaryarai, now when'll you find a dress - and make up that suits you? when is that?hey mister have you come tosee me as bride or...?

actually i'm thinking tocollect the diesel charge from - - your father on coming till here saying seeing the bride, neveragain he shouldn't make such girls - - to stand in front of anyone hey girl, what a shape is this? who would come and marry? on seeing some feelingshould be there, no? i'm sure that you'll be here in thenext century without being able to marry daughter!hello!

don't call and insultwhy? something should be there, no? godwhat is this man? no, nothing mighthave happened, it is simply.. why man a scorn? what man, are you pachalam basi? if it were to see like this,there are other girls also, look so, in that case you'llmake me marry today what is seen is seen,again if you call to my house

that is because sir has givenan ad in the newspaper, no? will give several things like that,on seeing that you don't jump helloyea i'm driving i've make some purchase,i should drop in at that mall are you coming along with me? orare you getting down over here? i'll come along, i can getdown near my house, no? just look at the way he looks come, we'll check in that shop also if there are good collectionsover there, we can just see, no?

there'll be discount alsoyou take a look, i'll wait here jo! just hold this son, i'll come nowjo, jo! yea, sitting there why is she sitting here? yea understoodunderstood what? so, sir has gone tosee this girl, isn't it? going to where? came this way, where did he go?

shucks!my god! sorry the statue got changed now i would havefallen and got killed my god, take it away ongoing anywhereit looks all the same my god why are you gasping? not to be in the sight of that girl i struggled a lotfor that does she know you? no

then what is the problem?not that.. even if doesn't know if she comesand asks for sir, i should tell a lie, no? that is why i ran keep all that inside the car if i knew this before, i would havegot down at kaloor and gone on running i'm done! where everi go my situation is the same no doubt why sir doesn't marry when always eating meat,why to eat small fish is it? stop it man!

talking rubbish, no? what do you think she is? who? relation between her and meis a big story. a long story tell sir, i'll hear tell! sir, sir! coin and all got crushed hey poly pick up that phone man

can't you take? -can't you see?i'm on a hard work here this is four in one, foreverything i'm the only person that went down -that is usual, no?go and mind your business, man playing with me, onplaying i'm balan k. nair brother, the call is for you a good time for pups?will be some ministers these ministers won't allow to play hey you taking me fora ride? don't, not on me, okay franklin, franklin, thereis a call for you - who is it?

someone..just pick that and see you, yourself take it two buffalos can't you see who it is? mother!take it fast okay otherwise calling the next car,mother will reach over here hey fellow, can't you pick upthis phone and say i'm not here it's your task no? do it yourself without that jerks arrival,what can i say to mother?

while doing certainthings, you should think my god, what to do now? there is one idea, just see the subscriber you arecalling is not reachable please call after some time okay hey you franklin?yes! mother! even otherwise i know you peopleare out of range, i know that fellow to break your kneesshould i come to there?

or will you come here? look mother, youdon't need to come.. don't come here, i'll come.. looks like range is gone t.t.r has come while putting the cooling glass, didthe dressing room got changed? hey fellow, i'm waiting here look, what is he doing? what happened to him?

have you come? what's upregarding the matter you went for? what is this? -looks like anant got inside the boy's shorts jomon!why did he leave like this? don't know the condition of the ant hey fellow, what i asked is.. got scared of seeingsomething, okay looks like ability to talk is lost what is it?it's not like how you see okay when the ant gotinside, did he become big?

hey you fellow, turn off that t.v what's up regarding thematter for which you had gone? no problemnow everything is clear while going for a matter what isthe difficulty in coming back soon? i just got in right now is it?not that one for that, i didn't go on a flight in a car, that too justnot a car, a big car had spent three hours in the block have you thought what will be thesituation when shitting feeling comes?

you don't tell all that,tell the things while going hey man, mother keeps on calling when jomon, undertakes athing that will be done beautifully let the beauty remain there,tell what had happened? a beautiful girl did you hear, that is true who is that, right now? go and take a look otherwise no need, i'llgo and take a look

hey you!this fellow look he receivedshock from the door look i'm not in here what, he is not in herehow can that be? that is it, don't know whatall he did after going? jo!move back, man jomon, is not hereyes did i ask whether he is here? - notthat, even you ask he is not here hey man jo?why is she here?

don't touch - hey rose!you come here my mother, my head what are you playing like a kid?i was just fooling you while calling won't pick upthe phone, won't call back - - how many messages have i send?why can't you reply it? don't think you can fool me while at the mall on seeing me, youescaped, at that time i've decided by today solution should be foundout - mall? which mall? so, haven't you purchased this fromthat mall? - that mall is not, this mall

this girl? - this girl..stop it enough!can't leave you like this, come at this very moment will go homenow? won't be good if you nottaken home right now, come come here i sayone minute, shoe don't pull me like thisjo! i told lies to her, that was really badpoor one, what she might think? a young man with boiling blood,he is taken no worries on that worried about what she will think?tomfool! but still, what i'm thinkingis why did she take him?

don't give it to him, catch him my sight is lost it was shoba isn't it?come what is this? man, something has happened just start how you start the car don't leave it okaywon't leave don't leave okay you come fastdidn't work out are you tired then i'll take him okay

what is this thing? on the way got from some where catch run, run why is everyone runningfrom the flat? just wait brotherthe flat is on fire on firewhat on fire, my goodness! jo, can't get tensed in between this you must talk to dad and come todecision - not that i don't wish that

but there are certain issueswhat issue? your laziness is the real issue pappa! hello pappawhere are you man? urgently to a friend's house no urgency reach immediatelyto a.c.p office to a.c.p office? what is it pappa?don't make me to tell all that news obey and reach therewithin ten minutes i'll be there

something is wrongpappa is really violent told to reacha.c.p office immediately so, today also you escaped please rose i'll comeafter knowing why i'm called jo, today itself youmust come and solve this rose, please leave me,haven't i told i'll go and come? what is this man?didn't remove the seat belt singh's sir's innovations, hindi classsays without that can't continue here if there is doubt, leaveaside 'hey and ho'

should know basichindi words, for example 'chako' means knife,'s chako' means 's knife' 'culprit is defined as mujrim' 'a big culprit is called a big mujrim' have you decided to ruin yourself?what is it pappa? for the last 32 years, in thedepartment in front of anyone - - i never gave a chanceto bow down my head now because of youi did that one also pappa, tell the what the matter isdo you want to know the matter?

luka! hey, didn't i tell you, i'll discussand solve the matter? should know what hehas got to tell isn't it? son jo, you come here come, being young blooded canhave little bit of naughtiness but that shouldn't be on insultingand inflicting pain on others did you recognise these people? nodoesn't know them at all? when specifically asked, like thatlooks like somewhat familiar people

not sure jomon, it seems youare not sure on anything give that mobile on the bride to be seeing, friendhas captured it on hidden camera being an imposterfor another person - - seeing the bride to be asdisguised as another person not only that physicallyand mentally harassing her what physically?harassing women that is the complaintwhile taking up the case

12 years imprisonment is sure girl, when did iphysically harass you? look sir, at first hetold he doesn't know me now asking when didhe harass me? sir, i'm innocent i've got contacts with phone numberthat appeared on the newspaper jail this sir and leave me free sir sir, intentionally nevertried to hurt anyone had gone to help a friend

sir, doing a help is it a crime? my dear jomon, without telling memother had given this in the newspaper on seeing that a marriagebroker came and taken this up that is the reasonfor all the problems while going and seeingnothing is going to happen just say didn't likethat is not right to do what is wrong with you? if you get old and remain likethis, that'll affect us, isn't it? shut up man!

so are you planning not to marry?then better put this fish-throne in throat i'll show you todaydon't poke my dear brothers, nowi'll tell one secret for a long time i'm in love with a girl my wish is i must marry her only franklin, that is good if this is told to mother, at very nextsecond, marriage will take place before telling to mother,must tell a word to that girl isn't it? she doesn't know that i'm in love

there it goes! so, doesn't that girl know? -noyou must give me some time to tune her once your tuning gets over, wefear whether our signal will get blasted no man, just 6 months by thattime everything will be ready to be ready within 6months, is it plantain cultivation? i'll show youyou leave that case you tell about this seeing bride to bemy jomon even if i say i didn't like that girl,mother will make me marry her so, what to do then? -that girl andfamily should say they didn't like me

that if you intent, that bedone my dear please help me poor one! i'm not that cheap, i can't do it jomon, if i get angry youdon't know my character, okay what'll you do?man, just say it will cry and beg on your feet! then...!stop it man jo, there should be helpfrom both sides, okay otherwise you'll know it sondid you hear?

look, do it otherwise no way okay child, did you hear?this is not a mistake it's sacrifice, sacrifice sir, you don't talk for himsir, arrest him and jail him child, right now youspeak like an opposition leader with little more tolerance while coming and insulting agirl, sir right now - - you are talking infavour of a bellicose this singh will never talkin support to any bellicose

one who doesn't wear a seat belteven such people are not spared child, did you forget that one? then if it is so, sir takethe case on my complaint child's father does he havethe same opinion? - that is.. father!yes child, you try tounderstand my situation i can't make that franklin to hate,that's the reason why i ended up like this otherwise think, like you such abeautiful girl will anyone misbehave? oh! yea!

what is that you lack child? eventhe film heroines won't come near you look, if you flatter a lot do you thinkthat i'll withdraw complaint given? child, not flatteringthen? what is said now, came frominside of me, truly - is it so? then in that case my name,my beauty, my education did it get better now?why not? in that case, you marry me yes, if everything what you havetold is true, you marry me man! daughter are you saying seriously?must take him for a ride, isn't it?

that is truelook! child, please understandmy situation for god's sake on knowing in what allproblems i'm engaged - - not only you, no girl willcome near me today, on coming tosee you as a bride - - that was one moretale of my no win situation a tale of suffering which wasgifted by a windmill machine again tales? just out of an obstinacy, iattempted for a suicide

i was brought back to life becauseof this windmill machine's tender in front of the friendswho always ridiculed me before my pappa, who was alwayssad because of my inefficiency a chance to rise thehead up and stand at any cost will get a profit of one toone and a half crores in a single strike happiness just like winning a lottery have you reached? wishes converge each other what is it?

told about your receiving the tender do you want milk?no sir yes, just like her, good if milk is given to all, theopposition will say it's extravaganza do you have any problemswith the eyes? no -then if you take it off,can look on your face and talk this dad's nature you got the tender not becausemy daughter had insisted it the committee says it'san innovative proposal

thank you sirgive that one to her she is the one who hasdone the recommendations then by the way, all thoughthe idea is jomon's while giving the contract, kcdamust follow the procedure is it not? like the bees gatherwhen the jack fruit gets ripe on knowing the news reputedcompanies had also quoted but it should be givento jomon isn't it? for that i've madeadditional amendments - - and that's how i'mgiving this to jomon

there is nothing to worry,one of the main condition in this is the contractor shall not bepaid with any kind of advance after installation of the windmill, i'llpass the entire bill immediately on seeing you will knowyour financial background rose, has told you havegot necessary funds and all on hearing that i also got bold this is my prestigeproject if one succeeds we should fill the entire marinedrive with windmill machines all that will be completelyinstalled by jomon

you sign what was installedby mumbai agency one windmill, that can be transferredto cochin only on that surety we had placed the tender but the agency had askeda price of one crore this investment was our main issue will gobrother! brother, brother...! come herewait there, we'll come there

where did they go?they are here, no? come on what kind of a dress is this? won't be having money to buydress, might be from a poor family you come hereno, i'm not coming, why? what if, more girls from muchmore poor families might turn up! son, this is nothing, cochinis a big place! we'll freak out here,you come here man brothers from kunnamkulamlured by cochin

wished they want wife from cochin for that, they were ready for anybusiness, our prey was these people! this will be greatis it okay? there is a deadly photoof mine in the house - is it so? on seeing that photomy mother used to say just like mammotty - that's correctthen didn't you show that to anyone? what is it photo?no mother's eye sight! what?no, what an eye sight for mother! then what about my photo!

even mother doesn't haveany idea, on whom it looks like! that, no one will get any ideathat is it your mother is great okaythere is nothing like that what is this photos for? it is required for businessmagazines and all isn't it? we've started the business, no? after sometime you maycome asking for a photo, no? you will scold us, no?that will be done now it is okay, no?

that's truenot that does he have anything? his distant relative isin america, really well off have you see his car? it canbe used both on land and water why is that vehiclehave a frog's engine? hey man, my father the entire locality of native place had spread the business with theselling of areca-nut, in the entire area after making assets worthof crores one day he died look, where he is, now theentire assets are in my name

look while giving allthis he is smiling all though i'm the heir, theentire control is in my mom's hand when mother is okay,we are treble okay what is that? is he riding a plane? hey man, at this time are you playinggames here? come over to there in the future, your partnerwhich the world will come to know stop it, tell what the thing is,in an understandable language how much we should invest andhow much we'll get as profit that is the one we want to know

which means, in a business worthof crores if you invest one crore rupees your first time profit is 25 lakhs i mean, if you give one crore tome, i return to you as 1 .25 crores again if you give thatsame one crore rupees to me again i return 1 .25crores rupees to you again if you give thatone crore rupees to me again returns it as 1 .25 crores like that if i installsuch 10 windmills.. your profit is 2.5 crores!

even at that time your investmentis only one crores of rupees like that if i..look, look.. if you reach 100 numbers, shouldstop it, can't bear it, that is why if you want youcan choose this business if not, if you can't bearthis much profit, you just deny it there is no such problem as notable to bear the profit, for native guys but mother should allow brother, if it's a matter of makingprofit, then our mother will say yes is it so? - buddy it's a businessof making wind into money!

for a small wind, this much moneymeans, what if a tempest blows? how much is the money? hey man, shall we agree?brother, why not come, come what is this item? hey man, hey man, who is she? chairman's daughterlet her be anyone's daughter tell man, who is she to you?my friend if you have friends likethis, let them all come, man

hey man, we should be at the stage again how long will it take?just move back, let me also did you like it? - what?windmill machine to inaugurate this project,respected kcda's chair man inviting with honour dear ones in the history of cochin, here isa mile stone? - what a tooth? what can't he see eyes? i've got only one thing to sayas long as i'm the chair man

there is no end to developmentactivities, no end, no end! how much have i seen in life? will he ruin it?you should remember one thing certain opposition partymembers and some back pullers by overcoming a strong opposition - - i've written this tale of success the contractor of this projectmr. jomon, can't stop praising him in the double speed more thanwhat was expected by kcda jomon, was able tocomplete this contract

anyway i'm not extending my words coming to inauguration function where is the scissor?not scissor, it's a switch - can the cutting be done with a switch?- on the switch, lock'll be open what all new innovations,okay where is the switch? that is the oneis this the one? yes that is the onewill there be shock? these are the momentsof pride for me by denying certain big companiesand on giving this to you, some disliked

will this, they will remain silent come to office on monday, i'llsanction the cheque and keep - are you happy?- yes hey mister, are you the contractorfor this? - yes i'm the one - come here just to congratulate yougo certain migrating birds route, thatis where you had placed this stuff it is their mating seasonwhich is going to come because of this thingif anything happens to them you come here, looks like thereis something wrong over here

shall we push off?keep quiet man the things we know, only the thingthey are saying it in english, that's all this english has not no sense, willwrite 'cat' and will read it as 'kaat' - what is the meaning?- what? poocha (cat) but in our malayalam we write'poocha' (cat) and will read as 'poocha' that is truewhat is the meaning? 'poocha' itself we don't need this languagewhich doesn't have sense then there is noneed to learn english, no? what is the problem? - you standwith a head raised up with air

(a song from a malayalam movie) hey, don't lose the tempo rosekutty! you want?no - what happened? is there chest pain?- child, did she come? no, she has got some sickness asking about my child, no? asking whether rosekuttyhasn't come? she won't come, she hascalled jomon and told that

(a song from a malayalam movie) hey, man come here by around 7 o'clock, this machine'spillar and propeller fell down as it fell into the lagoon, a bigtragedy was saved from happening as there was strongwinds, windmill fell - - that is what eye witnesses say on saying as the wind blowscan keep on making money...! as the wind blew entiremoney is washed off there is a project to make electricityfrom water, can we think of that?

on giving a solid whack, waterwill come from your eyes - - can you make electricityfrom that one? can it be? why notthink of that one? hey fellow, don't play withguys from kunnamkulam, okay will kill you and hang on the wall aspicture and will make duplicate of - - that picture and we'll sell it,do you know that? frank! - hey man, telling sothat you also will understand it if money is given weknow how to make use of it "wind blew, heavy wind blew.."

"the beacon inthe lagoon fell down" put a piece of chickenin his throat, let him die sir, what is your opinionas the windmill fell down? sir, it is heard that this tender isgiven to a boyfriend of your daughter ls there any corruption in this? please, don't mix thisissue with my family even if bitten by a vipercan cancel the food on the collapse of the machine, ifthere is any corruption, kcda will - - enquire and takenecessary legal steps

sir, the windmill was erectedby the same company - - which has installed windmill safelyin the various places in lndia what are you fooling?the contract is not with that company it is with you is it not? - not that sir,without the fund they will not come again a project that iscollapsed, what fund for it? that too to a personwho can't be trusted at all very good! you do whateveryou want should complete thework of the machine if i and kcda is notsaved from this bad mark -

- will take up stronglegal actions against you on one side chair man henry siron the other side franklin and brothers all the slavery jobs donefor them, is the interest like that in an interestcalculation only, i came to your house my goodness, what a pity! hey man, why didn't yousay all these things to me? as that thing fell down, i came toknow now only had these much issues sir, i won't believe allthe stories what he says either you accept my complaintsir, that is not my problem

whatever i say right fromlong back no one used to believe if you don't want to go tojail then there is only one option marriage, why? can you do that? luko, when a womandecides then everything is ruined she'll take him and go,better you agree as the marriage is decided, it betterto decide about the dowry at home, no? now i understood one thingmy bad times are not yet over it has just started "no foolaking, nofoolaking, no foolaking"

"children jumping hereand there are seen" "you dance to the tunes of thegirl who is wedded to you" "girl to whom you arewedded is really smart" "did you get trapped orwhat in this wedding?" "tiger outside, over here it is mice" "you are just like a dragonflywhich is tied to her dress" "you fly very slowly withstone carried on the wings" "he is a poor dragonfly, oh!my goodness, my goodness.." "when a girl comes preparedno one, even god can't stop"

"moreover if there is hatred,there is nothing more to say" "after making rice andtea, clean kitchen" "even if you are male, what isthere when you wash cloths?" "to walk, to lie down,even to breath" "must get the permissionfrom this girl" "you are a gourmand, even the eardrum will get shaken, boy don't talk.." "at portico, only while dreamingshe remains silent and calm" "while bringing the milk, to bow thehead, the boy must be handsome, no?" "my jesus, first i married, latermy eyes and hands were tied"

"jesus as a husband, haveyou given this tomfool to me...?" - what are you doing? trying tokill people? - don't make me talk because of one girl,there is no peace of mind you want it, i only toldto avoid that girl, no? did i tell you to put heron the head? did i say that? by being over smart, ruinedit and now he is talking not that jomon, how exactly all theproblems correctly falls on your head? yes, that is my fault, ishouldn't have gone to - - unwanted places atunwanted times

hey man jomon, it isbetter that you marry her not that if you go to jail wherewill we go to get our money back? then what? my dog will go to jailboy, there is no point in waiting salomi had asked and got the bodyof yohanan - when was that? my dear brother i was talkingabout the salomi in bible tell like that i got scared okay i thought we'll have to spendmoney for that case also - brother! look, brother's personhas come, very good okay this ice cream.. - fell downvehicle is full of ice cream

don't know whether antswill eat up entire vehicle look, came to give this one the details of legalactions against you without dad's knowledgei've taken the copy of this one everything is out of my hand, againyou decide what to do - rose! i'll start this work soon, i haveseen some ways to arrange money not expecting any profit,somehow must finish this then man you come and inform thatto daddy and solve all the issues, no? no rose, let the work getstarted, only after that will inform

that is true his wordsand old sack they are similar at any time it may breaknow, i want to talk to him okay then, you continue talking,after that we can talk, is it not? move a bit jo, i've a feeling that i'm alsoresponsible for all your problems as you know to helpthere are mine own limitations but jo, when you reach very high,i'll be the one who will be very happy hey rose, franklinbrother is waiting okay brother, the same carwhich we have in our house

same colour, same modeland the number is the same that is great okay even the number is the same what man? three of you dumbfaced like a dog in the mist of fire works - mother, don't you have any work at home?- what? no, when did mother come? why did you come without telling?why man, can't i come? should come, when we saw motherall of a sudden we became really happy i understood the reason whyyou all are happy - what is that?

hey man, which is that girl? that is mother, she is rose whether it is rose or jasmineshe is very good looking okay coming in a placewhere the boys stay mother, she is the daughterof the chair man over here she is very close to our franklin move manbye my god lucky if the grandchildren are beautiful

mother that is..old lady can't spit here i've aimed him before can't stop the car,can't stand, can't spit who is he? hey buffalo, i'll do whati like in the place where my kids stay go manbrother go, we'll settle after wards massage well with hot water okay hey franklin, what is happeningwith your wind business? that is, mother it hasjust started to run for the money tocome, it'll take some time

by the way on knowing our tracyat alwaye is sick, came till there since coming till there, thoughtwill come and see you and leave - then aren't you coming inside the flat?- if i climb, i'll get dizzy that is good hey boy franklinyes mother - don't postponed a lot okay soon after our festival at the churchnext day we'll conduct fixation mine?no man, mine can't trust you if delayed the marriage andbaptism will take place together what is on your face? - what's onface? did the pigeon shit?

mother, this is facialwith ice cream and all what is this? go and washthe face you buffalo come man, youturn on that chillness bring it fast, he thinkshe is fahad fasil you came to sleep in here? brother don't lookhere he'll get scared my god, my mother i got scared hey man, what you thinkwho will give money - - that you told that girlwill start the work soon

that is all there i'llrepay the money with interest why? ls that enough?hey man you tell starting work is athing of happiness to us, no? not to you, happiness is to me you made me to do certain jobsthat is not done in the own house forget about cooking, youmade me to wash the toilet look all my skin tone is lost since we don't have that, thereis no tension is it not brother? somehow i must repay the moneyand i want to free from this hell

man, we know thatyou don't have anything again if you are bringing a newinvestor, first pay off our money otherwise we won't agree okaythat is it my pappa has got some gold forthe time being will pledge that one with that money will start the work is that the plan? that is good, son if you invest we'llhave trust then we'll also put money the problem is when youplay with our own money by the way all togetherhow much gold will be there?

don't know that correctlysay something for our happiness there will be somethingaround 40 sovereigns man, you go and take it and come we'll also take that on pledge, willpay more money than other places but there is a small problem should get the platedgold just like the ornaments so brother, that means it's agame without father's knowledge robbingis it true man? for some time asmall adjustment that's all

without much delayif this works well can replace it, no?what a good son? you bring it man,is there any business - - which we kunnamkulampeople won't do? within 24 hours the same thing inplated gold will be given at the hand this is for business, no? can'twe not do it? isn't it varkey? what man? for some time this peeping asif plate is thrown in the well simply i was just looking at pappa

hey man, do youhave time for all this now? now, many of your thingsi never used to know it neither you inform me also your pappa is not a person whothinks bring up is a business in loss like that did my son ever think? pappa, don't talksentiments and make me sad for success somehard work that's all hey man you don'tworry about the commitments in a business while inloss everyone should bear that

you don't take allthat burden by yourself pappa, all the problemswill be solved - - you don't get tensedthinking of that till you reach a positionit is a big tension for pappa then this business andall that won't suit you we'll try for a good job okay pappa, aren't you goingfor duty today? it's time now hold it after sometime got you free, is it?

today i'll take leave, bycooking good food and all we'll make it fun manno, for what? i got some other things to do what things?i need to meet a person pappa hold this hey mango - don't push don't be lazy like thishey man don't act silly okay why is she here? i didn't tell

pappa, are you going?will go was about to go then pappa you may go,i came to meet jomon pappa, if you want you take leavei've no leave today pappa, are you going? which is the room? which room is it? comegod what is her plan? to tell the secret inside theroom, i'm not that cheap like you what did you tell shamna?

hey girl why are you laughing? did you think i'll marry her? you watch i'll make her suffer with what?with nose that is okay what did you think of me? at that time had made an agreementis it because of seeing your dumb face? while coming with the cooling glassand all, you are not a salman khan is it? nobut still, on seeing i liked you

not that to show theobstinacy and all on that if you do more show off,my obstinacy will increase only how much is this poly?this is 420 gram 52.5 sovereigns - today thousandrupees increased for sovereign you don't lent ears to that that will go up and come down canfix the price after checking working cost per sovereign on deducting rs1,200, poly how much is the balance? can give at rs.19 for 52.5 sovereign it willcome to rs. 9, 97, 500 - that is it

franklin, that is too less hey man, where ever yougo you won't get this rate okay then since we areclose, i'll make it round you don't say, no, okay 1000,000 how is it? agreed?open the mouth and say agreed say itagreed very happy hey varkey take this so, ten lakhs is okay

now what is pending isout of one crore - - balance is 90 lakhswhen'll you repay it? franklin!yes man what did you think? do you think people fromkunnamkulam are just like windmills? if money is invested weknow how to get it back franklin please, don't cheat me what to cheat? our one crore isdumped in the water by you, is it you? or is it me, who collected10 lakhs from that? man, who has cheated, tell man?

varkey, you put that inside then what?franklin, leave jomon, don't take the might please help methis is my last hope i'll do whatever you want there is nothing much to do, son but needs a small help, okay come son, i'll say over there my mother has bookedhall and catering is fixed, she is ready

but the girl to wed she isnot informed with the news rose! yes! if you intent, the thingswill fall in order what can i do on that?that i don't know in the first sight itselfshe entered into my heart if it takes place, i'll help you if not, even if by tearing you into piecesand selling, we'll make our money what? will it happen? will try

hey varkey make theduplicate fast okay bring, bring, careful place it there enough, enough friend, again there won'tbe any problems, no? sir, i've told no? there isno chance to fall like that not on the way, it fell in water only jomon, i've an ideawhat is it? why not we put this somewhere,where there is no wind? not that, again such problemsshouldn't happen, just thought

you made me into this situationwhat did i do? here comes the chair man fellow, chair man my godsorry sir within one week thispropeller and all will be installed if so, good for you is it fixed properly or will youmake natives to criticise again? no sir, again it will never fall down yes sirthen why, will it break?

daddy, don't say anything bad when a cat falls in cold wateron seeing the hot water it'll run so, because of that one morething, even if the work is - - finished i'll wait for two weeks only after that i'll pass the bill aren't you coming? - daddy youmay go i'll come after some time my god those things told bydaddy, don't take it serious once this gets success can makehim do anything, is that okay to you?

take the vehicle franklin, look at that what is this man? after taking money from us, sayinghe'll arrange it and started the work she is still with him you will end up like afox who runs after a goat i'll show him man, let me see come, why standinglike this? go and do the work

as a shelter for rose,i'm here, no? go man, go brother is a tiger look he lured her how is it? look she came outlet me say my god it's mother hello motherhey you franklin for the girl i purchaseda chain of 10 sovereigns no, not that for this not to fall this time whatall precautions have you taken?

i would have fallen down nowwe need an interview of yours i have got nothing to talk to you rosehey jo you think in a positive way to regain the lost confidence thereis nothing wrong in giving a bite then shall we give one? one minutegood if i get some water now, that is.. what a sun shine? will get tanned

my goodness, jo, don't standunder the sun shine, will get sick who is she? what is his dealing withmore than one female? under the pretext of business, iwon't accept these kind of flirts if at all, again if you are seen withher, i'll not be reacting in this manner did you understandwho that girl is for him? what is it for me whoever it is? not that can i just imagine? what is that?

why are you sitting here? i came for a tea then why did youcome without calling me? that is, i was..which was that girl? that is what i'm also asking who is that girl, man? that is my acquaintance - which isthat acquaintance, that i don't know? hey you naughty! it is her no? thegirl whom you are going to marry? on that day as you went to see thebride and came after agreement and all

this girl is her for sure - what a girlwhom you are going to marry? this is not like thatit's like that only if you have any doubts,come with me till acp office i'll show that agreement rose, you don't worry okay for rose, this franklin is therewhat? no, i'll hold the umbrella, where isthe umbrella? -you shut up okay let him say what the matter is tell man

hey she is a smart girl, no? and then are yougoing to marry her? then what, i've not comeup in life then how to marry? that is a lie okay, a lie, he'll marryonly her - hey you keep quite is that decided by you?no, that i..i...! so, when your hard timesare over, will you marry her? as far as i'm alive i'll never marry her all this is a lie okay, heshould marry her this is a big nuisance

even otherwise she won't suit you,we'll tell when you are ready for marriage it's mummygood, let me see one minutetell my regards to mummy hey buffalo since on getting achance to join us you can't leave her no? so, understood what is in your mind hey man, your idea is to cheatus and do your things, is it? are you playing with stinging bees?man stop the work of windmill do that work whichbrother has told you to do only then you can do other...she is coming, you go there and sit

two shakes okay -must go alongwith mummy to hospital, then shall i go? okayokay, you call me i can come okayno thanks rose, one minute after all franklin, ismy business partner, no? while talking insultinghim, that'll affect my business sorry i didn't think that one franklin, i'm so sorry as itold something in that anger - - don't keep it in mind

even otherwise between uswhy should we keep formality? aren't we good friends? isn't it? - then shall we go head with our work?- why not i won't say the freedomwhich i gave was more what i can't understand is, he isonly a class mate why do you want to - - spend your valuable time for him? he is not just a class mate forme, when you all didn't have time - - only he was therefor me for everything

all those things the channelpeople out here won't understand so, daddy is more worriedabout the channel people my worry is not channel people,but i'm worried about your future that i must safe guard, by bad luckupon your word, i gave him a project today, i regret on that againif you become more close to him i'll have to cancel that tender when desperate, eventhe cobra will bite i warn you!daddy! daddy, are you obstinate?a bit

then what if i alsoshow some obstinacy? chair man is playing with me where were you man? howlong i was waiting, come fast you became a great manto see you should turn on the tv don't talk stupidity,only big are shown on tv? even the robbers, murderers,rapist are also shown on tv, is it? my jesus! look lukochetta,he is a big business man isn't it? no matter how big man he becomesafter all he is our maria's son, isn't it? all though she has departed us,to see her just look into this face

he is just the copy of herwhy is that? did maria alsohave the moustache? since he stopped drinks,he keeps on telling jokes! similarly, like this my friend's unclestopped alcohol, he jokes a lot is it so? - but was there foronly one month - why is that? he died it is said that when thetime comes, will flare up time is up, shall we go? you wait there let me tell tohim also, why we have come

boy, on this month25th it is her fixation yea, he'll come and by the way i'll give that goldwhich is kept here - no need at all it'll take one more week to finish the workof the house, it's full of bengali guys let that be over anyway gold is kept in a cops home,no? what more security is needed? is it not boy?yes brother then shall we go? come girl okay thenbrother in law bye

had enough of this bengali people pappa, about whichgold are you talking? that poor lady, at various times in ahard way purchased gold and it was - - given to me to keep it safe out of fear only, her husband usedto sell out everything and drink before that girl's wedding hebecame good, that's that girl's luck! - then that gold which waskept in cupboard? - yes what boy?no, nothing at all pappa christ!

franklin, please don't let me downleave man what man are you trying to pull mylegs and drag me down and kill me? franklin, please nomatter what happens to me my poor pappa, that i can't bear it pleasemy son jomon, i told you, no? i won't give the gold,once the rose is okay at that time, i'll consider right now boy, you may leave go boy, go i say

there is no point inthinking over like this this can be easy solvedif that rose intends hey man, she onlyhave to act, that's all how can i say that to her? if you can't say this,i'll handle it so cool i'm the one who is saying it, no? hey man, look! you jerk, calling and showing, is it? nuisance, came inside

what a nuisance, afterall she is a girl with life, no? people like me, not surewhether will get at least a photo get up - for what?are you blind? sorry okayi'm not blind man, poor one let her sit look here i was about to comehome, i got a job i just wanted to say thatwhat should i do on that? i should inform you is it? i shouldshow that decency isn't it?

please, i'm througha rough patch in life don't insult and take the joy in that what? where are you going? this is a different style, no?who is this? i'm prithviraj singh what kind of an attire is this? so, don't you guys read paper? last week to catch the 'gawkingmoney' i was dressed up as union leader that was really abig news, wasn't it?

this is a new attire, unholy nexusbetween cops and pickpockets today i'll catch 'red handed', youare lucky that you are in this bus today to be a part of a bigoperation, that is your destiny take that purse - for what sir?i'll tell all that take it - take hiswhy taking mine? my purse!here! in the next stop, i'll take this and runthen you shout pickpocket, pickpocket! people will nab me andhand over me to police then the things are easy, okay

must get down, must get down inthe next stop, please move back my pocket is looted - pickpocket,pick pocket! thief, go after him my god, taking mypurse, taking my purse my god, had this bushave this much people? my god, my purse, my purse - hey man why are you crying again?- lt was not your purse my purse is lost it had money in it my god! - stop there man!hey man, that is taken by police, no? that is the fear! - brother mypurse is lost, please go brother

let it be there man you'll take the purse, no? walk man is this your purse? just seewhether everything is there? yes, rupees thirty is inside this will just whack you! was it forthis you made us to do all this? then where is the person? did youhand over the person to police? why handing over to police? lnlife he will never do pickpocketing that is what we have doneall of you get inside

certain fellowsescape fast okay jo, today i can't come there is a guest, you comeover to here we'll sit here and talk you are coming to my house,no? then what is there? - the car is new isn't it?- yes very nice should keep up withlatest trends isn't it? you go and give these drinkswhy can't mummy give? can't you see i'm busy in here?there is no change in that

this is my one and only daughter,rose -hello, -i know uncle take - for some time i was atmaharajas college as your senior - rose, do you remember me?- soory i don't remember daughter this is willi kurian, my friendkurian, who is at chaganaserry long back he hascome here, he is his son ceo of fcl uncle, not fcl, frenchdevelopment authority, fda yes, that's it for some time he is hereonly, i came to now that now only we are funding for cochin metro

together with kcda and fdawe are going to make it big mummy, smells a danger all of a sudden a guestcomes, makes me to serve in certain movies the function ofbride seeing is there, no? like that if you've liked him tell, we canthink about it, right now already your age towed has crossed then what?what have you thought? girl, he is a millionaire, millionairemummy it's not money that matters what? rose is not hereno sir, rose told me to come

i'm a chairman of a companyand you are a contractor already there is an issue betweenus, so because of that it is not correct, you coming herei came since rose said rose, is not here hi jo, come on in i never expected a person like sirin high post will tell lies same pitch, i also used to tell lies this my friend the kind of friendship ofthese days kids

they are friends right from childhood then one who has got somethingto lose, only he should fear is it? my god, i was simply joking jo, to act as you saywhat am i an actress or what? sorry rose you have alwaysstood with me for my growth in this deadlock also without yourhelp, i've got no other way this is a thing that affects pappaalso, all though it is bit cheap i was forced to say this to you sorrywait

and in the last will thatfool be a burden for me? no, we should have a thoughtthat it is only acting, that's all will try, as much as i can my brother, it has been too long at least put the hand on that striker don't know why, can'tget an aim like before then what earlier youwere beating like anything is it franklin?yes who is it? i'm the one, rose

franklin i don't have any dislike,but i don't think daddy will allow why don't we kill that daddy? my god, don't hurt daddy rose, you don't worry well suitedfor that i know some hit men as rose has decidedto come with me for me, nothing matters to me, okay anywhere if roseis hidden, i'll find you i'll find and take you to kunnamkulam this is franklin's word

now can i tell a truth? mother really supports us everything is booked (hell man)do you know one more thing? even mother has decided on thenames of children which we have but the child must bebeautiful as rose that you have to intolook daddy is calling i'll call you later we should meet personally okay fool!hello!

she hanged the phone! that bald headed daddy, is he adaddy who doesn't allow daughter? if he doesn't wed her to me,i'll prove that he is not daddy where is she? is she satisfied? to insult me, she has putme in some troubles now is she satisfied?what has happened? with how manyyears, i've created an image everything is lost are you satisfied now?

you were compelling too much todelegate that work to that fraud now what has happened? i'm theone who is drenched in shame what is it daddy? - lt fell, thatthing fell down again! this time he is not going toescape, it fell on someone's head kcda will not have anykind of responsibility on this i'll cancel this project let him do whatever he wants ls the accident victim, recognised?did you see it? so far not recognised

we might receive more news,while knowing hospitalisation details at the marine drive..he'll die for sure one who has cheatedkcda will go to jail for sure one who drank watershould eat salt, no? there is a wide criticism a bigcorruption has taken place on windmill yes, yes not only that i'm chinto pachilakadan 60 degree away from north poleslightly away from south pole

on the mid pole, on theroute of migrating birds over there, this windmill is installed because of that, has somethinghappened to migrating birds? an enquiry should be done,that is my personal opinion kindly excuse, he issaying some other things all the people behind this should bejailed that is what the opposition says franklin! people behind thismeans, are we included in this? no, no he asked moneyas debt we gave

other than that whatconnection does we have? to speak on this kcda chairmanis joining with us on telephone line hello sir can you hear?yea, can hear tell, tell this is the second time thewindmill machine is falling down to safe guard the safety of citizens - - does the bureaucratshave responsibility? on such things has kcdafollowed any safety measures? the entire responsibilityfor this belongs to the contractor because of that, the personwho is injured in this accident

the medical expenses and - - compensation mustbe met by contractor so that the victim should geteverything..- move back! stop itslowly what is it man?as soon as possible we'll go to hospital why? - government is payingcompensation for the victim they are in search of a person like that with our tutorwe are going to have some use at this moment we'll getthe money what we ask

will get solid blow from police! that old set up was better i'm the one to blame on takingthis new generation donkeys tutor, why did you say like that?hey fool what? -as i'm a culprit in 16 casesand more over i'm also most wanted on this matter if i get hospitalised at the very moment policewill catch me, no? then what? they don't have timeto catch people who does killings then how can they catch tutor whosteals jack fruits, mango and chickens?

don't show off to policethey will whack like hell take me and make mesit in that chair hold manslowly will your father catch this side? you jerk! -tutor, his name issashi! both are same if anyone knows thatthing fell on my back you are the one who is going to getbusted, other teams will whack you for that, we are not going to tellanyone, that your spine is broken that's itthen?

the pillar which was about tofall, tutor blocked it with chest on account of that a small injury for 6 months can't get up from bed - - on account of that we areasking a compensation that's true is it not? yes tutor - if that is the case, we hitmen shouldn't receive money legally by tossing the law on air!without any police man's help should collect it by threatening from where? -from thatfellow, who installed it

on seeing my boys,his knees should tremble on telling tutor's name he should piss walk wait, if he gives money at themoment of demanding, never receive it - then?- threaten and receive it okay tutor my strength ismemories of porinjumaman bro, lift this pants, moralpolice on seeing it will remove it for this there is only elastic

even otherwise, for a uselessdagger why a cover is required? there are two more people with him whatever it is get downokay tutor, were you sleeping? no, just straightening my spine they are my friends, theyare trapped in a big case till that is solved, they'll be here what is the case?what is the case?

case is a small rape case,two females, he..- where? inside the flat, not that tutor, it is inthose places now everything happens you comewait there when free, should come here just to hear that story you don't have tofear, he is a small hit man since few days he is herehas not collected the rent property has got some issue,so that no one comes - - from outside, so i'velodged him over here

that is why i said, noone will come here it is safe in here, no? is it correct what we've done?without even telling to pappa to hide and stay i've notdone any mistake like that after knowing tomorrow you'll benabbed, that is why i did all this everything is out of hands now if politicians take up this, nopolice can save you you give that phonethis is turned off that is all right, i don't trust you

why man not getting? without sim why shouldi need phone? you can play the game, no? "are you a small bird thatis in search of moonlight?" "are you tired offlying to a distance?" "did you forget your dreams?" "did you fly high and fallin the flames of your dreams?" "you became someoneamong beloved ones" "you became alonein this whirlpool"

"you went deep intounknown sea, like a toy boat" "are you tired of flying to a distance?" yea, come in how is all this? this what has got somuch of likes in facebook 12, 516 why do you want a long leave?i told we can find jomon, no? when this became a big issue,he just moved away, that's all one way that is good, otherwisewe would have jailed him

sir, right now my son is an accused a person who has cheatedthe society and government sir, it is difficult for me towork as a father of such a person hey man, who has toldyou that he is accused? is it by seeing all this havoc? hey man, for those who create thenews they don't want to know - - whether he is accused or innocent always in our native, the market isfor sensational misinterpreted news when they make money by sellingour disaster, don't stand turning back

must face it with courage your son is not trapped,someone has trapped him what sir sayshey man, i've got some doubts but without getting a clear evidencehow to say it another person? but there is no other way otherthan telling you now - what is it sir? did you see this photo? on thatnight when that pillar fell down i was present there in this out fit my aim was to check the selling ofdrugs at the marine drive walk way take the thing

who are you?wait, stop! hey man, what was that soundwhich was heard over here? that windmill fell down, the personwho was under it was carried away a person like that, there is noinformation on being admitted to hospital on those who carriedhim away, there is no clue at all telling in short which means, none of themlikes to come to the light it is here the strength regains that itis intentionally done by some one if jomon is innocent, luko, don'twe've the responsibility to save him?

yea, leelammahello! brother i was knowing all the things over here the situation is not tocome and enquire, any news? the enquiry is on - did youcheck in hospitals and mortuary? lady i was just saying a chanceshut up i say! during these times whenan accident occurs - - people will dump in hospital and go they won't call at homeand say, that is why see whether everything is there?brother

don't you know his characteryes, it's okay i'm little busywhy is brother in law scorn faced? - is it because of taking the gold back?- take this fellow and go! i don't like myself! come here i say, okay at the right time it won't come also come here without any limits will babblei know where jomon has gone he is hidden, then simply actingi'll just poke you, okay

brother shouldn't hear - you give that bag- for what? - i'll hold then what? - ladies don't know tosafe guard valuable things in proper way then what? all these years wereyou safe guarding it? leave it! here - i'll show you how to safelycarry 50 sovereigns of gold go manyou come here auto, auto! he must be going tostand in the queue at beverages you walk, this is not auto stand the case of this man - how muchit'll cost to go to pambayimoola? rs 250rs 250?

on a bus can go for rs 12then you go on a bus look, this is worth of 10 to 12 lakhsmy god! otherwise we would have gone ona bus without seeing you guys show off! okay then - you come herewhat is it lady, what? what are you mad? do you wantto inform all what is in the hand? hey lady, these people should knowthat we are not so cheap people my god - those people who has gotmoney, few people should know them i'll haggle with him and comego man, no, stop there - leave me shall we ask here? - no need toask anywhere, will go in a bus

walkbrother, what's the problem? telling from here to go topambayimmoola, asking rs 250 this is their usual practice, on seeinga new person, will increase rate and say i'll ask, what man tell man?tell man will you go to pambayimoola or not? now brother wants to reachpambayimmoola isn't it? tell properly like thatbrother go to that bar and have two pegs then you get high andthen you sit in that corner then what?give that bag, brother

my goodness my bag! i'll bring itthat is enough - my bag! stop there fellow my bag! - don't cry to catch theperson has gone - my mother! go and bring the bag fellowtold won't beat again, and.. go, i say! man, is it the original gold?why not? i heard saying it is worthof rupees 10 to 12 lakhs how much sovereignswill be this one?

tutor, it will come to 110 sovereignshow much? that is 70 to 72how much? don't ask me more, from 50i won't reduce get lost did you add everything?how much is there? if i knew to add allthis, will i come here? donkeys!then what about tutor? check who is that one you come here

they are kidnappersfirst let this be finished to tell the story i've not doneanything - we'll tell the story later have you gone to school?yes then tell how manysovereigns will this be? what? - tell how manysovereigns will this gold be? this one, where is this from? has purchased to marryhim off, tell how much is there? this is some 420 gram which is 52.5 sovereign

after deducting rs 1,200 persovereign as working charge there is gold worth of rs 9,96,000 are you working injewellery? to say so exactly i know a bit of gold dealings that is why i.. good, you go look those kidnappersare calling again what a nuisance is this? didn't i say from 10 lakhsnot a penny will be reduced?

come directly, will talk you tell that route man, don't think more relax, thinking that this gold plateddidn't reach at leela aunty's hands shall we call pappa and say?keep quiet man this is a demolished buildingso this is the gangs hide out look and if there is 4 tyres and tubelight inside then it is all okay this is our ritual

can't see the eyes - worry not willhold the hand - must hold okay why is he here? i can't see the eyes at all,have you tied the eyes or what? reached? what, from that portico to comehere, why have you tied eyes? can't change the rituals have you brought the full amount? deal will happen, no? why not?

my poor rose will be sad now for not seeing me when i call withoutgiving the phone - - that cruel chairman is torturing her on that i can't do anythingon that you don't do anything by the way this 10 lakhsis bit high okay should reduce it - will reduce5 lakh is enough but instead of chairman's daughtermust wed ward member's daughter no, need 10 lakhs is okay

then couldn't arrange 10 lakhs ascash, in return it is brought as gold will that be okay? check andonly after that you may take it it's 916 what is this is it a golden rain?or is it some kind of 'akshaya tritiya?' what is that?that is his birth star - is it so? hey suni, you goupstairs and call him here - okay come close the door fast don't open while calling okay

open the door tutor is calling you tutor is calling you downstairs where are they?don't open then what to do? don't openopen it hey fellows, open it i say are you in meditation? tutor, has told to come down,can come only after meditation

what is this?tutor! he is not the person whatwe thought he is a swamy he is on a meditation while saying he has molestedtwo, i thought he is a swamy hey loveris it me? you may now, after checking thevalue and price of the thing by my man will start the operation that is enough, then can i...? why not covering eyes? -whilereturning we don't tie eyes

it is better that you maynot know the way to here! fool! - i didn't think thatmuch, very sorry okay why did i become such a fool?is it because of excess money? didn't see that doom light and tyresand by the way aren't they real hit men? it is true that there is christwhat, christ, this fellow? he is a black guynot that as soon as possible this goldmust reach in the hands of pappa is this also for sale?yes take the other gold

who gave this gold in this box? your father! will you sellonly if you know that? entire thing is platedgold, that is why asked my god - on seeing him iknew that he is a freud if you are not convinced you goand check this where ever you want has come with the plated gold and then he wantschairman's daughter itself will give now, willgive chairman's only daughter i'll sell this for you in ahigher price than the market price

okay should do it fast hey wait there where are you going?to sell the gold that he'll do it time being you stayhere for a surety there won't be any use with me hey fellows, make him to sit there has told no? it is for his suretysit there fellow tutorwhat is it?

did you understand whomade to fall windmill on your body? look, here, lookwho is that man? they left okay go and catch them without looking go and catch them donkey, you run wait there, wait randon't run "relief, that is everything isn't it?"

"no more silly talks" "don't play, you may leave, leave" "windmill, which keeps on moving" "windmill, if it's notworking, get the hell with it" one who slipped fromme at marine drive will go?will go - my mother! sir, why torturing us like this? we don't hide anything if ourbody is injured is it? - yes sir, they have agreed both timeswindmill was turned over by them

but they are saying don'tknow for whom it is done sir, whacked them hard but theyknow a person wearing 'kadar' - - has given them this quotationby covering the face when they got the money, theymight not have checked more details fellow, just tell if at all beating is continued more,they may say chief minister's name hey fellow, fellow, tell tosir and free us also - after all we've slept 'up and down, no?- you, talking nonsense? one thing is sure, in this businessyou have got some opponent

be careful, who is he and whatis his motive, we must find that one i don't think again that is required i'm stopping all this no matter what kind of job it is i'llwork hard and repay all these debts what my pappa has told is true,the business and all won't suit me i'll go on living byworking some where assi. police commissioner's office,is the commissioner's name 'assi'? sir, they are those financiers sit, we'll discuss

what is there to discuss? on discussing what isthis, is it an assembly? as a business partner,jomon doesn't have to - - take entire liabilityof rupees one crore that should be shared okay now i got it,now sir's problem is share boys, no doubt whythere is a discussion you don't talk more, even if byselling what we have, we'll repay it don't show yoursmartness on me okay

my boys gave the moneyon asking itself should repay thatalong with its interest not as your wish but as per my wish in between that anybig officials comes that is never an issue for mehey look old lady! i thought of discussing withyou out of decency and humanity you show all this stuffto so called fools of yours go sir bigger officers than this,i've spitted on their caps!

only then, is this sir's capthat is not deserving to spit when spitted on an uniformedofficer's cap, you won't get hurt is it? then spit old lady, spit i say! lucky, she swallowed it i'll show her today.. i want to know in which cap hasshe spitted? -no sir, no need by seeing one or two stupid's,don't asses entire kerala police hey pradeep, preparea fir as soon as possible unlawful wealth possession,threat, assault

take the case under 'operationkubera' shouldn't get bail jail mother and kidsat the very moment my godmy dear sir please excuse didn't know that siris this much honest sir, you don't keepanything in the mind even i don't rememberwhat i've told in that spirit on account of helpingmy son, don't torture them sir, you may free them sir, whenever it is mustrepay money that is taken

only the thing mustneed some time for that i can't deny this decency that is said on account of thatfreeing now, did you hear? will repay the money at his willthat is enough sir kids come no problem if not repaid my limbs and handsare getting weak whatever if it is to say? youshouldn't have come here i don't have to speakmuch to disgusting people

if there is anything,come to the office what i've to say is a personal matter on helping me you allhad very hard times gained lot of bad name also came to ask pardon for all that sir and rose should pardon me nothing was intentional, has neverwished to cause bad name to anyone everything happened dueto some bad time pardon me

when everyone crushed thatpoor person are you all happy? the moment i knew thisi was thinking to meet you what? i have not come to disturb felt, to enquire when a person whois known to us has some problems i also thought what i can do on it the right moment for help during such situations, those whodoesn't go weak, only they have - come up in life

don't think it is an advise jo, youshould never retreat from this project this is a project that is goingto be a signature in jo's life you don't speak about the thingswhich you don't know or understands jo, started this project not knowingand understanding the project, is it? it's not that i'm too educated jo, look at this,this idea has become a - - great success inmany cities in the world i'm not into anybusiness hurting my pappa when jomon cancelled thisproject it is pappa who is deeply hurt

i'm the one who destroyedhis self confidence many of the things i madehim to believe that he can't do it he took all that as an obstinacyand he plunged into it that is what landed myson into this ditch! somehow he should bepulled off to the shore at any cost it is the same thing which i havetold you, when we met once for him to see life seriouslyand to fulfil responsibilities if you intend, can do it even if i intend, ican't fulfil pappa's wish

for that jomon should intend in life, all those who are successtoday have once failed in life without knowing have reachednear success and retreating from effort isn't that the real failure? while thinking can winthen all the obstacles will be over here, look at these details and after that createa detailed project report after studying well a projectthat can convince anyone once that is ready, i can introducea person who can influence ksda

it is no one else, ourcompany's boss this is an agreement which is madeat the acp's office between us again on this, i'll not come tobe a liability or a burden you got surprised whenseeing all of a sudden is it? salomi has toldeverything about jomon even the agreementwhich is made between you i have not told salomithat i know jomon that is for this suspense jomon and kcdachairman's daughter -

- was there in college as my junior does jomon remember me? sir, i don't remember that on the college day, youcame as dressed up as lalettan i won't forget that day during that times performance, ithought jo will become a big star that was all jokes of that age, sir what is the project?what is jomon's idea? no need sircome on sit man

i've prepared a video it'll be good if i could play that one what more to discuss on a projectthat got cancelled two times - - simply it's a waste of time i'll call later ls everything ready? - what? what happened?- i wish to start because of tension the eyesare full, i can't see anything if you can't see anything here,then in life it'll be always in darkness

i've a small request for some time can youswitch off mobile phone mobile phones haveinfluenced us in such a way - - we can't put it down for a minute isn't it? now a days it is verycommon a person having - - at least 2 gadgets sorry, you might think what is itssignificance of that in my presentation we all used to chargeour mobiles for 3 hours but have anyone of usthought what will be the amount -

- of electricity needed for that? mobile phones averagetariff is like this no need to mentionabout other appliances more over our state doesn't produceenough electricity for the requirement doesn't think of alternativeenergy sources at all high usage and alongwith that power cut "windmill that keeps on moving" regarding the wide potentialof project that i was sure - - my effort was to impartthe same to you also

if that effort has succeeded thebenefit of that is not for me that is for the future generation her complaint was weall have crushed him anyway has signed and given atleast now is my daughter convinced? that is not here, give it there sir, jomon is starting that projecthe'll finish this project well the entire departmentis with him, no? foreigners go back! done with this police

won't allow to do a strike, still verymuch recollects beatings of last strike do we have to go ahead?no need is it? now we'll shift to the ground "don't play, you better leave, leave" ...that belongs to uswe've done it with great hardships you don't say abouthardships, this has fallen down twice from now on thislocation is under singh don't sleep, tomorrow is inauguration move back

move i saymove man yes, i've reached those fellows, who were in nightduty, those idiots, i've suspended them take the carstop here move, move my god, this is like a thunder bolt! move back, can't youall understand on saying? move off move to the back

get down misterwhat is this? one after the another has reached sir, have tried to maximumbut not saying what's the demand very long back he was againstthis project on the forefront but no one took that opposition don't allow this to die,then i'll have to resign didn't you inform fire force? - yessir will reach soon - give it here tell what your demand is? this project can be stopped, it's amatter of discussion over the table, no?

suicide is never asolution for anything sir, sir whatever it is we mustgo ahead with this project he might be the one whosabotaged this project we are ready for any compromise all this time was talking to you, no?then why can't you come down want to come, but the headis spinning can't see the eyes come heredidn't you bring tower ladder? the time is up tomodernise fire force don't worry you hold my hand

now person is brought down and heis frisked by police, that is what we see to all my independence wishes hold like that sirwill beat you all of you dispersewhat is there to see? sir, we couldn't take a selfie make him lie down there - my mother!what was your plan? did you give the quotationto turn over wind mill? sir, can't you see that i don't havestrength for all that on seeing this body? tell the truth, i'll make youpuke the mother's breast milk

it is very long carrying onwith this love for environment, sir no respect in the native place,there is neither any at home now kids also started asking is there anyphoto of father to put it in facebook? today there is will be lot of snapsposted, now kids are also happy sirs, i've not intentionto sabotage this one for own fame, readyto do any nonsense luko, we must switch on ourwindmill at the exact time okay i've got nothing special to say but one word to thosewho criticised and ridiculed

without investing a singlepenny, kcda reopens this project until and unless it is proven that it isfully successful, only then we give fund that is the reason why weare avoiding an inauguration there is no point in dependingonly on cops at night we should be on watch that i'll handle, will sleep under it that pillar will be a companyfor me, must arrange a bed why are you getting so worried? everything is fine, no?as long as enemy is hidden

rose, there won't beany peace of mind from now on you don't haveto worry about that enemy he won't come againrose, what did you mean? thinking that you shouldn't get anyharm, intentionally i've put a gap i don't know whether you noticed ornot, because of that, there was a benefit i came to know the personwho tried to destroy your project the person who helpedyou, was your enemy why is it that bad? almost, you should havespared that lalettan

then did you see this?someone has send this she is the messenger, sheis not saying on asking who it is needs the reply, on knowing theperson, i myself could have given reply who is he girl?tell who has given it? who is he? my god! as an introvert, at thattime i couldn't bear it because of sadness and shame,i didn't come to that college again after years when i came back to thiscochin with a sound background

while wishing to marry rose many things which were tried toforget, recollecting it once again even at that time jo was with her as a hurdle for me that relationship lead me tomisunderstanding and it provoked me sir you just give that money, i'llhandle turning over of windmill machine isn't it safe?why not? this is all silly matters now i feel guilty after understandingwhat your friendship was -

- later i joined thisproject to complete this my mind didn't find peace of mind i didn't have the guts toopenly say that to jomon - - that's why i delegated that to rose this frankness prompted me toaccept when willi's proposal came i was under the fear that thisfreedom and friendship - - will go after marriage that is gone i've decided to marry willi

the person who mademe busted! on realising it - - being forced tolove and congratulate! sir, really made me busted! for giving this experience to me the confidence to liveby doing any job in life sir, that trust isn't that everything? from now on don't call me sirduring at college after doing all this - - you were able to pardon me, is it? don't think no one knew, such aperson has come inside your mind

he'll fly like a kite, i'm sureits thread is safe in your hands not yet done with tensionno? worry not? within a week, i'll nabguy behind this be bold whatever that happens is for good mother, we've started okay then for me brideshould be from native place if not attended thecollege that is the best mother hang it -will there bea bottle to take? - shut up man!

what is your real name?divakaran tell the truth, fellowtruly divakaran - no, not at all you are very familiar, do youhave a passport? - no sir, lost it what else do you have? do you have pan card?i don't eat pan as an id proof doyou have aadar card? ls that required now?that can be required at any time a face which is seenand forgotten some where totally you are notcorrect, aren't you ramji rao?

won't allow to live, is it? "...windmill, if it's notworking, get the hell with it"

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