
watch paper towns full movie

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

john: good morning, hank, so here's how thepaper towns tour went. i said goodbye to my beloved vacation hammock and also my belovedfamily, and then drove across michigan to lansing, blasting the mountain goats the wholeway. stopped only once on the drive, peemergency, then i was in the airport, and then on a plane,and then i was driving through new york city watching the sun set behind the skyline. my hotel room was fancy, but i couldn't sleep,so i woke up groggy, ironed clothes, brushed teeth, got dressed, and met up with my friendand publicist elyse marshall, and then headed over to the youtube space to meet nat. nat: john!

john: we collabed with the gregory brothers,and then did an interview with the young turks, where one of the interviewers was wearinga pink shirt with a green dragon breathing orange fire, like young margo does in papertowns, and my life felt weird. paper towns is about the challenge of understandingthat other people are as complex as you are, which is very hard for anyone, but especiallyfor anyone living inside this weird publicity machine, because it does ultimately sort ofcommodify everyone it touches, and i was thinking about that as i saw two-dimensional imagesof my friends, or possibly my characters, plastered all over new york city. anyway, got some lunch for my publisher, juliestrauss-gabel, who has on her wall the first

map ever made containing agloe, ny, and wetalked about how much she liked the movie, and then i had to go to burbury to get a suitfor next week's premiere and on the way, i confessed to elyse that i was a little bittired, and she pointed out that technically, the tour had not yet begun. flew to indianapolis and drove through myhometown before experiencing the unspeakable luxury of sleeping in my own bed. the nextmorning, i discovered a trove of clean pants, which never happens even at the fanciest hotels.then i met up with halston sage and nat and we did interviews and interviews and interviews,before heading over to the murat theater. i signed books for a while in a suit thati only now realize was quite wrinkly, and

then there were more interviews and more interviewsand then, once i was good and sweaty, i got my picture taken with nat and halston. thenthe show started. nat and his brother alex played some songs together, and i love boththose guys so much, and i love watching them play music together, because it reminds meof my own relationship with my brother, except for the part about how hank refuses to letme into his band, simply because i cannot sing or play any instruments. then i wentout on stage with our great host, akilah hughes, and i felt this immense wave of energy andthen the mayor of indianapolis came out and declared july 14th, 2015 to be john greenday, which, you know, very weird, and afterwards, i got to meet anthony and jack from the indianapoliscolts, and then everyone was feeling pretty

good and we flew to columbus, and i got tohave a drink with akilah, and then i went to bed. i'm not sure why i videotaped every bed ontour. i think i was just excited about the prospect of sleeping. woke up a couple hours later just a smidgetired, but the car taking me to interviews had ice cold coke zero in it, so that wasnice. met up with cara and cara tried to adopt this mongoose-like thing named sherman, andthen we did a tv interview where cara reluctantly beatboxed, and i was told that the anchorsreally liked my book, no fault in these stars. then we did some more interviews and thenback at the hotel, i signed some books, and

then went to the theater, where we got tosign for fans for a while, and then there were interviews and interviews and interviewsuntil i was good and sweaty, which meant it was time to be photographed. the crowd incolumbus was amazing and asked great questions and i kept thinking about how long ago mycollege days in ohio felt, but before i could get properly nostalgic, we were yanked awayto the airport on a flight to dallas. the next morning, i got dressed, brushed myteeth, and found nat and halston atop a balcony. god, i love those guys. then i got my makeupdone, and then interviews and interviews and interviews. went to my room to sign some morebooks and then headed over to the theater where dallas was hot. now, i didn't have athermometer with me, but i think it was in

the neighborhood of 15.7 million degrees kelvin.fortunately, because she is a good friend, elyse was kind enough not to videotape megetting photographed while my face melted from the heat, but then, after just two changesof shirts, i was able to meet our hosts, gabby and allison from just between us, and thenlistened to saint motel, and finally meet the amazing crowd in dallas who were justawesome, and then suddenly, it was over, and we were on a plane to la. hank, the paper towns movie is out in mostof the world now, and i'm so grateful to everyone who has watched it and shared their responsesvia nerdfighteria's #wallofcow. it's been a long and difficult two months for me. i'vemissed my family a lot and i'm so glad to

be home with them now, but what an adventurethat week was, and like the best adventures, it brought me closer to people i love, sothanks to all of them, and to everyone who made the movie. hank, thank you for a greatvidcon, i am now going to sleep until friday, i will see you then.

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