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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

where is jai, man? he is on the way. save me! please! no... no... no... no... do you know who i am? son of rich parents.a spoilt brat. rahul. he knows me. in spite of knowing... when a girl from ourcountry pleads for help... a foreign land at night... ...we should at leasttry to help her, dude. what? will you beat me? problems will increase because of it.they won't solve it. we will find a solutionif we discuss for some time. you! don't know how muchmoney you gave them. they seem to take any risk. this guy will be hit first.

i will hit him onceand he will fly in air and... ...fall down within five seconds. this guy will get excitedafter watching it. he will raise his handand the chain in his hand... one kick is sufficientfor him to fly... will the guy standing behindyou remain silent after all this? he has got good musclesbut he doesn't know that... ...brain is more important than brawn. i will hit him once...

it will be something. and then everyoneautomatically decides... ...psychologically to come forward... they will come one after another. you are thinkingthat he is just talking. watch the cut outand believe it, dude! but in order to do like thisi should kill the person inside me. if possible let us love, dude. what is there to lose?

at the most,the person might love you in return. hey, rahul! - what is it, man? come on, man. tell me. what did he say? love all. - bullshit! thanks a lot. i am manasa. hi. jai. i am afraid to thinkwhat would have happened...

...if you were not there... forget it.are you from hyderabad? no. iruguvaram near macherla. palnadu. yes. anyway forget the past and move ahead. good night. keep smiling. it has been once weeksince you met that guy.

will you still live inflashback thinking of him? you know about boys... had he forgotten you ifhe too was disturbed like you? he would have chased and harassed you. just forget him. is it him? what are you doing here? is this your street? that day at night...

it was night and idon't remember it well. you said thanks... your name is... your name... manasa. manasa. right. what a coincidence? my bike broke downand stopped exactly... front of your house. funny. right? really funny.

one sec, dude. so what is up? too funny. bike too has started. strange. he too got disturbed. hi, girls. jai. if possible then love him.what is there to lose? blah! blah! blah! you told them about me, isn't it?

that's really cool. coffee? hey, drink coffee and come to college. come on, girls. see... bike too is ready. some other time. it is okay. hey, isn't it jai? hi!- hi, girls!

coffee is a silly thing.i am so silly. wine and dinner tonight? sorry, jai. i need to buy groceries.clean the room. some other time. no time, baby. hey, sushma! didn't i tellyou to keep theses flowers there? how many times should i tell you? manasa, why are you so late? everyone is waiting for you.come! come! come! the entire house is cleaned.your room too is cleaned.

go and freshen up soon. i have bought yourfavourite chinese food. let us have dinner. sorry, manu. he has made your flat look beautiful. he gave it a macho touch. how will i not give small information? yes. you like chinese like white colour puppies. you like llayaraja's like watching sky and stars.

i swear! you don'tknow anything beyond that. get ready, manasa. i am very hungry. food will become cold. that's not funny, girls. goodnight. bye. bye. what is your program for tomorrow? if you want to join, you can join. actually i... - yes. yes.some other time... some other time... anyway, i will passby your house before going.

if you want to come, you can come. morning seven. bye. bye. "all the boys and the girls.come on to the floor." "let's party in indian style." "so put up your smile." "hit it!" "are you ready?" "oh, baby. open the window." "life welcomes everyone."

"let us right now. oh, dear. "let us party. party right now." "let us live... let us live..." " there is no tomorrow." "let's sing. let's dance." "like you don't knowthe meaning of sorrow." "life has trusted up to its expectations." "come on. everybody say yes." "oh, baby. open the window"

"life is like thestyle found in jeans." "it can be enjoyed in many ways." "it is like the flavor of champagne." "it should be filled with enthusiasm." "there are many ways to live it." "we have to guts to fly in the air." "there are many colours to it." "kiss me in the open sky." "with the speed of youth,and with the joy of living..."

"you cannot find thetrue meaning of life even in... ...oxford dictionary." "mix the happiness withthe oxygen found outside." "continue the celebrations..." "go with the wind..." "sky is the limit for us." "nothing can stop us..." "life can do nothing unlessyou initiate something." "you have to know it."

"so put up your smile.". had fun? no, jai. it is the best time. jai, it will be good ifentire life is spent like this. it depends on us, manasa. our life is in our hands. my life can never become like that. my family... my village...the people are different, jai.

they know only tokill and seek revenge. they don't know to loveand live life like you. i tried hard and could cometill here after studying in america. i should go back to thathell after completing my studies. but after watching you,i wish to live like you... i wish to be with youand remain happy all my life. manasa, what is wrongin living happily? i will stay happy aslong as i stay here with you. but i cannot take thishappiness with me to my village.

hence forth let melive my previous life. please don't meet me again. don't ever see me again. everyone is going abroad for studies. what is it with you?why did you come to india from abroad? for a girl, sir. be careful with him.he is doing this since ten years. students who joined withhim have become lecturers. this will be the resultif you interfere...

...with our brother poorna. yuck! where did this fellow come from? he is giving us nightmares. if this continues thenwe will become fools. we should break his bones... we should make him fear us. "brother, you have become very great!" "oh, brother.". don't think of anybody. finish him!

don't think of me at all. who are you?- i will thrash him! dude! dude! dude! leave poorna to me. i will handle him. hey! i have come preparedto break their knees. you don't trouble me. i have understood your tempo. wait. toss the coin... toss... whoever wins the tosswill get to beat poorna.

what is your toss nuisance in between? you move aside. i will thrash them! fatty dude! you are getting excited. okay. let us do something. let us both fight.whoever wins will get to fight poorna. though i am not emotional like you... ...i think i can handle him better. emotional or crap?everything is over action. what is there that you don't know?

you are in good form. you are the right personto handle this matter. greetings, brother.bye. this rascal is good for nothing.item guy! dudes!- brother. hope you don't chaseme tomorrow after sparing him. stop it, brother.tomorrow we have an entrance exam. we have to study. hey, carry that rascal.

we will thrash him firstafter going to the room. thanks, boss.last night i was fully drunk. had you not come on timethen they would have thrashed us. how do they know?they have boozed drunk than you. well, come you stay relax forgetting... ...there will be a counterattack after you attack someone. boys, at least you should be alert. we are with him only to booze. shut up.

we have found the guyswho tried to attack brother. we will thrash them. you will spoil his namewith such useless ideas. they will live in fearthinking when poorna... going to attack us. they should fear you thinking poorna... ...might attack them anytime. how come they attack you in return? you should try something new, dude.

have you joined recently? yes. i still didn'tget admission in the hostel. okay. come to my room. come. close the doors.don't open them for anyone. where is she? our house is so big. why isshe cutting her nails sitting here? go inside! my goodness! they have come. go!

go! go! what, veerapratap?are you going to office? yes.- he is my friend jai. hi.- my owner veerapratap. hi, sir.- not veerapratap. it is only pratap. earlier i was veerapratap. after their coming,i have removed veera. watch there.i have removed it from name plate too. okay. stop your nuisanceand come upstairs with tea.

tea? i am going to bank. brother-in-law,i will give tea. you go. what, dear? you will give tea. you will give coffee. you will give food. they will not eat. they will eat only if i give go inside. go inside.

go! go inside! we will sleep in the sleep in the hall. we booze and sleep anywhere.why do we need bedroom? he will sleep in sleep anywhere. have tea. thanks, sir. remove your leg, sir. i will keep tea. he has come with luggage.

extra rent 5000 and meals 2000. why extra?are we not staying in the same room? if a flight is going emptyand if you wish to travel in it... ...then you will becharged for seat, right? this is also the same. hey, pratap.- sir. tomorrow is his birthday.bring one lakh rupees from bank. we will have party.- okay, sir. thank you. happy birthday, boy.

will you stay here only? happy birthday, poorna. go away! you! sorry. he pushed me. it is okay.- thank you. is it fine if we fall over them? go away! - oh! hi. - hi. i will see.

go away! what is this?there are beating me here too. sir, you are the house owner?why are you afraid of him? what should i tell you, boy? i was like that in the beginning. that has brought me to this condition. hey, poori! what is this? cigarette stub.

how did it come here? i have smoked it in themorning and then threw it here. you threw it here aftersmoking it in the morning. whose house is this? sbi manager veerapratap's house. do you know veerapratap?do you know him? hey, if i see cigarettestub here again then... ...veerapratap's valourwill come out and... will be thrown out of the house.

did i leave it there? no. beer bottle. beer bottle? oh,i thought milk bottle meant for kids. hey! you! i will stab you. go upstairs. did you say all that? yes, my dear. yes. will bachelors drinklemon juice instead of beer? they are paying rent every month.

what have you go to do?why can't you keep quiet? i didn't stop there.i went ahead. watch again. hey. wait!wait! wait! what is the time? 11.30.- how easily you say 11.30? is this lodging so thatyou can come and leave any time? okay. do something. my wife and sister-in-law are go. i will sit here. useless fellow! hey, listen!why are you leaving when i am talking?

what is it? why are you not listeningto me when i am talking to you? what is the time?who do you think i am? veerapratap. sbi bank manager.why don't you reply? that's it, boy. he started off. i gave up. by the way,what have i got to do with him? will everyone come home at 5pm and... ...take bath and watch news at 7pm? it is his time and his wish. hewill come whenever he wishes to come.

why should i interfere in between? i cannot tolerate this anymore. take it easy, sir. i will tackle him. don't know what you will do. love with birthday boy? do you want to dance with him? get ready. i thought everyone willcome to wish you on your birthday. but nobody is coming near you.

everyone fears our brother. dude, everyone shouldcome to you on your birthday. they shouldn't stayaway from you like this. anyway, why are you alwaysinterested in gangs and fights? don't you have anything else to do? what else is more interestingthan gangs and fights at this age. girls. try them. they are magic. shall we dance?

sure, my lady. let us dance. come on. come on. enjoy! dance. yes, man. "love all! love all! love all!". brother, yesterdayi mixed brandy an vodka... is it?- superb! chicken too was superb. hi, guys!

hi, mads. hey, you are looking beautiful. let's go for coffee.- coffee? coffee?!- yes, sure. please. he is saying beautiful.he is saying coffee. i think we should find another guy. well, mr. pratap.- oh! last month's rent is due.

what is it my boy? if you are angrythen abuse me or hit me. old poorna and presentpoorna is different. take it, sir. how good it would have beenif you had changed when i was here? what happened?- nothing has happened. i got transferred. to where?- palnadu area. near macherla. iragavaram.

oh, my village. your village? by the way, where are you staying? it is... our bank has quarters.i will stay there. how can you stay in bank quarters? youshould stay in my house. that's it. what is the need for it? no need.- you wait! wait. no, boy.- mother... do you think i willstay in quarters? never. what is the need for me to stay?i will stay in his house.

i have spent one and halflakhs for getting transferred. my name is not veerapratapif i don't collect... ...three lakhs in return. you are staying in my house.that's it. okay, boy. why will i stay at a different place... ...when you have convincedyour mother so much? i will definitely stay in your house.very good. everything will be alright.just take care.

come out! come! hey! bring him! brother! come! move! move! brother,watch without blinking your eyes. i will kill deva's men. leave me! this heart will remain likethis until i kill the people...

...who made you likethis and killed your son. one month holidays. what about you? will you go to italy? what will i do in italy for one month? i will go to places like mogulturu,nellore, eluru... ...guntur and tanguturu. then come to my village. he is ready to leave in no time. there is something.

"chilli! chilli! chilli!chilli! chilli! boy like chilli!" "chilli! chilli! chilli! chilli!" "he twirled his moustachelike a man and jumped inside." "chilli!chilli! chilli! chilli! chilli!" "his looks are charming.his style is rocking" "well, now the real story has begun." "he is sweeping everyone off their feet." "don't know where he is going." " "he will fill the heartsof enemies with fear.

"he will create chaos all around." "i can at least saythis much by watching him." "chilli! chilli! chilli! chilli!". hey, ramu. carry the luggage. okay, sir. dude, it seems they havecut a goat or hen for you arrival. how are you, father? situation is not good.don't come and go alone. okay, father.

my friend jai. nice to meet you, sir. he lives in foreign. let us go inside. hi, mother. hey, son.did you remember your house now? why are you behindstudies all the time? he is my friend jai. hi, aunt.

it has been long time sincei saw a complete telugu culture. take him to the room. i will call you whenthe food is ready. okay, mother. what, aunt? how are you? are you coming now?- yes. my aunt. aunt?- yes. this is injustice. you shouldincrease your age little bit.

otherwise it will be difficult. my uncle. hello, sir. manasa? when did you come? i came one week back. what is this dress and style? my sister elder uncle's daughter. hi. what's up?

he is the reason behind my change? uncle, he is my friend jai. this is a village. behave like them. sorry, dude. come here. be careful with myfather and brother. okay? jai. i felt very sad thinkingyou went far away from me. but i didn't think thatyou will come so close to me.

manasa, every personhas only one life. i don't believe there is another life. it is not correct if wedon't stay happy in this life. i want to see you happy. you look good when you are happy. it is not easy to change this house.not as easy as you changed my brother. they are human beings, right? manasa, human beings change.let us try. they have laid a trap andkidnapped them before killing.

henceforth i shou id knoweach and every move of uma. i should sacrifice his headto goddess poleramma this time! greetings. good evening, sir. what, pratapam?what are you doing till night? not pratapam, sir. it is pratap. i had some urgent work in bank.therefore i got late. anyways thanks for your affection. not affection.if the neighbouring villagers...

...know that you belong to this family,they will chase and kill you. nice, relationships, sir. greetings, madam. go and change your clothes.after that come and eat food. my goodness. okay. bye. dude, you should findthe right time and... ...tell my love matter to my family. you fell in love just now.

enjoy few days, dude. okay. greetings, boy. sir! how are you? it seems you have settledwell in the house. i have settled down very well. veerapratap likedour house very much and... ...said he will stay here for one year. carry on, sir. why do you worry?

one minute. hi, darling. darling? i had some work... hello, mr. pratap. how is it here? how is it? it is like getting transferredto hell after paying one lakh. what is it, sir?- what do you ask like that? village should wakeup to cock-a-doodle-doo. every house in the villagefollows some tradition.

villages have a pleasant ambience. there isn't anything like that here.- there is nothing. instead of that, i get to hear wordslike killing revenge and burying. i am missing my home.i cannot stay here. homesick. why are you staying here, sir?why don't you go? i tried that too. once i didn't like thisplace and went to bank quarters. they held my collar and beat me.

finally they brought me here. i asked the reason for beating me. they said it is love.hell with their love. greetings, sir.- greetings, sir. what is it? sir, she is my daughter. padma. she stood first in districtin intermediate exams. she says she wants to study further. i went to the newlybuilt engineering college.

they are asking for fees. if you can have a word with them... didn't i tell younot to get her educated? you will not listen to me. is it wrong to work like you? first think about your you will get her educated. and in future you have to searchfor a suitable marriage proposal. enough of your education. come to work with yourmother from tomorrow.

go! everyone is strange in your house. will not they talkwith love and affection? what are you watching? go! do you wish to changethem like you did to me? girl is the reason for mygiving up on fights and hooliganism. but they don't have any reason. life is beautiful, dude. why did fatima come?

brother, maybe she is need of money. why did you come? how are you? in spite of saying no, myhusband trusted you and your family. he got involved in fights. he lost his life in it. i didn't come to askfor help because he died. i have got only one son.he is barely 16 years old. he too joined you and hesays he will kill the people... ...who killed his father.

sir, he doesn't care for my words. at least you tell himto leave all this and send him. he is a man. a man is born to a man. he will stay here only. you go. what if he too dies? if my work is to giveyou men to work under you... ...then i don't have anyman to have children with. he will work here only! he will kill his father's killers!

if the wife of a personworking under me interferes... ...then i will not spare her too. i will hang them to death. go! poorna! poorna! where is your brother? he is somewhere aroundtalking over the phone. i am observing him since his arrival. he is talking overthe phone continuously. where is brother jai?

i thought only men beat women here. will women too beat men? not just beating. i should kill. what brother jai? did i say brother? doesn't brother'sfriend become brother? is it written in constitution? why will they write in constitution? generally everyone feels so.that's why i too felt so. why to discuss constitution now?

if it is like thisthen forget that girl... will never becomebrother to any girl in this state. we cannot live in this house. women are beating men.yuck! yuck! yuck! don't know what medicineyou gave him and changed him. you better changeeveryone in this house. it is not so easy, sir. i have thrown yoursister-in-law as bait to him. not possible to do it with...

threw her as bait?is she a fish to use her like that? it is not that, sir.he and your sister-in-law are in love. my sister-in-law and this guy in love?- yes, sir. oh! how well you are enjoying?hell with it! i hope they don't killme if they find out... ...that he loves mysister-in-law. really? sir, i am there. i am living here bypinning all my hopes on you. homesick. homesick.

madam! madam! fatima consumedpesticide in the fields. she is lying in hospital. i told her many times togive up her hopes on her son. she didn't listen to me. her fate. let us go to hospital. come. brother,i too will come this time when... go to kill the peoplefrom neighbouring village. be careful. they will fall down.

bring them here. where? he will not come. his mother consumedpesticide and is in hospital. brother, nothing happenedto my mother, right? she is alive, isn't? tell her that you will livefor her and not for your dead father. she will stay alive. mother!

mother! will youdie leaving me behind? no, mother.henceforth, i will listen to you. i will not go to them and their house. believe me, mother. brother, at least you tell her, tell her that i willstay with my mother and study. mother, henceforthhe will listen to you. go to some place and gethim educated and live happily. no, son.

i am not doing this favour. the head of that familytold me to give you. mother... darling, it has beenmany days since i saw you. i am longing to see you. nothing, son. there isonly one cell phone in my house. i am feeling homesickand i want to speak to my wife. but the phone is busy since two days. by the way, what is hetalking with my sister-in-law?

sir, he is in love. let him talk. you go and ask for the phone.he will give it. - okay. nothing, son. homesick. i wish to become thepillow in your hands... ...and hug you tightly. what?one minute, darling. it has been many dayssince i spoke to my wife. i am feeling homesick. can i talk once?

brother is askinghow are you both doing. what is wrong with him?he is excellent. they are fine she you want anything else? okay. i told him as you said. you told them that i am fine, right. brother too says he is fine. i told her. okay. so there is no need for me to talk,isn't it? okay. okay.

sir! what? sir, i thought this housedoesn't care for others. but i never thought theywill understand others feelings too. my husband died becauseof this family and... ...therefore i neverwanted you to prosper. but i was wrong. by looking at the supportgiven by your family... ...i feel that youshould live a long life.

sir, you have helpedme to provide him a good life. i will make him a goodhuman being and bring him to you. this life belongs to you. sir, wherever we might go,we will remember you... ...and your favours. i thought of livingfor my deceased father. but what if my motherwho is alive dies. then what is the useof this life, brother. for the first time i haveheard someone talking good...

...about this family. i know you are the reason behind it. why did you tell our namewhen you have helped them? sir, they are your people. they are living by trusting you. sir, if a strangerlike me helps them then... ...they will not care for it. but if you do the samething then people think... ...that the family theytrusted had stood by them.

sir, do you know whythe villagers come to you... ...whenever they face any problem? it is not because this family is rich. it is because they think thereis an elder person in this family. sir, power doesn'tmean to control people. it is the happiness of helping people. sir, it is not our greatnessif there are people who are... ...willing to giveup their lives for us. our greatness liesin saving the people...

...who are ready togive up their lives for us. hi, jai. jai, today i am very happy.everything is new. i will ask you something openly. tell me frankly. by the way,why did you come to my house? it is... it is... i have cometo see this village and its beauty. okay. i will show you the it there. beauty. i think this is the firsttime you came to a village.

wow! superb location. how nice it will be if you... ...could watch this beautywithout blinking your eyes. watch here.look how beautifu i it looks. those fields. those fields...i thought something else... look at the area in between. how beautiful it looksas if it is sculptured. i am talking about that area.

yes. perfect. perfect. look here...look how beautifui and pleasing it is. it will look more beautifulif we do something to it. i mean it will be betterif we irrigate the land. irrigate... land... if you could watch withinterest and patience... ...then there is more beauty. you will watch, right? sir...

sit inside. why will it not be outstandingif you do a follow up? i will see to it, sir. why did you come here, sir? had you informed me theni wou id have come on my own. she is our girl. i told her many times not to study. she didn't listen to me.she stood first in the district. she will do well in her lifeif she studies in your college.

you too will get good name. sir, all the free seats are filled.only payment seats are left. money? not that i cannot pay. if i pay then only i will become good. but you too should become good.give her seat... sir, if i keep giving likethis then i cannot run my business. are you doing business with education? open a liquor shop. it will be good. she will come tocollege from tomorrow.

many villagers will show interestin studies after seeing her. i shouldn't come here for them. look, you should studywell and become like him. i have brought a marriageproposal for manasa. the boy is from jammalamadugu. boy's family is comingtomorrow to see her. what marriage? are you mad? anybody will feel happy for marriage.

why are you creating nuisance? whom did you ask before fixing it? i will not even see his face. you should have toldme something about it. i too don't know. your uncle has broughtthis proposal all of a sudden. my uncle has broughta marriage proposal for me. i know. what is it, jai? do something.

boy's family is coming to see you.not to marry you. just pass your timewith it for one day. i will take care of it later. cool. hello.- come. sit down. my uncle. your to-be father-in-law. must have heard my name. i killed six peoplealone in jammalamadugu. hey, pratapam. where are you going?

sir, it is not pratapam. it is pratap. i am going to bank. there is a functionin our house. come. he is veerasimhudu.he has come to see my daughter. greetings, sir.why did you come with friends? why didn't you bring your parents? if the entire family comes outtogether then enemy will attack us. that's why we don't go out together. oh! nice scheme.

is the girl still getting ready? it is enough. tell her to come. if i stay for long at oneplace then it is dangerous to me. i like the girl. what is the name? name too is name is veerasimhudu. will you give coffeeor something with your hands? he is asking for coffee. give it. i am able to see the pride of palnadu.i like you again. what did you study?did you at least pass 10th standard?

i studied ms in foreign. so you didn't pass even 10th standard? which place are you coming from?- jammalamadugu. how many sumos have you brought? two. oh. what are your travelling expenses? it is 10,000. food expenses willbe around 5,000, right?

altogether it is 15,000. i like the to parents and fix the marriage. 15,000 for coming here and15,000 for going back are wasted. he liked me? yuck! does that rascal have a choice too? mother, how did youthink of him as groom? dear, i convinced everyonewhen you wanted to study. but i don't have the rightto find a boy of your choice. boy is good, isn't?

he is tall. thick moustache. if he is good then you marry him. madam, it will not lookgood if she marries at this age. hello. hello. hello.hello. did you like the boy? at least you tell her.what is wrong with that boy? he is perfect.only his name is not good. name?

what is veerasimhudu? wild name. sambashivudu or sadashivuduwould have been good. according to his name,he travels in sumo and... ...wears white clothes. also glares. okay. no problem. we will agree. but watching the people around him... ...i think the boy's enemiesare following him badly. since the boy is bachelor now,he will be surrounded... those goons all the time.

after marriage, she will be with him. what if enemies attackhim after finding a right time? what will be the situation? he will die. it is okay if he is okay if he dies. we will cry for a week andforget thinking it is her fate. but it will be a problemif he stays alive after... ...losing his hands and legs. your daughter too shouldserve him all her life... making him sit in a chair. except this there isnothing wrong with that boy. nothing wrong. nothing. next month is auspicious.priest has told us. i don't like manasa marrying that boy. she is educated.she cannot live with such boy. it is fine even if theboy is uneducated and a famer. but no need of a boy whogoes around surrounded by goons. she is your daughter.

i will not agree with theproposal that you don't like. we will find a good match. what is happening here?do you know that girl before? don't tell anyone.i know her from abroad. did you come for the girl? something like that... did you befriend her brotherand come to this house... ...for the girl? sir, you got it well.

you are using everyone very nicely. you are not sparing anyone. you are not sparingeven the person who is lame. wow! you are using everyone well. if you want then use me too. i have already used you. he is using you.he is using everyone nicely. you are unable tounderstand it. fools. "he is a handsomeguy and six feet tall."

"he turned me crazy." "by looking into my eyes,he intoxicated me." "hello, senorita. hello, senorita." "you are my horlicks and bournvita." "i am margareta. i am margareta." "you are yet to see my beauty." "your beauty is hiddeninside your eyes." "your charm lies in your heart." "i will turn your crazy, dear."

"barbie girl! baby doll!" "my heart is beating fast." "don't touch me so hard." "don't kiss me sweetly.please don't do that." "don't hurt my lips." "your body is mesmerising." "you are an epitome of beauty." "girl looks yummy like a chocolate." "taste it, dear."

"i will help youlose your inhibitions." "i will help youdiscover more beauty." "i will make your realizeyour true beauty." "i will jump like a storm." "don't know whetheryou hijack or kidnap me." "show me your speed in air." "you will faint aftermy watching my romance." "my heart is beating fast.". brother, tyre is punctured.

hey, fix it. okay, brother. greetings, brother.- are you going to the village? yes, brother. they are coming! go! you are finished! he is saved! rascal! i went to city for hair cut. just miss, dude.

what will happen if you get caught? so the next attack is ours. nobody will stay alive from them. i have an idea. they will be alert allthe time thinking that... will attack them any time. so what if we don't attackthem for 50, 60 years. they will live in fear, right? how is the idea? it is superb, right?

this... will it rotate all the time? it will stop only when we stop it. for food. even the motor in the fieldsis given rest at regular intervals. you are thrown insidethe kitchen and... ...are made to work round the year. i didn't like this at all. rest? you have seenthe members of this family. we have to cook in hugequantities to feed them.

so will you stay insidelike this all your life. you wake up and prepare breakfast. and then you think ofwhat to prepare for lunch. okay. you prepare good lunch. after lunch, you will discusswhether to prepare fritters... ...or something else for snacks. once it is over,you get ready to prepare dinner. next day you wake upand think the same again. what is this life?

if you go back tenyears and think then... will not find anythingother than vegetables... ...lemon rice and upma(south indian breakfast). what else can we do other than that? you have to lock thiskitchen for one month. your idea is to order foodfrom mastan's hotel, right? did you understand like that? let us go out for aweek on holiday and enjoy. holiday? superb!

outside? - why did youask as if it is to moon? son, we went to tirupatitemple when i was newly married. that's it. i went to 'prema pavuram'movie in 1990. that's it. my goodness!it will be like going abroad... ...if they go out of the district. mother, let us go. aunt! aunt! let us please go, aunt. please! please! please!

okay. okay. okay. okay, go and ask yourfather and uncle. go. mr. pratap, jai is takingall of us on a holiday for a week. you too can come. mad woman! you don't know.he is using all of you. you must be tired of sittinglike this for 20 years. sir, let us go and seethe outside world and enjoy. brother, they have plannedeverything discreetly... ...and then executed it.

they tried to kill us. rascals! uncle, everyone is bored ofstaying in the house all the time. uncle, let us go on a holiday. let us go, uncle. please. not outside! you will die! if anybody gets such mad thoughts... ...then i will kill everyone. didn't i tell you to go?

we should kill our enemies right now. we should kill them all! we are going to srisailam temple. younger brother will finishthe work after coming back. deva's family left for srisailam. his entire family should be dead. brother, the goonsfrom bihar have laid trap... three places on their way. don't show mercyon women and children.

you have to kill everyone! brother, they cannotescape from first place. you will hear their deathscreams in another ten minutes. start! nobody is lifting the call over there. what happened? brother, it seemstheir escaped from there. we have caught them. their lives will bedead in another two minutes.

what is happening? hey! hey! hey!are they caught? tell me that deva's family dead. tell me! my family is safe! what happened, brother? "he will not spare anyonewho touches his family." "he has come to rescue his men!" "he has come to rescue his men!".

didn't you say thathe is not in that family? brother, don't knowfrom where he has come. by god's grace we all are safe. no. it is his grace. nobody other than jaican save from those devils. brother, i suspect thathe is living somewhere... these surroundings for our sake. brother-in-law,i had never seen manasa... happy like this anytime before.

jai is the reasonbehind her happiness. if we want her to remainhappy like this forever... ...then we shou idget her married to jai. dear, there is happinessall around after jai's arrival. what if we get manasa married to him? yes, father. we cannot find a betterboy than jai for manasa. jai, i don't know who you are. i just said i am not happy,you came till here...

you made my life. i love you. i love you, jai. manasa, i wanted to see you happy. along with you, i wanted to seemany people living here to be happy. this family wants to killdeva from the neighbouring village. i am his son. manasa, the jai whomyou are seeing now... different fromthe jai of old days.

his character is different. his world is different. all the flowers shouid be spread. anita, it is dark over there.see to it. okay, madam. ashok.- yes, madam. check the arch at the entrance. madam, tulips flowershaven't come yet. okay. jai will bring them.- okay, madam.

how come you remain so irresponsible? should i stop the function for you? mother, roses and liliesare found everywhere. tulips are difficult to find. hey, don't tell these stories. anita, keep these tulips there.- okay, madam. hi, jai!- hi. hi.- hi, jai! - hi, girls. it has been many days since i saw you.

madam.- yes. watch the flies around jaggery. construction site is really good. jai, come here. i am afraid to bring youto these kinds of functions. mother, please leave my hand. i have to protect you like a girl. mother, i am not a kid. mother, bridegroom'sfather is over reacting.

keep quiet. i am safe. i don't haveanyone like him to do all this. 'i am safe. i don't haveanyone like him to do all this.' mother, are you okay? i have committed a mistake. i have committed a mistakeby not telling you that... have a father and he lives here. when you were two year old,your father and i were living... mumbai.

we all went to your father'svillage during a festival. till then the people fromthose two villages killed each other. that region turned into a hell. your grandfather was killedbrutally in front of us. sir, only one is caught by us. rest have escaped. sir, even if one is alivefrom that family then... will be dangerous for us. we can live only if we kill all men.

lift the sword, sir. it is my father who has died. why are you seeking revenge? we will kill themand they will kill us. what will remain in the end? it will turn into a graveyardwithout any trace of humans. they cannot think like us. we should change our thinking. sir, we are living bytrusting you and your family.

what if something happens to you? your wife and childrenare living by trusting you. henceforth if i come toknow that if you have attacked... ...any person from that villagethen the family that you love... nobody will stay alive. go. deva. shall we start? to our house? latha, how can we go byleaving everything like this?

these people behave like animals. the moment i leave this place theywill turn this place into graveyard. i will stay here and hold them back. i have to changethem into human beings. deva, i am too afraidof the same thing. these animals will hold onto you and... ...make you take u p the sword. don't you trust me? i don't trust the people around you.

i cannot leave this village and go. deva, i too cannot live here. deva, decide whetheryou want this village... ...or me and your child. sister-in-law says she wants to go. take her carefully. that day i left and wentfar away from him and the village. because if something happens to him... ...then i shouldn't get that news.

he has left me forthe sake of villagers. i am sad for it but i haven'tseen a good person than him. i want to see him once. we are getting you dressedup well every time... ...whenever a boy comes to see you. we don't understand whenyour marriage will take place. boy should be extremelylucky to get a girl like me. i say no to such things. days and traditions have changed.

otherwise if i was givena choice to find a boy... ...of my choice then lot ofboys would have come to marry me. few neighbouring villageshave come to know her mentality. some boys didn't come even to see her. that is not called is called intelligence. sister, play. you go out. go. i doubt whether she will marry or not. aunt, how can i live without marrying?

the thing is that i wantto marry a king like boy. hey.- what? do i look like a king?- you look like a thief. tell me the truth. from one angle you look like that. enough. one angle is enough. how is it possible from all angles? hey, why are you so relaxed? boy's family is coming tosee madam today. do you know that?

i know. it will take placein my house. she is my sister-in-law. nobody will come to see her. even if any boy comesthen he will not like her. finally they will thinkof getting her married to me. she might remain singlebut she will never marry you. i beg you, dear. behave well and see thatthis marriage proposal works out. mother, i haveunderstood your problem. i too will visit thetemple and pray for...

...this marriage proposal to succeed. what will happenif anybody watches me? they will kill me. leave it. you will becomemartyr for sacrificing... ...your life for thesake of sister-in-law. and then i will namemy children after you. oh! she is talking more. hey, do you remember whatyou shouid say to the boy's family? oh! you made me totell this to four boys.

we love each other.nobody can separate us. that's it, right?why do you worry for it, vennu? four marriage proposals didn'tbelieve that you and i are lovers. they came to our house. it was very difficultfor me to stop them. stop crying and stop that car. wait. how handsome he looks. let us go home. we will say okay. come on.

listen to me.we cannot find such a boy again. please... boss, are you going to deva's house? you are going to theirhouse to see this girl. but we both love each other. don't kill our lovewith your marriage proposal. if you go back from herethen you will save our love. are you going to deva's house? you are going to see that girl.

by the way, we should see the girlinside the house. what is it outside? they both love each other. if you go back thentheir love will succeed. they have come to say this. oh! no! well, the girl is is difficult to say no. but they are in love, boss. happy? who are you, son?

i am deva's son. sir. who? father. our jai. did you remember us now? didn't mother come? she had some work.therefore she couldn't come. vennu, why did he come to our house?

jai, your uncle. everyone is gathered at one place. do you think the matter is leaked? my goodness!they will thrash me. i will escape. hey! hey! where are you going? we have done everything together. we will go together.- what did we do? you have spoiled your chances ofmarriage. i was by your side. that's it. vennu, i will not come. vennu...

how are you all?- greetings. why are you watching like that?your elder brother-in-law. your elder uncle's son. didn't you sleep yet? i am not feeling sleepy. how is your mother?- she is fine. daily one peg. this is my company since 20 years. will you have?- no. no. no. no. i am fine.

so what are you doing? i am an architect. okay, is late. good night. bye. jai, will you sleep here? there could bemosquitoes in that room. it is okay. i will sleep upstairs. good night.- good night. you will fall. has someone given coffeeto brother-in-law or not...

oh! so you are giving coffeeto everyone in the morning. new clothes? no. torn clothes. why don't you buy me two silk saris? which one? you come, brother-in-law. is there any functionin the house today? happy birthday, jai. thanks. today is my birthday.i have forgotten.

is it your birthday today? since my childhood i have seencelebrating this day as a big festival. my son. greetings! "you have come like a festival." "you have given uslight and strength." "you have given us light." "you have given us strength." "you have given us support."

"you have given us shadow. "you stood by us." "sir, you are our are our joy." "you are everything to us." "good times have come.this is our good luck." "let us live like this forever." "we didn't sing lullabiesfor you in your children." "we didn't play with you." "you have grown big."

"this land and ourlives have found hope." "our lives should befilled with your love." "we want to see ourchildren happy like you." "your father and wehave missed you a lot." "you have come searchingfor us and stood by us." "you have given us shadow." "you have stood by us." "all these years wehad tears in our eyes." "we have seen the glow in your eyesthat is similar to your father's."

"don't know which god has sent you." "our lives have found a new hope." "we will remain indebtedto you all our lives." "you have stood by us.". should they give 1500acres of land to you? if you tell them oncethen it will be done. that's why we have come here. if you want then we willgive you your commission. do you know with whom you are talking?

do you know who has sent us? brother uma. if you do as he says then hewill not seek revenge and kill you. it is fine if revenge is given up. but not at the costof poor man's life. we will give them some money. some money? farmers don't know whatto do if you give them money, they know only farming.

you have come so far.drink butter milk and go. all these years you havemaintained a low profile. why are you showingarrogance suddenly? if we leave from herewith a negative reply... ...then the entirevillage will be destroyed what nonsense did you talk?- stop! i will kill you! you said what you wanted to you may leave. 600 families are livingby trusting one person.

how did you believethat you can threaten him... bringing six people? because of his good natureyou are leaving this village safely. forget the last 20 years. now his son has come. go and tell that his son has come! "palnadu has come tolife upon your arrival." "will not the enemy live in fear now?" "you are a ray of hope for us.".

for the last 20 yearsi didn't say anything... ...because of the respecti have towards your father. we have been waitingas who will come to... ...challenge themand teach them a lesson. i didn't think that youwill come back and make us proud. brother uma shouldn'tcome to know this. otherwise he will kill us. deva is not a cowardand useless person... we are thinking him to be like.

it seems he is ready to giveup his life or take others lives... ...if anybody harms that village. brother-in-law,you are brought up in a city. you must not have seen a village. are you enjoying everything? had mother too come thenit would have been a festival. there is only one optionif aunt has to come to uncle. your marriage. do you have anyone?- what?

i mean girlfriend. i had one in college.maybe now she got married. if that is your casethen i too have 10, 15 boys. sorry. i mean... 10 to 15 have chased me... don't you have any girl friend now? i heard that girls fromhyderabad are quite fast. are they so weak? well, did you set any conditionregarding girl friend?

i am tall so i wishmy girl friend to have... average height. if you are in first floor... ...and the girl is on groundfloor then how will it work. girl too should be on first floor.then only everything will match. did you understand? do you have something else? educated girl will be better. what better? will you eat education?

if both are educated thenthey will have ego problems. they will never get along well. it is sufficient if the girl could teachalphabets and cooking to children. use little bit. is there anything else? i think an orphan girlwill take good care of mother. it the girl is alonethen she will think that... too should be alone. if the girl is from a jointfamily then she knows family values...

...and will take goodcare of you and your mother. marriage is a one time opportunity. if given a chance thenthe girl should take good care... ...of the boy and his family. am i right? that's okay. your love story is fine. why don't you tell the familythat you and naalu love each other? what is the problem?- what? love with brother-in-law naalu?

it is okay that you said this to me. don't tell this in front of him. he will die of heart attackif he hears it. he is a dark soul. though he is my brother-in-lawby relationship... ...he has brought me up. foolish guy.- what? i don't want more is not good. deva doesn't care for anythingbecause of these people. let us see what he will do if everythingturns into ashes by morning.

hey! who is it? houses are set on fire! come! sir, we are living withoutsleep for the last 20 years because... ...i don't want the enmitybetween two families... spread between two villages. sir, though they are attackingmy family with swords... ...i am tolerating it withpain but i am not retaliating. sir, had our men notcome on time last night then... ...the entire village wouldhave turned into graveyard.

farmers have sold their crop. i think they must have got drunk and... ...set their own houses on fire. in fact there is an educatedboy in their family. he must have told themthat they will get insurance. they didn't think ofanything and went ahead. s.p. sir, don't believe themand call us for again for nothing. otherwise we wish to dothings that we never wanted to do. sorry, deva.i too know that they have done it.

but we cannot do anything. sir, even the risingsun gets tired and goes down... ...but i don't understandwhen they will get tired. i thought men from thisarea will retaliate with weapons... ...if they are attacked. i didn't think they are cowardsand will approach the police. this time only houses are set on fire. don't know where hewill go if the members... ...of the house too are set on fire.

are you a human being or animal? will you call me animal? leave them! listen to me! cool! cool i say! stop it! everybody cool! where, jai? it was...

forget the collar, i have cometo your village and held your neck. you need to make a sketchif you want to come to my village. i will come by just wearing a shirt. stop! where did you go? brother, he knows somepeople living nearby. we went to meet them. situation in the village is not good. there is some problem.

you have come to spendsome good time here. it is not good for youto stay here during this time. people from neighbouringvillage shouldn't even... ...know how you look. if something happens to youthen i will repent all my life. you leave, jai. i have pinned all myhopes on her since childhood. how can she go by leaving me? where is she going?

she is going to do job. isn't it? oh! will she get collector'sjob for her education? what is that he has and i don't? what is the difference betweenyou and me? - difference... difference... sit down. let us discuss. yes. yes. we should discuss. what is his height? he will be of my heightif he wears shoes. are you blind?

he is of your heighteven when he sits on chair. forget height. then colour? what is wrong with his colour? leave it! my colour too is good. yours? well, i am bit dark.okay. forget it. forget. next.- next... education.

hey! hey! hey!sit down. sit down. he doesn't have it, right?- yes. forget it.- next... hey! hey! hey! sit down. sit down. everyone is leaving. how will i get a jobwithout having any education? how is it possible?don't we know that? sit down. forget it!forget it! forget it! what is next?

what will remain ifeverything is forgotten? do something. go to thegirl and tell her everything. you will get the answer. he would come to makecompromise even when... ...people were attackedand killed from his village. a man from that family comes and... who is he? who has got that guts? his son.

deva's son. we should be careful, brother. if he comes here thenhe will not spare anyone. where does he live? he lives in hyderabad with his mother. he came to this village as a guest. that village is living in fear. if this man supports them then theentire village will turn against us. this man should die in hyderabad.

call us daily. hey! what is it with him? vennu, i want to tell you something. i am going out of town.what is it now? tell me fast. i don't understandfrom where i shouid start. it is... i grew up watchingyou since childhood. i always think of you. i don't know whether it isright or wrong to tell like this.

your personalityand beauty make me mad. whether anybody likes it or not... ...we both will make a good couple. i love you. i love you. i love... i love you, uncle. i thought you are just a are worse than that. i will kill you. you just want to escape to hyderabad. otherwise who will giveyou a job for you education.

you are taking a mad girl with you.i think you will face problem. bye, father. bye, mother. bye, brother-in-law. take care. bye! aunt, you still look very beautiful. uncle will fall foryou even at this age. okay. brother-in-law isgoing to office. go and see. vennela.

do fights still take place in village? no. not in uncle's presence. he will not let people fight. everyone should livein peace like him. good morning, sir.- good morning. good morning.- good morning, madam. hi, kishore. this is vennela. hello.- hi. vennela, this is your cabin.

that is mine.- shut up. sir, this is commercial project...banjara hills... what are you talking? sir, she has joined newly. i am teaching her how to work. who said she has come to work? she has come to pass time. it is better if we do our work. she is talking closely with me.

how should i work? she talks like that with dogs,cats and buffaloes. it is not the greatness of animals.and not yours too. you sit in the middle cabin. it is her greatness. kishore! "i am going mad watchingyour kohl filled eyes." "i am going mad watching your gait." "i am going mad watchingyour smooth lips."

"i am going mad watching your beauty." "i wish to see thisbeauty again and again." "my heart is running towards you." "this is really good." "let us consider it as love." "i am feeling happy..." "happy on hearingyour compliments." "i am feeling happyfor raising hopes in you." "i am feeling happyfor making you run behind me."

"i am feeling happyfor making you crazy for me." "i am feeling pity watching your woes." "let this continue for some more time." "let us consider it as love.". father, how is the bike? loved it.- don't drink and drive. "will you find out or shouldi tell you the condition of my heart?" "i am waiting for it." "make sure i hear your voice."

"my heart is singing loud." "it has fallen for you." "i know it says i belong only to you." "i am longing for you." "i don't want to give up on you." "it will succeed in getting you." "i am too longing for you." "make sure you get me at any cost." "my eyes are nevertired of watching you."

"i can do anything for you. " "i am all for you." whom do you want to meet? one person from our villagelives here. we came to meet him. they went out. they willcome in short time. sit down. we are many people.we will go and have tea in a hotel. poorna sir, we will go onlyif we are confident of killing him. if he stays alive thenit will be very dangerous. we should go to our villageby carrying his head.

wait, sir. he is going inside. sir, around ten people havecome from your village to meet you. i told them to sit. they wentto drink tea in the opposite hotel. hey, you start the vehicle. poorna sir, he is somewhere around. he came to know about us. he will kill us too.listen to me. let us go! he will not keep quiet if we attack.he is a tiger. he will kill us!

start the vehicle! come!get inside! start! go! 30 people went andonly 3 have returned. is he a human being? they say he is a tiger. i will cut the tiger's head. i will hang it on thevillage outskirts and... ...make them rememberit all their lives.

'they will not is better i escape.' aunt, my family hasselected a boy for me. but i like brother-in-law. i cannot think of anyoneother than brother-in-law. bye.- bye. get inside. greetings.- greetings. brother-in-law,your responsibility is over. one has left andanother arrived. fate. son, finally her marriage is fixed.

they say that they willdo everything as you wish. boy lives in will live a happy life, dear. uncle, she will not be happy in a richfamily or the one that lives in america. she will be happy if theboy takes good care of her. uncle, she won't live happilyif you send her to some faraway place. she will be happy if shefinds a boy who loves her truly. uncle, she is not an articleto change her as they wish. she is a wonderful girl. she will be happy if she finds a boy...

...who understands her very well. son, it is nothingwrong if we wish all that. but where can we findsuch a boy these days. will you give a single chance? i will hide you here all my life. "like a fish out of water..." "my heart is jumping around..." "darling, oh, my darling." "darling! my feeling."

"like you have fallen all over me..." "i have dreamt of a beautiful scene." "i feel as if i am hit for a six..." "i am spinning like a ball." "as if i am containedinside a bottle..." "i am feeling suffocated." "enough of the waiting..." "arrange the meeting immediately." "you are a firecracker.i am the matchstick."

"let us burst togetherand celebrate diwali festival." "you are as sharp as knife...i am ready to tread it..." "let us rip everything apart." "i will hug you close to my heart." "come, oh my darling." "i will love you andmake you forget the world." "darling! my feeling.". when will the day comewhen i can hold you close... my heart and scold you.

"baby, all your desireswill be fulfilled very soon." "that day is not far." "darling, do something tome so that i become one with you." "darling, your complexionand taste is remarkable." "come to me and hold me." how are you, sister-in-law? i am fine, laxmi. how are you, deva? in spite of knowing what you are...

...i went away from you thinking that... ...nobody can changeyou for what you are. i have given you the punishment that... wife would evergive to her husband. though i went away from you,i brought him up like you... thinking of you all the time. i have filled his life with love. deva, i will not go by leavingyou as long as i am alive. father, though you cannot speak...

...your eyes are sayingthat you wish for enemy's death. i will wash your feetwith the blood of the people... ...who had done this to you. kareemulla! hey, eat and go. deva sir,i want to tell you something. sir, the fights that youhave prevented from taking place... ...all these years have started again. reason is your son.

sir, i am afraid aswhat might happen anytime. it is better if you remain careful. greetings, sir. sir, go and wear these silk clothes. all are found at one place. i will kill everyone. as long as he is there,he will not let anybody... ...harm his family. he should be attacked first!

take them inside.- take everyone inside! kill them! aunt! aunt! aunt! sister! latha! hey! take out the swords! not a single person responsible... ...for mothers' deathshould stay alive.

keep aside your moralsand ethics for some time... ...and go inside. solution was not found for 20 years. i will go and finishit in two minutes! brother, he says two go inside. sir, you have committeda similar mistake... ...20 years back bystopping us like this. don't repeat the mistake, sir. listen to sir and go inside.

before madam's bodyis burnt completely... ...ten people fromthat family should die. what sin did i commit dueto which you are born to me? i have left you and havebeen living all these years... ...for this village and its people. i wanted to changethem to human beings. but after your coming,they have become animals. your mother said she hasfilled your life with love. you have cheated her.

she left this village out of fear. but you have broughtthat fear back and... ...thereby made yourmother leave this world. had i known that this villagewill become like this again... ...because of you, i wouldn'thave allowed you to come here. if i knew that shewill die because of you... ...then i wouldn'thave given you birth. it would have been goodif you had died instead of her. go.

leave this village. go away from us. don't come even after i die. sir! sir! brother-in-law! no, dear. you don't needa heartless man like him. he got his mother killed.tomorrow you too... he has come like a guest.let him leave like a guest. "you have given us have shown us the way." "who else do we have now?"

"who will lead us now?" "our lives will be filledwith sorrow without you.". though i felt hurt by father's words,i found them to be true. because of my going there,fights and problems took place. i went abroad thinking thatthings will fall into place... ...if i leave the village. but through vennela,i came to know that everyone... ...has given up on father'sideas and are back to fighting. this problem has started with me.

so i thought of stopping it myself. and then i met you at the right time. after watching you,i understood that... ...yours villagers too aresuffering from fights like ours. i came to your house through you. i tried to change everyone. if my family is so happy todaythen you are the reason for it. this is enough, leave from here. jai, i am not telling youall this because i cannot get you.

i am afraid to thinkas what will happen... ...if everyone comes to knowthat you belong to that village. manasa, i will leave fromhere only after finishing the... that i have come for. i don't know from where youcame and for what you have come. but we all wish you to becomethe son-in-law of this house. though she is my daughter,she is not as bad as us. she knows what is good and bad. if you have no objectionto it then inform your parents.

i will talk. yes! yes! yes! yes! you got it. son, though you usedevery family member... have achieved what you wanted. you got that girl. mr. pratap,it shouldn't happen like this. i am the son of their enemy deva. stop.

what are you thinking? are you thinking that yourwork has finished quite early? i thought of finding a man for her. you neither have pride nor manhood. i am unable to understandhow this family liked you. let us keep the girl'smatter aside for some time. what is the second one? man and manhood... what is manhood?

not one like youwho keeps quiet even... ...when a person abuses you. man is one who hasnerves of steel and... ...who is always ready to fight back. even if they don't carry any weapons... ...they are always readyto fight the enemy... ...whenever they are attacked. they are men. is it manhood to kill people?

it belongs to stone age. that doesn't need courage and valour. manhood means tobefriend even our enemy. it needs... is it so easy? will you try? hey, his manhood lies in words. he got scared when asked to fight. you told to love the enemy.i will try that manhood.

but what if you try themanhood that i talked about. he should see stars! "a true warrior has arrived." "he knows to fightas well as love the enemy." "he knows to fightas well as love the enemy.". i have tried the manhoodthat you talked about. will you try themanhood that i told you? don't know how many daysit will take for them to recover. we are not sure evenif they will recover or not.

i liked you.i am searching for a boy like you. i will give her handin marriage to you. but i want one help. there is one man from that village... ...who is filled withcourage and pride. kill him and fulfil my revenge. i will serve youfor the rest of my life. will... will you not change?

you will not change? the man from that villagewho fought back and... ...gave you sleepless nights is dead. the pride of that familywhich held your neck... ...when you attackedthem once has died. he is dead.he is filled with love now. he is now filled withlove and has come to you. he is in front of your eyes. so the enemy and my archrival whom i am searching is...

uncle! stop! are you mad? it is this guy who fooled us. we thought he is our man. he is our enemy! we thought of makinghim our son-in-law! he has come to destroy our family! i am alive only to kill you! you have come to live with enemy.

you are not an ordinary man. you should die! uncle! please, uncle. tell him to stop! man, you will not keep quietif i enter that village or attack it! brother, tell him to stop! i will kill you, deva and his family! if i get back to my oldstyle for ten minutes then... ...nobody from thisfamily will stay alive.

you have killed my mother. but i am living with loveafter coming to your family! you have separated me from my father! you have separated me from my love! but i came closer to you with love! for how long? for how long shouldpeople cry because of you? i had given up revengeand left my village for peace. do you want to kill such a person?

if i start using the swordthen nobody can use it better than me. but only swords willremain in the end. human beings will not remain. if possible then let us love. at the most,the person might love you in return! otherwise if you think thatthis enmity will come to end... ...because of my death then... hey, you said he is not our man. you said he is our enemy.

you said he will kill us. but why did he save youwhen his men were chasing you. brother, everyone fearedthe members of this house till date. ever did you see a persongiving respect to us out of love? though he is the son of our enemy,he has done it. should we kill him for that? uncle, he is our enemy. but still he is living with means he wants something. it is not our lives,property or our girl.

he wants something else. we will give it. we will change and givehim his love in return. father! he wants love in spiteof living in the enemy's house. what are his guts?he should stay alive. he will save more people.he will save more people. not only in that village,there is a man in this village too. what is this, father?

i am living for adream by leaving you all. i couldn't understandthat it would have remained... a dream without having you. i thought if one side givesup enmity then the other side... ...will get tired and will do the same. you thought it will nothappen unless people change. i have separated youfrom your love thinking... ...that you will not be able to love. forgive me.

what is it, father? she is waiting for youand your love with thousand eyes. are you still rejectingmarriage proposals? it is too late. will you marry me?

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