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Thursday, March 15, 2018

paris the city of light and love people from all over the world.. ..come here to fall in love. every street ofparis has witnessed.. ..numerous love storiesand heart breaks. it's the romantic capital of world. but the truth is..'s very easy to..

..fall in love in paris, but.. stay in loveis very difficult. my name is marie i am an actress i'm from paris i love paris and, love everything about india. and i love hindi and - i can speaka little bit it too.

i'm writing a playcalled "autumn in paris" it's a love story that was born in paris,but has an indian heart i've seen many love stories here but this one is close to my heart it's very special it cannot be forgotten easily this story is about ishkq this half-indian, half-french,mixture was truly amazing

not only did ishkq talk non-stop, butshe also had a full of life attitude... ...that always attractedpeople towards her. she's a photographer photos are perfect alway stays the same they do not change with time ishkq had a similar philosophy capture all good times,and delete everything else. ishkq had a habit..

..of living in the moment. she would speak hermind openly and freely but no one could guess whatshe was feeling in her heart france was fallingunder the spell... ...of a great indian tradition,marriage you're an indian i hear that indian womanworship their husbands.. so i have an idea you and me marry

on the other side - ishkq's hada fool proof insurance policy. no love, no commitmentsequal to no hearbreak french style our next characterhas a similar mindset. he's always in a hurry. normally, he's runsaway from commitments... ...but, right now he's running tocatch a train from rome to paris meet akash kapoor

he's completelyoblivious to the fact.. ..that, it's not atrain he is running after.. ..but, his destiny towards ishkq poor akash had no clue this missed train could'vealtered his destiny. of course you can talk to her take care what are you doing?

- you're addicted to that phone- its work. you have to come for the wedding. a big kiss to amelie. i hope she's finallydone with her shopping. i'll try my best to bethere for your french wedding listen don't miss my wedding france's fashionand choice of girls... ... both spell trouble

really? what do you prefer?my clothes - or me? - you speak hindi? - yes and guess what? i can say whatever i want too,but unlike me you will never get it why not? because it's allover your face, that.. don't speak french. akash

excuse me? cash with an a; akash. aah! ishkq - ishkq. nice to meet you off to paris? trust an indian guyto ask a question like this. specially, when he knowsthat this train is going to paris. but, it's not a badway to start a conversation.

right? care for a glass of wine? sure wine is a wonderful thing you feel its effect andyou can't stop drinking it you say absurd thingswithout a second thought good time-pass so you're definitely not from paris right

are you from gujarat? no? punjabi? funjabi funjabi? so, where are you coming from? i'd gone to rome for the weekend. you know why,because i love italian waiters. i know it sounds crazy

but i love to be served by men so you live in paris? yeah. and you?- actually, i'm from delhi.. ..but, i moved to london last year. had gone to rome for some work. partied all night- got really drunk.. ..and, missed my flight. so, now i'm going to catcha train from paris to london. tomorrow morning. - good for you.

my train leaves at 10 am, tomorrow. ah, nice by the way, gare du nordstation has an amazing food court. you must try the laksa out there. trust me, it's the bestlaksa you'll ever have. so, what you gonna do now? i'm going to singopera outside a cafã©.. make some cash.. - and eat a burger, cuz i'mreally starving. - very funny

if you don't mind,i'll buy you dinner thank you, but no thank you there are no freedinners in this world so why don't youspend the night with me? you're an indian,so behave like an indian. don't try to be so french, ok? you're not my type ok, then... you can party withsomeone your type..

..and, i'll find someonemy type to party with. what do you mean? i've heard amazing thingsabout the night-life in paris.. ..but never seen it. and, why would i showyou this night life? i know you're singleand you don't have a boyfriend besides, it's a nightfree of guilt and baggage think it over i need a detailed explanation.

i won't ask you for your full name,your phone number.. ..your email, or forthat reason any other detail. good clubs don't allow singles so, if you come with me.. can do your own thing,and i'll do mine. i won't judge you,and we will never meet again. we will never meet again? never i like that

so, what are we going to do? it's your know the language.. ..and you know the streets. i'll be a good boyand follow you around. besides, i really don'tmind following you around. great! you can lose a lot in this city since it's youronly night in paris.. i would like to showit to you in parisian style.

7:55 p.m. eiffel tower, see you how much? i hope you're not a psycho good. because i am - don't be late- i won't be see you then. now that you have come on time. i have a surprise for you. believe me, it wasn't easy

i had to work really hard for this. ok, close your eyes five...four... open! cool i had to make a lotof calls to the ministry you're right you're really a psycho i told you!

so, what do you do? - have you seen jerry mcguire?- yes well, i'm the hero of that film. oh my god. you're an agent i feel so sorry for you it means you don'thave a life of your own. 24/7, you must be revolvingaround movie stars ..and the worst thing is,you live on commission. so, clearly i don't have life.

what about you? when was the last timeyou were in a relationship? last weekend, in rome we met. and it was instant love he was a waiter, italian waiter the love of my life then? what happened? the usual every morning i'd get upand have breakfast at his cafã©

and, he would make me breakfastwith stars in his eyes. then, what was the problem?- just one. he was really happy that wecould spend some time together because,all day he worked as a waiter.. ...and, at night as securityin a popular club in rome he got so used tobeing strong all the time... ... that he had forgotten how to cry i don't know what happened to him aftermeeting me, but he couldn't stop crying. maybe he had a glimpse of whathis future with me would be like

why did you break up? should i tell you the truth? because he was morewaiter than lover after a hot kiss,i want a cold gelato, amore mio one gelato? four euros - what is this? - the bill damn waiter! you know what?i love italian waiters

i love to be served by men on your honeymoon,he'll take your love orders "darling, kiss my feet" yes, my love "darling, kiss my hands" "darling, what's my bill?" 50 euros, my love that's cheap , amore mio. what an amazing love story.with a twist

oh my god what am i seeing? - what? you've wonderful eyes, ishkq these are so beautiful.. ..they would makeanyone forget everything. really! your eyes are full of love ..they are saying something to me. what?

that you have fallen in love. with who? the italian waiter and, you know what's amazing?i know i live on commission.. will be livingon tips with that amore. - you making fun of me?- not at all. how dare you? where are you going? to my waiter, who doesn't exist!it was a joke, silly.

i wonder what it was whatever it was,one thing was certain.. ishkq and akash wantedthis night to last a littie longer it's not every day i makesomeone wear a hat like this! you look beautiful. wait a minute!where are you running off to? with great difficultyi've managed one scene.. ..if you run off,i won't have that either.

you're so strange instead of running in paris.. should've run in london. at leastindia would won an olympic gold. who is he? i know things thateven google doesn't know from the earth to the sky,from the mall to the shop. from the eiffel towerto my ghaziabad house, i have... excuse me. we're not interested we are interested

just look! hookah, the prizedpossession of royalty. paan, the famous indiandigestive without the digestive. bill gates's first mouse and, miss vidya balan's big blouse. famous sunglassesfrom movie dabbang. original bappi lehari's gold chain. and famous writerjaved akhtar's pen. pas-a (dice).

not you i mean the dice this love dice. i'm sorry. we're not in love who said this was a love dice?it's a fun dice. roll the dice and watch the fun like dinner,eating with a lot of fun. movies, watching with a lot of fun. drinks, bunch of fun.

party, lots of fun. coffee, conversational fun. and sex, fucking fun.from imran to hashmi. from mama to papa,every kind of fun. the magic of the diceyou must buy it. and, it comes with a special offer. here's indian viagra. i don't need to say much, except. the key to manly power'll scrape your knees.. 140 horse power. did you call him a horse? would you prefer an ass. keep it safe can you come to the pointand tell me how much for the dice. 30 euros - forget it- 20 euros i have 10

take it or leave it. i'll take it. come on, roll it. there's just you andme and the intoxicated air no one like us here gonna break the.. - rules. baby, let it.. - loose. we'll make wrongs right again it's all about tonight

our feet are faltering we've lost all control let's dance and dazzle the world a new obsession the night's passion if anyone stops you just say: going high. we're flying tonight let's hold each other tight

do what we please don't let the moment pass us by baby, shout it! a little higher this is your chanceto make the night your own that was a lot of fun i noticed you were tryingto charm all the woman.. ..but, nothing happened. oh! that's because i didn'twant you to feel left out..

..besides, i wanted youto be in my privileged company. akash, that wasthe worst pick up line so, why don't you enlighten me.. ..with the best pickup line you've heard. the best? there was a guy in mycollege who really liked me. but, i never bothered. one day, i felt bad forhim and decided to talk it out. out of the blue he asked me.

"do you know the differencebetween chatting and sex?" let's go home you'll find out! good one, eh? so, did you find out? shut up! your turn you're so beautiful.. ..that, i've forgottenevery pick up line. relax, babe!that was a pick up line so, are you going to kiss me,or do i have to lie to my friends?

relax, akash.that was a pick up line too now, let's hear a breakup line,quickly. and it has to be a evil one. a mean line? come on, hurry up. my astrologer said we'renot destined to be together. ouch! that's really mean your turn now. i don't make mistakes. i date them

i think it's time to roll the dice dinner that girl over there hasbeen staring at me non-stop. why don't you go to her.. ..and stop wasting time. she is coming you guys are late i just got done for the day you guys should come tomorrow.and watch me dance

mr. casanova,i think she's so ready for you. i understand hindi actually, it's my friend he has sex on hismind the whole time that's not true. shut up. i come here all the time and.. she understands hindi. - i'm sorry - it's ok. no problem

i know sex is not on his mind he only has a commitment problem wow! are you a psychic? that's what my family believes. tell me something about him forget it, ishkq why don't you tellus something about her? very soon she'sgoing to be married.

i'm so sorry,but you're a very bad psychic. whatever happens i am nevergoing to get married, ever. no, my dear, you will get married within a few months. really? good for me 2 euros, my share.i'll be waiting for you outside. young lady i can see you'll findyour father very soon. what's this?

we've a few hours left.. ..and you're already depressing me. i'm depressing you? this was supposed tobe the most entertaining night and, we're nevergoing to meet again. don't you think we shouldmake the most out of this time? let's go too late let's try again

this time i'm sure i'mgoing to hit the jackpot. you aren't that lucky everything in life is earned nothing comes for free. you charge? shut the front door! so what if we can't go for a movie. no one can stop usfrom making our own movie. what's up, ishkq?

this is the way youwill come up to me.. ..if you're madly in love with me,and things didn't work out. this is how we are, right? shit! sit down! love! think about love, akash! you're madly in love with me.. ..but, you cannot have me.

this cruel world created a wedgebetween you and me and, torn us apart. after all this time,you find me in paris what will you say to me, akash? make sure it is not somethinginsensitive, but very emotional. very take 2? akash, long time. how come you're here? after losing you,i've lost everything else.

i've been sick, my heart hurts,my eyes have become weak. and, i cannot believe that,i'm seeing you after so long. oh, my god akash. even i can't believe you'vebecome so dull and boring. that's because i missed you, ishkq even after 8 years. eight years? you think you're salman khan that.. ..a girl will waitfor you for 8 years.

no one waits that long for anyone. and, how dare you assume that,someone like me.. ..will wait for 8 yearsfor a transit passenger like you. now, why are you standing here?let's do take 3 this is a rubbish love story i need a drink surprised to see me? how are you? fine

how come you're in paris? destiny why are you looking so amazed? i'm an agent. i come to cannes every year. i do know a little bit of french. actually, i've come to parisfor something very important. i'm fed-up of my mundane,boring, living-off commission life. i want to live a wonderfullife with a parisian in paris

only you can make it possible i like it when you boss me around. i love how you want toshow me paris through your eyes. i love it when you talk non-stop.. ..and sometimes,in one of our conversations.. ..i'm the centre of attraction. i love you saying: "noemotional bonding, no baggage" you're the reason i'vecome from london to paris. just you.

i love you, ishkq oh my god, akash that was the best pick up line. then, why don'tyou pick me up, ishkq. my knees are killing me. you watch a lot ofyash chopra romances. i'm sure you watch kill bill.– shut up. come on, let's roll the dice again. i'm sure this timei'll hit the jackpot.

how can you be so sure? -even if you do, what makes youthink that i'll.. – so, you cheat too. hey, you live off commissions,don't try to be the boss you're good with romantic lines i'm sure you've fallenin love many times not even once oh come on you can be honest. it's not that we'reever going to meet again.

that's why, this full disclosure. never been in love maybe you fell in love,but never realized it. when your heart cries for someone.. ..then you know it's love. but, you'll be happy to know thati've never shed a tear for anyone. not even one tear have you ever fallen in love? i don't know about love

but i've definitely fallen i had this evil...snakecharmer type of boyfriend. snake charmer? did he bite? snakes bite,silly....charmers make you dance. correct so what happened? eventually what happensin every relationship. you know all relationships lead to...

...the break up and it got very ugly before he left, he told me thati'll never be happy with anyone. i'll end up sad and lonely. at first, it really hurt.. ..but now,i feel maybe that jerk was right. evil snake charmer. jerk. evil snake charmer. and, you cried over him.

ishkq, i thoughtyou were intelligent. but you turned outto be pretty stupid did the tears mean that,you believed what he said? topic change i can't believe you'venever cried for anyone. i have when my parents got divorced but they were so happy,they didn't see my tears topic change?

too much honesty! huh! so, tell me something that .. ... you've lied to me about then i'd be a liar - so you did lie to me? - no come on you're a coward. – excuse me. i'm hanging aroundat this odd hour.. ..with a total stranger,and you're calling me a wuss.

i am not talking about're scared of yourself. every time it comes to you,you change the topic. loneliness! i'm scared of being alone i hope i haven't madethe wrong decisions in life.. ..and pushed away allthose people who cared. what if everyonemoves on and i, i get.. left behind? you're not the only one whofears this, ishkq. all of us do.

the silence between ishkq.. ...and akash spoke volumes. it's not togetherness.. ..but, loneliness that.. ..brought these two together. i'm wondering what wouldhappen if this came on the dice? you would have to miss your train. -what else? - really? relax, don't be so excited

throw the dice and we'll see. amazing evening, but tired huh! what time is your train? 10 o'clock, and i've to be on time i've asked the driverto come here with the bags. well, then you better leave now because it can getreally busy at this hour. and...don't come back to paris. why?

it's not good getting used to me. - i'm going to leave first - why? because i hate goodbyes i don't like seeing people leave specially when i knowwe'll never meet again i've one last surprise for you?don't go anywhere, okay! ishkq.. i had the best night me too

akash thought this was her excuse... not say goodbye but ishkq came back... ...with a small gift for akash and, ishkq thought that akash didnot want to make her unconftable.. ..with a goodbye, so he left sometimes an unspokenand unnamed bond ...can tie two people together ishkq kept sayingno emotional bonding

and, akash knew this wasn'this and ishkq's story then why did it feel the bestevening of their lives? they both went their separate wasy thinking they'll never meet again but could this eveningever be forgotten? ma'am, have you finishedreading the first part of the play? yes, i am done often truth is strangerthan fiction and stories are inspired by life

ishkq, akash and i had no clue... ... that this one night in paris night wasgoing to change our lives forever ishkq marie elise the most beautifulchapter of my life the story has just begun madam, deborah is here she's waiting forthe final rehearsal tell her to wait please i'm not finishedwith the script yet

akash was back in london back to business both left that night behind them ishkq's got busy with her life time did not stop but memories of ishkqand that night in paris... ...always bought a smileto akash's face "- and don't comeback to paris - why not?" "it's not nice getting used to me"

susan, you're a good friend.and you! - what's wrong? - nothing karan can be reallyirritating at times i don't believe inthe institution of marriage so why must i attend? - akash, he's getting married- i'm aware of that you're his best friend i really think you should go i don't like going to weddings

i don't know anyone there up to you but then don't expectkaran to speak to you ... ...for the rest of your life i'll be back in a couple of days yeah, i'm taking an off akash didn't knowif it was the wedding ..or his desire to see ishkq thatwas drawing him to paris? but staying away from paris...

... became difficult karan surprise! i'm in paris foryour french wedding i'll see you yes! 14 euros, sir have a nice day follow that car!

- i saw you outside your office- and you followed me here? my god! will you marry me? are you ok? why are you looking so devastated? i got you a gift. open it no, you open it you left it with me,i thought i'll get it back for you. actually,i have some work with you.

you don't even know me what work? marie! you didn't say you know marie i just love her movies i'm a huge fan and besides she looks smoking hot i'll do anythingto get close to her last time you took me around paris

this time introduce me to marie she has an amazing body body of work marie's right here?you didn't tell me there's a lot i haven't told you like... she's my mom thanks for expressingyour feelings for my mom i was just kidding why? you don't likeher body of work?

you don't like the wayshe looks in the movies? of course i do here she is why don't you tell her yourself? akash kapoor cash with an a "don't bother" won't work you know, mom. he's thehero of jerry mcguire - tom cruise?- no, ma'am. i'm an agent

what are you doing, ishkq? you're ruining my first impression. don't worry. no one isruining your first impression. she knows hindi i don't hide anything from her she knows i spent the nightwith you. but indian style! my job just got easier i mean, think about it,what if there was a major problem.. ...and, only i could help you out.what would you do?

i'd slap myself twice.. ..for wanting to depend on you. i better go back why don't you come to the point? my best friend karan is gettingmarried. don't know anyone here. i know, i don't knowyou well either, but about it sorry? i don't like weddings in fact, i hate weddings

but the situation is such that,i have attend this wedding and, i know it'll be boring affair but, it can becomeinteresting if you.. - hi! do you have change?- sorry, montu. i don't. never mind - even in paris?- what do you mean? montu in paris? nothing you were saying?

see, i don't like weddings but the situation is such that,i have attend this wedding. but, it can become interestingif you come with me. before you take a decision,i want you to know... ... that i would'vedefinitely helped you out. because, i know you hateweddings as much as i do. only on one condition it'll be super entertaining.promise. because, i know... ... i get bored easily

absolutely nothing new for them they've kissed a thousand times. don't know why they'regetting married. what a waste that's why i never gobeyond the one-night stand but, you're're my type i like you are you there?

will you just shut up? you've been talking non-stop. what did you think,i've come here to give you company? i came to meet a cute guy how do they say it? i came here to exercisemy eyes by looking at cute guys. why are you staring at me? look around. and let me also how do i look?

- how come? - gurpreet's magic my neighbour montu's sister she helped me uff ho, akash you methim in the elevator, remember? - of course!- what's wrong with you? we're getting's my hair looking? what kind of wedding is this? not a single decentface in this around. i was trying to warn you

but you didn't listen "i came here to exercisemy eyes by looking at cute guys." okay. please relax must say – best weddingsin the world are punjabi weddings. really? – really. specially in amritsar,where i come from. drums beating, boys flirting.. ..and dancing with thegirls in the wedding procession taking chances

and, the girls don't mind.. ..because, it's a punjabi wedding - you don't look punjabi at all.- i know the air in london doesn'treally suit me, otherwise.. ..women usually drool over me. who would drool over you? mr. gill. we're glad that all of you are here for the weddingcelebration of my son karan

and his stunninglybeautiful wife, emily tonight we are celebratingthe sangeet ceremony... ..which is part ofour indian tradition and we're honoured by the presenceof one of the biggest superstars oh my god, akash. i love bollywood coming to this weddingwas a great idea. congratulations karan and emily i'm here today because... ...once i commit to something

i can't talk myself out of it say ooh yeah beautiful girl! beautiful girl.wanna dance with me? i love bollywood! her top's stunning she's bubbling with mischief hear me o beautiful girl

i want to live in your eyes i will tell the world my heart is all yours,beautiful girl listen to what my heart says i will never let go of your hand my love, i'm crazy for your love our love is like a fairy tale my heart dances with joy how i adore you

hear me! come to me,'re the one i love steal my heart away! don't wait? i'll dance my way into your heart be warned! i'm the thief of hearts i have fallen in love with you my sweetheart speaks the truth i must admit if salman khan wasn't there...

...we wouldn't have had so much fun you're so lucky you must have beento many indian weddings miss france. you sound like you've neverbeen to an indian wedding. i've never been to india i don't know if i'll ever go.. ...specially after momlost her only connection there. i was seven when dad left us

but my mom...she's great our ties with india were cut off but she never made me feel it she learned hindi and taught me too i love my mom and i love paris here, relationshipsare seen differently you don't have to betogether for many lives. you have a problem with marriage,don't you?

it's not marriage but the drama that follows i dislike marriages because i hate the word divorce ishkq, i understand that's why i like you you get me i also sort of like you sharing a brief moment

sharing a bit of your heart let it be let's walk awhile together we'll meet as our paths cross you'll say something i'll say something when our hearts have had their fill we'll say with a smile there's some magic in the air

desires burn in your heart let the heart yearn,let it be uneasy let it burn let the heart fill with longing let it dream together we shall weave dreams some dreams will be yours others will be mine i feel something for you

don't you feel the same? joy and some confusion some mischief, too your beauty, your qualities.emotions stirring we'll solve every problem come, let's fall in love my shirt looks better on you. i think you should keep it thanks

promise me you'll never get married we can be like this forever no tension, no drama we'll just attend others' weddings and, if you get married? what happens to me? wasn't that bad, was it? they both hated marriage,and loved life but love never leaves people alone?

it eventually came in their way - you're late?- what do you mean? i'll get fired because of you they've warned me twice good. let them fire you you'll be free let's go. we're getting late where to? the museum? - no way - what do you mean no way?

no interest in old relics you go. i'll wait here ishkq. come on. come. you're amazing, ishkq how come you didn't you tell me... ...there's a beautifulportrait of your mother here? i've seen many celebrity portraits but this one is simply the best you know what...

you should also get a portrait madefor yourself by this amazing artist. seriously - can we go now? - of course but a photo first it's a kodak moment my dad made that portrait he's the amazing artist ok, now i'm genuinely sorry it's ok. you didn't know

babe, i think you shouldclose the dad chapter i want to, akash in fact, sometimes i wish... ...he was dead. come on, ishkq. you don't mean that i do, akash i wouldn't feel guiltyabout missing him guilt? for missing your dad he left us

when i miss him, i feelas though i'm cheating on mom hurting her, by being ungrateful. you're only hurting yourself stop worrying about your parents think about yourself think about us - us? - yes, us us meeting in the train,going around paris. ..parting ways, then meeting again

it's like a romantic adventure life is not likea romantic adventure at least not for me why are you talking so strangely? because i love you ok. that's it - i'm leaving - i know you're crazy but i still love you i think you shouldgive me some credit

as far as your dad is concerned... - i don't want to hear it- don't want to hear what, ishkq? the truth that i love you that i want to spendmy life with you and be the one to saveyou from ever being lonely save me? really? save me? i'm very happy the way i am and, i can look after myself

i don't need a goddamn saviour, ok? i'm sorry, really sorry please, akash don't spoil this, ok? please, let me go that rascal was right you will never be happy with anyone you'll end up beingalone like your mother why'd you stop?

go and live your empty life where there's noroom for anyone else you cling onto so much pain and you know what's ironic? you've inherited allthis pain from your mother how dare you talk aboutmy mother like that? you know what? it's my fault i shared my most personalthoughts with you ..which i never did with anyonw.

you've proved it akash,share your pain with someone... ...and they'll take advantageof it at the first chance i never want to see you again i really do date mistakes you're also the biggestmistake of my life ishkq the biggest the scattering beadsof your life, o beloved the half-empty cup, o beloved your eyes fill with tears

who knows when my heart was stolen i lost control. i know no peace i have lost. my beloved has won my beloved beloved, don't go the emptiness is unbearable it's hard to express my heart is no longer my own my choking breath

living on false heartbeats living on false hopes life turned its back on me.wounding me the rain doubles my sorrow susan, i'm coming back is everything all right? what is it? life is a bitch i'm here to see marie

please come in my suspicion was right something had definately happenedbetween ishkq and akash because akash agreed to see me... ...only because i insisted tell ishkq akash is here akash is here say i'm out are you guys in love?

i love ishkq she's the most beautifulchapter of my life i am afraid she does not... ...look at her life beautifully. love is hard to find, akash and ishkq is a wonderful girl every relation hasits share of fights. i agree fights are normaland breaking up is okay too. i guess

but breaking up and leavingeach other when you have a child... that's not ok i don't think you know butishkq never wants to get married ..nor does she want toget into a serious relationship. her decisions are basedon your life experiences and i know she loves me too but she will never accept it and i understand why when people get hurt...

...they look for instant happiness ishkq does the same. she spends time with strangers looks for short-termrelations, and.. ..when she laughs there'sa strange insecurity in her eyes.. as if she knows that thisrelationship is about to end and she hates goodbyes that one night in paris... ...will haunt me forever

anyway, i must leave this story had come to an end just like marie elise,ishkq would all be alone somehow, this mother's heartcould not accept that. this was when we were the happiest he was an upcoming artist.and i was already a star why are you showing me this? i want to tell you something your father andi fell madly in love

madly in love and we got married we thought our careerswere more important... ...than spending time together so we decided to leave each other and we happily parted ways i requested your fathernot to interfere in our lives i didn't want youto find out the truth.. .. and judge me.

i thought i will love you so much that you'd never miss your dad but i was wrong ..and, akash made me realise this. love comes and goes unannounced. and i know akashreally loves you, ishkq if you don't accept it now...'ll end up livingyour entire life on a lie life isn't so short,to live without love

you've shared everything with me but hid what you should've shared you have proved to me,you may look french... ...but you're an indian at heart i love you, mama. i'm sorry i didn't want to hurt you i love you, too "dear, ishkq "before i say anything,i know i should say sorry

"but sorry will be too easy "so i'm going backby the 8 am train tomorrow "away from the one ilove the most in this world "this is my punishment "before i leave ... "...i will definately try thelaksa at gare du nord's food court "i heard it's the best laksa ever" meeting you is expensive i had to buy a ticketto london to get here.

and you know theselast minute fares... what are you staring at? you said if i was everin trouble you'll help me out. i'm in trouble now and you're..running away like the english. sit down since we've met you'veturned my life upside down. first, you wantedme to show you paris then you confused me with love and now, you're leaving likea hero, and making me look like...

a vamp! i don't want to trouble you anymore it's not you.i was troubling myself but thanks to you,i had to face the truth i was hiding from my dad and you and most importantly... ...i was hiding from myself why are you crying? because you're leaving

paris will never bethe same without you.. nor bhangra or laksa. when you're with me, i feel alive. i love you, akash please don't go i'll be all alone if i left you alone,then i'd be alone too cut! perfect

now that's whatyou call a love story don't you want to knowwhat happened after that? the crazy ring of your bangles when you dance,the ground dances with you you look so beautiful the boys can't keep away the kohl in your eyes your eyes strike melike a bolt of lightening i want to die in your arms

wherever i look here, there, everywhere all i see is you your beauty takes my breath away i see no other girl but you you have cast a spell on me that paris night changedthree lives forever not three, but four lives i finally got my family back

oh paris! we love you

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