
watch samurai x full movie

Thursday, March 29, 2018

so you愉e awake? fix something to eat. i hope you like yourself thank you. i will. very good. where愀 the guy? the man who brought you?i did what i could... ... but his woundswere too deep. i see.

i have no family.he was like a brother to me. i惴 sorry. war is cruel to everyone. where is he? i cleaned his body... ...changed his kimono... ...and laid him in another room. you did? that愀 one more thingi must thank you for.

don愒 let it concern you. this is a very unusual temple. are you it愀 priest? no. it was derelict. not many comethis deep into the mountains. i don愒 get along with peoplevery well. i扉e been living here for years. and the lady?

well, it愀 a bit complicated.she愀 been here for years. anyway, what are yougoing to do? now? yes. i惻l take... ...his body back to his home. i have no home,but he does. that愀 the only wayi can mourn him. thank you for everything.i惻l take my leave.

what愀 your hurry? the enemy will be looking for youon the road you came. to the west is a sheer cliff. you could go down it,but in this rain... might collapse. i say thisfor your own good. rest the night here. i have few guests. i dislike society,so i扉e retired to this temple.

i惴 glad to have someoneto drink with after so long. i know, considering your friend,thatthis is not an auspicious encounter... ...but perhaps this,too,is some kind of destiny. well? let愀 drink the night away... ...and sit vigil for him. i惻l take you up on that, then. you have my thanks. no, you have mine.

we惻l make a night of it. this is a drink called "wine",from a land called "france". it愀 made from grapes. a strange taste... ...but a good one. isn愒 it? drink up! this liquor, and this temple... it愀 all new to all of this from foreign lands?

i traveled far beforei chanced upon this temple. and that buddha,is it foreign, too? the face is strange. i carved it. you? here,i have lots and lots of time. itæ„€ quite something! itæ„€ not so much buddhaas a carving of me. do you see?

perhaps a little,now you mention it. speak your mind. itæ„€ a very heavy rain. well, it should stopby tomorrow. the mountain roadsare dangerous. and there is a legendthey tell of this mountain. do you know it? they say the long-nosed goblinhaunts this mountain. "tengu"?

who haunts this forest,who seizes men to eat? the very same. "tengu" rules this mountain. he hears the drop of a pin. he sees a thousand leagues. he scents the difference betweena manæ„€ blood and a beastæ„€... ...and he eats only flesh. but "tengu" is just the name... ...that people give him.

heæ„€ really "aragami"... ...a fury of wild violence,the raging god of battle. you seem to know this well. but isnæ„’ somethingas dangerous as that... ...a threat to this temple? not really. because this "aragami"... me. you had me there!

sorry, sorry. but "tengu" legend is real. even if he did appear, you look likea strong man with a sword. you could handle him. what about you? to survive that battle,and those wounds... i惴 sure more than a few menhave fallen before you. tell me... many have you killed?

to count them would bein very bad taste. oh? so you kill menin uncounted numbers... ...and forget? shouldn愒 you rememberthe lives you take? i扉e killed 794. i remember... ...their shape, their voice... ...the last look on their face...

...everything. may i see my friend? he scents the difference betweena man愀 blood and a beast愀. i smell it... you reek of blood! enough! you愉e drunk. i惻l be on my way. i惻l come backand thank you properly.

no, i悲 like youto do that now. i want you... kill me. are you mad? i told you... i am aragami. but i扉e lived far too long. i扉e been waiting for the onewho will grant me death. but it is not easy for aragami... have himself killed.

only a man worthy of the deedcan cut me down. this is crazy! why would i kill the manwho saved my life? that愀 why i ask. you愉e in my dept. stop, will you? you look like a man to me.not "tengu" or "aragami". not all is what it seems. not even a man.

one with a saintly facemay betray you. one with an innocent facemay be prostitute. one with an evil facemay be good. all right, let愀 sayyou really are aragami. why should i kill you? take me to my friend,damn it! you愉e a samurai. you have a dutyto accept my challenge. why do i have a duty to fightthe man who saved my life? you are no longerwho you were when you came.

think about it. isnæ„’ it strange?you came here two days ago... ...with 13 sword cutsand four arrows stuck in you. your wounds had festered,and you had a high fever. and now? once a crazed lord kidnappedlarge numbers of small babies. he believed he needed themto concoct a potion of immortality. he thought newbornsheld untold possibility... nourishment...

in the treatment of woundsof disease and old age. now, while this lord... ...was simply a lunatic... ...his idea was not completely wrong. there is a mysterious power... human flesh. my friend... to take your body... ...past its limits...

...the human liver is best. you ate the fleshof your friend. he bacame part of you,and gave you strength... ...otherwise you were dead by now. you bastard! i understand how you about another drink first. what are you? hey, hey, hey!will you look at this sword! itæ„€ about ready to snap.

this looks likeit could be fun. the night愀 still young.let愀 take our time. shut up! huh? you go too far! stop looking like you愉e dying.it愀 just a scratch. hey... hey. give it a rest. see?

but you aren愒 immortal,you know. the head... ...or the heart kills you. anyway, let愀 haveanother drink. now, this liquoris from a land called russia. they call it vodka.it愀 pretty strong. it愀 from corn. anyway, have a drink. do you think i惴 giong tojust sit and drink?!

how come i惴 not dead?! i told you. you ate the liver... so you just eat someone愀 liverand you don愒 die? don愒 be silly. look. two cooks make the same thingthe same way. this woman is a good cook. an excellent one. so.

are you a demon,too? it愀 been said that womenare devils, hasn愒 it? she愀 more a devil than i am. while you愉e at it... ...could you kill her, too? hey! what愀 in that?! i said it was strong. what do you want?

why are you doing this to me?! how many times do i have to tell you?i want to die. fighting is the only reason to live. i扉e always hoped i悲 meetsomeone stronger... ...but i惴 tired this body of minewill never get any older. i惴 not able to die naturally why not cut your stomach open,then?don愒 ask me to kill you! hara-kiri?

thatæ„€ something mortals dofrom excessive self-respect... ...and stupid pride. i am without fault.why would i do that? besides. i am aragami,the raging god of battle. i was born to die in battle. and i canæ„’ be cut downby some backwoods samurai. i will die when i encounter the one. sophistry. nothing you saymakes any sense at all!

it愀 absurd! then let me ask you... mortals make sense? shabby politicians start wars whereyou kill each other by the thousand. isn愒 that the reason you愉e here,and your friend is dead? isn愒 that absurd? listen... ...the existence of this worldis absurd. all right, then.

...why did you kill himand choose me? you were both half-dead.i could only save one. but why me and not him? no reason. i just chose you,that愀 all. would you rather you悲 diedand been eaten instead? and look, i didn愒 kill him. i gave you the chance to survive. i could have let you both die. but, now you have the chance to live.there愀 a big difference.

consider yourself luckyyou have the chance. make the best of it. who do you think you are?! you bring people here to split hairs,and then kill them. what chance have i got?it愀 just murder! not all the ones i killedwere people. they weren愒? wher悲 he go? sometimes demons or goblinslook like people.

there are beings in the worldthat are beyond imagination. they made me realizethat i wasn愒 human... ...that i was aragami. demons, goblins, aragami...what are you talking about? as i told you, the worldisn愒 always what it seems. many who look humanaren愒 so at all. warriors who defeatvast numbers of the enemy... miraculous survivorsof disease or accident... people say they愉e lucky...

...but that愀 not it. thy愉e human,but then again they愉e not. oh, i get it. if you愉e aragami,maybe i am, too. maybe. that愀 not true! neither of uslooks anything other than human. some birds fly high up in the sky,but some never leave the ground. it愀 not strange that humanscome in different forms. my being here... proof of existencebeyond what is known. i say white, you say black.i just donæ„’ see it. no, you wouldnæ„’. i used to thinki was human, too. i went looking for battlefrom the moment i was born... ...and i fought lots of men. no one could beat me. i couldnæ„’ help wonderingwhy i was so strong. and then in timethe whole world knew my name.

i became feared no man would face mein a fair fight any more. wait... what is that namethe whole world knew? who, me? yeah. miyamoto musashi. musashi? you愉e the musashiwho never met his match?

it doesn愒 matter nowwhat my name was. but he died years ago! yeah, that愀 what i heard. you know "rumors". you愉e history愀greatest samurai in the world? ...and also you愉e an inhumanaragami? is that it? yeah, something like that. and you want me to fighta monster like you?

that愀 right. what an idiot! ow! that hurts! you愉e musashi! ow! ow! give me a break! what the hell.i扉e already died once. alright. your sword愀 no good any more.

take what you like. no, not that one. thatæ„€ mine. you said to take one. sorry. i recommend... ...that western one. itæ„€ called a "broadsword".itæ„€ heavy, and it cuts. the owners of these weaponsare all dead... feel free. forget that sickle-and-chain. the roomæ„€ too small.too many pillars. how will a bearæ„€-claw help? ninja stars are for losers. that gunæ„€ good. itæ„€ a "pistol".the latest weapon from the west. it fires a bullet with gunpowder,like a matchclock. it wonæ„’ be easy to hit mewith it, of course.

hey, wait a minute. shooting me when i was asleepwouldn愒 be much fun. i thought i悲 wake you up. i am not able to sleep. ...have you ever dreamed? of course. i dont sleep,so i never have. that愀 too bad.a good dream is fun. i悲 like to try it someday...dreaming.

about the gun... you have to pull the hammer backto fire. that was your friend愀 sword. it愀 a good one. killing me with itwould be a nice way to mourn. so that愀 your choice? so you mean to win... you愉e my kind. we can愒 turn away from fighting.

if we愉e the same kind,and you愉e aragami... ...what does that make me? beat me and you惻l find out. i惴 glad we met. that愀 a sneaky trick! yes! i like that! that愀 why i chose you. this is the central momentof your life. stake body and soul,present. past and future...

...and show me! you愉e the man i chose.can愒 you do better than that? the hammer... you won愒 beat me with that. i guess not. i thought maybehe was the one. is there no one in this worldwho can stand against me? he was a real samurai. give him a good funeral.

the world isn愒 alwayswhat it seems. didn愒 you say that? yes, i did. i惴 sure you have no equal underheaven. but look up... ...there愉e millions of stars above. you扉e made me realizewhat i really am. this is indeeda world of wonder. fascinating. you愉e the onei扉e been waiting for.

you werenæ„’ waiting for me.i was searching for you. thanks.this is the best moment in my life. what manner of being are you? i see... the world is so wide,and still full of mystery... now you can sleep. i can? so this is sleep... hey... you think... ...i can dream, too? i wonder what he愀 dreaming... what will you do? i惻l stay here... ...with you. you will stay here... ...and continue your battle. oh,well...

i扉e got nowhere to go. i guess i惻l stay. aragami... i wonder who愀 going to beat me. i惻l be here to see.

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