
watch the gift full movie

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

- please don't make me go. you can keep homeschooling me. - i taught you everything i know. no more argument, okay?we discussed this ad nauseam. - what's ad nauseam? - you don't know?well, looks like someone needs school. - [students] good morning, miss stevenson. - who can tell me what three plus three is? - everyone knows it's six.

- mary, can you stand up, please? can you tell me what 57 multiplied by 135 is? (sighs) okay. who can--- 7695. the square root is 87.7 and change. now what does ad nauseam mean? ♫ i listen to the wind, to the wind of my soul - i think your niece may be gifted. - i am good friends with the headmasterof the oaks academy for gifted education.

- no. i promised my sisteri'd give mary a normal life. i think she's gotta be here. ♫ i've sat upon the setting sun - who's that lady in front of our door? - that would be your grandmother. - holy sh--(paper rips) - it's a macbook, darling. - what are you doing here? - you are denying the girl her potential.

how many seven year oldsare doing advanced calculus? - you forgot the negative sign on the exponent. - mary, why didn't you say anything? - hank says i'm not supposed tocorrect older people. nobody likes a smart-ass. - we petition the court to grantmy client full custody of the child. - no! no! - you're gonna take that girl. you're gonna loan her out to some think tankwhere she can talk nontrivial zeros

with a bunch of old russian guysfor the rest of her life. - and you'd bury her under a rock. - evelyn, stop! i'm raising her how i believediane would have wanted. ♫ do you need a reason♫ we should commit treason - if anybody takes that baby away,i'll smother you in your sleep. - my sister wanted mary to be a kid. she wanted her to have friendsand to be happy. - tell us, do you have health insurance?

- no. - did you spend the night in jail?- objection! - what's your greatest fear? - that i'll ruin mary's life. - mary!- mary. - mary!- uh-uh! - she's bossy. - i've heard that. ♫ valleys of the young

- he's a good person.he wanted me before i was smart.

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