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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

move aside everyone. hi. ms. laxmi, we heard you're goingto donate the money in charity? yes. do you have an affair withmarried ranveer? you said it was with arjun. - ma'am,we heard you got a lip job done. nonsense. madam, listen. - madam.. welcome, ma'am.- thank you.

you get local brew? - you're askingfor local brew in a five star hotel? you are talking about liquorin front of beautiful girl? she is made from milkand i from coal. i see you inmy dreams every day. who are you? i was called here fora charity show. there's no public here.who do i perform for? for me. public is in front of you.come on, start. - what?

i had promised my friends. you'll dance inbachelor's party. you wouldn't have come.. i had to pretend ofevent and charity show. whatever you see outside,totally failed. hey, wear this bikini. you have to wear thisbikini while dancing. don't waste time. start. are you out of your mind? i performfor the orphans. - we're orphans too.

mother eloped with someone andfather became insane in happiness. not only me, my father andmy grandfather was orphans too. you can't find an orphan like usin the orphanage too. rohit, will you make her wearor shall i make her wear? okay, i'll make her wear it. come on. - where's she going? hey, stop! stop! - nab her! stop!

she is heroine laxmi. laxmi? - i've seen herlive for the first time. madam, i saw your bikini ad. you look very sexy in it. ma'am, is it shooting?is this is a rape scene? it is not shooting.they said it was a charity show.. ..but they aremisbehaving with me. help me, please.i'm in trouble. do you think they'll save you?

this ground and the wholearea belongs to me. if they know who i am.. ..they'll go out of the boundary. madam, the ball.. ..bat and the umpire alsobelongs to us. let us do the fieldingor you'll get bowled. hey coal mine! the fourth umpire willsave this girl's wicket. who will save your wicket?- who is it?

did you say anything? did you?- i didn't say anything. did you? - i'm not interestedin doing commentary. my friend does good commentary. he makes everyone speechless. he's coming from pavilion. look there. hey, who are you? shall i introduce myself or showa demo by hitting six? i do it well.

i even hit the dead ball. i hit the bowleruntil he is dead. boss, we made a mistake. you are in form these days. sister, forgive us. brother, sister forgave us. sehwag, gambhir, i'm a pokerplayer, please forgive me. brother, i will neverplay cricket again. hey, ranjhi player.

the heroine doesn't get impresseduntil you play international match. why are you posing with the bat? are you sachin, he's gangulyand he's dhoni of this team? rohit, we'll play t-20 right away. whoever wins will takethe heroine along. oh! when i do defend,man goes out of boundary. when i cut, man dies. you! - no!

he's hitting a boundaryevery time. you don't go. i'll teach you a lesson. you get checkedby a doctor first. thank you very much. it's okay. i practiced my battingin this pretext. why did you come here alone? i didn't know bad peoplewill be here. - oh. you helped me, so i want tospend some time with you.

okay. "it hits right and sometimes left." "your eyes struck my heart.o darling." "my youth has come ina helicopter." "don't go in a parachute." "your youth." "i don't want yoursecond hand youth." tell me.- ravi, police arrested your dad. which station?- juhu police station.

scoundrels, how dare you? you extort moneywhen i'm present here. people don't give us moneybecause of goons like you. - sir! somebody has called togive money to us. - let me hear. my commission.- what did you say? you won't give me money? i'm sending an inspector to extortmoney from you. - hang up the phone! a good phone for you andi get nothing? idiot, i asked for a smart phonefrom you last week.

you said you'll give me,but you escaped. you idiot! i'll lose my incomebecause of you. i got ruined. sir.. listen, sir. - move aside. who spoke? - sir, i.. why have you come here? you arrested my dad. tell me your father's name.- mohan rao.

that idiot? he looks like a sanskrit teacher. he is a sexologist. he's become old,but still very arrogant. if someone errs,i thrash them with belt. but his mistakesare unbendable. get his father. is the room comfortable? how can arresta respectable man?

who said he is respectable? he is a road romeo. he is worse than prem chopra,gabbar singh, and mogambo. what is his mistake?- womanizer. he hasn't eventouched his wife. wow, constable gunvanti.- sir. go to flashback and tell themwhat his father has done. guddu, tell me if you seeany beautiful girl. you wake me up early morningto ogle at girls.

i keep watching girlson the laptop until morning. beautiful like angles. what are you saying? hi, what's up? - a tree, uncle. if you tease girls,you'll get beaten up. a true lover reaches his destinationonly after getting beaten up. give me the flower. hello. - thank you. only thank you?

you accepted the rose, now giveme your phone number. - what? no problem, take my number. okay, give me your facebook id. we'll do video chatting. are you out of your mind? do you know my dad's name?inspector daya. - inspector daya? mohan, i'll goto the washroom. - hey! hello, many inspectors cameand went in this area. no one could even touch me.

i'll teach you a lesson.- i'm talking to you, listen. doesn't an inspector's daughtercarry a mobile with her? don't they havea facebook account? doesn't she feel like chatting?tell me. doesn't she have any rightsto fall in love? - i'll tell you! who is it? i've written thesupreme law of india. whatever it is, do youwant to marry her? come to the police station,i'll thrash you so badly..

..that you won't be able to sit. you'll stand and'll massage it with ice. who are you?- i'm her father. did you think that you'llwoo my daughter.. ..and will elope with herwithout my knowledge? hey, put him inside. - get in.- sit here. we were out fora stroll in the morning.. we'll haveto get beaten up. come back to realityfrom flashback.

one gives away daughterat this age.. ..he's looking for girl himself. sir, he was not doingit for himself. he was looking for a partner.- partner? is he the opening batsmenin cricket.. ..that he will need a partner? not openingpartner for cricket.. ..uncle is looking fora life partner for his friend. he's looking for a life partner..

..then go to a beauty parloror search in google. what would be his dignityif the girl had hit him? sir, i've already got beaten up. i saw many girls for him. he doesn't like anyone. so, i came on the road. you explain it to him.- okay, i will. look son, it is important forevery man to marry at right age. i'm repenting after doing so.

so, you get sacrificed soon. i explained it to him.take him along. i'm asking you for the last time,what will you take to reform? i will not reform untili get you married. either you select a girlor i'll look for her. our choices are different.what do i do? all the beautiful girlsare in mumbai. do you want a girlwho has moustache? - no, uncle. he wants a girl who haswon any beauty pageant.

so many girls?- marriage is for life time. first love and then marriage. it will take time. - fine, fall inlove after marriage. you explain it to himto marry at the earliest. if you are in a hurry,you get married. why are you ruining your life? tell him your choiceor he'll follow every girl. at least you try to understand. she should awaken desires in me.- marry and your desires will awaken.

there should be a lighteningin my body when i see her. i've been calling bijlee, but shedoesn't answer my calls. - shut up! you continue, son. my body should vibratewhen i see her. the bells should ring in a3d effect. - it has rung. she should be slim that i pick hernow and again. - pick her up! i think he'll die as a celibate. where will we find such girl? don't worry. the world is'll find her somewhere.

we have to take him to disco,so that he cools down. dance with me! uncle! hey! shruti, i'm tired dancing. let's have a drink.- okay. oh god! uncle, we enjoyedso much today. if there's no fun in life,a human being gets bored. eat the fruits. don't worry. this is a five-star coupon.

wow! - dinner for two. uncle, we ordered for drinksin passion.. ..but who'll pay the bill? we don't have to paythe lokpal bill. drinking for free is fun. thank you. hello, boss. i found today's scapegoat. hello? who's speaking?

hello, i'm shah rukhkhan speaking. what? shah rukh khan? are you real? yes, super star king khan! shah rukh khan? "shall i cry or laugh?" "what do i do?" mr. khan, tell me. listen to me carefully.- i'm listening, sir.

i know that my girlfriendis in your pub. seeing her clothes, you mightfeel she's a parrot. madam is like the mynah. she came with a manwho looked like a fool. don't take money from them.i'll pay you with tips. i don't want tip.i'm your fan. your girlfriend is my girlfriend.a fan has rights on her. if you are my fan.. ..don't take money fromthe handsome man with her.

i'll give you a heavy tip,you don't need to work in a hotel. thank you very much, sir.i'll show the hotel manager.. ..that i'm your fan.i'm no less. hang up the phone soon,ipl match is starting. okay, mr. want to hang up? waiter, don't make us wait.give the bill. - you need not pay. mr. khan had called. he will pay the bill.- why will he pay? he first gives heart, then pays thebill. - why doesn't he stop?

i asked him for a cycle, but hegave a car worth 50 lakhs. he doesn't know that dieseland petrol is so expensive. car worth 50 lakhs? sir, 50 lakhs is a mere amountfor mr. khan. 50 lakh car is fine.. ..but why did he give5 lakh as tip to the driver. - hey! madam, listen to me.please, stop. you don't get angry.look, mr. khan.. mr. khan is coming here.

what's going on?who was that girl? sir, she's mr. khan's girlfriend. he'll come here and pay the bill. who mr. khan?- who? i'm talking about mr. khan.. ..who the police has beenlooking for. it is not easy to nab him,but it is impossible. you're asking who is mr. khan. shah rukh khanwill come here tomorrow..

..and he will throwthe money on your face. idiot, how can shahrukh khan come here? he is shooting withkaran johar in london. in london?- listen, catch them! boss, they are upstairs. where are the people who camefrom mangalore? - just a minute. in room number 205. boss, they escaped. shankar's stooges escapedfrom my hands today..

..but i'll kill them. icici bank, show.- how, son? i have axis bank with me. dad, there's no moneyin any of your account. son, your mother gives mea shopping list before i get salary. what wrong have i done? i've become bankrupt becauseof your shopping. there's no ration at home, but youare bothered about your fashion. if this continues..

..i will have to sell steamedbread on the crossroad. your relatives are here. open the door. oh god, recovery people? i will leave from the backdoor. oh! - are you shocked? i always come from backdoor. you rang the bell from frontand you've come from back? i don't trust people now.- you'll get ruined.

i want to slap you.- will you slap me? there's a fridge in the storeroom,take that along too. this wouldn't have happened if youtook me shopping. - come with me. hey, sister-in-lawis like a mother. sorry. - you are great. show me your hand.- my bad luck. sir, my finger is hurt.- good, you didn't get hurt. brother, i think malingadrank something. he is admitted in the hospital.

patient named malinga? third bed. - let's go. malinga! he is alive. if you had to die, why did youdrink nail polish? betrayal in love.- in love? yes, in love.- not possible. trust me. like the ministers loot youafter winning..

..that girl made me payall her bills and looted me. be precise. i went to the coffee shopto pass my time. is anybody around?- i am here. idiot. - tell me, roasted chicken. get a black coffee.- a black coffee for the dark guy. i will marry guy of my choiceno matter dark or fair. are you mad?what are you saying? you girls never like anything.

when you want to buya pair of slippers, you say.. ..both look same, show meanother piece. uncle. - what is it? do you think i won't finda guy of my choice? you don't get slippers ofyour choice, forget guy. he is somewhere around. is it? who is he? look there. he's sitting there. that guy? - yes.

that guy looks pauper. he is dark as coal. you are beautifuland he is dark. what kind of a match is this? i will adorn him like a moleon my fair body. look at his intoxicating eyes. vibrant smile. only his eyes and teeth are is all tight. if you both marry, the eraof black and white will return.

then i'll not marry all my life. shruti, don't say that. shruti? nice name. this is not are seeing his outer look. my eyes areseeing his inner beauty. i didn't wear a vest,how can she see? excuse me. did you call me? yes, you are the mosthandsome guy here. - what?

are you married? - if i was,i would've applied for divorce. i will thrash him.- uncle, this is called love. i love you. you love me? oh god, thanks a lot. "had the moonrecommended me.. ..i would've told you." "by putting thecurtains of shyness.. ..i want to make a mistake."

"i'm stubborn that i wantto ruin myself." "get mesmerized in you." - come outof your dreams or i'll thrash you. did the bell ring?it is ringing here. being with a beautiful girl?forget it. sir, don't go on my complexion.use your brains. just think, our childrenwill be so colorful. please. - no! no need to plead him. he doesn't know my taste.

love doesn't see complexion,wealth or property. i just want your love. go and die. i'm leaving. pen, paper. oh. call me. pay the bill too. i will pay the light bill andmobile bill too. yes! that girl's entry in my life.. ..was like a rose bloomingin the dessert.

the one who feared to lookinto the mirror.. ..he filled hishouse with mirrors. message. i used to chat all nightand shop all day. over confidence. i put my photo by removingranbir's photo on facebook. i love you too,three, four, five.. idiot! if you have to impress uncle..

gift him a double-door fridge. this is too much.- no, it is less. he's madly in love with youand has lost his senses. darling, you love me so much. you are giving me ideasto impress your uncle. dark romeo, i'm your juliet. darling, can't you do thisto impress my uncle? to impress uncle, gift him..- a home theater? will you think about uncle?

what do you want? give me a nail polish, my beloved. i bought 10 nail polishfor her 10 fingers.. i got them gift packed. i ran to the coffee shop. whathappened there, see it yourself.. please uncle.- are you out of your mind? he won't fit in three bedroomhall and kitchen. if you marry him, where will hemake you sleep? look at his is like a wedding tent. - uncle.

the one whose body isso big, imagine his heart. i will stay in his heart. excuse me. - yes? are you married? i'm trying to get married. no need to try anymore. try everythingwith my heart now. i recovered loan moneyfrom people all my life. she put my life in danger.

not only me, but all of them. oh god. have you ever recharged yourmother's phone? - idiot. you sold everything togift a phone to that girl. girls are smart these days, theydon't buy i-phone with their money. they fool such scapegoats. know that girls areof three types. lcd, led, 3d. lcd, pretends to love you..

..make you spend moneyand leave you. led, fake love with you.. ..she will be with you,but doesn't let you touch her. third is 3d, smart and dangerous. looks like she's near, but goeswith someone else from far. she shows heaven andspend lover's money. does my girlfriendbelongs to 3d type? she didn't belong to anyone,how can you tell her yours? instead of teaching hera lesson, you are sympathizing her?

it is not his cup of have to do something. they both like to dance, isn't it? i will make them danceon my beats. they'll never be able to walk.- why? they are going to fall down.- oh. uncle, how will we party?i don't see any scapegoat. dear shruti, don't worry. this mumbai city isfull of fools. we'll surelyfind some scapegoat.

then we'll loot him. your attention, please. shall i come inside? please, come. scapegoat is here. look at this attire. sir, where do i sit? sir, you sit here.- oh god. this place is not clean.

where is the waiter? mr. waiter! - tell me, sir. give me a cup coffee.- okay, sir. brother, less sugar. i don't have diabetes,but i'm cautious. - okay, sir. uncle, what do you thinkabout this fool cum stupid. he looks like a fool to me. oh god, one cupcoffee is rs. 150. they aren't even givingbiscuits with it.

shruti, let's start. i don't care what you wish. i'll first do affair and then marry.- you can't do affair at this age. you'll be a maiden all yourlife if you do affair. you won't find any guyto marry. i found him, love at first sight.- who is it? that guy with specs. this yellow taxi? - yes. this specs guy?- i was looking for him.

look at his style ofdrinking tea. when he isdrinking tea like this.. ..then his stylemust be unique. he is wiping is mouthfrom a tissue paper.. though serial kisser,imran hashimi. - shut up! he looks likea bitter gourd fritter. uncle, see him through my eyes. shruti, wait for some more time,you'll get model with nice features. listen, it looks like.. are talking about me.- you are right. no. i didn't have affairwith any girl till now. then, our line is clear. no, i don't like this fool.- do i have to marry him or you? you are jealousof my happiness. you hurt her delicate heart.- shut up! i will thrash youblack and blue. it is because of you.- because of me? - sir, bill.

hey you, pay the bill. don't forget to take tip.- okay, sir. yeah! scapegoat is coming out.control your emotions. madam, i paid your bill. i gave him rs. 5 as tip. so sweet. thank you. you idiot! you can't get her.

she doesn't have a problem,then why do you have? you are doing terrorism. i am very smart. dear, he's smart. let's go. pauper. - i'm not a pauper. when you see a mirror,you see, right? - you are right. where will she go now?- home. - college. yes, she'll go home, take herbooks and go to college. - okay. shruti, we'll meet in the evening.

what is your number?- 9901344445. i asked her number.why did you give me yours? shruti, give me your phone. the phone is gorgeousas you are. okay, bye. - bye. who is it?- darling, it is my number. ravi. save it as 'darling'.- okay. scoundrel! he slapped me.

i still didn't do anything to him. it is good that he didn'thave a broom in his hand. one slap cannot harm anyone. do you wish to get slapped again?- i've been slapped, now his turn. come on, give me phone.- hope he doesn't slap you on phone. ravi, i made omelet for you. ravi, phone. it is a message. shruti? - hi sweetheart,what are you doing?

she said 'sweetheart'. wow. i think, it is done. i will clear the line. i was waiting for your message.what are you doing? i was missing you.i don't feel like eating. forget food, i don't feellike having bath too. i can smell his sweatfrom the phone. darling, why didn't you have bath? no, i want to bath together.

i am feeling shy. you you want a kiss? do you want? dad, whose call? it is shruti. - shruti? son, she's messaging youconstantly. who is this girl? she's not a girl, but grandma.she's overage. she has bought a lifetimesim card in old age. she is asking loan torecharge it. - oh.

i replied to her on your behalf. hope she won't file a caseagainst me in the police station. son, save me. i shall leave. i don't feel sleepy. i'm restless.what do i do? have sleeping tabletsand go to sleep. oh god, i've been exposed. i'll finish the class, you makeplans for the party. you concentrate on your studiesand leave the planning to me.

bye uncle. - bye. oh no, uncle!- shruti, what happened? his call. - i see. don't get scared.avoid him or use him. it is better to get rid of him.- okay. hello? - unemployed, why didyou answer the phone? where is shruti?- she's gone to the temple. temple? - yes. she said she would go topilgrimage if she finds a good guy.

so, we've come topilgrimage today. even i'm in pilgrimage.i just came here. he went to pilgrimage. tell me. - what? sorry, tell me. we'll go to the temple together.where is shruti? how can we go together? we haven't reached there yet.we are stuck in traffic in delhi. don't ram into us.move your train aside.

will you run over me? am i a track?auto, move aside. i don't have change. am i a beggar?- i didn't tell you, sir. sir, let's do this.- what? we'll reach there inanother 2-4 years. so, you go alone andcome home walking. shruti would've becomea grandma until then. hey peanut! - tell me crackle. i saw you! how did you see us frompilgrimage? are we on tv?

assume that. you are mad. lift your hand.- i won't. lift your hand and turn left.look here. here, i did. i turned left. my jaggery! uncle, we are trapped.plan something to escape. tomato sauce. is this pilgrimage? - yes,pilgrimage college of science.

shruti, come here. please. you come here. did you buy thesegoggles? - i stole it today. why did you tell meto walk from pilgrimage? you'll build body if you walk.don't hit me. - no! forget him, talk to me.- oh god, i'm dead. i'll talk to you all my life. let'sget married. - this is not done. you love her and hit me. i told you that my mood swingsaccording to the pitch. if you say, shall we go togoldmine and watch movie?

i have class till 5 o'clock. the theater is nearby. i will book two corner seattickets online. you be ready. actually.. - shut up! come on time. i will go to the class.bye. bye. where are you going? if you answer her call evenby mistake in the evening.. you know what will happen?- no. i will explain it to youin english. i will hold your tomato.. ..and will cut in small pieces. i will add chili powder.. ..and will feed you.- you'll feed it to me? - yes. thank you.- you look like a blind man. go. bye. he will make me a beggar.

oh god, what do we do? i don't find any way ofescaping from him. what do i do? oh god, uncle he's trapping usand you are playing a game? cool baby, cool. that idiot will beroaming near the college.. ..whole day waiting for you. he called. talk to him.- uncle, what will i tell him? don't worry. talk to him.i am with you.

no. - i'll tell you what to do. you don't worry. hello, actually.. actually, i returned homeat 1 o'clock as my class got over. don't get angry, please.- i can never be angry with you. the people in love never getangry on the one they love. you are right. we'll meet later. no, stay there. i'll pick you. will you come home?

my house is away from the city. if i leave my house in january.. ..i reach college in'll petrol will be of waste. i'm a true lover.i have a cng kit fixed. tell me the address.- address? address? - he wants address. cookie. sorry, nana chowk. nana chowk is very big.

yes, it is very big.i mean, very far. it is very far. where in nana chowk? where.. money, rupee, dollar? dollar colony. - dollar colony?this is too much, shruti. where in dollar colony? letter box, near the post office. post office? shruti!shruti! shruti! is it plot no. 69? white building?

he knows our wrong address. why are you wastingthe battery? that scoundrel will bestanding outside. nana chowk, dollar's colony,plot no. 69. have i come tothe right address? though we gave you thewrong address. - come down. no, i don't want to get slapped. if you won't come, i'll comeupstairs. - i'll come tomorrow. you won't agree.wait, i'll come upstairs.

oh god, shruti he's comingupstairs to take your class. if we don't get an idea soon.. ..he will take you and thrash me. uncle, what do we do now? idea. blue ox. - thank you. i got it stitched from a curtain. i won't have any teethif you slap me like this. wear red color or i'll slap you more.- let it be. one is enough for me.

bulls get agitated seeing red. come naked, they'll laugh and getunconscious. - next time. darling! baby. - don't tell her. shruti, dear! shame shame. you don't go on datewrapping a towel. actually, saturday is ourlaundry day. we wash all the clothesexcept the towels. i shave on mondays.there's a barber outside the gate.

only then i go to the bathroom.- yes. i wash clothes in the bathroom. who will watch the movie now? if she goes wearing a towel, peoplewill watch her and not the film. i'll take her. - what? how? come, stand here.i? - yes, come. why do you wish to make mestand straight? - i'll tell you. let's go. hurry up.

remove the towel. hurry up.- uncle! help me! - i'm dead. this is called asinviting the trouble. he took shruti insideand closed the door. what must be he doing inside? idiot! - yes. what were you doing inside?- why are you sitting here like dog? hope you didn't do anythingwrong with her. i went alone with her insidethe room, how can i leave her?

i made her ready. darling, come out. darling, did you like the dress? it is a little small,but perfect fit. let's go. - uncle! make a dress for me.i'll also come with you. wash the clothes. today is saturday.let's go, my darling. "my heart played guitar,when it saw you." "there was love in my heart played guitar."

"what intoxication is this?" "i'm enjoying life." "i lost my heart." do you love her?- no, i was flirting with her. okay, go and continue.- thank you. suri, find outwhen is the next train. excuse me, when is the next train?- still time, you can cross tracks. hey! - they are raghav's men.come on, let's escape. nab them! where are you going?

nab them. you! - are you out of your mind? if you go there, three morepeople will be dead from our gang. all the ways are closedfor you to escape. where are they? tell me, as there's no wayyou can escape from here. suri! - oh no! even if i hadone man like him.. ..i would've nabbedeveryone by now.

hello? yes. okay. keep talking. plot no. 26? okay, i'll come there. why do you come so late? you told me you'll showme the passion of youth today. go and change soon. why should i show you youth?who are you?

i was talking about film. a wife will surely tellher husband such things. wife? brother-in-law, you alwaystake sister out for a movie. you didn't take me outfor a single movie. sister-in-law, wife? what's going on?- what are you both doing there? why are you troubling son-in-law? son-in-law, i've madepudding for you. it is very tasty.

oh god, i'm sitting with a bowland you are offering him pudding? listen, hero. if she's an expertin making pudding.. ..then taste the food made by'll enjoy it. it is true. first get married to her.. breakfast preparedby your wife.. ..but i'll cook dinner for you. why you?he wants to spoil you too. you won't let him sleep.

why are you revealing my secret?- shut up! he is my daughter's husband. have it. - stop your family drama! mr. mohan rao! mohan rao! - hey! mr. mohan rao, do you hear me?please, come here. what is all this? - it is family.environment like home. i'll tell you. look at your wife. she is beautiful and qualified.

they are your mother-in-lawand father-in-law. a fun loving sister-in-law. they all are great. your desireshave awakened, isn't it? yes, i understood everything. my wife, turn here. you didn't kiss me, but youwant to see my youth? i was talking about the film.- you talk too much. wait. - you feel shy giving it here.will you give me in theater?

you want to see your brother-in-law'syouth? - no, brother-in-law. first we'll enjoy here.. ..then we'll go to see the movie.let's go. - stop! you are misbehaving with a girl.if you have guts, talk to a man. you think yourself to bean oscar winning actor? i will throw you from the roof.sister-in-law will become widow. you forgot, you used to relish foodmade by her. - don't get angry. come here. aren't you happy with him?

didn't he give you love?- don't you feel ashamed? do you talk to your would-bemother-in-law, like this? - oh god! mr. mohan, we are your relatives. your son slapped your relative. we are from respected family.we don't want it to get tarnished. this wedding will not happen. do you needspecial invitation? leave. what is this? tiffs between husband andwife are common, right?

means? you won't marry? let me find a girl of my choice. when? i'm fed up explaining to you. i did this drama for you today.when will you understand and marry? will you, when i will die? listen.. - look, i willgive you one week's time. choose a girl within a week. or you have to marrya girl of my choice.

and if you won't.. ..then you will lose me. what to do? hey, why are you pushing me?always walk from the left side. i am totally annoyed by him. you are right, uncle.we have to do something. don't be in hurry.we have to think of an idea. if our idea works,we can teach him a lesson. what idea, tell me?

you ask him for marriage.- why are you ruining my life? he will say thesame dialogue. - what? today's guys are happywith their relationship.. ..they run when you talkabout marriage to them. this is a facebookgeneration, shruti. marriage is headache for them.- wow! well said, uncle. you are steve jobless.- why jobless? never mind. might besurname of a great man. okay, take the phone and call him.

uncle! - what happened? he is calling me. - his bad timehas started. talk to him. hello, ravi. - hi, shruti. i was thinking about youand you called me up. i want to talk somethingurgent with you. is it very urgent?- very urgent. then open the door. uncle!- now what? he is asking me to open the door.- is he here?

the scapegoat is here. let'sfool him. go and open the door. uncle. - don't the door. don't fear when i am here. hi sweetheart,was it really urgent? you were missing me? yes... no. black salt! - hey. where is coal mine?- i am here. why did youcome here suddenly?

i want to talk to yousomething important. - what? baby, will you be my wife?- what? why this melodramatic reaction? actually, i need some time. take as much astime you want. take this joblessman's time too. shruti, take your time. but i want the answer in yes.- what if she refuses? i will kill you!

i am leaving, dear. shruti. - talk to me. you go inside.- just a minute. please go back. why did you hit me? i hit you in advance because afteri go you will give her wrong advice. cheer up. - okay. my wife... in advance. what is happening? how does heget to know about our plan? now, what he wants?- you don't worry. let me see.

what do you want now?you already slapped me. you got slapped? what dish is this?- it is not dish, but fish, nothing. nothing, dad. the snack guy wascontinuously ringing the bell. so... - oh, okay. how are you, steve? hope you didn'tdo anything wrong in my absence. no chance. you were supposed to come after twodays, how did you come suddenly? actually..- even i told him the same. but he was not readyto listen to me. - great.

she isn't satisfied afterdoing so much shopping. shruti's wedding iswithin ten days. you never get boredfrom shopping.. ..we get fed up becausewe have to pay the bill. not satisfied yet?- it's wedding shopping. go inside and take rest. you too go and rest. you also take rest, dear. - okay. you come here.

what kind of behavior is this?- he proposed me for marriage. that mad guy is behind me. our concept was to fool him,but how do we escape from him? he is not a fool,but very smart. he trapped us, not we. will you tell me,what to do? i have an idea.- no need. keep your idea with you.- thank you. i will. after all it was couldn't afford it.

uncle, it's our turn.. i will deal with himin my way. uncle, is ravi here? who are you? - she is yourdaughter-in-law and i am her uncle. my name is shruti. shruti? he said shrutiis a seventy years old lady. he is mad andyou are blind. she is still sweet sixteen. does my girl look likeseventy years old lady?

did he really tell like this?- yes, he did. now what about my love?- forget about your love. what love? - i think hedidn't tell you anything. he came home yesterday andproposed baby for marriage. marriage?- yes marriage. he even promised that he won'ttake a single penny in dowry. my son?- yes uncle, your son ravi. what? why are you shocked?don't you believe me? will you be with us orteach him a lesson? answer me.

oh god, what i am listening.oh god! he will go inside and tell his wife.then the drama will begin. his mom will fall unconscious. here will be the interval. then ravi will enter.. ..his dad will shoot him and himselftoo. - then there will be a climax. hey rajesh, krishna, ramu,durgesh come here fast. wonderful. be happy andlive a married life forever. always be happy.

great. my son told me that he will getmarried to a girl of his choice. he has brought goddess laxmi. oh god, fool's fatheris biggest fool. why there is crowd here? looks likematch between india and pakistan. what is she doing here? dear, you are great. i had no idea thatyou will react so soon. she told me that you both aregetting married very soon.

dear, she came home andspoke about marriage. - afridi.. did you say it or not?- yes, i did. great dear, you mademy life very easy. but now her problem don't know her father. he is a rich man,but very dangerous. he won't like him.- what are you saying? when girl and guy is readywhat will the priest do? i will come home someday andtalk about your marriage. uncle.

i got emotional and said it. okay, uncle. see you later. hey, please call medad not uncle. let's get from here or he willget you both married right away. we are leaving. bye. - okay, dear. you can come home anytime.- okay. feel like your home.- let's move, dear. i have to see this daybecause of you.

what are you doing, dear?- all happened because of you. because of me?- exactly. i have to face all thisbecause of you. father is not ready tolisten anything. he has already accepted heras daughter-in-law. just think, what will happen to youif my dad learns this? where have i got stuck? - we haveto get rid of this problem. i have to clear this matter. absolutely, we must haveto clear everything.

tell him that this was a game. the number you are tryingto reach is currently busy. phone is engage. currently busy. - it is busy. i can't reach him,i'll message him. - okay. i need to talk to you,something very serious. exactly, even i want totell something to you clearly. we'll meet in the pub tomorrow. it's been half an hourand we're sitting quiet.

what's the matter, tell me? 'before he says anything,let me tell it to him.' let's go and sit there.- wherever you say. what will you have?- i'll have a chilled beer. what is this ranjhi playerdoing here? he first wooed the heroinenow he's wooing her. wait. excuse me, baby.- okay, darling. tell me. - that hero who thrashedus for that heroine.. sitting in front of usin 'the club'.

he has a girl with himwho is.. ..very spicy. stop him there, i'll come. i will give you a reward. reward? he stopped us fromenjoying with laxmi.. ..we'll enjoy withhis girlfriend today. whoever touches her gets 5 lakhsand whoever kisses her gets 10 lakhs. how much for ruining her?

then 30 lakhs. 30 lakhs. i will ruin her. boss, pay the money in cash. deal is done. you are getting highdrinking so many pegs. forget your matterand listen to me. - no! i will return from washroomand tell you. - okay. come on, shruti. you can do it. tell him that youdon't love him.

all this was a jokeand nothing else. you are not one, but i'vefooled many other guys. are you in love with him?no, impossible. yes, now i can do it.- first, i will do it. hey, who are you?what are you doing in ladies toilet? listen to me, my name is rampuri. just get out.- you are telling me to get out? girl, we get 5 lakhs to touch you. we get 10 lakh to kiss you.

we get 30 lakhsfor sleeping with you. if you co-operate,we'll share the money. are you going to take bat? be prepared. hey black and white, that dayyou were behind laxmi and today her? will you move forward,or be behind? i want to,but you always interfere. what are you watching?you start. listen, i'll give youa holiday package.

hope it isn't expensive.- touch this girl once.. ..i will give you swiss holidaypackage free. - what are you saying? great offer. i will touch her. you go and touch her.- want to touch? come on. whose blood is this?why is everything blur here? move aside. my waist! will you sit on my head?come on, get up. come and touch me.- no, it is too much.

what are you watching?go and hit him. idiot. - tell me. won't you touch her?what happened? is someone around? did he go? rohit. are you rohit? your offer didn't work. he flushed us in the bathroom.oh god. tell me,who tried to touch her?

i. do you know who that girl is? she is my fiancã©e. if you touch her again,you are dead. shruti. i want to tell you something. god has made you very beautiful. don't misuse it. if you say you love somebody,he'll give everything to you.

but your joke cankill someone. don't play with somebody'semotions for some money. a man breaks whenhis heart breaks. learn to respect love. you'll realize only whenyou fall in love with someone. love is sacred. learn to worship it. yes brother, rohit saw shrutiwith some other guy. he is very upset.

but i've pacified him. no, it is not possible. he must be mistaken. sir, somebody ishere to meet you. tell him i'm busy. - sir, i did,but he says, it is important. okay, send him in. greetings. - greetings. i think, family meetingis going on here. i came on the wrong time.i'll come later.

no problem, what's so important? my name is mohan rao.i stay in lokhanwala. my son works at a local bank.. why are you telling me all this? because my sonloves your daughter. i'm here to talk abouttheir alliance. does shruti love your son? what am i hearing? i'm talking to him.

even i didn't know about this. your daughter told me. shruti! do you know him? yes, dad. do you love his son? if you tell the truth,brother will have heart attack. tell me, do you love him? yes, i do.

what? in spite of you know thatyour wedding is next week? dad, i forgot everythingafter meeting ravi. i gave my consent for the weddingjust for your happiness. but i'll be happy.. ..only when i marry ravi. still, i will agree to you..- enough! go inside! did you see her shamelessness?

do you think she's pure? listen to me. - you stay quiet.- forgive me for my mistake. i understand your plight. i came on wrong timeand told you wrong things. i just want to say,i don't want daughter-in-law.. ..but a daughter. i request you to think about it. if you still don'tagree to this alliance.. ..then my son will nevertrouble your daughter again.

i just want to tell this. rest is up to you. you've given too muchfreedom for your daughter. so, she is going wrong way. we won't accept this. she is tarnishing our imagealong with yours. if she was my daughter.. ..i would've killed her myself. she is like her mother.

stop it. - how? i will mend her after marriage.- let me speak now. brother, forget whatever happened. correct. i have to forget. this weddingwill not take place. what are you saying?- yes. look, i want mydaughter's happiness. there's a lot of differencebetween you and that man. he said he wants a daughterand not a daughter-in-law.

you say that you wanta daughter-in-law.. ..and you will teach her a lesson.- but you.. - no! no, please. no! i'm sorry. that old man said andhe cancelled the wedding. you heard him and camehere with a sullen face. why didn't youstrangulate his neck? rohit, what are you doing?- what do you expect me to do? no girl has guts to reject me.

but she rejected meeven after engagement. this happened because of you. but i.. - this fool wasjust nodding his head. if my brother learns this,he will sever his head. now my brotherwill take revenge. no, i don't know anything.please, let me go. i don't know anything.- tell me where he is. i don't know anythingabout shankar. leave me. leave me.

sister, tell me. brother, if you want yournephew to get settled.. have to kill thatgirl's boyfriend. sister, it is difficult toerase love. so, we'll kill that lover. uncle, you kill him soon. nephew, not one, but i will killall the lovers of the world for you. wow, we reached on time. why did you get me to temple in thisattire? - it is a surprise. come on.

tell me. - boss, we've reachednana's farmhouse in goa. he can't escape from us. point a gun on his head,i'll come in some time. boss, come soon. come son, we shouldn't delayin good work. come on. offer these flowers to god. what is she doing here?- this is a surprise. - yes. you want to get me killed? i am not so cheap.this is only engagement.

i have to die today. what do you mean?don't you both love each other? don't you want to marry?- dad, you don't know the truth. i know, they told me. son, shruti truly loves you. she called off herengagement for you. she called off her engagement? mika, did you find them? boss, they fooled us.

fooled us? yes boss, i'm telling the truth. shankar and nana's stoogesstay here by their name. shall i kill them? what rubbish?- i'm telling the truth. boss, they are laughing at us. no! call the bride and groom. promise me thatyou won't refuse.

but.. - greetings.- greetings, relative. greetings. my son, ravi. - hello.- he is your would-be father-in-law. touch his feet.- son, time for the ceremony. you go. let's go. - no. one minute, he wants tosay something. did you see how he's shying? you go, we'll be there. what happened? - dad, listen to me.- i will not hear anything.

you won't find such a girl. i saw love for you in her eyes.- explain it to him. listen to your dad.- you too? i was.. idiot, the auspicioustime is passing.. dad, i'll do everything you first come inside with me. dad, there's something on your face.- where are you taking me? go inside and see in the mirror.i am coming. hey, ravi! mujahid, fareb, open it, ravi!

rohit, what are you doing?i will call the police. call whoever you want. only i rule this place. you'll know it now. nephew, take your bride. rohit, what are you doing? you belong to me. - no! shruti! - come on! hey shankar!

are you hiding here? is he ravi or shankar? i searched thewhole world for you. you are hiding here. raka, if you plant a treeyou'll get shade. if you keep a dog,you'll get honesty. if you make enemies,you'll get killed. the older the enmity,the severe will be the wounds. will you kill me?

why did you hide from mefor so many days? you are a coward. you've come out onthe right time. kill him! hey, how did he come here? they are father and sonso they'll be together. they are not son and father. they both were enemies. they were ardent enemies.

they both were infamousgangsters of hyderabad. shankar and nana.they are the same. i looked for themday and night. run or you'll be dead. no dad, nothing willhappen to you. hey, move aside!- no! come on! dad? shankar, if you have guts..

..then save yourgirlfriend's life. dad. take her inside.- no! hey, whether youagree or not.. have tomarry my nephew. shankar will surely come herelooking for you. i will bury him here. do you dig? i am steve yadav.shruti's uncle.

i stay away from fights, but afterseeing your action, i changed. so, i got inside the carand came here. which place is this?- it is hyderabad. talk to me with respect, sir. sir, i want you to chop himinto pieces and give it to dogs. he had made my life miserable.- uncle, what are you saying? yes, he is a scoundrel, forget him. marry rohit, you'll enjoy.- oh no! shruti! i will pacify her.

ravi, nothing will happen to dad. he will be alright soon. but tell me, what is it thathappened in the temple? who were they who calledyou as gangster? is it a secret? kill shankar! shankar is my aide. my aim is to kill nana. greetings. - who are you?

hey! - silent, he is an outsider. let me introduce myself. nana? very small name. who will know a small man?what do you do? give this card to anyone..'ll get all my details. only two things are famous here.char minar of hyderabad.. ..and attack of nana's sword. according to the police records,i am a gangster.

according to public,i'm their messiah. killing someone isvery easy for me. if you want to doanything in this city.. ..whether legal or illegal.. have to take nana'ssupport and certificate. what could i do? i didn't knowanything. i'm here from mumbai. i just started this business. if you want your business shouldn'tgo in loss, you have two options. first, shares. 50-50 in every deal.

second, you have to agreeto the first option. brother, agree to the first option.the second option is a little tough. will you sign or givethumb impression? tell me. you think yourselfto be a gangster? look at your clothes and shoes. looks like you are hereto ask for votes. you think you can scare me withyour stooges and big car? does anyone look like gangsterto you? - absolutely not. listen, you had given metwo options, right?

i will give you only one option. go away! was this your army? you are showing your powerin nana's area? i've been playing withguns and marbles since childhood. even the sun has to takemy permission before rising. mr. nana, i made a mistake.i agree to both the options. we'll share it. you spoke senseon the right time.

where is the registrar? sir, your name?- ramlal. hereafter, your entire propertybelongs to me. sign it. nana, forgive me.- come on. if you go to raka from here.. ..then i will kill you. hey, you get diarrheawhen you have stomach upset. ambulance comes whenyou are unwell. when your bad luck isgoing on, shankar comes.

his name is shankar.he may be new to this field.. ..but he teacheseveryone a lesson. nana, send that man andhis documents to me. lower your voice infront of our boss. my voice has a loud speaker. there's a stormbrewing in my chest. my body is made of iron. i belong to one father. boss raka, shankar is gettingthe builder safely here.

he taught a good lessonto nana's gang. - really? he's raka. his aim is todestroy nana's and his gang.. ..and become number gangsternot only in hyderabad, but india. he is raka's eldest son, shaka. he is inhuman and insane. he is youngest son, kashi. he loveshis father more than his life. father and eldest sonplay with people's life.. ..and he likes to play chess. boss said that shankaralways finishes his work.

the king is here. greetings, brother. you've sent a wonderful man. he is like a missile. i'm giving you 10 lakhsmore than the deal fixed. keep this. you are a lion. you'll ruleall over india one day. good luck.

shankar toofan (storm). i had heard about you,but today i saw you. i liked you. - i'm not a girlfor you to like me. give me the money. shekhar.. not only the payment,i'm giving you an offer too. you'll work for me.hereafter, you are my man. are you a woman for meto become your man? my name is shankar.

boss got someone matching. okay, we shall work together. we both are equal partners.have a seat. get up! just now your fathermade me his partner. so, i'm sitting here.i did right, isn't it? shekhar, keep 5 lakhs here. we are equal partners. so, we'll share this too.- hey!

you stay quiet. shankar, take anything you want. we will ruin nana'sbusiness together. it is not easy to ruinhis business. what can he do? the one who's sober in lifecan destroy anyone. did you understand orshould i make you understand? he is very insolent.he was acting smart. he is very arrogant.- shut up! i'll not do businesswith arrogant people.

we keep this with you know why? this is not necessary,but it is our helplessness. we've got a correct bombto throw against nana. we just have to blast it. how much you eat?enough of it now. hey, what are you doing? dad, he ruined my king. my son. - look here. our army will decrease.- sorry, dad.

"you are my king.i'm your drum." tell me your name. where's the emergency ward?- boss. boss, put bandage to me.- no, i won't. what are you doing here?why didn't you get him treated? they said they don't treatgangsters. - who said so? our doctor. it is his new rule. which doctor made this rule?show him to me. today will be the last dayof his duty here.

show it to the doctor,he'll tell you everything. okay? look, there she is.i will call her. you had to take the medicinewith milk and not with alcohol. we didn't have money tobuy milk. what could we do? anjali, i will teachher love today. why are you sayingyou don't have money? do you expect her to treatyou as well as give money? doctor, let it be.they are poor. i didn't mean that.

i was thinking of helping them.- give the wallet to me. i will give it to the beggarsin your name. - okay. anjali, my parents are lookingfor a girl for me. i don't like anyone.- even girls don't like you. i told them that i'll marrya lady doctor. if you know someone.. anjali, do you understand? hello? - hello? here. what are you doing? i told youthat we'll not treat him here. are you here to threat me?i won't treat him.

don't do. you are doing right. i was here to tell you the same. i told you that if you dohooliganism, you'll meet with this fate. go and treat yourself.- exactly. so, it is my rule thati don't treat hoodlums. i agree with you. but when i think about hismom, i feel scared. is his mom, a dracula? - no. then? - police arrestedhis brother-in-law.

his father became an alcoholicin this shock. even his mom became alcoholic. why did he become a hoodlum? he had to as he had to savehis brother-in-law from the jail. he had to makehis sister settle. what about his sister?- she became a hoodlum too. hey, promise madam thatyou'll stop doing all this. doctor madam, i swear by you. i will stop doing hooliganism.- okay, i'll treat you.

are you a musician? yes, i do violence..i mean, i play violin. i'm famousin the town to play. it looks like a guitar. actually, i play violinfrom a guitar. - oh. with the magic of my music,the lights burn in darkness. is it? do you think yourselfto be tansen? idiot. dr. savitri! you have to respect an artist.- who is savitri?

it is me. actually, i got my grandma's nameand her belongings when she died. savitri. - what did you say? savitri. - very different. why don't you organize a show?- madam, we do shows. we take advanceand go there and play. sir. - yes?- my guitar. is this yours?- yes.. - she's my student. she came here looking for me.

take your guitar and practicein the park. - park? take her away. let's go. - even you go. she'll understand if everyone teachher. - okay, you can take him home. these tablets are for two days.- okay. shankar, your bodyline was changing.hope you weren't trying to woo her. i wasn't trying to woo her,but i was falling for her. is it? - yes. scoundrel.

will you steal my stuff? hello? - dr. anjali,musician ravi here. oh you? tell me. my friend wants to havebath from many days. he has bandage on his head.can he have bath? yes, his bandage shouldn't get wet.- okay, i'll make him wear helmet. dr. anjali, my friendis very hungry. should he eat fish withbones or without bones? he can eat fish with bones..

..but see to that he doesn't eatbones. - okay, i'll give him prawns. hello, he is feeling sleepy. can he stand and sleepor lie down and sleep? he can sit and sleep. you can go to sleep now.good night. - good night. boss, they all neverbothered about me. but you care for me so much. how is doctor madam? do you think, i'm doingthis for you? - yes.

i'm doing this tomake her fall for me. close your mouth orthe mosquito will enter. you are being verylenient towards him. one day he will put us in trouble.- partner, why did you get him along? he is irritating so much.- ignore him. i'm worried, why has thecommissioner called us? we do such business thatwe have to face the police. we'll go inside and find outwhy he has called us. why are you getting tensed?

hello, sir. - hello. how do you do, uncle? why are you addressing me as uncle?am i related to you? sir, we call gandhiji as bapu.. ..we call nehru as 'chacha'.they are not related to us. it is respect. uncle, there's no sugar in means, you have diabetes. you have it. raka, i've warned you earlier too.

what did you do in panvel yesterday?why is acting weird? is he from zoo? commissioner, stop the meeting.have you called them for tea? i would've killed him yesterday,but you stopped me. put them in jail. he's talking too much in front of thecommissioner, i think he bribed him. did you see how arrogant he is?- it is just a trailer. picture is still to come. don't you have manners.commissioner sir.. - you shut up! uncle, if he can bribe you,even i can do the same.

i will give you double of whathe has given. change the party. hey! - hey! if you can shoot, even i can. a human has 9 holes. if i press the trigger,it will be 10. round figure. one minute, nana, you go home.i will handle everything. please. okay, if they come in my way,i will kill all of them. you'll get the moneythat i had promised to give. i don't want to hear 'no'.

what was he saying? - he istalking rubbish. he's insane. you tell me. - uncle, i told youearlier and tell the same. double. shankar, you go back.- why? his deal is nice.- what? - yes. nana is acting smart these days. only he canteach him a lesson. i will support you. raka, you've chosen the right manwho has cashier and caliber both. handle him with care.

"oh god, i agreed in heavy rains." "oh god, i'm in love." hey, you've given a plotto nana near highway.. ..transfer that in raka's name. or, you will die for sure. oh god, he plays guitaras well as kills people. sati savitri,did you see anything? i saw by mistake. will you tell this to anjali?- i am thinking so.

no, no i didn't hearor see anything. i understood everything. kill that shankar. why did you bring me herejust to buy one shirt? closeness creates distances..- what? i mean, you have good dressingsense so i brought you with me. suri, where is she? i saw her while entering.- but where is she? look, there she is.

show me that color. don't you have thistype of design? you are good at bargaining. now, i will show you. anjali, let's go to that shop.we will get at reasonable price. but there is no shop.- he escaped. anjali, it looks likefashion street stuff. let's go to a place where there'soffer of buy two get one free. where is he? he was here.- savitri, where do we have to go?

i am thinking of buyingundergarment for myself. yes, i found him. anjali, look upthere is a discount of 40%. savitri, it's ladies outfit. he disappeared again. look, as soon as i tell you.only then you'll be benefited. what are you blabbering? are you out of your mind?- it's nothing like that. actually, it's empty.

okay, let's go to that shop. they'regiving string free with pajama. save me, please.i have fear of heights. that's the reason,i'm throwing you down. - no. you are nana's man, right?- you are right. you are enemy's man. i haveto let go off you. - mr. ravi! save me.- mr. ravi, hold his hand. don't leave him. don't leave his hand..- anjali, he is not saving him.. fact he wants to kill him.- mr. savitri, shut up.

he is saving him.- she misunderstood. mr. ravi, don't leave his hand. save me.- hold him. don't leave. hold him. don't leave him.- ravi, hold him tightly. he will fall.- hold him. yes, yes i am here. lucky guy. come up. come on. why did you come to themall to commit suicide?

answer her. speak up. tell her that your girlfriendleft you. - yes, she left me. great, what a lie. don't you knowhow precious life is? ms. anjali, what is the lifespanof a human being, nowadays? approximately 60 years in thisexpensive era.. - 60 years. did you hear that? people used to live till 100 yearsbefore and now hardly 60 years. romeo, you spend 20 yearsof your life studying..

..five years for romance. then those 5 yearsbecome 15 years. 10 years of marriage lifeand 5 years of old age. now tell me, how manyyears left? - five years. you have to be an accountant. what were you doing? for love,you were committing suicide? will you repeat this again?- forgive me. okay, okay. i forgive you. if you repeat this again then..

get lost. - thanks, sir. you did a great job. you taught him a lessonwithin a minute. you are great.- it's my honor. he is interesting man.- thank you. mr. ravi, i need your help. don't feel shy.please, tell me. in my hospital,there are many patients.. ..who are fed up of their life.

oh. - if you could motivatethem so that.. hey, do we have anyprogram tomorrow? yes, we have to attenda death ceremony. postpone that forday after tomorrow. please, welcome.we were waiting for you. there were many potholes,so we came late. never mind. where should i give lecture? anjali, you gave mesuch respect i..

what happened? - how will imotivate so many people? is one by one possible? you have to explainall of them together. boss, first we have to think whatto teach them. - shut up. mr. ravi, their family membersthrew them out.. ..because of their illness. i think they have leprosy. only a doctor can cure leprosy,what can a musician do? let's go.- your comic timing is good.

make them laugh too. friends, now i would liketo call that personality.. ..who is a musicianand a great thinker. he will teach usthe art of living. please welcome, mr. ravi. he will be in trouble now. he had fooled anjali and becomehero for her, now will become zero. hello, sir. hold this. - you'll be dead today.

hello, mike testing 1.. 2.. 3. we were giving speech fromhalf an hour on the same mike. start. all the respecteddoctors sitting here.. ..and respectable patients.. ..beautiful dr. anjali. i greet you all. nowadays, life is very precious. no matter how much pain youhave from the injection.. must take the injection. you should walk daily todigest your food. - mike is there. don't eat tablets. you should shake the syrupbottle before you drink. you should quitalcohol and cigarette. so that others can drink.- come to the point. i am coming to the point. i heard a story when i was kid.- had you ever been a kid? one apple one day,doctor run away.

but if god has made a doctorlike anjali, then forget the fruit. what nonsense? give polio drops to thechildren below 3 years. two drops of life. organized bygovernment for public interest. stop irritating us. we won't recoverfrom your speech. dr. anjali, it would be betteryou give us sleeping tablet.. ..rather than this speech. we could live approximatelyfive or six months.

but we will die within fiveminutes because of your speech. why think to kill, if your enemyis in front of you? if you are scared of eating tablets,then get shot by a bullet. you will die anyhow. if you want to live, live likea king not a coward. no one is immortal.even the doctor will die.. ..and the scientist too. everyone has to die one day. remember, the most dangerousthing than death is..

fear. fear of dying before time. kill your fear. you'll live lifeif you kill the fear. everyone has someor other ailment. someone run behind money.someone run for position. some make people fightin the name of religion. when everyone live theirlife with these illness.. ..why don't you live? there are lots of hospitals,medicines.. ..and we have a wellqualified doctors here.

so, why do you worry? wake up!chase your fear away. motivate yourself to live. even the illness willget tired seeing your motivation. what is this? should iescape before they hit me? we will fightagainst the illness. because of your speechwe got motivated to live. we will motivate ourselves to liveand chase our illness! go and give it to the chief guest.

thank you. - did you see,how you won everyone's heart? he might have changed everyone.. ..but you changed him. yes, madam. he has totally changed.his way of talking and behavior.. ..after he met you. you gave them hopefrom your speech. thank you so much.- thanks to you too. you gave me a chance to speak.

why did he come here? scoundrel, you dared togive your testimony against raka! did you think you'll get saved? hello! who are you? she is shankar's girlfriend.- oh, great. is she shankar's girlfriend? hey listen, move out. i could seelove in your anger. hey! - why are you wearingso many clothes?

remove them and weara sari in front of me. then i will pay you more fees.- you! leave my hand. - i amready to get slapped from you. but not here, let's go to thebedroom and play. come on.- sir please, let her go. please.- boss, there is public here. we will see her later. let's go. hey, look here not there.

shankar! how dare you beat him? he touched anjali. - hey! she is your lover not your wife. hey shankar!- i will kill you. anjali is my future wife. if anyone dares to look at her.. ..i will gouge outeveryone's eyes. note this point.

you will be killed.. ..if you touch the queen. hey, shut up. fool. are you hurt? - move aside!you are lenient towards him. he hit me in front of you and.. no use of getting angry. think with a cool mind.- yes, you think. it is time to take action. i will kill him when he's alone.

hey, you are very proudof your beauty, aren't you? now i will spoil your face.. hello? hello, ravi. hey! stop! you can't escape from me. hey, shankar. you interrupted in my worki didn't tell you anything. you killed my men stilli didn't tell you anything. but i will kill you if you dareto see my daughter.

go and inform raka.. ..i will kill him tooif he does the same thing. if i was one minute late,catastrophe had occurred. what about me if somethingwould've happened to you? look, dear. i beg you. leave the hosteland stay with me. i live in hostel is notbecause i hate you. i hate your job. i will stay here whenyou quit your job.

what do you want? shall ishut down all my businesses? hey. - yes boss? inform our people to shut downall our businesses. - okay. listen, henceforth we shut downall our businesses. no one will do hooliganism. is it fine?are you happy now? boss, raka entered our areaand is killing our people. you come here to tell usinstead of killing him? - dad! just a minute, dear.

chappan, none of hismen should be alive.. ..kill all of them! what should i do, dear?he is killing everyone. enough. i understood. no matter what,you won't reform. anjali! anjali, i want to say..- stop, no need to explain. my mother diedwhen i was born. i love my father very much.

but i can't stay with himbecause of his illegal business. because he can'tgive up hooliganism. after my dad, i loveyou the most, ravi. you didn't tell me thatyou are also a goon. why did you hide it from me? tell me. - my mother died when i wasborn. i don't know about my dad. do you ever realize howa poor man lives? when i was hungry and somebodytold me to break his head.. ..i did it.

that day i learnt how tosurvive by killing others. this is wrong. no onetold me. not a single person. what could i do? i wasn't aware of twothings before i met you. first is love. second is lie. i don't think it is wrong to lieto get love. ravi, you didn't have anyone before,but now i am with you. can't you change for me? why not, anjali?i will stop everything.

hereafter, you areeverything for me. i love you, ravi.i love you. hey shankar, nana killed myson and made me handicap. why is he still alive? he shouldn't be alive. go and kill him.- what wrong did he do? if he wouldn't have killed himi would've killed him for sure. hey! are you aware whatyou are talking? raka, i have nothing to dowith you or your gang.

i'm quitting. you take care of your business. i've given up hooliganism. but the rowdy inside meis still alive. call nana. tell him that shankar hasgiven up hooliganism. only for anjali. call him up. you say i did wrong..

hey, nana. you killed my son brutally. i will mourn for one weekor moreover for a month. but the thing thati am going to tell you now.. will crytill your next birth. tell me fast. i've sent shankar to pretendto love your daughter. shankar, who hasmade your life miserable. hey, what rubbish?

even if you tell her,your daughter won't believe you. hey! - there isbreaking news for you. shankar is going to elopewith your daughter. stop them if you can. hey. hey! anjali, do you thinkyour dad will agree? definitely, my dad lovesme very much. really? let's see. kill shankar.

hey, they are hitting shankar.kill them. dad, please don't. - get aside. ravi! please, stop. dad, please don't beat him. dad, please. ravi.. anjali, nothing willhappen to you. nothing will happen to you. anjali? anjali?

anjali, you will be fine.look at me. look at me. don't closeyour eyes, anjali. anjali is calling you. you too. anjali.. doctor said, you'll be fine soon. dad, even i'm a doctor. i don't have much time.- dear, don't say so. do you knowhow precious life is?

you killed so manypeople till now. i refused you so many times,but you didn't listen to me. i just said ravi onceand he agreed. we love each other dearly. we were coming to youto tell this. you didn't listen to us. ravi doesn't haveanyone other than me. he didn't have anyone in his lifeother than me who he'll love. but he will lose me too.

anjali, you don't talk.please, take rest. ravi, let me speak. dad, we both were to starta new life together. but after i go, thisdream will be incomplete. you promise me thatravi won't be orphan again. you will think him as your son. get him married to nice girl. anjali, what are you saying? ravi, i'm telling the truth.let me speak.

even my dad doesn't haveanyone other than me. i wanted to become a doctor. so that i can take myfather away from here. take care of him nicely. you both promise me. you'll give up hooliganism.. ..and will start afreshaway from this city. you'll not cry whenyou remember me. you'll smile instead.

seeing you smile.. soul will rest in peace. anjali, i'll do as you say. you'll marry ravi. you'll not go anywhereleaving us. please, don't go. anjali? you take care of yourself. after losing anjali i realized.. ..that real happiness isseeing your loved ones happy.

we both will start afreshafter going away from here. we shall leave. let's go, son. boss quit business, not us. we have to do something.. that no one disturbs boss. we have to keep up the fear ofshankar and nana.. people's mind. - correct. come on, let's confuse raka.

ravi. - uncle, what's the matter? son, rohit is marryingshruti against her wishes. i don't understand what to do. i filed a police complaint,but they are not taking any action. raka said, he won't leave shruti.. ..until you don't go to him. i don't know what's yourenmity with him.. ..but please.. my daughter fromthose hoodlums.

please.. - ravi. dad. - i heard everything. you go. - dad. look, i've lost one daughterbecause of my stubbornness.. ..i don't want to lose other daughterbecause of your stubbornness. even anjali wishes the same.go. how can i leave you in thiscondition? - will you go or shall i.. i will go. hurry up.

hello ladies and gentlemen! you'll get surprised by listeningto this drunkard's news. - what? shankar is coming back in town. raka will be dead now. i will drink to my heart'scontent. one full bottle! shankar is comingto the town. yes, close the shop. raka's shop will open now. raka will be ruined.

get down from the car.get down! hey! - who are you?- are you pm to take many cars? shankar is coming to the town. he is coming to ruin raka. why am i seeing blur?i am not so drunk? how dare you hit me? stop here, shankar will hityou and make you lose your senses. let me see who kills whom. whose senses are lost?

put him in the car.- yes, go ahead. shankar will thrash you. shankar can come hereanytime and from anywhere. when he enters, kill him. attack as soon as he entersor he'll make you sick. what an entry, boss? i think, i'm sober. "i'm your king." dad, did you recognize me?

i'm your kashi. - kashi? who is kashi? - kashi? kashi's soul in shankar's body? you are trying to fool me.but i won't spare you. dad, will you kill the dead? boss, he is fooling usas kashi's ghost. i will make him see sense!- machis! your wife hits youwith broom at home.. ..and makes you do work.only i know about this.

brother kashi? boss, he isour chess master. none other than him knows thatmy wife hits me. chess master, i made a mistake. what is this? is kashi's soul.. shankar's body? nana killed my brother brutally. so, i entered shankar's body. after killing nana,i will leave shankar's body. then you burn shankar.

chess master,will you kill him alone? will brother come for help?- brother has forgotten everything. he is chatting with the witches. why don't you explain it to him?- shut up, ghost! chatting and batting makeseven the top player lose. raka boss, do you believe inghosts in this modern era? show him to a nice doctor.he will give him shock and cure him. hey, call the doctor soon. where's the patient?is he the one?

are you the patient?are you out of your mind? not here, there. "you are my king." is he the one? he is playing a game.- even i feel the same. but he is acting like my dead, i'm confused. is it? just give me five minutes. i will tell you whether he'syour son or your father. tell this baldy to move.- baldy, move aside.

your name? - kashi. that's a place in banaras.- my name is kashi. is it? why are you here? i'll kill shankar andkill nana too. oh, we shall come to the point. you should've gone there to killnana, why did you come here? wonderful question.answer it! without using lifeline. - can yougo to london, america without visa? impossible.

same way, i didn't get permitto go out of the city. i didn't get visa. i was hanging from that treefrom many days waiting for shankar. chess master, where didyou disappear? - he is dead. he is cunning master. he is chess master.- "i am your drum." "i'm your are my drum." dad.. - boss, it is confirmthat he's our chess master. he disappeared andcame from inside.

kashi.. - dad? it is proved that kashi'sghost is in his body. he is mr. late kashi.he will take the revenge. what? - are you adoctor or a fool? how can anyone's ghostgo into anyone's body? haven't you seen 'karz''karan arjun'.. ..and 'bhul bhuliya'.didn't you see ghost in it? if this can take place in reel life,then why not in the real life? idiot.

mr. raka, this is a serious case. you have to take care of him. doctor, you have to stay herewith chess master's ghost. you stay with us. kashi, you go inside andplay chess. - okay. doctor, shall we go inside? you stay here. savitri, did you seehow talented i am? i'm very talented.

i know there'sno ghost inside you. then why didn't youtell everyone? because only you canteach these goons a lesson. you can save that girl. you've kept up the promisegiven to anjali. so, i'm supporting you. i trust you. i smell ripe egg plant.make a dish from that. what? egg plant?- egg plant?

you heard everything? means you are..- shankar. and what was that ghost..- do you believe in ghosts? shruti. - ravi, you are here? shruti, i want totell you something. my real nameshankar, not ravi. the fact is..- i know. i got to knoweverything about you. now, he is gone.

i even know thathow much you loved anjali. you sacrificed so much for her. ravi, i can wait myentire life for you. you got stuck because ofour enmity. i acted as ghost toreach you. take care. did you see that? he fooled all of youby acting as your son. i was telling you that he's acunning master and not chess master.

i won't spare him. whatever you told thatgirl i heard everything. i know everything. oh. did kashi's ghost leave you?- not so easily. what did you tell that girl?- i lied to her. why did you lie to her?- so that i can use her. to use her.- uncle, he is.. she is shankar's girlfriend.

i will take her supportso that shankar becomes helpless. then i will get hermarried to rohit. "i'm your drum." "i will play the drums." will you say anythingyou feel like? i would've killedmy son because of you. you talk rubbish. uncle, we will see him later. hope he doesn't doanything with shruti.

let him do. he is just a ghost. you idiot.he is not a ghost. he is fooling youand playing with her. hey, listen to mevery carefully. i've kidnapped heraccording to the plan. i will call you when i get ready. did you understand? bye. bye.- oh god. he kidnapped shruti.

stop all this. there won't be any wedding all go away. raka! hey, raka.- why are you shouting? i told you many timesthat he is not your son. but you never believed you know, what he did? he kidnapped shruti.- what rubbish? uncle! why are you shouting? she has been kidnapped?

no, actually he wasabout to kidnap her. he is inviting troublefor himself. you shut up! brother! brother... rohit. rohit is missing.- he is missing? oh god!so this was the plan. hello. - raka, your nephewis with us. get shruti immediately toa store near panvel highway. hey, nana!

dad? when somebody has to die.. ..then he runs towards the town. if he dares to touchour innocent rohit. then the beastinside me will rise. i will kill him on the spot. then i will have bathfrom his hot blood. what a great acting he does? he must get oscar award. listen, keep your knifeon my neck so that no one doubts.

look, the climax begins. hey raka, if you want tosee your nephew alive.. ..then send shrutiand shankar to us. do you know whathe is going to say? dad, i will take shruti with me. i kill that nana. just wait and watch.- dad. i will take shruti with me.then l will kill nana. you were right.

go ahead, dear.even i am waiting for his death. hey nana!i'm sending them to you. send my nephew here. take her. i think, rohit will surelymarry her today.- you idiot. bride is going there.will the groom marry alone? chess master, come back. come back. don't spare him.- come back. come back. come back. fast.

shall i kill him.. ..or leave him? - kill him. you fool, he is notyour chess master. he is our shankar.our man. you were saying thathe is chess master. he fooled all of you. "my heart is jumping." "my heart is thumping." what a twist in a story? - hey!

shankar fooled us, boss. you realized it now, idiot? i was explaining you. he is not a chess master, but afraudster. but you didn't understand. you just keep shouting.what have you done? what do you think of yourself?are you great? hey! - shut up! i've been humiliated by you. if you point at me,i will thrash you.

hey, shut up.- you shut up. don't teach your dad. sir, i've joined your groupwithout any shame. those fools irritated me so much. sir please, let me join. shruti, i am your uncle. tell them to admit me in theirgang without filling admission form. okay, uncle. - thank you, dear. okay, kalidas. - thank you.

you all dance well. now even i want to dance. let's dance again. move back! move back! do you think i am a fool? and i will believe you? it is your game, but i will play. hey, don't let anyoneescape from here. hey! i'd promised someonethat i won't kill anyone.

if i break my promise,then first i will kill you. absolutely, shankar. we don't have tojust give up violence.. ..but we have to free this cityof the violence. so you have to teachhim a lesson first. go ahead. not you.i trust his courage. thrash them! dear, tell me something. will you marry in a temple orin the registrar's office? - ravi..

nothing will happen to him. tell me,when will you make me grandpa? ravi knows. i killed your son,so you came to kill me. if i kill you, no one will come. give up hooliganism. listen to one more thing. i have given up hooliganism. but i'll always be arrogant. you won shruti.

i knew, you were talented. yes, black grapes.- thanks, cockroach. come here.- i don't want to get slapped. listen. - what? sir, i'm your fan. i had come to see action. but your dialoguedelivery was satisfying. i had fun!

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