
watch transformers 1 full movie

Friday, April 27, 2018

(children) kids react to retro tv! this episode: transformers! ♪ more than meets the eye ♪ ♪ (action music) ♪ is this transformers? what the heck? oh yeah! throwback. (laughs) ♪ transformers ♪ i didn't know there was an old tv show.

♪ ...the eye ♪ ♪ autobots wage theirbattle to destroy... ♪ i've watched the old garfield and friends but not the old transformers. (singing along) ♪ transformers ♪ the song's catchy. i like it. did megatron just turned into a gun? this is the transformersmy dad used to watch. this is not the transformers i know.

that was so weird. what? i don't-- i don't know. (children) question time! (finebros) okay. so did you knowthat the transformers you know - is not the original transformers?- they're not? i had no idea. yes. they were actually based off a cartoon, and then they turned them into movies.

i wanted to buy transformers stuff. and i found out there was actually--it's based on something. it makes me really upset, because i thought thatthat was the original. (finebros) have you watchedany more recent versions - of the transformers?- no. i don't really watch stuff like that. i've seen the movie versions. real people, not cartoon.

i've seen them, but they lookmore real, not animated. (finebros) so what year didtransformers first come out? uh, 2014? (rejection buzzer) 1976. maybe, like, 1985? (finebros) so the live-actionmovie started in 2007, but what we showed you debuted in 1984. whoa, that is really old.

whoa. ooh, whoa-ho-ho. oh my gosh, that's really old. they waited that long to make a movie? i guess they kinda had to'cause technology. (finebros) okay, so we're nowgonna show you a split-screen of the way a character used to look and the way they look in the movies now. i wonder what they looked like.

(finebros) so here isone of the characters. what? is that supposed to be bumblebee? okay, bumblebee got a little less fatter. bumblebee looks better now. bumblebee, wow! what happened to you? - (finebros) next character...- that looks so old. the new one actually looksscarier than the old one. the old megatron looks like a good guy.

that one looks like it can hug you. he just looks like an autobotwith a bazooka. something about him justmakes him look like a schoolboy. like, he has those pads,like, those green pads and white shirt. where do i begin?they're just not similar. they come from two different families. they're not even stepbrothers. - (finebros) and finally...- okay, this time i like the old one.

optimus! the newer one looks like a viking. he would never have a gun. just letting you know,he would never have a gun. the new one doesn'tlook like a car at all. and that one actually makes sense. they shouldn't evenbe called transformers. i mean, look at them.they're just evil-looking robot guys. back then, they reallydeserved the name "transformers."

right now, they all look likethey could actually be real. and that one looks like they're toys. (finebros) well, that was the thing. transformers actuallystarted as a toy first and then became a cartoon. (sulkily) oh, so that's why. (finebros) well, when we were kids,they were brand new, - and we though they were awesome!- (laughs) what grade would you guys were inwhen you guys said that?

well, you guys are old. (giggles) i think it would still be cool today. but now that we've beenexposed to the movies, the movies look so different,and that's what we're used to. (finebros) why do you thinkmovies and tv shows so often recreate things thatwere popular in the past? so more people canprobably gain interest to it. well, maybe becausethey're running out of ideas. they think that the oldgeneration was tired of it,

and they brought it backto the new generation to see if they would like it. because the parents might say,"oh, i used to watch this." and then their kidscould watch it, just like them. maybe the producer was just like,"oh, i can get so much money from those people that have the nostalgia and also money from those peoplethat don't even know about it but they think it's so cool." (finebros) how does it feel, though,that there's so many things

that you watch nowthat aren't original ideas? do you wish there were brand-new ideas, or does it not reallymake a difference to you? not really make a difference. i don't really care. as long as it's good. as long as i'm watching tv. new ideas. i like it if it's new,

because it's just like a new thingthat nobody's heard of. it shows no creativity whatsoever. and it's like, you can't be that creative just to come up with a new ideaor anything? seriously? everything is based on everything. everything from the 21st century was probably based on somethingthat was in the past. (finebros) so last question:when you find out a movie or a tv show that you've seen

is actually based on somethingfrom a long time ago, does it make you wantto watch the original? it actually does. it makes me wantto watch just one episode. i want to see how itcompares to the old one and see which one's betterand continue the one that's better. i kind of enjoy watching the old version, because it's funnyand i like making fun of it a lot. if it's my favorite showand i run out of series,

i definitely want to see other versions. and then you watch thisand you're heartbroken, 'cause you're like,"this is the exact same thing." it's like groundhog's like groundhog day. it's repeating the exact same thingover and over and over and over and over and over and over, hoping that it will get better. (slowly) it never will. thanks so much for watching kids react!

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