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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

five! five! five! greetings, sire.- may you be happy. please take a look at my grandson'shoroscope and predict his future certainly. let me see your forehead. the lines on his foreheadmake it so obvious... that the fury of jupiter, the sun,mars and saturn will rule his life they will dominate his life totally!should he be provoked by someone... this boy will certainlynot spare him

what should we name him? sameer. a gust of cool breeze.- sameer? by nature, he's hot-headed.the name will keep him calm come to me, come... sameer. guess what? don't ever make themistake of getting him married there you are! he has kicked me! as he grows up, he'll use his fistsand kicks more than his mouth! i'm not sparing you!

leave me.- i'm not sparing you! never! sameer. move sameer. move. what are you doing, sameer?leave him. sameer! sameer. i said.. no sameer. no.oh my god! sameer! let him go! leave him alone!- how dare you, sameer. sorry, sir. i am very very sorry. please, sir.- okay. c'mon, sameer! come with me!

sameer, why did you raiseyour hand at the principal? when i lose my temper... it feels as if a hundred guitarsare playing in my brains! cool down, sameer. cool down. now tell me something.why did you hit chintu? i was angry because he abused you! sameer, my mother says,anger is love's worst enemy one who can't control his temper,can't control anything in his lifetime now stop being angryand smile. smile!

so you won't smile? i'll setyour mood right in a moment the insolent!- go topless those with iron pajamas...- have an ape for an uncle! whose aunts are cats...- have dogs for friends! when it comes to the pickle...- they hug, buddy! this is too much.this is too much. sameer gets into a fight withsomeone or the other every day... and today, he raised his handson me! the principal! so much of anger is not good, ma''s arun who always calms him down

he was born with the will i explain? ever since his parents have died,his temper is getting worse and worse i understand, ma'am. and that is why i'm not throwinghim out of the school but i'm really worried. if this is how sameermalhotra's childhood is... how is his adolescence going to be? sameer, stop it! sameer, no.

so these three fracturesand the 35 stitches... it all your doing?- yes, sir. i've thrashed them but you must askthem why i hit them hey, come on. hey. come on.- stop it. help! no! stop it! there's this girl sameerwants to marry... and these guys were treating herlike a ball in the basket!

in 1998, you beat up a professorin the college? he didn't have any timeto teach the boys but he used to call the girls homeall alone and gave them tuitions he had evil on his i gave it to him! what wrong did i do? in the year 2000, you rescueda man who was drowning... ..and gave him a beating?- i was the one who saved him too! there was a board which said inbold letters, swimming is forbidden danger zone.

why did he go there? i gave itto him... what wrong did i do? look, we have receivedeight complaints... ...against you inthe last five years you might get more listen, this is my last warning to you. if i receive another complaint,you're going straight to jail! rupees 3000/- fine. you kiss the bride. roma? you've got married?

sameer,'s my wedding day. - what? don't be angry today.please don't hit someone please, sameer. i'll...- no, wait here there's no saying whenhe might hit someone you think i'll hit you? why?how can i hit you? i... and i thought you... did you think i'd marry you?- yes

have you ever told methat you love me? - no. then. and look at him.he's so sweet, so gentle... he loves me so much. and you... now listen to me. no girl canever fall in love with you she can only be afraid of you.- why? you have such a temper,even i'm afraid of you remember how you thrashed thoseboys at the basketball court, sameer? but they had made a mistake.they had to be punished

every human being makes a mistake.what if i had made a mistake? you'd have hit me too, isn't it?isn't it true? let's go sameer, are you really going away? yes, grandma i've got the job of a lifeguardin goa. it's a nice job besides, i get into a lotof fights here, grandma if i go to a new place and meet newpeople, i might not get into fights my son, think again before you go

the reason behind thefights is your temper your temper will go withyou wherever you go yes, brother. if you leave, i'llbe worried about you all the time you're the one i'll worry about. i've got to get youeducated and married i've got to have an operationconducted on grandma's eyes... and send her to grandpain heaven at the earliest i'm not going away in a hurry.he'll have to wait! but before you leave, you'llhave to promise me...

..that you won't get into fightsand brawls with anyone is that clear, my son? grandma, i swear it on your head i'll never lose my temper again one, two... is that your luggage, mister?also this bag? four? four bags?that four bags is your? yes which is the bag?

i mean, the bag in which you'recarrying the cash and valuables? terrible times, you could easily be robbed robberies are commonplacein trains nowadays difficult to tell the bonafidepassenger from the thief! go to sleep. i'll stay awake.- i'm not sleepy mister, this period between3 and 5 in the morning... meant to be spent in slumber.however strong a man is... ..he does drift into it at least once i want to see when you go to sleep.- i told you, i'm not sleepy

all right. actually,i love my forty winks i'm going to sleep yes, grandma, i've reachedsafely. okay... thank you, mister.- what for? for looking after my luggage i'll explain. i have a weakness.i can't stay awake in the night and i can't sleep in the train,for fear of losing my luggage... ..and that is why, i pulledoff the fast one so that i could go to sleep andyou'd look after my luggage.

nice idea, eh?know what? you're a great guy i think i must travel withyou on my way back too here's my card. phone me on thisnumber, i'll find you at the station bye-bye. help me, grandma! "sing in the praiseof govind! gopal." praise the lord... lord, protect my grandsonwherever he is "don't go away,become a part of me"

"you've become a part- i'm intoxicated" "the time is right,my heart is crazy too." "let's have fun in our lives." "that's the way i like it" strength, might" "who has the guts to fight us" "come fall in young days are here" "it's time to live, live in gusto" "sing in the praiseof govind! gopal"

lord, help sameer find his love "beloved.." "hail lord rama..hail lord krishna." "come along beloved" "come dance" "i like it" "come dance and sing" hey, babes. move.- hey.

lord! you?- yes. i'm raj. he's paul our misfortune, we're brothers.twins i'm an astrologer, predicts people'sfuture from their birth charts... ..and he ruins their future! what does your brother do?- he belongs to the eagle gang... very dangerous people.never cross their path never. - you appear tobe a stranger in town whom are you visiting?- mr duggal

mr duggal!- yes, he has a vacant room not just a room,his brains are empty too he used to be a policeinspector in goa... ..and has blood clotted inhis head ever since... ...a thief struck him with a stick wherever the clot stands,that part becomes useless he plays deaf, dumb and blind let's see what he's playing today he's playing blind today

i don't believe this!- you will, very soon that's mr duggal! but he's looking at me.- no, you're looking at him let me show you. wait rascals! you hit me becausei'm blind today? when i start seeing again, none ofyou will be seen around here again! do you believe it now?wait a moment i'm glad you're here.i haven't had any tea give me half a liter of milk

is the milk over, bansi? i'm not bansi. i'm sameer. i'm sorry, i thoughtyou were the milkman when did the headlights go off? how does that concern you? you'renot a doctor, are you? give me the milk.- but i'm not a milkman... i'm raj, the astrologer!- the astrologer! such a big mouth!- it's not my mouth. it's a bag and here is your mouth!- let me be, please!

what brings you here?- i'm the one who came here i've landed a jobat the beach resort. mr sharma has had a word with you for the room, isn't it? come,i'll take you to your room i'll show you to your room go upstairs from here. yourroom is right ahead. go on there's no room there!- no? but i saw it last night. didit disappear overnight? hello. - you're showinghim the wrong place

the room is over there!- where? here! come with me.- you're throwing me out? we're actually going in! i'll check out the room later.let's talk about the rent first i can pay you 2500 at the most.- i'll collect at least 5000 rupees! it's okay if you agree.or you may leave... hey! it's me!- why do you keep butting in? give him half the room for 2500. findanother tenant for the other half is bansi staying with you too?- but i'm not bansi!

don't be angry. give mehalf a liter of milk but i'm not the milkman! i'mraj... the astrologer! so what are you doing here? goand look up people's horoscopes show sameer the room.come, sameer... it's me! where's sameer?- here i am, sir c'mon for my grandma's eyesight for my sister's education

for my sister's marriage lord, it's your responsibilityto have an operation... ...conducted on grandma's eyes my sister's education and hermarriage is also your responsibility fill up the coffers atthe earliest, please and okay, it's my responsibility tomake offerings to you at the temple for god. "o beautiful one...come to me" "i want to love"

what are you doing? oh god! has mr duggal asked you to come andgo through the balcony, brother? no.- not your mistake, though whoever stays in that house, doestake a fall in his lifetime it's because of the sight ahead.- you're right and i wish you keep doingthis to me every day i feel so nice today! you? already here to pick me up?i told you to call up and come

no, i can't go with you so early.okay, do something look around goa for a couple ofdays, then we'll leave together good morning.- good morning. good morning. who is he?- our new manager new manager? oh no. he'll kill me! hi.- hi. how are you? i am sameer. i am raj. - how's going?- you sent for me, sir?

are you suraj?- no suraj prakash.- time for you to set, suraj (sun) you won't ever risein the morning again in your 14 years of service, youwere never in the night shift from now on you will workin the night for a month sir, i'll die.- two months i'll be ruined, sir.- three months and listen...- yes sir? sleep is man's worst weakness

and the time between 3 and 5is the most vulnerable one if i see your shoulders droop atthat time, you are off the roster i get it mr sameer "beloved" when did you get this motorbike?- my company gave it to me today no, you got it yesterday.- today you're talking about the motorbike,i'm talking about your eyes you clapped your eyes onrani yesterday, right?

rani? who? i'm watchingthe kids play really? i'm a gifted astrologer really? i've seen your horoscope.let me introduce you to rani else, you will keep fallingoff your window i'm a priest of love. because ofus priests, two hearts meet... a family is made, newbabies are born... ...there's nogreater joy than this her father, the colonel,is a strict man, i hear

he's retired. he maybe pulled up any time he won't find a better son-in-law.- never he's going to embrace youin the first meeting itself okay, i'm leaving.thank you for the coffee. bye guys. is ms rani cross with you?- no then why is she going that way? rani! yes, priest?- please come here

she's coming.- yes. once you guys shake hands... won't take much timefor your hearts to meet come... be prepared haven't seen the colonel for days.- our car's in the garage he's gone to pick it up.- ill-fated carburetor, i told him he must at least fillgas worth 125... ...but he won't spendmore than 25 bucks anyway... this is my childhoodfriend sameer

not that we met in childhood...the two of us met as adults she's rani sameer is a lifeguard, andrani is a fashion designer won't you shake hands? mummy. can't you take care of your kid? what happened?- a flat tyre? no, someone got smacked who?- daddy!

what an introduction! who slapped him? it soundedlike an explosion are you all right, papa?- don't ask me, dear it feels as if someone hammereda hot nail into my ear you shouldn't have hit him sohard. this boy is naughty thank god the colonel applied thebrakes in time and saved him are you in your senses?how dare you hit my papa? i didn't know he was yourfather. and that kid...- what kid?

her mother is here, thereare so many people around... ..but they didn't utter a word!you wanted to be a hero, eh? i mean what wereyou trying to do? stop fighting and takehim to a doctor, quick conductor? i need a doctor, dammit!- that's where we're going he's gone deaf! what have you done? you were to ask rani's hand fromhim and you just handed it out to him who is rani, sir? you? are you working day and night?

no sir. i just came to request you please be kind enough and turn mybad nights into good nights, sir what for?- because after office hours... ..when i go home and shut the doorsand windows to catch a wink... ..the kids around assemble outsidemy house and scream together... the matinee show begins now and my wife takes it out on thekids saying, no shows of late sir, my honour is at stake all right. give mesome time to think

really? how much time?- say, a month or two a month? what?- when will my duty hours change? three months after that okay sir. okay, okay. who is this rani, sir? "youth is short" "the rest of life is no good" "once..."

"once it's gone..." "youth never returns" "what do you...think about me?" "don't take me for a foebe my friend" "lay off. let me go" "don't harass me" "sweetheart, so much..." "..of attitude is bad" "..once it's gone..."

"my love, enjoy...every moment" "what you have, is in the presenttomorrow never comes" "i think you are crazy" "you and i don't sailin the same boat" "i can't just...stop following you" "..youth never returns" sameer. sameer.- hi, rani. - hi. thank god you're here.i was really worried what for? aren't we friends now?

yeah, but your fatherhasn't forgiven me yet when things go wrongin the beginning... all falls in place in the end i don't get it. please explain i mean, i've brought papa aroundand he has called you over for dinner really?- yes. look, he's an army officerwho is very punctual you will be there at nine sharp you know what?

i'll be there at eight.- no way. neither early, nor late i see you at home. at 9:00 o'clock.- alright. see you later. you look very happy. tommy's sistersays, see you at home... if you're going home to becometommy's brother-in-law but to impress tommy's father, don'tforget to buy champagne for him and, you must uncork it at one go! good evening, sir. is it sameer?- yes, sir come on in. - actually sir,i've come to apologise

i committed a mistake the otherday. please forgive me i've forgiven you, that is whyyou are standing before me yes. lovely dog he's tommy, not a dog he's like my son. remember of course. of course. sit.- thank you. i'm from patiala, punjab.- really?

my uncle was in the army once i took his gun and ran to thefields, for some shooting practice enraged, he snatched the gun... oh no. ..and said, it's an official gun i was so peeved thati joined the army... ..and i got my own gun a few years later, war forindependence broke out in goa they posted me here in goa

after the war, i settledhere with my family luckily, i love goa luckily, i love goa too what do they call a chickenin punjab? - kukdi chicken - and a girl?- kudi kukdi.- kukdi wow! those medals...did you win them, sir? my wife wasn't in the army, soobviously they belong to me

sorry sir. actually sir, your personalityunsettles me that's why i'm talking like a fool never mind and that chinesepot near the medals... looks like an antique piece,does it contain chinese tea? it contains my late mother's ashes it gives me a feeling thati always have her blessings with me you dearly loved your mother.- i still love her

we tried really hard to save her but what god wills...- let it be, papa let's eat one.. one second. why did you haveto bring that, son? it's my first time here.- let me uncork it no, sir. let me have the pleasure i'd like to propose a toast to thebrave colonel, his beautiful wife and to you, beautiful lady

may you find ahandsome man one day. first time. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.. ..2, 1, 0. what have you done? come on, the player of loveand enemy of troubles. shut up!it all happened because of you because of me, really?- you asked me to uncork it at one go i asked you to open the bottle,not to break the pot of ashes

good that the pot broke. at leastit has set his mother's soul free i think the colonel is insane oh no...he's a very intelligent man intelligent, my foot! mother's ashesought to be immersed in the ganges no one keeps it at home.never in a pot, at that! it's okay, we'll talk later.- let me clear this now please try to seeit from my point of view why don't you try tosee it from my point of view? have you seen the colonel?

he looks as if he grewold twenty years back look at his wife... as ifshe has just stepped into youth tell me, from what angle does ranilook like the colonel's daughter? yeah, tommy doesappear to be his son i can't explain that. you shouldbe asking the person concerned who? - rani the colonel would neverreveal the secret to rani samir. the other day i sparedyou because it was only a mistake

but today, you intentionally... you hit my papa on his face... ..still i forgave you. but today you'vehurt me in the heart can you explain? - rani... did you intend to saythat my father didn't sire me? no! - that my mother is wanton? no! don't ever talk to me. ever.

it was tough convincingmyself that you are a nice person and you, priest!i'm really surprised how could you considersuch a lowly man a friend? let alone respect someone,he hardly knows what respect means rani. see? she is hurt because of you!- because of me, really? i was only kidding. when youknew rani was standing behind me... why didn't you tell me?- i was telling you... ..see from my point of view!- your language is too tough for me

for all the mistakes you commit,you pass the buck on to me! god! uncle, ball please. ball? what happened? - a flat tyre? no, someone got thrashed who? - papa! granny! i'm ill-fated, it's writ. reading myhoroscope won't turn things around just checking what'sworse is in store. - what?

your past was your golden period.- golden period, really? yes. your future is worse.- worse than what i'm going through? jupiter's place is right up here.yours is down in hell the moon's place is inthe 7th house. yours is homeless moreover, saturn is about to enter you said, saturn left me last week.- and it did usually, once it leaves, saturnnever returns for another seven years not in your case. saturn is aboutto re-enter in a few seconds time "wicked sunny."

"i kill for money." "i've got money." "wicked, sunny." "back up your money." right, anything is possiblewith me. - saturn is on its way and it will wreck me. this saturn is going to...change your life and destiny. it will come like a tempest "what say, dude?"

"sunny." "he's going to stealthe princess away." as per my calculations, itwill stay with you in your room... ..and knock at rani's door hello uncle hello, i say. remember me? i'm your distant relative. sunny for miles away,uncle has no relatives. go away uncle, your servant is ill-mannered.ask him not to mess with me

why is he so quiet? not that he is glad to remain quiethe's ailing. shut upuncle, i'm sunny. mr khurana's son who... khur... ana? who khurana? back in gurudaspur thisroad in front of your house... there's one in front of every house it turns around the corner. they all turn. no road is straight and where does it go?straight to his friend's house

friend? who? - mr khosla he just said khurana!- how smart! you caught me i was only testing you. know what?when i asked your address... ..everyone said there's only onedecent and honest boy in goa. you boy? what a fraud! tell me honestly, why are you here?- well, i... ..want to hire a room no, he says. go away uncle.

no way, get lost, he says.look, he's pissed off now tell me. - stay here well, now that you are dumb,you won't pick up a fight so let's go to my relative's place. relative, aunt? then who am i? who are you? - sunny not sunny, he's shani (saturn).- shut up, dude uncle, for my sake don'ttell aunt where i come from well, uncle himself doesn'tknow where he comes from

aunt, i'm a tenant's 10,000 bucks take another 9,999... take care i'm a bit me to my room, please let me see you offat the next street. - ass! hold this. bring it upstairs oldie's got a nice room. - yes but we are sharing it what are you staring at me for? why share? we'll be exchanging beds

we'll also sleep in the same bed,as brothers... don't touch me. i don't like it like the rent, we share the room too.this side is yours, that's mine i see.- by the way where are you from? all right, give me a hug. - no! i don't hug men. - really? how vain whatever. - okay listen... why don't you take your god there?- god doesn't belong to one person god belongs to everyone.

and listen, we've sharedthe room... not the walls. god's not moving.- and where do i stick my posters? wherever you wish. god's not moving i got an idea.stick them up in the bathroom why do you get so angry?- am i angry? now! even while you are talking.- yeah, where am i angry? look, the room's got hot.need to open the window don't open the window! why?

she comes there i need to check her out then.since i pay half the rent... i'll open half the window you're on my half, let meembrace you! - don't piss me off! i tried my best to keep him off what a sight! mr sameer deliberatelykept the door shut to keep me off but smelling a scentfrom a distance is my forte what a dish! - don't you say that!

does she meananything to you? - no. but decent folks stay here by the way she isa nice and decent girl and she's a colonel's daughter.he will shoot you if he hears you for a beauty like her,i'd take a bullet on my chest on my chest idiotic! don't you jump! - why not? you are in bad times, as it is

for all your good intentions, youmight fall on top of the colonel hi. he's going in. - no. as per my calculations... tommy will have a go at him very friendly. very friendly. very good doggy. he's gone inside. not to calculations say...

..the colonel willkick him out in a minute what's your name? tommy. nice name. my respects, uncle who are you? - sunny. what do you want?- i just wanted to meet you, uncle i'm new here.i'm told that you are the only... ...decent and honest boy around boy? - what else? look at you

you can put any young man to shame.besides... hang on. what's that in your ears?and what's around your neck, bro? don't ask blood boils when i think of it screwed my calculations! what are you doing? - worry not.i have fixed many bones and it's only a sprain.look straight... here goes what say? how do you feel? be honest. - feels nice where are you staying?- at your neighbour mr duggal's place

the one who brokemy neck also stays there don't be angry. i'm his roommate. i know he's ill-mannered...and he'll surely change, ..but this is not howone should treat an elder a ball hit me, by mistake darling, what's happening?when did you employ a masseur? from today. - oh no,he's not a masseur, darling sunny is a nice boy he's mr duggal's tenant. - i see

tell you something, massageis not actually done indoors a garden, or an openterrace would be just amazing we have a terrace garden.- don't tell me. really? where? upstairs. - can i check it out? sure.- thank you. sunny. "wicked sunny."- did he swallow something? he's dancing...advancing towards the girl sorry. hi!

i am sunny.a flower for a beautiful lady. thank you.- it's my pleasure. damn... your love-story began hereand ended in the colonel's ears he began it by shaking hands,and it's going to end in honeymoon sir, do something.please do something to me what do i do to you? i want a baby give me a baby, please! - what? security!

listen. - yes, sir. what are you doing here?- you! what are you doing here? you know her? - she is my wife don't you have children?- yes, two in fact boys, both. and you knowwhat these boys are like i want a daughter.- so why me? ask him listen... please- what? he promised to give me a daughter after duty hours, he usedto get me sweets and flowers...

..and shut the doors and windows but ever since you puthim on the night shift... ..the doors and windows only shutto allow him get a good day's sleep it's a mistake buta mistake is a mistake you must also have committeda mistake, by mistake, no? yes, you are right and i can understand your problem.i'll definitely help you hang on rocky!- yes, sir.

from tomorrow, you will buyher sweets and flowers every day got it? yes, sir. what the? get up was i wrong? "watch this." "somebody touch me." "somebody..." "somebody love me."

"somebody love me.. yeah." 500 for grandma,500 for my sister's studies... 500 for her marriage, and 500... for my roommate roommate? it's worth paying ahundred thousand in rent what are you upto? watching the colonel really?- wanna check?

show me. - look. that's his daughter do they look alike? "alright." no way! and what are you drinking? water. - really? i swear by you. - i see. go on let me smell it... is this water? fenny is goa's's nothing but cashew nut juice

i see. i'll juice you! i'm going to tell mr duggalthat you are boozing here listen... don't touch me.- i won't booze anymore, promise all right. - one last swig what's that? - oh, those? your god's on my wall, soi glued my goddesses to your wall so why get angry? - i'm not angry you are peeved. - i'm not

relax... easy you feel like abusing me.- not at all i know, you want totell me something. - no you want to hit me.go on, hit me. - no c'mon, hit me. - oh no why don't you go to your half?- okay. peace peace- yes. what was that? earthquake? mr duggal.

mr duggal, where did you pick thatroommate from? he boozes, and... rani through his binoculars,you must go and inform the colonel oh, why would youinform the colonel? the ass has stuffed you with money rather i'll go and inform him mr duggal...looks like he's deaf today mr duggal. mr duggal. he's deaf young man, my neck feels better now

hello aunt.- do something to my ear let me fix your neck first.fixing the ear is no big deal it will be all right. where's rani? see, rama? though they sharethe same room, they are poles apart that swine injures me,and the other... ..the decent one, comes homeeveryday to give me a massage hush, tommy sameer is not around,then who is tommy barking at? dogs have a verysharp memory, uncle

tommy must be barkingat sameer's thoughts where's rani? bloody dog! papa. papa. papa. guess what? you look so happy. what gives? this year, the all india... designers' competitionis going to be held in goa the designs i hadsent have been approved

and i'm participating this year! very good. i am proud of you, dear. very good. congratulation. papa, i got to pay the entry feeswithin two days. only 20,000 rupees let her have it. i'll returnevery cent after marriage 20,000? no dear, i can't afford that much please papa, for my's very important for my career golden opportunitiesdon't knock twice.

give her the money - please. where's the money, son?i'm a retired colonel we manage with my pension.where do i get 20,000 from? selfish father it's okay. you upset her expenses have already risen thismonth. 12,000 for the hearing aid 3000 for my neck-collar.where do i get 20,000 from? why won't you give her?you still have your eyes...

..heart, lungs and kidneys intact.i'll puncture them all. granny you ask me not tolose my temper! tell me, why not? the colonel won't give rani themoney. who will help the poor girl? i wish i could strangle his... granny, i got a solid idea postpone your eye surgery.let's first help... ...rani realise her dream.what say? besides, granny, lord krishna'sbirthday is approaching the lord is here! be carefulwith your pots, lassies...

so much! let it go! that's not a biscuit bloody dog! let it go tommy..- "come along beloved" what's that?- "come along beloved" dearest rani, i know you wantto become a famous fashion designer i'm sending you money... help you cross the firsthurdle in the path of your progress not a favour, just considerit as a gift from a friend

and, if you win the show... will be happy, but my happinesswill be greater than yours i expect nothing in return forthis small help. not even thanks i'll always be with you.- "beloved.." your well-wisher "beloved." "how long will you concealyour youth, my love?" "how long will youtorment the bachelors?" "someday you are goingto become someone's bride"

"will you marry me?" "move it. shake it.move your body." "move it. shake it." "i'll buy you earringsand bangles..." "i'll buy you everything, i swear" "i'll steal the moon,i'll even pluck the stars..." "i'll make the sunbow before you, i swear" "someday you will go crazy for me" "the day i come as a bridegroom,i won't go back..."

"i'll take you awayin a palanquin, i swear" "i'll steal you away,before everyone" "i'll make you my bride, i swear" "how long will you showindifference, my love?" "i will marry you" "i will marry you" - no. cheater! betrayer! i'm very happy. you never told me youplay the guitar so well

rani. - what a revelation! i'm impressed. all those lessons inguitar seem worthwhile today sunny.- how sweet. have a laddoo. what's the occasion? i told you i want to participate inthe fashion designing competition i paid the entry fees today.- really? i don't believe it.

i'll take two laddoos. - why? one for me and one for my god "he's going to stealthe princess away" go ahead thank you. - bye- "wicked sunny." what a shame bloody unturned drum! did yourfather ever play a guitar? give it here papa is... a businessman in indore a businessman, really? andyou were playing the guitar, eh?

when did i say that?the poor girl thought it was me and you were tongue-tied, no?you could only grin couldn't you say that it was me?- am i nuts to tell her that... wasn't me but it was our mastersameer malhotra who was playing? she was so impressed, dude. and she even saw theposters of your goddesses know what she said? what a shame you're in my half. i'll kiss anythingthat comes my way, i told you the priest said it right! youare not sunny but shani (saturn)

stay away from me "sunny. sunny. kiss me, baby." i got my temper under control!i wish i could tear you apart he's coming. sunny, haven't i remindedyou to pay the rent? i've mailed the address to daddyhe should be sending the money if it doesn't arrive this timeyou will have to leave. remember. uncle... did i ever harass you?have i ever troubled you, aunt? then why don't youclean the railings? look...

pay the rent,we'll clean it daily. what? he's gone. - you should've told me is mr duggal in? - yes. so? there's a letter for sunnysunny stays here, right? yes, dammit! go in mr duggal,there's a letter for sunny hey, where are you going? give me. - two? two letters?whom is the second letter for?

only one! i asked him to give it so take it and drive him out.- i'm going move it. do you fancy eatingand sleeping here? has he left? okay, read the letter. it's for sunnywhy should we read it? why not? he's our tenant we must know whattype of a person he is... ...what kind of people write to him read

go on let me open it.- is it made of steel? dearest son, sunny, ever sinceyou have left, i've been worried your planes are grieving.there's no one to pilot them son, without you, what use are sixbunglows and eight factories to me? i hear,you are staying with a beggar if you wish to extend your stay,revert back i'll present a hugebungalow to your landlord your papa

"wicked sunny."- what happened? sorry, uncle. i must leave now.- where are you going, son? papa hasn't sent money, noteven a letter. how can i stay here? did i really offend you?do you have a problem here, son? no, no. - all i haveon me is a fake coin you guys snatched10,000 bucks from me... ...and you ask meif i have a problem 10,000? just ask me,and i'll give you 10,000 every day

but please don't quit this place from now on, we'll cook for you.i'll do your laundry too let go of my hand, will you?and who will wear my underwear? i will do that.i'll even give you a bath but don't ever leave this place.- don't ever go, son tell you something... ..somebody has rightly said,if you want true love... ..stay in a poor man's shanty put the binoculars down!else, i'll inform the colonel

are you boozing?i told you not to drink, didn't i? wait till i tell mr duggal.- go ahead and tell him you wait here! mr duggal! who the hell? are you boozing here? d'you want me to sit on the roof?what if i fall down? you're drunki can't! you are blind now,i'll talk to you in the morning makes no difference.i've been blind since morning

don't mind the poor, grab your bottle where?- here you are. see? that's a tenant and you never treatedme even to a cup of tea he's helping me live it up,you know. where is he taking you? oh, i forgot!we got to meet bijli! let's go come on. not there... this way don't go. it's a bad habit.- don't go, my foot!

clear the litter, will you?- he tells me to clear the litter don't do it. it's my house.who is he to give orders? i'm going to throw it away!- pick it up and throw it outside! here goes! who got smashed? - who? the colonel who hit him? - brother sameer our friendly neighbourhood hunter.he's hunted many a colonel down! you are in my half, let me kiss you

go, neck bijli! rani, once again, forgive me neck bijli, you will be forgiven "the thorn" "check it out." "oh, the piercing thorn" "come, my love" "behind your bungalow,under the berry tree..." "my love..."

"a thorn pierced me" "come on, let's do itone more time." "now that you are in trouble,you wonder..." "..why you couldn't stay without me" "your friends wereright when they said..." " will be trapped someday" "get that?" "i'm sorry..." "let bygones be bygones"

"save my heart this time, my love" "your clothes are skimpy... eventhe blindman says, show it to me" "show it" "get lost" "move it" "my love..." another 15,000? what for?i have already paid 20,000 that was entry fees.15,000 is entertainment tax you should've told me before.the show is at hand, how can i raise?

entertainment tax is a governmentpolicy. everybody knows that i am very sorry. if you don't pay by evening,you cannot do the show tomorrow why can't she? she is my rani now what, madam? rani... don't weep... please don't you will do the show i promise you, you will do the show

sis, i just heard thatthe government says...'s illegal to get a girlmarried before she turns 21 which means you havethree more years to go, sis and your sister-in-lawhas only three days why don't you concentrate on yourstudies for the next three years? shall i break the pot? thank you, dear sister still short of 5000!i'm seriously stressed now you got to help me now, god

that was for my sister's studies!you could've broken your piggy bank good evening, ladies and gentlemen. i hope you'll enjoyed the scintillatingshow we had tonight. it gives me great pleasureto announce the winner. rani jagraj singh, from goa. rani! fantastic! congratulations and allthe very best. - thank you. come here... do you know her? no, but she is really hot.

hot, eh? you're throwingkisses at your sisters? hey, what's wrong? thank you. thank you so much. this is like a dream come true. i can't figure out what to say many people are responsiblefor this dream come true but there is someonei want to specially thank i don't know his name,nor do i recognise him i've never met him,but he's the anonymous friend...

who helped me out wheni needed support the most he calls himself my well-wisher- "come along beloved" i appeal to him.if you can hear me... please come and meet me.i'd like to personally thank you please.- "come along beloved" thank you. my dear god, grandma always saysthat a princess will come into my life but not even a maid-servanthas come into it till today but i feel today as ifthe princess will surely come

god, don't mess up things.i love her too much i'd have called her home,but sunny's around, you see? so i've called her here.nothing wrong, is there? nothing wrong.everything you've done is good i've heard it all sameer.that which you tried to say... ..and also that which you didn't say. you did so much for me... ..and didn't even let me know? "you shall pine at heart, my love..."

" god, you too shall fall in love" "at heart, i shall desire you too" " god, i hope i fall in love too" you're charming... "'re my love, you're my romance" "i'm bowled over...yes, i acknowledge that" "i know,your love is full of mischief" "but i can't help it,my heart just won't agree" "how i wish i rule your heart"

"by god, may you fall in love too" "they call me beautiful,they call me the proud one..." "..and you've gone crazy;you have no control over your heart" "i'm no less crazy.i'm not conceding defeat" "i'm here to steal your heart,and steal it, i will" "how i wish i begin to trust you" "by god, i hope i fall in love too" "may you begin to pine at heart" god! what a sweet dream!make it come true, please!

here she is! by the way, you've donea great job in making her, god sunny? can't be! god, why's he? sunny! you? which means you're the well-wisher? i didn't want to say it.but i knew...'d get to know some day. but...

god. stop necking him! give me the hug! he's a fraud! you... my? let's go. rani! don't go with him!i'm me... i'm not him! oh, god. what are you doing? what to do now? i'm the one she loves.leave her alone! god! make him see reason!let go of her cheek, you scoundrel!

rani, i'm the real one!i'm not him! out of the way, colonel! step aside! what? step up? out of the way! out! sunny, don't be shy,have some more. eat to your fill the milk reminds me of home this is your home too. - absolutely

we can't ever forget whatyou have done for our rani and you didn't even let me know.- ma always says... ..your left hand must notknow what your right hand does hear that? such lofty ideals! pickles!i don't know where they are not pickles, ideals, darling.- ideals, i see they are poles apart. one isan angel while the other is a demon the more distance i keep from him,the closer he gets to deal a blow with a football, when i'm at home.with a bottle, when i'm outside

when i'm walking on the footpath... ...he calls me inthe middle of the road... ...and rams his motorbike into me be careful. say it again, sameer colonel, i'm sorry,i've been a bloody fool accept these flowersand please forgive me okay, i forgive you where does the colonelget his voice? - god knows where did he transpire from?

wake up! we are here how much? who is this sleepy character? a security guard he tried to mess with me, i puthim on a three-months' night shift no wonder he brings hiswife to make an appeal to you uncle! what a pleasant surprise. how are you, dear niece?- you've pulled down! can't tell you whati've been through

rani's uncle? this mancould've been your cupid... ..but you've already plungedhim into the darkness brother-in-law, you are wrapped allover in bandages? what happened? sunny, he is my wife's brother swine! where haveyou been all this while? brother, i'm cross with you.we live in the same city, yet... haven't been here for months. what city, sister?i don't even get to see my wife. what does that mean?

this new manager, the swine, hasput me on night shift since two months he sleeps during the daytime, andstays up like an owl during the nights he's suffering fromconstipation and acidity look at the darkcircles below his eyes that's fine,but who's that scoundrel? that's fine, but who are you? uncle, he is sunny. our neighbour i see. glad to meet you. we'll meet later

you were talkingabout some manager... don't even mention the swine what has he done? he's made life miserable for me what's his name?- bloody saturn! shut up sameer uncle, our sameer.your neighbour. my roommate sameer what? sameer staysin the neighbourhood? which beggar in the neighbourhood?- not a beggar, it's sameer

one who wrecked you!now he's after him look. - see.- "wicked sunny." that swine is after my whole family time's not favorable, sameer forget the flowers, forgetthe colonel, placate the uncle uncle... uncle. uncle. oh uncle. the tables have watch the fun uncle, aunt...i've got some presents for you

okay. okay. skirt and blouse for you- thank you. bush shirt for you, uncle sweets for the kids also some fruits for the two of you i hope you don't expectthese things to bear fruit? oh no, of course not uncle, if by any chancei have uttered something wrong... ..please forgive me. i've realisedthat i've been unfair to you

you are off the night shift. what? then how about tonight? - sure yes tonight. son-in-law... - son-in-law? son-in-law, indeed. the otherday when i asked you about rani... ..had you answered me,you'd have been married by now and i would be your uncle uncle, a mistakeis committed by mistake

aunt, am i wrong? - youare absolutely right, son-in-law hello. hello. - hi. greetings. - greetings. come in colonel sahib... - you! don't you dare step inside!stay where you are colonel sahib, considerit my bad luck or my karma... ..for all my good intentions,things invariably go wrong... ..and i end up hurting you.- 5000 people live around here of all, why do youalways choose to hurt me?

colonel sahib, the new year isabout to set in, in a few hours time with the passing year,let bygones be bygones, please i beg your forgiveness d'you take me for a coward?- no. remember, i'm a soldier i kept forgiving youbecause i considered you a kid not anymore get this loud and clear henceforth,for 50 meters around me...

if i see you,or see you throwing anything... ..the last time i fired mygun was against the portuguese... ..this time it's going to be you out. - yes, colonel sahib get out. uncle! happy, happy new year. happy happy new... handcuffs is this a new way to wisha new year? - i'll tell you

where's charles? charles? or sameer? - sameer? is he a new kidin the charles gang? aunty! - aunty? have women joinedcharles' gang too? aunty! - there's no aunty here! oh, this one?- what's the problem in his pants? today he's become a police officer become, eh? tell me something...'re an honest officer's wife,how do you know such criminals? i'm not a criminal,ask you neighbour if you wish who neighbour? the retired soldier? now i get it. after retirementhe's been sheltering criminals let me go. rani is waiting for me.- waiting for what? to murder someone? to loot a bank? or to print fake stamp papers?- what the hell? boy, you are going to rothere until the police van arrives then you'll go to jail.come on, don't stare at him

the ass who smashed his head ison the loose, and i'm trapped here am i wearing a convict's clothes? am i going to meet rani in 2010? ladies and gentleman... ..and friends,let me show you another magical act look, this is magic forgive me, mr magician, butpulling out a bouquet from a cloth... ..a pigeon from a turban anda rabbit from a box is quite simple i'll believe you ifyou can cast a spell on me

he's challenging me all right, boy, it's no big deal.lie down on the bench sure. that's no big magic no, but it's going to be friends, now my magic wand is goingto suspend this boy in thin air if a stick can makesomeone float in the air... one would careto buy air tickets. they would be waiting for the stick i'm an astrologer, you see.- before you stands a magician, fool

c'mon, lie down! - at your service show me your magic. - windbag! here i go abracadabra! magic wand.let the boy float in air don't mess with a magician!or, you will stay suspended in air magician, i believe you now i fear, i might go right up there i pray, put me down

all right you've shaken everything.- thank you very much. thank you. oh, god, he's so good. how he lifted him up,we didn't even get to know this girl wouldn't believe me she's so silly, you know. rani, your arm on myshoulder is one pretty sight let me make it simplefor you, sameer stay 50 meters away from papa and500 meters away from me. you dig?

i'll show you guys a wonder now you... please come here me? don't go! he'll put you in a box... ..and hack you to pieces... one boy. any one, please mr magician, there's a boy!strong, rough, tough and reliable seize your chancebefore sunny arrives. go! come this side, please.- no, i'm fine here

please come here if he is in, i'm off.find someone else hang on, lady rather i'd leave the two of you are crosswith each other. all right... i'll turn the enmity intofriendship. - can you do that? of course,and i'll turn your hatred into love is that possible?- yes! - impossible! hang on. your name? - rani

and you are? - sameer so, sameer and rani... ..the two of you areman and wife from now on and tonight,is your first new year night tell everyone howmuch you love each other abracadabra. what are you staring at? admiring you had you not traipsed into my life,i'd have been a nobody

i'd have been ananklet sans the chime i'd have been a sole less shoe a heartless body if not for you, rani...- not rani... me mrs sameer malhotra mrs. sameer malhotra. to be honest, i fell inlove with you at first sight i have endured somuch to possess you don't torment me anymore. come...

well... i can wait no longer either "your beloved seeks your heart" "come to me, my love" "profess your lovegive in to me, my love" "i'm pining, so are you" "i'm waiting for you" "you want to dance.." "your charms..."

"like the tempest, my love" "your looks..." "my identity, my love" "gaze into my eyes" "make me belong to you" "you have done me a favour" "you are in my dreams..." "you are all i desire" "let's make a legend of love"

"come my love,make me go crazy in your love" "profess your love...give in to me, my love" happy new year. "the prince has fallenin love with the princess..." "in first sight.." sameer, i've been thinking. - what? you can play the guitar,paint, sing...'re quite a multi-talented man. guess why?that's because i'm me. not you!

good one. having a ball, aren't you?- you have a great talent too what? - you telllies to fool people! i don't believe you, god! listen, make a portrait for me too don't mind,but i paint only beautiful people! again. okay. know what? - what, what?

i'm in a great mood today.say what you want to you aren't as innocentas you appear to be how you brought rani aroundin just two hours last night weren't you jealous! i knew it. as close as you get to her,i want to get closer to her too aren't you jealous? aren't you? what's your problem? my problem is that i want to scorewith my friend's girlfriends... makes me very happy! okay. okay. okay, serious. now, that's somethingvery serious. when i get married, i want youto paint me and my wife together you know, with her at my side.and i lying down in her lap she in black-and-white,i in colour... sure, i will whom are you marrying? bijli? no, it's rani

see? your temper hurtsyou yourself, doesn't it? if it wasn't for the oath, i'd havesqueezed him out like the tube! happy new year, uncle duggal! where's sameer? - the brush! get to be the master'sdisciple! quick! "life's a dream..." "in dream.."- sunny. who? wicked sunny.

rani, you? you can even paint! - well, i... my painting? how sweet! tears and desires, that's how it is you're quite a revelation, sunny.- no revelation painting, singing, the guitar... no wonder they callyou multi-talented sameer's multi-talented too you ought to have seenhim at the party last night

the way he sang and danced... he completely rocked the party.- oh, he rocked? - yes! i've been teaching him classicaldancing and he's into rock? hey! sameer, good. good. anyway, fresh orange juicefor the two of you. where's he? he's in the latrine right now he'll take some can wait. - no thank you give him some and youhave some too. happy new year happy new year

was rani here? - yes, she was you'll now ask me if even myfather has even done any painting and i'll say, my papa'sa very big businessman in indore you'll say, liar, dog...- that you really are your dream of making rani fall inlove with you will remain a pipe dream it won't be a pipe dream. becausei know what your weakness is really? what is it? you can never tellrani that you love her so listen!i swear it on my grandma!

i will profess my love to rani in thepresence of the whole world today! and i swear it onmy father in indore too i'm the one who'll bringrani to this house, as a bride if my love is true,i'll be the one who'll marry rani and if i'm determined enough,i'll lead her here by the hand for me. you are rani's brother no brother. i'm her lover rani, you think this lover-boy isan accomplished singer and painter i'll expose him to you today

c'mon, sweetheart, let's go this juice rani broughtfor you i'll have it hold it! who did she bring it for?- for you so i'll drink it! share it with me! i can't share anything of rani's! may you find it bitter! i find everythingof rani's to be sweet at least let out a burp!

sunny. sunny. i'll paint a pictureand also sing a song... and expose sunny. okay? what new ailment is this?one duggal is difficult to tolerate three, five?more than i can endure! sorry!- it's okay. no problem. no problem. i'm happy. move!

where do you think you're going?stop there! sorry, rani! lie down here, rani.i'll put them to bed and return c'mon! eagle! i'm going to make you a seagull! senior! swat this fly! you've made a mistakeby messing with the eagle gang! one sunny i can't tolerate.and six of them walk up to me!

i'm going to thrashall six of them! c'mon! mummy!- attack boys! stupid! bravo! tommy, come here. come here. tommy, come here. you always bark at me, don't you?so bark now... bark! the next time you bark, you'regoing to disappear. you get that? take care of yourkids and your dogs!

i'll spare you this time, you're gone tommy, my son,don't keep going outside there are bad peoplein the locality have i ever raisedmy voice with you? have i? and how sameer was yelling atyou yesterday! the insolent chap! go and play in the house, son.and don't go out... my good son! "can do anything for the money." "i am not funny." "anything for money."

tommy! tommy... tommy, where have you gone? you ought to have considered whatwould happen to me without you! darling, we too are sadthat tommy's gone missing but how long will you keepstarving, thinking about him? let's eat, papa. i'm hungry too no, my child. i don't feel like it colonel...

why don't you wait?- did you find it? i've looked everywhere in goa,but there's no trace of tommy i don't know where he has gone.could someone have kidnapped him? but who could be tommy's enemy? mr duggal! that's it no... he hasn't beenaround since yesterday sameer? - why sameer? no, can't be sameer. buthe could do a thing like this too. remember his public threat?that he'd make the dog disappear!

if the dog barks,i'll kill him, i'll finish him! no way, he was drunk.- really? but who then? he's the culprit! who is it? that scoundrel has brokenme in every part of my body! i don't know what revengehe is extracting from me... having tommy separated from me! sameer! where are you hiding,you thief? this is a warning! if you don'treturn tommy to me in 24 hours...

i'll have you sent to jail! i still hold sway among the cops. i'm not sparing you!- what does that mean? he has influence give him the dog!may the worms get you! what new fuss is this?have your father treated why'd i have my brother-in-lawkidnapped anyway? why? where am i going tolook for this dog now? you have a variety of dogs - hush!

don't call them dogs.they take offense i've brought themup like my own children that's rustom, that's sohrab.eats less, snarls all the time that's cyrus. faithful.but eats and enjoys a good life and that is... this is the dog i you have it? i do have it!that's my boy, tin tin! say hello! hi, tin tin!

quite a good boy.but once he loses his temper... he's going to bite. and remember... ...don't ever give him a cold bath but this one doesn't havea black spot. - don't worry! here's the solution! mr colonel... look who's here tommy! my son!where had you gone away to? where did you find him, sameer? the poor chap... was sittingby a lamp-post, shivering.

he used to always bark at me but this time, he said, papa...and went for my feet he appeared to be telling me,please take me to my papa papa? - you oh yes!he's like my son, of course! thank you, sameer. thank you so much. papa, it's because of sameerthat we have tommy back today you must forgive him at least now. sure, i forgive him! - thank you!

rama, lay the table come.- let's go. thank you so much.- tommy, where are you gone. what's happening here? look at this, sunny! tommy'sback today because of sameer well done, sameer.i am so proud of you. look me in the eye, my brother!where did you find the dog? where did you find it?i went mad looking for it! for rani's sake, look into my eyes!

where did you find the dog? tell me! sunny, i don't knowwhat's gotten into my tommy he's been behaving like astranger ever since he has returned he seems to have changed.- he has stayed with the stray dogs i know a cure! squeezehim in a bucket of cold water! squeeze him?- i mean, give him a cold bath oh, i see. all right breakfast is ready.

please sit down.- won't you give tommy a bath? no! i'll first give tommy a bath.i'll have breakfast later the breakfast will get cold, papa.- i'll be back soon, my child let's take a bath, tommy boy!- where's sameer? sunny, please call sameer, willyou? - not me, he sleeps till late he'll hit me for no go and call him instead all right, i'll call him "we shall overcome..." are you asleep, sameer? wake up!

sunny, don't change yourvoice and bother me! let me sleep! rani? one second. i'll be out there "thorn pricked me." wake up. who are you? who on earth are you? - bijli but who? - it's rani one moment, rani. i'm coming! what are you doing here?

what? - what are you doing here? i was sleeping with you i came to call you for breakfast i've said nothing!i'll join you in two seconds! go away! - where? want me to come? - go away! give that to me? - what? that one. - what? that one.

may i come? i'm coming inside.sameer. i'm so sorry, rani. how disgusting! what you think is wrong, rani!- how about what i see? this one? it's not mine. it's hers!you wear this. i've done nothing wrong, rani.please try to understand... you... i'll fix you! "check it out"

"pricked me." i swear it on you, rani!i don't know that girl! how could you witha girl you don't know? i swear, i don't even know her! without knowing them willyou call just about any girl? listen to me, rani... you've started gettinggirls into your bed now! this is too much, rani!listen to me! - what? good morning, boss.- boss?

hey girl, can't you hearwhat boss is saying to you? do just as the boss says. okay? else the eagle gang will catch youand present you to the boss, okay? what are you guys saying?- command us, boss! no one dares oppose you! do whatyou want to. here on the streets! go for her! grab her!- grab her? grab her? - no, i won't this was all that was left! you're a loafer.and a drunkard! - no, no.

you're a womaniser! nowyou're leader of the eagle gang! i'm not the leader.- shame on you, sameer! forget her, boss. there'sone better than the other in goa point out a girl.she'll be in your arms yes, every where is ours rule.boss, just give order. after a nice cold bath...tommy will become a handsome boy he'll be good looking.those dirty dogs in the lane? don't ever play with them, okay?see how dirty you are good boy! good boy!

bravo... what's this? a black dye? so this isn't my tommy! hey... are you a wild dog? rama! the dog has bitten me! rama! it isn't our tommy! it's a duplicate of tommy!sameer has given us a wild dog! oh my god!- see.

the black dye came off wheni was giving it a bath! look! i'm not sparing sameer!he's made the dog bite me! god! he acts like a butcher! after beating him black and blue... ...he's now settingthe dogs after him! he has no respect for his elders! he'll need to take 14injections in the stomach now go and take the first one.- go on... tiny injections they'll give him

stop it, stop it... rickety old rickshaw!- that'll be 40 rupees, ma'am here you are. but this is 20 rupees every senior citizengets a discount of 50 percent whether it's thebus or a railway train besides,yours is a rickety old rickshaw! grandma! grandma is here!- oh god.

look at this kid!he's calling me a grandma! sameer...- grandma, don't call sameer he's a bad boy! - why? he ran away withmy chocolate yesterday and today,i will run away with your glasses! give my glasses to me!- i'm running away... come after me! my glasses...- what's happening here? make this old fossilsee reason, please but he's my husband. - what!

no, i'm her son! - son? she's my mummy! mummy,ask grandma to get me a chocolate! my darling son,give my glasses to me on one condition. - what? we'll play cricket with it.- i can't see anything! i'll toss it up like a must catch it everyone in rani's family hates me.that includes her dog, tommy grandma, that's yourgrandson's love story then now you tell me what i am to do.

my son why must you worry? now that i have arrived,everything will be all right just show me the girl once. i'llgo and talk it over with her, okay? come, i'll show you. - my son! that's rani, grandma where, son? - over there, grandma she's right there yes, yes... - isn't she beautiful? absolutely beautiful!

but i can't see a thing! you go to the office andget on with your work, my son i'll go to her houseand talk it over, okay? okay, grandma. - bye, son my child... - i'm here, ma'am what spell have youcast on sameer? - what? he's madly in love with you! you're the only one he talks about,in everything he does what are you talking about?you know the colonel...

my child, i know the colonelis very angry with sameer once you agree to the wedding... ...the colonel will haveto get out of your way! my child, do not be afraid.if you're in love with sameer... ...not the colonel andnot any power in... ...the world can separate you both! sameer? and rama? my grandson will give youthe bliss the colonel never could if you're afraid of the colonel,i'll help the two of you elope!

sameer hasn't come yet.i wonder what's up he'll come, grandma here he is.- sameer. - grandma... have you talked it over, grandma?- oh yes, son. i have very good. has rani agreed?- yes, rani has agreed good. - you now need totalk to her mother... ...and she'll bringthe colonel around make an eleven rupee offering.and that'll be it! grandma! that's water!the coffee's in this one here!

ever since my glasseshave broken... ...i can't see asingle thing, my son grandma, how could youhave spoken to rani then? one uses his mouth to speak,my son. not one's eyes you must've chosen right. - sure how many fingers, grandma? - four three... two... - grandma! i'm not totally blind yet, son.i can still see a bit and why must you worry? goand talk it over with rani's mother

sameer! let me have yourglasses fixed, ma'am in just a little while,we'll reach your in-laws' house and here we are! praise the colonel!- what are you doing? holy water from st. peter's church. go on. neither isthe old man there... ...nor is your future wife. go and talk it over withyour future mother-in-law!

will she listen to me? - of course just latch the doorfrom inside! - why? neither will she go out,nor will she send you out once the matter is settled,unlatch the door. very simple go on. i'm right here! here, i lock it. sameer...why are you latching the door? so that you don't sendme out of the house... ...nor leave the house yourself

was this the time forthis angel of death to return? what you're doing is wrong, sameer is falling in love wrong? i ask you... ...have you never been in love?- well, i... you have, haven't you? so why all therestrictions in my love? now look, sameer. you... where's sameer?

he's in there,with your wife - what? you can't go insidetill sameer's work is over till sameer's work is done? give me an opportunity.i have so much to give in love! i beg you, sameer. please go away no. unless you agree,i can't go away it'll take only two minutes.let him do it, colonel! i'll see what he's upto! colonel!

why're you so scared evenafter grandma has spoken to you? the colonel used to be a colonel. and you are thecolonel of this family if you say yes,what can the colonel do about it? for god's sake,leave my sari alone! let them get on with it! if the youngsters run away,who'll lose face? who'll get a bad name? - get lost! for god's sake sameer.

your sari's stuck don't worry. i'll have it freed rama.. hello, colonel! look at the evil man! what's on your mind, my child? like you folks think nothing happened... sameer didn't misbehave with me

i thought very hard over it what i feel is... ...he had come to talk about you he's madly in love with you.what about you? is it sameer? or sunny? i don't understand, mama sunny is a nice guy he treats me really well. i like sameer too.but papa hates him

i'm in a dilemma.- look, my child... ...don't worry about mineand your father's likes decide for yourself i'm finding it difficult to decide what you got to gauge is,who loves you the most... sameer, or sunny and if you are still confused,leave it to god "my red veil...flutters in the flowing wind" "and my beloved castsglances at me..."

"...on the sly" "i know he will love me..." "...but he'll make my life miserable" "red veil..." "your red veil..." "...flutters in the flowing wind" "your red veil fluttersin the flowing wind" "and your belovedcasts glances at you..." "i'll give you my heart...i'll even die for you"

"for all my effortsto hide my pretty face..." " hardly took timefor the cruel breeze..." " break my resolve" "your moon-like facehas cast a spell all around" "the sight of you..." "...puts even the moon to shame" "i'm coy. - goodness me" "i'm apprehensive. - goodness me" "come into my arms,let not this opportunity go wasted"

"your beloved hasalready seen you..." "..on the sly, though" "...but he'll makelife miserable for me" "this fragrant ambience..." "..invites us to make love" "my pretty love..." "..give in to your beloved" "the fragrance of your love...has merged into my breath" "here, my love, i give upeverything... i give in to you"

"you are desirous... - goodness me" "you admit. - goodness me" "no stopping me now...i'm unstoppable" "my beloved has seen me...on the sly" "my red veil..." "...on the sly, though" "i'll give you my heart..." "i'll even die for you" my son, you camehere in quest of peace

where will you go now? i'll go to a place... where there are no people at all.the andaman-nicobar islands you'll clash with a guy evenif he's the only one around in town do what you will,but you can't change your destiny i know how muchyou love rani, my son will you leaveher also and go away? i'm not happy to leave i have to go away.that's how the situation is

let's go,'s time the boat sailed look after yourself. - sameer... well, well!the priest, if not rani, what say? what's up? - i'm leaving hey! you can't leave me and go away not you alone.i'm leaving this world behind you've only seen raniand me getting together won't you stay for the wedding? guess who played the biggest rolein bringing rani and me together?

he kept making mistakesand she kept getting closer to me oh yes, that's asolid idea you gave me! of publicly proposing to rani! incidentally, india and pakistanare playing a cricket match today i've invited her father.rani will be there too i'm thinking of sayingit to her in public! rani, i love you. rani, will you marry me? you're lucky...

...because i've stoppeddreaming about rani enjoy yourself fights, brawls, show of temper... ..and proposing to girlsare things real men do i'd rather you playthe guitar, sameer everything is fair and love is war. rascal. a very warm welcome for theviewers all over the world. it promises to be aglittering extravaganza.

on the rip roaring occasion,my dear friend. today's match is goingto be a terrific affair... ...because, for the first time, we'vethe indian and pakistani teams... ...playing a friendly matchin this stadium in goa today. ladies and gentlemen, this iswhat will sweep you off your feet. a colossal figure who has leftindelible imprints on the sand of time. the living legend theone and only kapil dev. kapil! kapil! kapil! paa-ji's here!

get out of the way! hey, shut up! what a stupid man. where do you think you're going?get out! hey, boss! there's been an intrusion on thefield.. goodness gracious me.. charging towards that great man..he has broken the security.. what the hell is happening? who's that in the stadium?

sorry, sir! he's grabbed the mikefrom pa-ji - i'll... rani! where are you? he's come here, looking for rani! who's rani? what's he shouting rani for?who's she? it has to do with the heart.keep it up, brave lad! go for her! looks like it has to do with love

rani... listen to me... where're you hiding, sis-in-law?the boss is so upset! he'll find her. he sure will. sis-in-law! rani... where are you? sameer! sameer, i'm here,sameer! sameer! "beloved.."- sameer. you mess with my mike?you fight with me? rani! all i'll say isthat you mustn't marry sunny!

he's not worthy of you!it's a question of your life! hold it, hold it... he has something to say.looks like it has to do with love here you are love is the condition of the mind.. ..and the mind is out of condition,my dear friend. sir, but we have a match to start. after the lovers depart. rani, i'm not the sortof guy you think i am

yes, i made the mistakeof keeping my temper under control else, i'd have beaten sunny blackand blue and throw him out of goa but sunny's donea wonderful thing today he has stopped me from going away there's something iwant to say to you, rani i love you i have loved you eversince i first set eyes on you since the day thecolonel started hating me i've made a lot of mistakes.

please forgive me rani, if you'renot in love with me... it's cool. i'll go away but i have a feeling that you do that you do love me and thus, i publicly... he's very upset! i'm not asking for too much.i only want you to marry me... so that we can have a family.we can have kids...

who take after you in looks;eyes, nose, lips, cheeks et al i only want themto have my surname... ...because my dad hadthe surname malhotra but all in short. all i want to say to you is... ask her, will you marry me?- i'll marry you, if she doesn't! ...will you marry me? louder! will you marry me?

can't hear you! louder my friend! let the whole worldhear the sound of love. not only strike when the iron is hot.but make it hot by striking. rani! will you marry me? say yes, sister-in-law.- please say yes! rani, i think he'sthe right boy for you he at least won't hitme after he's married to you say yes, girl! go on! that's a spirited boy.he's in love with you!

he's saying as much in say yes! rani! rani! rani! rani! let the birds fly! say yes, sister-in-law! go on, my child. go! stupid. our kids will takeafter you in eyes and smile and i like the surname malhotra could i have the mike, please?

as my mother used to say... ...anger is love's worst enemy not your mother! that's what myfriend arun's mother used to say! you remember whatyour friend used to say but you've forgotten your friend? you can't be arun!you're a scoundrel! arun was a gem of a guy! guess whose house i went to first,on my return from america... ...after 19 years? yours!

hey, sameer! sameer's not here.who are you? - it's me! sameer's childhood friend. arun! arun. good god! where's my buddy, grandma?- he's away in goa is he still as hot-tempered,or has he calmed down? his temper has gotworse with age, my son grandma then toldme about your problem... you had had a heart-break,how you had gone away to goa... ...met rani there andfallen in love with her... ...and how, for her sake,you had suppressed your anger okay then. i'll go and phone sameer no, won't say a word to him i'm going to treat him notas his friend, but as his adversary that's how i landed in goa... stay with your house,in your room, with you! i now know why you didthis all the time, buddy boy!

the insolent! - go topless. those with iron pajamas!- have an ape for an uncle! what happened? what's up now? all over again! what wrong have i done now?- you're ill-fated, son i'm jinxed!but nothing can go wrong now "the poor chap's beensuffering all this while" "for your sake,he has remained a bachelor"

"you shall now become his bride..." "marry him" "it seemed as if thischap was my tormentor" "but he's the one whohas shown me the right path" "however, you are theone who shall become my bride" "you must becomehis sister-in-law..." "you must marry me" " must marry me"

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