
watch warrior full movie 2011

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

'if we have to introduce the currentgeneration to the indian culture..' '..then there is nothingelse more engaging..' '..and entertaining thanthe epic of mahabharata.' 'our motive behind tellingthis great epic is to present it..' ' a simple and exciting mannerfor the children without hurting..' '..any religion or community.' brother, have one more. let it go! - that's mine! let it go! - no! it's mine!

i am a messenger. a messenger? - that's right. what message do you have for us? do tell us about it. who is it for? this message is for all mankind.. ..and for all the livingbeings in the universe. what is your message?- let me tell you. are you brothers? - yes.

is there unity among you? - yes. so, why were you fighting now? because both of you hadbecome greedy and jealous. why? for a gold coin? that's my message. let me tell you a story abouta past era to explain it better. you will understand betterwhen you hear the story about.. ..that era and the valorous men. a story? - a story?

yes. i have a message for you, but allyou want is to listen to the story. very well. listen carefully. "listen to an ancient story." "my grandma would narrate it tome describing the eras gone by." - no. that is so boring. so, how do i narrate it? just live it up, man! pump it up! pump it up!

"all the party animals out there." "hit the floors and jive." "move the body.move it, shake it, baby." "my grandma would narrate itto me describing the eras gone by." "there were people on thisearth who had great powers." "they could go anywherethey wanted and return." "they were patient,powerful and devoted." ?? "they were very powerful.they were always peaceful."

"hail lord shiva." "saints, scholars andkings were charitable." what kind of a story is that?it doesn't feature a king or a queen. yo, man! what kind of story is this? no prince, no princess? "there was a princess named kunti." "she had wonderful dreams." "sage durwas paidher a visit one day." "the princess served him well."

"in return, he gifted her five boons." "these five unique boons.." "..would help herobtain sons from gods." "without giving much thought,kunti asked sun god for a child." "she became an unwed motherand attracted ridicule." "karan was the son of sun god." "kunti left him tothe mercy of river ganges." "she married pandu and got arjun,bheema and yudhishthir." "she gave the mantra to madri,who had twin sons."

madri was pandu's second wife.- very good. "they were named nakul and sahadev.they were excellent swordsmen." "pandu had five pandavas.dritharashtra had 100 kauravas." wait! stop! i don't get it. there's so much confusion.- silly, you are so naive. let me explain. there was a king panduand he had two wives. kunti and madri. kunti had three sons.yudhishthir, bheema and arjun.

madri had two sons. nakul and sahadev. is that clear? pandu's blind brother dritharashtra.. ..had a wife named gandhari. they had 100 sons called kauravas. duryodhan was theeldest of the kauravas. is that clear?i hope there is no confusion. "the princes grew up together."

"later, they became disciplesof sage dronacharya." "there was animosity between them.the brothers fought each other." "the epic of mahabharatais full of stories of bloodshed." "this is the epic of mahabharata." hail king dritharashtra! hail hastinapur! attention please! the pride and honor ofthe kauravas and pandavas.. ..respected grandsirebheeshma is on his way.

long live grandsire bheeshma! friends, it is an honor.. ..that kauravas and pandavashave become skilful warriors. today, with permissionfrom their teacher dronacharya.. ..they will exhibittheir weapon skills. firstly, we will have mace duel. prince duryodhan willrepresent the kauravas. prince bheemsen willrepresent the pandavas. kunti, who is winning?

your highness,bheema is dealing heavy blows. what about duryodhan? he is not, he has overpowered bheema. i feel like watching duryodhanfight with my own eyes. but i feel like closing my eyes. i'm afraid i mightbring bad luck to bheema. bheemsen! duryodhan! stop! grandsire, stop them. duryodhan! bheemsen!

it's impossible to judgebetween duryodhan and bheemsen. now i invite arjun. greetings. - have a long life. i swear to god.. ..arjun is the bestarcher in the world. you are wrong. pardon me, teacher. you are swearing wrongly. i ask for an opportunityto display my skill.

uncle.. ..he seems as good as arjun. everything else is just an illusion. you're right, dushasan. duryodhan. - yes, uncle? i have this gut feeling that.. ..god has sent this pawn for you. i understand what you mean, uncle. do you claim to bea better archer than arjun?

first tell us who you are. i am karan. - what is your identity? he's the son of adhirath,the charioteer. 'adhirath's son?' i won't fight the son of a charioteer. 'karan isn't a charioteer's son.he's my eldest son.' a son of a seem to have big dreams. the son of a royal servantis challenging a prince. only kings and princes can participatein this challenge. you can't.

then take your words back, teacher. that arjun is the bestarcher in the three worlds. there is no proof.. ..that you are a betterarcher than arjun. you are not permittedto take part in this challenge. this is injustice. he is my friend. he's no less than a prince. making him your friend..

..won't make him a prince. the one whose family is not known..'s an insult for aprince to fight such a person. grandsire, karan's mother musthave belonged to the warrior class. arjun. - yes? you refuse to fight him justbecause he isn't a prince? - yes. very well. i declare karanthe king of ang from this very moment. duryodhan,that won't change his identity. you might make him a king, but hewill remain the son of a charioteer.

grandsire,i have changed karan's fate. kings should alwayshold their heads high. now, nobody can stop you.. ..from taking part in this challenge.- my friend. i would lay down my lifein return for the honor..'ve bestowed on me. i will kill arjun for insulting me. but today you don't have to kill him,you'll have to just crush his arrogance. do you have any other questions?- arjun.

seems like this duelwill go on without any result. therefore, i declare arjunand karan as equally skillful. grandsire. friends, everyone knowsthe history of hastinapur. the eldest son dritharashtra hada right to the throne of hastinapur. but he is blind. so, his younger brotherpandu was made the king. yudhishthir, the eldest sonof late king pandu and of the family.. capable enoughto rule the kingdom.

therefore, we shoulddeclare him the crown prince. i have always respecteduncle bheeshma's opinion. vidhur, declare yudhishthiras the crown prince on my behalf. the tables have been turned. on behalf of the secular andupholder of law king dritharashtra.. ..declare yudhishthirthe crown prince. long live prince yudhishthir! long live king dritharashtra! yudhishthir has denied me my rights.

first, uncle pandu tookaway the throne from my father. now, his son has snatched it from me. we could do nothing in thepresence of grandsire and vidhur.. ..who are pandu's supporters. why not? i feel like burningdown the kingdom to ashes. you better burn the pandavas to ashes. uncle, think of a plan.. ..which would get rid of themand the suspicion won't fall on us. my dear nephew.

i have a great plan toburn the pandavas to ashes. do you get me? set the palace on fire and leave. bheema? - did you really think youcould get away by burning this palace? but who told you? we knew about duryodhanand shakuni's plans. all of you are partof their evil plans. now, pay for your sins. death!

what is happening? - let's go, mother. brother! brother! nakul, hurry up! sahadev, follow me. watch out! be careful. this is not possible! impossible! but it has happened. the five pandavas andkunti were burnt alive. you're right, mother.i have seen their burnt corpses.

thank god, gandhari and i can't see. we couldn't have summedup the courage to see them. they paid the price fortaking away duryodhan's rights. shakuni! - brother! uncle is right, father. as you sow, so shall you reap. why haven't the pandavas come out yet? it's not easy to travel throughthe tunnel among smoke and darkness. greetings! - brother.

thank god, you are safe. thanks to you,we knew about duryodhan's conspiracy. my spies keep an eye on duryodhan. and you also dug up this tunnel. uncle, you are great. please come. the boat is ready. this will take youacross the river ganges. i want to go to hastinapur,not across the ganges. duryodhan and the kauravasmust be celebrating our deaths.

use your mind. duryodhan thinks.. ..that you are should take advantage of that. go undercover for a while. increaseyour strength and your supporters. thank god that if uncleshakuni is with the kauravas.. ..then uncle vidhur is with us. lord krishna is with you. he will guide you whenthe time is appropriate. this is a safe place tospend the night. right, brother? it looks fine.but it is wrought with dangers.

why, brother? there are no animals in this forest. neither tiger, nor a jackal.- then it's a safe place, right? no. i'm sure thereare demons in this forest. the animals have leftthe forest fearing them. all of you take some rest. i'llsee what demon dares to come here. i smell a human. i wish i can have this human. lady, come before me.else, i'll bring down this tree.

who are you? are you an angel from heaven? i am hidimba. who are you? i am bheemsen, the son of pandu. my family is resting over there. i smell a human. he is mine. my brother is coming this way.all of you better leave this place. why? - he is a demon. he devours humans.go! go! - are you also a demoness?

yes. - you can also devour us. i can't after meeting you. now, i have no one in this world. don't worry. we're all there. i am not related to you. you tried to save our lives. we will give you anything in return. i would like to serve him. i have fallen in love with him.

why not? what do you think, bheema? but she's a demoness. she may be a demoness physically. but emotionally she is human. bheema, love is what makes us human. today, love has transformeda demon into a human. if you don't return her favor.. would be as bad as a demon. mother, it's my duty to obey you.

a marriage made in heaven. i had to pay a heavyprice for your favor. friend, i had told you.. ..not to deal a blow to my armor. i wanted to see the miracleof your divine armor performs. i had only heard about, i've seen for myself. your armor and earrings won't letyou lose to the greatest of warriors. greetings to prince duryodhanand karan, the king of ang. your majesty,bless these gold ornaments.

then i will distributethem among the poor. you give away 46 kg ofgold in charity every day. at this rate,ang's treasury will become empty. you had given away the kingdomof ang in charity, duryodhan. you are the real charitable person.i am no match for you. that wasn't charity, my friend.i helped you in the time of calamity. you're my best friend. wonderful! friendshipshould be like this. fantastic! uncle, when did you arrive?

i had been taking a goodlook at your friendship. but someone who can divideyou will be here soon. what do you mean? - the kingof panchal has invited both of you.. participate in his daughterdraupadi's groom-choosing ceremony. draupadi? - yes princess draupadi. her eyes are wide anddeep blue like a sapphire. her lips are as soft as rose petals. the way she walks creates a riot. "playful and carefree."

"you look very different." "you are beautiful and dandy." "you look very are beautiful and dandy." "the way you smile.the way you shy away." "you waver away lost in thought." "you waver away." "you walk away excited." "i will use the earth as paper.and the seven seas as ink." "i will use all the jungles as a pen."

"i vouch for you, dear." "i vouch for you." "cannot describe your beauty." i, dhrishtadyumn, with permissionfrom my sister princess draupadi.. ..and king draupad's order, announce.. ..that any valorous person who looksat the fish image in this oil tank.. ..and hits the fisheye with an arrow.. ..will get marriedto princess draupadi. there he goes.- let's see what he does.

looks like he'll be the groom. yes, you are right. god, protect me. prince duryodhan. he built the lakshgraha.he got the pandavas killed. life and death are inthe hands of the almighty. karan, the king of ang. brother, tell him he cannotparticipate in this ceremony. he's the son of a charioteer.

he is a very charitable person.nobody can match up to him. what kind of charitable personaccepts a kingdom in charity? he is neither charitable,nor a prince. princess, you have a sharp tongue. let's go, karan. if you permit me, may i give it a try? brahman, this task is meantfor the warrior class, not you. a brahman will do whatpeople of warrior class couldn't. your majesty,do i have your permission?

what do you think, draupadi? i have no objection. that is not acceptable!you are insulting the warrior class. what are you looking at? get draupadi! i want to teach her a lesson. that's right.we won't let that happen. lord krishna. you are a relative,yet you help an unknown brahman. whom you consider a brahman..he is not a brahman.

he is not a brahman? - that's right. he's a warrior dressed as a brahman. i hope you know arjun,son of pandu. - arjun? but they had died ina fire five years back. nobody can kill theone whose time hasn't come. not even you. the other pandavas are over there. 'the pandavas willclaim the throne again.' i had asked arjun to participatein the groom-choosing ceremony.

arjun will definitely win. mother, look whati have brought for you. why do you want me to see it?share it among yourselves, as usual. mother! - who is it? why did you give that order? this is draupadi,your daughter-in-law. arjun got her in agroom-choosing ceremony. oh, god! i gave a strange orderto my sons without much thought. it is our duty to obey you.

no, that is impossible. sons, i take back my words. that is not needed, aunt. you have said somethingalready predicted in the vedas. in the vedas? - yes. draupadi has lord shiva's blessings. it has come true through you. what kind of blessings are these? in your previous life,you had prayed to lord shiva.

lord shiva had appearedand had asked.. what boon do you want? a husband. a husband.a husband. a husband. a husband. you had said it five times. lord shiva granted your wish. he said that you had askedfor a husband five times. in your next life,you will have five husbands. but how is this possible? it has to happen.

lord shiva's blessingand fate can't be changed. draupadi is the wifeof all five pandavas. mother, rest assured. it was meant to happen. yudhishthir. - yes, lord krishna? draupadi left her palace for you. it is the duty of you allto take her back to a palace. in these years,you have obtained divine weapons. you have powerful kings as friends.

it is time to go to hastinapurand demand your rights. as you wish, lord. long live prince bheema! long live prince arjun! long live prince yudhishthir!- have a long life. greetings, grandsire. i do not want the brothers to fight.. ..over the throne. your majesty, i suggest yougive half the kingdom to yudhishthir.

i accept grandsire's suggestion. we also accept half of the kingdom. the new kingdom needs a new capital. i think pandavas shouldmake khandavprasth their capital. because khandavprasthis a heaven in hastinapur. brother, this is khandavprasth,heaven in hastinapur. do we have to live amongsnakes and scorpions once again? we lived in a forest for five years.they have sent us back to a forest. we'll have to makethis forest into a capital.

calm down, bheema. we will definitely transformthis forest into heaven. arjun, you have lordindra's blessings. you better pray to him. - as you wish. hail lord indra. arjun. - lord indra. i accept your prayer. greetings. vishwakarma.- what are your orders, lord?

transform khandavprasth into heaven.- as you wish, lord. hail lord brahma. wonderful, lord. you've completelytransformed this place. we will name this place indraprasth. have a long life. 'after the formation of indraprasth,yudhishthir was made the king.' 'he instituted therule of justice and duty.' 'in the neighborhood,king jarasandh..'

'..took 100 other kings captiveand decided to sacrifice them.' 'bheema defeated him in a duel..' '..and freed all the kings.' 'these kings sided with the pandavas.' 'soon, dharmaraj became an emperor.' 'that means,all the kings came under him.' 'duryodhan became jealous ofpandavas' progress and popularity.' 'he was consumed by rage.' 'his anger knew no bounds..'

'..when arjun got marriedto subhadra who was..' '..krishna and balram's sister and hislove interest against balram's wishes.' 'balram wanted to marrysubhadra to duryodhan.' 'subhadra gave birth to abhimanyu.' 'that added another namein kaurava's enemy list.' darling, you are so don't need decking up. if i don't deck up.. ..the maids in this palace of illusionswill look more beautiful than me. impossible! - duryodhan willbe coming to our palace of illusions.

i want him to forget everythinghe sees in this palace.. ..and remember only me. oh, god! this side of you is scaring me. wonder what would happen to others. draupadi, what are you doing? - go on. 'i will give duryodhansuch a welcome..' '..that people willremember it for centuries.' khandavprasth hasreally become heaven.

uncle, you had said thatkhandavprasth is heaven on earth. we have made your words come true. i was wondering that iftheir palace is so beautiful.. would thispalace of illusions be? it is beautiful and strange. uncle, the door is are elder to us. you should be the one to enter first. please lead the way. guards, we want to enter.

please open the door. welcome. duryodhan, i hope they aren'ttaking revenge for burning the palace. uncle, this isn't that palace.this is a palace of illusions. uncle, do you see that? what is this, arjun? this is a magical mirror. it shows a person his real side. am i a snake?

snake? where? this is a strange mirror.real strange mirror. what's this? is that what i am? this mirror showsa person his real self. that is obvious. animals will appear as animals. someone who snatches otherpeople's rights looks like a wolf. do you also see all these? no. i don't need amirror to judge someone.

please come this way.- is there anything more to see? the lady of the house. i mean,won't you meet your sister-in-law? you mean, panchali? let's go. greetings, brother-in-law.greetings, uncle. five draupadis? who is the real draupadi among these? here i am, duryodhan. panchali,your beauty can attract anyone. a blind son of a blind father.

panchali! panchali, you made abig mistake by insulting me. i will definitely take revengefor this in front of everyone. uncle, let's go. - duryodhan. uncle! uncle! what happened to duryodhan? draupadi insulted duryodhan.he left angrily. i was born due to a fire ritual. duryodhan had insulted me.i took my revenge today.

the fire of my revengeis satiated now. panchali, you made a big mistake. the enmity between kauravasand pandavas was over. you have reignited that enmity. i wonder how farthis enmity will spread. such arrogance? such ego? she has insulted me's like poison. and it has hurt me deeply. i know a way to get back at her,duryodhan.

i will snatch her out ofthe clutches of the pandavas. she has five husbands.i will be her sixth husband. i will kidnap her tomorrow. no, nephew, no.. force won't workhere. we need to act intelligently. take advantage ofyour enemy's weaknesses. what weakness? - there is only one. yudhishthir has thebad habit of gambling. emperor yudhishthir. uncle is very impatientto play against you.

dharmaraj. pardon me,emperor dharmaraj, place a bigger bet. it is just an illusion. nephew, he didn't comeso far to place a small bet. i never place a small bet.- wonderful! big people always do big things. maybe he will bet his kingdom as well. right, dharmaraj? - do you doubt it? i bet my wealth and kingdom. i wager both. - what is going on?

how can you wager your kingdom? he has placed the bet, grandsire. dharmaraj is not lying. am i right? that's right. throw the dice. i need six. well done, uncle. we won. all five of you have become my slaves. dharmaraj, take off your crown.

take off your ornaments as well. if we play another round,i would wager both the kingdoms. we have nothing to wager. you have the most valuable gemin your possession.. ..and you say, you have nothing to lose. what are you talking about?- panchali. draupadi. duryodhan! utter hername again at your own peril! bheemsen,both the kingdoms are up for grabs. won't you let dharmarajbe emperor again?

let him wager panchali.- i wager panchali now. throw the dice. i need six again. we won panchali as well. now we stop the game. there is one final game. the one who loses thistime will be exiled for 13 years. and would be in disguisein the final year. if the winner sees or findsthe loser in the 13th year..

..he will again be exiled for12 years and one year in disguise. what do you think? is it all right? i accept. throw the dice. there you are. - six again? duryodhan, i told you so. we won again. dushasana! - yes, brother? drag that arrogant draupadi here.she's no more a queen. she's my maid. as you wish, brother.i'll do as you please.

come on! - dushasana, let me go! guards! anybody! let go of me! how dare you, dushasana? - come on! let me go!let go! get your hands off me! let me go, you devil! sinner! draupadi, this is the resultof calling me a blind man's son. what is going on, brother-in-law?- well, i am your master now. you are my maid. i won you from dharmarajin a game of dice.

dharmaraj,you had no right to wager me. what happened to your pride?- they are my slaves and you too. obey me. undress and sit on my lap. you are insulting a married woman,duryodhan. you would insult others all the, you complain about being insulted. grandsire, how can you tolerateyour daughter-in-law being insulted? teacher, are your arrows meantonly for innocent birds and fish? aren't they meant forthose who abuse a woman? your majesty!

that's enough. dushasana, undressdraupadi and make her sit on my lap. duryodhan, i take a vow!you want draupadi to sit on your lap. i will break your thighs and kill you. i also vow that i will tie my hairafter i wet them with dushasan's blood. you are down, but not out. dushasan! no! - this is your fate. nobody can save you. my savior will definitelycome for my help. - let us see. the one who had saved sita from ravan.

the one who had defeated kans. that butter thief? what can he do? the savior of the universewill also save me. it's your fate! - oh, lord. lord krishna, help me. what is this? your majesty, an invisibledivine power is helping the pandavas. divine power? it must be krishna. i will have to atonefor the sins of my sons.

grandsire, i return whateverthe pandavas have lost in gambling. i return their kingdom. draupadiis no more a slave. she's a queen. but dharmaraj has promisedto go in exile. what about that? we belong to the warrior class.we will keep our word. anyway, draupadi wasinsulted because of me. so, we have to go inexile to atone for my sins. i will also go in exile. my unkempthair will remind them of my insult. "nobody can predict the future,except the almighty." "why is the world wavering?why is there darkness?"

"all relations have brokenbecause of this rift." "destiny will take its own course." "duty and actionare not easy to follow." "if you stray away from the truth,you'll never be able to come back." "this fire of war betweenbrothers will never be resolved." "there are no more palaces.there is only exile." "they have to atone for their sins." "there is uneasinessin this wilderness." "the power of devotion is infinite."

"lord hanuman's powerhas been realized." "bheema's arrogance was shattered." "this new dawn has kindled a fire." "he was blessed with thestrength of hundred elephants." "that's the almighty's blessings." "lord shiva and goddess parvatiimparted knowledge to arjun." "they presented a powerfulbow to honor his devotion." "time played games with them." "they had to live in disguise."

"life is sometimes easy." "sometimes it is tough." greetings to king dritharashtra, theking of kings and the head of kauravas. lord krishna, the king of dwarka,is on his way here. you could have said theshepherd from gokul is here. what does he want from us? it's an honor thatlord krishna is here. bless you. i have come as a messengerof peace on behalf of the pandavas.

you know that thepandavas have fulfilled.. ..the conditions of exileand one year in disguise. as per your promise, you should returnhalf the kingdom to yudhishthir. if he wanted to beg,he should have come himself. the pandavas aredemanding their rights. what if i refuse?- there will be war between brothers. a bloody war. are you here for peacetalks or to threaten us with war? i am not threatening you.

i am warning about thedire consequences of war. reconcile with the pandavas. when two brothers meet,lord vishnu's divine wheel.. ..goddess kali's mighty mace.. ..lord brahma's divine weapon,and lord shiva's bow.. ..will not harm your unity. duryodhan,accept lord krishna's proposal. this union will make you morepowerful. - i don't need such a union. duryodhan, such arrogance is not good.

arrogance is the pride of emperors.i can't let it go. that means you won'tgive away half the kingdom. if they have the strength,they can make war and get it. in order to avoid open war.. should give five villages to thefive pandavas, if not half the kingdom. forget five villages,i won't give them an inch of land. then you better remember, duryodhan. in these 13 years.. ..the pandavas have obtainedweapons and boons from the gods.

the pandavas can destroythe kauravas with them. all of you will perish. before that, we will destroy you. come on. kill him! move ahead! duryodhan, if i had not taken a vow.. ..of not taking uparms against the kauravas.. ..i would have beheadedall of you with my divine wheel. but you won't be spared anyway. you will get killed at the handsof the pandavas on the battlefield.

he came as a messenger ofpeace and threatened us with war. that is good. now, there will be war. dronacharya, dushasan, uncleshakuni and karan, prepare for war. grandsire, you will be the commander.- that was obvious. because i had vowed toprotect the king of hastinapur. but i feel sad thatbecause of your arrogance.. ..i have to pick up armsagainst arjun and the pandavas. only the warrior classwill take part in the war.

if karan joins the war, i won't fight. but.. - grandsire, you may accept thepost of commander without hesitation. we won't take any decisionagainst your wishes. no. - what is wrong, parth? arjun, why are you so hesitant? what is going on through your mind? i can't fight this war. what are you saying? why can't you? i would have to pointmy arrows at my dear ones.

so, how can i shoot the arrows? this is not a temple.this is a battlefield. grandsire and dronacould be good people. but they were bound by vow and duty.that's why they support the bad people. you will have to kill them. i can't have the blood ofmy dear ones on my hand. i can't. if you don't kill them,they will kill you. if you don't support righteousness,the evil people will rule. the evil kauravas,who had tried to undress draupadi..

..would undress mothersand sisters in public. that's why you must make war. taking up arms in self-defense,fighting for your rights.. ..making war for justiceand righteousness is not violence.. ..but courage. arjun, don't feelsad when someone dies. listen, arjun. the soul neither dies,nor can it kill anyone. fire can't burn it,water can't drown it. just as human removes old clothes,and puts on new ones.. the same way the soul leavesthe old body to enter a new one. the body is destructible.the soul is immortal. but i had always thoughtof the soul as destructible. let me explain.have a look at my real self. you worry about death. look, i am the one whobrings about everyone's death. and i am the one who creates life. so, are you wiser now? that is enough, lord. i can'tendure your brilliance anymore.

in my ignorance, i thoughtof you as a mere flute player. but you are the greatest god of all. you are the creatorand destroyer of life. all right then.let go of all your doubts. take my refuge and do as i tell you. open your eyes, arjun.- you already did that. i will be killing bheeshma,dronacharya, kripacharya and others. you will be justa cause of their deaths. get up. don't be a coward.

take up your bowand shoot those arrows. blow your conch.i am ready for battle. attack! attack! attack! ?? audio not clear. "in the hope of victory,where have i come?" "blood has spread in all directions." as long as grandsire is fighting,our win is impossible. what can we do?

he has been granted a boonthat he can't die unless he wishes it. yes, but we can hit him withcountless arrows and incapacitate him. impossible!- we must act intelligently. intelligently or cunningly? you won't understand. arjun and i willtake care of grandsire. tomorrow, he will beforced to lay down his bow. what's this? a woman is actingas a shield of the pandavas. grandsire, shoot the arrow.

take me away from here. lord krishna,i'm sure this is your move. what kind of trick areyou playing on the battlefield? arjun, remember what i told you?shikandi is a man. but grandsire thinks he's a he won't target him. i belong to the warrior class. i can't target thiswoman in a man's body. i can't even see her face. get me out of here.- arjun, shoot the arrow.

but vasudev..- shoot the arrow, arjun. arjun, shoot the won't get a better opportunity. okay. forgive me, grandsire. oh, krishna! grandsire!grandsire! how did this happen? mother. ganga. mother ganga. mother..

arjun. dear, arjun. arjun. - "favorite son of ganga." "laying thirsty on a bedof arrows." - i want water. "when thirsty eyes call out,arjun quenches his thirst." "strange are these relations.they go through the grind." uncle. - what is it, abhimanyu? where did father go so early? arjun went to battle in the morning.he has to fight from the south. why? - brother,the kauravas are organizing..

..a labyrinth onthe battlefield today. labyrinth? - it's a maze of death. once a soldier gets trapped in it,he can't come out alive. this is serious. arjun isn't here. and nobodyelse can break the labyrinth. i know that, uncle. abhimanyu, when did you learn it? in the womb? - what? once, mother was not able to, father started narrating to her..

..the technique to break openthe seven doors of the labyrinth. i heard it too and memorized it. abhimanyu,we will make you commander today. right, yudhishthir? - no, bheemsen. abhimanyu is still a kid. how would i face arjun ifsomething untoward happened to him? arjun didn't say a wordwhen you wagered me in the game. so, why would he object.. ..if you allow him to displayhis bravery on the battlefield?

if he were my son,i would have given permission. brother, give him yourpermission without any fear. very well. i declare thissixth pandav our commander. but there is a problem. - what is it? when father finished narratingthe technique of breaking six doors.. ..mother fell asleep. and you couldn't learn the techniqueto break the seventh door. right? yes. - so what? i will break open the seventh door.

i have the strength of 400 elephants. dronacharya's labyrinth willdefinitely be destroyed today. 'god, protect him.' 'i hope this brave kid doesn'tget martyred in this war.' "kurukshetra is the place of dharma." "this war witnessedthe pinnacle of enmity." "dharma wagered everythingin this gamble." "with his strengthand a flag in his hand.." "..he moved forward wieldingweapons in the battlefield."

"nobody could avoid his blows." "abhimanyu refused to giveup fighting in the labyrinth." this kid will destroy us. i think i'll haveto do something about it. well done, son. you will make the pandavas proud.i am proud of you. "the scared enemiesconspired against him." "only cowards stabthe brave in the back." "together they killed a child."

"there were riversof blood everywhere." "mothers lost their apple oftheir eyes. fathers lost their sons." "the earth and the sky are crying." "strange are their promises and vows." "the army is injured,soldiers have been massacred." "there is smoke risingup from these burning pyres." "the battlefield hasbecome a bottomless well." "everyone is out to kill each did it ever come to this?" who is it?

queen kunti? don't call me a queen.i'm here to ask something from you. what can a son of acharioteer give a queen? mercy. the lives of myfive sons are in your hands. so, you know that aftergrandsire and dronacharya.. ..duryodhan has made me the commander. the lives of the pandavasare dependent on my skill of archery. do me this favor. do not kill them.they aren't your enemies.

the pandavas are your brothers. didn't krishna tell you about this? he told me that you gave birth to me. but you set me offin a basket in a river. tell me honestly,are mothers like that? you have five sons,but you aren't an ideal mother. mothers should be like radha.she didn't give birth to me. but she raised me lovingly. don't hurt a motherwith such sharp criticism.

do you know how deeply i've been hurt? in the stadium, when people ridiculedme for being a son of a charioteer.. ..why did you remain quiet?- i was helpless. how could an unwedwoman become a mother? you have no idea howmuch i've pined for you. after all, i am your mother. try to understand thecompulsions of a woman, karan. you aren't here toshower your love on me. you're here to savethe lives of your sons.

my sons are your brothers. i have no brothers, except duryodhan. because of you,i became the son of a charioteer. duryodhan made me the king of ang. duryodhan gave youa small kingdom of ang. the pandavas will makeyou the king of hastinapur. forget hastinapur, if i ammade the king of the three worlds.. ..i would refuse itdue to duryodhan's favor. meaning,a mother will go empty-handed..

..from the house ofthe most charitable person. you had abandoned me. but i won't let you go empty-handed. i had given somethingto the father a while ago. the father? - yes. arjun's father lord indra. he asked for my armorand earrings to protect arjun. he thinks if i don't havethose things arjun can kill me. my son.

i didn't send him back i will not send you too. ask whatever you want. you couldn't be a mother. let me fulfillthe responsibilities of being your son. i ask for the lives of my five sons. you want your five sons to live. rest assured.your five sons will live. i won't kill any other pandav,except arjun. if arjun dies,you will have five sons including me. if i die, you will havefive sons including arjun.

karan! what is wrong with you?- karan! it seems you've forgotten to fight.- why do you say that? nakul, sahadev, yudhishthir andeven bheema have been in your range. but you couldn't kill them.tell me, what's the reason? what is the problem, karan? 'i ask for the lives of my five sons.' karan, you are not focusing. i am focusing only on arjun. if he dies,the others would be easy to kill. if arjun doesn't die today,we will be defeated.

i will definitely kill arjun today. arjun, shoot the arrow. what are you doing, arjun?shoot the arrow. this is no time for hesitation. but he is unarmed. - so was grandsire. no, i can't trick him and kill him. he had tricked yourson and then killed him. shoot the arrow. - forgive me. i am breaking the rulesof the warrior class..

..and going to killabhimanyu's killer. 'the lives of my fivesons is in your hands.' mother! mother, look. i sacrificed myselfto make your happy. karan, my friend. friend, forgive me. i didn't get lucky this time. dushasan, where will you run? draupadi has to washher hair with your blood.

they need to be purified. brother, please. it is all about fate. don't break my arms.because i don't have arms. it's all about fate.if i don't have arms, why do you.. duryodhan! duryodhan is hiding in this pond. 'give me strength,lord.' i will build an army again.' 'hastinapur is mine.' duryodhan, you wanted draupadito sit on your lap, right?

hastinapur is mine. no sinner or immoral person is alive. but we have lost thiswar even after winning it. we have lost our dear ones. the rule of thepandavas across india.. ..will resemble the rule of lord rama. i call upon the eldest son of pandu. wait. stop. before the coronation,i want to clear the stigma..

..associated with my eldest son. stigma? with me? not you. i'm meant karan. the world calls himthe son of a charioteer. he wasn't the son of a charioteer.karan was the eldest pandav. he was your elder brother. but how is that possible?- let me explain. sun god blessed kunti withkaran before she got married. karan belonged to the royal family.

but he was insulted time and again. aunt kunti endured it all. when karan found out the truth,he promised not to kill you all. he spared you all to fulfillthe promise made to his mother. but he sacrificed his life. if karan were alive today.. ..he would have aright to this throne. if karan had returned.. ..i would've placed his sandalson the throne and ruled on his behalf.

had he not sidedwith the evil people.. ..i would have showered mylove on him instead of killing him. as per karan's tradition.. ..i will give away 46 kg of goldon his behalf from the royal treasury. the stigma againstmy son has been erased. you may proceed with the coronation. long live king yudhishthir.- long live king yudhishthir! long live king yudhishthir! "there will be a new will set in again."

"there will be light again.darkness will be banished." "birds will sing new songs." "time will throw out new gems." "festivals will becelebrated in this country." "hope will float in every household." "kurukshetra is a place of dharma." time went by.the pandavas ruled for many years. happiness, responsibility,justice and knowledge was everywhere. but today, mankind has forgottenthe lesson, the knowledge..

..and the message of harmonythat this story and time has given us. i hope you will remember it. live in harmony. respect your elders.never forsake justice and truth. promise me,you will remind others of this lesson. yes, we promise. - very good.

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