bangkok! capital city ofworld of entertainment with attractiveentertainment program a city that turns midnightinto high noon with buddhist templesand monasteries with eye catching parks, lt's a place of great stageshows & entertainment to attract tourists tourism is one of themainstay of this country bars, pubs, beer, soup &seafood flood all the roads
lt's beauties & bikinisfun & frolic on beaches with exhilarating massageslt's a place of great fun about 1 3 crore tourists visitthis country every year some come for foodsome come for drinks some come for women people flock to this countryfor their personal needs so, any business thrives here wherever there's a chanceto make money, a telugu man willnever miss it
sairam is one suchperson not to miss it any tourist's first needis hotel accommodation, judging it 10 years earlier, with the money hebequeathed from his parents, and dowry give by in-laws,he started this hotel lt gave excellentprofits for 6 years then, he caught the diseasewhich afflicts every telugu lf anyone prospers,another telugu man will not sleep peacefullytill he brings him down
the one who stole sairam'ssleep is seetharam this hotel's owner actually seetharam issairam's close friend to show off his position,he invited seetharam to bangkok and gave him aguided city tour casually he told abouthotel business & it's profit that's all, seetharamwent back to lndia, not only his property, he sold offhis ancestral property too and started a hotel nextto sairam's hotel
when there's a competitor,one's business will come down moreover seetharam's hotel is new,one room free for taking 2 rooms breakfast free for lunch,with such new innovative schemes like ap voters falling topromise of free electricity, every telugu coming herstayed at seetharam's hotel sairam's business crashed down likea computer infected with virus will he take it lying down? using all his telugu intelligencehe planned to blow up the hotel what happened?
when l get a job,l'll do it perfectly l've planted hotel inseetharam's bomb sorry, l've planted a bombin his hotel it may blow off go home, drink afull bottle & take rest no, l want to see his hotelcrumble down like wtc and laugh aloud likeosama bin laden seetharam is coming he may get suspicious,let's go from here- let's go
don't smoke used cigarette,take a new one sir ldiot! l didn't pick to smoke,but to throw into dustbin stop what's the time now? never demand to know timeask politely bloody fool! l didn't askyou to know the time you should've come earlierbut you're late so, l asked what's the time now?- l can come at anytime lt's not your dad's hotel to walkin at will like an lndian's train
owner's like me lose ifl've watchman like you you're fired get out das? don't kill me withyour absentmindedness l'm not the watchmanl own this hotel hotel owner? then who am l?- you're a bell boy but l don't have a bellhow'll l ring a bell? bell boys don't ring bells- then? you must be here atthis desk- okay receive customers- then,
carry their baggage to their roomsand supply whatever they order that's your dutyas the bell boy good! your memory isas good as the owner ln near future you'll getpromoted to become bearer lt's very difficult to workwith absent minded das why can't you fire him? lf l fire him here my wifewill divorce me - why? he's my wife's cousin have you also becomeabsent minded?
why are in reception insteadof doing room service? lt seems receptionist is sickand has taken leave she would've done somepart-time job supply two teas to film folksl'll take care of reception lt's chaos here aboutwhose duty is what? there won't be any confusion l'm telling you,a writer-cum-director nol know thepulse of film fans l'm the producerfirst satisfy me
l'm the presenterfirst satisfy me then, l'll tell you another storytitle will floor you won't there be anythingafter that? - why not? you know the title 'friday marriage,saturday divorce' full sentiment weepy films don't run in my place- neither in my place then, l've written a storyfor rama naidu l'll give it to you- tell me comedy, tragedy, action, faction,l've added romance
people will lap it up- yes, in my area too opening- a bottle? no- then what?- scene a sixteen year old maidenis running stopstopl've topresent it, haven't l? kameshwari presents- add surname too - kathiribatta! kathiribatta kameshwari presents,bedridden husband, eloped wife' ls it our story?- have you eloped? just for fun! my own
producer tuppu appa rao- won't you show it in english? l will- my title too l'll definitely do it like flash news runningat the bottom on tv, l'll put your name on tickerthe entire film l said about girlrunning, didn't l? what's the problem with her? rowdies come chasing herthe girl is on run will they run all the 1 6 reels?
no, they'll run till the film end- then? at one point the rowdies crossthe girl and go ahead, you said they were chasing her- that's the catch they are not chasingbut just jogging the girl feels on seeing them for going away withoutraping her? - no for misunderstanding theml'll freeze the shot here story, dialogue, lyrics,screenplay & direction my name will appearalankar dsp
without narrating me the story, l'll beat you with slippers ifyour name appears on titles l'm coming to the story lf you open, you started outwhy did you stop? lf he hears, my story will weaken bloody weak story! how can itweaken again? - well said lt seems he's not gettingmood in lndia, so, he brought us to bangkok
watch few english cassettes,you can write your own script did you come from punjabto tell him this? go out the tea is for us not for you- then, for me? narrate the story l'll buy you a tea at intervalif l like the story are you in mood now?- l'm in very good mood then, l'll changeto nightdress lt isn't that moodyou cover, you open now, hero chiranjeevi's introduction
ls chiranjeevi our hero?- yes do you've his dates?- let's try will he give dates to you? let's try junior ntr then you know his rate!lt's a budget movie upcoming hero?- you mean? then, l'll present myself he enters the scene in a car do you've to beginside the hotel?
l'm not begging sirlt's hello' in thai l forgot to say thereso, l did it here give it to me- why?will you run away with it? as the hotel's ownerlt's my duty l don't know where thebell boy has vanished hello, he's not a foreigner,he's a telugu man l want a room what's your name?- l don't know lt's different
l said, l don't know your name l'm asking your name- veera shankar from which place?- my place name of the place?- hyderabad are you married?- you've any proposal? l don't have children myself why? any defect? no need of inquiriestell me, why are you here? to stay in your hotel
happy to hear ithow long will you stay? till l complete my mission- thanks sign it take him to 1106 room- okay, come sir what for you're here sir? shopping?- no, for honeymoon our hotel is famous for itenjoy to the hilt will you shut mouth?- yours? come in sirthis is your room come this is bedroom- l thought it is bathroom
that's bathroom take! ls it room rent?- no, tip for my boss?l'll give it to him l want a good suite, you've one? there's an excellent one- l'll take it are you married?- by mistake l was married once now, l'm single but, willbecome double shortly how long will you stay sir?- 3 nights lt won't look goodl'll make it as 3 days
your address? gouri shankarhunting sickles bombs borough! kadapa are you from that place?sign here sir do we've to sign herefor coming from there? you've to signcoming from anywhere l'm not the bearerl'm the owner take shankar to 1106 room don't kill one withyour absent mindedness
just now l left a guestin that room that's veera shankar andthis is gouri shankar that name is in 1105 andthis man's room is 1106 take him lt's between us, will therebe any police raids here? recently raided our boss- your boss? will tax people keep quietif you evade paying tax? tax people arevery strict here l didn't ask abouttax raids- then? lf we bring in any girlwill police come and do
can't you do yourself?you need police help l didn't mean thatl meant about raids no need to fear ln fact police too do the samein our hotel rooms thanks brother, you'vegave lot of information so, we can enjoy peacefully- yes what's this?- tip! enjoy! l should be giving him,he has given me ls it bangkok style?
gouri! no more hurdlesjust have a ball l hear an auto comingmay be it's my man get down boss ls it the hotel? can l trust & get down?- trust me & get down boss hello sir what do you want sir?- hotel sorry sir!my hotel is not for sale l'll not buy even if you selljust want a room, it's enough
which room? even bathroom will dowe'll adjust no jokes pleasel asked suite or deluxe room any room will do,but an one condition l must clearly see room no: 820 why sir? people askfor good beach view 820 view will do for us- why? good omen- then, l'll allot 920 to you your name?- shankar dada
mbbs?- rmp rmp? - he's degree purpose of visit?- to kill fishes!- are you here for fishing? how long will you stay?- till death so, you're permanent customers take shankar dada- just now l took a guest that's gouri shankarhe's shankar dada take shankar dada rmpto room no: 920- you come sir
l must carry itgive it to me sir why are you scared as ifthere's a gun in it? how did he know there'sa gun in it? he doesn't know,you don't tell him give me the violin l'll carry it- no need l'll carry my baggage myself lf you carry your baggage,why am l here then? you take us to the room come in sir this is your roomlsn't it beautiful?
where's room no: 820?- 820? the one opposite there l think you love violin l love violence- l too love sir what's your favourite raga? raga murder raga murder? never heard of it?ls it new raga? play it once for me please lf l play you'll not hear,you'll die
will you play so horribly? don't disturb my boss,clear out look, how l sent him l lifted the phone butring tone is continuing lt's the phone in next room,that's ringing l too felt the same l'm your brother speakinghow are you? what a piquant situation l'm in! l was like a lion inour rayalaseema region
l feel ashamed to hide herelike a rat beyond seas lf you don't hide,you'll lose your head our enemies are itching to cutyour head with hunting sickles moreover factionists hidingaway is not a new thing from narasimha naiduto samarasimha reddy, from lndrasena reddy toadikesava naidu, it's common l'm unable to stay here,l'll come back home let your loyalty tothe region go to dogs loyalty? my foot!
all our people are therel'm scared there without anyone here,l'm shivering to death in fear we factionists shouldn't fear evenif bombs explode next to us oh my god!- what happened?what happened?- nothing l was just checkingour people's alertness they are alert you needn't worrytake rest happily how long? l swear on our mother l'll killthem in next 6 days not with knives
how then? l'm getting ready twohuman bombs l'll make them eatlike gargantuan and send intoopposition's camp l'll make them fart there our opposition will perishin that mustard gas why are you closing your noses?l farted now let anyone fart, bad smellis common- right by the way, brother! they may come,don't believe anyone
keep an eye on all of thembe careful what would've happenedif had it fallen down? lt would've got blown up not only that we would'vealso been blown up you've been saying it'll blowup for the past one hour drunkard! when'll it blow? there's a time to happenmoreover it's a time bomb you're drunk have youplanted it perfectly? l'm drunk so l would'veplanted it perfectly
whatever, it is l'm anxious why are you anxious? lf at all, people in thathotel should be tensed tension will start buildinglike that in the story what did you say now?- l haven't understood anything l told clearly like tamil writernarrating a telugu story still didn't get me? that's your greatness lf she can't understand, how canothers in my area understand?
they are not fools like you- no satires please tell the story lf we cut here how many times will you cut?were you a tailor earlier? never underestimate mel've clapped for over 100 films as the chief guest?- no, as an assistant director lf l don't like the story, you'll go back to clap theboard again go ahead not that go aheadcontinue the story forward till now only characterswere introduced
l'll put the real knotsin story now ls it farm to plant saplings?this is a film l want to present myself andl think l'll never do it l'll definitely fulfill your desireand satisfy you now the love storyof my hero lt has never been onany lndian screen copy of english films?- 100% original l've used my blood to write- don't you've ink at home? lf you spoil my moodwith your satires
are you in mood now? alankar, don't forget,l'm here for that only control yourself andresume the story now the hero is moody he's thinking deeply steady cam focuses on his face slowly hero goesdown the memory lane oh mother! oh my girl!
when l went to thelake to fetch water when you went? a stranger offered me ear studs and also nose pin where? when? who?- who is he? gogo fast join hand with handand eye with eye
l've come to fulfill your desireand bought bangles for you hey girl! look at mecome out openly oh mother! what happened now? he promised bangles if ljoin hands with me and promised tofulfill my desires a stranger offered me bangles let it be anyone you gobut take all the bangles your desire will get fulfilledl'll get bangles
go go fast join me and my heart l'll drench you in kisses andswing you in a hammock he said hell kiss me if lgive my heart to him hes a dashing debonair a stranger said he'll kiss me go to any man butstay out of marriage allow him to kiss butnever give your heart to him lf he pays give yourself
lf you get moneycome with it hey veer shankar! come out- come out l'll not watch tv serial alsowithout seeing your end we'll not watchmid-night masala also- no who are you madam? who are you? l'm father of veera shankar- who is she? don't misunderstand she's my wife andshankar's mother
so, you are his parents, right? lndeed we are his parentswhat do you want now? we want justice ls my house a court? we must get justice herenot in court because you son is the accused ls my son the accused? why are you shouting likea clerk in the court? they are accusing you offdoing injustice to them?
what happened exactly? he's nearby like a tv towerask him you tell? do you know whatyour son has done? why not? he has done mba- not about that oh newly! he had breakfast; lunchand just now had a bathe not that- then? she's my daughter your son and my daughter arestudying in the same college
what's wrong in it?lt's a co-education college studying together isn't wrong your son became close to herin the name of friendship what's wrong in it?people die for friendship! where is he?- he not just friendship,he went further- then latest is she had got a tummy tell her to go for ajog early morning this isn't a tummy of notgoing on morning walk
lt's because of yourson's night walks now, she's having3rd month tummy lt's not tummy,it's pregnancy, mummy did he make you pregnant? my son doesn't even know toeat stomach full also l swear on yourforthcoming grandson what's this? l found her beautifuland had an affair she got pregnantwhat can l do?
couldn't you takeprecautionary measures? you are a respectable man,you must do something what can l do now if situationhas reached this stage? consult a good doctor why'll he marry her foryour son's deeds? not to marry but toabort the grandchild will you get your grandsonkilled by a doctor? l'll pay rs25000have the child delivered are you human?
are you announcing rs25000 asex-gratia to your grandson? ls it too much?then, settle for 10000 stop! this is not a problemto settle with cash ls cheque better? wait, l'll tell youwhich is better why is she going inside,promising to say? may be to escapefrom the backdoor take this- amulet? auspicious thread- why now?
tie the knot & make her wife and become father to the son you are in haste- lt's our son who did it in haste take this, tie it mother!you don't know the matter what should l knowafter knowing all this? mother- tie tie no, l'm not interested stay on that firmly- shut up
you're pregnant nowwhy are you refusing now? l'm not pregnantall this is a drama drama? yes, we had done afolk songs album watching our talent he asked usto play a drama before you why? will you play a dramafor your marriage? you are getting soangry for rehearsals what would've happened toyour honor if it was real?
what are you saying? l'm getting loveletters in college romantic messagesin my cell phone passionate chattingon computer l survive on pizzas & burgershow am l to control myself? l may keep quiet butnot my youth moreover handsome & 6 feet tall- will society leave me? l came out of lmax theatrehalf way through the show didn't you like the film?
no, 2 girls sat next to myseat on either side couldn't you've called meon phone? - next? one girl stamped my leg andanother girl pressed my hand fearing of falling to temptationand committing myself l ran away from the show when l was taking outbike from the parking lot a beauty came andasked lift sexily l fear getting you bad namefalling to the call of desires shut up- l'll not
l told you onlyone side of the coin second side- mother is there she carried me for 9 monthstaking great difficulties no, eight months only you came out a monthearlier is haste okay eight monthscarried & delivered me farex to eat,horlicks to drink, luz to bathbooks to study, a mother who toiled 24 hoursa day for 24 years,
what have l donein return for her? washing my clothslike washing machines feeding me foodlike food processor how long she'll burn downlike a candle for me no-enough mother needs rest l must repayat least a part of her gratitude son! yes, present me anopportunity to serve you no need of your servicesthere are maids to serve her
they come only for salariesnot all her life so, to look after motherlike a mother lf l marry a girl andbring her home, she'll be a companion to mother, a companion to youto go to a film helping mother in cooking,- running a family with you shut up using mothersentiment card he's jealous aboutdoing nothing for him don't crib l'll give youa little boy friend
name him after youand play with him time! find a good matchfor him immediately come come father! don't fear your future father-in-lawis lion of region he's a popularfactionist of this area factionist? you're saying itlike some great scientist l warned him, marrying intofactionists' family is like is like taking blood donationfrom aids patient
he never listened to me you're marrying his daughter,not him, isn't it? bloody fools! why is he scolding us? not you, but my men in white boss- they are not our enemies they've come seeking my daughter'shema malini hand in marriage lf you want l'll change my son'sname to dharmendra later okay you must forgive me- oh no
lt's a habit with my peopleto suspect everyone come in- come come and please be seated there- okay your son is handsome he is not like me so- that's why he's handsome blow up them with 2 bombs- whom? not you! lf any pieces remain, parcel itto srinivasa reddy lt's our faction troubles,you don't worry about it
by the way she's my wife red salute, my comrades! your don't worryshe's ex-naxalite nallakka l met her in a jail25 years ago she's an expertin laying landmines l'm an expert in lobbing bombsand running away lt was union of our hearts,and we united in marriage sit down lf they are like this, imaginehow their daughter will be
no need of this proposal,let's go from here ls it a film to go awayhalf way through? your father-in-law ismessenger of death lf you squirm, he'll kill you do you see a factionist in him? l see an atm in him?- what is it? yes, he's a billionaire he doesn't have any illegalchildren also l inquired it moreover factionistsdon't live very long
he'll die any moment then, you'll become the sole heirto his wealth- no father what's he saying? you both are like rat & bandicootsorry made for each other couple he's very eager to see how beautifulyour daughter will be we'll show her padmakkaarthicarry her to here carry her? will they kill andcarry her body to us? carry her means- ls she handicapped?
you're always suspiciousmay be still sleeping for glamour she's asking them towake her up and bring her how is the girl?- super really?- l swear on you you like her?- madly how beautiful her neck is! neck is empty lf we ask for a diamondnecklace for her lt'll weigh at least6 to 7 kilograms of diamonds
look at her waist how delicate it is!- yes for a waist gold belt,she'll need 25 to 30 kgs of gold fix this alliance- fixed see her properlydo you really like her? like? she's born for me brother-in-law, we likeyou daughter very much no need to delay furtherlet's throw bombs immediately throw bombs?
we should to burst crackers forthe marriage, shouldn't we? oh! that one then, let's fixthe date of marriage maiden is beautiful l like her flowery face be my breath and my life my warm is hug for you love has selectedyou for me lts unfair if youfail to accept it give your hearthide me in your heart
give my life to you till l saw you differently this is our first sight some unidentified forcebrought me to you a sweet love call made meturn towards you your thoughts aremaking me sleepless till yesterdayl was myself from nowyou are me your passion is caressing me
my hesitation desires you tocome more closer to me my heart wantsto help you wedding lnvitationveera shankar weds hemamalini what's this foot note? don't forget giftsdon't come with family what's this silly? people will crowd the marriagewithout any gifts mother!- he's coming- give it to me son- what's it daddy?
look at this we've okayed 2 invitationsyou select one we can order not only letters, printers arechanging photos too they've put someone othergirls' photo next to me some other- some other girl? she's your future wife this fat girl my wife, no way fat girl means only daughterso they pampered her little whether they pampered orfondly brought her up
this isn't the girll selected then? the thin necked girldelicatewaist wearing a long skirt and scarf- she's neighbour's girl l don't know all thatl only saw her l didn't see anyother girl there she's fat like road roller,didn't you see her? l had thought thenthere was some mistake go & say sorry to them
they'll say sorry andkill me with a bomb get killed l'll not marry any girlother than the long skirt girl don't think thathe'll not stop with me he'll kill you both alsoin a car bomb keep quiet and invite thatsolomon's mine into our home l can't lf you wantyou invite her what's this?what am l to do now? l'll tell you, what to do?you don't worry brother-in-law
will you agree my son marryingyour neighbour girl never allow it to happen l'll get my daughtermarried to him but my son is adamantin marrying that girl only your son will marryonly if she's alive will you kill her?- lf a necessity arises what's her name? arthi! her father diedin faction clashes she was doing a low paid jobin bakkanna's factory
and used live herewith her mother where did she go? she left the place with her mother didn't find her, did you?you can never find her she has vanished into thin air hey, what's this? what did you do with her? l didn't do anythingbakkanna chased her out he told me he'll killif you go after her
l don't mind getting killed- he'll not kill you but that girl at least to save her life,you've to marry the fat girl our family will put on weight why did you call me sir?you need anything sir do you get fresh coconutwater here? - why? to add poison to itand commit suicide our hotel is good forcommitting suicides last year a japanese got drunkand leapt to his death from here a chinese drank poisonedcoconut water & died
stop irritating andget me a drink l thought it's an animaland got afraid come in a forgot to tellyou in urgency will you get me6 viagra tablets you've an headache?- lt's not for that lt will rake up passionate desiresand get you into mood for that? do you need it'ssupport at this age?- no lt has forced me to seek it- what happened sir? my wife
kadapa reddamma! oh my god! she's hackingsomeone again l thought someone's head,is it just onions? put these onions in the curry yes, madam- do you've to cutonions also like this? l'm a native of allagaddaand daughter-in-law to kadapa onions or headsl'll cut like this only what happened son?why are you crying? l pinched classmatekoteeswari's cheeks
teacher beat me for that bloody! how darehe beats by son won't he beat if he pinches? will he beat my son?- he was wrong he's finished come come come what happened sister? take out your vehicles- sumos or safaris? take out 20 white sumos
5 have flat tyres, 4 broken down3 have gone for service take out the remaining 5bloody fools! teacher will beat ifstudent's do mischief do you've to go in sumos? lf you try to arguel'll kill you also move out ls madam going in sumosto buy vegetables? did you feel like that? she's going to hack theteacher for beating our son how are you living with her?
l'm not living with her,she's living with me you said yoursis love marriage yes, one side love- from your side? no, from her side she fell in love atfirst sight on seeing me she may have fallen, butwhy did you marry her? l never married her she kidnapped andmarried me forcibly- how? no need, it's aterrible horror story
lt's very interestingplease tell me l'm from amalapuraml finished graduation l was unemployed l came here for livelihood- why? don't you've bathroom there? l came for livelihood l went to a granitefactory asking work owner liked and gave mework immediately when l was seeking his blessingsin that happiness 30 sumos come to haltthere like cm's convoy
reddamma & her gang came outwith sickles and bombs to kill you no, to kill the man whooffered me a job l stood in between man killing man is inhuman' l gave an emotional speechrunning to 2 pages were you so humane?- my foot humane fear of losing my job,l braved to give a speech did she change her decision?- yes
lt seems she saw for thefirst time a man opposing her in this regionafter coming to age who is that man?- lt's me she spared my ownerand came to me looking into my eyes, l like you man'and said l love you' lf you're so shockedimagine my shock why did you agree? why would l agree?- l said sorry
that's all l felt athunder striking my head when l regained consciousnessl was l feel shamed toreveal it to a man no problem, go aheadand tell me l'm not seeing youin that angle what's there to say?my foot! flower on the bed withered bed got displaced l was lying naked there- you mean?
she raped me please calm down sirwhat's the use in crying? anyway you can't redeemyour lost honor? what next? honor is same forman or woman so, l stayed back hereas her husband clerk- madam lf anyone dares to beat my son, that hand will getthis treatment only
take this hand andwarn people here yes, madam my body is achingcome to the bedroom to bedroom? now? whether it's anger or love,it should be shown come sir why are you hesitatingto make love with her? go you don't know abouther love making she's a terror inside bedroom
there also?- hers is the upper hand not interesting at all- lt'll be bloody dear?- coming are you here? now you've become like juicesqueezed out orange how'll l be after anencounter with reddamma? she kills others for revengeand me for romance lt's disgusting to hear this
aren't you ashamed toget raped everyday? do l love it? can't you run awayto some other place? l tried it once l was escaping tokasi in a train she chased the trainin 100 sumos stopped it and hackedleft & right - you? lt would've been better- who did she hack? train driver who gave me liftand tc who gave me a seat
she cut their both hands- didn't she cut your hands? l'm her husband, am l not?so, she spared me with grace she brought me backto this hell l decided to commit suicide but, l've a wish so, l postponed deathafter fulfilling the wish what is it? once only oncel want be a man lf a girl standsbefore me feeling shy
l must take herinto my arms taking her to the bed, kiss her cheek,kiss her lips l want to enjoy lifewith her for 30 minutes l don't mind dying after that ls it a big wish?l can fulfill your wish you? l'm not homosexual l'm also not a homosexual l said l'll arrange a girl for you
really? thank youvery much, gurumurthy you've understood my sexual urgeand helping me in achieving it ln my next life,l'll come back as a pimp and repay your gratitude but, it'll cost you little let a billion go down the drainlt must fulfill my wish then, go to bangkokon a business trip with a beautiful young girl,l'll also he said he'll follow mewhere is he?
lift the phone, murthy sir! have you reached safely? have you checked into a room? everything is readywhere are you? l'm in the girl's house,we are about to leave come with her quickly l'm terribly shattered liketsunami hit area come quickly with her- okay he's asking me reachthere quickly with you
mother- saw her condition l'm helping you to overcomedifficulty as a friend lf you're dull,he'll send you back you'll feel sad later lf you adjust for 2 days,you'll get lot of money you can live allyour life happily boss! look how the flight hascrashed into that building we are not here to see flight,but for clients show me the girl's photo,we've to kill
take it do we've to kill her?- no, the photo is inside l'm an aishwarya rai fan,so you got away otherwise, l would've thoughtshe'll be our victim why is the girl so fair? you are seeing thebackside of the photo why are you so shockedon seeing her? lt's not shock, but shake,thrill boss, she has come
she's more beautifulthan in photo we are not here with a marriageproposal, but to kill her l'm feel hesitationto kill her killers shouldn't havesentiments fire at her tell me, before you firel'll close my ears not ears, close your mouth this gun is with silencer,no sound what happened?- bush is blocking bush? why did he land uphere from america?
not george bushbut plant bush then, move little- l can't l'm fixed here then, l'll go and ask herto move little- stop cut the plant bushwithout disturbing her l've cut the bush, boss where is she?- she went inside how to kill now? shall l ring her door bell,she'll come out l'm the boss- will you ring her door bell?
l must tell the idea this time our phone is ringing l know you're the bossshouldn't you say to lift or not? stop satires, go & see why don't you talk?- did you tell me to talk? you told me to see l'm kasi, who are you? l'm chain smoker gangadharamhave you finished? he has cut- neck?
plant! satire? l'll pluck out your teethwith an opener have you killedmy wife or not? just missed her what just missed her,bloody idiot she became my wifeyears ago becoming a miss give the phone to your boss- okay sir boss, customer
l don't mind if you'rermp or mla? what have you done?lt's a week you took money l've spent l asked about mywife not money oh my godl didn't do anything have you gone crazy? l told you to kill my wifehave killed her or not? first attempt failed can you do it or not?
lf you can't, l'll call a gypsyspecialist in shooting birds and get her killed no need for italready my gun is loaded lt can pierce through herheart at any moment now one shot she must go away- with whom? joke? not even a smilel said about her going up to hell must blow up into smithereens who is he?telling to blow does he know aboutour planting a bomb?
he's blabbering getting drank oh! that's okaywhy hasn't our bomb blown? l'm also confused did you timed it at 1 000 am? l've 10 years experience- to drink? to plant bombs when hour needle comes on 12and seconds needle on 10 l've timed it correctly bloody! you've timed it toblow at 11 50 am
l mean it'll takeanother hour & 50 minutes lf we change few inches,will it alter so much? that's why once when l planteda bomb in minister's house the next tenant to thehouse died - bloody! shall l change the time?- no just an hour & 50 minutes only forgetting about our hotel let's enjoy watching peoplegoing to their death another party hasarrived to die
heroine enters at this situation oh! l'll present myself- please come what'll you present yourself?l should first say okay then, say it there is no tempo inthe story to say okay then, a little change, police comes forhero in a tempo hero sees them from behind andescapes in another tempo police take awayhero's sister
why is he here? lf he sees us both,he'll get suspicious look, you find gouri shankar'sroom and go there l'll get him off of my back- okay, careful what has broughtyou to bangkok? for granite business- ls it? the near by hotel is my friend'syou stay therecome my friend is staying here andasked me to stay here only don't want this hotelstay in my friend's hotel
already l've bookeda room here l'm telling you thisrespecting our friendship even on death,don't stay in this hotel why are you afraid as ifa bomb is planted in that hotel? yes, really there's a bomb,l had planted it myself bomb why did you hit my friend? why did you tell himabout the bomb? lf l don't tell, he may die
lf l don't hit him, we'll die ls he dead? he'll not diehe may have fainted he mustn't regain consciousnesstill the bomb blast off let's make him sit therewithout raising any doubts hold him- hold him why is he watching me? has any policeman got a leak ofplanning my wife's murder? no doubt he's suspecting me
let me put up a brave faceand then scare him ls it home minister?are you fine? l'm chain smoker gangadharam what's the news? my flight was taking off andyour flight was touching down l waved hand fromthe window, you didn't notice no problem am l drinking too much?3/4ths is going down the drain yes
lt's 2 days sinceyou've left home, reduce the volume, our sonwhere are you? beyond your reachl'm giving you a week's time to come back home? no, to find my love arthiand bring her lf you fail tobring her, l'll die no, don't take anyextreme step in haste marry arthi as you wish before l said okay- you say- okay
let her be anywhere we'll bringher to you trust me son okay, mother sir, your girl friend hascome for you girl friend? come in madam ls it dream or reality? with future wife isright before him ls he eyeing other girls? lt's unbelievable tosee you before me here
you desired meso l've come to fulfill it bay of bengal an erotic island every shore is mind boggling a sexy beauty dazzling waterfall every beautybelongs to me as my desiregets fulfilled shall l trap you in the netof my passionate love?
oh my dear bird! lts age of youthful urges shall l give you a present? striking the romancebiting your lips shall l kick startfun & frolic? lf you fight outdesire with desire won't it increase thepleasure of love? lf you trust mel'll show you for romancethough uninvited
l shall alwaysbe ready to come though your beauty hasn'tmade inviting gestures l know it lt says wrong to coition youth is like wild fire so become mine what?- your viagra tablets forgot? you gave moneyto buy it you're well prepared- prepared?
don't act smart l doubt you when saw meinstead of my friend lt's not side glancesl liked you on first sight that's why, you've brought me here brought me here? no, my fate has brought me here your marriage is 10 days away you've come here to enjoyyou're really a man when bakkanna sentus out of the place
l didn't knew the reasonnow l understand he knows you've fallento my charm but, still you've managedto bring me to you come you want my body, don't you?come on, enjoy you're behaving too much you've paid for me, so l've tofollow your instructions paid? bought? what's all this?you're mistaken who do you want to meet here? got down from flightboarded a taxi
he promised to come in 10 minuteswith the delicate beauty where is he? has he sent her to somedubai sheikh offering more money? l'll call him murthy! picky up the phone l came here trusting youwhere's the girl? just now l sent her in,she'll be there any moment what she'll come? lt's like sitting onlive bomb to me
bomb brings to my memorythere's a bomb in your hotel you may damage his brain,hit him slowly he's my close friend- you hit him next time hold him, let's make himstand there- okay why is he following me? no doubt he's a cbl man l'll put up a much braver face hello cm! l'm not there
l was feeling irritated,so l left to chicago got bored in the flight midwayand reached bangkok l was playing game of marbleswith diamonds on the beach a crocodile came andswallowed 20 diamonds nothing muchit's just 25 billions why are you saying sorry?the crocodile should say it got cut or cut it purposely? calling bell?looks like the girl is here she has come to this houseas my keep' (concubine)
so, she says house keeping come income in are you a telugu man?- you thought l'm a foreigner why is she pushing acart like a seller? murthy might've arranged itnot to raise doubts she's spraying scentto create mood she's changing the sheetsfor cleanliness neat product l'll also take bath fool! proceed!she has made the bed also
what's this sir?- lt's known as hugging this is known as kissing boss come, she's here come look there why are you watching heras if she's taking bath? are you firing or ogling at her? l don't have a heart tokill such a great beauty though no heart, bullet will do where is she?
she's going out boss,come on chase- stop will you jump down from here?- aren't there steps? steps? lt's this sidecome bloody! should the water stopcoming midway of my bath? neither l know thisnor l know that how am l to do? l fear to go outl fear for everything l don't see anyone herel'll search around l think my enemies havefound my hideout
they have sent hired assassinsrun run don't stop they have come here alsobloody idiots why is the hotel so big & long? earth shattering!what a beauty of beauties! lt's like watchingbay watch & f tv live we are not here for girlswe've come should only the assistantbe duty conscious? shouldn't boss also have it? boss will have a purposeto do anything
what's the purpose of oglingthose 2 beauties? she's getting into a boat boss, let's get into this boatcome come correct let's chase that boat we'll pay you rs5 extra overthe meter, will you ply? move why are you watching?get in who is the boss? why that doubt now?you're the boss
who should get in first? you! get in first- come out l expected you'll slip & fall that's why l went first togive you a helping hand bloody! l don't liketaking other's help he's huntingfishes & crabs look boss, l said you're afisherman & he believed you carry on tell him to drive withoutmoving up & down
sea will have waves andboat will move up & down you've to adjust and fire at her why did you saywhat l should be saying? lrritation is same for allso l sighed? what happened now? book block book? then, come tothis corner & try l've fixed my mind here shall l remove the book block? how'll you go there?- l know to swim
can you jump from a speedingboat, swim to her and bring the bookfrom her hand? we are in a boat, aren't we?- l forgot about it book is blocking her face only you should fire at her chestonly, shouldn't you? whatever l do,l'll do it on face book block is gonefire at her you turn that side oh fish!
who? am l looking likea fisherman to her also? didn't l say your face makeseveryone think same? anyway you shota fish perfectly l didn't aim fish,but the girl missed and hit a fish aim fish this time,it'll hit the girl direction?- direction supervision lf l aim at a crab,you'll die
angle is not correctask him to move aside go left go left now she's dead now, she's dead boss, careful, you maykill the driver look how fast thestory is moving moving fast isn't the story,it's the boat my cap- lt's gone let it go, you carry onwith the story
hero's sister travels in ahelicopter 6 kms above helicopter? villain is traveling in a car down- ln a car? villain sees hero's sister he takes a gun and shoot herdown like bird hero's sister falls downwith a cry did villain shot a girl goingin a helicopter 6 kms above? yes sir take this gun and shoot thegirl 6 meters away
me? l can't shoot are you telling a storywithout knowing to shoot? shooting isn't that easybush will block, books will block fishes will die- shut up l'm narrating atelugu film story even if it's a film story,do you've to exaggerate so much? just because you can writedon't insult a gun l'll kill you- who is he? general audience!
know how difficult shootingis and then tell a story okay, you tell mel'll present myself you mustn't present to everytom, dick & harry ours is own banner,we must present it to ourselves move aside andcarry on with the story where is the girl? we mustn't miss this time- lt's habitual why is she smiling at me? anyone will smileon seeing you
am l looking like a joker? you're not a joker,you're a deadly killer what happened now?- a bikini block can't you move little? l've fixed my mind here- then? she has to be moved- can't l avoid it? l'm also a telugu like you,please save me you shouldn't be forgiven get upget uppulling down a foreigner's bikini,
you've not insulted them buthumiliated telugu people people like you should be she's beating me likelady jackie chan, come to save me aren't you ashamed? born in the holy country lndia,coming to thailand, will you pull down her bikini? look at that girl she doesn't even have clothesto cover her body she's wearing smallpiece of cloth as bikini
how did you get a heart topull it that also down? bloody! more than a lover or livera panty is important to woman a lawyer will protectlaw taking fees a driver takes salaryto drive vehicles but the panty protects a woman'shonor without taking any fee will you dare to pull downsuch a panty? more than 6 meter sari, 6 inch pantyprotects a woman's honor that's why if you protect panty,panty will protect you will you pull down such apanty without manners?
stop stopleave him to his fate though you've done a shameless acta woman has forgiven you a man's life is woman's almsget lost you said so great about panty how did you come to knowabout it's greatness? l don't wear, that's why will you put me in a tight corner?you're finished bloody! ls it? l'm comingthere immediately that bloody man cheated meand is now in bangkok
l'll ward off evil eye with daggerand bury him on thai beach take out 20 white sumosand 20 black safaris to bangkok?- yes our sumos & safaris can't go there- lsn't the tank full? no roads at all! how did he go then? he would've gone in a flightlet's go in a flight then, let's go in a convoyof 50 flights even if we pawnkadapa & kurnool districts,
we can't buy 50 flights, sister how can we be factionistsif we don't show off? let's go to bangkok in a flight and then hire sumosand rowdies locally then, okay those having passportscome to bangkok those who don't have comeup to hyderabad airport we'll catch a flight thereyou can wave bye to us l too have a passport- then, join the party
go mummy! are you goingout of station? - yes son get me somethingto play with l'll bring my sonl'll bring his head you can play aball game with it vengeance startedin her like this another side it was love romance at another side great tension on one side
a murder attemptat another side good next? we'll freeze here andput interval card lt's good till now,l'll present myself my tongue has dried uptalking to you at least now buy me a tea room service will be costliergo out & have tea we too have little work- okay you must put grapesinto my mouth
that'll be great fun you went out for tea,but took time for a drink l didn't want todisturb you coming early so, l went to piss 10 times- start again people who saw first half will sayit'll run minimum for 10 weeks what do you say? story, dialogue, lyrics,screenplay, art direction, direction, they'll say allare very weak that's too much
l'll get disturbed if you saybad what's really good don't get disturbedcome to the mood lf you come to the mood,l'll present myself whether you say itwittingly or unwittingly, you say it with perfect timing there's much time to present,first let's okay the story we must drown ourselvesin this story lt's my responsibilityto drown you fully go ahead, drown us
opening scene after interval hero's sister who fellfrom the helicopter, hero is giving his blood didn't she die even afterfalling from 6 kms above? that's the twist - what? she didn't fall on the groundbut in a swimming pool we'll reveal it later villain knows abouthero's blood donation he sends 10 doctorsto kill the hero
doctors?- fighters is routine ln that fight heroloses his both eyes knowing it, heroinepresent herself heroine too? l'll not acceptonly l'll present myself presenting doesn't mean your way- then? heroine gives her two eyes to him- eye donation are we making a film? or making an ad film forchiranjeevi's eye & blood bank? what happened sir?
l asked for a story & you're talkingabout eye & blood donations tell me the story properly lf there isn't anyof those sentiments, the film will flop miserably then, you may end up sellingteas & coffees - again? you're saying again?were you doing it in past? you're too muchjust a joke l'm a born rich man you carry on- lf we cut here this man is a villain
go on- l'll not, he's here another silly sentiment tea for you andhorlicks for you ls the juice for me?- not for you just now you'd a tea,you want a juice so early my owner told me to askhow long will you stay here? we'll stay here tilll'm satisfied you don't get agitated we'll go after finishingthe second half
you go brother! someone's knockingthe door l'm scared you've grown big like an elephantwhat for go bravely and see throughthe eyehole like a rat check & open the door let it be anyonedon't believe anyone check who is that? what? - l've brought you juice- come in why did you close the door sir?- l'll tell
what's this?what're you doing sir? got any gun with you?- what gun? l'm a room service boyl've brought juice for you take the glassl'll go- stop you drink! should l drink? you'd ordered for ityou must drink it lt's my orderyou drink little stop give me l've drank little from it- that's why, l'm asking for it
lf you want, l'll getanother one l want only thisl'll drink only this he appears a differentkind of man he caressed mybody on entering now drinking my left over whenever l call the room serviceonly must come here-why? don't know, but l likeyou very much will you come?l'll give you large tips no doubt, he's a homo
lf l come here again,l may get raped l came in thinkingit's your room lt's my room- then, l'm sorry again l came in without askingyour permission here's your coconut water- coconut water? just now, you gave moneyto buy, forgot? l feel l've seen you somewhere just now you saw hergetting up from my lap you reminded me well
bye sir l'll place, don't disturbboard outside or else house keeping peoplewill disturb you thank god! didn't recognize melf he had l would've lost my job you lost your honor to me,and you can't regain also don't take it as yourhonor's value take it as compensationfor the incident keep these one lakh bahts one lakh bahts
even giving thailand is not enoughfor the pleasure you gave me are you saying about yourself?- l was saying about you what a good man you are! l was yearning forthis love only l'll be in housekeeping downstairs whenever you need service,just make a phone call l'll come immediately- yes pick up the phone, murthy his phone is ringing again
meals was exotic what a great romanceand response! what a reaction! no need to say it on phoneyou come to my room l'll not comeyou come out urgently when my house keeping is herel'll not come out even on death you'll really dieif you stay there there is a bomb in that you said friend, but hit himmore severely than me ls he dead? poor man is the onlyhusband to his wife
lf a necessity arises,she'll use your help line he's chasing meeverywhere l go state or central level will not do,l'll go international level bush! what are you doing?elections are also over michael jackson ispestering to make a film l've planned low budgetfilm with 1000 billions you must come & clap the boardhow can you say busy? lf you make a film, won't lcome to clap the board? gurumurthy! talk to me idiot
the man you've called is very busycall after an hour why is he in voice mail? may be feeling embarrassedto disturb me by the way where is the girlsent by murthy? to save your mother's life- l took up this job what's her problem? she needs a bypass surgerylt'll cost rs2 lakhs he promised to get me 2 lakhsfor 2 days stay with him so, you went up for sale
what do you want me to do? l don't have anything elseto sell for my mother l don't have anyoneto help also l'm there l'll get your mother operatedwhere is she now? boss! she's there l told you to see dutynot the beauty look properlyshe's there only l think she's having examsto read so studiously
she's studying novels l'm chain smoker gangadharamls she dead? l'll kill in a minute- can l trust you? get ready a white shroud andfirewood to cremate the body no doubt! this hired assassinis here to kill me where am l to hide? why is he hiding here?this homo is waiting for me only lf l'm caught,l'm gone what's this man's trouble?
everyone has his own problemscome, let's do our work what happened now?- a balloon block do one thing- what? jump into water andfire from under water l don't know to swim- you'll learn if you jump into water do fishes learn to swimbefore entering water? stop directing me andremove the balloon no need- has it flown? she's gone
where's she? she is in global hospitalthey've done all the tests nothing to worrythey'd do the surgery in 4 days no flights today & tomorrow a day after that we'll be inhyderabad by this time you've taken my responsibilitybefore l had asked lt's my responsibility nowto fulfill your desire l didn't help to fulfillmy desire for you l did it for the lovel've for you
l saw you instead of theprospective bride there l liked you immediately when my parents asked,if l like the girl l said yes,thinking it was you later, l knew it wasn't you but still l fought withmy parents to marry only you l came for you but bakkanna hadchased you out from there l searched many placesbut didn't find you fearing forcibly l'll bemarried to the fat girl
l escaped & came to this place by chance you came to meetsomeone else and met me there's sincerity in my love,that's why we've met again l love youl'll always love you even if you stop me forget about your motherand take rest l'll come tomorrow morning- where are you going? l'll take another room- why? lt's not good for unmarried girl &boy to stay in one room
lt's not wrong for future man & wifeto stay in one room lt isn't a dream is it my love?our union lt has came truethe day belongs to us l desire union with you- shall l coax you? oh my dear! you've given lifeto my imaginations shall l swear on thebeauty cheek? l saw my imagein every word l've made a swing of itl've seen its result oh! beauty! l've got youyou are here for me
the moment l know thisl'm overwhelmed like anklet lts wonder to havegot your love my eyes are seeing anew dawn in you lf you are next to mewith charming smile every moment is a festivalworld is ours enough of your love poetrylm all yours won't flowers bless our first lovewith its pollen? why did you get me on aboat from the flight? no safaris or sumos here,so l've arranged for boats
lt's okay, why so longjourney on the sea? how deep the sea is? just 5 or 6 kms deep, sister- 5 or 6 kms? oh my god! are you going todrown me here? l've a doubt are you hand inglove with him? no sister! l swear on you,the hotel he stays in near by this is short cut- then, go bloody, l must chop downhis head today come on men- come come
hi my dear! l wanted tohear voice so l called you heard, didn't you?shall l cut the call? after hearing your voice,l wish to see your beautiful skin too after seeing? l can't keep quietso l may itch to do something why don't you please come here? can l refuse your invitation?you're a perfect man come fast- lmmediately sir, a new group has come
what are you blabbering? l'm not blabbering just asked nowhow many rooms you want? l want all the rooms sorry madama few are filled up already l want only thatgo & search boys why? - may be a raid you can't from andhraand raid here rules will not permit do you know, who am l?- who?
cut you- yes, l'm from coastal region what's your problem man? search all the rooms lf you find himjust hack him to death the girl is coming,she has selected me what a great fun! my girl has arrived no hi! just come in open the door
this isn't room doorlt's a lift door lift! come where's he, man? lsn't he abusing me? no, he's saying she's nothis wife in english lf you go out with street girls,you'll die with aids what's he saying again? what means waterhe's asking you to get water bloody! asking me to get waterfor the cheap thing you're doing?
come on boys- come l think that kadapa man hassent goons from not going to him they are coming here- don't fear, hide in bath room go boys! search- okay sister what's this nuisance?- come here who are you?- who are you? addressing me informally?- just now l addressed you till now not even my husbandcalled me like that who is inside?open the door
this is latched from inside,he's inside only l'll open it how dare! sister! sister, he's hiding in bathroom handover to us respectfully,or else, l'll kill you l'm holding back respectingyou as a woman, but you're going over the board how dare you beat my sister?
because she's a womanl'll kick you man oh it's paining- why is this boy on a rampage? sister sister stop stop don't harm him we are not harming himhe's beating us black & blue what's this a girl has comeout from the bathroom? lsn't he there?- no, only she was inside how do we know? he stopped us from enteringso we got suspicious
won't he stop? when his wife istaking bath inside, will he give you a soap andask you to clean her back? dirty fellow children! forgive usmy boys were in haste foolishly come on boy come you're made for couple likehunting sickle & country made bombs girl, you've got yourself,a real he-man you'll enjoy life
who are they? they are real villains this is a scenelt must have variety audience mustn't guessthe next scene audience? l too don't know don't you know the next scene?- why not? l know till the end card they came with swords, hero listening to their footsteps went running to the door
you fell into her laplt may break her legs oh my god! he's hiding under the table bloody! where can youescape from me? today, my sword musttaste your blood bring him out like a scapegoat l'll chop down his head who are you?l beg you my mother what l did isn't just a sin,it's a grave sin
l forced film mad kameshwari toelope with lots of money and l promised to makea film, it's grave sin l beg you who are you man? me sister? l'm a small teashop manselling tea & coffee l don't know you'rerelated to kameshwari l fall at your feet,please forgive me l'll leave kameshwari l've come for my man,what's this nonsense?
didn't you come for me, sister?thanks sister l'll make you clap theboard for my film what's this man? l thought it's him, seeing himin whites like me fools, come on boys okay sistercome on- bye sister why are you sleeping onmy kameshwari's lap? why are you allowing him?and supporting him like shakila get up
when you said boiled & filtered l thought it was experiencein film industry then? - coffees & teas no personal storiescome back to the story l'll come hereafter all the twists & turnswill be on expected lines not even spiderman cansave the beauty now bakkanna! lt's me a towel block nowgo & remove it
do it yourself- l'm your boss what boss? we both started as killersat the same time till now you've not killedanyone like me your father sold all his propertyto buy you a gun & a den the capital is yours,so l respect you as a boss will you stop this revolutionand remove the towel or not? l had enough for pulling downa bikini on beach this time l've fixed my stand
l'm scared to sitalone in the room so, l'm roaming in public places will you please remove your towel? to fire a shot do you want to kill meafter removing my towel? get lost man can't he say he doesn't wantto remove the towel? what's the need topush me so violently? l would've diedhad l fallen down
boss, behind you- please don't tell me anything when you don't listen to me,l'll not listen to you snake boss! revenge in me ishissing like a snake first turn back & see always goes away when lpress the trigger lt may've bitten you nothing will happento good men like him little darling
lf you bite gentlemenlike him, you'll lose your teethgo dear go & play though you respect women,never fall at their feet get up l'll not get up unlessyou forgive me what did you do to forgive you? l'm a sinner who tried to kill you- did you try to kill me? true madammy boss is unable to do it ln fact he's dying to kill you you'd blabbered abouta woman's panty
ls there a demon inyou to kill me? lt's not the demon in me,who wants your dead a demon who lives with youyour husband! though you say it 30 times,it's true l won't believel know my husband very well he's a lord ramaa typhoid affected god a merciful lord bornin a drought place you don't know his inner soulas well as his outer l'll prove it to you
my foot! let your dirtyname be anything first tell me whether youkilled my wife or not lt's 15 minutes l've killed herbody is still warm take it before it gets cold what's this dance? may be he's a dancerwho dances before dead bodies this is not dance of deadthis is dance of happiness l was yearning to see her deadfor a long time l've a doubtwhy did you get her killed?
are you both married? we are men,how can we marry? l asked are you married towomen separately?- no so, you don't know about theproblems a wife creates ls she having anyaffair with other men? no, she's good chaste womanon that issue she's an epitome of chastity didn't she bring anywealth with her? all the wealth is hers
l got it she would've ignoredyou watching tv soaps no - why did you gether killed then? what else can l do?ls it a crime to smoke cigarettes? she wants me to smokejust one pack a day won't my mouth stink if l don'tsmoke at least 10 packs? leave itls it crime to drink liquor? she restricts me not todrink more than 3 pegs ls it infant's milk? won't my tongue go dryunless l've 3 or 4 bottles?
bottles?- full bottles moreover l shouldn't play card gameor go to races forget all this won't a man go to a prostituteat least once a week? she says it's a crimebloody, she says it's a crime so, unable to bear her torturel got her shot dead now her entire propertywill become mine are you still alive?- yes, bloody skinning beanpole!
you'll fly like a feather if lswitch on a fan will you try to kill me? l mean that is leela- shut up you've shown yourtrue color of a driver ls he a driver? he was working in my house one day, l was in deep sleepafter watching a night show, he molested me l didn't knew till hetold me next day
bloody! ls he such a cool rapist? l like his daringness l married him thoughhe was just a driver but, didn't expect himto be a rogue you've lost the right to bemy husband this moment l'll divorce you immediatelyget lost man you can't live in this societywithout a man's support are you man?he's the real man lf l need a man,l'll settle for him
what do you sayshankar dada? you forgot rmp- you shut upno rmp or any shit you can keep meas you feel like mother promise- he's a professional killer though he's a killer by profession,he's a gentleman respecting women l'll prove to the societyyou're a pillar not a killer you've settled with her,what about me? take my gun & denand settle down as boss l'll settle down with madam
he gave me gun and den, it's okaybut who'll give me a job? l'll give you a job2 crores for 2 murders 2 crores for 2 murders?- yes my first job is greattell me who is to die? the couple going there she's okay, but the man nextto her is my boss lf you want to upstage your boss,no sentiments please only sentiments kill them
lf l had met you earlier lf we had marriedhow nice it would've been lsn't it possible now? lmpossible till thatdevil is alive looks like someone is comingl'll hide in the bathroom you? here? what are these flowers for?what are those fruits for? that is expecting your arrival l got it
we never went on honeymoonafter our marriage so, expecting my arrival here, you'd arranged allthis, hadn't you? yes, to surprise you how much you love me?- l'm crushed don't come out who are you askingnot to come out? this is the love you've for me lf it breaks losel can't bear it romance
when l see you mischievous mood,passion of desires are going wild now?- yes, let's go ona wild hunt wait! lt'll be good, if l tooget into mood, isn't it? go ahead and get into mood- you'll say it easily you go and search him,l'll be back in a hour sister is into romantic mood,let's go out, come are you getting the mood?- lt's on the way soft maidenkondapalli doll gold in the out fit
macho raja!let the band play unstoppable excitement suddenly a rose bloomedand fell on me you've to make our unioninto a memorable one when a bubbly young girlis teasing me how can l stop myselffrom loving her? young man doesn't haveany sense of time how am l to manage him? put your hand on mecarefully
theres a fruit to be bitten meet eye with an eyeleg with a leg theres a bed to share with me don't tease medon't tease me don't put in me in a cradle don't tempt me for your goodarrest me in your arms mischievous boy!stop playing fun with me all are watching us peeping toms will stop seeinga lovely mischievous couple
our generation is always hot lts always fun frolic and joy shall we enjoy the bliss of havingthe same boon of love always? lnvited askedshall l show you my prowess? lm young and energetic shall l get rid ofshame from you? there is a trap and placeshall we unite? lm young beautifulshall l present myself to you? as your cloth slipsand my heart skips a beat
lm confused as the sari turns into shynessand tickles my cheek fire of passion isset ablaze in my heart theres only one latch toour room of love making lts confusion overbreaking rules of love we've united again and againin love over generations wait, l'll take bath & come- okay no no don't goto the bathroom why? are you in moodagain so quickly?
my foot! taps are dryin the bathroom then, l'll freshen up & come no, taps are not working are you my husband's wife?or fellow wife? that is that girl is keeping' what? keeping'you mean are you having affair with her? l mean house keeping
she changes bed sheetscleans the room, isn't it? lf so, why is she insidethe bathroom? that's l got a call from himso, l'm repairing the taps' ln the meantime you walked inand got into the mood l shut myself not to disturb you my sweet girl!lsn't she very sweet to look? you've said what l feel- you're beautiful finding someone, beautifullike you is very difficult you are correct once again
give he a large tip- yes l'll take the lakhafter my duty- lakh? she's saying whatever we giveis equal to a lakh, isn't it? ls it so? then okay why did you comehere suddenly? band reddy has escaped &come to this place shall he come here toput my life in jeopardy? there's nothing to fearl'll kill him stop, this factionism andmindless violence
why don't you start cookingin kitchen instead? then, how will l kill people?- l'm telling you to stop killing l'll stopafterkilling that man why are you so angry on him? he loved & promised tomarry but cheated me do you've such a flashback also? yes, l've not told youtill now, have l? allagadda didn't have schoolwhen l was young girl so, l went to nextvillage to study
bandreddy was alsostudying in the same school one day, l came latefrom the school lt was dark on the way back to home,it started raining heavily suddenly a jeep came toa halt from behind lt was bandreddy he offered lift andl got into the jeep jeep broke down half way yes! how do you know?were you also there?
no! when young boy & girl traveltheir vehicle will get broke down this is common there should be a dilapidatedold house near by yes, we ran into the house though fully drenched in rain, he takes a match boxand makes a fire when you were drying yourwet clothes near the fire a thunder struck- no, a bomb blew lt's kadapa, isn't it?
you hugged bandreddyhearing the loud noise no, bandreddy got scaredand hugged me ls he so daring? lt's okay till nowwhat happened next? l got pregnant with his child l met him immediatelyl begged him to marry me he refused and told me to leave l've had youno fool will marry you cry all your lifesaying this he insulted me
l got it that's why youmarried a fool like me till now l thoughtl was scape buffalo now, l know l'm asecond hand scapegoat that's alright you've not revealed an episodein your flashback what's it? you said you were pregnantwhat did you do with it? what'll they do?they will deliver a child l asked where is that child?
adikesava reddy is that child lsn't he my son? sister! come quicklybandreddy is here only ls it? then let's kill himcome on boys unnecessarily l pampered himthinking he's my son ls he bandreddy's son? sister there he's catch him hey bloody! stop man stop manbloody stop man
why are you closing the door? to stop others entering l'm not that type sir- don't talk please open the doorl've to go sir just hold on for 5 minutes- l can't sir can't you?you stinking man go go are yougoing against me? where is he?- that's he came this side only he might be hidingsomewhere here only
brother bakkanna brother bandreddy!what happened? kadapa reddamma is here to kill meyou don't move man you don't worryl'm there you'll be there l should be theredo something okay, l'll insure you immediately brother didn't l tell you notto get scared? looking at her speed,l feel these are my last words
you don't get tensedand make me tensed l'll come there immediately one shot two birds kadapa reddamma is only one bird my future son-in-lawveera shankar is also there only he agreed to marryhemamalini after seeing her but escaped from hereafter fixing the marriage he must marry our daughter mother, father says it's my marriagewhy am l feeling so shy?
lt's wrong dear we are factionistswe are shameless people- that's it reddamma will dieat the same time keep it no need to rush inlike that for rooms we've vacant rooms- l've not come for the room l've come for myson staying here ls he here? my son- bloody, why areyou abusing my son?
no! l was about to askwho is your son, and you started abusing me my son is veera shankar 30 minutes earlier your son why did you commitsuicide in haste? not suicide?- murdered? so, bakkanna came hereand killed my son did you die in his hands? l'm in sorrow over my son's deathdon't disturb me with phone call
l said hello,not in the phone so what?when l'm in deep sorrow you needn't feel sad shouldn't l feel sad forlosing a grown up son? bloody bloody listen to me fully- tell me your son isn't dead not dead? just now you gave apause after saying 2 minutes did l? you never gave me a chanceto complete you started blabbering
where's my son now? he went to near the beachjust 2 minutes earlier may be he has gone to drownhimself to death in sea son no he never listens fullyhalf backed man son son looks like an lndian in chudidar yes madam! you?how come you're here? that's shankar- has he drowned himself?
no up there who is he?he looks exactly like my son your son only son come downare you committing suicide really? no don't die my son he has come suddenly and isasking me not to die? misunderstood this parachuteis to jump into sea father, l'll take you to task
lf you fall from that height, not only you'll diebut break your limbs also l don't want to liveafter failing in love l'll jump and diebefore your eyes l'm jumping no son l can't seethat horrible thing l can't bear itcome son son come down from sky to earth l'll not come
think about your father once you too think about your son's love okay l'm waving green signalto your love come down now, you're my father come come come son thank god! just now l came to knowyou're a good man even after 30 years your mother doesn'tknow if l'm good or bad man
how can you know silly little boy why are you changing versions? not just version, your weddingplan will also change lf you ever marry it'll beonly with bakkanna's daughter ls it? did you ever participatein a running race? l'm a carom board player,l can't run then, practice now- why? we are running away you can escape from me,but not from bakkanna
go fast please listen to me- no, l'll not listen stop- l'll not stop l'm getting breathlessl may fall down stop- l'll not stop evenif you die are you wishing a father's death? we must be togetheralways like milk & water they may think it asadulterated love what should we do for ourlove to stay forever?
we shouldn't marry are you planning to makeme your concubine? no let's becamebirds & fly freely, l can't see someone havingan affair with my wife fire at him- okay, l'll firefire man bloody, not my cigarette there- okay, yes who did that? you aimed at themhow did his hat fell? l think the barrel is crooked
this time fire cross,it'll hit the target what happened?- they're going away lt may've flown in air the chubby bubbly heroine what's this? yesterday,you said slim heroine till yesterday sonali bendrewas the heroine now?- now on public demand,it's kathiribatta kameshwari who? youyou mean l? what do you lack?- she has everything too much
she's fat how can shebe the heroine? even oriya people willnot accept her wasn't the great actress ofyesteryear savithri fat? all these heroines wereplump & cute like her? true they were like me lf you believe himcans will remain in lab you shut up and step asidewhatever he says is true you carry on- you've money you've glamour no need ofanother heroine, when you're here
not just presenting, you'rethe producer and heroine nobody will see- why not? lf we make and show film properly,people will flock to see what should l show?- performance can l do?- l'll teach you kameshwari, he's trapping you will you shut up?- you carry on l've a woman oriented subject people in my place don't seewoman oriented films
we'll not release there people of my place will seeyou carry on listen to me kameshwari- shut up let's go to the room & discuss- okay, lt'll be better this is injustice l took great pains to make youtake the wrong path lt's not fair to ditch me what?- look there bakkanna will kill you
cremation will became a problemin an alien country stop fast fast don't panic mebarrel is crooked & l'm on run l've a good subject l gave it to english- ls it? you'll die a dusty death when they left hotel, l thought they were luckyto escape death they are going into the hotel again
nobody can over ridefate's diktats- yes look, he's also goingto his death when did he get up?- just now and is going away let the bomb be placedin your pocket if he tells about thebomb in the hotel we'll land up in jail go & catch him- l'll catch him look at the demandfor our hotel - welcome sir next hotel isn't good,so you've come here, right?
nothey- l got it they are coming to take youback to their hotel, right? no there's a bomb in your will you beat a customerescaping to my hotel? l'll do anything with my customerlt's none of your business lf customer is in your hotel,he's yours but if he's in my hotel,he's my customer sir, where's your luggage? no luggagemove away fool
help me sirlt's time let's go catch l'll not allow youto take my customer lt's time, leave him- what time? lf you take him 30 minutesbefore check in time, are you planning to billon him the day's rent? not for that leave him leave him- no l'll not lock all the doors don't leave anyone outwithout my permission
lock the door he's locking the doorplease leave him let him lock or blow with a bombl'll not leave him he knows about the bomb we've really planted abomb in your hotel lt'll blow in few minutesask all of them to leave planning to scare mycustomers with bomb, and take them to your hotel? lt's time we'll die ifwe stay here
let's go let's go what a silly plan he thinks we'llbelieve his bomb tale are we intelligent to believe it? open the door we've to go out- l'll not allow lf we don't, the housewill come down not house, it's hotel- bloody, it's all because of you you leaked the news to a friend- lf l don't, he may die now, we'll die open it stop stop
l'll cut you into two,if you stop me move sorry, l dashed unwittingly- next time dash wittingly ls it painful?- lt's very soft brother bandreddy! thank god! bakkanna is here- ls he also like you? yuck! l'm no morescared of anything bakkanna is here- shall we escape then? let's kill both of them,come on boys son-in-law veera shankar
what happened?- your father-in-law? come out, or else l don'tknow what will l do what's this noise man? we are discussing the story &you're shouting like hell come- look kameshwari why are you following us? who is he more powerful than us?- l don't know get to know we'll kill him in lndia- okay brother ln climax, heroine fallsfor the words of villain
like you- didn't l tell you to keep quiet? he's telling thestory interestingly l'm satisfying you well, am l not?- extremely next?- she gets to knowthe truth from hero after that?- no dialogueonly songs will people dare tosee my face? what a figure! apple complexion no match for your glamour
youre a shattering beauty finished are you raghavendra rao toturn ramya a star? are you e v v who introduced ramba? who am l to think of you? shall l give up myself to you? dragonfly!are you going that side? come back to me don't go that side
don't believe him hell take you away &youll get hooked be careful my sondon't refuse marry her lf you refuse to marryhell kill you l don't care who ever it may be l'll tell what l've in my heart when theres no lovemarriage is waste listen the truth bakkanna lts bad to raise your bp
shes my wifethats for sure- what? l can't get along wellwith your daughter you can't force me anymore don't become ahurdle to our love no l'll not acceptyou've to marry hemamalini daddy l'll not marry himeven if you die what happened to you? l fell in love with a man5 minutes earlier who is he?
creek warrior! my prince! hes a good matching my size no moustacheno sensitivity how much every you abusehell not remember anything perfect match to mein height & weight he? do you want my daughteras your wife? l want a wife- whats this dance? this faction girl is beautiful
your figure is intoxicating your size makesme lose my mind l want you will you get herif you just wish? l'll not accept your marriage please father- lm telling you you can think abouther marriage later reddamma is coming after mefirst look after her issue where is she?- shes coming there
bandreddy stop come on boys - come life is a struggle l've seen your beauty my name is bakkannalm the big shot of kadapa come reddammal'll perform your rites what'll you do?my foot! lf l ever challengel'll challenge only you lf l ever carry anythingl'll carry only a sword
handover my enemy or elsel'll wage a war with you no need of anythinghe's all mine for whom? what for? these challengesthese heads rolling down these hunting sickles these country made bombs lsn't he your first love? lsn't he the same manstanding before you now?
ls it justice towish his death death? where?who should l kill? the gun is mine- his life is mine lm your bossgo & kill them l'll smoke drinkogle and slip what is wife?whats the trouble with her? i d means don't shouts means stop lm a tigress lf you cross my pathits danger to you
lf you cross swords with usyoure dead shall l rip out your skin?show my prowess don't cross our path shut up what do you think this ishotel or market? are you drunk? singing continuously lsn't it also opening? that man has locked all the doors- what to do now?
you remove the bomb lf we survivewell plan next time go- okay bomb is missing- missing? did you plant it here? l placed in a box andkept it here only what happened then?- thats what l don't know search thoroughly l fell in love thefirst time l saw you l decided you're my heroine
audience will go madseeing you on screen youre glamorous all yourself lm finished l eloped withof mandapeta beauty another took her awaynarrating her stories youre gold inbay of bengal youre mysore bonda? o mister! l'll become your wife dear l've comegiving up gun & den
l can't run likel was running once so lm walkingslowly to you no brother no go away no need of thesetroubles for us go away friend! my childhood friend failing to get youl took to weapons forgive me my friend with my hands l made bombs
carried swords but happiness that evaded me l found happinessin your presence this band is eternal god will give us a partner god will do us a favor you live long happily o reddamma- what about you? a good heart desires me l've found a goodcompanion for myself
what did your father feed youto grow like this? anaconda will be putto shame before you lron? woodsound? wind? or with the preparations oflegendary cooks nala & bhima lf you whistlegoa will go gaga over it lf you break into a jigandhra will shiver lf we marryentire country will shake l'll not accept will your arise weapons on me?
then okayl'll marry them bakkanna is clean bowledyour life is clear you've won shes all yours come my parrot come with me hearts have wonlove has united us why are you still feeling shy? shall l fix marriage tomorrow? shall l put a tentin tendulkar street?
arrange rehman toplay marriage band megastar must attendour marriage we must tie the knotas the world watches what are you searchingfor a long time? bomb is missing?bomb?- yes why will it be here? won't it be hereif someone plants? who planted it?- he told me & l planted oh my god! what to do now?- let's escape
lt's not possible bakkanna hasclosed all the doors where are the keys?take out, let's escape take out the keys- take out, you filthy pig l lost the keys how coolly he's sayingabout losing the keys? what to do? lt's glass doorslet's break it they are bullet proof of cases,it'll not break then, l'll fire with my gun
kasi, gun can't pierce throughbullet proof glass what to do now?- die run away quicklythere's a bomb in this hotel say latest news find the bomblet's defuse it why are you all searching like urchinscollecting money on corpses? l placed a bomb in a box herelt's missing cake box?- did you see?- yes where did you keep it?- where did l keep it?
you took it but asking me, fool- l can't remember l forgot remember it quickly or else the building andwe'll get blown up together got it lt's your hotel cake box, isn't it?- don't know he planted it l placed the bomb inour hotel's cake box leave it first tell me,where's the box? seeing his hotel's namel thought he forgot it here and gave it in reception- your reception?
no, your reception sir, our hotel is blown up why did he fall down withoutsettling my payment? he's dead falling into the ditchone digs for others uncle proved itonce again & died ongole hybrid bull,like bandreddy jersey cow like reddamma lnstead of fightinglike fire & oil
they huddled uplike wick & bomb that brought curtains downto factionism in kadapa no bomb throwing,not hacking people staff are weaving mats reddamma's ex-husband marriedthe housekeeping girl tasting the real loveis living like a man alankar satisfied kameshwariso she gave all her money to him with it our writer, director, is making a woman oriented filmwith kameshwari as the heroine
whether it is completed or not,time will decide many producers burn fingersafter making films but appa rao burnt himselfin planning stage itself, is now supplying teas & coffeesas boy in the company leela divorced gangadharam andsettled down with shankar dada using the money cautiously,he fixed himself with leela kasi, who can't evenburst sivakasi crackers now owns a gun & denbut still no job so, he's planningto take bank loan
and settle down as adon forming a gang gangadharam who plannedto kill his own wife as she walked outwith shankar dada with no money to buycigarettes or drinks one who was smokingcostly cigarettes has fallen down to picking upcigarette butts on bangkok roads just filters are alsogood to him he's begging for apeg on streets veera shankar who marriedthe girl he loves
has come back to luckybangkok for his honeymoon today's generationare very fast just only a mouth andshe's already pregnant parents are pesteringthem to come back soon promising to come with child,he's enjoying life with wife bell boy got very luck bymarrying the fat girl forcing bakkanna to sellhis property and making him buysairam's blown up hotel and remodeled it
lt developed rapidly likelndian population story came to the beginning again bell boy who wasworking with him, now with building a hotelopposite to his hotel, becoming a competitorseetharam didn't like all this will he keep quiet? moreover a telugu man,knows well about crab story so signed a contractwith padmanabham l've planted the bomb inbakkanna & das's hotel
lt may blow up at any moment thank god!the end

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