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Thursday, March 30, 2017

your father says, oh my dear. you are the piece of my heart. when a messenger comes. he will steal and take you away. how will the moment pass,without you, tell me. how will l live alone,without you, tell me. you remain married, belovedbe with you always. for this joy, l willbear any difficulties. l will surely feel the sorrowof your departure.

along with this sorrow, lwill keep smiling forever. a father is wishingthis from his heart. may your life remain underthe shadows of joy. boddy this is always do this. lt hurts a lot. lt hurts a lot. look at this, how time flies,one cannot even know. lt was just yesterday, thisguy came into my lap.. yes, and he has grown so big. that he left our lap, and wentaway to america to study.

lt is exactly seven yearssince our son went away. he must be your son, wife. for me, he is my buddy, buddy. hi, buddy. since avi left, this househas become silent. ls it? lt means l am voice does not matter. what are you saying? youare my part of me. half portion, half of you, halfof him, l don't even exist. he is coming in the morning,everything will be complete.

hey.. brother, do you know? my son is returning from america,after seven years. even l am returning from america..and that too after 7 years! ls it? my son is arriving fromnew york. british airways. even l am coming from newyork, british airways. really? my son stays at 5thavenue, in bella vista. that's a co-incident,even l stay there. what are you saying? what'syour name, brother?

avinash kapoor. why? excuseme, my mother is waiting. aren't you mr.balraaj kapoor? aren't you buddy? buddy! buddy, who is thatbeautiful young lady? lts your mom, lets go to meet her. momma. why have you become so lean? buddy. does buddy trouble you? oh no. because of your memories. l have come now, l willnot go anywhere.. need not remember me now. you look rocking. panchi, how are you? l am fine, brother. come, come. jeetu, l will meet you inthe evening. - ok, ok. 1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute. this is your car. but buddy, l am too tired, buddy.- no tired.

sit in that car, let me see, whathave you learned from there? what are you doing?- wife, you keep quiet. don't talk in betweenfather and son! oh. ln that case buddy,you know what? l will give you an handicap. no handicaps. you know well,l don't cheat. come, wife, sit in the car.- yes, yes. momma, call up home and tell them.. prepare scrambledeggs with bread. - ok.

l will see you there.panchi, come, sit. let me show him finally today. best of luck. nothing will happen. l told you, don't do allthis, you will lose. think a bit about thecar and think about me. l am still a bachelor. whydon't you understand? come on, buddy.- go for it, avi. wife, just call up avi and ask him.

ls it enough, or shall westart the real game now? call, call. you always keep your number up. yes, mom.- dad is asking. tell him, l am consideringhis age.. ..or l would havereached home by now. he is saying: considering your age.. ..or he would have reachedhome by now. tell him, by talking about age,my spirits wont diminish.

this is a car race, youneed experience here. did you listen? experienceis needed. - experience. tell him, hot blood, young blood,where will he bring from? alright, l'll tell him. l was givinghim the advantage but buddy is.. what happened, sir? look at that man, he is usinga mobile in the car. cheating.- l will check that. l am his son. tell him surely, this is a racebetween man and machine.

he may have a better machine.. ..but l am a better man,and he knows that. listen, avi.- yes mom. where did he come from?what is it, constable? why? you are using your mobilewhile driving! - mobile? come, park your car to theside and show your license. did you hear me?- bye. why? you lost? lts ok, comeprepared next time. welcome to cheaters paradise.

lf some one says there areno benefits in cheating.. ..then don't listen to him. because there are onlybenefits in cheating. look at this. so l request you.- yes. walk on the right path.- yes. and even you, buddy. what is this, first you lose,on top of that you cry. this is not fair.

look buddy. l cannot win with you. and l don't wish to lose,so l cheat a little bit. after all, l am your father. the day l become a father, that dayl will take revenge on my son.. but first you will haveto be an father.. ..for the time being, come,and eat paratha's. l wish to say a poem on paratha's.- yes. millions of crimes.. forget it. stop everyone. junior, whatdo you think of yourself?

lsn't there any one senior to you? don't say like this, elder brother. your elder brother is no more. after 7 years, son has returned. and you didn't inform,nor did you call. this khushi was down here,and he informed me. father, let it be. hey,avi, how are you? have you gone mad? come, brother. stop! shobhna! shobhna!

bless me, brother.- remain married always, dear. tell me one thing, this junioris mad from before.. ..but even you have lost it? you forgot all the traditions. after 7 years the son has come home.. ..thousands of whites must havecast an evil eye on him. don't you want to cure him? l was about to bringthe veneration plate. kishan!- coming, ma'am.

really?- come here. buddy. what's all this. - quietly agree,or uncle will make it hell. good morning sir. welcome home.welcome home. you are already familiarwith the rest.. ..but him, he is a new ropday. but he is laughing, dad. come, l will show you your cabin.

come son, this is your room.- l like it. l like it. and this is your chair. sit.- thank you. ln a persons life, that day, thatmoment is very important.. ..when his son takes overhis responsibilities. he sits on his chair. really,today l realized.. joyous it is to bean father to a young son. buddy, my mind and heart bothfeel like touching your feet. thank you .l love you, buddy.- l love you, son. live long, be successful.

l have worked enough in this life,now only relaxation. correct! at this age,you should relax. son, don't talk about age. someone has said, 'a hand thatis strong, and eyes sparkling.. ..let it remain, oceans, meena(nectar) in front of me.' what happened?- very bad. very bad? l am so sorry. l didn't expect this from you. by the way, who is meena,does mom know about her?

no, mom doesn't know. andyou also don't tell her. where is my secretary?- yes, she is here. jenny! sir, you called me.- she is.. thank you, daddy. she's not the one, son. julie!- yes. this. she is the one for you. buddy, you will surely turnme into an alcoholic. uncle, what are you doing here alone?

this party is for avi's return. l am checking if things are fine. the eating arrangements are fine.. ..but if you wish, taste and check it. you fool, l don't drink,l offer drinks to others. you don't drink, you offer,l agree with you. but uncle, try and drink once,you wont stop, l know it. l will give you one tight slap,you will dance the bhangra. dance the bhangra.. alongwith your friends.

along with friends.. bhangra. hey! yoh! hey! yoh! thisis the way it is gonna go. hey! yoh! don't stop.let the energy flow. so everybody join andeverybody say go. dance the bhangra with me. that's the way it is gonna go. like l have said it before. come dear, come my love. come, cross eyes with me.

come, dance a step with me. come on.. let's celebrate. come on.. let's sing and dance. come on. come on. baby, oh! yeah! come on. come on. frontand back. up and down. come on.. let's celebrate. come on.. drink up, brother. come on.. now take this, brother. listen to the man who is bringing innew ways. spin it around.

and give it a twist... oh yes. bring it back. bringit down. like this, sir. l am the tale of a bottle. as much fresh as old. there is no one here like me. l am telling you got something. even l have the passion and youth. no one is like me. ls there any one like me? - betterbelieve me. l am telling you.

oye, oye, oye, l amthe rising arrow.l oye, oye, oye, l am thelife of the party. oye, oye, oye, l am still young. oye, oye, oye, rising youth. oye, oye, oye, dream of girls. oye, oye, oye, l am the best. you better listen to my song.- come on. enjoy. we can party. we canjoin in the song. we can party all night long.

till we see the morningsun. we can party. come on, momma. go on till it's very late. turn the night into the day. they also love me. they also die for me. more girls than you, my love. come, come to your senses, consider your age now.

don't do this mischief. come here, boy. oye, oye, oye, my small child. oye, oye, oye, don't look at my age. oye, oye, oye, come in front of me. oye, oye, oye, l willshow you my dance. oye, oye, oye, will makeyou forget steps. oye, oye, oye, will makeyou unconscious. oye, oye, oye, l am the king lion.

oye, oye, oye, l am your son. oye, oye, oye, it is a long song. oye, oye, oye, l am every stamp. oye, oye, oye, l am your father. you funny guy, l am your father. come on.. come on.- come on.. let's celebrate. come on. come on. baby. oh yeah! come on. come on. dear, come. dance with the friends.- bring it down.

oye, oye! let's party. all. oye, oye!- come on everybody. oye, oye! let's rock the floor. baby. oh! yeah! sir, l don't drink tea. lonly drink black coffee. no black coffee, come on,ropday, keep it there. hey buddy, come on get up. get up. come, lets go.- buddy, there's so much work pending. who will look after it?

come on, today is saturday. half day. along with work you should also play. golf!- with whom? - with me! no. no.- why? you always cheat.- no, no, no cheating. no, buddy. l can't believe this. have l ever cheated in my life? now, come on. come on. go, baby, go.

great shot!- l know! wish it had gone in the hole.- l know, l know. lets see your shot, buddy.- watch this. what do you say? good shot, isn't it? buddy, what did you playwhen you were young? what do you mean youngage, am l plod now? l mean.. when you were a child. then we were poor buddy,where were these riches? l used to play cricket in those days.

don't mind buddy, but eventoday you are playing same. buddy.. good game. l liked that shot. bring the putter.- yes sir. - bring it, panchi. take this. - this is goingto be so much fun. let's see you make this shot. watch buddy. watch buddy. oh, shit! my turn. l am goingto win the game now. but, buddy.- what is it? lt was here itself. l hit it fromthere, it came and fell, here.

are you sure?- yaa.. sure.. watch. buddy, you are cheating. no, l am not cheating. you had even cheated in the race. friend, you cru too much,like your mother. l am like her?- yes! swearing on mom?- yes! glve me ball- what are you doing? name? how would l know your name?

you just now said, 'goodthing 'milliee'.. oh! l said that for the ball..but are you even 'milliee'? go away, you already spoiled mypaintings.. and on top of that. painting? which painting?- please, leave! madam, you are strange.. ..once you say 'go away',and then, 'please leave'! oh, buddy. first of all you come herewith all this stuff.. ..on top of that you scold me,

this is a golf course, madam. we have to pay money to playhere.. its not a park! don't impress me with your money! with great difficulty, papa gotme the permission to paint here. but you completely spoiledmy painting! you call this a painting?no head nor tail.. ..there are only dark spots here,you should thank me.. ..that l added some more spotson it and increased its value! he messed up further.

oh, madam! excuse me..l was just joking. she's left, ok buddy,let's resume again. buddy? hey, buddy! he spoiled my efforts of three days.. ..on top of that he is impressingme with money. as if money itself is god! a person's feelings or emotionsare of no value! come, let me help you.. -you! you were just now playingwith that old man?

and what are you doing here now? oh.. come.. you alsoadd some more blots! the way he behaved with you,l am very upset.. don't act smart! he really misbehaved with you.. why? aren't you that senileman's companion? senile old man! look, norl am senile, nor old.. yes .but to support my lovingold parents.. ..l have joined him, for 10,500!

l am working for him, he ismy boss, and l am his puppet. lt is a cliched line. you know what has to be enduredfor the sake of earning bread.. even playing golf?- golf? l cannot play golf. l am used to playing cricket. playing golf is a rich mans passion. give me the stuff. give me the painting..let me help you. hey!- avi brother!

will you kill me by banging into me? send me up, it is betterthan this shameful life! he scared me to death. did you see? why do onlyrich folks have money? ls it? your work is done,now you don't know me! just coz you got a girl,you stop recognizing me! lf you are tired, thenshall we take a cab? lf your feet are tired, you cantake.. l am used to walking. sir!- yes

ropde! looks like today l lost her. bus.. number 1 ! millie! millie!- hello! go! and ask! why our youngdaughter has stopped.. ..responding to her respectedparents? go.. go. millie! millie! - what is it? -why are you flustered? nothing! l am very much worriedtoday, please leave me alone. but what is the matter?why are you so angry? l am mourning for my painting!

now leave from here, andlet me cool my mind! rajat had called twice, talk to him. mom!- ok, ok. bus number 1 ,bus number 1 . too rich! 'l commit this same mistake always.. ..i am human, and l fallin love with humans!' ls it? why are you staring like this at me?- this will do. no, no! l didn't meanwhat you are thinking!

actually you know what? perfect! brother, l think your intentionsare not good. friend, to seek some ones love.. ..what not a person has to go through? come. remove your shirt fast.- l am your servant.. don't feel shy, removeyour shirt fast. buy l'm not that sort. you know me since my childhood,isn't it? but some times this hasto be done in a emergency

what emergency do you have? you won't understand. there is.remove your shirt fast. you are my boss, you can do anything. panchi, what a body you have? thank you, don't cry. lt'sjust a matter of a shirt. avi sir just wanted my shirt, butpanchi, why were you alarmed? oh, nor you had breakfast,nor did you allow me to.. we have been chasing bus number1 since past 2 hours. chasing girls is fine,but chasing a bus?

let me have some snacks,brother, l am hungry. lf you don't eat fora day, you won't die. but lf l don't find 'millie' (her),then what about me? what not 'millie', avi brother? shut up! don't ask too many questions. stop! stop! stop!- what happened?stop! don't move from here!- yes! you?- you! oh my god! what a co-incidence? we seem to be running intoeach other too often!

didn't you go to office?are you on leave? not office, but l havebeen kicked out. what? but why? lt is so.. that l calla spade a spade. let others like it or not! ldon't care. l told my boss. l am angry with you, whateveryou did was not right. you hurt someone, you spoiledsomething. he got angry. told me how come you cantalk like this to me.. l couldn't bear it, l resignedat the same moment.

are my principles more important,or my boss? oh! l agree. but you lostyour job because of me. l don't like, but whatwill you do now? struggle. l will work hard,find a new job. join the gang. oh, l haveto get down here. - me too! l couldn't sleep the wholenight yesterday. you.. l mean, l was thinkingabout your painting. lt was a piece of paper forthe boss, but for you.. lt was an full concept, art..

..and your emotions too musthave been attached to it. why are you speaking so formally.. can call me with my first name. can l address you like that?- why not? how lovely! how lovely what is your name? my name is avinash.. you ..l mean, you can call me avi.. what is your name?- malvika. - malvika. malvika for others, but my dearestones call me millie. so what should l call you?

millie!- millie! how love it! will you have tea?- tea? do you love tea? yes.- even l love tea. james. - yes mam? - onceyou taste the tea here.. ..then you will always comehere to drink tea. - ls it? lt is really, really, very good.- yeah! what happened? drink it! sir. tea!

ok. you cannot even drink tea. by the way, what will you do now, avi? destiny knows- destiny? you believe in destiny?- why? look, this is such a big city,and we never met before. and then when we met, threetimes, continuously. how come three times? first l saw you at the were.. doing this!

what were you doing at the airport? from america.. l came to receivemy boss' son. - ok. and you? - l had gone tosee off my best friend. best friend!- yes. boy-friend?- no.. l don't mix my relations. shall we leave? ok. the tea was very nice.- ok, l am leaving. where are you going?- l have some work. when will we meet next?

you trust your destiny toomuch, ask from that! l will ask from it!- bye. bye. specky! oh, lawyer sir. avi, this is mr. rastogi,from kotak life insurance. hi.- hi. sir, your dad mr. balrajkapoor has purchased.. ..a life insurance policyworth 5 million for you.

only 5 million?- yes, we need your signatures here. l know sir!- thank you. sir, tea! how many times have l told you to.. wow! ropde, you have remindedme on the right time. millie, there is a callfor you from rajat. tell rajat l will talk to him later.papa, l have to go out! your tea, sir. your destiny finally brought you here.

now even you trust destiny. our repeated meetingsare itself a destiny. lt could be destiny also,and it also could be.. ..that you are following me. lt could also be that. but whatever, but it is funny,that till yesterday.. ..we didn't even know eachother.. and today.. and today? that destiny knows..

beautiful! so beautiful.- yes, beautiful. this sunset always makesme sad.. gradually.. ..these beautiful coloursmelt away into darkness. yes, but to rise again as a new sun. after every sunset, there is sunrise. new day, new expectations, new start.. lf you remember this, then youwill never be sad in life. both of them together? shit!- what happened?

nothing.. you go ahead.- okay. - panchi, wait here. avi! stop lt! what are you doing? can't you look and cross the road? stupid!- stupid? thank you. look, don't scold me; thisis all because of you. because of me? why? why do you always meet meacross the road, why?

forget it, but tell me, what are .. doing with this senile old man? good question. please come. last night at 1 1 .30, he cameto my home, and broke down.. ..i have never seen such before,started crying like a child. and he said, 'don't leavethe job'. l melted. now such a senior person,breaking down crying.. ..l didn't like, so l accepted. are you telling the truth?- obviously, babe.

this means for the rest of yourlife you will remain a puppet.., and play golf with him? and the most interestingthing is that.. ..l will also play, and also lose. just to please some one,and to compromise.. the biggest weakness. youshould also play and also win! no chance, because l don'tknow anything about golf. l will teach you..- you! do you know to play golf?

why not? l am the daughterof a golf pro! l have grown big playing golf! oh my god! l am so sorry,l didn't recognize you. so nice to meet you. areyou tiger woods daughter? no, jeet talwar. who? - stop joking. do youwant to learn or not? of course, l want to learn.when do we start? tomorrow eve at four.- done. l have to fix everything.

looks like.. millie. there should be attachment,there should be keenness.. ..and there should be love.- wow! what a shot! you try now.- yes. right, like this. and a little stance. l don't have any interest in golf! lf l have attachment, keenness, love.. ..then it is with my golf teacher!

girl with glasses! lt says.. crazy mind.. mylove.. with a promise. l will die in love.. willdo anything, my love. but will not leave my lovers hand. l promise, l promise, l promise. lt says.. crazy mind.. with a promise. now there should be no distance,between our breaths. teasing my senses every moment,the moisture of climate. then come, let us drink the nectar.

let us live for ages,in the moments. lt says.. lovely love.. with a promise. you stay in my thoughts,remain day and night. my life is nothing withoutyou, l am lonely now. so come, let us bindthe relation for ages. let us hold hands, and never leave. lt says.. every tale.. mylove.. with a promise. l promise, l promise, l promise.. oh, rajat! leave me, rajat.

rajat, keep me down.- oh! what happened?- you have put on weight! you almost broke my back. go away from here, l don'twant to talk to you! you were supposed to go for fewdays, but you took so long. l should be the one to complain,how many times l called. you didn't even call back once! there is no time. but l missed you so much.- will you not say how much?

l will not tell. but it is right, that distances.. ..often turn into proximityof the heart. even l missed you too much. stop talking.. leave my hand! the way you are reacting,as if l didn't go to sing.. ..but to have romance with someone! look friend, if a singerwill not sing.. will he earn his bread?

hey millie, millie.. look here.. wow! look at the glow on your face,the spark in the eyes. you look more beautiful than before..what is the matter? this is it, l was so impatientto tell you this! l am in love. l am in love, rajat! l have fallen in love! l love him! l just love him!l love avi,l love avi so much! actually l love him. hello. who is speaking? neetukohali . -neetu-ji, one minute.

millie! neetu-ji's call for you. millie! millie!- yes mom. neetu-ji's call for you.- neetu-ji's call for me? hello, good morning, neetu-ji. all three paintings of yours werebought by a single customer. really!- note down the address. yes. - 15th galaxy apartment,nariman point. ok .. thank you, ma'am.thank you, neetu-ji.

you are welcome. mom! - what happened? all mythree paintings are sold. wow! that's so exciting. mom, l am so excited!l have to rush back. by the way, what is his name?- who? the same, for whom you arealways lost in thoughts. avinash. but how did you know? l am your mother! l love you mom.- l love you too.

ok mom, l have to go. yes ma'am.- l am millie talwar. your interior designer ms.neetu kohli has sent me.. deliver the paintings,whom do l meet here? senior sir is busy in a meeting. you can meet the junior sir. ropde!- yes jenny. ropde, take ma'am tojunior sirs cabin. you? ma'am, come. come..come..

sir, tea.- how many times have l told you.. you!- you! how come you are here? whatare you doing here? l have not come to meet you.your interior designer has.. ..sent me to deliver the paintingsand collect the checks. lets do one thing, you dropthe paintings here.. ..and l will write the checks.. lt would be better lsend the checks .. your home in style, come.

but why are you impatient to sendme away from here so soon? not at all! no! however this old man is.. hegives enough respect to you. that's right!- junior sir! wow! son, this e-mail from hong kong.. son?- hey! you! yes, what's wrong incalling a son a son? millie! sorry dad! l don't want to hear anything!

please listen to me. please. please, let me try and explain. avi, a person who can speaka lie about his father.. ..he can never speak a truth! how will he become a friend?how will he fulfil relations? please try to understand. you did the wrong thing. lt'snot fair. l really liked you. dad, it's all your fault!- what? all my life you called mebuddy, what happened.. you suddenly thatyou called me your son? will l not call a son a son? you are great, look at that!- what happened? you fought with her,and l am suffering! but you spoke a lie! - you are right,l had no choice. - what? do you know.. what she calls you? forget it. -what does she call me? forget it.- tell me, what she calls me? senile old man!

you can laugh. but lcould not even laugh. because you love her?- yes. you want to marry her?- yes. then say like that, l willgo and talk to them. but.. - what? - do you likeher? - yes, l like her. are you sure?- yes. yeah, l like her, move otherwiseshe will go away.. millie! millie. you are already angry with me..

..and now my son has made you cry. l am sorry. from your talks.. seems he has spokena lie to you. he hurt you. he did the wrong thing but, why did he do wrong,even this needs thinking. maybe he started loving you,he did not wish to lose you. love makes you do strangethings, you know. but the tears in youreyes make me sad.. even he is feeling sad.

but this bloody loveis a very bad thing.. always tests you. butalso gives pleasure. and l have seen that pleasurein both of your eyes. by being hasty, you shouldnot lose that pleasure. lsn't it?- yes. rlght. on behalf of avinash and me,l beg your pardon. and if you pardon, then come toour 'new year eve's party'. l will send the car.

l knew it.. you willbe here at this time. and you also know, l hatetears in your eyes. and even then, this is notthe time to shed tears.. is the time to smile, millie. and you are very lucky, millie..the one whom you love.. ..he loves you more than you love him. rajat.. listen, in matters of heart, youshould not think with brains. the problems matters of heart ..

listen to your heart.. ..a heart will never lie. ma'am l have come withthe car for millie. l will call her now. millie! the car has arrived, dear. uncle, l am coming.- ok. can l come in? - now do youneed permission to come in? stupid! come in. good that you came? how do l look?

shall l speak the truth or lie?- but you always lie! today speak the truth.. please. you are looking.. absolutely..horrible! though you are lookingvery beautiful.. ..but something is lacking. lacking? what? what is this, rajat? now, am l complete?- yes, you are. shall l go?

thanks, rajat. thank you, very much. yes, millie. l want tosay something to you. 'you must have seen many talesof love of these birds.. ..and also heard. but a talelike ours, not even one'. look here, millie, towards me. l spoke a lie to you,did the wrong thing. l hurt you, that was more wrong. l will not ask you, if you forgive me. because the voice of a heart.. not heard by ears,but the heart. l promise you today, millie..among these ruins.. ..where thousands oftales are buried.. ..that l will never bringtears in your eyes.. ..the destination of joys isonly one step away from us.. ..and by holding your handl want to reach there. come on dude. l want to grow oldwith you. will you marry me? wait. will you marry me?

come on, say it. say it! sayyes. say yes.- yes.yes. buddy! she said yes! congrats! congrats! congrats! do you know him?- senile old man. thank you, millie. thank you.thank you for coming. do you know, millie? he hadcalled even me here once. because even our lovehad misunderstandings. and we clarified them here itself. anyway, father and son,both are total loss!

but he has always kept me happy.. ..and l will see to it thathe even keeps you happy. take this, your tea. have you prepared it withyour own hands? - no. then it will be good. good morning..- good morning, dear. mama, tell him.- wait, l will tell. l need to say somethingimportant to you. - tell. greetings, greetings. good morning.

who are these folks?- l was about to tell you. lf you have not told, let me tell. brother, my name is balraaj kapoor. why have they come here?- l was about to tell you. lf you have not told,then l will tell. lt is like this, brother.these children of ours.. ..have started loving each other. and.. your name?- sir, my name is jeet talwar. yes. jeet sir, we have come withan appeal in front of you.

we want your daughters hand inmarriage, don't disappoint us. the right to decide thisis only with me. me! he is your.. - he is the sonof my childhood friend.. ..and childhood friend of my daughter. her best friend, rajat verma.- ls it? hello, uncle. hello aunty. andyou sir, mr. avinash kapoor. so its you, who sang a few songs.. ..spoke a few dialogues.. ..and won my millie's heart?

and thinking this, youhave come here.. ..that you will achieve her so easily? you are thinking wrong. l can hand you millieon only one condition. condition? what condition? you will keep milliehappy always happy.. ..and even by mistake if shesheds a tear from her eye.. ..then l will not allowthat person to live. l will kill him!

rajat, my friend. listento me carefully. l will never give youa chance to kill me. because your condition,is even my promise.. know the sea.. it is so vast. l will give millie so many joys.. ..that even the sea willbe smaller than that! now, do you think l am theright person for millie? you deserve her..- thank you! everything is fine, thanksto your blessings.

brother, there is a littlebit of good news good news? tell..- we have fixed avi's wedding. wedding? good new. good news. wedding? avi's wedding. next week, the weddingsfixed for next week. next week? have you gone mad? without any rituals, straightawaymarriage! no, no. this is not the wayit is done in our family! brother, things went so fast, thatwe could not even inform you.

l will not listen toany excuse, enough! brother, please listen to me. what should l listen? you come here, we will do as you wish. l am disconnecting the phone, enough! greetings, brother.- live long, daughter-in-law. you please forgive. daughter-in-law, if you areasking, then l forgive. but he is useless number1 !

he doesn't believe inreligious rituals. yes, brother. you come down.. ..only you have to takecare of everything. ls this a thing to ask? ok,let me do my work now. listen, avi's marriage is fixed. lmmediately start preparations! get ready.- alright, aunty. you also go. - call the travelagent and book the tickets. yes..- now what are doing here?

l was asking, even pushpawill come with us? have you lost it? what willa widow do in a marriage? lt's a bad omen, bad omen! don't you understand such things? no, but..- no, go away. go. greetings, big respects. live long. greetings, big brother.- bless you. come.- congratulations, dear. didn't pushpa come?- oh, yes, she didn't come?

lt is an big occasion in the house.. ..every one is there, except pushpa. what will she do here? come on,junior, serve breakfast. l am feeling very hungry.- come. hey, millie, look at the deepcolour of your henna. do you know the meaning ofthe deep colour of henna? brother-in-law will love you too much. live long, live long. whatare you doing here? go and make preparationsfor tying the veil, fast!

junior, look, it is ourfamily tradition that.. ..each task should be doneat the right time. - yes. where is the boy, isn't he ready yet?- he is ready. kishen, listen, where is avi?- he has gone out. - out? 'this guy will put me in trouble' you! - why, were you expectingsome one else? avi.. if some one sees you, then? let him look, but l cannot accept,that some one else.. ..should cast his eyeon my bride before me.

how nice l look, isn't it? you know what! l am the luckiest manin this whole world! l agree with you.. nowgo away, please. go? why? lf you don't go now, how willyou come back to take me away? point! no chance! avi.- no chance. tonight..- go!

tonight..- go, or l will call mom. tonight..- mummy! ouch! day after tomorrow. 'hail ganesha, hail ganesha, o lord'. 'your mother is parvati,and father mahadev'. oh, mom, it's only you!- what can l do? l am a mother! l cannot see my son scolded,and that too, today? thank you, mom. ok, tell me, how is mydaughter-in-law looking today?

does she look very beautiful? yes mom.. but your classis something else! ls it, dear? pampering your mother? come on now, uncle is angry with you. what is uncle's problem, ma? lt is time for yourprocession to leave. greetings.- greetings. shall l start the rituals, sir? you pundit, what is there to ask?

just a minute, pandit-ji, wait.- why? what is there to delay?- 1 minute, brother. come, pushpa. panchi, take pushpa to avi, hewas remembering her too much. what is it, shobha?- l love you. do l look more handsome today? oh no! you look as you look always. but l love you more when you do .. ..things like you did today, really.

pushpa is here, my heartis fulfilled. thank you. shall we start, sir?- yes, start, pundit-ji. sir, now perform the ritualof offering the daughter. how late you are? l am lookingfor you since so long? l know. am l too late?but do you know? your every tear is verymuch valuable to me. now stop crying.. come.. rajat brother, l didn't make her cry. l promise, l will never make her cry.

remember, the vast sea lookingsmall in front of her joys. and even greater happiness. l don't need to worry sinceyou are there.. thank you. she will definitely remain happy.- of course! my father.- come. come. l am getting separated.. ..from my house. mad about her beloved. whom will she tell thepain in her heart?

she coloured her veil inthe colour of her beloved. she immersed herself in her beloved,by chanting his name. she became his shadow. she became his shadow,.. the mischief of her. avi.- yes, baby. get up.- why, baby? get up please.- why? l have knitted a sweater for you. oh, then l will have to get up!

put it on me.. do one thing.- yes. take me to some field and hang me. l don't know anything!- yes, you know. how to keep me happy. actually this sweateris a bit large for me. and for buddy, it's a bit small. but for both of us, it is perfectlyalright, isn't it? you know what l mean?- perfect!

how smart? actually you know.- what? l have never given youthe right measurements. and so..- avi, what are you doing? wow! hey! buddy! come on, get up! get up! what's your problem with my sleep? l don't have any problem. but today is 'karva chauth'!(lndian ladies fasting day) but what is it to me?

not you, but l have a problem. l want my wife for thenext seven births. even l want my wife forthe next seven years. but only our wishes will not do. unless these wives don'tfast properly.. ..everything depends on these women! so, what should we do? lets go and convince ourselves.. ..that these ladies are not cheating.

oh! good idea.- come on, let's go! let's move. hey! hurry up. l am not wearing anything.. look, buddy.- are you convinced? how cannot l be convinced? what's this? - dad could not allowme to sleep, nor to dress. and by the way, thisis your last morsel. and no cheating, because l wantyou for next seven births.

only seven births?- yes. because l want you forall my future births. ok, papa? ls it true? thatbecause of this fast.. ..l will get avi as my husbandfor seven births? yes, dear. lt is perfectly true. first you properly livefor this birth at least. and by the way.- yes. my buddy never lies. now l will feed pear to bothof you with my own hands.

lts ok. l wish to inform you both..that twenty minutes.. ..still remain in appearanceof the moon god. twenty more minutes, papa?- yes, according to the paper. enough, please bearfor some time more. buddy, l am back home.- hi avi! how are you guys? and you.. -yes. hope you didn't cheat. don't you feel ashamed? l am fasting,and you are eating?

will you also have a bite? l was about to announce somethingimportant, but forgot. what?- l can't remember, forget. - tell. l am unable to remember? yes! l remember!- what! the moon has risen outside!- what? hey, avi, pick up the plate. come on! moon. where is the moon? where is the moon?

buddy, where did you see the moon? buddy, buddy. the moonis not up there. the moon is here.- what? she will become a mother. mother will become grand mother. and you will become grand buddy! and me.. only buddy!- buddy! you have given immense joy today. you have made father grand!

come on.- where? we will tell this good newsto maternal grandparents. what is the hurry, wife.- there is need to hurry! where?- come on. ls this an act? good that they went away. ok, tell me, how will he look?- who? the same, who will be the livingwitness of our loving moments. our son!- why only a son?

because, my love is alwaysgreater than your love. and so that child will be like me. a bit like you, and a bit like me. you mean, my sweetyis gonna be specky? how sweet! l love you so much. breathe in.- and out. first a son, and then a daughter. don't talk of a second child.- why?

lf you like them so much,then give birth yourself! now you are being very funny. to give birth to a child,you need teamwork. the way you cannot play cricket,hockey and football.. ..and you cannot swimwithout water, so.. l will need you badlyto produce a child. avi, stop talking rubbish,please. ouch! what happened?what happened? avi! - l didn't do anything.l didn't do anything.

doctor! what happened? you play mischief whole day,now you will become a father. look now, how you become a father? l will be a better father than you.- really? congratulations, you havebecome a grandfather.. ..and you papa. a son is born. congratulations! some one congratulate me too,l am a grandmother now!

oh, my millie, millie. someone congratulations. sorry .. did you see, wife? where the life l startedwith you has reached. really, when the nurse handedit to me, l felt that.. ..avi is in my lap. same face,same feelings. same hair! buddytake him, and you also feel it. when your child's heattouches your chest.. ..then you can feel how coolingit is to your heart.

lts true! but l like children. have you thought a name for him?- no. ansh! do you know themeaning of ansh? - no. lt means piece, part, limb. he is our piece, part, of our heart. yes, piece of our heart. god bless you. ansh! ansh! where are you? ansh's papa is here! what's up, mom?

your son.. he is just like you. he is making a fussover drinking milk. l came to know today, howfaithful is my wife! l warn you if you say anythingabout my daughter-in-law. ok, go and search then.- okay, give me milk. thank you. no. - no, l was making amoustache from the milk. l have looked there,you search inside. you looked here?- yes. after growing big, buddy wantshis muscles to be like whom?

like my father. then what did your buddy drinkto grow these muscles? milk!- milk. so what will buddy drink? when will buddy drink?- now. then drink it fast. takea sip, and digest it! take a sip, and digest it! now keep this down, now what will buddy and me do?- seven. fast! 1 , 2, 3, 4! showme your six packs!

hi buddy, what's up buddy?you okay, buddy? l love you. l had thought of it last year also.. did you call me?- yes. look, on 27th is ansh's 4th birthday. l have decided to throw a grand party. ansh has grown big, he will enjoy,isn't it? - yes, momma. but mom, l am going to londonby tomorrow nights flight! did you see, mom, he doesn'thave time for us.

there is no need to party. why not party? l will go tolondon, attend meetings. and return soon. l willjoin the party. oh, buddy. the thing is this, dear. he is going to sign an bigand important deal.. ..once the deal is signed, youcan have lots of parties. the rest all is ours. look at the workmanship,and the finish,..

..and very recently polished which you can only get from us. excuse me please, my wife's phone. hello.- hi speckie. what time is your flight?- the meeting is still going on. these white guys are eating my brains. what? you are still there? unless you leave, how willyou reach here by tomorrow? what about the party?- l will reach on time. hello. hello.

apart from your happiness.. ..there is nothing more importantin his life, millie. but papa, he has notyet left from there. he will come, relax.- ok, papa. grandpa drinks the nectar,and daughter is at granny's. he keeps asking, where is avinash? panchi, go away from here. there is no appreciationfor poets in this house. what is it? why are you so angry?- nothing.

hello, millie.- what is it? why are you troubling? l am very busy. - listen, don'tdisconnect the phone now. l am at the airport.- airport? london airport? no, l am at mumbai airport!- what! you are at mumbai airport!l am sending panchi now! no. don't send him, l willtake a private cab. see you soon. mom, avi has arrived. papa,he has come. - wow! sing, my heart.

sing, my heart, singfor the beloved. every one is eager to see you. every one is waiting for you. every breath says l give youmy heart and soul to you. come, now, my loves calling you. every breath is inviting you. without you.. there isnothing.. beloved. every one is talking aboutyou in the party. your picture is in my heart.

this life is only because of you. you are the tale of my love. the smile will spreadon every one's lips. there will be a glowon every one's face. lf the light of the party returns.. ..then my heart will be at ease. you are my soul and my heart. l sacrifice my daysand nights on you. may you live long,this is my prayer.

l am again remembering you. my eyes wait for your glance. even the candle isthirsty for flame. there is sorrow everywherewithout you. this candle may burn and melt away. this beautiful night may pass away. waiting and waitingfor your arrival. this life of mine may fade away. you don't delay your arrival today.

come, fill the colours in my garden. without you this life is not a life. without you.. there is nothing..beloved. - hello. - buddy. where are you? when are you coming?- hi buddy! come, now, my love's calling you. come, now.. drop my luggage. l live there. come, now- buddy, you count till 10. come, now

he wants to meet all three of you. 'avi used to say cheat, you cheat.' 'yes, l used to cheat.only while playing.' 'but you turned life into a game,and cheated with me.' 'me. your buddy. this isthe time for me to go.' 'you went away. what willl do without you, son?' 'what will l do?' where is my son? he went along with you.

where did you leave him? tell.. answer me! you used to say, that afterfinishing four duties.. ..your responsibilities will be over. and the fifth duty the son will do. what sort of a father are you? you performed the final rites ofyour son with your own hands. only when l prayed to the almighty. then only l got you.

we will share everything together. whether it is complaint, or sorrow. no! l promise, l promise,.. ..l promise, my love. the rituals that the old generationhave left behind.. there is truth in that.. a widows shadow even should notfall in auspicious occasions. and that is why l had not broughtpushpa in avi's wedding.

but you did not.. nowlook what has happened? don't insult my sons death,elder brother. millie.. momma.- be seated. dear, change your clothes. no, mama. these are fine. no, dear. colours hadchosen you and avi. lf you go away from the colours.. ..then you will also goaway from avi. take them.

mama, by wearing coloured clothes.. ..the colours don't come back in life. and by the way, the rituals.. l'm more worried aboutrituals than you. about my daughter. l don'twish to lose my millie. mama.. hey buddy. whats yourproblem with my sleep? l am back home, buddy. l am back home. l will not leave you and go away.

grandpa.. grandpa. what happened, grandpa? shobhna! shobhna! yes? - shobhna. our avinashdidn't go away.. ..look at him, he is our avi. yes. ansh himself is our avinash. how are you dear? how can l be without avi, mom? dear, come let's go home.let's go to our home.

lf you stay here, you will beentangled in matters of the past. the time gone by is just a dream. lt does not have a face,nor existence. your real truth is today, andthe future that is coming. you will not be able tosee that by staying here. dear, the one with whomyou came here.. ..he has left you behind and gone. and nothing remains here,now. nothing! papa.

papa, everything is here itself. my home, my family. mummy. papa. ansh. everything's here. l cannot go away, leavingeverything behind. cannot go. l cannot go away from here,papa. l will not go. l will not go. ansh. ansh. ansh!

hey, what is my kid doing here? l am next to my buddy.l can smell him here. my kiddo. ansh. shall l tell you onething about your buddy? l know. he has gone above to god. god above is alone, sohe called buddy above. l have grandpa, granny, you, with me. but l am very angry with buddy.. ..because he didn't evensay goodbye to me.

the question itself isvery embarrassing, sir. but your answer too is necessary. the company shares thatwere in avinash's name.. the profit from those was transferredto avinash's account. what will you do about that? millie is avinash's wife. whatever avinash had,it is millie's now. you transfer everythingto millie's name. yes, of course.

avinash's insurance policy,you are the beneficiary.. ..and this is the check for 5 million. you keep this with you, transferit in millie's account. alright, sir. crazy in love.. ..of her sweetheart. she looks here and there, waiting for him. she looks here and there,waiting for him.

every day, every moment,calls to him. can't forget the moments. of her beloved. mad about.. her beloved. but l don't understandhow do l tell millie.. what is this millie doing? millie dear.. what's this? papa, today is 'karva chauth'. you had said, that bykeeping this fast..

..l will get avi fornext seven births. so l thought.. l thought, papa.. what if avi left and wentaway in first birth itself. l will keep fasting for gettinghim in every birth. always.. till my last breath! then l will surely get him, papa? answer me. avi always said, thatmy papa never lies. papa, l will get avi, isn't it?

tell me, papa. l will get him. when you were these same stars.. you would search for many things.. today l am searching you, avi. wherever you are.. .. milliee's questionsand her tears.. ..must be troubling youalso, like me. l was thinking, thatafter losing you.. ..l have received the biggestsorrow of my life.

but after looking at millie'spain l feel.. ..that sorrow is too small. very small. she has forgotten laughter. day by day she is movingaway from life. l am scared. l am too scared.. ..that after losing youl don't wish to lose her. that day..

..that day in the hospital.. ..your eyes were trying totell me something, avi. but my eyes couldn't understand.. ..due to the pain l wasgoing through. today l understood all that. today l wish to do that.. ..what your eyes were tryingto tell me that day. you.. are you happy or not, buddy? remain happy..

greetings brother. greetings. when did you come?- just now. please sit down. how is everyone? millie? millie is not the same whomwe took away from this house. this guy, millie's friend. what's his name?- rajat. yes, rajat. where is he nowadays?

he cant be seen. lmmediately after millie'swedding he went to europe. looks like he settled there. hey. hey. hey, hey, come on. every scene.. every moment! this crazy heart is lonely. lt remains restless,it says.. yes it says. ln a crowd, in solitude.

lt remembers you, yesit does, yes, it does. everywhere l see your face. l feel you much,l feel you so much. l see your face. l can see your face. even though you are away,you are next to me. without uttering a wordyou say something. l get engrossed in thedreams of the past. l search for you everywhere.

every fragrance, every season. every shadow, every feeling. my faithfulness says, nor youare unfaithful, nor me. your path is now differentthan me, you remain happy.. ..this is my wish. every heartbeat, every dream. every desire, every yearning. you are the one. excuse me.

hello uncle.- you recognized? how couldn't l? avinash's dad! and also millie's. yes! what are you doing here? have you come for some business? l have an personal work with you. order me. the surroundings should be suitableto speak the heart out. of course, why not? come.- come.

since when are you here? l came here after millie's marriage. and who else is their in your family? my family is me.. just me. didn't you get married? someone saw my hand and said.. ..l don't have marriage in my fate. by the way, how is my friend, millie? you remembered her afterso many years?

she is not happy. shehas forgotten to smile. the one whom you handed her.. ..he gave her nothingother than tears. l had already told him.. ..if he brings a singletear in millie's eyes,.. ..then l will kill him. but now you can't do even that. because god has done that already. avi is no more.- what?

how happy she was with avinash.. ..she will not be able to surviveafter losing her love. she loved avinash verymuch.. too much. and you? how much did you love her? more than life. but whatwas love for me.. ..that was nothing more thanfriendship for millie. and my love.. wishedto see millie happy. avinash was millie's happiness. and l handed her to avinashand came here forever.

what will happen will she live.. how? she can live.. lf she getsa new lease of life. the one with whom she startedthe journey of life.. ..he left her at such a cross road,where all roads are closed. darkness, sadness, sorrow, thereis nothing other than that! but l will have to finda way, which l will. so that she can breatheagain, smile again. she should live life to the fullest.

and to do this l need your help. lf you wish, she can gether happiness back. lf you wish, you can takeavinash's place back. you are silent.. lt is difficult to accept a woman.. ..who was someone else's wife before. who is a mother to his child. this is not the matter, uncle. millie is my love, my happiness.

but l know, she will not agree. no. she will not allow anyone totake avinash's place. no one! lt is difficult. but if you help,then this can be possible. lf you are with me.. this sunset always makes me sad. this setting sun and me,both are same. both are losing the brightness. gradually these colourswill fade into darkness. with every setting sun, a new day,a new sun rises, millie.

lf the sun sets, then it also rises,every day, every time. now never feel sad. anyway, my millie is very strong. she can very well snatch thelight from the darkness. l could do it, rajat. whenl never understood life.. ..nor seen death from so near. forget me, tell me about yourself. there is nothing to say,l am fine, l am well. l keep myself busy withmy singing. enough!

so busy.. that youforgot your friend? no, its not like that. when a place changes,even friends change. friends don't change, times change. lt often happens, the distances.. ..make the relations more stronger. now look, if l would nothave been away so long.. would l know howmuch you missed me. who told you that l missed you?

didn't you miss? let it be my misunderstanding. let this be, this itself will do. oh, you said shit? sorry.. but what are you doing here? l am playing cricket here..fool, l am hiding. who are you?- l am your mummy's friend. and you? l am my mummy's son! oh.. then why are you hiding here?

granny will force me todrink milk, that's why. but you should drink milk, musclescan be built with milk. even my buddy had, like this! ls it? then even you needto become muscleman. come, drink milk, and build muscles. then wrist fight with me.- you will lose. now wrist fight with me. hello.- yes, rajat dear. good morning uncle.- good morning dear.

l just remembered that today.. how can l forget? yes,l was about to leave. bye. mummy. mummy. mummy. hey muscleman, don't youwant to go to school? l have to.. bye mummy.- bye. shall we go? yeah! come on. say good bye to mother.- bye, mummy.

hi, millie. good evening aunty. good evening.- take these, sweets. sweets, what for?- double happiness, aunty. one, our ansh has startedgoing to school.. ..and second, l have decidedto settle in lndia. - ls it? and l also purchased a small home! this is very good, rajat.did you tell mom? she herself has decidedthe auspicious.. ..moment for housewarming.

you all have to come, and even uncle. yes, we will surely come. greetings.- greetings, come in. congrats, rajat. shall we? congrats! your home is really sweet.- thank you, uncle. may god wish you to grow, mayyou receive all the joys. thank you, aunty. hey, where is talwar sir? he is sitting out and having beer!

come. let us go to meet him, come. this is for you.- this? all the paintings made byme were laying around.. ..l brought all of them for you. wow fantastic! l could only bring this muchin a hurry. - this much! your colours will be splashedin every corner of this home. lsn't it enough? wow! beautiful.

this is my final painting.- lts beautiful. but..- but? lt is incomplete. don't worry,l will complete it. look, now it is complete. lt is getting colder in mumbai too. shall we go in?- no, it's ok here. lt feels nice. papa, coffee. hey, how did you knowl needed coffee? l am your daughter.

thank you, thank you. listen, millie dear.did you meet rajat? no. why, had he come here? yes, he must be somewhere around here. he was saying it's his firstperformance in lndia. he was saying we all should go. l cannot go, papa. millie? lt is fine that rajat has gotaccustomed to all of us.

but he is your friend, if youdon't go, he won't feel nice. mama, ansh does not staywith panchi at nights. he will stay with go along with papa. l will take care of ansh, is it fine?- yes, fine. helplessness, the feeling of pain. handover to me, all your sorrows. give me also the quiet,and also the loneliness. also give me the uneasiness,give them to me. l will steal the moisturefrom the wet eyes.

l will not allow anysorrow to remain. l will steal the moisturefrom your wet eyes. l will not let youwet your veil too. l will never let you cry. problems, the shadows of sorrow. give to me.. your loneliness. give me also the hollows,give me also the failures. also give me the wilderness,give them to me. l will spread laughter on your lips.

l will spread the happinessin your path. lf you believe me to be your own. then don't cast youreyes down like this. difficulties, your helplessness, give to me.. all your blue moods. give me also the problems,give me also the wilderness. give them to me. come, uncle. l have heard you singing before too..

..but today it came fromthe bottom of your heart! thank you, uncle. hello. - you had told me tocall at nine, so l called. an problem in the office! ok, ok, l am coming now.- hello. dear, there is some problemat the office,.. ..l will have to go now. rajat, will you drop millie home?- sure. how was rajat's programme,did you like it?

lf you don't wish me to stay at home.. ..if l have become a burden on you.. ..if you want to get rid of me.. should have told me,l would have gone away. l will go away, papa. butwhy this way.. why papa? after avis demise.. did thatrelation also break.. ..the one you yourself l no more your daughter.. ..don't you love me anymore..don't you love? no, it's not like's not like that.

lnstead l love you more thanbefore, even avi's share. what sort of love is this, papa? do you want me to separatefrom the same people.. ..who belong to me? ln their faces every moment..l see avis' face.. you.. mummy.. this house.. ..the memories that are spreadall over the house.. ..his fragrance.. god snatchedavi's life from him.. ..but by snatching hismemories from me..

..don't you also want to snatchmy life from me, papa? no. no, dear. don't say this. after losing a son.. this daughter has becomemore valuable to me now. l don't want to loseher at any cost. no.. then why are you doinglike this, papa? why are you pushing me out from here? from this house, which is my own! dear, this house is yours,it belongs to you!

but, in this house.. ..sunlight and breezehas stopped coming in. and in such a house where sunand breeze stop entering.. don't bloom there,no life is there. and l wish to see the flowersof happiness blooming.. ..on this sad face of yours. not only me, every parentin the world.. ..will think likewisefor their children. millie.

l can understand, why papa did so.. ..he thinks of me as his daughter. he loves me.. he wantsto see me happy. but l didn't understand this,why did you do like this? you understand me morethan myself, isn't it? you are aware l can love only once.. ..i cannot even thinkof marriage again. even then you.. how didyou think like that? that l will fall in love once again!

millie, just listen to me. ln my life, nor the place of lovecan switch, nor friendship. both have different places. but you started mixing lovewith friendship already. when you came back, l feltmy friend has come back. but l was wrong.. had come to offer me thealms of love and sympathy. enough! enough, millie. how can l offer you thealms of love to you?

l am myself begging for love from you. l wished to ask since long.. ..since l understoodthe meaning of love. you were my love, my biggest joy. lf your love was for avinash..and you were happy.. ..then even l was happy. but when there was a flood oftears in these laughing eyes.. ..i could not stop myself. l tried to share yoursorrow.. tried to..

..bring back that laughter. by giving my love andreceiving your love. l don't have anything to giveanyone. not even love. but l have.. so much, it willbe enough for both of us! it is salty.. you cannot quenchyour thirst with it. even your life is like this. lt appears like life.. feels like life.. ..but it is not life.

just breathing doesnot mean life, dear. and you have to live this life.. this wound will be cured with time. believe me, the moments will pass. lonely life cannot be livedby just forgotten moments. this is the truth, you realise it. no one has been able to drinkthe water of the oceans. no one has been able tolive life all alone. your father is saying, oh my dear.

you are the heart of my soul. l knew that l you would be here. lf you could understand this.. ..then you wouldn't havethought wrong of me. we often find it difficultto understand ourselves. after remaining forlong in an relation.. is not easy to changethe name of that relation. l need some time.. will you give me that?

ln love, there are no limits on time.. ..if you wish, l can waitfor the rest of my life. all your sorrows are mine from today.. ..and all my joys are yours. do you trust me? what is this? take this, a sweet surprise. l can see only if youremove your hand. what sort of joke is this?

this is not a joke, bur reality. l will not allow this marriage. this marriage cannot happen,not at all! what are you saying? millieis our daughter. lsn't it our duty to thinkof her well being? and my wishes? don't my wishes matter? lf millie has lost her husband,then even me.. even l have lost my only son! now l cannot lose my finaljoy, my grandson. no!

shobhna, try to understand. what should l understand? tell me, what should l understand? lt is you who needs to understand! lf this marriage happens..then along with millie.. grandson will also go away! this will not happen! being a mother you don't understandthe pain of a mother? where the mother will stay,..

..her son too willstay there with her! you are telling me aboutthe pain of a mother? a mother who brought up herson with her own blood.. ..who cared for him and.. ..and saw him going away.. ..washed in the same bloodwith her own eyes l lost him forever! then you yourself said,our avi hasn't left.. ..he has merged in ansh..

and l tried to look for my son in him. now that l have found him, yousay that l lose him again? no. not at all! what you call 'losing', it couldalso be 'finding' for ansh.. he will get a father..shobhna, father. and that too like rajat. theone who loves him deeply. this love of an father isalso necessary for ansh. but ansh's existence isalso necessary for me. l cannot live without him!

and he will not go anywhereaway from me. wife.. l wish before listening to thisnews the earth opened up! l would be buried in! this senior has defamed me. why? what did balraj do? the family which was thepride of everyone.. the people will spiton the same family! he has gone mad, balraj is mad!

don't say like that, dear.- you shut up! just because he is educated.. ..does he think he can goagainst the cultures? he is turning a widowinto a bride, the fool! ln our seven generations,such incident.. ..has never happened,and will never happen on the white sheet of traditions.. ..l will not allow a singleblot of defame! not at all! uncle is a decent person,so he was trapped.

l had understood themoment l saw rajat! ln the name of friendship.. ..he is trying to grab thewealth along with millie! but l will not allow him tosucceed in his endeavors. l will see how this marriage happens! welcome, welcome. hey listen. come! see there. listen, look there.- yes, sir.. l am grateful, grateful!

don't say like that. come. get the bride and groomto the altar, sir. the auspicious time is passing by.. l will just come. shall we go, dear? what is the matter, dear? papa, thinking about this.. my stepsare not moving ahead, papa. that l am leaving my home..and l am leaving my papa.. dear, a daughter has to go away..

..leaving her parents home behind. this is the rule of society, dear. come.. papa, you not onlycalled me a daughter.. ..but also meant it. and aftertaking me to the altar.. ..this relation willalso be established. then maybe l will notbe able to do that.. ..what l wish to do..for once, finally,.. ..l wish to touch your feet. as your, dear, no.

daughters don't touch the feet. come.. god bless you. l was bringingher down to you. l cannot stop myselffrom saying this.. that l have seen many people.. ..but l have not seen such a man.. ..who, rather than his own pleasures.. more importanceto others sorrows. to bind a relation.. he is readyto break all his own relations.

bless me, so that l alsobecome like you.. ..i give your daughter all thosethings.. that she deserves. l have full trust in you, son. come here, son. stop this drama! this weddingwill not happen! elder brother. don't call me elder brother! you cannot be my brother.. because my brother was the one..

..who always approved andagreed to my wishes!. the one who was close to my chest,and l was sure of him.. ..that he will continue withthe traditions of the family. but you! you have spit on them! you have burned those traditions! and you have yourself seen.. ..the outcome of notaccepting traditions. to avoid bad omens by thepresence of a widow.. ..l had not brought pushpain avi's marriage.

but you didn't called her here. and then.. you saw the result of that! and now you cannot stop anyonefrom talking, uncle. didn't you feel ashamed to handover.. ..the family's daughter-in-lawto a stranger? didn't you feel ashamed? his soul is dead, khushi. that's why, after losing a son,from my half-dead sister.. snatching her grandson, henow wishes to fully finish her.

mama, please come down, they areinsulting papa, please come. please mama, please. wow, brother-in-law, wow! that stranger girl is moreimportant for you now.. ..that for her joys.. are even ready toscarify your wife's life. fear god, junior, fear god! lt is a big sin, even to thinkof a widow's second marriage! lt is against nature,against religion!

and even now if you insist.. ..then you are under thevows of our ancestors.. ..the fire of the venerationwill turn into.. ..the fire of my funeral pyre!- father! to solemnize this marriage.. will have to walkon my dead body lf because of you, anythinghappens to my father.. ..then, forgetting allthe relations.. ..l don't know what l will do?

l will not respect you at all! listen you guys, there is nomarriage happening here.. ..go back to your homes! you priest, get up! remain seated, priest, sit.and even you folks sit. how dare you insistagainst my orders! by revolting against religion,society, traditions.. you want to proveyou are above them all? you are really big, are you god?

no, you are mad. mad! yes, l am mad, elder brother.l am mad. to accept a daughter-in-lawas own daughter is madness.. ..then yes, l am mad. to wipe her tears is madness,then yes, l am mad. to bring light in her dark lifeis madness, then yes, l am mad. what fault is hers,that l imprison her.. these four walls andsentence her to death? there is no brightnesshere, nor breeze..

..and no hope of a new morning. your child is not a uniquewidow among the world. for her you have taken cudgelswith your own family. look there.. look at her. she is the widow of yourown younger brother. she is staying in the housesince past twenty years.. ..maintaining her family's honour. ask her, does she have any problems? aren't you staying peacefully,you tell, pushpa!

no, l don't have any problems,elder brother. l get two square meals a day.. ..there are these whiterobes to cover my body.. ..and yes, l am also breathing. lf this is called living, then yes,l am living peacefully. forgive me, pushpa. lmade a mistake then. l could not muster courage to revolt. but today no one can stop me. nor traditions, nor society,nor religion, no one.

and what tradition, what society,what religion? the ones that turn a living woman.. ..after her husbands death..into a living corpse! or the one who snatches fromher the right to exist! people say the traditionof sati has been stopped. where has it stopped? lt isstill alive even today! lf not on the husbands pyre, thenon the pyre of traditions.. ..even today god knowshow many women.. ..are being sacrificed every moment!

they are dying a pitiful death! they are just breathinglike this pushpa! but l will not keep my daughteralive just to breathe! l will give her that mirror of life,.. which she will see her face. there will be colour in it,joys and pleasures. elder brother, with kindness l wouldlike to tell you something. ls it fine if a humanwho makes traditions.. sacrificed on thesame traditions?

let the traditions live,and a person die? traditions are bigger,and life is nothing? elder brother, you rememberhonoring traditions.. ..but forgot to wipe pushpa's tears. and wife, l would like toeven ask you one question. this girl who is standingnext to you,.. ..if she would be your daughter.. ..instead of an daughter-in-law? and the one we lost, if he wouldhave been your so-in-law..

..instead of your son, eventhen you would oppose the.. ..same way if your daughter'sshattered life was settled? would you mind, if her blank.. ..forehead is adorned witha sparkling 'bindi'? would you refuse a fathershand above her son's head? what would you do, wife? enough.. forgive me.. l had become selfish,l had become assertive. but the truth is that youbecame millie's father..

..and me, l could not be hermother, nor your wife. and today in this storm, whenyou needed me the most.. ..l deserted you. evengod won't forgive me. sir, the auspicious time isgetting over, please hurry. no, priest. auspicioustime passed away.. ..when a madman likeme attained wisdom. forgive me, junior.- no, elder brother. don't call me brother,l am not worthy of it. l am not elder, but you are elder.

l learnt from you today, thatlife is bigger than traditions. lf the lines of traditionsstart fading.. ..then one should not avoiddrawing new lines. dear, its too late. now mytalks have no meanings. forgive me, thinking ofme as your elder brother. don't say that, elder brother. then come on. junior, let'stake the bride to the altar. please start, priest. call the parents togive away the bride.

come, brother. giving away the bride is theprerogative of a father.. ..and l am not that father , you are! don't say that, brother. l wish every bride getsa father like you.. ..after crossing her parent'scourtyard, papa. papa, when a father like yougives away the bride.. ..then god himself willcome down and bless. the one who gives awaythe piece of his heart.

the one who gives adrop of own blood. his heart cries, buttears don't trickle. he hides his sorrows from every one. pulling away his soulaway from his body. great is that father, whogives away the bride. the father says.. o my daughter! you are part of my life. but your groom will come one day.

he will take you away from me. tell me how l will passeach moment without you. tell me how l will livealone without you.

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