
full movie comedy english

Friday, March 31, 2017

star media presents maria bortnik maksim saprykin anton batyrev aleksandra nazarova in vanka based on a novel by olga stepnova written by dmitry stepnov & olga stepnova directed by viacheslav lavrov

director of photography: andrey lebediansky production designer: vadim afanasyev music by anatoly zubkov executive producer: filip bruskikin dashie, hi. domasny channel producer: yelena teplova do you remember what i asked you for? ah, yes. not this...

producer: darya lavrova ah, yes. here. dashie, thank you so much! are you sure you don't need it now? general producers: natalya korotkova,nabalya bilan, vlad ryashin i am. well, i was saving for... well,it doesn't matter... take it. dashie, you're friend indeed!what would i do without you? you cannot even imagine:it's the purse of my dream! and there's a 50% discount for it!

then you must take it for sure! agree! i will surely repay you afteri get the salary. i promise. kisses. dashie! have a good holiday! oh, guys, thank you... you shouldn't... yes, we should! how will wecope without you here? well, the chief said he wouldprovide another proofreader... dashie, no one will ever replace you. but you relax and forget about everything! thank you, guys! come to themeeting room in half an hour.

i'll serve a table there... a dietary one? very dietary... all right, we are off. see you. masha, i'm having a vacation at last...i'll be free for four weeks! no rush when coming to the officein the morning, and no jolting in the bus on the way back home in the's splendid, isn't it? it is. you'll going to stay home for days,reading detective stories and eating buns, aren't you?

plenty of buns and plenty of patties.and lots of detective stories! what about going to the gym with me, eh? what for? a stout body willnever be slim and vice versa. and the gym has nothing to do with it. a brilliant position. look,were your parents stout? nope. even my cat is slim. you answered all your questions. dasha,you just need to eat less. dasha... dasha, want me to deal with your shape? no, masha, it even sounds horrible.

there's nothing horrible in it. we just checkyour health... your blood sugar... whatever... we'll find a good endocrinologistfor you, or a good coach... or buy a good dress for you at least. can you really dress like a homelessvictim of a fire all the time? you were saving money for it, weren't you? oh, masha, what are you talking about?it's so... so beautiful. and me? moreover, i don't have money now --i've borrowed a sum... in short, i'm off to have rest.i need to go. see you. i'll deal with you anyway.

hi. what is it you wish? eh... a berliner, three ã©clairs... excellent choice. ... and half a kilo of... cream puffs.i've got a holiday, after all. all right. is this all? do you have anything else? ma'am... will you let me pass?

what? i say, will you let me pass? ah, yes, of course... - thank you. -- ouch! what a day! do you realizewhat you have done? i do. i'm so sorry... there's a dry cleaner's round thecorner near here, so i can show you... you'd better show yourself some... gym.

to improve your coordinationof movements and... your shape in general... no, thank you. ah, dashie, good afternoon. have you already seen him? good afternoon, marya sergeyevna.seen whom? our new neighbor. he moved in the flat 37. alone, no wife. tall and handsome...! ah, i wish i were 28 now... oh, i am 28 now, and what's the use?

no, i haven't seen him, marya sergeyevna.want some tea? i've got some pastry. no, thank you, dashie. some other time.i've got a fasting day today. again? well... a woman should takecare of her shape... see you. well... "sports tomorrow 9.00" speed up! masha! i can't! to hell with these loads! masha! five more minutes. then we goto exercise the legs.

the legs?! dasha? are you all right? is there a doctor here? all of my body aches...masha, i don't want tolose weight anymore. i want nothing more! here, have some water! wanna get married? i do. but somehow without a gym. no, you can't do without the gym. what is a modern man? exactly.he's hard-to-please and capricious. that's why no excess kilo or youwill never put on a wedding dress.

won't i? you've been exhausting yourselffor years, yet you still aren't married. got an excess kilo hiding somewhere? well, let's say, i'm not readyfor marriage now. psychologically. well, it's not about me now... by the way,know what i've prepared? a food list. this is what you may eatfor breakfast and dinner. do you want me dead? no, i don't. you said you a new neighbormoved in your block, haven't you? tall, handsome, charming and attractive --a real dream... so you need to conform. conform to what?

to the dream. or he'll slip away. yes, conform. he will never look in my direction nomatter how hard i will try to lose weight. hi, sis! alka? you seem to be in canadain search of job, are you not? what canada? what job? i'min search of happiness now, not job. come on, take off your jacket. - ugh! -- i see... oh, vanka has grown so much! how old is he?

eight. or nine? do you remember whengokokhov went to prison? you mean the one with moustache? no. the one with a scar on his forehead. alla, i don't. how can one rememberall of your boyfriends? damn, i was as though in a daze then. idon't even remember how i delivered vanka, how i discharged from the hospitaland how his gaffer gorokhov made off... vania, honey, how old are you? eight and a half.

here. see how smart the boy is? good boy. yeah, he's a good boy. a very nice one. sis, i've come on a business. i need to go to sochi resortand arrange my private life... all oligarchs are making money there now. please, do me a favor: take vankato live with you for a while, will you? meaning? for how long? a couple of weeks. or a months.i'm not sure. we'll see. eh... well, i... i'm on holiday now.

all right, i will. we'll get on,vanka, won't we? just let him try not! dashie! you're a great sister! vanka'sstuff's in the bag. all right... i should be off. son,mind and behave! got it? aha. dashie, i need to go, don't see me off. hi, vania. ugh... i don't want borsch! i don't want meatdumplings, i don't want beetroot salad!

why? i don't like them. you don't? and what is it you like? seafood pizza. ah... well, buddy, excuse me. i don't have either pizza or seafood.will you eat borsch? i won't. then leave the table. all right. fie... ugh...

have you ordered pizza? what pizza? seafood, a medium one on a thinbread layer. is this your order? yes, it's ours. thank you. it's 750 roubles. how much? 750. ah... wait. i'm not sure whether i have... enough money.

thank you. good bye. listen, let's make a... deal... damn vanka... he's drawn drawingsall over the walls... i'll show you... vanka! i'll kill you! what is it with you? don't play innocent! come here! come here! i say, stop now! you!.. little maggot... catch it! ah...! vanka, you're swine!

you are swine! fat swine! just come here! you'll catch it for "fat"! what on earth is this! i'll show you! eat! i won't eat borsch! i won't eat potatoes! it's vile! nothing but fats! what is it you will eat? a vegetable salad, fish. tuna fish,for instance, will do. well... are them being brought here?

look here! there's food in the will eat what we have! you're fat one! you little maggot! just come here! i'm no fat; i'm stout! got that? oh, come on! catch up with me first!stout one! plop! i will! ouch! here. where are you? do catch up with me! hallo... yep, masha. i'm okay. what training? "loosing wait to music?"nonsense!

all right. deal. aha. yes.yes. see you. bye. well... i wouldn't do that. damn, vanka... real parasite, eh...?- stas? - i'll show him... ma'am, let me throw my garbage away and...hi. no flicks please. a brilliant choice; it's a very goodmayonnaise. have a good day. bye. it's not what you mightthink of, it's... i... damn... you parasite! why did youthrow the food away? the fridge was stuffed up with food...

that was no food... that was... whatsit...chare... chali... cholesterol! such a smart aleck! yes, i am. my mom told you i was smart,didn't she? and i'm discriminating. i will never eat your meat dumplings and mayonnaise,potatoes and cheese or loafs and butter! what are you going to eat,discriminating one? a normal food. some salad.meat. kefir. apples. and you don't have evena cucumber in your fridge! what, dashie? what's up?! has something happened?!

what up? a hand... there's a cut off hand in my bed!! o my god! heavens,the things that can happen! where? where is it? can i take a look? and me! whose hand is it? well, it's a male hand... to allappearances, it's been amputated... how amputated?! posthumously.

how did it get in here? well. there's an easy way to find it out... off with you! it's quite beyond jokes! one might have a heart attack from this!off with you. vanka, i'll kill you! no need to. your son has a brilliant sense of humor. aha, brilliant... only, he's my nephew.where did he take this vile thing? they are sold in every stationery shop. and... what for?

what for...? to scare ladies, for instance... i should have guessed... thank you. but it's late now, you know... ah, yes. of course. good bye. wait! wait. wait please... here. keep this. why should i keep this? well... you have a girlfriend, don't you?so, you'll scare her. for fun. take this. thanks.

you're lying on the sandbeach near the sea... the waves beat against the shore... and now you are one of them!strong, springy, young wave! excuse me, what does the "young wave" mean? your essence comes outto the shore and... you melt... your body is slender, and physically light! dasha? who's snoring? dasha, wake up! you're a body!a physically light body!

i have a feeling that your frienddoesn't wish to lose weight. she does. say you do. i do. what were you talking about the sea? we go on! you're lying on the sand,your body is relaxed. a young and springy wave... hey, lad! step away from the car! now! do you really care?! just stop behaving like a hooligan! you'vemade a real mess... you're a terrorist! baa!

get away! get out of here! hold! not so fast, buddy! -- ouch!it hurts! -- get this! -- cheese it! my mom's fallen ill... got notenough money for surgery... help us please! poor thing! where's your mom?what is it with her? she's in the hospital for a month now...the doctors say she's got cancer. and the surgery costs pretty money... and where's your dad? are you here alone? i got no dad. he's in the prison.

o jesus! why? he's robbed a bankto pay for my mom's surgery. -- it's awful! -- but he failed.he's got a 10 year sentence. -- o my! -- my mom and i are lonely now... rabble... - here, take this. thank you, ma'am. i immediatelyunderstood you were kind... hallo? mashie? hi. hi, dashie. look, i've seen a coolshop recently. some new one. it's called "german-made stout clothing". they givegood discounts to celebrate their opening.

maybe, we should go there, eh?and pick up some things for you... of course, that sounds great. but i cannot. i've got no one to leave vanka in care. look, darling, i wantedto tell you this long ago. there are special facilities with a specially trainedstaff to take care of the boys like vania... they are called boarding schools. are you nuts? what boarding school?!he's got home to live in... he has, until he smashes it up. damn! what's up? what's the sound mean?

a characteristic's called "farewell to masha..." masha! what's going on?! darling, if i don't get in touchin half an hour, then i got murdered. know this: i loved you dearly... do you happen to know is therea boarding school for stupid blondes? i'll take you there right now! i'm masha... vania? have you got beaten? nope. i just fell down.

mow many times? i didn't count. i was fallingagain and again. how did you manage to get that dirty, eh? and how did you? what me? you've got your robe stained all over. vania, they don't wash off...let me see your face... don't! i'll live. vania... i've bought kefir for you.and apples. have them for now.

and i'll make salad and a chickenfor you in the evening. i'll have them later. take off your jacket. good afternoon! i'm frompublic guardianship office. does ivan fiodorov live here? will you take off your boots? what's the smell? it's a solvent. you sniff it or the boy?

me. but don't worry:i do this occasionally. really? why occasionally? properly speaking, what's happened? you will tell me what's happened and whyyour boy begs near the metro station. and your boy accepts not only money.foodstuff too. do you keep him on short commons? go check! feel free to! and i will! i don't get it: why does he beg then?

he's going to act in a movie. he's preparing himself forhis part as an orphan. so, you know he begs nearthe metro station, don't you? of course i do. you're lying. all right, the foodstuff inthe refrigerator tells nothing. step away. wait, i haven't checked out there yet... you indeed have sniffedtoo much of solvent today. jesus! what's that?! i warned you, didn't i?

i'm sorry; the boy hasa good sense of humor. and i have none. so, either you watch over yourcheerful and talented boy, or he will be watched overby the competent authorities. and they will watch over him closely.don't see me off. damn! vanka, what are you doing?-- catch this! -- why do you beg? 'cause they give!"good people, please help me! my dad's in the prison, mom's at the sochiresort and aunt keeps me on short commons..." enough! come here, turdpants!

just stop you now! all right, vanka. from now on you're under home arrest. i can't let you taken to the orphanage. and what will i do under this home arrest? draw! what shall i draw? anything you wish. just draw.

brother sergie, mom, dad, dog snoopy. who's there? open up, it's your neighbor. where is he? let's begin with the "good afternoon"! it's no good at all! do you knowwhat your nephew has done? what makes you think he'sdone something bad? because marya sergeyevnatold me she saw him smearing my car's doorknobsand thresholds with vaseline.

i fell down three times whilewas trying to get in the car! he's got a brilliant sense of said this... are you mocking at me? i'm a patients are waiting for me! all right, we'll fix that. go ahead. vanka! i'll show you!come here now! come on. come! come and see what you have done. put on your boots. now. can you explain why you'repestering his car?

because he's got the coolestdrag in our yard. and it's only swindlerswho have the wheels like his. or the... what-d'ye-call-'em... caru... in short: bribers. ordinary people don't have such ones. look, what bullshit you are saying?! i'm a doctor and i own a dental clinic.will you leave my car alone now? nope. then when will you do that, eh? when you merry dasha! then i'll havea cool uncle having a cool car!

vanka, what are you talking about? so, it was you who instigated your nephewto dirty my car to get acquainted with me? shame on you! i didn't instigate him! shame on you! you spoilother people's property! and are growing up a juvenile gangster! firstly, he's no gangster! and secondly:that may have been you who fouled your own car to flirt with me! good bye! you booby! i will never get married now.

do you really need him? he's a real boor. a boor, i agree. but it'sno reason to dirty his car. all right, we go home. and find someoccupation for you at last. you've found an occupation. good. what are you doing? a bomb. for me? for your marya sergeyevna.she's idle for days, so she pokes her nose intoother people's business.

and here there's going to have a goodbang! so, she'll never poke in ours. vania... you're a good boy, aren't you? why do you play a singe cat? want me to enlist youto a ballroom dancing school? you'd better buy a snowboard. i'm not that reach to buy every thing you wish! then i'll buy it. you booby, they can take youto the orphanage if you beg again. i'll blow it up too.

vania, you'd better stop that, eh? wait, wait. off with it! cutie, wait! hallo? hallo, mashie? hi. -- hi. your dream's coming true --i'm loosing weight. yep, my stuff is too large for me now. -- is it sports? -- nope. it's vanka.i've been chasing after him for days. look, mashie, can you lend me some money?

for clobber? no, not for clobber... what for? a snowboard. what? are you nuts? what does she want, eh? how many? one. for a little hooligan. or she sayshe'll blow up her neighbor. all right, let him wait with blowing up the neighbor.and as for the board -- no problem.

let's help the little hooligan...of course, if he's a right man. i see. dashie, look here. it's noproblem with the snowboard. and as for the neighbor -- let him it? right, bye. oh, hi! set up your mind for sports? do i really look like theone in for sports? actually, yes. by the way, your nephewhas ceased dirtying my car with stuffs. he's busy now. preparing an explosion. really? i thought he'd found a husband foryou and now preparing a surprise for him.

of course! can i really have any husband? i'm a fat gal with bad coordinationof movements raising a hooligan nephew able to ruin everything around only,am i? you're kidding? i didn't mean that... want we have a jogtogether tomorrow morning? i'm having exercises round the clock. what? like it? will do. where are you going? to snowboard.

and where are you going to snowboard? don't worry, i'll find a spot to. of course you will... be careful, will you? - and don't be there for too long.- hem, i'm not sure. wait, don't go... why? other women are callingyou all the time...! have you seen my vanka? no, i haven't. he left in the morning and is still off.

look, if you hear the wail of sirens, go to thesound. he's sure to be somewhere around. we apologized for you car didn't we?why are you so rude? excuse me. i just had a hard day today. what's up? well... i've just brokenoff with my girlfriend. it's so easy to offend a woman. nobody offended her! it was shewho took offence and made a scene. ah, of course... she took offence... and you wasjust standing near and keeping mum. i see. know what, i have nothingto do with it. i didn't offend her.

we've been dating for half a year.half a year! and she's already made my ears ring with talks about the wedding,wedding rings, wedding dresses, about children needing to livein the countryside on the fresh air. that is, her fault is wishing to get marriedto a man she loves and having children? personally i think it's so great when the man youlove with you. a man who understands you. and to know you're not alone in this world... are you talking of her? the wedding rings and dresses are the onlythings on her mind. are you talking of her?

she's your girlfriend,so you deal with her! isn't she? dasha, wait! dasha! wait? why are you leaving?let's now discuss your girlfriend... just stop playing clown, will you? all right, let's discuss your have one, don't you? how... how... how dare you! where have you been?i hate staying home alone! and how long have you beenstaying home alone?

half an hour now. first she did a makeup,then stared through the window for a while and then left for somewhere.and she did all this to catch your eye. she even forgot co lock the doorand take the kettle off the stove. i see now... vanka, go home! now! a family indeed... vania... vania, what's happened? i was run over by a one can sledge properly. and what about you? are you all right?

no, i am not. do you... have an ache? are you hurt? i have aches and pains all over. i willrecover if you buy a laptop for me. what??? a laptop?! maybe we'd betterbuy a car for you right away, eh? no, i'm too young to drive a car.we'll take it next year. yep... a real psycho... it's high timeto marry her off. sure. here. lena asked me to give you thiscoupled with many thanks. and also this. oh, come on. there's nothingout of the ordinary in it. look, you cannot imagine whata gorgeous purse she's bought.

the entire office is mad about it now. you'll see when you come back afteryour holiday. it's fantastic! i take it on trust. and when are we going to spend your money? it's high time to refreshyour wardrobe, isn't it? just look how prettier you've grown!you've lost weight! mashie, some other time.i need to buy a laptop... why? you've got a computerat work, don't you? that's not for me... vanka asksto buy it for him...

won't it be too much for him? please, don't say so. i've got nobody else in the world,so i cannot refuse him. i see. i'm sorry. and how's your neighbor...the handsome one upstairs? ah...don't ask me. every time we meetwe end up in a quarrel. i... i don't understand what's going on with me. i do. it's love, dashie! let's go to buy the dress for you!forget about the laptop. you'll see, i...

i'll see nothing! just drop it! honey, why don't you eat? not tasty? i don't feel like eating. you should. you're so slimthat it hurts me to see! want me to cook fish? nope... masha, is something up? i cannot reach my friend. so what?

what? i'm worrying about her.she's depressed. so, she needs to be given a fur coat. a fur coat? why? why? when a pie... a lady is depressed, she needs tobe given a fur coat. it very helpful! i don't know. nobody hasgiven me a fur coat yet. i will. to both yourfriend and you. just eat. have meat. i've cooked it's tasty. all right.

wait! hi. what do you want? nothing special... i just wantedto invite you to the theater. theater? invite me? well, i just have two tickets...i booked them a week before... ah, i see. you mean you wanted to go to the theater withyour girlfriend, and now one ticket is going to be wasted, right? it's going to. yep. then go to the theaterwith your girlfriend. well, i say...

dasha, wait! dasha... don't you think our acquaintancestarted ill? we didn't start anything at all. dasha, let us... why to we talklike teenagers all the time? let's go to the theater.maybe, i like you... i cannot! because... because vankais going to stay home alone! dasha... he's going to stay not alone,but with a good friend. not likely. i'm afraid he'll blowup marya sergeyevna

along with staying with a good friend.he promised to. dasha... eh... let's take him with us. are you feed up with living? no way. i agree... eh... he left... a computer! for me! hurrah!!! you could say "thanks" at least. oh, there's a cdwith the software on it too!

and the internet?!did you plug into the internet? i did... just stop you worrying! a dentist, i say! know what a cool car parksin the neighboring yard? a sports one, a coupe!want me to introduce you? nope, i don't. i like jeeps better... then you need to do a makeup and a hairdoand buy some decent things at the least. in short -- to tidy up yourself. you're a piece of expertin what i need indeed!

yeah, take a good care of yourself. vania? hear me? eat something... one cannot spend so much timeat the computer! you'll ruin your eyes. but there are no more trip-wire mines,frogs or mice now. hear me? vania! i'll take awaythe computer from you! hallo? masha? masha, are you crying? who abandoned you?! what cutie? masha, calm down now. don'tdo silly things! i'm on my way!

eh... vania, i'll be off for a couple ofhours. don't open the door to anybody. i hope you understood me. i do. i do. what are you...! dashie! dasha, thank you for coming! what's up? someone's sure to have died if youdeveloped allergy by eating ascorbic pills. he's abandoned me. he hasn'tcalled me for three days. ah... your cutie... then just call him. i can't call him 'cause we haven'texchanged our phone numbers.

we were together since we met untilhe got jealous of my interest in clooney. who? well, we were watching the tv andi said that clooney is a man of my dream. he rose packed up andleft without saying a word. i was staying at his home for threedays after, but he didn't come back. then her wife came and drove me away! what shall i do? why doesn't he call me?dasha, why?! listen to me. he doesn't call you becausehe doesn't know your phone number. you told this, didn't you?

- right. exactly! -- quiet. -- so... so, we'll meet never again?! - dasha...! dasha!- just calm down. look, have you everhad such great love that... you might die without him?! i haven't. i understood it long ago thati will never have my love returned. so, i've reconciled with the situation. come on! i think you shouldjust somehow get a grip. change something in your live.a hairdo, or to buy a new dress ...

it won't help. my dress's beenalready bought by someone... i go home now. i have to feed vanka.bye. see you. dasha! you will buy another dress! now i see who's bought my dress... you ate nothing... vania... i want internet! vania, the computer is meantnot only for internet surfing. i want internet! i'm playing an online game.and my harvest is going to be lost now.

vanie, you'd better go out and have a walk. i don't want a walk. i want internet. you can't spend so much timeat the computer. you can ruin your eyes! they are my eyes, so i can do withthem whatever i wish! i want internet! it's all right; you'll dowithout the internet! i won't! i want internet! you care about what you wish only!have you ever wondered what i wish? i've bought a laptop for youand you didn't even thank me. and i, by the way, wantedto buy a very beautiful dress!

i had been saving moneyfor it for half a year!! and you don't care a fig about whati wish! no one cares a fig about me!!! good evening, dasha. good evening. excuse me;i'm in a big hurry. wait please! your bummerbroke eggs against my car again. did he? when? when did you see him? we were lucky to miss each other.what's up? he's gone... how "gone"? when?

this afternoon. he might be somewhere out, playing. playing? it's night now! it's as if all arein collusion -- the police say the same thing. want we search for him on my car together? you have nothing to do with's my fault... i shouted at him today. he left homeand will never come back... dasha... hi. here's your runaway. vanka! vanie! where have you been?are you okay?

know where i found him?at the three railway stations. he was begging in an underpass with this. my mom abandand me, dad in prizn pliz help me & mai brather serzhi for food and did people give money to him? they did! and lots! he... your underachiever wasof a success with the people. you are an underachiever! just look at him! he's so touchy! who dirtied my car with eggs?beware, or i'll show you!

wait a minute, you won't show himanything. who are you to punish him? and you say this instead of "thank you"? i'll make your jeepie so nice at right, that you won't recognize it in the morning! know what i'll do? i'll marry you auntto give you a good spank! got it?! what makes you think i'll ever marryto a man who beats children? i... i never beat children... i just said that... you'll talk like that with the nephewof your girlfriend. enough! good bye. thank you! and you can keep the table;you might need it some day.

shall i paint his car? vanka, no! don't do that. don't do that, got it? take off your boots. i'll have to do it all on my own. it's dyed... it was my white bed sheet. he's spoiled all of my things! vanka!!! i'll kill you! stinker!

you've spoiled all of my things!!! what else do you want? dad, mom, brother and sister. vania, no money would buy it... really? and a dog? will you buy a dog for me? what dog? we're barking at each other without it all the time. this robe is the last of my things that remained. oh, thanks for reminding. i'll burn it down at night. what???

it's terrible. i've been telling you for long: you should make a hairdo and buy some new clothes for you if you want to get the jeep guy. such a smart aleck you are! i spent all of my money for your laptop. what? just gather it before the shops close. vania, did you been beg again? just once. you need clothes, don't you? if wearing smocks you do, you'll never get married to a truck guy, not to mention the jeep one. come, gather it.

beauty salon do you know how we got this hooligan? i think he's dasha's natural child. oh, dashie! one wouldn't know you! such a beauty you are! look, it's high tome for you to go to some resort abroad. all marriageable men there will be yours. thank you, marya sergeyevna. no; i'll stay here... i will do with local ones. you're right, dasha! moreover, they won't let you go abroad together with vanka! 'cause what will remain from the abroad after vanka's visit?

a small aphrennine peninsula only. it's "apennine". but i'm afraid it's going be lost too. now let me help you with your packs. though, i'm no more marriageable, but it's still a pleasure to do that! well, i'm going with you. no' i am not. i'm going to the shop. i forget i was going go it. you go. help! why are you pealing?!

help! my vanka's fallen ill! how badly? i'm a dentist, not a physician. but you're still a doctor. all right, we go now. here. he was immovable when i came home. and he has a fever. his temperature is... calm down... so, soldier, got ill, haven't you? how did you manage? will you let me look at your throat? nope? i see. have you measured his temperature?

i cannot. he's bites me. so, you bite, don't you? and the temperature are not measured. vania, your temperature needs to be measured. look, vania... damn! he bites indeed. doctor, what is it with him? to all appearances, he's rabid if he bites. joking again? not this time. he seems to have quinsy. but i still need to see his throat.

vania! dasha, fetch me the first-aid kit please. i need to see what you have. i'll be right back. so, vania, will you let me look at your throat? well, we'll treat you blind in this case. i'll bite you again. ah, come on! i'got bitten every day. i'm a dentist. thank you. here's the kit. so... we don't need this. ah, here!

just try me! stay calm. what a "nice" child! i know that. well, his throat is bad; he needs treatment. you've got nothing suitable. i'm going to the pharmacy now, and you make hot tea for him meanwhile. aha. vania? vania, will you drink tea? vania... it's us!

it's us! dashie, i hear vanka's fallen ill. so, i'd like to say there is no better cure for cold than raspberry jam. here, take it. thank you. the key is to keep his legs warm. here. my sister sent them to me. take them. 'cause it's become boring without vanka's pranks. like in the grave. oh, come on! off with you! all right, we go. and you give treatment to vanka. mom...

vanie, it's me. your mom is in sochi. vania... dasha, your door was open. how's he? badly. his temperature is 39. it's all right. it's a crisis. i say it as the best dentist in the city. here is the foodstuff. you need to eat. i'm not hungry. i don't ask you whether you are hungry or not. you need to eat. if you don't eat yourself, i'll feed you intravenously.

you don't have any right to. you're even not a boyfriend of mine. oh, come on! i'm more than a boyfriend. i'm your neighbor. where does he sleep? in the bedroom. i'll show you, sir. dasha, it's high time we were on familiar terms. our mom died 3 years ago. so, alka and vanka are the only family i have. a sad story. look, dasha, you... have you let your sister know of vanka being ill?

i called her, but couldn't reach. probably, she's having good a time with the "catch", so she doesn't care for vanka now. she's a mother, isn't she? and her duty... no one has any duty towards anyone. one cannot force a person love. even his own son. what are you doing?! you... you have a girlfriend, don't you? we've broken off, as far as you remember.

no. you lie. i've seen her visit you the other day. you'd have seen her depart if you had waited for another 10 minutes. but i don't know your name. ask me and i'll tell you. you think so? what if you're nikodim? you mean i have a nil chance if i were nikodim? yep. sergey, dmitry, andrey, gleb and vladimir are the only ones to have chance. i see. where are these guys? i say, where are these guys? i'll kill them immediately now.

don't say anything; i know. i'll go to kill them and you make a coffee with cinnamon for me meanwhile. you're boor indeed... in short, he's all right. his temperature is 36.9, so, let's consider it to be normal. vanka also told me he'd be having his revenge on me for the rest of his life. he'd paint my car all over, drop piles of eggs on it... and so on. is something wrong? is it okay? i had no cinnamon, so i put horseradish in.

look, dasha, you know... you think it's funny? many thanks for your hospitality. the coffee was really splendid. aha. i did my best. that's it. be alive, kicking and happy. jesus...! he's sure to have recovered. it's good i was home, or your nephew would have burnt down my apartment.

i'm sorry. you should be. it's all right; i've got used to it. i think five times every day of a soonest move to another flat ... yes? hallo? yes. regards to your nephew. good bye. please, understand me, he's a good boy; it's just he's an orphan. he has do father; his mother is in sochi now and aunt is a fool. all right. i put that down: "aunt is fool". please, forgive us! i'm begging you. he meant nothing evil. he just... he just set your neighbor's door on fire.

what if he sets on fire your own flat tomorrow? what are you going to do then? all right. where did he take matches? how should i know? you should. he will commit arsons, and we will have to put the fire down? are you saying this? but we've did it on our own. for now. you know, i must report to the guardianship office. please, don't! please! he'd be taken away to the orphanage then! i'm begging...! dashie? what's up? dashie! why are you crying? they want to take vanka to the orphanage!

who' he? how dare you taking the boy from his own aunt?! by what authority?! excuse me, but i've got a record of evidence. i must. what next will they take into their heads?! what record?! the boy is only... dashie, how old is vanka? eight and a half... here! he's eight years old only. yes, he set fire accidentally. eh... didn't you set fire to things when you were a child? no, i didn't.

really? he did. he did... and to lots of things. fiodor mikhaylovich? how did you happen to be here? it's me potapov; yeah, it's me. i live here. that's the thing. i used to teach this booby at school. he's going to take vanka to the orphanage for the arson he did. what?! potapov, who burnt down the toilet when he was in the 7th grade? remember? so, potapov, we will not give vanka away. -- no, we won't. - do you understand? but i have the record of evidence. i must respond... don't you understand this?

listen to me, potapov. you have already responded by visiting and checking. you have. now that's it. dismissed. dashie, enough crying. go home now, or you may catch cold. yep, dashie, you'd better go home... i feel like drink so much... what breed is he? baykal baskerville cheap. a bottle of vodka, a pack of tea, two loafs of white bread and,

i'm sorry to say, a doctor's sausage. just stay here, please, will you? i'll be back right in a minute. -- aye. -- i'll be right back. here. i seem to be lucky today. here, take this. here you are. be careful with it. now it's yours. right. we go home -- it's cold here. come. a puppy! it's my puppy! careful! he needs a wash.

what's his name? i don't know. it's your puppy, so go figure out a name for him. jack! you will be jack. don't you worry that much. he's at work, treating patients' teeth. at work? what work? it's nighttime now. teeth need to be treated at any time. they ache at nighttime even worse. you shouldn't have set his door on fire. he must have taken offense. he seemed not to be touchy. hurrah! jack's got his coat now!

i've bought krakow sausage. extremely delicious! were there many people in? nope... surprisingly not. hi. o my god! who is this? it's my dog. a baykal baskerville. his name's jack. think of it! as if he's different. he says "hi" now and takes the dog for walks.... he's sure to keep the door from slamming, say thank you and even play violin soon. then it's going to be very boring here indeed! exactly!

dashie, hi! imagine, my cutie has come back! i was waiting for him at the spot -- the one where i hit his car --for three days. he, probably, guessed and came back! wait; and what about his wife? ex-wife. well, i've driven her away. one needs to fight for her love, so i did it. mashie, he's gone! he had healed vanka and then gone! who's gone? the dentist! my neighbor. he hasn't been home for three days now...

did you go all the way with him? yes, we did! we gave treatment to vanka, put out fire and kissed. don't worry, dashie. i'll call to cutie and he'll get your dentist no matter what it takes. do you know his name? well, i don't know his name. what i know for sure he's not sergey or andrey, or vladimir, or dmitry. and he's not nikodim. well, it's something. do you have his phone number? i don't. i don't need to. we are neighbors. we used to spend so much time together...

don't worry. we'll find him. i... you know, i'm afraid i will see him never again. will you marry me? are you not afraid i will say "yes"? it's my dream. or your nephew will ultimately kill me. by the way, my name is stas. nice to meet you, stas... i told he's not touchy, didn't i? he's here like a lamb,

to see you and ask you to marry him on top of it. you'd better tell me why you have spoiled my car again? me? why should i? i've got a puppy now. then who painted my lights green? who stuck butterflies on my number plates? me? butterflies? am i a little girl to do that? wait. that was not me! that was him.

of course! i see now. you're the same gang, aren't you? i had only to leavefor several days for you to... and where have you been these several days? i visited my mom at her country house. my mom is very good. she's a russian federation's teacher emeritus. how's puppy's name? jack. he's good. so, jack, we'll live happily hereafter, won't we? hallo? alla?

it's mom?! yes, i... yes, i see. she disconnected. when will she come? she told in a year... vanie, she'll come back in a year. she told she would. she will never come back... i know... look, vania, eh... we go to the seashore this summer and visit your mom in sochi.

have you ever been to the seaside? i haven't... you promise we will? hurrah!!! hurrah! hurrah! jesus! what's going on here all the time? -- i'll show you...! here, take him. and go feed him. come. i'll give you food. dasha, i saw you paining butterflies on my car this night. forgive me, please. it's vanka's influence. yep, he influences everyone around.

we need to decide with a school for vanka... and put him in some study circle. we will. no problem. and, most probably, we need to contact the guardianship office. why? your sister is coming back in a year. stas, she will not. she doesn't need vanka. she was dreaming all the time to get rid of him. then we'll formalize the guardianship of him. or -- which is even better -- we'll adopt him.

at least i will strap him legitimately in that case... i'm kidding. i warn you: i don't want any ballroom dancing. you will attend the circle i'll tell you to. got that? all right. you can boss here all around once you marry dasha.

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