
bahubali telugu full movie watch online

Friday, March 31, 2017

why can't you go home earlyafter visiting the temple? do you need to be out this late? l took a vow, on top of itthis rain got me delayed you always do thisl was so tensed, you know - l'm sorry- you know how to pacify me hey, wait till l get you please don't do thatlet's go, l'm scared wait, how can he park his bikein the middle of the road? remember whomyou intend catching

maybe it's their plan? should l let them goif this is their plan? l beg you, let's gol'm scared l'm begging you l can't bear it if somethinghappens to you...please hi! - dlg is finished- david, cash thank you, sir l need to meet nanu sir

you better be careful sir, anthony and davidhave come to meet you ask them to come in sir, dlg is finished take this cash,rs 5000000 in this suitcase sir, just a request can we meetstephen robert once? -are these 2 your men?- yes, sir you are lucky this timeyour men were killed

lf you ever say you want to meetstephen robert, you'll be killed take the bodies away which platformdoes the flight arrive? flights have runways,not platforms ah, they have changed it now so, general arrivesin the back or front? -arrives under the wings- probably to avoid the sun have you come from a village? - do they have red flights like red buses?- kingfisher flights are red flights

then, does this flight stop enroutefor coffee and tea or is it non-stop? have l said something wrong? have you seen an airplaneon tv or for real? as though it differs!? lt's not good enoughif you come with a bouquet greetings, sir how can l help you? will you repay my loanof 50000 bucks? what?

what time doesthe vizag flight arrive? will arrive in 10 minutes tell me if it has crossedwarangal, surya pet ...or stopped at moulali junction - l want clarity- lt has landed, sir nice dress!who stitched it? a tailor everyone goes to a tailorhow old are you? - l can't give you that information here- let me come to your house then

close your mouth, elsethe planes will go into it he looks different,must be our man hello, sir my name is narasa raju my friends call menasa raju, as l speak well how is my name?lt's okay my boss has sent me tobe your guide for 3 months l know all the tourist spots in this city sonia gandhi usually usesmy services as a tourist guide

now, it's youaren't you lucky? why is he silent?ls he physically challenged? why doesn't he replydespite my being sweet? he is maybejealous thatl'm better looking than him my boss instructedthat l should find you a bungalow this is the best,that l found through brokers 24 hours water, 24 hours electricityand 24 hours my company l've noticed, ever since you landedyou haven't spoken a word what's the problem?

l fear that l'll dieif you don't talk please talk my bad luck! saluting the sun god?l thought he looked like a fool he must be a nice fellow,if he is god-fearing perhaps he will talk afterhe prays, l was very hasty oh my god! drink, go onenjoy! you should wear the holy ashafter praying, not drink!

drinking is for people like menot for someone like you talk please... l'm asking you to talkso patiently talk l've just had a peg don't make me angry talk beforel complete counting 5 1 ...2...3...4 l beg you, tell mewhen you'll talk

...and l will then count 5 who is stephen robert? l beg you, please don't ask meany further about stephen robert l'll tell you everythingabout stephen robert police haven't seen him neither have the goonswho work for him have you seen the peoplewho work for him in this city? - yes, l have- then show them to me l will show you on 1 conditionl will point out from far

they will kill meif they get to know anyway, why do youneed this information? okay, let's go! for the 1st time l'm seeingsomeone wear a helmet in a car lf l didn't, that would bethe last time you saw me you're asking for stephen robert ln fact l wanted tocover myself like a robot but it seems rajnikanthhas taken that costume - stop blabbering and tell me where- on the 4th floor, you can hear music

tell them you came alone,don't mention my name l want to meet your bro - why do you need to meet him?- for business thomas, someone's here to meet you who is it?ask him to come hey! come here - tell me- l need to talk personally someone has cometo meet stephen robert believe it is a big deal

lf he had that biga deal with stephen robert... ...he wouldn't come herelooking for us he'd have gonedirectly to meet nanu this guy is an useless fellowbeat him and send him away - there is no business, go- lt is a big deal, brother why do you hit meif l want to meet stephen robert? give me the rod don't you get it? leave you're lucky as l'm in a party mood,else l'd have killed you

boys! start the music l thought this fellow was a bravel'll deal with him later at home you drink like a fish! you pose likeyou've beaten 500 people? when you asked meabout stephen robert... ...l thought you're a daredevil he bashed you,and you couldn't hit back useless! move your legget up what are you looking at?get up l say!

what's the use of being 6 feet tall? l'm 5 feet, and l intimidate people bend, as l want to hit you sit down you think only you can drink? who did stephen robert'speople kill recently? why do you again talk about him? think of llleana,you may dream of her do you know or don't you?

he has started againwhat a pain! - let's have 2 pegs and sleep- why? are you scared? lt's like asking if one is scared afterwatching the spooky film 'chandramukhi' you thinkl'll do anything for money? only a few bad things they killed the dgpl won't come, you go - you took money- okay, so l'll come no, l'll go by myself dad has been collectingevidence forthe last 2 years

...they murdered my parentsin the most gruesome way you did not go to court? l'm left with my sister l didn't want to orphan herif something happened to me so l let go of everythingand l'm looking after her shut upwho are you to see that file? brother, why do youeven talk to him? - listen ma'am...- l beg of you, sir they've already killed my parents

l'm left with my brotherdon't you want him to live? - stephen robert...- l don't know who stephen robert is please don't say anything, brother - ma'am, listen to me- no, you leave now - listen to me for 1 minute- no, leave now listen to me 1stand then it's up to you brother, come in and sit downl'll bring the file there is no photo, just a nameno one has seen him? nobody has seen him till nowonly nanu has seen him

he handles in hyderabadall his business deals 2 men, 1 is stephen, very influential 2 years ago, he collaborated withrobert and reached a high level lf l approached nanu with a business deal,will l be able to meet stephen and robert? - lt's not the right way to execute your plan- then what should l do? there's only 1 way to know if stephen androbert are the people you are looking for nandini...nanu's daughtershe is his life since nandini didn't approve of her dadshe moved to bangkok and teaches dance anthony who works fornanu took this opportunity

...and sent his brother thomasto woo her in bangkok will google search get for me, on this eartha girl as beautiful as you are? a guy who will flirt (sight adichify)and whose heart will beat faster won't there be someonelike that for sure meant for me? when l laugh gracefully,all girls become jealous to have created such a lovely girlall thanks to the creator lord brahma romancing me, riding a bike, ho l am the kind even the earth willwant to mollycoddle me poets dead and gone, nanayya ortikkanna come down from above

will not be able to describemy charms at all does anjelina jolie or shakira have the slenderwaist thatl boast of, what do you say youngsters like kolaveri song that went viralhum my name all the while even in bars the queue of men,are all out to flirt with me they named me a dream girl,fixed it forever rdx and jallard stickscrazy looks well hidden the pleasures of cocaine andwild trips of ganja being enjoyed today itself,is not wrong at all

somewhere, someone, l wonderwill be my own husband one day get lost, da - do you know this girl?- looks super l asked if you know her?.not if you like her how would l know?tell me who she is she is my lover you will show me100 pictures claiming shilpa shetty is my wifeaishwarya rai is my love how can you be in love?does she love you?

- that's why l'm going to bangkok- please go, l'm unable to bear your torture - pack my clothes- why should l pack for you? - because you are coming too- l'm not coming - you are- l'm not you are coming, that's all lndian airlines flight at 4:00 p.m todaytickets will be taken care of - l'm bloated, l need to use the toilet- didn't you use the toilet in the flight? lf he figures that l don't knowthen l will become a fool you don't know bathroomsexisted on flights!

l know l didn't want it to drop on people here this is our apartment stop your stylewhat's her address? got it how long will you wait?tell her you love her my brother sent me hereto fall in love with nandini lf the plan fails, he will kill me l'm waiting forthe right time to tell her

lf you keep waiting,someone will take her away who will come? why do you disturb mewhen l'm in a love mood? that girl is minel love her your height doesn't match with her's mine does lt's not fun kissing a tall girl fun is to lift a short girland kiss her think about it!

your hair looks like a coconut fiber don't you have translation to telugu? - what do you want?- l want dance classes -are you telugu?- yes - where are you from?- hyderabad -are you married?- no - how many kids do you have?- 5 why don't you talk to her l want to learn dance

what kind? break, folk,rock, rap, hip-hop, salsa? we are asking about dance, not vegetables - those are dance forms- yes, l know that too leave all that, teach himtraditional kuchipudi dance he is crazy,don't worry him - what's the dance that girl's teaching?- hip hop - yes, l want to learn hip-hop- one ortwo of you want to learn? two of ushere's the fee madam, these two are new joineesthey are telugu folks

fine, l'll attend to themyou can go hey, do you have any sense? she has retorted l'm not your dance master l'll call your instructor,go and stand there warm up today,l will teach you from tomorrow l have a doubt are you a dance teacheror kung fu teacher? don't l look like a dance teacher?

you should shake your entire for hip-hopbut you only move your hip this is hip and that is uptogether it is hip-up ls this dance? appears like you've got fits shut upcome for the class from tomorrow - why did you leave without telling me?- you want me to say bye, see you? that old woman is harassing me - haven't we come to fall in love with nandu?- we? lt is me l came here for you because you love her

but, after seeing her,l've fallen in love with her - brother, how can you be my competition?- what do you think of yourself?. women fall for you because youare a 6 footer and flaunt a 6 pack? what about men like mewho are short and bald? 50% of lndian men are like me you please withdraw since you are pleasing,l'll make you an offer lf you can woo nandiniin one week, then it's ok else, return to lndia

allright - l'll make you another offer-another one? l will even helpyou fall in love with nandini thanks, in that casel'll definitely succeed l'm calling you l will start your classafter they finish their rehearsal, ok? not here, look at my face - david, you know this movement?- yes, ma'am teach him! and you practicel'll watch it tomorrow

why are you looking there?she's got a nice figure? - very nice- what's your name? where are you from?why don't you speak? has madam asked all this?teach me the movement, sir let's practice now! come l can do thisfirst teach the dance stop always you teach thisteach me differently l plead, stop it! micheal jacksondied so young after he saw you dance

- a pig dances betterthan you- oh, so, even you dance better than l do? - yes l do- so, are you a pig? - why did you get me here?- nandini comes here after dance class - turn around, she's sitting right behind- yes of course you said you'd help me in my love life?please do something - l'll manage, you wait- thanks will you step aside?l need to talk to you why? please don't look at methat way, am shy

please come, my boy wantsto talk to you ok, l'll come l've spoken to her, you can tell herthat you love her l don't know what you're saying - tell her l love you- me? tell her l love you - l should tell this girl l love you- yes, say so what happens to my cousin? you hit me?!

when l try to help youyou hit me in front of that girl? you are ill-fated you see how she looks like, andhow my cousin looks like? you want me to betray my sweetheart please don't hit meyou hit me, even after l told you sita, gita, mona, sony, mini, sonu...all of you come here - what happened?- l've been insulted - l will fix it, tell me who did that?- you shut up the man who came to learn dancefrom me says l'm not beautiful

- correct, isn't it?- l'm tense, don't mess with me his cousin is better than me, he says apparently my eyes are not goodmy body is not good, he says baby, don't you worry l'll make sure he saysthat you are beautiful jessie, l'm going crazy you go back to lndia you hit me in front of nandiniwhen l tried helping you you shouldn't stay hereyou go back to lndia

l'll settle down here with nandinigo away that will be injustice to me brotherif you settle down with nandini l didn't do that intentionally, it'swrong to hit you, l'm sorry nandini has a sexy figure,and is a dance teacher many would've told her l love you lf l do the same then she won't give a hootso l tried a reverse method sorry, l faulted you have developed so well, like that towerafter you become friends with me - you need to help me again please?- what is it?

you need to again go to nandiniand tell herthat l'm in love with her ok fine! l gave you my word - so l will do it- thanks you won't hit me again this time? promise?ok, go, have fun you silly fellow,you hit me in front of her, she sympathizes with me,and that's the 1st step to love - dad, why did you come without informing me?- because you did not come l felt like seeing my daughterso l came

l have a small doubt, is anyonedisturbing you here? nothing of that sortl'm very happy here you come and disturb me - do you need any security?- l came to bangkok as l don't like all that l will go away to a different countryif you insist that l have security - you really have no disturbance?- l need to go for swimming practice - please trust me, l'm truly happy- l trust what my daughtertells me l'm getting late, l'll go dad - where did you go?- stand out and ensure none comes in

- david, tell me- nanu has come here - why did he come there?- l think he's doubting something - ls he still there or left?- he has left - you be careful- ok, big brother what are you looking at? nandini must be at the swimming poollet's go you wait herel'll deal with her he is the casanova he is my dream boy

he is still in my dreams even film-stars and cricket playerswill get jealousy seeing his smartness he is my dream boy...! jessie, leave nowor l'll sack you tell me she isjealous, l'll see youlater at the dance class l try to hook you up with nanduand she is trying to hook up with me - because you are so sexy- so, anyone can hook up with me? l'm in a different range,am bald and have a paunch

lt's correct forget your problems for a whileand hook me up with nandini please you are so properwhen it comes to pleading me wait, l'll get her here - excuse me, ma'am- what? will you come out for 5 minutes?l need to talk to you yesterday, you both fought sayinghis cousin is better than me and left... ...l was standing like ajoker therethat's why he has come to say sorry at least now, please tell her that youlove her and have it all set

these guys are just too much l can see! this is the right timeto show them my heroism tell her tell her...tell her l love youwhy do you look up? you said you wouldn't hit meand you started to hit again - shut up- how many times should l shut up are you crazy?how can l love her? lt's not enough to have eyes, nose, earsthey have to be aligned, don't they? alignment? that is for a house?not for body

well, lt applies to bodies in bangkok my cousin looks like the moon,and she like a demon my cousin is a beauty, and she is scary she is ok to dance with, butnot to fall in love with what do you think of yourself?that you speak badly about me? - you come here- why do you call him? ma'am this is not concerned to you no ma'am, he will hit me you come here

why are you behaving like this?l'm talking to you can't you see what a beauty ma'am is? l've been waiting for a monthfor her to talk to me come onsay sorry to her don't look at mesay sorry to her david, leave him, l don'twant any trouble leave him for my sake l'm leaving you because madam said soyou please come madam - why are you crying?- that woman raped me

- who?- that hip-hop lnstead of teaching dance, shesays she wants to rape me - lt's ok, commit yourself to her- she isn't a 16 year old, she's a 60 year old - you want a 16 year old?- how do you care whether a 16 or a 60? - nandini is dancing with that boy there- l'm waiting as nandini will come here nandini is coming here, l'll managesomething, you too do so please l can happily seemy cousin through my laptop when l'm here, else l have to seethat boring teacher's face - what did you say?- oh! you are here?

you just saw her is it? lf your cousin is beautiful then worship herbut don't comment that l'm not beautiful l never said you look bad am only saying my cousin ismore beautiful than you are ask your cousin here, and let's seewhether she is better than l am my sweetheart will not come here, soyou can come home to see her - tell me where to come! address, please?- this is my address l'll look at your cousin and thenlet's see who is better lf l go like this in front of him...

won't work! lf he's saying so then hiscousin must be more beautiful than l am baby, you're wrong should l give you a new idea?from what he says... ...his cousin will come in a saree, so, yougo in a swim suit, as a reverse strategy - swim suit, why don't you wear it?- l tried! 3 died, and one is in coma - nothing happened to you?- l am a complan girl lnstead of laughing, why don't yougive me a new idea to impress him? you try one saree after the otherand we will select not nice

- really?- yes, madam when his cousin spots you in this sareeshe will hang herself dead with this saree lf his cousin is betterthan her, thenwill she hang herself to death in this saree? l'll kill you and that rishi my cousin walks this way everydayso l lay buckets of flowers for her - you know she is beautiful- did l ask? whether or not you ask, she isbeautiful! you go and sit there humans need flowers, but flowersdon't need flowers - well, who is a flower here?- l am

go and sit there please my darling, sweetheart, your fans are here! come and give her an autograph she says she won't come, so you comebe careful not to step on the flowers look, that's my cousin god, please let me be morebeautiful than his cousin is look at those sexy l feel like looking at them,but l can't because they are too sexy what eyes! look at you!

look at those lips softerthan rose petals feel like biting that lower lip that is lips yours are rough look at how elegant my cousin is... l feel like kissing her midriff, but no l want to hold hertight and sleep how can l not say such a cousin ismore beautiful than you are?

- how is my cousin?- horrible excellent is your figureas ultimate is my arrogance lf you and l become one,shout out in joy your complexion,such a marvelous color lf you and l fall in love,yell out in happiness your heart l cherish,the one who touched my heart, you are the very breath of life don't hide the thoughtsthat's in your mind come on say it out, quickly, hastily

l shall follow youwhatever you choose to say l will not stop botheringyou even if you say no you can sprout wings and flywherever you want l shall be there beforeyou even reach, won't l for sure? you can rant and rave at meall you want as if l was mad l still won't take it to heart,nor feel bad today or tomorrow,in any case you'll confess so why don't you tell methose words today itself lt's impossible to hide your feelingsfor sure it's bound to spill out

come on, blurtyour thoughts out in a jiffy don't commit the mistakeof saying it being there or not there my dear girl don't continueto burn my heart...aiyo! when your 2 eyes aretelling me of your love you deny, your lips too arewhispering sweet words, l swear lf you really have a heartand feel it belongs to me love andshout 1 43( l love you) loudly! they will leave when you turn, not me - what do you want now?- you

you fell for me the momentl said you are my cousin, isn't it? don't act, say l love you who told you so? - don't you?- shut up l flipped for you when l saw you 1st then? why didn't you tell me? tell me l love you not now, l need to have a personalconversation with you for 5 minutes l will say it after we talk, come

tell me l love youl can't wait we don't know each other'sfamily background do you want to tell mefirst or should l tell? - you tell me- my dad is an llc agent don't you understand? my mom is a homemaker she cooks welll'm scared of fights believe too many fights in hyderabad, somy parents sent me to bangkok -are you from hyderabad?- oh, so you too are from hyderabad?

don't rush inyou really don't like fights? l have a good body,but l'm a soft guy just imagine that guy beat me up atthe swimming pool, and l kept standing there even my 5 foot friend hits mel don't retaliate l am a soft guy l ask all this becausemy dad is a big goon... ...called nanu in hyderabad,works with stephen robert after my mom passed away,l've seen a lot of fights... ...where my dad killed in front of me l came here becausel couldn't bear all that

that's when l decided... the man l'll marry must be a nice guydoesn't matter if he doesn't have money should look after me like a child that's why l enquired aboutyour family background why are you silent? you won't love meas l am nanu's daughter? not that nandu, l would've done a goodthing, had l been in your place... can't do it, you could've helped somany families if you wanted to... ...but you can't so such a good thing good thing to do? tell mewhat l can do, l'll do

nobody but your dad knows howstephen robert look like lf you can get their picturesand give it to the police... will help so many families but you can't do such a good thing no, l will do it you've asked me to doa good thing, not a bad thing right? - l'll do it for you- promise? l promise on our lovel love you now, tell me you love me

give me a tight hugand tell me that you love me what happened?lf your dad's men spot us... yes, l understood l will book tickets now,and let's go to hyderabad let's love each other in hyderabad l doubted you the momentyou came for dance class you pretending to love nandu why do you ask about stephen robert? where are you from? tell me

brother, he isn't going to talk, whydo you want to risk it, kill him - hey!- yes, brother l called my brother in bangkok buthe isn't taking my call, find out brother, please come in - how are you, sir?- what happened brother? wait, driver, you get the car outand l will be with you soon come sir, let's sit and talk tell us what happened brother lt's exactly like we discussed

nandini is a nice girl,she's gone home now we can get the pictures of stephenrobert any moment lnformation for you l've killed anthony's brotherdavid in bangkok my presence is not good for you both l'll come once l get the picturestake care cancel my appointments for today l want to spend the day with my daughter how can you say sorryto me, my girl?

l don't like fights dad, but, 1 day,in bangkok during some fight l mentioned... ...names of stephen robert everyone ran and l understoodhow powerful they are - really?- yes dad, they are famous in bangkok too l'm such a duffer l take so long tounderstand anything l believe none has seenstephen robert till now ls that so difficult to see them dad? yes, it is difficult for other

not for my daughterdo you want to see? wow, they fight so well,like good villains aren't they very strong? - hey rishi, l've good news for you- have you got them? the pictures? you asked for pictures,but l found a video itself - l'm coming there- now? lt's 11 pm, not now, tomorrow why did you come here at this time? l told you l'll give you tomorrow, go lt's a problem if dad hears it

nobody messes with stephen robert brother, he must have got the pictures - why are you here?- l've come for dinner you want to be killed, like your dad who came here enquiringabout stephen robert? - we don't know anything sir- you don't now? we don't know you think this is your driverhe is my man now, tell me - no one came here?- no, sir

someone came her twice asking aboutstephen robert, he told me only later... ...that's why l killed him fast now tell me who came here you won't tell me! lf l take herthen you will bring him rishi, you didn't take my callwhere did you go? stephen robert's men found out thatyou visited us, and took my sister away - sir, please save my sister- get up! l found out that stephen roberts arethe people l'm looking for l won't spare anyone

she is my sistertoo and l won't let her anyone harm her this is dangerous! after hearing thisl shouldn't be here anymore what happened? what? what happened? someone called rebel hit us badly he warned that he will kill me, youand even stephen robert how does he look? please don't kill me you know why l'm not killing you?

lnform that there is someone tokill stephen robert looting, killing people, harmingwomen isn't masculinity ask them to face me and fight me war has begun, ask them to escape they cannot! stephen robert would'veseen different kinds of tigers... ...but they haven't seen a tiger that hasbeen hungry for 2 years which found it's food l will be in your area tomorrow at 5 now, you'll go and inform stephen robertand they will but ask you... ...who is this that has come to our area,our kingdom and killed our people

go tell them... that l'm rebel,their death mascot where does he live? where is he? he's challenged to kill him whilsthe lights his cigarette... ...and walks from that bus stopand finishes his coffee there why isn't he here yet? the signal is here - go george- just me?

- yes, one man is enough- no, even 100 men aren't enough l'm lucky, mine waslike a vernacular film he is unlucky to gothrough a english film shoot that fellow! let me run away from here sir, please forgive me you've got good news,and that is l'm going to kill you lt's my style to givegood and bad news the bad news is thatl've killed your brother too

this place has to be cleaned upbefore l finish counting 3. tell me who are you? rishi, talkto me, l've been asking you. l will tell you, but 1st move yourhand away from him rishi is not a goon,like you are presuming he is the son of our god mr bhoopathi sir is here, let's go brother people feel protectednot because of politicians or gods... ...but because they trust police they don't needa wrong doing police station

raju, seal this police station greetings sir, if you lock our policestation, we'll lose our jobs superintendent, do you know whatthis fellow has done? lakshmi, tell him what happened sir, this is my brother, he is physicallychallenged and can't speak... ...he was duped selling our land, sowhen he approached police for help... l won't say like that - sir, since he is your nephew...- so what? jairam, your son is at faultshould we let him go?

don't leave him - l will...- stop heard that? whether he is our manor an outsider, we punish the guilty raju, he can't livein our house nor our village banish him lf l see you around ever again,you will be killed sister-in-law, brother is on his way why did your son behave like that? l am unfortunate!my wife died after birthing him

he is dead to me, after today big brother is walking in angry uma, please bring coffee for sir lakshmi, l don't want coffee,l'm not feeling good please don't disturb me for an hour but, please listen to me...our son called... - greetings, sir!-all of you have my son's horoscope unlike me, he grew up traditionally l've kept him away from this blood shedand educating him in bangalore

tell me what his horoscope says - what can you see in his horoscope- that he can hit very well - sir, is this yours or your son's?- lt is my son's, any issue with it? no! there is no co-relation towhat you've described and what's here - what do you mean?- does your son listen to music? yes! he wears headphones he's been listening to classical music music can melt stones,but stones can't learn music what do you say junior?.

- l didn't hear a thing sir- good then - what is the confusion?- ls your son in love? my son isn't that kind does he touch women, sir? what are you saying? l'm telling you that he is not in love,how can he touch women extremely sorry sir you don't need to be inlove to touch women, you need 5000 bucks

- you can touch forfree, if she is a lover- you can hear these things, idiot! priest, tell us what kindof a girl he will marry? he should know better,instead of asking - what are you saying?- oh nothing sir, l'm looking at this sir, she'll look after her in-laws wellis good-looking, good-character, cultured - priest, so many girls?- nosy fellow l'm referring to 1 girlwith all these qualities you have a good nose, take care of it priest, you said 'confusion', ismy son's horoscope all right?

yes ma'am it is, l'm flawed priest, answer to the point, wedon't need to know your issues lt is okay, sirthis guy is a tough cookie this boy's horoscope is the reverseof what he spoke should we tell them? lf you tell them so, it will hurt their egoand they will kill us so, you shut up but how can we bluff and beuntruthful to our profession our profession will feed usbut do not kill us

do you see that fellow... ...lf he shoots us though our mouththen we will be dead in no time... - concur with them, and let's run away- ls that so? your son is a very nice boy, has respectfor elders, doesn't have any vices allergic to girl friends and keepsaway from fights and killing... keep quiet your son is like basha (movie name)without flashback ...billa (movie name) without action perfect (movie name)without girl friends

can we leave now, sir? thank you for confirminggood things about my son raju, give them a reward so hugethat they haven't seen in their life does he mean to blind usby saying that? - your phone is ringing- why do you shout? yes, father -are you coming tomorrow?- yes, dad -are you going to the temple everyday?- yes, twice daily - do you wear vermillion when you go?- yes, dad! a long one

- have you been learning classical music?- yes, dad! l even practice in the bathroom get your music teacher along tomorrow do l need to get my teacher along? - for practice! here isn't a music teacher- how can teacher...? - ls there any problem?- no, anyone will come for money money?! l mean, l need tospend on train, tickets etc you will come soon, right?come soon he is coming, right?

- l'm caught- what happened? l have to go home alongmy music teacher tomorrow what do you meanby music teacher? my dad sent me to study and learn musicl haven't done either but l found you - then you are caught- yes, l am terribly caught no - you are my music teacher- me? l don't know music - l too don't know music right- but what if your dad finds out he too doesn't know music

please, you don't haveto perform or teach you think they will believe meas your music teacher you think it's believablethat l know music let's bluff them but how can wemake them believe? my music teacher should've been oldbut you're sexy, let's camouflage you - l'm scared rishi- don't be scared, l'm there but you yourself are scared okay, let's manage somehow

l'll evaluate his moodand tell him about us - please darling, help me- okay, let's go lt's difficult for me to come as l have totake the permission of my 3 mothers - can you repeat the question?- permission of my 3 mothers - you have 3 mothers?- yes - my life is battered- what happened, rishi? you have 3 mothers?then how many fathers? shut up - you shut up- don't speak wrongly about me

not me, it's you speaking wrongly l've wooed you but haven't known you oryourfamily background l was cheatedbad selection hold your tongue 3 mothers and fathers,ridiculous family shut upppp! don't utter a word about my family come with mel'll show you my family

you told nonsenseabout my family, right? she is my 1st mother,this is an orphanage l don't have my parents l am an orphan somebody took me and dropped at here she raised metill l was 10 years old and she passed awaybecause of illness come, l'll show you my 2nd mother then, lord jesus appearedfrom the sky

mother... she is my 2nd mother mother, this is the rishil told you about greetings she raised metill l was 15 years old she taught me my entire grooming mom, l need to talk to you after class come, let me introduceyou to my 3rd mother touch this one-

mother! she is my 3rd mother after 15 years of agewe are sent to her she looks after me now mother, l need to talkto you for 5 minutes l'll leave the kids in classand come to office please go and wait there rishi, what happened?everyone is looking sorry, l spoke wrong

you're not an orphanl'm there for you deepali has told us aboutyou and yourfamily you can take her - thanks ma'am, come deepali- just wait, my dear - what is it, ma'am?- deepali is very special to us - ls that so?- we can't send her like that we would like to give hera farewell this evening - this evening?!- yes you can take hertomorrow

- you go get ready forthe function- should l get ready too? - you'll get ready only if you go now- yes, that's right sister, you're better lookingthan uncle is sister, we knowhow you look like yes, he's right here touch him - how is he?- he looks very good uncle has a very good heart,he'll look after our sister very well lnexpressible happiness hoy,like a sudden burst within my heart hoy

as if beautiful land of gods, heavenhas come visiting down to earth lips with just a hint of smile, like lightningarrived bright and shining, the first diwali everything has come together, like you deepalioh my dear deepali closeted within our own world,thinking it's only ours, who shall it benefit lf everyone in this world belongs to youthen no one will appear as a stranger a bunch of flowers bloom on a single stalkand the ocean is one, while its waves are many every single atom ofmy lifebeing is for one and all let at least a few people outthere witness our happiness binding me with bonds of loveyou call me your little one

as l came closer l realizedmy faults and shortcomings dreams that were dreamt/unseenwere realities... which only you made me realize hey, yesterday and the day before that,thoughts in my mind hereafter, l shall stepalong only with you will l not always comewith only you, deepali? oh my deepali! dad...! our acting starts now!

l thought this boy would be modernbut he appears so traditional sir brought up his son very principledand traditional, so he's like this how come he is like this? he should've been like a tigerbut he looks like a mouse? she has grayedbut has a fit body you scoundrel! - respected father!- wow, what values he has! get up, son - you grew unto be how l expected- l'll be dead if you find out

- my son- yes mother, tell me whenever your dad sees you, he is ashappy as he was when he saw you at birth - l too feel the same mother- look at how humble he is - uncle...- get up, my boy but, l feel horrible dad, she is my music teacher you are a teacher,you shouldn't do this l will tell her you old teacher, you are supposed tobe older, you shouldn't touch their feet

- you rascal, lend me your hand- yes, teacher she's old, so she has body pains on the occasion of our son's visitwe invite you for lunch at the temple - you must attend the function- we will do, sir - dad, what's all this?- nothing, dear! sit next to your mom - teacher...!- sir! as a child, when our sonused to sing rhymes l thought he would bea great singer someday we wanted someoneto dance to his singing... we looked fora good dance teacher we found him in the next villageraju, call him dance master, please come my name is kamal hassan shiv shankar you'll be the winner if you singuninterruptedly to my dance else, l'll be the winner if l dancecontinuously to your song so, who is singing to my dance? - my son- this boy... - which is the northeast?- lt is that side

his nose is so long l've seen a lot like thesekeep it aside lord, only you and l are awarethat l can't dance please make sure l win, my lord l'm going to dance nowwill you play the music? well played l'm ready discuss what you're going tosing and what he will dance to what dance do you know?

what form of dance do you want?kuchipudi, manipuri, godhumapuri... - godhumapuri?- yes, latest dance from orissa have you learnt these,orjust heard of them? don't say that, l will be pissed offwhat song do you know? why are they talkingto each other like that? when big artists meet,that's how they converse l know classical music,bengali, malayali music l have all cd's - you mean cd's?- l'm as clear as a cd is

who is yourteacher?. kamal hassan fromsagara sangamam (movie name) ...and manju bhargavi fromshankarabharanam (movie name) ...and master shiv shankar they are my teachersare you ready? this man seems very talentedlet me try scaring him a bit have you ever seen anyonegiving up their life whilst dancing? l think he is trying to scare me have you seen anyone givingup their life whilst singing?

why should l lose to him,unnecessary strain? perhaps l should tell the truth l'm sure of losing to him, so instead ofbecoming a fool l rather tell dad the truth - sir...- dad... lt seems he can't dancels he faking? maybe l should settlea compromise with him - what are you murmuring?- dad, we want to discuss 1 more time - master, l need to tell you something- l too need to tell you something - you are older, so, please go-ahead- l don't know to dance

- you cannot dance?- yes, l can't he is caught then everyone saysyou're a big dancer ln the past l used todance at a grave yard... ...forthe lack of money omkarappreciated and gave me a certificate then master shiv shankargave me this ornament l can't dance, but looks likeyou can't sing either, right? since you don't know dancel can sing very well you know what will happenif my dad finds out this?

he will shoot youwith his gun please somehow save mel'm not even married yet ok! l'll sing, and you act tiredand fall down before l finish should we start? - we are ready- then start what is this non-sense! - you are so good with music- credit goes to all cd's of music directors cd's?! you were singing all through-

boys, he talks too muchthrow him out - what if sir gets to know?- these boys will throw you before that hail brother simhadri - greetings, sir- please sit down with your help, l gotthe mla ticket last time l'm hoping you'll support me again - uma- yes, sir - do you get water in your colony?- we get it once a week, sir - how are the roads in your street?- full of trenches, sir

heard that mr simhadri? people vote hoping you'll helpbut not for you to enjoy lf you'd done yourjob correctly... ...people would've supported you,and you needn't have been here understood?please go sir, l need to talk to you personallyplease don't refuse only for 5 minutes sir, only you can save me lf l lose my power,l lose my life

l've a lot of money andl'll give you all of it please support meand make me win no, sir l would've killed you, but a rebellike me can't stoop to that level don't tell anyonethat l hit you people won't cast their vote for youand you will lose your deposit let's go smile please else outside people will suspect

not that much l can't winwhilst he is alive kill him somehow what are these bruises? the old man took meto his room and kissed me you idiot! - slaughter that bhoopathi- lt's not within our purview, sir - you are so huge, you can't kill 1 man?- no one in this state can kill him then call someone from bihar

tomorrow there is a celebratorylunch at the kali temple for his son tell your men to disguiseas women and finish him he has to die! greeting, sir dad, the deity looks so fierce? she is goddess kali,so she's like that priest, start the prayers raju, take my son home safely you go and take care my dad

nothing will happen to himyou come with me - dear!- sir... brother! rays of sun is rebel flow of water is rebel he is our rebel, the young tiger - that is a sword- l know, please step back - you are bleeding- l do know, step back please - you tell me to step back?- step back

oh goddess kali! everyone stand still mother, father, sister,brother, children... ...all my people step behind me only those who wantto kill my dad... ...dare face me come on l knew it, you were born tohit, hit them and kill them let's not spare this fellow!

he is coming with fiery face,to destroy his enemies he is moving with mighty,to ruin the wicked people he is making thunderswith his blows he is turningas god-death's guard he is roaring andjumping like a lion he has started to eradicate evils oh goddess kali sacrificing...! bless victory to him

c'mon hit, put your foot downand start hitting - who sent you?- simhadri you dare to plan killing my dad? do you know whyl'm not killing you? my dad will be painedif l kill you, go live l've never been cheated you've turned out exactlyhow l didn't want you to be what was that fight? you can't live in this houseleave now

sir... you reared an orphan like me l've never spoken to you,but today l will speak what will you say? what ifsomething happened to my boy who? our boy? he fought100 men by himself sir, had he not been there today,something would've happened to us l've been wondering from when l sawhim that your blood can't be like this the boy until yesterday isn't your son today, by hitting those bihar menhe proved that he is your son

your son should be like this,word for word, death for death sir, only a cub is born to a tiger - please forgive me if l spoke wrongly- yes brother, raju is correct whatever you'll say, l can'taccept him being like this we are helping people, but,we've developed so many enemies we don't know what can happenat any point of time that's why, this sagashould end with me why should it end, sir?you don't need lineage to do bad but you need lineage to do good

dad, l've grown up watching youhow can l be any different than you are? please forgive me for lying to youthat l pretended to learn music one more thing mom, please come here deepali, come here her name is deepaliand we are in love you told me that rich peopleshould marry poor... ...and people with familyshould marry orphans she doesn't have parents or anyone

she is an orphan who said she is an orphan?she has all of us why are you selling your property? you need property and l need moneytell me which property you want? - the house in seethammadhaara- here are the papers, go! - leave the money, take these land papers- what land papers are these? lt belongs to this house you selling this house?what will you do? l'll marry you and settle down!give the money and get out

l don't want property,power or prestige l only want to see his deathl can die after that bhoopati can't be killed by outsiders,or by men from bihar only an insider can kill him,so l called you l know what transpired after yourson was beaten up by your brother why did you come here? he did not spare his nephew,and you too supported him are you my father?was l born to you? had l supported you, hewould've shot us there

that's his power! you're angry now, but l've beenangry with him for the last 10 years we can't do anything now l'll call for you at the right timecome and avenge him then! l know how much you are aspiringfor your brother's position lt's enough if you do as l saymy men will murder him he is stephen from hyderabad he started with small murdersand has now become big murderer you heard on tv about the 20 peoplewho died recently

he killed them till now, no weapon or person has beenborn that could kill bhoopati but now, the weapon to kill bhoopati hasbeen born- the collaboration between you - brother- you sit this is mr subramanya sharma, a verywell known priest from rajahmundry since our boy is getting married,l've showed him both their horoscopes he suggests that we getsome pooja (prayer) done they should live a long lifethat is my wish should we get it vettedby another priest here?

when you saying it withsuch trust, let's do it what should we do priest? tomorrow is full moon day the boy has to offer prayers to lord siva'sand lord narasimha's temples... ...2 different placesat 9:30 a.m tomorrow morning oh sure but, how can he offer prayers at 2different places at the same time? no problem let our boy will go to narasimha swamytemple, and let us both go to shiva temple

take the boy to narasimha swamytemple, we are going to shiva temple sir, l will come with you no, l'll go with big brotheryou take the boy correct, brother? he'll take care usyou take care the boy - where is deepali?- she is coming - deepali, come soon- coming, mom - go with rishi, dear- come do you want to come with us?

want to go with mom? l'll go with mom and dad - greetings, sir- greetings -all preparations ready for the prayer?- yes sir, please come in mom... dad, you've done as planned you son of a gun die! sir, get up

ma'am, get up l told youl'll come with you you refused l would'vesaved you with my life get up, sir l'm an orphan sir,l don't have anyone but you don't make me an orphan again rishi, they've killed them l couldn't save mom and dad l shouldn't have left you alone

rishi, l want you... he'll take care of sister very well deepali is very special to us will you kiss me once? your dad is dead l made a plan and killed himhow dare you to mess with me? wondering who killed?l planned but 2 people executed 1 is your uncle,and l won't name the 2nd

you want to kill them?look for them you can go searching the world,but you won't find them come! don't you feel like killing me? l won't give youa chance to kill me l'll kill by myself - tell me, where have they gone?- l won't tell go, search for themand catch them raju, l want them they killed everyonel want them

after that we don't knowwhere his uncle disappeared later we found outthat stephen robert were... ...running a business in hyderabadso we came here rishi came to bangkok to procurepictures from you, nanu's daughter this misfortune should not happento anyone else ever again so he started to kill everyoneassociated with that group only 3 people are leftyour dad, stephen and robert lf you let us knowwhere stephen robert are... ...we'll spare your dad,else will kill him too

l pretended to love you in a big to reachthem, as l didn't know what else to do what are you seeing? eat, since you are so thin let me tell you a story a boy chases a girl andprofess his love once she reciprocates, he reveals thathe loved someone else and says sorry nice story! my and luckyou!!!! you said your lovewas acting, okay?

but if your acting was so good,imagine if it were true! oh my goodness! ls there anyone prouder than you? ls there anyone greater than you? ls there anyone as good hearted as you? which blessed motherwere you born to...poda poda l am the perfect bridewho will marry you for sure l always thought you wereordinary, that you were just so-so l always thought you werelike everyone else around, da

but, you are electric andyour bodymuscles full of talent l saw all this with my own eyes da my girl with a snap of your fingersl surrender to you happily like a perfect pair,to sing and dance, you are the right one the girls look at your heightand fall flat...fall flat oh my goodness, the competitionbecomes real tight, sure it does l witnessed the goods like itand snatched it for myself l closed the door, gave you betel leaves,claimed you as mine with a promise l prayed that the driverof our cart/jataka would be you

lf you happen to be so,l shall make your heart my bed lf you agree, you become my equal half we shall play the game,l declare you are my beloved half which blessed mother wereyou born love bird l shall truly get marriedto you under a pandal your desired glancesmake cold winter into me the breath you takeis my life like summer my dear, it piercesmy heart like a bullet hey man, the door to heaven,is in your hands

tight like the hold of a wild lizardmoniter,l fell into your clutches like pure gold all over,l love it and gives me a pepenthusiasm hey, you and l are major,old enough, so why waste time l want to hang you aroundmy neck as the tiger-claw pendant which blessed mother wereyou born to...poda poda l always thought you were ordinary,that you were just so-so someone called rebelhas been killing our men, l hearthat we are the next target this looks very grave to me, letstell stephen robert about this

let us deal with him,where is he? lf you think you can kill stephen robertby just killing 2 of our men, it's a pity you have no idea aboutwho stephen and robert are l don't need to know about you oncel've introduced myself you want to tell me where they areor should l kidnap you? you will kidnap me, that tooafter informing me? ok, when, where and what time? your wish, you choosethe time and place you are a man! come and kidnap mefrom my house at 10 tomorrow

gather all security in the cityas he has challenged... kidnap me from my own house lt's 10 like you said, where are you?you cannot kidnap me - l will- you can't l willkidnap! dad, l left home as l couldn't bear youranarchy, but that didn't stop you rishi will kill you if you don't revealthe whereabouts of stephen robert nandini, l don't have any sentimentsguys, shoot my daughter you want to kill me?you want to kill nanu?

she is not my daughterl'll kill her l'm your daughter, dad shall i give you a twist?boys... rebel's very smart, he bought over your wingman farooq and everyone else last night don't waste my time,where is stephen robert? l won't reveal raju, he is lazy sitting inthis ac room and won't talk shift him nandu can't bear it if we tortureher father, take her home, please

rishi, however bad he maybe, heis my dad, please take care of him l don't care whether you kill stephenrobert or me, but kill her 1st she isn't my daughteranymore, kill her don't do thatl'll tell you you summon themby telling them it's a big deal - they won't come- you'll make them come sir, this is nanu - there is a big deal- how much? -approximately 100 crores- where do we meet?

- the usual place, sir- ok, l'll see you there nice names! l didn'texpect to find you so easily you thought l would apologizethat l did all this for money? you thought you could locateyour uncle so easily? lf we were so easy, then we wouldn't havescaled international repute in just 2 years you want to catch stephen robert? got confused? you fool! we are not stephen robert you can't do anything to usstephen robert is calling you, speak

how are you rishi? after a long timewe are stephen roberts, your uncle your silly plot to catch usby trapping ourjunior man you can't touch us because your lover andyour wing man are with us your own househero's house lsn't it new to hear?lt'll be very nice, if you come here how do you do, my boy? you are angry with me? what to do, life's like that,but no chance

feeling to kill me? you haven't seen howyour dad was killed? his eyes were closedand l shot him like this lt took you 2 years to see us,lt will take you many years to kill lt is impossible to kill us another man needs to be bornto kill this stephen robert no, a real man can onlycan be born, not made you have 100 guards knowing thatl'm coming alone, you are a man? you've killed your own people,you're a man?

fight me without guns and swordsand l'll admit you are a man l'll give you 5 minutes,ask your men, 1 or 100... come and fight and kill mein that 5 minutes pass that 5th minute... l will start hitting fromthe 6th minute and kill in one blow swear on my dad,l'll beat your son to death that's being a man!who else is a man here? don't get tensed lt's been ages since l murdered

whether it's a machine or a man,it remains sharp when in use you don't need me to kill youwomen are enough to kill girls can't kill rebel, stephendon't waste time, send the boys rishi, get up! he has gotten up, see! you have 1 minute leftkill me ask him to get up hit him! that's the power of rebel just one stroke andthe guy won't ever get up

he is dead, checkif you are doubting my son... are you weeping?weep! from this day,my name is deepali hey, whatever l amwhoever l choose to be

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