
full movie comedy

Saturday, April 1, 2017

lila rani, the media guys are here. oh god, i asked my husband todye my hair, but he forgot it. is my grey hair visible?- no. then it's ok. now let's get started. your mother, your elder sister,your younger sister, your wife.. ...all of women.- all are women! for women men are..- lovers! you fools! it's not's enemies. for women men are..- enemies.

the evil relangi raj babu whooutraged a woman's modesty.. must be felicitated!- no! he must be punished. yes, he must be punished. silkshalika who is fighting.. ...for women's equal rights..- must be punished. no! she must be felicitated.- she must be felicitated. our women's organization'spresident mrs. lila rani.. must be punished!- oh god! you are wrong again. down! down! down! down!- oh hell! oh hell! oh hell! oh hell!- what's this, jyoti lakshmi?

when you hired them you should'vechecked their iq. it's the month of religiousvows, sister. that's why most of thewomen are in temples. since there's weren't many people.. ...i brought these labor workersfrom centre. - alright! the media guys are here.shout loudly! men's atrocities..- must be stopped! women must get..- the protection. what's going on?- today there's the hearing..

...of a sensational case.- sensational case? yes, i guess this is the firsttime in our country.. ...that such a case is going on.- what's the case? rape case. - such men shouldn'tbe brought to court.. ...but they must be shot inthe middle of a street. you are shooting withoutknowing the matter. the attempted rape didn'thappen on a lady. but the victim is a man here.- what do you mean! a man tried to rape another man?

no, that's not the case. agirl tried to molest a man. how lucky! will you giveme that girl's address? who's that fool who didn'tco-operate with the lady.. ...and filed a case against her? relangi raj babu!- down! down! silk shakila!- must get justice! relangi raj babu!- must get punished. what's this, miss. lila rani!the boy filed a case.. ...against that girl of attemptedrape and fighting for..

...that girl's justice?- we are not bothered about it. all we know is supportingfellow women. that's all. you mean we should sufferwithout raising a voice.. ...if you women molest us?- why? is it only men who can.. ...molest women? you can rape us,but we can't rape you? yes, we can! yes, we can! a fellow woman triedto molest a man.. save the rights of womenand you are stopping her? you are stopping her?you are stopping her?

when women can get equalrights in everything.. ...then why can't we womenget equal rights in rapes? why can't we..- you need not rape men. if you even touch us wewill surrender ourselves. what do you say, brothers?- he's right. he's right. we men won't stop youlike you women stop us. order! order! order! rajanala, get started.- my client raj babu came to.. ...hyderabad for si-trainingand took a room on rent.

and the accused silk shakilawho is landlord's daughter.. ...set her eyes him and oneday went to his room.. take advantageof his condition. he didn't co-operate with her. and she attempted a rapeforgetting that he's.. ...a lonely man.- objection, your honor! does he have any evidenceto prove that my client.. ...has attempted rape?- those who rape people.. ...don't do it in presence ofvideo cameras and witnesses.

you raise such objectiononly for the sake of it.. ...but you too know it very well.- you stay quiet. you carry on. she was completely horny..- me? - no, it's shakila. and attacked my client. but itwas my client's good fortune.. ...that he wore pantexbriefs that day.. it's not pantex, sir. it's vip.- yes, we wore vip briefs.. ...and that's why hecould save himself. but tomorrow if shakilasucceeds in her attempt.. ...who will marry him?

ours is the land of the womenof eliyana, aarti agarwal.. ...sakshi shivanand, kareena kapoor,katrina kaif's stature. but women like shakila area danger for our society. that's why i request thecourt to punish shakila.. hard as possible.- objection, your honor! my client shalika hasbeen framed here. as far as i know nowoman can rape a man. that's not possible.- why? did you ever give it a try? no personals. jaysheela.- sir.

do you have any evidenceto prove that a woman.. ...can't rape a man?- i don't have any evidences, sir. then sit down. raj babu. - sir. - in todaygeneration when a mere.. ...eye-contact from a womanmakes men horny.. could you say 'no'to her even when she.. ...propositioned you and putyourself in such position! sir, we wear the clothes ofour choice, we eat the food.. ...our choice, we watchmovies of our choice.

and similarly tomorrow whenwe will marry a girl.. not we, just you.- that's what i meant. i want the girl of would be wifeto be a virgin, in the same way.. ...i should also not get impuretill marriage, right, sir? yes! yes! you are right. yourrape story is very interesting. tell me in detail whathappened on that day. that day i completedmy police training.. ...and returned to my room. after i took a bath and cameout of the bathroom..

h's you? why are you covering yourbody when you should be.. ...removing your clothes?are you feeling cold? i am feeling shy.- i saw whatever there was to see.. ...through the hole. there'snothing left to feel shy. you saw everything?- except your face. how can you see other menwhen they are bathing! because i don't havea man in my life. that's why i came here to see you.- don't touch me.

i don't have any skin diseases.- remove your hand. i didn't put my hand hereto remove it so easily. if you wish you can alsoput your hand on me. i am not that type of man.- but i am that type of woman. please get out of my rented room. if you say 'yes' you will getthis house along with me. even if i get this entire colony iwon't say 'yes'. i will say 'no'. i am requesting you andyou are rejecting me? god will punish you.

aunt mumtaz! aunt mumtaz! will you complain my motherabout me? - yes. you need not put so much effort.i will do it for you. mummy mumtaz! mummy mumtaz!- yes, baby. what's the matter?- look at raj. he's rejecting me. he might be feeling uncomfortableas i'm at home. i will be going to the second show. my mummy mumtaz has a lotof affection for me. i can see that.- what's the delay for!

i am not going to surrendermyself to you.. matter whatever you say or do. you need not surrender. i willforce you to surrender. o king manmadha! o king manmadha! don't play with a girl's heart. don't rob me and look aroundas if you know nothing. don't plant a kisson my rosy cheek! stop! if you come close i will..- you'll stab me?

no, i will stab myself. in that way i showed her theknife the entire night.. ...and saved myself. i escapedfrom that place.. ...only after the milkman and.. ...the newspaper-lender camethere at morning, sir. after going through suchhorrible experience.. didn't strangle yourselfto ceiling fan.. ...but you brought this matter tothe court. i appreciate you for it. your honor, there's astrong reason behind.. client committing suchmistake. - what's that? this boy used to work-outin short pants.. ...on the terrace inmy client's presence. so you don't want him to weareven those short pants? don't be so greedy.- no! he exposed and provoked my client. so you are agreeing that yourclient committed this crime. my client isn't a motionlessrock to be silent.. ...even after being provoked, butshe's an ordinary person..

...who eats chicken and mutton. we too eat fish and prawns.she's provoking us.. ...since morning along with them.did we lose control? sir, i haven't done thisto him with desire. we know that it was lust.- no. i love raj babu deeply. if you loved him so deeplythen you could've.. ...written a letter and sentit to him with your brother. i don't have a brother, sir.- then you should've sent.. sms, but why did you rape him?

don't you know why peoplerape others, sir? stop those stupid questions.answer my questions. i thought no other womanwould marry him.. ...if i molest him and thenhe would've married me.. he wouldn't havehad any other option. you heard that, your honor?- i am not deaf. it's been proved that the accusedcalled silk shalika.. ...has committed the crime,so she will have to spent.. ...6 months in women's jail.- it's injustice!

it's an atrocity! if a man would've raped a woman.. wouldn't have given himjust 6 months' jail term. he would've got minimum7 years prison term. so we women are not getting equalrights even in jail terms. i am opposing your verdict!- your verdict! who is she? - she's lila rani,the president of a women's.. ...welfare organization.- what does she do? she does everything expectliving with her husband.

even if a woman commitsa rape or a murder.. ...she protests for her rightsin front of the media. she can go to any length forpublicity. - hey, you scoundrel! how dare you to comment on me! come out of the courtroom.i will show what i can do. have you seen her, mr. judge,how she's threatening me! for your contempt in courti am giving you.. ...the jail term of 7 yearsin contempt of court. throw her in the cell..

you expected something andyou got something else. your plans have backfired. there's some good news for you, son. did i receive posting orders?- you will get that.. ...sooner or later. i founda nice girl for you. father, so you are tryingto make some extra money.. ...with such nasty side-businesses?- cut that crap! i saw a suitable girl foryou for your marriage. i don't want to getmarried so early.

but i want to get married.- sister wants to get married. so get her married.- but you should get married first.. get her married.- why so? because we will get hermarried with the dowry.. ...that you will get. - i am thefuture si. i won't take dowry. you take the girl. i will takethe dowry. - you worry about.. ...only your marriage.- she's a grown-up girl now. you have no idea what sortof a burden she is for us. if you delay your marriage shewill elope with someone..

...and we will have to coverour faces with helmets. that's not the thing, father!how can i get married.. ...without a job? - who saidthat she doesn't have a job? the girl is working as atypist in the mro office. i am not talking about hermarriage. it's about my job. even your father didn't havea job when i married him. there's no need for that flashback.- ok. but i will marry her onlyif she looks good. why are you sitting like a tortoise?

raise your head like a giraffeand look at the girl. this is the auspicious momentwhen our eyes met. why are you hesitating?why are you worried? you are a lot more beautifulthan i expected. daddy. jayamalini, you can ask theboy anything you wish. don't feel shy.- alright. i need to talk to you personally.can you come aside? aside? - girl, if you takehim aside people might..

...misunderstand you. we will gooutside if you want privacy. please go ahead.- i don't want to marry you. why?- i didn't like you. i think you didn't seeme in my best pose. see me from this angle. i lookeven better from this angle. please don't show me anything else. can you tell me what the reason is? the girl who raped you..- no. she didn't rape me. she made an attempt to rape me.

that girl looks far betterthan me, doesn't she? well, she looks beautifulin saris and chudidars. then why didn't you get stimulated?- stimulated? i mean why you didn't do anything. who said i haven't done anything? i filed a case against herand sent her to the jail. what i meant is..- i see. so you meant why i didn't.. ...'do' anything. such typeof things are wrong.. ...before marriage. - but shesaid that she'll marry you.

she's not the type whowould marry a man. she uses men and then abandons them. and also i don't like her.- you don't like her.. ...or isn't there currentin your body? oh god! how can you makesuch accusations! a real man never rejects a woman. if he rejects her he mustbe either impotent or gay. no, i am a complete man.- i saw your felicitation.. ...and everything that happenedat court on tv.

i couldn't see anythingmasculine in you. you may go now. he's back.- son, was it a success? yes or no?- it's a complete no-no. let's go. son, if you didn't like heri saw another match for you. let's go there. this is our hybrid seed.- hybrid? aren't you the father? please don't misunderstand me. we didn't have a child tillten years of our marriage.

at last we got her becauseof a saint's blessings. that's why i call her hybrid.- i see. don't kill me with your eyes. don't wound my heart and leave. i need to talk to your daughterin private. - as you wish, son. change the bed sheets. the boywants to talk to our girl.. private? - i don't want totalk in bedroom or bathroom. i will talk to her on terrace. i know why you were staringat me like that.

you were wondering if i havecurrent in my body or not. i have sufficient amount of current. i have an additionalgenerator as well. that day i didn't surrendermyself to that girl.. ...because i just wanted tobe pure, but not because.. ...i don't have any currentin my body. - i know that. but i don't deserve anice fellow like you. why? you don't havecurrent in your body? the thing is that it's my3rd month. - come on!

i know that girl reduce their age,but not to that extent. i am not telling you my age,but it's age of the baby.. ...that's growing in my womb.- what! you're pregnant? how did you become pregnant.. you're a man. don't you knowhow one becomes pregnant? i mean how you became pregnantbefore marriage. what's the need for marriageto get pregnant! please explain it to me in detail. when i was studyingin 12th standard.. hormones dominated me andthen like your shakila.. ...i too seduced the boywho was our tenant. you didn't get tempted andhere he got tempted. you rejected it and herehe co-operated me. what's the matter, son?- mummy, what are you.. ...doing here? - my match is here,son. you go and play. so other than the childin your womb.. have a child outsideyour womb? - don't worry! he's my second child. theelder one is in the hostel.

then why did you say yes forthis match when you have.. many kids? why don't youmarry your kids' father? my parents are against our marriage. they have caste feeling.that's why they emptied.. ...his room and house-arrested me. i thought that if i agree tothis match i can use you.. a courier and i couldsend him a message. here's my lover prakashraj's phone number. tomorrow we are going tomother durga's temple..

...for the naming ceremonyof my child. tell him to come therewith 4-5 jeeps.. ...and to kidnap mealong with my kids. so what's this time?did you like her? she's a pregnant lady. you rascal! i asked you to lookfor a suitable girl.. ...and you are showing methe mother of a child. she's a mother?- yes. not to one or two kids.. ...but mother of three kids.- what are you saying!

i will never get married.- are you kidding me? whatever you might say, buti want to stay a bachelor.. mr. abdul kalam and mr.vajpayee. - so that you could.. ...become a prime ministeror a president in future? you have your sister waitingin the line for marriage. at least look at her faceand change your decision. i looked at her face. iwill never get married. please, brother. justmarry once for my sake. you can get divorcedafter your marriage.

you three years younger than me. what's this rush to get married? when i sleep alone yourbrother-in-laws.. ...come to my dreams and tickle me.- brother-in-laws? yes. since i'm singleeveryone from milkman.. the old man in ourneighborhood are hitting on me. so you want to marry 5-6 menlike draupati of mahabharata? our society won't letus be that lucky. just find one man for me.i will stop dreaming..

...and start leading a married life.say yes, brother. - no! if you ever talk to me aboutmarriage and all that crap again.. ...i will tie the grinding stone tomy waist and jump into the well. son! never talk like that again! we are not getting enough water. and then you want to jump intowith the grinding stone? we don't have the grinder at home. it will be difficult forus to grind the pulses. o mom! you love me so much!- post!

yahoo! - what happened!you were fine till now! what's the matter? has somegirl accepted your proposal? no. i got the posting ordersas an si in hyderabad. which station? good morning, sir. mr. head! mr. ash! and you! everyone get up.the sp is here. good morning, sir.- good afternoon, sir.

good evening, sir.- goodnight, sir. didn't you get over the highthat you got after drinking.. ...last night? this is notgoodnight or good evening. this is good morning.- i said 'good morning', sir. i caught it.- did you? - and you! did you quit.. ...the police departmentand join the scouts? why are you wearing your capin that way? - sorry, sir. with your fear i just..- you are trying to get smart with.. ...this sp balasubramanyam?- sir, balasubramanyan is here.

i was testing you if you werealert or not. good observation! where's your new si?doesn't he come out? he didn't yet enter thepolice station, sir. he took a leave on thefirst day itself? he must've gone to some temple.- no! i can tolerate anything,but not indiscipline. i liked your sincerity, sir.- i will also like you if you shut.. ...your post-office. move aside! move aside!- he's here, sir.

move aside. move aside. sir, move aside. - sir, the newsi is asking you to move aside. i am the sp. he's asking meto move aside? how dare he! i won't move aside. i willsee what he can do. sir, move aside. - no. - sir,please move aside. please. what a great stroke lt's so much pleasure the brakes failed. very, verysorry, sir. - what sorry! our sp can bear anything,but he can't bear it..

...when someone hitson his ground floor. is it painful, sir?- do you really want to know? on the first day of your dutyyou rammed into the sp. in future you might also raminto the ig and the dgp. that's why i am suspendingyou right now. - sir! you will suspend me evenbefore i joined the duty? ok, join your duty, theni will suspend you. please don't do that, sir.- i say anything just once. you are suspended.- you might get suspended..

...if you suspend him.- why would i get suspended? he asked you to move aside,but you stood in the middle.. ...of the street and allof us saw it live, sir. tomorrow if they use a lie-detectorin the enquiry.. ...we might tell them the truth.right or wrong? - right. ok. ok. it's alright. since allof you are requesting me.. ...and since i am also not thathurt i am forgiving you. i am canceling your suspension.- thank you, sir. and what is this!- hero cycle.

i didn't ask you if this is hero'scycle or villain's cycle.. ...or a comedian's cycle. don'tyou have a bike? - no, sir. you are very lucky, sir.- how come? you could get up because he rammedinto you with his cycle.. ...but if he had donethat with his bike.. ...then the box-officewould've crashed. in spite of being an si if youride on such a cheap cycle.. grandson-of-a-bitch isgoing to be scared of you. sir, it's not grandson-of-a-bitch,but it's son-in-a-bitch.

it far more offensivethan the later. you can't come to station oncycle from tomorrow onwards. shall i come on a rickshaw, sir? what rickshaws and cycles!these days even the.. ...home-guards are maintaining bikes. sir, i joined today itself.within two months.. you will take bribes and buya benz car? - no, sir. i will buy a luna on loan.- alright. alright. you can use my jeepfor the time being.

and you will use my cycle?- you bloody! sir has another ambassador car.- ok, let's go inside. who's the sp? you or me?- it's you, sir. then why are you walking beforeme. follow me. - yes, sir. oh god! it's a bomb.someone help me! sir, it's not a bomb. ournew sp broke a coconut. do you think i don'tknow the difference.. ...between the coconut'ssound and a bomb's sound? then why did you get so scared?- i didn't get scared.

i was testing your courage. and why did you break thecoconut in that way? since this is the first day of myduty, so for auspiciousness.. we policemen shouldn'thave such sentiments. come on, sign here.- on resignation letter, sir? to join the job. sign here.- thank you, sir. all the best. here's your revolver.lock it properly.. ...or else it will blast inyour pants. - he's right. a few years ago it happenedwith our sp..

...and it was shattered into pieces.- what? his right thigh.- no leakages in the department. you join the duty. you eat somuch, but you don't know.. ...what and where youshould say something. how can you not respect yoursp! and you, raj babu.. oh! i asked you to join yourduty and you sat here? you're the one who askedme to join the duty, sir? i meant go outside andcatch the criminals.. ...but i didn't ask you to sit onthe chair and pick your teeth.

sorry, sir. - yesterday eveningwe went to the temple.. ...and in my presence a thiefstole my wife's necklace. sir, your first wife's orsecond wife's necklace? do you really what to know that? how will we know if youdon't tell us, sir! did you file a case againsthim, sir? - no. it must be a cheap one.- correct. you catch that thief and recovera costly golden chain. where is he, sir?

at my home. he's tookour bedroom on rent. useless fellow! wouldn'ti have caught him.. ...if i knew where he is? when the sp like you doesn'tknow where he is.. can an si like mefind out where he is! you have to find it out. it'syour duty. - yes, sir. whoever the criminal might bei will sleep in his heart! why? don't you have abedroom in your house? i don't want to hear saikumar's dialogues.

catch that thief first. we have grown up! wecrossed the teen age. we wasted the last 20 years. our eyes are filled with dreams. we are surviving on our dreams. hey, in the rush you forgotto shave your moustache! and you didn't shave your beard. what shall we do now?- let's hide our faces. will you come?- where?

to the hotel.- to the hotel? i will give you 5,000rupees per hour. promise?- promise. sir, this man is asking meto come to the hotel room. he said he will give me5,000 rupees per an hour. it's a month's salary.may i go with him once? why is he calling you?- he might want some company.. ...for a drink. - he's not askingyou to come for a drink. then?

oh god! he called me for that?i'll teach him a lesson. shall we go?- you have a moustache? men do have moustache.- so you are a eunuch? what else did you think?- sisters! hey, he might be here anytime.cover your face. where is he? he will come here like alove elephant. he's remo. he will crush you withhis kisses. he's remo. girls, hide your hearts.he's remo.

rambo remo! he will drive away yoursleep. he's rema. he will throw flowers withhis eyes. he's remo. he's the thief of hearts.he's remo. this is what i called thekite falling in our hands. someone has started an exhibition. without further delay imust show them my talent. lt's a beautiful day. this figure is so tall. yoursari is very beautiful.

did you buy it in jayshreebrothers or in dc brothers? in paruchuri brothers!- what! in paruchuri brothers? when did venky andgopi open a show.. ...without my knowledge?- they didn't open a shop.. ...but they bought this sari for me. so you are public property! ok. your sari's even better.did you buy it in.. ...bommana brothers? - no, myneighbors chandana brothers.. ...bought it for me.- this is also public property.

thief! thief!- police! police! hey, we are the police! - sorry!i got a bit involved in the sari. are you female police?- scoundrel, can you see.. ...our moustache and body hair.we are male police. then.. - what will youdo with those details! actually i have a bitof ladies weakness. to be frank i didn't put my handover there for the chain. i too felt the same andco-operated with him. you can ask him.- shut up! come with me.

come.- in spite of being policemen.. came in disguise andfooling the common man? ok, i will not mind it. i willnot get caught so easily.. ...the next time. think of meas a cousin and leave me. did you hear him! he's not sayingthat he'll quit stealing.. ...but he's saying that hewill not get caught again. i am saying that i will quitstealing lead a normal life. you are not as big as a terrorist.- i gave you advice.. ...with so much affection,but you rejected it?

now since you are arrestingme please do me a favor. shall i call your family lawyerand ask him to arrange.. ...the bail for you?- no, i will get bored alone. so shall we bring a girl for you? won't you let me completewhat i say? i have a cousin. if you arresthim we will stay here together. where is he?- wait a minute! i'll see. the one with watermelon in hand. what! it's him?- the eunuch? - yes, he's my cousin.

but he doesn't look like a thief!- you are so innocent. like in the days gone by wethieves are not wearing.. ...check lungis, striped vests,and kerchiefs around neck. we are coming in disguisejust like you. you know what i did yesterday,i went to.. hospital in doctor'sdisguise and conned a patient.. ...of 25,000 rupees bysaying that he needs.. open-heart surgery.- and he gave you the money? i told him that an open-heartsurgery means..

...we have to perform a surgeryon an open street.. ...and i took the money fromhim saying i will arrange.. ...the operation table in ameerpet. you're not an ordinary person.- it's all due to your blessings. wait a minute. i willbring him as well. come fast. i am alreadygetting bored. bye. thank you. - sir, that thiefis escaping on our jeep. oh god! he fooled us. hey, stop!- hey, stop! hey, stop!- it doesn't have sufficient petrol.

we filled the tank justa while ago, didn't we? i said that to make him stop thejeep, but still he didn't. he thought that sinceit's a police-jeep.. ...he will get free petrolat petrol pumps. if i lose this jeep on my joiningday, both of us will lose our jobs. you are right. and thatjeep is our sp's jeep. shall we call the controlroom and inform them? that we lost the jeep?- no, but to tell them to catch him. no. we will catch him.- but how? - by chasing him.

let me hear some songs. bravery is the keyword. never lose the courage, brother. bravey is the keyword. why are you driving so fastlike we are in some race? drive slowly.- do you call 120 miles/hr speed? in my college days i usedto drive at 150-160! people used to call me superman. who's he? spiderman?- he must be his father.

how's my hairstyle?- hey, my wig! my wig! you old fox!- darling. darling. you baldy. hey, don't run so fast! did you get shocked onwatching the stick! sir, i am not shockedto see that stick. i am shocked of your running.i saw so many chases.. my life, but nota chase like this. i am the state champion in running.

i got this job in sports quota.- i got cheated. had you told me about it there iwouldn't have started the jeep. anyhow let me touchyour great feet, sir. so you want to pullmy legs and run away? run away? even after watchingyour rocket-speed? i don't have that much courage. even if i run away youwill walk and catch me. i knew the matter completely.- sir! - but, sir.. are those legs or dunlop tiers?

you ran like a dog was chasing you. if i had such horsepowerno could have caught me.. ...and i would've reachedthe dawood league. sir, i would like to make smallsuggestion if you don't mind. what's that? - resign the si'spost and shift to our job. you will have a great future.- i will kill you with this stick.. ...if you dare to giveme such foolish ideas. nagesh.- sir. - find out where the sp is. what! you got cds of porn moviesin alfanso video parlor?

pass the phone to its owner.what's the matter, dude! you said you didn't have anycds when i came there. what! my concubine tookthose cds that day? i will kill you. she doesn'twatch such type of cds. tell me does jyoti lakshmiever watch such cds? she doesn't watch such cds.- well-said. if the quality is fine.. salutations, sir. - are you ansi or a professional killer? now you are riding a jeepbecause you plan..

...didn't work out with the cycle?- no, sir. i was too thrilled that icaught a heinous criminal. that's why i was driving so fast.- it's our bad luck.. ...that you are still alive.- and where's the criminal? don't waste time. let's go. he's behaving as if he'ssardar potti paparaidu. well-done, my boy.- thank you, sir. i said it to my si.- very good, my boy. you shouldn't give him a pat.- i will do that.

you too shouldn't do that.well-done, my boy. thank you, sir.- on the first day of your duty.. ...your proved your talent. ifthere's one person like you.. ...the rest of the policemen cantake leave and rest at home. can we take leave and take restat home, sir? - shut up! i said it in a flow. don'ttake it so seriously. by the way who is he? is he bin laden's right-hand man? he's not even the dust of hisleft hand's finger. - i see.

is he a terrorist oflashkar-e-toiba? - jihad! he's not even the greyhair on their head. then is he the head ofsome radical-group? he's not even a torchlight intheir hand. - then who is he? he's a chain snatcher, sir.- what! you tied died such an ordinarychain snatcher with chains.. ...and brought him here likeveerapandya katta bramhanna? i told him that a smallthread will do for me. he's new to this job. he wasa bit too excited. - shut up!

he snatches chains from women.. ...but can snatch a dog's chainif he gets a chance to do so. but still how can you tie himdown like that. if you do so.. then according tosection wen-mk. will get a harsh punishment. he knows about the sections as well. not just about sections,but i also know.. ...about your secondset-up jyoti lakshmi. how do you know about her?- a few days ago i went to..

...her house for stealing, but inthe dark in stead of grabbing.. ...that article i grabbedsomething else. she's so bad. she can'tsay no to anyone. what's her address, sir?- 5-12-20914161 saiteja residency". that's the old address. sheshifted to a new house now. sir, please give us her new address. i am not a dumb to giveyou the address. i thought you were bringingsome al-qaeda terrorist.. i canceled my programwith the cm.

he might appear like a junior, buthe's very senior in this field. his daddy is also our guest.- guest? he committed 3 murders and 6 rapes.. ...and is at swarnapally jailright now. - is it true? not just my family, but my entirefamily is settled there. because of your departmentwe are living freely.. ...without any worry of rentor food or anything else. a few days ago we came toknow about my sister.. ...and the jail's superintendent'slove affair and got them married.

as a brother i wanted to gifta honeymoon package.. ...for my sister and brother-in-law.that's why i came out. shut up! - raj babu, never evergive us build-ups again. he's leaving. ask him whatmy program is. - sir. shall we leave him?- why? so that next i can use a threadto arrest him next time. stop kidding. take him to the court. what will he do in the tennis court! don't let our department downin front of the thieves.

the court of who's this! is it jyoti lakshmi?- i won't tell you that. hello! dear body? where? i was born and the world cried. i was crying and theworld was laughing. i was laughing and theworld was crying. i don't have anything to dowith this world anymore. don't care! master.- i'm not your master.

it's alright. is he deador is she sleeping there? i heard that he's dead.- he died just like that? i think the doctors killed him.- but why are these people.. happy as if they meteach other on some tour? they were crying when i came here. to console them i said that hewon't return even if we cry. and all of a suddenthey stopped crying.. ...and having a good time here.- it's a new world! by the way how are you relatedto the dead body?

i am not related to that dead body. i used to be his elderson when he was alive. but why aren't you crying?- what's the use! he willed his wealth to himselfin the next birth. you must at least be crying sincehe didn't will his wealth.. you. - you're right. thanksfor reminding me. - it's alright. you passed away without willingyour wealth to me. how can you do this to me! i saw you somewhere.- i appear on tv regularly.

in 'crime watch' or in 'crime andevil'? - i felicitate people. correct. so you are the foolwho felicitated my son. i see. so that rape-caseboy is your son. has someone tried torape that kid again? tell me, i am ready tofelicitate him again. no, he's working inhyderabad as an si. from now onwards he will beraping girls. very good. what good! he filed a casein the court secretively.. ...but you felicitated himand brought him on tv.

now whenever he goes tosee a girl they ask him.. ...if he doesn't have current,if he doesn't have generator.. ...if he doesn't have a transformer.. ...and they are doubting andinsulting my son. rascal! he had the courage to reject agirl and instead of embracing.. ...such a man girls are embarrassinghim? so sad! by the way mr. chidatala apparao..- yes. far as i know you havea daughter, don't you? yes, as far as i knowi have a daughter.

she's your daughter. you gave an a-certificateto that boy. why don't you get your daughtermarried to his son? will you accept her as yourdaughter-in-law? - of course! but before that tell me howmuch can you give in dowry? i can give about 5-6 lakhs. she's his only daughter. ifhe too passes away like him.. ...then all the money willbe your son's money. i don't have any objection,but make sure that he..

...prepares his will beforehe passes away. hello! balanagar police station! what! there's a snake in your house! what do you want us to do! what's your opinion on police!we are not from municipality! hang up! who's he! he's asking me tocatch the snake at his home. no one values police these days. a few days ago a lady calledme and said that she was..

...unable to tie her blouseand asked me to tie it. and when i went there i found outthat she's a 90 year old lady. does she need a blouse at this age!- hear this! a few days ago a lady calledme and asked me to send.. ...two constables to protect herpotato chips on her terrace. and when i told her that wedon't guard potato chips.. ...she questioned mewhy we are hanging.. ...'may i help you' boardoutside the station.. ...and gave me a lecturefor half an hour.

but why did you hold thephone for so long? her voice was a bit tempting. wait a minute. i willlift the phone. look, we are not here to openyour coconut-oil bottle's lid.. put the threadin the needle's eye.. ...and to wash your utensilswhen your maid is not there. i am your si's sister.- sorry. it's your sister. hello! - brother. - what'sthe matter, smita? granny! our granny!we lost our granny.

come here immediately or else.. can never see her again. what's this! i thought thehouse will be crowed.. chiranjeevi's movie premier.. ...but there is no crowd over here. they might have taken away thebody. - even if they took.. ...away the body there must atleast be the sounds of cries. they must be tired ofconstant crying.. ...and must be relaxing for a while.- granny!

she's the one who died.- granny! mother. son. it's over. it's over. i didn't know that you would behere. i finished the coffee. there's no milk at home.- i am not crying for coffee. then?- granny. - granny. brother.- sister. how did this happen?- she woke up early morning.. ...and had a bath andtwo plates ldlis..

...and drank this much coffeeand went to the temple. she must have died when sherang the temple's bell.. ...and when it fell on her head. that means she passedaway in his temple. if i ever die i would liketo die in that way. i can still hear my granny's voice. not just her voice, but granny'sspirit is here for you. you are calling me a spirit?- chandramukhi! jyotika! granny, are you fine?- nothing will happen to me..

...till your marriage.- i saw a nice match for you. you wouldn't have had come herehad i told you about it.. i had to kill your granny. i have to see a match again.i won't go there. why are you touching myfeet like lord vasudeva? because you are a donkey.- all of my friends are going.. prakasham barrage withtheir respective husbands.. ...on their scooters.- so you want me to take you to.. ...prakasham barrage, right?- not with you, but with your.. sir! are you a brother? do you have a liver? there arebrothers who touch others' feet.. get their sisters marriedand on the other hand.. ...there are you. you don't havethat thing? - what's that? sister sentiment. she's beggingyou for a husband.. ...but you don't even care abouther. you're not a brother. if i had such a sister i would'veasked her to elope.. ...with the man of her choiceand i would've given her.. ...some money and packedher suitcase. - stop it!

don't give me stupid leads.- alright. this will be the last timei am going to see a girl. if it's ok, it's fine. or else iwill never get married in this life. what are you saying! theboy's family is coming.. see you and you are sayingthat you can't come? so what do expect me to do!you want me to marry.. ...a person after meetinghim hardly for 5 minutes? don't talk rubbish. i knowhis family very well. there are many guys herewhom i know. hi, tarun!

who's he? your boyfriend?- ex-boyfriend. but you have to meet this guy.the boy has a good height. you won't need laddersto hit nails in future. and the boy is also very can keep him in your grip.. ...after marriage and youcan play games with him. daddy, i have a few ambitions. i already designed how mywould-be husband should be. hi, dipen! coming! ok, daddy! bye!- listen! what did she say! did she sayshe doesn't want to come?

how did you know that?- she's my daughter. you mean there's nocontribution of mine. there's no need to getinto those things now. call the boy's family and askthem to cancel the program. i tried to call them, but theyalready left the house. then you deal with them.- where are you going? to the beauty parlor. - how canyou go away just like that! why? will you show me as the bride? society won't accept itif i get married again.

you got it in that way? what shall i do now! our landlord mr. s.v. rangarao can give me some advice. mr. ranga rao! oh god! what the hellis wrong with you! sorry, uncle. i couldn't see you. i felt like a road-roller rammedinto me at 160 miles/hr speed. i never got such a shock before. do you eat cement and pebbles..

...that you are so strong? baby, drink some horlicks, orelse you will become weak. have it, dear. have it.- if he encourages her like that.. ...then he will have to buya crane to move this girl. what do you want? whydid you come here? i fixed a match for my daughter. the boy's an si, buthe's a nice fellow. and when they are cominghere to see the girl.. daughter called me andsaid that she's not coming.

by the time i called the boy'sfamily to cancel the program. ...they already left the house.i don't know what to do. i came here if you can giveme some cunning idea. tell them what the matter is.- they will throw sandals? at me? - at me. i should'vetold them about it earlier. it's enough, daddy.- my sweetheart! idea!- but you asked me for an idea! so that it shouldn't be late.- and what's that idea? how would it be if we show yourdaughter as my daughter!

no! what if they like my saundarya?- come on! no human being is goingto like this mountain. so you want to say that my daughterwon't get a husband? i didn't mean that.- god forbid, even if he likes.. ...our daughter..- our daughter? she's my daughter. i agree that she's your product. even if they like your girlwe will tell them.. ...that your daughterdidn't like the boy. dear, will you act like abride for just 5 minutes?

i feel shy. - sit there withoutfeeling shy for 5 minutes. please.- it's alright, dear. sit there. you will also get some practice.take the boost. but she had a bucketfulof horlicks just now! she had another bucketfulof bornavita as well. how does it bother you!- sorry. mother, you too sit there.- what will mother do there? i will be there.- let her sit there along with her. my wife's not at home anyway.- why did you touch her?

you want my wife to act asyour wife. how do i look? i will stab you.- you misunderstood me. i don't even touch my wife,what makes you think.. ...that will touch your wife?i asked her to be there.. ...not as my wife, but asyour daughter's mother. what's the difference?- come on! he's requesting so much. please say yes.- why are you so interested in it? these days when i see tv serials.. ...i feel like i am a betteractress than them.

nayanatara, you are notan ordinary actress. you're my goddess who camehere to save my reputation. she's not your goddess.she's my goddess. i said so because you'rethe landlord of my house. look, girl! you getready immediately. the boy's family is about to arrive. please come. sit down. call the girl immediately. theauspicious time is here. saundarya! - but you said yourdaughter's name is roja.

we call her saundarya at time.- don't you call her meena? what's the need of twonames of one girl? he gave her one name andi gave her another one. who's this fatso? he lookslike an elephant. i am the girl's father. he meant he's like a father-figureto my daughter. what's the need of a father-figure.. ...when the real father is present. he lives in our neighborhood. hehas a lot of affection for her.

but still he can't be her father.he should be her uncle. i will ask her to call himuncle from now onwards. you will make my daughter callme uncle? i won't accept it. oh! come on! i understand the affectionthat you have for her. she used to call him daddysince she was a kid. so he couldn't bear the uncle'stag all of a sudden. ok, now call the girl.- alright. saundarya! roja! hey, you! dear, i'm callingyou. bring our daughter.

what's this! why is he addressingyour wife as 'dear'? does she have two husbands? sorry. i forgot it. she's his wife.i thought she's my wife. how can you think so!- sorry! mrs. nayanatara, bring the girl! the beautiful babe is here! o beauty! o beauty! o beauty! she's appears like a red apple. put your hands up!

start playing the band! ..with passion. i will zip it, lockit with the music. sir, did you see the girl?- i am feeling shy. you will feel really shy whenyou see her. look at her. oh god!- son! why did he fall down?- what else can he do! our si's heart is asstrong as granite. that's why he's still alive. if itwas someone else in his place..

...he would've died by now.- stop it! he was pleasantly surprisedat her beauty. it's not because of her beauty,but it's because of her fatness. you shut up! - the girl lookslike the golden mountain in.. ...mckenna's gold. two eyes arenot sufficient to see her. you are right.- did you really like her? concentrate on her, sir.- do you want us not to like her? no, i will be the happiestif you like her. i think the boy didn't likeher. look at his face!

he looks like a banana in de-fridge. i have never seen him happier. the girl took after you,expect your bald head. what rubbish! she took after me. how can his daughter takeafter you! - he lives in.. ...the adjoining house. hemight have co-operated. girl, what's your educationalqualification? - mba! but your father said thatyou failed tenth class.. ...and are working as a salesgirl.- she wanted to.. mba, but she quitstudies after she failed.. tenth standard. that'swhat she was about to say. forget studies! dear, didyou like my grandson? i hope she didn't.- i liked him very much. oh god! i guess she didn't see his face.see him properly, girl. i saw him, uncle.- she's calls her father uncle? i told you that she failedin tenth failed. she doesn't know thedifference between..

...father and uncle. girl, youmay go to your room now. shall i go, daddy?- she calls her father uncle.. ...and she calls her uncle's something fishy. no, there's nothing fishy. sheliked him so much.. - here! she liked him so much that she'sconfused with happiness. she's failed in her tenth standard. dear, please come here once.- yes, i'm coming. why is he going whenyour wife called you? she takes his advice in everything.

why does she take his advicewhen her husband is present? they are neighbors. she mustbe using the helpline. you too please come inside,brother. - brother? she too failed in tenth standard,uncle. - uncle? did you see this! i toogot confused and called.. uncle. - youmust also have failed in tenth! correct. you have such a sharp mind. i'm sure you passed in tenth.i will go inside once. this way.- thank you.

what's going on!- the girl's a bit fat. they must've thought thatwe will not like her. that's the reason they area bit confused. that's all. what's the matter? - brother,i thought that she will never.. ...get married in this's her good fortune.. ...that they liked her.she too liked the boy. please fix this match. is there a problem?- yes, the girl liked the boy. she's saying that if sheever will marry someone..

...then it has to be your son. then why are you sayingit with a dull face? i thought you won't like it.- we are 100% ok. the marriage must happenin a grand way. even if i need to mortgage my head.. ...i will make sure thatit's a grand occasion. why would you mortgage yourhead for his daughter? he too has a head. a round one! it's a bald one. he thoughtit's not a head. right?

we don't differentiatebetween our daughters. we treat each other's daughtersas own daughters. fix a date and send us a message. sure. you may go now.- that's why we stood up. let's go.- shall we leave sir here? shut your mouth.- i shut it. - lift him. oh my god! his temperatureis 116 f. - 116 f? yes. this is my thermometer record. shall we call the guinnessbook people?

he never got a sneeze or a cough. what happened to him, doctor? he must've seen something scary. he saw a girl for a match.- did you show him.. ...some scary looking girl?- it's made in bezawada.. ...but she looks like benz lorry.- so that's the matter! ok, give 60 tablets per hour.- it's for us? no, it's for the patient.- 60 tablets per hour? you can also give him 30tablets per 15 minutes.

do you have a medical shop?- my brother-in-law has one. the address is written in it from his shop. he will give 20% discount.- to you? - no, it's for you. and he might get an 80% discount. where are you going?- to hyderabad. what's the need to gothere for a few days! the date of marriage is10th of this month. you can leave along withyour wife after marriage. who's getting married?- your mother and me.

what are you saying!- then what else shall i say! i am a human being. howcan i marry an elephant! elephant? - ok, dinosaur.i will never marry her. what does that girl lack?- everything's in excess. she's their only daughter.that's why she was.. ...pampered a bit.- they pampered her.. ...and turned her into a truck.- the girl might be fat.. ...but she's so sweet.- then go and cuddle her. but please don't forceme to marry her.

if you get our si married to herand if she throws her hand.. ...on him as a joke he will breakthe windows and fall on road. and if she drops her legon him during sleep.. ...his leg will bebroken into pieces. and it won't be of any useeven if you take him.. jaipur or putturafter the accident. he's burning with anger andyou are adding fuel to fire. take a vow in front oflord of seven hills.. ...that you will bring herto his temple on barefoot.

she will become thin in no time. and if she slips there he willbe left with just six hills. she will become slim ifshe goes to the gym. who'll become slim? her trainer? don't talk like that! i have alot of expectations from you.. ...that you will agree to this match. why are you wiping tearswhen she's crying? no matter whoever cries in yourfamily i always find it funny! but when i see your sistercrying i too gets tears.

you don't even have the sympathyfor me that others have. look, if you need moneyfor your marriage.. ...i will ride a rickshaw andmother will sew clothes. generally mothers sew clothesonly after fathers die. you can sew clotheseven when he's alive. and father will work as a coolieand granny will work.. a maid, and wewill get you married. but please don't forcethat road-roller on me. is that your final decision?- this is quarter-final..

...and semi-final decision as well.- this one? move aside. hey, where are they? - they mustbe at the doors to stop us. let's leave from the backdoor.- correct. what's this! - stools belowus and ropes above us. and then are in between them.- you shut up! you said that you will die, butyou won't marry that girl. that's why we are dying.- so you are trying to emotionally.. ...emotionally blackmail me?- brother, i have a last wish. you want to die as a married woman?

after our death build a commongrave for all of us. with granite or with marble? with whatever his budget permits? then it will be the cheapest stone. hey, hrithik roshan,they are my family. it makes sense if theytry to commit suicide. but what's wrong with you?- i have been asking them.. give me a raise, they saidthey will give me a raise.. ...when you'll get married. youwill never get married and..

...i'll never get a raise. there'sno use in living anymore. priest sitarama shastri,what's wrong with you! i couldn't fix even a singlematch since last six months. i am in deep slump. i thought thatif this marriage is fixed.. ...i can clear my debts. butthis one has also missed. look how many lives are taking. son, think about itfor the last time. will you tie her the sacred thread.. ...or do you want to see thisrope in around our necks.

will you marry her or not? will you marry her or do youwant us to commit suicides? what do you want?- what do you want? have you seen it! sincehe is dying anyway.. ...your servant is alsotrying to dominate you. try to get some emotionand run in slow motion.. ...and kick all thesix stools at once. you will get rid of thistrouble. except him! why aren't you saying anything?

say something. we are alsogetting late for our train. ok, go ahead with it. they are really committing suicides. get down. i will marry that girl. what we worried abouthas come true! why has god done this to us? it's a situational song, isn't it? that sad music is making it worse. mere thought of marryingthat cylinder.. me a shiver down the spine. tell me a path to break this match. do you have a pen? - will youdraw some diagram of the plan? i need to think about it.- to think about you need a brain.. ...but not a pen. - haven't youseen our writers' photos? we will get ideas ifwe are in this pose. did you get it?- yes. - what is it? the ink of this pen. idea! since we couldn't slashthem in this direction..

...let's slash them fromthe opposite direction. it won't look good if policemenkill common people. don't take everything literally.i didn't ask you to kill them. what i meant was to make thegirl's family reject you. why would they reject me?- assume that you are a fool. scoundrel, we might notbe on duty right now.. ...but that doesn't meanyou can scold me. don't get me wrong! if they getsuch an impression about you.. ...they will automaticallyreject you.

who's that?- is chidatala apparao at home? he's cooking in the kitchen.- hey, your master is cooking.. ...and the maid is readinga magazine in the veranda? are you kidding me! i am not themaid. - are you his relative? yes, a very close relative.i am his wife. you're his wife? - yes. i amapparao's wife bipasha basu. didn't your parents ever feellike changing your name? look, mrs. bipasha,if you are his wife.. ...then who's the lady whowas with him that day?

he might have two wives. shemust be his second wife. shut up!- why did she become upset? she must be his first i right? - hey, appi! wait a minute, basu. i am bringingcoffee for you as well. when did you marry againwithout my knowledge? i hadn't even done anythingto my first wife till now. then how did you get that daughter?- it's you? yes, it's us. tell us ifshe's your first wife.. ...then who's the lady waswith you on that day.

she's.. she's..- tell me! i want to know who it is. a lady will bear anything, butshe will never tolerate to.. ...share her rights to harass herhusband with another woman. who's she? - basu, we can talkabout those things later on. you go inside for thetime being. oh god! i will decide if i haveto go inside or outside.. ...only after you tell me who she is. i will tell you everythingpersonally. listen to me! no, i won't. you left me withno other option other than..

...river godavari. give me money.i'll go to rajamundry. what's the need to go to rivergodavari to commit suicide! there's krishna dam nearby.- and it would also be easy.. ...for him to collect your dead body. i am going to rajamundry notto jump into river godavari. then? - my uncle gotum gangaraju,a famous goon.. ...lives there. i will tellhim and get him punished. don't go that far. i am innocent.- shut up! - oh god! leave me.

they fight every second day. sir! sir! mr. ranga rao.- what happened? you are beating your husband again? son-in-law, when did you come here? i am really tensed right don't call me son-in-law! he's your husband's second set-up. you can see how close heis to her even in public. so she's the otherwoman in your life. and that's the reason you didn'twant to leave this house..

...when i suggested of shiftingto some other house. you said that the landlordis very compatible. sister-in-law. sister-in-law, youcompletely misunderstood me. what actually happened is..- don't tell me anything. you will say that itwas a lonely night. and you committed a mistakebecause of a thunder. and ever since then you arecontinuing with it, right? how did you like my husband!he repels even me. as if you don't repel me.- the fights in a family..

...are so interesting, aren't they?- that's the reason.. ...the family drama movies andserials are always hits. sister, let me tell you..- what will you tell me! that my husband is sobhanababu and you would ask me.. adjust with him likesharada and vanishree? so he's sobhana babuand you both are.. ...sharada and vanishree?- and he's jagapati babu? yes, he became a bit fat these days. will you all keep quiet for a while!

i can't bear this tension.i will tell you the truth.. ...before my marriage collapseslike world trade centre. look, son, actually whathappened is that.. have you seen those shots, son?that's what has happened. i knew it! i knew thatthis baby elephant.. this baby elephant was bornto these elephants. son-in-law, please don't get upset. you want me not to get upseteven after such a betrayal? do you still expect meto marry your daughter?

i will file a case againstyou all right now. hey, take out the charge-sheet. there's no need for chargesheets and bed sheets. tell this matter to your family.they will break this match. correct. correct. correct. let's go. son. son. son.- father, he's leaving. girl, your father's there.- father, ask him to come back. son. you said that that sunday is anauspicious day, didn't you?

there's a one-day cricketmatch on that day. i won't be free.- then fix it on monday. my wife might change hermind if we delay it. betrayal.- deception. fraud.- cheating. you are right. the auto-driversof bejawada.. ...are worse than thecity-bus drivers. mother! granny! sister!hey, hritik roshan! they too know that.- it's not the auto-matter.

it's not the meter-matter as well. that chidatala apparaocheated us like.. ...chit fund company. - the jewelrythat girl was wearing.. ...doesn't belong to her?- that girl doesn't belong to them. is she their adopted daughter?- it's his neighbor's daughter. say it clearly. how dare is he to deceiveus in that way! i will cut him into pieces.- one minute, father. take this, father. go andcut him into pieces.

it's not a sword, but it's a stick. the weapon is not important,but what is more important.. ambition. you carry on, father. and listen, if they hit youback just give us a call. we will bring a doctorin an ambulance. shut up and get out of my way!- ok, we'll bring a nurse. thank god! veturi sitarama shastri, whydid you lie to us that.. ...that girl is chidatalaapparao's daughter?

i am an elder person andi am also a poor man. please forgive me.- never again bring a match for me. even if you receive a proposalfor me lie to them.. ...that this is my tenth marriagelike an arab sheikh. if they don't believe you tellthem that he's got aids. shut up! - tell them thati have got tb or cancer. so you want to say thati will never get married? won't i get rid of my spinsterhood? brother, please get me a husband.

she's dying to get married.bring a guy and tell her.. ...that he's the cm of tamilnadu or the ceo of.. ...of the volkswagen companyand get her married to him. she thinks only about marriage. take these sweets asmy match has broken. when a match breaks people cry,but don't celebrate. mummy, you would've criedfor the rest of your life.. ...if i had got marriedto that truck. and she would have eaten theentire month's ration.. just one day. if youwant to buy her a sari.. have to stitch 2-3 bedsheets together for her sari. with the cloth required tostitch a blouse for her.. get stitch 2-3 chudidarsfor sister. - he's right. if she wants to take a bath youwill need a tank full of water.. ...and couple of big soaps. giveme some sweets. - take this. to feed that baby elephant weneed the food corporation.. ...or the reserve bank to sponsor us. middle-class people likeus can't maintain her.

son. - yes, father. - i cancelledapparao's match. i am proud of you, my dad.i am proud of you. why are you crying?- i am not crying, daddy. these are tears of pleasure.- tears of pleasure? isn't it called tears of pleasure? you are right. it's something else. yes, it's called tears of joy. now take these sweetson this occasion. you too take one.- what's that?

i talked to that girl'sreal father svr.. ...and fixed your match withthat particular girl. yahoo!- yes, you are a very lucky man. apparao said that he willgive 5-6 lakhs as dowry. but s.v. rangarao thoughlooks like a wholesale.. ...clothes dealer, but heis a very generous man. he has 15-20 crores property. he has got only one wifeand one daughter. the entire property will be yours.

you mean my son willbe a millionaire! oh god! then brother will getme a groom from america. he took after his grandpa. thesame happened to him as well. he came to see a girlin my neighborhood.. ...but at last he married me. i see. so this serial is goingon since a long time. i am getting married for thefirst time in my life. think about my safety for once. what's there to think about! thatgirl was born in maruti car..

...and was brought up in a benz car. why? couldn't her mothercarry her in the womb.. ...and deliver her in the car itself? i am saying that she'ssuch a costly girl. we don't even have a secondhand car. if you want a car iwill get one on rent. you can see the entire city on car. but please don't put thatburden on my head. is it a joke or are you serious?

his face looks very sad.he must be very serious. hritik roshan. - get the ropesready to strangle ourselves. father, like they alert thefishermen every time there's.. ...a storm, you can't call forropes each and every time. it's not done. - then you tiethe nuptial thread around.. ...that girl's neck. - you aresaying the same thing again? then i will change my words now. the strangling program is cancelled. marry her.

sir, the ropes and the stoolsare ready. - let's go. don't go. you need not die for me. for you people i will die..i will marry her. we are about to get married, girl. you can see the arrangements. son, why the guests runningin that direction? has some film-star arrived?- no, we're watching the groom. you are watching the groom?- to see who dared to.. ...marry that mountain.- ranga rao used to worry a lot..

...about how he will gethis daughter married. but at last he succeededto trap someone. don't worry. this is calledlife. control yourself. i can't hear those words.come with me. are you going to commit suicide? no. to stop the marriage. the arrangements are reallygreat, brother-in-law. thanks a lot, brother-in-law.- sir, our si is calling you. sir, what's the matter? havewe done some mistake?

you haven't done any mistake.i did a few mistakes. what? - i need to tell you somenaked truths about me, sir. don't call me sir. callme father-in-law. father-in-law, i take a drink.- to strength? not that drink, i am talkingabout brandy and whiskey. what's wrong in that!two pegs per day.. good for health. thedoctors are saying so. i don't stay quiet after drinking,father-in-law? do you vomit?- no.

so you take something else?- yes, i take a prostitute. great! so you are verygood in that matter! what's the matter? thefather-in-law and son-in-law.. ...have already started eatingeach others' ears? no one values land-phoneswhen there are cell-phones. brother-in-law, my son-in-lawhas some great qualities. my daughter is really verylucky. she's lucky! who is he! - he's your father-in-law.the priest's calling you. father, i can't sit on that seat.

you want us to take you there?hold this, nagesh! that's not the thing. whenyou ask me to go there.. ...i feel like i am beingthe scapegoat. think about it for onemore time, father. we knew that you would createsuch problems at.. ...the last moment. that's whywe are carrying cold drinks. take a look. you are the groom's family. howcan you serve cold drinks! the servants are there to do it.

these cold drinks arenot for serving. you naughty! so youmixed whiskey in it? no. we mixed poison in it.- you want to commit suicide.. you can't bear to see yourson marrying that fat girl? we decided to kill ourselves ifyou go against this marriage. lt won't stop! it won't stop! lt won't stop! thanks, son. you saved six lives. here! ladies, push that vehicle.

sorry. i mean bring the bride here. o my beautiful girl! i fell in love with you. i fell in love with you,o my beloved one. come here, dear. enterthe dragon. sit down. the groom has gone up!the groom has gone up! bring him down. who can survive if one is forcedto marry that mountain! i didn't mean he died.look that way.

if you sit on the edge the boy willfly in the air like a rocket. if you sit in the middlehe will be safe.. ...and he will be able to attendhis marriage. come closer. come closer to him. at thecentre. that's right. for his protection hold the seatfor a while. - alright. alright. do you exist? do you really exist? son, take the mixture ofcumin seeds and jaggery. this is not the timeto eat sweet and hot. you don't eat it andstop troubling me.

place this on the bride's head.- if i place it on her head.. there any chance that antswould get on her head.. ...and bite her and kill her?- don't play jokes. do what i say. put! girl, you also do the same thing. put it on the groom's head. girl, you need to press it so hard. i didn't press him. i justplaced it on his head. you just touched him and thisis what happened to him.

if you had pressed him hewould have gone to hell. ladies, lift the girl's hand.- alright. i think we need a crane. he is not bleeding, is he?- keep quiet for a while. if wish he had a helmet. the bird is being forcedto marry the cage. son, tie the sacred thread to her.- to her finger? not to her finger or leg.tie it around her neck. this thread isn't bigenough for that neck.

i am sorry. by mistake ibrought the medium-sized. you need an extra-large one. i will extend it. now his bachelorhoodis about to end. this is the auspicious moment. there's the nuptial threadaround her neck. marriages are made in heaven. marriages are made in heaven.this is the auspicious moment. son, revolve around the fire.- you mean around her?

i didn't revolve aroundthe mountain.. ...but i asked you to revolvearound the alter. son, be careful. get up. ladies, why are you staring athim instead of helping him! push her like one pushes a lorry. madam, please co-operate with them. and she's blushing. justwalk the nuptial rounds. life is here. death is here. where else will we goother than this place?

son, put your feet on her leg.- tell me such easy things. girl, now put your feet on his leg. he tied the nuptial thread. whyare you punishing him now? it's a ritual. you keep quiet. girl, you put your feeton his leg very slowly. that really hurts! it lookedas if the lorry's tier.. ...was crushing a lemon. thepriest was even telling her.. put her feet very slowly. the muscles tore and thebones were broken..

...only because she placedher leg slowly. had she pressed my legswith her full strength.. now you would've gota wheel chair and clutches. please. don't make mesympathize with myself. this time you escaped luckily,but the real danger.. lying ahead.- what danger! first night. - every couple lieover each other that day.. ...but you don't have that chance. it's alright if there'sa stone on road roller..

...but it's quite dangerous if theroad roller is on the stone. come, son. the auspiciousmoment is here. auspicious moment? what for?- for first night. you will have to let thegirl sit on your lap. don't make such programs.his legs will break. he's from a reputed familywho hit their thighs. ok, then, i will finish theritual in a simple way. come. get up. - you got me married.your wish is fulfilled. now you are you forcingme for the first night.

so that your wishes could befulfilled. - come on. let's go. where are you going?- to escort our sir. i will slap you. he's goingto meet his wife.. ...but he's not going toa prohibited area. go. here is the white sari. hereare the jasmine flowers. wear a white sari. adorn yourhair with the jasmine flowers. make me the luckiest man. what for? - this is the mostimportant night for us. this is the most importantnight for us.

take it. - what's this? poison?- it's thumbs up! women take a glass of milk withher on her first night. mother-in-law said thatyou don't like milk. i see. so you already learntabout my likes and dislikes! it's my dharma being your wife. you are not my wife.i don't accept you. she also told me that youwake up at midnights.. ...and eat snacks at that time.i brought snacks as well. there's something importantthat you should know.

what's that?- come with me. you are already getting so excited!wait for some time! don't go too far. i didn't holdyou for that reason. - then? you are not moving wheni pull you. do one thing. hold my hand and take me to mirror.i will tell you then. let's go. look at this! i look like stickand you look like a drum. look how our combination is. the drum sounds well onlyif it's hit with a stick.

oh god! oh god! i wanted awife like trisha or shreya. i would've adjusted with hereven if she looked like.. ...aishwarya rai, but i gotsomeone like kalpana rai. what are you saying! isn'tkalpana rai a woman? doesn't she have a heart?- yes, she has one. then you should've marriedsomeone like.. --iron-leg shastri or adnan sami-. look, i married you becausemy parents forced me to.. ...but not because i like you.

ok, you were against this marriage. are you also against the'first night' ceremony? i am against it as well.from today onwards.. ...there is no relationbetween you and me. we are husband and wifeonly outside this room. so shall i shift our 'firstnight' ceremony at outdoors? ever since i came here you aretalking about 'first night'. are you really that eager?- i am worry only about you. it's my responsibilityto keep your happy.

if you want me to be happythen you will have to.. ...sleep on that sofa andi will sleep on the bed. your wish is my command. no! wait.- you changed your mind. shall we sleep together on the bed?- stop kidding. if you sleep on that sofathe sofa's legs will break. you sleep here andi will sleep there. it will be difficult foryou to sleep there. you sleep on the bed. i willsleep in some other room.

no! if you sleep outsidepeople will think that.. ...i really don't have any sleep here. your wish is my command.- you are using the line.. ...'your wish is my command'far too many times. do you think that if youbehave like that.. ...i will think that my wife is verynice and that i am the one.. ...who is torturing her andi will make a commitment? you made a commitmentwhen you tied.. ...three knots in around my neck.- you are a fool.

i knew that i wouldbecome your husband.. ...if i had tied threeknots around your neck. so i tied just three knots. evenyou parents didn't see it. your one knot is as muchas hundred knots. goodnight. have nice dreams!- bad night. have nightmares! what happened? you are therelike a lorry-driver.. ...who came straight from his duty.didn't you sleep all night? how can one sleep in lion's den? i feared that you would fall onme at the middle of night.. i was awake eatingthese snacks. saundarya! saundarya!- yes, coming. stop! don't kiss me at this time. what makes you think thati am going to kiss you! i didn't come here for that.- what are you doing! school dropouts like you won'tunderstand such mega-ideas. now go and open the door. listen! just blush after youopen the door. - alright. take a bath, dear. i willprepare tea for you.

did you get me now why did this! relangi raj babu is b.a. passed. whatever i do has some meaning. you go now.- alright. that's alright, but.. you may go. get up! i am calling you. get up. let me sleep for a while, body is aching. why is your body aching? justbecause your messed her hair..

...the bottu(dot on the forehead)and her flowers? when did you see it! did youfix some cameras here? you fool, you learnt aboutthese things from movies. and i practically sent 100sof brides into the room.. ...on their first night. yourtricks won't work with me. wash your face and get fresh.- what for? so that we could divorce herand to go our own way. we are not going anywhere. youand your wife are going. where?- to honeymoon.

to honeymoon? with her? no! a husband and wife shouldgo to honeymoon. then ask mother and father to go.- shut up! both of your should go.- then ask her to go to kashmir.. ...where there are terrorists,and i will go to ooty. don't behave stupidly andget ready. the car's ready. brother, come. get into the car. what are you staring at!get into the car. what if she asks for colddrinks in the car?

buy two thumbs up bottles for her. shall i ask mr. chiranjeevi'sfor money? why don't you say it clearly? take this 100 rupees note andspend as much as you want. but it's too big an amount.- if you save some money.. ...bring a couple ofeucalyptus bottles. it's good for cough and cold.- oh god! son, take this money.- what do you want? java oil? i don't want any javaoil or palm oil.

i just want you to give mea grandson. that's all. i might be a police office,but what makes you think.. ...that i'll accept bribe for that.- no, it's for your expenses, son. i booked a suite in taj residency. and when did you book the pants? son-in-law has a reallya great sense of humor. you need not pay the hotel. the driver will also be withyou along with the car. thank god, the three of uscan stay in the same room.

it will be safe for me. - no,i won't stay in your room, sir. i will take a separate room. by the way my name is nana patekar. you look like a telugu person,but you have a marathi name? my real name is aryan rajesh.but my mother told me.. ...a secret when shewas on her deathbed. that's why i had to change my name. alright, you should leave now, son. give me a call if you facesome problem over there.

i will be there to lookafter those things. where are you going?- to honeymoon. it's not their honeymoon,but not yours. my boss doesn't get anythingif i am not with him. he doesn't get anythingshe will guide him. you join your duty andcatch some thieves. tata. adieu. goodbye.i shall go now.

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