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Friday, April 14, 2017

he's a rocking star!mass hero... he's class and time pass... he's a skirt chaser...his only weakness is love... he's very ordinary in appearance... he's just another boy next door... one who enters into him deeperhas never come back... you make a rule andhe'll break it... you say no and he would do it... he says there's no one daringthan him and boasts about it...

dare devil! he's a school dropout... he has studied all the face books... he's weak in algebrabut he's smartass... actually he's a good boybut whatever he does it ends badly... he feels for few moments butis back in full throttle again... i know you don't knowprayers properly. don't recite prayers ofmy colleagues, come to the point. ganesha! what's this fun?- what did i do?

you didn't do anything,that's why, i've decided to die. why are you wearing new clothes then? people wear suits and shoesto go to america, where am i coming? to you! shouldn't i maintain dress sense? looks like you've decided. every year i'm offering you sweets. but you're burdening mewith troubles. me?

i'm unable to carry it anymore,so i've decided to commit suicide. don't know why good peoplelike me always face troubles. people in trouble are notalways good people. just because of your satires,though validity is there i'm retiring. don't come up, our relationshipwould get spoiled. don't say like that i may get angry. forget that i've justonly one request. anyway i'm dying, right? if you allow me to join ntr up there,

i'll live happily there.i can't bear it anymore. i'll find a good locationand jump down to death. please listen to me,if you want i'll come down myself. no, anyway i'm coming to you,you can put a dot there. a bumper offer too? people come to a locationfor an occasion. but i've come this beautifullocation to kill myself. this is the perfect locationfor my death. it's too high!

i'll climb slowlybut jump down swiftly! why should i smoke cigarettesto get tired so quickly? oh my god! the more i climb,the higher it goes! snacks in my hand andsnakes all around. there are no beasts here, right? i'm climbing to die,why should i be afraid of snakes? for the depth in my storyi do need this depth to die. chips and drinks, fantastic. i can't live without her.

this is the right place to die. a quarter will mix with water,the mixture would go down into me. i would go down!then, i'll go up again. who is he? my competitor. bloody fool! posing likethe hero of film titanic! jump! jump... jump... crush like tomato!jump! if you can't jump bravely,why the hell did you climb up then?

close your mouth,can't tolerate to see. english even on the verge of death. what's your mother tongue?- telugu. show some respect to our languageat least while dying. can i have your water, please? satire! take it. don't drink it fully, i've to goon a long journey, i need it. okay, have it. is your pulse racing likea speeding bike?

yes. death isn't that easy, it's an art. you need heart for it. what's your sad story anyway? my name is venkatratnam,i did b. tech. in us?- i'm a software employee. go on. i was working with a software company. my life was going on very nicely.

rs.30000 salary,with many dreams about future. at that time a girl named shwethajoined my office. what happened to me today?what's this chaos in heart? lightning up the sky anda gentle drizzle falling down... on seeing her beauty... i don't know if i was lucky ordestiny, she was right next to me. and i fell in love with herat first sight. your money would've startedgetting wings from then on. how come you know that?

this is the condition ofevery man used for passing time. carry on. waited entire day for evening,entire evening for that girl, i used to wait outside my office. one day when i got latecoming out of my office. for me? i was waiting for you.- for me? why? nothing, i felt like seeing you.

in the distant the month of autumn... do you use helmet? i always carry helmet,it's always safe, right? i never ride without helmet. okay. i got one thing from what you said. the girl would be likea rose in temple. and you'd be like a wild floweroutside the temple. i've a doubt,

how many times did you useyour helmet wrongly? how many timesdid you use it correctly? using helmet...- they got it, carry on. we both went to coffee day. do you know what shwetha told me? i fell in love with youat first sight. after hearing that i wasn't on ground. not just you, any man would bein that condition only. after hearing those words,

neither on earth nor in sky,boys are getting ruined midway. carry on with your story. after knowing she loves me, we both had great fun togetherfor many days. what did you do? we visited parks. visited clubs... pubs...watched movies... we went to many places. did you get into mood afterroaming all these places?

i didn't even touch that girl. i can understand that fromyour face and base. i asked you with good intention. did it take 3 months for you to break? carry on with rest of the story. don't kill me with yourpiercing eyes, my dear... for seeing you? for what we ate! tell me the amount inyour sweet voice, i'll pay,

rs.1680! i've rs.1500 only.- what? just rs.1500 only? don't you know to carry more moneyon coming out with a girl like me? i wanted to pay electricity bill. generally i don't carrymore than rs.300. give me that rs.1500. shall we go? what?- i want to tell you something. tell me.

i belong to middle class family. i'm from very poor background. my mother is sick. we don't have any social security. that's why people call me stingy fellow. after our marriage, we've to adjust 4 people in asingle bedroom flat in hyderabad. 4? who else? i, you, my mother and father.

four in a single bedroom flat? i'll maintain the familywith my salary, your salary will take careof my mother's medicines, if we want to watch any film,let's buy a pirated cd, all four of us canwatch it at home. we can save money,is it okay? after this discussion with her,got an heart attack. who? that girl?i expected this. no, my mother.

i had to go to my native place. distance between us increased. one day after this... i went to my office. who is that lucky girl, sir? why are you so proud,o withering flower... the gardener is no moreto protect you... why are you so colourful,o dying day? are you sad, venkat?

actually you must thank me. because if you marry me, if i don't like your homeand your family, we'll fight, your mother will get an heart attack, tv headlines will run aboutdaughter-in-law killing mother-in-law, do i need it? did you see what a great favouri've done to you? moreover boss proposedto me today only,

if i refuse he may fee bad.that's why i said yes. i think you'll not tell this to anyone. you're not that wicked. for your good heart i'm sureyou'll get a good girl. you must come to my marriagewithout fail. you will... bye. nothing... you owe me rs.180. i paid the bill in coffee daythat day, right? if you repay it...

hundreds?i don't have change, is it okay? you've changed, keep the change. i called her a rose, she's a thorn. did she cheat you so much? your name should've beenin the invitation, did she write your nameon the address cover? this is atrocious!- yes. you don't feel bad,girls are like that. first they'll seek heartand then gold chain.

if we refuse anyone,we'll be the losers. anyway, if girls smile, it's date, it's love story after dating,it's story of heart after love, it's life story after giving heart. if she ditches,it's a crime story. boys are like coconuts. tough exteriorbut very soft interior. but girls are like onions,it's tears as you cut, boys need this to convert those tearsinto tears of happiness.

i'm not that brave, boy, when is your girl friendgetting married? today, today! do you want to die todayand stop her marriage? no, i'll die to showhow much i love her. what would she know? my foot! if you die she won't be sadbut would be very happy. because truth would also diealong with you.

but i didn't get one thing. people grow beard afterfailing in love, how could you grow beardand then fail in love? how can you understandthe pain of my love? you can if you had loved like me. love... i'm here to commit suicidebecause of that only, are you also here to die? i'm also a love failure case. are you also a love failure?

you're a chocolate boy, your dimpled cheeks can makeeven men to tempt, girls can't stop themselves,you know that. if you hear my story,you too can't bear it. seeing you with drinks and snacks,i thought you were on a picnic. i didn't expect you'd behere in panic. please tell me your love story. my love story is my life story. anyway we're dying together,so i'll share my story with you.

my name is govind. the name given to mein naming ceremony. razor govind, that's the namei got in school. once i got angry, i had a drinkand attacked a man with razor. since then i was called like that. anyway i had the experienceof holding razor, i started carrying knife, but i didn't appear likea goon in any angle, i should've been a godsebut i had to become a gandhi,

and went to my grandfather's village. do you've a grandfather too?- i do... grandpa!- here comes the trouble. hey sinner, did you cover entire ap? i did but left out few places.- why? run out of gas, grandpa. am i an atm to refill yourpockets with money? if you ask money again,i'll kill you. fearing to see your angry angle,i went away and came back now.

i'll follow your path hereafter. grandpa, please teach me toconduct funeral rituals. you conduct funeral ritualsof everyone here, if you die in future,i must conduct your funeral, right? silly boy! tomorrow i've to conduct asacrifice for son in rangachari's home. get up early morning,take bath and offer prayers. are you wearing thesacred thread or not? i thought it was an hurdle to mefrom becoming a goon, i removed it.

you crook! nobody cares if we don't know hymnswe've value only if we wear it. wear it by tomorrow morning.change this bloody city style. okay, grandpa. silly boy! why are you throwing it like that? we're not conducting black magicbut a holy sacrifice. do it slowly, can he beget childrenif i do it slowly? i'll break your teeth,follow my orders, that's all.

how did you get that tuft? this is grandmother's.i found it in box. you've an assistant for thislittle function to, why do need him? i think you haven't recognised him. he's my grandson govinda.- govinda? there's a temple of hanumanin hyderabad, right? he's a priest there. temple got drowned in the recent floods. he came back to mesince he's jobless there.

is it to hit your earnings? don't say like that, sir. lord anjaneya wouldn't eatwithout his prayers. he's so powerful. that's okay, you're sportingparallel lines on forehead, he's sporting up straightlines on forehead, do you both belongto different sects? nothing like that mine is standingline and his is sleeping line. what's this loop line? bloody!

he belongs to shiva team andi belong to vishnu team. which ever team we may belong,is it you who doesn't have children? will you kill me in a fireaccident, you bloody idiot? you lost parents on birth, you got a temple drownedin hyderabad... grandpa, he's talking too much. just say yes, i'll burn him in sacrificialfire and conduct his obsequies. he's the richest man in town. if you keep your cool,we can make money,

call your family,they'll offer prayers. all of you come out and offer prayers. pray! greetings priest. not to him, pray to god. offer prayers to the sacrificial fire. he called his familybut a woman's club is out. all are his wives. wives? is he such a macho man?

macho man? my foot!he's not a man at all. he doesn't need this sacrificebut dr. samaram. he's doing this to beget a son.keep quiet. i got one thing, grandpa.- what? though he has sunk many bore wells,not one is good drinking water. shut up, fool. is your entire family here, rangachari? my daughter should come. my first wife, call our daughter.

greetings sir. not there but here. she's my lover. though her father had big property,my lover was endowed with small property. why is it so?her father didn't have sons, right? entire property belongs to her, right? hey software, you're a child. cool! i'll be 35 this december.i'm a man! that's why i called you a child,listen to me.

on seeing the girl, i felt entiresatellite rights were mine, i started ogling at her immediately. indeed! what was the problem then? i did have... jambavathi! she was the biggest problem in my life. what did you bring for lunch?- tamarind rice and curd rice. always the same? that priest is following us.- is it?

he's the 88th boy to chase. who?- who else? me! his taste isn't that bad,he's here for me. how can you be so sure? few days ago he came to my home withhis grandpa to conduct a sacrifice. he was ogling at me. i too had feelings. you've gone mad. if he ogles,should you also respond?

he's from city,don't know what bad habits he has? did you see how he is? he's sweet with dimpled cheeks. no, i suspect him. i doubt he's here after havingdone something bad in city. let's leave him and findourselves a handsome film hero. okay.- i'm very happy now. i'll set up a dark tamil hero for you. you said mallesh, right?who is he?

he's a fantastic junior artiste. he's not just malleshbut fits mallesh. whether he's very happy or sad,he' gets seizures immediately, i made a plan to him hookedto jambavathi. i was expecting anyone of these... did you come? but still i'm ready... i was waiting eons fora tamil hero like you. not just you many girls await for.

you must love me like ntr didin film 'paatala bhairavi'. not just like him but i'll dolike junior ntr in film 'yamadonga'. i want you every day! would i do part time jobafter marriage? will you carry me all my life? i'm human not a crane! i feel shy on seeing you. please close your eyes.- why? i'll hug you.

you're my hero from now.- you're my heroine from now. mallesh, fall down! fall down! what happened to him? hey you sinner! you're like a bear! what did you do to him? murderess! you killed him. i didn't do anything,i'm innocent. he's frothing likea snake bite victim.

where did you bite him? where did you hit him? may be he swallowed shampoo. i swear on god,i didn't do anything. please don't tell this to anyone. i fall at your feet.- that's my thigh. i can't bend anymore. then, on a condition.- say two. one is enough.- tell me.

i'll take care of him,you take care of me. do you want me to love you? you syntex tank! after killing him,are you planning to kill me too? just do what i say!- okay, tell me. make vaidehi to fall in love with me. how am i to meet vaidehi alone? she goes to dance class every morning,you can meet her there. i'll take care of him,you roll out from here. - okay.

i'll never trust tamil heroes. that's why trust telugu heroes,you'll prosper. hold this. after that i gave coconut waterand sent him away, jambavathi told vaidehi somereally good things about me. while this was happening... what's this dance?no style or rhythm. who is the dance master? whose voice is it?- mine! self-dubbing.

come here, boy. fool!- why did he slap me? are you commenting on my dancein my school? tell me, master. he's talking nonsense withoutany rhyme or rhythm. call police andhand him over to them. why police, sir?i'm neelakanta shastry's grandson. i'm here to learn dancefrom you, sir. neelakanta shastry's grandson?

i slapped you without knowing that. please don't take it seriously. today is very auspicious day to start. start learning dance from today, very auspicious day. take him and make him do slowly. i meant dance. you carry on, master.- come children. jambavathi told me a lot about you.

but i've a doubt.- what's it? you don't have any habit ofdrinking and smoking, right? cigarette means... what they writeon black board... medicine mean cough syrup givenby doctor, i don't like it. it's intoxicating. so, you don't knowhow they look like too. you too are very cute. you too say something. baby, i would die for you...

baby, i can jump down for you... baby, without you my lifeis total waste... baby, this life is yours... baby, every life after is also yours... baby, i came to knowmy heart is yours... how? how can you become so dangerous? just love me ether way... after that touch me not...

come, my super figure... i'll make you mother ofmy children... you're my heart're my pulse rate... why should my heart beatwithout you? you're my world...i'm all yours... come and shower yourrain of kisses on me... you spread your charm and magic toarrest me in your love trap... i'm worried all day and night... come, my sweet...let's love openly...

you're my wife in this life... you're my glass of're the pain of my life... if you don't kiss me,i'll punish you with fine... all the heroes together wouldn'tmatch your machismo... let's marry andgo high into the sky... are you still in that mood? her family came to know aboutour love story. i know your match was fixedwith vaidehi. her match was fixedbut with another man.

who is he? his name is kurnool prasad. from washington. don't know what's he washing there? he must be knowingwhat's he washing there? getting tempted with an nri proposal,her father fixer vaidehi's marriage with him. look, your grandson isdating my daughter. you're planning to usurp my property,isn't that your bad intention? if i inform police, you'll get yourbones broken and a soup made of it.

you're a vegetarian,you'd become food for non-vegetarians. be careful! how dare you accusea devotee of lord anjaneya! you'll accrue the sin of arrestingthe lord himself. don't play drama using god. tomorrow my daughter gets engagedand next day marriage, no gap. i'm not free. i'm busy with an obsequiesfunction in subba rao's place. who's inviting you?

if you or your grandson come there, i'll call other priests tooffer obsequies to you both. tell your grandson to leave this place. you're a priest,be like a priest, if you try to hep your grandson,i'll break your back. singing like an her of ghantasala. you sing as well as play with girls. if you don't leave thisplace by morning, i'll play badminton withyour dead body, be careful.

as if he's great pullela gopichand! come here. do you love rangachari's daughter?tell me truly. truely, i love her, grandpa. stay put here. will he beat me? take money. rs.1 lakh! elope to some place withrangachari's daughter.

my wish is someone in our familymust have a love marriage. elope with her and show himthe power of my grandson. grandpa!- go! i've never seen a moderngrandpa like you. i think staying beside goddess lakshmihas worked in my favour. don't delay any further,leave quickly. go! show him my power.- i'll pack my bag. my grandson will you my power,watch out rangachari. the end card came therein my love story.

how can end card comewithout story ending? what happened to vaidehi?- i ditched her. the moment rs.1 lakh cameinto my hands, the mean soul overtook me. he made me ditch the girl. are you human? you loved the girl so much. your grandpa too supported youin love matter. how could you ditch such a girl?you scoundrel!

are you human?you're a beast! why are you feeling so much? i'm the cheat andshe's the one who got cheated, what bothers you in between? she's happy somewhere. she married the man her father chose. listen or else i'll jump. stop, tell me rest of the story,i can't bear this tension. as soon as i got money,

with an idea to double it,i invested it in shares. in which shares? look there! tell me your choice, in or out? in! in-out... in-out... he won, brother! the game is not yet over, watch out. what now?

sure? again... in! he won again! now? why are you consulting secretlywith corpses? not secret, my great grandpa isresting inside, i don't do anythingwithout his order. what did he tell this time? he said this time it's out!

stake everything you, let me see it. the money is mine...entire money is mine... please lift your thigh. why are you packing money? is it grandpa? they don't have any more money? is it waste to play with them? is it safe to leave this place? what he says is...- i heard it.

whether you win or lose themoney belongs to us only. if you leave with money...- what would you do? you're alone,did you see how many we are? if we beat, you'd go useless. brother, if you drink,your liver will get spoiled. cigarettes will spoil your lungs. if i beat every part in yourbody would get spoiled. are you such a great man?- indeed! boys, take on him.

grandpa! no please! what happened, brother?- let's go. come. have you left him? go, catch him... don't leave him. what? money! lift me up!

stop jumping! you go there. come here, boys. bend down... you too bend. be careful. no! have you hidden any tsunamiin your stomach? i'll kill you! kill me? don't burn him.i'll fall down.

move, i'll go away. dirty fellow! give me money.- i'll not give... don't harm me, i'll give.take it. boy, remember one thing clearly. moon appears at night,sun appears in day, but govind appears all the time. well said! this is my money.

why are you arresting meafter taking my money? go inside silently. who is he? is he using headsand shoulders? i can see only shoulder, no head. sir, an innocent man hasbeen arrested. if possible respond to it,if not at least condemn it. my case is different. i've been arrested for murder. murder? i've fallenfrom bowl into fire.

what's your name? where are the half dozen thieves?- what? ali baba means don. i'm your fan from now, brother. why did they arrest you? - for playing. i'll show you video. real stunts, no ropes or dupes. you're very smart.- it's all your grace. you said murder case,will you get life term?

or ese gallows? they'll leave me.- how is it possible? my men would come. i got it, if they come herewith bail, you'll go out. take ali baba's bail order. would you like to come out? if you want to get me out,why wouldn't i come? i'll come. you're a real don. greetings bhai.

he's a brave man.he's very smart too. give him new clothes,change his get up. involve him in car dealing.- okay, bhai. why are you shell shockedlike a crow on live wire? that's it. why are you hitting slowly? you're carrying such a big one,hit strongly, will you please stop yourlousy commentary? my hands are in pain.

do you know that's whatyou call as experience? hit! bloody life! i thought ali baba's businesswould make me badshah or basha! but he's making me hit the tin sheet. no blasts or murders.not even smuggling. govind, please listen to me. come, work, take salary, that's it. if not our heads would hang likepumpkins to ward off evil eyes.

you speak telugu mixed with tamil,where are you from? what's this? i asked why were you dying?why narrate cock and bull stories? this is not cock and bull storiesbut my real story. the shed where i worked,my anarkali lived in the next door. who is anarkali? my heart!my life! how many lives do you've?how many hearts do you've? no! matter didn't reach that point.

don't cast evil eye unnecessarily, tell me how many sweet hearts you'veand what's the link between them? it was rain less summer day! welcome! firoz yadav's birthday,singer drink khan's shouting program. greetings! pour rum into glass... add ice to it... mix and have a peg, my dear... what is he singing?

for a glass of rum...- what happened to him? your lover's father was beaten up badly. what did you do with a bodybigger than salman khan? i took him to the hospital.- i got it. for taking her father to hospital,she fell in love with you, right? mine isn't telugu film love,but malayalam film love story, got it? isn't there anyone in home? what did you say? i'll handover you to them and leave.

see inside. inside!- there? madam, i can see everythingfrom this hole. who are you? who are you?father! - father! father... come quickly, madam, your father was beaten upbadly by people in a program. where's he? in centre.- where's my father?

piece!- father! father... father... what happened to my father?tell me. when he sang a song in excitement,people got angry and thrashed him. allah! oh no! thank you. thank you very much. i'm always grateful to you. i don't mind if you forget my helpbut don't forget me.

by the way, what's your name? your name? i'll change it as shahjahanfor your sake. what would you say? i'll say go out. have you decided like that? god made this couple... hit slowly, man!it's hurting my ears. no use in telling you.

your lover. hold this.- give. my leg is crushed! how is your health, khan? if you hadn't saved me that day,i would be long dead by now. my daughter would've become an orphan. slowly... slowly... enough... enough... got hurt?

when is your next program?for next ramzan? we don't celebrate ramzan grandlybut in a small way. i'm inviting you to dine with us.- what's the special? you saved my father, right?as thanks giving. please don't mistake me. we're poor, we can offer onlyfrugal meals with love. will you offer it with love?i mean meals! eat... eat... shall i serve some more?

later.- okay. did you come for me? pudding! i'm going crazy on seeing.- what? i want to ask you something. i didn't give any time,how can you ask? what?- pudding! give. why do you ogle at me? you're more sweeter than your pudding.

that's why!- that's why? that's why i love you deeply. you don't know i'm a muslimand you're a hindu. love has no religion. why are you wasting my time?come closer. leave me... leave me... i too have fallen in love with you. i've fallen in love... o dear, i've fallenin love with you...

i've given up... i've given up life foryour love, my dear... no food and water... sleep has eluded my eyes... life has been butchered... my pulse pounds on seeingyour cheeks... when i see your moving waist,my heart goes after it... i'm crawling on four for your love... no need to see or crawl...just love me...

i too love you... begum, i love you... making over with glitter and shine...tying the knot with you... let's start a familyin a little home... let's build a homecricket team in happiness... forget about marriage,kiss me right now... you'd become a mother instantly... no... no... i listened your story withgreat patience till now.

but you said love has no religion,i liked it very much. no use if you like it,everyone must like it, right? this shed is mine...this bed is mine... this liquor bottle is mine...this snack is mine... why are you so fast?why are after begum? begum is my better half. i'll do any great sacrifice for her. she's my life partner. this is not good.

i'll pick up a great raga now. stop it.come closer... come... when are you marrying begum? why are they laughing? good shot! why is he talking about marriagewithout that thing happening? what's that thing? what does he mean by honeymoon? it's a thing that happensbefore marriage.

shut up! what are you saying?before marriage? if you mix soda and liquor,its a peg. if man and woman unite,it's three! i'm feeling shy.- to hell with your shy. if ali baba asks about mumtaz,what would you tell him? what would he ask?- what would he ask? why did you marry my mumtaz?he would ask. i was in mood so i married her.i would say so. he would say, leave her.

i would say i've given her up,take her. will you give up mumtaz? what would anyone do?would anyone use a withered flower? what a shot! you're rocking! ali baba hits everyone butyou hit him from behind mumtaz. there's no one to challenge you. where are you going? do i need ali baba's permissionto go to loo?

should he ask ali baba'spermission for that too? no need... you carry on. you? mumtaz... you?! without knowing you're a scoundrel,i loved you. that is... will you give up relationsas easy as washing your hands? you don't know the value of love. i got drunk so... you got into the dirt of's a sin to see your face too.

you can scold or beat mebut don't leave me. i got drunk. if i beat you, i may make thesin of touching you. never again show yourselfto me in my life. neither i want you nor your love. are you human?uncivilized brute. inhuman! - no...- don't talk. how dare you speak bad aboutthe girl you love with friends? you may fall down.- i'll not fall, leave me.

you don't have any disciplineor honesty. people like you shouldn't be deserve death. i'm coming... you'll die in my hands. you cheated the girl you love,why did you decide to commit suicide? you mustn't die on your own,you must be killed by me. die! what happened? why are you vomiting blood?tell me what happened? i mixed my drink with rat poison.

it's working. people like me shouldn't... why did you do like this? where's the patient?- that poison case? - yes. gone! govind, you cheated two girls. you cheated and then died, why?is this justice? would anyone dies forlittle causes too? you committed a big mistake.

hello, gone doesn't mean dead.he has gone to throw up. using double ententes with me? gone means to shop or temple? why don't you tell me clearly?just said gone, bloody. where's he?- to throw up. have you? not yet... not yet... why don't you take expensivepoison instead of cheaper? you're testing my patience now.

throw up! it's all over, nothing anymore. no? you'll throw up now. are you doctor or drill master? why are you beating me like a beast? why are you shouting on me? throw up! few more minutes,next room would be ready for you. is it lodge, doctor?- no, morgue. i wanted to be in the room,why are you making me throw up ten?

then, do one thing. use your hand. here? not that... no? then, throw up naturally. how are you, govind?- he's beating me. why are you beating him?- not beating, helping him throw up. take him to ward, i'll check him.

why are you so affectionate on me? you brought me to hospitaland saved my life. not affection,you left your story midway, i'm dying with tension, tell me the balance story,i don't mind if you die after that. you're as mad as women of tv soaps. tell me about mumtaz. you didn't meet mumtaz afterthe split or that area, did you meet her father or not?

you never get back girl friendor lost thing. so, i decided not show my face inthis life and try in next life. if i slap on your dimple cheeks,it's going to hurt you dearly, how are you now? my shift is over, i'm going. any new patient? why didn't you get me admittedto a good hospital? what's wrong with this hospital? not a good looking girl here.

just now saw a good looking nurse,don't know when she would be back? i feel like killing youafter hearing about mumtaz. you should've left me thereas good riddance. i didn't save your lifefor you to live. you cheated two girlsin the name of love, i want to knowwhy did you take poison? i'm coming to that point only. natarajan, my colleague in the shedgot me job with multinational... ...a cab driver.

what wadeyar sir? didn't you fall in lovewith any girl till now? who would love me, sir?i don't have any commitment. i like your frankness. my manager stacy is a foreigner,she loves me. you mean dollar love. yes, costly and quality like dollar. that foreigner is the best for you. you both would look likecute black and white tv.

you got it but my parentsfailed to understand it. elders are always like this. not just in film they behavelike this in real life too. they're not accepting my love. what are you planning to do now? i want to forget.- your lover? my parents. you want to give your parentsfor your dollar love. i'm getting engaged to herand planning a long tour also.

you're very friendly with me,why not join us? thank you very much sir,you've a very big heart, sir. not now. oh god! she's stupendous like katrina. she's sitting next to himand he's watching outside. please say something, sir.- what am i to say? if you want to break for 1, 2 or 3,i'll stop immediately. what's this 3?- i mean mood. stop... stop...

not here, sir. little upthere are boulders and rocks. nobody is here. do it openly. i'll take care of madam.madam, sir is going for downloading. what am i to do now?govind, come here. it's too hot.- come... come... what's this?why did you call me for this too? no, i'm getting engaged here today. isn't it good? match that should be played in uppalstadium is being played in school ground.

nothing, budget problem. after our engagement,take us to a lodge please. to lodge from temple. you're very fast like rocket. meanwhile, you go around the city.- me? you? i must tell her in detail about how totake care of my parents after marriage. are you going to discussabout this in lodge? i've understood one thing, though delicious food is on table,can't eat if we've mouth ulcer, right?

keep quiet. i was expecting engagementbut you both are arguing. she's playing football with me.- i don't see her lifting the leg. what to do? what's her problem? she wants a grand engagement.she doesn't want it simple. what am i to do now? look, i've got her rs.5 lakh worthdiamond engagement ring. rs.5 lakh ring?

i'd king if i had the ring with me. madam, down the curtain,can't see it anymore. bloody rogue! sir, your foreign girl friendis a gold digger. she's looting you in thename of engagement. - is it? yes, sir. how much a hen would fee if an egg thatshould become chick becomes an omelette, i too would fee as muchif your marriage gets canceled. what do you mean by it?- this is country chicken language.

i'm a software guy, i know onlycode language not chicken language. forget it, sir.don't get tensed unnecessarily, if i get involved in your love,you problem will be solved. what will you do?- i'll solve it. madam is in right mood now, do it. ring! put the ring. shall i put the ring? show it, madam.

small vada! small... small vada. small vada. it's known as obsequies. i want to attend an obsequies function. you mustn't have obsequies now. you must live a long life,i've much to do with you. you must get it done. here comes your enemy!

what are you giving her?- small vada. if she eats nasty food,she may throw up. how can she throw up withoutyou doing anything? my lover stacy! i tried pulling the mountain with hair, if it moves, i'll get mountainif not i'll lose only hair. third lover? this is my item lover,don't feel too much. you say item and foreign.

how could you try a girlsomeone else loves? to make me look fairer,i used detergent soap to wash face. you don't know the differencebetween body soap and detergent. how could she love you?how could you make her fall to you? a boy who doesn't know the differencebetween body and detergent soaps, she simply fell my innocence. i cheated myself by taking govind's help. i'm damn tired, madam.- for teaching me? no need of that, madam.

sir is here,tell him whatever i taught you. he would be very happy. what's the matter, you bloody bastard? it's not bloody bastard,it's my mischievous husband. mischievous husband. govind teaches me little telugu. madam, it's taught me not teaches me. taught me! i'll always bend before you.

it's not bend but humble. it's dear not as you say, don't know what's this dear?i've become a fool. falling into her charm. why are you getting tensed? what normal? few days with you andshe wants it like a dog on street. what did he say now? i love him so much,how dare he calls me a bitch.

oh my god! what a beauty! let's go to ooty... come and join me... no one to challenge this rocker... you're my sweet fair maiden... i love you girl... if we become a couple... greetings... baby! no food... no sleep...i'm down with shivering fever... you're a foreign chocolate...i'm a local biscuit...

you're english and i'm local,together we make stunning couple... mileage will be mind blogging... horsepower would be terrific... i've gone mad... you're great! you've a duet in every love story. a twist after that. is there a twist in this story too? it did happen!

what happened then? that rich dark wodeyar cameto know about our love. what happened to that rich,dark wodeyar after that? mendicant! what happened after that? he's useless fellow. foolish idiot! bloody rascal! dirty fellow!bloody double face!

double face? perfect time to trap her. i'm very happy with you.- happy? me too. i'll look after you well,i'll take you around in ac car. but i need a car for that,will you buy me a car? no, i want it this yearand right now. if you sell the engagement ring,we can get money for down payment. we can manage after that. he called me a bitch,so i threw off his ring.

i planned to sell the ring,buy a car and set up a good life. but that girl dumped the ring,so i dumped her. he hasn't yet changed. why did he try to commit suicide? what's that expression?want to use pot? not that but heart attack. you dimpled boy! what a cheat,crook and criminal you are! my bad luck i had to see youin my life. ours is a relationshipfrom many lives...

why are you standing herelike a mannequin? to give medicines to the patient. that cheap poison case? not just mouth,he needs on his buttocks too. come. oh no! drill master. are you feeling shy of men?come in. what happened?why is he over acting? i don't want to take injection.- is it? keep your hand here.

give him a shot, sister. give the shot withoutdowning my pant. i feel shy. she has seen many like yours,give him a shot. it's over. an emergency case in next ward,please go there. someone took poison,don't know how they take poison? you're senior most nurse,asking me how? open the bottle and then...

doctor, that's poison. the patient next ward hadtaken this poison only. if patient takes poison,doctor helps him throw up, who would help if a doctortakes poison? who would help, govind? you're a man of muscles!you're a tyson! he's biting me! doctor may die... no... he may die!

he may die... leave him. he's finished, take him away,- come down... i've fainted.- fainted? you cheated 3 girls,are you laughing here happily? for getting cheated by you,those 3 girls must kill themselves. i must die for gettingcheated by a girl. why did you want to die? unable to forget mumtaz,i went back searching for her. excellent tea.- thank you.

greetings, peer sahib. looks like tea is hot,make one for me. looks like you too are boiling. i went to mumtaz's place.door is locked, where are they? get up, bloody!don't you've any shame or respect? how dare you enter this area again! all are my areas,i don't have any restrictions. life will not give a second chance. go away!

look, i'm not here to fight. i'm here for me. bloody traitor! you repaid us wellfor getting you out of jail. this area wants you deadfor cheating mumtaz, i'll behead you andhang your head here. am i scarecrow to hang here? if he dares hit me again, i swear on my grandpa,i'll not spare anyone.

kill him, boys! leave him... leave him...what are you doing? why are you beating them?leave him... leave him. for your word, bhai. who told ali baba bad about meand sent him to beat me? i'll kill him. am i a killer or rapist? shut the gate. if i reveal the affairs you do in dark,it would become current affairs.

i'm asking you a question, if i don't marry mumtaz orif i don't go honeymoon with her, why are you getting vexed? you're stinking. am i stinking? but you drink using a straw in pub,what do you call it? hookah! you creep.isn't it wrong then? is this the way to speak to a lady? ladies are like this becauseof your behaviour.

she's varalakshmi herebut varu in pub. she's an angel herebut in pub, one man is enough... get lost! bloody! am i showing a film? remember one thing. before you close your noseon seeing a dustbin, don't forget the dirt comesfrom our homes only, if anyone talks bad about me,i'll break your bulbs. oh god! why are you appearinglike a ghost now and then?

why did you come here again? you came when i had a fight morning,you came again when i chided the girl, i must kill you. are you drunk?- yes, i'm drunk. will you beat me? will you beat me? beat me! beat me! well done. now, we got you! bloody... did you try to kill yourself for this?

you always say about true love, right? it happened in my life too. first time in my life,i met an angel. nothing to worry, right?if i need hep, i'll call you. are you awake? how do you fee now? do you know me?- you were lying unconscious on road. i brought you home to getmedical treatment. thank you so much.

when i was bringing you home,why people were talking bad about you? what's your name?- my name is govind. what do you do? i don't do anything...i don't have an address too. is it? i'm starting an orphanagefor orphans next week. you too can stay there. for taking care of me. no need to thank,just pay rs.600 for the treatment.

i was just joking. i'll always be grateful to you. go carefully.- okay. bye. after she entered my life,i got a good job. the bad man in me was deadand i wished to help others. have i come to the wrong address?have they changed the home? i'm confused. when did you come, govind?

just now.- please come in. is this your home?- why did you get doubt? there are many people inside. they're all my children. don't get excited,they're inmates of my ashram. she's rekha, kho-kho player. that's vidya. they're all good players. though they had talent,they were left out in villages.

i'm coaching them in ashram toshow their talent to this world. what game does he play?- he's their coach. he fills them with sporting spiritand coaches them to move forward. he's our role model. you'll surely achieve your aim. he's govind, your brother. you didn't tell me yet,why did you come here? i got a job. in a transport company,i came to share sweets with you.

so, you're a transporter from today, something like that. if you need any help any time,don't hesitate to call me. i'm always ready. i to must accrue some good deeds, right? then, i need a small hep.- tell me. will you please rekha and othersnear lakdi-ka-pool. they've to got for a health check-up. sure, no problem.

only if you're going that side,if not no please. please come. bye dear.- bye brother. like visiting temple every day, i too visited her every day andnever did anything without seeing her. friendship between us grew upas days passed. take offering. i feel you're takingextra care of me. i was aimless in life,you showed me a way.

that's why i respect you a lot. don't know why i fee you'regetting closer to me. i feel like talking to you. i don't know why i feel like that. do you know this? girls in my ashram like you so much. you're a very good man, govind. i like you so much. never my dreams came this side...

realised what i have lost today... my moonbeam is hiding inthe darkness of past... started life afreshturning a new leaf... o angel, you changed my heart... with your loveyou turned me humane... you're the rhythmin my heart beat... the step i'm taking is you...the light showing me way is you... you've spread magical charmto make me forget my past... you made me taste thesweetness of mother's love...

you've made my heart meltwith tenderness... to realise truth andto wipe out darkness... you've come to me like a bondfrom my previous birth... i'm your breathe for this life... what's it, sir? are you kidnapping innocent girls? i don't know anything sir.- take him away. tell us the truth. where have you hidden thekidnapped girls?

tell me.- i don't know anything, sir. why are you beating me?- tell us... tell us... asking you, tell us. don't you know whom to beatand whom not to? do you know him? he's a coach of the orphanage. she? she runs the orphanage for girls,we're planning to marry soon. you fool, she's not helping girlsby running orphanage,

she's making them disappear. she makes the girls drug addictsand uses men like to fall in love. she uses men like you to transport. will you marry her? see this! see this! so many men have fallen to her bait. she has used three others like you. for getting a lucky man like you,2 others died. she's runs a human trafficselling girls.

i was jobless till now but never didanything so mean for a living. sir, give me one opportunity,i'll catch and bring them. i know all their hideouts. please trust me, sir.- don't trust him, sir. don't talk. i committed sins with these hands, if you give me a chance,i'll catch them at any cost. trust me, sir. get it ready, hold her tightly.

handle them carefully. tell to load quickly, load it quickly. we're leaving, finishing loading. police know about this racket,escape from there immediately. get the load off. get them, boys. douse them with petrol and burn them. why should we burn them?

police know this, they'll givecomplete details to police. they'll bash us in lock-up.just follow my orders. get up... get up... you came like a brave heartto save them? you made a mistake by coming here. leave the girls, please. okay, sir.hit him. douse them with petrol. pour it all over the place.

this side too... pour here also. douse the entire place. that side too. so, you're a transporter... do it fast! please, tell them to stop. girls... they called me as brother! please, i'll not tell anyone.

trust me, we'll not tell anyone. leave me leg. i beg you. will you consider goodness as weakness? get up... get up... look at me! take all of them outside. brother! all of you go out from back side. come boys...

he's killing me... come boys...catch him... go boys! did she cheat you? did you take poison for that? i became an orphan losingmy parents as a child, god sent many messengersof love to me, without realizing that3 people who loved me dearly, i rejected them, that sin took it's toll on me,

orphan girls who called me brother, i sold them off with my hands, this sin took the heaviesttoll in my life, deciding not to livethis life without a purpose... calm down, you didn't do itwantonly, right? the girls did benefit from you,don't worry. i may change the mood,let's go and die. just now you deliveredsentiment dialogues. i beg you.- let's go and die.

i wish to live.- enough of our lousy life. if you want die alone, leave me. come, don't be adamant. please listen to me,i'll get my mother operated. please listen to me. if you force me to commit suicide,it's a murder. please bear it. your first lover? did you see how happy she'safter marriage?

had she married me,she would've been in troubles. that's why i dumped her. did i ever deny anything to her? i want her to marry a good man. is that my crime? i raised her in my heart,she's leaving kicking it now. if she marries an irresponsible man, i can't bear to see her face troubleall life so i arranged this marriage. she has decided to elope with him.

if she does it,we must commit mass suicide. did you dump vaidehi wantonly? i can't understand you. i can't understand myself,let's die, come. had you taken medicines in time,you wouldn't be like this now. i'll take medicines properly,don't worry. mother... father, let's go. you said about health check upbut say let's go back. no need of any check-up.

you mean stacy's boy friend?- yes. he was ready to dump parents for her. look, how happy he's withhis parents now. that's why i split them wantonly. i'm thinking about mumtaz. i can't bear it. she loved me truly. for a bloody one day's drinks,i ruined my entire life. i abused you wildly beforei knew about you.

in this short friendship,i've come to know you well. you're really great. i'm proud to be your friend. i can't live for a moment also,let's die. why do you still want to die? i just said i love you. i've lot of work to do. no problem, come. mumtaz?

i made a mistake. please forgive me. after hearing your story,i know you're a good man. with that good heart,will you marry me? you can go and die happily now. you get four girls,can't i get at least one? i'll also get,my time too will come. what has happened... hello... please say something.

i saw your feet, no toe rings. i saw your neck, no sacred thread. it means you're not i right? no, why did you ask me? i'm also not married. so mean so... it's alright if you smile. if you don't smile, it's all out. you smiled... smiled...

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