
full movie english comedy

Saturday, April 15, 2017

have you'll come then? i will tell you a new story today! absolutely new. which story should i tell you all...? yes! i have a story! that all of you will like. the story i am goingto tell you today.... look at that! who is he...?

who is it? nandu... narial... nandunarial is a big goon! look there, who is going with him? happy and harry. happy and harry both work for him. do you know, that now-a-days,they are in search of a kid! has he lost his child? no. they kidnap childrenand sell them off...

but they cannot findany children today. hey, what story are you telling us? tell us a story with theking and the queen, please? shhh... shhh... shhh... first... listen to this story! and if you don't like it...then i'll tell you another story! alright? "there was king andthere was a queen!" "this story is just so old!"

"now let me cheer you up" "and tell you a new story" "there was shankar, a don" "and he had such amazing style!" "he loved his wife very much" "and would always keep her happy!" "one day when he came home,his wife gave him news" "that he was to become a father!" "it was a stormy night"

"the rains were pouring heavily!" "it was time for the baby to come" "and his poor wife was in much pain!" "somehow he took hiswife to the hospital" "and there,happy and harry were on a look-out!" "then nature showed her beauty" "and made shankar the father of two!" "he took both the kids in his hands" "and he was dancing about with joy!"

"happy and harry saw this" "and were only searching for a way ...' "the wife made a signal" "but shankar did not understand" "he put the kids down" "and came near his wife" "the thieves took up both the kids" "and left their mother heart broken!" "poor mother could not say anything"

"and she died out of grief and pain!" "the two ran with the kids" "and the police were after them too!" "both were very scared" "and they hid behind a van,in the dark" "they put the children into a van" "and hid from the police" "and suddenly the van started to move" "and happy and harry ran behind it"

"the van reached a church" "and there was an aunty named mary" "her eyes fell on the child" "and she picked the child in her arms" "the baby was so cute" "that she named him krishna" "one child remained with shankar" "and he was spoilt with love and care" "that child was named rama"

"and now you will seewhat fun happens next..." "hare krishna, hare krishna,rama rama, krishna krishna" oh my god! oh he has killed me now! oh my, my! not just a job, feels like i'm payingfor the sins of my whole lineage! my my! hey, come on now! forgive me sir... i havetwo small kids back home! why are you scared!nothing will happen, come on now... no, no... - alright, i forgive you.

sir, you've made a paste out of me! boss, rama is fighting again! come on bahadur, come at me! please forgive me sir,but i cannot fight with you. but you're bahadur right?come on then... sir... i'll change my name... not name, change your position! come on then... great rama, great!

it's true,that the blood flowing in you is mine! daddy, the blood isn't flowing,it's pumping! sir, i can't even walk,little sir has broken my back! my wrist is twisted... howwill i water the garden now? oh sir, little sir brokemy teeth... now i just have 31 left! get the rest broken too... andi'll get you all the 32 newly made! come on rama,we are getting late for school. by the way, did you do your homework? i've done it. - good, very good.

now tell me, when did thethird battle of panipat take place? after the second one! please don't ask me anymore questions, i'm hungry now. you people haven'tgiven rama his food yet? i had got him breakfast sir,but his karate moves threw them all. make it again then. - hmm... if rama's mother were alive,would he be hungry for this long? you say that you'll get mummy,but when will you! i will son, very soon.

when mummy comes, she'll feedme with her own hands, bansi uncle? yes rama, she will feedyou warm food with her own hands! we are hungry, we are hungry! mummy aunty, give us food! mummy aunty, is the food done? i am making it dear,are you so very hungry? not me, but they all are very hungry. is that so? come then... hey! silence, silence, silence!

did i not say i am making food,wait for a little while! then just give it, the mice in mystomach are playing a cricket match! are you laughing at me! hey, no fighting! gopi, why do youalways fight like this? come on, leave him and say sorry. if you don't say sorrythen you won't get food! i will not say sorry! say it gopi,or we will have to stay hungry!

i am hungry... sorry! gopi said sorry,now give us the food mummy aunty! okay, okay,okay... i will get the food.. ..but you'll have to waitjust a little bit more. how long do we wait for? the hunger is making me lose weight! kids, krishna has goneto the market to get some food... you all wait a little more, and whenhe comes then we'll all eat together! there is the tomato,and the cauliflower!

and there is the spinach! and what else do youwant krishna brother? give me ginger for a rupee, also. ginger for a rupee? in this age krishna,you get nothing for 1 rupee! how not! you get 4 denominations in a rupee! and 2 denominations also... and you're sayingthat you get nothing!

see, i can't argue and win with you! this is your ginger for a rupee. and that makes a total of 70 rupees! 70? but i just have 20 rupees! 20 rupees! okay then,take 20 rupees worth of the groceries! i'll give you theremaining 50 rupees later. what is written? you go to school right?you know how to read too! it is written, that debtis like a pair of scissors to love!

what is it? scissors! we don't give loans or keep debts! now give back the rest! see... i have 15 otherbrothers and sisters too! if you don't give the food,then we all have to stay hungry! so what can i do? huh? what! give me the whole money or go back! look at what's written on the temple. on the temple pillar?

it is written, that the visitoror buyer is like an avatar of god! so will you return god back? that too for just 50 rupees? will you not be condemned for it? see sir, i promise thati will pay back your 50 rupees. tulsi das has said, thatkindness is the essence of religion! and to not be kind is like sin! and not to stop being kind,till you have life in your body. that's fine,that's fine... that's alright son.

you have opened my eyes dear! made me realize! son... take this home. and whenever you need anything,come and take it from me. take it son, take this. okay then, i will go now. back home everyonemust be very hungry! may god bless you, son!

may he give you a long life! come on, open your mouth! you eat first! till he doesn't feed youthe first bite, he won't eat! krishna brother look!gopi is eating your chapatti! hey dia!if i blow at you, you'll be gone! don't be like that gopi! dia is our little sister...and it is written in the bible that... you think you're very smart?shall i give you one?

hey hey! what's happening here? mummy aunty!gopi ate krishna's chapatti! and he was going to hit krishna! what else shall i do? how can i just eat 1 chapatti? i know gopi,that's why i gave you mine! krishna, you are so simple! why, that's what youhad said mummy aunty! that it feels much better to feedsomeone else! that it makes god happy!

the vegetable sellermade me eat some food anyway! so i'm full!so now mummy aunty, you eat too! no, no... i'll eat later. no... you have to eat now. oh... this has no more chapatti but! that's okay, i eat more for breakfast,so i'll eat later in the evening... how will we eat in the evening? there is no flour left! come on brother, take down the goods.

so shall i go now? go where brother? 9 bags for 2700 rupees! 2700 rupees? here... take 2500rupees and 200 for my commission! commission? you've become a grade one fraud,brother! you are the grade one fraud,mr. sundar. you steal from orphan kids! shameless man.

i don't even come onthe list of people like you. yes, yes... you've said leave! yes, yes... i'm leaving, don't scream! fat fraud! - go! flour is here!flour is here! flour is here! flour is here mr. sundar? yes ms. mary, your flour is here. mr. chadda said that he wasto send 10 bags? this is just 1. ms. mary, you shouldn'tcount what come in charity, eh?

he has given only 1 bag to me. are you lying, mr. sundar? if you call me a liar theni'll break your teeth krishna! they were giving only 5 kilograms... that's when i begged and pleaded andcried a bit, that he gave me 1 bag! krishna, take this bag andkeep it in the kitchen please. harry, take out the photo! is it him? hey, i don't have change! go now!

stand straight! ... no, not him. is this him? harry, look? no... he has hair! he is the one! come on then! - but where? to our boss! nandu narial! the whole of mumbai knows me as anna! i am nandu narial, as in anna! and you didn't do my work!

what work? you were in the municipal corporation. i send you 50,000 rupees through teja. 50,000 rupees! did you not get it vilas? see... my name is not vilas,i'm kailash! and i work in the massage shop!i swear! he's right anna, i'm vilas! when i was at the bus stand, theytook my wig and put it on his head.

and when i went back home,my children couldn't recognize me! you see sir, you see... i saw! i did! i did... now go! go away from here! go! let me go! leave! leave me! do you have a mirror? hey, what happened to my work? your work will be done, anna! how will it be done?by staring at my face!

go now, get the work done! go! okay, okay... i'll go. hey... you go! hello anna! what eh, did you get theweekly threat money! - yes, i did. then give it to me. here anna, full 10,000 rupees. huh? 10,000 rupees...this is just bird food! jamuna here gives me 1.5 lakh!and you just got me 10,000 rupees?

anna, shankar's peoplehave taken over the whole area! i got this after much hard work! shankar! shankar! shankar! this shankar is troubling me so much! we will have to dosomething about him! give me the coconut water, eh! i said coconut water!stupid! so stupid! this is the property plan,which the d'souza family had.. ..taken on lease 25 years ago,for 10,000 rupees.

today it must be valued at crores! if we get this propertythen we'll be millionaires, boss! but boss,how will we get this property? we will get it! we will. i had talked to tendulkar,in the municipality... uh, dhandekar, boss... oh yes, dhandekar... i have sent him 10 lakh as advance. boss... there are big trees all around...

and boss, i've heard thattigers and big cats roam there... we will have to clear out that forest. boss that will cost us a lot! - yes... atleast 10 to 15 lakhs will be spent... what daddy? you will cut down trees? rama, what are you doing here! go... go on inside and play! i will go inside, daddy... but you might have to go to jail!

what are you trying to say, rama? i'm correct! to cut trees orget them cut is a punishable offence. but your father willbe buying the land! the property might be ours, butthe trees belong to the government! our government says thatevery man should plant a tree each. and if you cut trees, thenyou will be punished! punished by law! brother shankar,this is a big problem! it is a problem! and i can't understandhow to solve it but!

i have an idea... if you are interested... the forest will be clean and youwouldn't even have to spend a rupee! what idea? let the poor and homelesspeople stay there. how will that help? they will cut the treesand clear the forest.. ..and then make their littlehuts and live there. then they will take over the land! the land is our... we can run abulldozer over it wherever we want to!

and then the land will be clear! now that is what youcall a brilliant idea! wow, rama wow! what an idea! boss, you will see that one day, littlesir will rule the whole of mumbai! whose son is he? - yours sir! thank you... - welcome! wow, rama wow!i am impressed with your idea! tell me now, what do you want? take me to essel world!

really? that's it? okay, let's go today evening! boss, you are bust till this friday... oh... saturday is his d day! oh yes... 3, 4... 10th! i will takeyou to essel world on the 10th rama. don't forget daddy! oh no, i won't. shankar brother, your son is a bomb! boss, may we come to essel world too?

come on, quick... uncle, uncle... open this lock please? yes, right away! see, it opened so easily!but why didn't you open it? i would've opened it...but the paint is still fresh! your hand got dirty! quiet! quiet now! fat boy! naughty boy! huh! uncle, if you want then ican give you soap... for 100 rupees!

eh go! go now! sir, should i put iton this wall or that one? what do you say? sir, after watching amitabh's movie,i think i like this wall here. great then, go, go... put it there! put it up quick! that's nice. very good! uncle, what is this? uncle... this is a notice.

what is written in it? it informs you that thisproperty belongs to the state. and the lease for this propertywill expire after 1 month.. ..on the 26th of june, 2005. so it requests you toleave this land within a month! or else you will be punished by law!understood! nonsense! we won't shift! we won't go anywhere! hey, what is this?what are you'll doing here?

who are they? they are saying that we will haveto leave this place within a month! what? - yes... it's on the notice. yes, we will not leave from here! okay... so you won't leave? alright, you don't have to. then you can go to the municipalityand deposit 10 lakhs. that's it! the lease will be extended! 10 lakhs?where will we get 10 lakhs from but?

please, have mercy on these kids? mercy? huh... come on now, come... hey... go on now, leave! don't hit! don't! mummy, i am helpingdaddy in his business, now... daddy is very happy with me. are you happy? rama dear, it's late... sleep now? why is mummy not talking to me?

she will son, she will. when you sleep,she will talk to you in your dreams... really? - oh yes! but i'm not sleepy... becausei didn't even practice my karate! come then, let's fight! not now rama dear,i'll fight with you tomorrow morning. promise? - yes, yes... promit! not promit, its promise! yes, yes... same thing!now sleep please!

what is it dia? - i can't sleep. even i can't sleep. will we really have toleave this place within a month? then what will happen? nothing will happen!i tore the notice! why are you all still awake? you are awake too, mummy aunty! so will they throw usout from here mummy aunty? then where will we go?

the house of god ishuge... that's where we'll go! don't say that dia... why are you crying, mummy aunty? you taught us that we shouldnot be afraid of trouble.. ..but face is with courage! but this is a very big problem,krishna. how will we face this? how will we get 10 lakh rupees,in such a short notice dear? "the pain in life, comes and goes"

'but what use is theheart that gets afraid of it?" "we make the path,and we make our aim" "we walk the path to our aim" "and follow where our heart takes us" "the one who learns to fight troubles,he knows how to really live!" "life is hope and hope is life..." "it is after the night,that day comes!" "we have our skills,then what is there to be afraid?" "hard work pays in this world, always"

"the dreams that we have seen" "we will make them allcome true in our lives!" "we will fight the stormsto reach clam shores!" hey... what did you just do? i gave you 1 rupee as charity! do i look like a beggar to you? spoilt my tea! now take out 15 rupees! 15 rupees! but tea is for 2 rupees! it's special tea! grown in darjeeling,packed in assam and brought from kerala!

you understand!now take out 15 rupees! or i will call the police! huh! harassing a child! yes, yes... i understand...very costly tea... here you go! and here, take your 1 rupee! here, my 30 rupees. so much do we have, krishna? 280 rupees... 200 rupees spent on the stuffwe bought, so... 80 rupees earnings.

we made a lot! if we keep on like this, then within40 or 50 years, we'll have 10 lakhs! till then we'll be old... and then no one will throw us out! yes... then we'll live with our kids... here you go mummy aunty, 280 rupees. son, i am very bad!i am making you'll work so much! you are very nice mummy aunty! you taught us that stealing is bad.

that you should always work hard. and hard work is alwayspaid by god? right? yes son. look, i earned 300rupees from my stitching. that means in 4 days,we have earned 1660 rupees! harry! they are collecting money! we'llhave to inform the boss about this! of course... but why do you havethis bush with you? so that no one sees me!

that is why i'm wearing these goggles! very good! - let's go then? come then. anna! those kids... have already made 1660 rupees! and if they continue like this... then in 1 month they'llhave saved 10 lakhs! correct! that's all wrong news!

even if the kids take 10 lifetimes,they cannot save 10 lakhs! absolutely wrong news! the real news has been printed here! this shankar! he's standingin shahrukh khan's birthday party! do you know that shankarwas a normal loafer here! from a loafer he became a goon.and from a goon he became a don! and from a don hehas become a businessman! today shahrukh khancalls him to his birthday! and me? anna! nandu narial?even shakti kapoor doesn't call me!

we have to do something!we have to do something about shankar! a sea can't have two sharks! no! there won't be anna! here, see... what we've got for you! what? you've got this bigcoconut to break on my head? no anna, it's not a coconut!it's a time bomb! huh? time bomb? yes... just send it to shankar!and i've set the time too! and then shankar will be gone!

very good! very good! this is the first time thatyou'll have done something clever! i will take it to shankar myself! as a postman!and ring the bell... ding dong! shankar will open the door and i'llgreet him saying that he has a parcel! hey, you set the time right? yes anna... i have set it for 12.- correct. here happy and harry,take the 10,000 and go have fun! happy and harry!happy and harry! happy and harry!

hey, i know you'll arehappy and harry! go now! go... happy and harry! happy and harry! now we'll party! because we have 10,000 rupees! but happy, you set thetime and date correctly, right? do you think i'm stupid?i set the time and date correctly! on the 11th at 12. for the 11th at 12? yes, today's the 10thand tomorrow the 11th!

no happy, yesterday was 10th,today is the 11th! what! what are you saying!what time is it? 12 seconds to 12!- 12 seconds? nothing can be done in 12 seconds!let's just wait then. - okay. we left anna here, did you see him? hey... did you say something? i can't hear. happy, hold... we left anna here,did you see him? i am anna! nandu narial!

harry look, the ghost of anna! so dark... his ghost! hey... i'm not a ghost!i'm anna... and alive! happy and harry, your time wascorrect but my time was wrong. donkey! anna! anna! anna... that shankar is coming... then go do something! anna, don't worry,i'll just make shankar...

come, come... hey, you look handsomefor the first time! how are you anna? i'm well, just a little cold... - oh... that's why the doctorwrapped you up in sheets! so that you don't catch a cold! we got you flowers! oh my... happy and harry,pick up the flowers! pick them up! go on, pick them...

hey shankar,tell me why did you come here? i just came to seeif you were dead or alive. i'm anna... and i'm alive. boss, little sir is calling! give it, it is rama's call. hello? yes son?yes we'll go to essel world! no dear,you get ready and i'll just come. okay bye... boss, we'll also come with you!

yes... i'm wearing my swimmingcostume inside even! i'm not! don't worry,first i'll go and then you can. good idea... okay then anna. i have to take my son get well soon. see you! - oh my god... go now, go... happy and harry,you made a big mistake 8 years ago... you picked up oneof his kids and lost him...

nothing has gone wrong anna,he still has the other kid! oh yes... first time youhave said something smart! today we had so much fun daddy,we'll go again tomorrow! son... i've taken you to esselworld 3 times in the last month! i don't have time!- but i do daddy! so much time! put all that time to your studies! you will have to take careof my business in the future. you understand? - yes i do. you take care of me and i'lltake care of your business! okay?

okay! boss, what do we do with this?- what is it? these are the walletswe picked from people. when did you? when you were bathing sir. this... - isn't it nice? this is mine! have you got food uncle? must be flour!

yes sure!i'm anna! your father's worker eh? what are you saying! they are orphans! even if you can't give themanything... you can atleast talk nicely? take this off, take this off! i won't just talk nicely...i'll take care of them.. ..give them 1,000 rupeespocket money too! when will you give it to us uncle? when you leave this place, then! but where will we go?

don't go! and submit 10 lakh rupees. you have just 10 days...get your things together and go... or i will come and throw you'll out! oh come on, come... what has happened mummy aunty? they have threatened us again,krishna. they say to either leave the placeor to submit 10 lakhs within 10 days. god will show usa way... for god is great!

yes son, i know that god is great. we should go to the municipalityand deposit the money we have. and ask them for a little more time. i'll say please and begthem... i'm sure they'll agree. oh really? so see, this is shankar's house. do not move from here.wait here. when shankar's soncomes in the morning.. ..just kidnap him!and don't make a mistake!

that's it. okay... go... go now! rama sit in the car! i don't like this kurta and pajama!i want to wear jeans! rama we are going to the temple!you can come back and change. god is everywhere,then why are we going to the temple! because we can talk togod in peace and directly! can we go now? oh god, when will i get rid of her!

oh just sit! happy! happy! don't sleep. come here.- harry. what? - look... they left! then start your bike! this is just 15,000 rupees. sir, they have earnedthis by working day and night. please accept this. and give us a few more days' time?

i can't do anything.please just submit the full amount! i promise you that i will paythe whole amount as soon as possible. please keep this amountfor the time being. look, don't waste my time. take your money and go. please go!who knows where you all come from! get some tea! - not for us! yes, this is not free! and please, get up and go.

and let me work. come on now children. go now, go... it feels like the wholeworld is against us. when the trouble is more, god sendssomeone for help always, mummy aunty. yes dear... now it is all up to him. let's go now... harry! her car's broken down! oh! now what happened?

oh my god! the car's stopped! hey, what are you doing? oh ho... the wind is blowing,so shouldn't this bush move too? hey, what are you doing now? do birds not sit on bushes or what? you women should not even drive cars! then why don't you drive, mr.big shot? rama, you sit here andi'll get the mechanic, okay? don't get a lady mechanic!

just shut up! oh look, mona got out. this is the rightmoment to get the kid. come with us. come where? to our boss! and if i don't come? if you don't then we'll kidnap you! really? come on then...harry! - happy!

not me, hit him! understand? no, no... hey, where are you going? the 2nd round is left! hey... thief! look a thief!- thief! catch him! catch him! thief! thief! thief! thief! thief! thief! thief thief! thief! thief!

thief! thief! catch him! catch him! rama! oh my... what happened to the kid? oh my god!what happen to you? rama? come on. you attack from behind!come from the front! krishna? krishna!krishna dear, are you okay? they hit me! but i hit them back too!

they ran away! who ran away krishna? krishna? who's that?and hello, who are you? looks like you are hurt badly. come home and rest. i think they think that i am someoneelse... let's see what the matter is. and i'll escape monafor some time too! come... - come son, come on... what are you to monkeys doing?

come out! - no, we won't! if we come out thenyou will put us inside! that's why we put ourselves inside! i will file a case againstyour parents! put them in jail! but why? what did our parents do? no fault of theirs! oh, your parents made a big mistake! big mistake! that theygave birth to monkeys like you! he is such a small kid,a cub... and he beat you up!

anna, he's not an ordinary boy!he is very dangerous. anna, he beat us up so badly! he hurt us so much, you know! he's like a tiger... - a tiger! that little boy is like a tiger? and you got beat up by him! you got beat up by a tiger,now face the elephant! huh! i will not eat this food! then have my food, brother.

is this even food? even the servants in myhouse don't have food like this! get me a pizza and some ice cream! what has happened to you? before you were happy withwhat you got and shared everything! and today you threw theplate full of food, krishna? did i not say that my name is rama,not krishna? i have a very big house,and my daddy has a lot of money! yes, your father is king akbarand you're his son, prince salim!

gopi, do not talk to him like that. krishna has hurt his head andthat is why he is talking like that! yes... he's gone mad! did you just call me mad? don't go near him, he'll hit you. oh please... come on mad boy, come... you called me mad again? get up then, come on... sorry, sorry... forgive me... sorry...

krishna, forgive gopi...he is asking for forgiveness... it's rama, rama, rama! eat the food rama, eat please... did i not say that i'm krishna?not rama! pastries!i have pastries for my son rama! when your done with food, we'll sit ... has he finished? son... what is it? what do you keep saying?

see, if you want to callyourself krishna, then do so... but please eat first... yes son... there's pizza, and biriyani.. ..and ice cream too... eat dear?- have some son... how can i? i cannot eat! why? do you not like the food? i'll order something else for you... boss, we have themenu of kake da dhaba...

and we get 10% discount too! shut up! such good and nice food...i am seeing for the first time! rama, i'll feed you with my own hands... no, my brothers andsisters must be hungry... i cannot eat without them. your brothers and sisters? i cannot swallow the food even... and even dia musthave not had anything!

dia? who's that? she is my little sister! from when do you have a little sister? a little sister? you are my only son! rama! rama! my only son! did i not say that i'm krishna!not rama! please let me go... there mummy auntymust be worried about me!

have a little bit now? sir, he got hit by that car, so... yes, yes... i know... we'llcall the doctor tomorrow. okay so, no problem. in your happiness, lies our happiness. oh my boy! have a little bit? ice cream? pastry? okay no problem.

from today,you all will call him krishna. alright! - alright? are you going rama? huh? did you just call me rama? yes... you don't likethe name krishna, right? i like it,but my father has named me rama. there's nothing to eat here! and the bed bugs and mosquitoes bite! i can't stay here... back there,i have a very big house!

congratulations,for you have a big house. you know son, when little birds learnto fly, then they fly alone in the sky... i won't stop you... this place is not suitable for you. and anyway,after a week we will have to go... they'll kick us out. son, i am your mummy aunty... and an aunty can'tbecome a mummy, right? but still, i have tried andbrought you up like a mother would.

before you go, just once... just once ... can i just hug you? yes... oh my dear boy. go now... mummy aunty? mummy? yes son? mother...

do mothers love theirchildren like this, mother? yes dear, yes... it's very dark now,i'll go in the day... come now... what is it, rama dear? you don't fight anymore? fight? i never fight! mummy aunty says thatgood children never fight.

yes... that gopi does so, but... gopi? who is gopi? gopi is my brother. and dia and pinkyare my little sisters. they all must be waiting for me... what is all this you are saying son? but you are your father's only son! i don't have a father but! i just have a mummy aunty.

who loves me a lot! please take me there! dear rama, this is your house! i have said this so many times!my name is not rama, it's krishna! it's the same the son...both are names of gods. say rama or krishna... what bansi? you are pretty smart! we weren't before... but afterlistening to you, now we are! come dhaniya, let rama sleepand we'll get back to our work...

yes, yes... - come on... "oh good people,turn around and look at me..." "oh good people,look and see that i am like you..." hey! who pushed me! hey... who? where is my stick! where is my stick! sorry, i was in a hurry! so i didn't see you... - oh okay... oh that's okay, okay...

just tell me, when you pushed me,which way was i facing? may i not go to koliwarainstead of kinselwar! so which way was i facing? this... this way... okay. brother... - yes? can you give me change for 100 rupees? surely you are from out of town? yes! how did you know?

i am just coming from rampur... from rampur? - yes, yes! lakshman? oh my! you know my name too! oh... half of rampur has lakshmans only! so give me the change please, brother? is this a 100 rupee note? brother, in mumbai 100 is change! how much will you change it for?

and this has been taped up so much...that our politician is hidden itself! i will not take this brother! it won't work? - no... it would've worked in rampur!why not here... rampur will have 200 rupee notes too! and even 10,000 rupee notes also! because it's rampur! listen! you are not blind! i know you can see everything!

who said that i can see everything? then how did you see the note? son, everyone can see a not! you are not blind! you are right, i am not blind! you are right! you are right! son, i was rehearsing! rehearsal? - yes! this rajshree productionsare making dosti no.2...

there are roles fora blind man and a lame man. i am practicing forthe blind man's role. so you are an actor? yes! i was an actor,am one and will always be an actor. how did you like my acting?yes? take a photo then! yes... hmm... oh ... sir, the roll is over. i haven't even started my role,and it's over? sir, i am not talking aboutthe role in the film..

..i was talking about the camera. oh, sorry... no problem, no problem... inspector sir, shall wego to the police station then? yes, let's go. i'm coming. you are an inspector? why son, did you feel bad? what to do? but i am... krime kumar inspector k. k. wow uncle!you're an inspector and an actor!

i am such a good actor, that son... last month i had goneback to my village.. ..and i did a part in the ramleela... the part of ram? - no, sita's. oh... - oh i did the part so well! when i finished and return home in thatsame get up, my father was so tensed! he said, 'oh you stupid girl, whereare you coming from dressed like that?' 'where have you come from,bringing shame to my name? my face resembled my mother's,so... - oh right...

my father lost his mind! even my father didn't recognize me!i act so well! wow uncle wow! you are very skilled! who knows what willhappen to this country! did you say something? krishna... that munim isselling flour to the seller! what? yes... even i heard so... and i saw it...

sir, please help us... that munim takes the flour givento poor, orphan kids and sells it! oh really?crime in krime kumar's area! don't worry go and i will come. go now... - where are you going but? son, i'll change and come... or your munim will sellme off like a sack of flour! alright? - yes... you can't trust them,they are very dangerous.

okay then,i'll come with handcuffs and all... you go and i will come after you... and don't tell anyone... - okay. see you there. here, one sack... go on... just one sack? where will i get more from? huh? shall i become the flour? now go!

and come back after 3 days... you sold the flour? no dear,i didn't sell it, i returned it. the flour had such big insects in it! insects weren't in theflour but are in your character! that's why you steal! i have seen it many time krishna.. ..that he steals the flourthat comes as donation! that's why i told you!

so? what can you do about it? huh? i will report you to the police! to the inspector krime kumar, k.k. uncle! he will fix you upside down... that krime kumarwill fix me upside down? i will fix that krimekumar upside down! so you know k. k. uncle? do i know him? that k.k. uncle is so very scared of me! why, are you malaria?- i am much bigger than that!

that krime kumar has his littlestick and thinks he is so big! and he was saying...- what did he tell you? he was asking me toget him a job in a movie... why, are you director subhash ghai? oh, i am bigger than that! for his first movie,subhash took money from me! from me! this is something new!and then what happened? than what? i told k. leave all this film and everything... and do some job!

and then what did k.k. uncle say? that krime kumar said to me,please get me into the police! and so i did! and he became an inspector! so he is an inspector because of you? god doesn't make me lie! if k.k. were infront of me,he'd say the same thing! what would he say? that sundar sir hasmade me an inspector!

yes! and what if k.k.uncle came to arrest you? and if he came behind you,then what will you do? infront of me? i will hold him andpull him like this, and say... say now... you willpull him and say what? huh? nothing to say now? the dirty smoke of a chimney! what stories wereyou telling these kids?

i was just telling them a story... you were telling them a story? what is the title then? title? - hmm... oh you well of the frog!i mean frog of the well! you made the story,and you didn't keep a title? yes uncle, the film might bea flop but the title should be a hit! yes... i'll keep the title... it should be, there was sundarwho was a flour thief...

..and went to jailand had so much grief! it's a very long title! my stick is small,right... so the title should be long! yes... it should be so longthat you may never come back! stealing flour from children? now i will make a chapatti out of you! do you know what this is? what is the use for this sir? no need for this?

you mean you havebeen to the jail before? huh? now what will you do? not go? i will... i ... - go now! what happened? did rama study? study? now-a-days he's teaching me! oh my god! he is a great kid! i had told rama manytimes to change himself! but now he has changed so muchthat he can't even recognize himself! says that he's not rama, he's krishna!

he was telling me totake him to mummy aunty! that dia, pinky,gopi... would be waiting for him. what did the doctor say, madam? the doctor says that he's fine. but i think this is allbecause of the bump on his head! not that madam!he must be under the spell of a witch! he's mad, i'll tell you... a witch attacks girls,and boys are attacked by ghosts! dhaniya is right madam.

yesterday you tookrama to the temple.. ..and maybe on the waya spirit took hold of him! hmmm... - just shut up! i don't believe in all that. you will have to madam. when i was small,a spirit had taken over me... my father took me to a holy man,a prophet like figure. and they took outthe bad spirit inside me. yes... i will get aman like that tomorrow.

and he will perform his ritualsthat will make rama better. but where will wefind a man like that? listen... oh listen... i have heard that there are 2 religiousmen like that, near the old temple... we'll go in the morning and ask them! i don't want to sleep alone at night... oh my, who kept your name bahadur? my father did... -tell him to change it! that can't be! - but why?

he is dead and is a ghost now! so, you understand... that bahadur's fatheris dead and is a ghost now. what! instead of those two religious men,we can go! okay then... then let's go and vanish them two! yes! let's go. "antar mantar kaal kalantar"

"we are the ones who do magic!" "listen brother jantar" "tell me mantar!" "there is a very bad spirit..." "there is a bad spiritin this little boy! "gilli gilli atta!" "gilli gilli gilli gilli gilli!" "come here, you spirit!" "come, come... come to me..."

"we will not leave you, bad spirit" "we will capture you in this box" "there is a well inside this box" "and everything insideit is all smoky..." "hold on, hold on hard..." "hold on, hold on hard.hold on, hold on hard." "hold on, hold on hard.hold on, hold on hard. hold on." " hold on, hold on hard.hold on, hold on hard. hold on." "we have got the coffin,safely in the storm"

"keep this safe, oh nandu" stop all this right now! now! in my area, even police can'tcome and you beggars walked in! i'm anna! nandu narial!very dangerous man! very dangerous. you don't know me! you may not know us but we know you! anna! i'm harry! - and i'm happy! oh... my happy and harry ... whendid you start this new business? anna, our business isn't going well,so they have started begging!

oh my god! no way... no, no... because of that shankar,our business if falling! i had told you tokidnap and get his son! did you get the kid? yes boss, the boy is in this box! oh... did you really get the boy? anna is very happy! but i am not sir... my father's last memory...that umbrella... i lost it!

eh stop all this crying! lost the umbrella!lost the umbrella! huh! i'll buy you 100 umbrellas!even 1,000 umbrellas! go on now, get the boy! right away, anna! hey... where did this girl from? boss... we put in the boy,but our magic turned him into a girl. turned boy into a girl. stop all this nonsense!

oh my god... yamraj... hey girl, how did you get here? you know me right? i do sir... but i had forgotten that afterdying, i would have to come to you... forgive me, yamraj... oh ho... what is she saying? she is asking for forgiveness sir... forgiveness... for what? when i was small, i had stolen pinky'spen, ruby's eraser and kamla's book...

oh, and one time i had takenrosy's food and eaten it too! forgive me, please... forgive me! and please send me backto earth... i don't like being dead! i don't want to die, yamraj... oh girl, get up... i'm not yamraj,i am anna! nandu narial... yes... hmmm... that's why i was thinkingwhy you were on the swing... yamraj is supposed tobe on his sacred buffalo... "he has no sacred buffalo..." "he has happy and harry!"

if you are single, will you marry me? i will just tell you, oh gypsy... excuse me! this is my umbrella,will you give it please? you want the umbrella? - yes... here you go then! here... here you go... your you want the umbrella? how many holy men were there? - two... they were two, and you weresix... and they still took away mona!

i didn't even understand when... oh sir, it was all very smoky... when the smoke cleared,we saw that mona madam had vanished! and i was so scared, sir! you will be even more scaredwhen boss will throw you out! shera and samba brother,save us or boss will not leave us... good that all of you are here. i heard that two religiousmen had come to the house? who called them?

this bahadur said thatrama had been possessed! bahadur! - don't lie dhaniya! i had said that i hadbeen possessed in my childhood. oh... yes sir, this bansi was saying thathe'll call jagganath the next day! i didn't say it sir, dhaniya did. to call a man like that! bansi don't lie! - am i! he is a fraud sir...

he steals coconuts fromthe temple trees and sells it! and what did you two idiots tell me? that they get takenby crows and eagles? boss, how will i know that youhave crows and eagles in the house? boss, this dhaniya is a thief!and bansi is like a god! oh ho... no god sir, when you eatand go to sleep.. ..he takes your phoneand makes std calls, ask him... bansi uncle, what is this?- they're lying...

who do you call? oh sir, i've calledto nepal a lot of times! oh... - and i've called patna... yes, yes... - and me to allahabad... to my wife... she's pregnant so... and i will come forthe naming ceremony! and i had talked to my father... oh, talked to your father! that's why i have been in such loss!

do you know how much the mobile is? last month 25,000and before that was 35,000 rupees... and do you how much it is this month?75,000 rupees! boss, i talked to lily in london...- and i talked to lily in america... they both are important sir! you idiots! why are you destroying me? where, where is my pistol? give me the gun! i'll shoot you all! sir, let it be... ihave 18 rupees to give...

you don't worry, i'll open anstd booth for you outside the house! give me gun, i will shoot cheats! don't do that sir, don't do that... ..then i'll have to doall the work of this house! hey... mona... i heard thattwo religious men kidnapped you? are you okay? sir, they weren't religious men,they are people of nandu narial! but don't worry sir, i beat themso much with my umbrella.. ..that they won't even pickone up after today!

they will wear a raincoat! quiet! good work! you are very brave! i am proud of you! thank you sir! look... look at her, she's a tigress! boss, we are tigers too! not tigers... you both are donkeys! yes, we might be donkeys....- but we are yours in the end!

i know... and before i beat you up,please become a man! let them go sir,i still have 18 rupees left... you don't need to worry, think of thestd booth... we have to put the phone! i will take care of you later... i am going rama... -you're leaving krishna? yes, they all must be worried there... if you want, then you cantake all their worries away! really, but how? you become rama.

rama's father has a lot of money. and he loves his son very much! he'll give 10 lakhs just like that! but that will be lying! but you are doingit for a greater good! a lie which helps people,is much bigger than a good deed! then i'll have tobecome rama from krishna! hello? who's calling? i'm rama, you must be krishna?

yes! you must be rama... yourphoto is right infront of me! you are just like me! yes, you are like me too! here, people think i am krishna,and they love me very much! i found a mother in mummy aunty! and i have found a father here! i really want to meet you! you stay there for a few daysand i'll stay here.. ..than after sometime we'll meet!

there are a lot of mosquitoes there,don't mind, please... i think someone is coming,you call later, okay bye bye... oh teja, what is this you are saying! i am right anna,that land has been taken by shankar! and where is happy and harry? they are waiting infrontof shankar's house. that they'll get hisson when he comes out. you go too! you go! that boy is the keyto shankar's wealth!

i just want that boy! that's it! you have coconut water! come then, quickly! who knows when mummyaunty will get the food! i am feeling very hungry. there's not even a littlebit of flour in the kitchen? how much water can i have! if you keep drinking water like this,then even the water will get over! looks like we'll die hungry!

nothing will happen to you'll,i get the food! get a lot of food, brother krishna! you'll see, i'll get foodthat you have never had before! what is happening here bansi? we are giving food, sir. i can see that. but whogot these beggars into my house? i got them. they were very hungry! i have called more! see rama, i have not openeda charity here, now send them away...

then you should daddy! god has given you so muchmoney... so give them a little... you will get blessings! look rama,you get them out right now or i will! boss. see daddy, if you throwthem out without letting them eat... then i'll become krishna from rama! wow! you have becomekrishna... got all of them home! get them out now!

your son is good,sir... he gave us food to eat. may god keep you both happy. may you always remainhappy and wealthy... god will give you much,my son, he will... sir, i hope that allyour wishes come true! blessings... and that man's face... see daddy, you got so many blessings! yes son. i never knew how it feltto be really blessed... by a poor man... i feel a new waveof peace in my heart...

yes? then give me 10,000 rupees more... i want to feed more people. yes dear, here... i am very happy today. here you go. do you need anything else?- no, thank you... such a new feeling... likemy worries are disappearing... what is it boss? you look very happy now? my son has taught me a lesson today. teach us too, boss...

i will, i will teach you too! for that i will haveto be reborn again! who are you people? why? you don't recognize?you beat us so badly that day! see... just let me go! look, how the tiger has become a cat! look, i can't give you this money! we will take the money son,and we want you with it too! run now...

just call him, okay? son, have you had food? no, daddy... i need10,000 rupees... for food! i just gave it to you! why are you joking with a child daddy?when did i take it? i have just come! hey, i just gave him 10,000rupees and he wants it again! what is happening here! i'll go mad! if you found your second son,then this would happen sir!

one will take a note andthen the other will come and ask. one will take a note andthen the other will come and ask! yes bansi,who knows where my other son is... boss, phone... - who is it? has some coconut as the photo...?- yes, yes... give it! must be nandu narial! yes anna, tell me, where are youcalling from? i thought you're dead! i am alive! but if you don't come here within 15minutes then your son won't be alive!

narial, which sonare you talking about? my son is here,standing right infront of me! he must be... but remember, that yourwife had given birth to twins! one is with you andthe other is with me! 50-50 of a half! here, talk to him! look, i am not rama,this is krishna speaking! they have caught meand took the 10,000 rupees...

did you hear that?- yes... yes anna, i did... look, don't do anything to my son!i'll give you whatever you want! i want that property! get the property papersand come to no. 8 warehouse! anna, not 8 say 5.warehouse 8 we have given for filming! shankar, sorry... cometo warehouse no. 5 not 8. yes, yes... i will just... just come... i will just reach. where are you going daddy?- son, i have found your lost brother!

i am going to get my son!i have found him! why have you got me here! what have i done to you all? huh! what can you even do to me? you are just a little kid! when you say that i am a kid,then let me go? please? i will leave you! i will! let your father come first! i have come nandu!

oh get up! don't be scared! come shankar, come to me... now it has all come inside my grip! look at your son... look at how your son is screaming... son... dear son... i have come dear,don't worry... i'm here! are you my father? - yes dear... i am your father, my son... hey shankar, where are you going?

put my property papers here first! and who will sign it? sign it also! first let me meet my son nandu, theni'll sign wherever you want me to! okay then... what will you do anyway... go now, go and meet him... krishna! my dear... my son!where were you all this while! i have searched for you everywhere! i had lost all hope of finding you!

and you were living with me all thistime and i couldn't recognize you! i am at fault son!forgive me, son. no father, you didn't know about it! i am at fault! i became rama and took10,000 rupees from you! please forgive me! no son, don't say that, no, no... enough of all sign the papers. don't sign them father!

or else he will get the land! oh my! your son talks so much! i will have to shoot him! - anna! hello? this is the wrong number! where is my gun? get me my gun! here anna, here is your gun. oh my, my! who hit me! who hit!

who are they! oh get them! hey, come here! het fatso! - i'll just show you! hey shera,how did they get stuck here? if you touch this,then everyone will get stuck! but how? - like this! hit him! beat him up! nandu narial! will not leave you all!

karate! i will make you a parantha! good shot! - good shot boss! boss, don't you think our clotheswill get dirty with all this fighting? why don't you call the police? i have done so. - good! good! okay boss, since you have it all done,we'll go, we have a date tonight! you idiots! who is it! will i save him or you? - me!

i will save you! here... running away are you!- help me! help! help... help me. help me... pull this fatso away! help me... please... no, don't. please. help me! help! you children are very dangerous! beat nandu narial like a coconut!

now i will shoot all of you! nandu, leave him! be aware! inspector... i am the inspector...- and we are the officers... if you try to move theni will beat you up so bad... that you will keep movingfor the rest of your life! and people will ask whattype of moving doll are you! take out the batteries! ha ha...

how did you like my entry?and dialogue? i'm not happy!i'm nandu... nandu narial! this is happy... and this is harry! why is this inspector here? anna, i think he's herefor the movie shooting! where does all of this happen? you forgot, you gave chanduthis warehouse for movie shooting? the no. 5 warehouse. not no. 5, it's no. 8!

you made a mistake again! mistake?did i say any wrong dialogues? sir, i am new, please do adjust! will i do it again? where is the camera? i don't see it... sir, no cameras here... sir, i think there'ssomething wrong here then... oh... is there noshooting happening here? yes... but your shooting ishappening in the 8th warehouse.

yes, yes... - oh yougo to your shooting! and let me do my shooting, go... oh... i'm sorry,we came here by mistake! we will go then... no, they are all lying to you! there's nothing likethat happening here uncle! inspector, arrest him! he had kidnapped my son! he is nandu narial!

nandu narial, you? you're here... and yourphoto is at the police station! wow! everyone is searching for you! you don't know thatyou have so much demand! you are so great! you give out the 8th for shooting andfilming and keep the 5th for kidnapping! please have some mercy, and come now... what will you arrest me!i will shoot you all! why did the gun not work?

because we took out the bullets! but why did you take out the bullets? anna, we got a real bomb beforeand you had to go to the hospital. oh my goodness,so you took out the bullets! hey, did you take outthe bullets from this one? no, no... i didn't... no... nandu! but this one has real bullets! come to the jail now! you can write your script and moviethere... but i won't let you release it!

but why? when you'll be released that's whenyour movie will be released right! how was the dialogue? just first class! come now! see sharda... todayi have both your sons. and i promise you that iwon't do any wrong deeds from now. i will educate your sons well. so that they may growup to make us both proud!

come kids... - krishna, congratulation! you have found your fatherand you have a home now! i will pray to god thathe fills your life with happiness! krishna, are you happy! yes mummy aunty, i am very happy! rama and krishna, listen to me now... stay together and live with love. and always listen to your father. they won't listen to me mary,you have to manage them...

how can i? i have to go back with these kids. where will you go? the place you were before,i have bought that land. the world is very big,and god is great. i and my children willdefinitely find some place. god has a place... mummy aunty, we will all live here! what do you say daddy?

yes, yes... why not? but, how can that be? why can it not? you have looked after and takencare of krishna for so many years! i may never be able to repay you back. but yes, i can make a request... that you stay here... we will both take careof them and help them grow up. so that these kids may grow up and helpother kids who are not as fortunate.

please stay... please? yes mummy aunty,we will do as you say, please stay? so friends, will you stay here? yes! we all will stay here! you stay too, mummy aunty! yes mummy aunty! yes please, mummy aunty! since you are saying... mummy aunty said yes! mummyaunty said yes! mummy aunty said yes!

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