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Saturday, April 15, 2017

hey, tell me where is 2 crores. tell me where it is? tell me. hey, look at me. come on, get up. i'm telling you something.why don't you hear me? throw water.. throw wateron his face. what it is, tell me? hey, where are 2 crores? it fell down inan accident.

what? hey! - boss. i'll count till 3. if you don'ttell me, i will shoot the girl. don't shoot her.boss, let the girl go. come on! - it is my fault.punish me if you want. no! no! 'i've made many mistakestill today.' 'if i could help you.. ..then may be my sinswill be washed away.'

anu! anu! anu, are you alright?- akash! akash! akash! - anu, who broughtyou to this condition? - what? what have you done?- what have i done? sir, i swear.she didn't do anything. if she didn't take it,then where is 2 crore? speak up or i'llsmash your face. come on! sir, spare her. "1, 2, 3.. let's rock."

'brought up bystreets in poverty.' 'i have directconnection with god.' 'i fill my ration bystealing mobiles.' 'uncle, sharma, verma.. ..shakeela, jameela, guddu,chutki, be careful.' 'a crazy guy is roaming in themarket. see he doesn't fool you.' 'hide your mobiles orhe'll steal it.' let me pee peacefully.what are you doing? what are you doing?

i'm giving you extortion money.this is for you. this is for you..and this is for me. keep in touch.share it amongst yourselves. boss, walkie-talkie? - the extortionfrom thief cost police heavily. scoundrel, idiot.- he teased aunt. hit him. happy eid. may god bless you. will you smoke? thursday sage is here. priest gives you blessingsthat you shouldn't lose your stuff.

i'm stealing your mobile.catch me if you can. the mp is here.i'll raise his bp now. mp, embrace me. sister-in-law, you too. he stole my mobile.go and look for him. 'single sim, dual sim,apple, or blackberry.. ..he is always on roaming.' 'he steals them.' 'his feats are unique andhis stories are astonishing.'

'he steals the mobiles ofwhoever rams into him.' 'until today guys werebehind the girls.' but look at this, all thegirls of the world are after me.' 'because i'm a thief.' rs. 5000 for mobileworth rs. 12,000. rotten than the vegetables,sound and waterproof mobiles. bid for android at rs. 10,000.- rs. 4000. you fool, this is not governmentwhich would fall before forming. bid properly.

rs. 10111! hey, are you here to putdonation in the temple? you'll get only the charger forthis rate. bid more. - rs. 12,000. my dear, lock it. - very 12,000 1.. is there anybody else?12,000 2.. - 2. rs. 20,000! he is a real man. - very good.he seems to be a rich man. move aside! scoundrels, how can you sellrobbed goods in the market?

i think he is new.. if we hidethe stuff and sell.. will you get your share? go away, it is time for business. i'm not here to go,but to arrest you people. sir, hold your tongue. how dare you threateninspector shinde? i swear, i won't spare you today. ganpat! - sir? raghav! - sir?

confiscate the stuff. file a case on them.- hey! inspector.. if you touch the stuff,then i'll punch you.. ..on your stomach! what are you saying? why are you staring at me?will you hit me? will you hit a policeman? scoundrel, how dare youkick the policeman?

listen! come here,there's a problem here. when you didn't take bribe.. ..then i realized thatyou're not a real policeman. where robbery is taught.. ..i'm the principalof that school. i'm the vice principal. 3g, their battery is full charged. how much is our battery?

before our battery goes down,let's deal with everyone. all the best. like the china phone,he threw the policeman. he went and fell in the scrap.sixer! this rotten phone's batteryis going to get blast now. first come, first serve. incoming. made in china, you wantedto discharge me? hey! - you!

you bite me? were you a dogin your previous birth? black cherry's battery is empty. raja, single sim, blue berry. dual sim, come i'll keepyou in conference. no matter how many mega pixelcameras come in the market.. ..this 2 megapixel will costheavily on you. scoundrel, why did you discharge me?- no! pal! hey! 3g!

pal, my battery is dying. we need a recharge. then, hurry up. 2g! no matter which phone it is,unless you get current.. cannot be charged. pal, give me some.- here, take it. whose battery is charged till now? tell me, will you get beaten upin the public or here?

i'm done for. i'll not do it again. take me in your gang. - no. my expenses aremore than my income. take your battalion alongand go away from here. i'll not leave you and go.- leave my hand. go! can i go now? we got married yesterday,today you are leaving. i can't stay without you.

hope i don't die beingaway from you. please, come soon. hope you won't forget meafter going to mumbai. good morning, madam.- close the door. what are you saying?- madam is here. good morning, madam. madam has gone to honeymoon.. okay. did you see?

our freedom will befinished again. even i don't understand.i had to go half day today. how did you even think about that?like the sun doesn't forget to rise.. the same way, madam doesn'tforget to come to the office. sometimes, there's a solar eclipse. good morning, anu.- okay. call everyone inside. hope we didn't disturb you.- you did. madam, you came to office onthe very next day of your wedding. when two more branchesof our office are opening.. could i take, i came to the office. if i wouldn't have come tothe office.. ..then kiran would've got leavefrom making tea. she would make an excuse ofher illness and took rest. the bank that hasa useless staff.. can the managergo to honeymoon? am i right? - absolutely, madam. we are learning seeing you. madam, whatever it is,when i got married..

..i didn't move out of myhouse for one whole month. you loved her so much in one monththat you became father in four months. how was it possiblein four months? i worked double can't do this at your age. really? don't judge my age by looking at myhair, it is because of hair remover. your wife would'vekept it unknowingly. not unknowingly,but intentionally. you all go. hurry up.

go and work peacefully. go.- i can't go today. tell me clearly now.. ..why did you send him to mumbaiinstead of celebrating first night? how can he concentratewithout you? these distances are not goodafter marriage. you see this album,i'll get coffee for you. say hello! say, hello! hello anu.. - akash? don't worry..

..i was just checking whethermy knife is sharp or not. it is sharp. but i'll have to chop in one ortwo places to remove all the blood. so, if you don't listen to me.. ..then i'll kill him. my name is raghav shaka. i hold a world recordin kidnapping. so, if you want to be amarried woman forever.. ..then listen to me carefully.

the value of his life isonly 2 crore rupees. i know that you won't have2 lakhs with you, forget crores. but the bank you are working in.. ..there's lot of money there. if you get the money, i won't doanything to your husband. remember, if you get evena single penny less in 2 crores.. "shoot the bullet in the head." anu! - no! anu, your coff..

anu? anu, what happened to you? why are you crying?tell me. 'if you get even a single pennyless in 2 crores, i'll kill him.' anu, tell me. anu? anu, tell me something. what's the matter? tell me, anu. anu, what has happened?

you've been enduring problemssince childhood in your life.. your life started afreshjust yesterday. today, you are surroundedby problems again. how can we arrange for2 crores so soon? who will help us, anu? what a relief? disciple, tell me, what alldid we steal today? whatever we stole islying in front of you. count it.

give me support. yes, i'm a thief. if you want to becomemy queen.. ..then you also come here. i'm very intoxicated. your mother is calling me togive me by-two tea. send your mother to me,i'll offer her liquor. i will answer the phone. hello, darling.

hello? first answer my question.who are you? are you big b from kbc.. ..that i should answer you? brother, the phone that you have,it belongs to me. do you have a birth certificatestating you are its father? even this is an orphan like us. brother, that's my personal phone.please, return it to me. money given to a call girl andphone stolen by raja..

..can never be returned. do you know who i am?i'm a mp. he is mp. mp. it is mp's phone. if you are mp, i am up. come, let's meet in bihar. we both will go to delhiand form a new government. hail india! he told his name is raja.

i want my phone backuntil afternoon or else.. ..i'll cut your connection. did you find onlythis phone to steal? you called me as an orphan! it shut its mouth. if you call me an orphan,i'll kick you hard. the phone got dead. you! you talk a lot. give me the sobered me.

3g, how muchmore will he drink? you know that because ofsuch filthy ringtones.. ..he loses his mind. who is he? - i found themin the railway station. so, i brought them along. we are already poor,what will we give them. - shut up! whatever we eat, we'll sharesome with them. have we taken a contract ofbringing up all the orphans. - hey! i found you both orphansat the station.

i brought you poor guys home. you called me an orphan. you call me orphan and poor. i'llnot spare.. - what are you doing? pal, don't hit him.he is our 2g. he likes this ringtone very much. when he gets angry, make himlisten to this ringtone. i'm going. rani? what are you doing?let me go. you are running as thoughthis is happening for first time.

but i'm on duty.- forget duty. quit it. i'll quit after marriage. i don't like youworking in the pub. you started it again. my work is such. i like my job. opening the bottles andshowing your body. is this a job? quit it. i get a lot of tip in this job.

people give you tip in thegreed of lip. i don't like it. darling, don't get angry.- hey.. look here, do you know who doesmy lips belong to? - who? 'the value of his life isonly 2 crore.' 'you have a lot of moneyin the bank. 'the money shouldn't beless than 2 crore rupees.' hello? say something. is aishwarya there? aishwarya has gone out tocreate a commotion.

katrina is here. do you want her? i'm abhi speaking.- oh, sorry boss. sister-in-law has gone tothe temple. any message? who are you? i'm the one who stole thephone from sister-in-law. sana! who is sana? - she is yoursister-in-law, idiot. sana, i'll get you grams. i'm talking and you are going.

what is happening? go to the one who youwere talking to. - please. i got a little late on the date. darling, stop being angry.- leave me. come and embrace me. smile.. you look goodwhen you smile. come on, let's click a snap. why did you interferein a family photo? come with me to the mp..

..he will hang your familyphoto on the wall. - oh. are you from themp's family? - yes. wow, found me. i shall leave. - where? i've to tell a secretto my girlfriend. what? - it ispersonal adult topic. will you close your ears? i'm going to the mp's houseto click a family photo. start the car.

darling, did you understand?go. hurry up. go, baby! why are you holding me?nab him. follow him! hey, stop! don't jump! he is here! hey! nab him! follow him.

stop! my legs are hurting. move! stop! did you eat almonds? he is fleeing! come on, darling. jump! oh no! come and catch me. mp's pet parrot. come on!

move, i'll drive. come on! 3g? dry my wet drawers. the phone fell down. - oh god. what happened? my hand got stuck in the seat.- remove it. it is not coming out! left! take a left! how will i handlethe steering now?

let me drive. good idea. come. hey! careful. what a scene! girl is holding the steering,he is changing the gears. madam, how much do youcharge to train? welcome back. you are listening to95.3 blue fm. today we'll play ultra-romanticsongs for you.

along with it, we'll play a quiz. in which you'll have to tellthe name of singer and musician. the one who gives the right answergets a chance to meet me. along with it, gift hampersworth rs. 15,000. so, call me soon! let's continue. "it has climbed up." "the pigeon has climbedon the shelf." "crazy bird, ate the grains.. flew off..on the shelf." "on the shelf. - it came out." my hand is free now. there's a jam everywhere. you must be tired. take rest. time please. listen brothers, i'm tired. i'm already sweating. all my energy got wastedin driving.

raja.. - stop. brothers, for a phoneworth rs. 32,000.. ..why are you breaking my teeth? mp wants phone.. leave me! leave me! leave my hand! let's go. are you mad? yes, madly in love with you.

i'm tired of your hooliganism. what if something happens to you? who will take care of me, then? are you listening to me? listen, your girlfriend isvery beautiful.. ..shall i compliment her?- how dare you? romeo..- you felt bad, didn't you? my girlfriend doesn't understand. when i told your girlfriend wasbeautiful, you got angry.

if somebody touchesmy girlfriend.. ..then i will become a hooligan. sorry, sister. eat whatever you want.i will pay the bill. when will you understand? don't you see my problem? how will i see?love is blind. leave me. - sit for a while.i'll drop you home in the evening. when will you reform?- after we have children.

there's still timefor our wedding. then marry me soon, you'll seethat this mama's boy reforms soon. my family members won't agree. why? - don't you understand? every father wishes.. ..that his daughter shouldlive like a princess. nice family, car, bungalow,what else anybody wants? is this your family'srequirement or yours? i love you, raja.- i love you too.

i'll build a bungalow for you. if i don't find labors,i'll pick up the bricks. when will you build?after i die? - shut up! you talk too much. before something happens to you,i should die. i have only one wishsince childhood, that is.. ..i should address somebodyas mother and father. even i should have a family. actually, since childhood..

..i lived my life on footpathlike orphans. so.. i want to marry you.. ..and get love of parents. do you understand? you said somethingwhich sobered me. you need a pinch of vermillionand a priest, to marry. a pinch of vermillion isworth millions these days. how much two pinch will be? you get a calculator.- you are talking cheap.

i want billions. for one girl? 2g, never underestimate a woman. yesterday, i picked a girl.. hand is still you know that? hey, don't talk nonsense. we are sensible.. we are not doing nonsensething like getting married. you'll live and die like an orphan.

he got offended. he got changed in two days.let's go. - yes, let's go. hey.. try to understand. if i marry, you'll get daughter-in-lawand you'll get a sister-in-law. when i beget children.. ..they'll call you as uncle andyou as grandpa. - uncle? we orphans will get a family. but you don't understand. he made me emotional.

don't you think sister-in-lawis a little demanding? brother, hope sister-in-lawwon't change her mind. 2g, girls these days changeboyfriends faster than clothes. brother, do youtrust sister-in-law? more than myself. i will come along. - no. when the bank will reopenthe day after tomorrow.. ..then everyone will know thati've stolen the money. after getting akash released..

..i will surrender myself. but anu, i'll come along..- no, not you. 2g, answer the phone. i don't find any scapegoat. i drank water 10 times andspent rs. 20 to use the washroom. brother, 2g says he has stolen3 samsung galaxy by doing overtime. pal, what's the matter? i'm getting network of android52 megapixel camera phone. pal, what are you saying?

such an expensive mobileat this place.. ..not possible at must be chinese. - no. i'm getting a strong signal. my nose can never betray me. dog, there! pal, you are great! somebody called. i think her friend called. i'll talk to her andset her up for you.

anu is a good girl. you've reached on theright time with the money. i like it. look in the front. there's a maruti van parkedwhich has number plate of 1177. my man is waiting for you. give him the moneyand be at peace. go home and wait for my call. good girl.

"when i do it.." forget everything.. god is going to give usin abundance. follow me. greetings. come out, please. why? - for this. you'll get rs. 500 for it. hide him.. ..and then follow me.

you keep a black andwhite phone with you. hello? - anu is a good girl. very good. i like the people whocome on time. there's a bridge in the front. my man will come therewearing blue t-shirt. give him the money andgo home. okay? - okay. go. go. police!

hey, stop! where are you running? wait! nab him! i'm telling you, stop there. i told you to stop! they weren't behind me? pal, it was the police! really? - hey! what did you say? police?where is the money?

where's the money? i have the money with me safely. where are you? i.. i.. i'm near a marriage hall. somebody is getting married here. i'm right in front of it. you don't stand there alone. take the money andjoin the procession quietly.

have food and wait for my call. then how will i givethe money to you? why are you getting tensed? you go inside.i'm telling you. go inside. my man will come there. will you go or not? the number you are calling is.. ..out of reach.- to hell with mobile company. i can't live without youeven for a minute.

i love you very much. i hope you won't forget me. are you from the girl's side? didn't you recognize me? i'm welcoming the guests. get down. i will touch your feet. you are a weak girl. you are carrying heavy box.- no. - give it to me, i'll carry it.

no.. - don't hesitate. it's okay. - give me the bag. i'll carry this for you. give. constipation, come here.- coming, madam. no, this.. hey.. carry it carefully. you come inside. pal, stop the car.

i'm getting biryani aroma.first, let's eat and then work. you are talking about food glutton. you barge into every weddingprocession without invitation.. you first eat food and thenget beaten up by them. but biryani is tastier thanthe thrashings. even i'm hungry.let's go. in same clothes? wow! my husband is a constable.

you know that this iscommissioner's daughter's wedding. you look like from inspectorfriend background. i saw you and could judge it. there's a different enjoymentin being policeman's wife. this is ac room, yours. you relax comfortably. we were so busy talking, we couldn'tknow when we reached the room. if you need me, call on my phone. money was for the goon, isn't it?

no, she is here to give itto the groom on the dais. go away! i have to fool someoneto steal the suitcase. no one can fool me now. no, boss. - how can they fool you? dreaming of marrying me.. ..and marrying someone else. how can she?- she can't do that. she can't do that becauseshe belongs to me.

how will she marry?- he is right. she comes into my dreams daily. so, even she would bedreaming about me. then why don't you marryher in dreams? how could i? i wake up. then you should've slept again. this daring guddu willabduct the bride. if guddu abducts her,then wedding.. we will marry her.

we? we all three together?1, 2, 3? am i right? assume that.. didn't see mewhile i was making this plan. we didn't see you.- even we didn't. we didn't see you.- who are you? he is my bodyguard andi'm your bodyguard. am i hired? take this salary.take this.

your bonus?i will keep it with me. sir, what if somebodysteals our money? then deposit it in the bank. we don't have a bank account. don't open a bank account, open ag-mail account. it is for free. bodyguards, follow me. what about changu and mangu? even they can come.come on. the marriage hall is here.

i was about to take a u-turn. sir, i'm getting scaredby the suspense music. wow.. superb. follow me. sir, tell us where we are going? in the bride's room. - when will wego into the suitcase room? which suitcase? he means to say.. ..we'll abduct the bridein a suitcase.

it is my plan. - wow. what about me? we'll take you in the sugar bag. wow, what a sweet idea. i love sweets. but how will westop this wedding? what's the need? we willabduct the bride. first clear if you have to stop thewedding or abduct the bride. idiot, shut up!

if we abduct the bride,the wedding will be stopped. isn't that clear?- it got cleared now. you have brains with body. what's the next plan? one minute. i understood. - superb! boss, what did he say?- i didn't understand either. follow me! hello boss.- did you get the money?

there's lot of police here.- police? yes, boss. hope that girldidn't complaint to the police. tell me how manypolicemen are there. so many of them thati can't count everyone. speak up! hello? - you are playinga game with me? i'm not playing any game.- not playing any game.. then where did the police comefrom in the station and wedding? tell me.

you hang up the phone. you hang up, i'll send you such anmms that will teach you a lesson. i don't know anything. it is police commissioner'sdaughter's wedding. i learnt only after coming here. you show me the money. very good, darling. very good. hello? - is it real? i just took it from the bank.

until the policemen don't leave,you stay there. is that clear? - yes. if you try to act smart.. ..then i'll slit yourhusband's throat. hang up the phone. attention. - get going. bodyguard! why did you come here? she is not mine. - what?

if not yours, she may belong tosomeone else, right? go from here. go. no, i want a bodyguard for myself. oh god.. - you don't have brains. i don't have brains,but i have a head. bodyguard, tell me your plan. go there and.. you hire a new bodyguard. but you are my bodyguard.

i don't want to be your bodyguard. he doesn't have brains.- bodyguard. i don't have brains. yes, i swear.- it is possible. madam.. you are still not ready. get ready, the wedding processionis coming soon. i.. i forgot to get clothes. you forgot? you don't worry.

i have many dresses. i will get it, you like it,you can wear it. i'll be back. but what is inside the suitcase? gift.. - you are a cow. you remembered to get a gift.. ..but you forgot to get clothes. it is a common problem in ladies. no problem.

i will go now andbring the clothes. you get ready. okay? - okay. if somebody steals underwearwithout opening the pant.. ..that is called as talent. what if there's no underwear?- everyone is not like you. pal, did you findthe suitcase? - no. but that girl is sittinginside with the suitcase. girl is getting the suitcasealong to elope? it is the other girl.

but how can you put the girlinside the suitcase? go inside, your boss..- enough.. ..has got stuck in the bathroomwhile he was peeing. help him. hey, let's go. - yes, let's go. pal, what will we do now? when karupandey's brain work.. ..then the world shakes. pal, what a dialogue. they'll sellthe ringtone in the market tomorrow. follow me. - okay, pal!

come here. sit here. concentrate on business moreand less on eating. - don't hit me. stop ogling at girls. excuse me. take care of her, i'll goto the washroom. please. thank you. my child is hungry. what? the money got lost? why don't you say,you changed your mind?

if you didn't have money,why did you come with alliance? it is not like that. - look, youare the commissioner of this city. if somebody can stealin your house.. ..then think what will happento this city. talk softly. it is amatter of my dignity. why should i careabout your dignity? i lost my money, what about that? i'm a minister. your daughter is getting marriedto a minister's son.

uncle, will he misbehave withyou if he is a minister? you want money for dowry, isn't it?- yes, give it to me. wait.. take this. do you think i'm a beggar? what else do i think you are? uncle, send them home. i will marry your daughterwithout taking dowry. listen everyone. no matter it is ministeror prime minister..

don't let them gowithout checking them. i'll see how i don't get the money. listen inspector,close all the doors. a theft has taken place incommissioner's daughter's wedding. check everyone. excuse me, madam. give methe briefcase, we need to check. whose briefcase is this?it has stones in it. uncle.. - what's the matter? uncle..

so much money. didn't see itin my dreams too. oh god. uncle, we'll go to bangkok,won't we? why? there you'll find american,chinese, japanese, african.. ..who give you massage withsoft hands. - shut up! no dirty talking. before seeing a dream.. ruined the fun.

i'll not let your dream shatter. then we'll go, won't we? we'll not go alone. listen, you, me,chunnu, munnu.. ..your sister-in-law.. ..her parents, and her uncleand aunt too. now sana will agree. - yes, pal. how do i look? - superb! thank you. - both the brotherswill go together inside.

one minute, you go andgive it to her. scoundrel, give it to me. she is my girlfriend,will you give her the rose? sorry pal, i made a mistake. come here. you shouldn't move from here. or i'll thrash you badly. this is nice. i nevernoticed it earlier. i love you, raj.i love you so much.

i don't fear now. you, me, and no one else. we'll have fun after marriage. you are great in bed. i love you so much. i love you too, baby. hey, just a minute. - hey! raja, you? i'll not talk to you.

you didn't even call once today. i think you don't love me. raj.. who is he? he is my uncle's son. i'm telling the truth.i swear on you. is he your brother? your brother? raj, you are suspecting me?

don't you trust me? you broke my trust. listen.. - you betrayer! you were my life! "sighs came outof my heart in pain." "you punished me for loving you.what wrong have i done?" "i got ruined." "i got ruined in your love." 3g! 3g!

'i got the money, now i'll getmany friends like you.' no! answer the phone! answer the phone! - anu! hey, answer the phone! i think you loveyour son only 50%. i asked you for 50 lakhs andyou sent me only 25 lakhs. so, to recover my 20 lakhs,i sold his kidneys. what? you need not come up.your son is lying down.

i threw him from top,he would've got shattered. come and collect him. "why this kolaveri di?" "i have a knife in my handand goat in the front." "i killed it." listen.. i asked 2 crore from your wife? she was ready to get, she isn't answering her phone. hope she didn't elope withher ex-boyfriend with 2 crores.

"wife late, change fate." "idiot, speak up." "oh my idiot." what about money now? i think there's waxin your ears. i will slit your ear. i lost my money.. ..and tomorrow i'll go to jail. 'the value of hislife is 2 crores.'

anu, anu. don't worry. i was just checking ifmy knife is sharp or not. but i'll have to cut in a coupleof places to remove all the blood. so, if you don't listen to me,i will kill him. they'll kill akash. betrayer! cheater! you said you'll marry me,we'll have children. you shattered my dreams.

why did you do like this? i loved you more than my life. but you betrayed me. you betrayed me. 3g, you were my friend! if something happens to you,who will take care of me? tomorrow the ringtone willbe sold in the market. 'i'll get many friends like you.' i love you too, baby.- you are great in bed.

get up. are you alright? why did you jump? i lost my money. tomorrow i'll go to jail. they'll kill akash. - it doesn'tmean you commit suicide. you tell me, what do i do? i don't have any option left. seeing your condition..

..i feel, why am i alive till now? what happened to you? i don't want to go inmy flashback. after knowing my flashback..'ll feel why didn't idie earlier. if you see.. ..there's no one in the world.. ..who doesn't have any problem. everyone has someor other tension.

but every tension has a solution. the solution formy tension is death. then go and jump.don't waste my time. if after your death.. ..what if they release akash? you don't worry,you go and die. poor akash.. ..will live without you. we'll get back akash.

but i don't have money. look, only we both knowthat we don't have money. but those kidnappers don't know. but.. why are you thinking so much? listen to me, i'm with you.i'll handle everything. believe me. but why will youtake risk for me? look, there's no risk in it.

there should be one aim inevery human's life. i'm looking for that aim. if i could help you.. ..then may be.. ..god will forgive mefor my mistakes. i should thank you. i had lost hope regarding love. i started hating love. but seeing you, i felt..

..there's still love left in life. even i realized about loveonly after meeting akash. how lucky akash is,he got true love. i think, i was not destinedto have true love. forget it. let's thinkabout getting akash released. one minute.. tell them.. won't give moneyuntil you see akash. hello? - why didn't youanswer the phone since then? where were you?

phone.. phone was in the car.. i was out. i thought you don't love akash. i got tensed, my man is standingnear punjabi inn, give him money. don't do anything wrong. don't waste my time.hurry up. fast! but i want to.. i wantto see akash.. - what? i will see akash first,only then give you money. what did you say?you'll see akash first..

..then you'll give money. you are putting conditionsin a dealing. i have all the cards with meand you'll show. you do the payment,i'll deliver akash to your house. but i'll be in jail. please, show akash to me. i can't live without him.please. oh, what love. now i know why shah jahanspent so much money..

..and built a taj mahalfor mumtaz. love.. i like it. let's come to the point. you get the money to dongri. come to the crossroad. hurry up. i don't have time.hurry up. "run, dk bose." please save akash at any cost.

why do you worry?i'm here. do one thing, come into my car. come on. come closer to me, girls. oh, no drink. listen! one minute, sir.- to hell with him. yes, sir? - don't you knowhow to serve rich people? sorry, sir. - hey says sorry. make arrangementfor the massage. - okay, sir.

will i get the massage done on anempty stomach? - order me, sir. manchurian triple rice, 4 manchurianbread fritters. 3 manchurian pilafs, fried goat. anything else, sir? - fried fish.should be spicier than her. but sir,do you want it wet or fry? i'm wet, so get everything fried. rich people havedifferent hobbies. get tall girls only theni'll be able to digest food. okay, sir.

scoundrel, i'll give yousuch a laxative.. ..that your foodwill get digest in a jiffy. 3g will surely be punishedfor the robbery. 2g, what do i do? i made a very big mistakein my life for the first time. hope i don't go mad. i can't forgive myself. are you regretting? because of me..

..two people's life is in danger. i don't understand what to do. poor woman was going to get herhusband released with the money. after giving her money back,i'll tell the truth to her. only then i'll be at peace. but until everything is alright,don't tell her the truth. no matter where 3g is hiding,i will search for him. did you understand? sorry, it was an urgent call.

come in. hello, sir. - hi.- nice stuff, sir. wow.. come. the stuff is of high quality. you just tell me the rate.- sir, how can i take it from you? smart boy. sir, no need. superb, pal. enjoy, sir. - god bless you.

sir.. - yes? juice is complimentary. what is it? - energy drink, sir. energy drink? wonderful. what is this?- for extra power, sir. naughty boy. go, go. - okay, sir. i had fun. beauties, what do you eat?

darling, get ready. i have the money. idiot. hope nothing willhappen to akash, right? i will not letanything happen to him. who is this joker? i think he wants to go to circus,but has lost his way. stop. stop! are you a traffic constable?- no, i want a lift.

'petrol is less, he will be ofuse to push the car.' okay, sit. i get dizzy when i sit in car. are you pregnant? - no,i'm feeling very heavy. sit. thanks, uncle. uncle? - i'm bhola. raja.. you look like a thief to me.

i've given you lift. so, i'm talking to you lovingly. shut up or i'll throw you out of thecar. - you don't know my contacts. if i call, my mother will spendlot of money and get you jailed. are you a rich man's son? - yes. you recognized me. i've done a face reading course. uncle, teach me too.- who you called as uncle? i called you.

mom taught me that i've toaddress elders as uncle. so that they can be fooled.- how old are you? 22+. 22+ 30 or 40? 22 years and 300 months. but seeing you, looks like youcame to india before britishers. fairness cream has opposite reactionon me, so no one can know my age. if you address me as uncle again,i will break your teeth. you've irritated me so much.

instead of listening to his bittertalks, let me eat chocolate. uncle, will you take up thejob as a driver in my house? do i look like driver to you? you don't look like a hero to me. why were you asking for lift?- i live on the 10th floor. it is necessary totake lift. - why? because doctor has instructednot to come from the window. are you a thief? - no. i'm a student.

facebook. girls chat with me whole day. they don't even let me study. you wouldn't have put yourreal picture on facebook. it is real, but of my childhood. i'm with the driver now,i'll meet you later. i love you. uncle, i'm not so old. i am not grown up to marry.

still why are these girlsmad about me? i don't understand. 40 girls are following me. i'm famous by thename 'betrayer' amongst girls. who all can i be loyal with?you tell me. aunt, what say? uncle, did you hit on my nose? hope i don't get asthma. what were you doing alonestanding on the road?

aunt spoke up. she spoke. - hey! why are you shouting like a bowler? answer to her question first. nothing aunt, me and my friendswere coming from a long drive. and the thing is.. had your father been to any conventschool? talk in hindi. - okay. aunt, i had gone for a longdrive with my friend. i got down for a loo break. but she forgot me..- what is loo break? loo break don't know that?

i got down to pee.- shameless. answer the phone.come on. hello? yes, mom.i did it. i don't eat anythingwithout brushing my teeth. so, i brushed one week back. mom, i'm not a kid. i pee in the swimming pool. oh, i've worn a diaper. yes mom, i have money.

i have rs. 20,000 with me.okay? oh my mom.. uncle, what do you do? i remove kidney from peoplelike you and sell it. what? why didn't youtell me earlier? oh god. escape. hey, where are you going?- to pee. first pay and then go. what? - bill.

brother, fill up the tank. okay, sir. - i want toempty my tank. control a little. i will do it here. i have only one diaper. if i don't pee, it will overflow. it will overflow only whenyou have a kidney. sir, money. - give him money. money? i don't havers. 20,000 with me.

give me a kidney operation blade. no, please. - then give himmoney soon. okay, i will. poor bhola. how did you know i have money? i heard it when you weretalking to your mom. give him the money. - it is wrongto hear other's conversation. thank you, sir. you are bad uncle.

you snatched money from a child. hi bhola.. - hey, roli! where did you go leaving me? i didn't go, but you left. i had been to pee. - shame. naughty.. - hurry up. one second. aunt, what is yourmobile number? do you want toknow her shoe size?

no.. - give me akidney operation blade. let's run! uncle, i'll teach you a lesson. even i'll grow up one day. i will take revenge that day. give me soon. give me a kidneyoperation blade. - let's run! raja, tell me. 2g, any news about 3g? i looked everywhere,but i didn't find him yet.

don't know where he went. that girl was committingsuicide because of us. what do we do now? i will make themboth meet somehow. no matter even if i lose my life.- raja, don't say that. everything will be okay,if we find 3g. whenever i see her,i hate myself. raja, till now, we stole and.. ..have troubled many people.

but god has given us a bumperoffer to wash away our sins. son, don't lose this opportunity. tell me where you are?i'll come and meet you. i'm going in thefunfair at varsova. meet me there. children, why aren't youall having food? what have you done? forgive me! i'll not repeat this again.

forgive me, brother.- get up. it got heated upat the wrong time. shout! shout louder! no matter how much i feed you,it is less for you. you wait and watch.. ..i will sell you as soon asi reach mumbai. where should i golooking for water? which phone is ringing? emergency?

my car broke down, send anhelicopter soon here. helicopter? he is talking about helicopter.- helicopter? how dare he? scoundrel, where are you? hold your tongue! i'm raja, talk to me with respect. people respect me in the market.come on, apologize to me. sorry. sorry, brother. brother? oh!

i didn't know i haveone more mother. what are you saying? - you justaddressed me as brother. have mercy on this poor man. have mercy? no, i had food. hey.. - b, c, d, e,f, g, h, i, j.. i know till z. stop this nursery class andcome to the point. brother, listen to me carefully. i'm ready to give 2 lakh,give my phone back to me. - 2?

okay, take 5 lakhs. - 5? okay, take 10 lakh rupees. i want to pee. i will call you backin two minutes, sir. why is he paying 10 lakhsfor mobile worth 7,000? there is something fishy. careful, darling. it is hurting. shame.. no..

now the hen will comeunder the egg. how much money do i send? the scene was hotter thanthe volcano. super hit! block buster. did you see the full film? i saw.. you've made a good bp film.congrats. son, listen to me,my bp is rising. please, consider that.

i'll give you some concession. i'll do one thing, i'll upload thismovie on facebook and you tube. you'll get many likes. i'll get a heart attack.please, don't do that. if you want to save yourself,then send me 2 crores only. how much? - 2 crore? yes. if i sell this movie inthe market, i'll get 10 crores. it is tax free for ministers,so 2 crores. look, i have only 20 lakhrupees with me.

let me do some scam, i'll giveyou the rest of the money. will you give me in installment? i'll make 10 copies andsell it to the news channel. the trp will be more. we'll share the profitamongst ourselves. it is a joke to you,it is the matter of my honor. do people respect you morethan me in the market? listen to me carefully. put 2 crores in the suitcase..

..and send it to varsova market. otherwise,your film will be released. tell me something. i've a small doubt. did you consume energy pills?- don't reveal my secret. he got scared. where will i get water from? you are putting so much pressure.- hey, stop. i haven't washed. - really?you're wearing loin cloth. use it.

give me water. stop. it's done. madam, i've record breaking news. what news? to save akash, 2 croreshas been arranged. - where from? by god's smile, by my style.. ..and by the minister's mobile. i didn't understand?- i will sms you later. let's go first.

darn it.even i'd lost my mind. when we both wereon the bed that day.. ..i recorded everythingin the mobile. i wish my mobile batterywas low that day. making video is your old habit. what was the needfor you to make our mms? 2 crores for one mms. it's a budget of one film. if not yours,at least think about her honor.

if the phone got stolenthen bring it back. he is demanding 2 crores for it. then give him. what if he makes a video.. ..of my scam anddemands for 4 crores? boss, where are you?- seems like the matter is serious. raja has stolen my phone. my political futureis in that mobile. he must be finished.

you will get a price. after the job is done,you'll get 1 crore. everything will be alright now. are you okay? i won't spare him. let him go. sit firmly. please, drive slowly.- i don't want to hear anything. calm down.he'll be finished today.

what..? oh no. did you feel the heat? are you blind? - be quiet otherwisesame thing will happen to you too. if you do it, it's rightand if i do it, it's wrong? get away. - boss, just a minute. let bygones be bygones. give me a's my love marriage. really? then where is the girl?

she's standing on the way.she's waiting. madam, please tell him. it's his love marriage. he is such a good guy. give him a ride.- please, brother. you called me brother?- brother? get in. - okay. just a minute. what's your name? - sonu. not yours.tell me the girl's name.

sheila.- that's why you've gone crazy. is she your first love? first and the last. - how is she? she is incredible. voice like nightingale,gait like deer.. ..and as cunning as a fox. when she walks,it's like the peacock is dancing. you must be teasingsitting beside her. i did propose her..

..but she complained. to whom? - physics sir. but i made her understand.. is futilecomplaining to physics sir. he is love with thebiology miss himself. then you should've complainedabout physics sir to the principal. how could i? the principal had an affairwith the driving teacher. wonderful school.

the teachers are inlove amongst themselves. in that case, you bothwere bound to fall in love. yes, boss.i love her and she loves me. how could we separate, isn't it? what if her family opposes? why will they oppose? if they want to get married,how can anyone stop them? i work all day longjust to give her happiness. you're a true lover, boss.

if anyone opposes,i will slap him. boss, stop. my bride is here. left. - alright. i will take left. advance wishes for your wedding.we will leave. please wait,i'll be right back. sheila is waiting inside. the marriage hall is nearby. give us a ride to our destination. put your entire burden on me..

..i'm here to carry your burden.he is taking advantage of me. he is going to do love marriage. let the marriage take place first. these days, love keepsfluctuating like mobile signal. don't take his side. girls are trustworthy. they also run awayfrom the wedding dais. what if she turns outto be like one? why are you tellinglike this about her?

the one who got cheatedin love will surely this. what do you mean? look, all the girlscannot be like you. brother. sheila. brother, don't we looklike heer and ranjha? ranjha was pelted with stones.remember? it won't happen with me. she is very good.

there must be some gooddeeds of your previous birth.. ..that you gotsuch a beautiful girl. her eyes look like.. if she is very loyal. look, it is so truethat i got goose bumps. thank you very much. you will see sensewhen you're get cheated. you are very cooperative, brother. if sheila had a real brother, evenhe wouldn't have helped so much.

take your words back. idiot. why are you screaming? what to do? i've started hating love. boys go to gym for hours to buildsix packs just to woo girls.. ..but girls ruin their livesin just half-an-hour. will you become witnessbecoming her brother? stop calling me brother. i start missing my sister.

actually, there aretwo humans in me. oh, double role. like ram and shyam. not like ram and shyam.. ram and ravan.. ..who can even set lanka on fire. brother cracks good jokes,isn't it? when she will make you a joker,you will realize. why are you behavinglike this with them?

because he is in love. why? haven't you fallen in love?- the one i loved, she died. leave this topic and talk aboutsome other topic, please. brother, turn on the radio. why?will you make the damsel dance? turn on the look tense about something. "you're my beloved." "you're my darling." "of my love story.. are.. - rubbish! it was a wonderful song.why did you change it? i hate romantic songs. "girls play with hearts."- wow, what a song! it is wonderful.- "don't talk about love." "love is fake."- i love this song. "love is fake." brother, did any girlcheat on you? sonu, have you gone mad?

what happened, sheila? i guess even your girlhates romantic songs. be quiet, brother. nothing. don't annoy me. - fight. even my friend's girlfriend cheatedhim in the morning. - then tell us. i'm very fond ofbetrayal love stories. can't you be quiet? sorry. brother, had you heard,you would've been alert.

it's a wonderful love story. let it be, brother.sheila's mood got ruined. have you also been in love? the girl ruined my desires. calm down, brother. you're consoling me. i hope i won't have toconsole you very soon. my luck is not so bad. bombay rain, broken cotand a girl's character..

..never trust them. shall i tell you something?i have great faith on sheila. love is like lottery these days. you might win or also lose. traffic is more today, isn't it? not traffic. it's varsova market. brother, isn't thereany other shortcut? there is no shortcut. shall we come along. - be seated.i will clear the traffic and come.

cheat. - why is it crowded today? move. parvati, why are youwalking nonstop? stop at the signal of loveand take a u-turn. get away, you drunkard. parvati, don't leave me and go. i spent everything for you.. ruined andbecome a drunkard. mother had refused..

..but i said.. ..'mother, you are mine.. ..but to woo parvati,it took 25 years.' you did wrong by ruining me. you cheat, you will be ruined. did a girl breakyour heart like mine? "lose your senses by gettingdrunk and not falling in love." you are right. shall i tell you a secret?

"she wonders on the streets." "she makes a place in your heart." "she doesn't want love." "she wants money." - wonderful. "there are colors everywhere." "there's music everywhere." "the function is going on." "no matter what, i won't stop." "oh, it is dirt of the hands."

repeat! my bag. where is the bag? raja. forgive me, pal. i won't do suchmistake again. pal, i'm sorry. will you leave me and go? i won't go, pal. i won't. you should've asked me for howmuch ever money you wanted.

pal, look there.the thief is there. he is the onewho stole our money. the money was stolen?- yes, pal. where was it stolen? the hotel i went to in bangkok.. he is the thief. sonu, come on hurry up. what happened, darling?- the bag got lost. what did you say?the bag got lost?

yes, the strap got cut andit fell down somewhere. believe me, sheila. okay. then even you go away. hey sheila,i swear on our true love. i'm telling the truth, sheila. i stole that bag for you,isn't it? then where is the money? do one thing. even youget lost like the bag. sheila, what about our marriage?

try in the next birth. you better findthe bag in this birth. stop. you wretched woman. you did it right, brother. slap is not enoughfor what she did. before cheating you,she'd cheated me too in love. i loved you as muchas you paid me. shame on you. do you fall in loveor do business?

a cyprian is better than you. is love only a game to you? first with me, today, with him.. ..i wonder with whom tomorrow. you would've also auctionedyour honor for money. darn it. because you look beautiful,will you cheat everybody? entrapping in thenet of your beauty.. ..wonder how many menyou've slept with.

you pretend to love. you turned out to bea professional cheat. open a training centreon cheating.. will make good money. you are a blot on womanhood. you showed desires of gettingmarried, having children and.. ..what not.. don't i know.. ..why you do all this? - hey.

every guy doesn'tfall in love only for lust. when he falls intrue love with someone.. ..he'll never be able toforget her all this life. look at him. even my condition was thesame till today morning. if a man cries.. ..people think he is weak. why? don't men get hurt? don't they have a heart?don't men have feelings?

why am i making you understand? the one who's an expert in betrayinghow'll she understand anyone's pain? you seem very cunning. hey, what love is,learn it from her. she's not just a woman.she's goddess of love. i've become a demon. to save her husband.. ..putting her life at stake.. ..she robbed 2crores from the bank.

and i stole those 2 crores for you. what? 2 crores. you got it? why didn't you tell me earlier? let's get married and settle down. we will have a family, children. we will be very happy. you stole my money? that too for this girl? listen. listen to me.

anu. anu, listen. i made a mistake. - stop crying. whose bag is this? open it and see. - okay. money. - we found the money. let go off me. finish him. she's annoying. look front.

open your eyes. he won't get up like this. splash water on his face. look at me. what is it? tell me. where is the phone? where am i? i'm asking you about the phone. where is the minister's phone?tell me.

it fell down in an accident. what? hey! i didn't find it anywhere. hello. tell me. what happened, boss? raja is in our custody. whether or not he is in custody.. ..recover my phone first. you will also get the phone.don't worry.

give it to me. he won't tell you aboutthe phone politely. there's a girl with him. make her the pawn andthen see what happens. but handle with care. because raja is very smart. if he is smart, i'm smarter. i'm getting an idea.hang up the phone or i will forget. hey. - no.

no. - i will count till 3.. if you don't tell me,i will shoot her. let go the girl. 1! - it is my mistake. punish me. let her go. let her go.she didn't do anything. - quiet. she is innocent. hey, the hero is about to cutthe rope and fight. be careful. punish me.

3! - no! what an emotion. but the timing is wrong.she's still alive. look. you are seeing? anu. are you okay, anu? - akash? akash. anu. - akash. hey.

what scene is this? why is he embracing her?- sir, she is my wife. what? - sir, she is my wife. she is your wife?- i swear, she is my wife. then who is he to her?- i don't know, sir. if she is your wife.. ..then the 2 croresshould be with her. - no. tell me fast, otherwise,i will thrash you. tell me.- please let go off her, sir.

forgive, sir. - let go. tell them where the money is. otherwise, they will kill you.- i stole her money. . i stole her money. i stole her money. hey, you.. look, i beg of you. tell them where the money is.- what melodrama is this? otherwise, they will kill us both.

you ask him where the money is. please tell where the money is.- get away from here. what are you waiting for?take him away. she doesn't have the money. let go off her. give the moneyand save my wife, sir. even i don't have the money.- otherwise, i'll go mad. what's going on? if you don't have the moneythen where is it?

my plan that tooksix months to make.. ruined took six months. my 2 crores. it took lot of effort for meto make his plan. but this idiot ruined it. 2 crores. 2 crores! akash! - yes, i'm listening! i'm your akash.

you couldn't handle 2 crore,and you are a bank manager? akash, you cheated your wife! oh, i had forgotten. you are my wife? give me the nuptial chain. are you satisfied now? akash, what are you saying? akash, i beg of you,please, don't do this. akash, no. - move aside,you sully woman!

you'll die a dog's death! you dare to abuse me? don't hit her!- why shouldn't i? is she your sister that you arefeeling so much pain? when i'm not feeling anything,why are you bothered? she loves you! love? who will lovethat sully woman? i loved her because of money. i played a charade for 2 crores.

she is of no use to me now! how much did the minister sayhe would pay for the phone? 1 crore rupees. can't he raise it a little? he is a mp. then ask 10 crores from him. but where will we get thatminister's phone? this scoundrel.. i have a plan.

we'll make her mms. - no! then we'll get the moneyas well as the phone. - no. nice idea, brother.- no, don't do that! don't do that,she is a nice girl. this is a sin. don't play with her dignity. we'll make a blue filmand show it to you too. - no! leave her. - come on,get back to work. pick her up and take her.- no.

no! - leave her! no! - come on. - no! leave her! kill me, but leave her! leave her! - why are youso concerned? you first robbed 2 crores.. ..then you ruined my plan.- leave her. come on, hurry up.- impotent scoundrel! kill him!

sully woman! the poster tore.. kill that hero! i'm going. two months later. do you know how many zerosare in 2 crores? do you work like this? send them a legal notice today,we'll seize their property. you tell me.

will my loan pass? i'll pass the loan,but you don't fail. if you make a mistake.. - no. why have you tied ahandkerchief on your head? my head was aching.. if i tie it on my eyes,i won't be able to see. shall i tear this form? if you tear the form, how will iopen a mobile showroom? in my dreams today.. were standing likea goddess in front of me. you gave me loan, i took itand i woke up. don't flatter me more ori'll cancel the loan. i'm not lying. you were wearing sleevelessblouse and plain sari.. were looking like.. ..deepika padukone, sania mirza.. ..karina khan, madhuri dixitwho danced on item song.. ..and sexy sunny leone.- shut up!

what's your full name? you'll pass the loanonly if i tell it? - yes. actually, earlier my namewas chargeable battery. my nick name was memory card. many people used to callme as 'chhota recharge'. i got tired of it and.. ..changed my name as rajawith lifetime validity. wow, what a name.- thanks. raja, what else do you want?

i'll ask when the time comes. it is good that we gotmoney on time. or i would be in jail.. ..and even you would'vegot punished. - you're right. thank god, whatever happenedwas for good. raja, what's your future plan? you opened a shop,when will you marry? what? wedding? if this useless guygets a girl like you..

..only then i'll marry. - no oneis available in the market. i'm the only piece. tell meif you agree with the proposal. i agree!

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