
full movie amazing! to watch on youtube

Friday, May 5, 2017

yeah! come on! come on! that's it, that's it,come on! hey kajal, look,your new neighbours have arrived. get lost! kiran, come in.- yes. raj, your new house.- get the luggage. you're hopeless, kajal. i've beenshouting at you to save the goal! the moment she sights a plane,she forgets everything else.

that goal was entirely your fault.- what goal? i won't accept it. didn't i ask for time out?- i didn't hear that. is it my fault if you were born deaf?- none of us heard it. get your ears cleaned up.i'm not playing with cheats. but leave the ball behind. god! look at this girl! are hockeyand football games that girls play? there's no longer any differencebetween a girl and a boy, grandma. but where are mummy and papa?- gone to see the neighbours. a professor has moved in. they'vetaken some tea and snacks for him.

give us the ball.- shut up! you have only one son?- no, he's my brother-in-law. what subjects do youteach in college? i? i'm no professor, rohit sahab.the only connection... i have with the college is that irun the cafeteria inside the campus. it's like this, the students come toyou for classes and to me for snacks. in other words, we teachersmake the students tense... while you help them relax.correct? - that's nice.

this is my daughter, kajal.- hello dear. say hello to aunt, my child. hello dear. come to cute. which class are you studying in?- class sixth. - okay. hi, i am kajal. do you have a name by any chance?- raj. well... okay, nice name.raj. very good. will you be my friend, raj?

what does that mean?- my friendships don't last. my friends usually desert mein a matter of days. why is that?- i'm not like other boys. i can't play,i can't run. well, i'm not like others, either.i'm your friend for keeps. i promise. let me teach you to fly this plane.- i wish i could get into this plane. it's kind of small, isn't it?- you don't know how to fly a plane? i'm small now. wait till i grow up,i will fly a big airplane some day.

will you let me sit in your plane then?- of course. friend's promise?- friend's promise. i've cooked the it up and enjoy. it must have taken you agesto prepare so much food. big deal! preparing food forone's dear ones is no trouble. don't i cook for my wife, too?- you cook for your wife? if not me, will you cook for her?- no. what i meant was... doesn't she cook at all?- she doesn't. she'd much rather watch films.she goes to the movies every sunday.

don't you go with her?- i don't. she prefers my neighbour ramdasfor company. you must be kidding.- believe me, i have seen with my eyes. yesterday...i saw it with my own eyes,ramdas was waiting around the corner. what did you do then?- why me? they had to do the things. they looked at each otherand smiled fondly. then?- i followed them at a distance. then?- they went straight to moti theatre. bought tickets in blackand went right in.

then?- why would i leave them? i bought a ticket in black, too,and went and sat behind them. then what happened?- then what? i was so upset. my mood was ruined.- why? it was the movie i'd seen on friday. boring movie. but i didn't warn them.i thought they deserved to watch it. dear gi joe, you're amazing.- what's so amazing? it was a matter of three hours,and life is short. what a wife god has given me.

ramdas-ji gets to go tothe movies with her... while i'm left at home,to cook food. strange man. what happened to raj's legs?- nothing serious, really. he met with an accident onceand hurt his knee. we gave him the best treatment,but he's psyched now. he thinks he might fallif he tried to walk. that is why he doesn't movewithout the braces. doctors say he hasonly lost his confidence.

the day he gets backhis confidence... he will be able to run and playlike other children. we still hope, although it's nowtwo years since the accident. don't worry, everything will beall right by god's grace. bye-bye.- bye-bye. sleep tight. - bye.- sweet dreams. you too. see you tomorrow.- see you tomorrow. it was nice meeting, please release your hands. bye.- bye. - bye-bye.

good night.- bye. - bye. switch off the signal,the train has already left. come on. where are you going,my express train? i'm going to teach raj skating. how can he go skating with you?- why can't he? can a blind man watch a movie?- no. can the dumb sing?- no. can the deaf hear?- no. can i roam aroundin a car like a hero?

no.- then how can raj skate? raj can skate. understood? hey ramdas! good morning, uncle. good morning, aunty.good morning. good morning. uncle, has raj woken up?- yes, why? i want to teach the stupid skates.- my child, you know he can't skate. why can't he? i've just beentelling gi joe that.

must i argue with you too? give meone good reason why he can't skate? i can't understand you people. i can't do it, no. look kajal,i don't know how to skate. i'm going to teach you, am i not?- but i will fall. will you stop walkingfor fear of falling? but kajal..- come on, hold my hand kajal, listen.- what? lame horses do not win races. he already has a broken leg, nowthe poor guy will break an arm too.

why, he may even break his head. you stupid! you just watch. unless raj beats all of youat skating, i'm no kajal. come on, raj. you can do it.come on, raj, get up. come on, have to beat them. come on, raj. come on, raj. you have to do it.come on, raj, get up. come on, raj. you can do it.raj, you can do it. raj. you have to do it, raj.come on, raj. get up, get up.

for the sake of our friendship,come on raj, get up! raj, you have to do it.come on, get up for me. raj, you can do it.come on, raj. get up. you have to run. faster. run fast, raj. run, raj. run.come on, raj. you can do it, raj. you have to run, raj. you can do it!- raj, you can do it! go, raj!

come on, faster raj. come on. run! raj! come on! run! it's the inter-collegiate footballfinal and the scores are equal. they are on extra time. st john's players are racingtowards sprindales goal. springdale's raj malhotra stoppedthe ball. brilliant stop by raj. go for it, raj! come on, raj. do it for our friendship.- raj is racing ahead with the ball.

fast, fast. pass it to me. it's tough to stop theplayers of the opponent team. come on, raj!- raj has passed the ball. pass it, pass it. tony's aerial pass. raj has jumpedand kicked the ball. amazing shot. and it's a goal! raj and team win. hey! congratulations, raj. won't you say something toyour friends? please say something.

kajal. can i have you on stage please? i'm not going. no.- raj? friends, i'm able to standbefore you today... only because of this friend of mine. else, i would still be strugglingto walk, leave alone run. she had faith in me and i in her. even today i remember the day.. ..when she coaxed me into running.

and from that day,she's been making me run... whether it is with her loveor with scolding. keep quiet, stupid. so kajal has more right to.. ..the trophy than i have. kajal.- thank you, raj. hang on. this raj is such a duffer. know why? people generallysnatch away the rights of others...

and here's this stupid guywho hands over his rights to others. today's victory entirely belongs tohim, yet he wants to share it with me. this is one thingi hate about this man. and one thing i love about him. and that's why he's my best friend. may god give everyone such a friend.i'm so proud of him. let's go. "sha la la, baby." "baby, baby, go sha la la."

"sha la la baby, sha la la, baby." i dream of himover and over again and i know for sure... my beloved shall come to me someday "he'll come one day." and i shall belong to him... lost completely in his love "i'll belong to him." "i'll lose myself in his love."

i dream of herover and over again my sweetheartshall come to me someday "he'll come on day." and i shall belong to her... lost completely in her love "i'll belong to her." "i'll lose myself in her love." he robs me of my sleep he makes me sleepless all night

makes me more and more restless he torments me no end she's different i need to tell her... that i'm crazy for her she taught mewhat love is all about for her, i could die... i know for sure "my life will be for her."

"my heart knows." my beloved will come someday the one who i'veset my eyes upon... she is completely ignorant... though she is so close to me she is special he won't find a girl like me for all his indifference... once he looks me in the eye...

he'll never turn back he has snatched my peace but i'm sure... she will come to me sweetheart i'll belong to her... not 11,000 you haveto pay only 6,000. but please listen to me...-just listen to me. go home andcheck the accounts. please go. good morning, uncle.- good morning.

did you see kajal?- no. i've been wrapped up... with my own problems since joe must have seen her around. g.i. joe.- okay, uncle. a cutlet? what about my omelet?- i will send it. g.i. joe.- send it fast. i'm in tension, this man ordered anomelet, and i sent him a cutlet... have you seen kajal?- she left early this morning. where did kajal go?- not kajal, i'm talking about my wife she went away early this morning,and i know where she's gone...

to watch a movie with ramdas.- so early in the morning? for the morning show. my wifemakes me so tense, and you...? why don't you reason with your wife?why does she go to watch movies... with someone else?why doesn't she go with you? you think i haven't tried?do you think women understand? it's not her fault though.films these days... aren't the sort women wouldwant to see with their husbands. he is laughing when i'mseriously stressed out. - shut up. what do you want from me?

i'm only asking you whetheryou've seen kajal around. if not, quit chewing my brains. yes, i did see her in the campus.she seemed to be quite tensed. she's gone to the college. correct.- which college is open on sundays? for those who're tensedwhat's a sunday or monday? if the college is closedshe may be in the library. one can sit andread a book when he's worried strange. look he's tensed, you know what tension is? a tensed man can murder someoneor commit suicide.

he can go to jail or hang understand what i mean? shut up! get back to work.- i can do it only after you get out. this is the misfortune of our country...anybody can take another's place. where is my omelet?- oh my god! for an omelet you need to firstbring a hen and a cock together. then you need to break it open, add.. ..spice to it andpour it over the pan. shall i do that to you? get lost! what is this, man? one.- he'll come from here.

is today a day of tension?oh, this omelet! no! let me go!- i've been waiting for this day. you deceived me and called me here.- deceived you? whatever. all's fair in love and war. who'll save you? hey!- hey! stop! raj! what are you doing? raj! raj! stop it. raj. raj!

hey!- get up. how dare he touch you?- raj, stop it. kajal, get aside.- raj. you're trying to run away? stop it, raj! hey! raj! what are you doing? leave him. come on.- stop it. raj, stop it! raj, look.

stop it, raj!are you crazy, raj? stop it! saved!- how dare he touch you? stop it, will you? this isn't right.- this isn't right? so what he was doing to you was right?- but what was he doing? where are you going?- listen to me. oh! my god!- you're pulling my pants. - god! i won't spare you!- stop it, or he'll die. how dare he touch you?you're alone... i'm not alone. everyone is here!

where is everyone? when did they arrive? they've been with me since morning.when did they arrive, eh? shit! he ruined the rehearsalof our play. hey, who is this? who's been killed? kamal...?- gi joe! are you all right?- i'm fine. are you all right?- i'm fine!

fine, really? you aren't even ableto say you're fine properly. and you say you're fine?you're not fine, neither am i. nice makeup!you act so well. killed him!- papa! how'd i know it was only a rehearsal?- stupid. shut up! you should've told meit was only a rehearsal. why are they fighting?- you shut up! you! - listen.- stop it! listen to me, kajal.

you've gone mad. hey!- calm down. listen. - she's hitting me.- look. she hit me. is this fair? what happened? did you find kajal? yes i did, at the rehearsal. listen- she beat me up. why didn't you tell meshe was rehearsing for a play? i told you she was under some tension.- how's tension related to rehearsal?

the show is just four days away,and they're yet to perform well. you've beaten thehero black and blue, so wouldn't she be under tension? now you're under tension, too. would you like to have a cold drink?- where's the omlette, man? i rusticate you! let's do something. when she'sunder tension, she feels very hungry. do one thing.eating will free you from tension. take some samosas to her,and some pastries too.

let me add some noodles, too.don't tell her i sent them. she'll only get know her temper. now what's happened?what's the matter now? just thinking. you can neverunderstand women's moods. some get tense when they're hungry,some get hungry under stress. let me tell you about my wife...- quiet. enough. - shall i go?- serve these. manish, say your lines. whether you call it hoodwinkingor cheating, madhu...

what's this you're doing? are youdancing or speaking your lines? i'm speaking my lines.- get lost. rascal. tapan, you try it.give him the cue, sweety. you hoodwinked me here.- whether you call it hoodwinking... or cheating, call it an apple orgrapes, call it whatever you wish... tapan, is this line in the dialogue? no, this is my own. original. original, my foot. your fury has lost its something, you'll be stronger...

and your temper will flare up, too.- get lost. sweety, cue, fast. you hoodwinked me here. but everything's fairin love and war, madhu. acting is not their cup of tea.give me a chance. i may not look like a hero, but i canact so well.. .. that i can stun everyone. you're laughing?- when was i laughing? i saw you laughing.- i didn't. are you sure?- sure. did the snacks work?

how'll it work?see this? and you're asking me how it was?does it work this way? what should i do?- if you want to save... your life, property and honour,get the hell out of here, quick. i was thinking just that.- don't think, run for your life. get out of here before kajal comes. i didn't get the omelet. do youhave anything else on your menu? menu? can't you see? salt and lick me.

lick me up, come on.- hey what do you think you're doing? does he think he can escapehiding at home? i will not spare him. bhabhi, where's raj?(bhabhi - sister-in-law) he...? he's fast asleep.- asleep, eh? let me go and see. how dare you sleep now?get up! why are you hitting me? have yougone mad? you hit me all the time. you ruinedmy sleep! you hit my hero, remember? it was a mistake.- just wait. i'll make a zero out of you.- a bat...? it’ll hurt me.

you like to hit people, don't you?now you will do the acting. but none of my ancestors ever acted.- raj, i'm very angry. i've not worn any clothes underneath. shame on you! i'll put them on you! i got burnt. what are you guys doing?- bhabhi... bhabhi, this girl is crazy.- you stupid. everything's fairin love and war, madhu. by the way, tell me,just who is this rajiv?

raj, now don't actas if you don't know. sometimes you ask me to act,sometimes you ask me not to. what am i to do?- acting. what i mean is, act in a waythat looks natural. unity.- sweety, what are his last lines? here, read this.- and read it aloud! this is all because of you you were mine, you are mine,and you will always be mine. don't scream!

i mean, don't be so loud.speak from within, please. you wanted me to speak aloud, and nowyou're telling me to speak from within you were mine, you are mine, and you will always be mine.- oh! god. who's this? darling. now what?- come out! out! when i said speak from within,i meant let it come from your heart. sweety, give him a cue please.- take it! promise me,you'll never break my heart.

why just my promise,you can keep my heart, too. now, why are you lying there?get up, will you? i don't want to act.- come here. and this is one bad interior!- raj, i said, come here. tell me.- hold my hand. look deep into my eyes. i'm the one who is dearer to youthan life and for me, you'll gladlyaccept death. i'm the one.

feel it. feel it, raj. come on, raj. and say those lines now. you were mine... you are mine... and you'll always be mine. o angel of love, how cani forget such a noble sacrifice? sacrifice? i don't's a huge honour... to be kissed by lips as silkenas these before one dies.

fie on those lipsthat kill. "i have to say this today." i must say it now... that i've fallen in love with you i can't bear to stay awayfrom you anymore for, i've fallen in love with you i love you,i love that attitude and that's a secretthat i've hidden for years i love you,i love your attitude

you are the one i talk about you are the onewho makes me restless every moment of mineis now painted in hues of joy "i am in love with you." i'm in love with you let's leave the world... somewhere far behind come... let's cross all limits today

come, let's cross all limits today what's this high of love? i know not where it has brought me togetherness is incompletewithout you "it's very difficult to stay apart." death is a prizeto be coveted, madhu. it would have been a punishmentif i'd been condemned... to stay awayfrom your sweet lips. now, it's enough my love,

it's time for me to go.don't stop me. so long then, my love.- don't go... goodbye, my love.- no. good bye! - no!- uncle! - child. no!- good bye. - no! you can't leave me all alone. you can't... my love. come on, have your milk.

no uncle.- how will you become strong? no. - you keep troublingsister-in-law. -raj, when did you get thiscall letter from the air force? just this morning.- strange. when did you decide? when did you apply?you didn't even tell us. and why such a hasty decision?- it was not sudden. you know very well i've alwaysbeen fond of the air force. do you have any objections, brother?- why will i object? keep in touch after you get there.

you have to look after yourself.- thank you, brother. - here. all the best. take care.- okay, brother. i am going to the college. - bye.- bye. whose dream are you trying tofulfill? yours? or somebody else's? who else's, bhabhi?- kajal's. who else's? have you told her that you love herand that you wish to marry her? yes bhabhi, i did tell her once. will you marry me, kajal?

why not?- look at her. she's so lucky. her husband works in the air force. he can fly hereveryday in an airplane i'll also fly you everydaywhen i grow up. so proposition meafter you grow up, stupid. raj? raj? what did kajal reply?- about what, bhabhi? gosh! did you tell kajalabout your love for her? there's nothing about methat she doesn't know.

she knows what i like, what i don't,when i get angry... when i am affectionate, when i goto sleep... she knows everything. all i got to do is propose her?- and when will you do that? i will, bhabhi. the very dayi become a pilot, i will. i'll fly her in my 30,000 feet altitude... amongst the clouds, i'll propose her. well, well!what are you squealing? no squealing at all.- you must've been talking about me. no, i was only telling her...- anyway, i don't care.

come out fast, i want to talk to you.- to me? yes, to you. i want to tell yousomething personal, stupid. come on. excuse me, sister-in-law. you. uncle is great. he says something,does something else... but it happens quite the opposite.- keep quiet. how dare you join the air forcewithout asking me? it was decided when we were kids.- still, you should've asked me. you asked me before joining the play? i didn't have to go far awayto perform the play.

when will you return? after a year and a half.- a year and a half? no way. come back in three months. i can't learn to ridea bicycle in 3 months. how will i learn to fly a plane?- okay, four months, not a day more.- a year and a half, not a day less. what will i do here all alone?- you will miss me... write letters, and maybe cry a little.- cry, my foot! will you call me as soon as you'velearnt how to fly a plane? promise?

promise.- fly the plane over our canteen... so i can see you and wave. agreed? kajal, it's a plane i have to fly... not a kite that i can flyover your terrace. shut up! promise? okay, promise. now let's go, come. listen...- tell me. take care of yourself.

eat properly .. ..and don't work so hardthat you become weak. and come back soon. okay? i'm not even gone yet,and you are crying already? stupid. hi, officer. - hello.- can you check it please? yeah. raj malhotra?raj malhotra? room number 18. please sign here.

your phrases. hey! new entrant?- yeah, that's right. - hi. raj malhotra.- raunak. - mandeep. raj. - hi.- rocky. raj.- room number? - 18. 18? man, i am your room partner. what are you saying?- i'll show you. come on. - come. maceta may be considered asan extreme case of a call.. ..having an 80 angle or 0 degrees.

to the value 1.. ..which may be consideredthe other expedition. how was the flight?- yeah, it was okay. here's one more.a boy asks his teacher... will you punish me for whati have not done? no dear, says the teacher.what have you not done? i haven't done the homework raj! hey, raj!- raj! look! that must be rajwho's flying the plane.

there he goes. very good. wow!- my friend is flying a plane. but how do you know it's raj? i asked him to fly over the canteen. don't wave! take your hand inside.listen to me. take your hand inside, my pilot! but gi joe, it's been only six monthssince raj joined the air force. he can't fly a plane so soon.- he's been flying since childhood. yes, he's not scared of learning.he's very intelligent.

stick your hand out, do a somersault, a back flip. somersaults, eh? he won't be allowedto even go near an airplane so early. hey! what do you mean?what do you know about raj? not about raj, but i knowthe air force too well. my uncle is an air force officer.- no wonder raj beat you up. take it from me now! how silly this heart is it leaves one in a quandary

for no reasonsit lays its trust on someone for lovers... it makes life miserable "whoever falls in love here,makes life miserable." none can reason with it love is beyond reasoning what is love all about... only lovers know obsessed loversdrown themselves...

in the depths of love they find restlessness... in solitude for him who is restless... life becomes a sore "those who become restless.." .."make life miserable." for those in love... life gets miserable

how can one touch... the stars in the sky how can one forget... his sweetheart's words? love offers... loneliness and anxiety the momenti remember something... my eyes flow one who waits for a tomorrow...

he makes his own life miserable "those who wait for tomorrow.." "..make life miserable." he who is in love... makes his own life miserable "those who fall in love.." hey brother!- raj!- brother! - wow! - raj! slow, slow, slow. wow!

he looks nice, doesn't he bhabhi? i'm not going to talk to you.i've been trying to contact you... since the last two months!- i'm wearing a uniform! but you didn't send me a reply!- how would i reply? i was not at the base.- where were you then? i was at the border, flying my plane.- how exciting! then? exciting? i didn't have the timeto eat or drink or do something. what about the important thingi wanted to tell you about? well, i got something to tell you too.- shoot!

in everyone's presence?- that's right, come on. where are you taking him? he justarrived. let him change and eat... no, this is an emergency.come on. my uniform tie!- sit there. my badge... now tell me, what have you to say?- your turn first. no, you go first.- no you. i think we both have the same thingsto tell each other. but ladies first.

come on.- okay. but it's going to take time to finish.- i'll take a nap then. raj?- okay. i can sleep later.- this is so interesting... that you'll have a tough timebelieving it. it happened when we performedin simla two months ago. it so happened thatthe show as a great success. after the show we dancedand enjoyed so much, you know. and then i slept so much thati woke up to find everyone gone.

those in the van thought i was onthe bus ... ..and those on the busthought i was in the van. and inthe confusion i'd been left behind. that very day we were to performat manali. i didn't know what to do. just then, i saw a helicopterland on the hotel lawn. excuse me.- yes. whose chopper is this?- mr. karan singhaniya's. why?- oh i was just curious, thank you. hello captain.

yes. i'm kajal. i am a friendof your boss, mr. karan singhaniya. oh! pleased to meet you, miss kajal. karan and i were supposed to go tomanali together. i am doing a show. and he's the chief must be aware of all this. yes, i am.- so will you be here long? no, i am on my way to delhi.- since manali is on the way. do you mind dropping me there?- no, i can't do that.

if my boss gets to hear of it,i could lose my job. what rubbish! don't worry about that,i can explain things to karan. but miss kajal...- you ought to be delighted. i will talk to karan about you, andit can even fetch you a promotion. all right. okay. so i'll bring my luggage.wait here. don't run away. i won't. my bluff worked. i was on my wayto manali on the helicopter.

but what did i see on the way?the pilot was stealing glances at me. soon, i could stand it no longer.i snapped at him. haven't you seen a girl before? sorry. extremely sorry. what happened after that?- as soon as i reached manali... i slapped that kamal.- kamal? who? the same guy you beat up duringthe rehearsal of the play. but the best part was something else. guess who was the chief guest?

who was it?- karan singhaniya. the owner of the helicopter?- the owner was himself the pilot. what are you saying?- raj, i got such a shock... when the organizers invited himon stage. there he was before me! miss kajal.she directed this play. and this is our chief guest,mr. karan singhaniya. i hope you will talkto my boss mr. eeshwar singhaniya. this is not done. absolute. you were having fun at my expense.couldn't you tell me...

you were karan singhaniya?- you never gave me an opportunity. what do you mean? did i sticka tape round your mouth? oh! my god. i thought you were doing me a favour, when you were pulling my leg. no, i wasn't. on the contrary... anyway. forget it. i'm sorry i lied to you the other day.- no, you didn't lie. the fact is, you have becomekaran singhaniya's friend.

may i ask you a favour?can i drop you back at simla? no, i am not going back to simla.i'm headed home, dehradun. it's on the way. really?- really. karan dropped me right here.when the copter landed... all the boys came running togreet us. manjit, anurag, raman... hey!- everyone was stunned. when i thanked karan, he said,won't you at least... offer me a cup of coffeefor dropping you here?

i borrowed manjit's cycleto take him home. you seem to be the boss around here.- they're all my friends. is there a special friend among them? i do, but he's awayundergoing training... .. with the air force.his name is raj. raj. he is my best friend. we've beenfriends since childhood. he's a great simple and so unassuming. he's very fond of me.he could die for me.

when we reached home, my parentswere so surprised at seeing karan. but he won over everybody's heart. he touched the elders' feet... even gi joe's. embrace me. he suggested some ayurvedic remediesfor grandma's pain in the knees. gave father some italian recipesfor his canteen. he even helped mummyfry some pakoras. here, sir.- wow son, in so many years...

we didn't realize we could usethe leaves from own backyard... make pakoras.- no, it's pathodas. yes, pakoras.- no aunt, it's pathodas. you know it's made of leaves.(patta - leaf) here you go.- absolutely right. you.- wow! yes.- wow! on karan's invitation,papa visited his house once. he couldn't stop talking about themwhen he returned. he said...

they are so rich,and yet so humble. then, one day, karan took meto the flying club. where, all his chopperswere lined up. tell me, which chopperwould you like to sit in? what do you call that red one?- cessna 172. that's the one.- hop right in, then. in that big chopper he flew me acrossthe clouds. what a sight it was! really raj, i had never seensuch clouds before. then he said...

kajal? will you marry me? what did you tell him? what could i say?my heart was pounding. i missed you so much that moment.i thought... if only you had been there,i'd have asked you for an answer. i told karan just that.- what did you say? that i can't say yes or nowithout consulting raj. if i forbid you from marrying him,you won't marry karan?

i won't. promise.but at least meet him once. he is so nice thatyou won't forbid me, believe me. now that i have told you aboutmy wedding, you tell me whatdid you want to tell me? about your wedding, of course. when can i meet him?- you mean it? i love you, raj. i love you.- me too. then we'll meet him right away.let's go. come on. what happened?- i'll go and freshen up.

mr. raj. karan?- yes. nice to meet you. nice meeting you.- come have a seat. thank you so much. kajal talks a lot about you.she's very fond of you. she respects you a lot.- yes, i know. my life is in your hands now, sir.only you can help me. i'm a nice guy, and i come froma very good family. i promise you... i will not let kajal down. never.

my folks and i will alwaystake good care of kajal. i promise, sir. honestly, i dearly love kajal, sir. she loves me for me, i can't live without her. honest. if i don't have kajal,i will die. so please put in a kind word for me,or kajal will not marry me. for kajal, i can. it's you karan!

i hope you aren't bribing raj?- he doesn't need to. you can't get a betterlife-partner than karan. oh sir, thank you so much. chant. if you love someone... say it... before it's too late if you trust someone... that's the secret to steal a heart

"if you love someone." "express your love." "you shouldn't delay." the pain love inflicts... the more it hurts,the more you seek but it's beyond one's comprehension my beloved... is a trifle merciless she takes pleasure in tormenting me

yet, my heart is proudof my beloved express it... it's a time to celebrate a joyous occasion, indeed it's the signof joyous events to come it shows in the eyes that's the wonder of love love can never be hidden love is a secretthat only the eyes reveal

bhabhi, why did raj quit the party? why don't you answer me?tell me, for my sake please. what do i say?raj madly loves you. he wanted to marry you. tears of joy,you know i'm so happy that. shut up. just shut up why didn't you tell me before? tell what?- that you love me. i never felt the need to tell you.

i thought it was plain enoughfor you to see. - oh! god. it is rightly said that... a book that is tooclose to your eyes.. ..cannot be read. i'm so stupid. would you tell me something?- what? had i proposed you first, would your reply have been yes? why do you ask me now raj?

i won't be at peace till i know. neither will you after you know. the truth is, i myself don't know.i never thought about it before. and it'd be a sin to think of it now. but don't think thati'd be spared once i'm away. if you hurt yourself, i'll behurt, too. remember this much. the world does not come to an endif a loved one leaves you. and if that makes for an excuseto ruin your own life... that'd be an insult to your loveand to the one who has left you.

i'm sure you won't ever insult me. get a hold on yourself. good bye. there's joy in my eyes... yet my heart weeps oh, what crossroadshas love brought me to? yes, it's a secret to endure pain and as you just cut off the parachute. raj, your brother and bhabhiare here.

i'll just come.- okay. hi.- hi, raj. - hey, brother! good to see you.bless you, bless you. how are you? fine brother. what brings you here? we're on our way back from a seminar we thought we'd drop in.tell me something, officer... have you sworn not to come home?- not at all, brother. there is so much work here...- cut the crap. you will come homeduring the next vacation.

otherwise. we don't like it without you there. hey! come on, brother. kiran, where are the sweets? in the car.- i'll get them. left my favorite stuff in the car?- take him to task, kiran. - yes. take a seat, bhabhi. you know raj, why your brother gothimself transferred to nainital?

so that you don't have to travelall the way to dehradun. i know, bhabhi. he doesn't want you to be remindedof the past and hurt yourself. yet you make him sad. you neithercome home .. ..nor reply to my letters. bhabhi, all you do in the lettersis ask me to marry. i don't want to marry. all right, i will do just as you say,

but please stop weeping. wipe your friends are watching. you won't change your mind,will you, raj? no more turning back in life. here are the sweets. tell me, haveyou fixed the date for coming home? i'll be in europe for 6 to 8 weekson a sea-harrier training, brother. as soon as i return,i'll come home. promise?- officer's promise.

that's all for today.have a nice weekend. no good being in a foreign landall these days. what do you mean?- we haven't gone sightseeing. i mean, no women and wine...- he's right. come on, let's go. it's new year's eve. must celebrate.- all right, let's go to the disco. wow, that's a great idea.- even the toughest one has ideas! busted! his little secrethas been discovered. in the car.- look, dear. alright, people. move your body.

jiya. hey! you want to dance?- no, thank you. monty, let go. what are you doing? welcome, jiya. let's dance.- get off me. leave me. i'll just freshen up and come.- okay. same for him, please.what are you staring at? haven't you seen a girl booze? actually, i don't usually drink.- thank you. but today is new year's eve.

so i thought i'd live it up.i'd try something new. by the way. happy new.. i am so sorry. you see, tonight. i am so sorry. what are you doing? i am sorry. you see.- what the hell are you doing? i'm slightly drunk. when i drink,it hits me very fast. aren't you stoned? a torn pocket!- excuse you.

i suppose you don't know thisis in fashion these days. excuse me. it's an armani jacket.- it's now a typical sindhi jacket! hey! come on.- listen. listen, please give me your residencenumber, telephone number, everything. never mind.- let's go. mr. never mind, give me your address.i will send you a jacket. lay off, monty. monty your dad maybe my father's business partner... but that doesn't give youthe right over me. let me go! get off me.

or i'll smash your head.- try hitting me. hey! hey! leave her. leave her! go away. please. you! - calm down.- stop it. stop it! come on, get the hell out of here!- where are you taking me? listen to me...what are you doing? what's next?

you got a car?- yup. yup. where's the car?- yup. where's the car?i don't know. where's the car? where's the key? keys? are you drunk?i think you're drunk. why?- because when there is no car... what will you do with the keys?- all right. just give me the keysand i'll find your car. how boring.

take this. but i am not. yay! got it. come on. i must say you are intelligent. both, brave and intelligent. you're not drunk either. unlike others, who get drunk easily and lose their senses. excuse me, where do you thinkyou're taking my girlfriend?

i'm not your girlfriend.i am going with him. what? hey you, torn-pocket! the winner takes jiya with him. come on. you win. take the girl. hey! fight, fight, fight.- hey! fight.- fight like a man. come on. who's this soiled-shorts?- it's spoilsport! spoilsport!

that's right!never mind, darling. - okay. i'm off. jiya, take it back. - what to do?- get back. - jiya. jiya, take it back. bye, monty. bye. be my hero, baby. yay. madam, where do you have to go?- wherever you take me. tell me your address. oh yes. go straight, straight...

jiya! drive straight. i'll get you. monty! my brother is here! what are you up to? stay down.- let go. i am flying.let's race. come on, come on. brother monty!- stay down. you'll fall. faster. faster. hey! that's my girlfriend.- come on. come on.- sit down.

brother monty is here! brother monty!- jiya! what fun? new years eve. yay! stop the car. where did he go? crap! hey! speed up, brother monty. you, here! damn you! hey! what are you doing, man?- sorry, sorry. - man,

you bumped into my car. stop it!- you! brother monty is punctured! where do you want to go from here,madame? - wrong side. straight. yay! left. we're here. madam, listen to me. you'll fall. where's your house?- it was right here this morning.

here?- the flood might've drowned it. goodbye. you're not only brave .. ..andintelligent, you're handsome too. oh! god. too much drinking is bad for health. you didn't seem to remember the wayto your house, so i brought you home. your clothes were wet,so i helped you get into mine.

or you could've caught pneumonia. i washed your clothesin the washing machine, ironed them, and there they are...hanging to your left. take a look. there's milk, bread and butter in therefrigerator in case you're hungry. don't use the toaster,you might get an electric shock. your car is parked outside,and the keys are near the computer. goodbye. raj. the handwriting suggestshe's very intelligent. hey, girl.

look at the size of the shirt.he seems so tall. tell me, how does he look?- very handsome. we came in the nick of time.otherwise you. - hey! tell us, what else did he do?- nothing at all. must've kissed you.- no, he isn't that type. how can that be? he changed yourclothes, yet he didn't do a thing? nothing. - how would you know?completely wasted. - oh! shut up. such boys are rare these days.- i'd have married him. why not me?

by the way,thank you for your suggestion. jiya, you must thank him. - yeah. good morning, sir. - yeah.- bouquet for mr. raj. thank you. after coming to, at home,i realized that... i'd forgotten something veryvaluable at your place. if you find it, please call meon this number... 6399400 jiya. now what has she forgotten? hello.

i'm sorry, there's no jewelleryof yours here. there could be somethingmuch more precious. what do you mean?- i couldn't even thank you properly. i want to meet you toexpress my gratitude. not necessary. you've alreadysent me a bouquet. you've expressed your forget it. okay? it takes one last rendezvousto forget things. will you please come home?- look, i have no time. bye. hello. no problem.

i'll get you, baby. hi, boys.- hi! please carry on.- carry on. hey! hey!- what's your problem? what's your problem, man?are you dumb? shortsighted? wait a minute. excuse me.- yes. - what do i look like? you're so beautiful.- thank you. hear that? and you don't believe it? excuse me.what do you think i look like?

very sexy. you lucky bugger. hey! whom did you call a lucky?- hey! some call me sexy,others call me beautiful. how come you don't see it in me?are you blind? or, do you have a problem...? listen. i don't have time for you. but i can wait.- then keep on waiting. hi.- hi. ask me how pretty you are,

how sexy you'd that moron know? he's not a player, after all.- it's connoisseur! i know, it's something like that. the geometric conic canbe mathematically modified placing the parellel.. ..using the orthomorphic formulae. instead of placing themat a constant distance. this should produce aquick automotive injection. but as you all know,

that in our training weare primarily interested in. god. - as i was saying,that in our training.. ..we are primarily interested.. the day ... ...on the 2 standard parallels. pay attention, boys. as i say. on the 2 standard parallel. raj?- yes, sir. go and solve the problem.- right, sir.

hi. what do you want?- just one date. why?- it's my birthday today. won't you come home for dinner? please. you will come, won't you?- okay. my place!- no touching. - sorry. all right, i will come.- oh thank you... enough.- sorry, sorry. happy birthday.- thank you. it's my birthday. yes!

hi. i hope i didn't keep you waiting. i wouldn't mind waiting foreverto catch one glimpse of you. i hope you have no more complaints? i wouldn't dare complain about you. if you wish to betray me,go ahead and do it. but i've put my heart and soulat your feet. be my god of love. it's a power cut.i'd better leave. - never mind. the electricity will be back.

do not grieve over the lightsthat are put out. my eyes shall burn all night. why do you wish to play with fire? you will burn. i'm but a lump of wax. consume me, turn me into a fireball. let the warmth of your breath spreadall over me. burn me to my soul. shower on me...let my thirst of years be quenched.

tonight, the showers will be fun our sweet meeting will be fun "the rains are going to be fun." this sweet meeting of ourswill be fun i had been holding myself back "i had treasured." the moment you gazed at me,i lost my composure "when our eyes met." robbed my very being,o stranger

amazing is a beautydrenched all over her body,bedazzling amazing is the monsoon and the showers make you dazes me the passionate urgeon my lips... is to quench your thirst,my love when the clouds burstto shower down heavy drops... my beloved, an urgeto embrace you overcomes me your ways, o cruel one...

"your killer attitude." makes me lose my patience you set your eyes upon mine... and robbed my very being,o stranger hold me in your eyes...wait no more bridge this gap...wait no more give me a place in your heart...wait no more embrace me...wait no more of late i've been very restless

but i've been waitingfor this day since years if you try to stop me,i shall cross all limits if you make me pine any longer,i'd die "we'll remain thirsty." we shall thirst forever... should this season pass "our eyes met." you set my eyes upon mine... did he come finally?- yes, he did...

but only in my dreams. you girls scared him off.- i don't think he's interested. forget him. i'm not the one to forget. i'll get you, baby. hi, everyone. how are you? where's raj? why's everyone so quiet? where's raj?where's he? do you expect us to revealour friend's secrets? what do you mean?- you want his friends to save him?

let him down, rounaq!- i know. kind of busy. where did she go?- raj. if you insist, i'll tell you.raj has gone to india. he's gone to india.- india? why? had some work there. but if i canhelp you in any way, do tell me. at your service.- shut up. has she left?- the disaster you couldn't avert... for days, i staved it off at one go.this week's training will be no sore. it takes an ass like me only oneshot to hit the target.

very good, dear. for the first timeyou got the idiom right. this is london's buckingham palace,and this is... papa, uncle is here!- shelly! shelly! hey, raj! how are you? hello, brother. - wow!- uncle, what have you got for me? won't you come to me? how are you? see mummy, whata nice doll uncle has bought for me. it's beautiful.- i'm famished. i'll take a bath...

serve food quickly. okay?- i'll serve it right away. raj.- yes. don't go upstairs,you take this room, here. what have you done to my room?- you know we've kept a paying guest. a paying guest? why my room?- raj, that room is always locked. your brother goes to college,while i give tuitions. shelly used to feel bored at home.but now she has got good company. she isn't just good, she's'll be stunned. good, shelly has got company...

greetings. it was only an expression. thatdoesn't mean you keep gaping at her. raj? how did you reach here?- i first took a flight... then a train, a busand an auto rickshaw. i can't tell you, but itwas quite a bumpy ride. so you know her?- yes brother. i know this girl very well.- very well, my foot. you returned to india even beforeyou could get to know me, didn't you?

hardly matters. now thatyou'll be living together... you will get to know each other well.- right, brother. she calls you brother?- so what? god bless you. she's a very nice girl, raj. despite staying abroad... for so many years, she hasn'tforgotten our culture and traditions. she has won us over. culture! she couldsell this country off! why have you come to my house?- i came to meet you...

on the pretext of returningyour shirt. i lied to your brother... oh! shut up! just shut up! i don't likethese tricks of yours. understand? but bhabhi likes not onlymy behavior, she also likes me. that's because she's yet to meetthe real you. shall i tell her... in what condition i found youat the disco? stoned! sure, tell them. also tell themthat you carried me to your room... took off all my clothes,laid me down on your bed...

and god knows what all you did to me!- shut up! i was drunk. all you gave me wasthis shirt to cover my body. i can prove it!bhabhi! aren't you ashamed? don't you careeven a wee bit about your honour? kid, my honour lies in yours. airport. if i lose it, you will lose it too.- lose what, eh? give me my shirt.- raj? raj...?

what's going on here?- nothing, i was... excuse me. you're leavingyour shirt behind once again. how about leaving my dress behind? insolence! take that. come on, let's have tea together. the potato and cabbage dishis great, raj. bhabhi, give me some more. else,he'll lose his temper for no reason.

here you go. - i just love thisrumaali roti. i really missed it. why don't you get married? you canhave rumaali rotis everyday. listen, you were supposed to finda girl for him. what progress? i'd find a girl for him today itself. but will he marry the girl i choose? why won't he? won't i breakthe moron's legs? i will, on one condition. sheshould be a great cook like bhabhi. raj. for your kind information. jiya was the one who cooked today.

so you are out uncle, clean bowled?- eat quietly. children don't talk while eating.bhabhi, is this some lentil curry? there's no salt in it. why don't youcheck it out for yourself? miss jiya. it seems there's no one. where's my book? the rains are going to be fun.our romantic meeting. hey you! you were peeping on me,weren't you? say yes or no. i didn't see a thing.- you did. i saw nothing. okay, i'm sorry.- sorry won't work, mister.

well...?- say that you like me. but i didn't see anything.- no? then see now. miss jiya, what are you doing?- raj. bhabhi is coming. shall i tell herthat you were watching me bathe? what?- i didn't see anything. i even apologized.- nothing doing. say you like me. no.- no? i do, i do. yes? or no?- yes.

if yes, say lovinglythat i like you. yes, i like you.- raj, where are you? bhabhi is coming here.- where do i hide? here.- how can i hide there? come on!hold the towel. jiya...- yes bhabhi? have you seen raj anywhere?- no bhabhi. isn't he in his room? he's not there, he's noteven downstairs. then, he may be behind the towel...i mean, he may be in the bathroom.

all right, i'll check.- okay. what happened?- i couldn't even breathe. finally you accept that you like me,don't you? so, did you enjoy that? no.- no? then try again. insolence! it was because of bhabhithat i came under pressure. under pressure, or under threat,at least you accepted? insolent girl! one minute.- i want to eat roshan's ice-cream.

you towel girl, get off!you're not going with us. get off!- i'm not dying to go with you. but bhabhi asked me to fetch somethings for the karva chauth festival. well, if i don't,it won't rent the skies. but bhabhi won't complete her fast,she'll remain hungry... she'll lose her temper,and take it out on her husband. and they are going to brawl. so what? why do i bother? bye.- get lost jiya, you guys haven't gone yet?- bhabhi, raj doesn't want...

come, sit.- what did you say? come madam, sit. let's goand do some shopping. - so sweet. bye. what are you doing?- what am i doing? take your hands off!- what shall i hold then? hold your hips. if i don't hold on to you,i may fall down. so fall then.- if i fall, we won't buy anything. bhabhi won't be able to completeher fast,

which may result in a brawl. and if husband and wife quarrel...- for heavens' sake, quit blabbering. always rambling.just shut up. get off.these types don't get off easily. lay off. go, do the shopping.move it. ouch! hey! come out. hey! you're eyeing our target?go away. madam, they are gone.- thank you so much, brother.

shall we...?- where to? we were going to delhi, but youstopped us. come on, let's enjoy. how dare you touch me? you dog. what? dog? - stupid man.- stupid? take her! come on. raj. - put her inside the car. uncle, sister... they're abducting me. raj! let go! let go, i say! - no.- i say, leave me.

what's your problem?- you think you are a hero? get lost!come on take her, guys. yes. hit him. sorry. sorry. please. very good, uncle very good. wasn't it great? uncle... - hey you misbehaved with her?

why did you misbehave with her? rascal! stop your uncle.or my friend will be a dead man soon. if you want to hit,hit me. leave him.- you love to tease girls, don't you? uncle, he'll die. stop it. pick him up! take your father away.- lift him quickly. i know you love me, or whywould you fight for me like this? tell me, yes or no?- shut up.

just shut's not funny any more. because of your disgusting behaviorthat guy hit shelly. anyway, no good telling're not the sort who'd understand. you care not for your own honournor for that of others. go, get your shopping something worthwhile for a change. what nonsense! there'sa limit to everything. get lost. out. why did you do this, raj?- it was right, bhabhi. she was making fun of traditions.- not she, you made fun of it.

but bhabhi, she...- she was observing the fast, too... hungry and thirsty since morning.and you flung her plate of worship? married women observe these fastsfor their husbands, bhabhi. yes. also, women observe these fastsfor the men they accept as husbands. jiya asked me beforeobserving the fasts. bhabhi, you don't know this girl. shehas been after me for sometime now she's an eccentric.- enough raj, enough. we know everything.she has told us everything. you lied to herthat you left for india.

she traveled halfway aroundthe world only to see you. she's not eccentric, raj.she loves you madly. but brother, i...- no buts, raj. you promised to marry the girlof my choice. jiya is my choice. no, this can't be. raj, why not? i agree you didn't get the girlyou loved. but that doesn't meanyou should spurn other's love. what's wrong with jiya?she's madly in love with you.

mummy, sister... i'm leaving, bhabhi.- jiya? bye, brother. jiya. - no brother, i don't wantthis home to break up because of me. the few days i spent with you werejust great. i can never forget them. please forgive me if i committedany mistake unknowingly. i suppose i was trying to achievewhat wasn't destined for me. bye, bhabhi.

bye, shelly. take care.- you too. papa. your uncle is hopeless, my dear. sister. - there's lot of poisonin his mind. - stop my sister. it is said that those with brokenhearts don't break others' hearts. that isn't true at all. raj, please don't tell me any suchthing that i won't be able to bear. stop. say yes or no.

here, drink some water love is an illusion, they say so i held my feelings back i wanted the one whom i loveto love me the thought of it rendered mesleepless for nights together allah forbid!may no one fall in love he is naive and so innocent my lover is different he's indifferent now...

but i know my love will succeed i'm excited,an ecstasy overwhelms me hold me,i'm staggering how do i tell you?your touch... spreads a fragrance all over me love is a passing breeze, they say amidst a lovely course,in your eyes... i shall make my worldthat i dream about strings of love,few lovely moments...

i shall rob of life adorn my hair,steal my fragrance... hide me in your embrace, my love in the eden of love,take me in your arms... make love to me, my love in love, i was condemned "allah one should fall in love." my mummy is very traditional. she'sgoing to give you a religious welcome she's so excited.i can't even tell you.

here we go. oh! god. where is everyone?ram singh, what happened? madam, daughter-in-law...- what...? hold her. come on. no.- hold her tight. kajal.- sister-in-law. sister-in-law, control yourself. no!hold her. get me the injection. now.yes. just one second. just hold her.

i want to die. doctor sharma. you go with her.the treatment will continue. mr. singhaniya, this is thethird time your daughter-in-law... has tried to kill herself. had the nurse on duty... not seen her on time,we would've lost her this time. what are you saying?- i'm sorry mr. singhaniya... if things go on like this, we willhave to send her to the mental asylum asylum?

for the moment we will keep herin the icu, under observation. pray that she becomes well enoughto take care of herself... and that she doesn't do this again. kajal, your sister-in-law has been my friend since childhood. my best friend. never even in my worst nightmaresdid i foresee her in this condition. i met karan. i met karan once. nice guy.

she loved him very much,madly. yes, my brother loved her, too.they made such a beautiful couple. i guess someone'scast an evil eye on them. what had happened?- two months after their marriage... karan and kajal were goingto our farmhouse in rishikesh... when their helicopter crashedinto river ganges. my brother died on the spot.but sister-in-law survived... only to live a lifeworse than death. she was in coma for four months.when she came around...

and learnt that karan was deadshe was petrified. ever since, she has been like this. all she wants to do is end her life. she feels she is responsiblefor my brother's death... because it was she who forced himto fly the helicopter in bad weather. we did try to explain things to her,but she's been inconsolable. she will listen, she will definitely listen, now that i am here. and i promise you, i willbring her back to her senses.

she's resting. let's go. bhabhi, look who is here to see you. is this any way to meetyour friends? no hi, no hello, no stupid. hey come on, talk to me, buddy. kajal, say something please. talk to me... come on. why doesn't she talk, jiya?she will die if she doesn't talk. the pain has hardened her heart.we must melt it somehow.

enough, i don't want more.- monty, you are here? jiya, you've come all alone?where's raj? he's in the hospitalwith kajal, mummy. alright - with kajal, why?- uncle, he's kajal childhood friend. is that so?and i thought he's your friend. monty, he is my fiancã©,and kajal's friend. oh yes, i remember him, singingand dancing at karan's marriage. you were in the uspreparing for your exams. karan introduced him to meas kajal's best friend.

remember what you said to me once? the world does not endwhen a loved one goes away. you also said that if somebody.. ..uses that excuseto ruin his life... he not only insults his lovebut also the person he loves. now here you are kajal, doingthat very thing, insulting karan. think. if karan were around, would he behappy seeing you in such a state? kajal, you wanted meto become a pilot.

i have become a pilot now.look at me. do you remember i had promised youto fly you across the clouds? so come on, let's go.let's get ready. let's catch the bloody plane. let's touch the sky. we'll take our plane up into the sky,where visibility is almost zero. mayday! mayday! mayday! and we'll perform aerobatics. after the strapping,we'll speed up and climb higher.

we'll slowly climb,10,000 feet... 20,000... 30,000 and 40,000 feet!then we'll plunge down! we plunge down,splitting the clouds... as our hearts .. ..begin to race. we leave the sky behind... as the earth looms largerand larger before us. our speed suddenly shoots up. we try to control the lever...

but the machinesprings out of control. mayday! mayday!roger. roger, mayday! mayday! our plane is out of control and wecontinue to plunge towards the earth. and in a flash,our plane hits the ground! kajal! the plane shatters. everythingcomes to an abrupt end. no karan!- everything comes to an end. no!- kajal! control yourself. listen to me, kajal.- my karan will die.

kajal, listen to me!- karan! control yourself, kajal.control yourself. - no! kajal. kajal, look at me.kajal, control yourself. look at me. look at me. i say, wake up. kajal, be brave. my karan! kajal, easy. be brave. no. let me cry, raj.

until nowi did not have a shoulder to cry on. enough. why did you come, raj?to save me? but my life isn't that precious. to me, my friend's lifemeans more. control yourself. everything will be all right.i'll take you out. - madame, juice. so now, i assume, you willtake care of yourself. you will, won't you?

you're a wise and clever girl, kajal. you know that those who dienever return. it's wiser to forget them,don't you agree? we can't guard or checkour memories, raj. tell me, were you ableto forget me even once? yes, doctor. - check the recordsand meet me in the operation theatre. okay, doctor. hello, jiya. - oh! hi.- good news. she's much better now.

though physically, she's still weak,but she will pick up. thank you, doctor.- by the way, she is not in her room. she is in the garden down there. hi, kajal.- hi, raj. for you. you don't look goodon this chair at all. do you remember our childhood days,when i needed braces to walk around? and you used to say, get up raj,come on, run for my sake. and i ran so fast. remember?

come on, i tell you, hold my hand. you know i won't let you fall.come on, hold my hand. come on. how did you come to know about me?your brother must have told you. who then? call it coincidence if you like. i'd come to meet jiya's parents. i'm going to marry jiya, you know?- what...? then what are you standing there for,stupid? come into my arms. you have reallypleased me today, raj.

i'm very happy,our jiya is very lucky. hey kiran, where are you?- coming. what's up?- c for cat. there's an excellent news for you. mr. singhaniya called to say that soonhe will get raj and jiya engaged. that's great news. know what, kiran? jiya isour kajal's sister-in-law. how does such a big world.. ..become so small sometimes?

destiny.- madame, your medicine. what medicine are you giving her?- she needs sleep badly. and without these pills,she doesn't sleep a wink. why won't she sleep?she will now. and she will sleep tight withoutthese wretched pills, all right? yes, sir.- okay? go. - okay, sir. come on, i will help you to sleep,come on, get up. slowly. can't sleep?

so you can't sleep, eh?want me to sing a lullaby? sing, raj. from the bottom of my heart... i pray... may i be kept awake... while you be given sleep may your lips smile forever may god bless you with happiness may not sorrowsever touch you

what breaks and then joins againbrings music into one's life so? do you see what i see, jiya? i see more than what you see, monty. well, you've probably heard the taleof the tortoise and the rabbit. the tortoise wins onlywhen the rabbit goes to sleep. of course, it'll do me good. don't worry monty,i won't go to sleep.

ms beena, enough. thank god,our child is better now. that's one thing to be happy for,and not sad. yes mr. sahay,for our child's healing, we really owe god our gratitude. we must also thank ourto-be son-in-law. mr. singhaniya, he may bea son-in-law to you... but to us, he has always beenlike our own son. uncle, i think we should takekajal somewhere out... to dehradun, perhaps.

the change of atmospheremay do her a world of good. my word. since there's still some time leftbefore jiya's engagement... do allow us to take my daughterkajal with me, for a few days. but we need to consult the doctor. the doctor himself suggested to jiyathat we take her out somewhere. right, jiya?- that's right, papa. in that case, i don't haveany objection. thank you, mr. singhaniya.

where's gi joe? i have lost my sleep,my peace of mind in your love,look what's happened to me what's happened? shall i tell you? there's great news. last night, there wasa lion's wedding in the jungle. lions and lionesses came fromeverywhere to attend the party. there was a mouse too, and he waslying in a corner, stoned. a lion hollered athim and ordered him.. step out of the cozy corner. and the mouse replied,hey, quit shouting at me. i was a lion once...before i married. but gi joe, tell me,why have you come so late? yeah, why am i late?you won't believe me. my wife locked me up inside. shewarned me with dire consequences... if i attempted to step outof the house for two hours. why?- she said the municipality van...

had been roaming the townto catch stray dogs. you're laughing?tell me, am i a dog? i learnt afterwards that she hadgone to the circus with ramdas. help me prepare my will, please.- talk something auspicious. no good. one day i have to promise me that after my death... you'll get my wife married to ramdas. but why ramdas, and not someone else?- because i want revenge. and the best revenge, they say, isto get one's foe married to his wife.

there's a world of differencebetween a girlfriend and a wife. when she locks him up for a coupleof hours, then he'll realize! ramdas! gi joe...- yes? i know, you don't have a wife,neither is there a ramdas. gi joe... sir, all this while i've been makingthe whole world laugh with one lie... that i have a wife.

but todayi failed to amuse that child. unless i bring back happinessinto her life... i'm no girdhar inder jaunpurwala. pinky? stupid. not you. stupid. i am here and you're talking on phone.- this rohit. he's troubling me. you know? here you are. your favouritecoffee and your chocolate biscuits. have them.- thank you, papa.

god bless you, my child.your friends are here. hi.- kajal, how are you? after such a long time.- hey! hi. how are you, kajal?- what are you doing here? we're here to meet you. how are you? don't you get food in your house? you come here forfree tea and snacks. i don't know who informedyou about kajal's arrival. why are you staring at me?i didn't call them. did i call you?

did i call you?- yes. we'll meet after a short break. kajal, you've comeat the right time. our college has organizeda golden jubilee festival. yes,'s going to be a grand function. and we'll be enacting the old play.remember? and you're going to direct this play.- yes. no. don't drag me into this. please.- who's dragging you? look.

kajal doesn't have time.don't talk of any play. what play? the same play.. ..where he was beaten up like a dog.what was the name of the play? love and god.- kajal, you have to do it. be a sport. please, kajal. yeah! - please.- do it. come on, kajal. do it.- please, kajal. yay! fie on those lips that kill.

death is a prize to be won madhu.punishment is what... how does the line go, sweety?- what are you doing, kamal? when raj used to say these lines,it used to rent our hearts. remember? if only raj was with us today...- really? here i am. raj. - hi, raj. - hi.- welcome raj, you? how come you are here? you too tell her i called you over.- you did, of course. i called you? - raj,please do that last scene for us. now, i'm so tired.

quit acting pricey.kajal will have company, too. come on, please. please do it, raj. okay, fine. come. wow, that's more like it.come on, start. action! to be kissed by lipsas silken as these, before one dies. it would have been a punishment.. ..if i'd been condemned to live... and live far away fromthese sweet lips. i can't hold back anymore.

i can't.- these lines are out of the script. death comes .. ..but once,so does life. so, why are we ruining our lives? why are we living separately? why are we tormenting each other? i can't live without you. i can't, kajal. i love you very much, kajal.

i love you dearly. lord! love is what... none can avoid in love, some ruin others... some ruin themselves love, love i reasoned with myself,but to no good i reasoned again,but to no good let none covet bed of roses,or bed of thorns

let none lose his peace lord! may no one fall in love "lord! may no one fall in love". "love." putting love to test is hard love is a promise hard to keep the world is against love it gets tougher on youwhen you fall in love why don't lovers cometo terms with it?

i don't know why loversdon't understand." why do they weep everyone momentin torment? lord! may no one fall in love. at times love finds itselfbound by customs at times it finds itselfcaught in promises yet, none can stop it love takes on every sorrow love belittles you in public may no one weave this dream

lord "lord!" no force can rein in love love is a season that never passes it's have to give in you can't hold back "i am intoxicated.don't ask what it is." don't ask me, it's pure ecstasy where fire sates flower

i love you, kajal. kajal... stop. how long will you avoid the truth?- your vision has changed. your outlook has're crossing your limits. this is a sin, raj.- no sin, kajal. it's love. raj. - i love you dearly, kajal,and i wish to marry you. stop it, raj. you don't care about my honour? how dare you utter thingsthat are impossible?

why is it impossible kajal, why? because i'm the daughter-in-lawof the singhaniya family. i shall not bring them to disrepute. so far, i felt they losttheir son because of me. do you want me to ruin theirdaughter's life too? kajal, i'm talking about my life.- raj, you are being selfish. but get this clear. if you refuse to marry jiya, you'll see me dead. remember.

jiya... - jiya... when did you come?- why? shouldn't i come? i didn't mean that. kajaland i were just talking about you... only four days to gofor our engagement. so i thought i'd come and takesister-in-law along with me. when i phoned nainital,they told me you were here, too. and when i reached here, i was tolda big drama was being staged. i didn't do anything wrongby coming here, did i? no, you did theright thing, my sister.

you've come at the right moment.- but bhabhi, your hands are so cold. are you all right? if you say so,i'll even postpone my engagement. no. the engagement will go onas planned. and it'll be grand.let's go, jiya. kajal's state rents my heart. but none of us can help it. there's no solution for sadness. there is, uncle. if you don't mind,may i suggest something? yes, go on.

why don't you get her married again? what are you saying, dear? our society is yet to recognizea widow's remarriage. besides, it's hard to find a match for a widow. leave that to me. i'll find a boyfrom a very good family. tell me, do you have any objections?- but... dear, if it's happiness you'regoing to bring our daughter... why would we object?- all right. leave the rest to me.

in fact, i already havea suitable boy for her in mind. hello.- hello. hi jiya. how comeyou remembered me, suddenly? monty, you told me once your weddingsuit has been stitched, remember? yes, of course.- it's time to get it dry-cleaned. you're going to be wearing it soon.- really? is that true? don't get too excited.just do as i told you. okay. bye.- bye. bhabhi.- jiya?

how does this wedding dress look? very beautiful, just like our jiya.- you talk so sweetly. sweet words come to meat the very sight of you. same here. anyway, wear this sariand get ready quickly. what are you saying?are you out of your mind? i'm a widow, can i wear a bridal dress? which century do you live in?that practice is dated now. whatever. our society willnever allow this. are you concerned aboutmy happiness or society's?

i'd do anything foryour happiness, jiya. all right then, you willdefinitely wear this sari. and what's more, it's from your handsthat i shall accept my engagement ring no! don't force me.- not a word shall i hear. wear this sari and get ready quickly.or i shall simply refuse to marry. you know me well, bhabhi. ramsingh. take it away. what evil times we live in!- isn't she ashamed? good lord! it's apocalypse!- it's true, aunt.

look how she is decked up. no one cares for good and evilthese days! that's karan's widow, isn't she?- what's her name? kajal. and yes, she is the one. what was it you were saying?tell me frankly. my child, it's not right for herto adorn herself like this. it hasn't been that longsince her husband died. you're right. but didn'tyour son die last year? kavita, you lost your sister. andmrs. khanna, you lost your father.

but you've all dressed up to the do.- the rules for a widow are different that's our culture. rules? dual standards! if you losea father, son, or brother... you don't grieve. but if you losea husband you should wear white. why? i ask, why are these rulesonly for women, and not for men? why don't widowerswear white dresses? great are the traditions of mycountry. if that's how things are... kajal will soon cease to be a widow.we'll get her married again.

monty, come with me. put the engagements ringson each other. what are you doing, jiya?you and raj are going to be engaged. sure, but first the elder daughtershould be engaged, right papa? of course. kajal, we consider youour daughter, not a daughter-in-law. and we took a decisionin the best of your interests. yes my child, you havea whole life ahead of you. and we're thankful to mr. singhaniyafor his noble thought. what are you saying?

did anyoneask me if i'm willing to marry? bhabhi, does monty lack something?- jiya! or are you in love with someone else?- what nonsense! it's the truth!you're in love with my fiancã©, raj. enough jiya, please!- it's true, kajal. may i ask you what right you hadto threaten raj with suicide... if he didn't marry me? tell me,why did raj agree to marry me? i know everything,i've heard everything. it isn't acceptable to me that heweds me and continues to love you.

stop it, jaya!there's nothing of the sort. look, if you wish, i'm readyfor this marriage. monty, come on,put the ring on my finger. stop! enough is enough. come to your senses, can't ruin your life... for somebody else's happiness.- why? why? does marrying again ruin one's life? why are you stoppingher from marrying?

what does she mean to you? whatrelationship do you share with her? do you want a wife and a mistresstogether...? - jiya! do you wish to know whatshe means to me? do you? raj?chant. that's what she means to me.she is my wife. any objections? anybody has problems? want to say something, aunt? tell me!- raj.... it's just what i wanted.

i staged this mock engagementwith monty... so that you would openly declareyour love for her. not a burden, i wantto become your wings... so that you can fly high,very high. jiya... you're grown up, really. i was mistaken about you, really. i am sorry.- i ought to apologize to you, raj. though involuntarily,i have hurt kajal no end.

forgive me, kajal. these traps of traditions. these shackles of promises. i could never breakeven if i wish to what kind of helplessness is this? what kind of a life is this? i could never break freefrom old ties this is what life is all about,it is said before it is too late

before it is too late. that's the secret to steal hearts.

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