
full movie hindi 2016

Saturday, May 6, 2017

smoking causes cancer and kills. alcohol consumptionis injurious to health. father! - yes. father! tell me a story. it’s late night, go to sleep. please, father, just one story!- i'll tell you tomorrow. sleep now. father, you promisedthe same thing yesterday too. please tell.

father, please tell me! father is sleeping!you too sleep silently. father. father. please, father. watch some on tv. - no tv now! father, tell a story. yeah! tell me a story, father. okay.

once upon a time,there lived a king.. the king had a queen andboth had one daughter. it's very old story, father! got bored hearing it many a times. tell me some new story. father, tell me a new story. a new story. don't buzz like a bee.. fly. wait.

i will tell you a new story. once upon a time in place,there lived a fly. fly? carry on, father. in the same place along with thefly there lived a bad boy. bad boy? what's his name?- sudeep! pull! what’s this? board meetingis going and you are here.. boring, man. i tried a lot.

the officer is not coming our way. shall l bump him off? why are you so violent always?come on. really? is it new to us? two week! two weeks is all we have! we have to go there andget it done immediately. we have two weeks. you want any help? pull! fire!

thanks. do you come here every day?- want me to come? what time? - your time. so, what new are you doing? see it for yourself. good. what's that? what good? i'm trying to unite two hearts.. ..but i'm not satisfied.

do one thing.think about your brother and me,..'ll get satisfaction. i'm here and he's in dubai. go to bed. it’s 10 p.m. sister-in-law,power is shut only in few homes. please dial electricity office. they cut the power ofthose who pay bills on time. "the sim-card of my heart,makes everyone crazy." hey, what’s up?

hey, what are you doing?why are you pouring it out? have you gone crazy?what are you doing? stop it. listen to me. what are you doing? what are you doing, tell me? hey, what’s happening, man? have you gone mad? “the girl came tothe house of this heart.” hey, what's this?- “the girl gazes stealthily.”

“the girl knows everything,but why doesn’t she say anything?” “she will agree someday.”- shall we go? bindu! - yes. go to bed, its late night!- okay, sister-in-law! “she keeps quiet,but i get to know everything.” hey, you are still smiling? you've been after hermadly for two years now. she doesn’t even look at you. you took so much trouble for her,she didn’t even thank you.

all she did is drew the curtains. she drew the curtains downfor the love she has for me. what? - yes. if she had not drawn the curtain,.. ..she knows i'll be waiting hereall night. darkness, chill, she doesn’t wantanything to happen to me. that's why,though she doesn't like it,.. she closed the windowagainst her will.

hi. how are you? - fine. cheers. - cheers. wow! hey, how are you? hi. - hi, sudeep. - hi. happy 10th anniversary ofyour concern. - thank you. accept this. - please,take him inside. - okay, sir. please come. many guests..- okay, i’ll be there for sure.

is 2 p.m. okay with you? scoundrel! he refuses to signour files but attends our party! welcome, sir. thanks for coming. happy anniversary. - thank you. a small gift from me. thank you. it’s completely approved.- thank you. thank you very much.- thank you, sir. you've added life to this party.

by the way, my wife too is here. oh. - shashi kala! "i know you wanna get me,but you are never gonna get it." "you can never get me." "whether you believe it or not.."- excuse me. "..this world is crazy about me." meet mr. sudeep. greetings! - greetings! your collection of gunsis incredible. - thank you.

she too loves shooting. - oh, really? can you train her? darling, he's a busy man.why trouble him. no, no, ma’am, not at all. it will be my pleasure. will you take them inside,please? - sure. "my name is sheila.sheila's youth." come with me. two large.

my god. we were breaking heads how tobring him to our line.. - hi. - hi. ..but you did charming his wife.. charming his wife. is there any womanwho will not fall for you? there is one. my wife. i fell for her at first sight.. ..but later on myeyes fell on her wealth.

i married her. i asked her to give the property.she said on my dead body. apart from that.. i can get any dame in this world. any.. delivered benches toboimpalli government school. delivered 50 hindi books toold city slum government school. black boards to balanagargovernment school. english text books to 4th and 5th,we've to deliver it by this week.

their exams are approaching. karthik. - yes. what's the bank balance?- rs.15,600, overdue. shut up, okay. sindhu, agarwal sweetspromised to pay cheque, right? we're spending more tocollect it than what they donate. that's why i'm here! like every month, to solve yourproblem with my hard earned money.. ..a cheque of rs. 15.

by the way,please keep my donation a secret. i hate publicity. secret donor. - that’s right. that's why l didn'teven sign the cheque. cheque without signaturewill be dishonoured. oh. excuse me. by the way,as a donor l want to know.. how you spent the funds l donatedlast month, will you please tell me? do you want bank balance sheetfor your paltry rs.15 donation?

i must stop her. you'd look better if you tieyour hair instead of letting it down. i love loose. indeed you're loose,at least keep your hair tight. idiot. - thank you. you continue, please. we spent rs. 90,000 on books,slates and fees last month. and the details of the expenses.. excuse me.

you're very beautiful! "the language of heartis not so tough." you're beautiful evenwhen you don't smile! bunty says he willcome in the evening. "such a petty matter." hi. - hi. hi, bindu. - how come you're here,sister-in-law? i'm here to talk aboutan important matter. sudeep constructionswants to support a charity.

meet their md! don’t worry. - excuse me, sir. yeah. - sir, someone ishere for you from project 511.. arrange a meeting with investors. and make sure you havethe top class presentation and.. sir is in an important meeting..excuse me. sir. - send the girl in. let’s meet later. get out.

"there's a volcano in my heart." sir, i'm bindu,coordinator of project 511.. "your grandeur isswaying in storm." "this restless distancegives freedom to the heart." "you are intoxication." if you donate generously.. oh, my god. 15 lakhs? thank you, sir. i've made a donation,can l become a member? sir? - i like your intention.

and i wish to work with you closely.- i can't believe it, sir. we will be very happy.- thanks for that. sir, this is for you.a small token of our gratitude. what’s this? - micro art. i made it. what’s the matter, dear?you look very happy. priest, we got a hugedonation for our project 511. offer special prayers. - okay, dear. see, she's offeringprayers to my cheque. prayers for your paltry rs. 15.cost of offering prayer is rs. 20.

isn't it? great! rs. 15 lakhs? who donated it?- sudeep constructions md! he gave 15 only once,but i'm giving 15 every month. god.. god's blessings are alwaysthere for good causes. here, this is god's offering,distribute to all devotees. you are laughing? listen to me. except you, she gave theoffering to everyone including me.

she offered it to all except me. i’m so special to her. think over it. move! what is he saying?- he's thanking you. bye, sir! you're doing so much for them.i must do something for you. sir.. lunch? it's been many days sincei sat with a friend in peace.

if you don’t mind can i placethe order? - yeah. - come here. sir.- jani, where to place the second? there! - come and show! if you ask me everything,what for you're here then? i'm not comfortable here,sir, can we sit there? comfortable? - thank you. the dish i orderednow is folio desate. in greek it means dish of love. leave us. - okay, sir.

there's an interestingstory behind this dish. julius caesar and cleopatrawere the first to have it. oh. whichever couple sharesthis dish together... i mean if you and l share it.. ..then our friendshipwill turn into.. ..beautiful relationship. so.. you feed a spoon of it to me.

i'll feed you a spoon of it to you. shall we start? don’t worry, sir, you'll geta good name because of my fireworks. i wanted to tellyou something. - yes. you are very smart, sir. your dress, your style, wonderful. thank you. - okay, sir, bye. bye. - okay, come. eat. eat well. you're growingthin nowadays. eat well!

sir, dish is excellent. cheque! stop! please stop the car, sir. what happened? - i'll get down here. here? why? that is... i want to buy vegetables. let's go, i'll join you. our place is in the share market,not in this vegetable market.

what time..? hey! you carry on, sir. thank you. rs. 15? it is too much. can you make it rs. 5? - no, sir. never mind, we'll go to another shop. hello, sister-in-law. bindu, did you see the time?what are you doing in office so late? oh, it’s 10 p.m. - no, 7 p.m.

sorry. there was lot of work. oh no. does it have to go empty now? give me the bill for all this work. we'll not take money from you,father, just bless us. god bless you, my child. your blessing isvery powerful, father! thank you. - stay happy. what happened?- bindu has sent a message. first time a positiveresponse from her.

it's a blank message! blank message is aspowerful as blank cheque, you can fill any amount thereand imagine anything here. - okay. so, what does the blank message say? it says ‘come immediately withoutwasting time with wastrels’. - oh. message.. - what message? you sent a blank message. instead of deleting the message,l sent a reply by mistake. sorry. it is late are very scared,..

..hence you calledme to accompany you, right? don't imagine too much. it is late night and i’m very scared. can i walk with you till home? “smile a bit.” “call me close to you.” “talk to me.” “express your love.” “show me dreams.”

“make me yours.” “whatever you may say.” “i know.” “my name is present in your silence.” “please look at me.” “fall in love with this crazy lover.” “tell me what’s on your mind.” “open the curtains of your heart.” “just for your smile.”

“i crossed the entire world.” “whatever you may say,i became yours.” “my happiness lies in your name.” “what’s up?” “think of me.” “i will fly and come to you.” “love me and i will bringthe entire world at your feet.” “i promise you, i will loveyou for many births to come.” “get this clear.”

“my heart resides in your heart.” what did you say? “my heart resides.." in your heart.” sir, why are you beating me? i don't even know you. let me go, please.. every girl is crazy about me. because of you, this girl..

darn it. who..? who are you talking about, sir?- bindu! even if you go close to bindu,i will kill you. will you kill me? you will kill sudeep? ‘where are you?’ my bindu is asking where you are. tell her..

tell her that you'redying at my feet. tell her. remove it. i want to feel your life slip away. ‘i love you.’ it must look like an accident. jani, it’s bindu. i love you. why don't you talk to me? are you taking revenge on me formaking you chase me for two years? please come soon.

is it you who called me? - yes, sir. when did you see the dead body?- morning 6 a.m. did you inquire about him? then what did you do since morning? go. go and inquire about him. move. get back your work.go from here. “he’s back!” “life is back!” stand there!

kiran, catch! hello. yes, tell me. excuse me, sir. yeah, morning. i’ll be there. yeah, yeah. no, don’t’ll be taken care off. yeah..

yeah, i’ll call you. sir, breakfast. “i can’t bear your silence.” “how will i tell youthat i’m still yours?” “bindu!” “my bindu.” “don’t go away from me.” why did you get ready so early?- to office. your office starts at 10 is just 7 a.m.?

why are you washing utensils? we're paying maid servant to do that. go, sit. what happened, bindu? you never liked doinghousehold chores.. ..but now you’ve been workingall through the day without rest. i’m talking to you.. what happened? i'm trying to forgetby keeping myself busy.

what? who? jani! - jani? i avoided him all the time.i made him suffer. but now he has goneso far away that.. i can never reach him. i thought crying will ease my heart. but the more l cry themore l miss him, sister-in-law. that's why i’m not crying.

sir? - sit. sit. you are missing jani. how do you know it?- come on, bindu, i’m your friend. i still remember. when my wife was dying.. ..she held my hand.. ..and took a promise from me.. ..that i must forgether after she dies.. ..and only then hersoul will rest in peace.

if you love jani.. forget him. bindu.hey, bindu. relax. relax now. come on, bindu. what happened, sir? nothing. nothing, nothing. any problem, sir?

no, no. not at all. are you okay? - yeah.. prefect. there l was.. i did all this to make you laugh. thank you, sir. i fearedsomething happened to you. no, actually.. did you get scared?- no, nothing like that. look. sudeep sir is here!

sudeep sir is here! welcome, sir.- sir, please have a seat. listen. i need to goto office.- want biscuit, sir? please have biscuit, sir. he says he wants go to office, right?- one biscuit, please. guys, go to your places. bye, sir. - yeah, bye. sorry about that. - that’s okay. do these idiots have to come now?

sir. - yeah? i'll remember what you said. i'll try to forget.. jani. close it. don’t disturb me for half-an-hour,okay? - okay, sir. lock it. check before you ask me to sit. you can do that, right? - sorry, sir. hey, is anyone there?

why did you come here, sir? get me out! - sir! get me out! do it fast! didn't you hear me?- you ordered not to disturb, sir. what are you doing, sir? no. sir! no, sir, don't beat me. - stay put! md is fully exposed inthe ganapathi chemical scam.

he'll be stripped.he won’t be able to get away. this is the naked truth. you asked me to meetyou urgently, sir. i met education ministerin delhi last week. if you meet him andexplain the details.. ..we'll get national recognition.- wow. national recognition. i'm going to delhi tomorrow,if anyone of you join me.. ..i'll introduce you to him. so.. who is going to come?

i'll come, sir. presentation isn'tas easy as eating a pizza. you go with him, bindu.- me? collector too appreciatedyour presentation. she is right. stop thinking so much. you must go. sir, bindu will come with you.- bindu will come. yes, bindu will come with you, sir. bindu, you must go with him.- you must go with him.

okay, sir. i'll come with you. that’s great.well, then, bindu. let's meet at airport tomorrow. sir. - did you forgetto clean the house? the house is full of houseflies! the room is full of houseflies! boy, only pigs come in groups! lion comes alone! comes alone!

tell me.- sir, bindu here! sir, bindu here! yes, bindu!- time for the flight. the boarding willstart in half-an-hour. i’m on the way, bindu.i’ll be there in 10 minutes. what the.. hello. - bindu,i'm stuck in a traffic jam! - oh no! no, no, nothing to one thing. you go and take the boarding pass.i'll be there in no time.

i’ll come on time. okay? - okay, sir. get away! stop! stop! stop! hey, what are you doing? move back! why did you stop here? why don’t.. what are you looking at?

clean it properly. - okay, sir. hey, ram.- hello, sir. how come you're here? i’m stuck in traffic jam.i need a car. take my car. give him the keys. hello. - bindu,i’ll just reach in 10 minutes, so.. no problem, sir. the flight is can make it. oh, i will be there. “i’m a fly.”

"i'll take youfor a ride to hell." “fly.” "i am a fly.i'm going to say more." “i will kill you.” you’re so lucky. though met with a serious accident,you escaped with minor injuries. thank you. - give me your hand,i need to check your bp. what's this? - fly repellant. you take it. - give.

not that, check my bp. sister. i'll give sedation to sleep. give him diazepam 2ml. i'll take leave now. bye. hey. - sir. do animals.. take revenge? didn't you hear me? do animals take revenge?

they do, sir, in barjatiya films. not in films, but in real life. it happens in real life too, sir. yes, my grandma had told me. a snake had taken revengeon my grandpa by biting him. not that, smaller ones.- smaller ones too bite. others.. - smallersnakes too take revenge. not snakes! smaller ones..

like sparrow. rat! fly! - fly? it will, sir! if a snake can,even a fly should get a chance, sir. whom will i tell about it?how do i tell? sir, bindu madam is here. hey, out. sir. - yes. are you alright?- yes, bindu, i’m fine. sit down.

and thanks for coming. what's in your hand? this? a fly.. a fly is.. “bindu.” good morning, mr. sudeep. what a pleasant surprise. - hi, sir. tell me, how can i help you? a small doubt, professor.

can flies kill someone? i mean remember humans.. ..and attack with a plan. sir, are you writing science fiction? this is a fact not science fiction. a fly is not letting me to eat,sleep or live peacefully. this accident too is its handiwork! it also wrote 'i willkill you' on the windshield. is it science fiction?

you just said youdidn't sleep all night. you're stressed. accident happened then.. ..and a fly might havedisturbed you at the same time.. ..and you'd have imaginedfly was responsible. you need a psychiatrist's help. what you are looking for isn’t there. come! you.. go away!

you would not come to me now. money on fire and ashes on face! when everything is gone..'ll come looking for me. mad man. it is my imagination? my foot! bindu, the food has been laid. hey. what happened? jani's locket broke, sister-in-law.

even you know janiwill not come back.. ..until when will you cry for him? snap your relationshipwith him like this broken locket. “it is impossible to forget me.” “i’m with you every moment.” are you.. are you jani? are you really jani? i can't believe it.

jani born again.. ..after dying in an accident? wasn't it an accident? then? sudeep sir! what about sudeep sir? sudeep sir.. ..killed you? why would he kill you?

for me? but why you? oh no! now what? how to kill him? "what kind of fire islighting in my heart?" "there's no hope in darkness." "fly." "my name is jani.the one i hit doesn't ask for water."

"i will take away your life." yeah! yeah! "i've come out today,i will fly high." "i will write your storywith your blood." "i'm a fly. i will take youon a ride to hell." "you tasted deathwith my gesture." "i am very tiny,but you can't stop me." "a spark can torchthe entire village." "even a drop of poison is dangerous."

"a tiny bullet can kill anyone." "everyone dance,before the big bang." "i'm not a common flythat you'll throw me." "i'll be at peace only when you die." "i will kill you in a jiffyby looking at you." hey, douse the fire! "i'm a fly, i'll take youon a ride to hell." "i will come back at 10 asi have some important work." "until 10."

"one is to kill you,two, is to kill you." "three, is to kill you,four is to kill you." "five, is to kill you,six is to kill you." "seven, is to kill you,eight is to kill you." "nine, is to kill you." "ten, is to make you sufferand kill you brutally." "i will be restless. i will singthe tune of death in your ears." "happy. happy." "i will reduce the lineof your palm."

"i don't have anything to lose." "i died once,why will i fear now?" so, you hide here. i got it. i got it. die. die now. die. die. you cannot get away. die. very good. yes, ma’am.- cappuccino for me. what about you?

you like it too?one cappuccino, please. sorry, madam! a fly in your coffee. no. fly is having coffee. what's the next plan? hey. - yes, sir. did you order for bullet proofglasses and scanners? - yes, sir. not just flies, even air mustn'tenter without our knowledge. yes, sir.- airtight the entire house. yes. let me how willit dare enter now!

have a seat. - okay. bindu. hi, sir. - hi. the antiques are very beautiful, sir. you like it? - yes. it is my personal collection. this indeed was mywife's favorite spot. what happened, sir?- nothing. sure? - yeah, yeah.

go, go.. - i liked your wife'sfavorite spot very much. hey, full.. memories! shall we sit there and talk?- no! yeah! sorry! come. - okay. sir, our project.. - no, some work.. i forgot..need to go to office urgently. this way. i... i thought i will spendsome time with you.

can't you go little late? what timing. i'll not take much time, sir. i think you should leave now, come. open the door! i’ll see you later.- okay, sir. - yeah. "i'm a fly, i will take youon a ride to hell." look, i beg you.ensure this meeting goes well. they're here to invest 2000 crores.

if you mess up,we'll lose 2000 crores.. ..and you will have return theadvance of 500 crores with interest. of course. don't i know this? i’m sure they will invest moreafter seeing our presentation, sir. this is the latest document, sir. have you sent this? - sir, water? already sent. - no, it’s okay. gentlemen, we are ready. would you please welcomeour managing director mr. sudeep?

don't get surprised!we know his passion of racing! we want to tell you that the projectwill be finished in the same speed. am i right?- the helmet.. all the best! sudeep, do the presentation properlyotherwise we'll go to the streets. projector! gentlemen, sudeep space city.. ..will be the country'slargest township. with the investment you've made..

..bought 5000 tons of steel,10000 tons of cement.. ..and 15000 tons fly repellant. and more.. - what? fly repellant? bricks! fliers bricks. am l scared of flies? bricks! of course, they can bekilled with bricks too. bricks. before buying flats,.. ..we will put condition thatthe buyers must kill 1000 flies.

yes. - next. - yes. after all the flies die,.. ..sudeep townshipwill be at peace.. ..happy, silent, will be peaceful! mr. sudeep, what nonsense?that’s enough, i say. what’s going on? is it board meeting or tv programto kill flies and mosquitoes? sir.. - this is ridiculous, i say. let go! - it got away.

mr. sudeep, why are you hitting? the repellent is of no use. i know that repellentsare not effective on flies. have you gone mad?- hey you.. what is he doing? this guy is very crazy. has he gone mad? he is a nutcase. don’t move.

no! sir, i can explain.please listen to me. please sit, sir,i will explain to you. please, sir. get me the commissioner on line. sinha! i'll give you a tip,raid this place immediately. sir, we're in a soup. mukesh juggal has calledincome tax commissioner. he gave him a tipof raiding us. - what?

entire cash is in office. no, no! come up! when everything is goneyou'll come looking for me. tantra! tan..! everything is over.your words have come true. seed for your death was sown here! i had killed jani here.

jani.. fly.. he is reborn as fly. ‘even if you go close to bindu,i will kill you!’ yes. you're right. jani is the fly. what should i do now? we will conduct exorcismto confine the spirit. "hail lord ram!" look there! it got stuck!

sudeep! what was going on inside? bones, skulls, lemon.what’s going on? okay, who is that dead man? what was he doing here? he was here to kill the fly. fly. a mere fly is driving you mad. a mere fly? do you know what it’s capable of?

you kill it!if you have the guts, kill it. kill it! - nonsense! you've lost your mind! i'm telling you the truth! that fly is jani, the one i killed. it's him! he's reborn! that fly created that accidentand burnt all my money. i made foolproof arrangementsto keep it out of home. i didn't let even a pinholeopen for air also to enter.

but i wonder how did that fly.. a mask and weapons for the fly? bindu is unscrewing it. oh no. you were right. jani is the fly. oh, my god. i’m sorry. i didn't believe you. sudeep, bindu is helping the fly. but it is not a bigdeal to finish them. i'll take care of it.

before that,we must stop the investors somehow. if we don't pay by tomorrow,they'll go to the court. think about that first. if one of our partners diethe contract will get cancelled. moreover we'll get insurance too. we will get 700 crores. what are you saying?will you commit suicide? jani! jani, where are you?

jani? where are you? i see, playing games?okay. bindu, why did you get scared? oh, because i came up straight? door was open downstairsand nobody was there, so.. sorry, i scared you. no problem sir. i want to discussimportant matter with you.

can you come with me? i've work.. - please. come. you won't think i'mmad if i tell you something? a fly is trying to kill me. you don’t believe me? and what’s more shocking is that.. ..someone is helpingthat fly to kill me, bindu. you believe that? if you say then..

i’m sorry. whomever i told this,they thought i was mad. come. sit. sit. see. it was caught on cctv camera. when i zoom it.. see.. it has a mask, goggles.. did you see?

miracle. but a fly can't make it. somebody else is making it. don't cry. silly girl. i'll be fine. only a micro artist cancreate such minute articles. so who is the micro artistwho wants to kill me, bindu? i mean.. you too are a micro artist. do you know who wants me dead?

tell me. all the women dance to my tune.. ..and you made go mad after a fly. hey jani! where are you hiding? come! i know you're here! like every time.. don’t sneak in stealthily. you better come before me.. ..otherwise i willkill her right here.

come, jani! you don't know how i killedhim in his previous birth, right? take off my shoes. what happened? sir, what happened? sir, what happened? catch, bindu, go! you're finished today! darn it! come on!

where are the bullets?- that’s all were left, sir. drag her to me! - madam is missing. did bindu escape? - no, sir,door is locked, security is inside. back door is also locked, sir. there's no way she can escape. find her! i got him! i got him! yes! after torturing me for 20 long daysand suddenly getting caught.. ..that too here!

do you want me to believe this? jani.. i’m coming. please, sir, please. sir, please. see, how nicely it is flying! hold it. kill it. no, here. - i beg you, sir. not here.- please let go off him, sir.

please let go off him, sir.please, sir. no, it just can i let go off him? you both had mademy each day miserable.. ..did you ask him to stop? let's continue. where were we? i was laughing. you're missing him,bindu, concentrate. aim and pierce itright through his heart!

did you think i will kill him? okay! yes. do you both communicate too? what is he saying? don't worry about this rogue! i'll kill him before l die! darn! i'll burn him down to ashes!i will burn him! i will kill him!

still proud evenat the face of death! i'll show you what burning is! get me a match box! “i will live everymoment just for you.” “i will stay alive in your memories.” you will die! "brightness." "that gesture." run!

come on, baby! looking so hot, oh, my god! let’s go..- even if you go close to bindu, i will kill you! i want kiss! "i am a fly." "i'll take you on a ride to hell." "i will snatch your life from you." "come on, come on!"

i've lost my mind! the one who awakens the fly,will sleep forever. "there's a world of dreamsand a new story daily." "my grandma tells me stories aboutelephant, horse, king, and queen." "we learnt to laugh and singfrom the fairies." "we chased the demons away." "we learnt goodnessand truthfulness." "the magician lost to us." "with faint sleep in our eyes."

"we are awake in the sky." "the same horse, elephant,king and queen.." "a new story daily." " is the gesture."

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