
full movie hindi

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

10 rupees, 550 rupees seat. now even the train has arrivedwhen will you give us our ticket? uncle, don't worry. the trainhalts here for half an hour. hey hero, tell mewhat about you? l'm telling the truth. l haveonly 1 70 rupees with me. move aside, move aside. l won't take a penny less than200 rupees. what's the matter? brother, it's injusticeof you to take.. ..55 rupees extraon each ticket.

you're taking advantage of apoor person's helplessness. brother, talk aboutmeans of living. lf you want to give a speech,go and run an election. understood. don't eat my head.what's the matter? you've given me the ticket. but in which coachdo l go and sit. go in coach no 4. my menare standing there. tell them that gafur-bhaihas sent you. go quickly! otherwise the trainwill leave the station!

gafur-bhai- what? now l know that your nameis gafur-bhai. - yes. look, l have small kids.give me some concession. next time l'll giveyou the full amount. look, it's not aboutsmall and big. don't argue about half ticket.even the kids will become big. you'll have to takethe full ticket. listen say something. gafur-bhai, pleasegive us the ticket.

we have small kids along with us. -okay, okay. make the kids sit inside. you grownups stand here only.l'll get the ticket and come. move aside. l don't roamaround with the tickets. there is danger of raids. raja!raja! - gafur-bhai. wow! wow! wow! what a car itis! this is called a car! what a bungalow it is! thisis called a bungalow! this is aeroplane. lnwhich we can never sit. raja, come down from the skyto the ground, to the ground. l'm on the ground only.

l've spent half of my lifeon this railway platform. look, the whole worldis living lavishly.. big cities like mumbai,delhi and calcutta. and we.. - brother, forgetabout calcutta and mumbai. take out a rajdhani.3 half and 3 full. quickly take it out. nothowrah.. take out rajdhani from here. seat! what a life we are living,gafur-bhai! we're slogging since6 in the morning.

look, raja. you're an educatedand capable person. according to your qualifications.. ..if you had workedin a decent place.. ..then this would have beenyour earnings for a month. learn to be happywith what you have. how do l be happy! we livein a place called amirpur. but we're the biggestbeggars of amirpur. what are you saying? - whatis this mhatre doing here? take it to the controlroom. there.

he must be in some mess.- let's check it out. carefully keep itbesides my chair! how are you mhatre sir? whatis all this police security? what's in this box?- nothing. lt's just the salary ofthe postal department. tonight we have to send it toagra by rajdhani express. till then it will be kepthere in the station. under my custody. lt mustbe around 20-25 lakhs. 20-25 lakhs!- 20-25 lakhs.

yes, you won't get the money.. looking at eachother's face. then how will we getit, mhatre sir? come let's have tea. the bribe that l get from heredoesn't even last for a week. that's why l was planningto go for a big game.. ..that will solveall my tension. lf l carry out the plan, thenthere will be an inquiry on me. lf some other person does it,then l'll do the inquiry.

how, mhatre sir?- try to understand. you handle 4, l'll handle 4. and if the need arises,give me 2-4 punches. so that the nextday l can show.. broken teeth to my seniors. and tell them that they stolethe entire money at night, sir. what grey cells mhatre sir has!- do you accept it? am l a mad personnot to accept it! hold this. then we'll meetat 12 o'clock in the night.

okay. 12 o'clock. brother all this fine.but what about mother? yes, what do we do about mother? mother! mother!- raja, what's the matter, son? will you say something? mother, your sister has senta telegram. she's very sick. she has called you immediately. o god! leela is sick!- yes, mother. l know that you both arenot on speaking terms.

but at such times, you shouldforget anger and rage. no, son, l'm not angry with her. you do one thing,immediately go.. ..and get a ticket for tomorrow. raja, l couldn't get aticket for tomorrow. but l've got one for today.- very good, very good. how can l go today? today l've kept a worshipof 'satnarayan.' mother, how do l explain itto you? you're too innocent.

when it's writtenin the telegram.. ..that someone is sick. then you should immediatelygo there. - why? because sometimes it happensthat the person.. dead and in the telegramit's written that she's sick. o god! don't say suchinauspicious things, son. lt could be that your sisteris waiting for you. she wants to tell you something. she might be on theverge of dying.

you go, mother. you go.- okay, son. only an hour is left forthe train to leave. mother, please come. come, come. yes, son, let's go quickly.quickly come, son. why are you beating him?look, he's bleeding. leave him alone.leave him alone. why are you beatinghim? he'll die. what are you doing? whyare you beating him? why are you beating him? oneminute. hit me only twice.

the tooth is broken. whyare you hitting me more? the tooth is broken. do youwant to remove all my 32? rascal, you'll make us steal!are we robbers? lf you make us one, them we'llfulfil our role sincerely. you won't get any share.come on, get up. gafur! where are you? pick up the box. lt's the time of theflight. be quick. lf the flight takes off.. ..then we won't be able tocatch it by running after it.

raja! such a huge differencebetween.. ..railway stationand air station. like the difference betweenthe ground and the sky. train runs on the groundand plane in the sky. and the plane doesn'tmake any noise. ln our station there'salways a racket. our mind goes crazy listeningto all the commotion. can we sell the plane'sticket in black? at last you've come toyour real position.

fool, now we are rich people. and rich people becomewhite from black. hi! hi, dad! - how was yourvacation? - fantastic! hey, it has started! whata mail train it is! lt started without informingus! sorry, sorry! very good! what a great look! gafur. - yes. gafur, gafur. -yes. - this city is beautiful. and the people here areeven more beautiful. even we are stayingin a beautiful place.

what is that place you readin the book? that saand.. not saand it's sun-n-sand. dadar express, rajdhani,rajdhani, calcutta mail.. ..howrah, howrah,take one howrah. constable, a police has come. sir, forgive me. l didn't..raja, where are we? mumbai, mumbai. lts 2 dayssince we left amirpur. you'd slept in the did you get here? yes, my friend. this moneyis a bitchy thing.

lt can keep a person awakethe whole night like a dog. l couldn't sleep there. so l thought l'll hug thisand sleep. what's the time? lt's 12 o'clock.- 12 o'clock! -yes, 12 o'clock. today for the first time l'veslept till 12 o'clock. otherwise l used to wake up at6 o'clock for the rajdhani. gafur, there is aswimming pool too! l've bathed enough inamirpur's dry water. today l'll take a dip in this.

what the hell are you doing!- sorry, sorry, sorry. sorry, sister. sorry,l don't know swimming. gafur, aren't we enjoying!- raja, l had great fun. you've made my life. lsn'tshe that station girl? yes, gafur, this isthat airport girl. and when l saw her forthe first time.. ..l felt like this is thelast station of my life. gafur, l want to makeher your sister-in-law.

raja, you're trying to run.. ..faster than therajdhani express. ln 2 days you have comeon the right path. what do you mean? meaning, look at the girl,look at her face. she seems to be from arespected and rich family. do l look like a beggar? even l don't look like a beggar. but don't forget that we'vegot money only 2 days back.

stop your nonsense. now you go and find out,who is this girl.. ..what she does and..- where she lives. did you find out something?- everything. this girl is a doctor.- doctor! - yes. she's such a beautiful doctor. l'll have to becomeher patient anyhow. she's not a heart doctor,she's a doctor of the mind. she cures people withmental problem.

this is great! - really. - lknow a mad person. - who? - you. sister-in-law! sister-in-law!sister-in-law! gafur! - sister-in-law!- what? who are you both? sorry, madam. he leftmy grasp and ran away. sister-in-law, you'revery pretty. okay, what's his problem? this is his problem. whenever he sees a beautifulgirl, his train runs off track. and immediately he startscalling that girl sister-in-law.

sister-in-law.- have a seat. sit. - thank you. have a seat, gafur.have a seat, gafur. and who is his brotherfor whom.. ..he's searching fora sister-in-law? l am that person.- sister-in-law. he considers me as a brother. by the way, he'smy driver, gafur. he has only one desire andthat is to see me married. sister-in-law, why don'tyou marry brother?

shut up! shut up!- sister-in-law. shut up, gafur. l'll give youa tight slap. - sister-in-law. what are you doing? such cases are solvedwith love.. not anger. you don't worry. l'll cure him.- thank you, doctor. thank you very much. at any cost get histrain on the track. l don't mind spendingany amount of money. why are you lookingat me like this?

you said he's your driver. and to cure him you are readyto spend money lavishly. first he is a human being..and then a driver. he has been with me sincemy childhood days. ln so many years a person.. ..becomes attachedeven to his dog. and he is a human's child. no one will be happier thanme to see him cured. you're a good personand you talk sweetly.

l talk even moresweetly with tea. why don't you have tomorrowevening's tea with me? look, tomorrow evening.. you'll be coming for swimming,won't you? after that have a cup of coffeewith me in the coffee shop. sister-in-law.- you mean.. yes, l'm staying inthe same hotel. last week l came herefrom amirpur.. ..l mean from americafor my business deals.

even though it's my owncountry, still l feel lonely. lf you come for tea, thenl'll feel better. okay, l'll come.- thank you. these are some tests thathe has to do. - thank you. sister-in-law, you're great.- gafur. - bye-bye. okay. - sister-in-law.- gafur -bye-bye. yes, she'll be yoursister-in-law. gafur, she spoke nicely with me. lf she comes here tohave tea with me.. would mean thatshe likes me a bit. raja, why do you takethe second step.. ..before the first onehas touched the ground? don't be in a hurry. you'llfall badly, badly. you've met her only twice and..- she has come. you go from here, go,go from here. just give her tea, don'tsay anything. - get lost. hi!- hi. have a seat. - thank you. sit. what will you have? - lthink you've called me for tea.

yes, yes. but beforehaving tea.. ..think whether it's a goodidea to have tea with me. l don't understand - look, ldon't like to twist words. so l'll talk openly.- today he's dead, dead. l have been wonderingabout my marriage.. ..that's why l'vecalled you for tea. what!- yes. that gafur whom l'd broughtat your clinic, he's not mad. l've become mad.

from the day l saw you.. the mumbai airportfor the first time. mr. rajkumar, what do you think? that you'll make gafur mad.. ..bring him to meand make me a fool. l came to know thatgafur is not mad.. ..when l saw him forthe first time. and l'd seen you staring atme in the swimming pool. even you looked handsomeand good-looking.

but today l came to knowhow smart you are. and like you even l'm astraight forward person. and the true and direct thingis that.. even l like you. even l like you a lot.- really! - yes. raja, l don't believe it. how did your affairstart so quickly? ln the matters of love, youshould take the second step.. ..before the first onehas touched the ground. otherwise it gets too late.and gafur. - yes.

next time don't give mewrong advice. - no. let's go. this goes.. that goes. myheart got lost somewhere. something happened to you,something happened to me. l came and you went. l came and you went.we couldn't even talk you went and l came. you went and l came.we couldn't even meet. the sky stooped.

the sky stooped. butit didn't rain. today it happened again.l went away. l can't sleep. l'mfeeling uneasy. l agree that my conditionis the same. say clearly thatyou're waiting. l've fallen in love whetherl say, yes or no. you were singing a songwith her, isn't it? you might have also confessedyour love to her, right? and you would have hit me also.

raja, dreams are different andthe reality is different. ln your dreams, l don't stopyou from doing anything. do whatever you want to do. but in reality, don'tdo anything until you.. ..completely becomeher good friend. she's not mr. mhatre's daughterbela. she's dr. neha. did you understand? lf you will hasten in this matterthen she will surely slap you. did you find my answerappropriate?

don't show me your face fromtoday onwards. now get out! l say get out otherwisel will call the police. what happened, miss neha? did he misbehave? lf you wantthen l will.. - no! no! let it be. he was just bothering me. he was telling me thathe was seeing me swim.. ..from the past two days.he has fallen in love with me. l love you! l was right, isn't it?

l don't like hooliganslike them at all. so then which type ofpeople do you like? people like you. well behaved,well cultured. the people who havethe manners.. ..and etiquette to speakto girls. - thank you. the people who know how torespect girls. - thank you. l think that l will sharea good friendship with you. hey, miss neha! thankyou very much. sir, there is a call for you.- for me!

miss neha, please be seated.l will come back right now. please be seated.- okay! what do you think, sir? doyou agree with me or no? what did she say? well cultured! whatever it is! whatever she is thinkingyou are, we are trying.. present youin that way only. please don't mess up anything. otherwise your story will cometo an end before it begins.

first be friendly to her. ln the process of beingfriendly to her.. should not happen thatit might be too late. and a third person may comebetween the two of us. child bhunnu! child bhunnu!listen to me, my child. bhunnu!- no papa! no! child bhunnu! child bhunnu!- lt is too hot! child. - no papa. lf lwill not learn then.. will l getinside the water?

but if you will not getinside the water.. ..then how will you learn? but papa, when l feel scaredto get inside the tub.. ..then why are you making mego inside the swimming pool? don't cry, my child. just see that how kids youngerto you are swimming. but papa, l still cannot swim. because l have purposelynot worn it. what have you not wornpurposely? - underwear!

you don't worry about that.look l have brought it for you. papa, no! no! no! no! go inside and change and comeback. go inside, my son. no. l will wear itover here only. l know the trick. no child.. l feel.. l feel very scaredin the bathroom. hey! he has worn it!bhunnu has worn it! wait!- jump into the water! no! not me! not me!

look, how they are jumpingin the water! you are so grown up butthen too you are scared. hey! l will teach you. hey, fatty! come on,swim quietly. look young kids areswimming so bravely. papa, no! no! papa,please no! please no! climb it!- please no! no! okay! okay! come on, child. go, child.- mummy! move ahead! look. look. look.

do it! - now bhunnu willjump in the water! 1 . 2. 3. 10. 14. please! 90. 95. 100.- mummy! you don't have to sleep, child!you don't have to sleep. make him get up!- come on, do it! hey! hey! what doyou mean by do it? do it! get up! get up, my child! he will do it this time.he will do it.

just watch out how hewill do it this time. he will directly jump inthe water. god forbid! well done! 1 . 2. and..- move away! child bhunnu! come child. - lam coming, papa. l am coming. l am trying.- fine. well done, my child! well done! this is a lift. lt isa not a swimming pool. hey! why are youcreating a mess? hey! lf you want togo to the bathroom..

..then the bathroomis over there. you go over there. whyare you disturbing us? you shut up! otherwisel will slap you. ln order to slap him.. will have to come insidethe lift, isn't it? so come inside thelift and slap him. his luck is very good today,papa that he is standing inside. fine. take the name of thelord almighty and come in. well done! take the name ofthe lord almighty. - o lord!

hurry up! - yes. yes. heis coming. he is coming. come. come. come. hey! wait, papa! wait! papa, lets go. lets goby the stairs only. thirteenth floor! papa, are you tired?- lets go inside. why are you pantingso much? hey! hey! sound! sound! - l have climbedthirteen floors, that is why. what is the lift for?

lf we could use the lift.. ..then we wouldn't haveto come till here. tell the doctor that bhunnu'sfather has come. - bhunnu! yeah!- oh! one minute. so tell me bhunnu thatwhat is your problem? l have many problems. the biggest problemis that nobody.. ..understands my problem. l cannot understand that fromwhere should l begin?

l feel very scared. fire. l am very scared of fire. whenever l see the matchstickthen l feel.. ..that the flame willburn by itself.. ..and set my entire body aflame. whenever l see a crowd thenl feel that a human being.. crushing another humanbeing to move ahead. when l hear the honkingof the horn.. ..then l feel as if manydogs are barking.

and.. and this lift.l can't enter. l feel scared. l feel as if the lift will beshut from both the sides.. and my head willbe crushed in it. the height. whenever l stand at a heightthen l feel that no.. no! you can't throw me bastard! no! no! you can'tdo that. no! no! l feel very suffocatedbecause of smoke.

l feel as if that the palpitationwill increase to a high level. and l will get a heart attack.l feel like that. and.. and as if a person isvery eager to go to the bathroom. and he is unable togo to the bathroom. so.. so what wouldbe his condition? all this happens to me. there are many otherproblems also. bhunnu, after listening toall your problems, l have.. ..reached to this conclusionthat your sickness.. not anything more thancommon cough or cold. just a minute, bhunnu. hello!- hello! miss neha! l am speaking, rajkumar. oh! l am so sorry, raj! l know it very well that wehad to go for the show today. l had told you that the timingsfor the show is 3 o'clock. not 6 o'clock. actually raj, speaking tobhunnu, l didn't realize the time.

bhunnu! who is this bhunnu? he is my new patient. fine. fine. he is your patient. l wish that even l hadbeen your patient. with this excuse, you wouldhave spent some time with me also. please raj, don't feel bad.shall we see this show tomorrow? never mind. but the timing for tomorrow'sshow will be 3 o'clock. not 6 o'clock. okay.- 100% .

fine, neha. bye-bye. hey! what happened? -nothing.nothing. she has a patient named bhunnu.- bhunnu! who is he? who is he? papa, l am okay. l amfeeling better. fine. papa, l am okay. l am okay. come on, let's go down thirteenfloors by the stairs. not stairs. l will goby the lift. - lift! yeah! l am okay. l am fine.l am feeling better!

sound! - thank you! - oh!you are welcome! sir, my hand! lt happens. mom, there are many desiresin my heart now. with the help of the babysteps, now l am.. ..not even feeling unconscious. well done, my son! well done! baby steps! l am okay. l amfine. l am feeling better. did you see that how ourbhunnu is walking?

l have seen. l have seen. l have been seeing it allon the way. - shut up! baby steps! baby! baby! baby! what happened, child?why did you stop? mom, l am unable to climb thestairs without the baby steps. child, the doctor has definitelyasked you to take baby steps. but not everywhere. on the stairs, you willhave to climb.. the same way asyou used to climb.

but papa, until l willnot meet neha.. will l climb the stairs? so then stand over herewith your baby steps. today you cannot go toyour bedroom. - no! no! no! no! no! no!- bhunnu! no! no! no! no! - yes. lt isfine, child. relax! bhunnu! why are you taunting him? you know it very wellthat what does he do.. ..when something happensagainst his wish?

look son. now it is toolate in the night. now the doctor will notbe there in the clinic. tomorrow daddy will definitelytake you to meet her. you don't cry, mom. l will sleep in papa andyour bedroom. - fine. l am okay. l am all right. this doctor has not treated him. she has given him one moresickness. baby steps! bhunnu!- miss neha, are you going?

yes. the clinic isalready closed. but.. you all come tomorrow. papa! - tomorrow! doctor,just a minute! please! doctor actually, if you willnot treat him today then.. look, l have a problem today.l really don't.. look, you do not understand. l have no time and l have togo. - no! no! no! no! no! look doctor, l was scaredabout this only. please agree to lookinto his matter..

..then he will mess in theentire hospital. please! bhunnu!- no! no! no! - bhunnu! lets go.- thank you. lt is 6.30 pm now.- what can be the matter, gafur? why didn't she come today? l think that the patientwho had come yesterday.. ..he might have come today also. sir, it is a letter for you. -look, it is miss neha's letter. read it. read it. read my suspicion correct?

your suspicion isabsolutely correct. she was leaving her clinicto come over here. but at that moment, bhunnucame over there. that poor girl has alsoapologized for not coming here. but did you hurt thatbhunnu in some way.. ..that he is ruiningall your plans now? l will teach a very goodlesson to this bhunnu. just a minute. hello!- hello!

neha is speaking. ask her to call bhunnuon the line. actually, l am speakingfrom bhunnu sir's house. please call him on the line.-just a minute. bhunnu, it is a callfrom your house. from my house?- yes. who can it be? hello! hey, mr. bhunnu! justspeak to your father. you dog! - which dog aml speaking on the phone?

you rascal! - which rascalis speaking on the phone? scoundrel!- you scoundrel! which scoundrel is speaking? l am your father speaking,silly boy! papa, what is wrongwith your voice? no. you cannot bemy father at all. my father doesn't giveso much bad words. and anyway, he issitting outside. who is speaking?

hey, you scum! l am yourreal father speaking. now listen to me very carefully. after today if you will wanderaround that doctor.. ..then l will put an end toyour life and kill you. then even you listen to me,you cunning fellow! lf l will not cometo the doctor.. ..then who will makeme all right? your father or you? what is the matter, bhunnu?whose call was it?

l don't know who was it?he was abusing me. are you okay? - l am okay. lam fine. l am feeling better. good! hey, you scum! you shouldhave at least bothered.. ..for the respectof your family. hey! does a family get malignedif l get married? hey! by getting married,the family moves ahead. uncle!- hey, neha! how are you? l am absolutely fine, uncle.

what is the matter, daddy?uncle has come after so many years. and you are yellingso much at him. he has done such an imbecileact! - what has he done? he has eloped away with thisgirl from the village. yes. very well. please don't be angry,brother-in-law. l had only insistedto elope away. because my familymembers wanted me.. get marriedto somebody else. but even l told them veryfrankly that if l will get married.. ..then l would marry him only. otherwise l willgive up my life. hey! what is this, brother? you have made my newlywed bride cry. you have done a verygood thing, aunt. what is so good about it? lf you would have called methen l would have spoken.. her parents and madeeverything all right. hey! lt's not too late even now. go and speak to them now. yes daddy. we will goimmediately to aunt's house. we will pacify her parents andget them married pompously. come on, daddy. hurry up! how do l hurry up, daughter? l have to completemy work over here. and then what aboutyour patients?

all the appointments arecancelled for uncle's sake. l will tell my secretary not totell anybody.. ..that where have we gone? am l right, uncle?- absolutely! hello!- hello! l am bhunnu speaking. can l speak to dr. neha?- she.. just a minute. hello! - l am rajkumar. pleasehand over the phone to madam. madam has gone out. she has gone out! didshe go out with bhunnu?

bhunnu! no! no! bhunnu is asking about heron the other phone line. fine. fine. fine. when will she come back? she may take fifteen ortwenty days to return. or even one month.- one month! but if anything willhappen to me.. ..during this periodthen what will l do? you.. - madam, please give meher phone number. please!

l am sorry. l cannot giveyou her phone number.. ..because she has strictlywarned me. okay. lf she has told her not togive the phone number.. ..then at least giveme her address. sorry! l cannot even giveyou her phone number.. ..and nor even her address. l am inspector bankhilal from haryana. has your doctor gone out? -yes. l want her address immediately.

why? what is the matter? the law is in a verybig danger, sister. our commissioner sir isallowing the prisoners to go out. and he is arrestingthe police officers. we have saved our lives throughlots of difficulties. you quickly give me her address. l have to go to meet her. but inspector sir, there aremany other doctors in this city. why don't you take alongone of them? yeah!

look.. - ma'am, commissioner sirhas fired two of those doctors. that is why, we have come here. forget about the address now. this girl who is sitting overhere, she might have gained.. ..some knowledge at least bybeing with the doctor. - yes. shall we take her along?- no! no! no! hey! shut up, you thin lady! don't challengea police officer. lf mr. bankhi lal is beinglenient to you..

..then you are tryingto act smart with him. by the way, he smiles but he isa very short-tempered person. on that day he broke oneof my teeth in anger. now you don't break my heart. come along with us.- no! look, l don't have anyknowledge about a doctor at all. l will do one work. l will give you the addressof my doctor. okay. you take her along with you.

give an address of a nursealso. - yes l will give it to you. take this. all the best! lets go, sir. the nurseis very good, isn't it? l am tawde, pcm. policecommissioner of mumbai. commissioner!- yes! where is your doctor?- she is not there. where has she gone?- she has gone abroad. how did she go awaysimply like this? she had a patient named bhunnu.

he has committed suicide.- suicide! yes. she can be considered tobe a criminal in that term. do you know? she can even beimprisoned under 'khada'. 'mhada'! - lt is a punishmentworse than tada also. no! no! no! l will give her addressto you. -yes. by the way, l know thatshe is innocent. - yes. she is cute.- yes. she is beautiful.- yes.

but what can we do? we have to call her forinterrogation, isn't it? -yes. take this.- l am okay. - l am okay. l am all right. - l am allright. - l am feeling better. baby steps! baby steps!baby steps! yeah! our work is over we willsearch the address now.. ..and go and find her. who is it, brother? who is it? the police are here! o my god!

he is a senior officer!salute him! salute him! hey! his teeth are bendforward. salute him! hey! how did you say that? l will kick you now. hail maharashtra!- hail haryana! hail haryana! hail haryana! wheredo you belong? sir, didn't you recognizeme, sir? l had saluted you during theparade on 26th january. about which place are you talking?chowpatty or lal qilla!

aboutthe parade at juhu beach. hey! l have remembered.l have remembered. what are you doing over here? sir, a few days ago therewas a robbery of 25 lakhs.. the amirpur station. those dacoits are roamingaround in bombay. we had to come over here inorder to investigate about them. fine. get hold of them.okay. all the best! hail haryana!- hail lndia!

get hold of them.- hail lndia! hail lndia! hail madhya pradesh!hail punjab! hail bengal! hail andhra!- hey! let go of me. l am okay. l am all right.l am feeling better. miss neha, l am coming soon. l have your address in my hand.l have love for you in my heart. l am singing a song. neha,l am coming soon. l am very restless withoutyou, o my beloved!

what do l do? what do l do? when you are not here thenthere is nothing over here. what do l do with this world? what do l do? what dol do? what do l do? you did not say anything.but l have heard. you have selected me amongseveral other people. ls it a reality or a dream? l am unable to believe it. what is all this? howdid this happen

l am very surprised! raja, she is coming here. gafur. -yes. will this area be betterfor the hotel.. ..or on the top of that hill? that one. just show it to me. hey! the car has stopped.- yes, it has stopped. raj! she has got down from the car!- yes, she has got down.

mr. rajkumar! hi!- hello, miss neha! l followed you and cameover here. - what? l mean that where do lhave such good luck.. ..that l can wander arounda flower like a butterfly. l just have to do work,work and only work. l had to come hereregarding work. regarding work! yes. can you see that hill? the entire piece of land behindthat hill, l have bought it.

l am building a 5 star hotel. but there is a riverbehind that hill. miss neha, l have boughtit along with the river. there is a swimming pool inall the 5 star hotels, right? ln my hotel, there will bean original swimming pool. lsn't it, gafur?- right! great idea! wow! but what are you doing overhere in dhigamgadh? my uncle is getting marriedover here. - wow!

just a minute! just a minute! did you do all the check upsof gafur? - yes, l have done. today he didn't even callme his sister-in-law. but he is absolutely okay will he say it now? gafur, now your health seemsto be very much better. let brother get married once. l swear by the almighty that.. ..l will be completely allright, sister-in-law. hey! yes. your brother willdefinitely be married.

by the way where are you allstaying? - ln green view hotel. and the tea over thereis also very fine. by the way, good tea isserved in my home also. won't it be much betterif you both would.. ..come to my housefor a cup of tea? you will be able to meet mydaddy and uncle also. - wow! mr. raja, you area very rich man. but you seem to be a very downto earth person like us. nandu, this is knownas simplicity.

so son raja, what businessdo you do in america? you have asked a verydifficult question. l mean that it is a much easierquestion to ask that.. ..which business l don't do? now like we are drinkingthis tea. we don't make this tea. this.. this matches.. we don'tprepare these matches. with god's grace, l am involvedin all the other business. so what is your turnover?

he never turned around and sawthat what is his turnover? so why don't you go public? public!- yeah. the public is with us, rightgafur? -absolutely. son raja, this hotel which youare establishing over here.. ..why don't you give itscontract to my brother? no! no! no! we have assignedthis contract to mr. ambani. mr. ambani..- never mind, gafur. now we are at a personallevel with them.

l will think about it. l willlet you know. - thank you. madam, it is a call for you. take this sandwich.- no. thank you. lt is the butter of our dairy.have it. - thank you. yes, suzie. tell me. madam, your patient named baby.- baby! yes. the same guy who takesbaby steps. - you mean bhunnu. yes. yes. bhunnu.- what is wrong with him? bhunnu!- what! o my god!

what happened, daughter? - oh no! l had a patient named bhunnu.he has committed suicide. oh! good god! - l don't's a very bad incident. l am feeling as if he has losthis life because of me. miss neha..- l.. you don't consider yourselfto be responsible for it. whatever is written in one'sdestiny, it definitely happens. but raj.. - miss neha,now forget about it. the person who has gone away,they never come back.

come on, brother.your stop has come. hey! your stop hascome. get down! l am fine. l am feeling better. l love you all kids!l love you all kids! thank you for the company! bye! l love you all. l love youall. bye. bye. bye.. save me! from whereis this voice coming? l think that it is comingfrom that valley.

mummy! - come on, lets see. hey! let it be.- hey! come on. hey gafur! where are you going?- mummy! be careful, gafur!don't go down. brother, please save me!please save me, brother! hey brother! how didyou hang over there? hey! l am not hangingover here with my wish. there are some rascalswho eat bananas.. ..and throw the bananaskin on the road.

and people like me facethis problem. save me! fine. fine. fine. just aminute. just a minute. l will give you my hand. youhold my hand and come up. hey! lf my hand could come upthen wouldn't l come up myself? you do one work. you pleasecome a little down. hey brother! lf you willnot give me your hand.. ..then how will l pull you up? you please lower your tie down.l will hold your tie and come. shall l give you my tie? hey!will you hang me?

no. no, brother. that isnot the matter, brother. hey gafur! he seems mad to me. he is wasting my time.l am leaving. hey! listen to me at least. come on, raja! evenyou are too much! l will save him in two minutes.ln two minutes. brother, please save me.- yes, l am there, isn't it? yes, you are there. please save me, brother.- l am there, isn't it?

l can see that you are there.but please save me. no. don't fall down. - brother,save me. - just a minute. brother, please comea little forward. please come a bit down.come down. come a little more down. alittle more. a little more. give me your hand.. hey! what did you do? first of all, l am so heavy. on top of that you haveput your weight also.

hey! you have landed theperson in trouble.. ..who is already in trouble. mummy! hey gafur! hey gafur! gafur, what are youdoing over there? l had told you that don'tfall into this mess. please save him also andplease save me also. otherwise your gafur willvanish away forever. hey! look, don't speak suchbad things about my friend. l will come right now, gafur.l will come right now.

wait for a minute. brother, ask your friendto come soon. otherwise if l will pissthen you will slip off. hey! please don't do that. hey! come soon! come soon! whoever you are, raja orsomebody else please come soon. hey raja! raja!- raja, please come soon. hold it. hold it tight.- please don't leave it. please don't leave it.brace yourself!

be careful! thank you. l am okay. l am fine. thank you, brother. never mind. never mind. - lam fine. l am feeling better. yes, it is a real one. oh no!- oh yeah! brother, where is the woodenbridge? - wooden bridge! hey! even we are goingto the same place. lets go. lets go. lets go.-hey! how sweet!

brother, you both seemto be very good to me. first of all you bothsaved my life. and now you both are takingme to my destination also. no. no. lt is nothing like that. even we are going overthere only. - fine. but where do you have togo in the wooden bridge? there is a place named sapnaroad. l have to go over there. lt is strange! even we aregoing to sapna road only. where do you have togo on the sapna raod?

there is a bungalow named sapnalok, l have to go there. to sapna lok!- what happened? even we are goingover there only. hey! - and l am sure thatyou might be going there.. no. no. no. what do l have todo with mr. nand kishore sharma? l am going there to meethis daughter dr. neha. l am not feeling well,that is why. look, we are here.- have we come? how sweet! ln your company,l didn't even feel..

..scared to sit on the bike. enough! enough! enough!stop it! -yes. thank you very this is the house. bhunnu!- neha-ji! neha-ji! bhunnu, you're alive!- bhunnu! thank god, bhunnu! you'realive! l'm so happy. l'm delighted to see heart feels light now. l'm okay. l'm fine.l'm feeling better. raja, what are you doing overthere? come here, come.

come. you know raja,he is bhunnu. neha-ji, this is the personwho has brought me here. he's god. he is the personwho saved my life. lf it was not for him then lwould not have been alive today. let it be. this was my duty. but you didn't tell me beforethat your name is bhunnu. come, let's sit and have tea.- okay. by the way, bhunnu,how did these.. ..rumours of your death spread?

what do l tell you, neha-ji? you left me alone and wentaway. after that l got sick. come raj-ji. do have a seat. now what happened is that.. ..l asked your secretaryfor your address. she refused to give it to me. so l had to become a fakepolice commissioner.. ..and stage a dramaat your clinic. thank you. and youknow what happened.

there was a real policeinspector over there. l got really scared. even hegot scared when he saw me. he was a bit scared. andl was a bit scared. both were scared. he wasblack in complexion. and the constablewho was with him ..he looked like a thief. your trouser got soiled. servant, clean up this mess. and listen open the guest room.

bhunnu sir will bestaying here only! come bhunnu, l'll show youyour room. - thank you. thank you very much. okay.okay, no. - l'll just come. raja, what mistakehave you done! the person whom you shouldhave left dying.. saved the lifeof that person only. all this is because of you. lf you had not lingeredover there.. ..then l would have left thisbhunnu hanging over there.

okay, blame me for this too. you didn't drop the personwhom you should have dropped. and what you did manageto drop is tea. o mummy, mummy.o daddy, daddy. o mummy and daddy. be ready. the girl whom l'll marry. today l've found that girl. ln the tracks of two eyes. the train of heart will run.

this train will break allthe signals of the world. the engine will be in thefront and the bogie behind. ln a few days that closedbud will blossom. l'll get a wife,l'll get a wife. mummy, daddy, you'llget a daughter-in-law. l've already said yes. now only her acceptanceis required. l hope she says yes soon. only a bit of lifeis left within me.

otherwise this love diseasedperson will die. o mummy, o dady,o mummy, o dady. o mummy and daddy.o daddy and mummy. hello. - hi, pa. - hi, my fool.- ls it bhunnu's call? ls it my bhunnu's call?- yes, that fool's call. give it to me. give it to me. wow! what flowers are showeringfrom your mouth! stupid, idiot, fool. had lcalled you to hear all this? l thought you both must beworried, pa. - was thinking!

ldiot, even in this you aren'tsure that we will be worried. let me talk. - your mother haslost weight because of crying. let me talk to him. hello,hello, bhunnu. my child, how are you? andfrom where are you calling? mother, l'm perfectly fine. and tell pa that l've reachedthe right place. and very soon l'm coming back.and listen, not alone.. ..l'll also bring yourdaughter-in-law along with me. daughter-in-law! - daughter-in-law!

l'll tell you everything,mother.. ..l'll tell you everythingwhen l come back. the girls name and the addressof this place too. but today l'm very busy. nowl'm going for lunch with her. and in the evening we'llgo to disc. bye, mother. bye.- give my love to pa. he disconnected the call.- now are you reassured? hadn't l told you that nothingwill happen to our child? that stupid personmade us so worried.

lf today he hadn't called then.. ..l would have beatenhim black and blue. are you crying? - that persongot me so frightened. and what could l have done? lf l also had started crying.. ..then who would havestopped your tears? now l'm fine, l'm not crying. move, move, move, move, move,move, move, move. raja, have you ever seena monkey besides a fairy?

gafur, nowadays, monkeysare in force. yeah, you're right, man. come on, boy. now watch. wow! wow!- what are you doing? move aside. what are you doing? let us dance.- lay off man, lay off. what are you doing, man?let me dance, friend. move aside. baby, comeon let's dance. yeah, yeah, come on.

gafur, these rascalsare teasing my neha. l'll kill these bastards.- come here, listen to me. listen to me, come here,come here. sit here, sit here. do you want us to loiterin the police station? don't take up a fight withthem. understand our helplessness. go. get lost.- please stay away from me. god has given us respect.- leave me. come with me, listen to me.

what are you doing? don'tthink that we're alone. raja sir is here with us.- who is this raja sir? he has gone on thebathroom to shit. so don't be happy. when he'llcome he'll thrash you. where has this raja sir gone?- l don't know. what friends you have! they saw goons and theyran away like urchins. this is wrong.- what do we do? come let's have dinnerin the restaurant.

come. - come. - come.raja sir, raja sir. don't misbehave, man.don't misbehave. l'll shoot you. l'm in thedisco with a girl otherwise.. come, bhunnu, come.- raja! fast, fast, fast, fast, fast. brother, tell me, whydid you beat me? so that next time you won't beobstinate to dance with a girl. forget girl, l'llnever dance alone. but what is your relationshipwith her?

lf he had no relationshipwith her.. ..then why would he havethrashed you like a dog. l'll never dance. you saw, raja. such a vastdifference between.. ..hitting in english style andhitting in 'mutralay' style. yes, a huge difference.- why are you beating me? ls it wrong to give you an idea? greetings sister.- forgive me. but l didn't recognize youpeople. who are you all?

lt's not your fault. even ourfamily doesn't recognize us. we are the people who hadteased you in the disco. so you are those goons.- yes. we didn't know thatyour partner.. ..would beat us so badly. partner? who? - whose locketis this? take this. bhunnu! - have tea. howdid you hurt your hands? nothing much, bhunnu. lastnight l thrashed some goons. you and beat! no, ldon't accept this.

you are such a decentand honest person. last night l saw in the disco. some goons came and youjust escaped from there. but in the bathroom..- but you couldn't wait, bhunnu. at last you thrashed those four. which four are you talkingabout? - no need to act smart. they had come here and theytold me everything. what did they say? thatbhunnu thrashed them? then what. look at this.

bhunnu left his chainin the fight. they had come to return thisonly. - my chain, at last l got it. ln the disco you wereacting so scared. did it show? l was reallyscared, neha-ji. then weren't you scared whilebeating them in the bathroom? anger. anger, neha-ji.maybe you don't know. but l'm a very hot-temperedperson. once l get angry, thenl can do anything. my hands and legs arenot in my control.

and how dare they misbehavewith you in front of me! l couldn't tolerate, neha-jiand l thrashed them. bhunnu, l've never been ableto understand you properly. every day you show anew colour of yours. this is nothing, neha-ji.l can do anything for you. l can even murder someone. because of you.. ..because of you, l didn'thit him in front of neha. lf l had hit him in front ofneha, it would have been..

..proved how much l love her. you said don't hitthem here, go out. so l hit them outsideand the entire credit.. ..was taken by that bhunnu. but why didn't you tell nehathat you hit those goons? bhunnu would have been provedwrong before neha! and it would also have beenproved that l'm a thief. l stole bhunnu's chain. that bastard too didn't havethe courtesy to say..

..that he hadn't beat them. ln fact he said, 'neha-ji,l was angry.. ..l lost my temperand beat them.' bastard, have you everhit even a mosquito! he is taking false credit! l feel like strangling him! you were wrong bhunnu! when was he right? from the time he has come..

..he is sticking toneha like a magnet. he doesn't even give me achance to confess my love. forget him! what right thing youhave done till today? you always have givenme wrong suggestions. raja.. don't rush. don't rushthings, be friends first. and in doing that, l havebecome just her friend. whenever l listened to you,l fell flat on my face! bhunnu, what do you want?

why are you after me? why are you obstructingmy path to happiness? hold this glass and cigarette! bastard, l can't gonear neha due to you. today, l'll send you away.far very far. up there. up there. lf bhunnu doesn't die,raja will die. lf both stay alive, thenl'll die someday. now, anyone of them has to die.

why not bhunnu? hold it fast, hold it soon.- bhunnu! hold it tight, don't let go.- you are finished, bhunnu! check the wire connectionsonce again. queen fish come soon,go into bhunnu's tummy. come soon. hurry up! brother, what's happening? lt's an alcohol brewing oven.we're blasting it.

ls there a bomb there?- yes. will it blast?- no. no?- yesss. you're joking! come on man, come on baby! gafur-bhai! greetings! greetings! all are you? l am fishing, gafur-bhai. neha-ji likes it very muchand her father too.

very good! lf some onehooks you, then? why would some one hookme, gafur-bhai! your people are looking foryou. they are coming this way. l am here to tell you. oh god! oh my god! but they will take meback, gafur-bhai. hide me somewhere! here.. no..! will you jump in water?will you commit suicide? no! what shall l do?- l'll do something.

do you see that hut? yougo and hide behind it. l'll take care of them. go. thank you very much.may god bless you. he is such a kind guy! so good! lt's stinking. have you seen properly? there is no one nearby,is there? uncle, l've looked around.there is no one there. blast it. quick.

yes uncle! yes uncle! 1 2 3. raja, now no one can comein between you and neha. not even bhunnu. gafur-bhai, l considered youand raja-ji my brothers. but l find that you are themost scrupulous, dirty and.. ..manipulative kind of people! now you wait and watch, how l deal with you..after the interval.

'ek phool do mali,dhul ka phool.. ..phool aur pathar,pathar ke sanam..' gafur.. where the hell were you? ustad, l had gone to geta bouquet for you. bouquet? for celebratingmy devastation! pal, l have done such a greatjob! lf you listen to it.. ..your face will bloomlike these flowers. don't talk rubbish. go to theneighboring chemist shop.. ..and get me a tablet. l'mhaving a blasting headache.

lt's the matter ofeveryone's destiny. here you head is blastingwith ache.. ..and there, a bomb has blasted. the thorn in your way, bhunnu,is finished. what did you do to him? why are you being so serious?l did this dirty job for you. you killed him? no, not my self. but l sent him to the placewhere there was a bomb.

l couldn't let goof the opportunity. lf l hadn't killed him,you would have killed me. there is fire in my hand.. fire. l won't lie. we have committedmany crimes. but have never killedanyone till now. and you killed him? he was coming betweenyou and neha. how could l spare him, pal! you've made a big mistake.

you murdered a decentand good man. l really made a mistake! l was feeling guilty too! what shall l do now? the police will surely arrestme sometime. - yes. so should l surrenderto the law? police.. police! police! stop! stop! stop! sit! sit! sit! gafur.. do you loveme so much? do you!

do you love me so much? what you did today, evenmy true brother.. ..wouldn't have done it for me. here, drink it. drinkthis alcohol. cheers!- cheers! - cheers! thousands of peoplefall in love.. ..but every one is not a romeo. every one can't fulfillits demands. head or tails?- head or tails?

love is a game of hearts. some one wins this game.. ..some one wins this game.. ..some one wins this game,but some other loses. one who interferesbetween two lovers.. ..he'll be killedwithout reason. the villain will justkeep looking dazedly.. ..the villain will justkeep looking dazedly.. ..while the hero will elopewith the heroine.

today or tomorrow, two heartsare bound to unite. so many great men havelost in this game. some of them wentto an asylum.. ..while some others to jail. mahiwal had drownedin the sea.. ..mahiwal had drownedin the sea.. ..ranjha was in the samecondition as majnu.. ..romeo had gota heart failure. head or tails?

head..- tail. don't talk to me! why are you so ashamed? lt is something to be ashamedof. what're you doing? ouch!- you don't like it, isn't it? take some more. no, no.- one more.. eat properly.- how much will you feed me? lt' very delicious. butl've had enough neha-ji.

l'm having a stomach ache now. sister-in-law. enough.. enough.- all right. come raja. you alsohave some food. actually we're satisfiedjust looking at you.. ..l mean looking at the food. feed him. he is famished!feed him first. gafur-bhai, you are so cruel. that day you told meto hide in the hut.

as soon as l went in it, thehut blasted, you know? what! yes. lf it was not stinking ofalcohol and l had not gone out.. you see bhunnu.. and yes, he also told me thatmy parents were coming there. no bhunnu.. - whereas myparents had not come there. bhunnu, your parentswould have come.. ..actually he heard it wrong. he heard chunnu and he thoughtit was bhunnu and told you.

l told him. that was what l was're such a kind man. no.. no.. no.. no.. relax bhunnu. raja, pleaseextinguish your lighter. just a minute.. please.. what happened? you don't know it, butbhunnu fears 3 things. fire, water and height. lf he sees fire, hefears he might burn.

lf he sees water, hefears he might drown. and if he goes on height,he fears he might fall. oh, l see! from today, we'll alwaysremember that.., water and height. come bhunnu. you shouldn't fear water.nothing will happen to you. lt's not that, neha-ji. l'm telling you not to fear.don't you trust me?

no, how can that be.l fully trust you. but l don't trust this water. so many great men have drowned. bhunnu.. forget it. neha-ji.. neha-ji.. l don't want to hear anything. neha-ji, listen to me.. what is it son? raja-ji, gafur-bhai..

bhunnu, you should goin the water. - why? otherwise neha-ji will be hurt. shall l tell you something,raja-ji? whether neha-ji gets upsetor someone else.. l won't go in the water. manygreat men have gone this way, sir. that is right too. lf you don't feel rightabout doing something.. shouldn't do it. yes. and look how deep it is!- ya, very deep!

my mummy doesn't likeit at all that.. help.. help! bhunnu.. neha-ji help.. help.. neha-ji, thank you. thank you neha-ji. we all will swim sweet, how sweet! this swimming is sucha good thing!

but bhunnu, why did you jump in? why did l jump in? yes,why did l jump in? actually neha-ji, l thought that if l don'tjump in, you'll be upset. and what could have happened? at the most l would have died. l'll give up my lifetoo for neha-ji. oh bhunnu, you're so sweet!- thank you. raja, nothing cango right with you!

you are going througha bad patch of time! very bad patch of time! shut up pal! his time is.. get up.. l was so worried about you,my head is aching with pain. and you are sittinghere and having beer! don't you care about me? a coconut fell on yourhead, not a bomb!

you had kept a bomb. you did! but did that bhunnu die? you keep on givingme wrong ideas. and are just sitting herewiling away your time! look raja, l've as much righton the stolen money as you. you spend lakhs of rupeeson that girl. and you are upset becausel was just having a beer. are you being flamboyant or me?! l'm being flamboyant! l..!

look gafur, neha isnot an ordinary girl. l love neha. l love her. l've been wandering onthe railway platform.. ..from childhood. l havesold tickets illegally. l never knew what a girlis, what love is. but from the time l've seenneha, l feel that this is.. ..that girl for whoml was waiting. l love neha very much, gafur. l love her very much.

lf l don't get her, l'll die. don't cry. come here. gafur.. gafur! l admit that my ideasfailed again and again. but raja, this time if l don'tfinish that bhunnu.. ..l'll change my name! neha is my sister-in-law.she'll be yours! oh lord! l've heard thatlove can break boulders. does it really?

anyway, today l want to testmy love with this boulder. help me god. oh speechless pal, hearmy tale from my mouth. a crazy girl is unawareof my love. whenever she comes before me.. heart beats sings crazily. but l fear confessing.. ..darling, l love you. darling,l love you. she settled in my eyesand reached my heart.

whatever is hidden in myheart, has stuck in my throat. and l've gone crazy. now only you can tell me,how can l say to her.. ..darling.. darling.. darling.. darling! what is happening darling?!what are you doing?! oh no.. no..! this boulder is afterme instead of breaking. run.. run..

darling.. neha-ji! no.. no.. no.. bhunnu! he is running after me! no.. no.. no! bhunnu, what happened?what happened? neha-ji, a boulder..a song.. behind me.. but why were you running?

l was running! l was running! neha-ji, for the first timein my life, l ran so fast. l'm ok! l'm fine! l'm feelingbetter! neha-ji! very good!- neha-ji, l'm feeling better. very good bhunnu!- how sweet! lt's a good idea, sir. but madein switzerland will be fine too. gafur-bhai, greetings! greetings.- greetings. greetings.

what is it gafur-bhai,raja isn't here? raja.. neha-ji, l wantedto talk to you. have you had food? no. l'm having it. l'll have it. drink something, isn't it?- l will. what's the matter? l wanted to talk to you alone. neha-ji, first you goand talk to him please. yes. go baby, go.- come.

feed him properly too.- and give him a drink too. by the way gafur, whydidn't raja come? ls there any problem? no. no problem. - ls everythingall right? - yes, it's. neha-ji, l wanted to tellyou that raja sir.. gafur.. gafur.. what happened?what is it? what happened gafur-bhai?what happened? gafur.. gafur.. what happened? just a minute! let me see.l'll see. get aside.

what happened to yougafur-bhai? - l think he.. first you get normal. holdthis. now tell me what happened? a chicken bone is stuckin his throat. a chicken bone, isn't it? gafur-bhai, you lie on yourstomach. lie on your stomach. gafur-bhai .. gafur-bhai..cough.. cough.. ls it coming out? no. gafur-bhai.. cough. ls it coming out? no?

gafur-bhai!!!! bhunnu, you were amazing!- thanks. you saved gafur's life. that was my duty, neha-ji.when l was a kid.. ..a coin got stuckin my throat once. my mother hit me in this way4-5 times, and the coin came out. but brother, why did you kickme instead of hitting me? you are a big man now,isn't it gafur-bhai? and the bone was big too.

look at it. lt's so big. don't eat chicken, anyone.don't eat chicken, anyone. have food, but don'thave chicken. oh shit! hello. oh shit! hello.- bhunnu. - neha-ji, lt's you! what are you doing bhunnu? just waiting for your phone. bhunnu, will you come withme for sight seeing?

l won't just come.l'll run to you! l'll be there soon. my heart wishesto love someone. but then l wonder ifhe will deceive me. my heart wishes toelope with someone. but then l wonderif l'm immature. l'll write it ona blank paper.. ..l'll entrust my life to him. whatever he says l'll do.

my heart wishes totrade my heart. but then l wonderif l am at a loss. l'll de-veil myself.. l'll de-veil myself and makethat wicked one's heart flutter.. ..and hang him. my heart wishes totake someone's life. but then l wonderif he is my life. l wonder if hewill deceive me. l wonder if l'm immature.

witch..! what happened? you dreamtof bhunnu, isn't it? l dreamt of bhunnu. now he has started scaringme in my dreams too. he has even startedsinging songs.. ..with neha in my dreams. you're laughing!you're laughing! don't laugh. all this hashappened because of you. you used to tell me, isn'tit, be friendly first.

don't rush things. lf l hadn't listened to you,bhunnu wouldn't.. ..have come between us. no one can stop menow. l'm going. where are my motorcycle keys? where are you going? l'm going to tell nehathat l love her. listen to me.. don't stop me gafur, elsel'll kill you too.

no one can come in betweenmy and neha's love today. goodbye! listen to me, raja,come back. please. you'll go to neha-ji,isn't it raja-ji? now look where thisbhunnu takes you! listen to me raja. raja.. raja.. gafur.. gafur.. howis raja? where is he? no. he's in room no. 27.

thank god! you're not hurt much! do you know how worried lwas when gafur called up? l was having such bad thoughts.. ..till l reached the hospital. anyway. how are you? you don't need to worry somuch about me, neha-ji. why? what happened? aren't you my friend? friend.. friend.. friend..

l hate this word, friendship! l'm not anyone's friend,especially you. don't scream so are not well. what else can ldo if not scream? no one understands my woes. raja, who'll know yourtroubles, if not me. l can't tell how disturbed lwas, because of your injury. really? hello raja! how'reyou feeling now?

l'm all right now, sir. good! l'm so glad. child, we shouldgo to bombay now. bombay! daddy, leaving raja herein this condition.. child, this is a verynice hospital. and gafur is here totake care of him. only you can take careof your patients and they're waiting for you.

right?- right. right. good. l'll wait for you downstairs. say bye. bye. hope youfeel better. - bye sir. neha-ji.. ok raja. l'll have to leave now. take care of yourself. and as soon as you feel better,come to bombay. ok? bye!

bye bye! gafur, this accident hasproved amazing to me. didn't you see, how shewas holding my hand.. ..and soothing me. shecares so much for me! my train is on thetracks, gafur! she has shown methe green signal. all right but don't celebrateso soon, my friend. underlying every happiness,lies a sorrow. shut up, you abominable fellow!

bhunnu..! hey mom, hey dad!now l'm perfect. l'm not scared ofwater now and.. ..l do not fear gettinga shock too. my eyes don't rollwhen l see heights. l don't fear, fear itself, now. l can laugh very well. l cantalk very well. hello! l can sing very well. l can walk very well.

l can jump very well.l can fight very well. l can dance very well.l can jump very well. now l don't need rehearsal, forl'm a one take artist. ok? ok pal! now everything ispossible for me. when there will be anotherstarry night again.. ..come and listen to my heart.. heart.. heart.. oh no! heart.. bhunnu!- hi! hi!

hi everybody! hi! hi! who's winning? who's losing? watch the game. hi neha! hi!- hi! hi bhunnu!- hi. raja, shall l tellyou something? you're a big actor, pal. the way you were lying in thehospital after the accident.. looked like youwere going to die. but how did you recover so fast? you're not a lesser actor too. making an excuse of beingsick, you meet neha. a patient is that who meetsa doctor once and.. ..takes medicine,three times a day. while you meet neha thrice butdon't take medicine even once. even you make excuses. you say that you'll starta 5 star hotel in ooty.

but you haven't evenstarted a motel. yes. l made an excuse. l did. why?- because l love neha. you love neha-ji? a man who has left his owncountry and settled in america. he who doesn't lovehis country even.. can he love poor neha-ji! even gandhi-ji had comefrom south africa. even l came similarly.

he came for his country.he loved his country. you touched me?- mummy! you touched me! listen'raja-babu'.. l'll slap you once and you'llbecome a 'coolie'. you 'mr. lndia', if lthrow 'tezaab' on you..'ll look like a 'loafer'. do l look like a'loafer' to you? do l look like a 'coolie'? you'll throw 'tezaab' on me?- you will slap me?

ok. yes l will.- how can you? what's happening? who is it?- who is it? bhunnu, raj. neha-ji!- neha-ji! you were fooled. what were you both doing?- how did he get all right? no, l mean he recoveredand came back.

hence l was embracing him. how are you now? what can l say neha-ji! l think that his internalinjuries are still fresh. then you should haverested some more. no, no, no. now l'm fine. 'better remain that'll be good for you.' 'son bhunnu, now you'll betreated by me, not neha.' hello. l'm pappu pager speaking.

don't get carried away andlisten to me carefully. bhunnu mobile is myyounger brother. l'm his elder brother,pappu pager. stop introducing yourself now! else l'll put you in the mouthpiece and take you out of.. ..the receiver, and shoot you. then don't blame pappupager for it. do you understand? nowl'll disconnect? let him come. let him come.he has an appointment.

let him come. come swaying yourself. bhunnu rangeela, pager-bhai. the person to be murdered,have you got him along? no pager-bhai. lgot his picture. oh no! lf you had got him here.. ..l would have finishedthe job here itself. pappu pager's conveyance timewould have been saved. for how much shall l write it?- what?

cheque.- you last seed of tomato..! pappu pager doesnot use cheques. do you understand? lwant cash, hard cash! but for cash, l'll haveto call up my papa. you hurry up and dialyour papa's phone fast. lf you let go, l can dial. what is the number ofmy house? no.. it's ok! are you pappu pager? over there.- thank you.

my papa has arrived.- bhunnu son.. you wait a minute, brother! what's all this?- hey! stop telling stories.. ..and give me the cashfast. understand? and take this hero hiralaland buzz off fast. go. bhunnu, why are you givingthis money and involving.. ..yourself? have you gone mad? you're bothered about money,but not your son. why are you talking rubbish?- pa..

don't say anything. just getaway quietly. that's it. don't get involvedwith this goon. sure?- sure. pager-bhai, l'm withdrawingmy contract. why? actually, my father says notto get involved with goons. lf he gets mad, he'll beat meup and won't spare you too. mummy! what did you say, you spoiltmilk! - pager-bhai!

what did you tell him about me?- pager-bhai! what did you say? you hit my papa?you hit my papa! now tell me, who is spoilt milk? l am. who is the lowerpart of a cashew? who is a black brinjal? l am.- yes. the battery was removed andso the pager stopped working.

stop all your nonsense,you insolent guy. you are nothing before me. you've been acting too smart. just get lost fromhere as soon as you can. where did you learnit, son bhunnu? l saw it in a movie. and you remember this thatbhunnu is not an electricity.. ..pole so that a dog like youmay lift his leg and piss. what? - hey!

hey! don't fear, all of you. you see, for the first timesome man has proved.. ..stronger to pappu pager.l'll have to think now. raja, l made a deep study, pal. what is it gafur? that there's a lot ofdifference between you and bhunnu. you're right,'re right. bhunnu is no match to me. neha can only be bhunnu's.

beware! beware if you joinbhunnu's name to neha. neha belongs to me andshall always be. are you my friend or bhunnu's? you're taking bhunnu's side! l'm not taking anyone's side. l'm telling you the facts. bhunnu is born rich and we'rethe poorest in this amirpur. bhunnu belongs froma high family.. ..whereas we belongto no family.

bhunnu has a bungalow,crores of rupees. but we have just 3.75lakh rupees remaining.. ..from the looted money. lf you get married to neha,even that money will be spent.. ..before you celebrateyour first night. money will get over,but not love. nothing matters in love..wealth and money.. ..high or low status,high family or low. raja, this dialogue feels goodcoming from a film hero..

..not from you. what do you have, tell me? l have this.- what is it? 'phoos phoos'. and as soon asl use it, neha will be mine. have you gone crazy? don't boast about thischeap rs. 12 scent.. have boughtfrom bhendi bazar. gafur, come out of bhendi bazarand get in to palika bazar. here, have a look at palika.

hi sweet heart!- hi! l was waiting for you.- really? my friend gafur.- hi gafs! tina, be careful. tina, hold this perfume. spray it on bhunnu. he'llfall in to your love trap. hey girl, don't waste yourtime. he has gone crazy. bhunnu is not going tofall for you. go home. tina, try this scent on gafur.

go ahead. l won't change. l've smelled it too,it is of low quality. tina, it is of the best quality. l love you tina. l can'tlive without you. raja, help.- now nothing can stop me. gafur, gafur, leave her. tina,you go. tina, you go. raja, let go of me. else thisfriendship will turn in to enmity. tina! tina! l love you. gafur..- tina.. tina.. let go.

wow! excuse me lady, you are.. can you show me thisaddress, please! who am l to showyou the address! l myself am missingfrom childhood! by the way, couldn't youfind anyone else to ask.. address? l mean, didn'tyou meet anyone outside? l met a lot of people, butno one decent like you! look, l am not so sureabout this address..

..but l don't know why l feelas if l've seen it before. and this address of this house. and after finding this address.. don't have to goto any other address. because l feel as if yoursearch ends at this address. many roads lead to this address. your eyes are enchanting.your body is fragrance. you may or may not agree.but you're mine, kiran. you're mine, kiran.

wait, wait, wait! l think l'vegiven you a bigger dose. ok. l'll leave now. good bye! the window opened a bit, andthe curtain parted a bit. the room of my heartwas vacant.. ..someone quietly sneaked in. there was a hubbub!there was a hubbub! when my senses were gone,l came to my senses. l was standing quietly,but now l am energetic. there was such breeze,it ignited a fire.

the window opened a bit the curtain parted a bit. the room of my heartwas vacant. someone quietly sneaked in. this face looks sospicy, buddies. what a scene, someoneclick a photo. something untowardhas happened.. breath has stopped you son of a sweet meatvendor.. in a mercedes!

your father may bea sweet vendor! pa! - shut up. you alwayskeep on doing papa, papa! you milkman! what're you saying, pa?- l told you to shut up. you don't know, he is mychildhood friend, kishorchand. childhood friend! chandu.. didn't l fool him! hey birju! you! chandu!

sister-in-law, bhunnu didn'ttell me that you are his parents. even we didn't know that abeautiful, courteous girl.. neha couldbe your daughter! lf l had known that neha wasyour daughter, l would have.. ..called her home instead oftaking your appointment, pal! by the way neha keepspraising bhunnu a lot. talk about it.- bhunnu deserves to be praised. l don't realize how fast timepasses when l'm with him. come here.

our bhunnu too, praisesneha night and day. even we wished tohave a daughter. but god didn't agree. what're you sayingsister-in-law! neha is like your own daughter.- really! - talk about it. looking at neha l feelas if my wish.. ..for a daughter hasbeen fulfilled. talk about it. - l'm talking.don't worry. sorry! he is my childhood friend. lfhe refuses, l'll beat him.

but what is the matter?- the matter is that.. greetings!- greetings! come in. greetings! now there won't be any talks. come raj. how do you do sir?- ok. this is raj kanwar. and they are bhunnu'sdaddy and mummy. bhunnu's daddy mummy!

greetings! bless me mother! hi neha!- hi! bhunnu's daddy. greetingsto you daddy. raj-ji america! you look very happy, bhunnu? won't you give me a hug? we'remeeting after so long! come, hug me.- yes, l'm coming. come.- yes, l'm coming. come and hug me.

raj-ji, you have this habit ofshowing up on the wrong time. lf you had come a bit later,the talks of my marriage.. ..would have been finished. bhunnu, l want to giveyou a surprise. - what? l had clicked some picturesof yours. - when? you don't know. but when yousee them, you'll be refreshed. refreshed? - yes. - refreshed!!- refreshed! son bhunnu, show us too. even we'll look at yourpictures. - yes, we will.

no, no! lt's my picture.first l'll see it. lf l like it, l'll showit to all of you. raja-ji?- ok, ok, ok. lf bhunnu likes it, he'llshow it to all of you, ok? ok.- ok. come bhunnu, comeand sit next to me. raj-ji.. raj-ji.. show it.- bhunnu you are so impatient! the matter is such! show me!- relax. where is my video camera?

who clicks photos of anyonein today's world! l do.- raj-ji, how sweet? very sweet! raj-ji.. raj-ji..raj-ji. raj-ji! didn't you like it? lt's good? lt's very good? didn't you like it or not? raj-ji! - l am askingif you like it or not?

raj-ji!- what is it son? why are you crying? didn'tyou like it or not? what happened to him? tell me bhunnu. you like it. now we'll show it to everyone.- no..! pa, don't talk about it. oh! l understand. he is feeling bad becausel didn't talk about it. no, no. don't talk about it!

ok son. l won't talk.give me that camera. what's wrong with you? areyou feeling all right? l'm not, mom. - bhunnu, shalll give you some medicine? l need prayers, not pills.don't talk about it! bhunnu, don't be so stubborn.- don't talk about it! don't pull my pants and returnthe cassette to him. let him take it. let him. l'veanother copy of the cassette. don't talk about it! before he pulls off my pant,l apologize to you.

come, let's go now. ok uncle, greetings.ok neha-ji, bye! don't talk about it!- bye! - bye! he is the same. hehas not improved. l think he has gone crazy. what rubbish are yousaying about my son! didn't you see how crazilyhe was behaving? we had gone with so manyhopes to fix an alliance. from yesterday, he was after meto talk about his marriage.

but when l started talking, hestarted saying, don't talk! he was pulling at my pants! pa, whatever l did,l did it on purpose. on purpose! l was stuck very badlyover there, pa. why don't you say clearly,why were you stuck? l can't tell beforemom. mom, you go. why? what can it be?- mom please. but..- mom please!

pa..- ok, she'll go. she'll go. ok, l'm going.- l'll talk to him. look.- what is it? lt's a video.. it and see. that rajkumar from america was.. ..showing this tome and scaring me. he said that if your pa talksabout the alliance.. ..he'll show it to neha-jiand her family. oh! so your programcan be ruined!

then what!- oh l see! sir, lnspector mhatreis here to see you. lnspector! was thegirl under age? whatever it is. she hadcome to our house. we didn't go to her house. lt's so simple! lnspector sir, it'snot my son's fault. that party had come here,he didn't go there. party?

pa, he doesn't know anythingabout the party. why are you yourself openingthe case? - shut up. look, l've come to askif you have seen him. can you tell wherewe can find him? oh, this is raj kumar-jifrom america. he hasn't even seenthe map of america. he is a known goon fromamirpur. - goon! he has eloped after stealing 25lac rupees from the railway. pa!- police is looking for him.

bhunnu, don't get emotional.he is lnspector mhatre. look.. look.. let me cry, pa. he has harassed me a lot. you have removed a hindrance. stop, stop, stop! pager sir, why are you roamingwith this photo? you shining moon ofa new moon night! you'll take time to understandhow my brains work.

look. he is bhunnu's enemy.l'm bhunnu's enemy. today one enemy will unitewith the other and.. ..take revenge forbhunnu's insult. hey hero, this is yourpicture, isn't it? no. lt is sachin tendulkar. pappu pager doesn't havetime to joke! understand? tell me straight, is thisyour picture or not? you blind man, don't yousee, it's my face! l know that thisis your picture.

but pappu pager has the habitof confirming first. first tell me, how didyou get this picture? he must be the father of a girl. he must be inquiring fora groom with this photo. hey side hero, don't interrupt,understand! then shall l come toyour side and speak?! brother.. brother.. brother.. just tell me how didyou find this photo? you see brother, a boy namedbhunnu had come to me.. give a contractto kill you. he had got along this photo. you will take a contract formy murder and kill me? pappu is here for that. you extinguished coalof a cemetery! do you think that l'ma supari (betel) shop.. that you can havemy supari (contract). don't touch me. tryto understand. you feather of a dead crow!you'll make me understand?!

don't push. let me firstexplain to you. you burnt utensil! stay still, over there likeshow case statues or else.. ..l'll shut your shops too. listen pappu pager, if you talk about supari(contract) next time.. ..l'll chew you like a betelnut and won't spit too. come on gafur.- come. you all don't get scared.

today pappu pager has comeacross someone equal.. ..for the second time. l'll have to think. gafur.- yes. the 'phoos phoos'worked miracles. now bhunnu will forgetneha's love forever. who was he challengingafter all? he was challenging us! now he will keep enjoying justlooking at the cassette.

gafur listen, weshouldn't delay. you go at once andget mother here. l want to talk to neharegarding the marriage. will you accomplish the talkselse l'll stay here? you go and get mother, pal. tell me raja, what is it? you told that youhave something.. ..very important to talk about.- l will talk. l definitely will.

neha-ji, do you accept thatyou're very pretty? l don't know. butpeople say that. they're right. they'reabsolutely right. when you talk, it seems asif it's raining flowers. when you laugh, it seems asif a cymbal is playing. when you raise your eyes,it feels like.. enough.. enough.. enough. what is the matter? you'repraising me so much today. that means the workis very important.

what can l say neha-ji?l want to talk about.. ..some important things. then speak up. lt's two hoursnow and your important talk.. ..hasn't even started yet. daddy must be waitingfor me there. even l want to talk someimportant things with him. actually neha-ji, the thingis that today itself.. mother came fromamerica.. hi neha-ji.

hi bhunnu!- hi raj-ji! hi bhunnu? what's happening?you're having tea. by the way l knew thatl'll find you here. you see neha-ji, buying estatesis his profession. and selling estates is myprofession. - that is.. and today l'm going to show himsuch an estate that he'll.. ..get refreshed looking at it. look bhunnu, l'm busy rightnow. you can come later.

don't worry. lt's notdifficult to go there. but it's difficult to show it. and if that estate goes tosomeone else, you'll repent it. look bhunnu, l have.. actually you should havea look. tell him to. have a look.- l've stopped.. lf he is so insistent then havea look. what's the harm? lf you say so. else l have.. thank you neha-ji. hemust see it. - lt's ok.

what happened! what happened? lt's good. the estate is good. l knew that after looking atit, he'll like everything l say. lt's good that you've come. now both of you talk aboutbusiness, l'll leave. thank you neha-ji. bye!- bye! whenever things aregoing right for me.. come and spoil it. after all, what do you want?

l wish raj-ji that you get outof neha-ji's life forever. else the scene with mhatrewhich l showed from far.. ..l'll show it to youfrom close quarters. l've the cassette.- mummy the cassette.- the cassette! you showed me mhatresir from far. but l'll play this cassettefar and wide. but how can this be, raj-ji? l mean one of us willhave to sacrifice.

one of us means you.- but why me? because l'm not jackie shroff of'rangeela', so that l'll take.. ..urmila in my own car and giveher away to aamir khan. so even l'm not the salman khanof 'saajan' that l'll.. ..give away a girl like madhuridixit to sanjay dutt. l'm 'sangam's' raj kapoor,not rajender kumar.. ..who shot himself. no raj, no. even l'm notdilip kumar of 'deedar'.. and keep yelling onthe lonely streets..

listen brother, stopthe car someone.. ..please take me across thestreet. - l'll do it. son raju. mother! son, l got a bit late. yousee, l'm meeting my.. ..daughter-in-lawfor the first time. so l went to get some sweets. ls she your mother?- yes. greetings mother.- bless you son.

who is he?- he is bhunnu. you're his mother, so you aremine too. - why not son? come on, let's start themarriage talks before bhunnu. as it is, bhunnu is neha'svery good friend. - yes. let's go upstairs mother. no, not upstairs mother.let's go out. why out, son? can't we talk todaughter-in-law and her father? some other time mother. why some other time?why not now?

why are you refusing?why some other time? some other time mother may notget a chance, then? - then? you see, the astrologerhas said that.. ..the stars are not good today.come mother. come. raja-ji, listen to me.even l'll go home now. you see, mhatre sir will bewaiting for me at home. all right. even l want to playthat cassette on national tv. understand? how long will this cassettething go on?

this wedding cannever take place. daddy please!- you kept it hidden from me. l thought that you twowere just friends. yes. l had only told youthat we were friends. and now l'm tellingyou that l love him. and l'll marry no one but him. neha, come to your senses.he is not worthy of you. he does not deserve you. youwon't be happy with him. daddy, this is my life.and l will decide.. and with whoml will spend it. and that's final. hello.- hello bhunnu.. neha-ji, it's you! tell me, how you rememberedthis poor soul? there's good news. l've decided to marry. come to the marriage courtas soon as possible. l'll come flying.

neha-ji, you don't sayanything. l'll fly to you. pa!- bhunnu! pa! pa! pa! pa! mom.. mom your blessings haveproved fruitful to me. neha-ji has calledme for marriage. she has called me alonewith the ring. that's it. now you standwith the prayer plate.. the door to welcome us.

pa, call all the wealthy people. by evening this hall shouldbe full with guests. the wedding bellsshould be ringing. l'll just go and comeback with neha-ji . son bhunnu, come here.stand here. you'll go this way?- what's the problem? there is a've no clothes on. hello, hello neha! raj, l was just aboutto call you.

really!- there is happy news. come to the marriage court atonce with a ring and a garland. but what is the reason? today, l've decided to marry. marriage.. marriage! look, if you don't come,how'll l get married? how can that be, neha-ji? you don'tworry. l will fly to you! - bye! l found him. l found him!l found him! lt's him! you broke my teeth, isn't it?

l found him! l found him! he is the mhatre whoran away with.. ..25 lac rupees from amirpurstation. lt's him. arrest him. you ruined the policedepartment's reputation. but they are the realculprits, not me. lnspector sir, how can the onewho helps in arresting a thief.. a thief himself? lnspector sir, shall weget the reward now? you definitely will.

come on.- come on! gafur, my friend, today youfinished my last job too! what?- you proved me innocent! - yes! come and hug me forthe last time. last time? are you goingto commit suicide? not suicide. l'm goingto marry neha. but l don't need younow. but yes.. ..if l need help in my life,l'll definitely remember you. greetings, my friend.l'll go now.

go on, go on! but you'llbe in trouble very soon. selfish man! my heart can't do withoutyou, my beloved. what'll l do? what'll l do? nothing matters without you. nothing matters without you.. this world. even if you didn'tsay it, l heard. you have selected mefrom lakhs of others.

ls this really happeningor is it just a dream?.. ..l can't believe it. how did it happen,l'm surprised. my heart can't do.. raja, bhunnu.. very good! you'vedressed so nicely! good that you reached here fast. l was finding it difficultto control myself. prem..

prem, he is.. he is bhunnu and he is raj. neha talks so muchabout you that.. ..l can recognize youeven with my eyes shut. bhunnu.. raj.. raj l found a very good wife inneha and two friends for life. prem, l knew that daddymay not support me. but they both.. they woulddefinitely support us. neha, just see. we'regetting married..

..but they are dressedlike grooms. so sweet! they have even gotgarlands for us. neha, pray that theyget married soon. take them.- thanks a lot. neha, prem present yourself. l think that the girlis not a minor. prem kumar, sonof jagdish kumar. that's me.

neha kapoor, daughterof chander kapoor. lt's me.- oh, sorry! are you getting marriedof your free will? ok. have you got that.. that.. ring?- yes, yes. oh! l forgot. sorry.- prem! you didn't get it! oh! thank you.- take this. - thank you. put it on each other's finger.

who are these two?- friends. what?- we're friends. oh! l see. sign hereas witnesses. you don't have towrite the address. what are you doing? so long! now you are husbandand wife officially. congratulations!- thank you sir. all the best.- thank you. let's go. come on. l'llmeet you later.

ok.- brother.. brother.. l was saying that l conductsuch marriages daily.. ..from many years. butl pray from my heart.. ..that a boy and girl shouldnot get married in a court. because a marriage isa union of hearts. a court stamp does not suit it. and if the girl andboy like each other.. ..parents have noneed to refuse. they should get them married.

when the parents don't agree,angels like you come to help. they sign, get them married,get their lives going! are you getting bored?am l talking too much? you're talking too much. really! then go along. you're wasting my time too. we both are finished! this world is like a bus stopand a girl is like a bus. lf you run after it,you miss it..

but if you stop where you areanother one comes along! look, one is comingthis way. dashing! will she treat me, raj? she'll have to raj, she'll haveto treat crazy men like us. l'm feeling ok. l'mfeeling better. hey gafur! gafur, where ishe going? drop him dead!

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