
ganga telugu full movie watch online

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

raidu, good news. your town tender has come to us rs 200 crore contract on amere 3 lakhs bid difference our ganesh construction has got it a rs 200 crore road contractand we missed out for a mere 3 lakhs... to ganesh constructions we need that contract,no matter what it takes boss, from this moment you maythink the contract is ours he should not be allowedto enter this town

bash him and get me that contract where is your boss? who are you all? what do you want? l am engineer kumar speaking. someone has intercepted ourstaff vehicle and are threatening us who are they? what do they want? l don't know who they areand what they want come soon sir! where are you now?-15 kms from our place

l'll be right there catch them! don't spare them eashwar, you!are you alright? l'm fine when did you come from u.s?how did you come here? l was coming from the airport,l saw thugs chasing women how could l ignore that?so gave them few thrashings so that is how, you are so trim! lf l am obese it may not look nice.lf you are thin it won't look nice

my company staff. l got a callsaying they had a problem but you rescued them before l did- had he not come in time...? now that he's backit's gonna be great! where is your beautiful wifemrs. kailash ganga? she is here ganga...? where is she?she was right here scared me last year you introduced her to meas your love wasn't she a reserved type?so mischievous now?

lt's her mischiefthat l like come, let's go home-go on, l'll come in my car mother is not happy with our marriagenor with our venkatapuram trip you must reason with her l'll go and see father sir, l am a psychiatristonly because of you you brought up this orphan asyour own son. l can never forget that though you are not with usyou will always live in our hearts mom, greetings

come you find time to visit us? after your last year visityou didn't even make a call! l don't care if you area great doctor don't worry, l am not going toleave lndia for quite sometime l will make you all happyand l will also remain happy you will make all those here happy.but who will solve my problem? l will do it, don't worry how did you say, what l had in mind? that is his speciality

looking at your face he would saywhat is in your mind. he is not a mere doctor,he is also an expert mind reader how else can he treatconfused psychiatric patients? shut up not a big deal. there is nothingthat cannot be achieved by practice what makes you think that the peoplethere will cause problems for kailash ln his construction work?-what do you know? l wanted to reunite his father's familyby getting him married to his cousin but if they find out that he hada love marriage like his father...

they might do anything to this girl you think it's funny? none of you know about akilandeshwari even her brothers are frightened of her she is such a terror she would surely harmganga and take her revenge l am not going to stay in their house then where? l have bought the venkatapuram palacel am going to stay there

what, mother?-as a kid... l heard lots about that palacethat is a dangerous place. for nearly 50 yearsno one came forward to buy that are you mad to buy that palace? don't worry about kailash or ganga.l will ensure nothing happens to them l shall leave for venkatapuram first task would be... to meet your relatives and console them.l'll also check the palace thoroughly later l will decide whether these twoshould stay there or not 'akhilandeswari house'

dear, dear! have you ever called me lovingly? you always alarm me! what is so urgent?-look! people and cars! they are coming here come on in, sir.he is a big textile businessman they have come to seekyour eldest daughter priya my sister akilandeswari takesall decisions in this house though priya is our daughtershe was brought up by my sister l'll come after consulting my sister

kasturi married my fiance, but now shehas forgotten the 30 year animosity... and seeks my daughter for her son so l have decided that he will bemy son-in-law okay sister. where is that businessman?-they heard what sister said all the cars have taken an about turn.-ls it? lt is 8 years since we are married.ln all those l have not seen... anybody from your uncle's family-these families parted ways 30 years ago this wedding will reunite'll see all of them

come soon, come oh lord!lord of thirumala! look at us our folk's hearts are diamonds.come on burnish it when all the powers are harnessed... this earth would turn a heaven think for a while the tiller would smear legs in mud... so that we can lay hands on our food

lf those who clean the drain... go on leave for four days,the town would stink lf we don't have hairdressers... how will our head burden reduce? lf there is no one to washclothes in river water... won't our prestige go ruin? which ever job you do,work is worship this was said by brahmamgaaru let people sayanything about you...

just listen through one earand push it out through the other even if the cloud floatsor the crow flies... the sky won't get dirtier even if a ball is immersed in waterit would float... even if you are sidelinedcome on up, like a flower ball can the crescentchanging to a full moon... be prevented by glow worms? superb we don't know when andhow son-in-law is coming

who let that bullock cart in? who is that? stop, stop! l say, stop! you don't pay heed toa respectable man! don't l look like a man?-no, no who are you? why did you bring in a bullock cart?we are expecting our son-in-law from vizag, kasturi madam's...-son-in-law! we expected you by flight. and here youcome in a bullock cart, like a simpleton

look, l'm not your son-in-law right. not before the wedding are you joking? l'm not your son-in-law. well...-well, you are here now oh, how do l explain?l'm kailash's friend eashwar before l could explain over the phonethe line got disconnected your mother called us and told usto expect such excuses from you... because you would be embarrassedto stay in our home my sister has taken priyato the lord shiva's temple

son-in-law, stop lying now oh! you useless fellow what are you looking at?burn the crackers! where is son-in-law? my wife is also missing! -excuse me! l am scaredof crackers. -me too where is she? l feel you are like my sister.-l also feel... you are like my brother

what bloody feeling? she is not the girlyou are going to marry l have already married herand she lives with me lt is true we have been marriedfor 8 years and have no children so don't shift your feelingstowards him, swarna what? you and swarna don'thave children even after 8 years? he read my mind!good lord! simply gorgeous enough. l am telling you once again,she is my wife

son-in-law, if you talk to your unclehe would talk for the whole day come here l burst crackers for him,but he drops a bomb on me he is praising her too much.-l will praise her! son-in-law, the bullock cart journeymust've been tiring go take a shower and rest what, what is this?-brother, let us not have him here for what?-we don't need him here lf you allow him to enter, we maylose many valuables. be careful

don't blabber.-am l blabbering? he is calling me over...did he hear what l just said? you don't like mestaying here, isn't it? on my way here, l asked many peopleabout venkatapuram palace everyone was scared andno one was prepared to help me so?-lf you take me to the palace... l won't stay here, otherwise...-otherwise? l will stay here.-oh no! l will take you there but you should do what you say.-l will say only what l do

both are same. shall we go?go inside, go! even the gate gives me the creeps this is the venkatapuram that you have seen it, let's go take off your hands.-why? do you want to ride in? come inside.-where? come on!-buddy, l'm not going inside l won't go inside, l swore to you!lt's not fair to force an elderly person had l told you, you wouldn't have come.that is why l'm forcing you so informal?-right

no good showing respectto a cowardly old man l won't go, even if you abuse me!-who stays here? l won't tell.-swarna! a gardener and his grand daughter!-really? so why are you so scared? they don't stay inside palace.-but we're going in you may go in! l'll go back home.-why is that rope and log hanging there? painting work is in process.-then, are there painters inside? only one guy named gopal.he has been painting for a month a guy staying here alone for a month,but we both are scared to go in?

but he is from another village.had he known he would've fled lt is so dark in hereeven in broad daylight basavaiah, do you know thehistory behind this palace? does it mean history?lnmates of this palace fled 50 years ago now some fool has bought itand is having it painted they can't hide what is insideby painting the outside let us go now.-ok, let us go not inside but outside.look, an elephant head that is a buffalo's head, basavaiah.-buffalo?

what do you think there is inside?-ghosts, they say fools.-evil spirits, they say cowards.-a 30-feet snake, since 30 years! that is why, that gopal...-a snake, really...? he doesn't work here beyond 4 p.m one day he boldly worked after 4 p.m... and that day, things strangelystarted breaking suddenly ever since, he leaves the palaceby 4 to 4:30 p.m why should a guy withso much fear work alone?

where is he?son in law! he ditched me! oh god! he left me will l go out? send me out, gopalyou will be blessed? he came with me,and ditched me, murderer a lion! brother..look at me say something...please didn't l ask you not to takehim there? just look at him..

he looks like one of those big shots,frozen with a smile while being arrested what to do now? sister...? why is there a crowd here?what happened? greetings, l am...-where is our son in law? where is my prospective son-in-law? when they said, you came by bullock cart... l knew that you were not my son in law -because his son wouldn't come like that.-you said it right l tried to tell theml am not the groom...

but they don't believe me but you've understood it on your own the groom has decided to buy'venkatapuram palace' in this village he has sent me for that. l am his friend.l've been brought up in his house my name is eashwar.-lmpossible! l won't allow him to buythe 'venkatapuram palace' lt'll be dangerous for him to buy that for my daughter too,who will marry him well, lady. . .l don't know how to say this.

his marrage with your daughter... there he comes he resembles his dad you? son-in-law? priya, come wanted to see your fiance he has arrived. come and see him who's she? she is ganga my wife

his mother wanted himto marry your adopted daughter... but due to certain circumstances,kailash had to marry ganga what is this? people from big familiesasked for my daughter's hand... but l didn't agree,but you have deserted us marriages and alliances are decidedby destiny. how can we control it? what a knowledge at such an young age? you are intelligent irrespectiveof your age. shake hand let it be my marriage definitely would havehurt you

but l've come here only tosee you all. pardon me -we shall leave now.-where? l've bought 'venkatapuram palace'.we shall be staying there you mean that palace?please don't -why? -l went to see it,and l got a shock lf you buy it,you'd be inviting trouble uncle, you are all elderly,this is what you believe listen to me. just like my uncle,you also married an outside girl however, l won't allow you to stayin such a dangerous place

uncle, before coming hereganga and l visited that palace nothing is scary over there like he said don't mistake me, l've been a gardenerin that palace for 40 years even l've not gone inside that palace.please think and act l've bought that 50-crore worthproperty for 5 crore rupees... l know that people believe thatit has some problems but l don't believe it. l want my wifeganga to be the owner... of a palace instead of just a house.that's why l bought it ln case of any problems, we'll dealwith it. you don't worry

go stay there you may go and stay in that house why do you stare? l stood against buyingthat house. are you wondering... why l am asking him to stay there? not only them, but all of usare going to stay there... until his contract gets over.-oh god! lf both of them go there alone andsomething happens to them... his mom will mistake me thinking thatsince he didn't marry my daughter... we had sent him theredespite knowing everything

hence all of us will go and stay thereuntil everything is solved correct.-nice of you. let's get her blessings no, kailash-why? not now complete the contract,then we all can get her blessings all these poojas won't beeffective in this palace l've come along only to see your end now that you have come,just watch what happens kailash, we are not stayingjust because sister asked us to

l don't want you two to stay alone andget into trouble, that's why l agreed we would stay here till the endonly on one condition tell me, what is it?-on no account... should anyone go to the stairway behind specifically no one should go tothe room in the southern corner you have decided to stay with us withyour family. won't l do at least this? we shall stay away fromthat place for sure now l am happy oh god! what would l do?

why do they buy troubleand decorate it nicely? l shouldn't stay alone in the house.l should always be with the others basavaiah! such a beautiful name. why do youcall it in such a scary manner? why do you create trouble?-l have a sore throat l forgot to ask, what isyour zodiac sign? why?just tell me leo.-leo, really? only one in a crore willhave this zodiac sign

you are lucky ghosts love that sign! does it take so many peopleto lift one cot? this is not any ordinary cot?lt is an antique made of burma teak. lt takesmore than 2 people to lift it bring your wife and come quickly we are going to visit the family's your dad's temple ln a bullock cart with the groom why all of you arecoming in a bullock cart?

sir is a doctor in the u.s, he likesto go only in a bullock cart mercedes benz is fine, butthe bullock cart has its own charm well said-ramaiah, what are you doing here? my grand daughter is flying kiteswith all the kids so l am here with her-who is she? that girl in a white sariwith black stripes l did kite flying at a very young age-yes are you ready?-ready! parrot, fly

peacock fly fly myna fly fly oh mind! fly my kite, fly away fly like a swan lts only the sky no bounds, fly the flying kite can confront any rival this is super star's kite!

pray goddess meenakshi... and ask money for the poor people pray lord kailashanath... give river ganga whichrequested by telugu mother you don't have any rivallike a full moon... fly and dance as you wish the wind is now favourable to us open your wings and fly over the sky the sharpened kite flying thread...

now, you don't have any fear think about the personswho helped you to fly on the sky even if you mingle in the stars... have thread support!carry on lt is no magic or mesmerisingyou haven't read any vedas but you the way to go heaven without doing any poojayou have born with blessings.. ..who made you this lucky? with desires at heart.....

has your mind shown that way? priest, this is my nephew kailash he has bought the venkatapuram palace everyone is scared when a mentionis made about the palace what is there? what happened? about 100 to 150 years ago... king venkatapathy lived in that palace he used to make a peculiar noisewhen he arrives he would do anything to attain his goal.he was such a brutal man

once when he had gone tothanjavur in tamil nadu... he met a dancer called chandramukhi he was lured by her beauty andwanted to make her his mistress but chandramukhi did not agree because she already loveda dancer called gunasekar even after knowing that, the kingabducted her against her wishes chandramukhi without the knowledgeof the king... made gunasekar stay ina nearby house and met him stealthily the king came to know about this.on a durgastami day...

the king killed gunasekarright in front of her... in the banquet hall of the palace,and he burnt her alive chandramukhi had an untimely deathnot doing anything wrong her soul wanted to avenge the king the king knew about this and brought allsorcerors from all over the country... and conducted prayers and sealedchandramukhi's ashes in a pot he kept the pot in a room at the southerncorner of the palace and locked it after some years the king also died.but chandramukhi's soul... is still waiting in that roomto avenge the king

lt is said that there is aking cobra there too nobody knows how much of thisis true and how much is not 12 o'clock? this is the timeat which the ghosts come out they have all left me it a bedroom? lt looks like a big ground.l accepted not knowing this now my heart throbs while l sleep here oh god l didn't do it, l didn't do it lt is me, basavaiah

why did you come at this time?-could not bear my wife's snores at nights she walks like a devil,she lies down like a ghost from the day l heard thepriest's story l have lost my sleep let us hug together and sleep here no.-expected. are you not a doctor? please clarify my doubts.-what basavaiah? do ghosts exist? have they ever seen one? should l believe it or not?l want to know this

why do you turn so often?lt seems the priest is better than you do ghosts exist? ls there anyindication of a ghost coming? there are typical indications.-like? a fox howls at a distance really, l can hear the sound there did l ask?-no the breeze blows wild,the trees sway... the windows rattle... l can hear this sound there

a faint smell of jasmine... jasmine!-why are you shouting? ok, the wind will carry jasmine smell yes l can smell the jasmine fragrance just hear the story, no cross questions lf you do... what is this?-adam's apple l will pluck it out then... what?

what?-anklet oh god l hear the anklet sound also then a smoke like image inwhite attire comes up lt's showing up! where?-there why do you laugh like a woman?-not l. the ghost is laughing lt's gone you have mistaken my grandpa's dhotiswinging in the wind for a ghost have you not learnt anything?-me scared?

me?-yes basavaiah and l were rehearsingfor a drama. what is you name? why?-just to know durga.-oh gosh what an arrogant girl.l will take care of her later lt's all because of him he damaged my imagebefore a beautiful girl having done all thissee how he is sleeping stop it!

what is this?early morning can't you find... any other place to teach music?lt has become a big nuisance with you at nights you walk with anklets,laugh frighten us, and ruin our sleep early morning you sing and wake upall the those who are sleeping this is not right. l came hereto rest, l have lost my peace kids, why do you scream like this?go, watch good movies in tv look here, darga...-durga! lf you want to teach music,go to a temple... or school, or a hall or river sidedon't do it here

my friend has boughtthis palace shelling out crores ls this palace meant for youto teach music? no, change your location tomorrow.lf l hear the sound again... l will drive you andyour grandfather away look, what ever you do, themusic classes will be held right here from tomorrow it would be more noisy lf you have decided to gofrom this house what can l do? lf l am to forgo my musicl don't want to live in this place she's an orphan. a bit short temperedbut doesn't take anything to heart

until you leave this place l will askher not to conduct classes here l beg of you don't you may be a modern girl andwould like to see what's up there but in such mattersyou should listen to elders come downstairs you? what are you doing hereat this time? l couldn't sleep so l thought l'dcome here for some fresh air

love? are you in love?-how do you know? lt is evident from your face the day your dad asked youto come and see your groom... you were unperturbed and calm.l knew then itself you were in love tell me, who he is? viswanath. dance professor.he lives there l see. good selection.-do you know him? l know him, l also know whomade him stay in that house

have you expressed your love?-yes what did he say?-he asked my dad to come didn't you tell him about it?-l am scared then how will your love succeed?what's your dad's name? krishnaswamy your daughter is in love here,and you are sleeping? hey mustache! why are you here at this hour?-nothing, just came for some fresh air... fresh air? get lost

what are you doing here at this time?-alliance alliance?-ok, research research?-love first this doctor should bedriven out of the house, isn't it? l told you this that day are late he is interested in that wife is saved a bachelor has one worry, whereasa married man has many worries look here 1001st worry

he's just so accurate...! grandpa, it's 9 o'clock and yetno one has come they won't come.-why not? baby is here.where are the others? the uncle who scolded you yesterday,gave us money... and asked us not to come for classes.he asked us to go and watch a movie until he goes back it would be betternot to conduct music classes durga because you don't like meteaching music...

you stopped them fromattending the classes? you can only give them moneyand send them for movies but can you buy musicwith your money? l have already bought it my harmonium?-l bought all these instruments except this box. your grandpagave me this trivia, free of cost music is like saraswathy lt's in the blood by birth arrogant people like you will notunderstand its importance ever

you will never... understand! you...-look here darga don't curse me, it might come true.not for the sake of this box! you may take it.-this one? l won't touch the harmoniumused by you beautiful sky has danced...oh doll! this is a lullaby by god.oh doll! listen! lt's the song that pervades this song also has given by lord shiva

l kissed lord shiva's foot! he had kept me in people's heart river flowing soundin a rainy season... can hear the river melody jasmine buds... ..gently attunes melody music must make one dance... and music must make one hear music should touch our heartslt would make us to touch the sky

hearing this music the earthwould always orbit tying little cradles a mother'slullaby is also music man and woman on cotattuning melody of desires... is the music of love universe is filled with wonders lt would be a worryif you don't know that? you and me are.... ..nothing in front of the god there's no one who knows everything

fantastic! you were wonderful you have made us dance.-he does everything nicely what do you think about eashwar? at a time...he can answer 10 differentquestions posed by 10 different people he's not an ordinary man.he's extraordinary what are you watching?go inside why do you look there?-super style a wiseman does not require advice a capable man does notrequire advertisement

through your songyou have taught me a lot forgive me a message for doctor eashwar you've got an e-mail what happened?-one of your patients is serious wants you to return.-ls it a bad news? ls it not? you said you willstay here for a month but within 6 days youhave been called back kailash, a doctor can waitfor the patient...

but a patient should notwait for the doctor. l'm leaving what eashwar? eashwar will appear sir, l am leaving.-really? take this now l am happy. happy thatyou're leaving so soon go ahead.- correct you are happy that l'm leaving so soon but l have finisheda 6 month's job... ln...?- ln just 6 days

the other day we talked about love.have you informed your dad? doctor, you left your specs in my room.- ln your room? l'll take that later.let me talk about priya's love how dare you talk aboutmy daughter's affair to me? who else should l talk to then?do you want me to say it all... to all the magazines and press? how can you fall in love witha complete stranger? how dare you! don't get excited. l said she wasin love. did l say with me? priya is in love withdance professor viswanath

yes. he is a good boy,a right match for your daughter the other day l was talkingonly about this to priya next day l talked to viswanathan.with your consent... he is prepared to marry priya,he said. so think about it don't lose a good allianceon false prestige however hard you try you may notget such a good boy once the marriage is fixedsend me an invitation lf required, your second daughter...- l'll surely invite you. please leave really?- really

l forget someone... yes, swarna l won't allow you to talk to my wifeeven at the risk of my life look at his dress.he is wearing the shirt inside out lt'd be better to tear it to pieces.- ls it your dad's property? lt's my money, it's my dough l may tear it, may not tear it.what will you do? this maid has such a sexy hip.bad timing! not when he is around what will l do? tonight, somehow,l am going to get her this is too much- what?

too much. -what?swarna... the chicken... -he askedfor chicken, l didn't buy so he wants to complain about me.-you see... sir, rajathi raja, arunachalanarasimha, dhalapathi, muthu brother... you may leave! don't breaka happy family you may leave -what did he say? -nothing.he wants us to eat chicken what?-a small story tell me and leave

this guy cannot even stand up... but he likes to have 9 wives wait ganga, l forgot to tell youl was leaving you said one month, but you areleaving in 6 days. liar you think disease comes with a notice?what is this? for you, to eat on your way.-all this? yes, eat nicely do you know what isthe best medicine in world is?

what?- food lf you eat to a limit it is medicine.lf you over eat it is poison wherever l am, l keep peoplearound me happy l did the same thing here alsobut l was little excessive to you lf you feel so, forget it but don't forget me bye. may l...? sorry... bye durga come here,want to talk to you in private

what madam?- no me ganga ok ganga, tell me what is it? l have a lot of old books with me.l want to keep them in... some room upstairs in the building.will you accompany me? my god! even my grandpadoesn't go there he has also asked me not to go there.because chandramukhi's room is there old people have that fear.why should we fear? am l not with you? let's go ok, you need not come, l am going

what about the people at home? all have gone to meet viswanathanregarding the alliance with priya ln that case l will come l didn't love your daughterfor her beauty or status l lost my parents at a young age but l wanted to live in a joint family,so l accepted your daughter's love that is quite understandable.l also like the too like... we have only seen the groom shouldn't we finalise the auspiciousdates for the ceremonies?

sister, today is a good day,we can finalise them today itself my daughter's engagement shouldnot be held in a tiled house lt should be done in the fortand in a grand manner l am glad that you have agreed coming 16th is an auspicious day.let's do it your way l think this is the room why are there so many amulets? 150 years ago, prayers wereconducted here chandramukhi's spiritis locked up here

do you believe these stories? what else? l think this room has valuablejewels and diamonds to prevent theft, these storiesmust have been floated lf l get the keys to this rooml would open and show it to you this room has no key,it has been lost but my grandpa told me once... that thekey's mould is available with a blacksmith we will ask the blacksmithto make the key immediately you own the tell him

lf you want, l will bring the keyafter it is made l will order right away what?- here, the key to chandramukhi's room what?- please don't open this door what happened?- the guy who made the key... has died vomiting blood lf this is the end for the guywho made the key... what would happen to me,who brought this key? l'm scared.- yesterday when l placed the order...

he was drunk. a guy who drinks 24 hours,would die whether he makes a key or not lt's good he diedafter making the key don't confuse yourself, be brave you say the old man died becausehe made a key for the southern room but ganga who went into the roomis perfectly alright you are right. trust me. the old mandied of a rotten liver l may sound funny... don't know, whatmore is going to happen in this house? hoil? lt's a marwari festival, right?

please call the ghost gently or elseit might harm us before it leaves hey! wait...come with me. patience! why is he jumping?don't shout! go calmly okay...okay... lf we go inside with him, do you thinkwe will be able to come back? already l'm shivering.-whatever it is don't leave me alone. a 'pure dhanyasi' tune, for my sake lt's me. chandramukhi help!

this fellow has provokedall that was lying silently dear!someone is knocking the door why have all of you come at this hour?- the maid saw something she's scared. come soon don't be afraid. we are all here.- what's the commotion? what happened? she has seen a ghost like figurewearing anklet running. she's scared ghost! nonsense dear! what?- look

how did this break?- on its own on its own? who appointed you all in this house?- durga spoke to the madam... and got us this job ghosts and devils are ficticious.there are no such things don't believe any of it where are you coming from at this time?- l heard some voices, so... ok, all of you go from here l am kailash speaking.has mr. eashwar come?

l am calling for the 7th time.are you not able to locate him? when there was no problem he was there are lots of problems here we need him urgently. wherever he is,give him message and ask him to come ganga, what happened? my sari caught fire on its own.- how will it catch fire on its own? l don't know,it caught fire suddenly she was the only one with me.- she? l have no idea.- ok, ok save me!

who?who is that? lt's you eashwar! ls this the one you were talking about?seems to be a comedy villain why did you let him out?can't you lock him in? do you want to lock me up?who the hell are you? have you forgotten uncle?my friend eashwar doctor? l don't know any one.l am afraid of every one in this house don't know what they will do and when!last time he was in modern clothes now he comes back in a head gear!

what?- nothing. a small... treatment what is with the attire? where were you?how many times have l called you? when you called, l was at sabarimalai.when l reached down, l came to know and l flew down ls he the problem?l know he is always a tense guy the problem is not with him has he come again? staying for 6 days he troubled me a lot.don't know for how long he'll be here don't worry, l won't stay for long.but l'll leave after fixing all of you

right?- right how are you? - no! she is fine. lf something goes wrong...-l will take care, basavaiah you will take care?go inside! you change your get up, but you won'tchange your character suspicious person the problem is not withanyone in this house lt's the gardener'sgrand daughter durga the gardener's grand daughter durga?

where is your wife ganga? where did she go? priya! priya where are you dear? priya, where are you? don't! the sound comes from that room.- that room? lf you close the door in this roomshe would die of suffocation what happened to you, priya?

l went upstairs...l felt someone was following me when l started running,it chased me ln my fear l ran into thelast room and hid myself someone locked it from outside.l don't know who did it why did you go upstairs?-l went searching for ganga who told you she was upstairs?-durga durga? she saw me goingfor my bath why did she say so? eashwar, this is whatis happening here

whoever is doing this,what do they want? why are they doing this?l don't understand. do you? when you and gangadecided to buy this palace... l was reminded of a bookwritten by someone long ago l read that book and gathereda lot of information only after ensuring there was nothingin the palace as others feared... l didn't prevent or standagainst your decision last time, l just made you all believethat l was also afraid of ghosts after everyone was asleepl went upstairs twice or thrice...

and saw the room door.there were lots of amulets hanging l didn't want to disturb thatand dent the belief of elders without opening the doorl came back l was sure there was nothing to l left when l got the e-mail but from the day chandramukhi's roomwas opened... this problem has started as long as eashwar is herewhy do you fear? kailash didn't listen to me when l said notto buy this house...or go in to the room day by day the problemsof this house increase

and everyone is suspecting you eashwar is the only onewho can solve these problems that is why kailashhas called him here darga... not darga. durga the time should... ..go pause for a while the previous moments ... should come tomorrow also

how long should l wait... without crossing the limits? until that time... we should stop youthnessfrom sleep ln a hot summerand for my envy.... you are the winter when a cold seasonspread in this place... you are the summer jasmine season invites the cupidkeep it in your mind forever

my desires will grow in lover's season at least tell thisin my dream forever first season is the hugging season.. this is our season blooming moments meltsthe pedigree flowers and the girls desires love season is comingfor fondling looks and your pranks this youth is for reducing envymy life is not bearing the lap time l feel shy for the first timeafter that moment my heart melted future moments are oursand it would be great. come on

who allowed you inside?now look... if you come here without permission,l will kick you out of this town get lost who...? chandramukhi.why didn't you come to meet me? because you didn't come,l have come looking for you l know who you are! get up what do you want now?-just checking whether you are at home at night, other than my housewhere else would l be?

this is what is good for a family girl.-l am happy that you have come back but you shouldn't comewhen grandpa is not here whatever it is, we can discusstomorrow morning. now you go get lost! with me laying the mattress..with you caressing me.. let the peacock featherdance on my shoulder come..l am searching.. eashwar, get up what doctor, you are here?you slept here last night?

l came late in the nightafter the concert, so l slept here what concert? karnatak, bharata natyam, kuchupudi.does anyone learn dancing upstairs? no, no one is learning dance only during day they learn musicfrom durga who is dancing at night? then last night, in the southern room whowas singing and dancing with anklets? with anklets?-yes did you hear it really?

l told you, l heard it myself l tried to open the door,but it was bolted from inside bolted? no chance. after l opened itwho would have locked it? besides, no one goes that side.-ls it? then? then was the song and dancemy imagination? l will have my tea later.come, let's go upstairs and check out oh god! l am not coming.-why?

they say it is because l went therethat all these problems have started l am with you, why are you afraid?come see, the door is not locked.-oh yes ls this the venkatapuram king's room?seems like he was a romantic money alone is not enough ls he the king? he looks evil where is his courtesan's room?-who? l mean his mistress-chandramukhi? come, l will show you

this is chandramukhi's room chandramukhi madam... the fact that the king killed heris quite understandable what an eye, powerful nose!slim waist! look at the complexion how could anyone give awaysuch a beauty to anyone else? have you seen the roomwhere the dancer gunasekar lived? which gunasekar?oh! her lover come, l will show you look... that's the one

so this is from where chandramukhienticed gunasekar... by singing ''come and delight me'' chandramukhi's dresses and jewellery.don't you want to have a look? my god! so heavy!-chandramukhi's sari l will show you all her jewelry waist band coin chain forehead jewel...the ankletsthere is only one... what happened to the other?

where will it go?lt must be somewhere around my tea must have chilled by now.come, let's have it the other day l saw both the anklets.where's the other? l love black that's my wife's voice that means you likeyour hubby very much that's the doctor! he is a gullible guy,but l still like him why the silence?

aim properly what...? aim properly? disburse everything first disburse? l wouldn't allow thatto happen till l am alive, doctor! were you talking aboutcarom board shuffling? what else did you think?-l thought otherwise saving all the ladies has become a bigassignment for all the males here that too my duty is going overtime you got to work overtime

either you should be handsome, or youshouldn't marry a beautiful woman l can't talk or think about can l make a living at this rate? there was a guy in one town...-that is you! why are you still sitting here? get up!-l'm only half way through! what do you want kailash? l've been very busy.l have a severe headache please ask ganga to make some coffee.-why ganga? l will make it for you l don't know why everyonelikes this doctor how does he entice everyone?

my chicken. today somehow l shouldcatch it and fry it! for whom are you preparing coffee?-for kailash l'll have it sent l don't know wherethis deaf fellow has gone go and get me my b.p. tablets l have kept coffee there,give it to kailash red coin is going the black coin... follows. something's fishy

who made this coffee?-durga for whom?-l think it is for kailash kailash, don't drink that coffee! why did you do that?-the coffee was poisoned poisoned? you brought this coffee!-my god! l don't know anything lakshmi madam only asked meto give this coffee to you l only prepared the coffeebut l don't know who mixed poison doctor, how do you knowthis coffee is poisonous?

first you burnt ganga's sari, now youpoisoned kailash's coffee. l will... don't harm her. whoever poisonedthis coffee, just remember.. lf anyone wants to harmmy friend or his wife... as long as eashwar is aliveit won't happen krishnaswamy sir, l will find outwho mixed poison in this coffee let her go...come kailash. go! he said he will find out.go and do your work who? what...? ls ramachandra priestfrom bobbili coming?

l am so happy.ok l will take care of everything what are you thinking?are you upset? where are you? l have beensearching for you everywhere no need to worry anymore.ramachandra priest has promised to come -who is he?-haven't you heard of him? he has traveled the world around.he is an expert exorcist eashwar reads only the human mind.he knows to control even spirits! l told him about our problem.he said he will come immediately he is expected tomorrow. l have to goand make arrangements to recieve him

that's a fraud. he'd ask us to conductrituals and charge heavily lt is all mere waste of time and money.l don't encourage people like them l am going to stop this.-no kailash we shouldn't underestimate any one l've heard about ramachandra priesthe is not an ordinary person lt is good one way, let him come yes, we have a problem here place the chair facing east please sit down. lt appearsto me as if god has come

look...-yes, priest? l may have to stay here for a week.-by all means my desciples would dowhatever l require l would not drink evenwater from this house another important thing.during these 7 days... no one from this houseshould stay out who is he?-my friend eashwar he is a psychiatrist.he has no other work so he was called to solvethe problems in this house

forget all that. they say there issomeone called chandramukhi here somehow issue a gate passand send her out where is my room?-l will show you eashwar, l expect that once theproblems of this house are solved... you should leave this place you shouldn't come back and playcarrom with swarna you can't anyway because next week l am taking her tosome temple, to shave her head he doesn't even respond

l can also comb, my hair isalso untidy l have a comb too, l'll get off now,comb my hair and then scruffle it up do you think this rs 30 lakh caris a saloon for you, stupid guy? why didn't you yell at him?-this is for him too he deserted me again! where did he go? what happened?l don't know where l am! l think l'll have to beg where did you go?l was lamenting in the temple you brought me here and left mein the lurch. what do you mean by this?

you don't save the guywho accompanies you? why do you look there? answer me wait, l got hit with food and mud l won't come.-l won't leave this place l'm coming what a villain! what kailash? drawing eh? just by drawing you earn so much.what do you do with the money earned? what happened? how did it break?

l didn't do it l swear it was not me lt was not me l don't know l don't know how it fell you pushed it down, are you nowtrying to act innocent? l did nothing. l didn't push it you were the only one could it fall on its own? didn't l warn you? why did you come?why did you go upstairs?

madam called me to wipe the spilt coffee l don't know anything.l've done nothing l don't know, l... what you don't know? no, she must not be spared she says she doesn't knowhow it happened we have to make sure that she is cured.we should lock her up in a room, come let me go. please believe me l don't know anything. leave me

please believe me l didn't try to kill him nothing is wrong withmy granddaughter. please leave her because we are poor you havemade such an allegation on her lf you blame her like thisthen who'll marry her? sir... listen to me sir! l don't know anything whose anklet is that? how did it come here?

l don't know whose anklet that is l found it while sweeping so l kept it there, that's all sir, what happenedto my grand daughter? why have you locked her inside?what happened to her? no tension...nothing to worry l've given her a small treatment.she is taking rest don't disturb her. nothinghappens to her, l assure you did the coffee spill orwas it you who spilt it on purpose?

what are you doing here now?what happened? l am feeling sorry for durga why? had l not asked forchandramukhi's room key that day... all this wouldn't have happened to her l've vowed to donate rs. 5000 tolord aedukondalu if she is cured one good news for told me an anklet... in chandramukhi's room was has been found where was it?-ln durga's room

l knew it this is chandramukhi's anklet you mean this was the ankletused by chandramukhi 150 years ago? yes.-then this is not the one this anklet was made just 5 years back.-no doctor. lt is the same one l am telling you, l know for a factthat this is not the one don't behave as ifyou know everything l know what l'm saying.l can prove it anywhere ganga, you know nothing about it.-me, do you mean me?

why do you get so excited?why should we fight on it? this belongs to chandramukhi only why is she not listening to me?did you tease her? no, she was feeling sorry for durga-for durga? lt'll be alright. come on this tamil girl's waist yearnsto carry you the whole day.. won't the good time arrive? oh darling if you hug me gently... ..won't this jungle deer'slusty flame subside?

the nectar in the wetflower overflows... lt's the king's amorousadventure when drunk the hugging filleyearns for you lap when its drunk it is theking's amorous adventure attention please!his highness king venkatapathy is arriving with me laying the mattress.. with you caressing me.. let thepeacock feather dance on my shoulder who is it?-lt is me venkatapathy!your king

you?-yes, it is me open the the door, you dog! how dare you come in here again? chandramukhi, what is it that want?-l want only you l've come to kill you! you think you can do it?-yes, l can then kill me not today. lf l don't burn you alive ondurgashtami day, l am not chandramukhi but today is not durgashtami day.then why have you come today?

go from here and comeback on durgashtami day. go l am going what happened, sir?-someone has interfered with my pooja l was planning to make chandramukhiappear in this area someone has deviated her why is coming unnecessarilyat this hour? was it you? was it you? you have made a big mistake no, l've done something good

don't try to challenge our beliefs this is not a diseaseto be cured by medication this should be cured by exorcism ordinary doctors know nothing about this.but kailash refuses to understand what are you doing? l've caught a cold,l am taking an inhalation dreadful disease. lt'll be curedin a week if you take medicine without medication it goes off in 7 days sister-in-law, did you see my wife?-no

oh god! where could she have gone? you too seem to have a cold?-yes, for the past 2 days this is a superb cure. come sister,we both can inhale the steam together brother, did you see my wife? you saw your wife only after l saw her.-what do you say? fool! when we went for a bride for youl only saw your wife first don't press too much, it is suffocating sounds like my wife pull your legs inside. close the gap

oh god! to whom would l tell aboutthis atrocity? he's incorigible today, he plays carrom with herinside a bedsheet. what can l do? l'm sweating of course, you will doesn't your husband know about this?- he's a wastrel! you're right whatever it is, a doctor is a doctor l've done this to so many lt was superb

got to do this for 7 days.- l feel much better super power! power? he is worse than the spirit greetings priest l've fixed my daughter's engagementon 15th and marriage on 20th the first invitation is for you.please shower your blessings won't the problems in the houseget solved before the marriage? don't worry. your problems will besolved in another 2 days' time thank you

sister, l heard that youwon't attend the engagement lf l don't come, will youstop the engagement? you only asked to keep the engagementon 16th and celebrate it pompously now l am asking you to stop it. stop it you could have told me then itself.all the arrangements have been made now l should have been the one to arrangefor your daughter's marriage not that doctor l can't come l bless, l bless the women folk

mother of the bride, bolster up parents of the groom,ask for the auspicious marriage for a jasmine smiling face... our sun the blessing for the smile faces like a moon... our moon the blesses brother's words... ..are advices lf you listen carefully... has connotations sing sing a new song... an extraordinary way yesterday has gone with the wind live today itself that's the best policy we have the place for love truth is in our mind

for hundred years... ..we have the ability to live when the flower bud shyness appears... ..shoe flower blooms in your mind no more sleep during nights lt is charming ifthe sari gives way thoughts in your mind... ..explains your youth l'll vanish your yearnwith my breath

a rousing cockerel is caught with a hen now watch this have a clear mind hit the bull's eye as long as you live ... respect your soil are there trees sans roots? your legs are the assets for you town will pay heed after you stand so

then only you can realize your value will become true l know this, you'll win tomorrow look around before firing andtread on your steps carefully where is ganga? -eashwar, where is ganga?-let's look for her what were you trying to do? l've done nothing, sir kailash, ganga has become unconsciousgo and check on her first

sir, l don't know what happened hereshe only... l know l really don't know anything.she only dragged my hand and... l know you it's not your fault... what are you doing here?you misbehaved with my wife! are you trying to act innocent?-kailash don't be hasty... don't believe him. he has donea big mistake and come in to the house you are asking me to maintainmy composure. get out no, l didn't misbehave with your wife!-you mean my wife did?

lt was not his fault lt was really not his fault-then? lt was ganga... you mean to say ganga advanced...?ganga desired? no! how could you talk bad about my ganga? how, how could you do it? he chose him as the groom that is why he is putting the blame onyour wife and trying to justify him

no madam... -enough,you needn't say anything further l had great regard for you as a doctor...-who, him a doctor? he came to cheat us. throw him out madam, in 2 days time l will solvethe problems of this house and leave who're you to solve our family problems?we know how to resolve them listen...-go! get out from here flirting with the women folk,you had fun posing as a doctor your friend has realised what you are.-listen... kailash, don't be hasty.-we know what to do. go out

mr krishnasway-go, l told you! -oh gosh! -sir!-he locked up my innocent grand daughter send him away wait for 2 more days.let me resolve the problems... l have brought ramachandra priestjust for that. he will take care whom are you going to send outfrom this house? this man? lf he goes out from this houseyou'll have to face the problems he misbehaved with our women folk...-no don't speak. l know everything

he's needs to be here more than me wipe off your blood. the blood of agood person shouldn't be spilt mere rituals cannot stopwhat is happening here only his psychiatricmethods can succeed that day when l did my rituals,there was some hindrance then he came down the you remember that? that day, l could see theenlightenment in his eyes l could see the happiness of havingachieved something in his face later l met him privatelyto find out what happened

when l heard what happened,l trembbled lf ravana had ten heads... he has 10 brains in one head he is not an ordinary psychiatrist he studied at u.s andhas got gold medals there besides he is the one of thetop students of world's greatest... psychiatrist dr. bradley you are all trying to send outsuch a great man he's still here after being you know why?

sir... -quiet just because he blamed your wifeyou decided to send him out of the house do you know he has savedyour wife at the risk of his life? lf you want your ganga to live,eashwar has to die? lt's destiny ls it shocking to you all? eashwar tell your friendwhat you told me lf your ganga is to survive thiseashwar should die. that is destiny be prepared for whatl am going to tell you kailash

the person behind all the problems hereis not durga or someone else then who is possessedby chandramukhi? your wife, ganga you called me back here and told me... that durga was the one behindthe problems of this house l immediately realizedthat it was not durga one night, at about 12 o'clock,in chandramukhi's room... l heard someonesinging and dancing on hearing my soundthe singing and dancing stopped

l was investigating as towho could be behind all this lt was then that l went with yourwife ganga to chandramukhi's room lt was in the room that l saw apeculiar change in her behaviour waist band and the coin chain l had never seenganga like that she was in a psychic vibration l knew at once, that the personaffected by chandramukhi was ganga to confirm my conclusion, l showedganga the missing anklet... and lied to her sayingthat they were not chandramukhi's

ganga you don't know,this is not that one at that moment, l saw gangatransform into chandramukhi ganga you don't know any damn thingabout this you mean me? me, me? ok, relax. why're you getting excited? yes kailash, ganga often transformsinto chadramukhi that is her problem we have all read in papers that a 20 yearold girl talks like an old woman a 5 year old boy behaves like his deadgrandfather. same case

ln medical terms, we refer to thisas split personality that is, a stage where a personbehaves like another a possessive state ganga has been affected by this to find out how a mischevious girllike ganga can be affected by this... l took your uncle toher village ealur we all know only thehappy side of ganga's life ganga has another side.a traumatic past this l came to knowonly after going to her place

ganga's father married alower caste lady so he was excommunicatedby his people when he died, they didn't even allowganga's mother to cremate him they wanted her to prostrate beforeeach one in the village as she had no other choiceshe undertook that punishment she died with that humiliation right before ganga's eyes both thecorpses were burnt by local people ganga became furious seeing theatroctites perpetrated on her parents and in her rage sheattacked the landlord and fainted

this was her first psychic disorder ganga who lost her parents at a youngage was taken in by her grandmother the orphaned ganga grew up hearingher grandmother's old stories whatever story she heard,she fantazied herself... as the character in that story l understood from my inquiriesit's a habit from her childhood when she was in the 10th gradeher grandma fell sick without concentrating on her studiesshe had sleepless nights next day, she couldn't write the exam

the sight of her throwing away heranswer sheets and running like a mad girl. was still vivid in themind of her class teacher her grandma didn't know she had aproblem like this and left it uncured after her grandma's death, to avoidher lonliness, she took to mischief the stories that she heard at heryoung age were deeply etched... in her memories. that was why shecompelled you to buy this palace her innate mischievous charactermade her enter chandramukhi's room her innate weakness madechandramukhi's character enter ganga ganga went to chandramukhi's room

ganga stood there as chandramukhi she believed she was chandramukhi ganga transformedinto chandramukhi this is how chandramukhipossessed ganga l have never noticedsuch a change in ganga she knows your sleep cycle. she knowswhen you're awake, when you're asleep to avoid any suspicision against hershe burnt her own sari... and turned everyone's attentiontowards durga lt was ganga who chased priya

lt was ganga who mixedpoison in the coffee lt was ganga who tried tokill you with the fish tank lt was your wife ganga who madeeveryone think he raped her why? why? when ganga transforms intochandramukhi... she thinks that her lover gunasekar... is this viswanathan who is now livingin gunasekar's house to prevent priya from marrying himshe tried to kill her she alleged him of raping her...

thinking that the marriage willstop because of this why did she try to kill me twice? when ganga turns into chandramukhishe thinks vishwanathan... is her lover gunasekar.the only person standing in her way... is you. ganga's husband so she tried to kill you twice when the fish tank fell andeveryone was agitated... l saw ganga unperturbed at that moment l saw hertransform into chandramukhi

to bring her back to reality... l shouted at durga and locked herup inside the room l told her everything about ganga durga told me she was ready to acceptthe blame even a 100 times... for the sake of ganga durga took the blame andganga was able to roam freely lt was only to find outchandramukhi's intention... that inspite of the priest's pooja,l stood as the king before chandramukhi when l stood before her as the kingshe believed me to be king venkatapathy

she told me that her intention was tokill me, the king and take her revenge lf this wish of chandramuki isnot fulfilled, we will lose ganga so the person she is going to killon 'durgashtami' day is... yes me.she thinks l am king, venkatapathy lf chandramukhi's wish is notfulfilled, she would destroy herself and in that process notchandramukhi our ganga will die. ln this struggle, l don't knowwhether l would... save ganga or lose myself lt's pity that gangadoesn't know that...

she is transforming into chandramukhi kailash, open the door who locked the door from outside?-may be durga look... someone has torn my sari durga might have done that.ok, how was the dance yesterday? l don't remember doctor. l was sleepyand l didn't know what happened when did you come?did they offer you something to drink? no, thanks no one offers anything tothe prospective son-in-law

wait, l'll bring you some coffee see, she doesn't even know whathappened. -how horrible! l tried to destroy you but you have decided to sacrificeyour life for the sake of your friend now-a-days even children are notgrateful to their parents and... they always expect something in return but you have decided to sacrifice... your life for the sake ofyour foster parents family l am so proud of you

so far l have never bowed before anyone but l bow before you pardon me even though l have no son of my own... god has given me a son l have cured many people... but have never seena case like this in my life l don't know how you wouldsave yourself from chandramukhi even the thought of it terrifies me

l can apply psychiatry effectivelyto remove chandramukhi from ganga but your pooja alone candestroy chandramukhi completely you should perform a poojafor the sake of ganga certainly today is 'durgashtami' today chandramukhi is supposedto take revenge on the king today chandramukhi'swish will be fulfilled l'm going to return yourwife completely cured and safe didn't you say that yousaw her sleep peacefully?

go and tell her that you bothare not staying here tonight tell her that you are going to thenext town to buy jewels for priya just call her try calling her ganga... we both are going to vizag today.-why? we'll go to buy a gift for priyaand return tomorrow today?-yes why today?-to buy jewels...

tomorrow is a very nice day,that's why we are leaving today l am not coming.-you are coming l am not coming.-you're coming you should won't you leave me? you dog, how dare you order me? lf l don't avenge his death,l'm not chandramukhi. what did l just do? l did something now

l did something just now no...-something is happening to me nothing is wrong with you.- please forgive me, don't punish me no dear. you are my wife forgive me.-no dear forgive me if l've done anything wrong don't leave me.-oh god! ganga forgive me.-you are my darling. you are alright you won't leave me, no?

enough eashwar,please go away from this house l can't bear my wife's plight how can l bear the sight of herkilling my best friend? please go will she become alright if l go? l'll go somewhere far off toamerica, japan or china... to some corner of theworld and cure her for her sake, l cannot remainquiet and let my friend die l am a doctor. lf l run off froma patient for fear of my life... then what is the use of my studies?even if you take her anywhere...

no one can cure her only l can cure her.because l know her completely don't worry, l am going to usea new method in psychiatry... to rescue ganga from chandramukhi.l can definitely cure her you will save ganga, no doubts about it but who'll rescue youfrom chandramukhi? why did you ask me to come?-l'll tell. kailash, come along come this is king venkatapathy's dance hall

this is where many years ago,he burnt chandramukhi alive ln that chakra (wheel) made byramachandra priest for the pooja... we should make ganga sit only you can do that look at your wife, who has completelytransformed into chandramukhi come, come searching you.. ..l came celebrating your memories as the feathers play on the shoulders

every night she comeshere and dances like this won't that good time arrive? the nectar in the wet flower's the king's amorous adventure when drunk the hugging filleyearns for your lap this youth yearns daily withlustful thoughts on you, hear it.. oh lord! come! what is this relationship? will this be thecontinuity of seven births? ls it a flower or an honey flower?ls this a flower bubbling with thoughts?

come, the separation should move come to hug me with the youth inviting with lust.. ..shall l come to caress you? the overflowing heartmingles with you at night romance starts and the separation ends the sweetness of youth blooms when caressedthe interval recedes and we join again come on! pour the oil

no kailash, remember what l strong. victory shall be ours no... no bring her here who are you?-l won't tell tell me, who are you?-l won't tell lt is me, chandramukhi go and sit there sit down

why have you come?-to kill -whom?-that man! today is durgashtami day,l'll burn the king and take his ashes will you go away fromthis body after you kill him? l will go pour the oil on him here, kill him do it with your own hands slowly you're gaining consciousnessopen your eyes...good!

-what is your name?-ganga -your full name?-ganga kailash -who am l?-eashwar aunty... as promised eashwar hasbrought the family together he won't say. lf he sayshe'll honour his words as promised l have handedover your wife to you lf you like you may change yourbedroom to chandramukhi's room or both of you may go to americalondon, japan...

or anywhere... not on treatment though.-then? to sing a duet forget about them,when are you going to sing? l too have got one.-who is it? my gosh! for whom was this whistle?-for my girl durga! thank god! my wife is safe after a long time, a child's voiceis going to be heard in our house

oh lord! lord of thirumala! our folks' hearts are diamonds.come on burnish it repeat!

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