
full movie in english

Saturday, May 13, 2017

hello.. hello..yes sister.. today is sunday do you have any idea of looking for a house or not? or else for today a holiday you are planning to go cinema,pub and have fun? i am not planning for thosekeep quiet here in banglore the rented house is too costly so i am going with my wife tosee a flat

is it so? yeah before looking a flat,plot or house go to the astrologer and find out to which direction the house should face listen to me sister.. its very hard to get house in bangalore and who will go to an astrologer and waste time?

hey you.. listen to me bro.. okay sister.. just for your satisfaction, i'll go to astrologer and find out okay okay.. you go and let me know okay.. bye sister.. hey..

come fast i know he is not going to listen to me i will call the astrologer oh my god! how long will you take? still your make up is not over? i am coming this saree is reallytroubling me a lot tell me sister..

i already spoke to the astrologer you will go to the astrologer,won't you? i will go sister surely.. definitely i'll go,okay? okay okaygo fast i am leaving sister what happened to your sister? okay okay

lets go..its getting late where are we going? whom do you want to see? can i meet the astrologer? he is here only but he is doing his prayer can i come in? yeah..please come in please be seated

would you like to have some tea or coffee sir? no no no just wait for five minutes he will come soon good morning astrologer sir.. good morninggood morning sir.. may god bless you you too son god..let me have a good day

sun and moon and stars in the sky go down to god for his graceous love and patience your sister called me just before yeah yeah..yes she told me everything we have planned to buy aflat in bangalore we just want to know thedirection it could face direction is not important my son means?

from whom and where you are buyingthe house is more important what kind of house it is.. the importance of the place.. then we have to decide hard and money should be spent carefully or we will suffer later some real estate people made a layout and sold itto a person they dont know that there was a grave there

on that grave.. they built the house but that dead person's soulwas very angry with the man who built the house doing some sacrifice and prayers wouldn't reduce the anger of that soul on that land.. many people built many houses

and you don't know what was there before but now you are asking meall about that because of that you are all in problems but the lay out people don't say all this butthey just build it and sell it for earning more money i will give you an example pending one year tobuild a building

even praying to a hundred angels if they dont listen with your prayers you cant even stayfor hundred days not possible if that soil is filled with evil that would damage you if the house is beautiful and comfortable it doesn't mean that soil is good

for example my disciple wanted to build a houseand he asked me take bro..for me? oh my god! my husband has come what too need one? take it hey..i'll be there at10 o'clock, you go

hai raja sir.. hey ullah.. not ullah..barkkathullah hey, whatever it is ullah.. what is this raspuri? when will this building get over man? finishing this project that vyjayanthi madam know sir finishing this..?

i know that this farm house is not yet finished who is doing this? hey engineer..come here coming sir.. this is raspuri's farm house not yet finished, when areyou going to complete? sir.. somehow we will complete it this week

one or two days extra but we will complete itas soon as possible please adjust and give me some time i don't know what youare going to do i don't want to lose raspuriowner's business make that burial place to be good sir hey..who is there? what are you doing?

make it fast thushar.. good morning raja sir.. than getting that raspuri did you get atleast some goodfruit from the tree? that raspuri taste,howdo you know man? i really appreciate that faith for tomorrow okay the load has came

after seeing that i'll come whatever side dish is there this sole pickle hasits own taste this chicken and mutton no no no no no.. really don't like it ullah.. barkkathullah sir.. whatever ullah.. the reason i called you here is different

tell me i got a tender to construct an apartment do you know where it is ? i think.. its.. manthri square yeah..i know i'll get it through

hey, don't worry sir you will get it very easily is that more tough? but that raspuri.. will i get through that? when this barkkathullah is there why are you worryingabout raspuri? if i get through raspuri what raja sir?

you are always thinking about raspuri, raspuri that raspuri's kick how do you know man? ullah.. once i raw there.. again again again rawingthe same thing raja tell me one thing raspuri raja the chain looks very old but this dollar looksnew and different

everyone will put dollars in the chain but i put chain in the dollar yes are right i don't want to do what others do man i am raspuri raja,raspuri yes yes..i know thats why i always callyou raspuri raja whether you are a raja or a bijawhats for me.. leave me alone

raja sir.. when are you going to see the site? any time after 10 okay raja,then i will come tomorrow afternoon then..are you not goingto raspuri or not? hey.. why are you worryingabout that man? raja sir.. shall i make a move then?

barkkathullah.. yes.. keep the document of raspuri ready tomorrow ready..dont forget it even if you are going to buy at guarantee you will become mad whats this good smell, raja sir? hey barkkathullah.. this is iron body

i have shared this body with many many many many many many female raspuri xxx xxx what is that my dearraspuri raja? i don't want to see this now please get ready andcome down what happened raja sir?

you are so quiet today nothing, leave it where are we now? forget and leave it raja sir that xx is having very lot of money you come there and clear it out then i'll make everything ready for you

nowhere it is writtenthat its raspuri hey, we have to go further dont worry..we'llreach very soon hey, raja sir.. more than this.. that minister is important go,make a call andtalk to him first you make a sketch for that, 6 acres if you finish this work successfully

then you can enjoy with your raspuri try to grab that 6 acres soon i understoodwhat you said is it? as you said that mukthi set's problem leave it to me i will somehow finish it and come but one thing

don't forget raspuri i dont know how to expend him dont worry aboutraspuri raja sir all you need is money money is required for everything money is not a problem i want raspuri we've been travelling so far and still we are not ableto find the place

i doubt if we can find that place today or not let's see whathey hey..stop stop stop this looks like raspuri, right? wait wait wait, raja sir this is the place wait till we go there we reached don't be tensed..this is the firsttime i am coming to raspuri i have more curiositythan you man

i can understand your eagerness, raja sir why don't you keep a board as raspuri? since they have come,we'll change it you guys dont understandthe seriousness okay okay..where arethe documents? may be.. tomorrow i can see that i will get you you don't worry about that

you walk forward let's go into the building okay okay..come i want to see the building properly this raspuri's engineer is also i think he is a veryskilled person yeah yeahwe'll meet him too hey, what a headache come..sit

sit let's lay this raspuri is my dream buddy i would like to see the documentsas soon as possible we'll go to m g road and meet that engineer and see you don't worry about anything why did you bring me to this road sir? let's looking this raspuri's problem can you stop by the side

something important stop stop something important here get down please when you asked meto stop the car then itself i understood okay..i am leaving you go and enjoy okay okayi am leaving

o my dear raspuri... what is this man? you are getting me on the road and this fellow doesn't evenhave any commonsense give me the key give it go from here man okay man..i will leave you don't worry

okay..then i'll leave did i come for this? he wanted me to come here and they want meto come there i don't understandwho wants what oh god! hey auto..come here you are very fast your colour has increased

you are very beautiful now just looking and wasting time start playing and enjoy my raja.. my raspuri raja.. excuse me..yes.. i wanted to meetraspuri raja brother he was here just a minute ago where is he now?

if you go straightthrough this road see somewhere there,go i exactly don't knowwhere he is okay brother okaythank you come, let's go this was kept here look at the cement bill this is gandhinagar raspuriapartment's bill

please see this bill carefully yeah.. i am not talking anything you don't talk someone has come from raspuri, right ullah? its not ullah..its barkkathullah whatever is it,ullah.. let it be anything you please see the documents now

what raspuri.. something is going tohappen here we heard about you and even gouder told about you you are coming from gouder we came here trusting you.. you only have to talk to him please talk to him i have to talk to him?

are you acting before me raspuri? i am not there for that take them to thefarm house ullah.. not farm house? ok i understood okay..leave it i will go,leave them and come thank you come madam mukthi has given this file to me

what are you seeing there raja sir shall we go for registration? hey..i am in anothermood now not going for any registration here i am not going anywhere raja sir you don't talk anything i am going to enjoy now..enjoy raspuri is mine

this also is mine also we cannot do the registration oh no..what a life! who's going to come now come come come come my raspuri i am coming dear why are you so late, raspuri? today i can't do anything

what happened to you? i came here to enjoy and you are spoiling mymood raspuri what happened raspuri? i need you i need you raspuri you dont have any sense me..? why no sense?

i just came for this purpose raspuri raja is always raspuri raja let me get refreshed just wait oh my god xx i am nothing less for you this story will ever invite you here who said that?

this is raspuri raja raspuri raja thats okay sir whoever that raja is.. what is the connection with this? we came to see you and to find the direction to a buy a house this apartment, plots what is the connection with these?

this is the connection nakul.. yes i heard that you are planning to buy thehouse opposite to mine of course noone has a good opinionabout that house bro just think before buying it,that's all sripadha.. in which century are you in?

look here that house is very goodand i like it look my whole family like it my mom, dad and my beautiful wife we will live there happily and peacefully if you have such a great opinionabout that house i will be happy for you

i just thought thati should share whatever news i heard thats all believing it or not,its your wish but when i heard about that i just wanted to tell you about it its all god's will nakul has brought hisfamily here i am coming mom

god..please help everyone see..this is our new house comewow..! beautiful house keep right leg please welcome! daddy..mummy.. how is the house?

what is this? the light is flickering mummy.. the sensor is fixed to that according to the situation it changes sensor? what does it mean? what is that ? it keeps turning here and there

dad.. you too.. that is cctv camera it has sensor it watches who comes and who goes there it changes i dont know all these things but why that camera has kept in the hole? we have to explain everythingto you,go

okay..come that wall hanging is superb friend must be waiting for me evening i'll go to nakul's house and invite him for dinner from there we will go tooffice in the morning hey,come fast hey, coming man bro..i want chocolate i'll surely buy it for you my dear

i promise youlet me go now if we place order in the kitchen,that will prepare food for us hello hello that won't happen madam you have to stand in the kitchen and cook then only we can have our food got it? hai nakul..

they are a sweet couple o are you? hey..what is this man? and you finished yourhoneymoon so soon? now entered your new house also your house is very beautiful you know about my dad very well he is font of astrology as the day was precious

what sripadha? how are you? i am doing great uncle and tonight we are havingdinner at my home what you say uncle? we'll surely come and all of you should come in the evening,okay? yeah, we will come surely aisu madam..

please don't miss it, okay? alright then i am fixing it okay..fixed sure,no? done you dont talk too much they might think that you are my lover then who am i ?

she is my friend okay..will leave uncle okay..are you done? okay..don't miss it what do we have for dinner? oh god.. see how nasty the house is! take all these for washing this doll is very beautiful

where have to place this doll? sudha.. bring the towel..where are you? coming again he forgot so cute teddy bear ready you left me and went, no? no my dear sister

who left you alone? did i leave you and go from here? no, right? come on.. open your mouth come on..come on only this one now drink this water drink slowly

come on..drink some more you don't leave me,okay? oh no my dear sister.. i will never leave you and go, okay? i will always be next to you is that fine? and i will always listen to you now comb your hair properly where is your hair band?

you have to listen to me okay? good girl calling bell is ringing see who is that you sit here,okay? hey uncle..good evening come in,come in hai sripadha..

welcome..welcome what happened? where is nakul?he is not there? he has got a call from the office then he said that he'llgo and come okay..let him come i am happy that youall have come always the work is like that okay..come come

please please the house is very beautiful thank you so much uncle i don't leave you what happened to her? we'll talk about her later you please go hey dear.. what happened to this girl?

please be seated aunty you believe ingod and visit temple? sripadha..yes come, lets have dinner yes, coming mom come..lets have dinner uncle.. please come soon uncle feel it your home

please don't hesitate for anything sambar is very nice who is that? looking very cute hai.. who is he? my name is bhuthe..bhutheswar what a beautiful eyes! her smile is so cute are our guest why you are serving? what is there in this? you please sit what are you doing mom? you are making the guest to serve us? for you little sambar? hey..why don't you sit with us and have dinner? you have your dinner

i will feed her later are not eating anything take some more rasam is very nice you ask your aunty i never feel ashame for eating yeah yeah he will eat so sweetly it sounds exactly like my uncle

bhutheswar.. why are you sitting quiet? yeah.i am also watchingfor a long time he is not talking anything what is this uncle? why you are not talkingto anyone? nothing the snacks which i had in the evening have not get digested

that is.. only now you are feeling so shy once everyone gets out of this househe will start talking it? keep quiet man you don't know what is happening to me shall i tell you another thing uncle if my uncle starts talking we'll keep laughing till the end

he is that much humorous i wish if nakul was here it could have been good its okay dear we will come togethersome other day,okay? okay uncle aisu.. what is it? plate is empty

take some more dear yeah..sure uncle if she want, she will eat as if she don't know anything why he is looking atme like this? i dont know idiot yes uncle its getting late now

i have to go now bye you go to the roomi'll join you half way dinner, he is leaving oh my beautiful doll i can make money out of her hey..what happened toyour sister's dinner? just now i gave her tablets after some time i'll give her food

yeah uncle.. when you come next time you should definitely bring nakul and how was the dinner? dinner was very nice you are leaving me and going thank you so much for coming thank you so much i'll come..bye

one minute dear.. i will give you dinner now mom.. you can go alrightgo and have your dinner i'll feed my sister she will eat she is crying she will listen to me

come on..its dinner what happened uncle? its very urgent..i am goingout of station rest of the things i willtalk you over phone what? what is the emergency uncle? i told you no? i'll tell you everything over phone understand?

you... don't ask me everything i dont know who iscalling this time oh..this fellow i don't know what he want now hey..tell me what budhe..sukranfind any girls? no girls are availablenowadays man but now i got onereal beautiful girl

i was eating her with my eyes man when i saw her, she is such a beautiful girlin the world where did you see her? she is staying very near to my sister's house will i leave her just like that? i know about you i will unbox her and send a video toyou as soon as possible you understand?

bhuthesh is saying this i know you are toogood in that i will tell you something,listen yeah,tell me i never tried to enjoy any girls but now this time i dont want to leave this girl to you and i want to enjoy her inch by inch

i will not leave her man is it a challenge? more than any other girls man i will enjoy i will unbox her and finish her you watch it you keep the phonei have lot of work hey hello.. hello..dont keep the phone

wonderful dinner dear nakul missed it yeah..really we will go hey nakul.. astrologer has predicted that nexttwo three days are not good you two know that did you forget it? see..

for two three days youhave to sleep with me you sleep with your aunty sudha..come, lets go come..lets go i should sleep with my dad once again can't you look here? sit down i can understand everything now sleep

i have to sleep i would have continued withoutgetting married i am not able to sleep let me see her and come let me see my dad issleeping or not exactly dad is sleeping aisu..get up i am not coming

you come out..come aunty will get up you look here leave me nakul oh god..nakul dont make noise yeah..thats what i said you come out where nakul?

i will tell you,come come slowly nakul..where?tell me what is this nakul? if uncle aunty wake upit would be a problem you know..what uncle said where is he? nakul is not in the bed aisu is also missing here

where these kids have gone? lets go and see i told them i dont know what they are doing nobody is here thank god nothing has happened asastrologer said i am happy to see them go go..

hey have come to takebathe together? are saying that what will happen if isay that? nothing will happen here nice.. do you know whats the breakfast today? dosa hai dad..hai mom very good morning

what is the special today? oh..dosa coming aunty come, you also sit mamtha.. get me chutney sure madam very nice have it

give superb..very nice what happened sripadha? nakul..i'll be late to office today my uncle met with an accident hey, what happened? it was last night see dear.. i will take care of theoffice issues

you do the needful andcome back who was that? you know what happen? you all went to sripadha's house yesterday and saw his uncle he met with an accident dad oh my god.. its getting late for officei am leaving okay son

take care okay dad.. good morning sir good morning darling..what is this? your hand is so soft like butter are you taking bathe three times a day? hey, brother come on man..give me a hug

after marriage its the first time i see you how is your married life?good don't forget to give me a party happy married lifethank you why nakul? will you give your marriage party or not? definitely i will give really? whenever you want,okay?

we should never delaygood things will have it tomorrow itwill little happen you see who all are willing toparticipate and arrange i will take care of the bill,okay? you invite all the office staff i will invite boss mr. nakul.. please come yes sir

let me move happy married life buddy thank you..thank you happy married life don't waste time boss is calling you go and see him first yeah, okay okay okay..bye

by the way, regarding that party.. hey, what happened?give me some cash why should i ? why are you laughing? oh..come on i thought something else then what did you think? dont think like that dear brother..

why have you grown yourbeard like this? if i shave no girls arelooking at me buddy they are liking me wheni have beard so i stopped shaving am not gonna shaveanymore in my life how many girls stopped looking whenyou shaved your beard? nine nine means its not that nine nine countries,the whole world girlslook me for this beard

i cant stop the girls get lost i am struggling here to get one or two this fellow is talking about nine and ten this much scary you guys are just shut up scaring all of us with the mask and saying that just scared she is shivering here

okay..okaysorry mom don't do all these things at homeits not good dad..come, come o lord..! my breathing has stopped your childishness has not left thats why i am telling don't see horror movies in the night,okay? i'll give you one

i stopped breathing for a second dad..come here,come whats the matter? office people are asking for party come,come why should i be therefor your party? see..i have some work in city me and your mom will go and come you attend party and come

okay dad once again i don't want to hear that noise sorry dad.. do you really want to go for party? why do you ask so? how your sister is creating problem mom..if i don't go will be totally disappointed i'll just go, wish him and

come back soon mom see dear, how she is making problems lets go and console her come onfast no..i wont talk why are you crying? stop cryingdont cry like this why you leave me alone? noone is leaving my dear

i am here your mom is here everyone is herethen what is the problem? now stop crying won't talk with you come onbe good girl stop crying what do you want totell me come on..tell mewhat do you want to tell me?

i want.. ice-cream oh, you want ice-cream? i will bring it for you and also i want chocolate how is she talking i will buy whatever you want except you and mom who is there for me?

i'll be here only,okay? don't cry you should never cry i'll go out and buy whateveryou want but don't cry,okay? be with mom always,okay? take care of her and i'll go and come fast alright dear if she feels sick,

just call me immediatley as soon as you call i'll come fast i will take care everybody came, except sripadha he is always like this sorry..sorry sorryfor being late hey man..what is the time now? i am really very sorry

my sister was really troubling when i started i had to give her medicine thats why i got late its time for celebration people... its time for party thank you man for inviting all to the party your boss is coming man welcome sir

thank you..thank you sirhappy married life i have to catch flight all the bestall the best thank you.. lets cheer and happymarried life you please take care of your part and i'll take care of my part cut the cake come on everyoneclap..

hey..have a happy married life bro thank you buddy come on nowcome what is the next plan? all the bottles are readyto be opened cheers hey..all of you stop what about you man? i am going to have afull bottle here

this is my brand how is it ? hey..where did youget this man? hey buddy..this you have to sharewith everyone man all of you start guys cheers.. yeah..cheers cheers where you went my dear bro? i went out to buy chocolates and ice cream for you

i didn't leave you alone please don't leave me alone,okay? i will never leaveyou and go don't leave me alone,okay? have i ever left you alone? whatever you want just tell mei'll buy you everything just sleep peacefully don't think off anything,okay? now sleep well,okay?

you are my life,no? where did aunty go? yes, tell me sir after that what happened? what happened to bhuthesh? what is the connection betweenthat bhuthesh and raja? is that bhuthesh was scaringeveryone in that house? before.. what happened you know?

what kind of office is your's? calling you in this untime? boss has called me i don't know howlong it will take be careful,okay? take careokay what colour to choose? my favourite blue,suits me very well some smell is coming

i feel like someone islooking at me whats happening to me? be careful with house belongings yes mam its almost over dear just a little bit more it'll be over don't shake,okay? i want everything

thats right look how nice you look now nakul got a call from the office and went that is a usual thingthat happens aunty..good morning i think since morning you have been doing a lot of shopping am i correct? nothing like that

just moving on actually, i wanted to talk to you about something what is the matter? if nakul calls you i just wanted to know whats happening in office since..i didn't go to office i don't know whats happening there i just wanted to keep track of whats happening,you know?

i heard that you are going to a native then before going to office i'll drop you in airport and then i'll go to the office you please get ready okay dear bye aisu should i drive directlyto the office? why?

just asking you why are you so curious on nakul's house? their house is right oppositeto ours what happened aunty? god..please bless everyone please bless us with wealth please bless us with health with children please bless all the sick people

please bless the jobs we do how did you fell from the cot? i don't know how i fell careful once you reach,please call me aunty..what happened? she fell from the cot and her hand got fractured its getting late for the flight?

if nakul was here we wouldn't have troubled you at this time i am like your son only,right? this is not at all a trouble for me leave it come,lets go fastcome let us go don't worry aunty call me after you reach there

you also take care okay aunty mom..take care of yourself i'll leave then come uncle sit inside they are nakul's mom and dad good morning uncle good morning aunty

aunty..let me leave come baby we also have to go? yes dear you have to eat food,right? what happened mam? you seems to be happy today today.. me and your master are going for honeymoon

honeymoon? what is that mam? going to a place.. where there are beautiful flowers mountains.. river.. in an awesome climate arecalled honeymoon so much is there in honeymoon? my husband..

took me to a room and switched off the lights and kissed me and said that is what honeymoon is why are you laughing mam? because.. i was listening to your husband's honeymoon story what madam? if we go to some temple we will get lot of blessings mam

i have to pack mythings, okay okay madam why my husband has never taken me out? suma.. yes sir.. boss approved this order for ten thousand copies okay sir

i will call home i am packing our dresses do you want to keepanything else? you know what all things i want you decide and pack it i will join for lunch i will wait for you please come fast,okay? sure

i will come soon okaybye love you..take care what buddy? whats the news? what to tell buddy? i heard that your honeymoon preparations are going well is it true? sir, boss is calling both of you

okay sir.. do we have to go? so sir.. can we discuss of our property tomorrow? we will talk tomorrow i will send you all the documents regarding that property now,i am in a small meeting after this i will call you and talk

manju sir.. give all the details about thatproperty to them mr nakul and sripadh.. regarding this project today evening, 6 o' clock you are leaving to delhi by flight is it a very important work sir? sir,i just got married sir i planned for honeymoon sir

i booked the flight ticket also flight is today afternoon 2.00 pm sir.. each one of them have their own plans now this is another plan you both are given the responsibility to go to delhi thats very important thank god..that i am not married you can go for honeymoon some other day

we got hundred crore projectsfor our company so it is compulsory that youguys have to go after successfully finishing that meeting in delhi switzerland,new zealand,australia wherever you want to go our boss will provide the honeymoonpackage for you yes yesi'll provide you what a bloody concept man..! will get married now

and honeymoon after five yearsin singapore and bangkok what is the use of getting married? instead of getting married it is alwaysbetter to flirt and stay single first preference is for work sir work is very important none of a shit get intothis situation i am there for you come..let us prepare mr.manju..

i am going to calcutta book my ticket will you do that? okay sir..okay why boss is not looking at me? look here ranka.. who is that idiot? hey..whom you think youare talking to? where should i go sir?

this saree i have to keep what to tell her? yes nakul i am ready now what about you? actually.. what happened was..actually.. what nakul? sounds like disturbed

that is .. suddenly the programme changed at 6.00 pm i have to go to delhi boss told me official hope you understand so we have to.. postpone.. our honeymoon trip

okay, fine no problem you go and come many days we have waited just five more days,right? i am really sorry why do you say sorry nakul? you don't worry about it thank you very much

what happened madam? you are looking so dull honeymoon got cancelled he is going out of station on official work okay then can i keep everythingback in place? super what are you doing there? yes mam..

madam this is not good keep something else this is nice the cooker is on still what she is doing there? its too late this mamtha still working there

who is there? oh, aunty..its you? come in come aiswarya.. sit here sripadha called me now i heard nakul has also gone to delhi and he said that you are alone at home are you fine being alone dear?

oh..nothing like that aunty i am just sitting withoutdoing any work i am perfectly alright may i bring you some dinner? no,its okay i just had my dinner and sitting you are looking beautiful can i ask aunty what happened to her i dont leave you

if i ask her will she get upset? let me ask about her treatment is she under treatment? yes,she is under treatment my son is really suffering for his sister poor girl its getting late we are leaving

one minute dear everybody went from this place what dear? you are upset that you couldn't make it for your honeymoon? no aunty not at all aunty.. sripadha looks very stylishin this picture but now..

praying and being very devotional how came so much of changes? do you know..? how my son was before? why you called me? what is wrong with you? if i talk to you myparents will scold me please my dear.. i just want to kiss you

hey..don't do this i don't like this just move leave me.. hey..what are you doingwith this girl? what are you doing with this guy? listen carefully if i see you again in this road

romancing and doing drama with innocent girls i will just crush you rascal sorry bro.. love from your heart man in the name of love you guys cheat girls and take photos and videos and circulate among the friends is like that you are having fun?

no,not like that sir what if someone does this to you? if someone takes your relative'sor sister's photo and sends it to you will you keep quiet? no..right? no sir if i see you again doing such kind ofrubbish things on the road now just leave

sorry sir what is this girl? don't you have any sense? now go to your home people use the name of love and spoil the importance of love what happened friend? you did a great job buddy that won't be enough for him

he will do the same thing with others i think you have a lot of bitter experience man being very emotional with them hey sripadha.. can't you spend some moneyfrom your pocket? you just want to live free of cost,don't you? what bro? day by day subha is playing smarter man what happened subha?

i'll tell you later buddy.. you are not much differentfrom him atleast today we are not late to the office really there are two doves its okayleave it buddy see them man i know these girls leave them

actually your hair style is very nice i know them childhood man hey..when the time we were wearingtrousers we are friends, right? once they wear kurthis and long tops they forgot us buddy he is right buddy its getting late man come on,goget up its better been in trousers come on man you are always like this lakshmi and charu too much of reaction its been a long time since ispoke to him i will just talk to him and come okay, bye see you later today you are going to loseyour salary,aren't you?

don't smoke cigarettes its not good for health i know i know its bad thats why i am burning it if i give you any advice you will be having readymade answers for that,no? what did i tell you now? i just said that i burned it

what do i say rather than that? why are you getting upset? what is the mattertell me i just want to talk something to you come on,sithere you know one thing? my mother is pressuring me toget married to sala now that sala is going to be on my head its sala only,right?

after you coming to my life my life has become beautiful i can't leave you and go don't listen to all those things i will discuss with my friends you don't get tensed about it things are out of my control look here now within two three months

i'll definitely get a good job and then you see there is no need to get tensed at all see mithra.. you.. your mom everyone will be taken care of i promise you see here

just for your sake i am leaving this cigarette also are you happy now? hereafter you should bealways happy,okay? i love you i love you too mithra do you know what happenedto our friend? he went to donate bloodin the hospital what happened then?

what happened to our friend? he gave love letter to the nurse do you know what she said? why this boy is very weak and she asked him to getadmitted immediately all the girls are having the same complaints you look so dullwhat happened? for the past one weekwe are watching you are not at all happy

you are very dull what happened to you buddy? please share with us you will feel better its nothing buddy i'll handle it just leave it what happened to him? he is always in a dull mood

don't know buddy he is always thinkingabout something for the past one week he is like this buddy you are for me i am not able to live without you you are my soul you are my spirit i am so lucky mithra i love you so much

even i love you so much,you know? but what to do? if i get a job i can get you everything and take care of you like a queen one minute i told not to call me till i call who called her now? she could have spoken in front of me

i am with my friend when i reach homei will call you whose phone was that? nowadays you are enquiringeverything about me i am not enquiring i am just asking youthats all i will ask you something can you get it? what do you want?

i want one costly churidar will you buy it for me? costly dress? costly dress.... it? just give me ten days i will get it for you we'll go to vijayanagar and have some nice snacksand come back

whenever i come with you i will get only this come onmove atleast buy me some slippers okay..i'll buy it don't make a scene for that its been so many days she is not at all pickingmy phone calls let me try once again

mithra.. why is she cutting my call mithra..come onplease pick the phone please.. please pick the phone dammit she is not picking my phone calls i'll try her number once again she is cutting my calls

something is fishy let me go to her house hey, that children's dress that weordered will deliver today hey,mithra.. why did you come to my house? i've been trying to reach you for five to six days you are not answering my calls you are cutting my calls whats the reason?

when you calls if i am notpicking means you should understandthat i am busy again and again you are calling me and eating my brain i might have many personnel issues i can't tell you allthat,okay? it?yeah what is so personnelbetween us? what is that personnel thati don't know?

what is it that you are hiding? why you are not telling me anything? don't you know how much i love you? are you testing me? test me.. i am sure that i will pass your test who said that i am testing you? don't you understandother's feelings? are you playing game with me?

i don't joke in serious matters i don't like these love and all leave all these things i am getting married hey..stop playing game with me there is a limit for everything so dont play games dont you understand what i am saying? i am not joking

i am telling you to forget me i know..i know i know you are playing a drama you know very well that without my father how well i take care of mymother and sister you know that,right? don't you understand? i dont love you anymore just forget me

and leave me alone please.. i carried out all your wishes in my heartjust like my wishes do you know about that? do you want me to prove it? i can't live without you please understandplease.. are you mental? you called me insane,right? its okay

please leave me on my way i am telling you the real fact i don't love you why should i love you? what have you done for me all these days? the full day you take me in your bike we eat pav bhaji in vijayanagar even there is no money and you make me eatgopi manchurian

how much you sacrificed for me? hundred rupees or two-hundred rupees.. you have spent only that you didn't do anything for me not like that please understand me.. what ? you just understand me leave all that

from last ten days i was askingyou for a new churidar even that you are not able to buy for me if i marry you my whole life will be like hell mithra..its not like that please understand me .. look here.. let us not talk more than this now in my whole life

whatever i want i am going to get it whatever i like i'll get it he has the capacity tobear everything do you have that? look don't i deserve you? if i don't get you

my life will come to a full stop just for your life i can't sacrifice anything what is for me? if your life has gone? hey..mithra i will die for you do you know that? go and die

your life is in your hand why is she behaving like this? let god... bless your life you don't leave me alone you are a good girl, no? whatever your brother says you will obey,right? my son

has been there for his sister his whole life he sacrificed for his sister great.. sacrificing life for sister your son is great the seed of mango is here who has eaten it? i don't know not able to understand

i don't know mamhas come or not oh god..she has come why did you come late mamtha? mam.. i came here little before but the door was locked oh..that yesterday night i went to nethra's house i got late there

bring me coffee sure mam first you clean this table mam..i'll bring the coffee ya..bring it before leaving please inform me,okay? oh god..! its a bad timing

mam..i am leaving mam yeah..okay please close the door before you leave oh my god..! you got scared? yeah..i got scared always you are giving mesurprises like this when you get scared you look very beautiful

thats why i scared you so you mean to say normally i am not beautiful oh no.. normally you are beautiful i like.. watching you withoutyou knowing thats why i am so tired

let me get refresh and come to get refreshed i need some time what is this smell? he is sleeping like a boy oh..its late what to do? nakul..get up its so late

i will get ready and come i will make some coffee for him i have work this smell.. i have felt it somewhere not from him, but from where it is coming? hey..what? i am your husband so you need to say 'no' to him?

then.. i will carry you from here come with me aisu.. leave me nakul.. go fast and get ready and come i'll be waiting for you raspuri.. hey raspuri..

what happened to your voice? whatever you say i am not scared what are you talking? hey raspuri.. where are you going raspuri? what he is talking? i saw each and every part ofyour body raspuri.. even if you run away from me i am not going to leave you raspuri

wherever you go i am not goingto leave you raspuri darling.. you there..? i saw you where are you? hey darling.. aisu... i am here nakul i will catch you

your husband's body is with me come my raspuri.. come near you are playing hide and seek with me my darling? i am crazy on every part of yourbody which i've seen my darling.. you here? where are you darling?

where are you my darling? leave me leave me..please leave me sripadha sir.. please open the door who is it at this time? come quickly sir sripadhan sir.. your friend nakul is there,no?

something has happened in his house lot of noises are coming outof that house i am coming now just give me a minute i will come with you comelets go see that sir something is happening there nakul sir..

open the door the door the door lets break the door the door hey... hold this please god..heal him don't worry

don't worry.. please come sir we will bring somewitchcraft people lets bring them fastbefore morning i totally forgot this raspuri how could i left her? good morning barkkathullah.. what is he watching inside? doesn't have a job?

i don't understand anything i have to poke his eyes one day where are you going? you will come to me hey..ullah.. what sir? today is a good day for me man brother.. that is...

my husband's illness is very worse now i have to pay one lakh rupees can you please help me? look sister.. i don't have so much moneyto give you but i can give you an idea you go and ask raja sir only he can help you now i'll inform him that you are coming

please go okay brother.. i will go there raspuri raja sir.. my god.. this house looks scary why did you come here raspuri? my husband is not well i went to meet your friend barkkathullah

i asked some money but he told me to go to you he said he will call you and talk to you regarding this i just came for that i have already kept myeyes on you i will not leave you without having you wait dear

why did you come here? my husband is very sick i need some money you want money? you came for a job i will give you job i will keep my eye on you you will get into problem what is this..!

where it is coming from raspuri.. money is here my cot is inside what is in your heart raspuri? think decide fast you.. a pervert raspuri..raspuri.. god..

created woman for what? but.. this one is master pleasureraspuri take this moneytake it shit! dog i don't know what he is doing honey.. come, we'll go to hospital now

we don't have so much of money see..i have money i have so much where did you get this money? i'll tell you all that later you come with me now lets go to the hospital where did this money come? you come with me

i'll tell you careful who gave you the money? slowly.. oh my god.. why you are asking this now? lets go to the hospital now who gave this to you? you come with me please..

what a girl! i don't know where these girls are from where to find these girls? where is barkkathullah? i want to see him barkkathullah? contractor?? sit sit sit sit here raspuri

actually..what you want from ullah? nothing..i want to see him what a girl..such a beautiful lips she has have never seen me before,right? oh raspuri.. are you related to ullah? that is none of your business what is this..? bloody idiot

raspuri.. raspuri raja i am have you heard about me? would you like to have some tea? no,i dont want anything its can have it sorry..i dont want its ok..have one no

why she is refusing..? who is this raspuri sitting with raja? you said that you will take me to movie hey..raspuri raja sir.. please look this file come with me come here,come here you don't know anythingabout this guy hey ullah..ullah..

buy a tea for raspuri man this idiot has taken that raspuri hey..listen you promised that you will take me to movie if i would have little late that raspuri raja should have shown your picture i want to go for a movie okay..will go to picture later now you go home

i will come and join you she has put me in unnecessary trouble oh..didn't get time to talk to her did you see that file raja? leave that documents never once have you invited me toyour home ullah? hey..what is there in my home man? we eat mutton and chicken but you don't likeall that,right?

if it is mutton or chicken whatever it is.. invite me home man i don't like it at all man hey..this guy is not going to leave me how can i trust him and invite home? what ullah..? you are going to invite me or not? if you don't mistake me

can i say something to you? by joining with you i also have committed a lot of sinsalong with you how many of them get hurtedbecause of you? hereafter lets not do it leave everything be good that is better for you to whom you are talking to ?

once again if you talk to me like this be careful when you talk are you advising me? i am raspuri raja let me make one thing clear don't advise me again once again if you advise me i will forget our friendship raspuri raja..

i am telling one thing whatever you do god is aware of it after that its your wish hey..get out you are doing too much raja you are doing too much i born to enjoy in this world you are advising me,idiot

hey,come here man i want to say you something yes,what? our boss raja is there,right? he is a big fraud he is always creating trouble for us he will spoil you andalso everyone's family go and tell everyone we will finish him here,okay?

go..bring all..go today everything is ready today is going to be the lastday of your life i will show you be ready to face it man today, either you leave or i kill him..kill him

kill him no no sir,sir..what to do? burry that body in that new building which is under construction but no one should know about this be careful nobody should know about this,okay? will burry him this underthis building

you all be careful and never ever reveal this toanybody,okay? go..start the work i am raja.. i'll not go from this body i'll go before i go.. i'll kill everyone in this house hey..raspuri..

please tell me.. isn't there any solution for this? for every problem there is solution you have to vacatethis house whoever comes to this house this will be the problem they have to face this soul.. will never be in peace will never get peace for him

without fulfilling its desire it will notleave this house why it is happening? before this devil smashes you you better leave this house i am going that is why i am telling you without making a good research never buy a house do you understand?

understood sir may god bless both of you god is always with you

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