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Friday, May 12, 2017

hope, your t.v's workingfine these days. yes. why? l'm coming to your house tomorrowevening to watch t.v. but l've booked ticketsat eros for you too. tear them up. it's cosmosvs mohan bagan tomorrow. we're getting a chance tosee world's greatest player,... the black pearl, pele. l've only one grievancein life. l couldn't see pele inflesh and blood.

couldn't go to calcutta airportto welcome him. bring ratna along. we'llhave dinner together. who's it? brother?- yes. how come you're late today? yes. there was a partyat anand's place. l was asked to singmany songs.... lay the table.- the doctor uncle was here. really? when?- in the evening. he dropped in whilevisiting a patient.

what was he saying? he said, this year only 150/ohave passed in your subject. think, l'm not includedin that 150/o? serve me food. have you eaten?- no. why don't you eat when l'm late? don't you know,l hate to eat alone? o.k.hurry up now. ratna, my dear... welcome,'s your patient?

there's a lot of problem.- what happened? his fever has disappeared with thesecond dose of medicine... and he was having tea.- so what's the problem in this? a doctor's doomed if his patientsrecover in just 2 doses. no visit and no fees then... you and your nephew are alike.come in... shall l make some tea?- no. don't bother, dear. where's ram prasad? hisresult was to come today. yes. he has gone to see that.

may god help him pass. he should pass. he hasworked day and night. looks like he's here... what happened, brother? of whom?- l mean, your result. just as we feared.... uncle, your informationwas wrong. lt wasn't 150/obut only 120/o wh'o... then you....- didn't l say only 120/o ...

come here. l'll ask himhis result. tell me the truth, my son...- l've passed, uncle... god bless you, my're just like your dad. ln times of happiness, hetoo put an act like this. l'm relieved of a bigburden today. which burden? you can stand on yourown two feet now. sweeten your mouth. l knew, my brother couldn't l had already bought the sweets.

get me a pen and a paper. l've a iob in view, for'll get it, if you're lucky. rs.5501- or rs.6001- will bethe starting salary. who'll give me that much?l've no experience at all. your biggest qualification isthat you're inexperienced. l'll tell you later about write first. how many applications havewe received in all? ln all 117,... 23 of them are inexperiencedthe rest are experienced.

throw away the applicationsof the experienced. the country's in this state dueto these experienced people. l can't see a man on the chair,who's less than 70 years. that's why, the country'sjust not progressing. lt's crawling like old men.- you're right, sir. today's youngsters haveone shortcoming. what's that?- they're more lured by sports. you're right, sir.- o.k., read the names. the first name's vicky saxena.- what name is that?

lt must be vikram. he might'veshortened it to vicky. one who has shortened his name,will shorten his work too. tick him off and read ahead.- l mean go ahead here. the second name's badrinarayan.- call him. the third name's ram prasad sharma.- call him, too. whose clothes are you ironing? brother's. he has hisinterview at 1 1 today. will he go in this dress?- yes. doomed!- what's wrong?

nothing... ram prasad...- coming, uncle. read the papers? the first hockeytest between india and pakistan. lslauddin and shamiullah arecoming. what'll be the result? l can't predict that result,... but l can tell youyour interview's result. what ?- if you go in these clothes,... the result will be a flop. l don't understand. l've come to make you understand.ratna, get me a cup of tea.

come here. come and sit here. l'll tellyou about bhavani shankar. the proprietor, who's goingto interview you. my childhood friend.- is it so? your moustache's your biggestscoring point with him. he measures the size ofa moustache with a tape. he says, one without a moustache,doesn't have a pure heart. he's right.- what? no. l didn't mean're an exception.

does everyone in his officesport a moustache? all except the ladyreceptionist. now listen carefully. to begin with, don't pronounceyour name in short. say ram prasad sharma.not r.p.sharma. point 2. he's dead againstrecommendations. he shouldn't know thatl'm your relative. point 3. the most important point. other than accountancy,don't answer any other question.

pretend to be ignorant aboutcinema, hockey, music, et al. lgnorant?- as his father said... should only studyas a student. after finishing your studies,you can enjoy your hobbies. he's very proud of his culture. so wear a dhothi and kurtainstead of trousers and a shirt. l don't have a kurta-pyiama. beg, borrow or steal then.apply lots of oil on your head. stop the car.

where were you since a year?where are you going now? remember jagannath?- yes. he's a social worker now. l'm going to borrow a pyiamakurta from him for a day. for interview. pyiama-kurta for an interview?- yes. applying for aministerial position? don't run after this.look for a permanent job. lt's not like that.

want a kurta-pyiama? l'm going to the mohan studios.l'll get you one there... this is the way to offera drink to a lady. let there be a hurricane,earthquake or a storm.... ...not a drop of alcoholmust spill out of the glass. lf it spills, it should doso orderly, like this.... quickly bring all setsof pyjama-kurtas. for whom are you shooting?- jurmaana. lsn't it complete yet?- no. why?

l'm working for the suspensemythological mystery drama. who plays parvathi's husband? l forgot to introduce.... my childhood pal mr. prasad. no need to say a wordabout him. your lips are bleeding.- oh! that's make up. since he's come to astudio for the first time... let me go for my make up.... hey! you look differentwith a moustache.

l'm doing a double role. one withwhiskers and one without them. lt's raised on one side.trim it a little. has that heroine come?- no. why are you getting meready then? go and send bhosle. tell me's ratna? fine. she's doing her m.a.- really? are you married? no.- any love affair? no.- as simple as ever. listen...

here's your pyiama-kurta.- see which one you want. anything simple.- choose it. this will be o.k. but this is...- looks like, it's bachchan's leave it alone.try another one. this should do. lt's too big.whose is this? lt's hari bhai's sanieev kumar's? don't youhave one of his size? l've one of asrani. but it'll beslightly short for him.

never mind. it's for a day.l'll manage. please bring it. what's this? 12 interviewsare over in 20 minutes? l don't understand. he didn'task a word about accounts. asking funny questions.- what do you mean? this is all an eye-wash.the candidate's already chosen. please come. sit down. you must be knowing my uncle,hari srivastava. he was your college-mateand captain of football team. uncle has sent his love to you.don't you remember him?

you mean hari narayan?- yes. he's now a football coach. when black pearl was here, mohanbagan's team was selected by him. the world famous footballplayer, pele. as tagore was called gurudev,gandhi was mahatma or bapu.... ...pele was affectionatelyknown as black pearl. you seem to have a greatknowledge in sports. sports is my life. l'm writing a bookon indian cricketers. sunil gavaskar was myclass mate.

any message for hari uncle? tell him, l'm pleased to meet you. your good name? ram prasad dasharath prasad sharma. please take a seat.- thank you sir. what's your opinion aboutsunil gavaskar? the famous cricket player. l beg your pardon. l'mignorant about cricket. that's o.k. tell me somethingabout black pearl.

l never knew that a pearlcould be black too. l thought they're only white. l'm talking of pele.- oh! he's a great man, sir. tell me somethingabout his greatness. his research is worth reading. whom are you talking about? rele. the famous economist.- no. l'm talking of pele. l had read in the papera few days ago.... ...thousands of nuts waitingto see him at the airport.

about him, l know only so much. about this india versus pakistanhockey test... ...what's your opinionabout that? l'll take your leave sir.- why? what happened? other than my subiect, l've noknowledge in other fields. my dad used to say, youthis meant to work. you have the whole life aheadto pursue your hobbies. but now l've known thatknowledge in sports is also a must. my dad's advice was of no use.

never. your dad hastaught you right. sit... what else hashe taught you? he said that one should nevergive up his principles. leave it. you might feelthat he's mad. no. no. tell me. he said, protect your idealsand your moustache. moustache is the mirrorof the mind. you're cent percent right. l say, a man without amoustache has no heart.

you've got an ideal education. look at this balance sheet. which fool has made this?- l've made this. l beg your pardon,but this is wrong. l know that. l wanted toknow, how much you know. l'm very happy with you. join tomorrow.your salary will be rs.8001-. rs.8001-....- o.k. rs.850. not a penny more. - you youngsters feel....- l didn't mean that, sir.

l'm inexperienced. howcan l get rs.8501-? l'm not worth even rs.5501-. don't teach me aboutyour worthiness. go now and come tomorrow. listen. why do you wearsuch a short kurta? my dad said, a kurta's meantto cover the upper body. there are 30 crore men here.10 crore might wear kurtas. the cloth saved by shortening6 from each kurta....

...can save the problem ofclothing for many. wearing long clothes is adangerous fashion, dad said. he was against fashion.- you mean was? yes sir. he died 4 years ago. how unfortunate am l thatl wasn't blessed to.... a straight and greatthinker like him. but he's always with me. his thoughts keepreverberating in me that.... ...even after death man dueto his principles and thoughts...

...can remain immortal. you'll prosper a lot.but l've a small request. use this flamboyant languageto write and not to speak. l find it difficultto comprehend. salutations sir.- god bless you, son. l was scared for no reason. even if you weren't a c.a.... would've earned wellas an actor in a drama. that's o.k. uncle. but how willthis mini kurta do?

lt's someone else's.stitch one of your size. no. there's a problemin that. people normally drop theax on their legs. but l've put my leg on itand hurt myself! how?- l had to get a job. so l said that my dadalways wanted a short kurta. now how do l give updad's ideals? the kurta's a little short.- little? lnstead of rs.5501-, you'll geta salary of rs.8501-.

not only a short kurta,you shouldn't hesitate to work... even in a banian! l want to talk personallywith him. you go there. remember one thing. you'll gain a lot,if bhavani's happy. do you know urmilaof urmila traders? she's the only daughterof bhavani shankar. so?- she's a beautiful spinster. l've broken all my ties withthe world to be with you.

why are you quiet?why don't you speak? my only fault is that.... ...l've married youstealthily. what's wrong if you'venot come on a horse back? there was no pomp or music. didn't you accept me asyour wife before god? don't desert me. l'mbearing your child in me. god! open the eyes of my heart. first you open the eyeson your face!

where do you listen to me? either you're busy workingor with your tummy exercise. l've told you, not to give toomuch freedom to urmila. what happened today? urmi has married withoutour knowledge. who told you?- l've just heard and come. he's deserting her and goingaway. not only this, urmi.... tell me, what happened?- urmi's pregnant. where's urmi?- in her room.

my fault is l married youwithout my dad's knowledge. tell me, why are you quiet? lf you desert me in thisplight, l'll commit suicide. open the the door.... what's happened daddy?- it'll happen now. what? what's wrong, auntie? what have you done, my dear?- what? you've brought disgraceto our family. where's that rogue?l'll shoot him today.

lf you only had tomarry then.... look at this bottle ofglycerine and the drama script. this is a rehearsal of thedrama to be held in our college. what's the need of thisvermilion in a rehearsal? lt's the role of a married lady. what's this. it's iust 9.30and you've started working? l'm here since 8 a.m.- what for? yesterday evening, boss hadasked me to make ahuja's file. what's the hurry for that?you have the whole day ahead.

he wants it this evening. no, sir. my father used to say.... finish off tomorrow's worktoday and just now itself. a poet of new generation hasmodified this saying as... today's iob tomorrow,tomorrow's on the 3rd day.... ... what's the hurry when there'sa whole life ahead of you? but you never asked mewhose saying is this? whose?- mine!

you are great. have it, sir.- what's this? the file on ahuia & ahuia.- when did you complete it? l had told you at 5 o'clockyesterday. l was here till seven yesterday.l came in at 8 today and it's over. what's the need to over work?l don't pay extra for that. why overtime, sir? dad usedto say, if you had to work.... ...never look at the watch. know what my dad used to say?

lf you see a young boyworking hard... ...then lavish all yourattention on him. one small thing, sir.- what? our company's taking shortterm loans from the ahujas. but they're deducting interestand paying us back. so what?- look here. on rs.25,oool-, we've paid1 o/o monthly interest. but we've paid interest onour amount of rs.22,7501-. lt means the rate of interestis 2.290/o & not 1 + o/o

ln the last 5 years, we'veborrowed 5 lakhs from them. and we've got rs.l5,oool- less. god! no one ever thought of that! l think, the file should besent to our legal advisor. write a letter to thiscompany. go on. pay rs.1001- as conveyanceallowance to ram from now. have this.- wow! that was nice.... what an ideal sister! fool, is this a samosa?- then what is it?

this is the love of a sister. sister's love will get cold,if you don't eat it soon. when will your salaryget hiked again? friends....lend meyour ears. the celebration for prasad'ssuccess is on me. ln this celebration, otherthan prasad and me... ...only one moreperson can go. hey! this is against democracy. when there's no emergency,it doesn't mean.... can act and shoutany way you like. friends, l've 3 tickets fortomorrow's hockey match. 13 can't go there in iust 3 tickets.this is the time to sacrifice. those who are not willingto go, raise your hands. what? a hockey match andyou won't go? l can't get leave.- take a half day. no leave for a test match.- why? that's a different drama.l'll tell you sometime. o.k., you're great in acting.

say your mom suddenly fell ill. why drag mydead mom into this? so what? with fever, l'mgiving life to your dead mom. you're right. what's thereto crib about? l'll surely go. l'll ringyou up at three sharp.... ...that your mother'ssuddenly sick. that will be fine. l'll give youthe number of my boss's cabin. lf he receives the phone, therewill be no room of doubt. bring a shirt andtrousers for me.

l'll come to your house. fromthere, we'll go to the stadium. where's the need to carrythat shirt and trousers? lf l go to see the match in theclothes l wear to office... ...lndia will surely lose.remember the number of boss. 449002 o.k... call meat 3, then. o.k.? despatch this today itself.- have you signed in the duplicate? yes. l've to go on an urgent work. you wait here for khanna'sphone at 5 p.m. you talk to them personally.

l'll send him now. itwas your neighbour's phone. l'll tell him not to call here. your mother's suddenly ill. what happened to mother? no. she's iust sick.go home quickly. but mr.khanna's phone-call...- to hell with this call! go home soon. wait. let me drop you in my car. no. why are you unnecessarilytaking trouble ?

l'll take a taxi. o.k... please pray god for my mother. don't panic, son.everything will be fine. go on. this is called devotionto mother. anyone sitting here?- go and sit there. welcome my late latifs,my moon-faced guys... l've been waiting for youfor an hour. will you have a betel?- offer him. will you have one?

the ahuia's have acceptedtheir mistake. sign this paper and you'llget back your rs.15,oool-. how's your mother?- she's o.k. now. the doctor said that nowthere's no cause for worry. but what was her problem?- breathing trouble. now she's o.k. you mean she's fine?- l mean her sickness. yesterday's match was nicewith your pals. isn't it? l don't get you, sir.- don't pretend! l'm like your father andyou dare lie to me....

yes, as you're like my dad andno, as you said, l'm lying. l saw you at the stadiumwith my own eyes. l was taken aback byyour guts. so much of faith hadl placed in you... your face looks differentwith the moustache. yes, it's a double-roleof twin brothers.... one has a moustachewhile the other doesn't have. l get it, sir. but that'sno fault of yours, sir. what?- your eyes are at no fault either.

but sign here first andl'll tell you after that. what will you say?....- don't get so excited. dad used to say, it's harmfulfor health to get excited. no sir. you say, you sawme at the stadium. yes.- what had l worn? you....- l'll tell you, sir. the one you've seen musthave worn colourful clothes. yes.- with sunglasses? yes, yes....- with unruly hair.

one look at him reminds youof a roadside-romeo. what do you wish to say?- l wish to say that... you haven't seen me at all. have you ever seen mein jazzy clothes? but many people make the mistakeyou have made. the one you saw, wasn'tram prasad.... ...but lakshman prasad,my twin brother. what?- yes, sir. l have a moustache, whilehe doesn't sport one.

a clean shave?- just think sir. you're the can dismiss me, if you wish. but my father usedto say... ...never tolerate falseallegations against yourself. now, when you've lost yourconfidence in me... ...l can't work here anymore.accept my resignation. good-bye. listen. maybe you're right.he had no moustache. what do you mean by maybe ? how can he have onewhen he has no moustache?

l considered you asmy father. but today, you have levelledfalse allegations against me.... no, l was at wrong.sit down... sit here. you said iust now thatl'm like your father. don't l have the right toscold you, then? you do have a right, sir.- tell me something first. what's your brother doing?- nothing. lt's sports, music,and cinema the whole day... lt means, he doesn'tearn anything?

no. instead, he blows up a lot. ls the entire responsibilityon your shoulders then? yes.- send him here tomorrow. l'll arrange for a iob here.- no. this can never happen. why not?- he can't come when l'm here. l don't follow.- l told you, he knows nothing. only music, sports....- o.k. the day after tomorrow's a holiday.send him home then. he'll teach musicto my daughter.

one more problem formy sake... now stop arguing. hey! you're caught then.- look... l'll be doomed withoutthis job. no one will give a salary ofrs.9501- these days. l've to get ratnamarried, also. make an artificialmoustache for me, like this. the rest, l'll take care of. everything's in a confusion...

every straight road hasa curved path... hi, gardener... ls the old man in?- which old man? l mean your boss, bhavani.- who told you, he's old? he's born old. a name likebhavani shankar... imagine. am l not correct?o.k. go and call him.... call him. you sit here. l'll goand call him. you...- l'm bhavani shankar.

are you also one of the twins?a gardener, who's working here... there's no gardener here.l do my own gardening. alas! l've made a big mistake.- what? l called you an old man...- so what? l'm an old man. you're old, even then, iust as ablind shouldn't be called blind... a cripple shouldn'tbe called a cripple... it's not politically correct tocall an old man old. lt offends an old manto be called that. what's your name?- lucky sharma.

my name's laxman, but mypals call me lucky. you must call me that, too.- no, l'll call you laxman. as you wish. you can evencall me laxman prasad d.s. l was reminded ofthat full name... brother said, you were inneed of a music teacher. yes. but there are 2 conditions.- what? the first: your salary of rs.2001-will be paid to ram prasad. why so?- l told you, that's my condition. my daughter will decide ifyou know music or not.

l won't accept this. just as your daughter willdecide about me... artist like mehas the right to know... ...whether your daughteris fit enough to learn music. he has come to teach you music.his name's laxman. what?- laxman. you can call me lucky.- o.k. l'll call you luckyii.- why call lucky-ji? just call me lucky andl'll call you mili.

no, you'll call her urmilaii! and she will addressyou as masterji. see if he's worthteaching music.... you see if she'sworth learning music. let's go to the music room.- come on. lt's indeed difficultto sing. music is not accountancy. here 2 & 2 can be 5or 3 or even zero. very shrewd.

come in. are all these done by you? yes. don't fail meby looking at my taste. l can't sing for nuts,especially before you. why?- you're a great singer. last year you had sungat the rang bhavan... actually, l started likingmusic from that day only. how much l searched for you.

l reached there, after youhad started singing. so, l couldn't get yourname and address. that's good.l mean, what's in a name? the real thing is music... l could make that outafter hearing your music. please sing that samesong once again. l felt that day... though the world werean open ground. l'm all alone in itwith your voice.

since then, l've been roamingin search of that voice. l keep day dreamingabout you always. looks like ram has runaway. where has he gone? l don't know. he left homevery early. l didn't know. he looks tensed upsince 2 days. l too am tensed up. l could gather from bhavani's talkthat someone has cheated him. brother has come. uncle has come.

what's wrong with you?- salutations, uncle. what happened to your whiskers?- nothing. why do you have ahanky there then? where has yourmoustache gone? what have you done? working with him, you'veshaved your moustache? you've lost your iob. did you call me?- come. laxman had come yesterday. who?- your brother.

yes... my brother... shall l say some thing.don't mistake me. he's a bit of an upstart. hope he hasn't actedfoolishly with you. not deliberately. he took me to be a gardenerand started talking to me. what a shame! don't permit himto enter your house. no. how is that possible? he's your twin brother.

how do l tell you,... he'll bethe cause of my downfall. you're unnecessarily worried. l must concede one thing though.he has a sweet voice. how's your mother now? she's fine.- l'm coming on sunday to meet her. coming to meet whom?- your mother. no. l told you, she's fine now. so what? she's your motherand can't l meet her? l'm coming on sunday..., you want a mother now... your story's gettingcomplicated day by day. first, l thought ofdirecting your story. now l feel, l should makea commercial director do it. there's no logic inyour story anymore. first, you wanted a kurta, thena moustache, and now a mother. ln my story, instead of amother, l'd induct a wife. a wife is young, sothere'll be sex-appeal... ...romance, music and a villainto fight with the hero.

he'll chase him. you can think about me now.your story comes later. l want a mother andthat too tomorrow. what's the problem there? l'll tell arunaii and she'll beyour mom from today itself. are you mad?- why? she'll look like my wife. can't you have a step-motherwho's 25-26 years old? l don't want step-mother.

her age should be 40-50?- yes. saritabai won't actas your mother. nirupaii is very busy.sulochanaji's in kolhapur. mother's role... 4 days ago l wasworking in basuda's film. who was my mom there?she was my mother. a lady, mrs. srivastava. a rich lady, she'sa social worker... she's working in filmsas a hobby. we'll go to her.she won't refuse.

no... l can't do this.if l'm caught, then.... caught?how can you say that? this is a test of anartist's talent. lt's a challenge for you. look at him oncebefore you refuse. he's a middle-class chap. he's the sole supporterof his family. what'll happen, ifhe loses his job? look at him.

how will a poor man'ssister get married? who'll marry him? accept this as a socialservice, please... o.k... no... l can't do this.l've no courage. l'm nervous now. you must've heard aboutthe father of a nation. but have you ever heardof the mother of a nation? no. why?l'll tell you. lt's easy to become a father. to become a mother isall the more difficult.

lt's a matter of pride tobecome a mother of someone. we've come here to giveyou that exalted status. had l got that status...l could've been his mother. please accept it.l'll boost your morale. please come and sit. you said, your only daughter'smarried in canada. without her, you findthis house deserted. her memories pain youand make you restless. how old is your daughter?- 22-23 years!

ratna's also 24-25 years old- ratna? his only sister. she'll geta mother and you a daughter. you'll only have totolerate him. don't get carried awayby his looks. he's a very smart chap. he's a chartered accountantand well-mannered. come and fall at yourmother's feet, son... may god bless you...may you live long like me. l accepted this,just to meet you.

brother and l will neverforget your obligation. have you understoodeverything now? what's there to understand?your parents are dead. no. mother's not dead.l'm your mother. l'm not dead as yet and there arejust the three of us in this house. not 3 but 4.- 4_ yes, 4- yes. one who's there and not there. look, l haven't forgotten.

just don't become nervous.- why should l? no, l am no nervous. they have come... come in... why remove your shoes?let them be there. wow! what a divine atmosphere... please sit... let's go auntie.- not auntie, mother... wait. - now come.- wear your sari properly.

- come.- sandals? your brother laxman'snot to be seen. when is he at hometo be seen around? he must've gone to yourplace to teach music. salutations... how lucky we are to haveyour presence here. don't say fact, l'm lucky... please sit.- you sit. she's my younger sister...

god bless you.- she's doing her m.a. in hindi. ln hindi? why won't she?after all, daughter of a great man. the credit should go tomother also. you're right. go and get some snacksfor him, dear... no, why take the trouble?- what's the trouble in this? a guest is like god;and one must serve them well. wow! just like thedivine atmosphere here... ...your language and thoughtsare also divine.

by the way, how are you now?- why, what's wrong with me? as long as l'm breathing,l'm alive. what are you talking about?may you live long! what will l do with a long life? my only daughter's to get marriedby the grace of god. l've only one've given him a good job. only son?- thing is, laxman's never... ...taken into account by mother. he's never there at home.his dad used to say.... can't becomea son by birth, alone. after completing his duty,does he become a real son. wow! such noble thoughts.... have a little sweet. wow! coconut mom used to make them. these are made by my mom. why did you ask me to have alittle sweet? l'll eat them all. l'll come here as and whenl find time at the office. why? l mean why not?it's like your own house.

l'll have to come incraze of these sweets. why take trouble for that? mom will make them andl'll give it to you in the office. l'll make lots to lastyou for months. o.k. madam, l don't wish togo, but l'll have to leave. l'll see him to his carand return. switch on the fan infull speed, my dear. thanks a lot. your actingas a mother was excellent. you saved us from aproblem, like a mother.

preserve this, ramprasad. now ram will die andlucky will be born... teach music tobhavani's daughter. o.k. mrs.srivastava...- shall l make tea for you? come near me. lt's fine if you call meauntie before all. can't you call me motherwhen we're alone? where are there partiesthese days? ln the name of a party, thereis a fashion parade.

there are fancy dress shows. where have you come? to afashion parade or fashion show? don't ridicule the nationaldress to be called modern. hide yourself. r.c.bhavanihas given you a fitting reply. let me rectify that. what's the matter?- nothing. met after long time.your husband hasn't come? he's in bangalore. how are you?how's your mother?

what happened tosushma's beauty contest? my wife was against this anyway. this is a conservative idea. don't worry, l'll convince her. excuse me, l'm iust are you, susheela? fine.- when did you make this? lt's very pretty.- made it just now. l too thought of makingone like this. and then....o.k.then, l' you later.

looks like, we've met earlier. l don't think so.what's your name? bhavani shankar.- l'm kamla srivastava. surprising, not only you,but your voice is also identical. surely, we've met earlier. aren't you talking aboutmrs.sharma of khar? yes.- that's why, you're confused. but my sister's a widow.- is she your sister? yes. though she's a widowall are still mistaking us...

we're twins. that's why.... looks like there's a traditionof twins in your family. you're right. my grannywas also one of twins. now ram and lakshman.... go to khar.- yes.... brother's not at home. mother?- she's bathing... let it be.l'll meet her and go. sit

something important?- yes. you can tell me.l'll go and ask her.... she takes a long timebathing, you know... never mind. l'm in no hurry. where's ram prasad?- l don't know. he has gone to the temple.- temple? every tuesday, he goesto the temple. he's very conservative. so visiting a temple andpraying is a bad tradition?

then wear iazzy clothes,ioiter around without a job....? look, l don't wish to argue. there's a big gapbetween you and me. you ignore the future andkeep looking at your past... ...when the sun's risingbehind your back. the older generation can neverappreciate our views. with whom are you talking? mom, have you come?l mean after your bath... oh! is it you?- talk to him. l'll come now.

salutations, sir.- please sit... you too sit.... how are you now?- it's all your mercy. thought of peeping in,while passing by this way. what do you mean? younever come here these days. l mean....your sister,l met her at a party. you mean kamla? how's she?- fine. l've not met herfor a long time. before our marriage, we couldn'tstay without each other.

we're twins.... here are my ram and lakshman. other than their looks, theyare totally different. mom, l'm going to a iazz show. asha putli's coming.l'll be home late. go and get thosesweets for him. l'm always worriedabout this boy. but god has given you ason like ramprasad, too. he's so disciplined, honest,hard-working.... well mannered, l couldpraise him forever. these days he looks worried. why?- he respects you a lot. he almost worships you. he's scared, that with asmall fault done by him.... might demean him,then what'll happen to him? ram getting demeaned?that can never happen. he was saying that one daythere was a misunderstanding. he was to be thrownout of his job.

l'm indeed ashamedabout that act. ls he still thinkingabout being kicked out? and l'm thinking of makinghim the general manager. mother...sir... you... god bless you.- hey! what's this? whenever l come from the temple,l prostrate before mom. since a mother is greaterthan even god. you're like my l... no, my son, sit with me.god bless you, son.

l'm touched by your devotion. sir, iust bless me thatbetween you and me... ...there should be nomisunderstanding. what are you talking about, son?make him understand, sis. take rest madam andiet me take your leave. you rest mother...- hurry up, ratna... let it be, madam.l'm in a hurry. bye... as long as l'm alive,no one can harm you. l thought brotherhad had it today.

how did you pop in from? mother can sniff danger.look... how did you getinto the house? from the rear; throughthe kitchen window could you get in through that? yes. l know how l got waist got caught. l was half in and half out. l could smell thatbhavani would be here. what happened?

l sprained my leg, whilejumping through the window. let me rub lodexon that. l can guess that you were verynaughty when you were young. ln my mom's house, the kitchenwas on the 2nd floor. there was a tree behind it. l used to enter in throughthat tree to flick pickles. l relived my childhoodagain today. mom knew that yourboss was coming here. she has sprained her leg whilejumping through the window.

how many problems you'vegot to face because of us? call her mother from today.- you're right. you must've been our momin some birth of ours. l too feel that way.but tell me something. l can guess, how you changedyour dress quickly. how could you get vermillionfrom the temple so soon? lt's not from's lipstick. lipstick...?- yes. look... take this.- what's that?

dahi vada.- l don't feel like eating. don't feel like eating?- no. a girl refusing to eat thiscan have only 2 reasons. one is either she's slowlybecoming a boy or.... get going... no. l can't see that sign. the 2nd reason mustbe right. what's that?- you're love-sick. who's he? no one.- don't lie.

one day l too had hatedto eat these. the 3rd day, l realised,l'm in love with buntu. what's his name?- lucky, l mean laxman prasad. not the one who comesto teach you music? how do you feelbeing in love? can't follow anything. asiong as lucky's with me.... seems to be nice. but when l'm alone, l feelthere's no charm in life. have matters reachedso far?

does he come in your dreams?- sometimes. what does he tell you?- teaches me music. let me say, what l wanted to. don't interrupt me.this is your bad habit. never permit me to speak.- speak out in 112 a minute. that's o.k.l want less time only. don't make me nervous bystaring at me. l'll tell you... l want to say that urmi'sbehaviour is not proper. blurt out openly whatyou want to say.

she blabbers in her sleepthese days. with lakshman's name, shewas blabbering in her sleep. with lakshman's name?- the boy's good. but our urmi's in lovewith him. l say brother... ...get her married off toa good groom. what has lakshman done, sir? l can't blame lakshman. the problem is,my urmi can't... ...tell the difference betweengold and brass.

she doesn't know what isgood or bad for you. but he should know that. due to dance and music, shehas no interest in studies. lf after office hours, you'llteach her for a while... ...l'll be grateful to you. what do you mean? whatwill happen to lakshman? tell him, not to come tomy house henceforth. why won't he come? you can't get such a nicemusic teacher not only here...

...but anywhere inthe world. let it be tough. but it's impossible to geta teacher like ram. but daddy....- no buts and dont's enough of music. your examsare fast approaching. pay attention to your studies. ram has agreed withgreat difficulty. l want you to learn from him,who's good and who's bad. both are twins; but arevery different.

where's laxman and where's ram?- l'm here sir. come, my dear ram....come here. l was iust talking about you. what's this?these clothes, moustache.... you too got cheated?he's ram, laxman's twin brother. she's my sister, kalindhi. god bless you.- she's urmila. from today, you take allher responsibility. what?- l mean her studies.

but where will l teach?- in this room. one can't study properlyin such a big room. concentration will be less. a small room'sneeded to study. a separate quiet room.- he's right daddy. l'll clean that room on top.we'll start from tomorrow. why so?- today is pushpa's birthday. she's right.we'll begin from tomorrow. tomorrow's auspiciousas it's a wednesday.

you sit. l'll go now.- l'll also go, sir. you've come here for thefirst time. how could you gowithout eating? yes, sit down. take this. l'll get somemore for brother. eat, my dear... yes madam.- is lucky in there? there's no lucky here.- l mean laxman. so, you want younger brother?are you urmila?

how did you find out?- please come in. brother talks a lotabout you. now, l know all that by heart. what does he talk about me? once he said, my, urmi's nota girl, but a poet's dream. my urmila?- yes. must've read ramayan. then laxman has to call heras his urmila. please call him.- he's not at home.

when will he return?- can't say. he's a free bird. give me a paper. l'llwrite a letter to him. you write. till then, l'llget you a cup of tea. l'll have tea some other time.l'm in a hurry now. give this letter to him only. lf it's in his name,l'll give it to him only. can l get a cover?- no need for a cover. you fold it and give. l'llgive it to him. l won't read. nothing like that.the letter's personal.

don't worry. l'll give itto him only. ratna....- what's it brother? why was urmila here?- to meet laxman. what was she saying?- she has a letter for him. give me that.- no. it's for lakshman. stop fooling....- where am l fooling? l've promised her to giveher letter only to lakshman. look, here's laxman.- o.k. now l can give you. l'm dead....- what happened?

she wants me to meet hertomorrow at 7 p.m. so what, meet her then. how can l? l'll startteaching her by 5.30 p.m. tuitions will get overat 6.30 p.m. she'll reach that placecozily in her car. how can l become laxmanand reach there in l5 minutes? there's only one way. kabir asks to chantwithout a biased mind. ls it possible to concludefrom this that...

...he never tookanybody's side. kabir obiected to bothreligion and karma.... why do you keep lookingat the watch? - pay attention here.- it's 6.30 p.m. lt's 6.30 every day at this time. lt's over an hour.l can't study anymore. but half a chapter'sstill remaining. that way, one birth's notenough to study kabir. l'll try to complete itby 7.30. so, kabir...

l get tired if l studyfor more than an hour. but this chapter...- we'll complete it tomorrow. bye. finished your tuitions?- yes. have a snack.- no. l'm in a hurry. you're coming from the you must have a snack. why are you insuch a hurry? l'm very hungry.- eat it. l'll bring more. have you come? sit down.- let's go to chandan cinema. what are you doing here,brother-in-law?

sister's waiting therefor you. sister?- look, she's waiting there. hey! open the door. what areyou doing? l'm in a hurry. what happened?- l was about to go in.... ...when a man came and calledme brother-in-law. he went in and locked the this any way? lt means his need wasmore urgent than yours. you're crazy, helen hasalready started her dance. even then, l couldn't control it.

you say that his needwas more urgent. what?- he called me brother-in-law. then isn't he alsomy brother-in-law? shall l ask you a thing? you've finished that workso soon... ...changed your clothes andeven shaved your moustache. this is called the jet age... come....urmi, lucky has come. you're late.

lt's my alertness thatl've reached here so early. come. - sit.- why did you call me? we've to meet somewhere.l can't survive without you. my life would be hell, ifl had to meet you daily. l know, you've big eyes. look,l'm a straightforward man. why meet stealthily? forget me, if we've tomeet like this. are you history thatl read and forget it?

l'll be history, soon. yourdad hates the sight of me. he must've thrown me out ofjob with some idea in mind. with something on his mind,he has made ram your teacher. lf not me, let it be him.- what? lf you start lookingat my brother...'ll start seeingme in him. aren't you ashamed ofcanvassing for your brother? ashamed? me? one who'sram is lakshman and vice versa. that foolish man withthe moustache...

...can never be comparedwith you. there's no question ofcomparison. have some tea. we can't talk here. we'llmeet at juhu beach tomorrow. those who meet,actually never meet. those who never meet, inreality actually do meet. what's there is actuallynot there. what's not there isactually there. this is not iust playingwith words.

but it's a play too,in a way. this is the sight. and in this to be andnot to be.... meet and not tomeet, amidst this is.... ...the ocean ofmaya (illusion) why is he coming againto meet me today? l don't know. he told me yesterday,that he was coming to see you today. said it was somethingimportant. l don't like this now.

the day he knows the truth,what'll he think of us? do you think l loveplaying this game? gather the courage some dayand tell him everything. and that day, he'll kick meout of my job. looks like he has come. but something will haveto be done, mother. come... welcome... please sit...- you also sit.... how's your health now?- l'm fine.

that's nice. l've come for animportant work today. why not?- the thing is.... madam... lf you wish, we'll go out. no. actually, l've cometo talk about you. l've a requestto make to you today. give my daughter someplace at your feet. l've come to ask for ram's handfor my daughter. what are you saying?

you're so rich and thissmall house... these feelings of big andsmall are matters of the heart. so what if yourhouse is small? your heart is so big. l begof you, don't disappoint me. - but...- nothing doing. you'll have to say yes. what's happening there, my dear? hey! what are youdoing here? what are you doing here?

l've questioned you answer me. this is the house of myfuture son-in-law. so, you've fixed urmila's marriage? yes.- with lakshman? - what happen?- no. with ram. tell me, how you're here? this kamla...- kamla? l mean kamla vimla aremy foster sisters. now l'm in a soup.

l don't know, whether l belongto the girl or the boy's party. doesn't matter. l'll eatsweets with either of you. when is this auspicious day?don't delay these things. l'm going to fix the date now. don't get up. please sit, also, dear. kedar will leave me.come along. bye... a new problem hascropped up now. once you're married,everything will be o.k. you don't follow, mom.- why?

the problem is,father likes ram... ...and the daughteris in love with lakshman. urmi hates the sight ofram and... his b.p rises at thesight of lakshman. l'm caught between the two of them.- what will you do now? there's only one way out. laxman will have to go on exileto the forest, for ram's sake. urmi, forget your laxman. your laxman's leavingthis city forever.

you must marry ram.he'll keep you very happy. happier than me. funny, how did youcome to know? you've heard it right.the boy's a real gem. l thought, god had stoppedmaking such boys. l went to his motherand fixed up everything. she's your daughter, too.o.k. iet's meet later. but this weddingcan't take place. what not?- it's my marriage, dad.

but you never bothered to askabout my likes and dislikes. l didn't considerthat necessary. how do you knowyour choice is right? l'm old enough for that.- are you older than me? why don't you understand?l may like someone else. so, are you in love? with laxman? you can't marry the manyou're in love with. you'll marry the manof my choice, l mean ram.

are you forcing me?- yes. you've forgotten the decency,and the discipline of this house. you shamelessly look yourfather in the eye... ...and talk of yourown marriage?! l've pampered you and madea spoilt brat out of you. you'll marry only may go now... l'll go... who's it? you? at this hour of the night?

l say, how could youwrite that letter? what can l do? when yourdad likes ram... let dad like anybody.tell me, whom do you like? should l say whom l like? speak. brother likes you asmuch as l like you. but l hate him.- softly. ram will hear you. let him hear me.l'm not scared of anyone. l've left my house for goodand come here.

l'm going to pushpa's house. tomorrow, we're gettingmarried in the temple. against your dad's wishes?- yes. l'll lose my iob.- what? l mean, my brother's.... to hell with your brotherand his job. l'll commit suicide, ifyou don't come tomorrow. you'll be blamed for that.beware. just listen to me...

you, hello...- is ram there? yes. please come in.l'll call him. l'm fine here.please call him soon. o.k. brother...- who is it? uncle bhavani is here,brother.... he'll come in a come in. what's your otherbrother doing? he's not here. l too guessed as much.when did he go?

early this morning.- did you see him leave? yes.- was he here at night? yes.- when did you see him last? at 10.30 p.m. what's it?- nothing, my dear? you go and send ram.- yes. he looks serious.doesn't want to come in. he was cross-examining meabout laxman like a lawyer. looks like we're going to havea brand new ramayan soon! ram will be killedby laxman.

what this sir? you'restanding here? come in... you come on out...l want to talk to you alone. lsn't your brotherlaxman at home? no. sir. but what's wrong? my daughter has elopedwith this help. no, sir. yes, ram. l'm going tocomplain to the police. no sir, please don't do that.everything will be exposed. what?

l'll be no where,if the policecome here and make enquiries. l'll be caught, sir.- why you? due to laxman, l'll behumiliated. how will l get mysister married then? laxman has no role to playin urmi's eloping. he hasn't helped her.l can say this confidently. how can you be so sure? what's the difference betweenus twins? why are you panicking, ifyour brother's innocent?

allow me to go andiodge the complaint. no sir.just give me 3 hours time. l'll bring urmila toyour house. how? do you know,where she could be? no. but l know laxman's hide-outs. l'll find him in a iiffy.if he knows... o.k. but l'll inform thepolice after 3 hours. you?- urmila had called me. oh! come in..

come... come in...please go upstairs. what were you eating?- poison. why? don't call me urmi.- o.k. l won't. listen to me... what?- it's no use if you're angry. think it overwith a cool head. how dare you touch me? don't come near me...- but just listen to me.... why vent yourdad's anger on me?

have l reiected thisproposal of marriage? what?- l've come to tell you that... so you came to tell me this? have a long look at yourselfin the mirror. l iust don't wish to talkto you. get out... what are you talking about? what's wrong with you? - so you hate me.- yes. - don't wish to see me?- yes.

o.k. l'll go away forever. but iust look at mefor the last time. o.k. l'll go now.- lucky... no, l'm that foolish ram... you're foolish.but you are mine. what's this silly act?l'm your friend. believe me. urmila meanssomething to me also. your respect is my respect, too. lf the problem's solved by yourraised b.p, then do so.

should l blow a trumpetif not raise my b.p? for... ...eloping with my innocent urmi,your favourite... ...crook, rogue!that clean-shaven nephew of yours! scream and shout then.laxman will only benefit by this. how? with your high b.p, you'll geta cerebral hemorrhage. you may even die. urmi will get all your wealth,when you die. that means, laxman will get shout all you want...

l won't shout, in that case.- l know laxman very well. he's naughty, but not a loafer. - yes he is...- shouted again. he's a loafer! a crook!a bloody rogue! l want to talk to urmilain privacy. o.k.come ram, let's go. do as you told. go. please pardon me.

you were right. a man without a moustachecan never be decent. laxman turned out tobe the no.l rogue! what's the use ofcribbing now? the plans l had! l found a boy like ramfor you. but you've messed upeverything now. nothing's wrong.ram has forgiven me. he told me that he...- what?

he doesn't mind marrying me. did ram say that?- yes thank you, ram.... father used to say,ignore all minor mistakes. man must always try andappreciate another's soul. the most important thingis purity of heart... he was right. look attoday's generation. they're busy shavingtheir whiskers and beard! they pay no attentionto purifying their heart.

l can't understand why menshave off their moustaches. bring some more to eat.- no, this is enough... nothing's over now. it'sjust about to begin. eat's the last day to eat. what?- l mean before the wedding. don't keep standing here.go and get him some food to eat. eat my son....l'm iust coming... shall l bring potato stuffed bread?- no auntie. your uncle also used tosay no like this.

but used to gobble up4 men's food later. no. this is too much. this much bread were warming upyour uncle's teeth those days. he used to say, l talk aiot, but eat very less. but l couldn't fulfillhis one wish. l'll fulfill it afteryour wedding.... what's that auntie? he loved moghlai radishstuffed bread. one day l made them withgreat difficulty.

after eating one, he diedon the table itself. after you're married, l'llmake the same for you. no. give me potato stuffedand not radish bread. why only potato? l'll giveyou calcutta's sweets... pudding from delhiand pedhas from of mathura... so many sweets? how will you be strong,if you don't eat? how can you bear the beatings ofthe police, if you're not strong? beatings of the police...?- yes...

you cheat....! sir... sir, please forgive me... no, l'll finish you.police will be coming... l'll shoot you,if you try to escape. go and stand at the door.don't allow him to escape. l won't run. l'm gladyou've informed the police. l deserve to be sent to iail.l have sinned. let me compensate for my sinsby falling at your feet.

dare you touch my feet... auntie, please bless me... - alas! he has escaped...- catch him... hey! your mustache?- it's in your dad's hands. there was less glue. it slippedin the presence of your dad. what happens to ourwedding now? don't open the door.- open the door. say it louder.- l'm changing my clothes. then keep the door shut.

a criminal has entered here.l won't spare him today. you check out here. l'll goupstairs and look for him. - what'll happen now?- now l'll have to go to jail. there's one way out. lf we escape from hereand get married... ....then dad can't harmhis son-in-law... but how do we escape? thatdevil's waiting with a pistol. -which devil?- your daddy. you called my dad a devil?!

no. that angel's standingwith a pistol to welcome me! tell me how to escapefrom here now. what?- do you have a rope with you? no. or 2-3 bed spreads,... take outanything you have soon. l'll go and start the me there. look, won't you fall down?- no. you go now. listen... nothing... fool, what are you doing there?

l thought...- you've started thinking too?! get lost from here.where can he escape? hey! you thief...l'll make you dance now. auntie...- brother! come soon. he's fleeing. what happened?- he has escaped. where?- this way...! everything's in a mess... every straight roadhas a curved path. arrest him.

who's shouting there? you are caught again!where did you catch him? behind the creek, he hashis liquor hide out. will you stop this business?- l'll stop it, if l'm in the mood. sit quietly. l'll meet mysenior officer and return. get up from here.- what happened? go and sit on that bench.- l'm going, mister. smoking an officer's cigarettes? sit here. boss will come now.

put your legs down. - put your legs down.- who's that? have you come, inspector?- l'm not an inspector. then you must be a thiefor a crook. lt's a police station.only crooks can come here. great men won't come here. l'm a businessman.- l'm one, too. both are businessmen. looks like we'rethe same business.

where do you brew your stuff? why are you screaming?- won't you shut up? l've got it. you're caught for the first time. that's why, you're need to panic, buddy. l'll give you the medicinefor panic. look, this is potent stuff. take 2 swigs, you'll feelfine. all fears will vanish. have a sip. check it out.

hey! what's this?you're insulting my booze? when you survive on it,you liar... senior officer is coming. hey! what's this?- what's wrong? you look thin. you'll never improve. what's my fault? the municipality has warnedabout the outbreak of jaundice. boil water. man has stoppeddrinking water now.

so my business hasincreased. some don't drink water or alcohol.they have something else. got my point?what a joke? constable...put him behind bars. he's my friend, arrestedfor the first time. reduce his punishment.- take him away. why is he here?- due to rash driving, he hit a police car andalso had a revolver. l have a license.- show it to me.

l have it at home.- what did you find in his car? nothing. lt means, he threw thestuff and was escaping. what were you smuggling?whose stuff was that? do l look a like smuggler,you whisker-less dimwit? are you drunk? l don't drink.that drunkard spilt it on me. he speaks english! lf l'm pascal,you're a rascal.

with an artificial moustache,trying to cheat us? take off his moustache. dare you touch me.... - what happened?- they're his real whiskers. you've attacked my moustache. l will not leave you. l'll go to the high courtand the supreme court! l'll raise this issuein the parliament. don't forget that l'ma police officer.

are you one?- yes. you're not a police officer,but a foolish officer. mr.bhavani shankar!you and here....? he's a big industrialist. pardon me. it's not myfault. look at this snap. he looks like yourtwin brother. please beat me up, arrest meor even hang me. but please don't utter the wordtwin brother before me! o.k. l won't say it. will youhave some cold drink?

will you go home?take him home. please come. bring my moustache.- sir? get me a cold drink... have you come, brother?congratulations... why?- urmila got married. very good....with whom?- with laxman. - this wedding can never take place.- but they're already married. then l'll get them separated.

you can't break ahindu wedding so easily. you can call me mrs.srivastava or mrs.sharma. l don't follow.- l'll tell you. tell me, why are you soannoyed with laxman? just because he hasno moustache? for one, who has no moustache... much time will hetake to kill his own brother? yes. laxman has murderedhis elder brother, ram. he has come here now withan artificial moustache.

l thought him to be ram.- just listen to me. l won't listen to anyone. you're right. don't listen toanyone. just listen to me. here's one morewhisker-shaven man. who are you?- l'm prasad's friend. which prasad?- ram and laxman prasad. dare you utter laxman'sname before me! just think, if you had toshave off your moustache.... ...will you become popatlalfrom bhavani shankar?

never.- just look at the world. did nehru, kennedy, mao-tse-tungsport whiskers? weren't they great men?look at this side. a small hitler with histooth brush like moustache. what a crooked brain he had. ls decency a sparrow... ...that builds its nestin a moustache? you mean? you saw ram while he waswatching the hockey match.

to save his iob, he hadto tell you a lie. he had to enact a twin brother'srole and to kamla too. nor you could make out a thing. come, son. bless them, bhavani. pardon me, sir. he's your him father. forgive me, father.- daddy... brother...- uncle...

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