interaction forth period ap the reason why we study spanish i work with many spanish speakers i went to mexico last summer with the program "amigos de las americas" to do community service i traveled to peru and it was incredible experience i was born in honduras and while i lived there i spoke spanish fluently importance develop a global perspective many baseball players are hispanic and i love baseball
the second most used language our goals i want to pass the ap exam i want to use spanish at my work i want to understand a full movie in spanish i want to speak spanish fluently i want to always be able to order food in spanish i would like to study abroad for one year i want to travel to many spanish speaking countries
i want to use my spanish with confidence i want to learn more about the cultures in the hispanic world the plan i will read the news in spanish every week i will study abroad in a hispanic country i will keep traveling with community service programs to spanish speaking countries my symbol is an airplane window because i want to travel to all these countries my symbol is a hike in the mountains because i like it my symbol is a trip up the mountain

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