he is my friend. i have always been betrayedby the people i love most. like my mother... on the day my mother ran away,my father was shattered. your father is useless. he is like a brush withno bristles. a fool who lives in the worldof his colors... that is why your mother left me. what we had together wastrue love, you know?
all women are selfish. yes, they are selfish. on the day of our wedding... your mother clasped my hand tightand told me she'll be with me forever. but... everything turned upsidedown in an instant... i thought of her asmy world... but...her world is different... there's no place for youand me there... gautham...
i have only you... you have only me... please don't let go ofme ever. i will always be there for you... you are my world now. that night my father got drunk and told me that all women were selfish. from then on, i could never trust a woman. son, has your mothernot come? shall i feed you?
i have hands.i can eat on my own. mind your own business! gautham, why are you sittingthere like a sad old man? look at the others having fun. i won't play with them,dad. why not? because they are all girls. so what? you are the one who said, women will abandon us midway.
hey... that was justdrunken babble. that doesn't meanall women are bad. despite his efforts,he couldn't convince me. i just couldn't forget mymother's betrayal. to get me out of my depression, my father brought me fromooty to chennai. bye, dad! - bye, son! ok, you sit down...suganya... yes, miss.
excuse me! come in... why haven't you done yourassignment? sorry, miss... you must finish it bytomorrow, ok? hey shri, the fat teacher is looking.kneel down properly... my knees itch...mind your own business. kids...this is gautham. hi.
he's new. gautham, you can talk to anyonein the class except these two. that was the point my lifechanged. shri and baby... it was an instant connection. hey friend,the days are renewed... it is a waste if you don'thave friends... listen to me! who was the grumpy teacher?
who was the beautiful one? we'd "rank" themaccordingly... we graded them with enthusiasm... for our own grades we didn't care, and on them we forged dad's signature all wrong... we'd get into fightsat street corners, those wounds neverhurt... but the second we depart, that hurt tears me apart... an age when naughtinesswas sweet...
sweeter than sugarcane, even mountains seemed like leavesflying in the wind... friendship's "cool"... in our dreams, our thoughtsand our hearts, it's friendship... friendship is fun, friendship will destroy our worries too... we used to laugh till it hurt... we had so much fun...
we used to bear hug eachother till it hurt... we used to be so happy. even if you hit me,or grab me angrily, you are still my friend... even if i cry, or laugh in joy, you are my companion,buddy... who was the beautifulone? i don't understand why youare making me do this? baby... look there!
wow... fantastic! happy new year, bro! i love you, bro! we should be thisway forever. we don't need anythingnew in life. just like jogging,this tea is healthy too... cut... baby, i've told you not tobring models from bombay. they can neither speaktamil nor act. there you go again!!
get lost! what are you doing there? is your granny selling bunsout there? why is the make-up so bad? ask them to change it! couldn't you have donea better job? i am getting screamed atfor your goof up. sorry! that's ok...are you free this evening?
can i give you my phonenumber? please come back afterthe shoot... i am busy. sir...-yes... i plan to leave at 5.10 pm come on...you've caused too much trouble. what, sir? please leave... go away! sir... need a signature. come on,mr. accountant...
how much did yousteal today? we have our ownproduction house. we make a lot of tvcommercials. this is france,this is london. we even used a hot air balloon forour shoot in germany. shri is like a foreigner.he loves women. but mention marriage andhe'll run a mile. how are you, darling? good!
your friends are sovery nice. but baby is completely indian. he loves his booze... but doesn't know whento stop... and this is what they doevery day... get drunk and curse eachother using profanities... if anyone ever talks to us aboutlove and marriage... hey,draw the curtain! ask him to...
shri,draw the curtain. what do i look like, buddy? completely ugly! roll over and sleep. can someone shut thedamn curtain? he's telling you! chuck it,i will do it myself. hey! my back... everything will come out! he has legs of solid steel.
you ruin my sleep everynight! my sleep...my sleep is ruined... look at his face... he looks like ahalf-dressed mouse. have you mixed poisonin this? no... then why do you look like youwant to murder someone? go...you and your face! where did your fatherfind him? bro, the engine isworking now!
get going! you have won the prize forthe best artist... congratulations. how does it feel? i don't paint with fame orfortune in mind. hey! did you think they aregiving out freebies here? finish up and come! please don't talk...i am not able to! you know him better,poor guy, give him a rub down.
he's not ready yet. it's disgusting thati have to help him with this. are all your paintings black and white? why don't you ever useother colors? my paintings do havecolor. things that i have wishedand yearned for, but have never happened,i paint in color. i live with those paintings. look, uncle is flirting witha woman so early in the day.
yes... and the girl lookslike a hot bun! i'll buy you some jam, why don't youget done with breakfast! shut up! my son's friends... she looks like samantha fox. she looks like unbentcycle spokes... and you call her samanthafox? one thing is clear... you won't even spare aman if he is in skirts.
sir... please keep quiet. this will pick up the sound. what will it pick up? the audio. pick it up... he wants to "pick up". thank you, sir.we are leaving. oh... your microphone. hello...
enough! how come you boys areup so early...? it's only 10. we have an importantmeeting... who's that girl, uncle? she looks familiar... i got this award... uncle... please don'tsay anything! you remember the old lady who picks uptrash in the street corner? – yes...
he took her mobile number from her and sent her reminders to clean the road. nothing's changed inthese 15 years... except one thing... i don't speak to myfather anymore. come on... let's go! fire... fire... it's very different... so funny... well executed.
bra o... get it? bra o... you guys are trulytalented. i am going to give youa big commercial. if you deliver,there will be several more. priya from my office willcoordinate with you. one second... darling, ask priya to come infor a minute please? she's gone to see a client,sunny.
he's quite crazy... priya will be with you for the whole project... ...and coordinateeverything for you. actually sunny,do we need this girl at all? why, is there a problem? no, sir. hey... don't call me "sir".call me sunny. ok, sunny. - good... ok. ok.
take care. thank you.bye.- bye. baby... you look hot inthe commercial. take care... bra o. sunny made a pass soopenly! relax, bro...he is a big shot. compromise if you have to. do you think of me as some "item" for me to compromise??? he says he is going to send a girl.that's not going to work!
even if he does send a girl,please don't send me to him. you know how they squash food to feed babies, don't you? he squashed my thigh like that... bro, why don't you massage it for me? hey, shut up... he has only womenemployees... whoever he sendsto us i will take care of! hey, bro... i think sunny hasa crush on you. yes, next time we visit, see that you wearsomething more revealing.
you are willing to use me justto get business??? shut up! can't a man have somepeace in the toilet? who is that... sounding soirritable? useless fellow! why are you sitting therelike you own the place? aren't you ashamedto peep? you're the one who should be ashamed! sitting there like it'sa library! and you have a water bottleon the side too... do you have pop cornor nuts to munch as well?
hey bro, look at this! there's a guy sitting here looking likea turtle taking a dump. get down! wait... i want to pour some water over his head, ...get me a mug of water! bro! we'll pick up an orangejuice and leave. but we are going toa party... can't you have a drink there? shall we party,if you are free this evening?
yeah... no problem. excuse me... no babe, just some joker...no it's ok... go on. switch off all the lights inthe shop please! why? she pulled your fuse,but you're still burning bright! don't worry, bro... i'll get you a nice female mannequin. hold on to it and walk around.
you are getting desperate! are you really standinghere to pay the bill, or just to be close tothat "aunty"? you get the bill. hey hold on! if you'd liked a better looking girl,i would have helped you myself. that one looks like a cardboard box drenched in the rain! how can you fall for her? excuse me.
huh... what did you say? are you talking to meor to someone on the phone? i'm talking to you, idiot! me... an idiot??? remove your make up and look in the mirror... you'll realize you look like the woman selling mangoes. don't mess with me... watch your tongue...!
your face looks like achameleon with spikes! how dare you grab my shirt? if i slap you, your face will swell up. get lost!! how dare you touch me? do you know who i am? if ever you get married, your husband will run away onthe 1st night, that's for sure! you'll never get married!
hey... cover her face with a basketand place a stone over it! let's stay over tonight... you're on a roll! why not? we meet these guysonly once in 7 years... they only come if it's a party. the last time we did this wason our class trip! you're right! tonight, let's drinktill we sink...definitely! absolutely, bro! the good times we've had at college...those were the days!
do you want anotherdrink? drink as much as youwant... since you are so tall, it will hityou only in the morning. come on, guys... it's been so long... i am doing fine. how are you doing? you were the only one whoresisted marriage... now you've succumbedas well.
you've come to party...go enjoy yourself... hi mike...how are you, buddy? i am fine, dude! look at mike's head.it's like an open playground... hey! i am married, dude! we are fine... only you look like a bodythat's washed ashore... what's happened to the "six packs"you had in college? i am married now...
gave it all to my wife! baby... is that you?- yup... you look different... did you sniff and make outit was me...? shut up and drink! hi, senior! how are you? i am fine.- how are you?- where's baby? he's right here. bro! - hi baby!shall i order the drinks?
are you doing ok? i am doing well! how is married life?all ok? it's been just a year. my wife's already torturing me.she doesn't want babies. what do i do not to have babies? you have to do nothing! what? what do you mean "what"?
come on... you're married,right...? go ahead and do it. cheers... cheers who's on the phone? who is he "humming" to? my wife, bro... she nags me. why don't you say "hmm"for me? we not only have to earnfor them...
but also have to listen politely to their nagging. she won't hang up if i tellher to. she will call me backand continue her nagging. but my girl isn't like that... i said "i love you" after agreat deal of thought. hmm? - hmm! the heck you did...look at him... say "hmm" man... say "hmm" you'll end up like himfinally.
a man has to be tough,bro! i am giving you free advice...run away! forget this,let's talk about something else. don't listen to him. if there's any trouble,he'll vanish... what can i say?what more can i say? words elude me... there's no peace...there's just no peace... girls are a life-long pain...
that's an old story!! she'll appear likea peacock, and give you a new high, if you get close to girls you will be destroyed... the ritual of the bridestepping on a stone... why do you think theyhave it, bro? it's a rehearsal for her tostomp all over you... keep that in mind, oh, yes!! she will make you dance to her whims,
and control you completely... we tie the yellow threadaround her neck, and get caught in thatnoose ourselves... there's no peacethere's just no peace... arumugam was a happy man, now, he's bedridden withhigh blood pressure. a friend who's never touchedcoffee or tea... now bathes in alcoholfreely... girls are a fake,
their love is a fake... it's just a simple wedding band... but with that you'redistress bound... it's a torture, buddy, marriage is as darkas night, if you're going to havefun being single, then, whatever you sayis right! oops... i am slurring! a single pillow is alli need,
i can cuddle it and sleep... we can employ a cook, to make everything we'dlove to eat... to quench a little thirst, we don't need a fullblown tragedy. just to cross a small road, we don't need an airplane, buddy... drink, get wasted, and go sleep it off ina corner...
and if you want someoneto talk to, buy yourself a radio,buddy... if you get close to girlsyou will be destroyed... to the host of this greatparty, narayanan! wish you a happy married life. i have to leave! why...what's the hurry? i have to drop my son atschool in the morning. that's not it... his wife will fire him if he goes home late...
she'll pick a fight with me. fight back... look... if i get angry... just a minute...my wife's calling me. 15 minutes, darling... look at that! why are all of you livingfake lives? all of you talk tough outside, butare scared of your wives... why get married at all?
you're right. we've seen so manylike you... those who protest the mostget hooked first... correct... mr. divorcee... if i ever say "i love you" to a girl,my mouth will become crooked. and if i do utter those words,it will be to shri and baby... i love you, dude! are you saying you'llnever marry?
you will... as you grow older,you will... you'll fall in love, or havean "arranged wedding". but you will marry. buddy... marriage is like apublic toilet... when you are outside,you'll want to get in... and once you are inside,you can't wait to get out. anyone who understands thiswill never marry. they'll stay single like us.
what dialogue! mr. divorcee,did you get that? dude... let me speak... you mean you're going to bethis way all your life? you are definitely going to getmarried one day... and you'll drift apart and only meet like this...once in a while... that's right... if marriage means no friendsanymore, then i don't want to marryat all. right you are!
correct, dude! the 3 of us will neverget married... we won't marry!want to bet? anyone wants to bet? gautham, you don't believe in marriagebecause your mother ran away... why are you draggingthem into this...? hey... how dare yousay that? i'll thrash you! hey...
let it be... let him go... why did you say that...? hey... he's upset... hey, buzz off...! buzz off! let it go... don't take whathe said seriously... cheers! why "cheers"?
are we celebrating our friendship? what's wrong with you? what else would we celebrate? oh, no... this is going totake a while. bro... it will get warm,why don't we talk as we drink... when i think about it...it seems right! you keep chasing women! you'll get married,wont you? he doesn't spare evenladies' footwear...
don't take him seriously! stop goading him. i may go around withmany girls, but you know i won't makea commitment... you're just saying that! you are insulting me...! don't you trust me? in this issue, i don't! oh, no... this is going to go on and on...there goes our binge! shut up man!
nothing is more important than our friendship... i promise... i won't marry till i die!we'll stay this way... you promise too... why did you have to slashyour wrist for that... what are you looking at...? from now on, you aremy girlfriend. what are you waiting for? please make a promise,before he butchers me completely... i promise... we will neverget married... ever!
we'll stay single all our lives! i love you, dude.- i love you. someone get the door! baby... check who it is... who else could it be...? last night you got drunkand beat up a cop, remember..? it must be them... when did i beat upa cop? well, now that you are wide awake,please see who's at the door.
why are you carrying me? beat him up... he's alwayshitting me... thrash him... the bell's still ringing. i'm not wearing anythinginside... please don't tear my nightgown... oh, no...she's seen us! what are you saying, sis...a night gown... oh! no. there's more... there was another, wearing a wig,lipstick, smoking a cigarette.
oh, god! did you go to an office orto the mental asylum? i called sunny immediately. who are these guys? sunny's clients...the 3 are partners. tell sunny you won'tgo there... i can handle it. if i am able to handle thisproject alone, then i will get betteropportunities.
better opportunities??? what about marriage then? only if you get married cani get her married off too... i just told you what momwould say... mom, isn't that right? hmm... mam... cylinder! it's you! got you... you wouldn't haveopened the door otherwise...
we have guests, please comeback later. do you think i have come askingfor a tip on a festival day? even your son won't visit you...who has come? shri... he's called several times... what are you up to?let's go... my mother's brother,somu has come from madurai. he's come to invite us for his1st daughter's wedding. they want me to marry his2nd daughter...
my mother is nagging meto talk to her. that's so easy for you...so, what's the problem? she bugs me! really? yeah! son-in-law... is thatyour friend? who is this guy? he looks like pornographysalesman. that is my uncle...
you go and spit on thegirl's face... i will spit on his...come soon. son, what's your name? baby! huh? "bethi"? (diarrhea) not that you old lady..."baby"... look at the names theyhave these days... in those days, they named my husband"muniyandi" (south indian name) they couldn't name him "mukesh ambani", could they?
were you named as soon asyou were born? no... they named me just last year... what is that, sis? mint chutney... when i was walking on the road,i saw something green... i picked it up from the ground, it was gooey... i even tasted it, it was verytangy... what was it? it was buffalo dung...
thank god,i didn't step on it... i'll say it one last time... what is it? you will not like me... that's ok... son, what was the last commercialmy son-in-law and you worked on? a tea commercial. when's the next one? we're on the look outfor the next victim...
come on, commercials arenot dead bodies... when we get an offer,we will work on it... i am a flirt...i am a womanizer. that's ok. i am useless...the whole world spits on me... what i love is that,you've brought up your son, just like yourself... shri... i can't take thisanymore... come they are weirdoes...
he is talking as if licking cow dungis something to be proud of... remember the cardboard box wemet at the supermarket? yeah... she is ashok's sister... we are friends now... are you going steady? i'd rather hit my headon the wall... let go... hey, gautham.
uncle, good morning. come soon! get started,he'll join us... this guy doesn't look like a cook,he looks like bristled brush... ask him to shave,uncle... where were you? the next time you don't pick up the phone, i'll fix you... why are you huffing likea pressure cooker? we met somasundaram today...
shut up... who's somasundaram? don't you know? that's his father-in-law... his granny and he are trying toconvince him to get married. don't be disrespectful. shri...how is the girl? you can look at heronce! hey... this is not some movie.this is life...
uncle... he becomes my father-in-law,only if i get married... we have decided never toget married. i've tried to explain, but they refuse to listen. the other night,we got drunk, slashed our wrists and vowedthat we'll be eternal bachelors. what kind of a foolish vowis that? don't you need to settledown in life? why are you getting upset...?we did it in jest... we were drunk...!
what do you mean"in jest"? you've shown yourtrue colors... you've made a "blood promise"!remember that! there's no place for marriagein our lives... we are going to be thisway forever... and if anyone breaks thepromise and decides to marry... i will come to the weddingand kill you. if he comes and kills you at thewedding, he'll go to jail, you will go to heaven and i can live peacefully.
why don't you come in a tractor?you won't fit into the car. i told you so! check if the car hasa dent... i didn't want to hurt yourdad's feelings... why did you getso upset? yeah...and vowing to kill us... just drive on buddy,don't ram into anything. priya will be waiting atthe office. this is an extremely popularproduct in france.
they are launching it in indianext week. they are targeting girls between 15 and 25. most girls that age believein "love"... including me... only if the concept is attractive to girls,will the product be a hit. we have worked on a conceptbased on love at first sight... dream sequence... shall i proceed...? go ahead...
a girl and boy see each other...it's love at first sight... is love conjunctivitis,to contract when eyes meet? love is such a datedconcept... it's like having bagavathar(a yesteryear star)... ...acting in basha (famous rajni movie)... it is stale... this won't work... this concept has sunny'sapproval. we'll talk to sunny!
don't misunderstand... it is ok. they don't know whatlove is... they don't know what awoman wants, because they've neverinteracted with a woman. wonder what he is telling her... what do you think? he must be bad-mouthing us... the way he's drooling, it lookslike we have to swim out... please wait... i will fight ifi have to and convince them.
please don't... can i ask you something,if it's all right...? does gautham not believein love? he hates women...why would he believe in love ...? why is that? they are gay... i'll kill him... that's why they don'tlike girls... dunce! come in...
he's calling me...please wait... don't behave so badly! what were you tellingher about us? nothing at all...i was advising her... i told her the concept wasn't workingand we needed a better one... was that what you reallytalked about? out with the truth! i promise... grabbing his shirt is useless...
the gear-box is broken,now you need to push the car to start it... it is not going to work,bro... get out... walk straight... did they twist yourarm? they didn't stop with that... how many power cuts will we have? let it be, mom. stop complaining... what happened at the office today?
the director is a grump... 3 of them fight,and then make up the next minute... i have never seen suchclose friends. they do everythingtogether. karthik called. he's coming from the us. but,why did he call you? he said your phone wasswitched off... it's not that, this isthe latest technique...
get the mother on your sideand the daughter will follow... shut up, pip-squeak! till you agree to marry karthik,she will continue this play-acting... what's wrong with him...? he's a green card holder,settled there. he knows you well... he is aware of our financialsituation... mom, he's just a friend. pleasedon't imagine anything else. it is important to marrysomeone you are in love with... ?
why don't you like thisconcept? i have a better conceptto make this campaign successful. go on. instead of love,let's base the concept on lust. in my opinion, the younger generationhas become brand conscious. they want to dress well,impress others. it's never "love" at first sight... this "sublime love" is all fake,sunny...
i believe people only feel attraction. it's not love, just lust. sunny, i think this is totally wrong. i think it is right... you are naughty! you are right,gautham... let's focus on lust instead of love. priya, stay here,change the concept and then come... ok? by the way, sonia'sfashion show is at 7pm...
all of you must come. i'll wait under the bridge at 6,will you "pick me up"? don't wait under the bridge; a truck driver may pick you up then... we'll meet directly atthe party. ok... bye... is he checking if i have shaved? you are the one who is pushing him to me... i'll kill you... why did you trip me...?
are you mad at me? not at all... actually it doesn't matter what you think... because, whati gave was the real picture... you know...it's being practical. you can't logically analyze everything in this world... love cannot be explained... it has to beexperienced. your argument is totally wrong.
he got my ear!! what the hell!! it is all because of you...you think it's a joke! hey... now who's the one flirting? don't irritate me... what nonsense! insisting lovecomes with a look and... hey...don't talk loudly... she is waiting out thereto help us... she may hear... let her...
i don't get it. i can't take itfor 5 minutes, how are you able to flirtfor 5 hours...? you think he's bad? his father takes a leak on the road just tocheck out the xxx film posters... mock me all you want,but i have already made progress... there's a quiet romance goingon between us... what is it "going" on - petrolor diesel? when did this happen? we have been talking with our eyes the whole time.
you won't get it... why are you speaking with your eyes,is your mouth full? excuse me, guys - she's here. yes...? you guys seem busy...i'll leave. wait... 2 minutes...i'll be right with you. you guys make your own lunch plans, i am going with her. she'll clean up after her meal,why are you going? priya...
karthik...what a surprise... when did you come? this morning. by the way, this is shri,shri...karthik. hi, shri... karthik hi... i'm baby... hi... hey... i am gautham... hi, gautham...
are you from the us? how did you know? if you shake a girl's hand,you're from here... if you hug her, you're from abroad... we've seen it in so many tamil movies. you said you wanted to eat.finish and join us... careful...it's two plates now... see you, guys... hey...i am coming too...
shall we leave?- sure... hello...control room. pull over, pull over. cops... stop... we must respectthe law... it is only 8...they are checking already?! lower your window...where are you coming from? it's late...won't your family be looking for you? do you have papers?
didn't you read them inthe morning? don't act too smart...have you been drinking...? blow... why are you comingso close, like it's a kissing scene in anenglish movie? stop laughing! get downfrom the car... why should we get off...? we know the law... the rules saythe driver should not drink... but he's drunk... he's not the driver...
he's the owner...the driver's gone on a pilgrimage... wait here! don't act smart... those guys thinkthey are too smart... listen, sunny's calleda 100 times! we're late for the launch party.let's leave. hey... if we pay up,they'll let us go... why waste it...?let's go... there are 3 guys in anaudi car... catch them.
where are those guys,shri, gautham and baby? no idea... i told you we should have paid up... and now we have togo through this... you guys never listen... we'll listen when you finish speaking. stop whining like a woman whose sonis writing his board exams... look at that guy...he's sprawled like a discarded tin... he won't surface fora week.
don't they look like terrorists? these guys? those guys are making fun of us! they look like beggars outsidea public toilet... just look at his face. hey... what's with you...you look like rich kids... look at you! anyone will look like a richkid standing next to all of you... wait... i'll talk to the local councilorand ask him to get us out. hey... whom are you calling?give me the phone!
sis... brother... i am callingthe councilor. he has no luck with phones. sir... just one phone call...please... sir... you've arrested the futuresuper star of tamil nadu... there is going to be chaos. we can't be held responsible for that, ok? hey, fat face... you're getting frantic... who'sthe future super star...? don't you know him?
nope! he is a politician's son.his name is current... he was listening to a story in abar and there was a raid... he is a big actor! oh... he's one of those,who listen to scripts between sips... how dare they lay a fingeron "current"? the power shut down is between10.30 and 12... that's how they had the gutsto touch you... you called him an actor...?
he looks like someonewho drives a tractor... it is a shame! are you telling me he's neverbeen insulted before? don't stress yourself,bro... i have used my brainsand brought you something... ...to tide over this situation... place it there! oh! my god! you have the gall to bring liquorinto the police station...
you guys are dangerous... by the way, who are those guys? they look like people whomake spurious liquor... they got themselves arrestedto narrate a story to him. wow...what martyrs !!! i have a story as good as"the titanic". remember, the old lady throwsthe chain into the sea...? you are the indian officerwho finds it... whether it is found or not,forms the climax.
wow! you look like a thief whosnatches chains from old ladies, how dare you make a film about a chain? get out... get out... hey not out... get in... inside... what's happening? they make porn movies...just questioning them... thank you, sir... where has he gone? you thinkthe cops are thrashing him? hey... are you such a great actor???
i am acting in two films.he's the director... him??? he looks like a sparrow's droppings... he looks like he's dressed up fora fancy-dress competition... director, how do you contribute? i have created a new art form just for him... a mix of kathakali(an indian dance form) and karate. a mix?did you pour soda? nothing. continue... shall i show you a sample ofthe "art form"?
a sample? is he selling clothes i wonder!yeah, show me! is this a police station or a mental asylum? hey... get up...you think policemen are fools? sir, the place is filled with lunatics. sir, the place is fullof them... come and see... guys... check this out...it is so funny. what do you think of yourselves...? you are going to give our country a bad name...
but india is a good name, sir... mocking me...?i'll tear you to shreds... call home... give me the number,sir... call your house! dude, call home... head constable...- yes, sir... give them the phone.let them call home... ...and get someone tocome.
yes, sir... i can't come to the police station!put the phone down. my father won't come.we'd better call uncle... call, buddy... who's uncle...no... no need... you call, bro... you don't need to talk... keep quiet... if you call...!!!if you don't, then i will... why do you have tocall him? whom else can we call...?
idiot!!do you want tea? here... mom... there's a guy who'spouring tea from the roof... i want to kill that fly. fool... you would havebroken the table. hey, bro... the fly is teasing him... that's not a fly... that's his grandfatherwho died of diabetes. he's come as a fly tohaunt him. why are you gettingirritated? shall we irritatethe fly and make it go mad...?
come on... when the fly rests, 3 of us shouldscream at the same time... aah!!! not now... after it sits... it may know what weare up to. act like you don't careand look elsewhere. one... two... three... what happened,priya? this fly reminded me of whatthose guys at office did...
oh... too funny! priya... you have to come out for dinner with me this evening. why dinner? i am going back to the us in a couple of days. need to discuss somethingimportant... i can't make it this evening,karthik... i am so sorry... there's a birthday partyi promised i would attend... one... action...
it's my bro, baby's birthday today... happy birthday! thank you! he's getting a gift... why are there so many candles, like it's the church? here, uncle...have some, bro... she is the coordinator of oneof our projects. please come... her name is priya.
don't punch me ... come on, i've bought boozeand chicken, let's go. ok... how can we go when wehave a guest? i don't think she drinks... ask herto come along if she wants... bro... will you do somethingfor me? i'll do anything for you ...tell me... talk to your dad... you could have asked me todie instead...
hey! uncle...you don't worry, we are going to have adrink with you... let him join us ifhe wants. yes, uncle... i'll leave... have a small drink... no! no... sure?
i am sure... see you! uncle, let's get smashed tonight... come on! yes, uncle...have at least one drink with us... "when the breeze touches us, what isthe color in the heart...?" "when booze is poured,what is the color of the glass...?" cheers, uncle...!! but... don't laugh too loudly... if he hears, he won't talk toyou for a hundred years... a hundred years...
did you hear whathe said? he said he'd rather die thantalk to me... what did i do to deserve this? what sin did i committhat he won't talk to me? i'll die... he said he'd die... i'll die... i'll die... let me go... why are you like this?
like what? for so many years, your father has taken care of uslike his own sons... he loves you so much... how can you not talk to himfor so many years? why so much ego? my high has vanished... why are you crying like those women on television? you know i don't like tears,don't you!
hey baby...just look at him... ... crying like a chick... you don't have to be a chick to cry... anyone who is born human, cries. really...? ok...i am not human...! go to sleep... stop weeping in the middle of the night! ok, lights on!
go in... bro, the shoot is happening inside... why are you checking thelight here? who's that? don't know... looks like a nightingaledisguised as a sparrow. yes sonia, it's about 400 feet from thevanity van to the shooting floor. you can reach within 3 minutes and 2 seconds. you can reach the floorfrom the car-park in 7 seconds...
there's a 4 by 4 door,and once you enter, it's all very confusing. hey... step back... who are you? you look like a thiefwho steals shoes at shoots... was that how you got yours...? come on...i am sonia's manager. then why are you walkingaround like a rag picker? whatever i do, i plan well... if you talk too much,your face will contort...
who's baby here? oh... you... i thought it'll bea chick... it's ok! please organizesonia's lunch... she'll eat at the subway... there'll be beggars inthe subway... ask her to eat in the vanity van. hey i meant the "subway" restaurant... salads and subways... oh! ok...
hey, tall man... will the bathroom in thevanity van have water...? did you expect it to have tomato juice? hey, you local, unprofessional boy...talk to a manager with respect... i'll talk to sunny... hey...when do i start rolling...? who is this,he looks like a mouse? does he look that good? he's sonia's manager.
she'll arrive only whenhe tells her to. she is waiting formy call. what is this..?it's 11am already. hello, bro... do you think sonia's a puppy to come whenever you call out...? she is a busy internationalmodel. the set isn't ready,there's no water in the vanity van, the camera is not ready,the film hasn't arrived!! welcome, sonia.
he keeps slapping everyone! absolutely not...yeah. hi, sonia! look, priya... i agreed to this commercialonly because of sunny... i don't even know thesepeople... the shoot hasn't even started andthere's so much confusion... hey! switch on the microphone... she is not acting for free...
we've paid her what she asked for. does she expect me towelcome her with flowers... ...when she comes at11am for a 9am call-sheet? she may be a big shot... but this is my shootand i call the shots! sonia... no one's ever spokento you like that...! hey!!! apple juice! switch on the lights,man!!!
are we ready for a "take"or not? don't you have somethingsmaller??? bring that...! what's he doing? without make-up,she'll look awful... ok... we can go fora "take"... ready... ready... ok ok...more sensuous! more sensuous!!
shucks... cut... baby...order an 8 layer sandwich, one and half pastas,and a 32inch pizza for sonia's lunch. 32 inches?is it a tv or what? i thought she'll eat like amodel not a cow... don't talk too much.order the food! ok...it will be here! he's really arrogant... hmm... tell me!
that's the way he is. no one's ever shoutedat me. he's the first! let's shoot withouta break... most directors only flirt withme even when i am late ... this guy's very different. stop torturing me!how can we finish by the evening? in a couple of days,he will be running after me... sunny... we'll wrap onlyby 10pm.
that's the best i can do! whatever the reason, he shouldn'thave screamed like that! he hates women...i am really sorry! why should youapologize...? it's not your fault. i haven't taken itamiss either... it was a new experience... i liked it...! i like him!
priya,the actor can come! i am the sea, my wavesnever cease... i am the flame,i burn incessantly... i have no companion... my womanhood refuses to sleep... it is true, i lose sleep ... my eyes search for you... come! write love poems... with your lips on metill dawn...
my whole body will havelyrics of your songs... the first time i saw you,i opened my heart's doors... my body and soulbelong to you... i've written a will saying that and died... my friend, if you placeyour lips on mine... i will come back to life... my love, if you let gowhen i embrace you, then again i shall die... my lord, from now on...
my lap shall be a pillowfor you to rest ... as you sleep, my banglesclinking softly, turns into music... here and there, the female bird will spread itswings over you... oh, my! the chill i feel andthe chill you feel, will disappear in seconds... my womanhood refusesto sleep... all right... shot ok!
good job, sonia! great job, sonia! sonia... ok, bro... ok. thank you. oh, no...!!! hey... no! you had the guts toslap sonia??? gautham, what you did was horrible! sorry...
wait... i don't want any excuses! she's a top model! in front of everyoneyou've... so what if she's atop model?? sunny... this isn't gautham'sfault, it's sonia's! i know it! priya, you have nothing todo with this... what are you saying? don't interfere!
you work for me and you are supporting him??? it doesn't matter whom iwork for. the truth is more important! don't teach me what's right! i am your boss! look everybody...i have... whatever be the case,it's wrong to slap a woman. you can forget sonia now! she'll never work withyou... ever!
and, please don't step intomy office! god!!!country brutes! hey!was that necessary? she bit my ear! ok...where's my watch? did i give it to you? it's a wrap! hey...come here! this doesn't work...you can keep it!
what happened? i just started on a drink andyou've wrapped... i think it may be better to openan emu farm than do this! buy some land and... hello? hello! i got a message fromthis number... who is it? this is priya.
don't worry, gautham... it wasn't your fault...i will talk to sunny and... hello... priya...bro! something's happenedto priya... get into the car! are you related toher? we are her friends... how is she now? nothing to worry!
she's lost a lot of blood... she needs blood urgently! it'll take time to get herefrom the blood bank... o positive... hey,aren't you o positive? no i am not... his blood group... come on. nothing to be afraid of...it'll take 5 minutes... doctor... o positive hasbecome vodka positive...
i've had a drink... only riff-raffs drink... i am sure your liveris damaged. you must be havingulcers. i don't doctor...i have another problem though! when i hold my wrap-around betweenmy teeth to take off my pants, i feel like yawning... is there any medication tostop that? stupid! why are you giggling?go in!!
he's acting like he bought me a drink! get away...stop leaning on me! mom... here... find out who they are? we brought her tothe hospital... it's nothing, aunty. she got hurt on the head.they've kept her in the icu... oh, god! the icu? nothing to panic...we spoke to her just now.
the doctor said there's no problem.she's fine. who's come with priya? i have... please pay this billimmediately! 80,000....? why so much?how is she now? madam...we just work here... please clear your querieswith the doctor... we have to wait for the test results... please pay the bill immediately.
let's pay the bill...tell her... let's pay it, bro! please don't cry,mom... what do we do? let's ask the neighbors... go, bro! mam,give it to me... we'll pay it... bro,make the payment!
no...there's no problem... just take care of her. call me if you need anything else... we'll leave! bro... bro... nothing... she'll survive,won't she? get her a good job in the us,she'll survive! am i in charge of the icu...? why ask me? she was talking to mewhen the accident happened...
i am worried... she would have fallen anyway... girls drive rashly these days ... everything will be ok... go to sleep! are you scared it may beconsidered a murder? you've decided she won'tmake it? if that happens, they'll keep you in prisonfor 8 years and beat you up!!!
it's the hospital...! if it's the hospital,then it's certain. she's dead! yes... shut up and pick upthe phone! i won't be able to take it...you talk... is this a call-in show or what...? you talk... give it to me... the doctor said there'snothing to worry about... she can leave in a week's time.
my mom asked me to inform you! oh, ok... nothing to worry,is there? she's out of the icu... huh? hello? nothing...tell me... we'll come there at 10 am tomorrow. tell her we'll get her applesand oranges... she's hot! he's so tall, he can bend forwardand look at a girl in front.
what can we do? he will make even an ordinarygirl sound extraordinary... you go ahead,i'll join you! don't stay back, because the nurses look good! be back soon... he's not bothered that it'sa hospital... hello... don't get up...how are you feeling now? much better. please wait,i'll be back...
i prayed for you, you know! he went this way. call him... he'll be back... wait a second... tell me... sir... how do i reach the neurology ward? don't ask me... bro... something's come up...you leave... i'll join you later... i'll come too.
it's nothing ... just a small issue...i'll join you, you get going! that day my friends left without telling me... ...where they were going... that was the last day the 3 ofus were together. shri and baby went out of town sayingthey had important work... didn't they tell you? they'd never gone anywhere without me... they'd left me alone and gone out of town... this was the 1st time...
i couldn't take it! you tell him... bro... don't say anything...i am cheesed off! i need to discuss something important... instead of giving lame excuses,better not to say anything. you go if you want... why do you drag him along? where did you go anyway? did i say i won't come?
yes... you wouldn't have come,and wouldn't have let us go! baby...what is he saying? hey...tell him! bro!we are getting married! hey... you'll raise a lot of eyebrows! we have a lot of work to do. we need to finish the edit.let's go! bro... yeah?
he's serious! we've decided tomarry... i am marrying my uncle's daughter, parvi... and... i don't know if you remember the girl from the super-market... baby is marrying that girl... bro... till today...we've done everything together... if you're ok, we can find a nice girl for you and get you married... i'll slipper you!
if you are playing the fool,stop right now! we are not playing the fool...we are serious. if i am important to you, then come to the office withme right now! sorry, bro! our livesare more important to us... please understand... you've shown me you'rescum! let him get lost if he wants to,where are your brains? are your lives more importantthan our friendship?
if you ever step in herecalling yourselves friends.... get out! hey... baby... shri...draw the curtain! i forget the world in myloneliness... all my life,i've only talked about you... it pierces my heart... my life hurts... we counted only oneach other ... will that friendshipever come back?
i forget the world in my loneliness... will that friendship ever come back? we had scores of fun... we laughed at our snores... we wandered around freely... now we've split halfway suddenly... like shadows in the night... i've lost two friends,what a plight! if one cries in the rain,it goes unnoticed.
the tears are shed in vain... his story continuesfar away... his eyes are riddles,nothing they give away... from now on i am alone man... is friendship just an act? we lived for each other, we were born aneweveryday... now we've split indifferent directions... got lost in the jungle called marriage...
the dew drop belongs with the flower... our bonds are only witha few... how can friendship ever end? can't forget that you'd said that,my friend... i try to forget, buti cannot... i shed tears, yet,see no shore... i existed because of you, and for you, my existenceshall continue... one day friendship willreunite us...
all the best! please bless us. take your parent's blessingsfirst- that's what we're doing. god bless you! where do you needto go? i am going to gautham'soffice, uncle... shall i give youa ride? sure... come...
couldn't gautham makeit? how would he? he's fought with them. he won't come. why is gautham likethis, uncle? i am the reason. gautham stopped trusting womenever since his mother left home. i re-married, hoping that wouldchange things for him. gautham didn't like that. give it to me,gautham. dad...
what is it, gautham? i have told you so many times,i don't want a mother. will you never learn? i don't like you...get lost! please listen, son... don't talk to me... take this... i don't want it... i don't want to cause a riftbetween both of you.
i am leaving. gautham didn't forgive meeven after that... i've tried so hard. he still refuses to talkto me. but by god's grace, he hadwonderful friends... he was very happy with them.that was some relief. now, he's fought with themtoo... i went to the wedding. youweren't there. why should i go there?
i don't mean to pry. but they are your close friends.you should have come... the wedding... the problem was the wedding itself. i'd told them that they'd getmarried and settle down. but they said they'll be withme forever, that our friendshipwill last forever. they're gone... i understand.
you won't understand. we've been together sincewe were kids. i am not used to being alone, you know? so what if they are married? you live in the same city. you canstill be friends the same way. the moment they said theirlives were more important... i threw them out ofmy life... i haven't spoken to my fatherin 20 years. i haven't forgiven him. whothe heck are these?!
please leave, priya...i just want to be alone. please leave. hi, karthik... hi! give me a minute.i'll be back... did you call her? why are you so late? poor karthik has beenwaiting for a while. how long could i keep him entertained?
poor gautham...he's all alone... we'll discuss that later... go, talk to karthik... did you give him anything to drink...? already done that! hey don't go out of theway, priya... no, i am fine... your mother said you'dgone to a wedding. i thought i'd wait foryou and...
i called from the us...your mom picked up... i spoke to yourmother about it... i am very sorry... no problem, uncle... baby? if i die, will you builda taj mahal for me? i've even found a place,sweetie... the moment you die,i'll start work on it... i have told you not to pinchmy waist in front of the others...
make him understand, madam... i'm sick and tired of telling him. my son-in-law is like me! you like the mid-riff, do you...?that's my weakness too... how long do i haveto wait? where are you? remember, you liked a diamond necklace at a jewelry shop the other day? i told you i'd buyit later... yes... yes...
the red diamond...nac jewelers... right? yes... i am right opposite that shop- having a drink... what is it, darling? hi paru... who is rosy? that's my friend's dog... that dog called this morning! my wife insists that i should not go out in the evenings. forget that.how are you?
i am so-so! she nags meall the time... she made me promisei won't drink! more than that she says... am i important...or are your friends important? it's the same story... you've become a "family-man"... oh! yes, bro... she can match the saree she's wearingwith the fabric that's at the store. but we can't remember even thepants we wore in the morning.
yes...it's the same at home. i have to be back in an hour...pour the drink. quick... wait...! this is for that dog! shall we try calling him? don't you know what atoughie he is? he'll never pick upour calls. poor guy...
he must be strugglingwithout us... let's meet him inthe morning... hey... my wife's calling me...i'd better leave... this drink...? if anyone catches me for drunken driving, i'll give it to them... see you later... take care... bye...good night. bye...
hey... hi. sunny asked me to givethis to you. what for? the commercial's a big hit...the clients are really happy... oh... that's good news. sunny is not angry,is he? it's nothing like that. he's asked you to meet himat the office later. i wanted to tell you theother day...
but you were upset and ididn't bring it up... thanks for helping me duringthe accident... oh... it's ok! we don't say such thingsbetween guys. what things? "sorry"... "thanks"...all this stuff... not even when you fight? yeah... even when we fight, we never apologize... we just start talkingagain...
hey... who's switched offthe merry-go-round? hi, priya... heard the commercial isa big hit... they are running the commercial on tv... ...as many times as a diabetic uses the toilet... will that cartoon sunny give us thenext commercial as promised? definitely! excuse me, sir. priya,ask them to leave!
enough... why are you makinga fuss? he'll pull a long face, but oncewe make up, he'll gush... just ask these guys to get out!i want to be alone! oh, god! he's really angrywith us. he talks in english only whenhe is this angry. don't tease him. it's been very long sincewe caught up. bro... order some boozeand bucket chicken.
priya,please leave... he's going to curse us real badnow and you'll be embarrassed. please go. you can make a tape out of his profanities... it'll be really bad... please leave... go... priya, please wait. you carry on... i won't say anotherword...
ask them to get out beforei thrash them... hey... let's go! why should we leave? we are partners in this company... we've put in 2 million each.... we won't stay quiet if he hits us. tell them i'll return the money in a month. ask them to leave now... i won't come back even ifyou want me to.
take your ego and dump it inthe trash can... you won't realize this now. but you'll never get friendslike us ever! priya... please leave. hi, gautham...good morning. hi! good morning. someone wants to talkto you... one minute... talk to me first...then you can talk to priya.
sonia? i knew you wouldn't forget my voice! anyway, heard our commercial is a big hit. priya said we should worktogether again... i have no issues. will "director sir"work with me? yeah! sure! that's great! priya's the one who gotreally worried.
anyway, you let me know... take care. yeah! take care. thanks a lot... don't thank me!thank priya. friends don't say thank you toeach other... you can't change the concept this time.it's all about love. love... yeah! no worries.we'll do it. we need to present the concept tothe clients in a couple of days... get the details from priya.
yeah! sure... the setting is a collegecultural fest. boys and girls dance wearing masks. suddenly, a girl's maskshifts a bit. the boy looks at her beautyand is mesmerized. god!!! a puppy gets stuck in between traffic. a girl gets off the car andrushes to the pup. a boy rushes from the opposite side.
they lift the puppytogether. you mean... they fall in love,because of a puppy?? yeah. why...? is that not possible? a boy walks out ofa crowd. and from the opposite direction,a girl walks towards him. their eyes meet. gautham,you'd better decide... do you want this commercialor not? i'll present the concept to the client and get an "okay".
all you need to do is,direct it... it seems good. we'll take this forward? not bad, priya... you spoke in english, confused themand made them buy an empty concept... i gave it everything... i expected you to say"thanks"... thanks so much... i could never have thoughtof such a boring concept.
gautham....! i told you so!!!!!!!! i told you!!! be happy! it's not what you.... be happy... wait... i'll explain. don't forget to send mean invite. who is he?
just ignore him. he's a friend...we were in college together. at a friend's bachelors' party,we made a bet, that we would never get married... shri and baby are married now... and he's seen mewith you... he's made his own assumptions... he thinks... so...you'll never marry?
no chance. if you fall in love and getmarried, you can be happy... i don't believe in love...how can i get married? love is like the breeze... even if you can't see it,you can feel it... pray that you don't fallin love... because the things you're thinking...this illogical magic, it won't happen evenwhen you're an old woman... i will definitely fallin love and marry.
and it will happen,just the way i believe it will... shall we leave? done... how did this ad... hi, sweetheart... whom are youwaving to? who is she? i'll kill you! go away! it's ok... come...
the dog at my parent'splace died. my mother couldn't digestit at all... who asked your mother toeat a dead dog? sweetheart... eat... why is she barking? oh! priya... hello, uncle... sit down... it's ok, uncle...it's time for our flight...
oh! hmm...where is he going? we are shooting a commercialin europe... oh...are you going along? yes... sonia, sunny, gautham...me... we'll be away for a week. priya...i'll be right with you. priya... could you do mea favor...? tell me, uncle... ... i'm not even sure he hasmy number...
once you reach, could you give me call? don't worry, uncle...i will take care of it. bye, uncle... has sunny reached? he must have... if he's got the boarding pass,he should go in... why wait? how can one be a "director"if one can't be punctual? oh, he's come... hi! how are you?
i've been good... hi, sunny sonia...meet mr. gautham. gautham... sonia you look familiar... come on, it's late...let's go! he seems in a mighty rush! let's go. come on ... come on! how arrogant! she claims i am "familiar".
sunny, order 2 buckets of hot water for me... your keys... i am going to the restaurant. join meand we can plan the shoot... two minutes... i'll go to the room and then join you. oh! wow... what snow! need to take pictures andsend them home... i am hungry too...mind if i join you? yeah,sure why not! life is strange, isn't it?
i never thought you and i would be in switzerland together...? yeah... true... what do you understand from this? destiny has brought us together... i don't believe in such things... sonia... they are already calling you "open"and "easy" on facebook and twitter... if you don't slow down,they'll call you worse things. shut up, tj... gautham andi are discussing life... just leave us alone.
my god! it's getting too hotout here... hey, priya...pull up a chair... it's ok... no... i don't wantto disturb you... i'll come later... no problem... no... it's ok. why? is it difficult beingalone with me? no, it's nothing like that... priya and i were planning to meet afew technicians for the shoot.
what is it, priya? nothing... just... come with me. just pack this...for her. of course! come! here... wear it now. what...?
nothing... come. it's ok, right? do you want shoesas well? i just forgot! watch? thanks. let it be with you... i keep forgetting...
i am very forgetful... ok... let's roll... ready! priya...get sonia. yeah, gautham! hurry, please! sunny...do you have a smoke? sonia... shot ready! this isn't the dress,is it? is there a problem?
that depends on him. can you please call him? ok... sure. let's finish the jipshot first. gautham, sonia wants to talkto you in private. she's calling you to thevanity van. why...what's the problem? just go! just two minutes...i'll come.
hey, sonia...what happened? i don't know... the shoot, the vanity van... they are reminding me of whati wanted to forget... remember, you humiliated me in front of everyone? sonia...it wasn't my fault... i slapped you because ofwhat you did. i don't know, gautham.it is bothering me. no one has ever humiliated me...
that's over and done with... why think about it now... ok... ok, right... let's just be professionalsand let's do this. great! change into your costume andlet's start rolling... ok... before that, you need to apologize... i told you.it wasn't my fault. why should i apologize? you have to...
and, if i don't??? why wouldn't you apologize...? you will say "sorry"...! or else i'll leave. the shoot will stop... and no one will ever trustyou with another commercial. are you threatening me? you think you're scaring me? who are you to say it...?
i will say it myself... i will not shoot this commercial with you! priya... tell sunny we've wrapped! relax, gautham. what do you think...? ask her yourself! sonia... sonia, please wait! how come no one is talkingto him...? if he can have such a big ego,so can i...
i don't care! i am leaving! sonia, what happened? sunny, you can sue me ifyou want... but i will not work with suchan egoistic director! sonia, wait! sir...this is all because of me... shut up, priya... please go... i will talk to him... gautham...why are you doing this?
please come and apologize to her... haven't you left yet??? sonia... wait! wait! wait! wait for 5 minutes. i am sorry, sunny...i can't stay back after this... sort it out with your director. i'll take care of it, sonia...there won't be any more trouble... please wait...listen to me... oh, no...she's ditched me...
i'll have to fall at their feetto get back home... gautham... priya... you... you said "no"...i was the one who... stop crying... what do you loseby saying you're sorry? disgusting, man! what do i tell the clients...? gautham...talk to me!!! i am screaming like a lunatic,and you're just keeping mum!
it's such a big project... look at this. do you know how much i'lllose...? you've shown your true colors,haven't you...? and to think i wanted tohelp you! i should slipper myself... she conquered me! wove my soul onto hers... will i ever live happily?
unfaltering, without toppling tothe ground, will i ever redeem myself fully? in the corner of her lips,a smile blossomed... and my sins wereabsolved... from the pouring rain, without getting wet,i try to get away... as i walk, the floor moves too, i struggle with each step!
the eyes are at fault,curtains come down... that is why i am ina daze... oh, just like yesterday, the sky is still bluetoday... my days are lengthened... my feet want to moveaway, they refuse to listen tome... i am a bird, you are my wings...
i want to conquer thewind! i am the journey... and you are the path... i wish to break bordersand go! will i ever redeemmyself fully? haven't you eaten? i was waiting for you... when the evening arrives, my body burns up,
it becomes like a red hot lily... when the wind crashesinto me, i think it is your hands, and then disappointment fills me... i hide my distress, i lock away my lies... i wake up in my dreams and find a key in myhands! i need to tell you something...
priya... phone... hey! superb! priya... this is gautham'sfather... hello, uncle! today is gautham's birthday... please wish him fromme... ok... sure... there's a party this evening...let's dance... a small get-together...
it's going to be fun! sweetheart... what's for dinner? a glass of poison... ok... i'll be a little late. you drink it and get to bed, ok? we need to oil the hinges, the door's really tight. have you been drinking? i promised you i won't drink... i came to get an apple, sweetheart. i'm really hungry,that's why...
don't know how i mixed my drink.it's hit me real bad... i need to get to the room somehow... why is this slanted? i should sit... sit... hey... my wife's goneto sleep... hey, baby... do you want to come outfor a drink? i've stopped drinkingages ago... my wife doesn't like it...i've stopped.
come on! if you do this, the armsget stronger. i am tired after allthe exercise... can i have tea,sweetheart? the sugar is here... i'm still high... don't you want some,sweetheart? drink it yourself! ok!
won't you ever change? why should i change? i've listened to my wife,stopped drinking. what should i change?why should i change? what did i do to change? what are you doing bythat pole? this is a man's dance! ladies, gentlemen and sunny... priya has organized this party...
and all of you are getting free drinks... ...because today is directorgautham's birthday! it's a day to celebrate! feed priya, gautham... i don't want what he'seaten... it's going to be agreat year... thank you!! who told you about it? i can't hear you.
i can't hear you at all... did you get it frommy passport? i can't hear you at all. come out... outside? how did you know it wasmy birthday? i knew! shall we take a ride? no...i have to leave.
this is why it's better to goout with the guys... huh??? why is that? if i were with some guys, i could have gone on a ridethe whole night... they wouldn't have given excuses to get back. ok... let's go.... hey... ilaiyaraaja sir'ssong collection... wow... today is a dayi am going to remember forever...
it was so beautiful... what about you? ok! it's been a great day! thank you... hey... it's the sunrise...looks beautiful, huh? let's take a picture... it'll be a memory... you shimmer up the whole sky... and what do i do...oh, my! in my thoughts' vessel,
you have poured yourself... you have changed the color of my white skies... you shimmer up thewhole sky... from my rainbow,you steal a thread, into that you try entwining your heart... oh, priya, priya... are you the tremor inmy heart? my senses have beenpraying hard... are you the boon descendedfrom above?
i lived in a flowerless world... until the moment i saw you... and now i am a prisoner inside a flower... i never wanted the scentof a woman in my life... and now i look onhelplessly... as your fragrance fillsmy lungs... completely breathless, i have fallenin love with you... into that you try entwiningyour heart... like a desert,i was dry and barren...
like a river you came by... and brought greeneryinto my life... if my heart is water, are you the fish whoswims in it? if my love is a forest, are you deer grazing in it? are you the man who basks in theheat of my shyness? are you the boondescended from above? are you the boon descended from above?
nothing... this hair style suits you. keep it like that! how are you going home? hey, gautham... all right, see you...take care, darling... ok, sunny... priya... come on,shall we leave? hey... you said you'ddrop me... sunny, i'll drop her... ok!!!!!!!!!!
priya, when you come tooffice tomorrow... don't you get it??? stop nagging me onthe phone... put the phone down... hey, narayan! hey, gautham! hey... what happened?what's the problem? my wife ... we fight everyday!
what you said wascompletely true! you're so tough! you don't need love,a girl or a marriage... that's how it should be! i am jealous of you! but these women are really torturous... hey... who is this...? someone you know? no... i don't know her... yeah... she travelled on thesame flight... oh... ok...
why is she standing here? you leave...we're talking... it's going to be a while... sis... priya... you look so different... why are you so late,darling? this hair style suits you.keep it that way. my watch is with you... i need it...
your watch... from now on, please dealdirectly with sunny... is that so? no! you were right... what is it, dear? i'll marry karthik. "love is like the breeze... even if you can't see it,you can feel it..." a small correction here...
other than that, the client isvery happy... sunny... if you let me know whenthe next project is... why not? we'll figure it outafter priya's wedding... she's... marrying... karthik? yeah!he's a really nice guy... didn't priya tell you? yeah, she did... in the beginning... gautham, stop acting...
you can't act,so don't bother! you think work is going to erase the pain you're feeling inside? don't fool yourself... let go of your ego! i was young once.... you think i don't how much timeyou spent together abroad. you'll never get a girl likepriya ever again! it's your call after that. how is it you're gettingmarried all of a sudden?
thought i should ... why...? shouldn'ti get married? you never mentioned it... why should i tell you? we don't share any specialbond, do we? as a friend, you couldhave told me... friends? you and i...? i never knew you could beso cheap... what did i...???
your image is more importantto you... you'll do anything for that... your friend called it being"tough"... be "tough" till the end... we got so close abroad... i thought it was love. i wanted to put aside my egoand come and talk to you... but, even if we have a small tiff, you'll stop talking to me... your father who lovesyou so much...
your close friends... you don't give a damabout them... where do i stand a chance? if you ever fall in love...no... forget love...you can't even be a friend... you must know to forgive,and compromise... you know neither... please live happily, in yourown insular world! hey baby, move away...
move away ... your father who loves youso much... in these 15 years, i'd neverstepped into his room... "things that i have wishedand yearned for... but have never happened,i paint in colors." dad... surviving this long with adisease like this is a big thing... your father has pancreatic cancer... please don't cry...nothing's happened... don't cry...
everything is over... the doctor says he can't do anything... we didn't know anything... he hid it even from us... don't get upset...i knew your father was unwell... please don't be... why did you hide itfrom me? why didn't you tell me? i wanted to... but...
you should have told methat he was unwell... you call yourself a friend?are you a friend...? let him go...why are you hitting him? get up, bro... get up! why do you keep hitting him...? i am ashamed to call youa friend... why this sudden concernfor your dad? we love him more than you do... stop accusing us... do you know what happened
the day we went to visit priyaat the hospital? he will make even an ordinary babe,sound extraordinary... don't stay back, because thenurses look good! if you want to seeme happy, promise me that you'll nevertell gautham about this... shri... hey, shri... i am upset that the 3 of you havevowed never to get married... that's not on... shri... there's only one thingi want...
my dying wish... i want to see himget married... more than my cancer, it hurts me more to know thathe will not get married even if i die. though we promised we'd never get married, we changed our minds,just for your father... we thought if you saw usget married, you would change your mind too...that's why we got married... that's what your fatherwanted too...
shri,don't come near me... i'll break your teeth...move away! what did you say theother day? you asked me if you were importantor if my own life was more important. i'll say the very samething today. my life is more important to me... becauseyou are my life! you've made him cry.come... we didn't do anything soearth shattering for you...
we only got married... now, who's crying likea chick...? hope you realize everyone cries... it's been long since we've hugged... love you, bro... love you, guys... sorry, bro... priya, gautham's dadis unwell... who's with the patient?
we are... one of you can goand see him. he's going to be ok... go...be strong... sorry, dad... i am sorry.sorry, dad... it's ok, gautham... i am sorry, dad... forgive me!
my son has spokento me... bro...how's your father? he's ok... i won't be worriedif anything happens to me now... nothing will happen toyou, uncle... take care of yourself... hey... gautham... this is... she's going... go after her.
priya...one minute... what i did at the airport was wrong... i know how hurtyou were. i realized how wrongi was. everything you said to me atthe beach was so right... i couldn't respond. i have been under the notionthat all women are bad... after spending time with youi realized i was completely wrong. i'll remember every single momentwe spent together in switzerland...
i now see how much love hurts... thank you for making mea better man! i came to tell you this... is this what you cameto say? you've said so much...but have you said "sorry" to me yet? i may have deleted your number in anger... but i yearned for thatmessage saying "sorry"... i waited for you to comehome and say "sorry, priya" do you know how muchi've cried because of you...?
priya... i love you... i love you too... happy birthday.... shut up ... harris is doing thebackground score for this one... silence...is this a marketplace or what...? why are you screaming like this...? must one be silent ata hospital...? obviously! then why was a woman screamingso much at the maternity ward?
stupid! we must get completelysmashed this evening... bro... she wantsto drink with us...

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