shwaas bring mr khandge's reports to me. there is absolutely no problem. lt hurts in the morning.- lt will. lt was a major surgery. also you are not getting any younger l will prescribe some tablets.that should lessen the pain. the name of the tablets is voveron.take twice a day. and crenophin syrup. takeit before bedtime. this will give quite a relief.
lt's such a relief talking to you. should we continue withthe same medicine? yes ok when should l come next? after a month. give a call before coming. ok? you may go now. ok. thank you!
send me a glass of water please.how many more patients? no patients, just some medical reps. no. not today. tell them to cometomorrow. l am too tired today. what about dr. baidyanath? l have been trying to contacthim. no luck so far! give dr. sane a glass of water. dr. sane? yes? want to see the doctor.- not possible today.
yes, l am on my way. how much longer?- just 15 minutes. what's happening out there?- some patient. who is it now? l will handle it. don't worry. hmm, ok. dr. gupte here.- l was waiting for your call. l have examined mr. pradhan. lthink we should go ahead with abdomino perinal resection.
when should we plan the surgery? hold on a second. what is going on there? he is very persistent. says heis coming from a distant place. did you tell him. l am trying to explain, but.. try one more time. yes sir. l will try. yes you are right. but the growthis just four centimetres away..
don't you understand orwhat? don't insist. yes we will meet tomorrow. so where is he from? konkan did you tell him the clinic timings? yes sir l did but... one minute.- are you still there? l am just leaving now! ok send him in.
but.. sir? that's all right. come in! come, come.. good evening! good evening! say hello, dear! please have a seat. come come easy easy...careful!
lt is almost the closing time. there was an accidenton the highway. so... doctor ranade is a very famousdoctor in our district he said see dr. sane. everythingwill be all right. yes, s.p. ranade is my friend. hmm so what is your name son? tell him your name smart kids aren't shy!!
do you like it? come, come here. what is your name?- parashuraam can you see my hand?- yes now?- yes now?- umm.. what is the problem? he has trouble seeing things at far. since when? two to three months
l told my teacher.- so you don't go to school? l see two of everything.- that makes him stumble he hurt his knee. hasto miss the school now. he gets irritated. then comes to fields withme or goes with cattle. are you two related? he is my grandson. where is his father? he is a bus conductor withthe state transport
he stays home after theaccident last year. he can't move around likehe used to. but we manage school is up ahead of the temple. yes, up to 7th standard. then at the district place. he is very fond of school but the eye problem is in the way.- would you move to city later? our village is beautiful.backwaters flow near the foothills. hmm.. l must visit sometime!
ask him to come!- please come! what is taking you so long? some patients...- same old story! we are waiting for you for dinner.- you go ahead. l'll be there soon. but still we are waiting.- l will be there in half an hour. how longer you here? we must do some tests. mrl and ct scan and we also need to consultan eye specialist.
l understand. what is the problem? l can't say at this moment. lwill tell you after the tests give them a note for mrl and ctscan and also for dr. keni. outside, you will get the notefor the tests and for dr. keni can we go back home tonight? no. you will have to stay tonight. or you may go tonight andcome back on monday. get all the tests done by mon-tue.bring the reports on wednesday. come prepared to stay forat least fifteen days.
fifteen days? ls there anyone with you now? no well then bring someone on monday. why? l will give you the reports. can l know what the problem is? l will talk to dr. sane.can't say anything now. you still have mrl andct scan to be done.
sister, fill up the papers please! where do they do ct scan?- over there. how long does it take?- ask over there only. come on. hurry up. mr mane? your report will be readyby 4:30. come by then. mrl?- yes show him the note.- hello? yes, hang on one second. yes l have sent thereport to dr. shetty.
hello? yes.. one second please. mrl and ct scan are to be done. ls the patient with you? yes here he is.- ok fill up the form. the whole form?- yes, please. what do we write?- name, address, phone no. etc. are you aware of the feesto be paid for the tests? now? no. after the tests.do you know how much?
lt will be rs. 9000 bothmrl and ct scan included. ok ok.. here is the form. dr. sane. right? was thereany surgery before? no- any fractures? no- any allergies? what?- any kind of rash, itching etc? no no. any x-rays, other tests done before?
no. this is the first time.- ok, sign it. you too, but read this first.- what is it? lt is the consent. read it. go over there and read.don't crowd the counter. wait wait. what's wrong with you? l am hungry. we will eat after the tests. ok?- how long? just a while. where are you off to?- l want to watch that light. ok ok. go. let him..but don't get lost.
mr vichare, have yousigned the form? yes yes! l am signing it. please make it fast. no medication, operation andinvestigation is entirely safe. such procedure can be a fatalto an otherwise healthy person. l have clearly been told about this. complications like cardiac arrest,excessive bleeding may arise. doctor has explained this to me.- no. doctor never said anything! how can l sign this?let me ask somebody!
ct scan? huh? hmm! yours? no no. my grandson's. did you sign the consent? no. came with my mother.where are you from? which village?
how can l sign this form?- sign right here. but see what is written there.how can l sign that? ls he a cancer patient? parashyaa.. come, come my boy.. please sign the form quickly.you are next. yes! but how can l sign here? don't worry. just sign it. please have this form filled.general ward.
please, don't stand by the counter.l told you already? naik? what's wrong?- look, everyone signs this form. this patient will also sign theform. please, sign the consent. wait, is there a problem?- they are telling me to sign here. you are related to the patient!!you need to sign the consent, ok? but the doctor never toldus about this. so.. this is only as a precaution.don't worry. sign the consent. wait wait. why are you so jumpy? hey little one!!
l feel you should sign it.otherwise, we can't do the tests. also there are patients waiting..- are you sure? yes, everyone has to sign it. absolutely nothing toworry about. sign it. ok, if the doctor insists.. oh, l am not a doctor. l ama medical social worker. lf you have any queries, problems,feel free to ask me. thank you very much. mr. vichare, who is the patient?- my grandson
take all metal objects off him.any fractures so far? no nothing.- any surgeries? no no come come- only one of you can come. you wait here. l will go. you will also have to remove thewrist watch, pen and umbrella ok. come come. don't be afraid. ls there any letter for us?- yes. here it is. dear taatya kaka, how areyou? when l visited...
what is going on? giveit back. behave! careful.. don't run.. give some beatle nut.- here it is l want candy.- no. no candy. lt's lunch time. l also have some money. what are the seasons in a year.- summer, monsoon and winter. name the sights in a city. theatres, parks and temples
when can we visit the city?- l will take you there someday. test went ok. the doctor willexplain to you. don't worry. right, but what do you think?- we can't tell you the results. but please..- only the doctor can tell you don't forget the umbrella- he will never forget that. yes. lt will accompany me to heaven. the clinic is closed on weekends.you can come next week. l need to see the doctor.- do you have an appointment? you were supposed tocome tomorrow, right?
l got the reports today itself. so.. you just want to give the reports? lf doctor tells something.. not today. not possible. can l see the doctor please? lt's very busy today. you give methe reports. l will pass it on. but can't l see him today?- come tomorrow. l will wait. ok. l don't think you can see him.
l will take only 5 minutes.- do you have appointment? no.then you can't see him. what's wrong, parashuram?- he is looking at me. hmm.. be good son! what happened? what is a surgeon?- must be one who operates. gokhale, go see the doctor. can l go in now? wait. many are still waiting.
need any help with the papers? l wanted to ask you something.- yes? what is it? what is that word writtenon the door outside? who is the patient? my grandson.- where is he? over there.- doctor will tell you everything. parashu, don't be so fidgety. don't go anywhere! shh.. shut up.- don't cry parashu. good boy!
vichare, you just want togive the reports, right? yes.- go in right after this patient. wait. go alone. let them go first. give the reports andcome out quickly. hey, where is the patient?she does not look like one. l wanted to show the reports.- oh! ok. let me see. you were supposed to come tomorrow.
l got the reports today so.. vichare, it's betteryou come tomorrow. l need to check the reportsthoroughly once again. also l need to talkto the eye specialist so today you won't tell me anything? no. come tomorrow. don't worry. yes. outside. should l call him? no that's ok. come tomorrow. lwill explain everything then. do not worry.
take a good night's sleep. now. tell me! l wanted to ask something. what is an onco surgeon? l will tell you tomorrow. what is the phone no. here?- here it is. vichare, you left your umbrella. oh dear, did you get hurt? l told you to not to follow me.
yes? lts spleen tomorrowand apr on thursday. did joshi get it all installed? hello grandpa! remember me? parashuram is sitting outside.- hope he's still sitting there! how do you know him?- we met at the ct scan yesterday. asawari... wait! how many patients are there? don'tsend anybody for next 10 minutes. yes? tomorrow 7 pm. yes.
sorry! will you have some tea? no. lt's ok! please. even l will have. sendsome. where is parashuram? ln the lobby.- alone? no. my daughter in law'sbrother is with him. there is nothing to be afraid of.well, worrying won't help us. we need to keep our cool.think rationally. the situation is a little moreserious than you thought. just a surgery, right?
yes... so, he'll be able to see, right? l'll explain the whole thing now. go ahead with the surgery.don't worry about money. l will sell some trees,manage something. lt is not about the money. don't worry! that isnot the issue here. have some tea.- lts ok! we have to operate on both the eyes.
and he will be able to see? see parashuram is importantto us, correct? what do you mean?- l'll explain. see these are our eyes. these are the pupils andbehind is the retina. see the veins at this joint.this is where we see from. this is where he has cancer.lt is called retino-blastoma. look here....! please listen to me! both the eyes are affected. wehave to remove both of them.
and that must be done immediately.once the cancer starts spreading.. we wont be able to do anything.so make the decision fast. want some tea?- can we replace his eyes? at least one! lt is not possible in this case. we have to operate without delay. ls there any other alternative?- l have checked thoroughly. luckily the canceris at first stage. he won't lose even a day inhis life after the surgery.
this is one in million case. parasha is also one in a million! you have to make the final decision. what is left to decide now? talk to your family. operate on him! right now! no, don't rush. first talk toyour family and let me know? please calm down. wait! wait for a minute!
one important thing you must know. the patient should know aboutit before removing any organs. do not put this burden on me now! try to tell him! you tell him. no. you have to do this. the child is in your hands now! don't worry! you may go now. let me knowyour decision soon.
send the next patient in. come grandpa! yes! tell me! had all the tests done today! what did the doctor say? doctor saw the reports! what did he say? said, no reason to worry about! what about the treatment?
a little surgery is needed.an hour long! do they have to? don't worry and tell suhaasalso! he must be worried. he is at the fields. ls parasha there?- yes, he is! hold on! say hello to your mother.- hello! how are you my baby? mother, did kusum have a calf?
yes. ln the morning.lts white and black you get well and come back soon. my little baby! does it have a star on its forehead? yes yes! you love them, don't you?come back soon, my baby! we decided to name itchandani. remember? yes my dear! you take care. where is father? at the fields!
don't talk for too long on phone. ok. l am going to hangup now. take care! try to avoid the operation. ok! ask some other doctor! this doctor must be no good. my poor little child! ok. bye now!- take care of my baby! ls he eating properly?
yes! do his eyes become watery? l am hanging up. do you give him milk at night? bye! taatyaa? what's the matter? we have to save him come what may.let's consult another doctor. remember yashawant vichare?do you have his phone number?
yes.- l will see him tomorrow. we can't lose him. excuse me please. where were you? l waslooking for you.. where is parashuraam?- he is with divakar. how stressed you look! why are you avoiding me? the child has to survive. how are we going to save him, ifyou don't show up for 4-5 days?
did you talk to your family?- just a bit. did you tell parashuram?- not yet. and how can l? the surgery is a must.we have to decide fast. should we find another doctor?- why? removing both the eyes..!!? -that's why you were hiding from me? we want parashuraam. another doctor said we could try?- try what? to save at least one eye.- l have talked to dr sane. checked all the reports. lt is theonly way to save parashuram.
how can that be a way? there is no other alternative. who says so? dr sane has that much authority. how can l believe that? l also am attached to parashuram just like you are. l have been trying to find you. youweren't at the hotel at night. ln the morning, youhad left already.
how can l tell this to his mother? even she would want parashuramto survive no matter what. can't there be another way? but then.. afterwards..how will he... he can have a great lifeeven without eyes. we have to work on that. that means..! think about it calmly. close your eyes. walk for 2 minutes.- l will after 2 days of practice.
what about the whole life?- you are only creating questions. parasha.. parashuraam.. this is going on since yesterday. doesn't answer if someonecalls or asks anything. yes dear.. what's up? did you see the kids playing here?should we play with them? let's join them come on! kids stare at his eyes. l have brought something thatparashuraam would like.
do you know what it is? don't touch your eyes with dirtyhands. don't you have a kerchief? he has it in his pocket.- where? l want to see it. parasha, be a good boy. don'trun. you will get hurt. parasha, don't you want to get well? he doesn't listen to anyone. he is going to dothis more and more. you need face this with a smile. that will keep him cheerful.
remember what dr. sane said, saving parasha is most important. l know all that, buthow can l tell him? oh lord shankara, pleasehelp me. show me a way. do something please! how is that patient from satara?- stable sir! monitor him. see you at 5.- ok sir! just a minute sir!- yes? your patient parashuram vichare.- the one with retino-blastoma?
yes. his grandfather keshavvichare needs to talk to you. send him to my clinic tomorrow.- lt's closed tomorrow and day after oh! send him on monday.- no. lt is urgent. we have no time. yes? l will reach in 15 minutes.l have to go for a surgery. sir, he is not convincedabout the surgery... he is not ready for it.- that happens with every patient. yes sir but saving the eyes..- l am getting late, got to go. sir, please listen to me sir. there could be complications.- how?
they are going for second opinion,which may affect their decision. lt happens. eventuallythey all come to me. the risk is bigger by then and theybeg me to save the patient. l agree sir! but.... why do they go for second opinion?because they can't trust the doctor. please.. l have a surgery. l have to go. please understand.- sir, please sir! what's the matter, grandpa? look.. there is nooption for surgery
that too both the eyes. l will not charge a single penny.but there is no other way. don't listen to anybody else. we have to act now.you have to be firm. can l leave now? parashuram will not lose asingle day from his life. don't think too much.make the decision soon. the longer you wait,the risk is more. lf you come after 6 months or sol won't be able to do anything.
when can we do the operation? soon. come to the clinic. lwill get the papers ready. he cannot tell this to parashuraam. but you will have to..,before the operation. please, l need your help sir! why involve me again? you arewell trained. you do it. l tried, but it's not that easy.- try again. grandpa, you try to tell him. that's sir's car!!
you told me to come here.- ok. tell me. l have brought parashuram with me.- why? you tell him sir!- tell him what? about the surgery.- but.. sir, please talk to him...what do l do now? we are short of time.- l need to go for a surgery. grandpa. come here fast.he is in a hurry. shouldn't you create this support?- their decision is final sir. when do they want to schedule it?- please talk to him sir.
when can you admit the patientinto the hospital? whenever you say. you decide and let me know. tomorrow! does the boy know? what difference does it make? no, you have to tell him. l will see what happens. asawari, shouldn't yoube trying to help them?
l tried sir, but l needyour help in this case. grandpa, you are very well aware ofhis nature, his likes and dislikes you know him from birth.- that is why it is hard for me. parashuram, come here! fast! ask doctor uncle, why doesn't he give any medicine?- why don't you give any medicine? asawari, what is this?- tell him sir, please tell him! ask doctor uncle, when will lget better? parasha, look here!
look here! ask doctor uncle, whenwill l get better? doctor uncle, whencan l go to school? how can this man answerthese questions? ls your decision final? yes.. there is no otheralternative right? l told you in the morning. what is this?- lt's a seat belt. parashuram, come. let him go.
he doesn't have time. come!- ok l will try. l will try talking to him. thank you sir! l can'tdo this alone. you are more used to dealingwith patients. ok parashuram, let him go.- be a good boy! asawari, get the consent signedand give me his case history. l am only going to help you. butfinally it's your responsibility. please send a cup of tea for grandpa,sitting outside. ln fact two. milind, why are you bringing patientshome? ln your 2 hrs of free time?
lt's a sensitive case. l willdrop prutha to her class. yeah, right! you never havetime for home and family. why are you so quiet today? you are always mischievousand talkative! somebody wants biscuits!ok have them. which one do you want?- aren't they nice? nice & sweet. don't you want some? no? why? when are you taking us toyour home in the village?
even l want to come.- tell us about your home. slanting roofs, backyards, cows?here we have only tall buildings. nothing else. the city isn'tas nice as your village. where is grandpa? he is outside. he won't leave. he is sitting outside. come on, l will show my house.- come come! like it? lt is big as you, isn't it? hold it. ok let go.
now close your eyesand hold it again. does it feel differentwith your eyes closed? no- ok. hit it now. yes. ok ok. now close your eyes again. now hit it.- l know! what?- even you know it! what is it son? you will hide it whenl close my eyes. no dear. lt is yours. you like it?
take it home.- really? milind!- yes coming really?- yes, really. take it home. milind..- yaa! what? you were supposed to drop her.- can you do it today? please? why do you promise her then?- please. you please drop her. wow, hills! where is the river?- there is no river here. l dive into the river from trees.- you monkey! are you calling me monkey?- yes!
can you climb up thebeatle nut tree? - no cashew? mango? coconut tree?- no you don't know anything. canyou say your timetables? yes. two ones are two, two twosare four, two threes are.. umm? six! you don't know anything.. lsn't she dumb! she doesn't knowanything. ok lets do this. close your eyes. now here..what do you smell? flowers..!- sure? you can smell with your eyes closed!!do you know how a rose smells?
yes- jasmine? yes.- good. do you know, just the way we can smell with our eyesclosed, we can hear too let's play a game. what's itcalled? when we blindfold someone.. oh, blind man's bluff.. right! lets play. lwill close your eyes. try to find us just by sounds. ok! don't look. ready? here we go..only sounds!!
parasha! parasha here! what's wrong?- l won't be able to see. right? why do you think so? why do you keep makingme close my eyes? why do you say that itsok even if l can't see? why does grandpa hugme and kiss me often? he is probably worried about you. l know l won't be able to see!
what if it really happens, parasha? what? so, you won'tgive me any medicine? l will.. l will... l know, you won't giveme any medicine! why did you bring me here then? look dear! l want to go to grandpa.. l know l won't be ableto see. grandpa... look dear...
l know l won't be ableto see! l know! easy.. do you go to school? which grade?- second. can you see the light?- a little bit! ok, lie down surgery will be at 7 am tomorrow.no food and water after midnight. you and one of your relative needto sign the consent before surgery. anybody can sign. temperature, pulse, bp? all ok?don't worry! surgery will be fine.
why are you worrying grandpa?everything will be all right! hello parashuraam! this is a caseof bilateral retino-blastoma. look how many peoplehave come to see you. don't be afraid dear! he is posted for enucleationtomorrow. what do you want after surgery?lce cream or chocolate? chocolate.- ok. deal! don't forget the consent. here! a bus and a wild tiger.
did he have his dinner? he's got the bus now,who needs food! really? well then, l can takeback the candies l brought. what happened? huh? please sign this consent. appaa! parashuraam, how are you today? appaa please go to your bed. but l am ok now.- please go!
have you signed the consent? last night he signed.- ls everything all right? yes. don't worry at all. go! catch that! patient vichare? you havea message from dr sane. he had to go for anotheremergency surgery. your operation, that wasscheduled for today, will take place at 7 am tomorrow. but.. ls dr sane inside?- no. he is not there.
lt happens sometimes. there must be some emergency.. let's go! grandpa, just one more day. don'tworry! lt happens sometimes. l need to go to social department.l will be back soon. ok? parasha, look here. please! once there was a king. his queenwas fat and the king was thin. parasha! listen to the story! look, the bike! lsn't that nice!
want to read? nice stories! the magic takes the tears away! why are you behaving like this? have some water! listen to me please! what's wrong with you? please call the doctor. please stop parasha, listen to me.
do we have some fruits? no.- go get some fruits! go. l will watch him. don't hit me. sit down please! don't behave like this! don't hit me! don't touch your eyes! good boy! don't do this! good boy!
what can l say now! listen listen! listen to me, son. the patient over here..where did they go? l have no idea! the kid, parasha, where are they?- l haven't seen them. have you seen them? he said they would be in and around. did grandpa come here?- here? no!
they are not in the ward.- did you check the passage, toilet? yes. they were not there. check the opd. l willsee you in the ward. lets call dr sane. no reply..! lets check the lodge. phone no.?- here, l have it! have you notified the office?- yes. mr lokhande, are there any newaccident or suicide cases? patient's name?- vichare. a kid of age 6-7 years. grandfather about 65. let me knowright away if you find anything.
may l talk to cmo? asawari here. ls there a new case?- no. not yet. accident? something? anything?- no give me a call if any case comes up. no no. you call us and check. cmo sarode? asawari here.any new case? no accident case yet. butthere is a suicide case. details? old man. age about..- any other details?
not yet. l will let you know soonas l get the information. reporter aniruddha here.note down the news. when did this happen?- around 1 1 :30 am. how was the patient?- he was ok sir. no problem. get the ward ln-charge here. haveyou checked around the hospital? dr sane has come.- has he? ok, divakar, lets go. did you check everywhere? opd? other hospitals? what is going on? were youall sleeping or what?
l had gone to the matron's office. check the accident casesin the hospitals around what was his mental status.- fine sir! did he say anything?- no. what did other patients say?- none of them know anything. did you check properly? sarode? tell me! age? oh ok! l will send somebody.
sir, cmo sarode had calledfrom abc hospital. there is a suicide case.we have to go and check. for identification..?- sarala ma'am can identify them. ok send her. no, not divakar. please don't cry. quiet him down. ok let's check into the ward. are all the things in place? havethey taken anything with them? umbrella and the bag.
let me see the file.. whattime was the round? 10 am. all was ok then. ldentify the body immediately dr sane? this is the fifth run awaycase in the last six months! cannot say anything as of yet.they must be around somewhere. 5 run-aways in 6 months?- ask the hospital management. let me do my job. let me go. what colour is the frame? who let the reporters in?how did they get in here?
they will print anything they likeand complicate the situation. was there anyone with the body? ask about the face.- yes. any details about the face? call the hospital registrar.- yes sir! sir, the face.. ..is damaged. ls absconding patient a routine?- what do you mean? what is your opinion aboutimproving the hospital? ls anything spooky here?
ln abc hospital today.. l told you to not to push too muchhello? no. postpone the surgery. l have many other patients also. hello sir! you called for me. have a seat. lts ok! what's the procedure whena patient is missing? make an 'abscond note' in register. that has been done.
then it is fine.. what about searching the patient? sorry sir! but that is not my job. what do you mean? mr povale looks after that. call him. he is on leave today. so? now what? l also go home at five.
mr joshi told me to wait so l did. we can make the note next week. the incidence has happened today. we can put today's date. look. this is my patient. yes sir! yes. sarode. what's the news? one minute sir! sarode is on other side.
he says the body is verysimilar to grandfather's. no problem then! parashuram vichare is my patientnot his grandfather. where is he? sir, you have an appointment at 6. the kid is not there sir! be in touch! mr sarode, l will call you again. divakar, l will be back shortly. this is too much. l had to movethe surgeries to tomorrow.
keep informing me. however late.- l will sir! no matter how much we help you,you will always be irresponsible! people have been searchingfor you like crazy. the surgery is tomorrowand you just left!!? don't you understand?even at this age? what are we supposed tothink? what happened? lt just doesn't matter howmuch people do for you!! what more can l do for you? ldon't have that much of time. l postponed surgeries for this. thepolice and press got involved.
now where are the reporters?they should see this. why blame doctors!!! lf you didn't want the surgery,you should have said so... please forgive me! l made a mistake. you sent a message that theoperation is postponed! we couldn't see you.- so? no operation.. so.. so you ran away? schedulesget postponed sometimes. we were prepared for the surgery.
the child wouldn't listen. wouldn't stop crying.got all cranky. l couldn't take it. what are nurses for? an injection and he wouldhave slept peacefully. anyway, l am not interested in it.lf you don't want the surgery.. tell asawari. she will complete theformalities and you can leave. parasha had 24 hours leftbefore going into darkness. what was he supposedto take with him?
this nasty hospital smell? patient's cries? needles?those l.v. tubes? wait! after 24 hours would thischild be able to see.. a bird flying in the sky? a horse carriage on the streets? l thought and decided, 'let's seewhat happens!' and took him out. what will he be ableto see afterwards? l tried to show him..
everything that he hasnot seen before. oh, he was so happy. saw a temple. sat on the steps. left everything to god. decided not to sheda tear and came back. for a villager like me,l did what l felt right.. right or wrong, l don't know. sorry, l caused you a lot of trouble l wanted to show him the fullmoonlight falling over the fields.
ls there any need? you have given him somuch this evening. the operation will be tomorrow. parasha, we will meet at 7 am. l am sorry! let's do the surgery tonight. the happy picture of lifethat you have shown him, let him take that into the dark. shift parasha to special ward.decorate his room
with flowers and toys andas many colours as you can. request anesthetist patankar.operation will take place tonight. parashuraam's case..l will handle it well then, l don't need to operate. you social workers only think fromthe heart. what about the head?

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