shiva, you? i was ruling over ajamgadh. lions rule, not dogs.-that's not possible. shiva is not usedto hear no. he thinks well beforedoing anything. shiva no... to rule is not weekpeopleãs work. spare me. donãt ask me to pardon you.go up and ask for it.
ask to god. keep asking him. no shiva no... i wonãt kill you.you will commit suicide. people should know thatyou are a coward. and i am brave. his son can avenge you. you should be careful. in our business there is noplace for fear.
no one has the power tokill this shiva. oh what is this? kids havedoomed you.oh, no! i won...i won... father.- where did you get it from? i won this moneyin the competition today. you said you will buy me a cycle. put some more moneyand buy me a good cycle. sir has sent for me urgently.i will come and buy it for you. father..- move.
now i have to go..- i won't leave you until you buy it. i will come and buy it for you.understand? father.- i said i will. father! listen to me. come.bring the car from the garage. where were you? you go in this car.we will follow you. you all follow me.
quick. faster. take right. be careful. you killed my father.- yes. you made a mistake, shiva.-never spare the enemy. your days are over.come on. hey donãt spare his wife. shakti, why are you tearing that?that is school uniform.
shakti.- same police uniform colour. i hate the color. i won't wear it. what are you saying?- i won't wear it. how dare he comeinside our house? - i won't spare him.he's a policeman. - policeman? salutation, sir. he is a watchman. he is not police man,he is watchman. i'm the only watchman in the worldwho wears color dress while on duty.
i want to become a pilot.- i want to become a doctor. i want to become an engineer.i want to become like my father. i want to become a policeman. don't cry. today, iãll take you with me. how dare you hit a policeman? why didn't you tell me earlier? look at him. i will plan andhe will implement it.
he is not an ordinary shakti. hereafter, he is my power. he is my life! sit and have peacefully. mother, you will surelymake me like you. hey. i'm referring to your beauty,mother. i'm getting late to college. are you getting late tostand outside ladies college?
mind your business.- father. mother teresa charity hospitalwas started... ...for the poor peopleto help them. i don't know if i can continue it. a goon from raipur. who is known as munna. for many years he wasin jail. suddenly one day, forcefully hetook the possession of the hostel. go from here.
you're behaving likethis with the patients. go. go away. they have crossed allthe limits. they are misbehaving in the hospitali feel ashamed to say it. didn't you inform the police?- we did. you're our last hope. if you donãtdo anything, hospital will be ruined. father. kumar, send your men tomother teresa hospital immediately. i don't think it's possible by them.shall we send our men?
hello. boss, i heard you'rethe notorious goon in ajamgarh. you've become old now. itãs better that you hideunderneath your wifeãs stole. munna, raipur munna. everyoneis scared of me. smashed the police,thrashed your men. you are fit to wear bangles. hello?hello? have you fled from ajamgard?
come and plea in front of me,iãll forgive you. hello.hello ..hello listen, wolf in lionãs skin doesnãtbecome a lion. to punish you for your sins, reallion has come. my shakti. so he is shakti! he is very famous over here.he is hero over here. who are you?hero? however big the pack of dogsmay be, it can never hunt a lion.
this lions hits less and dragsmore. if one comes to the hospital,he should either get cured or die. you decide how you want to go. dear, if there is onegood man in this town... ...no crime will take place. hey.come here. are you new to this place?- yes. what did you say?- i said you're a good man. donãt think me to bea socialite.
there should be crime. and only iãve the license tocommit crime. thatãs very true, dear. food is very tasty. today, food is very tasty. serve it to shakti.itãs his favorite. mother, enough.- have it. mother, if i eat this much,my stomach will pain. never mind, have it.
mother, don't forget to serve me.-take it from my plate. you wait like asmall baby. in fact, i've come to meet boss fromthe airport. i'll call you later. here hold this.- how are you? i am fine.how are you? i am fine. how are you hari?-very fine. boss is there. greetings, boss.-minister!
it was you who made me one, boss. go and have food.-yes. shakti. she made biryani?- hey minister. where is the loin cloth?is it gone for wash? pant is safety. if the loin cloth goes here and gthere,it will be so embarrassing. ma'am, greetings. what should i call you,just hari or minister hari?
address me in an informal way.please serve me food first. i'm hungry. i'll be back. shakti! where is shakti? i worn this uniform justfor him. shakti..shakti... who is it? your childhood friend, pal, gopal. it's your friend gopal. gopal.
thank you, buddy.thank you. thank god that he made yourfriend a police man. has give a cap on head anda baton in hand. how do i look? i am going. donãt i look dashing! just as amitabh usedto look in police uniform. just as ajay, salman and akshaylooked great in khaki ..just like them, today yourfriend is looking great.
youãre happy lookingat your friend. he will surely get thrashed. youãre proud of me, right. tell me, how am i lookingin this uniform? now there will be a war. iãll not let any goon of this townsleep peacefully. how did you wear police uniformand come in front of me? oh my friend..my buddy..my pal... my underwear is not brown in color.
along with brown uniform, hehas torn him also... ... now even the sellotapecanãt fasten him. good i am not wearing brownunderwear. otherwise, he would'veremoved even that. what has he done witha police man! i am safe here. i canãteven get a scratch over here. 'i want to become a policeman.' so it was you?- yes. how dare you you come in frontof me as a policeman?
yes night ragini had come in my dreams,she was playing mms with me. - stop. - stop.stop. triples? do you think, thisroad belongs to your father? pay the fine. he saw police uniform.he will create ruckus now. ma'am, please.-i can't let you go. pay rs. 500! are you looking for stone?i will bring. instead of 500, 200? i just got these many.select one.
say anything, weãrenot going to listen. i must say, she is so beautiful.perfect to be your bride. you are taking bribe.aren't you ashamed? there is no differencebetween you and a beggar. well done! you all have ruined thepolice image. not you bride, she is fitto be my bride. iãll make the sacrifice for you. if they make mistake,warn and let them go.
who are you to punish them? she is charming and beautiful... i am poet! today my phone has come in use,focusing sister-in-law... ..he himself hasbecome out focus. take the left one also in focus,even iãll get one. leave the camera andtake care of the bike. how is she?- wonderful. even i felt the same.
my mother and i have the same taste. it is wonderful.very nice scooter. what were you looking at?- scooter. mother. don't you want someoneto light the lamp in the house? light it. look. look. hey.do you understand my feelings? no. you don't?how do i tell you?
hot outside and cold inside. you still didn't understand?- no. how will i make him understand? this is cold..give me the coffee. this is hot.just like this. now you will understandmy feeling. she is so beautiful.-you find her beautiful? what about me? you saidi'm the only beautiful girl? yes i said, but till then,i had not met her.
you lied to me.father. she got annoyed. what is it?- look, father. you might've seen a police hitting.have you seen a woman hitting the police? she hit the police?- listen to me. forget about these love affairs.-you forget, iãll remember. you're old now.- me? there is no place for romancein our business. did you understand my feelingor should i make you understand?
boss, the mining officeris creating problem. what do you think of yourselves? have you takenthe government for granted? people dig out granites,but you have buried it. iãll black list you andsend reports to my seniors. then see what happens. boss, i think he is expecting money.i will talk to him. we will pay you money.- i don't want. donãt hesitate so much.shake hands.
boss, if that is so, he is agreeing. initially, he refused to agree,but i managed to convince him. you convinced him. you convinced him?- yes, boss. boss. i'm not at fault.he said we will share the money. boss, he was like brother---i can trust our enemies... ...but not betrayers. hey, why are you getting scared?i will finish you, too. i will finish even youif you betray me.
where are you taking me?- to see the bride. come..come on. the same scooter girl?- yes. with the help of the scooter numberwe found her address. we will fix your marriage with her. i saw her just recently. i will make herfall in love with me... - ...give her time.- if you don't like then forget it. hey what...try to understand me.
so much of attitude.come. are they coming along? what are you upto?- get in. goons only commit crimenot fall in love. leave me. go to see the brideor go anywhere you want. why are you taking me? i'm police. by the way, tell mewhat is so special about that girl? what? special?
you will not understand. does she has a youngersister? ã«i am coming...ã i will handle this matter. looking at my personality,she will say yes. what are you doing?have we come to rob? stand here only. - are you the producer?- producer? are you the onewho produced your daughter?
where is the co-producer?-co-producer? your wife.- who are you? you know shiva?- who? not who...looking at whom,everyone becomes speechless. he is boss shiva's son, shakti. he saw your daughter outsideand fell in love with her. so we are here toask her hand in marriage. meenakshi. where is your daughter?- shanti has gone to work.
shanti. shanti. -seems he has gotan epilepsy attack. what a modern name. why are you getting so emotional? even my maid's name is shanti. good you have not set the ringtone of film ã«om shanti omã call your daughterand ask her to come. what timing! i must say, your daughter'seyes.
..are very beautiful. she is his daughter. talk to him, don't scare him. it's her. it is her scooter. you see that he knowseven the sound of her scooter... ...then your daughter... ..does she takes bath, itãll be a problem,if he recognizes her by her smell. you have set my life. what is it, brother?
your choice has reallyshocked us. look at her. good selection, brother. i feel shy. you will be shocked.look at her. the one you loveis not an ordinary shanti. policewoman vijay shanti. may your soul rest in peace. dear gopal, she willpull off your hair.
who are they, father? that boys says, he has fallenin love with you. they are here to askyour hand in marriage. what? he is a dignified family.change and come. come dear, change and come.-come and give them coffee first. he loves you. everything was so good. you fell in lovewith a policewoman.
son. don't you want someoneto light the lamp? don't irritate me. did you hear? those who cameto see shanti yesterday... ...left without informing. i wonder in what she lacks.- lacks? give me mallika's number. i heard those who cameto see shanti yesterday...
...ran away. what fault did he find in you? let it be a secret.don't tell anybody. you need to enhance your face,you little powder and lipstick. did i ask you? - what?- did i call you all? did you tell you to finda groom for me? your friend falls in love... ...and walk away sayingyou didn't like the bride. people are askingme in what do i lack.
in what do i lack?in what do i lack? what noise was it?in an accident some people died. they would've diedbecause you thrashed them. go. why did you call me? if you don't come, she will hit me.- who? look at her i feellike puking. hey, show me the license. you...
hey, wait.- how dare you ask for license? what kind of dance is this? he is smart.but she is outsmarting him. show me the license.-enough of your drama. i donãt dance but make othersdance very well. this scene is not meant for kids,close your eyes. don't mess with police.okay? if i get such a punishment, eveniãll start rejecting the girls. hey, take your hand off.
she took it off. why did you reject me?- i didn't like you. you came to see mewithout liking me? i liked you earlier,but not now. but why? i saw you without dress thatday so i liked you. today, i saw you with dress,so i didn't like you. he saw her without dress. where? when?
you saw her alone?- yes. you see that.it is a bad era. did you see, he is soshameless. whereas you donãt say i love youeven when weãre alone. chunnu munnu hadfallen from sky? that day seeing you in sari,heart had fallen in love with you. and today i saw you with uniform,heart has fallen in creek. why? i will fall in lovewith an ugly girl...
...but a policewoman...no way. ugly girl?- yes. - i will kill you today.- oh no. you hate police. you go from here, if youwill be beaten, police will catch us. we're police officer. yes, weãre police officer.weãll not spare you. madamãs anger is very dangerous.she never misses her target, you will land in trouble.
perfect shot.letãs go. new commissioner?has he come to meet boss? no. he has come toarrest boss. what? arrest? is he out of his senses? how did he get him here? rip him off. doesn't he know who i am? i'm know you very well.i'm here to tell you about myself.
come to ajamgarh...worship god bhola(shiv) ...have hot stuffed potato parathas,wash your hands and leave.. shall we go? ask the minister to call the cm.- do you have warrant? i donãt need a warrant.come. many like you had come butcould not do anything. you will not go alive from here? i donãt need show you howpowerful i am... if you have guts then come alonewith me.
let's go. come on. you donãtknow, what youãre doing. father.- father. wait... shakti, boss has been arrested. who arrested him?- the new commissioner, shakti. what were you doing? sir, i'm in the court. he didn't come here. even i heard about it.but nobody brought him here.
where has he kept father?- he didn't bring him here. he didn't go to the commissioner'soffice, court, or jail. where is he?where did he take him? get down. no matter who powerfulthe person, he cannot mess with police. had i put you behind the bars, youwould've got released in 5 minutes. that's why i kept you in my custodyso that i can see you helpless. a policeman canthink like a criminal... ...but a criminal cannot thinklike a policeman. i hate criminals.
and in committing crimes youhave crossed all your limits. that i donãt like it at all. the place i live should be clean. i'm not afraid. iãm sure, if something happensto me... someone will come in my placeand complete my incomplete work. are you getting nervous? whenever you look at this, you mustrecall of getting arrested. you should give up crime.
do you have any clueabout my power? if i want i can shootyou just now. but i want to give youa chance. if you donãt reform then next timeone will find your corpse here only. hey, who are you? move the car. i chopped your handbecause you touched him. if you'd put him behind the bars...i would've killed you. next time if you again dareto look at him...
iãll chop of your flesh in bitsand feed it to dogs. not just chop his hand,he should've been killed. how many will you kill? our fear? does shiva fear? he had said, if we kill him it is likewe got scared of him. he is like the snakearound lord shiva neck. if we kill one another one willcome to its place. the problem is not the snake.
it is the position.we need that position. means? in the game of police and thief,.the thief should be our man... ...and the police too.- i didn't understand. if a police thinkslike a criminal... ...he showed what can happen. i will show him what will happen if acriminal becomes a policeman. so we should makeone of our men as police. it should be our man.
who can be one, boss?-there is one. who? if shiva is body, he is his shadow.if blood then he is skin. if body, he will be the soul. it is none other than my shakti. shakti hit his friend when he learntthat he has become a policeman. when he learnt the girl'spolicewoman he refused to marry her. your father is cracking jokesat such early hour. i didnãt understand.-he will understand in a while.
what is it, father? shakti, become one. okay, father. you will be the perfect man.become one. mother, brother is in trouble. father, i will become.but what should i become? become a policeman.- okay, father. what? policeman? father, i will become corpse.but i won't become a policeman.
you saw what happened. i'll make sure it doesn't happen again. the police departmentthat controlled us... ...if we have to control it,you have to become a policeman. so? i've decided that you willbecome a policeman. i won't, father.- you will. i will make you one. i can't, father.- you will. i can't, father.what is it?
sir, you surelybecome a policeman. it's been 20 years, sir. i am dressed likea joker, i again want to be a watchman. get away.- save me. hey, catch him. sign here.sign here. sign here. were you signing or playingkabadi with us? if i sign, will i becomea policeman? dear, write.-what are you all doing?
it is group exams,therefore we are sitting in group. if it a quarterly examswill you drink alcohol and write? if it a half yearly exams,how will you do it? look, except him,the rest of you go out. i said go. get out from here. go, sir. iãve written such paper,no one pass me. seems result is out?
no matter what, i won't pass. forcefully you all are behind me.-you have become. what?- you have become one. how?- shakti, why are we for? we will surely make you one. has your father ever failedin doing anything? shakti, if you donãt wish,donãt become a policeman. if father is happy about mebecoming a policeman... i will become one, mother.
but you hate police uniformsince childhood? i've seen father many a timeswhen he is angry... ...but i saw his eyesmoist only once. i shouldn't seefather like that again. if he wishes this, then letme be a policeman. police! what is this, shakti? i thought you willcome in police uniform... ...but you've come in color dress.
you said i should become a policemanand i have become one. i can't wear police uniform. okay. you have become a policeman.i'm happy. wait and watch now. look shakti, you've beenposted in our area. do whatever you want.- come. iãm still alive.go away. get the garland.- sir. if you put the garland andi will wear it.
now put it. about turn. hero is flirting around. brilliant catch. that day was your turntoday, it is my turn. i have settled the scores.how are you feeling now? i will come to the matter now.- you already finished it. listen to me carefully.be serious. in the whole of ajamgarh...
...there're number of policemen withpaunch than policemen with caps. this happen, if youtake the bribe. shameless fellow. to control city measuring 25 kms.a commissioner, seven acps... 56 inspectors under one acp73 sub inspectors and 562 constables. but still why there isso much crime? murders, pickpocket,all together 1412 cases. burglary, 626 cases.there are 50 gangs altogether. can you think what does15 gangs means?
and in that 15 gangs,there are 416 goons. they are ordinary criminalsbut very dreadful. let's forget whateverhappened so far. hereafter, from this very minute...in ajamgarh, murder, burglary... ...rowdism, hooliganism,illegal business takes place... we will take immediate action.- i will thrash you. he thinks he is a super cop. the one who takes action,is gone. neither will you take action...nor react.
instead... you will take bribe andbe happy. got it?-weãll take bribe? what if he has a become a police man,goon will remain goon only. sir.- yes. sir, can we go insideand take charge? you would've seenother policemen taking charge... ...my style is littledifferent. you will see it now.
uncle, they are asking meto take charge as policeman. shall i?- we will finish everybody. i'm very happy. it is ancestral property. we can build a shopping mallin that place, father. how it possible?i can't give it away. go and clear the place.- okay, father. take policemen along. be careful.you may fall.
have some.- it's hurting, mother. uncle. uncle, why aren't mymother getting up? sir, when she was brought tohospital, she was declared dead. uncle, why is my mothernot talking to me? what happened to her? mother said my brotheris in her womb. won't he come and play with me? let me go inside.-no you canãt go.
go..go from here. i said go.- allow her. i said, donãt see them. oh god...what has happened? what harm she did to anyone thattoday she is in such a condition. my child.she is lying dead now. itãs hurting too much. you will hear the voiceseven if you close your ears. what?you think it has been dozed off?
it is just the beginning! in the hearts of the kids whohave become orphan. tear of those parents whosekids have died. what happened now is becauseyou have became a policeman. you have killed thoseinnocent people! god will never forgive.. .. i want to lodge a complaint, sir.- tell me. sir, my husbandis a reporter in press. he wrote an article in thenewspaper against shiva.
so they killed my husbandin the center of the road... ...right in front of me, sir.please do something, sir. don't talk about it here.please go. at any cost, i want justice.i remember their face very well. are we the one? sir, it's them.it's them. brother. hey, go. go out. sir, they have killed my husbandand now they want to kill me.
sir, stop them. she is such a fool, she doesnãt know,youãre hand in glove with us. ã«why my mother is nottalking to me?ã ã«you have killed thoseinnocent people.ã ã«god will never forgive youã ã«you are the murderer of thoseinnocent peopleã brother, you are looking smart. what is it, shakti? shakti, why are you are hitting us?
boss said.. .. shakti, today police is comingto the house? it is wrong. fir you have registered against mymen, take it back. release them. for that dowhatever you need to do. i won't release them. alright, go. we will talk later.-i won't change my mind. are you angry?-very much. i'm angry on myself.i'm angry on you all also.
i knew it when you came wearing thedress, youãre very angry with me. what happened? not anymore.let's give up. what happened all of a sudden? i felt you were right when i saw youfrom my point of view. but from the other point of view,everything is wrong. i don't like my father doing wrong. shakti, all this is going on sinceages, is everything wrong? how can threatening peoplebe right?.
now we have to change ourstyle of working. you were eating itfor all these days. it used to but not now. keep your mouth shut.do what is told. i became a policemanbecause you told me. now, i'm saying.reform yourself. shakti, whatever this shiva wants tohear you will say only that. i won't heat whatever you say.-but why? you should listen. you've to listen.- shakti, how dare you?
i'm talking to my father. shakti, have you decided to fight? i have decided to change.- change what? change you to a good man. but you said youwant to become like me. now, i say i don't wantto become like you. be in your limits.-till now, iãve been doing that only. but today what i saw hasshaken me. all over innocent kidswere lying dead.
swathed in blood,wailing and lamenting. now enough.-quiet! you might've seen this shivastanding beside him. now will you standagainst me? against your father! at the age of 8 when you used to getangry, you would hit people with stones. i saved you from them. stop shedding blood. i lost my father becauseof this uniform
...but today, i wore uniformso that i don't lose you. hereafter, i won't let my fathercommit even a single crime. stop me if you can. this shiva is superior to all.- no. you're not superior.it is the police. police force. today also people are scared of me,no one can stand before me. i will stand. will you confront me?- i will stop you.
you will lose.- i will win. if there is no shiva,there is no shakti. no one has that much courageto face shakti. do you think, oursystem can improve? why did you slap me, sir? iãve already earned in day shift...why did you call me for night shift? go inside and enquire. you get thrashed by wife, but comehere and thrash others. has everybody come?
again will do somedrama. brother seems to be a totallydifferent person. the reason why i summonedall of you at this hour is... ...we have to pay up theprice of this uniform. and it will begin from me. there shouldn't be evenone goon in ajamgarh by morning. operation clean. no matter who commit crimesby saying shiva's name... ...arrest them all.
first grandfather andnow father. itãs right if police laughson criminals. but if on any police man ..thatã«s what i canãt tolerate it. until i wore this uniform...i didn't have faith on myself that i'll reform ajamgarh. but after wearing it, i'mconfident that nothing is impossible. and as long as this uniformwill be on me. i take my grandfatherãspromise.. i wonãt hesitate to give my lifefor the sake of duty.
if we do our duty honestlyjust for tonight... ajamgarh will be at peacefor many years. ...and people will developrespect towards us. do you all remember what wastaught in training. keep moving ahead,keep confronting danger... ...whether it is storm or tornado,you can never stop. o soldier, walk with pride. a policeman should keep movingahead, keep confronting danger... ...even if tornado comes,he should never stop...
...he should be a warrior. at the age of 56 in a smuggling case,he gunned down 7 criminals... ...got 5 injured persons hospitalizedand died with a policeman. only later, the news wasout that he was shot. he is none other than...he is my grandfather. my grandfather. i share his blood. my grandpa whohad the zest to fight... ...even at the lastmoment of the death...
...if any of you has that zest...only then come with me. sir, whatãs use arrestingthe criminals? though we nab themwith great difficulty... ...ministers get them released easily.- never mind. but they will fear whencommitting the next crime. when they start fearing,everything will be alright. when the law sides criminals,that doesnãt mean we should sit idle. let's put an end to crime.are you ready? labariya, a place wheremany criminals are harbored.
alfa team.- yes, sir. you go there. bravo team.- yes, sir. you cover shahganj charlie team.- yes, sir. you go to mugalsaray delta.- sir. mizambaad- sir. shanti, you cover saraimir.- yes, sir.
let's move. greetings, sir. welcome shakti. i'm making plentyof money because of you. iãve left illegalwork now. you are the first accusedto get arrested. yes, arrest.you just broke stick. i break hands. take him. sir, you... sir, there's nobody here.only beggars are sleeping here.
alright, give alms and seethe drama.. give alms and see. they woke up or not?-yes sir? did you find goons amongthem or not? got it.-good job! police.run... why are you staring at me?donãt you know, who am i? leave me. do you see a water tank?yes, sir.
he will be sleeping there.go and check. so late at night as he come out to endthe crime or flirt with her? good! i appreciate. compared to what your grandpa didthis is nothing. which grandpa?-your grandpa. the one who died afterbeing shot in the chest. i don't have a grandpa.- what? had i told you my feelings,would you fight like this?
you fought only becausei told you all about my grandpa. so you lied? everything was true,except the grandpa's story. in grandfather was alive, heãddie listening to this truth. no one will cometo bury body at night, sir. open the gate and go inside.go. see inside. sir, all the goons hereare running like alive corpse. i like it.arrest them all.
put everyone in the van.come on. they've been troubling a lot. there are so many.we need more vans. why do you needpolice van to dirty? put them in garbage van.-okay. come on.get on the lorry. why are you taking usin this lorry? will you go by flight?you must be thrashed. hey, it's shakti.
shakti, why are youdoing like this? we will get released by morning. iãll take them to jail andget everyoneãs hair cut. who can't put shiva's menbehind the bars. here who has so muchdaring? no bail only jail for people like you. anyone else? who want to get a bail? donãt feel shy,itãs a limited offer.
before the hair cut we needto give them a bath. 'in ajamgarh, assistant commissionershakti arrested many goons.' there was ruckus everywhere. during the arrest .robbery, murder--loot, burglary.. those manufacturingillegal liquor, he arrested everyone. this is the first timethat so many criminals... ...were arrested in just one night. ac shakti has created a sense of securityin people's hearts...
...and fear in the heartsof the criminals. boss, he didn't spare even one.he arrested all of them. he arrested becausehe is a policeman. sack him from the police department. i'm the one whomade him a policeman. he should knowthat this shiva knows... ...how to make and destroy. suspend him. if he gets sacked,he will be at my feet.
he should know that he hasmessed with fire. sack him. good mo... because of shakti youcanãt even salute now. shakti, you even hate his name,isn't it? now, he is shakti acp. he passed his thepolice exams illegally. we have only made him acp. get them checkall the records are fake. donãt forget the pain hehas given you.
you will not get sucha chance again. call shakti. light the cracker. brother is fired. did you get sacked? talk to father first. mother, i got sacked from the job. they told me. everything was going so well...-forget it, shakti.
mother, iãm not sacked.i actually got promoted. from ac to dcp. i got promoted, mother. minister, bad days have gone,now good days are going to come. i chopped your hand.i passed the exams illegally. it is said that there shouldbe no blot in police uniform. sack me. sack me from the job. shakti, i know howcapable you are.
today police needs a man like you. you might've failed in the exams.but you passed in police duty. police is not anyoneãs propertybut powerful for sure. you've done what no one could do. in my 20 years service, iãve notzest like you in any one. you are the only powerthat can put an end to shiva. when i touched your father... i saw the passion in you thati want to see in a policeman. now, you are not ac.you're promoted as dcp.
now show them thepolice power. show them we are inferiorto anyone. donãt disappoint me. dcp? brother, why are you getting scared?now he has become tc. if he would be tc,he would just check tickets. now what he has become, donãtknow now what all he will check? you farted?-pant got wet also. if i would be tc,i would check tickets.
but now this dcp will catch holdof all the dangerous criminals. sir has come...sir.. sir.. hello, sir. hi..hi..hi..-hi..hi feeling jealous looking at him. deputy commissioner mr. shaktihas made an achievement... ...by reducing the crime rate. his grandpa sacrificed his lifefor the police department. dc shakti who comesfrom such a brave family. brotherãs grandfatherhas become very famous.
you bled believing what he said. you got reward for your bravery. this year's best cadre awardgoes to ms. aishwarya. sir, please say a few words. i believe in talking lessand working more. one should learn fromhim to make excuses. at least, teach somesafety measures to our students. i need a volunteer. wait.- girls, go back.
you come here.- sir. suppose you are going with a bag. why is he after the bag and back? come here. yes, come here. why is he involving me? i will do and show it. hold it tight. okay.hold the hand like this. see how he has held my hand.you have to do like this.
right hand andright leg at the same time-- simple. come on. yes, sir.- hold my hand. hold it tight.like this and attack. what is he trying to do? any other volunteer?- sir. sir, what if iãm in danger? girl, you won't land in danger.
others land in dangerbecause of you. a bad day! okay. supposed an accused...comes to attack you with a knife. i will do it and show. come as if you areattacking me with knife. block like this, push it and then.punch his nose. if he again attack, againpunch him on his nose. punched my nose as if itãshis property. there is one more way todefend yourself.
iãll need a stick. take a stick like thisand hit him. if he is smart thani am over smart. what is it?this is for self defense. come on.come on. brilliant attack. this is how presenceof mind should be. you used to attack fromback and now... ...and now youãre makingthem attack from front.
i will teach one last thing. but to do and show it,i need trained people. i will need a strong woman also. madam, please come here. sit down and then lie down. this is brotherãs new styleof romancing. in this position .crawl and get intothis and come out. it's army training. if you do this every day--- one will catch cold and die.
hands and knees willget more stronger. madam will do andshow it for you. clap your hands. very good. i like it.i expect more from you. claps! okay girls, disperse.now madam will go for bath. boss, shakti has startedcreating problems for us. we couldn't do anything to him. he is taking advantageof our weakness. boss, he ruined our sand business.
he seized the granite land. we are not getting commissionbecause of him. he is not letting us doeven a single crime, boss. above all he is putting anend to your business. just because of you,we are quiet.. boss, let's the function get over.let's deal with him later. shakti, how are you? -iãm fine. youãre coming from where? i'm coming from your homeitãs decorated just like a bride. your grandeur is splendid.
entire town will keepwatching it. why my house is decorated?-your sister is getting married. mother didnãt tell me once also. sir. mother.- tell me. i meet cook santosh on the way. is there any functionat home, mother. i am missing you a lot.atleast say something. shall i hang up?
say something. she is his sister also. my son learnt about sisterãswedding from an outsider. he must be very hurt.poor fellow was crying. now understood,what pain is? i know how to get people killed...and also make people suffer. it is not too late.i will invite him for the wedding. he is most welcome.not as a policeman, but as my son he should give up everythingand come as old shakti.
will he come?tell me. i will invite him. dear.this is shiva decision! that will never change. today's is your sister's wedding.you should be there. how will he go?he's not been invited. priya will surely invite me. donãt be in a misunderstanding. i don't think she will invite you. my sister will surely invite me.
priya. mother.- i can't confront your father. your brother has not come.he loves you so much. if you call him even now,he will come running. mother, my father isimportant for me. i'm important for my daughter. you decide who isimportant for you. how are you?- what are you doing? i asked you to go andget the garlands.
why are you standing here?-iãll just get it. you came from other village,right? feast is for family and notfor outsiders. go and eat there. oh god. brother shakti...i had to see this day also. this is not your place,get up from here. get up from here. elder son of the family is sitting hereand eating. please come inside. have you all eaten?
madam, look over there.entire family is together but... ...elder son is sitting with beggarsand eating like an orphan. he's refusing to come.i can't bear it. reason with him. you invite guests,i'm priyaãs brother. i could not stop myself fromcoming to my sisterãs marriage. donãt cry. brother has come.he is a big man in this town. he didn't come for the wedding.
but only after his consent,functions in our house happen. please, come in. sir, bride and groom have come.bless them. take his blessings. sir, why did you kick the bride? does one welcome a newly weddedbride like this? today iãve got a chance toavenge your father.. 'what did you say inside?' 'forgive me'
'touch my feet.' 'in front of my family.' 'never lock horns with shivaor you will lose your life.' 'even your family willbe alive.' 'everyoneãs pyre will burntogether. since when i waswaiting for this day. i told you to marry hernot for her to touch my feet... ...her father has to touch my feet. call your father.-i won't!
you wonãt do it! call your father. sir, he has come. drag the old man and gethim in. the one who hascome is not an old man. who did you call? whom did you call? you were waiting for my father,your father has come. finish him.
who is he? who else?my brother. he canãt see tears in my eyes.he has come to teach you a lesson. forgive me, brother. iãll deal with your father later,first iãll dig your graveyard. when someone is thrashed,he goes to hospital. one who hits shaktiãs sister,goes to hell. thankfully, i've come as a brothernot a policeman. if it happens again i will pumpall the bullets into your head.
so many times i had said,stop committing crimes. but no. now she hasto pay for it. i canãt see tears inmy sisterãs eyes. she is my daughter.i'm her father. it is our family problem.who are you? father?no father, brother-- i'm sorry.it won't happen again. isn't it against the people tovacate them from their land... ...and start a company?
when no state was given permissionhow did you start here? what will you dofor people's safety? it is said that if youstart this company... ...all the villages will suffer. how will they suffer?even current is dangerous. still we are living. birds are dying,you are still using cell phone. gas cylinders blast,can we stop cooking? when 4000 persons are getting joband patients are getting medicines... ...why shouldn'twe start the company?
only after seeking permissionand there is an approval that ...no humans will be affected by thiswe will start the company. i assure you that. now i shall take your leave.okay? 1500 families should be evacuated...from the factory land if we do the jobwe will get 500 crores. sir, can you evacuate the place? - if you want.. ..- i will do it. shakti...
not just the land,even this shiva's shadow... ...falls on the land,the land will belong to me. get the place vacate.. hello, sir. sir, they took off the head andput slipper garland on the statue. shakti, where are you? there is news riots maybreak in ragpuri. your father is behind the riots. so that you get involved over thereand bull dozer can demolish ...
...the poor peopleãs houses. come soon and stop him.. what can i do against him?-what are you saying? let it be.-let it be? sir, the land has beentransferred to your name. 500 crores has also beentransferred to your account. what is it? shakti, you said you won't leteven a single crime to take place. your father has ruined theentire shanty.
he committed crime so hewill be punished also. no..no police has come. will he arrest me? where is he?he will arrest me? let me see, what harmcan he do to me? hey, open the gate. you've done such a good deedbut we misunderstood you, sir. you gave land to build housesand also gave us 500 crores.
god bless you, sir. you have donated 500 crores to poor.would like to say anything about it. do you have any ideaof contesting elections? if you stand in election,our votes will go to you only. no one had done such abig help before, sir. youãre our god. for the helpyou've done, you must live long. sir, please.sir, please. enough. close the door. hey you, what's going on?
150 acres land and 500 crores;you signed the documents. when did i sign? this work was difficult but becauseof your habit it become easy. i donãt need to say but i cancopy your signature very well. adorable father, still the bank passwordis kept as 'shakti'. i didnãt expect this from you. shouldhave at least changed your password. you would not lose 500 crores. people outside are saying, howkind, merciful you are. even their best wishescanãt save you.
reform yourself.you have no option. my son shakti...has reformed his father. who is he to reform me?this shiva will never change? iãll be as i was.get lost. you said, entire ajamgarh.is yours. no one stand against you.now what happened? has cat caught your tongue? why the hell did youaccept the deal? it's not about money,but itãs the faith in you.
which you couldnãt fulfill. hey. get out.- get out. until you keep in mind that shaktiis your son, you can't do anything. ã«you always forgive him and heis taking advantage of it. ã«forget that he is your sonã what are you doing? donãt do this. what have you done? hereafter, i'm not his fathernor he is my son.
all the relations between usare over. you've been waiting since morning.who do you want to meet? shakti sir! hey.- uncle. how are you?- i'm fine. this girl... yes, she is alive. i was told that a man namedshakti saved my daughter... ...but later we came to know,that it was this shakti.
even the doctors lost hope. because of the hopethat shakti sir gave... ...she is alive today. she got dischargedfrom the hospital just today. she said she wanted to meet you. thank you very much, sir.-that was my duty. your dream. how is it? take.
keep it with you. thanks, uncle. bye.- bye. i was wrong that day. what do you mean? go and look into the mirror now,no one hates you. everyone likes you-you? i also like you. so it is you.
so it is you, right? tell me who?-your father ordered me to do so. donãt lie, say the truth. iãm saying the truth, yourfather ordered me to do so. he didnãt wanted that youyou come to know. 'i finished shakti.''but it i want more money.' 'pay me 10 lakhs more.''otherwise, i will reveal the truth.' 'i'm in the old millwhich has been shut down.' iãve send same messageto all.
someone is surely going to reply.. wait. and watch. there. good he died. otherwise, we would'vebeen in trouble. boss, we finished him. whatãs the news?have you finished him? yes to god of death!
they also buried the body. so you have come to know.- police. when you have come to know..don't you want to know why? in this story, if you are a herothen even i'm a hero. if you are a villainthen even i'm a villain. the story didn't start now.do you remember... many years ago.. .. even my father died in thesame place where your father died. the policeman that shiva killed...i'm his son.
shiva left after killing him. and i sat there for hours andkept shedding tears. i felt i was all alone.. ..and the whole of ajamgarhwas against me. i then decided to takerevenge from shiva. how would i ever letsomeone else kill him? he accepted methinking i saved his life. i learnt one thing from shiva. first threaten your prey andget him in your custody.
after that finish him! what i learnt from shiva, i decidedto deal with him in the same way. but i wanted power. 20 years i kept winninghis trust... i became a minister through him. your father thinks i'm allbecause of him. i actually made my own image. i got the power and then i started.i plotted a plan. to kill your father.
i thought i will put shiva to shame...by an ordinary goon guru. i sent a man to finish shiva. i appointed an honestpolice commissioner... ...to put shiva to shame andshow him his right status.. but your father made youa policeman... it was i who was behindthe gas cylinder incident. i thought entire ajamgarhwill be devasted. but real fun of the game waswhen you stood against shiva. i involved him in thepharma company issue.
but whatever i did,you save him from everything... ...like shiva's faithful dog. so i decided to finish you. youãre lucky, you escaped thedeath but no matter. i won't spare shivait is the anger of 20 years. will now blast likea volcano. your body is strong...but you are not intelligent. you can't even touch my father. because my father's life......is here.
then even you will die. i won't do anything to you.your father will finish you. you call shiva your father...your father will finish you. shiva raised me and you as well. you want to protect him...but i want to destroy him. let's see who willshiva believes now. on you or me? one day. just one dayyour father will finish you. that also on my saying.
my father will finish me? you couldn't do anything evenwhen i didn't know your true color. you think i will spare youafter knowing about you? you want to challenge shakti? to win one has to fight. but i am one who winswithout fighting. you can lock horns ordinary man,but if you lock horns with shakti... ...you will land in trouble. i hit less but drag more.
iãll hit, hanging youupside down. your call from god ofdeath has come. boss, shakti shouldn'tbe spared now. order me.iãll kill him just now. what will you do?you are still young. ajamgarh has to seewhat shiva is capable of. what's going on, shakti? they attacked the police. either you take some action...or i will take some action.
i will do it myself, sir. boss, shakti is comingto arrest his brother. look into the matter. drive me home. mother, i'm hungry.hurry up. -iãm getting it. let's go.- where? come, shakti.come with me. as a policeman, you havecome to arrest me? yes, i've come to arrest you.- no, shakti.
he is your brother.you will arrest him? mother.-no..son! shakti! stop! since i still havesome affection towards you... ...you are still alive. if you take a step ahead,you will lose even that. iãm giving you last chance. vijay, listen to me.
hari.. ..- i know everything. don't try to teach me. why are you doing this, shakti? what made you arrest your brother? he will be aliveif he is inside.. what are you saying? i told you to arrest him. how did he?- i don't understand, sir. the warrant is with me.- hell with your warrant.
use your brain. they will get suspicious if i kidnapand kill him myself. but if he arrests himand i kill him. that's why i brought him here. why don't you make him understand? what can i do if he is not readyto believe me? iãve always thought forhis betterment. he can't bear hunger. get him something to eat.i will be back.
nobody should knowthat my brother is here. i don't know what you will domy son should come back home. i will do something, boss. if you hide your brother,you think i will remain quiet? till now what i did,i told you. now what will happen, youwill not come to know also. i'm about to do something.find out what it is. best of luck. only searching that boyis not our task.
have to make shiva enemyof shakti. everybody come out what's going on? how dare you messwith shakti sir? what happened?what happened? what happened vinod? if shakti had hit me,i wouldn't mind. though he knew destroyingshivan constructions... ...is like slapping you onyour face...
...thatãs not right, boss. i couldn't tolerate that. people used to chant shaktiãs name...now they are chanting shaktiãs name. now people are no morescared of you. go, finish him. why are you coming to theatreafter show is over? oh, you are a policeman.sorry. your father feels that youare behind all this. your father has sentmen thinking you did it.
i told you, now just keepwatching it. who wins and who loses. vijay! vijay...stop.vijay...stop. vijay donãt go. i didnãt get brother. i looked in all the places. shakti, vijay hit meand escaped. what..? how?
i tried to stop him but hedidnãt listen to me. he took away my cell phone. talk to him. brother, vijay speaking.i got away from shakti. shakti is behind my life.please save me. good. where are you? i'm near hanuman temple. stay right there. i will come. okay brother.
shakti, he escaped from the heroand is coming to the villain for help. he wants me to save him. he is not coming looking for me.he is coming looking for death. alright. letãs see,you can save him or not. no! answer the phone. how dare you? to save you i had lockedyou there. but you didnãt understand?
why do you hate me?- i don't hate you. you like everybody.but i like only you, brother. when i was a child,i used to walk holding your hand. why did you leave me? why so much difference,was our relation so weak? please save me, brother.i donãt want to die. vijay. where are you going?- to the hospital. first take me to papa.
i have to tell him the truth. if something happens to me,father will misunderstand you. i don't care about anybody.your life is important for me. please listen to me. hello.- father. vijay, where are you? shakti..- tell me. shakti.. father, shakti.. boss, they killed your son.
vijay. vijay.my son! where is shakti? shakti, now tell me. how did you like my display? now your father will onlykill you. do you remember it or not? finish him.he killed your son. i saw it. he killed his brother.he is a betrayer.
boss, finish him. shakti, finish him! i would've believed if you saidthat my son killed shakti. you said he killed my son...and moreover you saw it yourself... ...i didn't believe you. my son would die before he was bornif he would have not save him. however loudly you maysay a lie. ...that canãt be truth. he is my real son!
are you wonderingwhy i still hit him? in the ego of not losing with him...i lost my son. you got a twist in the story. i thought both of you will fighteach other and one would die... ...and i will finishthe one who is alive... ...so i have to finish both of you. shakti, finish him. i would've finished you whenyou told me everything. but i was waitingfor him to say this.
even i was waiting. so far, i killed people tocommit mistakes. but now, i killed to stop crime. for my shakti. what is it?- sir, i've come to arrest boss. go away.- shakti, i called the police. why, father? if i get punished forthe crimes that i committed... ...as you thought, you father...will reform completely, isn't it?
not you. my son has to arrest me.- father. a person shouldn't lose to others... ...but he should be fortunateto lose against son. go and wear your uniform. go. father has to showhis son the right path... ...here, son will showthe right path to his father.

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