raju. who is it? who is there? you have come again, you rogue! if you come here again,i will break your legs. rogue! shibu! shibu, i say stop!where are you going? first drink your milk. what have you done?
why did you hit the ball so hard? who will fetch it now? did i hit it deliberately? we are in trouble. what do we do now? it's very difficultto go to that house. the dog will bite us. the dog's owner ismore dangerous than him. if i don't get the ball,i will be thrashed at home. why do you worry? i will get the ball.
what will you give me? will you give me your mouthorgan? sanju, come here. stay here. i am coming. who is it? what is it? what is it? who are you? sir! sir, that naughtyboy is climbing the pipe.. ..at the back of yourhouse to steal your bell.
catch him.- is that so? where is he? i will show you.- come in. show me. get down! he won't get down. what will you do? is that so? shall i show you what i will do?- what will you do? the monster has gone inside.steal the bell quickly. thank you, uncle.bye, uncle. naughty boy! if you come next time,i won't spare you.
hey! naughty boys! next time you guys come,just see what i will do. here is your ball.- thank you. give me my mouthorgan. yours? what are you saying? raju, give him the mouthorgan. you had told him, hadn't you? when did i say that?- yes. when shibu said he will fetchthe ball, why did you nod your head?
just like that. don't act too smart.give him the mouthorgan. give me. give me. take it. shibu! shibu! give me.- do you want it? yeah! you are a thief. i will see you. i will see you.
you snatched mymouthorgan and ran away. i will see you. why did you take the mouthorgan? don't play with him. don't play. but you don't listen to me. that's what i didin front of the teacher. and the teacher forgave me. i won't spare thatnaughty shibu today. tell me, raju. where is that devil?
he acts too smart.he thinks he is a local goon. come out. i will teach you a lesson. rogue! why are you hiding? come out. what's the matter, sister?what happened? do i have to tell you what happened? don't act too decent. sister, what happened?i don't understand. see her innocence. she says she doesn't understand.
she hides a thief in the houseand she says she doesn't understand. sister, what are you saying? your shibu ran awaywith raju's mouthorgan. incredible! that's it? sister, they are children. they play and fight with each other. and become friends again. you are so angry forsuch a trivial matter? i am angry? i am quarreling?
he hit my delicate son.he ran away with his mouthorgan. will i venerate him? let me get hold of him.i will break his legs. look, now you arecrossing your limits. yes. if i am quiet, it doesn'tmean you will speak nonsense. do one thing.go to your house and scream loudly. go. where are you runningand hiding your face? i spoke the truth.and you found it bitter, didn't you?
you make your children steal.we are not like that. we work hard and earn money. yes. i know how much they work hard. this wretched woman has spread filthin the entire neighborhood. she has neither any control overher tongue nor any speaking manners. yuck! don't teach me manners. you are trying to teach me manners. i won't leave you withouttaking the mouthorgan. yes.
come on, raju. if i don't make your life miserable,my name is not shanti. we shouldn't even see their face. dirty people belongingto dirty family. you drag my family in this.you call us thieves. you don't see your flaws. we should pull out her tongue. yes. aunt, she is lying. i didn't steal it. i didn't even hit anyone.
she is lying. shut up. it all happened because of you. where is his mouthorgan?give it to me. no. i won't give themouthorgan to anyone. you won't give the mouthorgan.i will show you. wait. you have become very naughty. stop! come here! listen to me! give it to me! listen! listen to me!
stop! you have become naughty!quiet. let your uncle return today. i don't want to hear anything.you have got spoilt. aunt, why don't you understand? i toiled so hard and fetched the ball. he said if i fetch the ball,he will give me his mouthorgan. i took it. i didn't commit any theft. return his mouthorgan.- i won't. you won't return the mouthorgan?- why should i return it?
let your uncle return today.i will show you. where is it? look, shibu. your mother isso worried for you in the village. she wants you to be a good boy. she loves you a lot. that's why she sent you with me. i know someday youwill be a successful man. but for that you willhave to make good use of time. you will have to study very hard.
otherwise your mother's wishwill remain unfulfilled, isn't it? what did you do today? if you keep doing that,we will feel very bad. people won't be happy with you. i know you won't do that. look, shibu.there are many things in the world. but not all thingsare important for us. it doesn't belong to us. what we earn through honestmeans only that is ours.
that mouthorgan isn't yours, is it? so why did you steal his mouthorgan? why did you snatch it? it's not good. tomorrow morning returnraju's mouthorgan to him. listen. i know. nothing is going to happen. you won't get themouthorgan so easily. your shibu is very smart.
he should get a good beating. why do you get angry? he is a kid.all children are like that. this is what everybody does. you won't understand him. he had a lot offreedom in the village. open air,lakes and ponds, playing games. he feels suffocated over here. that's why he is behaving strangely.
that doesn't mean hedoes whatever he wants. today he stole somebody's mouthorgan. you have spoilt him. he is becoming so naughtybecause of your encouragement. yes. after all,he is your widow sister's son. what nonsense are you talking? i am noticing.from the time he has come here.. ..you have been givinghim a hard time. you always look for excusesto scold him. that's it.
yes. why not? what else can you think? what difference does it make to you? i endure everybody's abusesand taunts day and night. i am there to endure all that. i swear if he has touchedhis books during holidays. my children are also gettingspoilt because of shibu. he loiters the whole day like loafers. you only handle him. spare me. shibu, i am thinking of sendingyou to the city to your uncle.
but don't roam aroundtoo much over there. otherwise you will get lost. listen to your uncle and aunt.and study hard. and don't do anythingthat makes me cry. really, mother? you aresending me to the city with uncle? shibu! shibu, stop! shibu, where are you going?at least drink your milk. shibu, what are you doing? shibu, hurry up.
here.- send shibu quickly. i have to mend the doctor's shoes. he is going to collectit in the morning. buy vegetables on your way back.- i will bring it. go quickly. shibu, why did you stop? hurry up. come on. uncle. you have just startedstudying and you want to pee.
you always look forexcuses to run away. sit down. study. okay. go and be back soon. shibu. shibu, what's taking you so long? shibu, stop! shibu, stop! i won't spare you! where were you the whole day? where were you?and why didn't you go to school?
you loiter around the whole day. and you are laughing shamelessly.come here. where were you the whole day?why didn't you go to school? you loiter around! come here! come here! i will show you!come here! shameless!you are laughing! what's the matter? brother. what do i tell you, brother?
this boy has harassed me to no end. why do you worry?children do mischief. no, brother. you don't understand. he wreaks havoc in the entire village. everybody complains about him. he troubles me day and night. he doesn't go to school.he roams around here and there. i am fed up of explaining to him. i am tired.
brother, please do something. take him to the city with you. and if possible,make him a human being, brother. shibu, come here. shibu, do you ever miss your mother? hello, doctor.- hello. sit. shibu, give the doctor a stool to sit. no. let it be. he is studying.
thank you. is he your son?- no, sir. he is my nephew. he has come from thevillage for his studies. he is staying with me. he is a good boy. he is quite studious. he is a nice boy, sir.but his mind is always distracted. he is a kid. when he will grow up,he will become sensible. okay. where are my shoes?
some work is still left, sir. look, i have changed one shoe's sole. it looks brand-new. i am mending the other shoe too.please wait for some time. you have landed me into trouble. you said the shoes willbe ready early morning. look, i have worn slippers. you see,sir, excellent work takes time. i am doing the work diligently.please wait for some time.
no. i don't have time to wait. i have to go to the hospitalfor an urgent operation. do one thing. take my card. send the shoes to my house by evening. okay, sir.- how much do i have to pay you? rs.200, sir.- rs.200? but don't forget to sendthe shoes to my house by evening. okay, sir.- okay? fine.
listen. don't forgetto bring it by evening. oh yes, i remembered. my residential number has changed. give me the card.- shibu. take the card. mend my shoe. i will make a call and come. mend it quickly. darling,why are you being so impatient?
i know the matineeshow is going to begin. i am coming. i have told you so many times.don't call up at home. do you know? because of you i faceda lot of problem at home yesterday. yes. i am coming in five minutes. my shoe has got torn.i have given it for mending. what? i wasn't beaten with shoes.my shoe got torn. yes. okay. hey! i am not scolding you.
you can scold me. i can't scold you. i am coming in five minutes. did you mend the shoe? you have still not mended the shoe? sir, am i a machine? you camejust now. how can i mend it so soon? if you didn't want to mend it,why did you take the shoe? will i have to take your appointment? today is a bad day. wasted my time. nothing else.
what, uncle?- i have some work for you. will you do it?- yes. take the shoes tothe doctor's house. okay? yes.- take it. here is the card. ask the address from someone. okay? be careful. go. very good. hey, come on catch it. let's meet him.
look how he is carrying the shoes. "this must be his style." what a style?is this called style? his mouth organ is brand new. the player is also new. come on. who will race with me? yeah! yeah! hey blind! can't you see? do you know?- yes.
can i sit on this? sit. sit. stop! stop! stop! please tell me this address. son, take the stairs,turn left and ask anybody. anybody will tell you.- thank you, uncle. mr. d. shankar. flat no. 8.mansion 4... yes. it's the building below. thank you, uncle.- okay, son.
you didn't give menice tomatoes today. what are you saying, ma'am? i have chosen the best ones for you. it doesn't seem to be one kilo. are you cheating me? i swear. i never do that. i weighed it in front of you.- you are a thug. quiet.- you are a thief. you are a thief.- quiet.
quiet.- there goes your cart. a pocket full of posies. a-tishoo. a-tishoo. we all fall down. don't cry. don't cry. here. play with the ball.play. what is this? oh no! son, please come up and give the ball. junk-seller!
thank you, son.come inside. sit here,i'll get you something to eat. what's wrong? here, son. eat it. no, aunty. i have to go. oh come on, eat something. whose shoes are those? why have you hangedthem on your shoulder? i've to give these to someone.
my uncle made these shoes.- i see. and what do you do?- i study. which class?- 5th grade. who's the child?- oh him. he's my grandson. my son and daughter-in-lawhave gone out to work. and together we play all day. who made these sweets?- i did. even my mother makesreally delicious sweets. can only your mothermake such sweets, not me?
hello, ma'am.this is our new product. if you buy one,you'll get another completely free. use it once. it's cheap, nice and affordable.it's a very good bumper offer. one plus one free.- i don't want it. please just use it once. and believe me,its prices are increasing this week. just a little powder andthe clothes will shine so bright.. ..that you will always remember it.
just use it once.one plus one free. no, i don't want it. aunty, i am leaving.- yes, son. please keep it.- go away. boss, listen. the old woman's son anddaughter-in-law have gone to work. and i am going to have my lunch.i'll return after two hours. the old woman's all alone at home. do your job.okay. come on.
why are you playing out of tune? don't you know how to play it? give it to me, i'll show you. come on, dear. we're getting late,your mother will scold us. what are you waiting for? let's go, we're getting late. oh yes, i've to go.take this, and give that back. can you tell me where this address is?
show me. just a little aheadyou'll see a tall building. go there. okay, son. hey...stop. hey boy, where are you going?- take your hands off me. where are you going?- to give doctor these shoes? what doctor?- this guy. wait here. i'll talk to him. hello, madam. this is security.
there's a boy here with sir's shoes. and he wants to come up and give it. okay, madam. i told madam. keep the shoes here,i'll take it to her. no, no. uncle said i shouldhand it over to him personally. fine, i'll talk to her. the child isn't listening, madam.what do i do? okay.
hey, listen. fine, go.take the lift to the seventh floor. the doctor's flat is on the right. and listen, come back soon. come in. hello.- hello. son, why did you take the trouble? you could've handed itover to the guard. he would've brought it to me.
uncle said i shoulddeliver it personally. fine, keep it there. and go. aunty! aunty! aunty! why are you knocking? go away. who is it? how did you get here?- sir.. runaway. runaway. watchman. watchman. why do you let them in?runaway or i will thrash you.
get up, aunty! no, no, no. what happened? no, no, no. aunty! aunty! get up, aunty! no, no, no, don't cry. don't cry. aunty! get up, aunty! hello. hello.hello, aunty. subu speaking. the one that brought doctor's shoes.
there's an old womanlying unconscious here. please send the doctorover immediately. he can't come. it's too far. there's an old building ata little distance from your home. on the second floor. you'll give me theaddress of another doctor. is he close-by.please hurry up. yes, aunty. doctor...c. r. mehta.
41g...ground floor. tagore road. aunty, what's his phone number? 3344555. hello.doctor, please come here immediately. there's an old womanhere lying unconscious. this is shibu speaking. a small boy. i am speaking from the 2nd floor ofthe old building near the stone steps. you can't understand.
you want me to come there. what do i do? fine, i am coming. how did you come in?sit outside. i'll call you in when it's your turn. but, doctor, come quickly.- where? who are you?- i called you. that old woman.. oh, so that was you. what did you say your name was?- shibu.
shibu, wait outside. we'll leave soon. okay?- fine. sister.- yes, doctor. i am going out. please look after them.- okay, doctor. whose child is this?who brought him here? i did, doctor.- why bring him here? let's go quickly,i'll tell you everything. and how will you take the kid along? i will hold him like this.
are you crazy?take the kid in your arms. and this pram.- leave it here. don't you want to go quickly? what are you thinking? hurry up. stop. stop!doctor, stop. my mouth organ. stop. stop. stop. my mouth organ.- what is it now? doctor, please hold him. who switched on the fan?- i did.
very good. bravo. she needed fresh air. slowly...ma'am. aunty. aunty. who..- it's me, shibu. you can't see, aunty? and he... who is he? ma'am, i am dr. mehta. this kid called me here.
he saved your life. but how did this happen? i...i was cooking in the kitchen. what is it?- sir sent me. to check the leakage. sir sent you? but we don't have any leakage. but sir told me yesterday. now that i am here, let me check. fine. but hurry up.
okay. where's the bathroom?- it's that way. old woman,if you scream i will kill you. hey.. hey.. where are you going? after that...i don't remember anything. aunty, i saw the thief. he jumped out the backwindow at the back and fled. i see. we should inform your son about this.
no. i am absolutely fine now. when he returns in the evening,i will tell him everything. but this is a burglary case.we must inform the police. munna. how is munna? he was crying. but he is fine now. aunty, i am leaving for now. i'm getting late,or else my uncle will scold me. okay, son.
attention please.. ..due to technical reasons.. ..staircase no.3 and 4are being closed for repairs. please don't use thesestaircases for commuting. the inconvenience is regretted. what are you staring at?get lost. thief! thief! thief! thief! are you mad?- thief! thief! he has committed theft.i won't spare you today. - leave me.
leave me!- thief! thief! thief! thief! he has committed theft. catch him.- leave me. catch him.he has committed theft. thief! thief! thief! thief!catch him. he has committed theft. how is this possible? you screamed and no one heard. and what kind of neighbors are you. such a big incidenttakes place around you.. ..and none of you have a clue.
neighbors must helpeach other in trouble. where did you find that? i was on my way home,and i recognized the thief. he beat me up,but i didn't let him go. you're so brave. very brave.- very good. bravo. aunty, i'll leave now. uncle must be waiting. at least have a glass of water.- no, aunty. i must go.
don't worry, i'll drop you home. isn't this yours?- yes. munna likes it,that's why i am leaving it here. bless you, son. may god bless youwith a long life, son. bless you. but son, this doesn't belong to him.. ..so why will he play with it. it's yours, so keep it.
come, let's go. son, see who is it? who is it, son? it's shibu. that thief is back again.that useless boy has no shame. it's a sin to even see his face. throw him out. what more does hewants to steal from us? 'mother, i hope you won'tbe angry with me anymore.'
'i want to be with you, mom.' shibu. you're crying. are you missing your mom? did you return raju's mouth organ? bravo. you don't worry,i'll buy a new one for you. okay? come, let's go home.

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