2011 i have completed mystudies and returned from america. because,my dadãs health was not good. to manage the urgentbusiness of our company, i had to go to koti. journey from delhito koti is few hours. though the journey which i started, i didnãt guess this journeywill take me to long. i didnãt guess thisjourney will teach me, the difference of life and love.
keep the chicken. - take it sir. go go get out, first get out of here. i have fed you free for2 to 3 times for humanity sake, that doesnãt mean i willfeed you for free daily. donãt show your uglyface to me anymore. still why you are standing here?get out of here. beggar idiot. hey raju, i donãt want tosee this guys face anymore get out.
take this, buy something to eat. i donãt need this money,my hunger is gone. you thought too muchto come here, but, finally you came here. allah has blessed from there. that is you, defiantly you. you will complete it. do you know him? yes.
his name is babu. glen minderãs care taker. what happen to him suddenly? heart attack. heart attack? - yes. he is madhav and his friend. workers of that house. these people broughtbabu to hospital. thank you so much inspector.
i will talk to them. hmm. hmm thank you. - carry on. namaste sir. for our babu,unexpectedly happened like this. making me very sad. because of heart attach he died.doctor said. he didnãt get heart attach sir. reason for his death is that devil. devil? - yes sir,devil in that home is the reason.
i have told about thisto your dad several times. but he didnãt believe me.result to that, babu is dead now. madhu, reason for babudeath is heart attack. it is written clearlyin post mortem report. sir, these reports can only be.. understood by educatedpeople like you. listen sir,we cannot be in that house anymore. sankar, give the key to sir. forgive us sir,
rather than your moneyour lives are more important. move on sankar. that house has deviland it killed babu. these are what they believe daddy. this is complete nonsense. yes, nonsense daddy. but sankar and madhu lefttheir job for this reason. listen babu,this property can get us crores. during this recession time,
this one of the biggestdeal we have got in real estate. might be our competitors aretrying to take out this deal from us. may be you are right daddy. the person who broughtthis property from us is mittal, in 10 days he is goingto register the place. if he suspects anythingthen he may cancel the deal. i understand, so we haveonly 10 days to solve this problem. you are right my son.we canãt let this deal go bad. donãt worry dad iwill take care of it.
ok babu bye. - bye dad. who? whoãs that? good morning young man. i am ferdos gillimoriya. i am rehan. last time to complete theglen deal you dad came here and, his health was bad. how is he now? now he is alright thanks.
good sit down. thanks tell me rehan, what can i do for you? i want to talk about glen manner,if you donãt mind you want to talk, i donãthave any problem, and you can talk. in this small town like koti, who is having interestto talk to this retired old man? you are most welcome, you can talk what is the story behind glen manner? it is not that interesting one.
almost 60 years before my dadhad bought this land from sabarwal after that according to thewillãs name it became my property through your brokerage firmi sold it to mittal, thatãs it the story is over. i am not here totalk about this story. i want to know thesecret behind this house. which secret story?what are you talking young man? are you aware thereis devil in that house? so do you also believethis nonsense story?
i believe only what i see. i saw it clearly through my eyes.thatãs why i believe it. you know how ridiculousyou are sounding. if someone hereãs this story, theyãll think youare an uneducated fool. hey do you use drugs? no, i donãt do drugs mr. gillimoriyaand i am not a stupid? i have done mba fromstanford university, america. i have gone around the world.
i know the better differencebetween ghost story and the reality. and i know there issomething wrong there. something,which you are not telling me. look son, take my advice. i am a business manand you are a broker. this deal is about 200 crores. in that you will get 4 crores. for me my money is important,for you your money is important. the deal is done.
then where is this written? any property before buyingor selling should be haunting free. if so you believe there is devil inthat house, then prove it. prove it hey, hey stop! hey, why did you come to bungalow? i came for this;i need to light the fire. you could have asked?why do you need to rob? my intention is not to rob this. i did it to bringyou out of that house.
he is listening,all our talks he is listening. he means who? yesterday night didnãtyou listen to his song? whatãs the bandage in your hand? i got hurt. hmmm. you are telling lies. who the hell are you? who are you? that house has devil, devil? what you were thinking sir?truth will not become lies.
you have to believe the truth. since 87 years soundsare hearing from that house. hear that sound carefully,it wants to tell something. dear mummy daddy,you have left the house a week before after you left everythinghas changed here. i donãt have anythingleft to live here. due to this, i have decidedto commit suicide today all these started when youleft to delhi for rajivãs marriage. even i should have come with you.
but if i would have come with you, i would have not preparedfor my exams well. thatãs why i stayed back at home. hey what are you still waiting for,keep the luggage in the car. i have come, madam. i will keep it. to take care of me margret was thereand you believed that was enough. your thought was right. take care. - okay see you. margret had broughtme up from my childhood.
what could have happenwhen she was there? but whatever hasto happen will happen. nobody can change the fate,even margret. very good, very good, very good. very good krishna. meera now you play. professor anand i wantto tell you something. today my mom and dad left to delhi, it will take few daysfor them to come back.
because of that i am notcoming to piano class from tomorrow. oh, meera. practice makes perfect. and you are close to perfect.donãt worry. if you are not coming to my house, can i come to yourhouse for taking class? yes of course thatãs a good idea. then ok. from tomorrow piano practisewill be at your house. the day professoranand came for class,
margret went to cityon an important work. kisan health was also not good.margret had sent him to the doctor. i and professor were alone at home. no no no, try it in b flat. be flat. na na you have gone.thatãs beautiful. yes beautiful. it is very nice. very nice. meera i will teach you a new tune. will you learn? - of course.
what are you doing? once margret was back home, seeing me she understood everything. she sent driver ramu to policestation to bring the inspector home. inspector got my complaint .. ..and he told he willstart the investigation. he said there is no needto come to police station. next day inspector again came home, he said margret thereis full trust on my complaint.
before he came herehe went to anand house. and he found few of mypersonal belongings there. from this, it is proved thatprofessor has a bad intention on me. according to thepolice story is over. according to me story just began. that day night i couldnãtsleep for a long time. somehow i struggledhard and went to sleep. after being dead i have comehere to fulfil my unfinished work. i am getting scared whetherhis words will become true.
you donãt get scared; i willcall your mom and dad immediately. till now margretdidn't tell you this.. because already policeinvestigation was done as, she didnãt want to disturb you. but the story turnedinto a different direction. margret sent kishan to the postoffice to send a telegram for you. margret, margret what happened? what happened margret? margret and i becamelonely persons at home.
there was no way to escape. there was no way even tosend the news to the people outside. where ever i saw it was like .. .. the dead professoreyes was staring at me. margret! meera come. meera! that day night hetortured me completely. there was no one to hear my worries.
whatever he did in my dreams,he started to do it in reality. in his hands i becamelike a key doll. there was no limit for his torture. i became like a lifeless creature. it will take one moreweek for you to come home. not even a week,even a day i canãt bear this pain. i have lost,all my life is become ruined. only death was thebetter idea for me. today i am going to commit suicide.
forgive me, your daughter meera. you had asked a questionon auto writing right? so to answer yourquestion on auto writing. according to my knowledgea soul can neither be seen or heard.. ..thatãs all readingor writing is not done. in case he knows to read or write. whatãs the necessityfor them to write through us? for this reason only they tryto talk to us through auto writing. excuse me madam.- one minute.
my father wants to talk to me. golden my lord, glen.. glen my lord. has anyone comehere from glen manner? myself, i have come for you. itãs a very sad story. itãs not a story madam,it happened in real. i know. means from 80 yearsthat professorãs bad athma..
is been controlling that girls athma. yes, for now every nighther cries are heard in that house. what do you want me to do now? please for one time youcommunicate to meera athma. ask her if there is any wayto get rid from that professor. you are so concerned for a dead girl. seeing this i thinkhumanity is still alive. today after dinner i willcome to glen manner for sure. thank you madam.
it seems to look likea very old property. yes it is an ancestor property. whatãs there upstairs? there are one or two roomsand there is one etiquette room. immediately we have to go there. in that wooden boxthere is one projector. what happened? he is here,along with us he is somewhere here. this is evil.
this is very very evil. madam are you tellingthat professor anand. no, donãt tell that name. if we repeat thename of a bad athma.. it will increase its strength.thatãs what he wishes too. one minute also i wonãt be here. i am sorry, sorry i have to leave. madam please please please donãt go. in this case only you can help me.
mr.s stevens please donãt go,listen to me. i cannot help u rehan,this spirit is obsessed itãs an uncompromised athma.. from 80 years this athmais conquered this place. he wonãt let anyone comebetween himself and meera. he wonãt allow anybody rehan. he is standing there.he is smiling at us. i have to go. mrãs stevens please wait,mrãs stevens wait, please.
listen to my words rehan, as soon as possible leave this place. i have not seen aterrific athma like this. just leave this place rehan,for god sake leave. you canãt make me scared. if i pronounce your nameyour strength will increase right. i will pronounce now. anand! listen to my words rehan..
from this problem theeffort you take to relieve me. he tortureãs me double than that. since 80 years what has kept me here. that wonãt allow you to win. what you are trying is right. but the way you are trying is wrong. what should i do? what should i doto control his athma? how to save meera from him?
that is not very easy. only if you take smart move,you can win. i know that. i came here to takecare of my business. but to save meera from him,i am ready to sacrifice my life. then listen,whatever you have learned. you experience that andimmediately make that yours. meaning for this word? you have to experiencetheir problems.
only if you experience both theirproblems the truth will be known. only then you can find the solution. go! you can do this.only you can do this. kishan come along quick.. yes madam coming.i will keep it madam. hmm go. take care mr. sabarwalhave a nice trip. okay bye.
bye.- bye. professor anand,i have something to tell you. my mom and dad haveleft to delhi today. they will take fewweeks to come back. so i will be not able tocome to piano class from tomorrow. you are close to perfect.donãt worry. i you are not coming to my house; i will come and teach at your house. of course thatãs a good idea.
then okay. from tomorrow piano practicewill be at your house. thanks professor.- now you play. whoãs that? tell me who are you? i know you are hidingbehind the tree. come out. excuse me. it's me. it's me means? donãt you have place or name?tell me.
you are just staring at me.open your mouth. i am new to this town. with youã–..- hey hey.. you be there,donãt come near. i can see that youare new to this town. i have not seen you before. actually if can showme the way to city. you will be my helper.i wonãt forget you. hmm, margret has told manythings about people like you.
first you will actlike not knowing the way.. ..then you will tease girls. listen i am not that kind of person. at first everyone tells the same. really, if i wanted to teaseyou i would have done it before. and i wonãt stand hereand wasting my time here. thatãs also true. okay, i will show the way to city.come with me. careful. nothing happened right?
no nothing happened.- i will carry. actually whatever yousaid seems to be true. for the first time i amseeing someone dressed like this. you donãt belong to this place;neither you belong to this world. you are from out of space. actually thatãs the truth. what? i have come from out of space. is it? i am not that fool. i am telling the truth.
i have come from out ofspace to save you from this world. really? still wedonãt know each other. but you have becomea bodyguard for me already. what you know?in my world thatãs my name. what? - oozoo zoo. oozoo zoo means? - bodyguard. you are very funny. but in this planetthey call me rehan. my name is meera.- nice to meet you meera.
likewise. see junction is here. from here my path is different. my house is there.way to city is this side. thank you. you are welcome. good bye. this is not a dream, it is true. i have come 80 years back. the only reason i amhere is to save meera somehow. according to meeraãs letter tomorrowprofessor will try to rape her.
after that meera will kill him. then processor willchange to evil spirit. how to save meera? actually there is one way. if professor not trying to rape meera then she will not havenecessity to kill him. if meera is not killing him,then he wonãt become spirit. itãs quite simple. nice, very nice.
meera today i willteach you a new tune. good morning. is that you? yesterday you haveshown me the way to city. today i have found theway to your house and came here. i came here to tellthanks for your help. chocolates.- how sweet, thank you. this is my pianoteacher professor anand. anand this is rehan. even i like music a lot.if you donãt mind
can i sit here andlisten to your music? i will mind. i donãt like someonebetween me and my student. i can understand very well. i will wait for you in corridor. if i do that, i wonãt bebetween professor and student. same time i can enjoy the music too. start again. ã¬in here from majorã®. oh my god professoranand what are you doing?
take your hand. i wonãt allow anybody. leave me, professor anand no! leave me! meera meera, you alright? leave me! somebody help. meera no, donãt do it. rehan how are you feeling? doctor said,two to three days you will be cured.
he, he is here. he is here. he is here.. ..he has become an evil spirit. rehan, what are you talking? i canãt understand anything. we will go. the girl who came tosee you is been injured a lot. while you were sleeping,some people bought that girl here. they have taken herto womenãs ward now.
excuse me, excuse me sir. stop where are you going? kisan? hey mr. where you going? if i am at your situation,even i wonãt believe. but what i am going to say is true. meera i donãt belongto this generation. time has sent me 80 years back. rehan, this is not funny.
while i was at hospitalpolice had come here right? they did their investigation. they have asked you notto come to police station. how do you know this matter? again police came here. and they have told margret about.. ..the things that theyfound in anand house. your photo, your scarf.- how do you know all these? nobody told me.i know one more thing.
yesterday night hecame in your dreams. what he didnãt do when he was alive. he threatened hewill do after death now. how come you know all this? because you have told me everything. me? when? not directly, but through letter. which letter rehan? meera i am standingbetween you and your fate.
do you want to know your fate. tomorrow you bothare travelling to delhi. but you will find driverramu head in your car. in your house itself,you both will become prisoners. even margret canãt save you. then what happened to ramu,same will happen to her. after that in this house onlyyou and anandãs athma will be there. till that day his torturecanãt be explained meera. then with no othergo you will commit suicide.
even after 80 years yourcries will be heard in this house. even after 80 years in thesewalls your music will be heard. i have come here to saveyou from this problem meera. please believe me, please believe me. what are you doing?behave yourself rehan. meera please believe me meera. i donãt believe you rehan. whatever you tell iam not ready to believe. you tell storieslike this to cheat us.
just get out of my house. meera please, please believe me. rehan get out of my house. meera listen to me. rehan get out. rehan... meera please believe me. say you donãt believe me,just get me out of here. tomorrow afternoon 3ãoclock we can meet near lake.
why i made you tomeet me out of the house.. is that, may be the evilspirit cannot follow you till here. we can talk here. in case if he is here also.. ..athams canãt read or writethatãs why i did like this. whatever i told you in the house.. i want to know ifyou believe them or not. so, whatever you understoodjust show them in signs. though, whatever ispoke you have understood..
you would have also known, wehave to fight with that evil spirit. if there is evil, then there is god. and itãs not possibleto fight such an evil. without the help of god.i need to help. take us to man of god. i believe what youare saying my child. that professor athmais caught inside meera. they have been madethrough an invisible door. till that door is destroyedthey must be together.
is there is any wayto destroy that door? that door cannot bedestroyed by a normal man. from a far away distancethere is a mosque here. there is a baba there, who hasthe power to destroy evil spirits. he will help you. if that athma gets insidemeera it will threaten us. why to wait till that. before reaching mosquehe might trouble. good point, two points are there.
one, any evil spirit till morning3ã 0 clock they will be strong but, afternoon 3ã 0clock they wonãt have power. correctly at that time,you have to go to mosque. then whatãs the second point? secondly,i will pray here sincerely for you. till i pray he canãtdo anything to you. but be aware,he will try to deceive you. he will try to disturb you. but, you should notpronounce his name.
thatãs right my child. never, never ever takethe name of an evil spirit. thank you.- welcome. i have given your dadsdelhiãs number in the reception. once they receive trunk call,they will inform us. come. i will get them, you go. thank you. hello.
hi. you didnãt sleep? no, i am not feeling sleepy. ohhh, the same type my dad also has. but thatãs a very big one; i havenot seen such a small typewriter. this is not typewriter, telephone. so, though i am 80 years before you, donãt think i donãt know anything hey, i am serious,they call this cell phone.
in 2011 everyone hasa cell phone like this. if we type the numberwe can talk to them, simple. is it, really? then callmy mummy and daddy, letãs see. in 1936,this phone will not work meera. why? because thereis no network here. your language soundsgood than our language. you want to see magic? ahhh, i love magic. see, see here and smile ok.one two three.
ok, ok meera, meera where are you? come here soon meera. meera. how? how? how? how you did this? in this cell phonethere is camera also. is it? what else is there? there is music. you want to hear? how is it? - nice.
but, where is the music? hey, this is music. this is only instrumental. but where is the song? in 2011 this is music. they call this as hip hop and break. they dance for this music to. shall i do? - ya, one second. how is it? how is my dance?
hello how is it? i have not seen thistype of different dance. different dance? for a dance like thisgirls die to dance with me. if you dance like thisthey will really die. hello dance is not so easy. it is that not difficult. is it? then do it. ok.
it became late, i will go now. who is it? meera come come. come! get in, come on. meera wait! meera where are you going? i am talking to you meera.where are you going? where are you going?
i am going far from you rehan. why meera, why? donãt you know the reason? for whatever evil is happeninghere i am the reason. whatever is happeningnow nobody can stop it. i know. professor anand hadto die to so he died. kishan, margret youhavenãt saved them. so what are you thinking? if you go far away fromme you can save yourself?
not to save me, i want to save you. nobody canãt changethe fate i can accept. but what brought mehere from 2011 to 1936. i donãt know whichpower did this meera. but one thing is true. i came here to change the fate only. nothing should happento you because of me. if happens i canãt bare that. when i am here andsomething happens to you.
i wonãt be alive. why rehan? why am i so important to you? meera i donãt know what is love. but i know one thing. when one person likesthe other person than himself. that is love. the personwho i like more than me is you. hail mary full of graceour lord is with me. blessed of the at most women.
and blessed is thetruth of thy own jesus. holy mary mother of god. pray for our sinners nowand at the hour of our death. hail mary full of grace,our lord is with.. father, father! oh my god, he is dead. rehan! rehan, rehan, rehan. dont get scared.
even evil shadow canãt fall inside. i am waiting for you. is it you? mosque sofi is you? they call me as sofi.but i am servant for allah. rehan do you know him? he knows very well. we both know each other. 80 years back we met each other. he came to experience yourproblems and relieve you from it.
allah gave me power to see whateverhappened yesterday and today. he told me,not to interfere with the problem. reason is, he experiencedyour problems and knew the truth. allah sent us to relieve you. at some time god comesdirectly to save human. some times to safe a human hecomes in the form of another human. someone can stop these? can fate be changed really? if he thinks anything is possible.
in front of got there is no valuefor someoneãs likes and dislikes. have to fight. that professorathma has to be destroyed. meera is in his prison. not only that,meera carries his blood in her heart. means that... his blood is stillstuck to meeraãs locket. through this he gota chance to be with meera. if we throw the locket? there wonãt be any use.
locket is meera that bloodis professor, and both merged. we have to relish them. but how? from a mile for awaythere was a village. many years back it got destroyed. that village has a well. basha keiser asallam gave blessings. till now nobody knowswhatãs in the well? whatever falls in the well, itwill reach to whomever it belongs to.
we have to send thatathma also to its destination. but baba how will this happen? this viswam, body and athma. this world will comeinside five elements... ..earth, water,fire, air and dead soul. oh my god five elements. air and water willbe there in the well. take this mosque mud. this is fire. after putting these into the well,put her locket also.
then his athma willreach to the destination. it will go out of this worldand will reach the evils world. he canãt come inside masque. but once you go out,he will merge with you. he will not like to leave you. it is not very easyto separate him from you. take this mosqueãs holy water. we canãt destroy him,but we can control him for some time. donãt think, leave now.
meera, are you ok? rehan!- meera! meera, throw that locket in the well. throw it meera! meera!- rehan. rehan, is nothing happened to you? nothing happened. itãs over meera. you are safe now. hereafter nothingwill happen to you meera.
no! rehan! dear rehan,if you are reading this letter. it means you have reached back. according to your time,all these happened in few minutes. but for me itãs a big thing happened. while you are reading this letter,i might not be in this world. without giving any opportunity,you left me. whatever it is once it ismissed then will know the value. after you left also i am alive.
but i forget to sleep, eat. after you left, i realized your gift. that gift is value of life. when i didnãt have interest to live,you gave me life and left. i wanted to live because of you. i decided to live happily. after sometime i met rajesh. i believed rajeshwill keep me happily. i shared my life with him.
i have a son, his name rehan. which name gave me life? i have made that name as my life. my life, my dream everythingis because of you. so i wanted to dedicatethis life to you. hereafter when you go to glen manner. you wonãt hear my screams. my screams went foraway from that house.

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