nothing is forever. time changes everything. what if you could change time? it's me. i'm the king and the bishop. with the power to change time. do you fancy bhagavadar? or kittappa?
always rajini. rajini? who is that? can you name a film? is he an english actor? from here if we go to the past or the future it is time travel.
a time machine? can we access all of time? i'm gonna boardthe time machine go back to 1946. take a selfie with gandhiji - and rewrite all that history.- what is that? it's a mystery. this is important. when we travel in time
we must not disturb our other selves. if you do so this is your last day live it to the fullest. only old memories remain. did you hit your head? anything new, youwon't remember. problems make you realize. chanceless.
we don't fail the faithful.

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