mother!- did you have lunch, arul? i ate in flight, mother. okay, give the phone to driver. mother, he's going at 60 kmph only,even if i ask to go faster, he won't go. okay dear, go home and take rest.- mother! mother, i'm coming directly to factory.before you step on dais, i'll be there. i welcome all the workers ofbhuvaneshwari spinning mills. i request our managing directormadam bhuvaneshwari to address you. greetings to all of you.
there's a reason for calling you all! i could've celebrated this event amidstauditors and lawyers within a room. but i like to share thecelebration with you. you know my son was studyingin foreign till now. he has finished his studiesand returned to india. so, i'm handing over my duty andresponsibility in the factory to my son. greetings what's up, mallibabu?any special occasion in that lady's factory! loud noise is hurting my ears!
yes sir, your younger brother's wife hasgiven all the responsibility to her son. not only that, announced16 percent bonus for dasara, sir. why?- may be good profit! hit with slippers.should we watch blindly whatever she does! don't shout, please come.- is it because we're silent on her decisions? if she does like this, business will go kaput.- please come inside, hubby. to squander wealth like this.she'll know pain if she works hard. please take rest for some time. keep quiet! what if our workersask same bonus from us.
how can i get sleep now? after being your wife for so many years,don't i know how to put you to sleep! who is that fool blockingthe road with vehicle? who is that fool? hey, i'm giving you 10 minutes time,talk to anyone who can pay rs.2 crores. why?- asking why? one more punch andyour heart will break into pieces. did you come this far from vizag? had you informed me earlierabout your arrival,
i'd have deposited rs.2 croresin your icici bank account. then, boy... tomorrow morning between 10 to 10.30 am,kidnap my two sons. i'll wait for you by evening depositingrs.5 crores in hdfc bank. are you making fun of me? pick up and talk. just 5 minutes only,money must come here. pick up the phone. pick it them to get rs.2 crores.
if you shoot here, i will die. you won't get a penny. brother, shall i shoot the old man?he's non-paying asset. it may affect our next settlement.come. what if the old man goes to police? the old man is miser,he'll not go to police. it’s waste coming to nuzvid. oh no! oh sir! your finger! forget about that nasty thing, man.
while hitting rs.10 coin fell fromhis pocket. find it first. greetings! are you fine, madam? can you recognize her?- she's meenakshi granny, right? arul, wait....lalitha. what's it, madam? your child is crying outside,check why it is crying? yes, madam.- stop. we struggle to make money forour children's welfare only. no need to be heremaking it cry there, go.
there may be many gods,can they replace you, o mother? even on paying billions of rupees,can i get your love? though i gave my blood,can it equal your sacrifice? to repay my gratitude to you,is this one life enough, mother? you're live temple to me... she works without caringabout rain or shine... her children are her world... she melts like candle to give light... she forgets about her pain inthe smiles of her children...
mother is living temple to me... you treated her in hospital for 6 months. its 2 month since you brought her here. but still she hasn't come outfrom coma to tell you the truth,these are her last few days. better she spends it inthe house she lived. get up, brother....come here. you want back your mother.- yes.
what have you done till nowfor your mother to get well? i told you..will take her to foreign hospital... you spent the money your mother earned. what have you done? me? i don't have anything. if you have, will you give it?- yes will you give whatever i ask? i will give...whatever you may ask,i will give.
your money...honour...identity! giving up everything for few days! can you give it up for thesake of your mother? you grew up without knowingwhat hunger is! from today... begging from every passerby... live life of a beggar... can you live like a beggar for a periodof 48 days for your mother? if i do it, would i get back my mother?
if you do like this... without asking would my motherget well if i beg! you said if i do like thatwould my mother get well! you didn't even utter the word beg. how can you live like a beggar then? it's not the question ofwould she get well, can you do it is the question? it's a belief that if you do,it'll happen. with the same belief.
lakhs of mothers would be prayingto beget children, to make her child speak, for good future of their children, they would be beggingfor alms in streets, but they never asked any question like you. why they didn't raise this question? because children are a partof her body, blood and soul. but for us, she's just mother! our mothers carried us before this world.
mother will do anything for herchildren's welfare. if you want your mother,you must fulfill the vow utmost care. this vow is not that easy to fulfill. in these 48 days you mustn't use yourname or fame anytime or for any situation under any circumstancesnobody must know who you are. your every day must beginwith empty hands. i need to think. mother! mother...mother...mother...
please help me to sit, son. water. will i die, son? i wish to spend some moretime with you, son. arul, will you save your mother? your paternal uncle is here. see the production rating. your 2 mills have fallento down to 6th place. though, your mother is in comafor many months now
i never came to see her,yet today i'm here because. i came to warn your wayof doing business is wrong. okay uncle, my mother is not well,i'm unable to concentrate on business. then, don't run it, sell it off,at least you'll be left with principle. okay uncle, both big andsmall factories i will sell it off. please co-ordinate with uncle, rajesh. if we find a good buyerand i'll sell it off. i will not be here for 48 days, rajesh.- why? don't ask me.i will call you on phone.
signing authority letter is onmy office table. take care of everything.- how can i... for all others i'm on foreign trip, okay? mother, bye. vizag excuse me...forgot your jacket. hello sir...come here. why are you leaving your bag? sorry sir...i want to go to rest room.
this is offence, take it. sir, rs.340. keep the change. okay?- thank you, sir. this vow is not that easy to fulfill in these 48 days you mustn't use your name or fameunder any circumstances. nobody mustn't know who you are! please. sir...madam, please show mercy!
hey, give me. share it. give i say sir gave it to everyone.- give me. rs.8200!- rs.8200? he's kalidas in dayand devadas at night! got it? what? nothing...sorry...
sir.- tell me, where do you want to go, sir? paper.- paper? okay, take it. you refused to utter the word beg also how can you live the life of a beggar? madam, please give alms. lord, please give alms. sir...alms please! dying with hunger, sir.give me some money, sir. hold this.
bloody! you're strong like a bull,are you begging? go away! why are you staring at me?get me that stick, boy! go away, i'm telling you...get out. these are the guys who snatch chains. if i see you in this area again,i'll kill you. go away...go away... sir, please give me alms! i'm dying with hunger, sir.
sir... yearning for a meal... beg to live a day... where's humanity? if rich shower little mercy on poor...there won't be any poor... god, open your eyes and see...all are your children... every life born in this world searches forsomething though one has everything... everyone is a beggar... gathering wealth forunborn future generation...
god is the only protectorfor the poor dying in hunger... whether you get or whether you don'tget what you search... it's insult and disappointment...every day... what's there for you in lifeto live all these years? before you depart from world,you'll see god... sir, i'm hungry. i can offer only free tea.can i offer paper cup also? get your glass. sir!
come this side, man.give way to customer. sir, you please come in. come in and sit, sir.come in, sir. catch him...catch him... hey, come quickly man. it fast....come... i want to see md. cotton division, sir. please use the second gate, sir.- okay.
welcome sir, please come.- come, seth. is arul there? would you like to have tea, sir? no thanks.need to attend siima meeting. are you ready with valuation papers? one minute, sir.- get it quickly. arul loves italian cuisine. he has won best chef award also. take it.
seth, talk to arul yourself.- okay, sir. i wanted to ask this but forgot.arul's phone is switched off for 2 days. that is... i'm his paternal uncle.shouldn't you tell me also? not like that, sir. did he go away to bangkokor malaysia again? yes, sir. okay, give me his number.seth wants to talk to him. no number, said he will call me.didn't give his number.
don't you've his number?- no sir. greetings, sir. sir, is arul in there? passport renewal has come.- give me that. why did he lie to me? how could he board flightwithout passport? they're hiding something. value of both factories togetheris 487 crores. are just mills having that much value?
then, both together will cometo 1000 crores. our property is very lesscompared to them, sir. boss, please leave me, i beg you.- i'll kill you. i've more property than him. but my wife gave birth to two property will get divided into two. but he's the lone heir to 1000 crores. uncle, red sari will offer 2 rupees,5 rupee bet. will give 5 rupee, 2 rupee bet.- bet? bet! please.
madam...madam... hey, 2 rupees, take out 5 rupees. why should i? red sari will offer5 rupees, she gave 2 rupee only. i said she'll offer 2 rupeeand 5 rupee as bet. you're cheating me. come on, pay up.- you heard it, right? don't play cheating game. god.benevolent lord! why did you come away so quickly?
once you something as charity,you mustn't come back for it. isn't it, uncle? i want to join with you and...- really, sir? you too? why? every man coming into this professionhas a flashback story. if we hear his flashback,we'll weep. we may have to return themoney he gave us, is it okay? sir, please sit. welcome...sit down. why are you sitting likein cash counter?
sir sincerely like a beggar.get up! get up...sit down! turn this side. you entered our profession butyour face is shining with health drinks. even mother teresa may not feel pityon seeing your face. koti!- ready uncle! your skin is healthy like bun. look is okay. do i've to use it every day?- no need, just for 2 or 3 days only,
heroes are rusty in earlier films. couple of films later audienceaccept him as their hero. does it mean hero got handsome? it's nothing but setting upaudience mind. likewise make our clients tooaccept you as quickly as beggar. okay, sir. one more important thing,never disturb devotees entering temple. we must first let them begfrom god inside, when they come out,we must beg from them.
like that like this means it’s theirs...if it is like this, it is ours... okay, prayer is getting over,clients will come out now, let's do our business now. madam...madam...madam... madam...madam....please give me alms. madam....madam... please give charity, sir. sir...sir...
no improvement. legs are swollen for 2 daysand high temperature too. where are you, arul? i am sorry. hello, you don't know me. a man you know got drunkand has fallen down here. yes, your number wasin received call list. yes, wine shop near complex. okay.
what's this, mahi? just some child's drunken father, mother poor child would be waiting in homeeagerly for this book, right? you must every day with empty hands! please help me, sir. please offer something, sir. did you give when i asked? i'm hungry,please give me something, sir. hey, wait.
hey wait, there's police manat this signal. i'll give at the next signal. got it, dear. arul, come to auto.come...come... mummy...mummy... charles diana! thank you, god bless me.- thank you so much, madam. big sister, dollars! thank you...thank you...
how many dollars you want to exchange? 15 dollars did you count it properly? 953 rupees after deducting commission. thanks. take your first rs.300,don't ask balance. shall we go? must buy a new shirt, this is stinking. arul, come this side.this is out flat, dude.
come in...step in with right foot. don't hesitate, come in. this is our shoppers shop!is it good? you asked for shirt, right? this is our chermas shop. all these were worn by navy men. they're sold cheap on harbour platform. what's your size? how come you've so many...?
what's this, bro? with what we get, after spending40 or 50 for breakfast and lunch, with the balance money,can we buy a flat? even then for our profession... what do you think of beggars? would they've to keep on beggingall through the day? would doctors be busy24 hours with injections? everyone hits wine shop after 6and surrenders himself to home. they enter into theirpersonal lives, right?
likewise beggars too havea personal life after 6 pm. check if this fits you. take whatever you wantat anytime from this. okay? okay, come let's sit and talk.- no problem. hey, i'm calling you to do ironing.come and sit here. don't come tomorrow withthis shirt to beg. they won't offer a penny also. for 2 rupee they offer,they expect us to be blind,
do we like to stink in these clothesand without bath to beg? if we're clean, they don't feellike giving charity. does a beggar have only stomach?there's a heart above it. it too likes to stay clean. it too likes to live honourably. at least after 6 pm,we'll live clean as our heart wishes. you take bath and wear this dress,eat whatever you want to eat, go. go! trust me, i really hit this fly.
but unexpectedly... you didn't wash your hand yet. one small pizza, please. what's this boss?brother got us down here silently? not a penny in hand too.- yes, buddy. bar is also hands are shivering. look there! if you have 1000 rupees,how much would you put in donation box? i'll put rs.10.
if someone is offering morethan rs.200. how big shot he could be? how much more money wouldthere be in his pocket? hey, give me rs.1000. 1000? i don't have rs.1000. then, give me rs.500. really i don't have any money,just now i put everything in donation box. are you cooking stories? putting all your money in donation box,are you going out to beg?
hey! if i hit you...are you making fun of me? sir, i'm telling you truth. from what i get in begging, deductingmy expenses, i offer balance as charity. if not i'll offer the money to temple. yesterday foreigners gave me dollars.- are you cooking tales for me? search him, boys! search him. he says no money but keepsa beautiful girl's photo. this beggar!
isn't she dazzling? you mustn't see girls like this. get up, man. oh no...mother! it's paining. i can't bear it, get me out quickly. paining... sir, my friend slipped andfell into dust bin. you came to hit our manbut seeking our help now. pick him up quickly,garbage lorry may come at any time.
is he your man? it's paining! it seems you got thrashedby a beggar. it's the effect of food from many homes,it's paining terribly. fool, don't you've sense?where were you seeing while driving? sir, you applied brakes suddenly. idiot! why don't you leave somegap between vehicles? sir, i'll pay for the damages.- how much will you pay? no, i'm just asking,how much will you pay?
what do you think of yourself?do you want to settle it for 500 rupees? audi company will give billfor rs.25000, will you pay? she's talking as if she'sfrom royal family. look, no use in accusing me. local like you and royal like are madeto use the same road by this system! i must accuse that system. go...go quickly to deliver your pizza. with the tips from customer,eat and sleep, useless girl. have you insured this car?- yes.
then, why don't you claim it? don't rubbish others justbecause you've money. why did you ask her if shebelongs to royal family? are you royal family if you own audi car? do you know high end audi car's price? rs.2.34 crores! your car...? just rs.40 lakhs only!are you royal family? registered car in're driving in telugu states.
just to save rs.3 lakhs,using some fake address, you got it registered in pondicherry.are you royal family? if you pay just rs.50000 extra,you can get fancy number, you couldn't spend for that also. you consider yourself as royal familyand insulting that girl. okay, did you buy car with own moneyor got finance from somewhere! come on, show me your rc book. you didn't switch on ac too! audi car man got shell shocked.where do you work, sir?
you'll share with all of them, right? works in share market. oh that's why he talked aboutcar market so elaborately. you came to my you remember? i don’t have phone. we got beaten up by a beggar,promise us not to tell this to anyone. do you need promise for that? can't believe this cheat! brother is using us becausewe're goons.
if he comes to know we werebeaten up by a beggar, we'll lose our livelihood. promise not to tell brother,i beg you. i can't promise till i've few pegs. what do you want? give me money,i'll buy expensive liquor. give him money. beer for us.- what? beer? why do kids having beer cometo wine shops to humiliate, sir?
why don't you have waterfrom corporation taps? brother, give me half bottleexpensive liquor. beer for these kids. promise me at least now.-why should i promise? you got beaten up by a beggar, not just to brother rightuor i'll not tell anyone. promise me. then, buy me another quarter bottle. i don't have money, if you want have this.
this? it has half beer. look siddappa, my lover canbecome your wife. your wife can't become my lover. got it, buddy? give me money. he bought a brand earlier, right?give me a quarter bottle. look at the many marks on your face. next week getting married,why get beaten up by a beggar?
you're throwing party also for it. they lost their respect. you promised not to tell anyonebut told everyone. tell me, dear. where are you?- with brother only. which brother? hey, you stole money i had kept to pay chit,you got thrashed by a beggar, right? you're throwing a party for it, right?come home, i'll take you to task. bloody rascals!
without bothering she's mad,everyday some rascal comes for her. brother! come. don't cry....come. come! what? gratitude? you're not a good actor, right? i can understand when people livea different life for some reason. you're acting like hero, right?i'll take her to task tomorrow.
signed it? give it to sir. are you in-charge?- yes. who's the person?- there, sir. okay, wait outside, i'll call you. this is the only home they admitwithout taking money. you can stay here freewithout any fear. exactly after 34 days you'll bein different and good place. okay? till then be like the people staying here. matron is coming, be careful.
attendee of patient thulasi?- yes. please come.- come. this is her bed, sir. you can come here weekly onceon saturdays to visit her. okay, madam. this place...that girl... that girl's father is a poor farmer. when rains failed, his crops too failed. later her father committed suicideunable to repay bank loan.
to protect herself for life on footpath,she was acting like a mad girl, few days from now,i'll take her to a better place. why? no, you've helped her so much. if so, i need to thank you first.- why? after passing comments on him,everyone walked away. though you knew he was drunk,you helped him, right? after finishing my college,i didn't want to join mnc, we friends together started a pizza shopbut business is not promising.
dough gets spoilt after18 hours in fridge, we used to offer freeto centres like these. we've decided to close downthe shop this month. why are you closing it?- no business. chasing flies in counter,i hit customer too. you like the girl? there are photos of many other girls too.see all of them. i don't want to see anymore photos,i feel she's my kind of girl. look arul, maheshwari!you won't believe me.
i wrote it earlier.i too liked this girl very much. forget the idea of closing the shop.i'll come there after 6 pm. over smart girl... i'm over smart girl... why have i become like this? you walked in....pinched my little heart... you took over me... what happened to me?i'm losing myself... after your arrival,this distress started in me...
the dust under my feet on seeing you... it raised over 100 feet into air... if you go a feet away from me,i get agitated... you're a stealer of stole my heart... before i could ask seeing eyes,you stole my sleep also... i wish to get wet in rainalong with you... a small wish is become great is sweeping earth under my feet.. madness is soaring... wherever your hand touches,i'll kiss there a thousand times...
if i find a piece of paper,i'll fill it with your name... your eyes have the expressionof thousand poems... just a word from it is enoughto create magic in me... when we walk togetherunder an umbrella... when our little fingers toucheach other... hey stop...stop...pull over.have you got license and insurance? meet sir there! stop...pull over the vehicle. oh no! i forgot to renew insurance.- hey, switch off the phone, get the papers.
don't get tensed.i will come back now. pay rs.100 and go. sir, really i don't have any money. how much ever i may ask,you say no money. where do you work? i beg, sir. making fun of me? me, i'm a beggar. you won't come to my way.
come to station,pay fine and take your vehicle. hey, constable!- sir...sir...believe me... i've begged from you alsomany times, sir. from me?- yes, sir. where? you visit lord ganesha templenear bus stand every saturday. you offer clarified butter lampto lord hanuman. and sesame oil to lord saturn. as respect to both gods,you prostrate on ground.
as you look left with facetouching ground. on the left entrance of the temple, just next to your brown shoes,i sit and beg shouting sir...sir... when you're wearing shoes,i call you loudly sir! but you offer moneya hand less beggar next to me, as if god had ordained youto offer charity only to him, offering him charity you go relaxed asif cm's motorcade has passed away. who is she standing there? my girl friend, sir.
girl friend? i'm 45 now, i've govt. job also.yet not a girl looked at me. go...go, live happily. bye, sir. how did he leave you?what did you tell him? i told him the truth. this is arul's small factoryrs.140 crores. this is big factory, behind.that is rs.247 crores. both are up for sale.
i'm buying it from my brother's son.but seth will be my proxy. i will buy it on his name. okay sir, i will sanctionboth loans from my bank. don't sanction both loanson the same day. first sanction loan forthis roadside small factory. for the big mill, cite some reasonand keep postponing till the last. i own all the land surroundingthat factory. entry to big mill is from small mill only. if we buy the small mill,
if anyone wants to enter big mill,they need a helicopter then, i will decide the price of big mill. sir, i will do as you say but yet toreceive commission for earlier loans. should i pay full commission to him? give this to him.- okay, sir. why your face is dull? oh lord... glasses....sir...sir... when my younger brotherwas on death bead,
he was ready to sell his mills and homefor rs.10 lakhs for medical expenses. now, that dirty woman who is dyingin hospital, arul's mother!. she stopped the sale. if she hadn't been theni would've got their entire property. now, it is not too late. first mills andthen i'll usurp entire property. to register it,i don't know where he is! don't you know? one day his friend saidshare market business.
but i'm not sure. i think he's a pizza makerin some other restaurant. you're right. no mahi, looking at his beard,i think he's a reporter. yesterday my friends told meto ask, where you work? look, i'm not asking you this,they asked me. do i've to know what do you do? what would i do knowing it? come tomorrowif you're free after six, okay.
by the way, what do you do? what was his answer? if i answer it now,you will ask more questions. for the present, leave it. why am i unable to understand him? if someone likes the job he's doing, he'll say i'm so and so openly,would've given his card too. but i feel he didn't find a jobsuitable for his education, and managing with a job he has.
whatever he may be,would be doing something for livelihood, he wouldn't go begging, right? hello uncle! i've a doubt.- go ahead. milk supplier is milkman.- yes. paper supplier is paper man.- correct. then, one who gives alms is beggar, right? why are we called as beggars? is this tight okay?- okay...enough. aren't you ready yet?getting late, come fast.
i'm not coming, you carry on. you're fair, decent andhandsome like vijay antony. if you go decently ahead,we'll follow you, right? we are ready. look, i've raised their hopes with you.let's go and come back quickly. collection holiday for closing temple. sunday is another holiday. can we give holiday to stomach? don't get scared.they'll not ask us anything.
come bravely. come...come in, brother. are you fine?why are you shocked, brother? when did you come from out station?is your mother fine? fine.- happy to hear it. looks like you've come with friends. please do enjoy the feast. auspicious time has arrived,please come in. go...go... go inside, sir.
we are from bride's side.- groom's side would be better. hello, no sweet in this plate,please serve him. please eat well. no vada that side, serve it. why are you indifferent, bro?come on, push it in. i've seen him in my place. i think he owns nuzvid oil mill. who? he? is he nuzvid mill owner?- yes. you'd have seen him atmother mary's church entrance.
don't you remember him? he's our cousin. no sambar is served here,check it. eat well! i'll send pudding. do you know who he is?- don't know. without forgetting take photowith bride and groom. all of them are beggars, sir. we mustn't encourage themhaving food with us.
how many of you are here? tell your people to get up. they started eating, sir. if you get up on your owni'll not kick you guys. please wait... can't you understand if i say? you've crowded the hall! if we allow you may even tie the knot. bloody beggars!- what did you say?
you cheats! why are you staring at us? what they did was wrong, sir! mother, father, sister, brother, all close relatives join together tocreate new relationship in this function. cheated by one such relativethey have been left as orphans. they have been reducedto become beggars. is it their mistake to eata meal with you, sir? for you, a day is just a day. but, for them three times,unsure of getting a meal or next meal
though he's elderly man,you thrashed him like your enemy. understand one thing, sir. for you, me andeveryone in this world, there's only one enemy! permanent enemy! hunger! to make friendship with this enemyfor few minutes, they enjoyed your feast. what they did was wrong!
please forgive them, sir. you are...? i'm also one of them!beggar! sir, they had created problem that day. today, they have brought me to you. it wasn't my fault at all.please tell them, sir. i will ask. hey, why did you bring him here, boys? i ordered them to thrashand bring you to me.
i wanted to know who sent, i got beaten by them. did you send them? i'm not here to thrash them,but to thrash you as they watch! sir just told he'll thrash meas you all watch! let's see who will thrash whom!all of you go back. go!go back, boys! our good luck, brother went alone! are you human? how could you laugh when my mengot thrashed by a beggar?
get him, boys. i can't...i can't stop laughing. my stomach is paining. he would be working at some place.would he be begging? hey calm down girls!she may hear it. don't laugh. mahi, he thought you were a pretty girlmoreover you're running own business. if he manages to trap you,he can settle in life, bloody beggar. okay, forget him.
take it as you lost a strand of hairwhile combing. don't feel for it. to get direct opinion from people, like how prime minister hasstarted a new website, this is a program in our fm radioto know people's opinion directly. today's topic is,how to do away with poverty from india? in our studio we've famous economistdr.krishna rao as special guest greetings, sir.- greetings. to drive away poverty fromour country...
thank god! sir, a listener is on line,let's see who it is! oh no! amidst people who call as've a listener who calls madam. let's see who it is!hello, please tell your name. bloody fm! it is always busy. sir, your line is connected,please be careful with what you say, sir. sorry madam, was little disappointedfor not getting the line through. you're showing it quite vocally. anyway you know what we aregoing to talk about today.
i know all the topics you discusson your fm radio. do you catch up with all our programs? catching is my job. don't call me madam, sir.i'm not yet married too. this madam is for my client not you. are you calling from office? this is our fm's specialty. people like him enjoy at workthe songs we play. we work while listening to songs.
listener is not giving upcalling madam. please tell me your name.- i'm raja rammohan. what do you do?- what? didn't hear you? i asked in which sector you work. finance sector. don't change it. investment banker rammohan is talking. okay rammohan sir!what's your idea removing poverty from india? look madam, to make india free of poor,ban rs.1000 and 500 currency notes.
what's this, sir? i'm asking you to way forward but you'regoing backward to rs.50 and 100 notes. okay, if we ban 1000 and 500 notes,how can it put an end to poverty? the reason for india's poverty is corruption,black money, scams, illegally earned money. stashing it away in 1000and 500 denominations. only 20% of people in this countryuse 1000 and 500 notes. rest 80% of people go in search of changewith one or two notes of 1000 and 500. wow! you're giving great information. tell in a way our listenerstoo can understand.
as if you've understood it? he's crossing the limit. listen carefully! look, if 1000 notes are valid,you can hide 100 crores in two suitcases. if that is 100 or 50 notes,you need a big bungalow. no security, there's always fear ofrobbers striking and police problem too. fear of income tax too. can't invest in gold becauseof fluctuating prices. if invested in realty, fear ofconfiscation if govt. changes.
with no choice but to deposit in bank. if deposited in bank,one must pay tax. if rich in india pay their taxes properly, not just poverty,india will be devoid of beggars! what's your opinion on him, sir? i think he would've studied inoxford university. such people must becomeprime minister of this country. try to find where he is!get him immediately. okay.... please! asking sambar, serve him. heart feels content afterhaving stomach full, right? are you just feeling content? but i feel like i've married nayanthara andliving in a posh bungalow in jubilee hills with kids. are you my new residentopposite my flat? nayanthara...jubilee hills....good to hear! poorna market.- no, will not go. koti, come.
madam, give them a rupee or two,if not they'll not move. what are you looking at? i must go angrily andyou must follow me. but everything is going in reverse. your dress shows you're you told me. if you want you can workin my restaurant. you can sit in cash counter also. if you don't like that,i can find you some other job. but please don't do this thing.please!
won't you do any other job? why?won't you tell me the reason also? nobody must know who you areunder any circumstances. i mustn't tell anyone. am i not that close to you?i'm a fool. without knowing who you areor what you are doing, gave my heart... i mean i said my good friend. no problem!no need to tell me anything about you.
are we friends from school days? are we from same college?to tell me everything. i mustn't tell anyone about it. you're cbi officer, right? any secret assignment? no...investigation? take it, man. you said no, right? pick it up. this is karthika monthso crowds throng tirupathi.
this month, if we go to tirupathi.we can fill the coffers. fill it to the brink. let's meet few devotees! actually they're coming fromnuzvid near vijayawada. relationship between workersand owner is strikes and talks. but this is entirely againstthat tradition. but a group of mill workers are walking to tirupathifrom nuzvid as vow for the welfare of their owner. tell me madam, fulfilling this prayerfor your owner is really surprizing. please tell me about your madam.
she has taken vow of silence.- okay, you tell me. what am i to tell about her?her son studied in foreign. today my younger brotheris studying in the same place. our benevolent madam bhuvaneshwariis responsible for that. did she personally helpyour brother to study there? granny! do you've to take thisordeal at this age for your owner? who is owner?she's my daughter. to save my daughter, i don't mindlosing legs also to fulfill this vow. that's okay, but i see onlywomen in this group.
didn't men from your mill join you? our boss' son arul is not in town. till he comes back, our men willwork in factory without taking leave. did you see how devoted workersare towards their company? tell me. i saw mill workers on tv... we mustn't leave themfor our selfish ends. we must do something for them. good idea.
what shall we do? tell me. priest, come.- greetings. boy, take change from priest. are you fine, pries?- you? while coming out of temple, if you offer a rupee or two to us,you can recognize us! are you those people? collection is too poor outside,how about inside, priest? can't you see it?
you're having sweets with your collection.i'm buying broken sweets with mine. can't even have a bite! what's it, seth? did you offer prayers tocomplete registration quickly? lord's mercy! you're going to get wads of notesas commission. ensure at least this timethere's no shortfall of notes in wads. yes rajesh, tell me! seth, my nephew arul is begging here.
i'm telling you, why are you silent?who was on phone? arul's friend rajesh talked to me. arul has told him not to sell the mills. did arul stop the sale of mills? arul is here only.keep this in car. i saw him here only.- where did he go? you search for him that side.- okay, sir. go man. sir, please give charity.
i'm unable to bear hunger, sir. did you see him?- no, sir. don't know where he has vanished! did you see him properly?by any chance... am i blind? why would a billionaire beg on streets? two reasons only, sir. one, may be to fulfill a vow.two, may have gone mad. option one!
he's begging as vow for hissick mother to get well soon. is there any time limit for this vow? it depends on individuals.generally its 48 days. entire property... this man. what's the matter, sir? brother, everything in thathome is illegal activity. the atrocities they commit onthese mentally ill people. many foreign doctors visitthat place, brother.
thinking i'm also a patient,they talked everything right before me. to make fake medicines locally, those foreigners are finding new diseasesto test their medicines efficacy, they inject the medicinesto mentally ill patients. they're testing affect ofinjections on patients here. patients get affected with side effects. for me too. many patients die with painfor their tests. i've seen it with my eyes.
this is that girl.she must with him only. i want both of them.keep this. so much money to kidnap him? boys! have you seen him anywhere? brother! the mark on his was made by that man only. mark? is he such a big goon? whose man he is? seenu's man?
he's not a big goon, brother.- then? beggar, brother!- what? beggar? a man has beaten our boys.why did you spare him alive? he gave a nasty cut to rightu also. why people are calling you as rightu?tell me. you tell me! you tell me, boys. whenever you go to jail,he takes your place, that's why. that's why he's rightu to us.
hereafter call him as leftu. call him. left brother! forget you're my right hand,from now you're my left hand. you're helpful only to wash ass. unable to forget him? tell her to sit next to him on footpathand beg from tomorrow. do you know what her problem is? you expressed your love for him openly.
now, she’s not able to movefreely with us. i'm angry...i'm irritatedbut i'm unable to forget him. hello, this has 15 food packets.share it. packets are here. look, the man who is throwing waste.that's the man. arul, they mixed something in food. a beggar will never raise handto hit back! who are you? you're not a beggar.
tell me, who are you? won't you tell me? teel me! who are you, man? tell me, which place are you from? tell me, i'll leave you. tell me, who you are!i'll leave you. tell me i say! tell me...tell me...if not i'll kill you.
i think he has fainted. when he wakes up, inquire aboutthat mad girl and call me. leftu! what are you looking at? sshh...don't make noise, it's me. they're searching for me,i'll hide somewhere. handover the girl to meera.i'll keep in touch. dude, keep this phone with you. thanks, koti. madam...sir...
sir, i'm blind...please ask daddy to give alms. madam...madam...alms, please! you know the guy in this photo, right?does he come here? don't know. madam! baby, i'm blind,please ask daddy to give me alms. hey, are you begging or singing rhymes? get out from here. madam...madam...i said go away from here.
after seeing the photowhy are you watching our faces? brother, i'm also your man only.didn't you recognize me? my man?- yes, brother. how much you made since morning? brother, the place is not good.nobody has offered a penny. luck for beggar? if you come to beg spraying scent,who will give you charity man? unnecessarily we hit him,he has made like him. my wife got angry and went away to hermother's place for getting beaten up by beggar.
now i've become a real beggar, i'm scared she may drag me totv show on family discord. forget it. i took this shirt from a beggarnear temple for emergency. he took rs.1000 without showingany mercy, i can't bear this stink. i too can't bear this stink.- we too! sir, please give alms. don't irritate me, go away from here. today you're asking withright hand in bandage. yesterday it was left handin bandage.
don't i know how you're cheating people? as if you're smart cid found the truth. yesterday he was sittingand i was pushing the cart. why didn't you find that? you're talking about bandageto right and left hand. go man.- go away. did you see him in ganesha templenear bus stand? not just from nuzvid, beggars come fromgannavaram, polavaram and foreign too! they're not here to begbut to visit bochananda ashram.
you keep quiet. check simhachalam or annavaram,you may find him there. i don't know why i don't like rain today. don't you like the rain?what happened to you? i'll go out for a stroll, mother. i will come for you... i will give my life for you... if you look at me once... i will do anything for you...
when you fill up all my memories... i will stay with you like your shadow... who so ever you may be... i will accept you wholeheartedly... the moment i get separated from you... i will die... won't you accept this also? tell me, arul! shouldn't you take it?
will you accept it as alms also? let anyone say anything... let anyone abuse... i am your life's half... where am i? i'm with you... when i hear your namei will turn back... my love for you will never go dry... it will not die evenif i face certain death...
i'll not be here for 48 days. mahi, i've a doubt. do you take selfie to get closeror to show you're close? i've seen him somewhere.wait a minute! what did you say his name is?- arul. full name is arul selvakumar. nuzvid cotton mills ownerbhuvaneshwari's only son. he did his mbafrom foreign university. since it was mentioned in marriage profilethat not necessarily to be rich.
about 8 months ago,i sent your photo and profile. don't know what happened after that,i didn't get any reply from them. don't you really know who he is? three people came. they hit me asking about you. i lost a tooth also. but didn't tell them a word about you. they stole our money also. saved money little by little over years!
to avoid begging andstart a small idly shop or push cart. to earn honorable livelihood.everything is gone now. buddy, isn't she beautiful? don't just talk about it. they're the men who hit you, right?- yes...sir... give it. you go. you go that side! still fighting!
tell me the truth. any moment... arul, please let's go. no time. what are you thinking? get going. how much he has brain washed you? i've met that swami,i know complete details. if disease can be cured with begging,why do we need so many hospitals then? if i do like that would i getback my mother?
only after doctors and hospitalsgave up on my mother, this vow came up my way, is it just a vow or a small trialor just pacifying myself, i don't know how to explain it to you. it came to me on its own. if i had money i could save my mother,i could've saved my father, people live with this regretall their lives. but i have money, you know that.if i don't do this to save my mother, i may have to spend all my lifewith that regret of not trying it.
get lost, you fool! if what that swami says is right, you had struggled so muchin this place, by now your mother's healthshould've improved atleast little! why didn't it happen? i can understand your eagernessto save your mother at any cost. we've crossed the time limitof living only on hope. we're losing mother slowly,come immediately. hope's biggest strength istrusting it fully.
come whatsoever it may, i'll not comefrom here till i complete my vow. hey, someone told...just because some swami told you, you're not with your motherin her last days. this sorrow will haunt youall your life. then, that swami will tell, compared to problems in this world,death is very small matter, just to make you understand this,i made you to beg. he would caress his beardand talk philosophy. you would realize then aboutmissing your mother.
just 2 more days! my vow will end on 48th dayat 11 pm. come for me then. i heard the discussion with your friend. you've taken a vow foryour mother's health, you're living as beggar, and i heard it will get overin another 2 days, arul. i don't want to disturb you. that's why this whatsapp message.
i'll be with you on your last day of vow. hey, didn't i tell you he's not a beggar? he's md of bhuvaneshwari group of companies. how many crores he would be having? if he thrashes us when he's just a beggar,think about when he become wealthy man. still 12 hours are there! don't worry, he won't becomerich man again. he'll die here as a beggar. leftu, we've a way to finish him,what you do is...
if these goons fail to get him by today,we’ve to end up in jail. just 12 more hours only. inspector purushotham will be inside. take rs.2 lakhs,tell details and give him. you've his photo, right?- i have it sir, i'll give it to him. sir, don't tell inspectorthat he's wealthy man. i'll not tell, sir...he's after all a police man. 48th day give me a sachet of milk.
what?- beggar sir, anything...? i'm going to stay with you entire day,come…come i say! sir, please give me alms. keep it. not for me, for him. give me alms, please. this is not valid, sir. no problem, sir. give me charity, madam.
how is he related to you?- my boy friend. can i take a selfie? rs.100.- rs.100? you want comments andlikes in facebook, right? rs.50. bloody! such guys run awayafter snatching chains! get lost! who is he? he hit me for begging.
don't eat, it may be spoilt at times. did you eat this? many times in hunger. okay, give it to me,i'll check and give you. no, i'll try it today. looks like eatable. okay, by 10 or 11 am,your beggar's life will end. this is your last day,what are you looking at? do you know today's collection?
how do you know this is the last day? what? didn't you hear my phone message? leftu...leftu...where are you man?come, leftu! hack him...hack him... come...come...kill him! kill him...kill him....kill him... when i lost to him fighting alone,you called me as leftu, you said i'm useful only to wash ass. but you mixed intoxicant in his food.
will you beat him after that? do you know what happened that day? i allowed him to escapeby loosening the rope. if possible win over him alone! arul, please leave him. no please....leave me. arul please, let's go. sir, look at this.sir, please help! look, bleeding so much.
please admit her, sir. please understand, knife cut. don't know with whom you had a fight,what if goons attack hospital? sir...sir...please listen to mefor a minute. for almost last one yeari'm in hospital only. i know very well abouthospital management. without taking deposit... please give me your account number, sir. i'll transfer how many lakhsyou may ask in 30 minutes.
you promise to pay whateverwe may ask, who are you? tell me, what do you do? tell me, who you are! i'm a beggar, sir...i'm a beggar. if you beg, in english,will you get money? sir...sir...please come quickly. mother, please forgive me. will you please give your phone? i need to call my friend for money.
my husband has phone. she has a phone, right? never use your name or fameunder any circumstances. till my vow is fulfilledi'll not come. hello…who is it? sir, i'm keeping patient's things,purse inside, please check it. look, he's there. get up, inspector is calling. come, man.- come...get up!
what happened, sir?- just sir wants to see you. sir, i'll go to sp's office andcome to station directly. sir, he's that guy. get him into vehicle. minute, sir....what did i do, sir? please tell me the reason, sir.- should i tell reason to beggars also? get up man! minute sir...please sir... bloody beggar!how dare you hold me!
sir, i must put balance money intemple donation box after expenses. i held your hand for that only,please forgives me. i'll offer donation and come, sir. get up, man! sir, you..? sir, very sorry sir...without knowing who you were... please forgive me, sir. you're a beggar!how dare you hold me! till now i was a beggar butnever regretted it for a moment also.
but now... i feel humiliated to bea rich man now. for helping foreign medical companiescheat in the name of mental health foundation. foundation head k ramanujam hasbeen arrested by police. affected patients were transferredsafely to gandhi hospital. quick...go fast, man...go to vizag! what happened?why did it stop now? police is catching up! hey, miser!
why are you hitting me? don't hit me. i took money from you formy daughter's education. for that i got beaten upby brutally and worked for you. the loan will get over by this month. now, you... sir, please war your glasses. come quickly....come... sir, please come.
sir...sir...sir...sir... though so many people hadprayed to so many gods. not a god showered his mercy. dear, you come andgive holy basil water to her. she's waiting just for it. mother, you don't have to walklike earlier. you don't have to smile. sleep without any sensitivityjust like this. it's enough if you stay inthis house with me.
just be with me. i don't have anyone for me, mother. mother, when all hope died,there was a ray of hope that you will live. mother, please don't dash that hope also. mother, i'm before youlike a beggar. your son is seeking with hands spread! give me your life for somemore time as alms, mother! i'm begging you, mother. for his mother to get well soon,
a man made a vow, spent 6 months as beggar6 months looked after his business, it went for 5 long years, when i read an article aboutthis exceptional man, this film is a reflectionof my feelings. to the mother who is anxiousabout her child, to the son who is ready tosacrifice his like for his mother, to you who have come to see their love, i sincerely thank you all!
6 months later please give, sir...sir... haven't you forgotten the old habit?take it. sister, sir told me to give juice. sir, please give me alms.- hello, tell me. meet him....he'll give you a file. give me some money, dear. before that tomorrow morning in office...- take it, please. if there's any emergency,please call me.
is everything clear? didn't you observe him, son? sorry mom, i was attendingan important call. we've plenty of work, if you can offer,give them or else say no, tell them to go. don't make anyone to wait. a man begging from another man,that life is pitiable, arul. i wish nobody faces such a life. we can't live that life evenfor a day also. sorry, mother.
madam, please show mercy,please give alms.

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