presented bysuh se-won production co. ltd. there is a living legendin our organization. the situation was bad starringshin eun-kyung no match for big brother park sang-myunann jae-moit was art in motion. bruce lee would have been ashamed co-producerpark mi-jung written by kang hyo-jin, kim moon-sung
director of photography / jun jo-myunglighting director / shin kyung-man edited by park kwok-jirecording / live tone executive producerssuh se-won, lee soon-yeoul directed bycho jin-kyu no one's ever heard fromor seen those two again. wow~ big brother is a legend. legend?! very few organizationscan claim to have one. think yourself lucky to beworking for a legend!
got it? ya shore can say that... get rid of that accent of yours! it's making me look bad. behave! big brother, it's me. what? i'm shitboys hometown friend.my name's koh yong-man. he's got potential. sir.
put him to work in the kitchen! what'd you say. you cheap whore! i know how to handle little bit cones how dare you talk to big brother what's that? it's a horse bone... hello, what? boss, they've found her! is mom dead?
i'm here. hold my hand. will she recognize me! - yu-jin!!- eun-jin.. eun-jin, i'll come back for you!! yu-jin... why's she still here? got to come impressive cutlery here. what do you think you're doing? you're real fucking' geniuses!!
shut the fuck up andscrub down for surgery! it's no use to open her upat this point. i will only cause her more.i can sit your throat and out you up like sashimi. how's that for pain? you want me to beg? this is a non-smoking building. that little... are you o.k.? i'm really sorry... never mind, just get out here
scat! - soo-il, what's wrong?- no, no. nothing. cigarette. boss, this is a non-smoking building. whoever acts up in front ofmy sister is a dead'man. yes sir!! - sir?- i mean, yes ma'am! you must have hated meall those years. we'll start you onmotherapy tomorrow.
you're well enoughto have surgery. - sis..- eun-jin... i need to ask you to dosomething for me. name the bastard... what is it?i can do...l mean anything. i want to see you get married. married...married? married? what's the big deal?everyone does it.
i want to get it overwith this month. get to it. big brother, are you sure? do i look like i'm joking? do you have anyone in mind? anyone here up for the ask? chicken shits... find me a groom! could you give us an ideaof what you like? just make sure he don't look like you!
we heard good thingsabout this place. find us an eligible bachelor...pronto.. hiya? my name's sherry. talk about cheap... she knows what she's doing... come on get to work. you're as scaly as a crocodile... you have to accentuate... ow... what is all this shit?
these are just the basics. does she always talk like this? men love the way i talk. they say it's my best quality. shut your trap and get to it.i'll bust your ass! fine. get yourself a real stylist. are you crazy?bitch, get back to work! you won't even let me talk and now you're scaring me.
stop scaring her. after you get their attentionwith your looks. you get your hooks inwith some sweet talk. sweet talk? it's all in the nostrils. ohh~ honey! oh... honey! no, not like that. ohhhh~honey! why're you shaking like that?
these are added bonuses. you shake these and you've got him wrappedaround your fingers. ohhh, honey! not like that, boss. ohh~ honey!!come on! get out. how do i look?i went to sleep like this good thinking...
where are they? this way. korea... where you going? fool!put your shoes back on! may i present mr.& mrs. kim.they own chosun textiles. sang-min graduated froman ivy league university. he's finishing up his pb. right now. and this is...
how about a self-introduction? the name's cha eun-jin26 years old. i'm in good health. got a whole lot of muscle working. i mean, men... she means employees. right. 50 employees. and my territory. no i mean... she means she ownsa body guard company.
what do your parents do? cut the crap. hey, you wanna tie the knot? the sooner the better. make sure this doesn't happen again! romeo! yes, boss? get me an old couple to play my parents. yes, sir!
- where to boss?-the hospital. where have all the good men gone... who knew it would beso hard to get married? big brother. i heard that one's soul mateis usually within 2km radius. screw that theory. the fools within 2km radiusof me are worthless. what the fuck! see you later. see ya.
hey you over there! stop! hey you! stay here. learn how to drive. come here. you little punk. you fuckin' retard you ruined my outfitwhat the hell is this, fuck! get up, i said get up. you little sissy...
what the hell? kneel. ass hole. i'll... let's go! hey bitch! how dare you smoke outside! this ain't your backyard! fuckin' punk bitch.i ought a kick your ass! come here. bitch!
fuck! what the fuck? what's she doing? i'll kill you bitch!come and get it!! stop! she's a woman.this is not at all chivalrous. get out of here.mind your own business. please calm down.you can't hit a woman, please! stop!
he gives new meaningto 'han-headed' just needed a few stitches, that's all. ok, yes, sir. you o.k. man? is she all right? of course. and...compensation. no, no thanks. take it. you never know. no, i don't want it. please.
- well. suit yourself.- i'll see you later. he looks pretty slow to me. shut up, you're the one who 's slow. hi, how can i help you? 35 years of age. name is kang soo-il. he's a civil servant. looks pretty slow but in this caseit's a favorable characteristic. he's had 58 blind dateswith zero success rate.
where and when? tomorrow at 7pm. at marche. good evening. -give me some of them fish cakes.-yes, sir. i just hope things work out tomorrow. i feel sorry for the poor bastard. how's he gonna survive her? did you just rag on big brother? i'm just worried for her.you're too sensitive.
oh, fuck, it's hot hey... how old are you two? i'm 56.and she's 54. good. yes. good! if it's a right with you. we'd like to get it over withas soon as possible. me too. he looks so dependable. we'll get them a new apartment andpay for the wedding. we're just so lucky to get sucha great son in law.
isn't this wonderful? in all my years in the business. i've never seensuch a perfect couple. but i just think what is it?is there a problem? they've known each other.for such a short time in my years of experience.time is not very important. even rich cake shouldn'tbe cooked for too long. he's absolutely right.
it's all up to him... well, why don't weleave these two alone? -yes, wonderful idea.-yes, it is. have a good time, dear. -it's really weird.-what is? it seems likei know you from before. why did you borrow moneyfrom a loan shark? no, i mean i just fee that we may have known each otherin a little life
then would you be up to marring me? you're not getting any younger... -you mean right away?-yeah. wait. wait here. no wonder he's still single... are you all right? who were they? i'm not sure.i think they're white shark's boys. eun-jin!
get out of here, now! why are you here andwhy are you sweating? i was feeling a little warm in there. let's go inside. wait. i wanna read you something.from the bridges of madison country. i've been saving it up for when i propose. i've got one thing to say to youand i'll only say it once. i hope you will listen.
in this uncertain universe. a feelingthis strong comes but only once in a lifetime. will you marry me? please accept these. getting a real kick out of this? what? what'd i do? hey, wait... i'm here at the store, boss. just wanted to know what colorrice cooker you want. -whatever!-yes, sir
if there are any empty seats,i'll put your teeth out. got it? don't fuck up. hey put him on.yeah, you got the equipment? come by tomorrow for the rehearsal. look at that fool,getting all worked up. i don't know, weddings justmake me feel so sentimental. don't you feel strange? go on aheadi'm going to the sauna. what's wrong with him? fool, don't you get it?when will you learn?
fool, you aren't got nothing over me. what'd you say? nothing. she won't give me a discount.i ought a bitch slap her. come on in. no, cold water dip first. fool, it's hot and then cold! i ain't about tomy sausage in there. -what are you staring at?-what up? this fool's giving me anattitude for splashing him.
are you gonna let himget away with that? jackass son-of-a bitch. pretty pussycat.there you go... what now... boss, i heard that bitch mantisis getting married. married? mantis? so, she's getting married. - this calls for a celebration.- should we send her a bouquet? that's not good enough for her.
you do not want to get caught,so do it right. you fuck-us. how come only nightclubwhere are here? this isno club opening. but, big brother we had toclose up 5 clubs to get these girls. you said not to tell anyone on the outside did you pick out this dress? they said it was the best. look how low cut it is.you trying to take a peek at my nipples?
no, no... ni, nipples, no sir. almost ready?wow, you look beautiful ladies and gentlemen.the bride and the groom. dearly beloved,we are gathered here today to join kang soo-ll and cha eun-jinin holy matrimony. may the lord bless these two.say amen hallelujah! hey, sit down.stay down. i said stay the fuck down! ladies and gentlemen. we've prepareda special martial arts event today.
a never before seen event!fantastic action! and now you are witnessing the climax.to this special performance. yay! they're giving it their all!let's give a big hand. to the performers. wow what's performance!amazing! stupendous! thank you! here. i prepared something to readto you on our first night. would you like to hear it? whatever.
hold on a sec. i, kang soo-il,swear the following to my wife. first, i will not look at anyother woman except my wife. second, i will take my wifeout at least once a week. -do i have to pledge something, too?-no, just stay by my side. eun-jin... i'm hot, i'm gonna take a shower. how gross. - tell me you love me.- i said shut up!
hello... yeah boss? what honeymoon!? he's back?i'll take the first light up. shut up and goodbye. sorry about last night. i gotta go back tonight.some things come up. i'm not usually a big drinkerbut i think ruined it over last night. dame, he talks a lot. did you make reservations?
welcome back, sir. nothing better than a trip overseas... don't i look great or what? who the hell is that? i'm the new guy. yong-man. new guy? who the fuck brought him in? i, i did sir. as a gift to y'all.
i'm gonna break a few knees.who wants to be first. where the hell is mantis? she's home...taking care of a few things. - she's on her honeymoon.- honeymoon? when are you going tovisit your parents? they're taking a trip overseas. trying to make youmore comfortable. don't even lay a finger on mewithout permission. o.k., i won't.
- why you bossing me around?- if you don't like it, get the fuck out. i'll cut all your balls offmotherfuckers... -all we have in the fridge is water...-thirty, so on! - water and lemon- thirty nine... make mine seafood flavor. forty. forty how was your trip sir? heard you were on a trip yourself? something came up.
you knocked up? i'm planning to get a divorce. you trying to fuck with me? no, sir. so are you looking after the business? i heard white shark's boysare rearing their ugly heads. they can't touch us, sir. - you can leave now.- yes, sir. women, can't depend on them.
they go out and get knocked up hey, lady. one more! big brother.i think you should slow down. do you find meattractive as a woman? boss, as far as i'm concerned... you're just like the rest. must bea pain working under a chick. -boss!-tell it like it is! when i was laying in a cornerafter my head got bashed in.
you said this to me. 'blood is thicker than water,but loyalty is thicker than blood.' where your fellas think you're going? what up? i said i'm paying tonight... i hate to ask you this,but could you go somewhere else? i be asking nicely.don't test my patience. you want a piece of my muthafucka? guys wanna hear me sing?
we were born on different daysbut we're brothers forever i came out of a comma because of you. no matter what, you're my boss. i cried when i realized the truth... now my heart is empty~ who was that? you? it was you. that was great!
you know what separates a low life punkfrom a real life gangster? professionality. propan...? professionality, asshole!! without it.you're just a low life punk. got it? whew, you stink. what are you doing? i'm your husband. you're cute when you're drunk.
i'll give you cute. don't talk like that to me. you asked for it. marriage is not a death sentence. -you think you can keep me away?-what are you... don't mess with me. i said 'never without my permission' did you do the deed? sorry man. my wife's away on businessand my son forgot to take the using key.
i won't be about to make it tonight. oh yeah, tonight's your dinner party? - bring your son, min-soo along.- you think it would be o.k.? there isn't much but i hope you like it. that's fine.chinese food sounds good to me. -stop stalling and let us in.-yeah, we're starving. - good evening!- hello there are many training machines you should exercise oryou would be like me
you told me that the fat isproportioned to a great personality back in the days we got all the exercisei need a bunch of fives i bet no one messedwith you back then. hey i can still hold my ownagainst the best of them. these days so calledgangsters are a joke. i heard they onlyeat shrimp chips. double the wager! triple...how about you? - hey, i'm still in.- calculate later
dad! help me with this problem. go ask auntie over there, she'll help you. auntie. what's a properexpression for policeman? police man? a pig. that's true.cops these days are all pigs. eun-jin, you've gota killer sense of honor but it's three words. three words?
donut munching bastards? - hello?- mantis? you've got the wrong number. - there's no one here by that name- hey ! i need to speak with you. i think you need to learn some manners. it's one thing to talk down to me.out donut munching bastards? and the uneaten bags of bread in thefridge and hiring a caterer on my salary! it was convenient.
i can't take this anymore. so, what, you're gonna hit me? - i don't hit girls.- cut the bull shit. you're really trying my patience. - so what are you gonna do about it?- and now the weird phone calls. mantis... what in the world look here, you little sissies. you're an embarrassment. getting your ass kicked like that.
it wasn't like that manthat punk started it. shut the fuck up. what the hell were the restof you doing while it was happening. - it's just that the dude was crazy...he...- yeah, i never seen a crazier son-of-a... hey that's him!that's the guy!! -is he the one?-yes! man, you're one ugly mofo. what the hell is this? hey you, once i take offall my clothes.
your ass is grass. big mouth s.o.b i'm gonna bitch slab youback to the holes y'all crawled out of... without a word~ you handed me a letter~ deep within my heart~ i'm coming for y'all. my heart is empty~ i feel profound sorrow~
fuckin' embarrassing! where the fuck? where you think you're going? stop following me! i told you once i get naked...i'd pummel your ass! eun-jin!i'm getting worse, aren't l? of course not.the doctor says you're doing better. you can come stay with us. i see.
this is delicious try it! come on don't mind me. you should be more attentiveto your husband... watching both of you so happy is going to help me get better. that's good to hear. here! i'm sorry about whati said the other day. forget about it.
i know you're upset about your sister. all the more reason to try and get along. -it's for your sister-i said forget about it! why do you have to be so mean? i'm the man here andi said sorry first. so i should be grateful? i never asked for your apology. you don't know how to be a part of a normal relationship.
so what is a normal relationship.you tell me. we'll sure isn't what we have i know it's difficult for two peoplewe don't know each other to live together. that's why we both have to try. but you don't even want togive it an effort. effort? not once since our wedding day have you bothered to properly arrangethe shoes by the front entrance. you don't help out around the house.you have no aspect for me.
and refusing sexual intercoursewithout due cause is grounds for divorce. so that's what it is. try jacking gift or better yet.pay for a call girl. what? you're anawful human being. my little eun-jin has grown breasts... stop teasing. eun-jin... don't you want to have a babyand become a mom? a mom?
i've always wantedto have lots of children. but i guess there's no hope of that. i'm so scared that we'll live like this and men just disappearfrom the face of this earth. there will beno part of us to carry on. i wish there will be someone 10, or 20 yearsfrom now who is a part of us. i promise you that i'll have a little girlwho looks just like you. but you have to promise thatyou'll be around for it. i told the guy i'd pummel his ass to the groundand then the knife went.
welcome back. big brother! white shark's boys arestarting to get restless. one of them came to our club andcaused a big commotion. ignore them untilthe construction is finished. - hey, romeo!- yes, sir! bring that "expert" of yours back here. right away, sir. admit it, it's not just toget knocked up, right? you're horny, right?
you'd better watch that mouth of yours. tell me the quickest andsurefire way to get pregnant. keep you shirt on. how're you going to get knocked upif you aren't getting any? you have to learn how to excite a man. you have to go straightfor the goldmine. goldmine... watch. like this slowly but firmly.
and if this doesn't work. that's disgusting.men really enjoy this? it will drive them insane. you busy? could we have a minute? what do you want? damn. wait a minute.what are you doing? stay still.
my neck, watch it. i've never seen you undressed. you up for another round? for people got pregnant in that elevator... - what's wrong?- stay still. the owner did iton that table and had twins! don't you want any? let's drink to the successfulon operation of the new building. - cheers!- cheers!
well, if it isn't mantis? what the... nice little gathering you got here i'm entertaining clients. i've always wanted a drinkpoured by miss, mantis. i hope you gentlemen don't mind. no get the hell out of here! - it's my turn.- i said leave. why don't we step out gentlemen?
mantis, that's not polite. come on, take it! you can add some soy sauceif it's too bland. it's perfect. i'm really sorry. why? i know my little sisteris coarse and stubborn on the surface. but she's got a good heart.
it's just that she's had a hard life. but i know you'll stand behind her until the end, right? yes, i will. good afternoon, big brother. i brought it just in case. keep it covered. and no matter what,don't make the first move. yes sir!
sit down. he's got something to say to you. i heard one of my mengot out of line with you. i wouldn't go that far. hey, eel, come over here! bring a knife. if there is one thing i despise, it's people with no respect. i think this is really unnecessary
it is very necessary. even we live by certainunbreakable codes of conduct. i thought i told you to bring a knife! it's all water under the bridge. he was drunk and didn't knowwhat was going on. that's right. he was drunk and didn't knowwhat he was doing. but you tried to gouge his eyes out! here kitty kitty~~
so i guess, i'm the onewho's owed an apology? or was that an outright challenge. kitty! meow, meow~ kitty~~hey, pussy cat! there's no need to makemountains out of mole bills there's no need for bloodshed meet your opponent, nanman. he learned in japan,the righteous way to use a knife.
you choose the time and place. what happened? - are you hurt?- it's nothing. where's yu-jin? - in the hospital.- what? why are you telling me this now? i called you all daybut your phone was off. why are you here now? where are you going?
to the hospital. i just got back from there visiting hours are overlet's go tomorrow. thanks for looking after her she's family. are you sure you're o.k.? you must be starving. i'll fix you something... may i help you?
- i need some antibiotic ointment- just a sec. 'home pregnancy test' what a pain in the ass. damn!! i tested twice andthey both came out positive now all i need isfor you to get well. thank you. for the sake of the unborn baby. no more profanity.no lights. only positive thoughts.
soo-il must be happy. he doesn't know yet. you must tell him. he's the father and he's a wonderful human being. -hello?-it's me i never expected youto call me at work - can you come home early?- is something wrong? is it a blackout?
i'm the second manin a local organization. i've got over 50 menworking for me. i got married to fulfillmy sister's dying wishes. i never wanted to marryin the first place. everything was stagedmy parents are dead. stop! let's make this simple. i can overlook the lies. i can live with the fact thatyou don't love me. but i can't let youkeep this line of work.
promise me you'll get out. that's not possible. no matter what you doi can't get out. fine! then there's nothingmore to talk about sit down don't tell me what to do. i don't want to put you oryour family in danger. be patient and it will be all over. all over?
- when is that?- maybe a year... even 6 months... just do me a favor anddon't let yu-jin know this hi. baby. look at her,she gets a ring from him after knowing him for a week. that's his thing.he does that to every chick. let's get out here. - i can't, i'm working- i said let's go.
it's always about you isn't it? shut up bitch. just doas i say and stop asking questions. are you mad at me? yeah you bitch... if you stop saying that,i'll be extra nice to you. i'm just calling it as i see it. so, is eun-jin a bitch too? how dare you talk like that.i'll kill you! you fuckin' jerk!!she and i are the same.
we're both women.where is it written that she's called 'boss' and i'm to be called 'bitch'? yu-jin where's soo-ll? - he's running late.- he's a good man. be good to him. i only want to livewith you and me, the baby. just the three of us. your baby deserves father.remember this
yu-jin! sis... when do you get off? why do you ask? i'm gonna take you to a place wherethey serve the best marinated crab. -really?-yep! i found a place that makes it likethe way they do back home... - wait here. i'll go get my stuff.- ok. hurry up. hey punks.you still hanging around here?
hey! weren't youa redhead before? fool...punk!what's with you? come here, come on... it's a perfect dayfor noodles and getting laid. honey!baby, what's wrong? call 1 19!someone call 1 19! - fuck. how embarrassing!- stop talking! just before my old lady ran off. she bought me the best crab dish.
stop talking...stop. crab eggs are the bestwhat do you say? i always liked it mixed with rice... damn, i was gonna put this ringin the rice and have you find it. -sherry?-why? you're so fuckin' pretty today... i know, so don't leave me. you can cuss me out all you want... hello?sherry, so nice to hear from you?
romeo...just a while ago... what happened to romeo? s-stabbed...lowlife punks... punks? nanman, it was that bastard... boil the potatoes first. wow, you're a pro. first, you compliment me. really?
clams, we need clams. oh yeah. let's just eat without it this time... my wife's cooking for me.i'll be right back. hello? romeo's what? what about our boys... what the fuck you doing? we're here to see nanman.
where'd you come from? you little no dick jerk.it was you! shut up. it's good you're here. we've wanted to meet you... boss, it's me. it might be prudentto lay low for a while. what the hell?what is today? i knew you were dirtybut i didn't think you'd go this low.
we must look likea bunch of sissies please just don't kick mein the stomach, i'm pregnant. pregnant? you turned me into a eunuch! stop!! stop it. i think this iswhat you wanted. now that you got what you wanted.let my people go. you're a smart man.i can see why you'd want her. life wouldn't be the samewithout her.
honey... - do not disturb the patient.- is she going to be all right? she's just a lot of bloodbecause of the miscarriage. miscarriage? talk about keeping my hands clean. congratulation! my astrological all foresees said that there'll be fire works for me gentlemen go ahead and grab your girls
everything's getting something ooh... i'm not gonna get anysleep light - go out namman!- boss! i don't want towaste money on you. good night. goodbye. where's white shark? get out of here ladies. you're white shark? you're not a human.
how could you do that toa pregnant women? son of a bitch. he's ruined everything. what should we do with him? damm it stinks. no, no, not the cigarette. sixty five men died in the fire. he never liked violencebut the world wanted a hero. legends are hard to come byin this day and age. what is the difference betweena small punk and a real life gangster?
umm, pro propane gas... fool...

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