'caste, religion,our land, language, reality...' '...science, nature, living things...' '...poor, rich, clever,fool, birth, death, wedding...' '...funeral, joy, sorrow, night, day.' 'a common factor obliviousto all this exists.' 'time' 'time' 'there are 2 types of time.' 'good time and bad time.'
'good times make a pauper a prince.' 'the reverse is trueif bad time falls.' 'bad time befell a man in usa...' '...a gathering of vipsthere was a bomb blast!' 'using that as an excusehis wife divorced him.' 'i worked 24x7 only for my wife.' 'when she is no longerwith me why do i need all this?' 'he willed his wealth toan ashram and became a pauper.' 'his bad time reflectedon my boss in chennai...'
'...depended on himto run his business.' 'he could not payhis workers their salary.' 'new recruits weregiven the pink slip.' 'i was also one in that.' 'l had applied for a bank loanfor my younger sister's wedding.' 'that also came to a full stop.' 'in one's bad time, a bomb inusa can circulate its stink here.' 'on the fixed date my sister'smarriage must take place.' 'i took money from lender. i tookmoney from shark raja as a loan.'
'first question raja asked me was...' got a wife? - no.- why? i'm not yet married! - do you own a house?- he shares a room with me. - what did you say your name was?- vetri. - uh...?- vetri. - vetri.- vetri. listen, john
first point. no wife and no property. second point. you are his collateral. on the third of every month, onthe day he should pay me the interest. third point. capital amount shouldbe settled within four months. - understood?- okay. raja, i'll somehow return your money. but don't come here,to my house for your dues. look here, mayilsami.yesterday was your deadline.
you dare hang up on my calls? are you a big shot? raja... somehow i'll pay you back. - trust me, raja.- get up. get up mayilu. sit down. your house... your dining table... ...your chair... sit down, mayilu. just pay me what's due.i'll vanish immediately. such a beautiful house. your bedroom is awesome.your rest room is even better.
italian marbles, huh?i slept there last night. so pay me...instead of bamboozling me. give my money. i'll somehow repay you, raja. this settles the interest.what about the capital? i'll pay you withinthe next 2 or 3 days. 2 or 3? i gave you jewelry wornby my children and wife. - within 3 days i'll return.- right point!
correct? - cash...?- correct, brother. come, let's go beforehe asks more questions. - i'm scared.- don't be scared. if we pay up on time he'll be fine. - you will, won't you?- of course, come. i thought you said this is his house. how do i know? he gave this addressi assumed it is his house.
black...? white...? brother wants us. get the egg. sometimes brute force worksmore than beseeching words! if you don't stick to your time frameyour ambassador car will be mine. okay, raja. you know me only too well, mayilu.toe my line. you are demanding too much salary. sorry, you are not qualified. you are not fit.
'four months sincemy sister got married.' 'first two months i somehow managedto repay capital and interest.' 'past 2 month i've beendodging raja asking for extra time.' 'now i don't know how to answerhim. he is very angry with me.' 'today is the last day.' 'lf i don't settle the moneytoday raja will probably kill me.' i've asked john.' 'going to office he said he'llarrange the money and call me.' 'veni!'
'when i was in the 6th grade,she joined as a 4th grader.' 'i ignored her becausei was so focused in my studies.' '2 years later she reached 6th grade.i was still in the same grade.' 'that day it dawned on methere is victory in failure too.' 'from 6th std. onwardstill i got job veni helped me.' 'girls who are ugly ducklingsgenerally grow up to be swans.' 'same with her too.' 'as soon as i got myjob i went to propose to her.' hope i'm not stinking of cigarette.it is only my veni.
a big bus collided with a small auto.so i got delayed. the cigarette smellshould have gone by now. my friends and mother tell me... ...quite often that i'llgive my wife a hard time. - are you ready to suffer with me?- what? i just wondered ifyou don't mind the trouble. it would be awesome if you agree.isn't it? one week is over. two weeks have sped past.
three weeks galloped fast. i come and wait in all the placeswhere you call me to say i love you. you've never been on time. tomorrow i'll be on time. i won't come tomorrow. oh! is it? - idiot!- me? then who? i've been waiting for you allthese weeks by coming at correct time.
what more should i say? nothing more, right? sorry. in love all this is usual man. "the time love entered unknowingly" "days are running like this life" "the time i'm walkingwith you... this day" "roads will turn so beautiful" "making my house a sky,we play like birds"
"who is it, who is enteringmy heart and playing?" "by becoming the room of my breath" "by becoming the body which holds me" "who is taking mewith her to survive?" the girl's face is not pretty at all.is that a face? did you see the face? "the meaningless words which i speak" "you'll admire when i speak" "the boundless love, in any situation"
"before i ask, you'll give" "in your facial expressionwhere is shyness" "when you talk,all the time i'll search and see" "if you get fever,if i also enter you" "will it not leaveslowly and properly?" - who is she?- my sister. where are you going? - home.- home. are you drunk?
who... me? no, sir. "in life your breath is so far away" "if i'm not with you, i'll suffer" "in all the days i live with you,in whole my life" "in your fragrance i'll survive" "even if my powerand weakness is known" "after your lovecomes days will change" "if my good and badnature unites with you" "won't that change into good...good?"
'first kiss.' 'sunset.' 'by the seaside.' 'oh god!' - uncle...?- indeed! 'asking for veni's hand inmarriage i went to their house.' 'everything went off well.' 'her dad agreedwithout many objections' 'her father promised to getme and veni married in some days.'
there is no answer to my question. how is your job going on? not yet got a proper job.i am tying hard. i'm waiting to get a job. soon i'll get a good jobthat pays a good salary, uncle. from many days you arerunning this same cassette. i'm bored hearing that. it was my bad time.that day in some emotion... ...i agreed to getyou married to my daughter.
but daily i spit on myselfseeing my image in mirror... ...thinking why agreedfor your marriage. - give me some time.- when? after you have sent meon a funeral parade? brother, any father will wishto get his daughter settled in life. i'm also like that only.now also nothing is lost. my daughter is beautiful.she is educated. i have status. i can find a betteralliance for her than you. - hubby!- who is that?
- listen, dear...?- what? let's give him some time.for our daughter's sake. hey, house wife can talk a lot. but they must notenter the decision area. instead of cutting your hand,you cut vegetables. fair boy, from now on, youcan't roam around with my daughter... ...to the beach,theater, take her to restaurant... ...to send endless text messages. to talk whole night in cellphone.leave all that.
do you understand? go out! - uncle...?- go, man. wait. i gave my word to marryveni not to you. but to her. and vice versa she has promised me. think it over and decide properly. otherwise,i'll be forced to think differently. shall i leave? on whose support is hetalking so much and going?
- tell me, veni.- hello, vetri! it doesn't seem likedad will change his mind. i'll be leaving homein another half hour. i have decided myrest life is with you. what happened? i like only those who keep their word. the groom's side iscoming to 'see' me tomorrow. i can't stay here much longer.i'm leaving right now. okay! listen carefully--
no... wait... l know! you don't have a job as of now. i have to take care ofyou till you do. also you smoke. and when you get drunk, you blabber. also, you snore loudly in sleep. you'll have paunch, you'll go bald. is there anything other than that? no. this is what you dailyblabber after you get drunk.
i'll wait near church road. you come and pick me up from there. have you thought it over? i'll wait there for you.when will you come? okay, i'm waiting for john's call. i'll meet him and then come. okay. you meet him and then come. bye! vatti rja+919940138552 calling hello? brother?
what, vetri,are you settling the cash today? i've asked john for iti'll call when i get it, brother. whether you ask johnor any other son of a mongrel. you've been promisingand dodging me for a month. today is your last date. if you miss it,i'll send the boys home and slit you. john's calling.i'll talk to him and call you. you know me well, vetri.be careful what you do. tell me, john what happened? the cash is ready.come over and collect it. -
thanks, dude. veni, have you started? she has left.you idiot, where are you? 100. 200. 300. 400. 500. brother...? rupees 500? idiot! by evening youhad better settle the balance. here. clutch plate and breakis not okay, brother.
road belongs to my dad. whoever comes in your way,throw him away and keep driving. get lost. go. hey! where's the cash? sorry, i was actuallystuck up with some work. so i couldn't getin touch with you, raja. what's your name? manick. that day you gave some other name.
manickam is my name, dude. hey! are you tying to dupe me? tell me your full name. manickam! but... manick is style! i thought manick basha the don. you said you will settle it last week. i couldn't get the money. but i'll surely arrangeand give it to you.
don't showoff.it won't work with me. come here. come here, man. settle my amount and take this. my dear brother. don't take this. it's a birthday gift from my brother. if it is not there in my neck,he'll kill me. if you want,i can give something else to you. i lent you money becauseyour brother is filthy rich. if you don't want your brotherto know, settle the amount by...
- ...2:00 or 2:30 pm today.- okay. what? - brother, 2:00 or 2:30?- what? 2: 00 or 2:30? 2:00. okay 2:00 eveningi will ready your money. but you shouldn'tinform my elder brother. okay? brother, can you lend me rupees 500?
please. give it to me. you are super, brother. 1. 2. 3... hey, afternoon youmust settle this also. - got it.- sure. - hello brother-in-law.- hello, vetri! how are things? - how is work going?- good... how are you? - i'm fine.- how is my sister? what does she lack...?
i came here to chennai on work. i thought i wouldvisit you at your office. i've taken off today. tell me when your work isdone and i'll come and see you. isn't it? okay then. - i'll call you when i'm done.- okay. vetri, this is cash. - why didn't you shave?- i...
come to my cabin.bloody rascal! he wants me in his cabin to shave me. - they have no discipline.- you give this to loan shark, raja. if you need anything,you manage yourself. don't call me. - okay? bye!- hey, you! why did you shave? it is female. i'm sorry. hello, vetri! veni, where are your thoughts? while he was snatchingchain what were you doing?
are you a child? you are so old.don't you have responsibility? can't you keep one thing safely? you forgot to take your phone, right? i called you. your dad answered. it is all my time.i don't know what he is going to do? sorry, vetri.i didn't expect all this to happen. okay, where are you now? in a booth near the bus depot. okay, you remain there itself.i am in the next street.
i'll pay raja and come. okay. "he, that guy.the one who'll try to win you" "he, that guy.see the face of that guy" "win that fear whichmakes you scared of anyone" "you can't get anythingwithout chasing" "he, that guy.see the trouble in that" "he, that guy. cross the hurdlewhich is in the form of that guy" "instigate yourself as the hot lava"
"without walkinghow can you get path?" "he, that guy.that guy who comes in the middle" "he, that guy.that guy who increases your pain" "you stand as the firewhich will burn the enemy" "without burning you won't get it" "without blood there is no battle" "without battle there is no victory" "without win there is no one" "chase him and go there is no time"
he is non stop chasing me. when we talk of world filmhistory we cannot forget films like... ...seventh seal by ingmar bergman. and citizen kane by orson welles. and seven samurai by akira andbicycle thieves by vittorio de silva. and pather oanchali ofcourse-- - hey, where is john's office?- who are you? don't you have manners to comeinto my classroom without permission? this is not a fish market, okay?
country creeps! what are you looking at?you bloody... i'll call the security. security! it is about 12 different characters. it is about 12 angry men.shot in a single room. save me. save me from them. brother... l gave vetri the money. he has gone to hand it over to you. whenever i phone he doesn't pick up.are you playing with me?
you've been dodging me for a month. you are saying you gave him.he's not picking up my calls. call him now. john...! my god! brother, he is not picking up. i'll definitely talk tohim and call you. please, brother. tell your please to go to hell.not to me. you have just one hour more. if he doesn't pick up,finish off this fellow.
god! you know about me well, john. better toe my line. - god!- go, man. who are they? one minute. "he, that guy.the one who pushes you away" "he, that guy.the one who passes you by" "catch hold of his neck.show him what fear is"
"without hitting out you can't get it" "he, that guy.the one who comes to the ground" "he, that guy.show him what strength is" "what you got for yourself... withoutfighting out you can't get it back" "he, that guy. the one, touch him" "he, that guy. the one, burn him.burn him totally" "this is a game.touch, touch the main point" "without pain you can't get anything" how to go inside? how to go inside?
you kill him. you can go inside. idiot! it is not mandaivali. you've spelt mandaveli wrong.useless guy. is it police station or drama place? next character. go, man. hubby! get up. bhavani, give me a cup of coffee. should bhavani give him coffee?
- hello! get up.- good afternoon, sir! open your eyes and see.i'm not sub inspector. i have come to register a complaint.complaint. is it complaint party? who else will come?sir, what are you searching for? - constable... have you seen my pen?- you searching you pen. - here take this.- thank you, sir. - okay, tell me your name.- saravanar. - isn't it saravanan?- saravanar.
what is that saravanarrr. at young age we call a guy he. - if he grows up, what do we call him?- sir. now i have grown up. in middle age a personmust be addressed as saravanarrr. saravanarrr... give your address. which two wheeler vehicle do you have? - tvs 50.- do one thing, sir. check whether there is petrol in that.
go straight to mandaiveli depot. you take the first right cut. there a fat woman will beselling flowers in a wide basket. near that a boy will be beggingher for money to buy alcohol. you just see that show. from there you take secondleft and then go straight. pallavan bus willbe coming in full speed. you go ahead and puta sudden brake there. now have you lost your sleep?
- no. 45.- no. 45. - thiruvenkadam street.- thiruvenkadam street. - mandaiveli.- mandaiveli. - chennai 28.- chennai 28. i want to meet the sub inspector, sir. - come with me.- sir! sir! wait. still are you sleepy?i told you to take me to si room. - you are showing me the cell.- see there. - "naughty krishna--"- "the naught krishna..."
"...is very mischievous." why is si sitting inside the cell? the place is being painted,that's why we have given him room. - "naughty krishna..."- "naughty krishna..." "naughty krishna..." now i have to deal with him. good morning si, sir. good morning. "the naught krishnais very mischievous" thank you, sir.
- sir, is your name katta kunju?- just call me 'sir'. name board is kept for calling only. what is the matter? tell me that. sir, someone haskidnapped my daughter. when? did you get a call? it must have been 10:00am when i got a call from him. - who's 'him'?- the kidnapper. - did he ask for money?- no money or anything. may be he kidnapped her for selling?
sorry, want water? no, sir. do you suspect anyone? no suspicions. confirmed. name is vetri. my daughter's friend. oh! is it with constable? take this, sir. note down his number. note it down, sir. 9884483734. vetri! vetri!
- do you have the photo of the girl?- what? photo. excuse me. don't try keepingconstable and all, sir. you have big eye balls.you are sure to have a big brain. i know about face reading, sir. he has believed.he has believed. it is better if good happens. you have told me.do not worry. go home.
your daughter will be backin the house by this evening. - in your house, sir.- i trust you, sir. thank you, sir. - hello!- vetri, where are you? vetri, tell me. what happened? someone snatched away the money. while attending the call,someone snatched it. i went chasing him. but i lost money. vetri, don't get tensed.you come here. we'll try somewhere else.
you don't worry. you come here. hello! brother! you scum bag!you won't pick up my call? do you think you are a big shot? when i got the money from john... ...someone stole it from me, brother. see if your other parts are with you. next you'll say someonestole that as well. what holds good foryou holds good for me.
don't try and spin a yarn on me.only one point. you have time only till fivethis evening. capital + interest. if there's a mess up.i'll take care of you... ...which ever corner of theworld you are in. no other points. - hello!- hello! - tell vetri.- i'm fine, buddy. - how are you?- what happened? - ask for any kind of help.- i'll do it. - how much?- 50 thousand?
buddy, there is no range. how can i suddenly arrangefor such a big amount? hello? - actually--- the house is locked. i can't do anything. yesterday only i gave to someone else. tomorrow is my lover's birthday. i don't have a singlepenny in hand, buddy. - hello!- let me ask my dad.
is it enough if youget day after tomorrow? evening you come to the bar.let us talk and discuss it. sorry, dude... not today. - hello?- greetings! i'm sub inspector katta,calling from mandaiveli station. - tell me, sir.- where have you hidden, veni? - sir?- where have you kidnapped veni to? sir, what you are saying? she is the girl i'm going to marry.
- why should i kidnap her?- whatever it is-- you had better land up herein station, at 5:00 pm with that girl. if you think youcan string me along... ...i'll strangle you from'sa' to 'pa' and punch your... ...'ma' like off key notes of a song. you'll not end up with "sadsjam" raga. sir! hello! hello! - hey!- sir! - when will you finish painting?- definitely today, sir.
- what?- i'll finish it today, sir. old man! hello, dude i need a packet. for how much?tell me fast. customer is waiting. - 5,000.- 5,000? are you already stoned? no, i was just joking.i told the rate of a girl. - get me for about rupees 500.- rupees 500...where are you? here only... near mandaiveli station. be careful. that sub-inspectoris weird. better scoot from there.
as if my brother has no clout?call me after reaching here. - what?- okay, okay. - greetings, brother.- uhm! sorry, brother. bye! where did he lockhis shop and disappear? come, guys. good lord... dad! give me a bsnl coupon.
coupons are out of stockavailable only in the evening. then why the hell haveyou kept the shop open? close the shop and sell dry fish. - i'll make a call.- okay. strange man. - when will you finish it?- today, sir. i'll finish just now.i'll finish just now. past two days you've beenrepeating the same dialogue. like an accused i'm sitting inside.release me soon.
- okay, sir.- idiot! sir? - sir?- what? sir... uh... nothing, sir. nothing. hey, he is snoring. get up. i'm not bhavani. it looks like you'll tellme to get coffee. go and get lassi. sir, get lassi.
- sir, greetings. i'm saravanar speaking.- tell me. i had complained aboutmy missing daughter. did you get any leads? - saravanar sir, i spoke to the boy.- okay, sir. he said she was his fiancã©e.they plan to marry each other. - he sounds genuine, sir.- genuine? sir, he has kidnapped my daughter. have they eloped by any chance? you are saying he is genuineand he talks like a gentleman.
is this ig office or parliament?you are talking in phone. sir, this won't work out. do as i say. put an fir as i say. 100 sovereigns of gold.10 lakhs money. he has kidnapped mydaughter with all this. after spending the moneyhe is torturing my daughter by... ...keeping her in a separate room. women atrocity is the worst.file all ips section on him. put him in lock upunder non bailable offense.
put him in lock up, sir.what kind of a police are you? - mr. saravanar.- tell me. you go straight to... - ...the commissioner's office.- okay. - they'll give you an application form.- fine. you must fill it in capitalletters capital letters. they'll call you for police training. after you finish the trainingbecome a higher official than me. then boss me around i will comply.
till then i'll doonly what i feel like. advising me is like teaching... ...the musician thiyagarajabhagavathar to sing. idiot! hang up the phone. thiyagaraja bhagavathar? dude, what's up man? you took my vehicle.where are you now? - right now?- yes. - dude, i'm in traffic.- stop lying to me. my money, dude.
you went from here saying you'll pay.where are you now? dude! dude, i'm in traffic. are you again talking english?where are you? buddy, i'm in traffic. - are you duping me?- i'll talk later on. - you hang up.- hey! hey! wait a minute. super figure. excuse me? i need to call my friend.
can i borrow your phone? phone. it's okay. i'm manick. - can i?- please! hello? vetri i'm veni here.where are you now? veni, sorry. i saw you. but loan shark rajawas right next to you. so i was rooted to the spot. top of it, your dad has complainedto the police that i've abducted you.
i don't know where all this will end. it's all my bad time. vetri, it is nothing like that.it will all be okay soon. don't worry about my dad's complaint. i'm there with you, no? be brave. till evening stay atone of your friends' place. after all this is overi'll come and take you home. - okay.- okay. don't be stressed.
everything will befine by this evening. - excuse me! thank you.- it's okay. well, i'm manick. what's your name? - veni.- veni. nice. - veni... you are very beautiful.- thanks... i'll go. hello... veni, one second. how about a coffee before you go?we both together. - shall we have coffee?- i'm sorry i'm engaged. - are you busy?- no, i'm committed.
my wedding is fixed. okay. committed? did i call her to have drink?no. it was only for a coffee-chat. there is nothing wrong. veni! "your fragrance will blow breeze" "why did i get fever?" "the sky is blue all over" "why did rain slash come?" "you are like the magicrain which is drenching my heart"
"i'm swimming,flying and smiling, my dear" "everywhere it is you.i'm losing my heart" "i'm living, i'm dying.what is this magic?" church! - what can i get you, brother?- water. let me serve you fruit juice.i'll put ice for you. what is the need for water? fresh papaya, mango, pomegranatepineapple, sweet lime, apple, orange water melon, musk meloni'll make fresh juice for you.
it'll be very fresh.brother... brother, shall i? what a weird guy!wasted my time on him. what can i get you?all kinds of fruit juice. - hello...?- it'll be very fresh. brother-in-law, where are you? mandaiveli. i'm-- i'm in mandaiveli too.where in mandaiveli? there is a fruit shopnear the bus depot. i'm there.
what are you doing in ajuice shop when it is lunch time? okay. come straight to velappa hotel. we'll talk...no, while eating we'll talk. yes, sir? okay, sir. brother-in-law, what will you eat? no... i don't-- what yes and no? two mutton biryani.
- is it okay?- okay. one chilly bicken. - billi chicken.- billi chicken? chicken fry. - chicken fry. two mutton biryani--- uhm. when i get hungry,my mouth automatically blabbers. i'm planning to start a new business. that's what i wantedto discuss with you. then... what about thebusiness you were doing before?
that was a good one.but it ran into loss. people in my town.you know about them. people in my townstarted bad mouthing me. to make their jaw lines drop... ...i want to starta business in a big way. you can do me a help. before today evening i wantrupees 50,000 urgently. okay? you need not lend me. remember,you owe me the balance dowry?
that's enough. chicken. no need. only if my businessis good and i'm happy... ...can your sister be happy. only then, when you visitme you can eat yummy biryani. sir, bill? - bill, sir?- why are you in so much hurry? i haven't finished eating andyou shoving the bill down my nose.
- bring me a pineapple juice. go.- ok. - sir, juice.- keep it. sir bill. hey brother-in-law!i will call you after five. else, you call me. after my work gets over,i will get money from you. look, brother-in-law!don't forget. it's business. shall i take leave? brother-in-law is a brother-in-law.
'464!' 'god!' 'grinder...?' 'i can't grind batter!' 'where is the exit door?' 'it is better to run away.' - bill...?- i'll pay. hello... john? come to velappa hotel. please, man.it's near your office. i am there.
please, come soon. hey, what happened? your time is till evening 5. what the hell were you doing... ...while he snatchedthe money from you? are you a baby? you are an adult. hey, what's going on? tell him to speak softly.
can't you keep the money safely? i don't know what you will do.do something and settle his account. you took money from me. after you left,do you know what happened? loan shark barged into my office... ...and humiliatedme in front of everyone. do you know how disgraceful it was? it was like standingnude in the middle of a road. my house construction workis going on in my native place.
i gave the moneywhich was kept for that. let's go. john... john! sir, one chapati and one veg curry. - anything else.- nothing. - what is this?- bill? what kind of a man are you? i'm scared here with aknife pointed at my throat... ...and you hog pineapple juice,mutton biryani and chicken fry.
my brother-in-law cameand ordered all this. he left me for paying it. i've been sitting here forhalf hour not knowing what to do. i'm totally broke.i will fall upon your feet. i'll somehow repay you... please. okay, come. this card isn't working. - not working.- why? not working.
- bill amount?- 464. empty. look here, vetri! you know who is vattirajaand what is he. you know very well. you can kill or loota bank or whatever. come to my room only afteryou pay him at 5pm. understand? brother, i'll pay forthis in the evening, okay? only i should be blamedfor giving you money. he isn't picking my call... that dog.
- give me your phone.- no balance. balance is less. shut up. where's the button? - this is... tu... stuch screen.- what? touch screen. - how much?- rupees 10,000. - rupees 10000?- yes, brother. you spent 10,000 and no button.hold this.
dial the number. - 9.- 9. - 88.- 88. - 4.- 4. - 2.- 2. - 3.- 3. - dialed?- dialed? - hello!- manick? loan shark raja here.
a hot chick with youmakes you a hero or what? won't you pick up the call? fool! we have your lover.pay up and take her back. which girl? the one you were drooling all over. i don't even know who she is.she is not my lover at all. i'm not a dumb assto believe your stories. pay up before 5:00 pmand take her back with you. i'm used to a meatlesskuska biryani for just 10 bucks.
she looks a spicy mutton biryani.i hope you got what i said. you dare dope yourself andcook up some hare-brained scheme... - ...i'll squeal to your brother.- brother! please don't tell my brother. you know me very well, manick!don't mess with me. hello... hello. take. she must be his lover. 'i must pay loan shark raja.'
'veni came out believing me. ishould look after her hereafter.' 'i must prove herdad's complaint is false.' 'apart all these issues,there is one more.' 'i need to pay mybrother-in-law balance dowry.' 'all this by 5:00 pm today.' i don't know how..?my faith in god is dwindling.' 'there is no one to help me.' 'if the managers in companyhad not asked for experience...' '...i need not sit like a beggar.'
'two jobs in thisworld without experience' 'one is begging.' 'the other is... snatching.' did you drink tea? - yes, sir!- yes, sir! have you seen this girl? - see properly.- no, sir! did you see? don't try to show yoursleeve side and fraud ways...!
- what, beard fellow?- sir! i swear, sir! after you took over,we've turned over a new leaf. shall i tell you a story? when i was small,i was three years old. they took me to the temple. the temple remained upon the hill. i was playing by seeingthe butterflies and birds there. my parents gave me laddu sweet. i ate it.
i swear i have never tastedsuch a laddu in my life. i was eating and suddenly,my ear was pierced. already, it has been pierced.don't re-pierce it again. sir! you are after allthis city's hero, sir! we didn't do all thesedeeds after your arrival. he is lying, sir! - do you believe in worshipping god?- yes, sir. when you lie, god will poke your eyes.do you know?
how will god poke? - hey! will god poke?- god will poke, sir. god will poke. - veti!- sir. constable,lock them all up in 1 single cell. you are in that cell, sir. why? isn't there any toilet? put them in toilet. sir! saravanan.
- hello, saravanan sir!- sir! i am enquiring your case right now. don't call me like this.i will call you myself. thank you, sir! then, sir! sir! pray and think well. whether they earn or notthey all have a credit card. won't you check thisbefore you snatch? yeah, go and ask 'sir,do you have card or cash?' trying to escape,a bullet grazes his throat.
- why won't you talk?- why get riled? i was just making fun. gold covering? - what's this?- i forgot to tell you. my mother always saysbefore doing something good. - we should eat sweet?- go to the temple. - as i was going to the temple.- temple...? no, i was walking near a temple. there one idiot was countingmoney in the middle of the road.
i walked past him. just at that time,he got a call from some rogue. he picked the calland i picked his cash. he chased me with such vigor. thank god, you came at that time. how did you land up there? nancy called me up to sayher husband had left for office. i was on my way to see her. i suddenly see you rollingon the road with him.
i knew if it was you,some cash would be involved. i called fernandez to bring his auto. taking the moneydidn't i escape quickly? 50000 bucks. instead of such petty amounts... ...we should deal witha lump sum amount. right? i'm also thinking the same way.i have a plan. hello! who?
where?which hospital? okay. start the car. oh! what happened, brother? if that auto had hit me,i'd be dead by now. he was the guy who savedme in the nick of the moment. - me...?- this boy? thank you. what's your name? vetri. good name.
do you know when my brother was born? how will you know? - say that you don't know.- i don't know. when i had a son,he was born to my parents. he will never sleep. i shouldsing lullaby to make him sleep. what, brother? you won'tbe able to sleep in this pain. in your young age, i willmake you sleep by singing lullaby. - shall i sing that song now?- ok, brother! - 'love in your eyes'.- brother!
did you get the numberof the auto that banged him? - tn 07 t 5305.- hey! call kattai. take it, brother. - yes, brother! tell me.- kattai! an auto driver hitmy brother and escaped. in the next half hour, the driverand owner must be here before me. - ok, brother! number?- number? my boys will tell you the number.hey, tell the number. hello! tn 07--- hey.
- one minute. one minute.- yes, sir. - tn.- tn. - 07.- 07. - t.- t. - 53.- 53. - 05.- 05. - kattai! how are you?- hang up the phone. - where do you work?- i am hunting for a job, sir. what have you studied?
b.e. computer science. awesome. awesome. b.e. computer. did you try for a job in my company? - your company name, sir?- company name...? one minute.have it. this is our company. - dhandam technologies.- it's not dhandam, brother. dhanda. m. my name is dhandapani. my wife name is madhavi.she is looking after this it company. fools! why didn't you put full stop?
not we. i know. printing mistake. have it. dhanda. m. our company. what all do you know in computers? i know basic cobol, c, c++, java. photoshop... l know all this, sir! do you know to write a cd? cd. i know. i know even to write a dvd. awesome. awesome.he knows a lot in computers.
yes. come to my company i'lltell my wife about you. - you will surely get a job.- thank you, sir! if you don't mind, can you... help me? you saved my brother.won't i help you? what help do you need from me?tell me. is anyone related to the patient here? a girl voice. patient is not an orphan.he has a brother.
- where?- it's me. ok. doctor wants to see you. - tell him i'll come.- i will tell. has she left? - vetri!- sir! look after my brother. - i'll see the doctor and be back- ok, sir! sir! we found the auto owner. he lives in my neighborhood.
- sir!- what are you seeing? zip. zip. thank you. start the vehicle. ok, sir! - what's the time?- almost 5:00 p.m. correct time? 4:58 p.m. your time is up till evening 5 p.m. i should get the capital + interest.
if i don't get,i will inform your brother. either you kill or steal.do whatever you want. come to my room only afterpaying him the amount. understand? around 5:00 p.m, you mustcome to station with that girl. before this evening,give me rupees 50000. okay, brother-in-law.i will call you after 5:00 pm. if it gets spoilt, that's it. - thank you, sir!- give me, sir. - have it.- what?
are you fine? what happened to you, john? this was the guy who savedme in the nick of the moment. saravanan sir!investigation is still going on. no need to be worried.we will find veni for you. i have told you so many times. - you don't need to call us repeatedly.- veni? i will find your daughter veni soon.don't worry. we shouldn't marry amongthe relatives come what may.
some idiot has kidnappedthis fool's daughter. if i get hold of him,i'll strangle him... to every fool who comesto give complaint... ...why do you give my mobile number? - not us.- not me, sir! sir! you only. what is your name? - katta? have you come?- sir. - we found the auto owner.- what's his name?
- it is not us, sir.- not you. - what's his name?- loan shark raja, sir. that loan shark raja! computer brother!you handle this matter. why me, sir? you can do it yourself. you don't know aboutme i might even kill him. what is the needfor unnecessary death? - why me, sir? you--- i'm telling you. come with me. - come, dear.- sir!
- mor--- brother, here. what is this, man? shark raja, sir. owner knocked out it was an accident. is he the owner? wipe it off your face.it is drooling all over. when are you planning to get married? after returning your money,i will marry. yes, brother.
vetri, manick, matthew, pushkar...then who? light house. instead of such small amountswe should deal with a lump sum daily. - see and tell.- i'm also thinking about that only. i have a plan. - hello?- light house? money is ready, brother. shall i come to your place? come, brother. i'm here. on the way.
come. start the car,let's go to light house's place. no... let me drive. we'll carry out our planproperly and then escape. careful... that loan shark,vattiraja's car is coming. your good time, light house!you paid up in time. you know me inside out, no? next month, same way,i must get the interest on the dot. okay, brother.
car... brother... go. your car. catch him. hey, get him. hey, stop. stop the car, man. hey! - aiyoo!- brother... brother...brother. brother, don't let him go.brother, catch. catch him. brother, climb.brother... brother...brother. climb, brother.brother, climb...climb... climb. brother, you can do it.brother, climb somehow. brother, climb...climb... climb.super...super... go, go. careful, brother.
listen to me carefully. i'll hand over thecash to loan shark raja. kalan will take the car.raja will turn back and see. in that split second, youshould grab the money from his hand. okay? got it? what did you understand? i'll grab the car.he'll grab the money. isn't it? what will you do? - what is this?- wait.
hey, moron!listen carefully to what i say. me, kalan. god!!! now you see.me, light house. kalan. i'll give the moneyto loan shark raja. kalan will grab the car. loan shark raja will turn back. - got it?- why are you paying him?
oh! vattiraja knows youbut he doesn't know me. isn't it? we'll get back the money we give him. but fernandez...even if timing gets missed a little... - ...i'll escape. you'll get caught.- if i get caught? you are as good as dead. understood? "taking 3/4th yard of ropemade of marikozhunthu flower" "put a loop of thaton the neck and pull" "even the useless is becominga big shot and enjoying"
- start the vehicle.- ok, sir! "hey, take 3/4th length stick in hand" "this stick is themedicine to all rowdies" "bash them up accordingly with it" hey, watch! where are you going? that scumbag is driving blindly.useless. drive carefully on road. he's dead. he's finished.
you are too good. i'll never forget this favor.thanks, brother. whoever comes in the wayhit him and keep driving. go. get lost. - what is this?- i don't know who hit him. who knows from howlong he is lying here? - hey! move aside.- move... move. move away. his bad time, brother. he got banged in his vulnerable spot.
move... move aside. oh god! he is dead. i'm sorry. he's no more. he didn't drink lassi and die.i killed him. you! stand apart. there shouldbe a difference between the both. standing in front of a mortuaryyou are checking his pulse. - are you really a doctor?- mortuary? it's been a long time thati haven't come to hospital.
so, i forgot. nurse! come. it looks like a corpseis walking away... ...from cremation ground,unable to bear the heat. - katta!- tell me, brother! file this as 'accident'and close the case. - hey!- brother! i want this city to knowi killed loan shark raja. - got it?- yes, brother. sir, i'll leave now.
vetri, you wanted a favor from me? whatever it is you ask, brother. - brother will give in abundance.- yes...yes. i don't think itis needed anymore, sir. is it?okay, come to office tomorrow. i'll tell my wife about you. - okay?- okay, sir. fine. you leave now. - i called you this morning, didn't i?- no, sir.
- what do you do?- i-- katta, he is our company staff. - our company staff?- yes. - okay, go.- okay, sir! sir! i am veni's father speaking. we are still searching her, sir. you said that theinvestigation is going on... ...and you will inform the updates. but i didn't get anyinformation from you.
sir! we've sent photosto all the police stations. morning itself, i gave the complaint. but now only,you sent the photo to all stations. is this the way to investigate? sir! i am veni's mother speaking. tell me. my name is s.i. katta. you even remain a brick. i don't mind. listening to this man don'tspoil my daughter's life by...
...flashing her snapall over the place. she went with him willingly. this man agreed to get them married. as soon as he knewthat boy lost his job... ...this man broke his promiseand found another groom. like an idiot, don't listento this man and waste your time. mr. katta!you look after some other work. - what?- no. house wives can talk andsometimes take decision also.
what i actually thought is,if he had a job... ...our daughter will remain happy. our daughter has a job.let him live happily. right. if wife move along with knife,which husband won't get scared? - i got scared.- what sound is that? i was talking to myself.don't i have the right to even talk? what, katta? you look tensed.who was it on the line? - chief minister.- oh yeah!
he wants to talk personally.so he asked me to come there. i heard something about a photo, eh? gandhi photo? - aah... to hang on the wall.- oh! let me take leave now.come. let's go. bye, brother. - katta!- brother! convey my regards to cm. - who is the present chief minister?- not us. i am the one who know allthe people he lent money to.
i am the only one who knowwhose wife and whose money we took. hey! dumb fellow! name and address. please carry on. only i know. after vattiraja i'm his successorloan shark blackie... that's me. "by staying near meyou brought rain slash" hey! what are you looking at? brother! move. i am telling you.but you are staring at me.
some chap hit me. hey, you are bleeding. who hit you? i don't know all that. just come. that's him. hey! hey! you...! - hey.- you. "put a loop of thaton the neck and pull." stop there!
money. veni! i asked you to wait forme in your friend's house. what are you doingin the boot of a car? get lost, man. was this girl all along in the car? veni! come. look. gold chain. he was the one this morning, vetri.
hello, brother-in-law! i just got the money from my friends. 'how did loan shark raja die?' 'why did he kidnap veni?' 'how did i see thosethieving scumbags?' 'how i landed up with a job?' 'why didn't thesub-inspector recognize me?' 'how did all thishappen in 1 single day?' 'in spite of all theseunanswered questions...'
'...if i can happilysmoke and hug my girl friend.' '...i'm reminded of whatsomeone somewhere remarked.' 'time'. 'there are 2 types of time'. 'good time and bad time'. 'good time always follow bad time'. "pistah...pistah...pistah." "pistah."

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