"hey playboy, i'm waiting for you." "i'm waiting." "i'm a mysterious wizard." "i intend to stalk you,chase you around..." "...cast a net to trap you." "i hunt in leisure." "don't chase around,hunt from your perch..." "...but not like a granny." "run without crashing."
"like a game of own.. run!" "they pounce on me..run without faltering." "don't fear, don't panic, don't shiver." "say.. play.. i'm a gamer." "more ride." "if i check in once,i'll never check out again." where are you, buddy? late as usual? okay.
you don't want to get-- is that what you're saying?just leave! see that! hey! - listen.- no, just leave. you don't want to get married,just leave. you know what? i'm going to jump. you fool! go back!
dumb dodo! back.. back. hey buddy! hey, very good! adi! ananya's getting married! arranged marriage? yes, parents chose him.he's from the us skype, chat and the match was made
hey buddy.. thank you, buddy. how much? - mrs. bhavani, how are you?- who are you? it's me, prabhu. i took you to the cinema last week,remember? i even danced in the hall for you. who's this? the gas supplier? this is adi, aunty.ganapathy uncle's friend...
...chennai vasudevan's brother. - he's your new paying guest.- are you his wife? no, aunty. who'd marry adi? - what's your name again?- aditya varadarajan. good morning, uncle. i'm vasu's brother. was the train late? buddy was late. i have a few conditions.
vasu brother told me. what did he say? that you are very strict. i must pay the rent on time.keep the room clean. no late parties, loud music or smoking. but. buddy filled me in too. aunty is a famous carnatic singer. she knows tamil. so i shouldwatch what i say.
it keeps connecting to a wrong number. try again, bhavani. what else did buddy say? ananya says - mrs. bhavani isthe nice one, you're a grouch. thanks, adi! happy now? he's a bit hyper. should i throw you out? - uncle.- he's just kidding, uncle. i'm doing this for vasu.
he was my protã©gã© at the bank. you have a month's grace. you behave...you stay. else, hit the road. okay, sir. thank you. i have some real bad news for you guys. 90 percent of the code you guysdelivered to la has been rejected. we're in trouble.the boss sounds furious.
play up the tamil brotherhood card. and you. i have an idea for a game. - hello, michael jackson.- excuse me. mumbai 2.2. game name.an indian game for indian kids. are you messing with me? sir, one minute. the game starts in a local train.
a killer. a victim. and the player in the middle. gun shots. the victim falls into the player's hands. the victim has a bag. with a gun inside. a mobile phone. and a torn 500-rupee note.
- game starts.- wow! - wow!- awesome, buddy. there are two mumbais. one - upper mumbai. filled with colour, glamour,fashion shows, discos, bollywood. stock markets, billionaires, fast cars. big boats, beautiful girls in bikinis. and the other - lower mumbai. money laundering, contract killing,black money.
opium, drugs. the game starts at the upper level. but if you slip and fall. or pick up that phone,get baited by the dirty cop. or trace that torn note. or if the killer traps you. you'll face the master villains. the twins. making it back to the upper level.that's the game.
that's mumbai 2.2. wow! superb! you have six weeks. in these six week,i want a working prototype. - okay?- yes, sir. only six weeks thanks. wow! i'm nervous.
the lord is kind, let us pray. merciful god, our heavenly father... ...who art the source of every goodand every perfect day. we beseech thee to come intoour midst in this hour... ...and prepare to enlightenour minds by... you remember me? adi. tara. tara?
...why you should not be joinedin a marriage with ananya. yes, i declare. nice to meet you. nice to meet you too. - i declare.- "i do." ...who will give this woman and this man. "if you tell me,then it will be known as." number? ...love and cherish, till death do apart.
i will. if that is your will and solemnpurpose of firm deliverance-- oye! how did you guess i was tamil? by the choice words you hurled at meat the station. what did you call me? bloody. bloody-- darling.
darling? it ended with a 'ch'.didn't sound like that. when you're stressed,the words come out all wrong. is ananya your friend? collegemate. now, we work together. she looks pretty... ...and very happy. it'll be fun for a while. hunky-dory. the wedding and the honeymoon...
...the hugs and kisses... ...love... ...and lust. definitely lust. but soon enough. soon enough? the small spats. out with friends,he makes fun of the wife. he gets whipped at home.
to top it all, a baby. wailing non-stop. and puking. and pooping all over. yuck! and then... ...the hoopla of school admissions. torture the poor kid to study harder. and when he grows up.
get him married and repeat the cycle... ...of torture. right? absolutely. - oye!- oye! - you know the drill too well. married?- no way! it's not for me. - marriage is for fools.- touchã©! - only girlfriends then?- yeah, about 15? - very good.- hey adi! - and you?- i'm going to paris soon.
and? for further studies. architecture. - and you?- i'm going to be super rich. like steve jobs or zuckerberg. - wow, all the best.- you too! smile please. all of you smile, man! wasn't i clear? no late night parties orsneaking in at 3 a.m. sorry, uncle. it was ananya's wedding.the poor girl is done for.
i'm off to the municipality office.they've sent me wrong bills. - extra cash should fix the problem.- no bribes. i'll handle it in person. okay, very good. i wasn't looking for your approval. there's a concert this evening.i want you to take bhavani. - me?- yes, you! - not too much sugar?- it's just right, dear. how can i be in two places at one time?
take her. ravindra temple of dance. - i have work.- you can leave the office by 6. why are you following me? to make sure you're okay. i've lived in bombay for 23 years.i'll be fine. it's mumbai now, not bombay. that's why i'm coming with you. but i don't want you to.
okay, i won't. bhavani aunty! wait.. wait. when did they changethe name to mumbai? hello. how are you, dear? - looks like you're a big star.- sure i am. get out! me?
you were snoring right through. uncouth fellow! i was sleepy.i've been working round the clock. no excuses. get out! uncultured boor. you're over-reacting. go. get off the bus! go! i'm not ganapathy.so stop yelling at me. are you going or not?
okay, okay. tone-deaf fellow. no sense of music or culture. how was the concert? you're a great man. almost god-like. hats off! need something, bhavani? it's late. i have to make dinner.
but we've finished dinner. - roasted potatoes. you made them.- oh, when? they were spicy and yummy. the pan is grimy. needs scrubbing. - alzheimer's. early stages.- vasu brother mentioned it. she's aware that something's amiss. that's why the occasional hysteria. how do you manage? she calls me with such affectionthe next morning...
...that it makes it all worth it. what is it? no chance! i could never be like you. let the pan soak overnight. - i've opened a bank account.- at which branch? - lokhandwala branch?- yes. - your friend srikanth helped.- rs. 35,000 gross? no, after tax deduction.i plan to save it all. - if you need more.- no, please. don't send money.
don't forget to meet keshav. oh, that? - what happened?- don't worry, boy. - i'll go this weekend.- do you remember what i said? vashi, right? got it. you gave clear directions. i know i did. so, don't call me againfor the directions. follow the directions,if you have any doubts, call me. so, vashi - third stop, second right.next to the punjabi shop.
got it. in vashi? - third bus stop.- third bus stop. a punjabi shop there- can't get coffee there.only tea. correct. make sure you're early.don't-- battery's dying. can't hear you. - on the second floor--- hello! hello? not again! the number you're trying to reachis currently unavailable.
- sorry.- please try-- hello? it's me. girlfriend no.16. i thought it was no.10. can we talk? or is it the wrong time? not at all. i'm glad you called. i wanted to hear my mother tongue. is that all the tamil you know? of course not. i can quotethevaaram, thiruvaasagam.
why are you mumbling?is someone there? ghosts, ghouls, banshees. tamil ghosts? no. a fat hindi ghost. then we can talk in peace. shall we meet? isn't it a mistake, befriendinga tamil boy so quickly? sure it is. but can we make the mistakeover a cup of coffee?
it's saturday, after all.phoenix mall? yes? yes? no. maybe. maybe not. bye. don't hang up. i have. goodbye to all the hindi ghosts. guess who you'll be working with!
- salman khan.- oh! the architect, balakrishna doshi. the boss wants to see you. hurry. guess what, we're working withthe balakrishna doshi. would you like to work with him? yes, sir. he's our hero. - what about me?- only after you, sir. he's my hero too. are you ready to go?
- yeah.- yeah. get ready to go to ahmedabad. - congratulations.- thank you, sir. guys, i'm working with balakrishna doshi. oh wow! - hi.- hi. where are you? at the office. thank god,i'm not waiting at the mall.
and if you were? i would have been furious,ready to kill someone. would have waited and fumed.and finally given up and called you. are you still there? sorry. down two coffees already. be there in fifteen. will you wait? okay? - sure?- absolutely!
i'm getting into the lift. it's opening. pressed '0'. and zooming down. still zooming. be there in five. - you've been here the whole time?- i could go back and wait. - is this your idea of a joke?- no. let's get coffee. shall i wheel the bike andwalk with you?
what did you tell the office? that i'm going out for coffeewith a fellow tamilian. tara! come.. come. why is that hero after us? you saw him at the station. that guy?you tried to stop the train for him? just made a scene to grab his attention.he didn't bother, you did. - he's coming.- tara!
excuse me. tara! so, what's his story? started as friends. and out of the blue,he proposed marriage. i refused. but he wouldn't give up. - so, you gave in?- no. i figured out why he wanted to marry me. why? he asked my friend ratna about me. about my family and our financesin coimbatore.
he didn't want me.just my balance sheet. - and?- i agreed to marry him - you did!- but i said i'd leave home penniless. and that he must fend for me.he backed out. i threatened to jump under a train.that's when you came. "this crazy heart." "this frenzied youth." "this torrent of music." "cradled in my sweetheart's arms."
"yesterday is a thing of the past." "who cares what tomorrow brings." "here and now, the world is ours." "for today, we're the king and queen." "don't taunt me with your eyes." "don't leave without a caress." "don't shy away at a mere touch." "don't leave even if i let you go." "a big fat wedding."
"in-laws and marital blues." "baby girls and baby boys." "oh no, not for me!" - meet me tomorrow?- oh, yes. where? ahmedabad. office work, kutch express. so, when? how did you get marriedto ganapathy uncle?
ask my prince charming here cutting... - okra.- ...cutting okra. ask him. how did you manage to woo aunty? don't be shy, ganapathy. i was from a small town. missing my tamiland its culture in mumbai. one day i went to bhavani's concert. she was about 20 then. nineteen.
she sang like a dream. tell them what i looked like. like a movie star.i didn't miss a single concert. "the dog in my brother's housewent crazy." my friend sounder and i were regulars.great doctor but tone deaf. he came just to ogle bhavani. and you listened with your eyes closed? sounder wrote bhavani a letter. love letter.
too shy to give it to her,he made me do the honours. but the fool forgot to sign his name. what was i to think? - that ganapathy uncle wrote the letter?- yes. and he was dark and handsome too. "tomatoes.. tomatoes." they're peeled, dear. and then one day. she took me to her folks,with all the letters.
three months later... ...we were married. c'mon, buddy.okay, let's take one snap. come. c'mon, buddies. not many second chances in life.you get one, you grab it. smile, buddy. smile. what are you doing here? - where's this train headed? ahmedabad?- but why? sightseeing.
i should have known. - you do this often?- sightseeing? no, stalking girls. since the day i was born. really? - what's the tally?- i don't keep count. i'm sure you haven't been near a girl. maybe. how did you manage a ticket?
i didn't. no time. what if you're caught? if i get caught.. too bad. - let's go.- don't. stay here. - they're waiting for me.- why? - they'll come looking.- let them. yeah? fine, let them. so sir, tell me aboutthe light in this building.
this is half-buried in the ground. and the idea was thatwe should have only limited light... ...it contrasts, so thatwhen the sunlight comes... ...you know, it moves, the sun moves... ...so the building andthe space starts moving. space that you make,volume that you make... ...the level that you create... ..the layers that you build... ...all these things come intothe making on an architecture.
what was that old man droning on about? he's balakrishna doshi. who's that fellow? my guru. what's your guru saying? that i shouldn't trust these gamers. - my dad used to come here everyday.- does he still come here? is he short-fused? should i be worried? he won't come.
- he's gone.- how come? he decided he was done.and he was gone. your mom? in coimbatore. what happened? divorced. constant fights. sometimes violent. dragged to court. they asked a 7 year-old to choose...
...which parent to live with. i didn't want either. i decided then... ...that i would never marry. aren't we late for the train? run.. run. hey.. hey. what do we do now? how should i know?
the next bus is at 8 a.m.there's a lodge nearby. - for both of us?- yes. - in the same room?- no. only one room available. can you promise to behave? no way. i'll sleep on the balcony. do you think i can behave? can you? sure.
that great build up for nothing?what an anti-climax! - where's the lodge?- right here. aditya varadarajan. don't you know my full name yet? what's that? loopie. come here. come. this is what i meant.
say whatever's on your mind.make it a song. a song? yes, sing. not me. sing. go on. "fly away with me." "just like that." "an unexplored space,a brand new moment." "my hesitant words."
"an unexplored space." "a brand new moment.my hesitant words..." "...with a pain so sweet." "don't even think of it, go away." "don't yearn, go away." "don't tease and taunt me so." "let's get drenchedwithout a drop of rain." "let's become one,leave our bodies behind." "let's float away like drifting clouds."
"let's meld into the wind and fly away." just two minutes. tell me this was your best holiday. this was the best holiday ever. - did i say it right?- no. say it like you meant it. you really want me to? no! please don't. okay, darling. i'm your darling?
yes, darling. shall i go? i must. say - "go, darling". don't go, darling. - how was it?- very nice. the colours are very nice. so good to see you, aunty. this is from our temple. hello, uncle balu.
homemade pickle thatyour aunt packed for you. i'll call you back. hi, mom. shall we go in? where were you? project research. want something to eatfrom the canteen? potato rice. your friends came back last night. have you come to spy on me?
is it wrong to be concernedabout my only daughter? sounds like an accusation to me. maybe. where did you go? i was worried. i even calledthe commissioner for help. answer me, tara. where were you? with whom? do i question you every timeyou go out? do i ask who you are with? i'll give you one tight slap.
answer me. where were you? i went to the ashram. to see the place wheredad breathed his last. is that enough? stop acting like your dad. come back and take care of the company. enough with all of your art andarchitecture! i'm going to paris, mom. on a scholarship.
i don't intend coming back. are you even listening to me? i'm not interested in the company.how many times do i say it? being lenient with you was a big mistake. i shouldn't have let youout of coimbatore. maybe you should just let me be. so? what? - what happened in ahmedabad?- nothing.
really, nothing. you didn't take the train back with us. correct? as far as i know, you weren't there. and you stayed the night there. hey. - so?- tell me. - what?- who was it? - who was it?- a friend.
- friend?- hey! just friend. - don't run away. tell us, tara.- nobody. tara.. tara. come away with me. tell them it's a migraine. - tell them you need the day off.- are you crazy? i didn't sleep a wink last night. me neither.
i'm still trembling. - adi, enough.- enough. don't come any closer then. i can't help it. no more. if you say so. is it love? why won't you say it then? shall i?
i want ice cream. - so?- so? should i ask my motherto fly in tomorrow? to meet you. what for? so our folks can meet... ...and discuss the engagement. engagement? you look scared silly.
you had me there for a bit. marriage and the works.a strict no-no, right? but you said marriage is for fools. what about ahmedabad? and the kiss today?we pretend it never happened? no, no. what does that mean? it means - of course not! only have specific flavours.
right now, we need to leaveor i'll be fired. phone.. phone. where are we going? - to your hostel.- why? to get you home safely. i want you safe beforei change my mind. and what if you changed your mind? i'll hold you tight. - won't let you go.- then?
- i'll kiss you hard.- and then? might disrobe you. disrobe me? yes. - "i'm coming."- and then? "melting without heat." "i'm softening up." go wherever you want. go to london or paris.go anywhere.
but i'd beg you to stay with metill then. "i'm coming--" and if you beg me so? you'd melt with love and-- drag me in. shut the door. i don't know. you take it from there. i'll eat you up. "sweet little secrets."
"sweet little lies." "sweet little secrets and lies." do you really like me? loads and loads. but this hostel room is a pain. do you really like me or just all this? i like all this... ...but i like you more. just a wee bit more.
a wee bit is good enough. too much would spell trouble. listen to me. isn't all this wrong?this love and lust? it is a big sin. but we need to keep at itto absolve ourselves. i didn't understand. i don't get it. - can tara be a paying guest too?- taravu in malayalam means "duck". but where will she stay?
in my room. in your room? - so this is tara?- yes, bhavani. what about you? she'll stay with me. both of you... both of you. ...in one room? did you get married?
- oh no!- i don't believe in marriage. problems in his horoscope? if we marry, i'll have to go whereveradi finds work. why must we always follow the men? what's she talking about? i'm going soon. to paris. and adi is going to make it big.he'll be in the us or uk. till then? we want to be together till then.
a live-in relationship? is it wrong, aunty? absolutely! ganapathy is too old-fashioned. while driving, even if the indicatoris on... ...he still rolls down the window andsignals with his hand. does your brother know? he'd kill me. this won't work.
uncle-- no way. - ganapathy uncle.- no. - can we step out for a minute?- the answer is no. just one minute. - i won't allow it in my house.- please come out for a minute. do you sing? would you rather we met secretlyin shady joints or... ...stay here with your blessings.
blessings to boot?and what about your brother? aunty is unwell. you take care of her alone.with tara here, we could both help. - no.- think about it. the answer is no.i speak for bhavani too. - you're being difficult. like vasu.- bhavani will never agree. "i pray for flowers,you gift me a garden." "i plead for water,you give me nectar." "what do i ask for..."
"...so you give in to me?" "i pray for flowers." - "dream about the days to come."- where are you leaving? bye. i am going to miss you. - hi, aunty.- hi! hi, uncle. hi, uncle. careful, careful. - sister-in-law is calling.- whose? mine obviously.nobody else's will call me!
hello, sister-in-law. i'm fine. what am i doing? - tell her the truth.- i'm working. how's my brother? - and my dear jaya?- who is jaya? hello, brother. yes, tell me. to the taxi driver?
which address? you're here? in mumbai? they're in mumbai. yes, teen bhavan. in gamdevi. near the opera house. yes. yes, brother. tell me, brother. do come, vasu brother.it's been ages. okay, brother. we're done for.
we're so dead. they're coming straight over. right now? yes. brother has a conference in town. why give them the right address?you're such a dodo. where will you go now? why should i go? you're kidding, right? my brother will go crazy.he's a control freak.
shall i hide under the bed? it won't help.my sister-in-law will sniff you out. you need to go. - i won't.- get up. hurry. - i won't!- what do you mean you won't? i won't budge from here. when i meet them, i'll say'i'm tara, living in sin with adi.' and go back to sleep. oh, no! it's sister-in-law.
you're here already? first floor. say second floor.it'll buy us 5 minutes. sweetheart... my love...please get up. you're my sweetheart, my darling. be a darling. please. get up! don't be difficult. don't make me beg. they're just visiting.
a bit of hide-n-seek will save usa lot of melodrama. sweet gooseberry, please get up. - gooseberry?- fine, blueberry then. up! they're here. maria! hold on. i'll go. - hi adi.- hi, brother. - how are you?- first-class. hey dearie! so, bill gates? have you been good?
- would you like some coffee or tea?- yes, please. - no, thanks. we just had coffee.- have another. three coffees, please. bhavani aunty, look who is here? mrs. bhavani, remember me? is mr. ganapathy out? let me guess.he's gone for a walk. four rounds of the park. then he buysthe papers on the way home. correct.
sweets. mr. ganapathy's favourite. who are they, adi? - saroja, my sister-in-law.- i'm vasu. i was working with ganapathy sir... - ...in the ib.- which is your room? i would come to your place... - ...for dinner every weekend.- my room? right here. you met saroja at our wedding.this is jaya.
this way? why not have coffee first? later. - bachelor's room. it's very messy.- no need to explain. i have a confession to make. some major changes. - i was about to tell you.- keep it for later. please wait. vasu, see how tidy adi's room is.he's not messy like you.
what's in here? no cigarettes stashed anywhere. - not bad, adi. you've changed.- thanks to your training. what are you doing? - why so late, ganapathy?- i walked an extra round. - oh vasu!- good morning, ganapathy sir. - a conference in town?- business plan review. the branch bookeda ticket and sent me over. we go back tomorrow.
welcome, saroja. you're staying with us.don't even think of a hotel. - i told you.- here. hey maria, where are you going? - sir, i'll just close this and come back.- okay, hurry up. no.. no. oh boom. full speed. - on bus.- hey. is this what he's been up tosince he got here? since the day he was born.
bad guys alert! look behind. hello, boss. climb here. i failed! the bad guys are catching up.behind you! watch it! you are dead. vasu, this is tara.
ganapathy uncle's niece. my niece? yes, your niece. but ganapathy does not have a niece. i'm vasu. mr. ganapathy's juniorat the bank. adi's elder brother. - hi.- hello. i've seen her before. did i barge into a family reunion? aunty, your cd.
why is she going to your room? my site drawings are in there. what are they doing there? uncle was showing them to me.look under the bed. - we have one life left.- let's play. come, let's play. i must have left them at the office. aunty, the house keys. tara, where do you live?
here. here? where else would she stay? i told you i've seen her before. she was leaning over and-- - i'm late.- help her to an auto. - i'll go.- no, it's fine. i'll come. you never mentioned a niece before.
he doesn't have a niece, vasu. don't you get it? a bit slow, are you? - just not sharp.- he's always been slow. thank you, sir. slow at work too. - thank you.- welcome. i'll go first. daddy.. daddy.
- careful.- wait! wait! i'll leave now.you don't need to come down. why? i'll come down too. tara, a word? close the door behind you. - adi.- i'm vasu. - what was i saying?- you were saying goodbye. bye, aunty. bye, uncle. teach jaya some singing or the violin.
and there's more hiddenin the bathroom. what's going on here? it feels like blackmail. vasu will bring the house down. - he's a control--- control freak. you could've talked to adi. i'm taking the liberty of asking you. would you consider marryingtara to adi? look...
...if you and adi marry,i'd be very happy. or else please leave him alone. don't get me wrong. but does a marriage documentmake everything all right? saroja! "it's late. need 30 minutesto beat the traffic. let's go!" - a message from dad.- tell him i'm coming down. these live-in relationships aredisgusting. completely unacceptable.
- careful. mind your head.- i'll go first. - goodbye, sir. see you, ma'am.- see you, ma'am. please talk to tara and her parentsand let me know. an email should do. bye. freedom! "in this world..." your sister-in-law knows about us. - "...people--"- i'm serious. how could she know?
she's nosy. i'm sure she doesn't know a thing. she said your brother would go nutsif he knew. don't bluff. you're pulling my leg. she said: 'marry adi orget out of his life'. an ultimatum and a peck on the cheek. and what did you say? i'm going to paris and adi to the us. we don't want to commit to a marriage.
you told her that? you said you'd follow meto the gates of hell? - is that where we're going?- just follow me. i won't say a word. is this a gynecology clinic? - hi, sujatha.- give me a minute, ma'am. - i'll check and tell you.- okay. what are we doing here? pooja?
a test? for bhavani aunty? shut up. why does everyone look so bloated? hasn't it dawned on my genius as yet? - excuse me, ma'am. please wait.- okay. - are they all pregnant?- yes, my love. wow! our men really are jobless. is it what i think it is? how would i know what you're thinking?
the test isn't for bhavani.it's for you. 100 marks. - are you...?- it's only a test. so, it could be? don't look so horrified. - but what if it's that?- then? what if the test turns out positive? why ask me? how should i know? - it feels like the world is collapsing.- excuse me, ma'am.
i thought we had the mathall worked out. tamilian? - yes.- first time? this isn't the last time.you should bring her every month. don't make excuses like my husband. is the scan done? i'm waiting on a full bladder. three more glasses of water.such a pain. but when you see that tiny fingerin the scan, it'll all be worth it.
see you. see any tiny finger in the scan? look for yourself. they're just lines. looks like a building plan. we're renovating the clinic.that's the blueprint for approval. i was just kidding. were you scared? scared? my heart is racing.like watching a horror film. very sharp. what weapons are we using?
machine gun? - bazooka.- yes. slowly.. slowly. - good morning.- good morning. - what is that?- our game, boss. who is that? - the villain.- it's you, boss. do i look like a villain to you guys? that's the twins.
a good twin and a bald twin. careful, watch it playing sharp, eh! i'm going to throw him out. - what are you trying to do?- careful. careful. shit! no! good man, good. but only four more weeks.four weeks of perfection.
- yeah?- thank you, boss. good, good, good show.guys, great.. get back to work. not turned in yet? too much joy drives sleep away. so does sorrow. i guess it's both for me. my admission to the paris universityis almost through. good. very good. but it means leaving adi, right?
it feels like i'm losingsomething special. does he know? what matters more to you?your career or adi? six months ago, i would've saidit's my career. but now i've become greedy. i want both. what's the matter? why are you packing? i'm only packing what's mine.
i'm leaving. - you devil!- i'm going out of town. i'll be back in two days. i imagined the worst. the worst? that maybe you heard aboutthe dimples and the sangeethas. rubbish! where are you off to? to jaipur with mr. doshi.
i don't like that man. he's 87 years old. then he should go withan assistant who is 86. why take my sweetheart? - this isn't forever, right?- so? so, no demands on each other. okay? but don't go just now. let me go. i want to snuggle up withmy super smart angel.
and she wants to run awaywith a 87 year-old. get by with your dimples andsangeethas till i return. okay, bye. i don't like your doshi. or the assistant accompanying him. and i want everyone in mumbaito know that. "hey sinamika." "seething sinamika." "with you gone, this poem loses meaning."
"don't tear us apart." "in your downcast eyes." "in the fall of your dress." "and that mellifluous voicereserved only for me." "in every curve and dip of your lips." "i know it's love you have for me." honey, i'm home! not a single missed call. - where's adi?- didn't he go with you?
no, he didn't. he hasn't come home in two days. he's out of town, will be back soon. set the table. the food is ready. i'll be back soon. hello? hello, ananya? hi. is adi with you? where could he be? i told him not to hang out atseedy places for his game.
he paid no heed. has he got mixed upwith the underworld? buddy, shut up. tara, i'll come with you. he's been gone two days. i know... ...in a live-in relationship,one is not owed an explanation. we shouldn't tie each other down. personal space is important.
i'm sure he'll be back. but don't nag him like a wifewhen he returns. that's why. okay? set of diagrams.. i hope we... - ...manage to convince him.- definitely. - adi?- hi. - where are you?- step out, i'll tell you. hurry. i'm waiting. forget the lift. it's too slow.take the stairs.
walk straight ahead,past the glass doors. i'm going to kill you! hi. you can hang up now and join me. won't you sit down? why choose such an expensive place? so you won't make a scene. you left without a word.not even a phone call. was it too much effort leaving a note? buddy thinks you were withsome underworld thugs.
your sister-in-law is on a tangent. ganapathy uncle had no clue. aunty insisted you were right there,eating dosa. two whole days, i just couldn't function. i even went to the police. that's vodka. not another word! where did you go? - you could never guess.- where?
coimbatore. coimbatore? - yes.- but why? was it my mother? who else?can't talk to the prime minister about it. she sent for me. but why did you have to go? i refused. but she sent a private jet. i'm a middle-class guy who'snever been in one.
a compact six-seater. the air-hostess was from assam.pinky, a tribal beauty. - the pick-up car was an audi 8.- what did she want? i got to see the factory, the race cars,the mansion etc. she said it all belongs to tara. what else did she say? 'what did tara see in you?'- she asked. so what did you see? did she threaten you?
did she use the commissioner's nameand scare you? she said:'i always keep an eye on tara'. she knows you were in jaipur. so, what will you have?pasta, pizza, antipasti? hey tara. thank you. we'll be back tomorrow. tara kalingarai, what is the problem? i am so livid, furious. - just pretending to smile.- look at me.
tell me. i can hear you. why are we fightinglike a married couple? very funny. the whole of mumbai will knowwe're fighting. stand close. closer. don't grin, fool. look angry. our first fight. i'm uploading itfor the world to see. fine?
for 48 hours, leave me alone.don't try to reach me. "don't go away from me." tara, wait! "hey, beautiful." "oh enchanting beauty." "every word you utter is a poem." tara, i'm a die-hard atheist! i'd promised to bring you hereif you came back safe. mr. god would object too.
bad joke. can't he take a joke? is he a grouch? bhavani aunty? bhavani aunty, this is too much. why are you sitting in the rain? aren't you going home? i can't remember the way. the way home? - i can't remember the route.- to our home?
- okay, come.- okay, come. "what do i ask for." what did the doctor say? ganapathy. 'listen to your husband and haveyour meds on time...' '...you'll be just fine.' don't lie to me. there's a constant voice screamingin my head. i forget what i start to say.
can't remember places or people. all my music is drifting out the window. how can you say i'll be fine? he asked you to stay strong. don't treat me like an idiot. i'm losing my memory... ...not my mind. alzheimer's. second stage. will i end up forgetting you one day?
- greetings.- greetings. i'm chandrika, tara's mother. we've come with a marriage proposal. hello, brother. how are you? hey genius, log onto'makemytrip.com' right now. select mumbai to chennai, findthe cheapest fare... ...and take the first flight out. after all i've done to get youwhere you are... ...you do this!
what's the problem? a problem called chandrika.do you know who that is? chandrika thodi is a raaga. tara's mother. and who's tara? good morning. chandrika's daughter. i'll slap you. don't try these silly one-liners on me.
you told me tara is ganapathy's niece. she's like a niece. when you exit the chennai airport,there's a pharmacy outside. it's owned by a sikh.buy me bp meds. 4 tabs of concor am5 and get home. - but tara is like a niece to ganapathy--- he is growing old and senile... ...playing the fool along with you. has ganapathy become senile? vasu, you won't find a better matchfor your brother.
sorry, sir. i didn't realiseyou were there. i was just-- it's the same senile ganapathytalking to vasu the fool. vasu the fool. go straight to a temple and pray... ...that tara will marry your brother. that won't be necessary, sir. her mother is here with the proposal. see.
any cumulative gain or loss... ...or the hedging instrument recognisedin cash flow hedge reserves. - mom!- stay calm. tara, i'm in a meeting. i'll call you back. i'll call you back. 1st march, 2014 is higherby 22.75 crores... ...and the profit afterthat minority increase... ...and share a profit of more salesfor the year ending 31st march, 2015. - why did you talk marriage?- bingo!
stay on the line. - kenneth.- ma'am? can we meet after two minutes?please. hold on. - did i say i wanted to marry?- correct. - why interfere in my life?- bus is here. get in. you move in with some guy andshould i do nothing? but you didn't stay out of it.
you took him to coimbatore, bulliedand threatened him. don't bring that up now. i did nothing of that sort. i know what you did. i told you, i did no such thing. didn't you? that's not the issue now. i had a friend check on adiwhen i heard about him. that's all. - tara.- who's this friend?
- the police commissioner?- done for. you have your own daughter,you'll know. was it the commissioner? tara, the stop is here. when i came to know thatyou like the boy... ...i just wanted to checkon adi's background. you said you went to coimbatore?the private jet, the audi? i saw it all on skype. he seems okay.just that he's a middle-class family.
but that's no problem. - where were you those two days?- how does it matter? in custody. in a police lock-up? did you put adi in police custody? - i didn't mean any harm.- answer my question. when i realised you'd chosen well,i met his folks... ...and discussed your marriage.that's all. i was picked up on friday.no bail till monday.
i was taken to arthur road jailfor the weekend. you were in jail? i had many bigwigs for company. mom, i'm hanging up now. uh.. tara. and on monday, the commissionertook me home for breakfast. yummy aloo paratha with curdand pickle. he became a friend. he promised i'd have no issueswith my us visa.
why didn't you tell memy mother did this? don't you worry. i got some great inputs in jailfor my game. want to see a demo?let's go to my office. - no one is here?- they should be. where? ash.. buddy? ananya? c'mon! - too good.- adi! adi!
adi, my darling.. come here! the project's been approvedby the us firm. well guess what, you're going to usto lead the development. you're going to the usa. i'm feeling bad. how will tara cope? - my biggest mistake.- what? "sweet little secret." "sweet little secret cannot lie."
shall i turn down the us assignment? can't get myself to leave her. shall i tell tara: 'ask him once andhe'll be yours for good'. ananya, you're a disgrace, i hate you. adi, we love you. - please stop here.- what's wrong? - how much?- seventy, sir. why are you upset? i'm upset that i can't be like you.
you're leaving me in a few days. but you aren't upset at all. you're dancing away happily.grinding and jiving. why do i feel like i'm goingto a funeral? shall i come to the same funeral? have you ever thought... ...what if you forget about parisand stayed right here? every minute. i wasn't at all happy that the admissioncame through.
that's why i didn't tell you. come with me to the us. can you come with me to paris? that's difficult. it's hard for me too. the past six months have beenthe best in my life yet. thanks to you. let's not spoil it, what say? okay means?
let's make a pact. - we only have a few days together.- just 10 days. we could cry, fight, argue andbe bitter in these 10 days. or forget the future andlive every moment. - no fighting for the next 10 days.- okay. come what may! okay? promise? no crying. no tears, no sentimental scenes,no melancholy. - no one sleeps a wink.- okay.
we stay awake the whole time. paint the town red. do wild things.stay happy and wild, okay? - done.- done? done. faster! faster! grab the steering! imagine this is our home. every room will be a bedroom. a nice big dog.
his bark should make you tremble. children? - just for a day. we'll adopt a child.- one day. we'll call him obelix. he'll look like a little sumo wrestlerin diapers. and if it's a girl? the-most-beautiful-one-in-three-worlds. like you. - what will you do in the us?- i'll go to strip clubs.
- ask me what i'd be doing.- what? i'd probably be wonderingwhat you're up to... ...and wasting my time. yeah, i knew it! hear that? tik tik tik. time is running out. don't think about it. only eight days left.
say - 'don't cry tara.' say it. don't cry, darling. okay. i won't. say something nice. i'm very sleepy.might blurt something out. blurt out something nice. we've made a pactnot to get sentimental. let's forget that for a moment.
say something, straight from the heart. piping hot omelettes would begreat now, wouldn't they? yummy! lovely! can you take that chain off? hurry up. - i love you.- oye! i love you! didn't think you werethe gift-giving kind. an oversight. forgive me, darling.
you're wiping the slate cleanbefore the final goodbye, is it? why a gift now, after all these months? if you don't like it, let's return it. why fight in front of these pigeons? a 'goodbye and thank you' messagetied neatly in a ribbon. tara is not angry with me.she won't pick a fight. you're putting an end to thetara kalingarayar chapter. she won't snap at me. she'll stay a sweet angel.
i'm saying it like it is. you're the one discarding mewith a smile. "time for separation..." "...i know, dear." "i won't reduce my lovebecause of that..." - "...i behave as always."-sorry. "i know, dear." how does it look? "the signs of happiness."
a gift from my man. isn't it pretty? i thought we had a pact. i'm not crying. then is that joy streaming down your eyes? look ahead and drive.don't look at me. let me do whatever. i can still hear you cry. why are you picking on me?anything i do bothers you.
- that's not what i meant.- sure, you did. fine, i won't say a word. ganapathy uncle is making dinner for us. - he asked us to come straight home.- yes, he told me. - don't pick on me at dinner.- when did i do that? i said don't pick on me.i didn't say you did. - why are you picking a fight?- fine, i won't say a word. ganapathy uncle. - bhavani aunty.- ganapathy uncle.
- i'll go down and check.- i'll come with you. rafiq! did you see ganapathy uncle? aunty is missing.she must have wandered off. ganapathyji has gone to look for her. stop. slow down. that's not her. - try calling ganapathy uncle.- his phone was charging at home. we should've convinced uncleto admit aunty into a hospital.
aunty said - no more hospitals. of course she'd say that. you think uncle would listen to youover aunty's wishes? she forgets who uncle is at times.how can we take her seriously? stay in the car. tackle the copsif they come, i'll be back. she isn't-- where has she gone now! hello? what, brother? one minute, sir.
- my wife.. my wife.- get going! it's an emergency. my wife's missing. if this is how educated peoplelike you behave... ...what will happen to this country! - get going!- tara! hurry up! you need to open it from the inside. - where did you go?- i was checking the market. - i told you to stay in the car.- can't i look for her too?
what if she was in the market? couldn't you wait two minutes? the cop was yelling at me. you can't handle a cop andyou take it out on me. turn left. - i said- 'left'.- that's a one way lane. - then go around.- that's what i'm doing, for god's sake! why are you snapping at me? you're leaving anyway.
snap all you want then,but not at me. thank god for small mercies,i'm leaving. for good! - stop!- tara! are you blind! crazy fellow! bring it on! just what i need now! ganapathy uncle! gan.. ganapathy uncle! who?
why would you jump out of a moving car? someone there looked likeganapathy uncle. don't slam it! why are you so mad at me?i am just as worried as you. you jumped out of a moving carrecklessly. - what if a bus had knocked you over?- but it didn't. what if it had? - let me get down. i'll look on my own.- and who'll go looking for you? you're upset i might have got hurt.is that it?
and what happens to your paris? if you worry about me, say it.why shout at me? who is shouting? - why are you going back home?- to check if she's back. - is bhavani aunty back?- not yet. stop crying. on bad days, bhavani aunty forgetswho she is. what if she forgets the way home? - crying won't help us find her.- and not crying will?
leave me alone, why do you bother? cry! but look for herwhile you're crying. okay? poor ganapathy uncle. no one could care for anotherlike he does. that's not true. do you think he was careless?and that's why aunty is missing? no.i'm saying there are others like him. are you speaking for yourself? not particularly.
could you be like ganapathy uncle? when i'm old and if i becamelike bhavani aunty? i would care for you. you would? what are you saying? i'm saying don't leave me. i'm saying marry me. go wherever you need to. paris or london.
but marry me and go. will you? look! - bhavani aunty!- bhavani aunty! - where is ganapathy?- he's fine. - where is ganapathy?- at home. ganapathy, where did you go? i was so worried and scared. i looked everywhere for you.
it won't happen again. you said quite a few things in the car. i meant every word. truly. you want to marry me? you don't have to give upyour plans. or paris. i'll come to you wherever you are. are you sure?
so, marriage it is? yes, marriage. hundred percent? okay, darling! (kanmani) "move on.. move on." "find your place.. find your place." "beyond all limits.. beyond all limits." "rest on my lap." "we'll still separate."
"without knowing,we came together." "we'll soar in the skies." "we'll fly high."

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