vwhat's up guys welcome back to abrand-new buell on justice gods among us from mobile devices gal we're looking atthe red lantern ii bet but i log in early i spent like three million creditson getting these packed i did make a video but one of the things i noticed itwas gone after a few minutes i'm not sure why but is it still in here so itis in here nevermind alright tell it is feeling here the only way to get thearkham night you through this path so the only way to do that is going on intocollection but it might show up in might not show up i don't know i obviously itdisappeared before and now it's back going on in here you go into sinestrostage we're gonna be looking at the
article night i was leveling them upthat's why i was out of energy but you notice that here is the arkham nighttimeget cap under busey guide to check it out amazing amazing character let me go capcap cap off yeah there it is arkham night from the arkham night begame for the playstation 4 guess where the console if you haven't checked outmy videos on those you should definitely check it out on the channel now younotice yeah look at it look at it i'm just looking at his stomach cory cats orwhatever that thing is you notice he's breathing there any you notice themovement it's just i don't know you
could feel like every muscle in a way iguess and of course his helmet is shining i'm not spinning in i'm justletting it spin on its own 5225 gammage 7200 health strong strike acheating liar and you're an 80% on the part i mean i got night special attackcalls in drone strike dealing damage to the entire team so here's the bat a lotof stuff going on i gotta see these new would you call these these newcharacters look really nice it looks like they've beefed up the graphics lookat the gun we are running this on the iphone 6asked so hopefully it can be slightly better for you guys still kicked out
course the glowing eyes and the glowinghelmet i like those symbols or whatever those symbols are there but there it isplaying the entire arkham night game not to see justice team but the actual gamei was guessing who this character was and you know basically you know i watcha lot of batman down i watch all the batman animated series or whatever buteven the ones that are dating back to like the eighties or even before thatanyways drone strike i'll just talking about that increase in damage i believenow tortured soul off the 91 loss for words it's unlikely i'm pretty sure thisis gonna look citing weak an augmented of course here is the balanced will buythat it can cost $3,000 lot will buy
this as well 4001 by this as well red hood yet sothey can essentially it is ready but if you know who the red hood is that youknow who this is so yeah i billable in booster pack the only way to get it now about this i get people are saying getin the gold pack i'm gonna sit say no you can't don't waste your money ontrying the gold package not getting get it unfortunately i got here all right let's go into battle we gonnakick out the arkham night so i picked up relatively easy stage ofme to bring him in here i'm gonna take a
lot of hits because i wanna show youguys you know some of the moves let's use the first kak the symbol on theshorter kill all right we're gonna use the firstattack right now i really messed up there but does itreally matter he doesn't change the animation right so i can attack he'sgotten their looks like we're gonna have to go into battle again wow that wasamazing even though he was in the super slight being there bring in the dark of night he is andwe're gonna attack you wondering we did like 20 rows in cap hill this light pinkactually are you serious oh you night
when i hate you yeah we gotta shoot youwhen you tap it actually does this go tax now when you swipe of course it'sgonna be doing the launch and i like the shots oh i think you choke you know whythis is a good we're getting you super red hood rather alright night attack igotta say i love this character i do have i want you guys to do it later mevery wow i ate united way what we what we what is it right anyways no i will gointo one more battle alright so we're here with the arkhamnight again and we're gonna take oh hopefully are no black alright so thatattack me more than hurt him because it costs me entire power bar
black attacked us oh yeah he's really going orare you super again and end the video there all right that is bedded that is bearkham night in injustice gods among us should let me know what you think aboutthis character in the comments below be sure to like the video and subscribe tosiento for more serious its gods among us

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