welcome everyone! in 1990, madras... that ischennai vyasarpadi krishnapa naicker was a wealthywell wisher of that place his friend karunakaran, both were strongpersonalities in a political party they ruled over this area due to unforeseen issues theirpolitical party got dissolved the inseparables had to part ways andtook their responsibilities accordingly which lead to enmity between them the areas shared by themwere divided using their power
they divided everything amicably except this wall which is an integralpart of the housing board there were issues on who will get itto promote their parties. only if our poster is displayed on thatwall, it'll be like our kingdom. we should not let go of that wall! don't worry about that we should not let go of the wall,if we do, we can't face anyone meanwhile krishnapa begins workto paint a poster on the wall we are scared of everything
where were we andlook where we are now it's like a dungeon, noplace to even stretch our legs hey why are we talking now? when we 3 are here, didthey bother to ask us? earlier we were together, nowwe have our own party it's not like that, if they get todo it, we will go powerless ...all because of arrogance, they do this. why can't we? are we cowards? karunakaran provoked the housing boardpeople, who chased krishnapa people away!
everybody has becomeimpudent now? you were lying homeless on the road now that you have shelter,are you rising up against me? whose wall do you think it is? it belongs to the government filing a petition would do.. ..you've committed fraudulence to be here what nonsense is this, it has beenallotted to us by the government. no one can touch the wallswithout our knowledge
you don't need us anymore? we need you, but not your party. where will we paint our party's image? is it fine, if we do thesame on your walls? i know who has provoked you people why? don't we have brains? see, the wall is oursand we can't let that go.. do what you can the people who didn't dareto speak against krishnapa
spoke against him. looking atthat, krishnapa's son kannan.. committed the firstmurder for the wall sangan died, which lead to huge riots. but the police arrestedpeople from housing board there was not a single man in thearea to help sangan's funeral exactly a year after sangan's death,karunakaran who came there... ..provoked maanga there they shouldn’t be.. maanga slit krishnapan'sthroat in middle of the house
one week later kannan avenged his father'smurder by killing maanga and his son conspiring to kill kannan,one of his peeps got caught the murders continuedavenging each other the murders just kept piling up meanwhile kannan became the north chennaidistrict secretary for his party he spoke to a few in the areaand pacified them with money. for the first time without any oppositionhe painted his father's image on the wall he got control over the wall karunakaran couldn’t stop this
karunakaran passed awayin the sorrow of defeat after which his son maari became theleader of the housing board people also took responsibility of the party at the same time few unfortunate incidentshappen in front of that wall an old man came from no where collapsedand fell dead in front of the wall two guys rammed their bikein to the wall and died a guy committed suicidejumping off the wall fearing these incidents, whenpeople consulted a holy man... it's waiting to take more people
it's asking for blood,blood sacrifice! post which, everyone feared it to be asoul sucking wall due to which a temple waserected in front of the wall kannan used this excuse to safeguardhis father's image on the wall on the other hand, maari is waiting fora chance to bring down that image this is how... even in this generation thefight for the wall continues... madras - hey kiddo, what are you going to study?- collector!
collector uh?...what are yougoing to do studying that? - good deeds for the society- my son is great! chennai! north chennai! this land of black tamils somebody making the tune, notune can shake our roots. our land is madras andwe’re its identity! getting rid of atrocity frompoliticians is freedom to our people i will definitely grab that right police who never fears anyone,is feared of us... why?...
...politics..political power we enjoy every moment like a childin the midst of our run for life we’re not a plant in solitude,we're the wilds of unity monuments of madras is built not with brickand stone, but with our blood and emotions if you try to silent us, we’ll makenoises that the world will hear we’ll be the tool to break sorrows we’ll fly through the sky i wish to be a huge terror looking at me, everyone shouldtremble, i should be everything
our land is madraswe’re its identity took the dagger and stabbed right throughhim, intestines were out.it was a blood bath someone pierced me with a pin,searched everyone in surrounding our saroja sister is witness to it saroja sister..police!saroja sister..police! took 500 bucks and bribed the policemen he wrote a report statingthat it's cow's blood when the girl blushes away when proposedit's all for the celebration of love football, carom, boxing, kabadiare games that showcase our courage
we stay amidst the sounds ofchennai that has become our music paste posters, gather crowd and beleft with nothing is our culture the night will see the light forthe ones who are dedicated be awake and aware, forthat day is not too far life is short dude, enjoy every day, every moment.life is just about that. chennai!north chennai! this dominant tamil land somebody makes a tune. notunes can shake our root!
why do you keep staring at the wall,aren't there any other issues in our area? people have been struggling withoutwater since 3 days, check that dude that's been taken careof, will be done by evening that's like a secretary - we should be the one to grab this wall- we'll what are you staring at? what's a match without a scuffle let it go viji, don't get worked up scuffle during games are common, andthat too you were the one who bumped
you've lost, so try winning for a change who do you think you're talking to? - hey why are you creating a ruckus- keep calm dude - what will you do?- i will hack you right here hey bommai, give that daggerto viji, let him use that we will watch him with our hands folded hey give that to him.sit down perumal - how's your father?- he's fine maari even for the petty matters,these days they slit throats
if it's someone from adifferent area it's fine all of them are from ourarea and our guys what do you say? i'm tryingto resolve this by talking no maari, viji is got areputation in that area if we leave this because he's with anbu,someone else will rise again just like him there are many who disappearedwithout any trace in our area ask them to be little careful bro why are you talking unnecessarily i know how to handlethis, come on bro
stop right there. do you think they areoffering porridge from maariamman temple? you keep walking like that what do you think of these people? hey johnny, can't you be quiet? - ask him to leave- johnny please leave from here look here maari, let's end this here.that too only for you. my guys won't createproblems hereafter if you're guys create a problem,then no matter who supports them, i know how to handle it
hey, come let's go! hey wait, why are you walking offin middle of the conversation? i'm done talking. all this is happeningbecause you are there for them. one day, he will be a problem for you you won't know when and whereyou'll get in to trouble i'll take care of it perumal,he's not viji... he's anbu he's like a son to me hey kaali, you heard what he said right? if you try to start any more problems...are you trying to become a rowdy?
you're well educated and in a goodjob, why do you need all this? - that's it- no bro, it was him not me keep calm, bro is talking right hey kaali, enjoy your life get married and settle in life have kids, one is not enough have more than one though we are not financially strong,why do you think they fear us? it's only because of our men behind us,
- anbu- bro - are you angry?- no bro, nothing like that should've broken his bones with that anger would have bumped himright there, because of me he survived hey, don't make them wise like this they live at kannan's mercy - sit down viji- it's ok bro sit down viji, mom serve him food why is the child crying?
everything will happen inthis house while having food - hey sit down- it's ok bro, i ate already what does maari has to say? what will he say?i've warned him only because of him anbu is so gutsy get a toothpick how many times do i have to tell youto keep it ready while having meat? let him be, how long do you thinka fish will last in a bowl wait viji, our time will come,we can then show them who we are
what time does he have, i thought offinishing him, but you .. if you do something it should be talk of the town only then we will be known if you finish him for this... ...no one will fear you,they will only spit on you be with brother what is it dude, viji is giving me a look? he's nothing to you, don'twaste your time on this
why are you getting angry forpetty stuff, control you anger what can i do... couldn't control it! all this will be in controlwhen you have a wife as if it will be... it'sall an act, mere act - dude shall i leave?- wait, what's the hurry - she's smitten by all this act- as if i'm smitten hey, don't provoke me hey, don't talk too much,have you made food? both of us are hungry, serve us!
- it's ok, i will have at home -hey,wait have and leave don't make a fuss hey, i've been talking to you,can't you hear us get us food - why are shouting at her?- just like that you just watch now hey, don't! hey, i'm gonna give you a strong one i didn't do it on purpose,it slipped from my hand hey come on silly,did you get scared? - how is the girl? do you like her?- yes
she's well educated and willearn well if she goes to a job i am fine if she takes care of my mother i have a feeling that thistime it'll work that's right, compared to previousones, she's dark and beautiful even though she's dark, she's charming! if she's charming, you get married to her,why are you pulling my son in to this? i conceived him with the blessings ofgoddess kaali my son, deserves better than her for my son's personalityand the knowledge he has
not only in this town, will finda girl out of this world for him if not, i'm not born of my father! even i want a girl like aprincess, just for that... look at her eyes they are squint look at her nose, it's disgusting - she's so damn fair- what? she's toothless! she'll create confusion! she's got a dry face
you can find mistakes,last week we saw a girl... ...you know what she said? what kind of a smile is that?..beinga girl can't she smile with glee? you tell me johnny,what's there in a smile? love marriage is best for you - that day....!?!?- you're a waste i can't even talk to girls, how cani make them fall for me? i don't have a choice but to dependon my mother to choose a girl for me waiting for that
hey, what the hell areyou talking about? she is the girl i chose for my son... who did you choose? whatmakes her so special? she doesn't have any siblings what if she has any sibling? when they have childrenand if they need anything ...their aunt and uncles arethe ones who will take care i can't let my grandchildren being abandoned mom, why do you always keep finding faults?
instead of finding whether thegirl is suitable for your son if you keep doing like this, one day i'llbecome a saint. go ahead, do you think this earth will stopspinning if you become a saint? you can't even manage to buyme a car... and you're talking! did you hear that? - so you're worried only about the car?- hey, don't get me started for my son's qualification,the less fortunate people.. ...are ready to offercar and bike as dowry he says that he will offer the sameas he did for his other daughters
we don't need her in our house i don't know who is gonnacome to this house i promise, i'll neverfind a girl with you here that's right, it willtake long for me to die why don't you kill me then won't a mother want herchild to be prosperous? your birth was a boon to me is it wrong, to expect good for you? am i going to use that car?you'll be the one using it..
why are you creating a scene? one dayhe's going to elope with someone, only thenyou're gonna calm down ah..as if he's going to elope if he does, only my broomwill talk to him.. grandson, give me some money! granny, i'm going to kill you first my grandson is not giving me moneyfor betel leaves because of you. i want to have tea, lend me 10 bucks johnny bro, i have no money..
...but i've got a dagger, doublepointed like manali snake is it? show me - what's your colour?- it's black if only you have that in parrotgreen, the value will be higher you didn’t get that, shall i explainin tamil?..the way parrot chirps.. ...and if you have a snake alongwith it, it's worth 2 crores! that's johnny to you what do you think of me?...there's onlyone johnny in the whole of india! you guys don't know his fame
there was a time, wheneverybody was afraid of him just a small dagger, willfinish his work in a jiffy police torture changed him no one here can speak english like him watch what you say brother leave that, look at him why are you so upset?..will take care of it how long are you planning to bear this? then your kids are goingto call you grandfather!
hey you're going to get from me stop it, our dude is upset. there are so many girls at yourwork, don't you even like one? they won't suit me, all are made upbeauties. i don't even bother to look at dude, then check her out.if she's fine. hey, the one withthe pink colour bag look she's coming, as far as i knowshe has turned down 4 until now it didn't work out, she's hot! dude, she's the daughter of thatpolitician staying behind your house
hey she's that politician's daughter,she comes daily to get water. che... check your eyesight hey, she's good looking.what's wrong with her? she's not worth it, you guysare praising her too much that's right, you convenientlyhave a wife at home others will be vague to you she's beautiful and you like her? yup, are you going toget me married to her dude, she's from viji's block
so what, i'm asking to get married hello, kalaiarasi..i'm talking to you! my bro kaali is sincerelyin love with you he is determined to get married to you, he says he'll die without you. gives us a wise reply idiot do you have any sense? son wake up, get water to take bath.it's getting late let me sleep, don't disturbme so early in the morning.
it's for you to take bath, don't createa fuss as thought it is for me. it has become a habit,have you ever woken up early? the alarm keeps ringing, if only ithad a mouth it will cry it's eyes out my wife would have donethis if i was married lets see if its you or herwho is going to fetch water. i'm gonna bite you one day, wait and see dude, it's my girlfriend! take that! - just one, i'll fill it it's getting late- you just came and you're barging in
isn't it getting late for us?you are barging in just ike your mom wait for sometime it's getting late sister why don't you fill it up,he's been pumping for long hey, why are you leaving with halffilled pot?...get it filled that's ok, it's getting late can't they find a girland get him married? - he's struggling a lot -what can wedo, his mom is expecting a princess - when is that?- only when he's lost it
i saw your crush, she'scute, smart and beautiful but she went with a guy, who's that guy?is he her boyfriend? be careful, you just tell me,will take his tongue out hey kalai! - hey kalai, look here- dude, the college is on the other side what dude you seem early for work today? my manager will bug me if am late. hey, is it your manager or yourgirl friend who will bug you? you think i don't know?
you go early morningto fetch water then follow her on bike keep it going! - what are you up to?- what do you mean? you think you can stealher away so easily? it seems like she likes me, don'tspoil this by interfering should have bumped you earlier. ifi hear anything more. let's leave! nothing happened, you sit dear. wonder ifthey are riding a bike or an aeroplane
i heard you met with anaccident near the wall - an auto came in between- that sinners wall won't back down your mother was crying, why don'tyou get blessed by the priest? you don't know. if it's onto you, will not spare you! wonder how many livesit's going to take? - it seems like mother of ghost- what is she doing here? let's see! if the water tanker getshere, the problem is solved did you get hurt badly?
did you go to the hospital? - nothing much, just got a bruise onforehead -i saw you when you fell can't you go carefully? i'm sorry! it's my friends, i swear. they are lying. that i love you so, that's not true then? dear? superstar'smovie is a hit or a flop?
- it's an utter flop- don't lie, it's super hit - who told you that?- i'm saying our superstar's movie is always a hit so what if it's a hit? is yoursuperstar going to feed you? why so? then why are youhere? why should he feed me? look at my superstar, he's so super.feel like giving a kiss. - hey, what are you doing?- kissing on superstar's poster don't you dare kiss him, when i'm sittingright here hale and healthy! if you're going to just sit,then will have to kiss superstar
what did you say? hey, don't come nearme, our son is watching hey, who do you thinkyou're talking to? sounds like kaali's bike, i'llpretend to sleep, don't wake me up what's up ronaldo?didn't go to school? - today holiday- holiday? - what's the holiday for, mary? -there'sno holiday, haven't paid the fees yet he'll be the first one to print the partyposters will pay the fees tomorrow why is our leader still sleeping?
didn't go anywhere? what work does he have? he just came in the morningand is sleeping since then he's got too much attitude hey, you should havebeaten up your dad asking why he hasn't paid the fees.look he's sleeping. dad's not sleeping, just nowmom and dad were kissing! - look how he got us caught- started your romance early today? there is no specific time to romance
you did beat me right?won't you let me be happy for a while hey dude, that girlspoke to me today who is that brother?what did it say? - that politicians daughter,- kalaiarasi? what did she say? i fell near the wall right?first she enquired about that i was stunned! i apologised to her for that day to which she replied"that's not true then" did she say that? which means she likesyou brother
- what do you think? sheis in love with me? keep asking all this to me!if not why would she talk like that? - i'm scared dude- why are you scared? brother don't be scared, understandher feelings and propose to her look i liked his face at the first instance i kept waiting for himto make the first move married him,the day he proposed you like her right, so go ahead.girls won't propose hey, don't make any hasty decisions
think whether you need this or not. think well dude! i'm leaving dude - why are you scaring him?- i'm not scaring him he has to like her, hisdecision is important now why are you coming closer? ronaldo needs a sister, it seems i have decided.i love kalaiarasi i will get married only to heri am leaving
sky is usually filled with sun and moon there's nothing there today it's filled with my "kalai" now listen to another one.. trees will have parrot and cuckoo.. but now, it's kalaiarasi all over dude, you are amazing! - on the ground, you'll find dog and hen- dude please - dude please spare me, don't torture me- i'm going to kick you
dude you keep going dude, i was waiting near the water pumpto catch a glimpse of kalaiarasi at that time, she seemed likethe angel they show in movies she was beautiful the way she looked at me for asecond when she was leaving felt so intense it was a great feeling dude, kalaiarasi is short tempered guys have been trying to woo herwell before she reached puberty
but she never fell for anyone will break your jaw! - what?- nothing sister you were born without god's consent? for the international companies it's for those international companies uninterrupted water service her current one side lovers are... ...tailor ganesh, supervisor mohan
one last important thing, nari sureshwho hangs out with viji all the time tight competition dude! they keep following,don't you get annoyed? they see what theylike. they have freedom if i look, theywon't even face me as far as they don'tdisturb me, it's fine if the girl is fine with it,we can take care of anyone first we have to get rid of the girlsroaming behind her brother, there areno issues anymore
now we have to change kalaiarasi'sliking towards you as love. very important thingin love is field work no matter how busy you are, yourpriority should always be kalaiarasi scoundrels of that sort shouldbe pulled off by their roots he might be presentin our gathering he might also be holding onto our party's blue flag - hello... hi... how are you?- damn. he is a headache! hey... hey... i'm talking to you poor thing, he's been waitingfor you since morning
why can't just give him a glance is it fine now?now, get lost! i haven't done any businesssince morning, just now... hey, do you love kaali? if you say, they'llhit anyone they like? - look how they have beaten them up- as if she's an angel warn him, or else he'll be done! - do you know how much it hurts?- let it go dude they broke my nose dude
why are you getting worked upfor all this? calm down why are you doing this? what do you think of me? are you a big rowdy? will you beat up all those who follow me? you've been telling everyonethat i'm in love with you don't do unnecessary things did i ever say that i love you? you said you're notlike that the other day
it's embarrassing! wherever i go on the street,they call me by your name and yesterday,viji threatened me what do you think of yourself? you think, i'll fall in loveif you keep following me i swear, i don't like you at all get lost and do something useful what brother, looks like my ideahas worked out. come on, i deserve a treat
you guys carry on,i'll be back whats up dude? whyare you upset? nope, i'm not upset are you drunk? hey guys he's drunk! - hey... come on blow..blow?- get lost! - he's drunk way too much..it stinks- dude, be careful! what's wrong with you?...youwent to booze all alone without us. why don't you shut up
hey kaali!...hey! - hey dude what is it?- dude he's crying! - what's it dude?- dude you know kalaiarasi right?... ...she doesn't like me it seems checking her out, following her.she doesn't like any of it dude, thats how it is in the beginning later you'll see.. she'll comearound and propose to you no dude, she was rude to me - dude are you serious?- yes i'm
when she spoke to me, therewere small kids around - it was so embarrassing!- let it go! i don't want to be inthis world anymore - i'll commit suicide- really?...go..go die. bloody fool! i'm going to die for sure hey kaali..stopdude... don't be crazy! - hey get down- you're the one who asked me to die you've been acting like a fool,i'm gonna kill you myself
hit me dude..hit me,and kill me after that she's the one whocame and spoke to me "that's not true then"..."that's nottrue then"...she stressed on that so it's not love then? but my sister mary,said that it was love - it's ok dude -now i'm a rowdy, scoundreland she doesn't like me - i'm a scoundrel dude- kaali, why are you acting like a kid - kaali people are watching, let it go- who's watching? hey!..no one is looking,let's leave come on
- is there a scene going on here?- hey... dude what are you doing? - what is it?- why is he acting like this? i've been sulking on my failureand you have 3 girl friends kaali don't be stupid what? do you think of yourself as a hero? if anyone falls in love here,i'll break their bones i don't need her you are my love- come lets leave my sister mary
ronaldo is my son-in-law! i give you my word... - if i've a daughter, i'll get her marriedto your son -that's ok, let's leave he's way too high!..that's why she's said it's not going to happen only if i get married,i'll have a child won't i get married at all? bring water quickly hey dude, why are yougetting so upset?
i'm there for you... willtry wooing another girl - do you want eggs?- don't ask, just serve it am i not? dad showed me that girl,she's good looking i'll talk to her,won't i do at least this for you? mom, she said there'snothin happening, let it go if it's nothing , why didyou try to kill yourself don't you care aboutyour parents? your birth was a boon to me.
i couldn't sleepthe entire night dear, please leavethis drinking habit - why do you have to talk to him like that?- because of you he's behaving like this - you're the one who's spoiling my son- who me? just shut the hell up! if you continue this, thenyou won't see your mom. make sure you are backhome once your job is done don't worry about anything you'll get a girl like angelina
she is no angellet her be paper boat that sunk in an ocean of love, that took him in to thedeepest of sorrow. in an age where every moment counts, stepping in to fragileemotions is ludicrous you could reach it, yet you cannot enjoy it what the hell are you laughingat, stop you bloody dogs! our life is like a riverthat takes random courses
we never worry about theemotions that strike us worry not for we’ll notstumble you to ground succeed or fail in life,we’ll not leave this land step over the obstacleswith your head held high, raise your voice for misdeeds step over the obstacleswith your head held high the paper boat will reach the shores you'll succeed in love one day the grass on the other side,is always greener!
take that garland. - granny, get that right- maari, you should prosper well hey!..keep it granny..keep it! wait..wait... i'll give here take it here hold this....heyjohnny dance! brother, don't dance like this anbu, keep this for festival expenses come here anbu, they have announcedthe date for the conference
understood it's on march 3rd! we've to show them who weare, we've to slog everyone is ready to pull us down look here anbu, we shouldnot be scared of anything our place, our area..whatever we'velost, should be reclaimed by us don't worry about that, everything is goingas planned, this time it's going to be us that's not the issue anbu, in casewe have a meeting near the wall... ...won't they spit on us statingthat we still don't have the wall on top of that, they are so laid backwith an impression that nothing can be done
look here anbu, never have fear! from now on, it's themwho should be scared of us they'll be scared,don't worry about that - what's it?- dude, lets leave don't worry, we'll take carelets go what else? just this wall right? maari brother won't come for this also? is he scared?
scared uh?...won't the walltake him as sacrifice? hey! it tried killing him once.it really has got some powers che... the auto guy came in between! remember the 2 guys whodied on the bike? they were sloshed, but theblame was on the wall they could've died some other place why does it have to be this wall? dude, who ever has died therehave their own reasons no one ever thinks about that
it is the fear that we havethat makes us think like this all these are cooked up stories if they bestow the fear of death on us,we won't touch it. just some tricks they're scared that we'll grab that wall if we grab the wall,will they mellow down? if not this, then something else if you ask me, i feel it should bepainted white making common age old problem is stillpersisting and it sure will continue the problem lies with kannan, whydon't we deal with him directly?
- but dude we will be the only ones in thisworld fighting for this silly wall -hey! is it so simple for you.... do you think the issue isonly due to the wall? first sengai use to workunder krishnapa he went against him infront of the people, that's when he died loads of money, a big shot in politics,why does he have to hold on to this wall? wall isn't the issue,it's the authority no one should question him he'll ride on our back,do you want us to ignore?
many lives have been lost for this wall still his father's image is on that wall if we touch that, we will die it seems.let's see who is going to die don't think that i'mdoing this for maari, this is for all those whodied because of this if not us, who else will do it? - i'm leaving -this won'twork out, i'm leaving too it's obvious there will beissues if we touch that wall i agree with you buddy, this is apersisting issue..can't solve it easily
it became a big issue when a small kidscribbled on that wall, think about it hey, are you scared? that's not the case dude dude, you carry on. we don'tneed anyone, i'll stand by you you make your move without anyworries, we will take care of it my anbu is here, now no one... all johnnies... all open your mouth - anbu- who's that? it's me, perumal has come down.
wants to discuss about the wall,he's waiting near raghu's place - who else is there?- viji, suresh and 4 others - you leave. i'll be there- ok, anbu - who's that? where are they taking you?- no where, just be quiet hey don't fight. listen to me, don't go. there's no fight, they have justcome to talk, don't be scared - i'm asking you not to go- i'm going, just shut up! dude perumal has come to speakwith anbu, come near raghu's place welcome anbu!
- did you ask the guys to come?- i have welcome anbu, how are you? you've become wiser it's not like that, justbeen given a posting bro, didn't i say. anbu is our kid,he must have done this unintentionally anbu, i was going to talk to you myself.brother wanted to.. - because it's our wall - ourwall?...once again if you mention that all the walls in this areais yours... i agree to that have i ever touched any of them, orat least put up a poster on them?
all we have is one wall, and youdon't get that. what do you say? let it be bro, allthese years you had it this year we will write on that, may be next year... nono..the wall is our henceforth anbu, you're talking like a kid then go ahead and speakto the elder ones don't speak unnecessarily,i'm handling this everyone just shut up, whoasked you to come here? nothing, they've just come to talk
hey better be calm,hey you be silent! - who is this?- your dad... bloody sick b@#@d! - hey you dirty worm, will smash you- who me? get a cloth will go fishing then - johnny i'm getting worked up- can't you be calm, i'm gonna kill you let there be no conflicts my father has died - don't get angry, all these years... -it'sthe same for you as well, just shut up my grandfather is on that wall where's your grandmother?on the neighbor’s wall
- we're talking here, and you're joking- hey nari, will hack you shut up! can't shut up, timeshave changed now hey just calm down! let's not waste time, this isour area and it's our wall hey viji, you are silent.is this why we got you here? what do i have to say, area leaderhas declared we can't have the wall. let him paint a image on thatwall, we'll just watch.. that's why i said, let's notspeak to him rather finish him
you'll are useless, hey move anbu, it's a big issue who's the big shot? let him know that anbusaid that he won't give this wall to anyone let him do as he wishes why are you talking to them, let them laytheir hands on that wall, then we'll see f@#$g bast... hey..just calm down and leave from here anbu, he's using his handswhile we are talking - what do you have to say?
no, i can't let's go! thought we'll speak and sort itout but you guys are fighting - he's talking too much- should have broken his jaw - let it go dude - he's come toour area and is creating a scene - we'll take care of it, where arethey gonna go -it's all unnecessary don't you have any brains? why did you hit him? are you mad at me? you want me to bequiet when he's yapping like that
enough, they came fora compromise and we have fought hey kaali wait... he's angry dude be careful, don'tgo alone anywhere why are you gettingpissed at him? - hey kaali take care- let him know that it's not a simple issue its another addition tothe existing problems hey stop there, are younuts? why did you hit that guy? they've been waitingfor someone to bump look here, don't get involvedin that wall's issue
i gave birth to you after years of penance? be quiet. he's swearing atanbu and you want me to be quiet? i would have broken his bones you better don't get in to allthis, come back home after work. always getting involvedin these issues hello... hello! hello who's this? cometo me if you have guts someone is messing withme, if i get hold of you... hey let it go... just waitand watch the next morning
- hello who do you want?- i'm kalaiarasi have you forgotten me? you'vebeen swearing all the time when i call just because i scolded you in angeronce, won't you meet me again? were you behind me for fun? i've been waiting for you to come and meetme. but you won't even give me a glance. i've been worried ever since the day iscolded you but you've beensleeping peacefully i am waiting near the waterpump to meet you. come fast. i'm here!
- what do you want? why did you call?- why are you screaming? i wanted to talk to you whatever i said the other day was in anger but what you did was right? if you love me? i should beokay with it immediately? do you know how girlsscold their lovers? one of my friends got her lovercaught by police he got beaten up black and blue she's now marriedto the same guy
she's happy! i just scolded you what else did i do? i swear, i love you since then please understand! why are you crying now? will you marry me? - when?- right here, right now! then give me a kiss
- hey kaali!- go please go, your mom might come down - dear, where did you go this late?- where were you? i've been asking, you don'teven bother to reply? what happened to him? hello..bro it's mary whay happened?please come home soon - why what happened? i'm coming- bro please come soon - maari don't get angry- how can i not be angry? i told you guys not to, but youguys have beaten him up so badly
trying to be smart?will dump you guys let's see how long this goes on greedy for money until i was here nothing had happened,all of this, when i was away in the morning all this is because of you do you want me to get arrested? sir, i was the one whodid this, arrest me wait, let's go in and talk let's take care of this later
money is playing the mainrole, please listen to me come on maari, let's go inside - don't cry- don't worry i'll take care of this anbu? let it go, we'lltake care of it bro, this is nothing. forget it they've to come here - don't be scared- dude, looks like they've beaten you badly won't you guys tell us theproblem, you've left him alone let them be
why are you looking at perumal? i know how to handle thisissue, just shut up and leave if only you let me, i wouldhave hacked them to death at least from now on let me know, i'lltake care of it if there's a problem where are you going? whyare you getting down? what are you doing? the wall is mine you can never touch it i dare you to touch me again
- dude, take him away. make him sit inside.- first take him away from here leave..leave..leave seems like that fellow isgoing to grow stronger? is he that gutsy? if he hasn't changed in spiteof getting beaten up he has to die he's not scared of us, thatgoes to his guys as well if it continues, hewill take the wall don't you ever say that and get slippered
- it's all because of maari- he'll be the same even otherwise - sit down viji- it's ok! come on, sit down sit down! if we let him continue this,it will be a problem for us all these days maari, didn't havethe guts to stand in front of us anbu... anbu iseverything out there if we finish theleader of the herd they'll be shattered
do this now, it's the righttime you've been asking for kill anbu, until you're satisfied after which, you're everything be with him and give himall that is required - hey, who's it?- no one why are you dodging? tell me... - it's that girl- is it kalaiarasi? mary did you listen to this?what is she saying? she loves me
dude, you didn't even tellme, when did this happen? look how happy he is,do you need all this? shut up, he is talkingabout his love why are you biting your tongue?have you decided to abandon us? you're eating because you earnedit. is that party gonna feed you? look brother, howirresponsible he is get some sense at least afterlooking at your child. let them do whatever they want,is that wall going to feed you? why am i here then? forthat wall to feed us?
are you nuts, after so much,you still haven't changed - you've been acting too much,i'm gonna break your jaw -dude! if i get scared, then who will seekjustice for the blood that's been shed i have fixed a date for that wall by next week, i'll conquer that wall andwalk in front of them with pride then there is no use ofus being here all this while - you just be with me- you'll never listen - what is it?- get home soon morning when we conquer that wall, everyoneshould be here. no one should be missed
i've spoken to him, he'll giveyou a paper, just take that keep all the weaponsready no matter who comes, we'll stand.we'll show them who we are. tomorrow should be our day it's ours, everything is ready.we'll show them our worth don't go out of our area, evenif there's a problem ignore it be alert! okay. you guys leave first you leave dude what's going to happen inour area, my buddy has come...
...will talk to him and then leave why are you so tensed? - what else it's that wall -chill,everything is going according to the plan - if only we conquer that wall- if we do, will we get everything? what are you going to do with that? are yougonna change this place like annanagar? we've been surrounded withpeople who won't let us change they keep shouting tamil..tamil, whenit comes to caste, they get violent then why do you have to sweat it,go and take care of your kids what's there to laugh?
if there's an issue in your area, won'tyou get down on to the streets? dishing out dialogues. you are educated right?what have you done for our area? once you save up, you'llmove out somewhere else get lost, it's my landand i'll stand for it even i will stand for it! it's not wrong to stand up, we'llhave to see if any good will happen dude, your anger, wanting togood for public is all good ...but do it with political knowledge,
don't react to this sillywall issues, understood? - hey guys welcome- what are you guys up to? there's a dance competition - that's great- we are going to rock! won't come back withoutwinning the trophy anbu bro, will come backwith the trophy to see you dude, you have beendelivering great dialogues i'll take care of all that seems like you are workingas full time security?
you've become thetalk of the area! how can you say that dude?...only now life is chirpy! i'm getting angry thinking why idid not give this a chance earlier i'm not sure if i would have been thishappy if my mom had chosen a girl for me i like her very much,it's all because of you you're hugging me now, hope youwon't hit me after your marriage she's not likeothers, she is great dude, usually people get a little intimatebefore marriage, do you think it's right? why are you laughing?
better tell me what you did... not me. i was asking in general.-hey kaali,don't get her pregnant before wedding couldn't control dude, butit's not like what you think - just kissed her- dude, you're awesome nothing man all that is wrong, just shut up she got impatient, i'm leaving no dude, she asked me to get home, she'llbe pissed off if she know i'm here. you're already so scared,wait you can go later
wait you can leavelater, what's the hurry? hey, there's no one,why are you here? - come let's go- don't drag me, i'll come you're not even marriedand yet you're so scared - then she'll say, i don'tlisten to her at all dude, they are here,start the bike dude leave!run! they've surrounded us,come on..come on... i will hack you down,who's that johnny?
- hey anbu- keep running get to the other side and surround him don't run... catch him hey... you're dead man got him..justin... kill him! come on let's go! come on dude..come on hello... hello..viji?how did you lose them he'll be in thisarea, keep looking
if he doesn't die tonight,you will, kill him! i don't know what you'll do, he hasto die tonight, viji don't leave him what have you done kaali? leave that, let's go what have you done kaali! dude? why have done like this?...hefell down breaking his skull open! what do you mean? i am scared dude he didn't die
he would have acted out of fearthat i would hit him again no if he dies they wouldimprison me, right? only now everything has settled down now everything is gone my general is gone..gone away! what's the use of you filthy guys? - whats it dude?- where are you? - perumal is dead- dead!
- it has become a big issue- dude! anbu, where are you? - near bhai's house- how did you execute such a big thing? you have to be very careful from now on what bro, won't they let us be in peace? they will be not at peace now, they'll belooking out to finish you guys overnight. we must not lose anyone from our side - what shall we do?- don't worry i'll talk to the lawyer, thatplace is not safe, leave soon
i'll come back afterkilling them all if police gets them they'd be beaten to death.let us surrender them directly in court avoid the police somehow. court.. not the high court..criminal court is best bring them there kill them before theysurrender in court that is good for you keep your guys in the searchwe'll try our best too hey, where are you? hey, what happened?
- why are you crying?- perumal.. will you abandon me? now what, nothing has happened ok you be brave, take care of our child if anyone asks for metell them you don't know. you go to your mothers housemaari bro, will take care of us you do what you want,but if something happens to you mary don’t talk like this is he there
- look properly- wait what's up maari brother! anbuhas risen to a great level! he is the talk of our area now whatever you have done all these years,he has done it in a day's time he wanted to prove himself,and stand up against you - anbu has won- now what do you want? stop this slander talk of yours hey, where are you going? fucking wallthe reason for all this
how many times have i told that thiswas unwanted.. now everything is gone - i'll bring it down- come, lets leave, someone might see us phone! anbu, there is a black carnear seetha's shop.. get on that i've informed anil everythinghe'll take care come on!get in awesome chief, you've stoodyour ground in our area they are looking around with weaponsnot a problem, we'll get away - shall we leave- phaa..
it's stinking, wash your mouth first what you staring at?if i inform boss, he'll finish you what's with you bro?start the car what a song! no onecan beat ilayaraja super feel! it pulls out thesoul and makes you admire friend, don't you like the song guys are getting ready the police are there,don't stop, keep going whatever happens you don't carejust act like you are sleeping
if we cross this we are donenever get down from the vehicle stop the car! don't stop keep going just keep going, floor it! that was a great escape we can never have an ordinarylife hereafter, right? they'll make us accusedif we go to jail, right? we've to become accusedonly then will they fear us do you know howterrifying perumal was?
you are god for thosewho are affected be proud you are an accused won't you shut up..he's already very disturbed should he hit for that?i am also an accused. we've reached the court yeah the party are safe we both didn't do it we are surrendering just becausepolice is suspecting us don't tell unwanted details
these are the twoanbu and kaali these two,- yes sir - under which police station is it?- puliyanthoopu police station - the si is devi, right?- yes sir wipe it! your drooling. lawyer prabhu from karlapakkam, madam whats it sir? suddenlyyou have come on line can't get you in my linejust small details madam can you please tell the suspectsname in the perumal murder case?
why? are you gonnasurrender anyone? the party has approached my friend tell me if you want,i send the party to you we'll see how you'll send them?don't fool around sir what to do madam?please just check no sleep all night note it down as i tell you. anbu, mahesh a.k.a adhiyan, franklin,shiva, moses, dharnesh, vetri and chakra sir, if anbu is with youwe can make a deal
madam, there isno one called anbu here if he comes i'll come to your linethanks madam - who is anbu?- it's me he's on demand, if the police had caught youthey would have swallowed you - your name- kaali, sir your name is not there in the fir why should he besurrendering voluntarily? if he surrenders withoutbeing in the case
they'll make it look as if hewas in the scene..... he's not needed bringthe other alone your name is not there! you kidding! i did it!i should be the one imprisoned dude, only i know about iteverybody thinks i did it even if you hadn't, iwould have killed him why should you go instead of me?i should be arrested, anil bro! who did you do this for?for me, right dude, nothing will happento me because of this
this case won't lasti'll get bail soon you'll be branded as a criminal then you'll be called on forany problem in the area your life is differentyou don't need all this you kidding, i can'twhat will i tell mary? it's getting late,even lovers won't romance so much don't worry, you can go to jailfor the next incident for sure! i've a sure scenei'll tell you, come keep quiet! i'm proud i'mgoing to jail for this
the judge has ordered him to be inpolice custody for 15 days, take him sir, can i make a call hmm, here why are you sad, buddy?nothing bad has happened i hit him!i killed him! i'm the one to be arrested i knew from that blow of yours i swear, this won't happen to anyone else! you got to worship your friend
i can never repay him for this debt 15 days.. he'll be bailed out, right? don't worry, this is a high level case.no witness also. we'll get the bail. maari bro is calling yeah tell bro we went to buy lunch.everything is over kaali is with me don't worry you don't have to come and see me inthe prison i'll call you from there.
i'll get everything inside.whatever it is, tell it to kaali. be careful! don't cry, idiot take care of our son... okay? i'll call you when i leave is that mary? she's just crying - take care- hey, don't cry dude i've never seen you like this
i'll take care if we had taken over the wallit would have been spectacular, right? now everyone will blame the wall, no one will get close to it! hey, why are you still hung on that? - like a fool- you won't understand by this time, conquering that wall walkinghead held high with pride in front of them would have brought peace to allthe souls who have lost their life if i hadn't hit him that dayyou would have dealt it, right?
even if it wasn't for you,it would have been the same you don't worry dude, as you wished beforeyou come out, the wall will be ours. you don’t have to do anything, fool inform the girls parents and getmarried soon, save some for then don't do everything before marriage i've told her strictly,so it's all only after marriage anbu is finenothing happened to anbu i've to see him don’t go by the wallgo the other way
go by the wall anbu! anbu get up! see who is here your best friend is here you never wanted me to call youpassionately without respect.. now i'll call you dear. anbu dear!get up dear! get up and talk to me dear you said you would make our sonlike the football player ronaldo you said you wouldmake him study well
i'll make him study dear,i'll make him a very good person you were always talking about the wall! today the wall hastaken you away were you born just totaste death, my dearest leaving your kith in an eternal sorrow your memories neverdie in our heart your authority neverceases in this land where have you left in solitude? we search for you everywhere
having revolutionized the land,have you taken up heaven now? why have you parted from us in solitude? a day hasn’t passed withouttears of your memories i thought somehow weshould retrieve the wall and take away all the authoritythey had over us. now what are we going to givefor our lion, anbu? how many more are going to diefor this wall? kill me first! no one from are side should die,if anyone that should be me my dear hubby
you always used to say you like mylip, now come bite it dear! bite! your journey of revolution had just begun and you ended your life even beforetasting the light of change there is a house near perambur for rent shall we move there for awhile, without any trouble dear, a change will make things better let's move to some other place why should we go? this is my placei will not go anywhere?
you want me to run like a coward? kaali is coming - hey dude welcome- good evening pa! - aunt.- come in, why are you standing there? bloody sinners, lookhow they've cut him if it had gone a bit deepwhat would have happened? i would have died why do you talk like that, you beingalive itself is just mere luck i asked you not to go there,
would any girl do such a thing? i feel ashamed kaali, why do you have that?keep that aside how are you? you fine?what brings you here? it's healed? leave it kaali,you don't know i feel like halfof me is missing how could they do this? kaali..i cant bear iti cant even sleep at night
we have to kill kannan,we shouldn’t leave him he should die,i won't let him go i'll do it,help me how many more have to die? we shouldn’t let him go right before my eyes i won't i'll be satisfied only after hacking him. why do you need to do this?
we are living a life without peace you are educated, go work.look after your parents don't get angry how can i keep calm? anbu died for me i don't care if no one is withme, i don't even need you i know how to kill him what do you know? look!he too has lost his son
they'll have their eyeswide open like an owl listen to me..keep calm it's a duty to be done for anbu i'll do it i know when to kill him you think he is nobody tobe killed just like that? go!listen to me just keep quiet, even if he passes by the silence is not of fear
that is to hit him backunderstand i'll take care kaali leave your thoughtsbehind and go home tell him to come. where is he?what is he doing? i'll come home and kick you who do you think i am? kill him get in the car!get in the car brother! start the car!
brother, get in i'm gonna kill you what does he think of himself hey who are you, move aside kaali, the police are beating up dad - who is that?- are you kaali - what do you need?- what do you think of yourself? raising your handagainst an educated the police have hit my son
if you dare hit him now don't think i'm being calm i don't care even if you are the police they have seen him, trying to kill is he dead? how much did he give?shall i give you more? kaali, take dad inside granny first murder will beshouting out loud always - are you some whore or wolf- jhonny keep quiet
it's become an issue, there's a case bookedon his name and you are letting him go! maari said he'll give you the cashis the case still there what have you done?even after what i told go! go to the police station they have filed an attempt to murder case. you all go bow to him now! what to do maari? why are you asking me? ask yourson, who thinks too much of himself we just lost one of us
they don't mind killing anyone,and you are giving them a reason do you want me to keep quiet?he would have died no one has raised handsagainst my husband why were you born to me? due to your short temper, have yourealised what kind of problem we are in? let it go! don't raiseyour hand on a grown up anbu is just your friend,he is like my son do you think i'll let them go?let me take care of this you know how difficult it was totake your name off perumal case?
don't let your son get away, hold on to him at this age they tend to be angry.advice him what other work do you have?can you get back the life once lost? - take care- ok kaali, very soon you'll getgood news i'll playyou just watch he must die in my hands i'll call you shut up, mom
anbu abandoned mary only after a while i think he will abandon you right away he isn't happy seeing me he feels relieved seeing you don't leave my son, dear your son came back alive just for me aunty why are you looking like this?what do you want? you! hey..what are you looking?
- no! mom would come- let her the tablets are finishedi'll go buy some i'll be back she saw us, right? dear, you smiledyou smiled! - idiot, mom saw us- so what? you! me! us!my love! my life! you! me! us!found life in us! i am a blossoming flower
you are the thirst of the flower. i am the sky for the birds, come and glaze through me. i’m the courageous fire you’re the one to control me even a thorn will be my nest your path will be shed with roses even a river fish willfind its way to the ocean i long for your arrival, my dear
the sound of burning rockswill become the melody of life is there a heart withoutlove in this world? within your eyes of vengeancewill blossom a beautiful love won’t you stay by my side how much do you like me? so... little shall i tell you one thing- whats it? - at first, i never had any love for you- hmm anbu and my friends madeit up that i loved you
then with what you told, iconfirmed that you loved me what did i say? when i was hurt, you asked me bythat pump... i too apologised "that's not true then?", that'swhen i realised you love me only then i knew you loved me you took it that way? truly you don’t loveme, is it just a lie i was just asking itlike any another did you ask so?
so that was not true i was a fool to fall for that truly, i still don'tknow why i like you hmmm... i casted a spell on you! that's right you're a charmer! only after i scolded you,i started liking you your mom too spoke to me - what did she say? - while in anauto, a fellow was troubling me she argued with him
that day she gave me jasmine... my son loves you a lot why did you reject him? my son is in distress you'll never get aguy better than him please accept my son she showered her love on me. - did my mom say so?- really your mom is great, right? truly there are manygood people around you
mom, dad, mary, anbu and your friends yeah kalai, everyonearound me is good anbu! telling that name makes me shiver looking at him i realised thatfriends could also be like him he took care of me like that if anyone talks bad aboutme, he would get angry he doesn't care who ever it is even before his death
you have to settle down soon dude he was talking about our marriage che, why did i remindyou of that again? leave it!lets talk something else that's not the case kalai,you know how he is? he never cared about himself do something for the people he always wanted to make thingsbetter for the guys in our area he'll be thinking of that all the time
the money he earns, instead of paying hisson's fees, he'd give to anyone who asks. i swear, just like he was killed,i'll kill them all without mercy you have such a thought in you? what after killing them? when i'm totally depending on you... at least, if you had thought about me,would you say such a thing what are you talking?think from my side how can you think like that?you never thought about me? to somebody who means the life to you?
how will i not think of you? i swear. the only reason i haven’t doneanything wrong is because of you. this much..more... more than this world! - i'll ask you one thing, tell me the truth- ask.. do you like me or anbu brother? - are you insane?- yes.. i am mad about you i've come believing you are my lifeyes i am a fool if you like me wouldyou have such thoughts?
who do you like?tell! he's dead and you are comparing him! i like you.. enough? don't lie for my sake dear shall i diethen will you say that it's me? why are you talking like this? tell me, who it is? anbu! now what? go..go awaynever come back
hey.. why did you come here why did you come back? he wasmore important to you right? you've decided to disgrace me what more your going to do? she went againsther parents for you. forget her now she's gone! and she ismore stubborn than you kalai.. kalai.. sorry kalai..your the most important. stop kalai!i'm telling you to stop the glittering moon doesn’trest when sky glazes! how can i rest when youstay farther from me
the hay-man has nokindred souls for him my hands are without impressionswhen you take my love away seems like oceans dry up in my eyes,until you and i unite. is it your job to follow me don't you have a job no one in the world rents love, why am i deprived of one.. let the soul leave the bodynot your memories.. all i remember and see is your dazzlingbeauty, and that’s what i cherish
don't take me wrong, it's all for the good love is blind, not handicapped why did you go far from my reach migrant birds doesn’t settle in a place but your nest is in my heart the one place where you’ll stay safeas the shooting stars in the sky why are you honking? yesterday, why didn'tyou come to see me? you've things more important than me
hereafter, if you follow me.. - kalai, one minute..- what? - i like you only- oh! i believe that!! hey, i'm talking to youwhat the hell do you want? what? i want you..will you marry me? then come sit in my bikeonly then will i marry you the glittering moon doesn’trest when sky glazes until you and i unite. seems like oceans dry up in my eyes,
groom, do you like the bride? hmm.. i like her a lot - do you like the groom?- hmm.. then what, exchange the garlands stop this! what's the dowry going to be?please share that with everyone - that is not needed uncle- you keep quiet i've been talking,ask them to reply - dad, ask them -you mention your demands,they'll let you know if that's possible
we'll ask for a aeroplanewill you be giving it? is he the king of egyptask what you need one car, and 50 sovereign gold would you need a big truckto carry all your things are you trying to mock me? if it's not possiblelet them say.. ask your son to become a collectorwe'll do what you ask for after that will you giveus a truck load of goods? you can't give us a replyhere, and you're talking
thought you were wise people but seems like you'll stopthis marriage by fighting look, my daughter-in-law is like gold why do we need more?let them do what they like i'll do what it needsfor my daughter-in-law what do we have to talk anymore?my wife has said it we are going to take her homewithout an ounce of gold, what do you say? what do you think? we'lljust let her go like that? you'll be blown away from what weare going to do for our daughter
then what are we waiting for. exchangethe garlands i'm hungry, lets go eat the peoples republic front hasjoined hand with the peoples front... just because they've joined hands, will we? this is not a recently formed rivalry weshould never let his shadow fall upon us. we should astound them with ourpolitical campaign, looking at which... ...they should handoverthis constituency to us tomorrow put up astreet corner conference we welcome vyasar's silver starmaari to this conference we also welcome our well wishers andyouthful supporters on behalf of maari
whats this!kannan is coming the decision of coalition,has brought happiness to respect that decision, ourformer mla kannan of this division... ...will be presentingmaari with the shawl enough maari!enough with our fighting! our party joining hands doesn't matter, weshould join, our men should join hands we should be together andserve the people well i'll leave jhonny
bloody sinners, have forgotteneverything that has happened and now have joined handswith the same party what kind of justice is this? did i go?he is the one who came high command decidessomething, can we defy it? just because we are in alliancei'm not gonna be cooing with him he's always my enemy for mari to win we have to unite,how long can we keep fighting? i'll hack you jhonny
once upon in this areamy father died ..because of this kannan will hack you guys down if you enterthe area with a party flag, i'm alone! mari vote for maari, okay it's us hereafterwe are gonna rock ok we'll see latergo enjoy wait, i'll be back he's inside
no one is herego in - greetings bro- sit down here take this mari this is the parties moneyfrom my side for the election bro give me what's for mei'm not gonna hoard it - wow your perfume smells good- stop that - let's go in - this is reservedplease choose another table look at me,i'm all finished i can see, you arenot what you were
have some drinks have it! - if you say anything, i'll kiss youright here -don't ask for too much! are you teasing me? don't piss me off.. you've been acting too smart! here, take this money no need brother who are you? who do i have?
i'm gonna give it to the people i have to move away from allthis party, position and power you've to grow maari than using this money for yourself give yourself to everyone bro..your super i've to do something for you ask whatever you wantwhat do you want? ask me bro?it's all yours
on that wall a new imageof my dad should be painted without any trouble it's all in your hands this time you arethe mla of rk.puram you've won iti'm there for you hey feed the childrenlet them eat dear do you need anythingshall i order something eat!eat well dear have some chicken...
what happened? hey anil bro, how are you? kaali, no! i'm with myfamily, i know nothing what's it bro? i did nothingit was all maari's plan i was just part of it, i know nothingleave me! leave me! see who that is some guy, that's nothing - what did you say?- leave me!
why are you hitting me? maari was the one who planned themurder of anbu, why don't you go ask him? take it! take it!it's all yours now if i have a position inpolitics? it's all because of you take it bro, i'm there,no one will come, my son's head is shattered my only son, maari! don't have to do it for me?kill him for your good whatever you thinkwill happen, i'm there
kaali is here with me - stand up! stand up!- whats all this for? no one can win over you by the grace of god i'm blessing youwholeheartedly, no one can beat you anything this grannysays will happen, you've won this bro,you are the next mla it's us hereafter it's all your blessingsit's gonna be good times ahead the dispute withkannan is gonna end today
kannan said that there will be no moredisagreements regarding the wall. how would it? welcome jhonny!you must be my activist - ok jhonny- just rock with your english jhonny, you don't worry jhonnyi'll let everyone know about you we must file ournomination in style don't worry bro, the wholetown will be by your side looking at the crowd that comesthey will select you unopposed - just one thing, if anbu was there...- it would have been different
welcome kaali he has got a nominationwe've to make him win the elections i saw anil what?what did he say? no, kaalidon't trust anil? anbu, is like my son what's your problem? anbu was so loyal to you he celebrated you,we all thought you like our own brother
what made you do that? you deceived us to surrenderand slit his throat what have this sinner done? just because anbu will grow, youfell for the greed of kannan's money he pretended to be agood man in front of us hey, you have hityour brother know? would i be disloyalto my people? they won't believe you they are my people
from then to now these people havebeen believing you and your father for all these years younever listened to my words you were all his scapegoats what's your problem?he's is a respectable person he's not worthy,he's a traitor he has done a lot for usplease calm down jhonny, he's next,finish him when it's the right time in politics, there are slaves waiting for us what is important is only politics
he's nexthave a look! what? are you guys kidding me? you guys are nothing but dogswagging your tails salivating! look at him, this is what he is... who are you calling dogs? youwere the one who came begging to us look at the girl's face see what you have done to her,cant imagine what all you’ll do to us. he killed anbu, don't lethim go.. hack him down you guys will talk like this now,but later you'll again go behind him
we should show him that he is not the onlyone, we have to unite and let him know that killing him is not enough we have to deprive him of the greed forpolitics for which he took anbu's life they kept fooling us withthis wall all these days first we have to destroy this andshow them that they can't touch us don't touch that wall,then it will kill you! see what's gonna happen to the wall hey dude, don't don't do it kaali- watch!
bro, sorry your death is in my hand bro, sorry kaali has come!you can't do anything looking at your face it's clearthat you're a dog which hunts rabbits bro, clean yourself i would have finishedhim the day he hit me.. it's gone..they have ruined my father's image - it's gone- bro, keep quite
not now bro,it's election time f@#k the election i'll kill you i'm there for you we have to spill their blood he's a phoenix nothing will happen to him bro, i'll do this who?you? can you please just shut it?
i've come. i'll finish itdon't worry the police will not be in town.you do it boldly, i'll take care - are you scared?- why should i be scared? did you do anything wrong? i've looked aroundthere is no one here i'm keeping an eyeno one has come around 'g' block he's on the terrace of 'g' block bloody cheater politicianlook at his face what's it watchman?what are you doing here?
if kaali knows he'll finish you all,run away! run! what are you staring at!one blow! that’s it - finish him!- jhonny we were talking, whats all this? have to get married soon thengo on honeymoon and enjoy! shut up and keep walking leave!leave quickly! - hello- dude, they've killed jhonny - how?- don't know, we fond him near the wall jhonny..why him
- they have killed jhonny- look what they have done to him why did you leave him alone? he is still alivecall an auto! - hold him.. lift him in- don't let them where are they?ok cut the call be with him ask them.. - have you all seen kaali- no bro - did you see him?- i said i didn't!
- lying to me?- get lost come on he's at the crossroads,i dare you to go there go search for him bro he is herewe'll catch him if he comes shiva? what happened shiva? - we are the ones who killed him- go catch them come!come here! catch him!don’t let him go!
come on dude!get on! - hello, come near benny mills- super bro, he is cornered this viji is with you, let's take him out where are you hiding?come out dude, you leave viji, come! after all these problemsthis wall... was bearing an awareness messageon education for the people
viji became the nextpower as he had wanted - whats this?- take it before i die, i should see myfathers image on the wall - don't worry- only you can, you've to do it viji i'll take care, don't worryi do it and let you know with just not education.. political awareness andrationality is needed for the area children and taught themwith his family.. kaali! in order to gain respect forhumanity and to understand social issues
just education is not enough along with it we also requireknowledge of social politics... ...and social consciousness is needed,shall we get started?

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