i will tell you. ganga reddy and petireddy were best friends. there was lots of lovebetween both the families. but that love endedbecause of a piece of land. but today peti reddy'sdaughter is going.. ..to get married to ganga reddy's son. and his daughter isgoing to peti reddy's house. so now both families have united.- yes, yes that is right. why are you being so happy?
just because of the fearof losing 1000care of land.. ..which they had snatched from poor.. ..both the enemiesare becoming relatives. just think whether relationshipmade out of selfishness last long. i am doubtful on the relationship.- i have full doubt. you both keep quiet.they are coming towards this side. look, the groom has come. come, come....welcome. have you eaten food? - yes.
where are father and uncle? father and uncle have goneto temple to fulfill certain rituals. okay, they have gone to temple. the groom has sent sari for his bride. so if for some time you all... indu, i am feeling very scared. kiran is waiting foryou at the petrol pump nearby. from there you both will take 7o'clockflight from vijaywada for mumbai. and from mumbai you willtake 11o'clock flight for canada.
and you will go faraway from this world. do you think this is so easy? true love always wins. just have faith onyour love and god. come. now hurry up and call the bride. 'sanskrit chants' call the other bride. the bride is not in her room. i will not sacrifice my love..
..and happiness for selfishnessof both the families. i am going far away from you all. don't try to find me. hey ganga reddy againshowed his real self. don't spare him. the enmity of thesetwo families will never end. because of their fight, marriageof another girl could not take place. now only god can save them. this is the biggestbahubali of this city.
chairman of d brothers dhananjay. he has only one aim in life.to become the mayor of this city. he does all that businessby which money comes easily. like having illegalprocession of lands.. ..selling alcohol,constructing buildings. damodar and diwakarare his two brothers. not only do they have same blood buttheir heinous thinking is also the same. in the recent corporation elections.. ..dhananjay has boughtthe winning candidates.
except for one. now the dream of dhananajay to becomea mayor is dependent on his vote. brother, corporator mahendra,his wife and child are in our custody. absolutely safe. now he will go to municipaloffice and vote for you. and if he does not give theni will kill his family with a knife. i am ready to give the vote. he got scared and said yes. be smart.at any cost we should get his vote.
you start makingpreparations for the party. just think that youhave already become a mayor. buy a new outfit towear at time of taking oath. from today no one will be able to lifthis head in front of you in hyderabad. prem.. who has sent you here? cowards like you justfollow others instructions.. ..but a brave personlike me lives his own life. i am tiger. young tiger.
let the corporator and hisfamily go from here respectfully. otherwise i will not spare you. really. is it washingpowder's advertisement.. ..that you will come here and beat us? don't spare him. - wait. even after seeing my amazingentry you have decided to hit me. i appreciate your daring. okay i will give you an offer. let's have tea at astall and chat comfortably.
just like friends.you will be happy as i well as i. then happily we will go back home. the second offer will proveto be very expensive for you. even this offer is friendly.but this friendship is different. in this you will be beaten. speak something that i can understand. you tie friendship band to me. come, we will tie friendshipband to you. come on tie it. your offer of friendship is better.
you must have heard that itwill be fun when three friends sit. you, me and modi's tea. after drinking that yourheart will bloom like lotus. that was one timeoffer that has expired. now you will get expired. hey. i think we need toteach you a lesson. - brother.. we will have to do. third umpire. start 20-20.
you come. okay. i would like to saysomething in your praise. seeing you on bullet i understoodthat you are bullet king. i become a bullet ifi have to kill someone.. ..and if i have to destroysomeone then i become a bulldozer. wait, wait..have you gone mad? what is the use ifi could not become a mayor? i will become mad.
my life will be destroyed. who did all this? who was he who did all this? who was he? my life will be over. tell me who that rascal was.who was he? i don't know brother.i have never seen him before. how was he to look at?how did he look? on looking he..
he seemed to be like a hunting tiger. i need that man. at any cost i want him.- brother, i think he knows him. i will give you whatever you want.i will give whatever you ask for. just tell me his name. none of your servantshave daring to take my name. i am the one who has comehere to finish your politics. who are you? it is not importantfor you to know my name.
just remember three importantthings regarding work. number 1..you will neverget the post of mayor for.. ..which you are palpitating. number 2..i will destroy the name,respect and dignity.. ..about which you are very proud. come in front of me. the third thing is thatwhen your luck is bad.. ..you will find me in front of you. who is this man?who is he?
it is mother's call. hello, yes mother. how are you, son?are you taking care of yourself? i eat on time and sleep on time.at present i was sleeping. till this time. at this time it is 12 midnightin america. even in india it is 12. yes. he made india's day asamerica's night. - quiet buddy. okay son, sleep.
good night, mother. - good night. you have come herewith us to spend holidays. then why did you pickup a fight with mayor. why did you lie tomother that you are in us? if someone's villagebecomes your house.. ..then people of thathouse become your relatives. when i returned from americaafter completing my studies.. ..then the entire village celebratedas if their son has returned. greetings.. - greetings..
how are you? - we are fine. son, many proposals came for my daughterbut i am waiting for your decision. what is this, father? everyone has come withproposals of their daughters. i told them that whatever will happen,will be with your consent. anyone would consider himself tobe lucky to get a son-in-law like you. son, you may yes todaughter of anyone of us. we all will be very happy.now everything is in your hands. nothing is in my handsbut in hands of my mother.
i have promised my motherto marry the girl of her choice. tell me mother whosedaughter you like. chitty will become my daughter-in-law. chitty was my friend.we grew up together. my father's friend dhananjaylives in shrivalli. chitty is his daughter. my marriage was fixedto her in childhood. everyone in the family wasvery happy with this relationship. after growing up chitty wouldbe daughter-in-law of our house.
we will now, sister-in-law. - okay. chitty, come to me.- no, i will not come. i will stay with aunty. let her stay here for 2-3 days. okay fine. - come on. sir, dhananjay's carmet with an accident. sister-in-law, promise me that you willgive mother's love to my daughter. and when she grows up you will makeher daughter-in-law of your house. i promise you that chittywill become my daughter-in-law.
from that day mother tookcare of chitty as her daughter. but one day.. mr. ramchandra, he had promised that oncehe became the president of panchayat he will return the papers of the land. just because of youwe made him the president. and he sold our land tosomeone else to make a factory. a farmer's eyes arealways towards the sky. but the eyes of wrongperson like you are bowed down. you are not worthyof being a president.
resign immediately.- yes, yes resign immediately. resign now. brother.. it is not right the wayyour husband has insulted me. now i will tell him and thevillagers what this dhananajay is. i had believed chittyas daughter-in-law of my house. father, uncle forgot usthe moment he left the village. chitty's mother expiredand that relationship got over. but mother has not forgottenthe promise she had given.
you are everything for mother. even you shouldunderstand her feelings. please forgive me. my son'smarriage has already been fixed. come, come.. am i dreaming? i cannot believe it. friends, he is my childhood friend. he has become head of the village.- greetings! am i saying right?they are all corporators of this area. sit down. why are you standing?please sit down.
tell me, what made you come here? the matter is very special. we have come with a proposalof your daughter for his son. are you saying the truth?is this true? diwakar, damodar come here.everyone come here. did you listen? by forgetting old mattersmy friend has come.. ..to get his sonmarried to my daughter. ramchandra,how dare you come to my house..
..and propose marriageof my daughter to your son. get up. what is this ramchandra? first you insulted mein front of the entire village. and today you havecome here all of a sudden. oh, you have come to knowthat i am going to be a mayor. or you are surprised seeing my wealth. even celebrities and millionaires ofthis city stand in queue in front of me. what is your status in front of them?
not equivalent to my shoes. dhananjay, think before you speak. i am not dhananjay of your villagethat would be sacred of your threats. i am chairman of d brothers. and would become mayor of this city. now shall i throw you outor you will leave on your own. the next day i lied to that that i amgoing to america and came straight here. to fulfill my mother's promise. ta take revenge forthe insult of my father.
and to make chittydaughter-in-law of our house. kartik, even we are freetill we get the next project. we can come with you. but what do we need to do. dhananjay is very proudabout the status of his daughter. so first we haveto destroy that pride. it is said that if wishes are saidin your ears then they are fulfilled. even i have a wish. i do not know anythingabout the person whom i love.
family members arelooking for a groom for me. before they get me marriedmake me meet my love. sister, uncle has called you. have a long live. priest, nothing ishappening right these days. brother almost lost the post of mayor. it is not your mistake. an inauspicious planet is therein the horoscope of your brother. due to which wrongthings are happening.
the tiger is sure to hunt. mr. dhananjay, are you findingproposal for your daughter? in american business talksare going on about naidu's son. once the girl is of marriageable agethen it is right to bid her farewell. if she runs away with anyonethen you will be insulted. hey, without my consent my daughtercannot even buy a handkerchief. understood.he will marry the boy of our choice.. ..otherwise she will remain unmarried. if any boy dares to loveher then i will not spare him.
and if my daughter lovesanyone then i will kill her. understood. chitty comes here for aerobic classes. come on do some exercise.- okay, kartik. this is wrong brother. girl is getting slimmer there andwe are getting fatter standing here. more the size more isthe demand in the market. brother, tiger is coming. my heart has started beating fast.
instead of aerobics he willmake us dance. come on let's go. who are you calling? i am calling boss togive him tiger's information. stupid. have you gone mad? nothing will happen by telling them. those three brothers willgive us the order to catch him.. ..and he will not spare us.and then those three brothers also. may be you look like a brinjalbut i cannot see you mashed. do i look like brinjal, brother?- no my dear rasgulla (sweetdish).
we will never tell thosethree brothers about tiger. we all swear to god. i wish she was chitra. she is so beautiful. come on. did you see that themoment those boys saw us.. ..they changed their style of walking? they feel that the moment girls willsee them they will fall in their arms. thank god he caught indu. look gabru look,this is called luck by chance.
now you are absolutely safe.- how dare you? how dare you catch me?- what wrong did i do? if i would not have caught this delicatedoll then it would have broken. it is said that ifyou save a falling girl.. ..then you are blessedfor seven births. am i right? - you boys are so cheap. the moment you geta chance you hold the girl. hey, you are speakingmore than necessary. what will you do? will you hit me?will you hit me?
you dared to hold my collar. leave her kartik.- no, she raised a hand on me first. leave her kartik. you do not know who i am. if i see you again theni shall not spare you. - go, go.. after drinking alcohol iwill create such a scene in front .. ..front of your house thatyou will not be able to tolerate. i shall leave dogs behind you.- hey, go..go from here. i will not spare you.- let's go kartik.
madam, please calldhananjay's daughter. she just left from here. who hold my collarmaybe she is chitty. look, this is dhananjay's house. i will climb the walland go and see chitty. chitra was so sweetand naughty in childhood. i don't know howwould she be look now. laxmi, where are you? come quickly. i will keep milk in youngermadam's room and then come.
room of younger madam.that means room of my chitra. it seems she is having a bath.will it be right waiting here? of course, she is my fiancã©e. i am going to see chitrafor the first time. i will not see anythingelse except her face. hello. hello bhagyashree.i love you sweetheart. bharat, how many timesdo i need to explain it to you.. ..that i will never love anyone?
please, don't say like this.listen to me. i belong to a good familyand will always keep you happy. look, i will not do love marriage. if i get married thenit would be arranged.. ..and that also with father's consent. love cannot comein bhagyashree's life. you find someone else for yourself.okay bye. - bhagyahsree. oh that means my chitty'sactual name is bhagyashree. i have become lucky.
it is my promise that oneday you will fall in love with me. what is this bhagyashree? i gave you my room sothat you can get ready quickly. friends are waitingfor you in the party. but i am ready. so, did you see her? how does she look? she is more beautifulthan i expected her to be. your chitty studiesin mala reddy college.
so from tomorrow wewill join that college. but seat should also be vacant. for sightseeing thereis no need of a seat. come on. hello. - so whatdid you think about me? why are you troubling me? how many times have i told you.. ..that i am neither interestedneither in you nor in love? never call me again -bhagyashree.. listen listen..
what is this bhagyashree?since last two years he is after you. but you do give him a chance. because according to me truelove cannot happen before marriage. only after marriage twopeople can understand each other. oh really.. that is why i hate love stories. the day you find the boy of.. ..your choice all thesephilosophies will be forgotten. i..there is no such boy whocan bind bhagyashree in his love.
'english rap song' so he is here again. i have wrapped all mylove for you in this gift. if you like it then keep it otherwise,slap me tight. but do not reject my love. is he your brother? i thought he is yours. leave the lesson loveand hold on to your studies. do you come to collegeto study or fall in love?
surely he has come for you. boys.. - yes boss. check every student of the college. check every page of notebookand every sms of the mobile. i need a full reportas to who is wooing whom. whosoever is in love willget punishment. come on. move it. okay, boss. show me your book. - you.. 9849224343 - what is this for?
you will slowly, slowlycome to know everything. - what? next. stop it. is this a college or club?all this will not continue here. hey, why are you disturbing all of us? are we disturbing you? listen carefullyshirt below shoulders.. ..and skirt above kneeswill not be allowed. who are you to come in ourcollege and dictate your terms on us?
doesn't she know? he is the head of anti-lovers squad. anti-lovers squad. yes. i have got acomplaint the percentage.. ..of lovers are increasingin this college. and percentage on marksheet is reducing day by day. from today only cleverstudents will come in the class. lover students not allowed.do you know why? because i hate love stories.
his thoughts are just like me. have i hit the target?- absolutely on the heart. so from today thosewho do not strictly.. ..follow dress code will be punished. no short dresses. no sleeveless. wear full clothes. there is a girl here who wears indiandresses and looks like a goddess. what is her name? bhagyashree.
i remember, bhagyashree. learn something from her, buddy.she is a typical indian woman. it is an art as to how muchto show and how much to hide. you should not look vulgar. so basically you all will dressup like her and come to college. did bhagyashree hear whatever i said? who are you to makerules of the college? i will go to the principal now.- do whatever you want to do. if he has some sense thenhe will also follow my rules.
sir, a boy is telling thathe is the head of anti lover squad.. ..and is misbehavingwith the students. is this the case? good.he is doing absolutely right. i have received complaintfrom top management that this college looks lessof college and more of lovers' park. that is why anti loversquad has been called. but sir such rules arenot there in any other college. this is government order. and i am also asking you to go, go.
has this order comefrom top management, sir? this is not an order. yesterday a boy came to my house. you have made an amazing entry.are you a hero or villain? we have made entry as hero andrest you may think in your own way. very good. what do you want from me? simple sir. my friendsand i want a job in your college. there is no post vacant in my college.
no problem, sir.we will create a post and join it. no salary. - trouble free. why for free? i like a girl of yourcollege so that is why.. what are you talking? to woo a girl you willdo a job in my college.. ..and i will you giveyou a job is impossible. get out. what useless life is this?
in childhood i did stealing, thefts.. ..smuggling, terroristattacks and many more things. i have committed murderto give maintenance of the house. now i decided to change myselfand turn crime story to love story. but for that i need a girl. surely. principal, you are notready to leave your principles. principal reddy of moderncollege is better than you. he is ready to takemoney and give us job.
padmavati is there in that college. i will lead my lifein longing for her. wait. i will not let honest manlike you work in that useless college. you are appointed in my college. thank you, sir. so you called that hooligan an honestman and gave job in this college. that padmavati is noone else but my daughter. what? - yes. hi indu.
hi. how are you?are you happy? i am very happy. hi indu. till wherehas your love story reached? i am calling on that numberbut i am not getting a response. family members arefinding a groom for me. i don't know whether mylove will be successful or not. i am much tensed. don't worry. if your love is true thenyou will somehow find him.
just do not leave hope. i don't have anything else but hope. bye poorvi. bye. hello, i am indu speaking. do you have his phonenumber or address? how many times have i told you madamthat i do not know anything about him. please sir. that man playsa very important role in my life. my work is also very important for me.
so don't disturb me again and again. i will tell you the dayi come to know about him. oh god, i will change this number. oh god, save me from this stupid girl. when will that person comein front of me whom i am finding? we all are celebrating party here.. ..and there brother'ssaavan has started. what is this brother? instead of eating such deliciouschicken you are eating vegetables.
your favorite tandoorihave been cooked. i liked mayor's positionalso so what happened about that. till i do not find him andbeat him i will eat vegetables. we will never tell brother who he is? and brother will continueeating vegetables. non vegetarian tigerhas made brother vegetarian. great, in just one dayhe improved the entire college. listen kartik, listen.. kartik, sir.
are you angry with me varun? for last two days youhave not talked with me. listen, kartik sir. - you are noteven answering my messages. sorry lavanya,your father does not let us talk. these squad people donot let us meet in the college. so let's finish this relationship. how can you suddenly finishrelationship like this, varun. idiot, you want to breakheart of that girl who loves you. come in front of me immediately.
sir.. hey, have you ever thoughtthat what will that girl through.. ..who loves you a lot whenyou break this relationship. you are leader of anti lover squad. yes, i am leader of anti lover squad.. ..but will never comein between two lovers. but when students forget studiesand fall in love then my anger.. cool down kartik.. if you fall in love before marriagethen it is a different feeling.
and after marriage love does notremain love but becomes adjustment. really. i will encourage true lovers. if your parents' are creatingproblems then come to me. i will get you both married. thank you sir. carry on my boy. mr. kartik. please wait.
i want to talk to you. where has she gone? why are you running? kartik, sir. you talk to everyonein this college except me. why is it so? there is a difference betweentalking to you and other girls. you think so deeply in love soare you also impressed with some girl. leave about now. i am impressedby a girl since 7th std. from 7th std. - yes from that time.
that time i used to studyin shivaji nagar's secondary school. and from that time igot infatuated to that girl. i also used to studyin the same school. what was the name of that girl?- you know her well. you were a group of five friends.- ganga.. shravani.. lata.. no. madhurima. - not at all.
then that girl got admissionin 10th std in amir pet high school. that is why i also joined that school. really. i also passed10th std from that school. there also you were five friends. rekha.. surekha.. chandralekha.. chitralekha.. if they were not theones then who was she.
every time you take name of four girls.just take the name of fifth girl. fifth girl.. ..that was me. sorry. where are you going in hurry,bhagyashree? indu, for the first timei have been impressed by a boy. what? you and impressed. yes indu.that boy loves me since 7th std. who is that lucky fellow?
so boys and girls.. come on. fast, fast. there he is.. this boy.. come with me. hey mr. you are tryingto impress bhagyashree.. ..with your 7th and10std philosophies. by making anti lover squadin college you woo innocent girls. i did not woo you soyou are feeling jealous.
hey, she is like wax so melts easily. if you have daring then impress me. can you dare to? - indu. hey, yours sister has comeso take her. - okay, brother. what is this nonsense? you forced me to go in flashback. in childhood bhagyashree'sstyle created a magic on em. but after coming here i cameto know that she hates the word love. respecting your emotionsi buried my emotions.
i want to talk to youbut don't have the courage. i fear that in delicate moments i mightnot say anything that would hurt you. no, no..let me speak today. you made your friend insult me. i am hurt bhagyashree. i am very hurt. katrtik,please forget whatever he said. i believe that true loversget married and prove their love. people may say anything. since when did you start liking love.
i did not like eatingchicken in childhood. but now chicken is my favorite. liking and dislikingkeep changing like weather. there may be 100 misunderstandingbetween kartik sir and me. you don't come in between. kartik sir, please don't mind. thank you very much. actually i was very eager toknow what bhagyashree thinks about me. unknowingly you made my work easy.
because of you sheis quite impressed with me. i think the angle of lovemust have come in her mind. i will go and find it. what kind of boy is kartik? he is a hooligan. indu, do you know that nowadaysboy hit the target indirectly. to woo a girl they woo her friend. so that her girl becomes jealous. i think bhagyashrrehas become the target.
did you see kartik? we have not seen him, madam. okay, i will find him. today's breaking news. obsessed bhagyashree is roaminglike meera and finding her krishna. she is leaving no stoneunturned to spoil your image. by wearing short skirtgabbar cannot harm us. when she will come to know.. ..that we have come herenot for her but for bhagyashree
then she will get such a currentwhich will burn her to ashes. okay, so this is the plan. i will go and tell bhagyashree now. and her love for you will vanish. indu, i request you not to spoilthe plan made with so much efforts. please, indu please.- please word does not suit you. indu.. what happened, kartik?you are looking worried. do you know who our enemy is?
of course, indu. and do you know whatthat indu has done? today she said i love you to me. oh god.. i also got shocked this way. my friends do say thatshe is a very hot item.. ..but my heart does not agree to this. because we must see a girl'sheart first and not her figure. only an innocent heartcan recognize a good heart.
one more thing bhagya.. people who are in love shouldsee with the eyes of heart. and not with human eyes. bhagyashree, the entire secret of thathooligan kartik has been revealed. he is making... - enough. what do you know about kartik, indu? if you see him through my eyes then.. ..you will understandthat how nice he is. why? what happened?
do you know whatyour biggest problem is? you want to create differencesbetween both of us. and this will not happen. as i am the hero of thisstory and she is the heroine. and you are just a friendof heroine who is a junior artist. the role of friendremains that of friend. if you try to be smart then this herowill have to do role of a villain. there will be no useof putting so much brain. i shall lovingly explainto you your character in this movie.
on first night of bhagyaand mine you will do.. ..the work of decoratingthe bed with flowers. you will take care of ourlittle ones chintu, mintu.. just like a maid. it is actually a character role.. ..but if you act passionatelythen you will straight get oscar. junior artist..now justwatch how do i bring in tsunami. listen, shiva reddy.. your brother cannotcome out of coma now.
you can take him home. the day i kill buli'scriminal i will take him home. after donating blood i feel dizzy.is it important to donate blood? donate blood otherwisei will kill you. if you are requesting solovingly then i will have to donate. you should never let go ofthe mobile that comes in your hand.. ..and the target you are looking for. take this. thanks.
tell me madam, who is troubling you. i will mash him with my muscles. there he is. he is talking nonsense on the phone. take away his mobile andbeat him hard. - okay, come on. let's hit him. does this entire familyfind no one else in this world? what happened? where isthis army of strong men going? we were running a race. whosoeverwill touch you first will win.
i touched you so i won.i won, i won.. hey, if you do comedy theni will do third degree torture. now tell me what the matter is. nothing much, brother.a girl gave us money to beat you. which girl? - our madamgave but we will not tell you. oh, junior artist dare to do this. listen, i love your madamso you have come to beat me. this tiger loves our madam. that means the entirefamily is going to suffer now.
we will leave, brother. hey, if you go thenwho will do the fighting? what are you saying? haveyou forgotten that we are friends? when did this happen? the other day when you enteredon bullet and put forth the proposal. but it is rule of business. if you have taken money fromclient then you have to beat me. no. you will break thehand that will touch you. we will not touch you. - if you willnot touch me then i will touch you.
this is cheating. if we are not touchingyou then why will you touch me? now will you beat or get beaten? okay, we will beat you but promiseus that you will not beat us back. he said okay. so you all have the desire. this is the chanceto take our revenge. ready..go you blacky. is the offer for limited time?
to hell with your offer.come on. where is he gone? bhagyashree,indu has sent rogues to beat kartik. he is being getting beaten. get up kartik. if it is true that youhave loved me since 7th std.. ..then you will haveto face these rogues. when did this charactercome in the movie? let the interval happen.- it seems to be a triangle, brother.
if you have to win heartof the 5th friend of 10th std.. ..then break their bones and show. why are you awakening childhood love? if he awakens thenwe will sleep forever. the love in slumber has awakened. kartik, do not spare even one of them. waiting for this reactioni did not do any action. your diwali bumper offer is over. have you obtained your money, madam?
kartik.. you can really do anything for me. you can fight with the entire world.i love you kartik. what happened, master?have you still not got the kick? what kick will i get with this water? when bhagyshree puta final stamp on our plan.. ..and said i loveyou then i got the kick. and on seeing our love when thatstupid indu got jealous i got the kick. tell me one thing.
whether it is love or happinesswhy do you keep talking about indu? at least now stopthinking about that girl. she is not a girlbut sister of iron man. come, come you always makean entry at the right time. if you have a problem ifbhagyashree has fallen in love.. ..then you will be shakenafter hearing the story behind it. i came in this collegeto win her heart. her father is very smart. i will bring him onright path in my own way.
i will make him fall atmy feet and ask him to apologize. bhagyashree i was... tomorrow is lord ganesh festival. we are doing a play named bhagyashreeso were practicing for that. yes, yes.. the face of bhagyashree is so expressiveso let us make her the heroine. ganesh festival was 2-4 days ago. whether it is festival or dussehra,what is your problem? drama is important.festivals keep coming and going.
stop this drama of yours. what were you saying? my fatheris a smart man. - bhagyashree.. you will make him fall at your feet.bhagyashree.. what do you know about my father? people stand in a queueoutside the house to meet him. aren't you ashamed talkingcheap things about such a nice man? hello bharat.. bhagyashree.. i am sorry for ignoring your love.- really.
i love you. - i love you too. indu, only you are fit for him. what happened?you were hero and she was the heroine. but your heroine has gone. just watch that none ofyour love story will be complete. you will neither be ableto love anyone nor marry anyone. you will remain alone and yearn.all the best. hey.. friends, what shouldwe do with this girl..
..who has made me losethat girl who was almost mine. give us some time to think. what can you do? maximumyou can do is, drink another beer. hello, mr. naidu of kfc.tell me how are you? thank you very much.thank you very much. good news. indu, son of kfc's naidu saw yourphotograph on facebook and liked you. now the dream of getting her marriedto a big family is going to be fulfilled. at least we will getchicken lollipop all our life.
sorry father,i will not marry as of now. everything is over now. only lucky ones get such a bog family. marriage should take placebefore they change their mind. make her understand.- come on agree, indu. i like kfc's chicken a lot.- stop it, please. whenever i feel like gettingmarried then i will tell you. maybe she is hesitatingin talking to us. and she may talk freely with you.- okay uncle.
why are you refusingsuch a nice proposal? actually i have fallenin love with someone else. have you fallen in love?who is he? you know him. he is leader of anti-loversquad of our college. kartik.. another twist in the story. enemy of the brothers of this housewill become son-in-law of this house. what? you love kartik. as much as i love kartik so does he.
if family membersdo not give consent.. ..for this proposal theni shall run and get married. if kartik gets scared of my family.. ..then i will marrythe boy of father's choice. i will scare that kartik so much thathe will not be able to sleep properly. listen.. - tell me. postpone the killing of the personwho snatched my mayor's post from me. go and get hold of that kartik first. break hands and feet ofthe leader of anti-lover squad.
cut him into small, small pieces. now no one can save this family. not even god. so your love for kartik was false. i would never fallin love with him. my foot. this is just revenge. hey, beat up everyone.don't spare them. so has the effect of love over or not? love has become deeper.
that is what i told my fatherthat i have fallen in love with you. have you gone mad?why did you say this? because if my fatherknows i love anyone.. ..then he will make thatperson reach the hospital. really. your fatherseems to be very powerful. of course he is powerful.do you know who he is? chairman of d brothersgroup dhananjay. what are you saying?he is bhagyashree's father. along with heart your brainalso does not seem to work.
bhagyashree's father is a doctor. is he a doctor? people stand in queueoutside the house to meet him. oh god, he is my chitty. unknowingly he gotbhagyashree out of my way.. ..and now she herselfis moving on that path. so sweet of you. have you got scaredafter hearing the name? father has sent rogues to beat you.
they will really repentwhen they come. let them come. you will repent, idiot. my work is done. kiss donein anger has changed the situation. yes, tell me. dhananjay's men arebeating us very badly. do you think yourself tobe hero after hitting two of them. now whether they are two or twohundred, no one can save you from me. where are the three idiots hiding? hey dhananjay,you are very fond of breaking hands..
..and feet of a personwho loves your daughter. your luck is bad.i have fallen in love with her. did i say right, darling? hey junior artist.you told them false story of our love. i shall change thisfalse story into truth. you know after that dayi have fallen in love with you. you heard what your daughter said.now listen to me. indu, i love you... how dare you?
you come to my house and say i loveyou to my daughter in front of me. hey, hit this rascal. hide otherwise youwill also be beaten. wait... now that the matterhas come up to hitting.. .. then let me tellyou one more secret. i am the one who shattered yourdream and you are searching for him. you did not understand. do you know who stoppedyou from becoming a mayor? i..
hey, close all the doors. the person whom i was findingis standing in front of me.. ..and inviting his death. hit him hard. i wanted to see thescare on your face. i am feeling pityon both the brothers. do you want to know who i am? i am ramchandra's son. standing on the place heremy father was insulted i swear that..
..i will make you fall atmy feet and ask you to apologize. you will bid farewellto your daughter with me. don't think this is a threatbut it is truth. hard truth. i will make your spoiltdaughter my wife.. ..and will becomeson-in-law of this family. i will do all thisis front of you all. if you dare to stopme then try doing it. father, i don't love kartik. just out of anger and totake revenge from him i said lies.
so you are behind all this. do you know what has happenedbecause of you? - stop it diwakar. because of indu hedared to do all this. people of this city getscared on hearing my name. but today he enteredour house and gave us good. to kill one enemy we will haveto shake hands with another enemy. only shiva reddy can stop this storm. i finished my work on time. just make sure the money reaches us.
shiva reddy, for the sakeof my daughter i have come.. ..to ask for help fromyou forgetting our enmity. take the ladies inside. can we wait here? go and sit quietly inside.don't come out. hello kartik. kartik, if you really love me then comeand take me from shiva reddy's house. dhananjay, to take my help youbrought the women of your house also. why is the geographyof your face changed?
who made this condition of yours?- kartik.. son of my old enemy. that rascal has challenged methat one day i will fall at his feet.. ..and get my daughter married to him. if you make him fall atmy feet and ask him to apologize. then not only business partnershipbut i will keep my assets.. ..properties,power and prestige at your feet. how does he look like? look at him.
he is the one who isput buli brother in coma. he is the one.. don't leave him. he is the one.. you should never leave the mobileand target that comes in your hand. we'll not leave him.- we'll not leave him. where will i find him?where will i find him? because of him we have lostour peace of mind and happiness. we are finding him like mad.tell me where we can find him. what has he done with you?
because of that rascal my sister'smarriage could not take place. and because of that rascaltoday my brother is in coma. i can do anything forthose who take decisions of.. ..their life having faith on me. if you touch them theni will break the hands. what happened that night? that night when my sisterwas going to get married then.. indu, what do you want to say? i don't love kartikbut i love someone else.
i am feeling very scared, indu. don't worry. kiran is waitingfor you at the petrol pump. after reaching there you.. ..will catch a 7o'clockflight from vijaywada to mumabi. and from mumbai you willcatch 11o'clock flight for canada. is this so easy? true love always wins. after seeing facebook and twitter iunderstood that you have a boyfriend. the death of your boyfriendand your marriage will..
..take place at thesame auspicious moment. after marriage i willtake care of you also. are you calling yourhusband or boyfriend? i will not spare you. hello, please help me. - wrong number. hello, my friend is in trouble..- which number are you calling? hello my friend is in trouble..- which number are you calling? i will talk to rohit. tell me, whom do want?
oh god please connect meto such a person who can help them. because battery is low. father, the tyre ofthe car has punctured. i thought you will getworried so i called you up. that is why i asked you toa keep a driver for yourself, son. what is the fun of letting the cardriven by someone else on long drive? whose number is this, son? the battery of my phone is downand this is car mechanic's number. okay father. tomorrowmorning i will come home early.
but do not tell mother. where has the mechanic gone? listen; there is a call for you. keep it with you.i will get the puncture done. someone else must be in trouble. sir, please listen to me. some people are goingto beat up my friends. i cannot understandwhat you are saying. i think by mistake you have dialedthe wrong number. check the number.
wait. this is the right number for me. don't disconnect as my phonecan get disconnected anytime. please save those two lovers. tell me the entire matter. my friend poorvi and kiran.. where will they be at this time? nillore lake palace.hello.. hello.. the phone had got disconnected.
you had loved that boy tospend your life with him. not to die. your friend has told me everything. come. now call the bride quickly. i will not spare that rascal.i will go and drag him here. brother, i will go and gethim here at the ceremonial stage. dead or alive. take out all the cars. come on hurry up.don't let him go. hurry up.
get hold of those rascals. i can understand your problem. but you also understandthe problem of this girl. hey, she is going to be my wife.understood. you come here. i would prefer to diebut will never marry him. did you hear? now leave. hey, who the hell are you? are you her friend,lover or husband? tell me.
it is not necessary to be a friend,lover or.. ..a husband to help a helpless woman. he should just be a human being. cut his foreheadand bring the girl here. i can do anything forthose who take decisions.. ..of their life having faith on me. i shall break the handsof those who touch them. if she cannot be mine then i willnot her to be of someone else also. always remain happy.
today i will not spare him.- wait shiva reddy. my daughter is here and he willautomatically come here finding her. why have you brought me here? i will go and take his blessings. kartik, i am waiting withmy daughter at shiva reddy's house. if you have the power then comehere and let me see how you touch her. before checking my courage check.. ..whether your daughteris there or not, father-in-law. hey, where is indu?
kartik cme here andtook indu with him. why didn't you call me? you had only told us notto come out under any circumstances. you wanted to shock me but before thati gave you a shock, father-in-law. hey, i will.. who is speaking? i am brother of buli reddywho went into coma because of you. now you will go into coma. wow! great.
today all enemies havecome together to form a union. all the best to everyonewho dream to kill me. hello poorvi.. - hi indu. i have made a plan by doingacting of being in love with kartik. very good indu.we have already applied for your visa. in 10-15 days wewill get the approval. till that time youwill have to remain alert. it is really great that you have fallenin love with a person who helped us. that is really great indu.
listen, i will have toescape from kartik somehow. i will call you in some time. why did you do like this? there is a reason behind it kartik. i don't love you.. ..but i love someone else. i don't know how helooks and what he does. you came in my lifewhen i was finding him. my family members kept me atshiva reddy to keep me away from you.
under the pretext ofyour love i am saving my love. i do not want to knowwhom you love, indu. but is your love true? all i can say is thathe is my first and last love. i am sorry indu.without knowing the truth.. ..i hurt you knowingly or unknowingly. but now i will makeyou meet your love. no kartik. you are alreadyin so many problems because of me. stupid, if you were ableto solve your own problems..
..then i would not be here. so what if i did not get my love but iwill make sure that you get your love. go and meet god first. priest, peti reddy has reached here. greetings mr. peti reddy. greetings, greetings.. mr. reddy,give us the offering plates. we shall break the coconutand start the prayers. yes of course.
'sanskrit chant' boss, peti reddy is in the temple. he has reached. today kill him and bury him. and his head shouldbe at my threshold. he should not be able to escape,understood. thank you, son. today you have protectedme and my family.. ..by being an incarnation of narsimha.
which village do you belong to?- actually my family.. his name is kartik and i am indu. we both love each other. so you both are lovers. - yes uncle. my family members areagainst this relationship. and they want to kill kartik. in 10-15 days wewill get canada's visa. but till then where should we hide.. don't worry.from today you are my guests.
sir.. - i am not goingto hear anything. you have protected my familyand now it is my duty to protect you. so till you go to canada,this is your house. stay comfortably. even if someone comesto kill you then believe me.. ..i will whack him into pieces. he will not be able to go alive.- thanks a lot sir. what is that, sir? those are horses. i can see that butwho is sitting on them.
he is my grandfather.- where is he, sir? he has gone up. i mean he is no more. in days of british rule everyoneused to pay tax because of fear. but my grandfather was against this. that is why he opposedand refused to pay the tax. this is an example ofthe bravery of my grandfather. this gift given by leaders is the signof respect and dignity of our family. why have you kept it there, sir?
what if it falls from someone's hand?- this cannot happen. hey, make arrangements fora room for them. but not together. now you agree that my plan was superb. now we will stay herecomfortably for 15 days. why did you scream? sister, who are they? he is master's son. son.. - your room is ready. you go and we are coming.
your plan was absolutely nonsense. rescuing ourselvesfrom the hands of sons.. ..we have come to dieat the hands of father. what will we do now? - what to do? let's run away from here. - okay. you idiots, so you havecome with your inauspicious faces. i had asked you not to stepin the house before killing.. ..the one who wasresponsible for buli's coma. i have got the photograph ofthe person whom you are eager to kill.
you are dead, kartik. i don't want to seethe face of my enemy. i am saved. nothing is going to happenby just showing his photo. if you want to showthen show me his dead body. go.. what is it? - for many daysthey have not eaten homemade food. listen carefully. they will stay outside thehouse and you will stay inside.
you can make those five peopleeat as much as you want. go. i have made your favorite biryani. for how long willyou eat food on border? i shall continue to whackthe person because of whom.. ..i have been away fromthe love of my wife and children into pieces till the sharpnessof axe does not get over. why is there so much noise outside?- this is the sound of my useless sons. till they do not findthe culprit of my younger son.. ..they cannot enter the house.
we should not interferein your family matters. we will go from here.- why will you go? you have nothing todo with my family matters. you have saved my lifeso till you do not go to canada.. .you will not move from here.this is my order. it is very dangerous to stayhere under such circumstances. this is the safest place. what do you mean? just think, indu.
these three rascals will findus in every corner of the world. except for this house. so this house is the safest. don't they know who he is? this must be a joke. where is dhoni's photograph? you tore sachin's photoso i also tore dhoni's photo. and so in this way wereached peti reddy's house. what are you saying? youwill help indu in finding her love.
have you forgotten thepromise given to your mother? i have seen true lovefor someone else in indu's yes. when i will make my mother understandthis then she will agree to me. madhavi open the door kalyaani.. what happened?- she is trying to commit suicide. just look. hurry. why did you do like this?just look at madhavi. she is in a bad shapebecause of crying.
people love you so much here thenwhat is the need to commit suicide. on the day of her marriagefor some reason her marriage broke. the one who broke the marriageis no one else but gangaram reddy. the one who attemptedto kill him in the temple. it is a 25 years old story. gangaram reddy and my husbandpeti reddy were very good friends. so to change this friendshipinto relationship we decided.. ..to get our children getmarried to each other's children. to make a factory my husband..
..and gangaram tookland from the villagers. and after some days by cheating.. ..both of them didthe land in their own name. then one day advocate called up. give our land back to us. villagers have filed acase against that 1000acre land. i will of coursetake care of the court. but if the matter reaches cbi theni will not be able to do anything. but there must be some solution to it.
look, by being separateyou have become weak. and villagers are united. so to strengthen your positionyou both will have to get united. you will again have to become friends.- this is not possible. tell us some other way out. i have already saidwhatever was important. so either you get unitedand keep the land with you. or remain enemies and go to jail. who wants to go to jail unnecessarily?
because of marriage of our children boththe families were going to be united. we all were very happy. but at the moment ofmarriage someone kidnapped.. ..gangaram's daughterfrom the ceremonial stage. gangaram has fixed the marriageof his son somewhere else. that is why kalyaaniwas committing suicide. my husband has only one desireand that is to give punishment to.. ..the one who is responsiblefor our son being in coma. he is not bothered about kalyaani.
there is not a single person in thishouse who understands our emotions. till that man is not caught no auspiciousfunction will be held in this house. this is father-in-law's order. look, as a brother i will not go fromthis house till you do not get married. so to get back the happinessof this house we will have.. ..to find the man whomade brother reach coma. so let us first catch him.- what? how? what are you saying?how will we say lies? as it is you speak so many lies.
so for your sister's marriagesake you can do this much. and because of this youcan come inside the house. father, we have found the onewho is responsible for buli's coma. come out. - yes. where is he? bring that idiot,rascal in front of me. hey, bring him out. i cannot believe that thisjoker could have done that. they told me that because of my smallpush their brother has gone into coma.
even in coma he mustbe dreaming about me. he is so short then how could hehit your strong and powerful brother. hey, if your son is powerfulthen i am also son of a powerful man. i swear on my dense hairthat i will whack you into pieces. what nonsense is he talking? i am asking you onceagain if he is the same man. or this is a cheap secretplan to enter the house. seeing this short stupid mani am having doubt on the three of you. no father, he is the one.
we swear upon you.- you are swearing upon me. if by chance i come to knowthat he is not the one then.. ..i will not think oncebefore killing the three of you. i swear upon you. how did he come here? now we cannot take anyone else's name. what is the matter, uncle? the matter is special. we have found the man responsiblefor sending my son in coma.
all of them.. all these are my sons.do you know them? are they your sons? - yes. they are the oneswho wanted to kill me. no, father.. why do you want to kill kartik? tell me the truth. what is the matter?- the thing is that father.. don't tell. if you will not tell then iwill tell him. - no, i will tell him.
okay, i will tell him. listen uncle, indu's fatherhas given them money to kill me. that is why for last so manydays they are after me. am i right? yes. you are absolutely right. you fool,do you even know who kartik is? he is the young man who saved my life.salute to him. its okay, it's okay. stop this drama and tellwhat role i have to play. i get irritate if i am late.
i have already thought ofthe climax of this cartoon character. make salad out of him and parcel it. do you think i am a cucumber? i think salad will be made. what are you whispering? why you stop him? only your son hasthe right to kill him. what are you talking?how can buli hit. he is in coma. so till he gets fine wewill keep him here in our custody.
this cannot happen. seeing this mental i get sentimental. he is sentimental and calls me mental. what is the fun in killing him? when he gets up from comaand kills him with his hands.. ..then the revenge will be complete. great kartik.this is like a man's talk. idiot, he played a new game.- keep quiet. feed him so much that he becomes fat.
and after killing him thehouse should be full of his pieces. take him away. - touch me not. i'm coming. oh god, so many powerful people.. ..and a person likeme has got stuck here. the person whom youwere finding has been found. so give them thepermission to come inside. come inside. kartik.
you do not have anyrelation with this family.. ..and still you are helping them. you are very nice, kartik. to help someone we do needrelationships but feelings. thank you, friend. if you would have not stoppedthem at the right time then.. ..by now i would have been crushed. i am raju and eat cashews. i belong to the court.
are you a lawyer?- leave it. i am a liar. it is my hobby to speak lies.i trap innocent people and earn money. did you send buli into coma? i cannot kill a cockroach thenhow can i kill that powerful man. then why did you say so?are you a fool? not me but that peti reddy is fool. his sons told me so. they have done a dealwith me to speak this lies. 1lakh rupees per day.
i asked them 5lakhs in total.. ..and thought that theywould at least give me 3lakhs. and if they agreeto give me 5lakhs then.. what could thesepoor mental people do? that is why they agreed for 5lakh.- what do you mean? they are big fools. really. even those three. only a doctor can understandthe disease of a patient. patient..
i am kartik, a psychiatrist psychiatrist.. you seem to be an artist.but a little psychic. i feel i have reallycome to some mental hospital. if you want to know the truth.. ..then first hear a long story.- i don't have choice. 15 years ago a season came.. was it mango season? no, but that of marriages.
peti reddy was ready toget her immature daughter married. he just sat in the car and a smallboy on cycle came towards his car. the driver thought that maybe.. ..the car can getscratched because of cycle. so he turned the car on one side. that moment his car bangedinto the car coming from front. and an accident took place. he turned the car so that the carcould not get damaged because of cycle. who was that fool?
he was peti reddy. - that huge fellow. because of getting hurtin the accident he has become mad. and buli reddy went intocoma because of that accident. and the marriage got cancelled. just as virus causesdiseases similarly.. ..peti reddy's madnessspread in family members. oh no.. the matter did not end here. i did not tell you theactual twist of the story.
what is that?- actually i was riding that cycle. doctor.. - yes mr. raju. because of me the entire familyis fighting with this problem. i worked hard and studiedwell and became a psychiatrist. so that i can cure their madness. and get their unmarrieddaughter married. that is why i have come here. so you are the actual culpritand they are after my life. to hell with the acting.i am going. - they will kill you.
why? because they think you hitbuli and he has gone into coma. i may look to be a fool but i am not. i will tell everyonethat you are the real culprit. go and tell them. of course i will tell them. - okay. do you think i am scared? - go. this liar will speak the truth. brother, it is not me butsomeone else who is responsible..
..for your brother going into coma. who is he? who told you this? what did you think that iwill believe mental people like you? kartik told me this.do you have any answer? you beat him and then blame others. when i did i beat him? we did a deal of 5lakhs.- deal? have you gone mad?
if you tell this to anyone then.. you are the greatest fool. you called my brother mental. he is the biggest mental. you call my brothers mental.- wait. i understood. i understood by these slaps.. .. that you three are fools. doctor, you said absolutelyright about this family.
madness is commonhere like cold and cough. now i understood everything. if you call a normal manmental then he will not feel bad. but if you call amental person mental.. .. then he will attacklike an animal. - right. they hit me as if i am a dog. now how do i escape from this problem? now you just have twooptions left with you. - yes. option 1,get peti reddy's daughter married.
and option b increase their madnessto such a level that.. ..their nerves getpressure and they open. and they all get well.and you go alive from here. you work on option a and i will make their madnessreach heights. - very good. thank you doctor. gangaram reddy attacked me. this time he cannotescape at any cost.
what were you talking sohigh about that coward reddy? i hit his son like a dog. and he went into coma. and that stupid could not do anything. that powerful man is acoward and behaves like a woman. he wears a bell in the neck. as it is there in the neck of a bull. even monkeys laugh seeing him. what is this?why are you staring at me like a crow?
don't stop yourself. let your temper increase. i want more madness, come on. the more madness you showthe sooner you will become better. lift whatever weapon you want to lift,even the latest guns. come on.surround me and attack me. hit me. i was joking but you became serious. it may be a joke for youbut for us it is a serious matter. who is peti reddy here?
i don't know. what? that powerful man in red. arrest that rascal. what? is he your brother-in-law?- who are you? mr. narayan, cbi officer. cbi.. i will take care of the court. the court holds you culpritfor capturing 1000acresland.
now i am the in charge of this case.so i arrest you in this matter. come on take everyone to delhi. but why straight to delhi. because tehar jail is over there. hey, come on take everybody.- come on, quickly.. come on.. uncle.. kartik..how come you are here, nephew? what is this uncle? will you not spare any rich man?
your only mission isto put rich people in jail.. ..and richest people in central jail. if i have taken case in my handthen the culprit will be punished. i will make surethat first peti reddy.. ..and then gangaramreddy are sent to jail. you know me well. - i know you well. but you do not know peti reddy. he seems to be a powerfulman but he is very soft at heart. and look at his innocent face.
he does not seem to be a culpritfrom face but i will not spare him. come on take everyone. uncle, please give me one week's time. i will prove that thiswrong deed has been done.. ..by gangaram reddyand not peti reddy. i do listen to god so whyshould i listen to you. come on. listen to me, uncle. you love me a lot andi am your favorite nephew. that is there.
okay, okay.. you win. i give you one week's time. if you do any smartnessthen i shall not spare anyone. officer's follow me. thank you, thank you, son. now there is no time for thanks. i need an intelligent lawyer. that day i explained you very clearly. if cbi comes in this matter theni will not be able to do anything.
only you can do, sir. - how? listen to me. get your daughter marriedto gangaram's son. we will promise them togive 1000acre land in dowry. then transfer all theland in the name of gangaram. now if registrationwill be in his name.. ..then cbi will goto his house to arrest him. am i right? are you a criminal lawyer?
he is like my son but iwill not accept that proposal. understand the matter, sir. because of this yourdaughter's marriage.. ..that could nottake place will happen. and you will be ableto take revenge from gangaram. whatever you are thinking is right.. ..but you will makegangaram agree to this. when will he be useful? what? i..
kartik, will gangaram agreeto the lawyer and bring the proposal. just for three steps of landlord vishnu took an incarnation. and here the matteris about 1000acres. not only gangaram buthis father will also come. what i had said has happened?look, he has come. listen, peti i havenot come here to fight. i have come to talkabout relationship. what do you say? will you keep talking standing there?come inside.
what are you doing father?he is our enemy. you are forgetting thathe is my childhood friend also. i will get my daughtermarried to his son. that is why stand quietlyotherwise go away. how are you? how are you? - forgive me my friend. in fact i should apologize. doctor, why has everyone got together? they are going to talk aboutrelationship between the two.
that means marriage.with these fools. do you remember thestory i had told you? it was a very complicated story.who can forget that mental story? in that accident the car with whichpeti's car banged was.. - got it. it was their car. in that accident everyonegot hurt and they became mad. and now one mad family has come.. ..to talk about marriagewith another mental family. mr. raju, your brain is so sharp.
you are genius thatyou understood the story. and since that accidenttook place because of.. ..your cycle so youare getting them married. he is kartik just like my son. he made me understand.. ..that relationshipsare far important than money. he is the one who has changed me. have a long life.your thinking is very good. is there any problemif there are two members?
why are you unnecessarygetting emotional? - raju.. let me speak doctor. my condition is like a small animalstuck in the mouth of a big animal. neither the big animal isswallowing it nor throwing it out. my life has become.. control yourself raju..- quiet, buddy.. where did you get thisstupid fellow from? who is he? no one else but he isresponsible for buli's coma. he is the one who helpedmy daughter to run away.
which daughter is he talking about? oh ho.. you thought it right. i made your daughter run. tell me if you have another daughter.i will help her also in running. come on, come on.. - i shall slap you. wait, gangaram.only buli will kill him. there is a very good understandingbetween both of you. the volume of screaming is also right.
but why do you keep talkingabout buli. is there no other topic? someone take him to mental hospital. you should go to metal hospital. uncle, i will take care of him.you all go inside. daughter-in-law,make arrangements for snacks. come. kartik, i want to talksomething important with you. tell me. kartik, the personwhom i love has come. really? very good. where is he?
vaibhav. kartik, vaibhav.. vaibhav, kartik.. - hi!glad to meet you. you are very lucky vaibhav.indu loves you a lot. she keeps on talking all the time. kartik, i will have to introduce himin front of everyone as your friend. peti reddy and his sons shouldnot come to know the truth about him. otherwise his life will be in danger. why so?
because vaibhav is responsiblefor buli reddy's coma. sorry kartik. i did not tellyou this truth for so many days. when buli reddy wasabout to kill my friend.. ..and his lover theni got very scared. unknowingly i dialed a numberand that was vaibhav's number. listen to me. some peopleare going to kill my friends. don't keep down the phoneas my battery is about to die. just on one phone calland without knowing.. ..them he saved their lives, kartik.
without worrying about his life. what can be more humane than this? that is why i love vaibhav a lot and.. ..to make my lovesuccessful i need your help. tell me kartik, will you support us? your love is true indu.i promise that truth will win. how was the twist in the story? when i made enquiryabout my daughter's lover. then i came to know aboutyou from her friend in canada.
i kept my daughter in dark. and created a new characterwho is kfc naidu's son. we made indu believe thatwhom she loves is vaibhav. today because of youour brother is in coma. if you were not satisfiedwith this you tried.. ..to get our sistermarried to enemy's son. that is why we made this plan. first indu will marryvaibhav and go to america. then peti reddy willcome to know about your truth.
and then he will kill you. hey stop idiot. till now i was quiet asi thought indu loves someone else. but today i have come toknow that it is me whom she loves. then how did you think thatshe will become someone else's. do you have the courageto tell truth about buli reddy? indu will never believe you. quiet. indu will not justlove me as i have helped someone. you have made anyoneelse sit on my place.
but one day indu will leavehim and come back to me and love me. indu and i will get marriedat the same auspicious time.. ..when another marriagetakes place here. wow! vaibhav will stayclose to indu day and night.. ..and still you will win herheart in four days and marry her. are you dreaming? it is die hard truth. i think now godalso wants that i should marry indu. from today you are goingto see a new form of mine. keep quiet.
raju, these people.. tell me. now tell me thatthese people are also mental. you became a psychiatrist,did a cycle stunt also. i am a liar but whydid you take the copyright. hey, in will go and tell petireddy your truth. - okay tell him. if someone is desirous of gettingbeating then why should i stop? will you beat me? on telling lies petireddy did not spare his sons. but just remember thatyou lied by doing over acting.
hey, if your son is powerfulthen i am also son a powerful man. i will not spare you.i swear on my dense hair. i made a mistake. mr. raju everyone laughsin moments of happiness. but a real man is onewho laughs at bad times. why are you troubling me unnecessary?you know my condition. there is a simple solution. wake up buli from comaand your work will be done. at least give it a try.
i will wake her up. the magic that couldnot happen with prayers.. ..or medicine that magic i will do. 'regional song' look, by magic iwoke him up from coma. now i will take him to your fatherand will make him know the truth. just remember that if hegets up then you will go in coma. okay father, bye. take care. - hi, i am raju.
i first took the credit of takingkartik's place. now you have come. we both are false heroes. if you move on my directionthen both will win oscar. your aim in indu.come on follow me. - okay. we will teach them a lesson. both the jokers together. hey wait.why are you walking like a shy bride? i cannot talk thesethings in front of vaibhav. i will tell you later, okay.
hey, wait. tell me what happened? tell me the truth. what have you done? okay i will tell you.- speak. i went into indu's room to meet her.- after that.. i could not see indu anywhere. so i started finding here and there. suddenly indu camefrom behind and hugged me. i forgot everything in her arms. and when i suddenly came intosenses she bowed her eyes and said
sorry kartik,i thought it was vaibhav. no problem, indu. maybe the person was wrongbut the feelings were right. thanks vaibhav.because of you i got a hug. if i get a kiss then.. oh no, indu huggedhim thinking it was me. now the real thing will happen. indu loves you passionately. i have a plan.come here.
hi. what are you doing? indu, i know thatyou were waiting for me. what's wrong with you?do you behave in this way with a girl? i did not expect this from you. what happened indu?we both are lovers, right. just get out. listen to me. - what happened, indu? why are you shouting?a sound came from here.
kartik, please takevaibhav out from here. but what happened? first, take him out from here. indu, do you know he told me that.. there is no need to tell this.- why don't you tell her? i will take care of it.come on, go from here. go from here. i will solvethe entire problem. you go. what happened, indu?- kartik, vaibhav hugged me. without knowing anything about him ijust loved him for his helping nature.
but did you see what he did. does love mean only this, kartik? no indu, if he really loves you.. ..then he will alwayskeep you close to his heart. vaibhav has been bornand brought up in america.. ..so he does not knowabout the culture here. i will talk to him. you just relax. what vaibhav, your first impressionbecame your worst impression. without knowing the truth youreacted to what i said about kissing.
isn't it mr. raju? yes mr. kartik. you should always takeadvice from intelligent people. and not from fools. bye-bye idiots. he called us idiot. listen i have a doubt. a loud sound came from inside.did she hit you hard? so hard. bloody idiot.
my wife had a wish thatboth families have food together. it is a very nice thought. hi, everybody. so, are all preparationsof marriage going on well? of course.everything is going on well. marriage will happenwith full pomp and show. prabhakar,are the papers ready or not? they will be ready in next two days. what happened, friend?are you okay?
have some water? - have some water? mr. peti.. go, go.. what are you asking?make him drink water. make him drink waterand everything will be fine. what are you looking at? mr. peti may be he has gota heart attack. you call the doctor. yes, yes i will call the doctor.i will call him. what is this new drama? let him die.
no uncle. gangaram shouldnot die of heart attack. if he has to die thenit should be at your hands. only then your revengewill be complete. you are right.that rascal should die from my hands. you are perspiring so much. wait.. is this a towel? here, give this medicine to him. this is not required.he has gastric problem. brother is unnecessarilygetting troubled.
of course he will be troubled.he may look strong from outside.. ..but he is as innocentas a five year old child. you stayed separatefor so many years.. ..but this does not reducethe importance of relationships. he is crying for a person like me.i am not worth for him. it is 11o'clock at night.everyone must have slept. i will wake up that man from comaand take him to that powerful man. hey wake up. brother bull.. get up. i will play such atrick that you will wake up forever.
come on drink this. drink it, big man. so he awakens from slumber. he did not need medicinebut just alcohol. even doctors didnot come to know this. doctor.. yes i am doctor. i am doctor psychiatrist.take this. do you know how muchefforts i did to wake you up?
your three brothers will be coming andthey will again send you into coma. what should we do now? i will take you directly toyour father from this route. come on. but what if someone see us? i will do acting of coma.- wow! what an idea? you are so intelligentso why did you go in coma. come. this over actor willmake my plan fail. if he reaches till petireddy then i will lose the game. i will have to stop him at any cost.
what is this mr. gangaram. youare drinking on such a nice occasion. why are you drinking? because of that short man. you mean mr. raju. first he helped mydaughter in running.. ..and then threatened methat if he gets a chance then.. ..he will help my seconddaughter also to run. i will not spare him. why wait for some other day?let's finish it now.
everyone is at home. everyone is sleeping.and that short man is roaming around. look. here is the sword and thereis the target. do the needful. now you are gone. hey prabhakar, tonighti will not spare that short man. i will gift his deadbody to my friend. he is coming this side he will kill me. - why?
d you want all details now?hurry up and go into coma. i will hide in another room. what is your plan? we will kidnap indu. we will kidnap her. before indu falls in love withkartik we will take her far from here. this would be right. vaibhav is waiting for us in the carand chloroform is waiting in my hand. so this is there plan.
listen, damodar. according to our planwe'll kidnap indu tonight. and if kartik interferes,we'll kill him. as long as i am alive noone can lay a finger on kartik. papa. papa. why is father knocking on the door? oh, god! that's brother's voice. how did buli get here? and where's father?
who was knocking on the door?- something's wrong. let's first takehim to his room. - yes. he's in coma, yet he's so heavy. guess tingu's gone. wow! looks absolutely real. the phone's ringtone gave me up. where's indu? hello! hello! hello!i think he's unconscious. is he in coma again?
doctor, it's you. i thought it's someone else. wow! you'll definitelybe a hit in south cinema. that gangaram is followingme like a bulldog. we must be careful. come on. curses. i never harmed him in anyway. go back in coma again. go. i'll catch him this time. papa. papa. your buli's out of coma, papa. papa, no one let's me meet you.
brother keeps getting me unconscious. why aren't you looking at me? look at me. here's your buli. papa, are you in coma too. say something,say something, say something, papa. what are you looking at? whobrought him without his wheelchair? papa, he walks even in his coma. take him to his room. - right away. seems like tingu did all this?
we'll set him straight. super. time to expose everyone. the family will blow a fuse.. ..and your papa's mind will be blown. hey black rhino. be ready buli reddy. reddy-reddy and family.come on immediately. come on i said.
hey you dimwit penguin.stop making a ruckus. if i look like amonkey without a tail.. ..then you look likea elephant without a trunk. i am sure you needclothes in kilometres. stop chewing your teeth!it irritates me. what's this? i've been lookingfor you since 11pm.. ..and finally i find you at 3am. and..are these yourdaughters-in-law or witches?
even your sons are butchers like you. they have been hiding buli'sreal culprit all the time. and made me the scapegoat. you are all animals. there'sjust one human being in this house. and he's got a good heart.buli. i told you the headlines..notbuli will read out the bulletin. buli..bully them. come out of your coma.. ..and give them the breaking news. stop taking so much footage,open your father's eyes.
say something. open your mouth. tell them the truthand then sleep, son. let me live. give me another chance. buli reddy..wakeup. i'll salute..your mother. buli reddy..wakeup. i'll play the trumpet in yoursister's marriage. get up. buli, you.. how dare you kick my son!- uncle, this is just a small glimpse. when something angers him..
..he beats buli with a belt.- yes, father-in-law. i saw it with my own eyes. me? - beat this cruel guy. stop! now i get one thing. he'll never wakeupand i can never escape. continue! i'm sure this is tingu's photo. take a look..didyou see some photo here?
answer me. must be ofthat guy who did this to buli. hey..did you see some photo here.- photo? no? fine, you do your work.it must have gone somewhere else. you know i beat yourson up so why did you save me. son, i don't want to know.. ..who put my son in coma. i am really happywith the fact that.. ..my daughter'sgetting married again. even though i had four sons..
..kalyani couldn't get married. but my fifth son made it possible. stop. good morning, sir. cbi officer shivamnarayan reporting, sir. we're at pendy reddy'shouse right now. the 1000 acre land snatchedfrom the villagers.. ..is still registeredon peddy reddy's name. we'll wait for one more day.
and then arrest peddy reddy. after that we'll startinquiring about gangaram reddy. this is most criticalcbi information, sir. cbi! job's done. reddy. reddy, listen. the cbi officers are here. they're going to arrest anyone.. ..who owns that 1000 acre land? they know the name. what now?
transfer that land in my name. if you get arrested thenyour family will feel helpless. and if i go to jail thenyou're there to get me out. 'i wanted to cheat you,whereas you want to save me.' 'i made a big mistake. forgive me.' gangaram, either we both stay out.. ..or get arrested together. solution's simple. return the land fromwhoever you took it.
how's this possible, son. its 1000 acres. - uncle. you respect your grandfather so much. people worshipped him, but notfor his riches, but his good deeds. uncle, our ancestors shouldn'tjust remain in statues. they should existin our ideals as well. what's the point ofall this fortune and fame.. ..if you're behind bars. you must remember thatat this point of life..
..you need thousands blessings,not thousand acre land. until now i saw people bow with fear. first time someone showedus a way to do good deed. we'll do as you say. so you all wantedto know about that man.. ..who opened our eyes? it's none other than him! kartik, i want to talk to you. i am coming to see you. what so personal now?
indu, i said stop. indu, stop. i've been seeing everything sincei got here. i understand everything! master, grandpa's statue is broken! forgive me. i broke this statue. yes, uncle. he broke it. we valued this memorabiliaof our ancestors.. ..more than our lives. whoever tried to break it,i won't spare him. you once risked yourlife to save mines..
..that's why i am sparing yours. if it had been someone else.. ..then his body would be lying here. i would've rid his body with bullets. go everyone. i love you, kartik. i love you. you sacrificed your love.. ..so that i can be with mine. and today you took theblame for such a big mistake.
your love is more honest than mine. you united two rival families.. ..and doing this goodjob of getting us married. i will never forget these moments.. ..that i spent with you. i cannot live without you, kartik. no, indu. you cannot love me. when you said you love someone else.. ..i strangled my love.
indu..never takeany decision in life.. ..because you're sad or angry. it benefits no one. don't ever say whatyou said to me now. you'll never be ableto emerge out of it. now that indu loves you,and wants to marry you.. ..then why did you refuse? if we can't share our happiness.. ..then those happiness mean nothing.
i won indu's heart becausei wanted to marry her. when i got the call.. ..i thought she calledto tell me about her feelings. but what i received wasn't indu. great. everythinghappened as you wanted. i am your fan. do you know, sooner or later.. ..my daughter willsay i love you to you. but until then..i'llshow her this short film.
son, i don't want toknow who put my son in coma. you used technique towin my daughter's heart.. ..and i used technology to trap you. if i show this clip to peddy reddy.. ..he'll even cancelhis own daughter's marriage. and ruin between the families. peddy reddy's daughter'smarriage shouldn't get cancelled. and my daughter shouldn't marry you. she won't. - very good.
i liked your commitment. you're sacrificing your love.. ..for someone else' marriage. i will leave. ..but why are youbeing unfair with indu. i promised to get peddyreddy's daughter, at any cost. a wife lied to herhusband for this marriage. a mother trusted a stranger,instead of her sons. how can i betray such a mother, papa?
now..two lives areat stake in this house. the hopes of two mothers.. ..and the bond between two families. and all these responsibilitieslie on my shoulder. the place is filledwith weddding grandeur. i sacrificed indu's love.. ..for the sake ofthis family's happiness. there are manydifficulties at every step. personal conflicts between brothers.
feeling of revenge between the elders. and those women, whose entirelife relies on this marriage. worrying about thingsdon't go wrong.. ..or something unearthly doesn'thappen, has given me sleepless nights. when i close my eyes, i feel scared. there's so much pain in my heart.. ..that every moment is painful. i pretend to smile sothat no one gets suspicious. those mothers hope..
..are much more importantthan my mother's. mom gave birth to me, she raised me. thinking that she'llsupport my decision.. ..gave me courage to do this. i couldn't fulfil my promise. can you forgive me? i'll always regret that induwon't become my daughter-in-law. but i am really happy that.. ..my son got thelove of two more mothers.
every mother wantsher son to love her. but today my son kartikhas made me proud. god entrusts responsibilityto those who are capable. and also helps them..whofulfils responsibility. if you want to getour sister married.. ..then come face usand take the groom away. come here if you dare. you love me and sayi love you to kartik. what's going on here?- do you think i'm a fool?
what else? your daughteris in love with that kartik. so why bring me here? - listen to me. hey..first listen to me. i hit that buli for her. and she'sturning her back on me. - calm down.. so you're the onewho put my son in coma. peti reddy. - i'll not spare you. he didn't beat your son. i lied so that he can marry indu. do you want to knowwho beat up your son?
that kartik! you're lying again. - it's true. see this if you don't believe me. see. - you know i beat yourson up so why did you save me. find kartik wherever he is,and drag him here. master, he's not at home. but his parents are still here. ..my daughter isgetting married again. don't stop the marriagebecause of our personal enmity.
where's praveen? who are you to get them married?tell me. i'll give you all the time you want.. ..to take your revenge from me,but after the wedding. i will stop only after i kill kartik. you're standing herewith that gun in your hand.. ..because kartik saved your life. he's the reason oursons returned home. doesn't matter howmany sons a mother have.
having a son like kartikis all one needs.. ..who understands her mother. i didn't give birth to him,but he respects me like one. before you kill kartik,you must kill all of us. bring him! hey..how can you think that.. ..our sister will marryour rival and go to his house? if i pick up the sword.. ..there will be deadbodies lying around.
you can beat me all you want.. ..but if anyone tries to stopthe marriage. then i'll wreak havoc. father. he's our brother's culprit.and you're saving him. you threaten to kill us when we lie. he's the guy who put brother in coma. we won't spare thisguy who lied to us. no! the one who can beat 10 peopleor behead them is not the real man.
the one who understands thefeelings of woman is the real man. your wife and your mothercould never trust you. but they believed kartik. due to the feeling or revenge,we forgot all about your sister. but kartik did all this for love. shiva reddy, he sacrificed his love.. ..to awaken love between us. you know what he did in the end. he sacrificed his mother'sdesire for the sake of your mother!
kartik, you wantedthis marriage to happen.. ..and for that you tookup enmity with all of us. and never backed down. you risked your lifeand stayed in this house. amongst your enemies. even after i slapped you.. ..you kept your head lowered,with respect. fulfilled the responsibilityof this house.. ..like the eldest son.
son..you weren'tour friend or a relative. then why did you doso much for this family? that's all i want to know. my existence doesn'tmean anything to me. only thing that matters is the truth. two friends turned into enemies.. ..their family couldn't unite,and the marriage broke.. ..and the reason was me. i did this so that boththe families can together..
..give their consentto this marriage. one who kills his enemiesis called victorious. but humans like you whofinish enmity create history. look, uncle,he isn't washing it properly. i am. i am. yes..everyone's happy now. now i'll leave too. - stop you midget. first get him out of the coma,then you can leave. wake him up. you think it's that easy.he isn't drunk.
how about another story, raju? not even for free.

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