- you get two options: stay patient or quit. which was more attractive, george? ("monday to monday" by saba) - saba, mother fuckers. i've been telling you. hey guys. i have to do this quick call buti wanted to just state something that's happening on insta. there's so much growth for me oninstagram and i'm concerned that are people getting confusedand i don't think i'm worth
listening to or being paidattention to because i have funny quotes or inspiring quotes or inspiring one minute clips on instagram. it's what i'm saying,it's what i'm doing. ("sheets" by alex harris) people that are giving feedback right now, both pro and con, please don't get confused. obviously, i communicate, i'm a human being, this is about what i'm fucking doing 18 hours a day.
not what i'm posting three times a day on instagram. it's the execution. come on youtube live. give it to me. i'm live but i'm not really live. - [drock] nothing? - it's trying. it says i'm live but i'm not. can you guys hear me? damn.
i love this. alright guys, i'm gonna figure out how to get a better connection. i will definitely be back on this. we will definitely do this. life will happen, i promise. this isn't, i'm not magic orspecial or anything in how clever my pictures is on instagram. i'm trying to be special onthe fact that i'm out-executing
strategically and then putting in the actual work to build businesses that come frommerit and a good place and bring enormous value to the peoplewithin them and the people that watch how it's done so that theycan map it and do it themselves. i don't think i should have anyguests on #askgaryvee any more. - [drock] was there hate on it too much? - people just get upset that i interrupt and i think they're right.
i'm just not willing to not be me. which is fine, can't do everything perfectly. - [trouty] you've always done that back to wine library tv days. people got upset then. - yeah. i'm not good at it. the funniest part is i don't do anything perfectly. i do a couple things solidly.- [trouty] the jewel one-- - the jewel one i did really good. - [trouty] she can hold her own.- [drock] that was good.
- no, no tony could too. like everybody can. seth godin can too. the jewel one i really tried. i really tried on tony. tony had to go and so i want to move it along. it's how my brain works. by the way, there's plenty ofpeople that email me that love it because they don't likelistening to podcasts where you let the person answer for 700years and everybody knows what
the fuck they're saying. sorry. - [trouty] you always know, right? that's what you do. - but i don't want to. people are very sad. actually that's it. i'm only doing guests. you know what? i'm gonna triple down. i'm not even gonna try any more to be somewhat.
you think i'm interrupting now? wait, 'til episode 300 mother fuckers. i'm gonna have 15 of the mostfamous fuckin' people you ever saw and they're not gonna say a fuckin' word. so this isn't about my fuckin' post. it's about my execution. we need to create content and distribute it. it's not super complicated. you know, it's just fucking that's it, you know?
airport life. is it sad that i'm so cozy in an airport? like feels like home. what do we have? we have naples, we have atlanta, we have st. louis, we have austin, we got new york. - sorry, i know you probably getthis every single hour and it's probably really cool for you. - [gary] it is really cool for me.
what's your name? - i'm just scrolling instagram and i'm like no way. - [gary] (laughs) what's your name, man? - liam. nice to meet you. - [gary] liam, thanks for saying hello, brother. - yeah, absolutely. do you mind if i get a picture with you? - [gary] no, no, no problem. - [liam] thank you very much.- [gary] my pleasure, man.
- [liam] i really appreciate that. - real pleasure. - [liam] thanks for what you do. - [gary] thanks, my man.- it's inspiring. - [gary] thank you, brother. i'm super excited to be down here in florida. pretty epic dinner event tonight. trouty's here. but you already know what because i'm sure you'll show
that goofy thing he did. should be a pretty epic night. lot of business development. pretty senior stuff. should be really cool. friday, really looking forward to it. this friday sxsw, my tenth anniversary of going to that conference. the place where a lot of this happened. where i met a lot of the peoplethat changed the course
of my professional career. really got into the web 2.0 movement. giving a q&a keynote. so instead of pontificating justrolling in saying come if you know my spiel, fire away with your questions. really looking forward to it. should be a lot of fun. and we'll see what comes of it. really i'm not sure what's gonna happen.
i'm counterpunch. sure, it's the same old stuff, right? people looking for permission to go. people looking for that extra push, that extra motivation. some people looking for that subtle detail, that secret. here's a secret. it's four letters, w-o-r-k.
that's the fucking secret. that will always be the secret. it's the only thing you can control. your talent is your talent, you can only maximize it. and so, it should be fun. i'm really looking forward to it. south-by a good mix ofcorporate fortune 500 people, entrepreneurs, startup,hard-core tech founders, media, journalists.
real hodgepodge, real kind ofcool melting pot of different people with different agendas, different strategies so looking forward to it. for all of you that are going to sxsw my one tip is to just say hello, right? conferences are about networking. the content you can watch the next day or follow the twitter stream, right? but saying hello and sparkingup a relationship is something
that's not replica-table. genuinely, may be the onlytime you ever get to do it. so whether it's somebody admireor you're just standing in line and you don't know the person,you never know if that person is the key to your next step. i think a lot of people thinkinformation is the unlock to next chapters in their careerbut i find that it's the people that are often the actual unlock and so a really easy tactic, say hello.
be warm and kind and network. i know some people have anxietywith that or this and that. i'm empathetic to that but i would highly recommend trying to break it. if you're going to a conference like south-by the networking is the roi. good afternoon instagram. how are you?i hope you're well. be okay after that tremendous drop.
("up in smoke" by andrew triple a) how do you stay patient when building a brand? by realizing, george, there's no choice. patience (laughs), patience is the only option. like you have two options: stay patient or quit. which one's more attractive, george? what up ray franklin? good to see you? what do you think about
brandon marshall not being a jet? i'm sad. brandon's a good friend. he's a really good playerbut the jets need to rebuild. we need to go 0 and 16. you know?just the way it is. hope to see you in atl as well. atl's tomorrow. atlanta tomorrow and then tomorrow night new york. then st. louis, then austin.
busy. no more udemy courses. i only did that for a book promotion. i'm just putting out content. you don't need my udemy courses, just watch dailyvee. watch what i do, don't listen to what i say. watch what i do. there's all sorts of versions. the common one is airport gary,
the rare one is business attire gary. but pretty big meeting for us tonight. very focal for the strategy of the agency and so i'm excited. like to spiffy up once in a while. drock, you're impressed, right? it's rare. not too shabby. - [drock] rare. - anyway, (laughs), rare. rare, limited edition suit gary.
anyway, keep hustling everybody. hope you have a great day. talk to you soon and actually, you know what? this is not the end of it. we're gonna do some live tonight back at the crib so we'll get a little more footage. see ya.

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