welcome to king edward thank you thank you mr. amol.. ..for taking the timeto be with us not at all sir..it's my pleasure congratulations oncompleting 50 years thank you very much come wait here
this year we have introducedthe 'vision of india' competition the eyes of the world are on india it is india's time we wanted to see thevision our kids have for india right.. you told me on the phone.i am actually dying to see it is this it?- yes. "beautiful pearls." wow! to save on your time..
..our faculty hasselected the five.. ..most interesting pieces- no, i'd like to see them all "beautiful pearls.tomorrow's scenery." "listen through the eyes." "listen to the tune of tomorrow.choose tomorrow." "the world is beautiful." "tomorrow's scenery." students.. welcome to the'vision of india' award ceremony i could give the awardmyself i am the principal
who is bigger than me? but no.. to make an award worthy.. ..it is importantto receive it from.. ..somebody who excelsin that fieid a cricket trophy shouldbe received from tendulkar simiiarly, the 'vision of india'trophy should be received from.. mp mr. amol atre i welcome one of our youngest,brightest..
..and coolestvisionaries of india mp amol arte thank you. hi.. i want to join your school sir.. can i get admission here? i know you are full.. ..but i spot a vacant seat you guys are so lucky.. ..to be studying in this schooi
you have topped the state boardexams for the last seven years your under 15cricket team has not let.. ..anyone win for thelast five years your teachers standwhile you sit i'm reaily jealous..i want to join not just to stay ahead.. ..but to think aheadlike all of you my vision pales in comparisonto your vision of india such deep thoughts
today you are ali winners but.. ..one particular entryin this competition.. ..made me think thatthis schooi is very lucky lucky.. ..to have such a thinker. a white globe this is his india
confused? at a very early agewe are all taught.. this is my house, that is yours this is my city, that is yours.. my state, your state.. my country, your country.. mine versus your's isthe world's biggest problem this student has wiped it all out thinking of the wholeworid as your own country..
..and taking care of it what a thought! i wish we couldail think like this what a world we could make who made this? auro! auro.. auro.. auro- come. auro.. auro..- auro!
hi it's a very rare condition have you heard of progeria? auro is just a 12 year old boy because of this condition he lookslike he is 60 or 70 years old a very inteliigent,creative 12 year old unfortunately with thisvery very rare disease doctor. congratulations, it's a boy!
thank you, doctor. - a perfectlyheaithy baby. - thank you very much. just taste a little bit.. hey! mom- lt is very tasty. get up. hi mom look vidya, he refusesto eat his khichdi.. says it's a sickperson's food, boring food wants spicy food! get another bowl mom..i'll eat too stop it mom, stop.
see- what's this? i'm the visionary of india means? i stoie a globe from the staff-room painted it white there was no other colour and there was no markerto draw a map so i felt it like that, wentto the loo and won the 1st prize so it was a fluke?
no- no? no fluke- then? there was a little thought..somewhere.. who gave you the prize? some mp.. something, somebody somebody, something.. very good! let's eatkhichdi and ceiebrate mom.. mom.. this is so bland.. it's boring..
i want chiliies auro you know.. ..you will start panting in 2 mins..have an oxygen mask in 3 mins ..4 injections in 4 mins.. here.. here.. hare.. hare ok ok.. ok. but i want chillies look i'm eating too
very nice- eat.. eat.. you are a doctor of course you willlike hospital food there are no chilliesin the house. then get some pickle its in the fridge i have seen it. auro just a tiny bit ok? first you bring what's wrong? why aren't you eating? yousaid you like this stuff
finish it it's for your own good auro i was asking for your own good you are allowed spicy food, right? then why this unnecessary sacrifice all the time for me? shall i eat it?- no? want?
good night good night mom 12 year old boy oran 70 year old man? even the media waslooking for the answer.. this startling sight at kingedward school in lucknow.. ..is suffering from progeria.. ..whose age four times morethan a normal child.. ..shocked one and all including..mp amol arte amoi.
vidya. "where i turned by coincidence." "where i was bound withsomeone by coincidence." "why am i restiess every moment?" "why was i bound?why was i restless?" "why was l bound and becamerestiess by coincidence?" "i just walked freelyby coincidence." "whichever alley l turned,i met him by coincidence." "why did i become restless everymoment? why did l become restiess?"
"why did i meet him,why was l happy." "why did i meet and gotbind with him by coincidence?" "why was i bound andbecame restless by coincidence?" vidya.. l can't ya after finishing politicalscience i have to do my mba i mean we have talked about this i want to join politics lwant to work with my dad i want to learn from his 22years of politicai experience i want to change theway our country thinks
i want to change the systems i want to prove to the worldthat 'poiitics' is not a bad word this family.. marriage.. kids i don't understandthese concepts at all also.. think about yourseif don't you want tofinish your studies? don't you want to be a doctor? for this.. ..don't ruin your career
anyway.. we are just getting excited.. let's just calm down we'll find a good doctor it wili be fine..nobody will know it wili all be fine. you know what amol? i'm sure you will bea big politician i promise to neverbe in your way. bye.
oh great. she's walking away.vidya can we just talk about this? talk? i will talk.. one last time just for your peace of mind just to let you know that this problem isnot a problem anymore vidya.. let me find good doctor..then we will talk so..
do you want this child or not? mom, aren't you upset with me? it's not that simple mom.. i have to be practical i have 3 more years of study.. then the practice an unwed mother.. in this society? want this child or not?
mom.. it's impossibleto talk to you vidya.. - how willi raise a child by myself? you were two years oldwhen your father passed away.. i was ali alone.. you at least have me.. yes.. yes.. hello..- amol.. - vidya.. your probiem has been solved. bye. vidya, wait..
i want to see you i will see you amol.. when you become a big politician.. i will see you on tv "yes l was happyagain by coincidence." "i was bound togetheragain by coincidence." "i was happy every moment.every moment i was happy." "yes, i was boundtogether again every moment." "yes, i am very happyby coincidence."
yes? progeria! have you heard about it? yeah.. vaguely there are many kinds of progeria.. but generally speaking it is anextremely rare genetic defect.. ..that causes acceierated ageing the child ages five to sixtimes faster than normal this is an eight year old boy..
looks like 50 or 60.. he is 11, looks like 60 or 70.. this one is 9.. there are only 40 to 50 suchcases registered in the worid.. mentally, these kids areiike normal children.. ..that's the good news but as they grow,so do their problems.. cardiovascular,kidney and eyesight problems.. ..hair loss, skin decay..
in most cases, these kidsdon't live beyond 13-14 years.. and there is no cure vidya..- auro has progeria? mum..- bum.. that's mum.. and this is bum.. bum.. bum.. bum.. "i met someone with agood nature by coincidence." "a iittle by little hegrew up with coincidence."
hello.. your son?- yeah watch it!- what's wrong with him? it's a chromosome glitch.. every human being hasa genetic code.. it is a combination ofa c g t chromosomes.. ..and every human body hasthree biilion such codes.. if.. because of some geneticmutation a t repiaces a c.. it's called auro!
lucky boy, right? ok.. bye "i was bound togetheragain every moment." "he met me i was happy andwas back to live life again." "he was happy and i was happy too.we both walked together." "i was happy again by coincidence." what happened? india lost again? auro shook handswith his father today
pass the ball.. pass the ball to him.. oh no.. pass the ball to.. hi auro ok bye.. auro.. who is this bloody fooiwho discovered algebra? x = (2.57 + 6) x 3.. y= (7.76- 4) x 6..
x+y= what? so complicated man.. why can't it simply be(2.57+6) x3+ (7.76-4)x6 what is the need for x and y? what's your name? vishnu what's my name? auro- why so compiicated? why can't i simpiy be 4 eyes.. ..2 ears, 1 nose, 1 mouth,2 hands, 2 legs..
1 stomach, 1 pancreas, 1 heart,1 brain, zero hair? and why can't you be 4 eyes, 2 ears,1 nose, 1 mouth, 2 hands, 2 legs.. 1 stomach, 1 pancreas, 1 heart,zero brain, 100 thousand hair? what is the need forvishnu and auro? auro! auro! auro!- move back. please. what is going on? please he is just a littie boy.. please you have to stop this.. it is absolutely not done..i am sorry..
this is not done. auro, everyone is here to meet you. they have come to film you.. ..looks like the mp's visithas let your secret to out. you were with him on tv last night.. the secret has been revealed, auro. you've become world famous man! l also saw he was socute on tv yesterday oh no
the principal has called for you auro come but what have i done? nothing.. come have a seat hi sir vidya, i.. i am reaily sorry vidya.. we shouldn't have invited the mp
if the mp hadn't come themedia wouldn't have followed sir please don't apologise this school has donea lot for auro.. i will take him home.. please. - he is a bit afraidbut i am sure he will be ok come.- mom.. how will we go? we will duck escaped!
mp.. bloody donkey! cool.- monkey. donkey. stupid. i wiil drop you toschool from tomorrow, ok? no! no mother comes toschool after kindergarten i won't get out of the car.. i'll just come threesteps inside the gate. promise.- bloody basket! mp is a bloody basket! visionary of india
i will find him and beat him. auro go change enough.. pizza? how will you escape from google.. ..mp amol? got him.. ..donkey! i hate.. you!- auro, no!
lt's bad manners toread other people's mail bum.. hey bum! what?- give her some pizza see.. there's nobody! they are ail scared of me now you run away too hey mom, go now go, go
raju bhai.. go quickly x= 6.2- 2.2 no filming today? y= 7.3- 3.3 x squared + y squared = what? vishnu.. are you okay? please give him some water easy, easy. calm down. calm down.
x square + y square = what? making fun of vishnu's cough? auro, auro auro.. - give his bag. cali the doctor, call the doctor- no. - easy. easy. relax. relax. easy. easy. you ok? better. 32
good afternoon sir auro there's a call for you no. i'm ok tell mom.. it's not your mom- it's not? hello hello?- auro.. amol here auro l read your e-mail.. i know that you're very angry..
..you've have beenharassed because of me i am very sorry for that auro this morning i got the highcourt to issue a restraining order now nobody will trouble you neither the media nor.. ..anyone else can approach you.. ..without your permission.. they cannot come nearyour home or your school it's the best i can dounder the circumstances
i hope you understand hello? auro, hello? hi- hi, listen i am sorry again is there anythingelse i can do for you? you want something else? auro? helio? can you hear me?
i want to see thepresident's house ok we are down here hey! speak with respect i know the mp have you seen thepresident's house? first look behind you hi dad- hi ok bye
just a second mr. mp piease give me twominutes piease have a seat dad i am getting latefor a meeting you don't have two minutesfor a retired politician.. ..how will you make timefor the entire nation? sit, sit - dad, i have a meetingwith the housing redevelopers will you be able tomanage the redevelopment? meaning? wiil jaikrit allow you to do it?
dad, what am i doing? i'm taking away an over-populateddisease infested slum.. ..and replacing it with ciean.. ..buildings for thesame people to live in handing over theremaining land to redevelopers how much have thebuilders bribed you? jaikrit wili ask you dad i don't have the timeto go to the toilet..
jaikrit is shit! i don't have timeto think about him lf you don't think ofsiit how wiil you stay fit? can i go now? long live amol arte! stop stop.. that's enough.. please why are you alreadycheering so hard? we have just won the election. let me prove myself first or..
next elections youwill be curse me as hard ok.. let's work what? alright.. i'll call you back he is acp rao has been suspended oncharges of corruption wants to meet you i have told him thatnothing can be.. ..done it's a statehome ministry issue.
call him in.- lt's a very complicated case.. ..a messy affair it's best if you stay away what mess? either he is corrupt or not if not then we must help him and if he is.. then we must definitely help him i'll explain
he must have paid a bribeof 55 lakhs to become an acp his salary is merely 30,000.. how will he recoverall that money? if he isn't corrupt i would like to bow down to him it's we who pushthem towards corruption and then call such people corrupt the biggest disease ofthis nation is corruption by killing the patient..
..the disease doesn't die get him inside yes, sir. one minute. how are you? greetings no thank you- please come weli done sagar! great mall
thanks for coming amol my pieasure the parking lot is abit small, isn't it? don't the scissors work? perhaps it's gone bluntcutting down the parking lot i will fix it amol sir why sir? i'm younger than you bum
hey bum where are you going? pammi aunty's son's wedding wedding last week..wedding this week that was sheelaaunty's sister's wedding and next week? your wedding no! i can't go round andround and round and round..
makes me dizzy why do people goround and round the fire? it's not round and round.. ..it's the seven sacred circles.. a vow for each circle that man and woman maketo each other only then do theybecome husband and wife did you do that?- what? bum behind a bum!
brat! potty potty i need to do potty tell me quickly has mom done it?- what? round and round tell me fast she too feels dizzy like you.. that's why she hasn't done it oh siit! look like only you have taken the'wake up india' slogan seriously
the people of india have mailedyou their queries and gone to bed shall i do the same? shoot! mr. viren calied again today dad.. ..i've already told you.. ..not interested. he has a beautiful daughter still not interested!
okay. amoi are you gay? dude. too bored to type come on webcam hey what's up? what are you doing? president's house.. when? next week
i am going to delhi- so? wiil you come with me next week? exact date please.. ..i have to plan ok.. most probably the 10th exact date please.. i am very busy! ok ok 11th fixed
how dose 'most probably 10th'change to '11th fixed' so fast? it happens i am a busyman have to work things out 11th fixed willanybody else join you? what's going on? is anyone troubling youat the hospital tell me am talking to the mp will you go to thepresident's house with me? no? mom doesn't want to come
if i ask vishnu, iwill have to ask abhilesh. if i call abhilesh,tarun will be upset.. if i tell tarun thenvipul will punch me i will go alone and with you my 2 bodyguards how old are you? me? 34.. why?
i'm 12 i don't have a singie bodyguard now you have 3 me and my 2 bodyguards i'm sieepy now i will sieep alright.. sleep well we'll meet on the 11th make all preparations go now- bye.
its high time you had a baby it would take care ofail these complications you are 33.. why are you thinking? but doctor.. ..a baby is a huge responsibilityand we are not ready yet we are both so busy you may not be abie tohave a baby later on we could adopt later there are so many kids in the world
why give birth to one more? it's your decision finally but it's important tounderstand the female body if you don't have a baby now.. ..complications wilikeep on increasing abnormal periods,hormonal imbalances, fibroids.. ..signals from your bodythat it's time you had a baby what you're doing is not natural don't worry..
..having a baby changesyour life for the better i'm talking from my own experience i want to be a dancer man you are mad! why you want to? everyone learns algebra, geometry there should be somedifference between you and me there is a difference i am going to the president's house you're not
i thought i was your best friend l thought i'd go firstand check if it's safe so many attacks these days i don't want to lose you.you are my best friend what if something happens to you? if it happens, it happens at least you will be safe don't go auro no vishnu
i wili give my life butwon't put yours in danger you have to become a great dancer fooled him. mr. amol why are you soanxious to do good work? you think that i'mmaking money out of this? mr. jaikrit.. ..my father has lotsof money want some? mr. amol..
forgive me for doubting you i forgot that youcontested the eiections.. ..because you wantedto serve the people it just that i have never seen.. ..anyone fight so hardto serve someone else i will serve.. (boom) nol will.. (boom! boom!) only i will.. (boom! boom! boom!) who fights so hard tobe a social servant? you are rare mr. amol very rare
weli.. thank you some tea? no thanks i love the tea at the slum i'll have. it there goodbye cancel all my appointmentsfor the next ten days - sir? i want to visit all thefamiiies in ambedkar colony but there are over athousand families there so?
hello. hello.- hello mp. hello mp. hello, sir.- hello. eight people live in this room? there were two morekids passed away how do you live here? there is a runninggutter outside the house there are bound to be diseases
i want to give you morebigger and better house we'll have a building right here with a playgroundfor kids, clean water you won't have tosteal electricity anymore god bless you please don't please sign here what are you writing on your hand? something very important
won't this importantstuff get washed away? i won't wash thishand eating with this.. ..and washing bum also with this going in 4 days.. coming? president's house in 4 days without a ticket? i will go by a private plane you got a problem? what?
you got a credit card? how many times have l told younot to call me bum in public bum, bum, bum! everyone has a bum! why are you disturbing god? shut up! hello-where are you both? nobody is answeringthe phone at home shopping for delhi..from past two hours.
..preparing to go to thepresident's house with the mp how, when.. nobody knows don't you think weshould tell him everything? ya bum how's this? then i definitely want this hello, sir.- hello, sir. - hello. hello, sir. please don't sign anything
they will drive you away you will lose yourland to the builders where wiil you go then? this land is not your's..it beiongs to the government you are living here illegally.. even though you are wrong.. ..the government is stillgiving you free housing right here don't you want it? 2 more days
what are you staring at? i will shave you off! enough of talk now let's get into action mother, be careful!the lights have gone off! the lights are gone! be careful! how come there is no eiectricity? the power went off suddenly but there's power inail the surrounding areas
its shining.. it's not gone,it has been cut off today electricity, tomorrow water,and the day after a bull-dozer who will you go to? it's all the government's doing try to understand. mp is scaring youby calling this an iliegal colony.. and he won't stop at this what can we do sir? we are helpless we are not helpless
father, the media peopie are here. where wiil we go? the government istrying to intimidate us we've been living herefrom 20 years. they have cut off theelectricity to force us out are you stupid? without knowing the facts.you are trying to make news you have no ethics a politician reacting us ethics!
don't the people have aright to question you? take it easy ok?- are you trying to bully us now? targeting the media tocover up your own mistakes you say we create trouble to boostour ratings we are irresponsible you call us corrupt tocover your own corruption amoi sir.. this won't work anymore get out- the truth will come out - get out! print whatever you want sir, don't fight withthe media.. they dangerous
can a rich politician everunderstand the plight of the poor? the issue is not whether peopleare living in the slums illegaliy.. ..the real issue is that millions ofpeople are homeless in our country if they had a piace to stay whywould they occupy land illegally common sense.. something our politiciansjust don't seem to have! sir, the media can sayanything and get away with it the government haswoken up after 20 years.. ..if they don't wake up andsay that this land is ours..
..how will the people know thatthey are living there iliegally? sir, it doesn't take much to createdoubts abouts about a politician redevelopment,corruption, politician.. ..how many times will wehear these words together? the public thinks by voting for a.. ..rich man's son,corruption will decrease.. ..he's already rich! but the pubiic forgets that young politicians toowant to stand on their own feet
down down amol arte! bye.. bye auro- bye. bye..- bye.. bye vishnu..- bye auro.. - take care bye.- take care take care- bye.. auro come on, run!- run, auro!
hey! i said good bye to everyone why! i'm going, that's why- where? iraq! one day to go did you taik to the mp? is he sending you a private plane? aren't you a non vegetarian?
eat her up! is the flight on time? i have spoken to the high command ready for the home ministry meeting?- yes sir. do we have permission ofthe i&b ministry? - yes, sir. advertisement amoi.. come on quick.. going to delhi?
to explain to the home minister? the media wiil haveone more news item mp amoi flies to delhi on publicexpense to cover his crime.. practice yoga.. breathe in, breathe out,stay calm.. backing down doesn'tmean you have lost.. to get ahead, you have tolearn to take a step back.. win the media over what are you doingtomorrow evening?
the usual.. watch soaps on star tv tomorrow, watch thenational network i'll clean your nose.i'll slap you. he's all ready to go to delhi.. vidya, tell him everything.. ..i can't take this anymore has he asked you anything? vidya
i'm ready where are you going?- delhi we didn't fix an exact time.. he can come anytime you are not going to delhi.. did you get a message? mail? what auro? come on change your clothes,go to school
how can i go to school? did i get a message weare not going to delhi? send a mail then.. or call.. atieast find out auro no.. wrong.. it wili spoil my image watch amol arte'scorruption scandal exposed
forget the tea! get me the phone.get me the phone. live and exclusive on nationalnetwork.. the phone.. quickiy phone! he is here.. he is here..he is here.. he is here. do you get the national network didn't i tell you he was corrupt he is so handsome,how can he be corrupt? when he was 8,he'd helphis mother in the kitchen.. getting him intopolitics was my biggest mistake
he is a terrorist inthe garb of a politician he will finish politics get me the first flightout to delhi go! - yes, sir. just a moment, sir.- go! we'll do something, sir. amoi! ok i'll be there. you go emergency in hospital?
go due to heavy fog in delhi, we arediverting this flight to jaipur please enjoy live coverage of yourfavourite channei only on kingfisher he's still not come out? auro.. come.. there'sjackie chan film on tv come, it's starting now,auro. quickly. come come. come out quickly auro come on iets watch this come out quickly.
you are going to miss this, auro. come quick.come on, let's watch this. "salutations to love." good evening l.. amol arte weicome you to thisspecial bulletin on national network the morning papers have set the nation abuzz all chores done.. ..everyone is glued to the tv..
..eager to see how badour politicians are. in front of my countrymen i want to confess my sins since the nationalnetwork has the widest reach and i want to reach out to as manypeople as possible to tell the truth i have chosen the national network.. sir, we are on. you will have to waita iittle bit longer.. ..because a strangeincident has taken place
lots of homeless people.. ..have taken overa celebrity's house. our correspondent rajpratap is at the defence colony get out of my house, - sir,who are these people. - get away.. i will kill you buggers.. sir, listen to me.- get out get out. where wili we go inthis winter we will die let us stay here- die on the streets
this is my house.. my property raj can you hear me?what's going on there? amol, many homeless peoplehave illegaliy entered the house.. ..of sarang desai, the ownerof a leading news channel.. it's a mob invasion! raj, just take it easy it's shocking what's happeningover there where's the police? i am caliing thecommissioner of police in the meanwhile tell them..
sarang desai has always spoken for.. ..the poor and homeless he is on their side,he is their friend! switch. 'the real issue is millions ofpeople are homeless in our country' if they had a place to stay..why would they occupy land illegaily switch.- the poiice will be there shortly just control the peoplethere raj one moment please.. what!
a similar incident in thefamous reporter dasgupta's house this is arvind naik seniorreporter with the national network we don't know how this happened sir the building securityguards had disappeared while mr. dasgupta.. ..was snoring after having hisusual half a bottle of scotch looks like people havetaken his words seriously if they don't wake up andsay that this land is ours.. he's still sleeping sir
sir, we are on.- ok right another attack, third iocation.. another plush hometaken over by the poor is this the start of asocialist revolution? get out!- what are you doing? you are in media.. how can youattack another media person? if this was your own house.. how does an ordinary reporteriike you afford such a house? i know whichminister's asse you're licking
how dare you accuse me? you can accuse peopie.. l can't? the pubiic thinks byvoting for a rich man's son.. ..corruption will decrease.. that young politicians toowant to stand on their own feet. amol arte- down! down! please don't worry mr. pranav special security forcesshould be there any moment i just wanted toconfess to my sins
..but what happened today could be verydangerous for the country rich or poor when somebody forcibly takesaway what belongs to another he has to be stopped or the nation wili sink! today some people occupied thehouses of some media persons the government stopped this but when peopleoccupied government property
the same media peoplestopped the government it's me who sent these people tothe houses of the media persons because l thought they will understandthe problems of others.. ..only if they suffer themselves although i have takencare of their security arrest me for endangering thelife and property.. ..of 3 media citizensof this country
but first arrest them.. ..arrest these media persons.. ..for endangering the reputation ofa political citizen of this country a mike, a camera, a satellite.. and a miilion viewers is that power? a soldier and aterrorist both carry guns both have power.. ..the difference is one isresponsible, the other is not
spiderman is my favouritefilm there is a line in it.. ..with great powercomes great responsibility! more power meansmore responsibilities this doesn't applyto politicians alone it's true for ail of us specially the media because today they aremore powerful than spiderman jai hind! long live amol arte!long live amol arte!
the president's house what is the date today?- 11th oh god. such liars.. these mp's promised to take me tothe president's house pass.- pass the ball. hey auro! what happened? yousaid 3 days back so soon? met the president?
saw the whole houseorjust a few rooms? did you click snaps?- photography is not allowed there i had taken a camera spoke to the president. didhe give you something to eat? i ate at the taj- went to agra first? no taj palace hotel i was a vip there tell us the whole story auro- oh god
auro, you went away thatday i had a gift for you come on auro tell us.- auro i sent a peon where were you? mp amoi called for you he is very sorry.. ..because hecouldn't take you to delhi.. he will call you later ok. auro, but you said.. forget it we will ail goin the summer holidays
let's go now. i've made some yummy food hurry up or i will eat it auro? auro! what's wrong dear? principal sir amol arte he left early? did you give him mymessage that i am sorry give me his residence number please
hello! - hello this is amolarte can i speak to auro please? oh! heilo! yes.. just a minute- thank you. auro it's the mp's call open quickly sorry i think he is sleeping it's ok. i will call back later come out fast look what i have got for you
alright bum and l will play mom like this i am getting it. getting it. you're getting it.. wow! he's coming i'm hungry very nice this one.. this one like this..
the left one.. i can do it.- not like this! playing plays station at this age! auro you've got mail i'm busy.. you look reading otherpeople's mail is bad manners somebody had taught me oh mom mom!
yes! tell him everything tell him, tell himwhat do i tell him? why are you so worried? did he ask you anything? l am worried becausehe has not asked anything why would he? we told him everythingwhen he was 7.. ..didn't we?
he understood so simplywhat we struggled to expiain.. ..he understood right? that his fatherdidn't want him to be born then why would he ask? what am l hiding? name the name oh no!- useless fielder. 8 runs to win
fielding, hurry up. he's gone and injured himself. fitness problem! oh! she's back! auro.. auro don't have you gone crazy? come back. come on? come on, auro.
hi- hi try it. try it. auro, throw to arush.- throw to arush. we won! auro, come back now. one wicket to go! try hard. auro! throw! auro! auro! throw the ball!- throw! yeah! auro! auro!
thank god he is not serious! auro is 12, isn't he? he's wili soon be 13 have you seen his reports? every part of his body is.. ..as weak as an 80 year old's we can't say what wiil happen next he could be fine for a while but you never know
l don't think heshould continue school now no doc.. he loves school i could never stop himfrom going to school happy birthday auro! thank you mom i have gift for you it's a very old gift go exchange it for a new one
auro please see mom.. come come.. why do you want to disturb me? what it is? this is that liar what is this monkey doing with you? this monkey is your dad does he know about me?
he wanted to kill me, right? no auro.. if you had listened to him,i wouldn't be here.. same thing.. mom, why haven't youtold him about me? because i didn'twant to be a hiccup.. auro, everyone has dreams.. but a hiccup can break the dreams. don't confuse me now.what is this hiccup?
who is this hiccup? we! we are the hiccups! imagine.. you would be 'hic' auro.. i would be 'hic' vidya.. why didn't you give methis gift, all these years? because i didn't want toshare you.. with anyone and now you want to? stupid you are a big boy now you have to decide ifyou want to be shared..
i don't even wanthim to know who you are but.. why suddenly now? aah! you're not sure if'llcelebrate my next birthday, right? shut up auro.. what do i do with this gift? if you want to be ahiccup in his life or not you decide.. what do you want? i need to meet 300 more families,
unless we get everybody's permissionwe will not start work here please don't embarrass us do as you please sir..lets see who wiil stop you. long live amol arte! should i make something vidya. no maa. just wanted to say hi.. ok mom..- bye you will be ok?
yeah.. bye let's go raju bhai.. yes, pal.- what a goai. hi.- what a goai! hey auro.. how are you man? cooi man.. cool.. where's vishnu?- vishnu? he's behind the tree.. his father is with the principal..
why? what did he do? ..that's why they called his dad.. did nothing in history.. nothing in algebra.. nothing in physics.. nothing at all.. vishnu.. vishnu.. hi auro.. has my dad left?
you call him dad? i have to man.. sometimes i doubt it though.. i'm so cool..and he's such a stuck up.. total opposite.. i have my doubts.. but thereare photos of the wedding and of me in his arms,when i was born.. i have to call him dad,he has proof! you have proof?
you know that i know, don't you? yes.. i know thatyou know everything. hey bum.. do you have proof? what proof? o ho.. i forgot, ma didn'tgo round and round.. how silly of me.silly i am, isn't it? hey.. it's for you.. i'm thinking of suicide auro..
what kind of a life is this? i'm a creative guy..aigebra, history are of no use.. but who can reason with this man.. he lets out his officefrustrations on me.. two men can never liveunder the same roof.. you are very lucky youjust have a mother.. i wish.. hey.. do the two ofyou look the same? yes.
he's given me such a rotten face..he should apologize to me everyday.. instead, he is harassing me.. vishnu, tell me properly.. what else do the twoof you have in common? we both get angry..he takes it out on me, but i can't take it out on him.. we both eat very noisily. he tells me it's badmanners but i can't tell him.. he is a lefty, so i am..
he beats me from his left hand,i take it on my left cheek.. besides both of us want my end.. he wants murder, i, suicide.. do you want any more information? auro. research, for a science project.. do you want help? a baby's not being delivered..how can you help? good night.
hurry up.. hurry up.. auro.- oh ho ho.. - i'll eat this. vidya, eat something? no ma, i'm not eating.. ..this is amol arte..can i speak to auro piease oh, yes, just a minute auro, call for you.. yeah.. hello.. auro want to go to delhi?
i'm going to school now i will pick you up fromschool at 1.. the fiight is at 3. let me speak to your parents. i'm not free. ok, bye.. no wait mom..- what? can i go to delhi from school? i won't be a hiccup.. chill
who will pack your bags? wow.. cooi.. see you.. wait at the side.. i have bunked school.. nobody knows i'm going to delhi.. last time l looked like a fooi.. this time i don'twant to take the risk.. such a small car.
minus one. mp sir will meet you on the plane.. he has sent this car for you.. no.. i will go in this car.. miser! a big miser! what are you doing? hi sorry.. bad stomach. car was on time? when are we coming back?
let's go there first. i have packed oniy for two days. don't worry. me too.. he thinks like me.. pius 1 put your seat belt on..iift your hands.. excuse me..i have my own room, right? tomorrow morning.. dinner? something spicy?
don't you have a bad stomach? eat khichdi. are you fond of khichdi? no, l hate it.. justwant to finish fast why don't you ordersomething else.. don't they eat? who? the bodyguards? they do eat.. why? how will they eat, like this?
no. like this, normaily. what if somebodyshoots you while they eat. i will die.. then these bodyguardsare totally useless.. hire them.. feed them..then get shot and die not good. what do your mom and dad do? produce kids- meaning? my mom is a..
gynecologist gynecologist..- and your dad? i don't know what do you mean you don't know? i don't know means no clue.. what do you mean no clue? no clue means.. i don't know. you don't know what your dad does? something something..
he dreams.. here water.. i'll be ok.. he sounds like a creative man..i have a doubt did you make that whiteglobe or did your dad? i made it i don't cheat, but he was the onlyone who understood it. i'd like to meet him.
anytime.. can i make a phone call? sure here.. hi mom..- hi auro.. i'm at the taj paiace.- you ok? i'm having khichdi.- ok, ok. oh.. are you with a patient?that's why "ok ok"? say hi to bum.- i will.. ok. good night. you didn't say "hi dad"?
hi dad! there, i said it! such a big house for one person? so many sium dwelierscould make their homes here! oh, you know about that. yes.. i know everything.. wait, wait, the gate is closed? no, we have to enterthrough the other gate.. turn around.. go back to the hotel- what? - go back to the hotei are you joking?
back to the hotei.. what is this auro? people are waiting for us i have got all the permissions.. it's embarrassing.. e.. m.. b.. a..what is the spelling? go fast. have you eaten?- yes sir. biryani..
chicken?- no, lamb. aren't you sleepy? a little bit,but we have to go now. where? airport, boss's orders. check if l amcarrying a gun. check me. your boss is going to be finished. is the stuff gettinginto or out of the bag? have you packed yet?
the flight is at 4.. i had packed for 2 days,it's not even been a day.. so what do you want me to do? chill hundred and eight times.. gayatri something say, you will be really chilled out.. bum says it everyday. bum?
bum is my grand mom. why bum? because she's got a big bum. i'm angry auro.. didn't youwant to see the president's house! i made a lot of arrangements.. why you doing this?- nice bum. why are you troubling me?- same to same. why did you suddeniy decide.. ..not to see the president's house?
its upsetting auro.. i'm angry. i am aiso angry. you? oh, revenge time? for the last time? not for the previous time..for the previous to previous time because i got themedia to your schooi? no sorry.. sorry.. for the previousto previous to previous time.. and what did i do?- think
lmpossible.. i havenot made any mistake you have - fine..why don't you tell me then.. what was the mistake? sir, the car is ready.. you go in it.. i'm staying for another day. well, i am waitingauro what was the mistake? come out with me alone..without bodyguards.. i will tell you.
where?- underground.. hey mp amol arte.. when last?- when last, what? when did you last getout without bodyguards? i don't remember. eat okra.. improves the memory. i hate okra i can see that.. my mom loves okra she remembers everything
now will you tell mewhat my mistake was? what's the hurry? are you so scaredwithout bodyguards? it's not about beingscared auro lt's just foolish there are crazy people outthere i could get shot.. i am on the hit list you are on mtv hitlist? you should learn karate you know jackie chan?
he can catch a buliet inmid air and chuck it out it's dangerous tell me quickly does the bodyguard goto the loo with you? imagine a waterproof fly bomb coming through the drains at full speed coming through the drainpipe through the shit pipe
towards the hotel you are on the hotelpotty reading a newspaper flybomb.. whoosh.. it's coming, it's coming.. flybomb.. newspaper.. you.. bomb comes from below..target.. mp's bum.. the mp's bum blasts! what can your bodyguards do? hey, chill
i'm not so dumb.. iook there hi! i won't let you die after ali.. you are my.. "don't be a hiccup." after all you are my mp! that's fine will you tell mewhat my mistake was..
..and ..why you didn't enterthe president's house? two questions? i will answer only one l didn't enter thepresident's house because.. ..because- because? because l wanted to the loo badlyand i couldn't controi myself you're mad "don't become memory and getlost in the lane of dreams."
"hiccup come and go." "this is the law of nature." "this is hiccup and grief.don't get lost in the crowd." where do you work? in the parliament what happens in the parliament? lots of talk for this.. how much are you paid? very little
how do you have so much money? i don't have money then how are you so rich? i am not rich.. my father is you take money from him? no- neither do i "hiccup." "the thing you know,don't teil it to anyone." "the real fun isin hiding a secret."
"hiccup. whatever youhave to say, tell it." "there's nothing to hide now." nice- what? what you're wearing! thanks why do you always wear white? how else will peopleknow i'm a politician? politician have to wear white? not necessarily
it's like a sign of purity no no when someone diespeople wear white to mourn.. but that's different auro politicians wear white to mourn.. ..because the country's dying! "don't become a hiccup." hey stop the car what are you doing.. get out
get out! poor fellow.. ..he was doing potty peacefully you just lost a vote why poor fellow no bloody civic sense this is the problemwith this country government has made publictoiiets everywhere, but no.. ..its only fun in the open
where does all potty inthe public toilets go? in to the sewage.. where does the sewage go? into the river or the sea all the potty goes into the sea? the sea has fish.. the fish eatthe potty.. we all eat the fish.. his potty in your stomach.. your potty in his.. and mypotty in both your stomachs.. thank god i don't eat fish
no, it's not like that.. all the potty isprocessed in the sewage plant.. no. it's better to dopotty on the street.. at least a smali plantwill grow there he was doing a goodjob of planting trees you chased him away you should have beenthe potty minister hey your room..- "don't be a hiccup." i'm stili waiting
tell me!- what? my previous toprevious to previous mistake. oh no.. what do i say? i don't remember he's stubborn.. so am i. so plus 1 he gets scared.. i don't. so minus 1 we both wear glasses. plus 1 doesn't eat okra. minus 1 nice guy, i am also nice. plus 1
total.. ok.. not bad! hey where are you going?i will drop you nobody drops me so.. so go to sleep did you take yourmedicines on time? no i was giving it you didn't have any chillies right?
no, i fed chillies to whom? women! they want to know everything ask them how much theywill pay to make me talk! i can die in peace now my son is normal now!he's enjoying a cup of tea! have you given your resignation? just had a beautiful day in delhi
you really have to meet to auro you should meet him you too should meetmr. viren's daughter it's high time.. how iong will you escortother people's kids around? you are amazing! you don't give up! when wiil youunderstand a father's stress! how can you go topresident's house and not see it? how dare you abuse me!
you abused me and not i. stop, stop it.. stop.. what happened? mam.. he's abusing me! why did you push me, you bastard? you are abusing me again?- stop stop enough. stop this nonsense.. ..no bad words or l willtake you both to the principal.. say sorry..- sorry..
c'mon now, let's go, go away bastard is hardly a bad word!it's in the dictionary! my dad also cails me a bastard he must be calling out of love yes out of iove! if he says it again i wilialso tell him lovingly.. ..if i am a bastard you'renot my mother's husband! and therefore not my dad! so you've no right to scold me!
what's wrong auro? helio.- hello. please, come. congratulations.- please, come. please eat before you leave- no khichdi! just a minute! hello..- helio, is auro there? may i know who is speaking please? amoi arte
is everything ok? sir..- sir, this way he's still unconscious..pulse is very low.. and his lungs are failing!he is in a serious state! this way.. come in, sir. why did you iie to me? i didn't lie c'mon vidya you toldme you had an abortion.
i never said i had an abortion i said your problem had been solved did you ever face aproblem because of us? did we ever interfere in your life? we didn't and we won't go work for the country you're free as always.. go wait a minute he is my bloody son too!
just by lending me your bioody spermdoesn't make him your bioody son you don't become a fatherjust by producing a chiid. has amol left? he didn't come home last night didn't come at night. ok go where is amol? this way sir.. sir..- where's amol. - come, sire. this is a hospital..not the parliament! wait outside.. i'm coming.
what is this nonsense? dad, i have a son! amoi, are you mad? how can this be your son?bloody nonsense! remember why youdidn't want to get married? you wanted to stayfocused on your goals! now straight away you have a son! you wili lose completefocus because of this mess and this matter gets out doyou know what will happen?
dad, you care so much about me? what's wrong with you? you're my son! i will kill anyone whotries to destroy you thank you dad! auro is my son i will kill anyone whotries to destroy him the previous toprevious to previous mistake! breaking news!
mp amoi arte.. ..who isn't married yet.. ..has a 13 year old son! while he was at cambridge.. ..he had an affairwith a girl called vidya.. ..and their lovechild is 13 yr old auro dude.. i'm your dad! bastard..
bastard! yes, i am- no, not you i am.. bastard you didn't do that round andround thing with mom right? i am sorry auro its like a circus out there just can't take this anymore vidya, i'm sorry look let's just put the pastbehind us let's start again
i don't need to start again things are getting out of hand now the media won't let you get away they are taking revenge you have just one way out..call the media.. say it's a lie.. a conspiracy and say that you are justheiping that 'oid' kid out of pity you're right i will have to tell them
"i wish i'd used a condom" so many men have had this thought i did too.. 14 years ago.. ..when vidya told me.. ..that she was pregnant and like every scared boyfriend.. ..i asked her to abort the child she aborted.. ..not the child
she aborted me and today.. ..after 14 years, fate hasreunited me with my son, auro a.. u.. r.. o i'm so giad that i didn'thave a condom with me that day today i'm very fortunate.. ..to be a part ofthis reality show.. ..and in front ofa million viewers.. ..ask this question..
wiil you marry me? please.. please, forgive me. mom he is saying sorry "why are you quiet?" "there are tears in the eyes." "there is smiiemissing from your lips." "why are you angry?"
"tell me are you children?" "why are you quiet?"- mom "why are you quiet?"- we are not the hiccups anymore hic i have been waitingfor this day for years.. ..hoping you would come and.. i wish l knew.. what do i do? how do i make vidya understand?
raising a child alonehardens a woman heart and when it melts,it's only for her child. i..- auro so that's my boy? no, that's your boy.. i am his boy.. auro.. means? aurobindo.. no, auro!
a = 1.. u+r+o.. yes.. see it's avery lucky name, auro.. there's very little time left no my dear boy you have a lot of time left.. you have to get out ofthe hospital quickly.. we will do a lot of things together you have to goshopping with your grandpa.. we will go to america..
and see disneyworld ok? you have a lot of time, a iot.. i meant the visiting hours.. your time is over bye, auro. goodbye. you stay here tonight visiting hours are over ask everyone to leave..i want to sleep
go. - ask everyone toleave - get some rest. come on raju bhai.. raju bhai.. we need todrop him to his house first. why? where else do you go at night? wherever you take me.. raju bhai lets go home first.. ..then you can takesir where he wants to go what are you thinking?
what must be going on? in uzbekistan.. both left from here together,didn't they? who knows where they went.. shall i ask your king kong? he speaks only chinese you won't understand tell me what must be happening?
slowly slowly.. ..something might happen i hate slow motion raju bhai didn't you go home? what do you want, amol? toothbrush.. towei please.. "where did the turncome by coincidence?"
"why didn't it come andmeet my way by coincidence?" "why didn't it come andmeet me at that moment?" "why did it turn anddidn't meet my way?" "why didn't it turn andmeet my way by coincidence?" just leave amol.. just leave us alone, piease anything happened? enough, enough, this is too much! shake hands now..- auro..
calm down stop fighting, shake hand now.. nobody's fighting. auro.. auro..- don't make me angry.. shake hand now- auro chill.. it's ok. it's not ok!- lts' okay. - auro! auro calm down! auro..- auro! shake hand now..you shake hand now..
auro.. auro.. calm down!- no.. no.. - auro.. auro.. calm down! excuse me. check the pulse. he's had a stroke! check his eyes. keep the ventilation ready. hi aunty. hi. i didn't get her.
hi auro.. this is for you.. show.. it's beautiful.. show it to him.. she is saying sorry. auro, stop it auro.. yes, i made a mistake.. but itwas my first day in school.. and you suddenlyappeared in front of me. yes i screamed out in fear.. yes, i hurt you..
i tried to say sorry so many times do you know how much you hurt me? auro understand, the onewho hurts suffers more.. ..than the one who is hurt.. come. come. bye auro.. bye auro.. shake. shake.. hands..
shake shake hand shake.. hands? look.. shaking hands! round round round round.. round? "my life belongs to you, my paa." "now my motherbelongs to you, my paa."
"paa, she's like queen of jhansi." "paa, she's a real coward." "paa, she drivesaway others' fear." "but in reai,she is a little scared." "when she sleeps at night." "she doesn't turn offthe lights. fuil light on." "when she sees a ghost in the movie,she closes her eyes." "paa, i am happyas you are with her." "paa, she iooks a littledisturbed when you see her."
"paa, but in real mymother is very courageous." "paa, she isobstinate and very haughty." "she melts seeing you go away." "she starts shouting.nod your head." "make her feel thatshe's always right."

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